July 2013

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July 2013 Vol. 4 Issue 7

of the Month e b a B


Feature Bike



Horace Joyner

WIN A Biker Wedding in oc, md

Hot Cougar E vents C alendar

It’s hard to get undivided attention when you’re just part of the crowd

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Fa s t L a n e B i k e r


ROLLING THUNDER is behind us and summer is now in full swing. We’d like to thank those who braved the weather to join us at the Washington Dulles Hilton and appreciate those who couldn’t because of it. Everyone needs to ride in their comfort zone. We would particularly like to thank the LEATHERNECKS MC for their support and hope to work closely with this fine organization in the future. As for the demonstration, we were thrilled to be able to speak with so many folks while waiting in the Pentagon parking lot. This is an incredible experience and every biker should participate at least once during their lifetime. The Rolling Thunder mantra is “Never Forgotten.” Well they can’t forget unless you let them so plan to be there in 2014.

vendor sites inside Ocean City, MD can also continue to do so with added enhancements. It’s growing and we are very happy to be a media partner for this event. So what is FLBD doing at the 2013 OC Bikefest/ Delmarva Bike Week? Our readers must know by now that we have something planned and YOU can be part of it! CONTEST ALERT!! FLBD and Barefoot Bride will be hosting a BIKER WEDDING during OC Bikefest/Delmarva Bike Week and one lucky couple will be married ON THE MAIN STAGE at the inlet on Saturday, September 14th. Here’s your chance to win a variety of wedding accoutrements including overnight accommodations, rings, cake, flowers, a catered reception at the FLBD lounge under the big top tent at the inlet and more! So if you are planning to be wed anytime soon, visit www.flbdelmarva.com to learn how your magic moment can become part of bike week history!

We expect to see as many of you as possible at HUB CITY BIKE WEEK, July 3rd thru 7th. The town of Hagerstown, MD banded together and put out the welcome mat in order to bring bikers into the town for a good time. The “hub” of Hub City Bike Week is ALWAYS RON’S BAR & RESTAURANT located in downtown Hagerstown. Owner Mike Guessford will provide non-stop live music, food, drink, contests, prizes, mechanical bull and more. Bike week begins July 5th but if you want the good times to begin before then, Mike kicks off the event on July 3rd with an all-you-can-eat crabfest featuring live music and the party carries over into the July 4th holiday which ends with a powerful fireworks display courtesy of the Hagerstown Chamber of Commerce - and you can see it all from Always Ron’s. Look for the Hub City Bike Week Event Schedule in this issue of FLBD.

Bi g Po pp a & M is s Ca ro lin e

F as t L an e B ik er D el m ar va

Mark your calendars for September 12th thru 15th and plan to attend the newly integrated OC BIKEFEST/DELMARVA BIKE WEEK. Those of you who enjoyed Delmarva Bike Week for 12 years can still do so with added enhancements. Those of you who wanted more and enjoyed the concerts and 3


SENIOR MOMENTS Name: Cathy van Norden Age: 61 Location: Frederick, MD

Cathy van Norden never thought about riding a motorcycle. That all changed in 2008 when she met Dave Griffin, a motorcycle fanatic and Cathy’s new boyfriend. She rode on the back of Dave’s bikes for about 3 years and was hooked. In addition to his Road King, Dave also owned 11 antique bikes. Unfortunately, whenever they rode one of the older bikes, they both had to fit into those small, uncomfortable buddy seats. That didn’t last long mostly because Cathy came up with a great idea: GET HER OWN BIKE!! Cathy says, “DO IT!! You are simply NEVER too old to learn something new!” She encourages women to challenge themselves to something new and believes that fun doesn’t stop when we get old - we get old when we stop having fun.

Cathy purchased her first bike, a Harley Davidson Sportster, in 2011 when she first began to learn to ride. It proved to be just a little too much for her to handle. She switched to a 1979 Honda Twin Star (a kick-start that she enjoyed riding but it fell a few times), then a Suzuki 800 Lehman conversion trike which she loved. But love can sometimes be fickle and when Cathy got a taste of Can Ams she was smitten. She recently purchased a 2013 ST Spyder (998 cc).

Cathy was a music teacher for 31 years in Hagerstown, MD. She is the proud mother of 3 babies adopted from Korea that are now 30, 27 and 25. She provided foster care for 5 years and 16 kids passed through her doors. She loves all sports, most music, gardening and she is definitely a people person. She loves riding with Dave and hopes to have many years of riding together.

Cathy’s first challenge was learning how to operate a 5 speed. That wasn’t as difficult as learning to maneuver the trike because the front end was heavy and she had to muscle turns. The new Can Am is semi-automatic and very easy to ride so Cathy enjoys her rides more than ever. Sometimes she is the only woman rider in the group. But whenever she reminds her fellow bikers that she isn’t one of the guys, they tell her she is!

