സത്യം പറഞ്ഞാൽ...സത്യമല്ല! Sullamussalam Science College Magazine 2016-2017 Areacode,Malappuram

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ss college magazine 2016-17

Magazines brought out by the students for the InterDepartment Handwritten Magazine Competition conducted by the Students Union 2016-17.

Chief Editor Dr. P Muhamed Ilyas Staff Editor Riyas Aboobacker Student Editor Fasil Ali KP Type setting Javad TK Illustration Roshna Zamana Layout Shameesh Kavungal Printing Printout Villa, Nellikaparamba, Mukkam Photography Aslam KP, Shamil CA


ss college magazine 2016-17

t\-cn-te-s°-Øn- t\m-°m≥ Xp-S-ßn-b-t∏mƒ I-≠-sX-√mw \p-W-I-fm-bn-cp-∂p. Im-gv-N-sb hn-iz-kn-°m-tam F-∂m-bn ]n-s∂, tIƒ-°p-∂-sX-√mw \p-W-sb-∂v tXm-∂n ]n-∂o-Sv, I-Æv Xp-d-∂-S-®v Im-Xv -s]m-Øn, Nn-¥-Iƒ I-S-em-kn¬ ]-I¿-Øn-b-Xm-Wv. ˛-^m-kn¬ A-en sI. ]n. ÃpU‚ vF-Un-‰¿

I-≈w I-≈w k¿-h-{X! k-Xyw Im-Wm≥ C-√-t{X! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .22 X-hn ]-d-™v . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .26 am-td-≠-Xpw am-t‰-≠-Xpw . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .30 i was taught... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 `m-hn-- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .33 hn-h¿-Ø-\w . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .33 hn-ip-≤≥ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .34 s]m-≈v . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .35 hn-√≥ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .36 kn-\n-a ]-d-™p-sIm-t≠-bn-cn-°p-∂-Xv . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .38 P-\-e-cn-In-se s_-©v . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .41

Xo-{h-hm-Zn-Iƒ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I-≈≥ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-Ω . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . N-{µ-\n-te-°v ho-≠pw . . . . . . . . . Hypocritical Sapiens . . . . . . . . . {]-W-b-hpw bm-Ym¿-Yy-hpw . . . . . Xn-cp-Øv . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . hn-Zy-˛-A-`ym-kw . . . . . . . . . . . . . . N-cn-{Xw ]p-\¿-hm-b-\ B-h-iy-tam? tZ-io-b-X \n¿-h-Nn-°-s∏-Sp-tºmƒ .

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.43 .45 .46 .54 .59 .60 .62 .63 .69 .74

kXyw sN-cn-∏n-Sm≥ Xp-S-ßp-tºm-tg-°pw If-hv tem-Iw Np-‰n-sb-Øn-bn-cn-°p-sa-∂v am¿-°v sSz-bv≥]d-™p sh-®n-´p-≠v... I-f-hp-Iƒ C-∂v k¿-∆ hym-]n-bm-W-t√m...

k-Xy-ta-Xv I-f-th-Xv F-∂v th¿-Xn-cn-®-dn-bm≥ km-[n-°m-Ø H-cp tem-I-am-Wv C-∂n-t‚-Xv B-h¿-Øn-®p ]d-™p ]d-™v I-f-hns\ k-Xy-am-°p-∂ Ko-_¬-kn-b≥ X-{¥-ß-fm¬ X-S-hn-em-°-s∏´

kXyw sN-cn-∏n-Sm≥ Xp-S-ßp-tºm-tg-°pw If-hv tem-Iw Np-‰n-sb-Øn-bn-cn-°p-sa-∂v am¿-°v sSz-bv≥ ]d-™p sh-®n-´p-≠v... I-f-hp-Iƒ C-∂v k¿-∆ hym-]n-bm-W-t√m...

k-Xy-ta-Xv? I-f-th-Xv? F-∂v th¿-Xn-cn-®-dn-bm≥ km-[n-°m-Ø H-cp tem-I-am-Wv C-∂n-t‚-Xv. B-h¿-Øn-®p ]d-™v ]d-™v I-f-hns\ k-Xy-am-°p-∂ Ko-_¬-kn-b≥ X-{¥-ß-fm¬ X-S-hn-em-°-s∏´

tem-Iw k-Xy-Øn-s‚ apJØv t\m-°m≥ `b-∂v I-f-hp-I-fn¬ B`-bw tX-Sp-I-bmWv. ]d-™p ]Tn-∏n®, B-h¿-Øn-®p hn-iz-kn-∏n®,

I-≠n-´pw Xn-cn-®-dn-bm-\m-hm-Ø I-f-hp-I-fn-te-°v...

tem-Iw k-Xy-Øn-s‚ apJØv t\m-°m≥ `b-∂v I-f-hp-I-fn¬ B`-bw tX-Sp-I-bmWv. ]d-™p ]Tn-∏n®, B-h¿-Øn-®p hn-iz-kn-∏n®,

I-≠n-´pw Xn-cn-®-dn-bm-\m-hm-Ø I-f-hp-I-fn-te-°v...

Our Principal

Dr. P Muhamed Ilyas


ss college magazine 2016-17

F{X t\-cp-I-fm-W-{X


am-K-kn≥ C-d-ßn C-d-ßn tSm-∏n-Iv Xo¿-∂p-t]m-bn... C-∏w F-¥m C-\n Ω-fv tSm-∏n-°m-°m...? ^m-kn-k-am-°n-bm-tem..? ÷v t]m-b- B-Sv-∂v.. Xn-cn-™m-epw a-d-™m-epw ^m-kn-kw... F-√m-cpw H-∂v A-`n-{]-m-bw ]-d-bv sN-ßm-bv-am-sc... ∂m \-a-°v A-`n-{]-m-b kzm-X-{¥y-sØ Ip-dn-®v ]-d-™-m-tem..? ∂m ]n-s∂ sh-´m-s\ t\-c-m-≠m-hp-≈q... C-øv F-¥m F-Un-‰-sd B-tem-bv-°v-W-Xv..? ∂m ]n-s∂ I-f-hp-I-sf Ip-dn-®v ]-d-™m-tem..?

∂m-epw Ω-fv F-¥v I-f-hp-I-fm F-gp-Xp-I..? A-bn-\v F-¥v k-Xym C-hn-sS-≈-Xv..? ∂m Ω-°v A-ß-´v ^n-Iv-kv sN-øm... C-Xn-se-s¥m-s° Ω-°v Un-kv-°-kv sN-øm-\p-≈-Xv..? Ω-°v H-cm-fp-sS Po-hn-X I-Y t]m-se F-gp-Xn-bm-tem..? A-Xv \-√ sF-Un-b-bm-W-t√m... Hm-tcm ta-J-e-I-fn-ep-≈ I-f-hp-I-sf°p-dn-®v ]-d-™m¬ t]m-sc..? t\-cw A-©v a-Wn-bm-bn th-Kw Xo-cp-am-\-m-°o... ∂m ]n-s∂ \-Ω-°v Xp-S-ßm-t√... _m-°n Ω-°v {Kq-∏n¬ ]-d-bmw..

16 kXyw ]-dªmÂ... k-XyaÃ!

tNm-cbn A-£c§Ä Nm-en-¨-hÀ¡v...


ss college magazine 2016-17





I-e! F-gp-X-W-sa-¶n¬ tNm-c a-jn-bm-t°-≠n h-cpw, {]m-W≥ A-£-c-ß-fpw! F-¶n¬

I¬-_p¿-Kn-bpw ]≥-km-sc-bpw [-t_m¬-°-dpw ]n-s∂

Ku-cn e-t¶-jpw tNm-c-bn¬ A-£-c-߃ Nm-en-®-h-cm-Wv. ˛A^o-^ sI. _n.F. Cw-•ojv



ss college magazine 2016-17


f-hn-\p th-≠n hm-Zn-®-h≥ k-Xy-sØ ]p-W¿-∂-h-s\ Xn-c-n-®-dn-hn-√m-Ø-h≥ F-∂p hn-fn-®p. [¿-Ω-Øn-\p th-≠n h-kv-{Xw sh-Sn-™-h-s\ Iq-´n-s°m-Sp-∏p-Im-c-s\-∂p hn-fn-®p. t\-cn-\p th-≠n tNm-c- Nn-¥n-b-h-s\ Xo-{h-hm-Zn F-∂p hn-fn-®p. I-≠-sX-√mw hn-fn-®p ]-d-™-h-s\ {`m-¥-s\-∂p hn-fn-®p. t\-cn-\pw \p-W-°p-an-S-bn-se H-cp Xn-cn-®-dn-h-t{X Po-hn-Xw. {`m-¥-s\-{X `m-Ky-hm≥!

˛l^o-^ kn.Sn. _n.F. Cw-•ojv

20 kXyw ]-dªmÂ... k-XyaÃ!

C-hn-sS Cu Im-cn-cp-º-gn-°-I-Øv C-cp-´m-Wv


ss college magazine 2016-17



fn-™ C-cp-´v tNm-c-bp-sS a-Ww F-s∂ A-kz-ÿ-\m-°p-∂p-≠v. Po-h-s‚ ]n-S-®n-ep-Iƒ F-s‚ D-d-°w sI-Sp-Øp-∂p-≠v. \n- m-lm-b-X-bp-sS A-´-lm-k-߃ Fs‚ Im-Xp Xp-f-°p-∂p-≠v. a-\-kn-em-Ip-∂p-≠-tΩ A-Ω-tØ-ß-en-s‚ A¿-∞-ß-sf-\n-°v. tNm¿-s∂m-en-°p-∂ ho-Spw s]-ß-fp-d-ßm-Ø cm-{Xn-bpw A-—-s‚-bp-≈n-se Xo-bpw A-Ω-°-c-®n-epw tam-N-\w B-h-iy-s∏-´-t∏mƒ ssI-øn¬ sh-®p X-∂ tXm-°pw t_m-w_pw A-Xp km-[y-am-°p-sa-s∂m-cp \n-an-jw hn-iz-kn-®p-t]m-bn. hn-iz-kn-®-Xpw hn-iz-kn-∏n-®-Xp-sa-√mw sX-‰m-bn-cp-s∂-∂v t_m-[y-s∏-Sp-∂p-≠-tΩ. kz¿-K-cm-Pyw kz-]v-\w I-≠-h-scm-s°-bpw Cu C-cp-´n-ev \-c-I-a-\p-`-hn-°p-∂p-≠v. tNm¿-s∂m-en-°p-s∂-s‚ ho-Sn-\v kz¿-K cm-Py-tØ-°m-fpw kzm-ÿy-ap-s≠-∂pw s]-ß-fp-d-ßm-Ø cm-{Xn-sb-°mƒ C-cp-´m-bn-cp-s∂-s‚ D-≈n-se-∂pw A-—-s‚ B-[n-sb-°mƒ A-´-lm-k-߃-°v ap-g-°-ap-s≠-∂pw A-Ω-tØ-ß-en-t\-°mƒ ITn-\-am-Wv sX-cp-hn-se \n-e-hn-fn-I-sf-∂pw Rm≥ A-dn-bp-∂p-≠v. A-dn-bp-∂-tΩ, Nn-¥n-b tNm-c-s°m-∂pw kzm-X-{¥yw sIm-≠p-hcm-\m-hn-s√-∂pw "[¿-Ω-bp-≤'ß-sfm-∂pw [¿-Ω-a-s√-∂pw.

˛tdmjv-\ kam-\ Fw.F. Cw-•ojv

22 kXyw ]-dªmÂ... k-XyaÃ!


-[p-\n-I tem-I {Iaw I-f-hp-I-fn¬ A[n-jvTn-X-am-Wv. h©-\-I-fpw N-Xn-hp-I-fpw th-≠p-thm-fap-≠v. cm-hn-se F-gp-t∂-‰v ]-√p tX°m≥ F-Sp-°p-∂ t]-Ãn¬ \n-∂p XpS-ßp-∂p N-Xn-I-fp-sS tLm-j-bm-{X. 100 {Kmw F-∂v tc-J-s∏-Sp-Øn-b ]-eXpw 95 {Kmw am-{X-ta Im-Wq. \-√ H∂m-¥-cw s{]m-^-j-W¬ X-´n-∏v. hn-jb-Øn¬ s]m-Xp-Xm¬-]-cy l¿-Pn-Iƒ ]-e-Xpw sI-´n-°n-S-°p-∂p-≠v, \o-Xn ]oT-ß-fn¬. ]-√p-tX∏v I-gn-s™-¶n¬ Sn hn Hm¨ sN-ømw. ]¿-h-X-ß-fn-te-°v ]-d-∂p Ib-dm≥ sI¬-∏p-≈ S-b-dp-I-fp-sS-bpw, Ip-Sn-°p-∂-tXm-Sp-Iq-Sn kn-I-vkv A-Sn-

°m≥ F-\¿-Pn X-cp-∂ ]m-\o-b-ß-fpsS-bpw hm-bn¬ sh-°p-tºm-tg-°pw kz¿-Kw Im-Wm-hp-∂ tNm-t¢-‰p-I-fp-sSbpw ]-c-kyw Im-Wmw. ]-c-kyw \n-b-am-\p-kr-X-am-b \p-W {]Nm-c-am-sW-∂v ]-s≠m-cp X-XzNn-¥I≥ ]-d-™n-´p-≠v. ap-gp-h-\pw A-s√¶ne-pw `q-cn-`m-Kw ]-c-ky-ß-fn-epw I-√v h-® \p-W-Iƒ X-s∂-bm-Wv Iq-Sp-X¬. k¿-h-{X I-≈w! B-hn-jv-Im-c kzm-X{¥y-sa-∂ ]-Xn-hv ]-√-hn-bp-]-tbm-Kn-®v \ym-bo-I-cn-°mw. ]-s£ I-Æn-a sh´m-sX I-≠p-Xo¿-°p-∂ C-fw Ip-cp-∂pI-fp-sS Nn-¥-Iƒ-°pw B-tem-N-\-Iƒ°pw ap-I-fn¬ B Zr-iy-߃ Xo¿-°p∂ I-cn-\n-g¬ A-{X F-fp-∏-Øn-sem-


ss college magazine 2016-17

∂pw am-™p t]m-hm-Ø-Xm-Wv. ]-c-ky-Øn-se I-f-hp-Iƒ I-≠p t_md-Sn-®m¬ kn-\n-am Nm-\-en-te-°v dntam-´-a¿-Ømw. B-bn-cw t]-sc H-cp-an®-Sn-°p-∂ \m-b-I-\pw ^p-Sv-t_m-fn-s\°mƒ h-en-b h-b-dpw h-®v ]p-en-sb Hm-Sn-®p-sIm-√p-∂ kq-∏¿ kv-‰- m-dpw, shSn-bp-≠-sb No-dn-∏m-™p h-cp-∂ tªUp-sIm-≠v c-≠m-bn ap-dn-°p-∂ kvss‰¬ a-∂-\p-sa-√mw A-{`-]m-fn-I-fn¬ an-∂n-Øn-f-ßp-∂-Xv Im-Wmw. kn-\n-a I-≠p a-Sp-sØ-¶n¬ Sn-hn Hm^v sN-bv-Xv ]-{X-sa-Sp-°mw. am-[y-a ap-

X-em-fn-bp-sS Xm-¬]-cy-kw-c-£-WØn-\p th-≠n Ip-Øn-\n-d-® A¿-≤-kXy-ß-tfm A-k-Xy-ß-tfm B-bn-cn-° mw F-√m-Øn-epw Im-Wp-I. \m-tem At©m ]-{X-߃ hm-bn-®p F-√m-Øns‚-bpw H-cp i-cm-i-cn F-Sp-t°-≠ KXn-tI-Sm-Wv C-∂v a-e-bm-fn-°p-≈-Xv. am-[y-a {]-h¿-Ø-\-hp-am-bn _-‘-s∏´v {]-Np-c {]-Nm-c-Øn-ep-≈ H-cp I-Ybp-≠v. ]-≠v io-X-k-a-c-Im-e-Øv BtKm-f Im-tdm-´ a-’-c-Øn-s‚ ss^\¬ du-≠n¬ tkm-hn-b-‰v d-jy-bpw A-ta-cn-°-bpw X-Ωn¬ H-cp a-’-cw D-

24 kXyw ]-dªmÂ... k-XyaÃ!

≠m-bn. H-∂m-a-Xv A-ta-cn-°-bpw c-≠ma-Xv d-jy-bpw F-Øn. A-ta-cn-°≥ ]{X-ß-fn¬ ^-ew h-∂-Xv C-ß-s\ "H∂mw ÿm-\w A-ta-cn-°-°v; d-jy G‰-hpw ]n-∂n¬.' d-jy≥ am-[y-a-ß-fn¬ dn-t∏m¿-´v h-∂-Xv C-ß-s\ "d-jy≥ Im¿ H-∂mw ÿm-\-Øn-\v sXm-´-cnIn¬; G-sd A-I-seb-√m-sX A-ta-cn°≥ Im-dpw.' d-jy-°v c-≠mw ÿm-\w In-´n-b-Xv Ata-cn-°-°m-cpw A-ta-cn-°-°v H-∂mw ÿm-\w In-´n-b-Xv d-jy-°m-cpw a-d-®p h-®p F-∂v Np-cp-°w. Cu I-Y-sb GXm-≠v A-\z¿-∞-am-°p-∂ sN-bv-XnIƒ X-s∂-bm-Wv C-∂pw am-[y-a-temI-Øv \n-e-\n¬-°p-∂-Xv. hm¿-Ø-Ifn¬ ap-gp-h-\pw kz-Im-cy A-P-≠-Iƒ Ip-Øn-\n-d-°-s∏-Sp-∂p. kzm¿-∞ Xm¬]-cy-߃-°p-th-≠n A-\m-h-iy-ambn h-kv-Xp-X-I-sf h-f-s®m-Sn-°p-∂p. ]c-kyZm-Xm-°ƒ-°v F-Xn-sc-bp-≈ hm¿Ø-Iƒ \n¿-e-÷w ]q-gv-Øp-∂p. hm¿-Ø-Iƒ hm-bn-®p X-e s]-cp-sضn¬ H-c-¬-]w Im-∏n-bm-hmw. ]-s£ kq-£n-®v Ip-Sn-°-Ww. an-° Im-∏n s]m-Sn-I-fn-epw am-b-ap-≠v.

∂mw... A-hn-sS-bpw th-Ww {i-≤. sN-Ω-cn-bm-Sp-I-tfm-Sv kv-t\-l-tØm-sS k-Ω-Xw tNm-Zn-®p tcm-aw sh-´n-sb-SpØv kw-k-I v- -cn-s®-Sp-°p-∂ ]-g-b I-ºnfn-∏p-X-s∏m-∂pw C-t∏m-gn-√. Ir-{Xn-a-amWv \q-ep-I-sfm-s°. kq-£n-®p izm-kw F-Sp-Øn-t√¬ B-kv-Xa ap-X-e-tßm-´v tcm-K-ß-fp-sS h≥]-S Im-Øn-cn-°p-∂p≠v. tem-I-Øn-se ap-gp-h≥ B-fp-I-fpw I≈-∑m-cpw, ]-‰n-∏p-°m-cpw, N-Xnb∑mcpw, h-©-I-cpw B-sW-∂-√. \∑-I-fp-sS sN-dp-Xp-cp-Øp-I-fp-ap-≠v. kv- t\-lw-sIm-≠v Xp-em-`m-cw \-S-Øp-∂ \-√ a-\p-jy-cp-≠v. A-h¿ Xn-cn-sX-fnbn-°p-∂ Nn-cm-Xp-I-fp-sS sh-´-am-Wv Cu `q-an-bn¬ \n-d-™p \n¬-°p-∂-Xv. ]-s£ A-Xp t\¿-Øp-h-cn-I-bm-Wv. ]g-sam-gn-I-sf am-‰n sNm-t√-≠n h-cn-Ibm-Wv.

˛_lo-Pv _n≥ A-–p≈ Fw.F-kv.kn. ^n-kn-Ivkv

Im-∏n-tbm-Sv km-Zr-iy-ap-≈ ]-e-Xpw s]m-Sn-®v tN¿-°p-∂p-≠v. ]-e-Xpw Im≥-k¿ t]m-ep-≈ a-lm-am-cn-I-sf am-Sn-hn-fn-°p-∂p. D-∏v sXm-´v I¿-∏q-cw h-sc-bp-≈-h-bn¬ am-b-ap-≠v. ap-f-Iv s]m-Sn-bn¬ ap-f-In-t\-°mƒ Hm-´p s]mSn-bm-W-s{X! F-hn-sS-bpw ]-‰n-°-s∏-Sp∂p. k¿-h-{X hym-Pw! a-\- -am-[m-\-tØm-sS H-cp tIm-gn-ap-´ ]p-gp-ßn Xn-∂m≥ ]-‰m-Ø bp-K-am-WnXv. F-√mw tI-´n-´v H-cp I-ºn-fn h-en-s®-SpØp ]p-X-®p kp-J-am-bp-d-ßm≥ tXm-


ss college magazine 2016-17

tIm-tf-Pv t^mt«m

Hfn-®n-cp-∂p ]-c-ky-am-bn

kXyw ]-dbmw I-≈w ]-dbmw

Xhn ]-d™Xv...! A-Sp-∏-Øv sh-® ]m-{X-Øn¬ X-hn sIm-≠v C-f-°p-∂ A-Ω-sb t\m-°n A-h-cp-d-ßn. A-h-sc ]p-W¿-∂v In-S-°p-tºmƒ A-h-fp-sS tX-ßp-∂p-≠m-bn-cp-∂p. Xm≥ ]-d-bm-sX ]-d-™

a-\-kv I-f-hn-s\-tbm¿-Øv!

C√mbva H-∂p-an-√...

C-hn-sS Xo-tKm-f-߃ B-Im-i-tØm-fw D-b¿-∂-t∏m-gpw A-h-cp-sS B¿-Ø-\m-Z-߃ C-hn-sS B-bp-[-߃ D-≠m-bn-cp-∂p. A-[n-\n-th-i i-‡n-Iƒ A-h-cp-sS-ta¬ h¿-jn-® am-c-I ti-jn-bp-≈-h.

B-cpw tI-´n-√!

˛tUm. ]n. A-–p¬ P∫m¿


ss college magazine 2016-17

cm-{„o-b-hpw cm-{„o-b-°m-c-\pw C-∂v

I-f-hn-s‚ G-P‚p-am-cm-Wv.


fp-Ø h-kv-{X-Øn-\p-≈n¬ Kq-V-e-£y-ß-sfm-fn-∏n-®,v ap-J-Øv k-Zm ]p-©n-cn \n-d-®v \n¬-°p-∂-h¿ F-∂-Xm-W-t√m cm-{„o-b-°m-c-s\ °p-dn-®p-≈ s]m-Xp-t_m-[w... F-ß-s\ A-Xp-≠m-bn..? cm-{„-Øn-s‚-bpw cm-{„o-b-Øn-s‚-bpw C-∂-se-I-fn-te-°v H-∂p Xn-cn-™p t\m-°n-bm¬ sh-≈ ]q-in sh-fp-∏n-s®-Sp-Ø ]q¿-∆ cm-{„o-b-Øn-s‚ kz-cq-]w Im-Wmw... ]-t£ Xn-cn-™p t\m-°m≥ H-∂p a-Sn-°pw. Im-c-Ww A¿-[cm-{Xn-bn¬ kz-X-{¥-am-sb-∂p tI-´-t∏mƒ hn-iz-kn-®-h-cm-W-t√m \-Ωƒ...

˛FUn-t‰m-dn-b¬ t_m¿Uv

30 kXyw ]-dªmÂ... k-XyaÃ!


am-tä-−-Xpw cm -{„o-bw: \n¿-h-N-\߃ H-cp-]m-Sp-≠v. XmYzn-I-am-b A-h-tem-I\-߃ H-cp-]m-Sv \-S-s∂m-cp ta-J-e. P-\tk-h-\w F-∂pw km-aq-ly-{]-h¿-Ø-\w F-∂p-sa-√m-am-bn \-Ωp-sS s]m-Xp-t_m[w Np-cp-°n-sI-´n-b H-cp ta-J-e-bm-Wv cm{„o-bw. hn-im-e hn-kv-Xr-X-am-b A¿-∞X-e-ß-sf Dƒ-sIm-≈p-∂ cm-{„o-b-sa∂ ]-Zw tIƒ-°ptºm-tg-°pw s\-‰n Np-fn°p-∂-h-cm-Wv A-[n-I-hpw. b-Ym¿-∞Øn¬ Ip-g-∏w cm-{„o-b-Øn-\-√-t√m.., AXn-s‚ {]-tbm-K-h¬-°-c-W-Øn-\-s√? I-f-hp-I-fpw h-©-\-I-fpw N-Xn-I-fpw \n-ds™m-cp ta-J-e-bm-°n cm-{„o-b-sØ am‰n Xo¿-Ø-Øn¬ cm-{„o-b-°m¿-°v am-{Xta ]-¶p-≈q. C-¥y≥ cm-{„o-b-Øn-s‚ ]cn-t{]-£y-Øn¬ Cu A-h-ÿm-hn-ti-jsØ ]Tn-°p-tºmƒ Hm¿-a-bn-te-°v h-cp∂-Xv G-sd {]-Nm-c-ap-≈ H-cp I-Y-bm-Wv. C-¥y-bn-te-°v k-µ¿-i-\-Øn-\p h-∂ Hcp hn-tZ-i cm-{„o-b-°m-c≥ C-¥y-bn-se H-cp cm-{„o-b-°m-c-t\m-Sv X-s‚ sXm-gn-ens\-°p-dn-®v A-t\z-jn-® I-Y. X-s‚ sXmgn¬ cm-{„o-b-am-sW-∂ C-¥y-°m-c-s‚ adp-]-Sn-bn¬ A-¤p-X-s∏-´ hn-tZ-in C-ß-s \ ]-d-™p-h-s{X! ""F-s‚ \m-´n¬ cm-{„obw H-cp sXm-gn-e-√. Ir-jn, hy-h-km-b A-s√-¶n¬ a-‰p sXm-gn-ep-Iƒ-s°m-∏w Rß-fp-sS Iq-´-Øn-se B¿-{Z-am-b a-\- pI-fp-sS D-S-a-Iƒ Xn-c-s™-Sp-°p-∂ H-cp

ta-J-e-bm-Wv cm-{„o-bw.'' C-¥y-bn-se cm-{„o-b-sØ ]p-X-®p \n¬°p-∂ A-gn-a-Xn-sb-∂ I-cn-º-S-Øn-\v Imc-Ww h-f-sc hy-‡-am-bn Cu I-Y-bn¬ \n-g-en-®p \n¬-°p-∂p-≠v. {]-tXy-I-am-bn sXm-gn-en-√m-Ø-h¿ Po-hn-°p-∂-Xv cm-{„ob-sØ D-]-tbm-K-s∏-Sp-Øn-bm-Wv. A-[m¿an-I-am-b h-gn-bn¬ ]-Ww I-s≠-Øp-hm≥ A-h¿ In-W-™p ]-cn-{i-an-°p-∂p. cm-{„Øn-s‚ L-S-\ t]m-epw am-‰n a-dn-® A-gna-Xn-°-Y-Iƒ C-¥y-bn-ep-≠m-hm≥ Im-cW-an-Xm-Wv. H-scm-‰ A-gn-a-Xn-bn¬ \-„-amb ]-Ww \q-dp cq-] t\m-´p-I-fm-°n \n-cØn h-®m¬ cm-Py-Øn-s‚ H-c-‰w ap-X¬ at‰-b-‰w h-sc \o-≠p \n¬-°p-sa-∂ I-W°p-Iƒ \-sΩ sR-´n-°p-∂n-√. A-gn-a-Xn hm¿-Ø-Iƒ A-{X-tØm-fw Po-hn-X {I-aØn-s‚ `m-K-am-bn-cn-°p-∂p. sh-dp-sam-cp A-gn-a-Xn am-{X-a-√ cm-{„o-bsØ {K-kn-®n-cn-°p-∂-Xv. hm-Kv-Zm-\ ewL-\w C-{X-tb-sd \-S-°p-∂ a-s‰m-cp taJ-e-bn-√. am-dn h-cp-∂ `-c-Wm-[n-Im-cn-Ifpw `-c-W-I¿-Øm-°-fpw hm-Kv-Zm-\-ß-fpsS s]-cp-a-g s]-øn-∏n-®p I-S-∂p t]m-hp∂p. \-S-∏m-°p-∂-h-bp-sS B-bn-cw C-c-´n {]-Jym-]-\-߃. tNm¿-s∂m-en-°p-∂ πmÃn-Iv Iq-c-I-fp-sS Hm-´-b-S-®p sIm-≠v e-`n°m-\n-cn-°p-∂ Hm-Sn-´ ho-Sn-s‚ kz-]v-\-ßfp-am-bn I-gn-bp-∂ ]-Xn-\m-bn-c-°-W-°n-\v Po-hn-X-߃ C-¥y-bn-ep-≠v. hm-Kv-Zm-\


ss college magazine 2016-17

ew-L-\-ß-fp-sS Po-hn-°p-∂ C-c-Iƒ. e-`n-°m-\n-cn-°p-∂ tPm-en-bp-sS i-ºf-hpw A-Xv h-gn e-`n-°m-\n-cn-°p-∂ Po-hn-X ku-`m-Ky-Øn-s‚ Nn-¥-I-fpam-bn Po-hn-°p-∂ F-{X-tbm tam-l-`wKw _m-[n-® X-e-ap-d-bp-≈ \m-Sm-Wv \Ωp-tS-Xv. ÿm-\-e-–n-Iƒ-°v ]-cn-KWn-°p-tºmƒ t]m-epw Pm-Xn-bpw h¿Æ-hpw h¿-K-hpw t\m-°p-∂ H-cp ]-Xnhpw C-¥y≥ cm-{„o-b-Øn-ep-≠v. Xm-gv∂ Pm-Xn-°m-c≥ ]-cn-an-X-am-b Nn-e ko-‰p-I-fn-te-°v ]-cn-K-Wn-°-s∏-tS-≠h≥ am-{X-am-Wv F-∂ h-en-b I-f-hmWv C-¥y≥ cm-{„o-bw A-]-{K-Y-\m-flI-am-bn ]Tn-°p-tºmƒ \-ap-°v e-`n-°p∂-Xv. hy-‡n {]-Xn-jvT-I-fm-Wv \-Ωp-sS cm{„o-b kw-hn-[m-\-sØ C-{X-am-{Xw A-cm-P-I-Xzw \n-d-™-Xm-°n-b-Xv. Cu hn-{K-l-h¬-°-c-W-am-Wv A-‘-am-b cm-{„o-b A-\p-`m-h-hpw hn-tZz-j-hpw s]m-Xp-a-\- n¬ ÿm-\w ]n-Sn-°m-\p≈ {]-[m-\ Im-c-Ww. Xm≥ a-\- n¬ Ip-Sn-bn-cp-Øn-b-h¿ F-¥v ]-d-™mepw {]-h¿-Øn-®m-epw A-sX-√mw sXm≠ sXm-Sm-sX hn-gp-ßm≥ B-fp-Iƒ X-øm-dm-hp-∂p. G-Xv cm-{„o-b {]-ÿm\-Øn-epw C-Ø-cw Du-Xn ho¿-∏n-® _-eq-Wp-Iƒ \-ap-°p Im-Wmw. \n-e]m-Sp-I-fp-≈ t\-Xm-°-sf-°mƒ {]-IS-\-]-c-X-sb C-„-s∏-Sp-∂ A-Ø-cw t\-Xm-°ƒ-°p e-`n-°p-∂ {]m-ap-Jyw G-Xp ]m¿-´n-bp-sS-bpw {]-Jym-]n-X \ne-]m-Sp-I-sf km-c-am-bn _m-[n-°pw F-∂p-d-∏m-Wv. ap-Jy-[m-c cm-{„o-b {]-ÿm-\-ß-fn¬ C-Xn-\p Po-hn-®n-cn-°p-∂ H-´-\-h-[n

sX-fn-hp-Iƒ Im-Wp-hm≥ km-[n-°pw. cm-{„o-b A-h-t_m-[w Ip-d-™ P-\hn-`m-K-߃-°n-S-bn¬ C-Ø-c-°m¿ lo-tdm ]-cn-th-jw t\-Sp-∂p. F-√m cm-{„o-b-°m-cpw H-cp t]m-se-bm-Wv F∂v ]-d-™pIq-Sm. B¿-÷-h-ap-≈-h-cpap-≠v. cm-{„o-b Iq-cn-cp-´n¬ A-h¿ sXfn-™p \n¬-°p-∂p-ap-≠v; A-am-hm-knbn-se \-£-{X-ß-sf t]m-se... "kv-^p-S-Xm-c-Iƒ Iq-cn-cp-´n-ep-≠n-Sbn¬ Zzo-]p-I-fp-≠v kn-‘p-hn¬, C-S¿ Xo¿- ]-Xn-t\-I-tl-Xp h-∂n-S-bm-ta-Xp a-lm-hn-]-Øn-epw..' F-∂v Ip-am-c-\mim≥ ]-mSnbXvt]m-se G-Xph-en-b A-]-I-S-Øn-epw Zpx-J-a-I-‰m≥ Nn-e¿ F-Øp-sa-∂ a-lm-I-hn-bp-sS hm-°pIƒ A-\z¿-∞-am-°p-∂ B-fp-Iƒ F√m {]-ÿm-\-ß-fn-epw D-≠v. kz-Xm¬]-cy-߃-°v th-≠n H-cn-°-epw aq-ey߃ _-en I-gn-°m-Ø A-Ø-cw kmYzn-I¿ {]-ÿm-\-ß-fp-sS t\-Xr-ÿm\-ß-fn-te-°v F-tØ-≠-Xp-≠v. F¶n¬ am-{X-ta B-[p-\n-I C-¥y-bn¬ a-tX-X-c-Xz-˛-a-X-\n-c-t]-£ k-aq-l-Øn\p \n-e-\n¬-]p-≈p. ]-Xn-hv t\-Xm-°sf hm-bv-Øm-cn-I-fn¬ \n-∂v A-I-‰n, aq-ey-]-£ cm-{„o-b-Øn-s‚ {]-tbm‡m-°-fm-bn \mw am-td-≠-Xp-≠-.v-

