Overcoming Anxiety
Compilation of Articles By: Robert G. Smith
Introduction May everyone be free from suffering... This published material is intended to serve as guidance for people who are looking for resources on finding resolution to anxiety through FasterEFT or Eutaptics. Eutaptics is one of the most effective healing and life training systems out there, combining mindfulness-based techniques that are very effective in resolving diverse life problems and health conditions. In contrast to other healing and training systems that utilize tapping, Eutaptics is not based on energy psychology. The main focus in Eutaptics, similar to FasterEFT, is that it assumes that we create problems based on imprints that our subconscious minds holds true, that directly influence our behavior, choices and lifestyle resulting in problems and illnesses. Other modalities are focused on eliminating or reducing the symptoms, but not Eutaptics. The larger focus is on collapsing the mental structure that hold problem-causing imprints, which then result in the elimination of the symptoms. The symptom reduction is only a by-product of the whole process. Please go to http://fastereft.com to learn more.
Complilation of Eutaptics Articles About Anxiety Important: Please take note that this is not a replacement to any of Eutaptics, FasterEFT or Skills to Change Training Manual. This published material contains only information also found across our online publications. To view more articles on various topics, please go to https://fastereft.com/blog/.
Eutaptics is the Best Anxiety Remedy to Help Ordinary People Eutaptics is a ground-breaking approach to deal with anxiety disorders. The primary reason that makes this approach to handle anxiety disorders effectively is because it gets rid of the problem from where it is rooted, rather than just addressing signs and symptoms. Anxiety disorders goes beyond the normal feeling of anxiousness. The disorders can cause such distress that may lead to a person not having a normal healthy life. Constant worry, fear and feeling overwhelmed can disable someone from progressing in their lives and live a healthy life. Eutaptics is the best anxiety remedy suitable for anyone who wish to be liberated from anxiety disorders and get back to a normal fulfilling life.
Different Types of Anxiety Disorders Social Anxiety Disorder Another common term for this anxiety disorder is social phobia. When the fear of being judged by other people and being overly conscious about self begins to encompass overwhelming worry, it needs to be addressed right away.
However, people who have social anxiety disorder often live within denial, because of the fear of being judged for having a disorder. They often call for help only when the effects of social anxiety disorder have taken control over their lives. The Eutaptics approach in handling social anxiety disorder will be total liberation from where it is rooted deep within the layers of consciousness and reprogramming the mind. This will be further explained in detail later.
Panic Disorder People suffering from this disorder are known to experience repetitive and sudden feelings of terror. While it is normal for most people to have a sudden feeling of panic, those who were diagnosed with panic disorder experience this without warning and in extremes.
Among the lengthy list of symptoms are: 1. Sweating 2. Chest pain 3. Unusually irregular and strong heartbeats 4. Feeling of choking. The feeling may be similar to having a heart attack or best described by others as going crazy because they understand that there is no reason to panic. The Eutaptics approach on the matter deals with why the brain triggers “panic� causing body organs to misbehave. Eutaptics deals not only with the psychological triggers causing someone to panic. In fact, Eutaptics directly deals what causes the triggers from the data contained within the layers of our consciousness.
Specific Phobias This disorder is characterized by intense fears over objects or situations, for example, spiders and flying. The level of fear among people suffering from phobias is generally inappropriate to the situation. Because of the intensity of fear, people with phobias may not be able to lead a healthy life and perform in everyday situations. Eutaptics deals with the root cause of the phobia freeing the person’s negative attachment to the situation or object. Click here to see our collection of materials regarding phobias.
Generalized Anxiety Disorder The excessive tension combined with unrealistic worry even when there is nothing provoking such intense negative emotions fall under generalized anxiety disorder.
Eutaptics’s Understanding of Anxiety Anxiety is when the body is in an emergency stress state without reason. When the body’s fight or flight system is provoked by the memories or “data” we hold within the layers of our consciousness. Resulting when the fight or flight system is triggered, is the release of hormones that directly affects the body. In cases there are real threats, anxiety is the normal response of the body to protect oneself. With anxiety disorders the occurrence of the symptoms are often without realistic threats. The reason behind this is because of what is going on within our minds.
It is rooted deep within our subconscious then our active minds interpret it as real. It then triggers the automatic response system of the body to react, releasing hormones and changing bodily functions. An advice of a health professional is necessary to determine whether someone is suffering from an anxiety disorder. However, the Eutaptics process will help an individual find relief with long term effects.