To sum it up: Cathy got her first tattoo at age 50, rode her first motorcycle at age 60 - look out age 70!! Editor’s note: Be sure to stop by Always Ron’s during Hub City Bike Week where you can see some of Dave’s antique bikes on display.

Cathy enjoys rides that benefit a good cause including juvenile diabetes research and the foster kids of Frederick County. Her favorite pleasure rides are leisurely trips out in the country. She loves the feeling of riding with the wind in her face while taking in the awesome scenery. She has been to Sturgis, Myrtle Beach, Maggie Valley (NC) and is planning summer trips to Maine and stopping at Cape Cod to visit friends. She wants to beat her riding record of last year - which is over 10,000 miles. Cathy usually rides with Dave and their friends. Her oldest daughter, Ashley, and Dave’s step-son, Kenny, also ride. When asked if she had any advice for new riders,

Fa s t L a n e B i k e r


DIRECTORY 13 QUESTIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 234 MOTORSPORTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 460 ROAD HOUSE BIKE NIGHTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 ABATE OF MARYLAND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 ADVENTURES OF SUCH A GUY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 ALL AMERICAN HARLEY-DAVIDSON . . . . . . . . . . . 27 APPLE MOUNTAIN PRODUCTIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . IBC ASK THE ATTORNEY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 BABE OF THE MONTH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 BATTLEY CYCLES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13, 35 BIG DOG’S MOTO TOURS INC. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 C&C CYCLE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 C&S MOTORSPORTS PHOTOGRAPHY . . . . . . . . . . 33 CANCUN CANTINA WEST . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 CAPT MANGO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 DELMARVA MOTORCYCLE HEARSE SERVICE . . . 22 EVENTS CALENDAR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 FEATURE BIKE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 FULL CIRCLE V-TWIN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 HOT COUGAR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 HUB CITY BIKE WEEK . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1, 16, 17 IN STEP LEATHER . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 IRON WORKS CUSTOM CYCLES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 JAY irwin BLOCK, law offices . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 LEE GABER, CYCLE ATTORNEY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . BC LOCKED DOOR, THE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 LOVEFIFI.COM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 MARYS BARGAIN CYCLE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 MOTORCYCLE ART . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 MULLIGAN’S BAR & GRILL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 NJ MOTORSPORTS PARK . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 OCEAN CITY BIKE WEEK . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 PATRIOT BUICK-GMC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 PAYNE’S LEATHER . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 PRODUCT REVIEWS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 RIDER INSURANCE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IFC ROAD RUNNERS / WORLD TRANSMISSION . . . . . 33 ROLLING WITH THE BIG DOGS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 ROMMEL HARLEY-DAVIDSON DELMARVA . . . . . . 29 SELFDEFENSE.COM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 SENIOR MOMENT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 STARPHOTOS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 TWIGG CYCLES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 WHITE ROSE THUNDER . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23


LIST OF CULPRITS NATIONAL PUBLISHER Mark Ruzicka PUBLISHER/EDITOR Caroline Fellman Contact: caroline@flbdelmarva.com MARKETING/SALES DIRECTOR Walt (“BIG POPPA”) Kuch Contact: walt@flbdelmarva.com REGIONAL SALES MANAGERS Alicia “BBA” Helfrich • Contact: bba@flbdelmarva.com Jesse Green • Contact: Jesse@flbdelmarva.com Tracey Leigh • Contact: Tracey@flbdelmarva.com KNOWN ASSOCIATES: CONTRIBUTING WRITERS Carlos ‘Big Dog’ Campos • Rollin’ with the Big Dogs Lee D. Gaber, Esquire • Ask the Attorney Michelle Holcomb • ABATE Jay Kuch • Ride to Eat . Eat to Ride Ashli Lenox • Adventures of Such A Guy Anthony & Michelle Martone, Star Photography of VA • 460 Road House Alicia “BBA” Helfrich • Myrtle Beach Bike Week Tracey Leigh • Shifting Gears for Greyson Mark D. Shores • Freedom Ride Operation Whitetail PHOTOGRAPERS Star Photography of VA • Cover, Feature Babe & Bike, Mulligan’s, 460 Road House • Contact: star-photos@yhotmail.com Mark Youngblood • Hot Cougar • youngbloodstudios@msn.com

FAST LANE BIKER DELMARVA Phone: 610-517-8808 . flb@flbdelmarva.com

LAYOUT & DESIGN Sherry Krial . Home at Work... Contact: graphix@homeatwork.info

Fast Lane Biker Magazine DELMARVA is published monthly and reproduction of content is not permitted without the express written approval of Caroline Fellman. Publisher assumes no financial responsibility for errors in ads beyond the cost of space occupied by error and a correction will be printed provided the error is the fault of Publisher. Publisher is not liable for any slander of an individual or group as we mean no malice or individual criticism at any time, nor are we responsible for the opinions or comments of our columnists. We are not responsible for promises, coupons, or lack of fulfillment from advertisers who are solely responsible for the content of their advertisement. Publisher will be held harmless from failure to produce any issue as scheduled due to reasons beyond the publishers’ control. Publisher is not responsible for and shall be held harmless with respect to all suits for libel, plagiarism, copyright infringement and unauthorized use of a person’s name or photograph. Publisher does not promote excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages.