˛_lo-Pv _n≥ A-–p-≈ Fw.F-kv.kn. ^n-kn-Ivkv

32 kXyw ]-dªmÂ... k-XyaÃ!

i was

taught... "D

on't you forget you're a girl." I'm not questioning your powers of observation I'm merely remarking upon the paradox of telling a girl not to forget she's a girl. You dont have to remind me what gender I am. I very well know. Or is it not the gender your're talking about but the "things' I am forgettiing to do as a girl? The so called set of you're -a-girl-so-you-can't-do-that Policies? Yes, I have been taught that right from cradle. I was trained to play with dolls, Help mom with the chores and serve food. To sit like a girl.Head down, thigh close. To eat like a girl. To walk like a girl. To talk like a girl. To behave like a girl. I was taught not to talk back. My feelings?! Oh it doesn't matter. I was told not to think about raising my voice When being exposed to the hard stares and Vindictive faces that judge me. Those maliginity of stares which are deliberately Intended to make me feel unclean, As if i had objectly degraded not merely myself But the whole of the womenhood You think it's easy?! -Naseeba E B.Voc Broadcasting & Journalism



ss college magazine 2016-17

`mhnI-S-se-∂ k-Xyw ]p-g-bp-sS ap-∂n¬ \n¬-s° Ip-Øn-a-dn-™v sN-cn-™v ]p-f-™v B-hm-ln-°p-∂p. Xm-fw a-dn-™v A-d-™p Xp-≈n Rm≥ ap-t∂m-´m-™n-´pw F-\n-°m-hm-ln-°m≥ "`m-hn'sb-∂p t]-cn-´ H-cp I-f-hv am-{Xw.

˛^mkn¬ A-en sI.]n. _n.thm-Iv tkm-^v-‰v--shb¿ sSIv-t\mfPn

hnhÀ¯\w ap-J-Øv F-gp-Xn-sh-® Nn-cn-sb lr-Z-b-Øn-te-°v hn-h¿-Ø-\w sN-bv-X-Xm-Wv tIm-]w.

˛k\ Fw. ]n. _n.F-kv.kn am-Xvkv

34 kXyw ]-dªmÂ... k-XyaÃ!

hn-ip-≤≥ A-h≥ hn-ip-≤-\pw Rm≥ \o-N-\p-sa-s∂-s∂ ]Tn-∏n-® k-aq-l-ta, F-s‚ A-—-s\ A-h-s‚ A-Sn-bm-f-\m-°n-b k-aq-l-ta, F-s‚ s]-ß-sf A-h-s‚ th-iy-bm-°n-b k-aq-l-ta, \o N-a-® k-Xy-߃ \n-s‚ c-‡-sØ _-en-bm-Sm-°pw. \o sI-´n-b ku-[-߃ \n-s‚ I-√-d-bn¬ h-∂-Sn-bpw. \o-bp-Xn¿-Ø sh-Sn-bp-≠-Iƒ \n-s‚ am-dp-Io-dn ]p-d-Øp-h-cpw. A-∂v \n-s‚ hn-ip-≤ a-{¥-߃ sh-dpw P¬-]-\-ß-fm-bn am-dpw.

˛l^o-^ kn. Sn. _n.F. Cw-•ojv


ss college magazine 2016-17

s]mÅv ]q-Xn-sh-® s]m-≈p-Iƒ-s°-¥p a-[p-cw `o-Xn-\n-d-® s]m-≈p-Iƒ-s°-¥p `w-Kn. am-ap-Æm-\-Ω sNm-√n-b s]m-≈m-bn-cp-∂p ssI-Ip-ºn-fn-se A-ºn-fn-am-a≥. hn-Ir-Xn-°-®≥- ]-d-™ s]m-≈m-bn-cp-∂p D-≠-°-Æ≥ tIm-Øm-ºn. Nm-™p-d-ßm-\-Ωq-Ω ]m-Sn-b s]m-≈m-bn-cp-∂p ]m-e-a-c-t®m-´n-se b-£n. s]m-≈p-Iƒ-s°-¥p kp-K-‘w.

˛l^o-^ kn. Sn. _n.F. Cw-•ojv

36 kXyw ]-dªmÂ... k-XyaÃ!

hn √≥ k-a¿-∏-Ww: A-‘-hn-izm-k-ß-sf-bpw A-\m-Nm-c-ß-sf-bpw F-Xn¿-°p-∂-Xn-\n-S-bn¬ kz-¥w Ip-Spw-_-Øn-s\t∏m-epw {]-Xn-°q-´n¬ \n¿-tØ-≠n h-∂n-´pw [o-c-am-bn ]-{X-{]-h¿-Ø-\w \-S-Øp-∂ F-s‚ kp-lr-Øn-\v... ******

-dn-®p t\m-°p-∂ I-Æp-I-fpw ]-gn ]d-bp-∂ Np-≠p-I-fpw A-bmƒ A-∂mZy-am-bn- B-kz-Zn-®p. ho-≠pw H-cp a-Sßn h-c-hv- {]-Xo-£n-®-X-√. ]-{¥-≠p h¿-jw! A-sXm-cp h-en-b Im-e-b-f-h-√, F-¶n-epw ImØn-cn-∏n-s‚ ssZ¿-Lyw H-c¬-∏w Iq-Sp-X-em-bn-cp-∂p.


]-{¥-≠p h¿-j-Øn-s‚ Im-Øn-cn-∏v-; H-cp H-fn-t®m-´Øn-s‚ ]-cy-h-km-\w... A-Xm-Wn-∂v.

am-‰-hpw h-cp-Øn-bn-´n-√. B ap-J-sØm-∂v Im¿-°n-®p Xp-∏m-\m-W-bmƒ-°v- tXm-∂n-b-Xv-. A-—≥; B hm-°n\-bmƒ-°v- \m-\m¿-∞-ß-fp-≠v-. H-cn-°¬-t]m-epw kvt\-l-tØm-sS H-∂p kw-km-cn-®n-´n-√. sX-‰p-I-fn¬ \n-∂pw sX-‰p-I-fn-te-°p-≈ bm-{X-°n-S-bn¬ kz-¥w a-I-s\-t∏m-epw a-d-∂ H-cm-sf F-ß-s\-bm-Wv- A-—-s \-∂p hn-fn-°p-∂-Xv? k-tlm-Z-c-\p ]n-¥p-W-bp-am-bn I-≈-Ø-c-ß-fp-sS Iq-´p-I-®-h-S-°m-cm-Wv- a-‰p-≈-h¿...

a-g-°v- t]m-epw C-∂v cu-{Z `m-h-am-W-t√m... F-{X-bpw s]-s´-∂v ho-´n¬ F-Øm-\p-≈ Zr-Xn-bn¬ A-bm-fp-sS Im-ep-Iƒ {Zp-X-K-Xn-bn¬ N-en-®p. G-sd \m-fm-bn- Im-Wm-\m-{K-ln-® H-cp Im-gv-N-bp-≠-hn-sS. tXm-fn-sem-cp _m-Kpw ssI-øn¬ Xp-d-∂p ]n-Sn-® IpS-bp-am-bn A-bmƒ \-S-∂p. ssI-bn¬ hn-e-ßp-am-bn, Ip-\n-™ in-c-t m-sS, Bƒ-°q-´-Øn-\p \-Sp-hn¬ \n¬-°p-∂ A-—-\pw k-tlm-Z-c-ß-fpw B-Àm-Zw \¬-Ip-∂ Im-gv-N-bm-bn-cp-∂p.]-{¥-≠v- h¿-j-߃ A-h-cp-sS ap-J-Øv- bm-sXm-cp

H-Sp-hn-en-Xm F-√m k-Xy-ß-fpw ]p-d-Øp h-∂n-cn-°p∂p. hn-d-°p-∂ ssI-I-fp-am-bn A-—≥ A-bm-fp-sS A-cnIn-se-Øn. ""\n-s‚ D-b¿-®-°p th-≠n-bm-bn-cp-∂p Rm≥ C-sX-√mw sN-bv-X-Xv-... F-s∂ c-£n-°-Ww...'' A-bm-fp-sS hm-°p-Iƒ C-S-dp-∂p-≠m-bn-cp-∂p. ""I-]-Sam-bn-cp-∂p \n-ß-fp-sS kv-t\-lw. h-©-I-\m-Wv- \n߃... ]m-c-º-cy-hpw [-\-hpw Im-Wn-®v- \n-ß-sf-s‚ A-Ω-sb h-©n-®p... \n-ß-fp-sS C-—-Iƒ-°v- F-Xn-cp \n¬-°p-sa-∂m-b-t∏mƒ kz-¥w k-tlm-Z-cn-sb-bpw


ss college magazine 2016-17 \n-߃ h-©n-®p... \n-߃-s°-Xn-sc Nq-≠p-sa-∂m-bt∏mƒ \n-ß-sf-s‚ h-gn ap-S-°m≥ {i-an-®p... C-√ \nß-fn-\n-sbm-cn-°-epw c-£-s∏-Sn-√...'' D-d-s° hn-fn-®p ]-d-b-W-am-bn-cp-∂p A-bmƒ-°v. ]-t£ A-bmƒ F√mw H-cp Nn-cn-bn-sem-Xp-°n; ]-cn-lm-k-Øn-s‚ H-cp sN-dp-Nn-cn-bn¬... F-√m {]-Xo-£-bpw \-„-s∏-´v- ssI-hn-e-ßp-I-fp-am-bn A-—-\pw k-tlm-Z-c-ß-fpw t]m-eo-kn-\p ]n-∂m-se hml-\-Øn¬ I-b-dn. t]m-eo-kv- hm-l-\w Zr-„n-bn¬ \n∂pw a-d-bp-∂-Xv- sX-s√m-cp k-t¥m-j-tØm-sS Abmƒ t\m-°n \n-∂p. Xn-ßn-\n-d-™ ho-´p-ap-‰-Øp \n∂pw Hm-tcm-cp-Ø-cm-bn a-S-ßn-Øp-S-ßn. B-scm-s°tbm A-bm-sf X-s∂ Nq-≠p-∂p-≠m-bn-cp-∂p. kz-¥w ]n-Xm-hn-s\ I¬-Xp-dp-¶n-e-S-°m≥ Iq-´p-\n-∂-h≥ A-hcp-sS I-Æn¬ hn-√-\m-Wv.A-sX Po-hn-X-Øn¬ ap-gp-\o-fw Xm≥ hn-√-\m-Wv-... ]t£ \n-cm-i-bn-√; C-sXm-cp ]-I-cw ho-´-em-Wv-. k-‘y C-cp-´p-tºmƒ D-≈n¬ Hm¿-a-Iƒ sX-fn-bp-∂-X-bmƒ Adn-™p. ]-d-™p tI-´ I-Y-I-fn¬ b-a-\n¬ \n-∂pw h-∂ I-®-hS-°m-c-\m-Wp X-s‚ ]n-Xm-a-l-∑m¿. I-®-h-S-tØ-°mƒ em-`-I-cw B-flo-b-X-bm-sW-∂v Xn-cn-®-dn-™-Xn-\m-emh-Ww, A-h¿ B-flo-b Nq-j-Ww H-cp sXm-gn-em-°n-bXv-. b-a-\n-se am-{¥n-I-sc tNm-Zyw sN-øm≥ H-cp sNdp-hn-c¬-t]m-epw A-\-ßn-bn-√. A-{X-tb-sd kzm-[o-\w A-h¿ \m-´p-Im¿-°n-S-bn¬ t\-Sn-sb-Sp-Øn-cp-∂p. ]n-Xm-a-l-cp-sS Im-e-ti-jw A-bm-fp-sS A-—-\pw ktlm-Z-c-ß-fpw ]-g-b B-Nm-c-ß-fpw A-\p-„m-\-ß-fpw \n-e-\n¿-Øn-t∏m-∂p. ]-W-hpw {]-i-kv-Xn-bpw t\Sm≥ A-sXm-cp \-√ D-]m-[n-bm-bn-´-h¿ I-≠p. A-‘-hnizm-k-߃ {]-N-cn-∏n-°p-∂-Xn¬ A-h-sc sh-√m≥ a‰m¿-°pw km-[n-°n-√m-bn-cp-∂p. ]-s£, kz-¥w ]m-f-bØn¬ \n-∂v X-s∂ F-Xn¿-∏p-Iƒ X-e-s]m-°n-Øp-Sßn-b-t∏mƒ A-h¿ A-Xn-s\ i-‡-am-bn X-s∂ t\-cn´p. A-\m-Nm-c-ß-sf-bpw A-‘-hn-izm-k-ß-tf-bpw tNm-Zyw sN-bv-X k-tlm-Z-cn-°v H-Sp-hn¬ sX-cp-hn-se H-cp sN-‰°p-Sn-en¬ A-`-bw tX-tS-≠n h-∂p. k-tlm-Z-c-∑m¿s°-Xn-sc \n-b-a bp-≤w \-S-Øn-b A-h¿ \n-b-a-Øns‚ ]-gp-Xp-I-fn¬ Iq-Sn X-s‚ k-tlm-Z-c-∑m¿ c-£-s∏Sp-∂-Xv- I-≠v- lr-Z-bw X-I¿-∂v a-cn-®p. tNm-Zy-ß-fp-∂bn-® ]-sØm≥-]-Xv- h-b- p-Im-c-s\ {`m-¥-s\-∂v kz¥w ]n-Xm-hv X-s∂ ap-{Z-Ip-Øn-b-t∏mƒ H-cp I-b-dn¬ A-`-bw tX-tS-≠n h-∂p A-h-\v-. H-Sp-hn¬ k-ln-°-høm-Xm-b-t∏m-gm-Wv- A-bmƒ ]-c-ky-am-bn sh-√p-hn-fn Db¿-Øn-b-Xv-. Np-≠n¬ tNm-c s]m-Sn-bp-∂-Xp h-sc a¿-±n-®pw, C-cp-´-dbn¬ A-S-®pw _-‘n-bm-°m≥ {i-an-®-t∏mƒ, kz-¥w

]n-Xm-hn-s‚ ap-J-Ø-Sn-®-bmƒ {]-Xn-tj-[n-®p. A-Ωtbm-Sv- sN-bv-X {Iq-c-X-Iƒ I-≠p \n¬-°m-\m-Ip-am-bncp-∂n-√. ""\o F-hn-sS-sb-¶n-epw t]m-bn c-£-s∏-Sv-. Rm\n-X-\p-`-hn-t®m-fmw'' A-Ω-bn¬ \n-∂v tI-´ A-h-km-\sØ hm-°p-I-fm-bn-cp-∂-h. ]n-∂o-sSm-tcm-´-am-bn-cp-∂p... H-fn-t®m-´w... B-cpw Im-Wm-sX a-d-™n-cp-∂v k-Xy߃ ap-gp-h≥ I-≠p ]n-Sn-°-Ww... B H-scm-‰ e-£yam-bn-cp-∂p D-≈n¬. F-\n-s°m-cp \n-b-a-]m-e-I-\m-I-Ww... \n-tj-[n-°-s∏-´ \o-Xn Xn-cn-®p ]n-Sn-°-Ww. A-\o-Xn-s°-Xn-sc \n-e-sIm-≈-Ww... kz-]v-\-߃ H-cp]m-Sp-≠m-bn-cp-∂p. \n-b-a-]m-e-I-\m-Ip-I F-∂ kz-]v\w ]n-∂o-Sv- {^o-em≥-kv- dn-t∏m¿-´-dn-te-°v- h-gn am-dn. kz-X-{¥-am-b ]-{X-{]-h¿-Ø-\-am-Wv A-bm-sf D-b-c-ßfn-se-Øn-®-Xv-... C-t∏mƒ Ip-Spw-_-Øn-s‚ Cu h-gnØn-cn-hn-epw. ]-s£ Cu hn-P-b-Øn-\n-S-bn-epw Hm¿-ΩI-fn¬ t\m-hp-≠v.-.. \-„-bu-∆-\-Øn-s‚ \n-d-߃... A-Ω-bp-sS kv-t\-l-hpw, X-s‚ {]-W-b-hpw F-√mw X\n-°v- \-„-s∏-´-Xm-Wv-... C-√... C-\n A-h-cm-cpw Xn-cn-®p h-c-cp-Xv-. A-bm-fp-sS D≈n¬ ]-I-\n-d-™p. A-bmƒ F-gp-Xn sh-® hm¿-Ø Hcn-°¬ Iq-Sn hm-bn-®p. C-∂p cm-{Xn X-s∂ A-b-°m-\p≈-Xm-Wv... "b-a≥ Xo-{h-hm-Zn-Iƒ A-d-Ãn¬'... X-s‚ hm¿-Ø-°v- a-s‰m-cp X-e-s°-´v- B-tem-Nn-t°≠n-h-∂n-√ A-bmƒ-°v-... H-cp-]m-Sv- I-≈w ]-d-™-h-cpsS Po-hn-X-Øn-\v- Xn-c-»o-e-bn-Sm≥ A-∂m-Zy-am-bn- Abm-fpw H-cp I-≈w F-gp-Xn.

˛jn_n¬ hn. Fw. _n-.thm-Iv t{_m-Uv-Im-Ãnw-Kv & tP¿-W-enkw

38 kXyw ]-dªmÂ... k-XyaÃ!

kn\na ]-d-™psIm-t≠-bn-cn-°p∂Xv

-sd P-\-{]n-b-am-b H-cp I-ebm-Wv kn-\n-a. B-i-b-Øn\v D-]-bp-‡-am-b H-cp am-[y-aw F-∂n-ep-]-cn H-cp I-em-kr-„n F-∂ \n-e-bn¬ s]m-Xp Po-hnX-Øn¬ h-f-sc-b-[n-Iw kzm-[o-\w sN-epØm≥ kn-\n-a-°v km-[n-®n-´p-≠v. kn-\n-abp-sS ]-cm-P-b-hpw hn-P-b-hpw Im-gv-N-°m-cs\ B-{i-bn-®n-cn-°pw. Im-gv-N-°m-c-s‚ Zr„n-bn¬ H-tc k-a-bw bm-Ym¿-Yy-hpw an-Yybpw k-Xy-am-bn A-\p-`-h-s∏-Sp-∂n-S-Øm-Wv ]-e-t∏m-gpw kn-\n-a-bp-sS hn-P-bw. H-c¿-∞Øn¬ Im-gv-N-°m-c-s‚ A-dn-hn-s\-bpw A⁄-X-sb-bpw H-tc t]m-se Nq-j-Ww sNøp-∂p-≠v kn-\n-a.



Hm-tcm kn-\n-a-bpw \¬-Ip-∂ Im-gv-N-Iƒ hy-Xy-ÿ-am-Wv F-∂-Xv t]m-se Hm-tcm Im-gv-N-°m-c-\pw Im-Wp-∂ kn-\n-a-bpw hyXy-ÿ-am-Wv. kn-\n-a \¬-Ip-∂ Im-gv-Nbpw Im-gv-N-°m-c-s‚ kn-\n-a-bpw X-Ωn-ep≈ A-¥-c-ß-fp-sS-bpw km-ay-X-I-fp-sS-bpw B-sI-Øp-I-bm-Wv H-cp kn-\n-a. kn-\n-am Im-gv-N-I-fp-sS Cu hy-Xy-ÿ-X-bpw sshhn-[y-hpw X-s∂-bm-Wv kn-\n-a-sb-∂ I-esb P-\-{]n-b-am-°p-∂-Xpw. {]-Xy-£Øn¬ Im-Wp-∂n-s√-¶n¬ t]m-epw kn-\n-atb-bpw A-Xn-s‚ N-cn-{X-sØ-bpw hn-i-I-e\w sN-øp-tºmƒ A-{]n-b-am-b ]-e-Xpw B ta-J-e-bn¬ Im-Wm≥ km-[n-°pw. t^m-t´m-{K-^n F-∂ km-t¶-Xn-I-hn-Zy-bp-

sS h-f¿-®-bm-Wv kn-\n-a-sb-∂ am-[ya-Øn-s‚ ]n-d-hn-°v \n-an-Ø-am-b-Xv. t^mt´m-{K-^n-bn-eq-sS \n-›-e Zr-iy-߃ ]-I¿-Ømw F-∂m-btXm-sS N-en-°p-∂ Zr-iy-ß-fpw ]-I¿Øm-\p-≈ {i-a-߃ B-cw-`n-®p. Cw-•-≠v, {^m≥-kv F-∂n-hn-S-ß-fn¬ B-cw-`n-® Cu {i-a-ß-fm-Wv ]n-∂o-Sv kn-\n-a-bp-sS ]n-d-hn°v h-gn-sbm-cp-°n-b-Xv. H-cp sk-°≥-Un¬ 24 Nn-{X-߃ H-cp-an-®v N-en-∏n-®v "N-en-°p-∂ Nn-{X-߃' F-∂ A-hn-iz-k-\o-b-X B-Zy-am-bn kr-„n-®-Xv eq-an-b¿ k-tlm-Z-c-ß-fm-Wv. Workers Leaving the Lumiere Factory F-∂ B-Zy Nn-{X-Øn-eq-sS "N-en-°p-∂ Nn-{X-߃' F∂ A-hn-iz-k-\o-b-X B-Zy-am-bn tem-IØn-\p ap≥-]n¬ A-h-X-cn-∏n-°-s∏-´p. Bbn-c-Øn F-Æq-dp-I-fn¬ B-cw-`n-® kn-\n-a N-cn-{X-Øn-se a-s‰m-cp \m-gn-I-°-√m-Wv eqan-b¿ k-tlm-Z-c-∑m-cp-sS X-s∂ Arrival of Train F-∂ kn-\n-a. B-Zy {]-Z¿-i-\ th-fbn¬ X-s∂ t{]-£-I-cn¬ sX-‰n-≤m-c-W D-≠m-°n-b kn-\n-a-bm-Wn-Xv. kn-\n-a-bn¬ X-߃-°p t\-sc Hm-Sn-b-Sp-°p-∂ s{S-bn≥ I-≠p `-b-s∏-´ P-\w \n-e-hn-fn-®p Xo-tb‰¿ hn-t´m-Sn-b-t∏mƒ A-Xp kn-\n-a-sb-∂ am-[y-a-Øn-s‚ hn-P-b-am-bn. B-i-¶-bpw `oXn-bpw ]-cn-{`m-¥n-bpw t{]-£-I-cn¬ kr„n-°m≥ B kn-\n-a-°m-bn. A-tXm-sS kn-\n-a F-∂ I-em-am-[y-aw tem-I {i-≤ B-I¿-jn-®p Xp-S-ßn. tem-Iw F-¥v Nn-¥n-°p-∂p F-∂-Xn-s‚ t\¿-°m-gv-®-bm-Wv ]-e-t∏m-gpw kn-\n-aIƒ. F-∂m¬ tem-Iw F-¥v Nn-¥n-°-Wsa-∂pw F-ß-s\ h¿-Øn-°-W-sa-∂pw D≈ H-cp an-Yym-[m-c-W kr-„n-s®-Sp-°m-\pw kn-\n-a-Iƒ {i-an-®n-´p-≠v. tem-I-Øp \n-e

kn\na \n¬-°p-∂ ]-e an-Yym-[m-c-W-I-fpsS-bpw D-d-hn-S-a-t\z-jn-®m¬ H-cp ]t£ F-Øn-t®-cp-∂-Xv H-cp kn-\n-abn-em-bn-cn-°pw. kn-\n-a-bn-se •ma¿ k-¶¬-]-߃ C-Ø-c-Øn¬ ]-S®p-≠m-°n-b H-cp an-Yym-[m-c-W-bmWv; {]-tXy-In-®pw kv-{Xo-I-sf-°p-dn®p-≈-h. B-Im-c `w-Kn-bpw N¿-ΩIm-¥n-bpw h-kv-{X-[m-c-W co-Xn-I-fpam-Wv "ku-µ-cyw' F-∂ hnIe [m-cW tlm-fn-hp-Uv kn-\n-a-Iƒ tem-IØn-\p \¬-In-b h-en-b kw-`m-h-\ B-Wv. a-e-bm-f kn-\n-am-ta-J-e-tb-bpw h-fsc-b-[n-Iw _m-[n-®n-´p-≠v Cu sX‰n-≤m-c-W. a-e-bm-fn-bp-sS a-\- nepw kn-\n-a-bn-epw h¿-Æ k-¶¬-∏߃-°v h-f-scb-[n-Iw kzm-[o-\-ap≠v. I-dp-Ø i-co-c-߃-°v F-√m°m-e-Øpw a-e-bm-f kn-\n-a-bn¬ {`„v X-s∂-bm-Wv. hn-√≥ I-Ym-]m-{X߃-°pw I-≈-∑m-cm-b Kp-≠m kwL-߃-°p-sam-s°-bm-Wv a-e-bm-f kn-\n-a-bn¬ "I-dp-Ø \n-dw' \¬-In t]m-∂n-´p-≈-Xv. H-cp \m-W-b-Øns‚ C-cp h-i-ß-sf-t∏m-se-bm-Wv h¿-Æ-hpw Pm-Xn-bpw a-e-bm-f kn-\na-bn¬ I-S-∂p h-∂n-´p-≈-Xv. A-h¿W-s\-bpw Pm-Xo-b \yq-\-]-£-ßsf-bpw ]-cn-l-kn-°p-∂ k-h¿-Æ a-t\m-`m-hw a-e-bm-f kn-\n-a-bp-sS Xp-S-°w ap-X-te Im-Wm≥ km-[n°pw. ap-Jy-[m-cm s]m-Xp-t_m-[sØ tNm-Zyw sN-øm-sX A-Xn-s\ kw-c-£n-®p \n¿-Øn-s°m-≠p-≈ hf¿-®-bm-Wv a-e-bm-f kn-\n-a F-∂pw e-£yw h-®-Xv. k-h¿-W s]m-Xpt_m-[-sØ tNm-Zyw sN-bv-X-t∏msgm-s°-bpw kn-\n-a ]-cm-P-b-Øn¬ I-em-in-®n-t´-bp-≈q. a-e-bm-f kn-\na-bp-sS B-Nm-cy≥ sP. kn. Um-\ntb-en-s‚ hn-K-X-Ip-am-c≥ ]-cm-P-bam-hp-∂-Xpw cm-ap Im-cym-´n-s‚ \o-e°p-bn¬ hn-P-b-am-hp-∂-Xpw kn-\n-abn-se k-h¿-Æ Pm-Xn ta¬-t°m-bva-bp-sS-bpw s]m-Xp-t_m-[-Øn-s‚bpw {]-Xn-^-e-\-ß-fm-Wv. ap-Jy-[m-cm s]m-Xp-t_m-[-sØ Xn-

cp-Øp-sa-∂-h-Im-i-s∏-´p h-∂ "\ypP≥' kn-\n-a-Iƒ t]m-epw k-h¿-Æ Pm-Xn-t_m-[-Øn-epw h¿-Æ-t_m-[Øn-epw _-‘n-X-am-b Im-gv-N-bm-Wv \mw C-t∏m-gpw I-≠p-sIm-≠n-cn-°p∂-Xv. cm-Po-hv c-hn-bp-sS I-Ω-´n-∏m-Shpw A-Xm-Wv \-ap-°v Im-Wn-®p Xcp-∂-Xv. ÿn-cw th-j-am-b Iq-enØ-√p-Im-c-\n¬ \n-∂v hn-\m-b-I≥ F-∂ \-S-s\ Xm-c]-Z-hn-bn-te-°v Db¿-Øn-bn-´p-≠v I-Ω-´n-∏m-S-sa-¶n¬ A-Xv hy-‡-am-°p-∂-Xv hn-\m-b-I≥ F-∂ \-S-s‚ \-S-\ an-I-hm-Wv. AXvsIm-≠v X-s∂-bm-Wv an-I-® \-S\p-≈ kw-ÿm-\ A-hm¿-Uv A-t±l-sØ tX-SnsbØn-b-Xpw. F∂m¬ an-I-® \-S-\p-≈ kw-ÿm-\ A-hm¿-Uv e-`n-°p-tºm-gpw B kn\n-a-bn¬ tI-{µ I-Ym-]m-{X-sØ Ah-X-cn-∏n-®n-´p-≈-Xv hn-\m-b-I≥ A√m-sb-∂-Xv a-e-bm-f kn-\n-a-bn-se k-h¿-Æ-t_m-[-sØ A-Sn-h-c-bn-´p-d∏n-°p-∂-Xm-Wv. hn-\m-b-I≥ F-∂ \-S-s\ h-f¿-Øn-sb-Sp-Ø, A-bm-fpsS Po-hn-X-Øn-s‚ `m-K-am-b F-dWm-Ip-fw kn-‰n-bn-se I-Ω-´n-∏m-S-sa∂ tN-cn-bp-sS I-Y ]-d-bm≥ a-s‰mcp •m-a¿ \-S≥ th-≠nh-∂p F-∂-Xv B kn-\n-a-bp-sS s]m-≈-Ø-c-߃ Xp-d-∂p Im-Wn-°p-∂p-≠v. F-¥v sIm-≠v hn-\m-b-I-∑m-cp-sS am-{X-amb kn-\n-a-Iƒ C-d-ßp-∂n-√ F-∂ tNm-Zyw _m-°n-bm-hp-I-bm-Wn-hn-sS.