Try Eutaptics’s Process to Overcome Anxiety Disorder Step 1 Recognize how you know you are suffering from anxiety. If you are having and anxiety attach, notice how it feels like. In case you are currently not under an attack while trying this, remember how you felt the last time you felt anxious and notice what it truly feels like. Notice where exactly in your body you feel most of the reaction and tension and its intensity.
Step 2 Using two fingers, while focusing on the feeling of your fingers against your skin. Gently tap the following points while saying the corresponding phrases: 1. Tap between your eyebrows and say “I release and let this go” 2. Tap beside your eye and say “Let it go” 3. Tap under the eye and say “It’s safe to let it go” 4. Tap just below the collarbone and say – “Just let it all go”
Step 3 Grab your wrist, take a deep breath and blow it out and say “Peace”. Allow your mind to go to a peaceful memory, a place in your memory that feels really good. It doesn’t even have to be a real memory. It can be a dream or a place you would really love to be. Just focus on a place that can make you really feel good, happy and peaceful.
Step 4 Go back to the feeling of anxiety and notice the changes. If you notice a change, recognize whatever feeling related to anxiety is still left. Then repeat the process mentioned in step 2 to step 4. Keep repeating the steps until all the symptoms of anxiety is no longer active.
Things to Remember in Achieving Success with Eutaptics: 1. Do not stop until there are no recognizable symptoms and the feelings of anxiousness and related emotions triggering it has gone. 2. While tapping you will discover thoughts and revisit memories. It may seem that these memories are no related to your anxiety but they are present because somehow some of those memories and thoughts are connected to the root of the problem and the records held within your subconscious. Notice them; what you see, hear, feel and then tap again. Keep tapping until those memories and thoughts flip. 3. Keep using this technique every time you start to feel anxious. It is best you don’t wait until the feeling of anxiety intensifies. You should start tapping as soon as you
feel the first signs. Getting rid of it before it gets strong is the most effective way to get rid of it. Eutaptics will definitely make some permanent changes in the records you hold within your subconscious that causes extreme anxiety. Suggested reading on this is The Real Cause of All Your Problems, which will definitely help you understand and gain insights about yourself. The videos in this YouTube Playlist show you Eutaptics in action and valuable tips on using Eutaptics directly from Robert G. Smith.
How to Get Rid of Social Anxiety Using Eutaptics For many people social anxiety can be a major challenge, affecting many different areas of life. The good news is that there is a way to be free from this often debilitating condition. Eutaptics can help you to clear the cause of your social anxiety, resulting in a natural and automatic social confidence without any need for you to consciously change your behavior or communication skills.
What Causes Social Anxiety? The sensations you feel when you are in, or about to go into a social situation are the results of stress chemicals flooding your bloodstream. This is caused by your subconscious prompting your brain to signal your body to go into a fight, freeze or flight state. So, why does your subconscious cause you to go into that emergency state whenever you’re in social situations and yet other people do not have that response? Somewhere in you past one or more experiences were interpreted by your subconscious to mean that you are in danger when you are in a social situation. The records held in your subconscious do not necessarily make logical sense to the conscious mind – the subconscious is not capable of reasoning, using logic or judging right from wrong. However, these records, as far as your subconscious is concerned, are a matter of life and death; and keeping you in alignment with those records is a survival
priority for your subconscious. It will do whatever it takes to “protect” you. In order to change the fight, freeze or flight response, you need to change the original records.
How to Change the Original Records Step One Take a deep breath, close your eyes, and think about being in a social situation. Allow yourself to feel the anxiety you usually feel in those situations – for the last time. Now, go back to your earliest memory of feeling that same feeling. It may not have necessarily been a social situation – just look for the same feeling. When do you remember feeling that feeling in the past? Notice what the feeling feels like, where in your body you find it, and how strong it is. Step Two Using two fingers, and focusing now on the feeling of your fingertips on your skin, gently tap the following meridian points while saying the phrases: – The point between your eyebrows – I release and let this go now – Beside your eye– It’s okay to let it go – Under your eye – I don’t need to hold onto it any longer, it’s safe to let it go now – Just below your collarbone – And I’m okay as I’m letting it all go Step Three Grab your wrist, take a deep breath, blow it out, and say “Peace”, then go to a peaceful memory.
