REVIVE Gary 04.22.2019
Dr. Telethia Barrett
Telethia Barrett Enterprises 5850 Forest Court 310 Gary, IN 46403
Overview Gary, IN can be a great place to live and a great place for home buyers whether low wage workers to become first time home owners or custom home builders, Gary provides both land and homes that can be revived. Some American cities offer programs to upgrade homes for low income, seniors, and handicap citizens to make their homes more livable. Our goal is to secure funding for a citywide REVIVE program to upgrade present homes and rehab abandoned ones to be decontaminate and weatherized. With multiple lots of land for sale in Gary, and a creative building and home buying program, Gary could be well on the way to having new life. I have written a low wage workers home ownership program that i believe Gary could benefit from please read the online publication here I would love the opportunity to work with Gary to implement a plan that I feel can lead the nation for restoring devastated communities towns and cities. Let’s create the Blueprints!
Goals 1. To secure position in the city of Gary to help redevelop land and real estate to create new revenue streams for the city 2. To work with the city, homeowners and landlords to implement creative funding plans 3. To regain a healthy population 4. To generate revenue for school and park projects Dr. Telethia Barrett has been a business and community builder for over 20 years. She is a gifted idealist and visionary. She started her first business at 18 rehabbing homes and referring great contractors. She has not stopped following her dreams of community development and building people.. She is a published author and music producer. She has opened and run a private school producing honor society students, published writers, artists, and soon screenwriters. She is a Gary native and niece of local historic figure Playwright Gwendolyn Calmese-Wright.