WEBMASTER Steven L. Bordlemay Contact: webmaster@flbdelmarva.com WEB DESIGN Steve Vreatt Contact: webdesign@flbdelmarva.com



Bill Whittington Owner, Whittington Construction Group Part-Time Sales, Harley-Davidson® of Williamsport

8) Who is your fictional hero? Superman.

1) How long have you been involved with your business/occupation? 13 years.

9) Who do you consider your real life hero? Terry Toms.

2) What does your occupation entail? I construct home improvements, sunrooms, deck & patios, shade systems, retractable awnings, basement finishing, bath and kitchen remodeling and, of course, I sell Harley-Davidson motorcycles. 3) Where were you Hagerstown, Maryland.

10) What is the most awesome thing you own? My house. 11) What is the question you are most often asked (and what is the answer you give)? Is that Real? And my answer is yes!


12) If you could choose any other occupation, what would that be? I like what I do and wouldn’t change a thing. I love my job!

4) Where do you currently reside? Williamsport, Maryland. 5) What do you like/admire most about yourself? I manage to have fun at whatever I do!

13) If you could switch places with one person for a day, who would that person be? A Gynecologist.

6) What would you consider your greatest extravagance? My business.

Learn more about Bill’s construction company at www. whittingtoncontractors.com or visit him at HarleyDavidson of Williamsport (Williamsport, Maryland).

7) Where would you most like to reside if you could? Some place where it is motorcycle season all year round.

Fa s t L a n e B i k e r


On Saturday, June 8th, the 460 Road House held its fourth bike night of the 2013 season. Anthony and Michele Martone of Starphotos of VA were on hand to provide photo ops of the Inked Diamond Girls on your favorite motorcycle. Patrons enjoyed a Hula Hoop contest, chilling out on the extended patio, great food and frosty beverages. Rocky Top Karaoke rocked the Road House with singers and booty shakin’ music. Be sure to join us for the next bike night on Saturday, July 13th, featuring live music by Man About A Horse. Visit the Starphotos and the 460 Road House Facebook pages for updates. 460 Road House Bar & Grill 1020 Orange Ave NE • Roanoke VA 24012 540-343-0090 Hours 11am to 2am 7 days per week Karaoke 9pm to 2am 7 days per week



** all states ** 7/3-7 - Hub City Bike Week, Hagerstown, MD - Join us at Always Ron’s at the Hub of Hagerstown, MD for live music all weekend, bikini contest, hot cougar contest, all-you-can-eat crab, beer & corn feed, $1 Bud drafts trailer, contests including best/worst tattoo, best 6 pack (abs), best keg (gut), sexy legs, best cleavage and hottest kiss, lighted bike parade thru town, Capt. Mango’s Treasure Hunt, mechanical bull riding, bike show, fireworks, vendors, prizes, giveaways and more! Private biker boudoir shots available on bike of your choice! For more information or event schedule, visit www.hubcitybikeweek.com or www.flbdelmarva.com. ** delaware ** 7/13 - Nanticoke Riverfest Bike Show, Seaford, DE 7/20 - Bikes, Blues and BBQ, New Castle, DE 7/21 - Big Al Memorial Sweaty Ball Charity Run, Wilmington, DE ** maryland ** 7/5-7 - 3rd Annual Hagerstown Bike Week, Hagerstown, MD 7/6 - AMA Pro Flat Track Motorcycle Racing, Hagerstown, MD 7/6 - Bone to be Wild - Hagerstown, MD 7/6 - River Rat Poker Run - Williamsport, MD 7/13 - V-ROD Day at Battley Harley-Davidson, Gaithersburg, MD 7/19-21 - MIROCK - WPGC Bike Fest, Mechanicsville, MD 7/20 - Bike Day for Camron, Hampstead, MD 7/20 - That 70’s Day at Battley Cycles, Gaithersburg, MD 7/23 - Dealer Dinner Ride at Battley Cycles, Gaithersburg, MD 7/27 - B.H.O. (Bikers Helping Others) 2013 Poker Run, Thurmont, MD 7/27- Yamaha Day at Battley Cycles with StarBQ and the Red Cross, Gaithersburg, MD ** virginia ** 7/13 - Winchester Blues House Festival and Poker Run, Winchester, VA 7/13 - 460 Road House/Fast Lane Biker Delmarva Bike Night with Starphotos, Roanoke, VA 7/19-21 - Thunder Kanawha 4th Annual Bike Rally, Dugspur, VA 7/20 - Benefit Ride, Afton, VA 7/20 - 4th Annual Hooters Poker Run, Fairfax, VA 7/20-21 - Bike Night Bikes and Babes, Roanoke, VA 7/27 - 2nd Annual CVMA 27-2 Benefit Ride: Bull Run III, Manassas, VA