Step Four Now, go back to the situation you were thinking about in Step One, and notice what’s different. Notice if anything in the memory has changed; and notice how the intensity of the anxiety has changed. Notice whatever is left. Step Five Repeat Steps Two through Four until the memory has flipped and the anxiety has completely gone, and has been replaced by a feeling of peace, security and confidence. For more information on flipping memories read: Why do We Flip Memories in Eutaptics? It is very important that you keep repeating Steps Two through Four until the memory has completely flipped and the anxiety has completely gone. Even if there is only a tiny bit of anxiety left – be sure to keep tapping until it has completely vanished. Leaving even just a little can cause it to come back – just like weeds in a garden. Once you’ve cleared the feelings of anxiety and flipped that particular memory, test it by going to another memory where you experienced social anxiety. Do the same process from Step One through to Step Five until the anxiety has cleared and that memory has flipped. Do the same with all of your memories of social anxiety. You will find that some of them will have already flipped automatically as you’ve worked on the others, but make sure you check each one.
Moving Forward From now on, whenever you feel anxious, use the technique to clear it right then, in the moment. Just focus on the feeling of anxiousness, what it feels like, where in your body
you feel it, and how strong it is. Then go through the tapping process until it’s completely gone and has been replaced by good feelings. For more information on how and why Eutaptics works visit: The Eutaptics Belief System. For more guidance on using the Eutaptics technique visit: Tips on Using Eutaptics. To watch others changing their bad memories using Eutaptics watch the videos in the Eutaptics in Action Playlist.
How to Get Rid of Anxiety Using Eutaptics Anxiety can be debilitating; and while there are different types of anxiety, the cause is the same. Understanding how anxiety works and what causes it will help you to realize how you can use Eutaptics to get rid of it – permanently. Coping with anxiety in the moment is one thing; getting rid of it so that you are no longer plagued by that feeling is something else! And Eutaptics can help you to free yourself fully.
What is Anxiety? Anxiety is caused by the body going into an emergency stress state. The feeling of anxiousness is caused by the fight or flight stress hormones such as cortisol and adrenaline. The result is an increase in heart rate, sweaty palms, and all of the other signs that you are in danger – except there is no actual danger. The body is responding as if there is a physical threat when no such threat exists.
Symptoms of Anxiety Disorder There are many different symptoms of anxiety, and different people may experience different combinations at different times. Naturally, if there is something that is a real threat, anxiety is a normal and natural response. However, with an anxiety disorder, the symptoms occur when there is no real threat. Some people feel anxiety in response to specific things that pose no threat, while for many sufferers there appears to be no trigger at all, and the symptoms seem to come from nowhere.
If you experience a combination of any of the following symptoms when you are not in any physical danger, you may have anxiety disorder. An increase in heart rate, irregular heart beat (palpitations), chest pains, feeling sick, loss of appetite, sweating, headaches, feeling faint, breathing faster, feeling tearful for no reason, feeling irritable for no reason, feeling worried or uneasy a lot of the time for no apparent reason, unable to relax, feeling on edge a lot of the time, unable to concentrate, needing constant reassurance from others, difficulty sleeping. Naturally, the first step is to consult your doctor and follow their advice. In addition to this, the Eutaptics process will help you to find relief, and can help you to get rid of anxiety permanently.
How to Get Rid of Anxiety using Eutaptics Step One Notice how you know you have anxiety – if you’re feeling anxious right now, notice what that feels like; if you’re not feeling anxious right now, remember the last time you did feel anxious and notice what it feels like. Notice where in your body you feel it, and how strong it is. Step Two Using two fingers, and focusing on the feeling of your fingers on your skin, gently tap the following points while saying the phrases: – Between your eyebrows – “I release and let this go.” – Beside your eye – “Let it go”
– Under your eye – “It’s safe to let it go” – Just below your collarbone – “Just let it all go” Step Three Grab your wrist, take a deep breath, blow it out and say “Peace”. Now go to a peaceful memory – something that feels really good. It doesn’t even need to be a real memory, it could be a dream or somewhere you would love to be – anything that makes you feel good, happy and peaceful. Step Four Now go back to the feeling of anxiety and notice if it’s changed. If it has changed, notice how it’s different and what is still left. Then go back and repeat the process from Step Two to Step Four. Keep repeating these steps until all of the symptoms of anxiety have gone.
