May 2018

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May 2018

Vol. 9 Issue 5

Feature Bike


“Ride For Freedom” May 27th, 2018

Weekend Itinerary Speaker Bios

ro ll ca ll !! She Rides!

Deb Limback

“Chair of Honor”

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“I Ride Because...” Contest e $100 Cash Priz

bmission Individual Su r less 30 Words o

Submissions should best depict the

‘Spirit of Women Who Ride’

$500 Cash Pr

ize Women’s Riding Organization Submission • 150 W ords or less

MUST INCLUDE PHOTO Individual/Organization • Entry must be received no later than May 10, 2018 Fast Lane Biker Magazine Delmarva (“FLBD”) will continue the tradition of devoting its

June Issue to Women Who Ride

featuring a variety of groups, clubs and organizations who ride to promote women on two (and three) wheels. Now, thanks to Carolyn Crowley, founder of, you have the opportunity to promote who you are and what makes your members unique while competing for a $500 CASH DONATION in support of your organization.

To Enter... Submit your 150-word-or-less club, group or organization bio, mission statement or article that

best describes the spirit of your group and how you support and promote woman ridership. Please include your contact information (name, organization name, email and phone number). Please include a group photo. In addition, will offer a $100 CASH PRIZE to the individual woman rider who best finishes the sentence “I ride because…” in 30 words or less. Please include a photo of you on your bike.

Entries should be sent to and must be received no later than midnight, May 10, 2018.

Special thanks to sponsor for supporting women riders and effectively representing the needs of all motorcycle accident victims.

If you are a business owner who would like to support the June 2018 Women Who Ride issue by placing an ad in this very special and highly sought after and widely read issue, please contact prior to May 10, 2018. Please note that FLBD offers 501(c)(3) organizations special advertising, marketing and promotion packages. Contact our Marketing Team at for more info.



This month’s Editor’s Page is penned by Big Poppa. It’s hard to believe that the inaugural Rolling Thunder Demonstration Ride For Freedom in Washington, DC, took place 31 years ago. It started out as a demonstration ride to raise awareness of the POW/ MIA Issue following the Viet Nam War. “No One Left Behind” and “Never Forget” are both terms and philosophies that came about because of Rolling Thunder. Over the years, Rolling Thunder has become many things to many people. It is a day to visit The Wall and pay respect to friends who made the ultimate sacrifice during the Viet Nam War. The demonstration has also become the “Welcome Home” that Viet Nam Veterans never received after their tour of duty. Rolling Thunder as an event and as an organization has also become a solidifying force for Veterans’ rights and Veterans’ causes. There is a concern that as the population of Viet Nam Veterans age and pass on, the membership of Rolling Thunder will decrease and participation will dwindle not only for the demonstration ride, but also for the many auxiliary actions, deeds, contributions and services Rolling Thunder and Rolling Thunder Charities provides. FLBD is asking each and every one of you who reads this to take the time and make the effort to pass the torch and the message of Rolling Thunder to the younger generations. Bring your sons and daughters, your grandchildren, your nieces and nephews and so on, to participate in Rolling Thunder if you will be in attendance. If you can’t make it to DC this year, take them to a local Rolling Thunder event or meeting. The message and lesson of Rolling Thunder are much too important to disappear with age.

see each other in church on occasion (he was very active, I wasn’t), at Little League (he was very active, I was less so), and at other social events in and around our local area. Mike was a great father (six children), a small business man (he owned a painting contracting business), a great neighbor and a respected member of the community. I knew Mike served in the U.S. Army and was deployed to Viet Nam. He never spoke much about it to me. It wasn’t until I read his obituary that I learned he was an Airborne Ranger and was in Vietnam in 1969 and 1970 with the 25th Infantry. I can only image what Mike saw and did during his tour of duty. I can only surmise that Mike put the past behind him and concentrated on raising his family and taking care of the present, as many who served during that time did. Don’t get me wrong. Mike was proud of his military service and was involved with several Veterans’ organizations and causes. Unfortunately, Mike’s past caught up with him. He died from complications of exposure to Agent Orange during his tour in Viet Nam. How many more Mike Swartwoods have been and are still out there? We all owe them a debt of gratitude and we owe it to them to remember their lives and the sacrifice they made. To all who served, thank you for your service. To each Viet Nam Veteran, welcome home. Never Forget.

On a personal note, I wish to take a moment to pay homage to Mike Swartwood. Mike Swartwood passed away on February 22, 2018. Mike and I weren’t particularly close but his son, Patrick, and my son, Jason, were like brothers growing up. Mike and I would

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DIRECTORY 13 QUESTIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 ABATE OF DELAWARE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 ACE CYCLE PARTS & SERVICE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 ACE’S BAIL BONDS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 ADVENTURES OF SUCH A GUY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 APPLE MOUNTAIN PRODUCTIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 BARGAINS N TREASURES MOTORCYCLE SHOP . . . . . . . 5 BEAST RACKS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 CAPE MAY-LEWES FERRY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 CAROLYN CROWLEY, LADYLAW.COM . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2, BC CUSTOM AUTO & CYCLE / JERRY TULLY & SON . . . . . . . 17 DELMARVA MOTORCYCLE HEARSE SERVICE . . . . . . . . . 21 EPIC RIDE 2018 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 EVENTS CALENDAR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 EXIT RIGHT REALTY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 FEATURE BIKE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 GOOD MOTORCYCLE MORNING . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 HANNUM’S HARLEY-DAVIDSON . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 HARLEY-DAVIDSON® OF QUANTICO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 JOHNSTOWN, PA MOTORCYCLE RALLY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 MARYS BARGAIN CYCLE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 PA RALLY ON THE RIVER . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IBC PAYNE’S LEATHER . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 RUSS BROWN MOTORCYCLE ATTORNEYS . . . . . . . . . . IFC SENIOR MOMENT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 SHE RIDES! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 STURGIS PARK IN SNOW HILL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 THUNDER IN THE VALLEY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 TWIGG CYCLES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 VREELAND’S HARLEY-DAVIDSON® . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 WEATHERHOLTZ BONDING . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 WOLF PACK . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 ZIPPER’S PERFORMANCE PRODUCTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23

FAST LANE BIKER DELMARVA Phone: 610-517-8808 .