C-tXm-sSm-∏w Iq-´n hm-bn-t°-≠ H∂m-Wv a-e-bm-f kn-\n-a-bn-se ap…nw A-]-c-h¬-°-c-Ww. tI-c-fØn¬ kn-\n-a- H-cp ]p-tcm-K-a-\ Ie-bm-bn-´m-Wv ho-£n-°-s∏-´n-´p-≈Xv. F-∂m¬ ]p-tcm-K-a-\ Im-gv-N-∏mSp-I-sf A-]-Io¿-Øn-s∏-Sp-Øp-∂Xm-Wv kn-\n-a-bn-se k-h¿-Æ-t_m[-hpw {_m-“-Wo-b-X-bpw ap-…nw A-]-c-h¬-°-c-W-hp-sa-√mw. ap-…nw P-\-hn-`m-K-ß-sf hn-√≥ ÿm-\Øp \n¿-Øp-∂ \n-e-]m-Sv 1990 apX¬ 2000 h-sc-bp-≈ Im-e-L-´Øn¬ kn-\n-a-bn¬ Im-Wm-\m-hpw. F-t∏m-gpw \m-b-I≥ \-√ `m-j kw-


ss college magazine 2016-17

km-cn-°p-∂-h-\pw D-b¿-∂ Pm-Xn°m-c-\pw B-bn-cn-°-W-sa-∂-Xpw hn-√≥ ÿm-\-Øp H-cp ap-…nw Xs∂ th-W-sa-∂p-≈-Xp-sam-s° a-ebm-f kn-\n-a-bn¬ ap-…nw A-]-c-h¬°mc-Ww D-≠m-bn-´p-≠v F-∂-Xn-\p sX-fn-hm-Wv. F-∂m¬ A-Sp-Ø Ime-Øp ]p-d-Øn-d-ßn-b Nn-e \yqsP≥ kn-\n-a-Iƒ kn-\n-a-bn-se Cu A-]-c-h¬-°-c-W-sØ sN-dp-°p-∂Xm-Wv. kv-{Xo im-‡o-I-c-Ww i-‡nbm¿-Pn-®-Xn-s‚ {]-Xn-^-e\-߃ tem-I kn-\n-abn¬ {]-Xy-£-am-bns°m- ≠ n- c n- ° p- ∂ k-a-b-Øpw a-ebm-f kn-\n-a Im- g v - N - ° m- c s\ I-_-fn∏n- ° p- I - b mWv A-°mcy-Øn-epw. kv-{Xo-]£ kn-\na-Iƒ F∂ te-_en¬ ]p-dØn- d - ° p- ∂ an-° kn-\n-aI-fpw ]p-cp-j tI-{µo-Ir-X tem-I-Øn-s‚ t\¿- ] - c n- t O- Z - ß fm-Wv. ]p-cp-j-s‚ IÆn-eq-sS kv-{Xo-sb ImWm≥ am-{X-ta kn-\n-amtem-Iw ]Tn-®n-´p-≈p F-∂v th-Ww I-cp-Xm≥. am¿-´n≥ {]°m¿-´n-s‚ Nm¿-en, tdm-j≥ B≥{Uq-kn-s‚ lu Hmƒ-Uv B¿ bp, em¬ tPm-kn-s‚ \o-\ C-h-sb-√mw kv-{Xo I-Ym-]-{X-߃-°v {]m-[m\yw \¬-Ip-∂p-s≠-¶n¬-t]m-epw ]p-cp-j tem-I-tØ-°v H-Xp-ßn-Iq-Sp∂ kv-{Xo-I-sf B-Wv Im-Wn-°p-∂Xv. I-Æp-\o¿ Xp-≈n-sb kv-{Xo-tbmSv D-]-an-® Im-hy `m-h-\-sb ]p-I-gvØn ]m-Sp-∂ a-e-bm-f kn-\n-a-°v A-

40 kn\na kXyw ]-dªmÂ... k-XyaÃ!

ß-s\ B-hm-sX X-c-an-√-t√m. F∂m¬ hn-[p hn≥-k‚n-s‚ am≥ tlmƒ, B-jn-Jv A-_p-hn-s‚ am-bm\-Zn t]m-ep-≈ kn-\n-a-Iƒ am-dn-h-cp∂ Im-g-N v- -∏m-Sn-s\ Nn-{Xo-I-cn-°p-∂p≠v. b-Ym¿-∞ kw-`-h-ß-sf B-kv-]-Z-am°n-bp-≈ kn-\n-a-I-fpw a-e-bm-f-Øn¬ hn-c-f-a-√. F-∂m¬ cm-{„o-b em-`-ßfpw km-º-Øn-I em-`-ß-fpw ap≥-\n¿Øp-tºmƒ bm-Ym¿-∞yw h-f-s®m-Sn°p-I-bm-Wv sN-øp-∂-Xv. A-hn-sS kn\n-a kn-\n-a-bm-sW-∂pw tUm-Iypsa‚-dn A-s√-∂pw ]-d-™-h-km-\n-∏n°m-sa-¶n¬ t]m-epw Im-gv-N-°m-c-s‚ a-\x-kw-Xr-]v-Xn-sb-bpw A-Xp-h-gn D≠m-Ip-∂ km-º-Øn-I em-`-sØ-bpw e-£yw h-®p kn-\n-a-°m-kv-]-Z-am-bn´p-≈ b-Ym¿-∞ kw-`-h-ß-sf-bpw Ncn-{X-sØ-X-s∂-bpw h-f-s®m-Sn-°p-∂Xv I-≈-Ø-c-am-sW-∂v ]-d-bm-sX hø. N-cn-{X \n¿-an-Xn-°p ]n-∂n-epw kn-\na-bp-≠m-bn-´p-≠v. tlm-fn-hp-Uv bp-≤kn-\n-a-Iƒ A-Xn-s\m-cp-Zm-l-c-W-amWv. C-√m-Ø bp-≤-ß-fp-sS N-cn-{X-amWv ]-e-t∏m-gpw kn-\n-a-bn-eq-sS A-hX-cn-∏n-°-s∏-´n-´p-≈-Xv. bp-≤-sØ {]Io¿-Øn-°p-∂ tlm-fn-hp-Uv kn-\n-aIƒ-°v bp-hm-°-sf bp-≤-Øn-te-°v B-I¿-jn-°p-I F-s∂m-cp e-£yw Iq-Sn D-≠m-bn-cp-∂n-cn-°-Ww. bp-≤w sN-øm≥ k-∂-≤-X-bp-≈-h-cm-Wv bYm¿-∞ bp-hm-°ƒ F-∂ [m-c-W ]S-®p-hn-Sm-\pw A-Xp-h-gn ]p-Xn-b N-cn{Xw \n¿-an-°m-\pw tlm-fn-hp-Uv {i-an®n-´p-≠v. N-cn-{X-sØ h-f-s®m-Sn-°p-∂ Cu {]h-W-X a-e-bm-f-Øn-epw D-≠m-bn-´p≠v. A-Xv ]-s£ bp-≤-kn-\n-a-I-fn-eqsS B-bn-cp-∂n-√, a-dn-®v tZ-i-kv-t\-l kn-\n-a-I-fn-eq-sS-bm-bn-cp-s∂-∂p am{Xw. cm-Py-Xm¬-]-cyw ap≥-\n¿-Øp-∂, tZ-i-kv-t\-lw Xp-fp-ºp-∂ H-´p an-° kn-\n-a-I-fpw e-£yw h-®-Xv kn-\n-abp-sS I-®-h-S Xm¬-]-cyw X-s∂-bmWv. F-∂m¬ k-aq-l-Øn¬ h-f-sctb-sd {]-Xym-Lm-X-߃ kr-„n-°m\pw C-Ø-cw kn-\n-a-Iƒ Im-c-W-am-

hp-∂p-≠v. h¿-Ko-b hn-tZz-j-hpw a-Xkv-]¿-[-bpw h-f¿-Øp-∂p-sh-∂p am-{Xa-√ A-b¬-cm-Py-ßsf "hn-√≥' ÿm-\-Øp {]-Xn-jvTn-°p-∂-Xn-eq-sS B cm-Py-tØm-Sv i-{Xp-Xm a-t\m-`m-hw h-f¿-Øn-sb-Sp-°p-I F-∂ \o-N-{]-hrØn-°pw {i-an-°p-∂p-≠v kn-\n-a. Io¿Øn-N-{I-bpw, Ggmw A-dnhpw Ip-cpt£-{X-bp-sa-√mw Cu K-W-Øn¬-s]Sp-∂ kn-\n-a-I-fm-Wv.

sb H-cp I-®-h-S h-kv-Xp-hm-°n ]-Ww h-cn-°q-´p-I-bpw sN-bv-Xp Ip-_p-≤n-Ifm-b tbm-d-bpw ta-\m-l-apw. h-f-sc h-en-b ap-X¬ ap-S-°n¬ kn-\n-a-Iƒ \n¿-an-°m≥ tbm-d-bpw sa-\m-l-apw Hcp-°-am-bn-cp-∂n-√. a-‰p-≈-h-cn¬ \n∂pw Xn-I-®pw hy-Xy-kv-X-am-bn-cp-∂p A-h-cp-sS Im-gv-N-∏m-Sv. hn-tZ-i kn-\n-aIƒ hm-ßn A-Xn-te-°v \-Kv-\-X IpØn-°-b-‰n B¿-´v ^n-enw F-∂ t]cn¬ dn-eo-kv sN-bv-Xv ]-W-hpw {]-item-I-Øp-S-\o-fw kn-\n-a Zp-cp-]-tbmkv-Xn-bpw h-cn-°q-´p-∂-Xn-ep-≈ Ip-imKw sN-ø-s∏-´n-´p-≠v. kn-\n-a-bn¬ A{K _p-≤n-bm-Wv Im-\≥ ^n-enw-knt[m-tem-I i-‡n-Iƒ ]n-Snap-dp-°ns‚ h-f¿-®-°v ]n-∂n-ep-≈ c-l-kyw. tbm F-∂v t]m-epw kw-i-bn-t°-≠nbn-cn-°p-∂p. tem-I-Øp kw-`-hn-® a-e-bm-f-Øn¬ C-Ø-c-Øn-ep-≈ I-®h≥ Xo-{h-hm-Zn A-{I-a-W-߃ t]m- h-S X-{¥-߃ {]-Xy-£-Øn¬ Imepw am-k-hpw Xo-b-Xn-bpw sX-‰m-sX Wp-∂n-s√-¶n¬ t]m-epw a-d-™n-cn{]-h-Nn-°m≥ kn-\n-a-°v km-[n-®n-´p- °p-∂ I-®-h-S X-{¥-߃ Im-Wm-Xns≠-¶n¬ B B-{I-a-W-߃-°p ]n- cn-°m≥-h-ø. ]-e-t∏m-gpw kn-\n-a-bv-°v ∂n¬ {]-h¿-Øn-® Kq-V-kw-L-߃ ]p-d-sØ lo-tdm-bp-sS "^m≥-kv']-cnkn-\n-a-sb D-]-tbm-K-s∏-Sp-Øn-bn-´p- th-j-hpw a-\x-∏q¿-hw D-≠m-°n-sb-Sps≠-∂v X-s∂-bm-Wv hn-iz-kn-t°-≠- °p-∂ hn-hm-Z-ß-fpw Nn-e-t∏m-sgmXv. 1991 ¬ ]p-d-Øn-d-ßn-b sS¿-an-t\- s° \m-b-I-∑m¿ kn-\n-a-°v ]p-d-Øp ‰¿, sa-{Sn-I-vkv F-∂o kn-\n-a-Iƒ Im-Wn-°p-∂ "D-Zm-c a-\-ÿn-Xn-bpw' 2001 sk-]v-Xw-_¿ 11 \v \-S-∂ thƒ- kn-\n-a-bp-sS km-º-Øn-I hn-P-b eUv t{S-Uv sk‚¿ B-{I-a-W-sØ {]- £yw h-®-√ F-∂v ]-d-bm≥ km-[nh-Nn-® kn-\n-a-I-fm-Wv. H-fn-™pw sX- °n-√. [m¿-an-I-X Im-Øp-kq-£n-t°fn-™pw B kn-\n-a-bn¬ 9/11 {]-Xy- ≠ I-emta-J-e-bn¬ A-[m¿-an-I-X ]n£-s∏-Sp-∂p-≠v F-∂-Xv hn-c¬ Nq- Sn ap-dp-°p-∂ Im-gv-N-bpw A-Sp-Ø Im≠p-∂-Xv kn-\n-a-bn-se A-t[m-tem-I e-Øv Im-Wm≥ km-[n-®p. P-bn-e-d-°p_-‘-ß-fn-te-°m-Wv. ≈n-em-hp-∂ \m-b-I-\pw Im-Ãnw-Kv Iu-®p hn-hm-Z-ß-fpw hn-c¬ Nq-≠p-∂H-cp I-em-cq-]-sa-∂-Xn-ep-]-cn H-cp I-®Xv kn-\n-a-bp-sS A-[m¿-an-I-X-bn-teh-S-am-bn h-f¿-∂n-´p-≠v C-∂v kn-\n-a. °m-Wv. kn-\n-a-sb-∂ I-em-kr-„n-sb I-®-h-Sh¬-°-cn-°p-∂-Xn¬ {]-[m-\ ]-¶p h- I-e I-e-°v th-≠n-bm-sW-¶n¬ t]mln-®-h-cm-Wv Im-\≥ ^n-enw-kn-s‚ D- epw P-\-{]n-b-am-b H-cp I-e D-b¿-Øn S-a-ÿ-cm-b tbm-d-bpw sa-\m-l-apw. ]n-Sn-t°-≠ Nn-e aq-ey-߃ D-≠v. B tlm-fn-hp-Un-se _n t{K-Uv kn-\n-a aq-ey-߃ \-„-s∏-Sp-∂n-S-Øp I-e acm-P-°-∑m-cm-bn-cp-∂p tbm-d-bpw sa- cn-°p-I-bm-Wv. I-e F-t∏m-gpw kp-hn\m-l-apw. 1970 I-fn¬ C-{km-tb-en¬ ti-jw B-h-Ww F-∂-√. F-¶n¬_n-Kv _-P-‰v Nn-{X-߃ sN-bv-Xv {i- t]m-epw I-e I-e-bm-bn \n-e \n¬-t t≤-b-cm-b-h-cm-Wv C-cp-h-cpw. 1979 ap- °-≠-Xp-≠v. I-≈-Ø-c-ß-fpw s]mX¬ 1986 h-sc Xp-S¿-∂ Im-\≥ ^n- ≈-Ø-c-ß-fpw C-√m-Xm-Ip-tºmƒ amenw-kn-s‚ ssP-{X-bm-{X-bv-°v Np- {X-ta I-e-°v I-e-bm-bn \n-e-\n¬-°m°m≥ ]n-Sn-®-Xv tbm-d-bpw sa-\m-l- \m-Iq. apw B-bn-cp-∂p. ]-e-bn-S-Øp \n-∂pw kv-{In-]v-‰p-Iƒ hm-ßn-°q-´p-I-bpw AXn¬ X-ß-fp-tS-Xm-b am-‰-߃ h-cp˛tdmjv-\ kam\ Øp-I-bpw sN-bv-Xv t{]-£-I {i-≤Fw.F. Cw-•ojv bm-I¿-jn-°m-\pw A-Xv h-gn kn-\n-a-


ss college magazine 2016-17


s_-©v -ta-gv-kv ¢m-kn¬ F-\n-°m-cpw Iq´n-√m-bn-cp-∂p. C‚¿-sh-√n-\m-sc-¶nepw h-∂m¬ X-s∂ X-e-bn¬ tIdn _p-≤n-ap-´p-≠m-°pw. s]-s´-s∂m-cp Zn-h-kw B-in-® t]mse a-s‰m-cp ¢m-kn-te-°v {Sm≥-kv-^¿. B k-t¥m-j-hpw A[n-Iw \o-≠n-√. A-hn-sS Iq-´n-\m-sf In-´n-sb-¶n-epw, hn-th-N\w A-h-km-\n-®n-√. A-hn-sS-bpw Rm-s\m-cp aq-e-bn-em-bn. P\-en-\-cn-In-em-bn-cp-∂-Xn-\m¬ A-hn-sS F-\n-°v ]p-Xn-sbm-cp t]-cv In-´n. "hn≥-tUm _-©v'.


Ip-d-®v Zn-h-kw I-gn-™-t∏mƒ F-\n-°v H-cp Im-cyw a-\- nem-bn. B ¢m-…n-se a-s‰m-cp s_-©n-\pw In-´m-Ø H-cp `mKy-am-sW-\n-°v ssI-h-∂n-cn-°p-∂-Xv. _m-°v s_-©m-hm-\pw, an-Un¬ s_-©m-hm-\pw {^-≠v s_©m-hm-\pw H-cp-]m-Sv s_-©p-≠m-Ipw. ]-s£, hn≥-tUm s_-©m-hm≥ kp-Ir-Xw sN-ø-Ww. A-Xn-s‚ Im-c-W-߃ Rm-\n-\n ]-d-™p Xp-S-ßmw. π-kv-Sp sI-´n-S-Øn-s‚ c-≠mw- \n-e-bnse sN-dn-b ¢m-kv. tNm-°p s]m-Sn sh-Æo¿ \n-d-am-°n-b I-dp-Ø t_m¿-Un-\SpØv ¢m-kn-te-°p-≈ hm-Xn¬. A-Xn-\v t\-sc F-Xn¿ h-i-Øv P-\m-e. Ip-∂n-s‚ Im-gv-N a-d-°p-∂ No-\n-s°m-ºn-s‚ ]-® \n-d-™ P-\m-e. A-hn-sS-bm-bn-cp-∂p F-s‚ ÿm-\w.

42 kXyw ]-dªmÂ... k-XyaÃ!

B sN-dn-b ¢m-kv ap-dn-bn-se ap-gph≥ B-fp-I-sf-bpw H-tc k-a-bw Im-Wm≥ ¢m-kn-se A-[ym-]-I\pw hn≥-tUm s_-©n-se Ip-´nIƒ-°pw am-{X-ta km-[n-°q-sb-∂ k-Xyw Rm≥ ssh-Im-sX a-\- nem-°n. C-Xp a-\- n-em-°n-bn-´m-hWw A-©p Im-´p-I-≈-Ωm¿ B s_-©p Io-g-S-°n-b-Xv. Nm-‰-e-Sn-®v _p-°v \-\-bp-sa-∂v _p-≤n-Po-hn-Iƒ A-Y-hm ^-Ãv s_-t©¿-kv. N-Øm-epw ssk-Unem-sW-¶n-epw H-cp X-c-Øn-epw ap∂n-se-Ø-≠ F-∂v iTn-® _m-°v s_-t©¿-kv. C-sXm-∂p-a-dn-™nt√ F-∂v \n¬-°p-∂ an-Un¬ s_t©¿-kv. C-h-sc-sbm-s° sh-√phn-fn-®v 5 I-≈ I-jv-a-e-∑m¿ H-´pw Iq-k-en-√m-sX a-‰p s_-©p-I-tf°mƒ D-b-cw sIm-≠pw \o-fw sIm≠pw ]-cn-an-Xn-I-fp-≈ F-s‚ s\©n¬ A-`n-am-\-tØm-sS I-b-dn-bncp-∂p. A-h-sc-s‚ ]-©-]m-fi-hcp-am-bn. t_m-d≥ k-b≥-kv ¢m-kp-I-fn¬ t\m-s´-gp-Xp-∂ `m-h-Øn-e-h¿ Hmtcm s_-©n-se-bpw k-I-e I-≈Ø-c-ß-fpw I-≠p-]n-Sn-®p. ]n-d-Inse s_-©n-en-cp-∂v B-cpw Im-WmsX D-d-ßn-bn-cp-∂-h-sf H-Sp-°sØ t\m-´w t\m-°n D-d-ßp-∂ ioew am-‰n-sb-Sp-Ø-Xn-s‚ c-l-kyw im-kv-{X-Øn-\v C-∂pw a-\- n-em-bn´n-√! ]-©-]m-fi-h≥-am-cp-sS kz-`m-h߃ A-ep-h-bpw a-Øn-°-dn-bpw t]m-se-bm-bn-cp-∂p--¶n-epw A-h¿°v am-{X-a-h-Im-i-s∏-´ Nn-e Im-cyß-fn¬ C-h-sc-√mw A-{K-K-Wy-cmbn-cp-∂p. _-tbm-f-Pn¢m-kn-se knw-_-tbm-´n-Iv dn-te-j≥-jn-∏v ss^-\¬ ssh-h-°v ap-ºv sd-t°msU-gp-Xp-∂-Xn-em-W-h¿ ]-co-£n-®v hn-P-bn-®-Xv. sU-kv-°pw _-©pw Im≥-hm-km°n-b ]m-fi-h-cn-sem-cmƒ a-‰p \m-

ep-t]¿-°v Iq-sS Nn-{Xw h-c-®pw, \√ I-ø-£-c-ap-≈-h≥ F-gp-Xn-bpw, _m-°n-bp-≈-h¿ am¿-Pn-\n-´pw aWn-°q-dp-Iƒ sIm-≠v 5 sd-t°m¿sU-gp-Xn-b-Xv tem-I-sd-t°m¿-sUm∂p-a-√. F-¶n-epw C-Xv H-cp h¿jw sd-t°m¿-sU-gp-Xn Po-hn-Xw If-™p-Ip-fn-® hn≥-tUm s_-©ns‚ {]-[m-\ ]m-c-ssk-‰p-Iƒ-°v In-´n-b h-en-b A-Sn-bm-bn-cp-∂p. F-∂m¬ I-≈≥-am¿-°v H-∂-S-¶w H-cp Xn-cn-®-Sn In-´n. A-∂v D-®-I-gn™v ¢m-sk-Sp-°m≥ B-cpw h-∂n√. eo-U¿ ]pw-K-h≥ Hm-^o-kn¬ t]m-b-t∏mƒ Ãm-^v ao-‰n-ßm-sW∂v A-dn-bn-∏v In-´n. A-tXm-sS s_©n-se sS-en-kv-tIm-∏v X-s‚ kq£v-a \n-co-£-Ww Xp-S-ßn-. e-h\pw sS-∂pw X-te Zn-h-kw Issº≥-Uv Ã-Un-sb-∂v ]-d-™v XpS-ßn-b ^p-Sv-t_mƒ hn-S¬-kv a-’cw ]p-\-cm-cw-`n-®p. e-h-s‚ ap-Øm∏-bp-sS a-I-\m-Wv sa- n. sS≥ hcp-∂-Xv H-tcm-Ww tI-dm aq-e-bn¬ \n-∂m-sW-¶n-epw kn-‰n-bm-W-hs‚ F-√m-sa-√mw. _m-°n c-≠m-fpw `m-hn _n¬-tK-‰vkpw Aw-_m-\n-bp-am-Im-\p-≈ BtKm-f _n-kn-\- v N¿-®-bn-em-Wv. ]p-Xn-b I-≈-Ø-cw I-≠p-]n-Sn-® B-th-i-Øn¬ an-ÿ sS-e-kv-tIm∏v Aw-_m-\n-sb tXm-≠n. _n¬tK-‰v-kv sN-hn Iq¿-∏n-®p. "_n-k-vI‰n-s‚ ]m-°-‰m-Wv'. "A-√! I-©m-hv t]m-se F-t¥m sF-‰-am-Wv. t]-∏¿ \-√ Np-fn-hv ≠v. C-t∏m-g-sØ tKƒ-kv samØw I-W-°m'. s_-©n-\-Sn-bn-eqsS ssI-Iƒ ]m-kv sN-bv-X B hkv-Xp-hn-s\-°p-dn-®v ]m-fi-h-tcmcp-Ø-cpw Du-lw ]-d-™p. "F-Sm t]-∏¿ s]m-Xn-bp-sS D-≈n¬ \o-e I-h-dm-Wv. A-t∏mƒ Kp-Uv tU _n-k-vI-‰v X-s∂.' "sam-b-t¥, A-Xv a-t‰ {_-Um-Wv!' A-h-km-\-sØ U-b-tem-Kv sa- n-

bp-sS Ip-Spw-_-°m-c-s‚ hm-bn¬ \n-∂v Ip-d-®v _m-kn-em-Wv ]p-dtØ-°v h-∂-Xv. s]-s´-∂v F-hn-sS \n-t∂m h-∂, A-Xv h-sc C-√m-Xn-cp-∂ \n-i-–-Xbn¬ k-I-e sX-≠n-I-fp-a-Xv tI´p. ]n-s∂ \n-i-–-X-sb C-√m-Xm°n-b Iq-´-®n-cn. F-∂m¬ B Nn-cnIƒ-°n-S-bn¬ B s]m-Xn-t∏-∏¿ apI-fn-te-°v ]m-dn. Nn-cn-® \n-jv-I-f¶¿-°n-S-bn¬ \n-∂v {_-Uv s]m-Xn™ t]-∏¿ hm-bp-hn-te-°v h-ens®-dn-™ I-≈n-s∏-Æv F-gp-t∂-‰p. s]m-Xn-™v h-® k-Xy-hp-am-bn hmXn-en-\v ]p-d-tØ-°v \-S-∂p. t]mIp-∂-Xn-\n-S-bn¬ k-Xyw tem-ItØm-Sv hn-fn-®v ]-d-™ Ip-™m-Sn-t \m-S-hƒ B-cpw tIƒ-°m-sX, F√m-h-cpw Im¨-sI, Ip¿-_m-\ sNm√n. F-∂n-´p-d-s° ]-d-™p. F-Sm \-√-h-\m-b D-Æo, {_-Uv A[n-I-ap-≠v... \n-\-°pw th-≠t∏mƒ ]-d-™m¬ a-Xn. A-h-fp-sS ap-Jw \n-d-™ ]p-©n-cn. H-∏w \-√-h-cp-sS Iq-´-®n-cn ho-≠pap-b¿-∂p. A-t∏m-gpw H-cp kzm-X-{¥y {]-Jym]-\-Øn-s‚ sIm-Sn-sb-t∏m-se s]m-Xn-t]-∏¿ hm-bp-hn¬ ]m-dn. hn≥-tUm s_-©n-eq-sS A-Xv I≈≥-am-cp-sS B-Im-i-Øn-te-°v ]d-∂p.

˛BjnIv -Sn-. _n. thm-Iv t{_m-Uv-Im-ÃnwKv & tP¿-W-enkw


ss college magazine 2016-17




{h-hm-Zn-I-fm-Wv ]m-e-kv-Xo-\n-Iƒ, tdm-ln-¶y-I-fpw. i-cn-bm-Wv, Po-h-\p hn-e-bn-√m-Ø ]-´n-Wn-∏m-h-߃ F-∂pw Xo-{h-hm-Zn-I-fm-Wv. Po-h-s\ Xo-{h-am-bn {]-W-bn-°p-∂-h¿.

˛A^o-^ sI. _n.F. Cw-•ojv

44 kXyw ]-dªmÂ... k-XyaÃ!

You'll never Know

You'll find her out in the crowd Crushing her way through, Wearing an excessively elated mask Underneath it is a mouth smeared with Yesterday's lie and a Heart coated in black with yesterday's sins ..... She pushes her way through the throng, Laughing away. But you'll never know the truth, For she is about to crack into a spiritless Apathetic homosapien. ..... She is just one among seven billion people And her faces are just two among Fourteen billion faces. ...... -Abida Abdulla B.A English


ss college magazine 2016-17



-øn-se s]m-Xn Np-cp-´n-∏n-Sn-®v A-h-t\m-Sn. I-Æ-S-t®m-Sn-bm-epw A-h-\m h-gn a-\x-]mT-am-bn-cp-∂p. t]-sc-s¥-∂p t]m-ep-a-dn-bm-Ø B kv-{Xo-°v A-X-h≥ h-®p \o-´n. A-h-cp-sS Im-en-se N-ß-e Hm-tcm X-h-W \o-ßp-tºm-gpw A-h-\-Ω-bp-sS ap-J-tam¿-Øp. th-≠-, H-∂pw Hm¿-°-≠.-Hm¿-Ω-I-sfm-∂pw A-{X kp-J-ap-f-f-X-√. I-gp-Øn-\m-tcm Ip-Øn-∏n-Sn-®-t∏m-gm-Wv A-h-t\m¿-a-I-fn¬ \n-∂p-W¿-∂-Xv A-h-c-h-s\ \n-c-Øn-te-°p h-en-®n-´p. ""I-f-f≥'', ""I-f-f≥'' b-Ym¿-∞ I-f-f≥-am¿ hn-fn-®p ]-d-™p. {`m-¥n-bp-sS I-Æp-Iƒ \n-d-s™m-gp-Ip-∂p-≠m-- -bn-cp-∂p.-

˛l^o-^ kn. Sn. _n.F. Cw-•ojv

46 kXyw ]-dªmÂ... k-XyaÃ!