The Keys to Success: 1. Do not stop until all of the symptoms have gone and you no longer feel any feelings of anxiousness. 2. As you are tapping, you may find that memories and other thoughts come to you. Even though these may not appear to have any connection, there will be some connection to the problem. They will be somehow connected in the records held in your subconscious. Notice them – notice how you feel, what you see, what you hear, and then tap again. Keep tapping until those memories and thoughts flip.
3. Use this technique every time you start to feel anxious. Don’t wait until it gets to the full strength – start tapping as soon as you feel the first signs. Nipping it in the bud is the fastest and most effective way to get rid of anxiety. Although Eutaptics will make permanent changes to the records in your subconscious that cause these anxiety attacks (see: The REAL Cause of All Your Problems for more information), there may be several different aspects of the causes, which means you may need to tap on a variety of different thoughts, memories and feelings. Keep going – don’t stop until it has completely changed! For more guidance on using Eutaptics effectively, visit: The Eutaptics Belief System andTips on Using Eutaptics. To watch Eutaptics in action, visit: Eutaptics, Anxiety and Panic Attacks Playlist
Eutaptics Tapping to Achieve a Mindful State Life as we know it has become stressful. With our lives being so fast paced, you may feel a burnout coming on. Thankfully, we’ve got you covered. Being mindful means staying present and is a great way to de-stress. While it may be achieved by taking a few deep breaths, sometimes we are so overwhelmed, it may seem impossible to become mindful, let alone take deep breaths! According to Psychology Today, Mindfulness is defined as – “Mindfulness is a state of active, open attention on the present. When you’re mindful, you observe your thoughts and feelings from a distance, without judging them good or bad. Instead of letting your life pass you by, mindfulness means living in the moment and awakening to experience.” You probably know what mindfulness is. The ancient Buddhist meditation has been around for centuries, and it’s become extremely popular recently. In fact, the US military has started training marines in the art of achieving a mindful state, and it’s even taught at Harvard. But if you feel like there may be something wrong with you because you don’t quite get it, don’t worry. Eutaptics will help you clear out the resistance, enabling you to achieve a mindful state.
Being Present in the Moment What this phrase means is becoming aware of your surroundings. Most people just rush through their day, not really living, but going through the habitual motions of driving to work, school, grocery store and back. You can achieve mental clarity just by focusing on the sights and sounds around you at any given moment. This mindful awareness actually helps with blood pressure, stress, anxiety, panic attacks etc. If you have resistance to being mindful, try the following Eutaptics technique to help you achieve a mindful state. The Eutaptics technique interrupts that signal between the brain and the organs by focusing on the meridian points connected to those organs; and rewrites the reference or memory associated with that trigger. In other words, if you feel resistant to just slowing down and taking a deep breath, because of all the worry thoughts in your mind, and you want to change that automatic response, you could use the Eutaptics technique to disrupt the production of the chemicals that cause the feeling of ‘this doesn’t feel right’ when you’re reminded to become mindful. Doing this you can actually change the meaning of being in a mindful state in the subconscious from “not good” to “good”. This will then result in an automatic feeling of feeling good and relief when you want to take time out to become mindful. ____________________ Create the Life You’ve Always Wanted – Starter Course “Transform Your Life with Eutaptics” is an introduction to the Eutaptics tapping style. It’s the next step after the “7 Day Quick Start Course” and the step before Level I training.
“Transform Your Life with Eutaptics” contains almost 9 hours of video to help you learn the basics of Eutaptics including the Eutaptics belief system, how the mind works, the structure of problems and how to release those problems using the Eutaptics tapping style. It will teach you how to fix problems in your life and give you a sense of peace. It also includes live demonstrations of the Eutaptics tapping process by Robert Smith. Click here to view full course description. ____________________
Using the Eutaptics Technique to Achieve a Mindful State Step One: Aim Notice how you know you have the problem. You don’t need to know what the emotions or feelings are, just notice how you know they’re there. What do you feel? Where in your body do you feel it? What do you see or hear? How do you know it’s a problem? Step Two: Tap Use two fingers to tap the following points, while focusing on the feeling of your fingers on your skin: • between your eyebrows • beside your eye • under your eye • just below your collarbone While you are tapping, say “Let it go”. You can also add “It’s safe to let it go”.
