Information On Fake Designer Handbags

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HANDBAGS BY FASHION ZEND The Official Newsletter of Fashion Zend Network

INFORMATION ON FAKE DESIGNER HANDBAGS If you are like most women, chances are you would love to have a fancy designer handbag. Chances are also that you do not necessarily have the money to spend on an expensive designer handbag. You probably find yourself drooling over Italian designer handbags and French designer handbags just dreaming of actually owning one. If you cannot afford a designer handbag, you might have thought about purchasing a fake designer handbag instead.

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Differences Between Fake And Real Designer Handbags The obvious difference between fake and real designer handbags is that a fake is not made by the real designer, and in most cases the fake is much cheaper than the actual designer handbag. However, there are several other differences between real and fake designer handbags. First, fake designer handbags will be nowhere near the quality that a real designer handbag will be. If you look closely at the fake designer handbag, you will most likely see little flaws in the stitching or in the material.

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There might be flaws in the logo as well. For example, an “L� in the designer’s name might be backwards instead of facing the right way. In addition, a fake designer handbag will not be sold in quality stores. If you see a designer handbag being sold from the back of a van, it is probably a fake. Purchasing A Fake Designer Handbag If you are thinking about purchasing a fake designer handbag, you should probably think twice. There are countless reasons why you should not purchase a fake designer handbag instead of a real designer handbag. First, chances are that a fake designer purse will not be top quality. You could spend a couple hundred dollars on a fake designer handbag only to have it fall apart just a few weeks after you purchase it. Second, when you purchase a fake designer handbag instead of a real designer handbag, you are supporting people who deal in illegal doings. When you purchase a fake, you are supporting people who pay their workers less than minimum wage to piece together purses that resemble expensive purses. The designers who make real designer handbags work hard for their money and employ people on the up and up. The people who produce fake designer purses do everything under the table and you can never really be sure what you are supporting hen you purchase the handbag. So before you purchase a fake designer handbag, think about saving for a few months to purchase the real designer handbag that you really want!

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