2 Red Gorilla® Micro Gorilla Tub ® 30 x Micro in assorted colours Comes with FREE POS OFFER PRICE: £14.70 £0.61 trade price each £0.49 offer price each 5L Gorilla Tub ® 14L Gorilla Tub ® 15L Gorilla Tub ® MIXMIX10%20%OFFOFF 20 x 5L in assorted colours OFFER PRICE: £47.52 £2.64 trade price each £2.38 offer price each 20 x 14L in assorted colours OFFER PRICE: £56.34 £3.13 trade price each £2.82 offer price each 20 x 15L in assorted colours OFFER PRICE: £69.12 £3.84 trade price each £3.46 offer price each 10%10%OFFOFF SP15SP14SPMICROSP5

3Red Gorilla® 26L Gorilla Tub ® 35L Gorilla Tub ® 38L Gorilla Tub ® 75L Gorilla Tub ® MIX10%10%10%OFF10%OFFOFFOFF 20 x 26L in assorted colours OFFER PRICE: £81.36 £4.52 trade price each £4.07 offer price each 10 x 35L in assorted colours OFFER PRICE: £72.50 £8.05 trade price each £7.25 offer price each 20 x 38L in assorted colours OFFER PRICE: £103.32 £5.74 trade price each £5.17 offer price each 10 x 75L in assorted colours OFFER PRICE: £109.60 £12.18 trade price each £10.96 offer price each SP75SP35SP26SP42

4 Red Gorilla® Tubtops 10 x Small OFFER PRICE: £24.30 £2.70 trade price each £2.43 offer price each 10%OFF 10 x Medium OFFER PRICE: £32.58 £3.62 trade price each £3.26 offer price each 10 x Large OFFER PRICE: £40.68 £4.52 trade price each £4.07 offer price each MIX Breakfast & Dinner TubcoversTubcovers MIXMIX 12 x Assorted pairs, pink & purple OFFER PRICE: £82.40 £7.63 trade price each £6.87 offer price each 10%OFF 12 x Assorted colours OFFER PRICE: £41.69 £3.86 trade price each £3.47 offer price each 10%OFF COVCOV.PAIR SPTOP.LGE.TRANSSPTOP.SM.TRANSSPTOP.MED.TRANS

5Red Gorilla® TT4 StackGorillaFlexibleBucket‘n’Store 14 x Assorted colours OFFER PRICE: £80.64 £7.20 trade price each £5.76 offer price each15%20%OFFOFF 12 x Assorted colours OFFER PRICE: £61.08 £5.99 trade price each £5.09 offer price each TT4SG/SQL Premium Bucket 20 x Assorted colours OFFER PRICE: £66.15 £2.94 trade price each £2.65 offer price each PRM10%OFF Black Premium Bucket £2.54 trade price each Black Premium Bucket £2.29 offer price each

6 Red Gorilla® Gorilla Brooms ® Deluxe Brooms 12 x Assorted sizes & colours, Pick from 30cm, 50cm & 30cm short 30cm OFFER PRICE: £9.72 each £11.44 trade price each 50cm OFFER PRICE: £11.88 each £13.98 trade price each 30cm Short OFFER PRICE: £9.55 each £11.23 trade price each 20 x Standard OFFER PRICE: £132.40 £8.27 trade price each £6.62 offer price each £11.45 trade price each £9.16 offer price each 20%15%OFFOFF Order 18 to qualify for the offer SP.GRBR.30.SMSP.GRBR.50SP.GRBR.30 SP.DELUXE/LGE/BLSP.DELUXE/R Display box available FOC 12 x Large OFFER PRICE: £109.92

7Red Gorilla® Corn Brooms MIX 12 x Pro Fork D Handle OFFER PRICE: £96.00 £10.00trade price each £8.00 offer price each 20%OFF 20%OFF SP.CORNLGSP.CORN Display box available FOC Pro Fork MAN/STR8/BKMAN/D/BK12xProForkStraight Handle OFFER PRICE: £110.40 £11.50 trade price each £9.20 offer price each 20 x Standard in assorted colours OFFER PRICE: £91.40 £5.71 trade price each £4.57 offer price each £10.97 trade price each £8.78 offer price each 12 x Large in assorted colours OFFER PRICE: £105.36

8 Red Gorilla® MIXMIXMIX PC Bedding Forks 12 x Assorted sizes & colours, Pick from D-handle, Straight Handle & Short Handle D-Handle OFFER PRICE: £9.55 each £11.23 trade price each Straight Handle OFFER PRICE: £9.32 each £10.96 trade price each Short Handle OFFER PRICE: £9.32 each £10.96 trade price each 15%OFF Riddlers 9 x Assorted sizes & colours, Pick from D-handle, Straight Handle & Short Handle D-Handle OFFER PRICE: £14.47 each £18.09 trade price each Straight Handle OFFER PRICE: £14.26 each £17.82 trade price each Short Handle OFFER PRICE: £14.34 each £17.93 trade price each Order 12 to qualify for the offer Order 9 to qualify for the offer 20%OFF 118M.PC.SM118M.PC118M.PC.DRIDDLER/DRIDDLERRIDDLER/D/SM