Note: It doesn’t matter which side you tap – you can do either side, or both if you like. Step Three: Peace Grab your wrist, take a deep breath, blow it out, and say “peace” – and go to a peaceful memory for a moment. Step Four: Check Go back to your problem and take notice of how it’s changed. Do you feel different? Is the intensity of the feeling different? Does the memory look or sound different? Just notice. Step Five: Repeat Repeat steps two to four until the feeling or memory has “flipped” – in other words, the negative feeling has been replaced by a positive feeling. For best results, keep going until the original memory has been changed – even if it doesn’t feel like it’s going to change – it will, as long as you keep going until it does.
Resolving Panic Attacks with Eutaptics Tapping using Eutaptics can help with resolving sudden surges of overwhelming anxiety and fear known as panic attacks. Panic attacks are symptoms of a bigger issue. Usually, the issue is rooted in a memory that evokes sudden fear causing an individual to become incoherent, feel feelings of extreme danger and feeling of withdrawal from normal activities. Panic attacks can be resolved. While other mental healing modalities focus on providing temporary relief to the sudden surge of emotions, Eutaptics focus on eradicating the imprint or memory causing the issue. Permanent and lasting healing, that is what Faster Emotionally Focused Transformations is all about.
Normal Fears vs. Panic Attacks Stress caused by fear is somehow relatively normal depending on an individual’s coping mechanism. As we go through life, it is of course normal to experience something that may evoke a stress response that makes us momentarily uncomfortable. That isn’t bad at all because it is instinctual for the mind to produce a response to keep the body safe. However, panic attacks strike out of nowhere or nothing. A feeling of overwhelming anxiety will take over a person to the point where they are psychologically and physically producing stress responses with unknown triggers.
Once an individual is experiencing repeat episodes of attacks, they are definitely experiencing fears outside the bounds of “normal”, but are suffering from panic disorder. Recurring in nature, panic attacks cannot surface without a trigger, whether it is physical and tangible or imaginary and abstract. Something perceived by the mind must be producing the response. A panic inducing memory may cause the feeling of grave danger and the inability to escape. A person may respond to any of these three responses – fight, flight, or freeze.
Signs and Symptoms of Panic Attacks Chest pain Discomfort Palpitations Hyperventilation Choking feeling Detached from surroundings Moderate to severe sweating Upset stomach Feeling dizzy and incoherent Tingling sensations Hot and cold flashes
Fear of dying and extreme danger Sometimes, panic attacks may feel like having a heart attack because the signs and symptoms are often similar to Myocardial Infarction (MI). It is important to rule out cardiac disorders before making an assumption that you are indeed suffering from panic disorder, so it’s best to get a cardiologist to check your heart condition ____________________ Create the Life You’ve Always Wanted – Starter Course “Transform Your Life with Eutaptics” is an introduction to the Eutaptics tapping style. It’s the next step after the “7 Day Quick Start Course” and the step before Level I training. “Transform Your Life with Eutaptics” contains almost 9 hours of video to help you learn the basics of Eutaptics including the Eutaptics belief system, how the mind works, the structure of problems and how to release those problems using the Eutaptics tapping style. It will teach you how to fix problems in your life and give you a sense of peace. It also includes live demonstrations of the Eutaptics tapping process by Robert Smith. Click here to view full course description. ____________________
Panic Disorder Signs and Symptoms Anyone suffering from the following may be suffering from panic disorder: 1. Frequent unexpected panic attacks that are not directly influenced by a specific situation. 2. Unsettling feeling of worry about any danger that are not otherwise present.
3. Sudden shifts in behavior. Avoiding situations, places and things that provoke a state of panic. Panic attacks, as mentioned earlier, are episodes that may be recurring. Anything that can provoke one episode may leave a lasting imprint. If a panic attack is recurring, a person may begin to feel limited and this may spill across other areas of their lives. The memory of intense fear felt during an attack may impact the mind and cause altered moods and responses even if that specific situation is not exactly the main cause.
Use of Eutaptics to Overcome Panic Disorders Since panic disorders are rooted within the imprints or memories held within the mind as records serving as a reference to form a response, Eutaptics can help reimprint these memories. Memory reimprinting is a highly-specialized technique that aims to release the emotions carried by imprints or memories. The release of these emotions will lead to an eventual collapse of the mental structure causing “panic� – which is rooted in fear and anxiety. Stress responses are well understood in the Eutaptics belief system. Activate mental healing from panic disorders and control your stress responses using the Eutaptics technique. Get started today for free.