A½ A

-Ω-bm-bn-cp-∂p B-Zyw I-f-hv ]-d-™-Xv... tNm-dp-Æm≥ hn-k-Ω-Xn-®-t∏mƒ A-ºn-fn-am-a-s\ ]n-Sn-®p-X-cm-sa-∂v... B-{K-ln-®-Xv t\-Sn-sb-Sp-°m≥ A-sXm-cp am¿-K-am-sW-∂v Rm≥ ]Tn-®p. B-Zy-sa-√mw \n-jv-I-f-¶-X-bp-sS ap-J-Om-b-bm-bncp-∂p I-f-hn-\v... ]n-s∂- ]n-s∂ Im-]-Sy-Øn-s‚ sIm-Spw ITm-c-tb-¥n... \m-hn-t\m-Sp-≈ ITn-\m-[zm-\w ssI Im-ep-Iƒ-°v hn-{i-aw \¬-In... X-s‚ Im¬-]m-Sp-I-sf Im-]-Sy-Øn-s‚ ap-J-h-kv-{X-a-Wn-bn-®p... \-S-∂p \o-ßn-b h-gn-Iƒ A-\y-cn¬ ]-hn-{X-am-°n. _m-ey-hpw bu-∆-\-hpw hm¿-≤-Iy-hpw I-f-hn-s‚ a-jn-°p-∏n-bn¬ ap-ßn-Øm-Wp. k-Xy-Øn-s‚ ]m-X-I-fn¬ a-Xn¬-sI-´n D-b¿-Øn-bn-´v F-¥v ]-hn-{X-am-b Po-hn-Xw!

˛^mØn-a kp-a-ø sI. _n.F. Cw-•ojv


ss college magazine 2016-17

-Abida Abdulla B.A English

48 kXyw ]-dªmÂ... k-XyaÃ!


ss college magazine 2016-17

"I am using another tactic" "When they labelled me with the title Iron Lady, they required me only to be a martyr," says Irom Chanu Sharmila, the Iron Lady of Manipur. Excerpts from an e-mail interview...

years ago, you left everything you Q Sixteen cherished to fight for the people of your State. What do you feel now when you embark on this journey, with a family of your own? I feel more free, more collected and have a sense of responsibility that is to say our stand against injustice can be mingled in life long family life.

Q In a nation where patriarchy has ruled and thrived over centuries, women of Manipur are known for running the world's only all women market. Has the lifestyle back there influenced you?


My struggle against injustice was not due to gender influence. As a human I see the world as a whole. I just see the conduct not the he or the she. Why do you think you lost support in the election? After all you are the Iron Lady of Manipur. Do you believe that the mainstream political parties had a hand in your defeat? Or do you think that it is because you didn't follow a certain set of norms that an activist in our country is supposed to follow? It’s not just the money and muscle of mainstream political parties. When they labelled me with the title Iron Lady, they required me only to be a martyr and to die for the cause. Women are not welcome in

politics at all in the North East. And in Manipur they need us only as the wife or mistress of a man. Women themselves perpetuate this discrimination. said your fight for the removal of AFSPA Q You will continue after you join politics. Now that you have left politics, does that mean you have withdrawn from the fight too? I am using another tactic. This questionnaire too is a continuation of my non-violent struggle. say Army is to ensure the security of the Q They nation and its citizens. Is'nt it a lie in the

case of Manipur? How do you see the violation of human rights in Manipur? I offer two reports of survivors whose testimony I took for one of the judicial commissions looking into the abuses of the AFSPA. One was a young woman gang raped by army officers in front of her father-in-law who was a Hill Chieftain. She broke down turning her head to the wall when we started questioning her about the gang rape. She said you human rights activists ask the same question again and again without bringing justice, without punishing the inhuman rapists. You make me feel as if I am being raped again and again.

50 kXyw ]-dªmÂ... k-XyaÃ!

The other was a male youth, a cassette seller who was taken by soldiers from his shop. As part of the torture they drove a long stick through his anus stirring to tear his intestines. He needed a second operation to push back some of his intestines still protruding from his belly. He could not walk upright but still crawls along the ground in pain. He was picked up by the soldiers as he looked like an insurgent. The AFSPA does not require a reason.


The politicians belonging to the ruling party who remained silent on AFSPA are now voicing their differences. Do you think the issues in Manipur are being used for political gain? In general, AFSPA has been used in elections as part of vote bank politics, but no one is serious about a change.


Around us, we see people who speak truth are victimized. Truth is silenced. In a world where everything is built upon lies, do you think truth is given any importance ? Whether people care about the truth or not I want to stick to the truth.

claims to be the “world's Q INDIA greatest democracy”. How do you evaluate this in the light of draconian laws like TADA , POTA, AFSPA etc. Do u feel that our democracy is turning into a big Lie ? India is the biggest democracy in size but these kinds of draconian laws are disconnected with real democracy. The lies need to be challenged with the truth.

is demanding implementation of AFSPA in Q BJP Kannur district for maintaining peace and order.

As we all know, Kerala is not politically favorable for BJP. How genuine is their demand? I do not know the politics of Kerala well enough to comment. However the Army have repeatedly stated that they will not allow the imposition of the AFSPA against their own people in the Indian Mainland.

Prize does not come your way after all Q Ifthata Nobel you've done, would you be disappointed? It’s your opinion. Gandhiji was never offered the Nobel Prize. Suu Kyi and Dr Kissinger both were. I have repeatedly stated that I do not want any more prizes or awards for fighting against AFSPA. there has been a lot of changes in our Q Recently, political scenario. How do you see it? I see this trend as a controlling way, a controlling type of violent based politics; not parental-like guidance stemming from love or true concern. It will not stand.


ss college magazine 2016-17

-Fathima Sherin N BSc. Physics

tX-tPm-a-l¬- Im-e-sØ



ss college magazine 2016-17

hn. ap-k-^¿ A-l-Ω-Zv -cn-{Xw sI-´p-I-Y-bm-bn amdp-I-bm-Wv \-Ωp-sS cm-PyØv. sI-´p-I-Y-Iƒ N-cn-{Xam-bn am-dp-I-bpw sN-øp-∂p. Xm-Pv-al¬ tX-tPm-a-l-em-°p-I-bm-Wv C-∂v \p-W-I-fp-sS X-ºp-cm-°≥-am¿. C-Øcw \p-W-I-sf {]-Xn-tcm-[n-°m≥ t{Smf¿-am¿ cw-K-sØ-Øn-b-Xv F-√m-h-cpw Hm¿-°p-∂p-≠m-Ipw. F-∂m¬ \p-W-Ifpw sI-´p-I-Y-I-fpw bm-Ym¿-∞y-amsW-∂v ÿm-]n-°p-∂ ]p-kv-X-I-ß-fpsS \n¿-am-Ww \-S-∂p sIm-≠n-cn-°p-Ibm-Wv. ln-Ã-dn Iu¨-kn¬ t]m-ep≈ ÿm-]-\-߃ C-∂v {]-[m-\-am-bpw sN-bv-Xp-sIm-≠n-cn-°p-∂-Xv sI-´p-I-YI-sf b-Ym¿-∞ N-cn-{X-am-°n A-h-Xcn-∏n-°m≥ "ti-jn'bp-≈-h-sc tX-Sn-∏nSn-°p-I-bm-Wv. Ip-d-s®m-s° A-h-cXn¬ hn-P-bn-°p-I-bpw sN-bv-Xn-´p-≠v.


hn-Jym-X F-gp-Øp-Im-cn A-cp-‘-Xo tdm-bn-sb Ip-d-®p \mƒ ap-ºv \p-W-Ifp-sS cm-Pm-°≥-am¿ Ip-Sp-°m≥ {i-an-®Xv Hm¿-°p-I. A-cp-‘-Xn I-iv-ao¿ kµ¿-in-® th-f-bn¬ \¬-In-b A-`n-ap-JØn¬ ssk-\y-Øn-s\-Xn-sc \n-e-]m-Sv F-Sp-°p-I-bpw I-iv-ao-cn-b-Øn-\p th≠n hm-Zn-°p-∂ hn-L-S-\hm-Zn-I-sf i‡-am-bn ]n-¥p-W-®p-sh-∂p-w B-bn-cp∂p ]p-d-Øp h-∂ hn-h-cw. D-S-s\ Ah¿-s°-Xn-sc kw-Lv-]-cn-hm¿ cw-K-Øp h-∂p. F-∂m¬ A-Ø-c-sam-cp A-`n-apJ-ta \-S-∂n-cp-∂n-√, A-Xn-\m¬ Xs∂ {]-kn-≤o-I-cn-°-s∏-´n-cp-∂p-an-√. "It's crap"F-∂m-Wv A-cp-‘-Xn kw-`-htØm-Sv {]-Xn-I-cn-®-Xv.

tKmc-£m Kp-≠-Iƒ cm-Py-Øv a-\p-jysc sIm-s∂m-Sp-°m≥ th-≠n \n¿-an-®psIm-t≠-bn-cn-°p-∂ \p-W-I-fp-sS Bgw I-≠m¬ sR-´n-t∏m-Ipw. a-\p-jy-cpsS Po-h-\pw N-cn-{X-kv-am-c-I- ß-sf

t]-cp-am-‰-tØm-sS kz-¥-am-°-ep-am-Wv \p-W-I-fp-sS {]-Xn-jvTm-]-\ I¿-an-Iƒ°v B-h-iyw. A-Xp sN-øm≥ \p-WI-fp-sS ^m-Œ-dn X-s∂-bp-≠m-°p-Ibm-Wv. tI-c-f-Øn¬ A-h-X-cn-∏n-°-s∏-´ H-cp sX-cp-hv \m-S-I-Øn-se cw-Kw tI-c-fØn¬ Pn-lm-Zn-Iƒ H-cp ln-µp kv-{Xosb B-{I-an-®p sIm-√p-∂p-sh-∂v ]-d™v {]-N-cn-∏n-°-s∏-´n-´v A-[n-I Im-eam-bn-√. H-cp ho-Un-tbm I-øn¬ In-´nbm¬ F-¥m-°n-bpw A-h-X-cn-∏n-°mhp-∂ \n-e h-∂ptN¿-∂n-cn-°p-∂p. "kXym-\-¥-c' Im-e-Øm-Wv \-Ωƒ Po-hn°p-∂-sX-∂pw A-Xn-\m¬ \p-W-I-fmWv C-\n k-Xy-sa-∂p-ap-≈ \n-e h-∂ncn-°p-∂p. cm-Py-Øn-s‚ _-lp-kz-c-X \n-e\n¬°-W-sa-∂v B-{K-ln-°p-∂ N-cn-{X-Imc≥-am-cpw F-gp-Øp-Im-cpw _p-≤n-Po-hnI-fpw km-[m-c-W a-\p-jy-cpw Cu \o°-ß-sf {]-Xn-tcm-[n-°m≥ {i-an-°p∂p-≠v. A-Xv hn-P-b-Øn-se-Øp-tam F∂ B-i-¶-bpw \n-e\n¬-°p-∂p-≠v. Hcp `m-K-Øv `-b-hpw a-dp-`m-K-Øv sh-dp∏pw \p-W-I-fp-sS X-ºp-cm-°∑m¿ \n¿-an-®vsIm-t≠-bn-cn-°p-∂p. a-lm-flmKm-‘n-bp-sS hm-°p-Iƒ A-`-b-hpw {]Xo-£-bp-am-bn \n¬-°p-∂p. A-t±-lw C-ßn-s\ ]-d-™p-... ""\n-cm-i-bn-te-°v \n-]-Xn-°p-tºm-sg-√mw Rm≥ N-cn-{XØn¬ kv-t\-l-hpw k-Xy-hpw A-¥n-aam-bn hn-P-bn-°p-∂-Xn-s\-°p-dn-®v Hm¿°pw. N-cn-{X-Øn¬ A-Xn- \njvTqccmb `-c-Wm-[n-Im-cn-I-fpw sIm-e-bmfn-I-fpw D-≠m-bn-´p-≠v. A-h-sc tXm¬∏n-°m≥ I-gn-bn-s√-∂ tXm- ∂-epw CØ-c-°m¿ D-≠m-°pw. ]-s£, N-cn-{XØn-s‚ {]-tXy-I L-´-ß-fn¬ A-h¿ \n-ew ]-Xn-°p-I X-s∂ sN-øpw. A-Xns\-°p-dn-®v Hm¿-°q, B-tem-Nn-°q, F√m-bv-t∏m-gpw''-.

54 kXyw ]-dªmÂ... k-XyaÃ!

N-{µ-\n-te-°v ho-≠pw im-kv-{Xo-b-am-b-sX-¥pw k-Xy-am-sW-∂m-Wv s]m-Xp-sh-bp-≈ "hn-izm-kw'. hn-izm-k-߃ F-√mw k-Xy-am-bn-s°m-≈-Ww F-∂p-t≠m..? Nn-e-sXm-s° A-hn-iz-k-\o-bw F-∂pw tXm-∂m-dn-t√...? Nn-e-t∏m-sg-¶n-epw...?

im-kv-{X km-t¶-Xn-I-hn-Zy-bp-sS h-f¿®-bm-Wv 20˛mw \p-‰m-≠n-epw Xp-S¿-∂ntßm-´pw ]p-Xn-b I-s≠-Ø-ep-Iƒ-°v h-gn-sbm-cp-°n-b-Xv. A-Xp-sIm-≠p-Xs∂ H-cp cm-Py-Øn-s‚ "an-I-hv' ]-et∏m-gpw A-f-°-s∏-Sp-∂-Xv A-hn-Sp-sØ im-kv-{X--km-t¶-Xn-I h-f¿-®-sb A-Snÿm-\-s∏-Sp-Øn-bm-Wv. A-¥m-cm-{„-XF-∂m¬ A-Xn-s\m-cp a-dp-]p-dw D-s≠- e-Øn¬ cm-Py-߃ X-Ωn-ep-≈ In-S-a¶n-tem...? hy-‡-X Ip-d-™ Iym-a-d- ’-c-߃-°pw Im-c-W-am-bn-´p-≠v Cu bn¬ H-∏n-sb-Sp-Ø Zr-iy-߃\-Ωn¬ h-f¿-®. `q-cn-`m-Kw t]-cpw N-{µ-Zu-Xy-Øns‚ sX-fn-hm-bn I-W-°m-°p-tºm-gpw 20˛mw \q-‰m-≠n-se io-X k-a-c-Im-e"Z t{K-‰v A-ta-cn-°'bn-se C-cp-]-Øn-b- Øv C-Xv Iq-Sp-X¬ i-‡n-s∏-Sp-I-bpw ©v i-X-am-\-sa-¶n-epw P-\-߃ Cu t A-∂-sØ ap-Jy-i-‡n-I-fm-bn-cp-∂ A\-´w sI-´n-®-a-®p-≠m-°n-b sI-´p-I-Y- ta-cn-°-bpw tkm-hn-b-‰v bq-Wn-b-\pw ]- ¥ - b - Ø n- t e¿- s ∏- S p- I - b p- a p- ≠ m- b n. bm-sW-∂v hn-iz-kn-°p-∂-h-cm-Wv. -{µ-\n¬ B-Zy-am-bn Im-epIp-Øn-b-Xm-cv F-∂ tNm-ZyØn-\v kw-i-b-an-√m-sX \mw ]-d-bp-∂ D-Ø-c-am-Wv \o¬ Bwkv-t{Sm-Mv... F-{X-tbm Im-e-am-bn A¿∞-i-¶-°n-S-bn-√m-sX I-Æ-S-®v \mw hniz-kn-® "k-Xyw'!



ss college magazine 2016-17

1957˛1958 h¿-j-ß-fn¬ B-N-cn-°p-∂ A-¥m-cm-{„ Pntbm-^n-kn-°¬ h¿-j-Øn-\v X-߃ B-Zy Ir-{Xn-a D-]-{K-lw hn-t£-]n-°p-sa-∂ A-ta-cn-°≥ {]-Jym-]-\tØm-Sv 1955- ¬ tkm-hn-b-‰v bq-Wn-b≥ {]-Xn-I-cn-®-Xv `m-hn-bn¬ X-ß-fpw Ir-{Xn-tam-]-{K-l cw-K-tØ-°v FØp-sa-∂v {]-Jym-]n-®p-sIm-≠m-Wv. A-∂p-ap-X¬ C-cpcm-Py-ß-fpw kv-t]-kv hm¿ A-Y-hm _-ln-cm-Im-i ]-¥b-Øn-se F-Xn-cm-fn-I-fm-bn. 1957 H-tŒm-_¿ 4 \v im-kv-{X N-cn-{X-Øn-se B-Zy-sØ Ir-{Xn-tam-]-{K-l-am-b kv-]p-Sv-\n-Iv hn-t£-]n-®p-sIm-≠v d-jy sh-√p-hn-fn D-b¿-Øn. kv-t]-kv td-kn¬ H-∂mw ÿm-\-Øv F-Øn-b d-jy 1961 G-{]n¬ 12\v a-\p-jy-s\ _-ln-cm-Im-i-Øv F-Øn-°p-I h-gn A-ta-cn-°-°v ho≠p-sam-cp I-\-Ø Xn-cn-®-Sn \¬-In. F-∂m¬ A-t∏m-tfm-˛2 Zu-Xy-Øn-eq-sS a-\p-jy-s\ N-{µ -\n¬ F-Øn-®v bp.F-kv.F. im-kv-{X-tem-I-sØ sR-´n®p. tkm-hn-b-‰v bq-Wn-b-\v F-Xn-cm-bn A-ta-cn-°-bp-sS Xn-cn-®p h-c-hm-bn-´m-Wv tem-Iw Cu N-{µ-Zu-Xy-sØ hne-bn-cp-Øn-b-Xv. F-∂m¬ H-cp-Iq-´w d-jy≥ im-kv{X-⁄-cpw Nn-¥-I-cpw C-Xn-s\ F-Xn¿-Øv cw-K-sØØn. A-t∏m-tfm-˛2 Zu-Xyw \-S-∂n-´n-s√-∂pw Ir-{Xn-a-ambn D-≠m-°n-b Iym-a-d Zr-iy-߃ B-sW-∂pw sX-fn-hv k-ln-Xw A-h¿ hm-Zn-®p. 1970 I-fn¬ Cu hn-j-bw ]-ecp-sS-bpw {i-≤-bn¬-s]-Sp-I-bpw tem-I-sa-ºm-Spw C-Xns\-°p-dn-®p N¿-®sN-øp-I-bpw sN-bv-Xp. F-∂m¬ Nm-{µZu-Xyw ]-®-°-≈-am-bn-cp-∂p F-∂v ]q¿-W-am-bpw sX-fnbn-°m≥ A-h-¿-°p-am-bn-√ F-∂-Xm-Wv k-Xyw. A-Xn-\p Im-c-Ww Zr-iy-߃ ]-I¿-Øn-b-Xv tem sU-^-\n-j≥ ªm-°v B-‚ v ssh-‰v Iym-a-d-bn¬ B-sW-∂-Xpw ho-Untbm Zr-iy-߃ ]q¿-W-am-bpw ]p-d-Øp-hn-Sm≥ \m-k Xøm-dm-hm-Xn-cp-∂ km-l-N-cy-hp-am-Wv.

\o¬ Bw-kv-t{Sm-Mv, ssa-°¬ tIm-fn≥-kv, F-Uzn≥ B¬-{Un≥ F-∂n-h-cm-bn-cp-∂p \m-k-bp-sS Nm-{µ ZuXy-Øn-\v Xn-c-s™-Sp-°-s∏-´-h¿. ^v-tfm-dn-U-bn-se sI∂-Sn kv-t]-kv sk‚-dn¬-sh-®m--bn-cp-∂p hn-t£-]-Ww. A-∂-sØ km-t¶-Xn-Ihn-Zy-b-\p-k-cn-®v ssl sU-^-\nj≥ Iym-a-d-Iƒ \n-e-hn-ep-≠m-bn-cp-∂p. F-∂n-´pw hy‡-X Ip-d-™ ªm-°v B‚ v ssh-‰v Iym-a-d-Iƒ F-¥n\m-Wv Cu N-cn-{X {]-[m-\ Zr-iy-߃ ]-I¿-Øm≥ D-]tbm-Kn-®-Xv F-∂ tNm-Zy-Øn-\v \m-k-°v Ir-Xy-am-b a-dp]-Sn ]-d-bm≥ km-[n-®n-√. iq-\ym-Im-i-Øp- \n-∂pw X’-a-bw kw-t{]-j-Ww sN-øp-tºmƒ kn-·-ep-I-fn¬ h∂ X-S- -w Im-c-Ww ho-Un-tbm Zr-iy-ß-fp-sS hy-Iv-X-X \-jv-S-s∏-´p F-∂m-Wv \m-k-bp-sS {]-Xn-I-c-Ww. ]-s£ sd-t°m¿-Uv sN-bv-Xp-h-® b-Ym¿-∞ Zr-iy-߃ F-hn-sSsb-∂ tNm-Zy-Øn-\v D-Ø-c-hp-an-√. N-{µ-\n¬ \n-∂pw e-`n-®p F-∂p ]-d-b-s∏-Sp-∂ ]m-d-°√p-I-ƒ-°pw a-Æn-\pw sX-fn-hp-Iƒ C-√. \m-k-bp-sS ]°¬ D-≠m-bn-cp-∂ N-{µ {]-X-e-Øn-se A-h-in-„-ßfn¬ 517 F-Æw I-f-hv t]m-sb-∂m-Wv C≥-kv-s]-Œ¿ P\-d¬ t]mƒ sI. am¿-´n-s‚ dn-t∏m¿-´n¬ ]-d-bp-∂-Xv. A-t∏m-tfm-˛2 s‚ _-ln-cm-Im-i t]-S-I-am-b Cu-Knƒ h∂n-d-ßn-b {]-tZ-i-sØ tI-{µo-I-cn-s®-Sp-Ø ssl-˛-sU^-\n-j≥ t^m-t´m-I-fn¬ A-ta-cn-° ÿm-]n-®p F-∂p ]-d-bp-∂ 6 sIm-Sn-I-fn¬ 5 F-Æ-hpw Ip-Ø-s\ D-b-¿∂m-Wv \n¬-°p-∂-Xv. F-∂m¬ A-t∏m-tfm-˛2 s‚ `m-Kam-bn ÿm-]n-® sIm-Sn Nm-t{µm-]-cn-X-e-Øn¬ ho-Wp-InS-°p-∂-Xm-bm-Wv Im-W-s∏-´-Xv. _-ln-cm-Im-i t]-S-Iw ap-I-fn-tem-´p-b¿-∂-t∏mƒ D-≠m-b hm-X-I {]-l-c-Øn¬ hn-Wp t]m-b-Xm-sW-∂m-Wv \n-K-a-\w.

56 kXyw ]-dªmÂ... k-XyaÃ!

]m-dp-∂ A-ta-cn-°≥ ]-Xm-I A-t∏m-tfm-˛2 an-j-\p-am-bn _-‘-s∏-´v ]p-dØp-hn-´ Nn-{X-ß-fn¬ \m-k-°v G-sd X-e-thZ-\ D-≠m-°n-b H-∂m-Wv A-ta-cn-°≥ ]-Xm-I ÿm-]n-°p-∂ Nn-{Xw. A-Xn¬ ]-Xm-I ]m-dp∂-Xm-bn Im-Wmw. A-¥-co-£-an-√m-Ø N-{µ\n¬ F-hn-sS \n-∂m-Wv Im-‰v? Cu tNm-ZyØn-\v D-Ø-c-am-bn \m-k ]-d-™-Xv \yq-´-s‚ 1˛mw N-e-\-\n-b-a-am-Wv. P-U-Xzw aq-e-am-Wv ]Xm-I C-f-In-b-sX-∂m-Wv A-h-cp-sS hm-Zw. \-£-{X-ß-fn-√m-Ø B-Im-iw A-¥-co-£-an-√ F-∂ Im-c-W-Øm¬ N-{µ\n¬ \n-∂pw t\m-°n-bm¬ tIm-Sm-\p-tIm-Sn \-£-{X-ß-sf Im-W-Ww F-∂-Xm-Wv \n-K-a\w. ]-s£ F-Sp-Ø Nn-{X-ß-fn-tem ]-I¿-Ønb ho-Un-tbm ¢n-∏n-tem N-{µ-\n-se B-Im-iØn¬ H-‰ \-£-{Xw t]m-epw C-√ F-∂-Xv B›-cyw D-f-hm-°p-∂p. t\-cn-´p-≈ Xo-{h-am-b kq-cy-{]-Im-iw sIm-≠v \-£-{X-ß-fp-sS shfn-®w a-d-°-s∏-´p F-∂-Xm-Wv C-Xn-\p-≈ hn-iZo-I-c-am-bn \¬-In-bn-´p-≈-Xv. Iym-a-d ap-I-fn-se Nn-{X-Øn¬ \o¬ Bw-kv-t{Sm-ßns‚ sl¬-a-‰n¬ ]-Xn-™n-´p-≈ {]-Xn-_nw-_w {i-≤n-®m¬ t^m-t´m F-Sp-Ø ssa-°nƒ tImfn≥-kn-s‚ I-øn¬ Iym-a-d Im-Wp-∂n-√. ]ns∂ B-cm-Wv Cu Nn-{Xw F-Sp-Ø-Xv? ku-Icy-Øn-\m-bn bm-{Xn-I-cp-sS s\-©n-\p ap-I-fnem-Wv Iym-a-d L-Sn-∏n-®-Xv F-∂ D-Ø-c-am-Wv \m-k \¬-Ip-∂-Xv.

s_¬-‰n-\v A-Xn-eq-sS I-S-∂p t]m-Ip-∂ k©m-cn-I-sf Nm-c-am-°m≥-t]m-∂ i-‡n-bp-≠v. Cu I-S-º F-ß-s\ a-dn-I-S-∂p F-∂-Xv C∂pw A-¤p-X-I-c-am-Wv. -A-t∏m-tfm-bn-se k©m-cn-Iƒ-°v h-f-sc Xp-Nv-O-am-b td-Un-tbj≥ am-{X-ta e-`n-®n-´p-≈q F-∂-v am-{X-ta \mk ]--dbp-∂p--≈q. 'C' ]m-d A-t∏m-tfm-˛2 se hn-hm-Z-am-b Nn-{X-ß-fn¬ H∂m-Wv c F-∂ A-£-cw sIm-Øn-bn-´p-≈ ]md-°-√v. C-Xn-se A-£-c-Øn-s‚ B-Ir-Xn \nco-£n-®m¬ A-Xv Xo¿-Øpw a-\p-jy-\n¿-Ωn-Xam-sW-∂v a-\- n-em-hpw. t^m-t´m-{K-^nbn¬ ]-‰n-b F-s¥-¶n-epw A-_-‘-tam A-s√¶n¬ Iym-a-d-bn¬ ]-‰n-∏n-Sn-® ap-Sn-tbm Im-c-Wam-Wv C-Xv kw-`-hn-®-sX-∂v \m-k hm-Zn-°p∂p. t{Im- v sl-b-d¿ Nn-{X-߃ ]-I¿-Øm≥ D-]-tbm-Kn-® Iym-a-dbn¬ + B-Ir-Xn-bn-ep-≈ t{Im-kv sl-b-dpIƒ D-≠m-bn-cp-∂p. C-Xv N-cn-hp Iq-Sm-sX t^m-t´m F-Sp-°m≥ k-lm-bn-°p-∂ kv-sIbn¬ B-Wv. ]-s£ F-Sp-Ø Nn-{X-ß-fn¬ ]e-Xn-epw Cu + Nn-”w h-kv-Xp-°-fm¬ a-d-°s∏-´n-cn-°p-∂p. Iym-a-d se≥-kn¬ ]-Xn-∏n-®n´p-≈ Cu Nn-”w F-t∏m-gpw Nn-{X-ß-fp-sS D]-cn-X-e-Øn-em-Wv h-tc-≠n-bn-cp-∂-Xv. \q-dp-I-W-°n-\v tNm-Zy-ß-fpw B-h¿-Ø-\-hn-ck-X-bp-≈ D-Ø-c-ß-f-pw am-{X-am-bn-cp-t∂m A-t∏m-tfm-˛2 F-∂-Xv \-sΩ Nn-¥n-t°-≠-Xp≠v.

C-d-ßn-b ]m-Sp-Iƒ _-ln-cm-Im-i t]-S-Iw N-{µ-\n¬ C-d-ßptºmƒ A-Xn¬ \n-∂pw D-≠m-Ip-∂ A-Xn-i-IvX-am-b hm-XI -- {]-l-cw aq-ew D-]-cn-X-e-Øn¬ h-en-b Ip-gn D-≠m-tI-≠-Xm-Wv. F-∂m¬ Nn{X-Øn¬ t]-S-I-Øn-\p Xm-sg-bm-bn H-cp X-cØn-ep-≈ ]m-Sp-I-fpw Im-Wp-∂n-√. C-Xn-\p hy-‡-am-b H-cp Im-c-W-w \m-k-°v X-cm≥ Ign-™n-´n-√. hm≥ A-e≥ td-Un-tb-j≥ s_-¬-‰v `q-an-bn¬ \n-∂pw N-{µ-\n-te-°p-≈ h-gn-bn¬ `q-an-bp-sS Im-¥n-I- a-fi-e-Øn-s‚ ^-e-am-bn D-≠m-Ip-∂ A-Xn-i-‡-am-b hm≥ A-e≥ tdUn-tb-j≥ s_¬-‰v D-≠v. C-Xv a-dn-I-S-∂p thWw N-{µ-\n¬ F-Øm≥. Cu td-Un-tb-j≥

˛{io-cm-Pv kn. _n.F-kv.kn ^n-kn-Ivkv

In the

World of

Lies Secure nothing is




ss college magazine 2016-17

People say; Beauty lies inside; But they prefer good looks; not good thoughts. They say, Everone should be respected as an individual, But they respect money; not the person They say, Judging is wrong But then minds are full of mere assumptions They say, naked truth is always better than A best dressed lie But their maws are filled with white lies. ... I thought you were different But i was wrong You're just like everyone else. You rejuvenate & animate me But at the same time, Strangle me. ... This world is a "paradoxical irony' And the people in it are its Pappy shows. -Abida Abdulla B.A English

60 kXyw ]-dªmÂ... k-XyaÃ!