Fast Lane Biker Magazine DELMARVA is published monthly and reproduction of content is not permitted without the express written approval of Caroline Fellman. Publisher assumes no financial responsibility for errors in ads beyond the cost of space occupied by error and a correction will be printed provided the error is the fault of Publisher. Publisher is not liable for any slander of an individual or group as we mean no malice or individual criticism at any time, nor are we responsible for the opinions or comments of our columnists. We are not responsible for promises, coupons, or lack of fulfillment from advertisers who are solely responsible for the content of their advertisement. Publisher will be held harmless from failure to produce any issue as scheduled due to reasons beyond the publishers’ control. Publisher is not responsible for and shall be held harmless with respect to all suits for libel, plagiarism, copyright infringement and unauthorized use of a person’s name or photograph. Publisher does not promote excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages.


NATIONAL PUBLISHER Mark Ruzicka PUBLISHER/EDITOR Caroline Fellman • Contact: MARKETING/SALES DIRECTOR Walt (“BIG POPPA”) Kuch • Contact: REGIONAL SALES MANAGERS Ed Dalton • Contact: Charlene Hotz • Contact: Jeremy Miley • Contact: Brian Nesbit • Contact: John Perry • Contact: CONTRIBUTING WRITERS Ashli Lenox • Adventures of Such A Guy Marty Sullivan • Good Motorcycle Morning PHOTOGRAPERS Elaine Martin • Chair of Honor LAYOUT & DESIGN Home at Work... • Contact: WEB DESIGN Steve ‘Chief’ Bordlemay



ABATE OF DELAWARE Ed Berner, Legislative Coordinator

At this point I can safely say that we all have had enough of the daily news cycle. Snowflakes getting their feelings hurt on campuses, the constant attacks on the President in the media followed by counter-attacks on twitter. It’s enough to make me unplug from all media formats. It seems as if every aspect has become politically charged. After watching this circus over the past year or so I have come to realize that of the two major parties one wants to restrict your freedoms the other not so much. Most of the sitting members of the Delaware House are not running this Fall. The number one responsibility you have as a citizen is to vote. Before you cast your ballot, you need to do your homework. The days of voting straight ticket may be gone forever. You need to know where each candidate stands on the issues that are important to you. I hear it all the time: “I can’t believe that so and so sponsored that bill or voted for it.” Well, you should have known. Ask them where they stand and how they would vote if a particular bill comes up. Don’t settle for “politician speak” (I’m looking at you Tom Carper) either. Expect a straight answer (Chris Coons). You are interviewing these folks for a job as your Representative, either on the State or Federal level.


With the current flurry of restrictive bills about guns, it’s only a matter of time before they resume their attack on motorcycles. Be respectful and do your homework, AND VOTE. Remember, past actions indicate future actions. In an effort to assist you in deciding who to vote for we have compiled a document that shows how each member has voted on legislation concerning motorcycles. It is loosely based on what the NRA and DSSA do for their members. Most important is to vote. It counts and it matters. For more information, visit


Rolling Thunder®, Inc. Unveils POW/MIA Chair of Honor in Washington, D.C.

“Chair of Honor”

“Chair of Honor” photograph by Elaine Martin

Rolling Thunder®, Inc. National dedicated a Prisoner of War/ Mission in Action (POW/MIA) “Chair of Honor” on November 8, 2017 in Emancipation Hall in the U.S. Capitol. The dedication ceremony was attended by House Speaker Paul Ryan (R-WI), Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY), and House Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-CA), members of Congress, Congressional staff, Rolling Thunder®, Inc. members and visitors. The Chair is to honor the approximately 83,000 POW/MIA’s who have not yet returned from WWII, the Korean War and the Vietnam War. This project began several years ago by Joe D’Entremont of MA and Gus Dante of Neshanic Station, NJ both Rolling Thunder®, Inc. National members. Rolling Thunder®, Inc. chapters, nationwide, have dedicated over 100 “Chairs of Honor” in major league stadiums, local college stadiums, restaurants, town halls, race tracks and parks. For more information go to:



In March of 1998, I walked into my first Rolling Thunder, Inc. meeting at the firehouse in Flemington, NJ. It was a bit overwhelming as I didn’t really know anyone but I was welcomed with open arms. That’s where I met Mike Cobb, Marine. He took me to my first demonstration Memorial Weekend. I lived through the 60’s, saw the protests, wore my POW bracelet and knew classmates that served but had never been to The Wall. We went to the Candlelight Vigil at The Wall on Friday evening with approximately 1,000 members from chapters all over the country and visitors from around the world. One could smell the leather and denim vests from years and miles of wear on this muggy May evening. As we walked down the path Mike stopped at several panels, he knew exactly which panel and location of each name. He stood behind me with his arms wrapped around me. As I looked around I saw men hugging and crying, shaking hands, making etchings and whispering. At that moment I felt Mike begin to tremble and start to cry. It was then I knew what The Wall truly meant – a healing place for Veterans who deserved a heroes Welcome Home. This will be my 20th year at the Rolling Thunder, Inc. demonstration and although Mike passed in April of 2014 I carry him in my heart every year to The Wall. Thank you to Artie Muller and his wife Elaine, for 30 years of dedication to bring accountability for our POW/MIA’s and helping Veteran’s from all wars.