The Mental Approach to Pain and Stress Management Many of us think that physical pain is just that – physical. Whether it’s a persistent backache, chronic fatigue syndrome, anxiety brought on by stress – these are just the symptoms caused by something greater. It’s important to recognize the fact that the brain controls all the vital functions of the body. In Eutaptics we’ve done extensive research on people, by speaking to them before and after using Eutaptics tapping, that shows that it’s all contained within the mind.
Letting go of the past to heal pain A client of Robert’s who was experiencing back pain was skeptical that letting go of past experiences could heal his back pain since the pain was physical and very real. That client, let’s call him John (to protect his privacy), had tried everything he could think of. John wore a back brace while he worked in order to try to relieve some of the pressure, and had also been seeing a chiropractor and doing exercises to try to reduce the pain. The brain stores the trauma from past experiences in the body. These are called memories, and you could test that right now: Think of something that bothers you, and notice how you know it bothers you – you will feel some kind of sensation in your body.
You know it bothers you because you feel it in your stomach, or your neck, or your back, or your chest, or anywhere else in your body. When you change the record that is stored in the brain, it will automatically result in a change in the way your body feels.
Memories are stored emotions We’ve discussed above how if the pain was purely physical, it would not change, regardless of changes in emotions, thoughts and tapping. The brain stores emotions in the body. These emotions whether good or bad are felt as pain, joy, excitement, anger, jealousy, awe, happiness, fear etc. John had been carrying his feelings of guilt in his lower back; and when those emotions were released, the brain no longer triggered the pain in his back. So how did he release those emotions? Well Robert used the Eutaptics tapping technique on him. Robert asked John to notice how the pain felt – whether it was a sharp pain, a dull pain or pressure; and he clarified that it was a sharp, constant pain that he could feel right across his lower back. Robert asked the client to remember the first time he felt the pain, and he remembered waking up in the morning, feeling it. Robert the tapped on letting go of the helpless feelings and feelings of no control, using the Eutaptics tapping technique. Robert tapped on feelings that no-one supported him; emotional hurts and financial stress – releasing and letting it all go. The results? After a few rounds of tapping, the pain dramatically reduced to a manageable level, and the John realized that he was carrying guilt for being angry with his mother. Robert asked him to notice those feeling of the guilt, and then tapped out those feelings, and the back pain disappeared.
It’s interesting to notice that he did not need to know the emotional cause of the pain – he was initially aiming at the feeling of the pain itself; and as the tapping continued, John’s subconscious accessed the records it held that were connected to that pain. As a result, the realization of the guilt came to him automatically. This is just one example of how Eutaptics can help combat stress and pain. It doesn’t have to be something you have to live with. It’s easier to see that pain, stress or chronic worry as an opportunity to do some mental housekeeping. Watch this video for a real life example of how Eutaptics helped remove the pain that had been weighing her down for so long: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tIi2SuKxqCo
Eutaptics and Traumatic Stress Responses Sometimes chronic stress takes on the shape of something ugly and scarring. We’re referring to Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). We are in no way recommending that a physician or doctor not be your first port of call. In fact, Eutaptics works better because it directly addresses the cause behind PTSD. As we’ve mentioned before, Eutaptics works with the mind and not only with the severity of the symptoms. This means that an individual who uses the Eutaptics techniques of tapping, A.R.T. of change, memory reimprinting, is able to collapse the structure of the disorder with its related triggers and symptoms. This is accomplished through Eutaptics memory reimprinting, whereby the previous harmful or negative memories are replaced with something more pleasant.
By doing this, the references used by the mind stored within the subconscious are flipped. When those negative or hurtful experiences or references are gone, incoming events no longer are filtered through previous records that create negative thought patterns and cause unpleasant behavior and other negative physiological responses. Though this is a very simplified explanation of how Eutaptics works to help with PTSD, these are the general guidelines. For a more detailed explanation on PTSD and how Eutaptics can help, read this: https://Eutaptics.com/blog/Eutaptics-ends-traumatic-stress-responses/
Chronic Stress – A way out Stress comes to us in many shapes, sizes and forms. Sometimes it can the thought of meeting someone that throws you into a tailspin, or it can be how other people might perceive you, or worries about the future. Whatever the cause, it can be changed and eradicated using Eutaptics stress management. Suppose you have a problem with being seen with the certain people at social gatherings, and it’s become this phobia of sorts. You’re constantly thinking and worrying about it, while you’re at work, when you’re at home, doing chores, as you go to bed etc. You don’t want to be associated with “this group of people” because some of them act strangely, talk too loud, don’t dress well, and attract attention because of their strange behavior. This becomes a particular problem during social outings. Before attending a certain upcoming birthday party, you managed to make yourself physically sick ill because of the
intensity of the stress you were experiencing in anticipation of having to be out with the group. Now another party is coming up, but by now you’ve heard about Eutaptics. So this time, before the party, you ask a Eutaptics practitioner if they can help you with this stress. The practitioner happily agrees, and after the session is over; not only is the stress completely gone, leaving you happy and smiling, but you actually enjoy the party!