{]-W-b-hpw bm-Ym¿-∞y-hpw


-W-bn-°p-∂-Xn-se-¥m sX-‰v? \n-\-°v h-√-h-tcm-Spw {]-Wbw tXm-∂n-bn-´p-t≠m? F-∂o tNm-Zy-ß-fpw, {]-W-b-tØm-fw h-cn-√ a-s‰m-∂pw XpS-ßn-b hm-Z-ß-fpw \-ap-°v h-f-sc ]-cn-N-b-ap-≈-Xm-Wv. ]s£ Cu tNm-Zy-߃-°pw hm-Z-߃-°pw a-dp-]-Sn ]-d-bp∂-Xv A-{X F-fp-∏-a-√. Im-c-Ww, kn-\n-a-bn¬ Im-Wp-∂-Xm-Wv b-Ym¿-∞ kv-t\l-sa-∂pw, A-h¿ sN-bv-X-Xv t]m-se sN-bv-Xn-´n-s√¶n¬ A-Xn-s\ kv-t\-lw F-∂v ]-d-bm≥ ]m-Sn-s√-∂p≈ tIm¨-{Io-‰v sN-ø-s∏-´ an-Yym-[m-c-W ]p-Xp-X-e-apd-bp-sS a-\- p-I-fn¬ th-cq-∂n-bn-´p-≠v. F-ß-s\ {]-W-bn-°-W-sa-∂pw, B-sc {]-W-bn-°-W-sa-∂pw Xo-cp-am-\n-°p-∂-Xv \-Ω-f-√m-sX-bm-bn am-dn. A-Xv Xo-cp-am\n-°p-∂-Xv kn-\n-a-bm-Wv. F-ß-s\ H-fn-t®m-S-W-sa-∂pw F-t∏mƒ H-fn-t®m-S-W-sa-∂pw Ir-Xy-am-bpw hy-‡-am-bpw Im-Wn-®p X-∂-Xv kn-\n-a-bm-Wv. A-Ω-sb-°m-fn-„w A-hsf-bm-Wv F-∂pw, A-\y a-X-Øn-ep-≈ s]-Æns\ t{]-an-°p-∂-Xm-W- v- lo-tdm-bn-k-sa-∂pw, kz-¥w A-[ym-]n-I-bp-sS ap-J-Øp t\m-°n hr-Øn-sI-´ co-Xn-bn¬ sF eu bp F-∂v ]-dbp-hm-\pw ]Tn-∏n-®p X-∂-Xv kn-\n-a-bm-Wv. C-Ø-cw H-cp km-l-N-cy-Øn¬ {]-W-bw sX-‰mtWm A-√-tbm F-∂p-≈ tNm-Zy-Øn-\v H-‰ hm°n¬ D-Ø-cw ]-d-bp-hm≥ km-[y-a-√. Im-c-Ww CXn¬ s\-√pw ]-Xn-cp-ap-≠v. c-≠pw th¿-Xn-cn-®p thWw a-dp-]-Sn ]-d-bm≥. kn-\n-a h-c-®p Im-Wn-®p Xcp-∂ {]-W-b-Øn-s‚ Nn-{X-Øn-\v bm-Ym¿-∞y-hp-am-


ss college magazine 2016-17

bn H-cp _-‘-hp-an-√. kv-t\-lw F-∂ kp-µ-c-am-b, Xp-Iw \n-d-™ \n-c-]-cm-[n-bm-b hm-°n-s\ F-{XtØm-fw \n-µn-°m-\pw, hr-Øn-tI-Sm-°m-\pw I-gn-bptam A-{X-tØm-fw kn-\n-a sN-øp-∂p-≠v. _m¿-_-dm ]o-kv-˛-A-em≥ ]o-kv- s^-an-\n-Ãv Z-º-Xnam¿ F-gp-Xn-b H-cp {K-Ÿ-am-Wv ssh sa≥ hm-≠v sk-Iv-kv, ssh hn-a ≥ \o-Uv eu. F-¥m-Wv kv-t\-lsa-∂pw F-¥m-Wv B-I¿-j-Ww F-∂pw Ir-Xy-am-bn´v ]- d-bp-∂p-≠v- Cu ]p-kv-X-I-Øn¬. "An actor is a Proffessional Lier" F-∂m-Wp A-h¿ Cu ]p-kv-X-IØn¬ ]-d-bp-∂-Xv. eu F-¥m-sW-∂p A-em≥ ]o-kn\pw _m¿-_-dm ]o-kn-\pw Ir-Xy-am-bn-´v A - dn-bmw. kn\n-a F-¥m-Wv sN-øp-∂-sX-∂pw C-h¿-°-dn-bmw. A-XpsIm-≠m-Wv A-ß-s\ ]-d-tb-≠n h-∂-Xv. B-I¿-j-Whpw kv-t\-l-hpw H-∂-√ F-∂v a-\-kn-em-°p-I. \n-߃-°v kv-t\-l-ap-≠v F-∂v \n-߃ ]-d-bp-∂Xv ]-e-t∏m-gpw \n-߃-°v B-I¿-j-Ww tXm-∂n-b Hcm-sf-°p-dn-®m-Wv. \-ap-°v ]-e-Xn-t\m-Spw B-I¿-j-Ww tXm-∂m-dp-≠v. F-∂m¬ F-Xn¿-enw-K-tØm-Sv tXm-∂p-∂ B-I¿-j-WØn-\- v- H-cp {]-tXy-I-X-bp-≠v. A-Xv kv-t\-l-Øn-s‚ th-jw sI-´n-b B-I¿-j-W-am-Wv. A-Xn-\p kv-t\-lØn-s‚ cq-]-hpw, `m-h-hpw, tIm-e-hp-ap-≠v. A-Xp-sIm≠m-Wv A-Xn-s\ kv-t\-lw F-∂v sX-‰n-≤-cn-°p-∂Xpw. t{]-a-hpw, kv-t\-l-hpw, C-„-hpw Iq-´n-°p-g-®p-sIm-≠v kw-km-cn-°-cp-Xv. t{]-a-hpw kv-t\-l-hpw H-∂-√. t{]aw H-cp s\-K-‰o-hv ]-Z-am-Wv. kv-t\-lw t]m-kn-‰o-hpw. Rm≥ sa- n-sb kv-t\-ln-°p-∂p, ^p-Sv-t_m-fn-s\ kvt\-ln-°p-∂p, k-®n-s\ kv-t\-ln-°p-∂p F-s∂m-s° Nn-e¿ ]-d-bp-∂-Xv tI-´n-´p-≠v. A-Xv i-cn-b-√. Im-cWw, \n-߃-°v kn-\n-am-Xm-c-ß-tf-bpw ]m-´p-Im-tcbpw ^p-Sv-t_mƒ Xm-c-ß-sf-bp-sam-∂pw kv-t\-ln°m≥ I-gn-bp-I-bn-√. t{]-an-°m-t\ I-gn-bq. H-cp-X-cØn-ep-ap-≈ ]-cn-N-b-hpw _-‘-hp-an-√m-Ø C-h-sc \n߃-°v F-ß-s\-bm-Wv- kv-t\-ln-°m≥ I-gn-bp-I? A-h-cn-ep-≈ F-¥n-s\-tbm \n-߃ C-„-s∏-Sp-∂p. A-Xm-W- v- A-h-sc-bpw C-„-s∏-Sm≥ Im-c-W-am-b-Xv. ]s£ B C-„-Øn-s\m-cp B-bp- p-≠v. \n-߃ A-hcn-se F-¥n-s\-bm-tWm C-„-s∏-´-Xv A-Xv F-∂v Ah-km-\n-°p-t∂m A-∂v A-h-tcm-Sp-≈ \n-ß-fp-sS C„-hpw A-h-km-\n-°pw. C-Xn-s\-bm-Wv- t{]-aw F-∂v hn-fn-°p-∂-X-.v`w-Kn am-{Xw e-£yw sh-®v H-cp s]-Æn-s\ t{]-an-°p∂ H-cmƒ-°- v- F-{X Im-ew h-sc B s]-Æn-s\ t{]-an°m≥ I-gn-bp-sa-∂-dn-bp-tam? H-∂p-In¬ B s]-Æn-

s‚ `w-Kn \-„-s∏-´p F-∂v A-bmƒ-°v- tXm-∂p-∂-Xv h-sc, A-s√-¶n¬ B s]-Æn-t\-°mƒ `w-Kn-bp-≈ thsd s]-Æn-s\ Im-Wp-∂-Xv h-sc. A-h-sf-s‚ F-√m-am-Wv F-s∂m-s° A-`n-am-\-tØmSv Iq-Sn-bpw i-–w D-b¿-Øn-s°m-≠p-sam-s° ]-d-bp∂-h-sc \-Ωƒ I-≠n-´p-≠v. hn-Im-cm-th-i-Øm¬ Fs¥m-s°-tbm ]-d-bp-I F-∂-√m-sX A-Xn-\p th-sd A¿-∞-sam-∂p-an-√. I-≈- v- Ip-Sn-® Bƒ ÿ-e-Im-e-t_m-[w \-„-s∏-´p Fs¥m-s°-tbm hn-fn-®p ]-d-bm-dp-≠-.v- A-Xn-\p Im-c-Ww i-co-c-Øn-se kn-d-t´m-Wn≥ F-∂ sI-an-°-en-s‚ A`m-hw aq-e-am-Wv. A-Xn-s‚ A-f-hv Ip-d-™m¬ ÿ-eIm-e t_m-[w \-„-s∏-Spw. A-Xv X-s∂-bm-Wv C-hn-sSbpw kw-`-hn-®-Xv. Im-ap-In-bp-sS Im-cy-Øn-tem `m-cy-bp-sS Im-cy-Øntem B-fl-l-Xy Iq-Sp-X¬? Im-ap-In-bp-sS Im-cy-Øn-em-W-.v- F-¥p-sIm-≠v? Im-apIn-tbm-Sp-≈ A-tß-b-‰-sØ kv-t\-lw sIm-≠m-Wv B-fl-l-Xy sN-øp-∂-sX-¶n¬ `m-cy-tbm-Sv C-hn-sS B¿-°pw kv-t\-l-an-t√? H-∂v e-l-cn-bpw a-t‰-Xp kvt\-l-hp-am-Wv. sIm-°-bv≥ t]m-ep-≈ e-l-cn-bm-Wv t{]-aw F-∂v C-Xn-s\ Ip-dn-®v ]T-\w \-S-Øn-b-h¿ ]d-™n-´p-≠v. e-l-cn Po-hn-X-Øn-s‚ `m-K-am-bm¬ ]n-s∂ A-Xn-√msX Po-hn-°p-I F-∂-Xv A-km-[y-a-s√-¶n-epw {]-bmk-am-Wv. B {]-bm-k-sØ X-c-Ww sN-øp-∂-Xn¬ ]cm-P-b-s∏-´ Im-ap-I-∑m-cm-Wv B-fl-l-Xy-°v ap-Xn-cp∂-Xv. C°-m-cy-Øn¬ tlm¿tam-Wn-\pw s{_-bn-\n-\pap ≠v ]-¶v. tlm¿-tam¨ \p-W-b-\pw hn-iz-kn- °m≥ km-[n-°m-Ø-h-\p-am-Wv. F-∂m¬ s{_-bn≥ k-Xyk-‘-\pw hn-izm-k-tbm-Ky-\p-am-Wv. tlm¿-tam¨ Hm¥n-s\-t∏m-se-bm-Wv. A-Xp-sIm-≠v tlm¿-tam¨ ImWn-®p X-cp-∂ B-sf {]-W-bn-°m≥ {i-an-°-cp-Xv. tJZn-t°-≠n h-cpw. tlm¿-tam¨ Im-Wn-®p X-cp-∂ Btfm-Sv \-ap-°p-≈ C-„-Øn-s‚ B-g-Øn-\p h-ep-∏-hpw B-bp- pw Ip-d-hm-bn-cn-°pw. lr-kz-Im-e _-‘-߃-°v am-{X-ta tlm¿-tam¨ ImWn-®p-X-cp-∂ B-sf ]-‰p-I-bp-≈q. \-ap-°v lr-kz-Ime _-‘-w F-s∂m-∂n-√, Zo¿-L-Im-e _-‘-ta-bp-≈q. A-Xn-\p s{_-bn≥ Im-Wn-®p X-cp-∂ B-sf ^n-‰m-hpI-bp-≈q!

˛_loPv _n.F. Cw-•ojv

62 kXyw ]-dªmÂ... k-XyaÃ!


sh-fn-®w Im-Wn-®p-X-∂p, C-cp-´n-te-°p t\m-°n Rm≥ hn-Nm-cn-®-sXm-s°-bpw F-{X I-f-hm-bn-cp-s∂-∂v!



ss college magazine 2016-17

"hnZy˛A-`ymkw' ¿-°v F-t∏mgpw hn-Zym`ym-k-Øns‚ A-f-hp-tIm-em-Wv. "F πkv' I-fp-sS F-Æw Iq-Sn-b-h¿ "k-b≥-kv' X-s∂ ]Tn-°-Ww F-∂-Xv k-aq-l-Øn¬ \n-e \n¬-°p-s∂m-cp ap≥-hn-[n-bmWv.


B ap≥-hn-[n-°p ap∂n-¬ l-\n°-s∏-Sp-∂-Xv. hn-Zym¿-∞n-I-fpsS A-`n-cp-Nn-I-fpw Xm-Xv-]-cyß-fp-am-Wv. Iq-Wp-t]m-se ap-f®p s]m-¥p-∂ A¿-≤ k¿°m¿, Cw-•o-jv ao-Un-bw kv-Iqfp-Iƒ-°pw hn-Zym-`ym-k ÿm]-\-߃-°pw ]n-∂n¬ an°t∏m-gpw a-X-cm-{„o-b kw-LS-\-I-fp-≠v. cm-{„-o-b-tam kmº-Øn-I-tam B-W-v A-h-cp-sS e-£y-ß-ƒ. \yq-\-]-£-ß-fpsS hn-Zym-`ym-k kmw-kv-Im-cn-I D-∂-a-\w F-∂-sXm-cp s]-cpw

\p-W-bm-Wv. `-c-W-Øn-te-dp-∂h-cp-sS B-i-b {]-Nm-c-W am[y-a-ß-fm-Wv sS-Iv-Ãv _p-°pIƒ. ^m-kn-Ãv i-‡n-Iƒ Bi-b {]-Nm-c-W-Øn-\v hn-Zy-`ymk-sØ h-f-sc-tb-td D-]-tbm-Ks∏-Sp-Øn-bn-´p-≠v. A-Xp-sIm≠m-Wv ^m-kn-Ãv K-h¨-sa‚pI-fn¬ hn-Zym-`ym-k a-{¥nam¿°v h-en-b ÿm-\w \¬-I-s∏Sp-∂-Xv. ap-t m-fn-\n Pn-tbm-h-\n Pss‚-en-\p ÿm-\w \¬-In-bXp-t]m-se. \m-kn-kv-‰v P¿-a-\n-bn¬ sS-Ivkv-‰v _p-°p-I-fn¬ ln-‰ve¿ hnip-≤-\m-°-s∏-´-Xp-t]m-se C∂pw ]-e-tc-bpw hm-gv-Ø-s∏-Sm\p-≈n-S-am-Wv sS-Iv-Ãv _p-°pIƒ.

˛Bjn-Iv A-lΩ-Zv kn. _n.F-kv.kn ^n-kn-Ivkv


ss college magazine 2016-17

\oXn-°v Xp-cp-ºv tI-d-p-tºmƒ ¬ C-‰-en-bp-sS sX- ° p- ` m- K - Ø v kn-kn-en-bn¬ bq-tdm-∏n-em-sI _m-[n-® H-cp a-lm-amcn s]m-´n-]p-d-s∏-´p. Im-´p Xo I-W-s° bq-tdm-∏n-em-sI A-Xv ]-S¿-∂p-I-b-dn. a-c-W-hpw A-c-£n-Xm-h-ÿ-bpw kr„n-® tπ-Kv tcm-K-am-bn-cp-∂p B hn-]Øv. bp-tdm-∏m-I-am-\w- _m-[n-® Cu tcm-Kw A-hn-sS-sØ P-\-kw-Jy-bp-sS A-dp-]-Xv i-X-am-\w h-sc I-h¿-s∂-SpØ-Xm-bn N-cn-{Xw ]-d-bp-∂p. Cu tπKv _m-[n-X-cp-sS D-d-hn-Sw Pq-X-∑m-cn¬ \n-∂m-sW-∂m-Wv bq-tdm-∏n¬ {]-N-cn°-s∏-´-Xv. Pq-X-∑m¿ bq-tdm-∏n-se InW-dp-I-fn¬ hn-jw I-e¿-Øp-I-bpw tijw C-Ø-cw s]m-Xp-In-W-dp-I-fn¬ \n∂v sh-≈-sa-Sp-°m-sX hn-´p-\n¬-°pI-bpw sN-bv-Xp F-∂ Inw-h-Z-¥n hen-b tXm-Xn¬ {]-N-cn-°-s∏-´p. hw-io-b hn-tZz-j-Øn¬ Nm-en-s®Sp-Ø Cu I-≈-°-Y tπ-Kv t]mse bq-tdm-∏m-sI ]-S¿-∂p. X¬^-e-am-bn Pq-X-∑m¿ A-{I-a-WØn-\pw Iq-´-s°m-e-Iƒ-°pw hnt[-b-am-bn.


1894 em-Wv "_q-t_m-Wn-Iv tπKv' F-∂ Cu tcm-K-Øn-s‚ b-Ym¿-∞ Im-c-Ww I-s≠Øn-b-Xv. F-en-bp-sS tcm-aØn-\n-S-bn¬ I-gn-™p-Iq-Sp∂ H-cp-X-cw sN-≈p- ap-tJ-\bm-Wv tcm-Kw ]-c-°p-∂-sX∂m-bn-cp-∂p I-≠p-]n-Sp-Øw. Hcp k-aq-l-sØ D-∑q-e-\w sNøm≥ th-≠n hw-io-b hn-tZz-j {]-Nm-cß-sf F-ß-s\ D-]-tbm-K-s∏-Sp-Øp∂p F-∂-Xn-s‚ N-cn-{X-km-£y-am-Wv Cu kw-`-hw.

C-sXm-cp a-lm A-_-‘-am-bn-cp-∂p-sh∂v bq-tdm-∏v ]n-∂o-Sv Xn-cn-®-dn-bp-I-bpw B‚n-sk-an-‰n-k-sØ Ip-‰-Ir-Xy-am-bn {]-Jym-]n-®p-sIm-≠v \n-b-a-\n-¿-am-Ww\S-Øp-I-bpw sN-bv-Xp. N-cn-{X-am-b Cu kw-`-h-hn-Im-k-ß-sf h¿-Ø-am-\- Im-eØn-cp-∂v t\m-°n-°m-Wp-tºmƒ ta¬- ]-d-™-Xn¬ h-en-b am-‰-sam∂pw ]p-Xn-b -Im-e-Øv kw-`-hn-®n-´n-√. Xn-c-°-Y am-dm-sX t]-cp-Iƒ-°pw IYm-]m-{X-߃-°pw am-{X-ta am-‰w h-∂n´p-≈q-sh-∂ bm-Ym¿-∞yw a-d-\o-°n sh-fn-s∏-´p- In-S-°p-I-bm-Wv.

66 kXyw ]-dªmÂ... k-XyaÃ!

UAPA-tI-kp-Iƒ \-Ωp-sS tI-c-fØn-te-sX-Sp-Øv ]-cn-tim-[n-®m¬ A-Xn-s‚ F-Æw \mƒ-°p-\mƒ h-¿-≤n-®p-sIm-≠ncn-°p-I-bm-Wv-.

a-\p-jym-h-Im-iß-sf-Ip-dn-®pw P-\m-[n-]-Xy-sØ Ip-dn-®pw hm-tXmcm-sX kw-km-cn°p-∂ \-Ωp-sS C-¥y-bn¬ X-s∂bm-Wv ^m-kn-kw ^-f-ap-b¿-Øn \n¬-°p-∂-Xv

P-\m-[n-]-Xy cm-Py-ß-fp-sS A-¥x- Ø F-¥m-bn-cn-°-W-sa-∂-Xn-s\-°p-dn®v sF-Iy-cm-{„-k-` ]p-d-Øn-d-°n-b \b-tc-Jbp-≠v. "H-cp cm-Py-sØ kp-Xmcy sX-sc-s™-Sp-∏v {]-{In-b-tb°mƒ ]u-c-∑m-cp-sS {]m-Y-an-I ]u-cmh-Im-i-߃ kw-c-£n-°-s∏-Sp-I-bmsW-∂-Xm-Wv B cm-Py-sØ P-\m-[n-]Xy cm-{„-sa-∂ ]-Z-hn-°v A¿-l-am-Ip∂-sX-∂v' \-b-tc-J sh-fn-s∏-Sp-Øp∂p. F-∂m¬ Cu \-b-tc-J {]-Im-cw tem-I-Øn-se G-‰-hpw h-en-b P-\m[n-]-Xy-cm-Py-am-bn C-¥y-sb hn-e-bn-cpØp-∂-Xn¬ A¬-]w Pm-fy-X-bp-≠v. Chn-sS Cu A-h-Im-i-߃ Nn-e¿-°v kp-e-`-am-hp-I-bpw Nn-e hn-`-m-K-߃-°v In-´m-°-\n-bm-hp-I-bpw sN-øp-∂p. `-cW-Iq-Sw \-S-∏m-°n-s°m-≠n-cn-°p-∂ Icn-\n-b-a-߃ A-Xn-s‚ `m-K-am-Wv. 1857 se H-∂mw kzm-X-{¥y-k-a-c-sØ A-Sn-s®m-Xp-°p-∂-Xn-s‚ `m-K-am-bm-Wv C-¥y-bn¬ `o-I-c-\n-b-a-߃ \n-ehn¬ h-∂-Xv. X-߃ tIm-f-\n-bm-°n-b C-¥y-bn-se ]u-c-∑m-sc A-Sn-®-a¿-Øn {]-Ir-Xn-hn-`-h-ß-fpw s]m-Xp-k- ºØpw sIm-≈-b-Sn-°p-∂-Xn-\v th- ≠nbm-Wv {_n-´o-jp-Im¿ Cu \n-b-a߃ ]-S-®p-≠m-°n-b-Xv. 124 A F-∂ h-Ip-∏v {]-Im-c-ap-≈ cm-Py-t{Zm-l-Ip-‰w kzm-X-{¥y k-a-c-t\-Xm-°ƒ-°v t\-scbm-Wv D-]-tbm-Kn-®n-cp-∂-Xv. 1922 ¬ "bw-Kv C-¥y' ]-{X-Øn¬ {]-kn-≤o-I-cn® Km-‘n-Pn-bp-sS aq-∂v te-J-\-ß-f-psS t]-cn¬ A-t±-l-Øn-s‚ t\-sc-bpw cm-Py-t{Zm-l-Ip-‰w Np-a-Øn `-c-W-Iq-Sw X-S-hn-em-°p-I-bp-≠m-bn. C-Xp- kw-_ -‘-am-bn Km-‘n-Pn ]n-∂o-Sv C-ßns\ ]-d-bp-I-bp-≠m-bn: "\n-b-aw-sIm≠v kr-jv-Sn-°m-hp-∂-tXm \n-b-{¥n°m-hp-∂-tXm A-√ tZ-i-kv-t\-lw. Hcmƒ-°v a-s‰m-cm-tfm-Sv kv-t\-l-an-s√¶n¬, X-s‚ \o-c-kw {]-I-Sn-∏n-°m≥ A-bmƒ-°v ]q¿-Æ-kzm-X-{¥yw \¬-IWw. tZ-i-t{Zm-l- \n-b-a-Øn-s‚ t]cn¬ Nm¿-Pv sN-ø-s∏-´ Nn-e tI-kpIƒ Rm≥ ]-cn-tim-[n-®p. C-¥y- I-≠

h-en-b cm-Py-kv-t\-ln-Iƒ C-tX \n-ba-Øn-s‚ t]-cn¬ P-bn-en-e-S-°-s∏-´-Xv F-s‚ `m-Ky-am-bn Rm≥ I-cp-Xp-∂p.' ]n-∂o-Sv cm-Pyw kz-X-{¥-am-b-t∏mƒ Hcp P-\m-[n-]-Xy cm-Py-Øn-\-\p-tbm-Pyhpw Im-tem-Nn-X-hp-am-b \n-b-a-߃ cq-]-s∏-Sp-Øp-∂-Xn-\v ]-I-cw ]-g-b-Xnt\-°mƒ `o-I-c-am-b \n-b-a-߃ Nps´-Sp-°p-I-bm-bn-cp-∂p `-c-W-Iq-S-߃ sN-bv-X-Xv. F-Xn¿-i-–-ß-sf A-Sns®m-Xp-°m≥ D-t±-in-®p-sIm-≠p-≈ CØ-cw \n-b-a-\n¿-am-W-߃ ]-S-®p-≠m°p-∂-Xv "G-‰-hpw h-en-b P-\m-[n-]Xy' cm-Py-Øn-\p ap≥-]n¬ ho-≠pw tNm-Zy-Nn-”-am-hp-I-bm-Wv. {]n-h‚ v Un-‰≥-j≥ B-Œv, Un-^≥-kv Hm-^v C-¥y≥ dqƒ, F-kv-a, A-^vk- ], Sm-U, t]m-´, a-tIm-I, Xp-S-ßnb-h C-h-bn¬ Nn-e-Xv am-{Xw. G-‰-hp-ah-km-\w UAPA bpw. cm-Py-Øv \-S-∏n-em°n-b C-Ø-cw `o-I-c \n-b-a-߃ B¿°v th- ≠n-bm-Wv? G-Xv `o-I-c{]-h¿Ø-\-am-Wv C-Xn-eq-sS X-S-™-Xv? I≈-°-Y-I-fp-sS t]-cn¬ h¿-j-ß-tfmfw P-bn-en¬ I-gn-™v ]n-∂o-Sv \n-c-]cm-[n-sb- ∂p hn-[n-sb-gp-Xn ]p-d-Øn-dßn-b-h-cp-sS F-Æ-a-s{X? Xp-S-ßn tNm-Zy-߃ hn-i-Z-am-b -hn-i-I-e-\Øn-\v hn-t[-b-am-t°-≠-Xp-≠v. a-Wn-∏q-cn-se {]-tXy-I km-bp-[ ssk\ym-[n-Im-c \n-b-aw (AFSPA) 1964 ¬ \S-∏n-em-°p-tºmƒ A-hn-sS-bp-≠m-bn-cp∂-Xv G-tgm-fw km-bp-[ kw-L-߃ C-t∏m-ƒ A-dp-]-Xn-e-[n-I-am-bn h¿-≤n®n-´p-≠v. A-hn-sS `o-I-c-hm-Z-tam kmbp-[ t]m-cm-´-tam A-√ C-√m-Xm-bXv. ]-I-cw B-sc-bpw hn-Nm-c-W-bn-√mX h-[n-°m-\p-≈ ssk-\y-Øn-s‚ A[n-Im-c-am-Wv h¿-≤n-®-Xv. C-tdmw i¿-anf-bp-sS H-∂-c- ]-Xn-‰m-≠n-e-[n-Iw \o≠ \n-cm-lm-c-k-a-c-hpw P-\m-[n-]-Xy k¿-°m-dn-\p t\-tc-bp-≈ tNm-Zy-am-bncp-∂p. 1985 ap-X¬ 10 h¿-jw-sIm-≠v cm-PyØv Sm-U \n-b-a-{]-Im-cw 76036 t]¿


ss college magazine 2016-17

A-d-Ãv sN-ø-s∏-´n-cp-∂p. C-Xn¬ H- 2008 se kv-t^m-S-\-tI-kn-se 8˛mw cp i-X-am-\w t]¿-°v am-{X-am-Wv Ip- {]-Xn-bm-bn B-tcm-]n-°-s∏-´ k-I-cnb 19˛mw h-b- n-em-Wv A-d-Ãv sN-ø‰w sX-fn-™v in-£ e-`n-®-Xv. s∏-Sp-∂-Xv. Kq-Vm-tem-N-\ \-S-Ønt]m-´ \n-b-a {]-Im-cw 1030 t]-sc sb-∂m-tcm-]n-®v H-º-Xv h¿-j-tØmA-d-Ãv-sN-bv-Xp. C-Xn¬ hn-Nm-c-W fw _w-•q-cn¬ X-S-hn-em-°-s∏-´ b]q-¿-Øn-bm-°n-b-h-bn¬ 13 t]¿ am- lvb I-Ωp-°p-´n \n-c-]-cm-[n-bm-sW{X-am-Wv in-£-n-°-s∏-´-Xv. ]n-∂o-Sv ∂ tIm-S-Xn hn-[n-sb-gp-Xn-b-Xv Cui-‡-am-b F-Xn¿-∏n-s\ Xp-S¿-∂v Sm- b-Sp-Ø-m-Wv. A-Xp-t]m-se am-thmU-bpw t]m-´-bpw ]n≥-h-en-°p-I-bm- bn-kv-‰v c-l-ky- tbm-Kw Iq-Sn-sb-∂mWp-≠m-b-Xv. F-¶n-epw Cu I-cn-\n-b- tcm-]n-®v am-th-en-°-c-bn¬ \n-∂v a-ß-fp-sS t]-cn¬ A-d-Ãn-em-b ]-e- 2012 Un-kw-_¿ 29 \v tI-c-fm t]mcpw C-t∏m-gpw P-bn-en¬ \-c-I-bm-X- eo-kv ]n-Sn-Iq-Sn-b ]-Xn-\m-dpw ]\-b-\p-`-hn-°p-∂p. ]n-∂o-Sm-Wv UAPA F-∂ \n-b-aw ]m¿e-sa‚v t`-Z-K-Xn sN-bv-Xv \-S-∏n-em°p-∂-Xv. A-Xn-s‚ N-cn-{X-hpw \mƒ h-gn-I-fpw C-hn-sS Ip-dn-°-p∂n-√. ]pXn-b t`-Z-K-Xn-{]-Im-cw UAPA Np-aØm≥ `-c-W-Iq-S-Øn-\pw A-t\z-jW G-P≥-kn-Iƒ-°pw C-∂v h-f-sc F-fp-∏-am-Wv. H-cmƒ Ip-‰w sN-bv-Xpsh-∂v G-sX-¶n-epw hy-‡n-tbm tcJ-tbm \¬-Ip-∂ hn-h-cwsh-®v At\z-j-W D-tZym-K-ÿ-\v A-bm-sf sX-c-™v ]n-Sn-°m-\pw A-bm-fp-sS hkv-Xp-h-I-Iƒ ]n-Sn-s®-Sp-°m-\pw A-dÃv-sN-øm-\pw UAPA bn¬ hy-h-ÿ-bp≠v. t]m-eo-kv D-tZym-K-ÿ-cp-sS Aan-Xm-[n-Im-c-Øn-\v h-fw sh-®p-sImSp-°p-∂ Im-S≥ \n-b-a-am-Wn-sX-∂Xn¬ kw-i-b-an-√. G-sd A-]-I-S-I-cam-b a-s‰m-cp h-kv-Xp-X t]m-eo-kv DtZym-K-Øn-se ÿm-\-I-b-‰-Øn-\v th-≠n-bp-≈ {]-tem-`-\-ß-fn¬ ]-cam-h-[-n tI-kp-Iƒ Nm¿-Pv sN-øphm≥ C-Ø-cw \n-b-a-߃ G-sd klm-b-I-am-hp-∂p-sh-∂-Xm-Wv.

b A-`n-{]m-b kzm-X-{¥y-w, B-i-b {]-t_m-[-\-hpw Xp-S-ßn-b-h-sb l\n-°m-\pw UAPA D-]-tbm-Kn-®p-Xp-S-ßnsb-∂v I-a¬. kn. N-h-d-°pw, \-Zo-dn\pw, Fw. Fw. A-Iv-_-dn-\pw F-Xnsc-bp-≈ \o-°-߃ kq-Nn-∏n-°p∂p. a-\p-jym-h-Im-i-ß-sf-°p-dn-®pw P\m-[n-]-Xy-sØ-°p-dn-®pw hm-tXm-cmsX kw-km-cn-°p-∂ \-Ωp-sS C-¥ybn¬ X-s∂-bm-Wv ^m-kn-kw ^-Wap-b¿-Øn \n¬-°p-∂-Xv. hn-Nm-c-Wt]m-epw Iq-Sm-sX X-S-hn-em-°-s∏-´ C-h-cp-sS a-\p-jym-h-Im-iw X-S-hn¬ In-S-∂v Xp-cp-ºv tI-dp-∂p. ]p-cm-W-ß-fn¬ H-cp Iu-Xp-I I-Ybp-≠v. {io-cm-a e-£-a-W-∑m-cp-sS h\-hm-k-°m-ew. \-S-∂p X-f¿-∂ Ah¿ hn-{i-an-°m≥ H-cn-S-Øn-cp-∂p. hn-√v Nm-cn-sh--°m≥ ÿ-e-an-√m-sX {io-cm-a≥ A-Sp-Øv I-≠ H-cp s]mØn¬ A-Xv Ip-Øn-bn-d-°n-sh-®p. Ip-d-®v k-a-bw C-cp-∂v hn-{i-an-®n-´v bm-{X Xp-S-cm≥ H-cp-ßn-b-t∏mƒ hn√v h-en-®q-cn-sb-Sp-Ø {io-cm-a≥ hnj-Æ-\m-bn. hn-√n-s‚ -ap-\-ºn¬ H-cp Im-´p-X-h-f X-d-™n-cn-°p-∂p. {io-cma≥ tNm-Zn-®p: ""]m-h-ta, hn¬-ap-\ sXm-´-t∏mƒ \o-sbm-∂v \n-e-hn-fn-° m-sX-¥v?'' X-h-f ]-Xp-s° ]-d-™p: ""F-s‚ A-Ω ]-d-™p- X-∂n-´p-≠v, G-Xm-]-Øv h-cp-tºm-gpw c-m-a c-m-a F-∂v hn-fn-°-W-sa-∂v. ]-s£ cma≥ X-s∂ F-s∂ hn-√n¬ tIm¿-°ptºmƒ Rm≥ B-sc-bm-Wv hn-fn-t°≠-Xv?''

Øpw h-b- p-≈ Ip-´n-I-fm-Wv B-anbpw k-th-c-bpw. a-Wn-°q-dp-I-tfm-fw C-h-sc hn-Nm-c-W -sN-øp-I-bp-≠m-bn. C-ß-s\ UAPA tI-kp-I-fp-sS I-W°p-Iƒ C-\n-bpw \o-fp-∂-p. C-hn-sS \n-c-Øn-sh-®-Xv UAPA I-Y-I-fp-sS tIc-fo-b- ]-Xn-∏n-s‚ H-cp No-¥v -am-{Xam-Wv.

\-Ωp-sS tI-c-f-Øn-se UAPA tI-kp-Isf-Sp-Øv ]-cn-tim-[n-®m¬ A-Xns‚ F-Æw \mƒ-°p-\mƒ h-¿-≤n-®psIm-≠n-cn-°p-I-bm-Wv. A-h-bn-se Nn-e kp-{]-[m-\ D-Zm-l-c-W-ß-fm-Wv A-–p-\m-k¿ a-Av-Z-\n, ]-c-∏-\-ßm-Sn kz-tZ-in k-°-cn-b, I-Æq¿ tkz-tZi-n-fm-b k-ao¿, j-d-^p-≤o≥ Xp-S-ßn- G-‰-hpw H-Sp-hn-em-bn `-c-W-L-S-\ Db-h-cp-sS tI-kp-Iƒ. d-∏p-\¬-Ip-∂ au-en-Im-h-Im-i-ß-fm-

\o-Xn-bp-sS A-h-km-\ ]p-e-cn-sh-´sØ-sb-¶n-epw In-\m-hp-I-≠ \n- lm-b-\m-b H-cp Im-´p-X-h-f-bp-sS Zo\-tcm-[-\w I-Y-bn-se cm-a-s\ D-Øcw ap-´n-®n-´p-≠m-hpw. C-Xp-t]m-se, B-Xy-¥n-I-am-bn \o-Xn-bp-sS AØm-Wn-bm-tI-≠ tIm-S-Xn k-ap-®b-߃ X-s∂ ]o-V-\ tK-l-ß-fmIp-∂-Xn-s‚ h¿-Ø-am-\-¥-co-£Øn¬ ap-gp-h≥ `-c-W-Iq-S `o-I-c-Xs°-Xn-cn-epw Np-h-Sp-d-∏n-°m≥ a-\p-

68 kXyw ]-dªmÂ... k-XyaÃ!

jy-kv-t\-ln-Iƒ-°p-≈ D-W¿-Øp-]m´m-bn B hn-em-]w cq-]m-¥-cw {]m-]n°p-∂p. Xm-Sn h-f¿-Øn-b-Xn-\v tIm-tfPn¬ \n-∂v ]p-d-Øm-b hn-Zym¿-∞n-Ifp-sS l-c-Pn ]-cn-K-Wn-°-sh Xm-en-_ss\-tk-j≥ A-\p-h-Zn-°m-\m-hn-s√∂ ]-cm-a¿-iw \-S-Øn-b ]m-c-º-cy-hpw \-Ωp-sS tIm-S-Xn-Iƒ-°p-≠-t√m. cm-Py-hpw `-c-W-Iq-S-hpw H-∂m-sW-∂v h-cp-tºm-gm-Wv `-c-W-Iq-Sw B-kq-{XWw sN-øp-∂ `o-I-cm-{I-a-W-ß-fpw Xo{h-hm-Z-th-´-bpw cm-Py-Øn-s‚ s]m-XpXm¬-]-cy-am-bn- am-dp-∂-Xv. UAPA F-∂ I-cn-\n-b-aw A-Sn-t®¬-∏n-°-s∏-´v X-S-hd-I-fn¬ Po-hn-Xw tlm-an-®v Xo¿-°p∂p A-t\-I-am-bn-cw X-S-hp-Im¿ Cubp-‡n-bn-√m-bv-a-bp-sS Po-hn-®n-cn-°p-∂ c-‡-km-£n-I-fm-Wv.

`-c-W-Iq-S-Øn-s‚ Cu A-{I-a-tWm¬kp-I-X-sb F-ß-s\ a-dn-I-S-°mw F∂ Nn-¥-bm-Wv h¿-Ø-am-\-°m-e-Øv Hm-tcm ]u-c-\pw D-≠m-bn-cn-t°-≠-Xv. P-\m-[n-]-Xy-t_m-[-hpw -a-\p-jym-hIm-i-ß-fpw cq-]-sa-Sp-Ø-Xv iq-\y-Xbn¬\n-∂m-bn-cp-∂n-√. a-dn-®v Xo-£v-Wam-b A-h-Im-i t]m-cm-´-Øn-eq-sS Xs∂-bm-bn-cp-∂p. `-c-W-Iq-S-sØ hn-a¿in-°m≥ km-[n-°p-∂ H-cp km-l-N-cysØ-bm-Wv \mw P-\m-[n-]-Xy-sa-∂p hn-fn-°p-∂-Xv. A-√m-sXm-cp km-l-Ncyw ^m-kn-k-Øn-s‚-Xm-Wv. tbm-Pn°m-\p-≈ A-h-Im-iw F-√m G-Im-[n]-Xn-I-fpw A-\p-h-Zn-®p X-cp-∂-Xm-Wv. hn-tbm-Pn-°m-\p-≈ kzm-X-{¥yw P-\m[n-]-Xy A-¥-co-£-Øn¬ am-{Xw e-`yam-Ip-∂-Xm-Wv. A-Xn-\m¬ `-c-W-Iq-S-

C-¥y-bn-se UAPA tI-kp-Iƒ: 2015-¬ hn-Nm-c-W A-h-km-\n-® Ip-‰m-tcm-]n-X-cp-sS F-Æw in-£n-°-s∏-´-h¿ \n-c-]-cm-[n-Iƒ in-£m \n-c-°v hn-Nm-c-W Xo¿-∂ tI-kp-I-fp-sS F-Æw H-cm-sf-¶n-epw in-£n-°-s∏-´ tI-kp-Iƒ ap-gp-h≥ t]-sc-bpw hn-´-b-® tI-kp-Iƒ in-£n-°-s∏-´ tI-kp-I-fp-sS \n-c-°v `-c-W-Iq-S-Øn-s‚ hn-I-k-\- Im-gv-N-∏mSp-I-fpw Xm¬-]-cy-ß-fpw F-t∏m-gpw cm-Py-Øn-s‚ hn-I-k-\-am-bm-Wv sIm´n-tLm-jn-°m-dp-≈-Xv. A-ß-s\-bm-Iptºmƒ hn-I-k-\-Øn-\v F-Xn-cv \n¬°p-∂-h-¿ hn-I-k-\-hn-tcm-[n-Iƒ am{X-a-√ cm-Py-t{Zm-ln-Iƒ Iq-Sn-bm-hp-Ibm-Wv. cm-Py-Øn-s‚ kw-kv-Im-c-hpw ss]-Xr-I-hpw h≥ A-W-s°-´p-I-fn¬ ap-ßn-t∏m-Ip-∂-Xn-s\-Xn-sc B-Zn-hmkn-I-fpw {Km-ao-W-I¿-j-I-cpw \-S-Øp∂ \¿-Ω-Z k-a-cw tZ-i-hn-cp-≤-am-Ip-∂Xv A-ßn-s\-bm-Wv. Iq-S-¶p-fw A-S-°ap-≈ F-Æ-a-‰ P-\-Io-b k-a-c-߃ cm-Py-hn-cp-≤-sa-∂ t]-cn¬ C-t∏m-gpw A-Sn-®-a¿-Ø-s∏-´p-sIm-≠n-cn-°p-∂p.

˛ 107 ˛ 23 ˛ 84 ˛ 27% ˛ 76 ˛ 11 ˛ 65 ˛ 14.5%

sØ tNm-Zyw sN-øm-\pw hn-a¿-in-°m\p-≈ H-cp s]m-Xp C-S-sØ hn-I-kn-∏n®p-sIm-≠v am-{X-ta a-\p-jym-h-Im-iß-sf Ip-dn-®p-≈ \n-d-ap-≈ kz-]v-\߃ \-ap-°v s\-bv-sX-Sp-°m-\m-hp-Ibp-≈q.

˛\nlmZv. bp. Fw.F-kv.kn. am-Xvkv


ss college magazine 2016-17

Nc n{Xw: ]p-\¿-hm-b-\ B-hiytam?


-√m P-\-X-bp-sS-bpw {]tZ-i-ß-fp-sS-bpw \n-e\n¬-]n-t\-bpw A-`n-am-\sØ-bpw D-b¿-Øm-\pw {h-W-s∏-Sp-Øm-\pw F-°m-e-Øpw D-]tbm-Kn-®p-h-cp-∂ H-cp B-bp-[-am-Wv Ncn-{Xw. N-cn-{X-Øn-se H-cp Ip-tØm tIm-a-tbm am-bv-®p I-f-™m¬, A-s√¶n¬ Nn-e \n- m-c hm-°p-Iƒ sh-´n°-f-™m¬ N-cn-{Xw H-∂m-sI am-dn-tb°mw. Zn-i-am-dn-sbm-∂p hm-bn-®m-epw aXn, N-cn-{X-Øn-s‚ hy-h-ÿ X-s∂ XI¿-∂-Sn-bm≥! sF-Xn-ly-߃ N-cn-{X-hp-am-bn Iq-´n°-e¿-Øp-∂-Xv sh-dpw H-cp I-e-bm-Wv C-∂v; {]-tXy-In-®v C-¥y-bn¬. C-¥ybn¬ ]-e N-cn-{Xkw-`-h-ß-fpw ]-e coXn-bn¬ hym-Jym-\n-°-s∏-´n-´p-≠v. hym-Jym-\-ß-fn-sem-s° hym-Jym-Xm°-fp-sS hn-izm-k-ß-fpw Np-‰p-]m-Sp-Ifpw kzm-[o-\n-®n-´p-ap-≠v. H-t´-sd D-Zm-

l-c-W-߃ \-ap-°n-Xn-\v Im-Wm-\mIpw. A-Xn-sem-∂m-Wv a-e-_m¿ I-em]w! C-¥y≥ N-cn-{X-Øn¬ G-‰-hpw Iq-SpX¬ N¿-® sN-ø-s∏-Sp-∂ h¿-j-am-Wv 1921. am-∏n-f I-em-]w F-∂-dn-b-s∏-Sp∂ a-e-_m¿ I-em-]w Cu h¿-j-Ønem-Wv s]m-´n-∏p-d-s∏-´-Xv. ]-e-cpw AXn-s\ km-{am-Py-Xz-hn-cp-≤- k-a-c-ambpw P-∑n-Xz hn-cp-≤-k-a-c-am-bpw hymJym-\n-°p-∂p-≠v. a-‰p-Nn-e¿ ln-µp°ƒ-s°-Xn-sc am-∏n-f-am¿ \-S-Øn-b kw-L-Sn-X t]m-cm-´-am-sW-∂pw ]-d-bp∂p. C-Xn¬ P-∑n-Xz hn-cp-≤-am-Wv F∂ hm-Zw Xo¿-Øpw i-cn-bm-Wv. F∂m¬, a-‰p c-≠p hm-Z-ß-fpw F-{XtØm-fw h-kv-Xp-Xm-]-c-am-Wv F-∂v B-tem-Nn-t°-≠-Xp-≠v. ln-µp-°ƒs°-Xn-sc \-S-∂ I-em-]-am-Wv F-∂Xn-\v A-Sn-ÿm-\ sX-fn-hp-Iƒ C-Xp-hsc e-`y-am-bn-´n-√. F-∂m¬ km-{am-Py-

70 kXyw ]-dªmÂ... k-XyaÃ!

Xzhn-cp-≤ t]m-cm-´-am-bn-cp-t∂m-sb-∂ h-kv-Xp-X C∂pw X¿-°- hn-j-b-am-bn A-h-ti-jn-°p-∂p. 1921 Im-e-sØ a-e-_m¿ {]-tZ-iw sN-dp-h-Æq¿, ^tdm-°v ap-X¬ a-Æm¿-°m-Sv h-sc hn-im-e-am-bn-cp-∂p. Cu Im-e-Øv C-kv-em-an-te-°v [m-cm-fw a-X-]-cn-h¿Ø-\w \-S-∂n-´p-≠v. Pm-Xn hy-h-ÿ-bpw A-Xn-s‚ Zpc-\p-`-h-ß-fpw k-ln-® A-h¿-Æ ln-µp-°-fm-Wv C-hcn¬ `q-cn-`m-K-hpw. Xo¿-Øpw a-X-]-c-am-bn am-{X-ta Ch¿ hn-Zy A-`y-kn-®n-cp-∂p-≈p. cm-{„o-b-]-c-am-tbm `u-Xn-I-]-c-am-tbm C-h¿ hn-Zym-k-º-∂-cm-bn-cp-∂n-√. A-h¿-°v km-{am-Py-Xz i-‡n-I-fp-sS km-º-Øn-I Nqj-W-sØ Ip-dn-®p-≈ cm-{„o-b ⁄m-\w In-´n-b-Xmbn N-cn-{X-Øn¬ tc-J-bn-√. a-X-]-c-am-b B-g-Øn-ep≈ A-dn-hpw A-h¿-°p-≠m-bn-cp-∂n-√. A-Xp-sIm-≠v X-s∂ A-h¿ h-f-sc ssh-Im-cn-I-am-bn {]-Xn-I-cn-°p∂-h-cm-bn-cp-∂p. Cu H-cp Iq-´w P-\-X-sb a-X-]-c-ambn D-tØ-Pn-∏n-°m≥ h-f-sc F-fp-∏-am-bn-cp-∂p. ]-≈nbn¬ \-Im-cw sIm-´n-bpw _m-¶p hn-fn-®pw B-bn-cp-∂p A-h¿ B-fp-I-sf Iq-´n-bn-cp-∂-Xv. N-cn-{Xw B-[n-Im-cn-Iw B-sW-∂p X-s∂-bm-Wv s]m Xp-th-bp-≈ hn-izm-kw. B -hn-izm-kw ]-t£, H-∂p tNm-Zyw sN-ø-s∏-tS-W-≠-Xp Iq-sS-bm-Wv. I-em-]-Øns‚ Xp-S-°-Øn¬ ln-µp-°ƒ k-l-I-cn-®n-cp-∂p-sh-¶nepw a-X-Øn-s‚ Om-b h-∂-t∏mƒ C-h¿ ]-Xn-sb AI-ew ]m-en-®p Xp-S-ßn. sh-≈n-bm-gv-® ]-≈n-bn¬ IqSn A-h¿ I-em-]-sØ-°p-dn-®v N¿-® sN-bv-Xp. Iem-]w A-{I-am-k-Iv-X-am-b-t∏mƒ tIm¨-{K-kv hn-´p \n-∂p. A-–p-d-ln-am≥ km-ln-_v I-em-]-sØ i-‡am-bn F-Xn¿-Øn-cp-∂p. tIm¨-{K-kv P-∑n-Iƒ-°v A\p-Iq-e-am-bn--am-dn F-∂ hm-Zw ]n-∂o-Sv D-b¿-∂p h-∂n´p-≠v. F-∂m¬ A-Xpw sX-‰m-Wv. Im-c-Ww, H-cp Im-cW-h-im-epw tIm¨-{K-kv P-∑n-Xz-Øn-\p h-g-ßp-I-bn√ F-∂p Xn-cn-®-dn-™-t∏m-gm-Wv B-\n _-k‚v tIm¨-{K-kv ao-‰nw-Kn¬ \n-∂pw C-d-ßn-t∏m-∂-Xv. P∑n-am-sc-√mw ]n-∂o-Sv tIm¨-{K-kn-s\ X-≈n-∏-d-™n´p-≠v Xm-\pw. tIm¨-{K-kv a-e-_m¿ I-em-]-sØ X-≈n-∏-d-™-Xv I-em-]-Im-cn-Iƒ- A-h-cp-sS B-i-b-Øn¬ \n-∂pw hyXn-N-en-®p F-∂p-≈-Xv sIm-≠m-Wv. Xp¿-°n-bn-se "bMv' aq-hv-sa‚n¬ \n-∂pw, d-jy-≥ hn-π-h-Øn¬-\n-∂psam-s° {]-tNm-Z-\w Dƒ-sIm-≠m-Wv C-¥y-bn-sem-´msI km-{am-Py-Xz hn-cp-≤ I-em-]-߃ D-≠m-°p-∂-Xv. {_n-´o-jp-Im¿ A-h-cp-sS a-X-sØ X-I¿-°m≥ {i-an°p-∂p F-∂ H-cp tXm-∂-en¬ \n-∂m-Wv C-h¿ I-em]w Xp-S-ßp-∂-Xv; A-√m-sX {_n-´o-jv Nq-j-W-Øn-s\Xn-sc-b-√.

F-¥p-sIm-≠v Cu I-em-]w tIm-gn-t°m-Sn-\-∏p-d-tØ°v t]m-bn-√? tIm-gn-t°m-Sv `m-K-Øv A-[n-I-hpw kº-∂-cm-bn-cp-∂p. am-∏n-f-am¿ km-{am-Py-Xz Nq-j-W-ßfn¬ Pm-{K-X ]p-e¿-Øn-bn-cp-∂p-sh-¶n¬ F-¥p-sIm≠v P-∑n-am-cm-b am-∏n-f-am¿ {_n-´o-jp-Im-cp-sS Iq-sS \n-∂ I-em-]-k-a-b-Øv {_n-´o-jp-Im¿-°v G-‰-hpw IqSp-X¬ km-º-Øn-I k-lm-bw \¬-In-b-Xv am-∏n-f P∑n-am-cm-bn-cp-∂p; sIm-t≠m-´n X-ß-f-S-°w. am-{X-a-√, {_-´o-jv B¿-an-bn¬ Ip-td ap-…nw D-tZym-K-ÿ-cp-≠mbn-cp-∂p. A-h-scm-∂pw a-e-_m¿ I-em-]-sØ a-X-]-cam-bn K-Wn-®n-cp-∂n-√; a-dn-®v H-cp cm-{„o-b-am-b \o-°am-bm-Wv I-≠n-cp-∂-Xv. tI-c-f-Øn-se k-º-∂-scms° {_n-´o-jp-Im-cp-sS Iq-sS-bm-Wv \n-∂-Xv. H-∂pw \„-s∏-Sm-\n-√m-Ø km-[m-c-W-°m-cm-Wv I-em-]w \-SØn-b-Xv. A-Xp-sIm-≠p X-s∂ ap-…nw k-ap-Zm-bØn¬ kzm-X-{¥-k-a-c-Øn-tem tZ-io-b k-a-c-Øn-tem H-cp G-Io-Ir-X cq-]w C-√. 1921˛-se I-em-]w t]m-se X-s∂ C-¥yn¬ G-sd N¿® sN-ø-s∏-´ H-cp hn-j-b-am-Wv Sn-∏p kp¬-Øm-s‚ ]S-tbm-´w. Sn-∏p-hn-s\ A-\p-Iq-en-°p-∂-h¿ A-t±-lsØ km-{am-Py-Xz hn-cp-≤-\pw tZ-io-b t\-Xm-hm-bn-´pam-Wv hn-ti-jn-∏n-°p-∂-Xv. A-Xv sX-‰m-Wv. A-t±-lw t]m-cm-Sn-b-Xv C-¥y-°-√, ssa-kq¿ cm-Py-Øn-\p-th≠n-bm-Wv. {_n-´o-jp-°m¿-s°-Xn-sc s\-t∏m-fn-b-s‚ k-lm-bw tX-Sn-bn-cp-∂p A-t±-lw. F-∂m¬ Nn-e kmt¶-Xn-I Im-c-W-ß-fm¬ A-Xv \-S-∂n-√. A-Y-hm \-S∂n-cp-s∂-¶n¬ Sn-∏p-˛-{^-©v A-e-b≥-kv C-¥y-bn¬ \-S-°p-am-bn-cp-∂p. tI-c-f-Øn¬ A-t±-lw H-cp t]-Sn kz-]v-\-am-bn A-h-X-cn-°-s∏-´p. \-ºq-Xn-cn-am-sc \n¿_-‘-]q¿-∆w C-kv-em-an¬ tN¿-Øp F-∂pw t£-{X߃ \-in-∏n-®p-sh-∂pw hm-Z-߃ \n-e-\n¬-°p-∂p≠v. Cu hm-Z-hpw sX-‰m-Wv. Sn-∏p-hn-s‚ A-[o-\-X-bnep-≈ F-{X-tbm Pn-√-I-fn¬ H-cp Pn-√- am-{X-am-Wv ae-_m¿. A-t±-l-Øn-\v ln-µp-˛-hn-cp-≤ \n-e-]m-Sp-≠mbn-cp-∂-sh-¶n¬ F-√m Pn-√-I-fn-epw C-Xp \-S-∏m-t°≠n-bn-cp-∂p. a-‰p-≈ H-cp Pn-√-bn¬ \n-∂pw C-ß-s\ H-cm-tcm-]-Ww D-b¿-∂p h-∂n-´p-an-√. am-{X-a-√, {io-cwK-∏-´-W-Øn¬ Sn-∏p-hn-s‚ sIm-´m-c-Øn-\-Sp-Øv t£{X-Øn-\v Sn-∏p F-√m-hn-[ k-lm-b-ß-fpw sN-bv-X-Xm-


ss college magazine 2016-17

Sp-Øv ]p-Xn-b H-cp a-Xw D-≠m-°n F-∂p-am-bn-cp-∂p A-t±-l-Øn-s\-Xn-sc D-b¿-∂ B-tcm-]-W-w. C-Xp sIm-≠p X-s∂ H-cp ]-£-Øv A-t±-lw a-lm-\m-hp-Ibpw sN-bv-Xp.

bn \-ap-°v Im-Wm≥ km-[n-°pw. F-∂m¬ tI-c-fØn¬ Sn-∏p t£-{X-߃ X-I¿-Øp F-∂ hm-Zw \mSp-I-S-Ø-s∏-´ \m-b∑ -- m¿ ]-S-®p-≠m-°n-b I-≈-am-Wv. Sn-∏p kp¬-Øm-s‚ k-lm-b-tØm-Sp Iq-sS \n¿-Ωn-® t£-{X-ß-fp-sS C-\mw C-t∏m-gpw tIm-gn-t°m-Sv B¿ss°-hv-kn¬ Sn-∏p-hn-s‚ I-søm-t∏m-Sp Iq-sS X-s∂ D-≠v. Sn-∏p-hn-s\ kw-_-‘n-®n-S-tØm-fw a-e-_m¿ {]-tZ-iw h-f-sc hn-e-s∏-´-Xm-bn-cp-∂p. a-e-_m¿ H-cp Xo-c-{]-tZi-am-b-Xn-\m¬ {_n-´n-jp-Im-cp-sS H-cp i-‡n tI-{µhpw Iq-Sn-bm-bn-cp-∂p. {_n-´o-jp-Im¿ [m-cm-fw tIm-´Iƒ C-hn-sS \n¿-Ωn-®n-´p-≠v. Sn-∏p C-hn-sS h-∂ k-ab-Øv a-e-_m¿ sam-Øw \m-b∑ -- m-cp-sS I-øn-em-bn-cp∂p. Cu {]-tZ-iw In-´n-bm¬ {_n-´o-jp-Im-sc Xp-cØn-tbm-Sn-°m≥ ]-‰pw. F-∂m¬, a-e-_m-dn¬ {_n-´oj-p-Im-cpw \m-b∑ -- m-cpw h-f-sc \-√ ku-lm-¿-±-Øn-embn-cp-∂p. Sn-∏p A-h-sc C-hn-Sp-∂v Xp-c-Øn. A-h¿ t]m-Ip-tºmƒ Sn-∏p ln-µp-°-sf C-kv-em-an-te-°v am‰m≥ {i-an-°p-∂p F-∂ am-c-I-am-b B-tcm-]-W-ap-∂bn-®m-Wv t]m-b-Xv. Sn-∏p-hn-s‚ X-e-ÿm-\w ^m-dq-Jv B-bn-cp-∂p. A-hnsS kv-{Xo-Iƒ am-dp-a-d-°m-sX \-S-°p-∂-Xv A-]-cn-jvIr-X-am-sW-∂v hn-iz-kn-® Sn-∏p am-dp a-d-°m-Ø-h-sc C-kv-em-an-te-°v ]-cn-h¿-Ø-\w sN-øp-sa-∂v {]-Jym]n-®p. C-hn-Sp-sØ ln-µp-°ƒ-°v C-kv-em-an-te-°p hcm≥ e-h-te-iw Xm-Xv-]-cyw C-√ F-∂-v A-dn-bp-∂-Xv sIm-≠p X-s∂ H-cp X-{¥w am-{X-am-bn-´m-Wv Sn-∏p Cu {]-Jym-]-\w \-S-Øp-∂-Xv. F-∂m¬ ]n¬-Im-eØv A-Xv h-f-s®m-Sn-°-s∏-´p. C-Xp sIm-≠p X-s∂bm-Wv Sn-∏p C-∂-sØ N-cn-{X ]m-T-]p-kv-X-I-ß-fn¬ hn-√-\m-bn am-dn-b-Xv. Sn-∏p hn-√-\m-hp-I F-∂-Xv {_n´o-jp-Im-cp-sS B-h-iyw Iq-Sn-bm-bn-cp-∂p F-∂-Xv ]p\¿-hn-Nn-¥-\w \-S-tØ-≠ Im-cy-hp-am-Wv.

A-t±-l-Øn-s‚ A-Iv-_¿ \m-a ]-cn-tim-[n-®m¬ Cu B-tcm-]-W-ß-fn¬ I-g-ºn-s√-∂v a-\- n-em-Ipw. Ckv-em-an-I tem-I-Øv F-∂pw tN-cn-Xn-cn-hp-Iƒ D-≠mbn-´p-≠v. in-bm, kp-∂n hn-`m-K-ß-fpw C-h-cp-sS t]mj-I tN-cn-I-fpw H-cp Im-cy-sØ hy-Xy-ÿ- tIm-WpI-fn¬-\n-∂pw ho-£n-®-t∏mƒ D-≠m-b A-`n-{]m-b- `n∂-X-sb G-tIm-∏n-∏n-°p-I-bm-Wv A-Iv-_¿ sN-bv-XXv. "Zo-≥ C-em-ln' F-∂ a-Xw D-≠m-bn-cp-∂n-√. A-Xv "Xu-lo-sZ C-em-lo' F-∂ "Xz-co-J-Øv' am-{X-am-Wv. H-cp-]m-Sv Xz-co-J-Øp-I-fp-≠v C-kv-em-an-\-I-Øv. AXn¬ H-∂p am-{X-am-Wv "Xu-lo-sZ C-em-ln'. A-–p¬ ^m-kn¬ A-Xn-s\ Ip-dn-®v h-f-sc Ip-d-®v am{X-ta ]-d-bp-∂p-≈p. "Zo-s\ C-em-ln-bn¬' tN-c-Ww F-∂ B-h-iy-ap-∂-bn-®p h-∂ H-cm-sf A-–p¬ ^mkn¬ A-Iv-_-dn-s‚ A-Sp-Øp sIm-≠v t]m-bn. {km„vmw-Kw sN-bv-X-Xn-\p ti-jw A-Iv-_¿ A-t±-ltØm-Sv "A-√m-lp A-Iv-_¿' F-∂p ]-d-bp-hm≥ I¬]n-®p. A-Iv-_¿ ]p-Xn-b H-cp a-X-Øn-s‚ B-fm-bn-cp∂p F-¶n¬ H-cn-°-epw A-ß-s\ ]-d-bm≥ I¬-]n°p-am-bn-cp-∂n-√. am-{X-a-√, A-∂v A-`n-hm-Zyw sN-øm≥ D-]-tbm-Kn-®n-cp-∂Xv "A-√m-lp A-Iv-_¿'; P-√ P-em-ep-lp' F-s∂m-s° B-bn-cp-∂p. ]n-∂o-Sv P-em-ep-±o≥ A-Iv-_¿ F-s∂m-s° C-Xn-s\ hn-ti-jn-∏n-®p. A-d-_n `m-j A-dn-bm-Ø C-h¿ C-Xn-s\ ]-cn-`m-j-s∏-Sp-Øn-b-t∏mƒ "A-Iv-_¿' F-∂-Xv A-Iv-_¿ N-{I-h¿-Øn-bm-sW-∂ co-Xn-bn¬ A-h-X-cn-∏n®p. A-ß-s\-bm-Wv A-Iv-_¿ ]p-Xn-b a-Xw D-≠m-°n F∂ B-tcm-]-W-sØ \ym-bo-I-cn-®p t]m-∂-Xv. A-Iv-_-dn\v ti-jw C-kv-emw ap-dp-sI ]n-Sn-®v \-√ co-Xn-bn¬ `-cWw \-S-Øn-b Hu-dw-K-tk-_n-s\ C-I-gv-Øn-bpw N-cn-{XsØ ]p-\¿-\n¿-Ωn-®p.

