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LETTER: Riggleman the outsider's choice for 5th district

Martha Boneta, FreedomWorks activist, Paris, Virginia

Denver Riggleman is an outsider who will bring common sense solutions to Washington that benefit Virginians, not lobbyists and establishment politicians. Denver is committed to the principles of small government, economic freedom, and personal liberty. He knows government works best when it stays out of the way of Virginia families and small businesses.


Democrats are pulling out all the stops to keep Riggleman out of Washington. They know he will be a reliable vote for lower taxes, spending cuts, and health care freedom. In other words, the exact opposite of the policy agenda of the so-called progressive left.

But Denver Riggleman also makes establishment Republicans sweat. As a candidate who firmly believes in protecting the rights of the individual, Riggleman has committed to join the House Freedom Caucus if elected. Members of the HFC are among the only representatives in Congress who put principle before political party. When Republican leadership proposes a budget-busting $1.3 trillion omnibus spending bill, they answer back with a resounding “NO” vote.

Denver Riggleman cares about issues that impact Virginians in the 5th District, which is why he supports further tax cuts to middle class families. The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, which Riggleman supports, has saved Virginia families more than $1,200 on average. Denver Riggleman will fight to return even more tax dollars to hard-working Virginia families, rather than wasting the money on inefficient government programs.

Denver Riggleman will be a fighter for citizens of the 5th District. He will join the ranks of those in the House Freedom Caucus who bring fiscal responsibility and plain old common sense back to Washington.

When entrenched members of the Beltway political establishment scoff at an outsider candidate such as Riggleman, it can only mean good things. It means they know their pay-to-play scheme is over. Denver Riggleman is the obvious choice to shake up the status quo and special interests in Washington. For those who want a representative who listens and fights for us daily, Denver Riggleman deserves our vote.

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