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by Michelle Holcomb, Executive Director

Why should you join an MRO (motorcycle rights organization)? I am asked that quite often as I travel around the state. The first thing that comes to mind is the importance of making sure what you love to do is around for you, your children and your grandchildren. Without MRO’s we would have a federally mandated mandatory helmet law, motorcycle insurance so high that no one could afford it, mandatory safety gear that the federal government thinks we should wear, motorcycles that cannot be altered in any way, no mom and pop repair shops, no motorcycle safety programs, one motorcycle per parking spot, out of control gang laws which include motorcycle organizations such as HOG, American Legion Riders, Vietnam Vets MC, etc. I could go on and on. I think back over the last 38 years that ABATE of Maryland has been in existence and realize all of these things have been attempted by the state and federal government and because of MRO’s they have not succeeded. With no representation in our capitol, the sport and lifestyle of motorcycling would only be affordable to the rich. There would be no freedom of choice in any state.

munity to work on anything which would affect motorcycle riders. ABATE, HOG, military posts, MVA, SHA, AAA, dealers and riders work together in meetings to make our states safe for all riders. We work on safe roadways, awareness, noise, etc., together as one unit. The question is not why should you belong to an MRO but why wouldn’t you want to? How important is your safety and lifestyle to you? Do you want to see your children and grandchildren ride free? If you love motorcycling the way I do, the answer to these questions is an adamant YES! Join your local MRO and MRF (Motorcycle Riders Foundation) so that the lifestyle we live will be passed on to future generations. $25 a year is a small price to pay for your freedom.

Because of the MRO’s, you are riding today with relatively few restrictions. MRO’s across the country have been very successful in educating the public on motorcycle safety. They have made sure there are signs in their states on roadways which say “Watch for Motorcycles” or “Look Twice and Save a Life.” ABATE of Maryland started the motorcycle safety program which is very successful in teaching riders the right way to ride. MRO’s promote awareness. They promote not riding impaired. They educate cagers in how to watch for motorcyclists. Because of MRO’s, states have motorcycle coalitions which incorporate everyone in the motorcycle com9


By Jay Kuch , Mystery Fo od Critique


Summer is here and that means lots of riding, a multitude of events and plenty of eating and drinking. This month I wanted to give you a couple of options and decided to hit two places - Kildare’s Irish Pub and McGlynn’s Pub, both in Newark, DE.

my first plate. To my surprise the shrimp wasn’t rubbery or cold, it was fresh and the mashed potatoes were creamy. After three plate refills I was full but, I must say, for about $20 I had a damn good meal. So for my second stop I say it was a good find.

Kildare’s wasn’t a far ride for me but a decent ride with good “scenery.” I went with a friend on a random Tuesday to take advantage of their $3 Long Island Iced Teas. I walked in and the bar was dead ahead with some seating that overlooked Main Street in Newark. We opted to sit at the bar. There were a few other people seated there as well but it wasn’t overly crowded. A lovely bartender took our drink and food order. We selected an order of chipotle barbecue fries to start, fish and chips, a drunken steak and couple of Long Island Iced Teas. Now the restaurant honestly was not that busy but apparently busy enough to forget my appetizer. WTF! How can you forget to make an order of French Fries topped with barbecue sauce? Okay, no big deal. With the summer season upon us I guess I should cut back some anyway.

If you are interested in trying Kildare’s you can give it a shot, but my experience wasn’t the best. They are located at 45 E. Main Street, Newark, DE. I do recommend you check out the Thursday All You Can Eat Shrimp Night at McGlynn’s Pub, 108 Peoples Plaza, Newark, DE.

When dinner arrived, the steak was slightly over cooked (medium instead of medium rare, but close enough), and the potatoes were luke warm. I was definitely not impressed. The sad part is that the steak had great flavor, but my issues with everything else just screwed up the meal for me. This was a shame because the staff is friendly and the uniforms are very nice (plaid skirts for the ladies). Unfortunately, that is the best thing about the restaurant. The fish and chips came out fine, but you can’t really mess up fried food - oh wait, you can by not cooking it! Needless to say, this was not the best experience and I probably won’t be back no matter how much I like the uniforms. Because my first choice sucked, I decided to take advantage of the nice weather and locate a place I could actually recommend. I headed to McGlynn’s in Newark, DE for their Thursday “All You Can Eat Shrimp Night.” This is not a bad deal at $12 for all you can eat steamed shrimp. How can you resist? I didn’t. The moment I entered McGlynn’s with a few friends I began stuffing my face. Your first plate comes with your choice of side - baked potato, mashed potatoes, fries or rice. I ordered a Jack and Coke (mixing it up a little and it was on special) and dove into

Fa s t L a n e B i k e r


If you have any questions or comments, or want to suggest a biker-friendly eatery, contact jay@flbdlemarva.com. Until next time, it’s just another day in paradise. Don’t forget to join me at Hub City Bike Week, July 3 – 7th, Hagerstown, MD. I’ll be touring the area looking for stops to recommend to my foodie fans so I hope to see you there!