JANICE MARAMALDI ROLLING THUNDER, INC. NEW HAMPSHIRE – 1 Washington DC is like no other place in this country. The energy of the historical buildings, the Memorials & Arlington National Cemetery is indescribable. I have been to D.C. several times during different seasons of the year but being there in May for Memorial Day is an experience all on its own. I was there for the 30th Anniversary in 2017. I believe there was a reported number of 1.3 million motorcycles. It was by far one of the most exhilarating yet humble experiences I have had since I have been involved in this organization, which has been since 2006. Being in a sea of that many motorcycles gave me a sense of camaraderie and fellowship like never before. I met so many people from all over, as I walked around talking all morning in the Pentagon Parking lot. This is definitely something EVERYONE should experience. I am grateful for Artie Muller and this organization that he founded, as it gives someone like me a way to give back to this Country and all of our Veterans, which I am in awe of.



MARK TERRY ROLLING THUNDER, INC. NORTH CAROLINA – 2 As a proud American I love this country and the men and women that have fought and sacrificed for our Freedom. We are the greatest nation on earth and we owe a debt to our Veterans we can never repay. The best I can do as a son and grandson of Air Force veterans is to say “Thank You”. I rode to DC for Rolling Thunder for the first time in 2009. It was my first trip to DC and what better way to celebrate Memorial Day and pay tribute to our Veterans. Since then I have been back five times and I am very proud to be going back this year (2018) as a member of Rolling Thunder. There is not another event on the face of this earth that I would rather be at. The excitement from both those in attendance riding and those that are witnessing one of the largest motorcycle demonstrations on earth is incredible. It brings tears to your eyes and renews your love and pride for the United States of America.

KRISTIN MORIARTY ROLLING THUNDER INC. GEORGIA - 3 I attended my first Rolling Thunder demonstration last year and it was an amazing experience, I will never forget. Over one million people came together to honor, bring awareness and advocate for our POW/MIAs and I was blessed to be a part of that. GA-3 chapter along with over 900,000 bikes, started in a sprinkle of rain Then the bottom fell out of the sky - we got soaked! While we rode in the rain, for about half the demonstration, all I could think about was our soldiers that were in much more horrific conditions and continued to fight. During the demonstration, I remembered what Buster Hickam, president of our chapter, had told me “people will be cheering and waving, but take time and really look into their eyes.” I did and it was heart gripping. Some were crying, some overwhelmed with happiness and others were still hurting. Some of these people’s parents, spouses and other relatives are still missing. Imagine watching your loved one go off to work, they never come home, you’re still awaiting their return and still waiting for answers. Until a year ago, I didn’t know who/ what Rolling Thunder was, let alone that we have a local chapter here in Warner Robins. After meeting them, I fully support what they do and became a member. My hope was restored in people that weekend - patriotism is still alive in America. Sadly, the national and mainstream media does not cover or show enough of all the positive things happening across the country. It was just heartwarming to see so many people come together and support one another.

MYKE SHELBY ROLLING THUNDER INC. NATIONAL The Wall has been a critical part of my life since it dedication on November 13, 1982. Rolling Thunder has given The Wall a life, a persona, & a mission that could not have been envisioned when it was conceived. Rolling Thunder brings The Wall to life 7


every Memorial weekend, the world hears the roar of the voices of those whose names are etched in its granite as well as their families & loved ones. All of us who gather to demonstrate for those still POW/MIAs. Rolling Thunder is not just about those who are in Southeast Asia or war zones worldwide. We are also about those of us who are prisoners of the war in Vietnam because we can never get our service & the way the nation treated us & our fellow war fighters out of our minds. Many of us also see the current division in America as a consequence of how we abandoned our allies in that war, which brings me to the MIAs. The missing in action aren’t just those lost in war zones, MIAs are also those who went missing from the fight when we stepped up, when those whose names are on The Wall stepped up, when their families stepped up & since that time when all those who have fought in every war since & now the war against Islamic terrorism have stepped up. Rolling Thunder gives us the opportunity to demonstrate our commitment to what makes our country great & by contrast what divides us & makes us weak & dependent. I am a veteran of the war in Vietnam & I have been involved with The Wall from its inception & I have ridden my Harley-Davidson motorcycle to DC every Memorial Day since 1983. My wife Petrina has joined me year after year & we couldn’t have been prouder than when we became part of Rolling Thunder National. It means the world to us to be a part of the mechanism that helps create this annual event, this amazing Patriotic demonstration that brings The Wall to life & gives voice to those who may otherwise have to remain silent. It’s an honor, a privilege & we are looking forward to another Memorial Day, another Friday night candlelight vigil shared with the amazing Gold Star Families, another Saturday afternoon & evening with friends we see too infrequently, maybe another visit to Walter Reed Hospital with my friend Robert Patrick, & just feeling the accomplishment of being a part of this great organization. See you all soon!

LINDA KUESTER ROLLING THUNDER INC. INDIANA - 1 My husband was so excited to ask me to be the nurse for the Ride to The Wall for the Indiana chapter. I took my nursing clinicals at Fort Knox, KY at Ireland Army Hospital in the 60’s and started my 35-year career with the Veterans Administration in 1970. Being the daughter and wife of disabled veterans and a current Blue Star mother, caring for veterans has always been upper most in my private and professional life. I felt honored to put my name right on the line for this duty. Having a chance to ride in the Demonstration with these men who have done their best for our country and ask the United States Government to do its best and keep the promises to our veterans is such an honor. Seeing the people of all ages cheering for us and supporting us as we rode let me know that we are certainly not alone in this country in wanting our Government to take action in bringing our friends and comrades that are POW/MIA home. The United States Government can still act and fulfill it promises to our soldiers that made the biggest sacrifice of our generation.