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Another form of extreme stress is the chronic fatigue syndrome. This is the result of living in a highly stressful state, day in and day out, over a prolonged period of time. Although there are many reported cures out there for chronic fatigue, Eutaptics has helped many of those with the condition to free themselves from it – permanently. Medical professionals are only able to offer medications that are designed to help treat the symptoms. However, as is the case with mosts problems – from physical ailments to life-long patterns – the real cause of chronic fatigue syndrome is in the records that are held within the subconscious mind. Chronic fatigue is not a disease; it is the result of the body following perfectly what the subconscious holds. Change the information in the subconscious, and the body will follow automatically. That’s the exciting part about working with Eutaptics! You can transform yourself into a carefree, happy and energetic individual.
The hidden driver As we’ve mentioned before, the mind is the brain in action – the mind is what the brain does. Thoughts are connections between neurons (nerve cells) in your neocortex. These connections trigger other physiological processes in the brain and body, including the production of chemicals in the limbic brain. These chemicals produce various results throughout the body. Since the brain controls bodily functions, and the mind is the brain in action, the mind has a direct effect on the body. So considering the fact that the brain controls the nervous system, and the rest of the body, it’s not a stretch to understand the connection between the activity in the brain and the physical symptoms of the stress. When you’re under constant stress, over a number of years, your brain is constantly flooding your body with stress hormones, resulting in chronic stress and fatigue. Since the mind is the brain in action, and the brain controls the body – who’s controlling the mind? You may think that you are in control of your mind – you may think that your thoughts, decisions and choices are conscious; however, the truth is that most of what your mind does is unconscious. You will notice that you are not making conscious choices in every single thought, choice and decision. So, who’s the driver? The subconscious mind prompts the brain to trigger various processes in the body, and then the conscious mind, registering the sensations of these processes, gives meaning to them – and reacts accordingly with thoughts, decisions and choices.
This is why using “positive thinking” only, will not cure your stress. It is not your conscious thinking that is in charge. You may consciously be thinking positively, but it is the data in your subconscious that is driving your brain and body. If you have chronic stress or chronic fatigue syndrome (or any other condition), you will have a structure of data or “proof” within your subconscious that it is referring to, in order to produce the symptoms. In other words: Your subconscious is referring to certain information that provides evidence of “reality” (for more detail on this, read: The REAL Cause of All Your Problems), and it is then prompting your brain to trigger the responses in your body that produce the symptoms that are recognized as fibromyalgia. For more on the physical effects of your emotions, read: How Can Emotions Affect Physical Health?
The cure Instead of simply trying to treat the symptoms, addressing the original cause will help you to free yourself from the condition – permanently. Think of it as baking a cake. You can change the temperature of the oven, or buy another utensil to bake in, or even eating the ingredients raw, but it is only by changing the ingredients in your recipe, that you will be able to bake a cake that you desire to eat. Eutaptics enables you to change the ingredients of your life.
It’s very easy! Think back to when you first noticed the symptoms. Make a note of anything that was going on at that time. Were there any stressors or triggers around the time you can remember first experiencing the symptoms? Don’t worry if you can’t remember anything specific happening at that time. Fortunately, since Eutaptics works directly with the subconscious, and since your subconscious is able to access information your conscious mind doesn’t have access to, you don’t need to know what the original cause is in order to change it. If you do remember something specific happening around that time, use the Eutaptics Technique to address it and flip the memories. If you don’t remember anything around that time, simply make a note of any traumas or other stressful events that you’ve had in your life. There’s no need to remember them in detail or to write descriptions; simply write one or two words to identify them for yourself – as you would a shopping list. Then, use the Eutaptics Technique to address each one until it flips. As you go through the memories, you may well experience various physical sensations and symptoms – it is crucial you keep tapping until they have changed. If you are finding it difficult and you need help, tap along with some of the YouTube videos, or speak to a Certified Eutaptics Practitioner.
