1 minute read
Hybrid Housing Types
from Portfolio
Unit type: Mixed use sqft: 30,00 sqft number of levels: 7 levels number of units: 27 units
Development type: multi-family
User group: young profesional and family with young children
Edgecombe located in the Park Heights Neighborhood has a multitude of nondeveloped open space around the local school Edgecombe Elementary. The area is in need of interactivespaces for residents.
The intervention addresses the lack of interactive spaces.
Community engaggement is initiated through the plans to add on school beautification, the revitilization of Edgecombe Park, Lot redesign , and a community hub.
My contributions: Final Illustrator Site plans , Location plans,Presentation.
Group: Fatima and Marshay
Software: AutoCad, Illustrator, Photoshop, Twinmotion