EMMITT JONES ROLLING THUNDER INC. SOUTH CAROLINA - 3 Thirteen years ago, my wife and I had the honor of attending the Memorial Day Demonstration with our dear friend & Navy Veteran George Wald. Being from a small town with no Veteran related background but with patriotic hearts we were humbled by our first visit to the memorials. We realized the need to have a Rolling Thunder Chapter in Myrtle Beach. After gathering friends & making new friends we proceeded to put together the chapter. I became the founding President of the newly formed Rolling Thunder SC-3 chapter. We, as a group, made several trips to The Wall as well as the Pentagon Parking lot to help raise funds for the cause. During those trips we had the honor of meeting Artie Muller, Nancy Sinatra and Paul Revere & the Raiders. What wonderful memories we have from those days. Such an honor to meet Veterans from previous Wars as well as the founding members of Rolling Thunder®, Inc. Riding thru D.C. with hundreds of thousands of people waving & supporting us in the Demonstration. Sitting on the grass listening to all of the speakers at the reflecting pool stage, seeing the names of the men & women that didn't make it back, visiting the memorials was quite the experience & will stay with each of us for the rest of our life.

MICHELE HORNE ROLLING THUNDER INC. VIRGINIA - 3 We arrived in the wee hours to get ‘in line’ at Quantico Harley for our first Rolling Thunder demonstration. As the parking lot filled up and streets filled up with bikes I remember the lady who was riding in front of us asking me if this was our first time. I responded that it was. I remember her clearly telling me “be glad you’re riding on the back, because you’re going to cry”. As the bikes roared up to head out, I thought why would I cry?! Little did I know how right she would be. I remember the overwhelming feeling of awe. All the streets were lined with people with flags, signs, even on the overpasses on the highway on our way to the Pentagon were lined with people, fire trucks, flags and signs. Then came to the demonstration itself. So many people with signs thanking us or mentioning how their dad was a Vietnam Vet or even Vets themselves standing in salute as we rode by. This was several years ago and even today as we ride in the Rolling Thunder demonstration, I still get teary eyed. It is an amazing and overwhelming experience of awe!

BECKY BLACKMORE ROLLING THUNDER INC. OHIO - 8 When my husband and I went to Rolling Thunder Memorial Day for the first time in 2002, we read up on what Rolling Thunder was about, but had no idea what the demonstration ride would be like. The ride in from Ohio was a long and I had not met any of the members of Chapter 8 Ohio before that day. Most had been to D.C. at least one time before, but no one shared any



memories with us. I have to say I was glad, that way I was unprepared for the magic. When we arrived in the Pentagon Parking lot that Sunday to help park the bikes it was bright and early and relatively peaceful until about 7:00 a.m. Then the bikes started rolling in. It was amazing as the morning progressed to watch the bikes up on the highway lined up to come in. I saw a little old man strapped to the seat by his grandson so he was able to be part in the demonstration. I saw another man with his faithful parrot looking all regal on his shoulder. People watching is the greatest in the parking lot and you meet some interesting people in the 5 to 6 hours you are waiting there, but the best part was yet to come. When we left the parking lot and started over the bridge I was amazed at all the people cheering and waving, my first thought was “where is the celebrity.” Then it occurred to me the Vietnam Veterans were the celebrities and this was their amazing welcome home. Every year we have participated in the demonstration it still hits me with such force that there are tears in my eyes and rolling down my cheeks the whole time. It is amazing to see such a display of patriotism. Parents are teaching their young children as you see them with their signs, I love you Veterans, Thank you, and waving their flags. It makes my heart feel proud as I write this. It is always the same but always different.

RICHARD R. DEVO ROLLING THUNDER INC. VIRGINIA - 3 I am a Navy Vet (100% Disabled) from the Vietnam War. When I got to the point that I could not work any longer, I decided I wanted to do something that would really give me a chance to give back and help other Vets. I also wanted to become a member of a seriously dedicated group that would always put our Veterans first and a group that would accept me as myself and the fact I am a disabled Veteran. After a lot of trials and errors I finally decided to give “Rolling Thunder” a try and it was the best thing I’ve done since being discharged. I met other Vets and even non-Vets who thought like I did and felt like I feel. The volunteer work we do is awesome and so rewarding (from within). The dedication of our members is awesome and we are FAMILY. We are there for each other and for others. We pick each other up when feeling down and we strive to give to our community of Vets whenever we can (without question). I am a proud member of the Rolling Thunder®, Inc. HOO YAAH!

ANGIE SKINNER-MORGANTI ROLLING THUNDER INC. SOUTH CAROLINA - 4 Leaving Rolling Thunder events in D.C. several years ago on bikes, we were rolling down I-95 south when a car slowed down beside us. I looked over and a young child sitting in the back was smiling, waving and holding a homemade sign saying "Thank U Rolling Thunder". Tears flowing, I smiled and waved back full of emotion. It made me feel proud to be recognized and respected for the power Rolling Thunder has on all generations. 9


with Marty Sullivan

EPIC RIDE ROUTE Good Motorcycle Morning! Epic Ride 2018 will be the longest ride I’ve ever accomplished: 45 days! But that’s not what makes the ride epic. It’s all the places, the people, and the experiences that will truly make this a ride to remember. This month, let’s take a peek into the route I’ll be following on Epic Ride. Check out the location markers on the map and then read below to find out what I’ll be doing in that part of the world on Epic Ride 2018. 1. Columbia: I never thought of South Carolina in terms

of art, but while in Columbia I’ll check out the World’s Largest Fire Hydrant, the Tunnel Vision Mural, and the Never Bust Chain.

2. Woodbine Crawfish Festival: It seems I’m going to Louisiana for pastries,

and Georgia for crawfish. Go figure.

3. Leesburg Bikefest: This bikefest claims to be the world’s largest motorcycle

and music rally. At the very least, it should be an awesome Shindig.

4. San Marcos Castle: Yes, it’s cool, it’s old, but my son’s name is Marcos, so

it’s really just an homage to him. I’ll be stopping in San Marcos, Texas too.

5. Thunder Beach Rally: Thunder, Beach, Rally, all three of those words sound

awesome, I’m expecting a good time!

6. Emerald Coast Bikefest: This event is happening 30 miles or so

from the Thunder Beach Rally at the very same time. That means there will be a bunch of bikes in the area, awesome!

7. USS Alabama: I love history, and this is the most impressive collec-

tion of military aircraft and watercraft, in one place, that I have ever seen.

8. Café Du Monde: New Orleans & World famous Beignets. Need I

say more?

9. USS Kidd: A veteran of both WWII & Korean War. She’s known as

the best preserved WWII destroyer of her class.

10. San Jacinto Battleground: The sites include the Battleship Texas, which used to be the USS Texas, but was

sold to Texas, and now is the Flagship of the Texas Navy. That’s right, Texas has a navy!

11. USS Lexington: A friggin’ Aircraft Carrier! Yes, please. 12. Chipinque Park: A national park in the Monterrey mountains with some of the best motorcycle roads in the world.



13. Palafoxia Library: The oldest public library in all the Americas.

Many priceless works of literature are stored here.

Ancient Aztec Ruins in the majestic mountains near Cuernavaca.

14. Xochicalco:

15. Iglesia Del Grito: A church where the revolution started that

eventually drove Spain out of Mexico and where the famous Mexican yell (Grito) comes from.

16. La Rojeña: This is a place in Tequila, Jalisco. This place is the

reason tequila is named tequila and it’s the home of Jose Cuervo, the original tequila maker.

17. Kim Chel Soo Taekwondo: As you may or may not know, I am a

4th Degree Master Instructor of Taekwondo & Hapkido. I’ll stop here to teach at a Kim Chel Soo Taekwondo. (Made possible in part by Lee Brothers Martial Arts Academy,

18. Real de Catorce: The only way to access this ancient town, is to trav-

el on very old unpaved mountain roads and traverse a 1.5-mile-long hand-dug tunnel under the mountains. Should be awesome!

19. Twisted Sisters Route (Three Sisters): This route is rated #1 in

Texas, #2 in all of the USA right behind the Tail of the Dragon. Very Challenging. This will be my second time on this route, the first was during Epic Ride 2015.

An old General Store, Classic Motorcycles, and Dino Burgers. Sounds like a good time to me.

20. Pecan Grove Vintage Motorcycle Show:

21. Veterans Horsepower Poker Run: I make a point to join char-

itable events when I can, and this is in the right place at the right time.(Made possible in part by Fast Lane Biker Delmarva Magazine,

22. Lightning on Ludwig: Powerboat racing! Yes please. 23. Graceland: I’m sure this was on everybody’s bucket list 40 years

ago. It’s still on mine.

24. Tail of the Dragon: This is a staple in every Epic Ride I’ve ever been

on and it’s the #1 moto road in the USA. While in the area, I’ll also check out Clingman’s Dome, Fontana Dam, and Gatlinburg, TN.

25. Burlington, NC: Home sweet home.

That’s some of the big stuff, but that’s only 25 of the more than 140 stops I’ll make on Epic Ride 2018. For the full map and all the details head over to This time next month, I should be writing to you from somewhere around the panhandle of Florida some 10-15 days into Epic Ride. In the mean time, head over to Instagram and follow me @sightw to get live updates from Day 1. But as always, don’t forget to join me right here next month for my USA update of Epic Ride 2018! Good Motorcycle Morning! 11


Celebrating all women who ride regardless of age or their ride of choice.

Deb Limback Rolling Thunder Virginia, Chapter 3 Location: Stafford, VA Age: 52 Deb Limback enjoyed riding backseat but never had the opportunity, or the courage, to ride her own. Then one day a co-worker rode a Harley-Davidson Fat Boy to work - it was a game-changer. The co-worker encouraged Deb to take the class. That was 12 years ago and Deb has been riding her 2007 HD Street Bob ever since. Now Deb rides with friends and members of Rolling Thunder, Inc. Virginia Chapter 3. Deb attended her first Rolling Thunder Demonstration ride as a spectator in May, 2007. She returned in 2008. In 2009, she accompanied a friend from the Manassas HOG to a Rolling Thunder Inc. meeting. A year later, Deb received her back patches and has since had the privilege of participating with chapter members in washing the Vietnam Veterans' Memorial, the Korean War Memorial, providing support to wounded service members and veterans at Bethesda/Walter-Reed Medical Center and McGuire VA Hospital, and supporting active duty military members during the holidays. In 2015, Deb became the Color Guard Captain, and in 2017, was elected as the chapter secretary. “Rolling Thunder, Inc. has been a lifeline for many people over the years, including me,” says Deb. “I have met and made many friends who will no doubt be friends for life.” In addition to her Chapter rides, Deb enjoys riding in the Shenandoah Valley, on the Blue Ridge Parkway, and anywhere the group leader takes her! She rode as a passenger from Virginia out to Sturgis in 2007 and rode her own bike to Myrtle Beach in 2008. Deb is a Desert Storm Navy Veteran. During her 11year career, she was a Secure Communications Operator and Russian Linguist accumulating over 2000 flight hours on board the EP-3E aircraft, and a Navy Master Training Specialist. She is currently a Training Analyst developing training programs at the FBI Academy in Quantico, VA. So, what does this busy woman do for fun when she isn’t riding or working? Deb plays golf, is active in women’s ministry both at her church and online, and she is currently pursuing her Master's Degree in Instructional Design from the University of Wisconsin-Stout. FAST LANE BIKER


Ride to to Sturgis Sturgis Ride S T U R G I S





SEPTEMBER 15, 2018 NOON TO 4PM Downtown Snow Hill, Maryland All on the Pocomoke River Beer, food and music from “Scrapple” Boat rides, canoe and kayak rentals All bikes attitudes allowed




Senior Member of Rolling Thunder New York 2 Age: 76 Robert Rodriguez was born in June, 1941, in Ponce, Puerto Rico. Later that same year, his father decided to make the trip to the mainland, USA where he would build a life for his family. It was during World War 2 and, at that time, there were only two airplanes that made the trip to the States and catching a flight was quite the experience. Although he purchased his ticket, Robert’s father would show up at the airport each day after he finished work hoping a seat was available. He would leave his house (and his family) each morning, not knowing if he would return home that day. Finally, after two weeks, he was able to catch a flight that took him to Florida. Robert’s father made his way to New York by train and immediately went to work at the Brooklyn Navy Yard. His job was to make propellers for U.S. warships and airplanes. Although he was called to serve in the U.S. Army twice, he was given a pass because it was determined that his job made him more valuable to stay and work. In 1944, when Robert was just 3 years old, his father sent for him, his mother and his older brother and sister. Robert and his family lived in Manhattan on the lower east side until he was 13. He then moved to Brooklyn where he graduated high school. Three years later, Robert decided he wanted to serve his country and joined the United States Marine Corp during the Viet Nam war and the Cuban crises. He served from 1962 until 1966. Robert was deployed twice to Cuba during the Cuban Blockade. The first time he reached the Cuban waters, he and his fellow Marines had to return to the states due to engine problems. They were escorted by two USA destroyers because of the many Russian submarines in our waters. “Not many people are aware of how close we came to World War Three,” says Robert. His second deployment, after Castro, Russia and the USA agreed to peace, was to Guantanamo Bay to protect the base. Two months later, on his return to the U.S., he and his troop celebrated with Cuba Libre (rum and coke). In 1964, Robert was once again deployed. This time the mission sent him to Okinawa for more than a year. His job was to prep vehicles with a 50-caliber gun mount. The vehicles were then sent to his fellow Marines in Viet Nam who were fighting the war there. While Robert was stationed in Okinawa, he purchased his first motorcycle which came home with him when he was Honorably Discharge in 1966. As a civilian, he married and had three children. He now has 7 grandchildren and 8 great-grandchildren. He became a Real Estate Broker and semi-retired at the age of 75. Robert’s involvement with Rolling Thunder began about 7 years ago when he heard what they did for veterans. He often wondered how many of his fellow Marines didn’t make it back home from Viet Nam. Robert supported his RTNY2 Chapter on many fundraising runs and activities even prior to when he joined in 2014. He is proud to be a member of this organization and looks forward to the various rides. He is particularly fond of the chapter’s Annual 3-Borough DAV Run (Staten Island, Brooklyn & Manhattan) that takes place the last Sunday in July each year. This police-escorted fundraiser supports wounded veterans and brings awareness to the POW mission. Robert’s pride in belonging to RT2NY is so meaningful to him that he proudly displays his affiliation on his trailer which is used for many of their fundraising events.





EVENTS CALENDAR DELAWARE 5/20 - 42nd Annual May Day Poker Run, 10 am, meet at Boston Market - Prices Corner, 3130 Kirkwood Hwy., Wilmington. Event URL:


5/6 - Hogs and Heroes MD Chapter 5 Blessing of the Bikes, 11 am-1 pm, Renegades Classics of Annapolis, 3188 Solomon’s Island Rd., Edgewater. 5/19 - Tensley Cup Poker Run, 10 am-5 pm, 1993 Baltimore Annapolis Blvd., Annapolis. 5/20 - 17th Annual British & European Classic Motorcycle Day, 10 am-4 pm, High Point Farm, 23730 Frederick Rd., Clarksburg. Event URL:

VIRGINIA 5/5 - 6th Annual Chris Yung’s Poker Run, 8 am, Olde Towne Cycle, 68 Cool Springs Rd., Fredericksburg. Event URL: 5/5 - Salty Dawgs Poker Run, 9 am-4 pm, Eagles Nest, 1723 Parkway Dr. Chesapeake. 5/6 - 24th Annual Richmond Riders Poker Run, 9 am-12:30 pm, Honda House, 7906 West Broad St., Richmond. Event URL: 5/6 - Spring 2018 Charity Poker Run, 1 pm, Grover King Post 1115 VFW, 701 W Stuart Dr., Hillsville. Event URL: 5/11-15 - 5th Annual High Pass Boogie, Willville Motorcycle Campground, 1510 Jeb Stuart Hwy., Meadows of Dan. Event URL: events/EventDetails.aspx?id=1079757&group= 5/12 - 11th Annual Ride Virginia Habitat for Humanity Poker Run, 9 am,2378 Plank Rd., Fredericksburg. Event URL: 5/18-19 - CVMA 27-3 6th Annual Bash, Ed Allen’s Campground, 13501 Campground Ln., Lanexa. Event URL:





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PETE ZALESKI Rolling Thunder®, Inc. New Jersey • Freehold, NJ 1. What is your military affiliation? I am presently retired. I spent my entire working life serving the Department of the Navy in both active military and federal civilian service. Both careers ending with personal recognition of meritorious service. 2. What did your occupation entail? I served as Security Manager, controlling classified material and personnel security clearance requirements. 3. Where were you born and where do you currently reside? I was born in Taylor, PA and currently reside in Freehold, NJ, with my wife, Jan, and youngest son, Jessie. Our oldest son resides in Phoenix, AZ. 4. What do you like/admire most about yourself? My sense of humor, outlook on life and dedication to my family and my fellow Veterans. 5. What is the one thing you would change about yourself? I’d like to be more spiritual. 6. What would you consider your greatest extravagance? My 2005 Harley Road King and my recently acquired 1999 Miata to recondition. 7. Where would you most like to reside if you could? On a lake, in a cabin, in one of the southern states. 8. Why did you join Rolling Thunder, Inc.? I was attracted to Rolling Thunder® for several reasons. I found this was an organization with a connection to my military service. As a Veteran, I found myself in an entirely unfamiliar environment and society. I no longer felt comfortable and secure going about my daily life. I felt unusually vulnerable. As most veterans, I sought out those who would share in my same feelings and found only in those who had served. I found this in Rolling Thunder®, Inc. As I researched this organization, I became aware of the one-day motorcycle event, “Rolling Thunder® Ride for Freedom” and of its Executive Director and Vietnam Combat Army Veteran, SGT Artie Muller. I also discovered that it was not a motorcycle club or gang. But rather a group of patriots consisting of veterans and non-veterans, young and old, male and female, working together for a common cause. And since 1988, members of Rolling Thunder® have traveled to Washington, DC on Memorial Day weekend to exercise their 1st amendment right and speak for those who can’t speak for themselves. After reading Artie’s bio, I discovered he was responsible for creating “Rolling Thunder®, Inc.”. His story and achievements sparked an interest in me. I then knew that I wanted to join his cause of working to free and return over 80,000 service members listed as Prisoners of War (POW) and/or Missing in Action (MIA). Rolling Thunder® also helps veterans in need through Rolling Thunder® Charities with rent, mortgages, utilities and food cards.



I, also, personally know him to be a man of great character guided by his principles, values and religious beliefs. He is a loving husband, father, and grandfather, completely devoted to his family. He is the most loyal, supportive friend that anyone could ask for and I am fortunate to now have him as one of my best friends. I am honored and humbled to walk beside him and others in his mission to bring final closer to the families still waiting for their loved ones to return. Rolling ThunderŽ will never forget them and we will work tirelessly to complete our mission of full accountability of those still missing. 9. Who do you consider your real-life hero? Artie Muller, Founder & Executive Director of Rolling Thunder, Inc. 10. What is the most awesome thing you own? My military memorabilia. 11. What is the question you are most often asked (and what is the answer you give)? Question: Did you serve in Vietnam? Answer: I wasn’t selected to go to Vietnam but served state side and overseas. 12. If you could choose any other occupation, what would that be? I would be a social worker. 13. If you could switch places with one person for a day, who would that person be? There really isn’t anyone I would rather be. I am perfectly content with my life.



roll call!! See YOU at Rolli ng Thun der ® DC 2018 !!


















John LeBoutillier was born in Glen Cove, NY and graduated from the Brooks School in North Andover, MA in 1971 and graduated magna cum laude from Harvard University in 1976 and earned a Masters of Business Administration from Harvard Business School in 1979. He first rose to national prominence in 1974. While still a college student at Harvard, he raised over a quarter million dollars for the campaign of former Vietnam POW Leo K. Thorsness, a South Dakota Republican campaigning to unseat liberal senator George McGovern. As a result, he has been an activist on POW/MIA issues ever since. His efforts on behalf of Thorsness caught the attention of President Ford's re-election campaign and in 1976 he was appointed regional coordinator, responsible for all field activities in NJ. LeBoutillier was elected to Congress in 1980, representing New York's 6th District. Upon leaving Congress, he continued to be active on the Vietnam War POW/MIA issue. He founded the Sky Hook II Project, dedicated to recovering living American POWs in Southeast Asia. He has been a frequent guest commentator on The Today Show, 20/20, Nightline, Crossfire, and Imus in the Morning. He is a great grandson of Gertrude Vanderbilt Whitney, founder of the Whitney Museum of American Art and is also a descendant of railroad tycoon Cornelius Vanderbilt. Robert David Steele is the pro bono Chief Enabling Officer (CeO) of Earth Intelligence Network, a 501c3 devoted to teaching holistic analytics (HA), true cost economics (TCE), and open source everything engineering (OSEE). He has designed a PhD/DBA along the above lines but has yet to find a university interested in radical innovation. He seeks to create an international Open Source Agency for local to global information-sharing and sense-making as well as OSEE innovation. His ideas would enable the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals — first within the USA and then globally — within a decade or two at 10-20% of the cost of the prevailing industrial-donor model. On 25 January 2018 he met with William Binney and agreed that Thin Thread should be the foundation for the local to global information-sharing and sense-making network — the post-Google Internet — to be created by the Open Source Agency. On 12 February 2018 he created Open Source Everything, Inc., a Virginia C Corporation, as a new global for-profit endeavor to help all who wish implement his ideas at commercial and national scale. Chris Noel When Hollywood turned stridently against the war and the men who fought it, Chris Noel stuck with the GIs—and she’s still with them. A model turned actress in the early 1960s, Chris Noel was a young blonde bombshell with a number of movies and TV guest appearances under her belt when she first started entertaining the troops in Vietnam. She received the Distinguished Vietnam Veteran award in 1984 from the Veterans Network for her work during the war. In an interview, Noel recalls her life-altering experiences and her ongoing efforts in support of Vietnam. In her first film she played the girlfriend opposite Steve McQueen, in Soldier in the Rain. Jackie Gleason and Tuesday Weld were in the film. Chris guest-starred in almost all of the television shows of that year. She also did a lot of beach movies and motorcycle movies, and just a little bit of everything. A tour of a VA hospital in 1965 altered her destiny, forever. Based on her minor pin-up celebrity, Chris impulsively auditioned for the Armed Forces Network (AFN) and started hosting her own radio show for the GIs in Vietnam, frequently flying to that war-torn country and visiting remote areas considered too risky for Bob Hope's USO shows. She became the GIs' favorite sexy radio and show personality while putting her own life on the line. As it turned out, Vietnam veterans would become her prime mission and life's work long after the war. In the 1970s, Chris began to suffer from postwar trauma. Persevering, she ventured into the operation of shelters for veterans in Florida during the 1990s, becoming a durable symbol for those who fought the unpopular fight. Chris is a member of Rolling Thunder®, Inc. National spending many Memorial weekends as co Master of Ceremonies for the annual demonstration. Rockie Lynne has appeared nationally on “Good Morning America,” The Grand Ole Opry “Live” and Fox News. His debut single, "Lipstick," spent an impressive 10 consecutive weeks as #1 on Billboard’s Country Sales chart. He was named a “breakout artist” by ABC-TV’s “Good Morning America.” Billboard Magazine named him their artist “Most Likely to Succeed.” With a lifelong interest in music, this native of Statesville, NC, has been singing and writing songs since the age of 14. After high school, he joined the Army, where he served for three years in the 82nd Airborne at Ft. Bragg. After leaving the military, he started playing in clubs and quickly developed an enthusiastic following for his crowd-pleasing live show and earned his chops as a lead guitarist. He has spent the better part of the last year touring and writing songs for his new album, Songs For Soldiers. One third of the proceeds from the record will benefit troop related charities. The inspiration for the album was his 21-day tour of Afghanistan, Southwest Asia, and the Persian Gulf, where he and his band entertained the U.S. troops who are stationed abroad. Lynne is co-founder of an annual charity motorcycle ride called TRIBUTE TO THE TROOPS. The riders visit the homes of the families of our fallen soldiers to acknowledge them for having made such an honorable sacrifice. The organization has raised over $200,000 in aid to the families of the fallen. Please visit



