5 minute read
LaWann Stribling
My absolute favorite sweet and savory dinner is Hawaiian Soy Baked Turkey Wings & Honey Roasted Carrots. I like to taste the rainbow and these rainbow carrots bring a beautiful array of colors. The couchlock will be very real after experiencing the effects of eating these infused carrots as the sun goes down. I appreciate the relaxed state my mind and body come to after a full day of work.
The Marinade:
½ cup Low Sodium Soy Sauce
½ cup Local Organic Honey
¼ cup Garlic Powder
¼ cup Onion Powder
½ cup Mrs. Dash Garlic Seasoning
Prepping the Turkey Wings:
Soak raw wings for 30 minutes in enough water to cover, add vinegar, and sprinkle ½ tsp garlic powder. Drain, rinse/wash. Butter bottom of roasting pan, lay out turkey wings and season with Mrs. Dash, Onion Powder & Garlic Powder Drizzle Soy Sauce to cover all the wings, next drizzle marinade evenly Place wings in buttered roasting pan Slice 1 white onion and 1 green pepper and spread around, drizzle with olive oil and cover with foil Allow to sit in marinade while preparing the carrots
Preparing Rainbow Carrots: Preheat oven to 325 Cut off the ends, peel the outer skin, and rinse. Butter bottom of 9x12 roasting pan. Rub butter all over the carrots and place in roasting pan side by side. Slice 1 white onion and spread to cover the carrots. Season with honey garlic seasoning. Drizzle the Sunset Sherbet Infused Honey all over the carrots (keeping dosage in mind for potency) Drizzle Local Organic Honey for more honey without the medicine. Cover with foil.
Place both covered pans on the middle rack and bake for 90 minutes Remove foil and to a fork test to determine tenderness of the wings and tenderness of the carrots
The Wings:
2 packs Turkey Wings
2 tablespoons White Vinegar
1 white onion
1 green pepper
1 small pad of butter
The Carrots:
2 bunches Rainbow Carrots
1 white onion
2 tbsp honey garlic seasoning
1 tbsp butter
10 ounces Sunset Sherbet Infused Honey
(300g honey + 3,5 grams decarbed sunset sherbet infused together = 630 mg/12 = 52 mg per serving)
If satisfied, remove the turkey pan and carefully drain out the access fluid Flip each wing so the flat is now face up Place back in the oven for another 10 to 15 minutes Remove the foil from the carrots pan and take a utensil to move the carrots around in the dish and continue to bake with the turkey wings for another 10 to 15 minutes
By Guy Borgford
What do I know about love? After 57 trips around the sun and a long string of ‘ex’s’, including two marriages that ended in divorce, most would assume I’d know a thing or two, but I’m still clueless in the romance department.
Here I am, pushing 60, living alone in the mountains with my dog and cat I don’t use dating apps, go to bars, belong to any churches, clubs, social media, or community groups, other than my HOA As a subjectively mature gay man living in a town of 750 people, it’s fair to say my future love prospects aren’t promising
Besides, dating and romantic love is way too much work. Basic self maintenance is sometimes forgotten up here in the cabin, and every once in a while when I go to town for supplies, God help me if I don’t check for a fresh crop of nose and ear hairs, sprouting like Indiana corn in the late summer sun. If I lived somewhere like Portland, Oregon, I’d consider growing it out, braiding it, and hanging little charms from the thin braids joining my nose to my ears Portland’s so out there; I’m sure there’s already an established social club for such avant garde personal grooming If there is, its members probably know more about romantic love than I do
Fortunately for you, fine readers, I’m not writing to share my secrets of “The Top 10 Ways to Manifest True Love”, because this ain’t Cosmo. I’m writing about a different kind of love. A bigger love. A love big enough to fill our galaxy with 200 billion stars, and our known Universe with 2 trillion galaxies.
This love is everything that was, is, and ever will be, and it came into my conscious experience through a journey of healing, meditation, exploration, and actualization with plant and fungi medicines.
My experience with psychoactive substances started young. I remember my sister, Georgia, forcing me to take a puff off a joint when I was 13 years old. Cannabis was ridiculously subpar by today’s standards, but I still found a connection with the plant and it helped me survive
In my teens, I began experimenting with psychedelics, and by my senior year in high school I was spending many fall days and nights foraging through local, rainsoaked farmland for slippery, little Liberty Caps, which I then transformed into psychedelic chocolates I had no idea it was medicine
Decades passed and I found myself in my early 50’s, marginally successful by late-stage capitalism’s standards, and without much purpose One day, sister Georgia randomly decided to attend a transformational breath workshop, even though she had no idea what transformational breathwork was - and as it turned out, the workshop just happened to fall on our deceased Mother’s birthday Go figure
In case you’re not aware, and so y’all stay with me here, transformational breathwork is a form of circular breath that can transport the participant into a nonordinary state of consciousness, in some ways, very much like a psychedelic experience.
I never had access to a container for expressing the grief and fear that rattled my world in those glorious traumatic moments that dot my life. And so I told myself the story that I was tough - that’s how I survived.
Through it all, the plant and fungi teachers showed that being “tough” was a lie by opening my heart, illuminating the path to healing, and giving me the courage to love myself unconditionally My plant and fungi teachers revealed the human ego paradox The ego is both our loyal friend and protector, and our very worst enemy; it will tell you any lie to keep you from feeling your wounds As I face my lies, reveal my injuries, and sit with the pain, I manifest and witness my own healing, and as my heart continues to open, I remember my Truth, a reflection of the limitless, unconditional love of Consciousness.
Love is a funny thing - and it’s everything. On one hand, It can be perceived as the source of immense egoic struggle and suffering, and on the other hand, the muse, artist, engineer, and manifestation of all Creation.
Lean in to your heart and think about your experiences with love - don’t judge the love, simply bring forth the feeling through memory and experience
Just know this, my beautiful Brothers and Sisters, this feeling of amazingness is yours to activate anytime. Acts of kindness and compassion are good ways to test it outchances are that little tickle in your tummy like the finger poking the Pillsbury Dough Boy is love’s sweet touch, reminding you of who you really are.
You are Love