SHIFTING GEARS FOR GREYSEN by Tracey Leigh The opportunity to help someone in this world is the best ticket in town, especially when you get to do it on your motorcycle. While supporting others we grow like daffodils in early spring. On a bright, sunny March 23, 2013, motorcycles were ready to Shift Gears for Greysen. This is the first benefit for the Robert Tweed Foundation and it will benefit 6-yr old Greysen Hitchens. Greysen is full of energy and surrounded by the love of his mom and dad, Lesley and Michael Hitchens and his two brothers. Greysen has been diagnosed with an inoperable brain tumor. The tumor continues to grow and so does the cost of treatment. Over 100 bikes were ready to ride at noon from the 93.5 Beach parking lot escorted by the Delaware State Police to the American Legion in Millsboro, DE. At the American Legion raffle tickets were sold, vendors were on hand and items were auctioned to raise money for Greysen. Music was DJ’d provided by Pro Vocal. Greysen is home-schooled by mom along with his brothers in Georgetown, DE. His dad works at the prison in Georgetown. Dad recently started riding and his helmet says it all. Greysen has a Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/Pray.for. Grey.The.Journey where I was able to download pictures (since my camera was not cooperating). Thank you, Lesley, for allowing me to use your photos. Greysen has connected with others fighting this fight via Facebook and wears his bracelets that are sent to him to remind he is not alone. Check out the website and watch the video of the run. You can also donate at https://www.facebook.com/Pray.for.Grey.The. Journey/app_18015191938. Thanks to everyone who participated in and organized this benefit. It was a great day for Shifting Gears for Greysen.

Fa s t L a n e B i k e r




Myrtle Beach Bike Week May 10 - 19, 2013

by Alicia ”BBA” Helfrich Why is it that when you tell friends you’ve been to another long distance rally, the first thing they ask is “Did you ride or trailer?” Why not ask “Did you have a great time?” or “How was the weather?” Well, for the record, Myrtle Beach Bike Week was a fabulous time and the weather was awesome! Temperatures reached the high 80s every day and my friends nicknamed me “the good luck charm” because it always rains at this rally for them - but not for me! We decided we were going to take in as much as possible and we did our fair share of riding up and down “The Grand Strand” which was exhilarating. These are some of the highlights of our trip: * The House of Blues featured the Full Throttle Saloon and cast directly from Sturgis with deck parties all day and night. * The Beaver Bar featured “Opie” of SOA, live music, vendors, tub girls, and more. * Spoke and Bones Saloon was rocking. Six acres of biker activities including battle of the baggers, a poker run, high wire cycle stunts and free concerts. * Suck Bang Blow, what do you know? They have two locations and are known for their burn out pits! The locations are referred to as the “original one” and the “new one” (4 corners). An announcement was made when we were at the “new one” that it was closing this location for good. So it was my first and last time at the new SBB. We cruised around the strip and inlet and enjoyed the entertainment offered at other locations. Myrtle Beach Harley-Davidson had food and vendors at their main location and Broadway at the Beach was full of restaurants, bars, and nightlife. I even

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took time to lay on the beach to work on my tan. The boardwalk was interesting, and the Sky Wheel was a lot of fun. The view was spectacular. Would I return to this rally that is trying to rebuild its’ reputation from year’s past? Yes, I would. It was a good time with friends down South. Now back to those annoying first questions yes, we trailered. But we made up for it once we arrived at our destination. As it turns out, it was a good call. We hit a bad rain storm heading home around Richmond. Until next time, see you in the Fast Lane!



Fa s t L a n e B i k e r




e n a m e Sch Schemane is 22 years old and resides in Roanoke, Virginia. She is employed as a bartender and enjoys a variety of hobbies including photography, riding motocross bikes, horseback riding - the faster the better! Traveling is also on the horizon for Schemane and plans include visits to California and New Zealand. If you see her out and about this month, be sure to wish her a happy birthday!

Fa s t L a n e B i k e r




Fa s t L a n e B i k e r




Fa s t L a n e B i k e r


York Expo Center


September 26, 27, 28, and 29, 2013

Flat Track Motorcycle Racing Vendors • Bike Show • Vintage Cycles • Poker Runs Concerts • Stunt Shows • Demo Rides • Biker Games THURSDAY 9/26 Noon – 10pm Stunt Show, Vendors Bands from 4pm til 10pm

FRIDAY 9/27 10am – 10pm

Vendors, Stunt Shows, Biker Games, Indoor Bike Show (cash prizes) Bands from 3pm on Grandstand Stage Mustang Sally Band 8pm

SATURDAY 9/28 10am – 10pm

Vendors, Stunt Shows, Biker Games, Ride in Bike Show (outside) Inside Custom Bike Show, PRO Racing starts 10am Grand Funk Railroad Concert at 8pm followed by fireworks!