This is important In order to truly free yourself from stress, or to be able to manage it effectively, you need to be thorough. This is not just about relieving the pain or fatigue for a while. It’s not
about the symptoms at all. This is about cleaning up the data you are carrying that your subconscious is constantly referring to. One of the biggest mistakes people make when they become free from the symptoms using Eutaptics is they stop using it. If you stop using your toothbrush, you will develop cavities in your teeth and gum disease. If you stop using Eutaptics, you will allow the bad stuff to build up again. Just like cleaning your house, washing the dishes, taking a shower, weeding the garden, you need to keep your mind clean by using Eutaptics on an ongoing basis. Whenever you feel less than good, notice how you feel, notice how you know you feel it, and then tap it out until it flips. If it reminds you of an event from your past, clear and flip that memory. Using it in the moment is the most powerful method – use Mental Tapping if you can’t tap physically for some reason. To learn how others have healed their bodies from a range of medical conditions (including chronic stress) read the articles in: Testimonials, and watch the videos in the Eutaptics Severe and Chronic Illness Playlist.
Finding Heaven on Earth with Eutaptics What is the Honeymoon Effect? It’s defined as a state of bliss, where you have unlimited energy, passion and a zest for life that is unparalleled. You can’t wait to get up and start your day. Everything takes on a beautiful hue. You can’t help but thank the universe for the life that you have, loving everyone and everything. Small irritations and incidents seem to roll off of you. Basically, it’s heaven on earth. However, did you know that you created that heaven on earth for yourself? And it was you that “lost” it. That is because at one point in time, you had convinced your subconscious mind that you were deserving of that kind of happiness. And there was no contradictory thought or belief stopping you. So, when there was an agreement between your conscious and subconscious minds, you created that outer experience, your own heaven on earth. This state doesn’t last, because we have been taught that, “All good things must come to an end”. We believe that and after a few days of bliss, those negative thoughts that have been installed within our minds resurface, telling us it’s too good to be true. The more we try to fight those negative thoughts and feelings, the more they overpower us. It becomes a vicious circle.
How to make Heaven Last Eutaptics is the only method known that can stop that negative chatter from taking over. You don’t need to do a special chant, burn a candle, become a Buddhist or be a meditational guru. All you need is the desire for change. The desire to know that those negative thoughts are not your true nature and that you can achieve your own personal heaven on earth with just two fingers! The Eutaptics tapping style is quick, fast, efficient and easy. The tapping points used in Eutaptics are chosen for their simplicity and the fact that they address the major organs responsible for the stress “fight-freeze-or-flight” state. These organs produce chemicals that cause the sensations of negative emotions. Whereas in regular EFT, tapping addresses energetic blocks, in Eutaptics, tapping on these meridian points interrupts the signal between the brain and the organs responsible for the production of those stress chemicals. Discover the meridian points tapped in Eutaptics.
Create Your Own Heaven You’re not perfect, but then again, no one is. To strive for perfection is what causes a disconnect between reality and and your expectations of how reality should be. When you’re in that “heavenly state” you feel like nothing can stop you. That’s because you are riding the high from positive thoughts and emotions which are infinitely more powerful and uplifting than negative ones.
The reason that everything seems to work out so perfectly when you’re in that mood is because you are focusing on what is working. ‘Energy flows when attention goes’ becomes literally true, so that minor grievances don’t bother you anymore. The problem with this approach is that you’re not tackling the real issue. The real problems are buried within the recesses of your mind, which can be ignored momentarily. But in order to make sure that heaven on earth lasts a while, you need to clear out the cobwebs with Eutaptics.
Why? Eutaptics equips the individual with the understanding that emotional memories stored within the subconscious mind is the basis for your reaction in your current life. In other words, if you’re constantly getting angry at the same people, or fear the same situation, or feel the same anxiety every time some big change happens in your life, it means that there is something within you causes you to react that way. The good news is, you don’t need to know why. All you need to know is that you don’t feel good, examine that, and tap on Eutaptics style. Keep tapping, keep going, keep clearing those hurts, pains, rejections, negative memories and flip them into positive moments. By doing that, you’re setting yourself up for success and long term sustainable happiness.