9Red Gorilla® Gorilla Shovel Big Mouth Shovel 10 x Assorted colours OFFER PRICE: £97.36 £12.17 trade price each £9.74 offer price each 20%OFF 5 x Assorted colours OFFER PRICE: £103.20 £12.90 trade price each £10.32 offer price each 20%OFF 119/1PP119/ABS Tidee™ Bedding Forks 12 x Assorted sizes & colours, including Mini & Children’s Mini OFFER PRICE: £4.40 each £4.89 trade price each Children’s OFFER PRICE: £4.28 each £4.76 trade price each 10%OFF Order 18 to qualify for the offer TD400TD450

10 Red Gorilla® MIXMIXMIX Big Tidees™ 12 x Assorted rakes & colours, Pick from short metal rake, Long Metal Rake & Short Plastic Rake Big Tidee™ & Short Metal Rake OFFER PRICE: £13.28 each £15.62 trade price each Order 12 to qualify for the offer Big Tidee™ & Long Metal Rake OFFER PRICE: £14.38 each £16.92 trade price each Big Tidee™ & Short Plastic Rake OFFER PRICE: £13.13 each £15.45 trade price each Big Tidee™ Rakes 12 x Assorted metal rakes & colours Short Metal Rake OFFER PRICE: £4.32 each £5.08 trade price each Long Metal Rake OFFER PRICE: £5.43 each £6.39 trade price each Order 12 to qualify for the offer 15%OFF15%OFF TD900TD700TD600 TD620TD610

11Red Gorilla® Tidee™ Companion Set Tidee™ & Traditional Rake MIXMIX Big Tidee™ Rakes 12 x Assorted plastic rakes & colours Short Plastic Rake OFFER PRICE: £4.17 each £4.91 trade price each Super Rake OFFER PRICE: £5.74 each £6.75 trade price each Order 12 to qualify for the offer 6 x Assorted colours OFFER PRICE: £80.88 £14.98 trade price each £13.48 offer price each 12 x Assorted colours OFFER PRICE: £118.08 £10.93 trade price each £9.84 offer price each 15%OFF10%OFF10%OFF TD650.BKTD640 TD460TD500

Introducing Gorilla Plas®
12 Red Gorilla®
An entirely new type of polymer, manufactured exclusively in the UK for Red Gorilla, it’s our most durable material ever, frost and UV proof, easy to clean, with shock absorbing flexibility and lighter weight than Tyre Rubber. In short, it’s a game changer! But what do we mean by game changer? Well, Gorilla Plas offers an alternative to Tyre Rubber that is made using 100% recycled polymers which creates a material with higher tensile stength and resistance than tyre rubber, but that is also signifi cantly lighter than rubber, too. Also, being made in the UK using recycled materials, it is less subject to fluctuations in the markets and with no dependancy at all on ship ping routes. Using recycled plastic and not having to ship it from the far east means it’s far better for the environment than ever before. It also means we can offer a superior product, with more consistent stock availability and at a more competi tive price! Need we say more?
Taking the iconic designs of the original Tyre Rubber range and using state of the art moulds and machinary, we can give consumers the products they know and love, with more usability than ever before. It brings the humble feed skip up to date. They’re so technologically advanced you may need to ask a 10 year old how to use them!
We have spent months testing these products to their limits, both in labs and in the hands of our customers, so we can say with confidence that these are the hardest wearing products we’ve ever made!

13Red Gorilla® Small Skip OFFER: £4.04 ea. S1.GP (Pack of 10) Medium Skip OFFER: £5.53 ea. S2.GP (Pack of 10) Hanging Manger OFFER: £5.31 ea. A1.GP (Pack of 10) Tidee™ Tray OFFER: £3.19 ea. CDY.BK (Pack of 10) Shallow Bucket OFFER: £3.61 ea. B4.GP (Pack of 10) TRADE: £4.75 ea. TRADE: £6.50 ea. TRADE: £6.25 ea. TRADE: £3.75 ea. TRADE: £4.25 ea. 15%OFF

14 Red Gorilla® Short Handle Big Tidee™ MIX 6 x Assorted colours - not including rake OFFER PRICE: £56.94 £10.54 trade price each £9.49 offer price each 10%OFF TD1200 15%OFF Grooming Set & Tray Includes 1x Body Brush, Boot Jack, Bucket Brush, Curry Comb, Dandy Brush, Face Brush, Hoof Pick, Mane Brush, Sweat Scraper and Tidee™ Tray PPCDYGROOM SET DEAL: £19.86 Dripfeed Ball 12 x Assorted colours OFFER PRICE: £8.93 ea. £10.51 trade price each 15%OFF FB1/R/BL/P

15Red Gorilla® GorillaHoofStir-upsPicksScoop Box of 30 in assorted colours OFFER PRICE: £28.40 £33.41 trade price per box Box of 18 in assorted colours OFFER PRICE: £20.44 £24.05 trade price per box 12 x Assorted colours OFFER PRICE: £22.32 £2.19 trade price each £1.86 offer price each 15%15%OFFOFF15%OFF SCOOPT.HPT.STIR