Gordon Painter Gordon was born near Kelso, WA and although he has always loved music, he didn’t embark on a musical career until the 1990s. He is one of the most dedicated, enthusiastic supporters of Rolling Thunder and Veterans, especially Rolling Thunder’s “Ride for Freedom” each May. Gordon performs his unique musical style at the Veteran’s Center for nursing home patients every year on Saturday plus performing at the stage on Sunday. When Gordon opened for Collin Ray in 2002 singing the National Anthem and “God Bless the USA,” he received a standing ovation from the crowd. When he’s not performing, Gordon enjoys photography, snow skiing, motorcycles and dirt bikes. Gordon, Mary and their two children are Rolling Thunder National members and they have one grandson. Please visit Ben Mason is an active composer, orchestrator, arranger, conductor, and pianist in Los Angeles. He composes for film and other media, as well as writes for choir, band, and orchestra. His styles range from classical to jazz and pop. In addition to composing and performing, Ben has served as an educator in many settings. Currently, he teaches at Point Loma Nazarene University. Ben has taught classes in music theory, history, orchestration, technology, and basic film scoring. Ben studied piano, violin, and organ and holds a bachelor’s and a master’s degree in composition from the Peabody Institute at Johns Hopkins University, a master’s in conducting from the University of Georgia, and a graduate certificate in scoring for motion pictures and television from the University of Southern California. Mason will celebrate the release of “Flesh and Bone” on February 7, 2018 at his Grand Prize Winning Local Songwriter Circle at Pearl Street Warehouse in Washington, DC. Ben has been a performing musician in the DC area since the 60's. He has played at the Birchmere, the old Cellar Door, Blues Alley, the Bayou, the Kennedy Center, the Baltimore Civic Center and all the venues in between.

Everyone is Welcome!

F o r a d d itio n a l in fo rmation go t o www.rollingt

2018 WEEKEND ITINERARY “RIDE FOR FREEDOM” pays homage to the Nation’s Veterans, particularly those still Prisoners of War/Missing in Action from all wars FRIDAY, MAY 25TH


Blessing of the Bikes • 5pm

Pentagon Parking Lot Assembly • 7am-12 noon RIDE FOR FREEDOM ROLLING THUNDER XXXI

Washington National Cathedral 3101 Wisconsin Avenue, NW • Washington DC

Departure to Washington, DC • 12pm

Candle Light Vigil • 9pm

Rolling Thunder® Speakers Program • Approx.

Vietnam Veterans Memorial, Washington, DC Parking on Henry Beacon Drive


Reflecting Pool across from the Lincoln Memorial


Musical Tribute to Veterans • Approximately 3pm

Harley-Davidson of Washington Barbeque • 9am-5pm

Rockie Lynne, Gordon Painter & Ben Mason

9407 Livingston Road • Fort Washington, MD

US Navy Memorial • 11am

701 Pennsylvania Avenue • Northwest Washington, DC (On The Plaza)

Washington VA Medical Center • 1-4pm

50 Irving Street, NW • Washington, DC • Departure Noon Sharp Hyatt Regency Crystal City • Mary K. McKeith, Coordinator-Rolling Thunder®, Inc. National

Rolling Thunder Hospitality Room • 8pm

Hyatt Regency, Crystal City, Main Banquet Room, Speakers, Awards









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