˛jn_n-e tamƒ Sn.kn. N-cn-{X-Øn¬ \-S-∂ a-s‰m-cp a-lm N¿-®-bm-Wv A-Iv_¿ N-{I-h¿-Øn-bpw A-t±-l-Øn-s‚ Zo≥ C-em-lnbpw. C-Xp {]-Xn-]m-Zn-°m-Ø H-cp N-cn-{X-]p-kv-X-Ihpw C-√. A-t±-lw a-X-ß-sf, hn-in-jym C-kv-em-ans\, F-Xn¿-Øp-sh-∂pw {]-hm-N-I-s‚ ÿm-\w G-s‰-

_n.F-kv.kn. am-Xvkv

72 kXyw ]-dªmÂ... k-XyaÃ!

sICF≥ kw-km-cn°p-∂p... hn-j-bw: N-cn-{Xw, im-kv-{Xw F-∂n-h-bn-eq-sS-bp-≈ I-f-f-{]-Nm-c-W-߃


-X-Im-e-hpw h¿-Øam-\-Im-e-hpw X-Ωnep-≈ \n-c-¥-c kwhm-Z-am-W- v- N-cn-{Xw. `q-X-Im-eØn-te-°- v- bm-{¥n-I-am-bn h-kvXp-X-I-fpw hn-h-c-ß-fpw Iq-Snt®¿-∂m¬ A-Xv- kzm-`m-hn-Iam-bpw N-cn-{X-am-hn-√. At∏mƒ Xo¿-®-bm-bpw h-kv-XpX-Iƒ, hn-h-c-߃, A-h-ÿIƒ, {]-{In-b-Iƒ F-∂n-h-sb B-[p-\n-I P-\m-[n-]-Xy Im-gv®-∏m-Sn-te-°v- \-ap-°v-tN¿-Øpsh-°m≥ km-[n-°-Ww. H-cp D-Zm-l-c-Ww ]-d-bmw: \Ωƒ in-h-Pn-sb-°p-dn-®- v- kw-kmcn-°p-∂p. A-t∏mƒ in-h-Pn GXp-Im-e-Øm-W- v- Po-hn-®-X-,v- GXp-X-c-Øn-ep-≈ `-c-W-am-W- v\-S-Øn-b-X-,v- B Im-e-L-´Øn-se a-‰- v- `-c-Wm-[n-Im-cnIƒ B-scm-s°-bm-bn-cp-∂p A-h-cp-am-bn A-t±-lw ]pe¿-Øn-b _-‘-߃ Xp-S-ßn \n-c-h-[n Im-cy-ß-sf _-‘-s∏-SpØn-bp-≈ H-cp hn-i-I-e-\-am-W- v- \Ωƒ \-S-tØ-≠-Xv-.-


ss college magazine 2016-17

in-h-Pn-sb °p-dn-®p-≈ H-cp {]-[m-\ ]pkv-X-I-am-W- v- tKm-hn-µ- v- ]≥-km-sc-bp-sS "in-h-Pn tIm≥ tl' F-∂ ]p-kv-X-Iw. tKm-hn-µ- v- ]≥-km-sc sIm-e sN-ø-s∏-Sm\p-≈ Im-c-Ww Cu ]p-kv-X-I-am-W-.vin-h-Pn-sb N-cn-{X-Øn¬ \n-∂-S¿-Ønsb-Sp-Ø- v- X-ß-fp-sS cm-{„o-b {]-Nm-cW-Øn-\p-≈ H-cp D-]-I-c-W-am-°n am-‰nsb-Sp-°m≥ ^m-jn-Ãp-Iƒ \n-c-¥-cw {i-an-®n-´p-≠-.v- H-cp `m-K-Ø- v- in-h-Pn-bpw a-dp-`m-K-Ø- v- Hu-dw-K-ko-_pw... C-h¿ XΩn-ep-≈ F-√m I-em-]-ß-fpw a-X-Øns‚ t]-cn-ep-≈ I-em-]-ß-fm-bm-Wv- Ah-X-cn-∏n-°-s∏-Sp-∂-Xv-. kq-£-av- -am-bn t\m-°n-°-gn-™m¬ Ah¿ c-≠p-t]-cpw B Im-e-L-´-Øn-se c-≠p cm-Pm-°-∑m-cm-W-.v- cm-P-`-c-W-hp-ambn _-‘-s∏-´ Im-cy-ß-fm-W- v- A-h¿ XΩn-ep-≈ kw-L¿-j-Øn-\pw e-l-f-°psa-√mw Im-c-Ww. A-h¿ \n-c-¥-cw bp≤-am-bn-cp-∂p F-∂v co-Xn-bn¬ \-ap-°Xn-s\ Im-Wm≥ km-[n-°n-√. B Im-eL-´-Øn-se cm-Pm-°-∑m¿ X-Ωn¬ I-elw D-≠m-hm-dp-≠-.v- F-∂m¬ A-X- v- a-XØn-s‚ A-Sn-ÿm-\-Øn-e-√. bp-≤w sN-øp-I F-∂-X- v- B Im-e-L-´Øn-se cm-Pm-°-∑m-cp-sS s]m-Xp kz-`mh-am-Wv-. k-Xy-Øn¬ {_n-´o-jp-Im-cm-W- v- C-¥ysb ln-µp Im-e-L-´w, ap-…nw Im-e-L´w F-∂ co-Xn-bn¬ h¿-§o-I-cn-®-X-.v- AXp t]m-se ap-…nw cm-Pm-°-∑m¿ t£{X-߃ sIm-≈-b-Sn-®p F-s∂m-cp {]Nm-c-W-ap-≠-.v- A-X- v- sX-‰m-W-.v- sIm-≈-bSn-®p F-∂-X- v- i-cn-bm-W-.v- ]-t£ F-√m t£-{X-ß-fpw sIm-≈-b-Sn-°-s∏-´n-´n-√. Nn-e t£-{X-ß-fn¬ A-an-X-am-b k-ºØv- - D-≠m-bn-cp-∂p. A-Xp-sIm-≠p Xs∂ C-Ø-cw t£-{X-߃ sIm-≈-b-Sn°p-I F-∂-X- v- H-cp s]m-Xp-kz-`m-h-am-bncp-∂p.

]-Xn-s\m-∂mw \q-‰m-≠n¬ I-iv-ao-cn-se l¿-j≥ F-∂ cm-Pm-hn-\v- t£-{X-߃ sIm-≈-b-Sn-°m≥ am-{X-am-bn H-cp a-{¥nbp-≠m-bn-cp-∂p. I¬-l-W≥ F-gp-Xn-b cm-P-X-cw-Kn-Wn F-∂ ]p-kv-X-I-Øn¬ Ir-Xy-am-bn ]-d-bp-∂p-≠n-Xv-. tZ-thm¬- ]\-\m-b-I≥ F-∂m-bn-cp-∂p A-t±-l-Øns‚ t]-cv-. Sn-∏p-hn-s‚ Im-e-Øv a-dm-Ø cm-Pm-°∑m¿ {io-\-K¿ A-{I-an-°p-tºmƒ t£{Xw X-I¿-°p-∂p-≠v.- Sn-∏p B t£{Xw ]p-Xp-°n ]-Wn-bm≥ kw-`m-h-\ \¬Ip-∂p-ap-≠v-. A-sXm-∂pw a-Xm-Sn-ÿm-\Øn-e-√. A-t∏mƒ N-cn-{X-Øn-se hn-hn[ k-µ¿-`-ß-fn¬ kw-`-hn-°p-∂ cm-{„ob Im-cy-ß-sf a-X-Øn-s‚ am-{Xw A-Snÿm-\-Øn-te-°v- Np-cp-°n A-h-X-cn-∏n°p-∂ co-Xn N-cn-{X-]-c-am-bn i-cn-b-√.

im-kv-{X-Øn-epw D-≠v- C-Ø-cw {]-h-WX-Iƒ. \q-‰n- c-≠mw im-kv-{X tIm¨-{K n¬ an-Øn-s\ im-kv-{X-Øn-\- v- ]-I-cw sh-°p-I-bp-≠m-bn. k-Xy-Øn¬ πm-ÃnIv- - k¿-÷-dn-bpw K-W-]-Xn-bp-am-bn H-cp _-‘-hp-an-√. K-W-]-Xn F-∂-X- v- a-lØm-b H-cp `m-h-\-bm-W-.v- B `m-h-\sb \-Ωƒ B-Z-cn-°p-I-bm-W- v- th-≠-X-.v\n-c-h-[n Im-cy-߃ C-Xp-t]m-se ]-dbp-∂p-≠.v- - tlm-an-tbm-]-Xn-bp-sS D-]⁄m-Xm-hv- l-\p-am≥ B-sW-∂v ]-d-bp∂p. b-Ym¿-∞-Øn¬ km-ap-h¬ lm-\nam≥ B-W-X-.v- A-bmƒ-°- v- H-cp Po-h-N-cn{X-ap-≠v.-- l-\p-am≥ H-cp `m-h-\-bm-W-.v- at\m-l-c-am-b H-cp `m-h-\-sb Po-h-N-cn{X-Øn-te-°- v- sh-´n-®p-cp-°p-∂-X- v- A-X- v- c≠n-t\m-Spw sN-øp-∂ C-c-´ ]m-X-I-amWv-.- C-Ø-c-Øn¬ N-cn-{X-Øn-\- v- ]-I-cw sI-´p-I-Y-I-fpw im-kv-{X-Øn-\p ]-I-cw an-Øp-I-fp-am-W- v- {]-N-cn-°p-∂-Xv-.-

74 kXyw ]-dªmÂ... k-XyaÃ!

tZio-b-X \n¿-h-Nn-°-s∏-Sp-tºmƒ

"apƒ-th-en ]q-Øn-cn-°p-∂p, A-Xn¿-Øn-I-sf Ip-dn-®v \mw sh-® H-®-Iƒ-s°-√mw ao-sX-bm-bn' -s∂-gp-Xn-b-Xv a-e-bm-f-Øns‚ {]n-b I-hn-bm-b h o c m ≥ - I p - ´ n - b m - W v . AXn¿-Øn-Iƒ A-kzm-c-kyß-fp-sS hn-f-`q-an-bm-hp-I-bpw, \n-c-¥-cw A-Xn¿-Øn-I-sf-°p-dn-®v H-®-sh-®p sIm≠n-cn-°p-I-bpw sN-øp-∂ tem-I-am-Wv \ap-°v ap≥-]n-ep-≈-Xv. hn-iz-am-\-hn-I-Xsb G-Xm-\pw A-Xn¿-Øn-°p-≈n¬ X-f®n-Sp-I-bpw, A-‘-am-b -tZ-io-b t_m-[Øm¬ apƒ-th-en-Iƒ Xo¿-°p-I-bpw sN-øp-tºmƒ A-Xn¿-Øn-Iƒ c-‡-]-¶ne-am-Ip-∂-Xn¬ A-¤p-an-√. H-cp cm-PysØ a-s‰m-cp cm-Py-Øn¬-\n-∂pw `q-an-imkv-{X-]-c-am-bn th¿-Xn-cn-°p-I F-∂-Xn-\∏p-dw A-Xn¿-Øn-Iƒ a-\p-jy-a-\- p-I-fnte-°pw tN-t°-dn-bn-cn-°p-∂p. B AXn¿-Øn-I-fp-sS \o-fw Iq-´p-∂-Xm-I-s´ tZ-io-b-X F-∂ hn-Im-c-hpw!


F-¥m-Wv tZ-io-b-X? ]-Xn-s\-´mw \q-‰m-≠n¬ A-¥y-Z-i-I-ßfn¬ B-cw-`n-°p-I-bpw 19˛mw \q-‰m-≠n-s‚ B-cw-`-L-´-Øn¬ h-f¿-∂v hn-I-kn-°p-Ibpw sN-bv-X C-k-ß-fn¬ H-∂m-Wv tZ-iob-X. tem-I-Øn-s‚ K-Xn-X-s∂ am-‰n-a-dn-® {^-©v hn-π-h-Øn-\pw, A-ta-cn-°≥ hn-πh-Øn-\pw A-Sn-ÿm-\- Im-c-W-am-b-Xv Ahn-S-ß-fn-se P-\-ß-fn-ep-≠m-b tZ-io-bt_m-[-am-Wv. F-∂m¬ ]-sØm≥-]-Xmw \q-‰m-≠m-b-t∏m-tg-°pw A-an-X tZ-io-b-X tem-I-Øn-\v H-cp hn-]-Øm-bn- am-dp-I-bpw sN-øp-∂ Im-gv-N-bm-Wv \mw I-≠-Xv. am-\-h-cm-in-°p h≥-hn-]-Øm-bn am-dn-b c≠v tem-I-a-lm-bp-≤-ß-fp-sS-bpw A-Snÿm-\ tl-Xp Xo-{h tZ-io-bX -- -bm-bn-cp∂p. In-g-°≥ bq-tdm-∏n-se …m-hv hw-i-Pcp-sS G-Io-I-c-Ww e-£y-an-´v d-jy-bp-sS Im¿-an-I-Xz-Øn¬ cq-]o-I-cn-°-s∏-´ ]m≥…m-hv {]-ÿm-\w, a-[y-bq-tdm-∏n-se Syqt´m-Wn-Iv h¿-K-°m-sc G-tIm-]n-°p-I F∂ e-£y-tØm-sS P¿-Ω-\n-bp-sS t\-XrXz-Øn¬ B-cw-`n-® ]m≥-P¿-a≥ {]-ÿm\-hpw, X-ß-fp-sS \-jv-S-s∏-´ `q-{]-tZ-i-


ss college magazine 2016-17

ß-sf Xn-cn-®v ]n-Sn-°p-I-sb-∂ e-£ytØm-sS P¿-a-\n-s°-Xn-sc {^m≥-kv cq-]o-I-cn-® {]-Xn-Im-c {]-ÿm-\-hp-sa√mw P-\-ß-fp-sS D-≈n¬ Ip-Øn-sh-®Xv Xo-{h-tZ-io-b-X-bm-Wv. Cu- {]-ÿm\-ß-fpw A-h-bp-sS Xo-{h-tZ-io-b-Xm t_m-[-hp-am-Wv H-∂mw tem-I-bp-≤Øn-te-°v tem-I-sØ sIm-s≠-Øn-®Xv. bp-≤-s°-Sp-Xn-Iƒ tem-I-sØ-sbm-∂msI h-dp-Xn-bn-te-°v \-bn-®-t∏mƒ hn-Pbn-®-h¿ ]-cm-Pn-X-sc km-º-Øn-I-ambpw cm-„o-b-am-bpw Nq-j-Ww sN-øp-Ibpw A-Xn-s\-Xn-sc ]-cm-Pn-X- cm-Py-ßfn¬ H-cp s]m-Xp-t_m-[w h-f¿-∂p hcp-I-bpw sN-bv-X-Xv tZ-io-b t_m-[Øn-s‚ A-\-¥-c- ^-e-am-Wv. C-‰-en-bn¬ ap-t m-f-\n-bpw P¿-a-\nbn¬ l-n-‰v-e-dpw C-Ø-c-Øn¬ tZ-io-bX h-f-¿-Øp-∂-Xn¬ {]-[m-\ ]-¶p-h-ln®-h-cm-Wv. H-∂mw tem-I-bp-≤-Øn¬ Pbn-®-h-cp-sS Ip-sS B-bn-cp-∂n-´p-Iq-Sn C-‰-en-°v th-≠-{X ]-cn-K-W-\ e-`n-®n√ F-∂-Xm-bn-cp-∂p A-hn-sS ^m-knkw h-f-¿-Øm≥ ap-t m-f-\n D-]-tbmKn-® {]-Nm-c-W am¿-Kw. {]-No-\ tdm-am km-{am-Py-Øn-s‚ ]p-\-x-ÿm-]-\-am-bncp-∂p C-‰-en-bn¬ ap-t m-f-\n-bp-sS kz]v-\w. A-Xn-\m-bn ^m-jn-Ãp ]m¿-´nIƒ cq-]o--I-cn-°p-I-bpw tkm-jy-en-kv‰p-I-sf H-∂m-sI A-Sn-®-a¿-Øp-I-bpw sN-bv-Xp. tkm-jy-en-k-Øn-s‚ A-]-ch-Xv-°-c-W-Øn-ep-sS-bm-Wv C-‰-en-bn¬ tZ-io-b-X h-f¿-∂v h-∂-sX-∂v ImWmw. k-am-\-am-bn P¿-a-\n-bn¬ h-f¿-∂p h∂ \m-kn-kw e-£y-an-´-Xv Pq-X-a-XØn-s‚ A-]-c-h-Xv-°-c-W-am-Wv. Bcy≥ hw-i-t_m-[-am-Wv P¿-Ω-\n-bn¬ tZ-io-b-X h-f¿-Øm≥ ln-‰v-e¿ D-]tbm-Kn-®-Xv. Pq-X-∑m-sc-bpw I-Ωyq-Wnkv-‰p-I-sf-bpw sIm-e- sN-bv-Xpw \m-SpI-S-Øn-bpw Xo-{h-X- h-f¿-Øn-b ln-‰v-

e¿ c-≠mw tem-I-bp-≤-Øn-s‚ ap-Jyin¬-]n-I-fn¬ H-cm-fm-Wv. C-cp-]-Xmw \q-‰m-≠n-s‚ a-[y-tØm-sS B-cw-`n-°pI-bpw C-∂pw ]-cn-lm-c-am-Im-sX Xp-S-¿∂p-sIm-≠n-cn-°p-I-bpw sN-øp-∂ C{k-tb¬-˛-]-e-kv-Xo≥ {]-iv-\-Øn-\p ]n-∂n-epw tZ-io-b-Xm t_m-[-am-Wv F∂v ]-cn-tim-[n-®m¬ a-\- n-em-Ipw. H-∂mw tem-I-bp-≤-tØm-sS-bp-≈ Hmt´m-a≥ km-{am-P-Øn-s‚ X-I¿--®-bpw Xp-S¿-∂v h-∂ {_-´o-jv A-[n-\n-th-ihp-am-Wv ]-e-kv-Xo-\n¬ C-{k-tb-en-s\ Ip-Sn-bn-cp-Øm≥ Im-c-W-am-b-Xv. c≠mw tem-I- a-lm-bp-≤-hpw tlm-tfmtIm-kv-‰v Zp-c-¥-hpw Im-c-Ww th-c-dp°-s∏-´ H-cp P-\-X X-ß-fp-sS th-cp-Ifn-te-°v Xn-cn-®p h-cm≥ kzm-`m-hn-I-ambpw B-{K-ln-®p. t_m-´v a-\p-jy-sc-∂v B-[p-\n-I temIw hn-ti-jn-∏n-°p-∂ Zp-c-h-ÿ-bn-te°v tdm-ln-¶y≥ P-\-X-sb F-Øn-®-Xns‚ ]n-∂n-epw aym≥-a-dn-s‚ tZ-io-b-Xm t_m-[-am-sW-∂v hy-‡-am-Ipw. C-¥ybn-se A-h-ÿ-bpw k-am-\-am-Wv. tem-I-Øn-\v bq-tdm-∏v \¬-In-b h-en-b kw-`m-h-\-bm-Wv tZ-io-b-X F-¶n¬ C¥y≥ tZ-io-b-X A-Xn¬ \n-s∂-√mw hn-`n-∂-am-Wv. tIm-f-\n-h-Xv-I-c-W-Øn-s \-Xn-sc {_n-´o-j-p-Im-c-t\m-Sp-≈ sh-dp∏n¬ \n-∂pw D-b¿-∂p h-∂-Xm-Wv C¥y≥ tZ-io-b-X. H-t´-sd \m-´p-cm-Py-ßfm-bn hn-`-Pn-®p In-S-∂n-cp-∂ H-cp cmPyw, {_n-´o-jv ta¬-t°m-bv-a-s°-Xn-sc kw-L-Sn-°p-I-bpw {_n-´o-jv hn-cp-≤ tZio-b-X h-f¿-∂p h-cn-I-bpw sN-bv-Xp. hy-Xy-kv-X a-X-ß-fpw hn-hn-[ `m-j-Ifpw B-bn-cp-∂n-´p-Iq-Sn A-Ø-cw L-S-Iß-sfm-∂pw {_n-´o-jv hn-cp-≤ tZ-io-bX-sb {]-Xn-Iq-e-am-bn _m-[n-®n-cp-∂n-√. C-¥y-bn-se P-\-ß-sf G-tIm- ]n-∏n-® {_n-´o-jv hn-cp-≤-X km-{am-Py-Xz i-‡nI-fn¬ \n-∂pw kzm-X-{¥yw t\-Sn-sb-Sp°p-∂-Xn-\pw C-¥y-sb-∂ ]p-Xn-b

76 kXyw ]-dªmÂ... k-XyaÃ!

cm-Py-Øn-s‚ kr-„n-°pw Im-c-W-am-bn. F-∂m¬ 1947˛-\p ti-jw A-]-I-S-I-camw hn-[-Øn¬ C-¥y≥ tZ-io-b-X tNm-Zyw sN-ø-s∏-´n-´p-≠v. 1947 \p ap≥-]v {_n-´o-jv hn-cp-≤-X-bm-bn-cp-∂p C-¥y≥ tZ-io-b-X F-¶n¬ C-∂v ]m-Inÿm≥ hn-cp-≤-X-bm-Wv C-¥y≥ tZ-iob-X-sb \n-¿-h-Nn-°p-∂-Xv. cm-{„o-bhpw `-c-W-hpw F-√mw \n-e-\n¿-Ø-s∏Sp-∂-Xv Cu tZ-io-b-X-bp-sS A-Sn-ÿm\-Øn-em-Wv. ]m-In-ÿm≥ ap-kv-enw-Iƒ-°m-bn \¬I-s∏-´-Xm-sW-∂pw C-¥y ln-µp cm-jv{S-am-sW-∂p-ap-≈ {]-Nm-c-ß-fn-eq-sS `qcn-]-£ a-X-sØ G-tIm-]n-∏n-°m-\pw ln-µp-Xz tZ-io-b-X h-f¿-Øm-\pw A-Xv h-gn \yq-\-]-£-am-b ap-kv-enw A-]-c-hXv-I-c-W \-S-Øm-\p-ap-≈ {i-a-ß-fm-Wv C-∂v \-S-∂p h-cp-∂-Xv... tZ-io-b-X-sb Du-´n D-d-∏n-°m≥ tZ-io-b ]-Xm-I-bpw tZ-io-b Km-\-hp-sa-√mw Zp-cp-]-tbm-Kw sN-øp-∂ Im-gv-N-bpw C-∂v I-≠p h-cp∂p... _o-^v \n-tcm-[-\-hpw A-Xns‚ t]-cn-ep-≈ sIm-e-]m-X-I-ß-fpw A-Xn-s‚ `m-K-am-Wv... ln-µp-Xz-sØ GXm-\pw Nn-e ^m-kn-Ãv i-‡n-Iƒ \n¿h-Nn-°p-I-bpw A-h-cp-sS \n¿-h-N-\߃-

°-∏p-dw {]-h¿-Øn-°p-∂-h¿ tZ-i-t{Zmln-I-fm-bn ap-{Z-Ip-Ø-s∏-Sp-I-bpw sNøp-∂p. F-Xn¿ i-–-߃ \n-i-_v-Z-am°-s∏-Sp-I-bpw sN-øp-∂p. kzm-X-{¥ym-\-¥-c C-¥y- I-≠ G-‰hpw hn-]-Xv-I-c-am-b A-h-ÿm hn-tij-am-Wv C-t∏mƒ kw-P-X-am-bn-cn-°p∂-Xv. `-c-W-Ø-e-h-∑m-cp-sS au-\-k-ΩX-tØm-sS \-S-°p-∂ tZ-io-b-X Du-´nD-d-∏n-°m-\p-≈ C-Ø-cw \o-N {i-a-ßsf sN-dp-Øp tXm¬-∏n-t°-≠-Xp-≠v... a-X-Øn-t‚-bpw Pm-Xn-bp-tS-bpw `m-jbp-tS-bpw t]-cn¬ B-cpw A-{I-an-°s∏-Sp-I-bn-s√-∂v D-d-∏n-t°-≠-Xp-≠v. C-¥y≥ tZ-io-b-X ln-µp tZ-io-b-X-bs√-∂v D-d-s°-∏-d-bm≥ km-[n-°p-∂ co-Xn-bn¬ "tZ-io-b-X' h-f¿-Øn-sb-Spt°-≠-Xp- ≠v. tZ-io-b-X tem-I-am-Iam-\w sX-‰n- ≤-cn-∏n-°-s∏-Sp-∂ C-°me-Øv A-Xn¿-Øn-Iƒ-°pw A-Xn-cp-Iƒ°pw A-∏p-dw A-¥¿ tZ-io-b-X t{]mXv-km-ln-∏n-°-s∏-tS-≠-Xm-Wv.

˛tdmjv-\ kam\ Fw.F. Cw-•ojv


ss college magazine 2016-17

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Union inauguration to

Open forum

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ss college magazine 2016-17

College sports


ss college magazine 2016-17


ANNUAL REPORT 2016-17 In the name of Allah most Gracious and Merciful

Academic year 2016-17 was one of the most productive years in the history of the Sullamussalam Science College. At present there are about 1150 students in Nine under-graduate and Five post-graduate programmes in our college. Presently 17 nonteaching staff and 65 teaching staff, including 38 guest members, are working in the college. During this period Infrastructure facilities are being enhanced by the construction of two spacious classrooms and a Computer lab with smart room facilities. COLLEGE ANNUAL DAY College Annual day for the year 2016-17 was inaugurated by renowned actor Dharmajan Bolgatty on 25th March 2017. Proficiency prizes constituted by the staff association, management and P T A were given away by the chief guest to the top scores in various examinations. COLLEGE UNION ELECTION: The college Union election was held in Presidential system on 20-102016. Following are the Office bearers Chairman : Lafeef Karuvadan(III Sem M.Com) Vice Chairman : Arsha Rahim (V Sem B.A English) General Sec : Shibil Vm (V Sem Bvoc Journalism) Joint Secretary : Hasna Banu (III Sem B.Sc. Mathematics) U.U.C : Sibhathulla (III Sem M.Sc. Computer Science) & Suhail Kapoor (III Sem B.A. Economics) Fine Arts Sec. : Hanoon Ibrahim (III Sem B.Com) Gen. Captain : Favas Mohammed (III Sem Bvoc Software) Student Editor : Fasil Ali (III Sem B.Voc Software) Association Secretaries Computer Science : Althaf Aslam (V Sem ) English : Finoosa (II Sem) Physics : Mirza (III Sem) Maths : Haseen (V Sem) Commerce : Nikhil (V Sem) Economics : Sudheesh (V Sem) Islamic Finance : Ameen Rashid (V Sem) B.Voc Journalism : Arshad Ameen (V Sem) B.Voc Software : Nishma (V Sem) Representatives 1st DC : Rizwan (I Sem B.A English)

2nd DC : Jahfar (III Sem Physics) 3rd DC : Nihal Mohammed (V Sem BCom) PG : Shameel (II Sem English) Activities of the college union were inaugurated by Sri. PK Basheer MLA, on 20th November 2016. Rishiraj Singh IPS was the chief guest in the function. Inauguration of the Off Stage items of Fine Arts day celebrations was done by Caricaturist and Guinness Record Holder Mr. Dileef on 5th February 2017. Actor Tini Tom inaugurated the Celebrations 20th February 2017. 1.CURRICULAR ASPECTS OF THE COLLEGE Our college offers 9 UG and 5 PG programmes, of which 1 UG Programme (B.Com) and 3 P.G programmes are under the selffinancing stream. No new programmes were added during this academic year. Efforts are underway; to convert all PG programmes to government aided programmes. College also conducts UGC sponsored career oriented programmes, Computer Hardware & Networking and Accounting practices under the department of Computer Science and the department of Commerce respectively. Among the 9 UG programmes, 3 programmes are worth mentioning. UGC has sanctioned BA Islamic Finance with Computer Application as an Innovative Programme and B. Voc Software Technologies and Broadcasting & Journalism as vocational programmes, in line with the policy of the government for the skill development. All programmes, except the career oriented programmes, are following the Choice Based Credit Semester System as directed by the University of Calicut. The college regularly takes feedback from different stakeholders like students, parents, and alumni as a part of academic quality initiative. The system has been completely automated with the introduction of a Computerized Information System, which is right now under the trial run. 2.TEACHING & LEARNING Presently 17 non-teaching staff and 65 teaching staff, out of them 38 are guest members, are working in the college. The total numbers of Associate professors are 7, and remaining faculties are Assistant Professors. Out of the 27 permanent teachers, 9 are Ph.D. holders and 3 teachers are waiting for viva after submitting their thesis. Though M.Com and BA Economics programmes have sanctioned as aided programmes by the government in 2013, new posts have not been created so far, and hence contract faculties have been appointed by the college for the smooth conduct of the programmes. 1contract faculty each in Economics and Islamic Finance was appointed during this period. In accordance with the regulation of the B. Voc programmes, several visiting faculties from Software and Media Industries are handling classes for the students of B. Voc programmes. Faculty participation in conferences and symposia 1. Dr. N.A.M. Shanid attended a 3-day workshop at Dept. Of nanotechnology, IISc Bangalore during15-17 January 2017.

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2. Najiya K.M attended Theoretical Physics workshop on "Electrostatics' organised by APT during 28-30 April 2016, at Providence college, Calicut. 3. Abdu Rahoof KA and CA Safeeque attended workshop on "Astronomical Data Analysis' organised by APT during 14-15 July 2016 at Sacred Heart College, Chalakkudi. 4. Abdu Rahoof K.A and C.A Safeeque attended Theoretical Physics workshop on "Electric and Magnetic Fields in Matter' organized by APT during 13-15 August 2016 at Vimala College, Thrissur. 5. Riyas K.P, Head, Department of Broadcasting & Journalism coauthored a research paper titled "Content Development and Management for Visual Media - Experiences of the Project on Mobilizing Mass Media support for sharing Agro Information' which was presented during the 8th GCRA International Conference on "Innovative Digital Applications for Sustainable Development" held at University of Agricultural Sciences, Bengaluru, from 5-7 January 2016. 6. Habeeb Rahman Y.P, Assistant Professor, Dept. of Broadcasting & Journalism, conducted a four day workshop on "Graphic Designing and Audio Visual Editing for Convergent Media' for students of MA Mass Communication, Pondicherry University in October 2016. 7. Reshma Majeed of English department has presented a paper at the national seminar on Children's Films organized by the languages department of Govt. College, Chittur, Palakkad. 8. Reshma Majeed of English department has participated in the 2 day national workshop on "Teaching Humanities in the 21st Century' organized by the Department of English, Sullamussalam Science College, Areacode. 9. Reshma Majeed of English department has participated in the 2 day national workshop on "Quality of Higher Education in the Era of Open Online Learning' organized by IQAC, Sullamussalam Science College. 10. Sumayya of English department has presented a paper in a national seminar on Displacement and Dispossession at PTM College, Perinthalmaanna. 11. Sumayya of English department has participated in a two-day workshop for faculty empowerment held at Calicut, organised by New Initiatives of Kerala Govt. 12. Sumayya of English department has participated in a One-day workshop for SSP mentors at Marthoma College, Chungathara. 13. Jouhar of English department has published a paper titled The Inscriptions of Power: Subjectivity and Agency in Meena Kandaswami's Poems in The journal "The Investigator". 14. Jouhar of English department has presented a paper titled Justice Cooked: A Focaultian Reading of Select Malayalam Dalit poems in the Singularities International Conference on Power on 14th of January 2016. 15. Jouhar of English department has presented a paper titled MOOCS and Quality of Higher Education in the Conference on Power organized by IQAC at SS College. 16. Yahya of English department has participated in the 2 day national workshop on "Teaching Humanities in the 21st Century' organized by the Department of English, Sullamussalam Science College, Areacode. 17. Yahya of English department has participated in the 2 day national workshop on "Quality of Higher Education in the Era of Open Online Learning' organized by IQAC, Sullamussalam Science College. 18. Fasmina Sherin of English department has participated in the 2 day national workshop on "Teaching Humanities in the 21st Century'

organized by the Department of English, Sullamussalam Science College, Areacode. 19. Fasmina Sherin of English department has participated in the 2 day national workshop on "Quality of Higher Education in the Era of Open Online Learning' organized by IQAC, Sullamussalam Science College. 20. Fasmina Sherin of English department has participated in the open defense held in connection with the Korambayil Ahmed Haji Dissertation Awards held at KAHM Unity Women's College, Manjeri 21. Fasmina Sherin of English department has participated in a dissertation management workshop held at Unity Women's College, Manjeri. 22. Asfar Sadath K of English department has participated in the 2 day national workshop on "Teaching Humanities in the 21st Century' organized by the Department of English, Sullamussalam Science College. 23. Asfar Sadath K of English department has Participated in the 2 day national workshop on "Quality of Higher Education in the Era of Open Online Learning' organized by IQAC, Sullamussalam Science College. 24. Hanan Alavi of English department has participated in the 2 day national workshop on "Teaching Humanities in the 21st Century' organized by the Department of English, Sullamussalam Science College. 25. Hanan Alavi of English department has participated in the 2 day national workshop on "Quality of Higher Education in the Era of Open Online Learning' organized by IQAC, Sullamussalam Science College. 26. Sinobiya of English department has participated in the 2 day national workshop on "Teaching Humanities in the 21st Century' organized by the Department of English, Sullamussalam Science College, Areacode 27. Thahira of Economics department has presented a paper about Eresource Utilisation of Teacher Educators at Sullamussalam Science College, on December 7th 2016 28. Thahira of Economics department has presented a paper about Higher education in India: Growth and structure at Govt. College Kodanchery on December 14th 2016. 29. Thahira of Economics department has published a paper about Impact of Micro Finance in Malappuram District in IJARIE IN Volume 2 on November 2016. 30. Thahira of Economics department has participated in one day workshop for Use of MOODLE conducted at Sullamussalam Science College, on December 6th 2016. 31. Thahira of Economics department has participated in one day workshop in Entrepreneurial Startup Venture conducted at Sullamussalam Science College, on February 28th 2017. 32. Ayyoob of Computer Science department has participated in the NAAC sponsored two day national conference on "Quality higher education in the era of open online education' organized by IQAC, Sullamussalam Science College, Areacode. On 6-7 December 2016. 33. Ayyoob of Computer Science department has published a paper entitled " Virtual marketing: Exploring the horizon of MSME with a perspective of Kerala market " in MIRROR Vol.6 No.2 September 2016, ISSN 2249-8117 Peer refereed Bi-annual international research Journal of Commerce, Management and Social science. 34. Ayyoob of Computer Science has coordinated a UGC sponsored three day workshop conducted by women's forum, Sullamussalam Science College, Areacode for higher secondary students and also


ss college magazine 2016-17 handled a section under the topic "E-education' on 26-28 January 2017. 35. Bassam K, Department of commerce, presented a paper entitled "Green HRM: An organizational strategy of greening people" in two day National Seminar on HR Issues and Challenges in Modern Era organized by the Department of Commerce and Management Studies, Government Arts and Science College, Mankada, on 5th and 13th December 2016. 36. Bassam K, Department of commerce, presented a paper entitled "Awareness of Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) Among College Students: A Study of Sullamussalam Science College Areacode" in the two day NAAC sponsored National Conference on Quality Higher Education in The Era of Open Online Education Organized By IQAC Cell Sullamussalam Science College Areacode on 6th and 7th December 2016. 37. Bassam K, Department of commerce, presented a paper entitled "Problems and prospects of eco-tourism in India" in one day UGC sponsored national conference on Recent Trends in Sustainable Tourism and Sustainable Engineering jointly organized by Kannur University and Government Engineering college, Manathavady on 12 Novemer 2016. 38. Bassam K, Department of commerce, presented a paper entitled "A Study on Awareness on Legal Acts of Consumer Protection among College Students" in two day National Seminar on Consumer Protection and Empowerment in India organized by Department of Commerce and Management Studies (DCMS), University of Calicut on 6th and 7th October 2016 in association with Center for Consumer Studies, Indian Institute of Public Administration, New Delhi and Sponsored by Department of Consumer Affairs, Government of India. 39. V. Muhammed Rafi, Department of commerce, presented a paper entitled "Entrepreneurial promotional institutions and entrepreneurship development'' in two day UGC sponsored State level seminar cum workshop on Entrepreneurial Start-up ventures by Graduates Organized By PG Department of Commerce, Sullamussalam Science College Areacode on 28th February and 1st March 2017. 40. Shamsudheen.K, Department of commerce, presented a paper entitled "Women Entrepreneurship in India-Problems And Prospects'' in two day UGC sponsored State level seminar cum workshop on Entrepreneurial Start-up ventures by Graduates Organized By PG Department of Commerce, Sullamussalam Science College Areacode on 28th February and 1st March 2017. 41. Bassam K, Department of commerce, published a paper "Human development index (HDI): A study of Malappuram district, Kerala, India" International Journal of Applied Research (IJAR) 42. Bassam K, Department of commerce, published a paper "Green HRM-A Tool of Sustainable Development" International Journal for Scientific Research and Development (IJSRD). 43. Bassam K, Department of commerce, Published a paper "Social impacts of ecotourism in India" International Journal of Advance Research And Innovative Ideas In Education (IJARIIE). 44. Bassam K, Department of commerce, Published a paper "The impact of MGNREGS on the economic development of rural people" International Journal of Economics, Commerce and Research (IJECR). Participation in Academic Bodies 45. Dr. T.P. Abbas, Head of the department of Computer Science, has been nominated as the Chairman of Board of Studies (B.Sc. Computer Science). 46. Dr. P. Muhamed Ilyas (Principal) has been nominated to the Board of Studies (M.Sc. Computer Science) of Calicut University.

47. Dr. P. Muhamed Ilyas (Principal) has been nominated to the Board of Studies (BCA) of Jamia Hamdard University, New Delhi 48. Dr. P. Muhamed Ilyas (Principal) has been nominated as the Chairman of the Board of Examiners for M.Sc. Computer Science of Calicut University. 49. Dr. Mohammedali, HOD of Physical Education has been nominated to the Board of Studies (UG) of Physical Education, University of Calicut. 50. Dr. Sajith, HOD of Mathematics has been nominated to the Board of Studies (UG) of Mathematics, University of Calicut. 51. Ashraf Ali TPO, Associate Professor in Computer Science, has been nominated to the Board of Studies (UG) of Printing and Information Technology, University of Calicut. 52. Jabir A.M, HOD of Arabic has been nominated to the Board of Studies (UG) of Islamic Studies, University of Calicut. 53. Dr. Sajith, HOD of Mathematics department has been nominated as a member of Board of Studies, University of Calicut. 54. Dr. Sajith, HOD of Mathematics department has been nominated as the Chairman, BoS, MES College, Mampad. 55. Dr Yakoob. C, HoD of Commerce department has been appointed as the Course Material Coordinator, SDE, University of Calicut. He prepared and submitted course book on "Quantitative Techniques for Managerial Decisions' for M. Com., University of Calicut. Membership in Professional Bodies 1. Dr. Muhamed Ilyas, (Principal) is a professional member of Association for Computing Machinery (ACM). 2. Dr. Sajith, HOD of Mathematics, is a member of American Mathematical Society. He is also a member of Mathematical Association of America. Exam Result (Pass Percentage) The following table shows the result of the university examinations during the academic year 2013-14 No Course % Remark 1 B.Sc. Computer Science 59 2 B.Sc. Physics 90 3 B.Sc. Mathematics 72 4 B.A. English 84 5 B.Com 70 6 M.A. English 90 7 M.Sc. Physics 83.33 8 M.Sc. Computer Science 90 9 M.Sc. Mathematics 40 10 M.Com Not published yet Faculty Development Programmes 1. Yahya NV of English department has attended the orientation programme at HRDC University of Calicut. 2. Rizwana. K.T of Computer Science department has attended UGC Sponsored One month Orientation programme from 24th Feb 2016 at Academic Staff College, University of Calicut. 3. IQAC has organized a faculty Recharge Programme on Pedagogical Skills on 1st February 2016 for the entire faculty members of the college. Mr. Saleem, CIGI, Calicut was the resource person. 3. RESEARCH, CONSULTANCY AND EXTENSION Almost half of the permanent teaching staff of the college are Ph.D.

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holders. PG department of Computer Science and Mathematics have enough number of Ph.D. holders to become a research department. Smt. Sameeha Rahmani of the Mathematics department is pursuing her Ph.D under FIP scheme of the UGC. Dr. Haskar Ali E. has been awarded the guide ship and he is a research guide in the department of Malayalam, University of Calicut since June 2015. He is also conferred Post-doctoral Research award by the UGC in August 2015. Dr. Musthafa Farook has been awarded Ph.D. on the topic "Social and Political thought of Murthaza Mutthahari" from School of International Relations, MG University, Kottayam in May 2015. Dr. Musthafa Farook of History department, Jouhar and Reshma Majeed of English department are doing minor research projects funded by the UGC. Dr.N. A. Mohammed Shanid was selected for the FLAIR programme of Department of Higher Education, Kerala. Department of Journalism came into agreement with Radio Mattoli Community FM, Wayanad and Darshana TV Calicut this year for the training and internship of the students. Seminars &Conferences: 1. The department of Commerce organized a two day UGC sponsored state level seminar cum workshop on "Entrepreneurial startup ventures by graduates''. Miss Preethi., Manager, NITC-TBI, inaugurated the function. 2. The department of Physics organized a Science Colloquium on "Recent Advances in Physics' on 6 September 2016. Mr. P.M.A. Hakeem, a former IAS officer was the resource person. 3. Homoloquens, research forum of the department of English, organized a talk on Subjectivities. 4. The department of English organized a national workshop on Teaching Humanities in the 21st Century for teachers. Participation of Students in Seminars / Workshops 1. Renna Shakir N.V of the final Year B.Sc. was selected for the Summer Research Fellowship of Indian Academy of Sciences. 2. Naseeha KC of the final Year B.Sc won first rank in the Calicut University Zone and 12th rank in the state level in the Physics Talent Search Examination conducted by APT. 3. B. Voc BJ students participated in various workshops and literary camps organized by different media organizations and publishing firms. State literary camp "EZUTHUPURA, conducted by Malayala Manorama, Neythal and Bathakka by Shasthra Sahithya Parishath, Kerala Literature Fest, Calicut, Madhyamam Literary Fest, Kerala State Library Council, Wild Life Conservation Camps at Muthanga and Tholpetty are a few to mention. 4. Selected students from the department participated in the media seminar during the Communion Media Fest, organized by the department of Mass Communication and Journalism, University of Calicut. 5. First year students participated in Spot photography contest organized during the Management Fest at MES, Mampad. 6. The department of Economics organized a discussion on "Goods Service Tax" on 13-9-2017. Mr. Mujeeb Rahman AP (HoD of Economics) led the Discussion. The students from various departments are actively participated in the discussion. 7. The department of Economics organized a workshop on "Capital market and its Operations" on 5-10-2016 in association with Hedge Equities, Kochi, for the students of economics. 8. The Department of Economics Conducted a discussion on "Demonetization of Indian Currency" on 12-10- 2016. Mr. Basheer KT (Assistant Professor in Economics) handled the session.

Students' achievements UNESCO -CEMCA Community Radio Video Challenge 2016 Students from B. Voc Broadcasting & Journalism won six prizes in the UNESCO-CEMCA national level short-film contest on the topic Role of Community Radio in Disaster Management. Aslam KP won the second prize for his film titled Alakal. Shibil VM, Sabna Ashmi PK and Saifunnisa C won third prizes for their films Frequency of Life, The Warning and Beware of Man-Made Disasters respectively. Shamil CA won a consolation prize for his work The Instant Info. 20 students and three teachers were invited to attend the award ceremony which was held at India International Centre New Delhi on 28 June 2016. Ad-Astra Media Fest The students of department of Broadcasting & Journalism, Sullamussalam Science College, Areacode bagged various prizes during the Ad ASTRA 2k16, hosted by the department of MCJ, Kannur University from December 1st to 2nd at Mangattuparamba Campus. Mohammed Nijad K and Afnas CT of first semester B. Voc Broadcasting & Journalism bagged first prize in the radio jingle production, while Mohammed Shahid K, Nuzulurahman KP, Bishre Aboobacker and Afsal Kadavan of fifth semester won the first prize in the production of Public Service Ad. Hisham P of fifth semester has won first prize in Grafitti, Yaseen Bin Yousufali of first semester won second place in Mock press competition and MushthaqueRahman U and Bareer Ihsani VP bagged third prize in the debate competition. Communion Media Fest Shamna KP of second year won Second Prize in Television News Story contest and Nijad K, Badusha Fahad and Afnas CT of first year won Third Prize in PSA contest. Inquilab, the departmental magazine won second prize in the Kaivara Magazine competition organized by the Students' Union. Shahana M of first year won second prize in the Film Rachana Contest organized by the Students' Union. Mubashira Mohammed Karattchali, Nithula K, FathimaSumayya K, Hiba M and Hafeefa C.T of Second Sem BA English participated in the Shakespeare festival at St. Joseph Thrissur and won 3rd Prize in Skit. Abida Abdulla of Second Semester BA English Participated and won prizes in Shakespeare Viesta (1st Prize - sonnet Recitation) organized by Farook College and Elocution Competition (III Position) held at MES Mampad College. Jishanath N attended a National seminar on Climate Change & Sustainability: The Role of the Teaching Community at the University of Kavaratti, Lakshadweep. Rafiya Sherin K of BA English has won prizes for Elocution (3rd Prize, Mampad College), Speak for India Extempore competition (1st prize, NSS College), Speak for India Zonal level (1st prize, PSMO College), Speak for India Semi Final (Providence Women's College), Elocution competition (2nd prize, Govt. Arts College, Calicut), Elocution Competition (1st prize, Govt. College, Malappuram) STUDENT SUPPORT & PROGRESSION The college has initiated five special academic support programmes in the year 2016-17 1. PHYSICS ORIENTATION PROGRAMME FOR THE FRESHERS2016


ss college magazine 2016-17 The programme consisted of 5 lectures,5 tutorials, Alumni talk, one group learning programme, one reading session, one students' discussion session and a feedback session. The focal themes and resource persons for various sessions were as follows: 1. "Learning Science through the web"- Dr. P. Mohamed Ilyas 2. "The book of nature written in the language of Mathematics"- Dr. G Sajith 3. "How to become a scientist: Building a research career"- Dr. Shanid 4. "Physics at a glance"- Mr. Abdul Rahoof K.A. 5. "From micrcosmos to macrocosmos" Mrs.Najiya 6. "Scope and excitements of Physics"- Mr. K. Afsal, Research Scholar IIT, Chennai Physics department council has decided to organize a physics nurture camp as a continuation of this orientation programme. 2. B.Voc Department The department welcomed the batch with a foundation Programme from 27th July to 2nd August 2016. Each day had three sessions of different genres of Journalism. Apart from the faculties from the college, we invited experts from outside including P Balan, Documentary Film Maker and Programme Producer, AIR Madikkeri, Yasir N V, Founder and CEO, Yara Communications Calicut and Mr. Hussain from CIGI. The department conducted a Public Service Advertisement Campaign- Save Nature for Future. An open discussion on Back to Nature: An Utopian Thought? was also conducted as part of the campaign. Department organized a session on Techniques for Personality Development and Time Management for the selected students of three batches on February 23, 2017. Mr. Davood Muhammed, Trainer and Counselor, led the session Brain Wave Mega Quiz Show: The final year students hosted the second edition of the television quiz programme "Brain Waves' this year. Media Visit: The department also organized a one day industrial visit for the second year students (2015 Admission) to All India Radio, Madhyamam Daily and Media One channel on 6th February 2017. One day Mobile & DSLR Photography: The department organized a one day Mobile and DSLR photography workshop for the first year students (2016 Admission) on 23rd March 2017. Internships The final year students have started their internship from this March. As per our agreement with Darshana TV and Media One, they provided internship for 14 students (Darshana - 5 Nos @ Calicut Office, Media One - 4 Nos @ Trivandrum Bureau, 3 Nos @ Cochin Bureau, 2 Nos @ Calicut Bureau). A few others joined Kairali, Reporter TV and Peace Radio. Final year students Afsa lKadavan, Hisham P and Musthanque Rahman U covered the State School Youth Fest held at Kannur from February 16-22 for the Varthamanam Daily and Web Edition. It was a wonderful learning experience for the students and they have published numerous stories and photographs during the period in the Varthamanam Daily and Web Portal. This year also the department continued to give photography and video support for various events organized by the college and other departments. As part of extending its services to the local community, the department catered to the media needs of neighboring schools and colleges, especially our sister organizations. Meet the Masters

The department continued its initiative, Meet the Masters - an Industry-Academia Interactive Programme to provide the students with an opportunity to interact the industry experts, this year also. The following persons interacted with the students as part of the programme. P Balan, Documentary Film Maker and Programme Producer, AIR Madikkeri. His award winning documentary, The 18th Elephant was also screened as part of the event. Akhil Thamjith Komachi, Official Photographer, Royal Carrebean Cruise Ship, on January 17, 2017 Jaffer Khan, Sports Writer and Sub Editor cum Reporter, TV New, Kochi. Production Works from Outside The department has also started taking Audio Video Editing and shooting works from outside by charging a competitive price. The works will be done by the students under the supervision and guidance of teachers. 20 percent of the income will be transferred to the department common fund towards the rent of equipments and facilities and the rest will be shared among those involved in the work. Our students, especially final and second year students have started taking up media related freelance works from outside including Camera and Editing, Video Coverage, Wedding photography. Some of them have even purchased high end cameras and started taking photography assignments on a regular basis. A few of them also became the part of many short film works outside the campus under various capacities such as Associate Director, Editors, Cameramen, etc. Hisham P of final year is working as a part time News Anchor at Media Plus, a local channel in Areacode. 3. Commerce Department The department started a new club named "Nexus' on 01/11/2016.The main aim of this club is to make the students very competitive in the field of commerce and management studies. This club conducted a half day programme on capital market operations in association with Hedge equities on 05/10/2016.This club also organized a best manager game on 15/02/2017. 4. Economics Department The Department of Economics, Sullamussalam Science College, Areacode has successfully conducted bridge course in academic year 2016-17 for the first semester students as Sullamussalam Science College, Areacode introduced it for the first year students to bridge the gap. The Bridge Course is aimed to act as a buffer for the new students, with an objective to provide ample of time for the transition of students from school to the college education. In spite of having very good grades at Higher Secondary Examination, students had long break since the month of April. Hence bridge course proves to be a best opportunity for the students to adapt themselves with new social and academic environment.During this interaction of 3 days with the faculty and their classmates, the students will be equipped with the knowledge and the confidence needed to take on challenges in contemporary world. The department of Economics conducted an industrial Visit to "Cochin Port" on 26-10-2016 for fifth semester students of economics. The Department of economics organized a programme " Economics career zone" in association with Walk With Scholar. Mr. Kabeer KT (Assistant Professor in Economics, Govt college kalpatta) given a class on higher education in economics. 5. College Level Programmes Walk with a Scholar (WWS) is a programme of Kerala State Higher

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Education Council (KSHEC) as part of their "New Initiatives in Higher Education'. WWS scheme proposed to arrange specialized mentoring programs for students in Under Graduate Programs in Arts, Science and Commerce and to provide guidance for their future. The scheme introduces the idea of mentoring and builds on the concept of mentor as a "Guide' and "Friend'. Dr. Shanid of the Physics department is the coordinator of the WWS programme. Scholar Support Programme - Special remedial and mentoring programme to support weak students of the campus. 6 students from each class are selected for this programme. Najiya of the Physics department is the coordinator of the programme. 6. Smart Lab - To inculcate research and innovations in the field of computing, a smart lab is setup under the Department of Computer Science. Various applications and projects are under way. This could be converted into a commercial technology lab, if we get funding for the expansion. Habeeb. P, Assistant Professor, Department of Vocation programmes, is the coordinator of the lab. 7. IEDC (Innovation & Entrepreneurship Development Cell): An initiative from Kerala Government to promote innovation and entrepreneurship in young minds, and to create a "Start-Up' ecosystem in the state. KSUM focuses to accelerate the growth of student entrepreneurs. Our college is the first Arts & Science College in the state to setup an IEDC cell with the grant from KSUM. 8. Career Guidance & Placement Cell - College has an active Career Guidance Cell which conducts various awareness and placement programmes in the campus. This year CGC conducted five programmes including a campus recruitment drive by ERAM group. National Service Scheme (NSS) The main flagship programmes of the NSS units of our college for the year 2016-17 were 1) Back to Agriculture 2) Palliative care and 3) A house a year In addition to flagship programmes college NSS units observed all national and international days with various programmes and activities as part of the regular works and conducted a seven day special camping programme. 1) Back to Agriculture As part of Institutional vegetable development project of Kerala Govt., NSS units of Sullamussalam science college has granted one lakh rupees to construct a poly-house and a vegetable cultivation in collaboration in the campus. The bio-farming in one Acre land is started on 8th December 2016 as part of "Haritha Keralam Project'. 2) Palliative care NSS units of our college are regularly participating in various palliative care activities. Conducted an Orientation Programme on Palliative Care for the newly enrolled volunteers. On 29th October 2016 conducted a programme named "Koodu" - A zonal cultural and games meet for mentally challenged persons in the palliative units of Manjeri zone. Around 35 Psychiatric patients were participated in the programme. Conducted a "No Shave November" campaign to collect fund for the cancer patients, collected Rs. 8000 and handed over the money to Palliative Clinic. Conducted a medicine collection in the campus and handed over the medicine to Palliative clinic during. Organized "Pariraksha camp' for paraplegia patients in association with Areacode grama Panchayath and Areacode Taluk Hospital.

During this year around 25000 rupees were collected for the treatment of three patients. 3) A house a year As part of the NSS day celebrations, announced the beneficiary of the "A House A Year" project and initiated the procedures for constructing the house. The house work was started by the end of October and the work is still in progress. Special camping programme The seven day special camp of NSS units of Sullamussalam Science College conducted at Vendekumpoyil Anganawadi - ward I of Urngattiri Gramapanchayath from 23rd December 2016 to 29th December 2016. The camp was inaugurated by Mrs. Paramban Lakshmi (President, Areacode Block-Panchayath) in presence of Mr. P.M Johny (Member, UrgttiriGrama-Panchayat), Fr. Mathew (Vikari, Vendekumpoyil), Dr. Mohemmadali (Head, Dept. of Physical Education, SS College, Areacode). The other main activities during this year are, World Environment day: Observed world environment day on 5th June 2016 by conducting an awareness class and planted saplings in the campus. International Yoga day: Observed International Yoga day on 21st June 2016 by practicing yoga and conducted an awareness class about the importance of yoga in daily life. Anti-drugs day: Observed Anti-drugs day 26th June 2016 by displaying notice boards regarding the ban of drugs in the campus and its premises. Swatch Bharath Pakhwada: Cleaned the road side of ward 3 of Areacode Grama Panchayath as part of Swachh Bharath Pakhwada in collaboration with Areacode Gramapanchayath on 02/08/2016. International Youth day: Observed international youth day Conducted a debate on role of Youth in Nation Development on 10/08/2016. Independence day: As part of the Independence Day celebrations conducted a "Chart Expo"- competition on the topic "History Independence of India". Teacher's day: Conducted a teaching competition "Best Teacher among Students" as part of "Teacher's Day' celebrations on 5th September 2016. ODF (Open Defecation Free) Campaign Conducted an awareness class to motivate students to take part in the Govt. ODF campaign on 6th September 2016. Mr. Razeem and Mr. Nadirsha were the resource persons. Eye donation Awareness: Conducted an awareness class about the importance of eye donation, NSS volunteer Mr. Fasil Ali engaged the session on 7th September 2016. "Eid - Onam" Kit Distribution: Distributed "Eid - Onam" kit to 20 poor families on 9th September 2016, by the Mrs. Ambayathingal Muneera, President Areacode Grama Panchayath. Orientation Programme: Conducted NSS Orientation programme to newly enrolled volunteers on 1st October 2016. Gandhi Jayanthi: Conducted a Quiz on the topic "History of India between 1885 and 1947" among College students as part of the Gandhi Jayanthi Celebrations on 2nd October 2016. Also conducted a Video presentation on "Knowing India' as part of Gandhi Jayanthi Celebrations on 3rd October 2016. Mental Health Awareness Class: Conducted a mental health awareness class by Mr. Basheer. K (District coordinator, Mental Health, Palliative Clinics, Malappuram) on 28th October 2016.


ss college magazine 2016-17 National Integration day: Observed Rashtriya Ektha Diwas (National Integration Day) by conducting an awareness class and pledge taking on 31st October 2016. Children's day: Celebrated Children's day with the children in the Anganawadi of the adopted area by various programmes on 14th November 2016. Energy conservation day: Observed the National Energy Conservation day by conducting an awareness class and took a pledge on this occasion on 14th December 2016. Blood Donation Camp: Conducted a blood donation camp on 20th October 2016 in collaboration with Manjeri Medical College Blood Bank and Care Kerala Blood Donors forum. 63 volunteers donated blood, most of them were girls. Life skill development Camp: The National service scheme and women's forum of the college had organized a four day life skill development camp for the girl students of the college at Kayyeni, in Attappadi from 7th January 2017 to 10th January 2017. PAIN AND PALLIATIVE CARE The Pain & Palliative Care unit of our college conducted an orientation and a training Programme for the first year volunteers about palliative care. During this year volunteers collected around 3 lakh rupees for the treatment of patients who suffered from cancer, kidney failure etc. KANIVU: Weekly kanivu fund is collected from students and teachers on every Wednesday and it is distributed to the poor students for books, dress, noon meals etc. the amount collected have been spent for the above mentioned purposes. ANTI RAGGING ACTIVITIES As per the direction of the honorable supreme court and instruction of the university grant commission, Govt. of Kerala and University of Calicut,anAnti-Vigilance committee and Anti Ragging squad started functioning in the college. As per the anti ragging awareness class was held in the college. ANTI DRUG AWARENESS PROGRAMMES With the help of District Panchayath, Anti-narcotics cell of Kerala Police and Janaraksha Club, college has started multi-faceted programmes to check the influence of drugs in our students. As part of the initiative, a one-day awareness programme was conducted by the narcotics cell for the students. College also conducted a street play and an exhibition with the help of N.S.S and college union. PHYSICAL EDUCATION 1. College Football Team participated in Karunya Football, Coimbatore and entered quarter final. The team also participated in Calicut University Inter zone Championship, Indian Express Football Championship and SNGC Football Coimbatore and entered Semi Final. 2. College Cricket Team for the first time entered the quarter finals of the B-zone championship 3. Shamsheer. P of I BCom won Bronze medal in the District Athletic meet 4. Anu Sabith of I BA Economics, Rishabudheen II BA Economics &Asharudheen II Year BCom represented Malappuram District under 21 team. 5. Safneeth K.P of III BA English represented Pathanamthitta District Football Team 6. Mujithaba Shoukath of I B Com& Mohamed Faheem of I B. Voc represented the winning Kerala team in the National students

Olympics held at Bhopal 7. Abal Rahman of I B. Com represented Calicut District in Wrestling and represented Malappuram District in Judo in state Championships. 8. Asharudheen of II B. Com represented Kerala in Santhosh Trophy held at Calicut & Goa. He was also selected to the Coaching Camp of India under 21 team. 9. College Football team became winner in the Malappuram District C Division Championship and Qualified B Division SARGAVEDI The Sargavedi started a new programme with a lending library for paraplegia patients in around Areacode. KOTTAKA (Media Club) WOMEN DEVELOPMENT CELL I. List of activities " Food fest " Life skill development camp at Attappadi " Observance of women's day " Handcrafts training " Premarital counseling " Glog II. List of resource persons invited and the topics handled by them " Birds around you (VijeshVallikkunnu, Wild Life Photographer) " Health and Food Habits (Khadija Nargis,Chief Editor-Ore bhoomi Ore Jeevan) " Effective Communication (Sajan,naturalist & cinematographer) " Into the Forest (Shiras, Naturalist) " Women's day message (Lukman Areacode-JCI Trainer) " Handcrafts training (Riza,creative designer) " Cyber world threats and solutions(Saleeq Mohamed) " Students space in social media(HamzaAnjumukkil) " Your web your design(AslamKakkove)\ " Premarital counselling(Mrs.Jasleena,Resourse Person ,CIGI) All the programmes organized by WDC were highly effective for the students.All the teachers and students actively participated in all the programmes organized by WDC. ONLINE COURSES " As part of the new initiatives in education, Sullamussalam Science College has introduced "Online Courses' for students in various disciplines. In the first year itself, 35 students enrolled for the "Hour of Code' course and 30 students got the certificates. Next year onwards we are planning to elaborate the programme by including more subjects from various Universities like MIT, Oxford, Cambridge etc.

Sd/Principal Muhamed Ilyas. P



SPECIAL THANKS: Ahammed Fayas T (Asst. Prof. Department of Commerce)

Dr. P Mustafa Farook,

(Head, Department of History)

Dr. Zahira Rahman,

(Former Head, Department of English)

Varun Ramesh

(Chief Subeditor, Asianet News Online)

Hasin Mahsool (BSc Computer Science)

Muhammed Naji & Muhammed Shafeeqe (B.Voc Software Technology)

Aromal P T

(Former Head, Department of B.Voc Software Technology)

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