SUNDAY 9/29 10am – 4pm

Vendors, Stunt Shows, Biker Games, Indoor Bike Show (cash prizes) Amateur Racing starts 11am RACING IS


Thursday 9/26 & Sunday 9/29 - $10 per person Friday 9/27 & Saturday 9/28 - $15 per person 4 DAY PASS - $35 Per Person

For more info visit our website www.whiterosethunder.com



'Old Glory'

Fa s t L a n e B i k e r


FEATURE BIKE NAME: Old Glory OWNER: Horace Joyner Location: Rocky Mount, NC YEAR/MAKE/MODEL: 2006 Boss Hoss Trike BUILD TIME: 1-1/2 Years ENGINE: ZZ4 350 Chevy Turbo 350 Trans EXHAUST: Guatlen TRANSMISSION: Turbo 350 FRONT WHEEL: Directional REAL WHEEL: SS Crager PAINT: House of Kolor Majic /Blue Pearl, White Pearl, Blood Red PAINTER (Mural): Dave Widmoon, & Blaine



Mulligan’s Bike Night • July 20th Come out and join the fun including a Motorcycle Rodeo brought to you by Ron (Lizard) Williams. Festivities begin at 4 p.m. featuring live music by UnTax't Whiskey.

It’s 5 O’Clock Somewhere...

6419 Williamson Road • Roanoke, VA 540-265-7484 • www.mulligansbarandgrill.info

Fa s t L a n e B i k e r


8126 Old Leonardtown Rd., Hughesville, MD

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ADJUSTABLE TOURING RACK FROM HARLEY-DAVIDSON EXPANDS Simply Push Two Buttons to Slide Out Sides for 50 Percent More Rack Surface The new Adjustable Two-Up Luggage Rack (P/N 50300044 Chrome, P/N 50300076 Gloss Black; $399.95) from Harley-Davidson® Genuine Motor Accessories® features telescoping side extensions that expand the width of the rack from 12.75 inches to 18.75 inches. To accommodate a wide soft bag or duffle, press the buttons and slide out the side extensions to increase the usable surface area by 50 percent. When an oversize rack is not required slide the extensions back in for a clean look. The rack has a load capacity of 30 pounds, and the side rails feature convenient mounting points for bag tie-down straps and bungee cords. The detachable rack can be completely removed from the bike in seconds. Add the internally-wired LED Light Kit, which is sold separately, (P/N 68065-10 Smoke lens or 68219-10 Red lens; $54.95 and sold separately) for enhanced visibility from the rear. This rack fits many 2009-later Touring models equipped with a 4-Point Docking Hardware Kit, but installation may require other accessories. See an authorized Harley-Davidson dealer for fitment details. HARLEY-DAVIDSON BATTERY TENDER WON’T OVER-CHARGE Includes Ring Terminal and Clip Charging Harnesses The new Compact Battery Tender (P/N 66000038, $39.95) from HarleyDavidson® Genuine Motor Accessories® is superior to a traditional “trickle charger” because its circuitry cycles the charger on and off as needed and never over-charges the battery. The 750mA charger includes a quick-disconnect output lead and 7.5 Amp

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fused charging harnesses equipped with ring connectors and alligator clips. The charger is backed by a five-year manufacturer’s warranty. NOSTALGIC WHITE HAND GRIPS COMPLETE A BOBBER CUSTOM Inspired by Classic Grips From the 1940s Go old school cool with these new Nostalgic White Grips (P/N 56100054, $69.95) from Harley-Davidson® Genuine Motor Accessories®. Inspired by the grips on Harley-Davidson motorcycles of the 1940s, these rubber grips have a comfortable hourglass shape with a chrome accent ring and a molded in Harley-Davidson logo. These white hand grips look great on a bobber-style custom and complement the White Diamond Solo Spring Saddle and the piping and stitching on the Black Diamond Solo Spring Saddle. Nostalgic White Grips fit 1996-later VRSC™, Sportster®, Dyna®, Softail® and 1996-2007 Touring models.



ROLLING wITHTHE BIG DOG'S Skyline Drive & The Blue Ridge Parkway (Part 3 of 3)

ALL RIGHTY THEN! We’ve explored Rt #226A, a.k.a. “the Diamondback,” we’ve spent our second night at the Little Switzerland Inn (mile marker #334), we’ve gassed up and we’re ready to ride some more! The southern end of the Blue Ridge Parkway is the most breathtaking. I say that not only because of the sights, but because of the number of Dragon caves honeycombing through the mountains, the waterfalls coming from rock out cropping’s, but the heights as well! Just before mile marker # 407 is Mount Pisgah at 5721 feet above sea level. Let me put this into perspective for you. 5280’ = 1 mile! That’s right, welcome to the “mile high riders club.” Few East Coast riders can boast this. At this point start looking for Wagon Road Gap and SR #276 located just before mile marker #412. You’ll need to take a slight 15 minute detour here and come off the Blue Ridge Parkway to fuel up. On our last trip we discovered the Blue Ridge Motorcycle Campground right next to a fuel stop. We will look into this place further in the near future. Getting back on the Blue Ridge Parkway, the highest point is at mile marker #432. To people from the East Coast 6047 feet above sea level is a mountain! To Westerners, it’s a third of the height of one of their several dozen peaks! A quarter of the height of a hand full of their peaks! Regardless, these are mountains in their own rights. On average, there is a 10-12° and sometimes as much as 15° temperature difference from the valley floors to these peaks. You will need gear to keep you warm. Depending on the time of year you do this ride, it is not unusual to get rain or even snow up here so plan accordingly and keep your eye on the forecast. I must also warn you about the wild life in this length of the parkway. My wife and I have come across black bear in this area more than once. I warn you, these guys are not teddy bears! Should you see one, do not approach it or harass it. Admire them from a safe distance and make lots of noise! You do not want one of these guys coming too close to see what you taste like. Raise and flail your arms, scream, rev your engine, anything to discourage them from approaching you. Especially if they have been conditioned not to fear humans - watch out! We are quickly approaching the end of this journey. Mile marker #469 signals the end of the Blue Ridge Parkway. It dead ends on SR #441. You can find fuel not far south on this road. Look for Acquoni Road and there is fuel, food and even lodging. Remember that from this point you are 33 miles from the Iron Horse Motorcycle Lodge.

The Little Switzerland Inn to the Iron Horse Motorcycle Campgrounds Run Distance: 180 miles if you stick to the Blue Ridge Parkway and BDMT route. There are many places to stop along the way so take this into account. Approximate Time: 5 hrs. 9 min, if you stay on the BDMT route without stops. Type of roads: 2 lane, 45 mph roads with tons of curves, mountains, valleys and along rivers, lakes and forest wild life areas. Gas, food and bathrooms are sparse. Primary roads: Blue Ridge Parkway, US #19 and US #28 Alternate Scenic Routes: SR #226A, US #276, US #129, SR #143, SR #165, SR #360, US #441, US #321, Foothills Parkway,,, just to name a few. Key Note: After all is said and done and you’ve got to get home to the Annapolis, Baltimore, Washington D.C. Metro area, use the I-81 or the I-40/I-95 corridor and according to Google maps, get home in about 9 hrs. We’ve learned that these time estimates are for cagers. For Moto-Tourists, depending on how often you stop, it’s more like 11 hrs. or more! That’s what it takes us, and we’re pro’s! It’s about 600 miles to get home, depending on where you live, so do the math.

**** To read the rest of this article, please visit my blog at www.BIGDOGsMotoTours.com , you will find the Google Maps of the 2013 “DOG Runs” under the FLBD Featured Runs tab, and don’t forget to subscribe to the blog & “Like” us on Facebook in order to keep track of where we are, what we’re doing and what’s going on with our tour schedule.

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by Carlos ‘Big Dog’ Campos




3RD ANNUAL FREEDOM RIDE OPERATION WHITETAIL Police Escorted Ride Benefits Wounded Warriors

by Mark D. Shores

It started as an idea - a barbeque for a few veterans, a way to give something back by a local Chapter of Patriot Guard Riders. Then Greg Meyer stood up and said, “I’ll offer my property for a hunt.” As a handful of the Meyer's friends caught wind of the upcoming hunt, offers to bait the hunt and use of campers to house the veterans came in. Greg’s wife, Shayne Darling-Meyer, offered to seek additional donations to provide funding for butchering and mounting deer. With all the interest and support given to this weekend hunt, Shayne decided to form Operation Whitetail and hoped to take more wounded Veterans hunting the following year. Now a recognized 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, a high honor and difficult distinction to obtain, Operation Whitetail will hold its 3rd Annual Freedom Ride fundraiser on August 3rd. The police-escorted ride starts at the Federalsburg VFW and ends at Harrison Chesapeake House in Tilghman Island and encompasses two counties. Community members line the streets with American flags and thank you banners as motorcyclists ride through Federalsburg, Preston, Easton, St. Michaels and Tilghman Island. The ride stretches approximately 50 miles with five police departments and The Easton National Guard Humvee escorting 250 Bikes, many with passengers. The ride concludes with a waterside dinner for all riders and the Release of Flowers ceremony for Gold Star families in remembrance of their loved ones lost in service. The National Guardsmen from the Humvee escort the Gold Star families in the Release of Flowers. Fundraising proceeds benefit wounded warriors by providing them with an opportunity to gather together and hunt on the property owned by the Meyers which borders the Maryland/Delaware line. To date, the Meyers have provided a 4-day guided sporting opportunity for 15 soldiers that includes hunting and fishing on the Myer’s property as well as additional properties made available by volunteers throughout the Delmarva area. As with any non-profit organization, obtaining volunteers is always a struggle. But the Meyers persevere with Shayne taking on the major role of running the non-profit on a daily basis. Some of the hunters have stayed in the Myer’s home, a true testament to their commitment to wounded service men and women. In fact, in the room where the soldiers stay is a message written on the wall from the Meyers: May all who enter as guests, leave as friends. In return, soldiers are encouraged to leave messages on that same wall before they leave, providing a long lasting memory for years to come. The 2013 ride will take place on August 3rd. Kickstands up is at 9:30 a.m. and a donation of $20 includes a waterfront lunch and live music by bands “Perception” and “Results May Vary.” Pre-registration ends on July 26th and riders wishing to participate can contact Shayne Darling-Meyer at 443-786-6866. For more information, visit www.operationwhitetail.org.

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1-888-CYCLE-LAW . LeeGaber@cycleattorney.com . www.cycleattorney.com Just when I thought I had learned all there was to learn about NJ uninsured (UM) and underinsured (UIM) motorist coverage, the insurance companies are changing the rules once again. I recently had a client that was involved in a serious motorcycle accident and had $25,000 in UIM coverage on his motorcycle policy. The person who caused the accident only had $15,000.00 in liability coverage so we made a claim against the UIM coverage on his motorcycle policy. Because he lived with his father, we also made a claim under the fathers’ automobile policy on which there was $500,000.00 in UIM coverage. We have done this before and have been successful. However, this time we learned that the insurance company had changed their policy language and wrote a buy-down clause into the auto policy, which lowered the amount of available UIM coverage to the state minimum, $15,000.00, if a claim was being made by a family member who owned another vehicle which had UIM coverage through another insurance company. I have done some research into this situation and unfortunately it appears as though the insurance companies can do this as long as they have given notice in advance of the change in coverage. Unfortunately, given the injuries sustained by my motorcycle client, the case will end up as an insurance tragedy as there is just not enough coverage to compensate him for the injuries he sustained. On another note, I recently attended the Burlington Bike Night which was held along the water in Burlington County, NJ. To my surprise there were actually three other law firms in attendance. Each were advertising that they represent “bikers” and were handing out advertising materials like magnets and pens, etc., just as my office has done for years. However, I was surprised by the fact that I was the only actual “motorcycle attorney” who took the time to personally attend the event and say hello to old and new clients. Over the years I have probably met 50-100 new clients by taking the time to answer all types of motorcycle related questions and simply press the flesh with my brothers and sisters who ride. I might be wrong but I think other bikers actually enjoy meeting the actual motorcycle attorney who will be handling their case should they ever need a motorcycle lawyer or maybe everyone just likes the free chip clips and lighters we hand out. Either way, I truly enjoy going to these shows as it gives me an opportunity to personally meet some clients that I may not have gotten the chance to meet when I represented them

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for their motorcycle accident cases. Although we try to meet with most of our clients who have been injured in a motorcycle accident, sometimes depending on the severity of their injuries and/or the amount of coverage available, their claim will often resolve before we ever get to meet. This is one of the reasons I try to attend as many motorcycle events as I can! Lastly, I just agreed to be the featured motorcycle accident attorney at the Lansdale Bike Night. As most of you already know, it is always the Saturday after Labor Day and is held at the Lansdale train station in PA with 50,000.00 plus bikers in attendance. It’s a great event, and I never miss it so hopefully I will see you there. As always, if upon reading this material you have any questions regarding this topic or any others, please feel free to contact me at LeeGaber@cycleattorney.com or 1-888-CYCLE-LAW (1-888-292-5352).

Sincerely, LEE D. GABER, Esquire The one and only “Cycle Attorney”


MOTORCYCLE ART talented Showcasing motorcycle art from the many munity. designers in the Delmarva motorcycle com Cyc les Pag e spo nso red by: Bat tley



Paula Paula resides in Hagerstown, MD where she has owned The Locked Door, a lingerie boutique and upscale adult gift and novelty store, for over 22 years. Before going into business for herself, Paula was in satellite communications. When she’s not working, Paula enjoys boating, riding motorcycles, sushi and picking Maryland crabs. She is a fitness enthusiast and has incorporated workouts into her lifestyle since the age of 17. Paula believes things happen for a reason and that nothing is a coincidence. Her motto is: Live life to the fullest and don’t wish your days away! Paula invites Hub City Bike Week attendees to take the short ride out to The Locked Door, Foxshire Plaza, 1423 Dual Highway, Hagerstown, MD to say hello. You might also spot our cougar at Always Ron’s during Hub City Bike Week.

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