16 Red Gorilla® Large Rectangular 90L Multi-Tub BUY 5 GET 15% OFF £14.84 trade price each TT8 15%OFF Large Round 150L Multi-Tub BUY 5 GET 15% OFF £40.76 trade price each TT7 ALL MULTI-TUBS Poly Yard Broom 12 x Assorted colours OFFER PRICE: £52.08 £5.10 trade price each £4.34 offer price each SP.BROOM.PYB15%OFF Deluxe Tidee™ Companion Set 6 x Companion Sets OFFER PRICE: £85.44 £16.75 trade price each £14.24 offer price each GCOMP.BK 15%OFF

17Red Gorilla® Shallow Rectangular 65L Multi-Tub Small Rectangular 65L Multi-Tub Small Round 65L Multi-Tub Medium Round 90L Multi-Tub £14.84 trade price each £11.76 trade price each £11.76 trade price each £7.59 trade price each TT18TT9TT16TT12Deep Round 230L Multi-Tub £61.84 trade price eachTT14£63.15 trade price each TT17 BUY 5 GET 15% OFF BUY 5 GET 15% OFF BUY 2 GET 15% OFF BUY 2 GET 15% OFF BUY 2 GET 15% OFF BUY 5 GET 15% OFF Extra Large Round 275L Multi-Tub

18 Red Gorilla® Tyre Rubber Range Small Feed Skip S1. £5.48 trade price each Medium Feed Skip S2. £9.67 trade price each Hanging Manger A1. £11.84 trade price each Deep Trough T2. £13.72 trade price each Mini Trough T8 £5.29 trade price each Large Basket C2 £11.53 trade price each

19Red Gorilla® Feed Bucker B4. £5.92 trade price each Flat-Back Bucket B5 £11.53 trade price each HW/125HW/115HW/105HW/120 Hook On Plate Kick Over Latch Cabin BrentonHookPadlock Bolt Pack of 5 OFFER PRICE: £5.50 £2.40 trade price each Pack of 5 OFFER PRICE: £2.30 £1.00 trade price each Pack of 2 OFFER PRICE: £8.80 £5.99 trade price each Pack of 5 OFFER PRICE: £3.00 £1.25 trade price each

20 Red Gorilla® Children’s Wheelbarrow 4 x Wheelbarrow’s in assorted colours OFFER PRICE: £63.80 £18.76 trade price each £15.95 offer price each RG90R/KIDS 15%OFF Multi-Bin 6 Multi-Bins OFFER PRICE: £102.82 £19.04 trade price each £17.14 offer price each 10%OFF SP100BK

21Red Gorilla® BETA 2022 ORDER FORM PRODUCT QTY COLOUR PRODUCT QTY COLOUR Micro Gorilla Tub ® Gorilla Plas® Hanging Manger Black 5L Gorilla Tub ® Gorilla Plas® Shallow Bucket Black 14L Gorilla Tub ® Gorilla Plas® Tidee™ Tray Black 15L Gorilla Tub ® Big Mouth Shovel 26 Gorilla Tub ® Big Tidee™ with Long Metal Rake 35L Gorilla Tub ® Big Tidee™ with Short Metal Rake 38L Gorilla Tub ® Big Tidee™ with Short Plastic Rake 75L Gorilla Tub ® Big Tidee™ Short Metal Rake Breakfast & Dinner Tubcovers Big Tidee™ Long Metal Rake Tubcovers Big Tidee™ Short Plastic Rake Tubtop Small Big Tidee™ Super Rake Tubtop Medium Tidee™ Companion Set Tubtop Large Tidee™ with Traditional Rake Stack ‘n’ Store Short Handle Big Tidee™ TT4 Flexible Gorilla Bucket Deluxe Tidee™ Companion Set Black Tidee™ Bedding Fork Mini Poly Yard Broom Tidee™ Bedding Fork Children Stir Ups Gorilla Broom® 30cm Hoof Picks Gorilla Broom® 50cm Gorilla Scoop Gorilla Broom® 30cm Short Large Round 150L Multi-Tub Deluxe Broom Standard Large Rectangular 90L Multi-Tub Deluxe Broom Large Medium Round 90L Multi-Tub Corn Broom Standard Small Rectangular 65L Multi-Tub Corn Broom Large Deep Round 230L Multi-Tub Pro Fork D Handle Small Round 65L Multi-Tub Pro Fork Straight Handle Extra Large Round 275L Multi-Tub PC Bedding Fork D Handle Shallow Rectangular 65L Multi-Tub PC Bedding Fork Straight Handle Hook On Plate PC Bedding Fork Short Handle Kick Over Latch Riddler D Handle Cabin Hook Riddler Straight Handle Brenton Padlock Bolt Riddler Short Handle Children’s Wheelbarrow Gorilla Shovel Premium Bucket Gorilla Plas® Small Skip Black Grooming Set & Tray Red & Black Gorilla Plas® Medium Skip Black Dripfeed Ball Assorted First Name: Last Name: Telephone No: Email DeliveryAccountCompanyAddress:Name:Number:Address: