Technology is useful in learning because it helps the students to build up their knowledge. It also enhances and offers different opportunities of learning to the students with different learning needs. Using technology in learning is a good idea because it helps in improving students’ co-operation in their own learning and also it expands and promotes deeper learning for the students. hing has a wide c a te r o g in rn a le This method of mpowering e d n a g in lp e h s e variety of resourc endent and responsible for dep students to be in ective way. Also ff e n a in g in rn a their own le rience, therefore e p x e d n a h t rs fi students love portunity to the p o t a th rs e ff o y technolog el to like they are fe m e th s lp e h h students whic Furthermore, . s n o ti a u it s e lif l ching this connected to rea a te in y g lo o n h c se te when teachers u skills which e m o s rn a le to ts helps the studen on in their life. r te la l fu e s u e b will
Technology, also allows students to explore and learn new things, therefore if technology is used in le arning and teaching it will offer an opportunity to the students to explore new things and new concep ts about subjects on their own time and in their ow n different ways rather th an waiting to be taught in the classroom. Additionally , most teachers are real ly happy to see their studen ts take risks, thus technology allows and en courages the attitude of risk taking in learning and it also improves students confidence.
Technology can enhance tradit ional methods of learning and it can affect ou r learning priorities. For example years ag o children used to read books a lot which helped them to enhance their thinking and imag ination but nowadays children spend lots of their time using technological equipment which does not encourage their thinking and im agination skills. Also students who use te chnological equipment a lot can become laz y. physical and h g u ro th r e tt e learn b chers use a te if , Many students re fo re e t ctions. Th equipment a lo y mentally intera g lo o n h c te r othe g computers and ill affect the students’ learnin is w not be met. in teaching, th y a m s d e e n ir the on styles and also ffect the students attention ya of Also technolog because they don’t use lots rk to their school wo ks, magazines, journals etc. oo effort to read b they know e s u a c e b rk o w l l get all the do their schoo il w y e th d n a ere technology is th d from it. nee answers they
Technology affects our writing skills because lots of students use computers, ipad etc. to do all the writing and most of technological equipment spell things for you. Therefore, students don’t get a chance to learn the right spelling of words because they know the computer or ipad will spell it correctly so they don’t bother learning how to spell. Therefore technology is responsible for declining writing skills and the percentage of students who can’t spell properly is increasing.
By Fatuma Mfaume