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ORDER RISK FREE! Phone Toll Free 1300 556 830 Fax (03) 5258 3512 WE WILL PROVIDE RESOURCES ON 14 DAYS APPROVAL (Excluding posters)
Circle Time
Social & E motional
Streng Character ths & Education
Deep Thin king & Lea rning
Restorative Practices Peer Lead ership
Circle Time Circle Time Games and Activities Book The Circle Time Book of Games and Activities gives an insight into why Circle Time is such a popular and effective approach for developing social and emotional knowledge and skills. The book provides: • A discussion of the defining characteristics of Circle Time. • An identification of the key factors for effective social and emotional programs. • An explanation of typical Circle Time activities. • 109 Circle Time games and activities for primary and secondary. • 36 activities for using image, feelings and character cards. • Sentence completions, silent statements, suggested games and activities for specific social and emotional skills: Emotional knowledge and awareness, Managing emotions, Empathy, Handling relationships, Social knowledge and memory, Personal values and insights. • Reflection sheets. • Behaviour evaluation sheets.
$44.00 Circle Time Resources Toolkit CD ROM Circle Time Resources Toolkit is a CD ROM which may be readily printed to create multiple copies. The toolkit contains a range of card sets; numbers 1–100, alphabet, colour, maths symbols, measuring, story-telling, feelings, animal, shapes and behaviour. As well as the cards, it also contains Animal Masks with feeling expressions for children to cut out and decorate, or to use in games and role plays, reflection sheets for student journals, lesson planners and more.
The Beginners Guide to Circle Time with Primary School Students Circle Time is a simple methodology for learning in a group. In fact, it is so simple that sometimes people may underestimate its power. The author describes how Circle Time is an effective way of teaching Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) and Character Education, as well as being a method that promotes safety, inclusiveness, fun, team work and deep thinking. The Beginner’s Guide to Circle Time explains: • What is Circle Time? • How you do Circle Time? • Role of the Facilitator. • Managing Behaviour. It provides explanations and instructions for all the types of Circle Time strategies for junior, middle and upper primary including: • Welcoming and Name Games • Pass Around the Circle Games • Rapport Building Games • Mixing Games • Sentence Completions • Silent Statements • Pair-Share • Imagination Games • Sequencing Games • Team Games • Stories. Also included is an explanation of the importance of reflection as part of the Circle Time process and easy to use reflection sheets that may form the basis of a student journal. Resources sheets for feelings, behaviour, character education, Circle Time themes, sample sessions and session planners all make this a comprehensive and practical resource for teachers.
$25.00 Circle Time for Emotional Literacy Sue Roffey, University of Sydney. 144pp, Teacher, primary and secondary
Explores all the key skills of emotional literacy through the circle time method.
Circle Time Image Cards 82 B&W laminated cards
Image cards may be used as props to help children create stories, explore similarities and differences, talk about themselves, their family, their past experiences, their future dreams and more.
Circle Time Poster $10.00
Circle Time Feeling Cards 60 B&W laminated cards
Feeling cards help children to build an emotional vocabulary, recognise emotions, discuss feelings, link feelings with thoughts and behaviour, play games, and reflect on team work and other learning experiences. w
Circle Time and Learning About FEELINGS Teacher, primary
Full of lesson formats and activities that build interpersonal skills. Students explore how their feelings influence their behaviours and their relationships. The resources includes a set of 60 blackline master ‘feelings’ cards that have been created by popular cartoonist Adrian Osborne.
Circle Time Character Cards 52 B&W laminated cards
Character cards are used to reinforce values and behaviours that provide strength, confidence and optimism. Children use the cards to discuss themselves, their peers, and others, like parents, historical figures, and characters in books. The cards are also great for setting goals, evaluating group work and discussing team sports.
$33.00 Circle Time and Learning About STORIES
$15.00 Each Circle Time Games and Activities Full Kit
Teacher, primary
Circle Time Games and Activities Book and 3 sets of Cards.
Students play games, do activities, use their imaginations, create dramatic interpretations and movements, share opinions and ideas through sentence completions, silent statements and guided reflections. In this way a shared passion and understanding of stories is created. Children are playfully united. The method is applicable to all students regardless of reading ability. The resource is packed with activities, includes sample lesson formats and visual prompts.
Circle Time Games and Activities Book, 3 sets of Cards and CD ROM.
$100.00 Circle Time Games and Activities Book & Cards
Circle Time Emo Emotional Literacy in th the Early Years How tto make it happen in practice pract through Circle Time, drama, storytelling, physical dram education, educ outdoor play and active activ learning.
$73.00 $7
Circ Time for the Circle Very Young Pre an and junior primary school students, teach teacher resource
Full o of brilliant activities for very youn young children. On the left hand page the lesson plan is for 3–5 pag year yea olds, and on the right hand han page the same activity is developed dev for 5–7 year olds. There Th are five main themes: friends fri and friendship, feelings, citizenship, ci growing up, and keeping k safe.
$64.00 $
Six Years of Circle Time for primary students
Six More Years of Circle Time for primary students
Introducing Circle Time to Secondary Students
Concluding Circle Time with Secondary Students
More Circle Time with Secondary Students: A Seven Step Programme for 12 – 13 Year Olds
Circle Time for Adolescents: A Seven Step Programme for 14 – 16 Year Olds
Order Toll Free 1300 556 830
Circle Time Go-around
“When I pass the Talking Stick ck around the circle, the person ch pair can share one of their with the biggest shoes in each
ideas by saying:
‘We think Lance would feel better if ……..’
For Ses
ndix 6:
sion 3:
I’ll give you a quick moment to decide with your partner
tal and
which idea you are going to share.”
sion ca
nal Hur
Record ideas on a large sheet of paper
Ask children to swap seats if they agree with some of the ideas that have been given
Ball throw Invite children to extend the list of things Lance needs to feel better ter by adding their own ideas of what they have needed at times when they have been hurt.
el better. “That’s a terrific list of suggestions to help Lance feel We have ……. (Read list of ideas). Now think for a moment KEY TOPIC: Learning about Circles
omeone about a time when you have been hurt and what someone
If we are not modelling what we teach then we else. are teaching something Getting to Know
o our did to help you feel better. What else can we add to
One Another as
e the ball. roll you the ball. You can only speak when you have
Age Range:
Lower Primary–Prep/Reception
Time Required:
10–20 minutes
nd I’ll list? When you think of an idea, put your hand up and
(Helen Flanagan)
se who When you have shared, roll the ball to someone else has their hands up.
Record ideas on a large sheet of paper under heading “When we are hurt we need”. (These will be used in a later session)
• Understanding the rules of Circle • One person at a time • No put-downs
When we are hurt, we need... ...
• You can pass • Getting to know one another/ Building relationships
Pass the…Game Object
In our class, when we are hurt, to feel better we need:
05 21
The teacher says. ‘The first rule of Circles is that we take turns. Let’s practice’ Pass an object around d the Circle without letting it make a sound — tambourine, keys, bell.
✔ For the hurting to stop
✔ A hug
✔ To tell what happened and be listened to
✔ Friends to care
✔ For those who hurt us to tell the truth about it
✔ For those who upset us to say sorry
Name Games mes High 5
The Grab and Go Circle Time Kit
Explain to students nts that it is really nice to welcome each other to school each day. Tell them, ‘We We are going to turn to our classmate on our right and say “Good morning”…and give them a High 5. Then in turn, we will go around the circle.’
Frog Squat
Being restorative is more about behaving and thinking restoratively rather than the application of a set of The teacher says, s, ‘This time, we will go around theprocesses. circle and it is your turn,familiar with Circles and Tribes will find that the concepts and tools or Thwhen ose teachers already you jump up from name!ofLet’s try.’ Practice echo strongly. Thinking restoratively means taking a different perspective on m frog squat and say your values Restorative wrongdoing in the classroom and playground. Below is a table to explain some basic concepts using the Sentence Completion: pletion: Ask the students to go around the circle saying, ‘Hi my example of a student who takes materials from another student without asking: name is…and my favourite TV show is…’
Mixing Game me
Thinking Punitively
Ask students for some of their favourite fruits, e.g; apples, oranges, bananas. Give ruit each. Tell them, ‘We are going each child one fruit to playisawhen mixing ‘When Wrongdoing thegame. class rules are broken — d out, you need to switch places your fruit is called each other.asking Let’s isplay.’ taking with materials without a breach of the rules. f: ‘Switch places if: ge, apple, etc.. you are an orange, you need to peell your fruit, me in a can.’ your fruit can come
Someone is guilty of breaking the rules and must be blamed: The student is guilty and is blamed for not respecting the property of others and for bad manners.
Taking a restorative approach doesn’t mean that we ignore the class rules. It also doesn’t mean that the teacher steps back from taking some strong action if necessary. But it does mean that we approach wrongdoing differently — we think differently about how we are going to deal with it and address the needs of those affected and those responsible. There is a very handy Code of Cooperation in the appendix that can be used in a wide range of regular and specialist classrooms. Being restorative also means that we engage with students through a mutually respectful relationship. This means that when we communicate with students, we need to ask the right sort of questions. We shift our practice from telling to listening:
Authoritarian ‘Telling’ Relationship (Punitive Mode) What rule did you break?
Who has been affected by what you did? In what ways?
Why you do it?
What needs to happen to put things right?
Your punishment will be this.
What do you need to do or say to fix things?
Jane Langley & Bill Hansberry 127
Working in Circles in Primary and Secondary Classrooms Margaret Armstrong & David Vinegrad, 150pp
Working in Circles in Primary and Secondary Classrooms is a comprehensive manual for anyone wishing to use the circle in their classroom for community building, social skills, democratic decision making or just having fun together as a class. It is a complete guide, saving valuable time in searching for a collection of fun games or resources suitable for primary or secondary classrooms. This manual covers: The reasons, benefits and methodology of using circles in classrooms, the ways they can be used, and many examples of circle sessions for both primary and secondary classrooms. Circles in schools can build and create a sense of belonging, trust, loyalty and community-mindedness. Using circles in classrooms as described in this manual, can create democratic classrooms, where real learning occurs in safe, supportive spaces.
longer may take e on of Circle Time) sessi (Thiss se ne sitting one than o
03 Trust
04 H appin ess
The Grab and Go Circle Time Kit ffor TTeaching hi Restorative Behaviour 13 sessions for junior primary
Authoritative ‘Listening’ Relationship (Restorative Mode)
were called they Purpose Discussion ussion reason re • The • To learn Question about trust tion . name name their n t their ing seats d abou chang • To think about the reasons How did seate uces d each pair feel sstories is also introd • Any they stay ion. else who about their er then for being trustworthy heir partner? disagree, next quest and Their partn If they circle Before? After? have for the if: to the them what they and wait e seats e: arizes their partner. to call and chang Purpos summ about Preparation sum name children Stand d urage main middle learne lear has 3 have a • To enco by name Silentt hare • You Locate 2 blindfolds made out other name Pair/S other your each NB: NB each like statements of material. ments about • You students stages: sta long name erss where • To learn other have a to time Ten hula hoops (or pieces of Explain to students • Think e • You name is easy for uate time nse Tim adeq material etc... ) that may be that you are going to le respo have • Your theiron mber in Circ in thewhere floor to create an ask their opinion. If consider laid ssion to reme d after y rituals ers. Rituals follow obstacle course. the they agree, ee, they simply d discu family ned partn y were name rtant to • Paire • You promote in your are assig opportunit stand and d change It is impo These children them an ve habits somebody Time. nickname form seats with th someone Circle nt of positifor children, This gives, listen and have a e • You else who developme e security to expect o has the Welcome nickname to speak questions. like your eir name same opinion. and provid know what . One inion. If they • You le by their additional the larger Proceed they around the circle, with with the circle ’ disagree,, they stay since call peop ideas • You saying ‘hello they join is welcoming • Shareeach child taking it in turns to say when seated and nd wait for the le ple ritual . at each when peop ‘hello’ to the rest of the circle. group important to the circle next question. stion. me like it when by name • You everybody ss you stions Ask students ents to stand addre session. ion que up and change hange places uss Main Activity: their Disc if they: to share : children the questions: Who? . AskBlindfolds Activity • obey your our parents Guess t ns on Main the s the room to be abou opinio nd leave Lay out ed hula like hoops (or other) ated teer you • never take minat ake their brothers/ Pass Arou e Game A volun child is nomin be the insidedo the circle. Ask for 4 you • What ? d nds to er sister’s things without asking Nam tends g teer Anoth callinpairs. ed aroun s volunteers your name to make Circle child prete volunte the In people up 2be • tell the truth en to proce themselve ‘it’. Each child. The ask asks each pair,like one willmight be blindfolded, ated • Do you Ask childr introducing them. om and ? What (no room nomin being to and other name • are careful like as will act eful with other people’s the by the , s to the d the circle the circleperson next people return ? than th g, ‘Hello g aroun blindfolded volunteer’s things reasons to by name eyes. and the this by sayin ked more te questions be asked ed then turnin blindfolded volunteers sit volunteer’sThe Thereferr • keep promises They do is…’’, and them and omises child can ion). The ‘ diagonally opposite each other. is ‘it’. my name n next to g, ‘And fy who one quest identiify ated • talk about out others behind their perso When the teacher says, ‘start’, by sayin nom nomin to to the them fy the fe on to cross the task is identiify back ucing each pairecti to as few introd letethe a Refl attempts uced aim is name e from W When circle without en to comp • follow rules ules in games standing on a hula this is…’ have introdis…’ child by as possible.io n they Ask hoop ion they (orchildr other obstacle). The name • give things ngs back when you nce: my questions d a quest they may blindfolded The perso Hello, my circle until t sente volunteer asked will be led er, find them I like abou m child is le to then says, around the turn. o answ ens, the across the thing on a Somecircle by their pair. are unab n this happ until it is and so • do as you ou say you will do has had The aim t rage is tois... reach the other side When name counted pass. everybody s encou using is not • keep working and sit in the seat vacated by orking when the Game ive by s. question correctly. inclus NB: Name teacher leaves the room their opponent before the other to be answered ming other children ow Upreaches blindfolded volunteer each and welco en to Foll call s . to encircle. name the opposite sidechildr help childr person of the classroom in the re Remind volunteer They alsothe rule, ‘one are If the blindfolded Sha or by name Pair/Sh otheron a hula hoop (or practice at a time’. leader stands Game s Ask speak Name obstacle) they return to their seat er: in pairs.partn ts into nts tuden stude w their and start again. Each pair could with nts Form o share to be timed to add interest. stateme you are them Silent name ir name en that n. • Their like their to childr opinio Explain ask for their her they ether y stand to • Whet they simpl someone going agree, with If they e seats and chang
Thinking Restoratively Wrongdoing is when harm is caused to people and relationships – taking materials without asking makes people feel uncomfortable and harms relationships.
Wrongdoing means that the person responsible needs to make things right: The student makes things right by taking responsibility and fixing the problem.
The focus is onCLASSROOM the studentCIRCLES gettingINwhat they deserve: The focus PRIMARY CLASSROOMS 35 is on the students getting what they need: A punishment is applied to make the student ‘think Those affected have a voice and those responsible twice’ and not do it again. take ownership of the problems they created through a teachable moment. The wrongdoer admits their behaviour and makes amends.
es 02 Nam
What Does it Means to be Restorative?
• To enco about urage stud happ Silent • To iness ents to think expl Statem mea ore wha Explain ns to t ents them happines are goin to Stud • To s ents iden that If they g to ask Fruit when tify how you they they Salad and agree, theytheir opin are happ are feeli • To chan Each disc ge seat simply ion. ng else stud y who stan them over wha ent is nam has the s with som d If they e of a happ t thing alloc different y fruit. ated s mak and disagree same opin eone the Only e wait , they apples, names, use 3 ion. Ask stud for the next stay seat Prepar the lead pears, for exam ed oran ques ents chan ges. ple, tion. the child er calls ation to ge Whe Larg , ‘App when places stand up ren n e ball nam if and they ed app who haveles’, all of air and for thro are: they feel Whe • play les, chan been catching wing happ n ing a up in y Usin Salad’, the leader ge favourite g the • watc calls seats. ever (see the list of seats. hing spor , ‘Fru ybod card telev t • by ) prep ‘feeling’ card ision have When all y changes it them word s. are a had selves s set of an oppof the child • doin move NB: Alter and g som ren ortu nate move have nity to purc ethin • doin ly, hase som onto g with g a hob a set you may the next e fun, othe of feeli • help by rs activ ng card ing their ity. s. • pare learn Discus Welco nts ing new me sion • play How Ask for ing with things que do you stion a volu their happ gam question Discussion feel whe ntee pet y? e. n you nam The volu r to beg 1. Plac e, is it to be ntee in are • How important Main e into the then throwsa r calls outthe the fl ‘feeling’ Activ trustworthy air in card the ball oor Pair a circle.person? ity: the cent s on / Sha 2. In The child high turn • What their mightnam happen re if you re of Form choo , ask stud e calle who has the stud were cent always se thos ents re ofuntrustworthy? had Ask them ents into most to the circld, runs to prom e cards • Howthe canball. youThey decide the ifeyou to choo pairs. they are doin that inent and child mos are catc then when ’s trust someone se som or not? this with t enjo enjoy. g somethin call anot hes they proc name. And ethin ess goes their y doing. Sha g they g repo so the her have part rts until ner, who re back been all child to the NB: Pair calle NB: The then ren grou Refl Refl Reflection flection d. stages: / Share p. reversed process ection has 3 could . to complete Ask main Ask students • the Think then stud be sentence ents to sentence: have time whe com re stud adeq plete One cons uate Someone who I can trust is... the of ider their time ents life was the happ • Pair resp to ed when… iest days onse child discussi of my ren are on This assi where give Follow to spea s them gned part ners. Up addition k, listen an opportu On a al ques and form nity regu • Sha lar child tions re ren to basis, . ask grou ideas with expe p. rienc share an the large e. enjoyabl r e
Thinking and Behaving Restoratively doesn’t come naturally to all kids. Restorative Practices is a way of thinking about people and events and it’s a frame of reference that we can teach to young people. What’s the result? Calmer, more peaceful and more productive classrooms and playgrounds. Evidence shows that schools that actively teach Restorative Thinking and Behaviour to students report less bullying behaviour, less anxious kids, less anxious parents and happier teachers. The Grab and Go Circle Time Kit for Teaching Restorative Behaviour is unique. We’ve harnessed the Circle Time pedagogy to create thirteen wonderful sessions to actually teach Junior Primary Students how to think and behave restoratively. Packed with wonderful illustrated stories and resources for use in the sessions, busy teachers can literally pickup this manual and run with it! Session Outline: Session 1: Our Circle Time rules Session 2: Inside and outside hurts Session 3: Accidental and intentional hurts Session 4: Helping others when they are hurt Session 5: Dealing with arguments Session 6: What we need when we are hurt Session 7: What we need when we have hurt others Session 8: Being strong and truthful Session 9: Seeing things differently (perception) Session 10: Blaming and Fixing Session 11: Questions that help fix things Session 12: Fixing up and showing sorry Session 13: Forgiving others
Circle Time for Junior Primary Developing RESILIENCE with Circle Time
Suitable for 5–9 year olds
School programs that promote resilience aim to help children develop: • Social and emotional competence • A sense of purpose, person identity and autonomy Circle Time is an ideal method for helping children to develop resilience in the classroom. This resource has 40 sessions on cards. These are easy to use and require minimal planning. They include; getting to know each other, trust building, self awareness, happiness, strengths, empathy, optimism, goal setting, coping, problem solving, decision making, managing emotions, help seeking and help giving.
Circle Time for Junior Primary is a set of 40 sessions covering topics including; welcoming, listening, appreciating, joining in, friends, special occasions, cooperating, helping, feelings, managing myself, making mistakes, encouraging myself and others, and many more. Each session includes a welcoming activities, warm ups, main activity, discussion question, concluding activity and follow up suggestions. Each session is on an A5 card which makes the resource easy to use for the teacher when conducting the session. There is also a session planner included, so that teachers may adapt sessions as required.
40 complete sessions on cards 10–13 year olds
Social & Emotional Learning I laugh
Strategies for overcoming resistant behaviour Craig Deed :: Bob Bellhouse :: Faye Agterhuis
I get picked on n
I work with friends
Cope Cards for Little Kids
There’s a Gorilla in My Classroom!
Helping children to learn social and emotional problem solving and coping strategies
Strategies for Overcoming Resistant Behaviour
48 A5 full colour and laminated cards
There’s a Gorilla in my Classroom: Strategies for overcoming resistant behaviour’ provides a new perspective on students in the classroom. Dr Craig Deed has worked with primary and secondary students, and their teachers, to understand the behaviour of students, whether they be engaged or disengaged. He found that in most instances, behaviour in the classroom is not motivated by deep issues. In contrast, it is a choice to engage or not to engage, to learn or not to learn.
Being able to solve problems and cope with difficulties are key developmental skills. They are fundamental to developing resilience and autonomy. When children are in their early years, they need the support of adults to develop these skills.
60 plastic coated cards, A5 book
Feelings Cards for the Early Years: Big Cards for Little Kids A tool for building emotional language with children in the early years 24 A4 full colour laminated cards
Using the cards children can learn: • About their emotions. • What their emotions are telling them. • How to interpret emotional cues from others. The feelings illustrated are happy, sad, angry, worried, calm, excited, kind, tired, surprised, giggly, sorry and proud. They represent 12 feelings relating to diverse and identifiable physiological states. Children use their emotional knowledge as a foundation for other skills like empathy, motivation, self control, conflict resolution and perseverance. The 24 feelings cards come with 4 additional cards describing activities for how to use them with children in the early years. The size of the cards makes them ideal for wall posters or as inter-active teaching tools.
Tired Giggly
Order Toll Free 1300 556 830
Little Minds, Big Imaginations All i 30 c nclude CD R ards, a nd OM 30 re contain ing pro work ducible shee ts
Set of 3 $75
Circle Time Discussion Cards
If Only…
I Wish… Because…
Let’s Pretend…
A set of 30 Circle Time discussion cards with CD ROM containing reproducible worksheets, each one showing a start to a sentence which is completely open-ended; children are therefore able to interpret the idea in their own individual way. All the ideas are based on the child himself and his world and will really extend the thought processes as every one has an infinite number of endings. Benefits: • Improved communication Skills • Listening Skills • Thinking Skills • Concentration • Self confidence • Self Awareness.
A set of 30 Circle Time discussion cards with CD ROM containing reproducible worksheets designed to stimulate the imagination by suggesting different expansions of the child’s world. The ideas will promote thinking ‘outside the box’ by allowing the child to mentally travel to different places, have different abilities etc., and give reasons why each one would be a positive. Some of these are things perhaps we’ve all wished for at some time or another but what would the result be? Benefits: • Improved communication Skills • Listening Skills • Thinking Skills • Concentration • Self confidence • Self Awareness.
A set of 30 Circle Time discussion cards with CD ROM containing reproducible worksheets, each one showing an imaginary event or situation. Many of these are related to familiar story characters prompting children to consider what they might say or do if such an impossible meeting were to occur. What would happen
if they were suddenly transported to a fairy-tale world? The worksheets will be fun to complete but will also promote creative writing. Benefits: • Improved communication Skills • Listening Skills • Thinking Skills • Concentration • Self confidence • Self Awareness.
Set of 5 Books $75 All About Me
Daily Dilemmas
A4, 28pp, CD ROM included
A4, 28pp, CD ROM included
Topics include: • Their likes • Dislikes • What makes them happy • What makes them sad • What their talents are. Includes CD ROM and reproducible worksheets for kids to complete.
Topics include: • Dealing with changes • Embarrassing situations • Making tough moral decisions • Expressing emotions • Exploring differences • Problem solving • Bullying • Empathy • Responsibilities. Includes CD ROM and reproducible worksheets for kids to complete.
Dreams & Wishes
Me & My World
A4, 24pp, CD ROM included
A4, 48pp, CD ROM included
Help children use and learn about their imagination. Topics include: • Thinking about their own dreams • Setting goals • Realising dreams can be achieved • Developing creativity and imagination. Includes CD ROM and reproducible worksheets for kids to complete.
You & Me A4, 28pp, CD ROM included
Help children to begin to consider themselves in relation to their world. Topics include: • Where they live • Their school • Town & buildings • Natural world • Weather and seasons. Includes CD ROM and reproducible worksheets for kids to complete.
Help children realise what connections they have with other people and how important these are. Topics include: • Managing friendships • Expressing feelings • Dealing with emotions • Realising who are the special people in their lives. Includes CD ROM and reproducible worksheets for kids to complete.
Little Minds, Big Imaginations
Dingle Duck Emotional Literacy Cards A useful tool to help children learn different ways of coping with, and learning new words for the emotions and feelings they experience in everyday situations. 20 colourful cards show Dingle Duck encountering all kinds of situations, from a birthday party to an annoying time when another duck knocked over a sand castle. Includes a CD ROM for projection onto a whiteboard.
Little Book of Learning Games Includes Bright Beats Music CD, and CD ROM of appendices to print out
A collection of over 50 traditional and modern games with physical, emotional, and intellectual benefits. Children will learn fine and gross motor skills as well as self-control, direction, dexterity, hand-eye coordination, communication, participation, and co-operation. They will also be learning about colours, shapes, parts of the body, counting, number recognition, and sequencing. Some games can be adapted for children with lower and higher abilities. The games will also help children learn the social skills of: Taking turns, Sharing, Confidence, Attention, Observation, Listening, Imagination, Risk-taking, Empathy, Winning and losing, and Interaction. Includes Bright Beats Music CD.
Bright Beats Music CD 20 tunes to get those feet tapping Some well-known favourites plus some new ones designed to teach the alphabet, the days of the week, weather terms, and letter sounds. Beautifully arranged and sung by Rey Lear and Stephen Pogson. Contains a booklet with all the words to: • Hello Everybody • Baa Baa Black Sheep • One Potato • ABC • Five in a Bed • Miss Polly • IncyWincy Spider • This Old Man • The Muffin Man • Six Little Ducks • Days of the Week • Wiggly Woo • Tommy Thumb • Weather Song • Henry Hammers • The Grand Old Duke • 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 • ABC Sounds • Bear in the Woods • Row Your Boat.
$33.00 Set $20.00 CD Only
Little Box of Big Questions Cards to encourage meaningful conversations with children and young people Professor Irvine Gersch & Anna Lipscomb
Use these cards to provide prompts for a meaningful, stimulating and positive conversation about the ‘bigger picture’ in life. They will help children and young people understand their views about life, school, and people important to them, which is enlightening for the facilitators too. The four areas for discussion are; Identity, Important people, Meaning & Purpose, and Thinking & Planning. Consists of 16 A5 cards and an instruction booklet with ideas for use.
Order Toll Free 1300 556 830
Social & Emotional Learning The Heart Master: Promoting Resilience and Emotional Intelligence Resilience Cards: Feelings 58 plastic coated, full colour cards, booklet
Lovely illustrations accompanied by a feeling word. These cards are designed to help children and young people share their thoughts about feelings. They may be used for self reflection, circle work, literacy, behaviour and many other imaginative discussions. A booklet full with ideas is included to assist teachers.
Feelings 116244 Feelings Cards.indd 1
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116244 Feelings Cards.indd 8
116244 Feelings 52 14/9/06Cards.indd 10:58:58 AM
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Resilience Cards: Values and Attributes 52 plastic coated, full colour cards, booklet
Central to self esteem, friendly relationships and the development of resilience is an awareness of the positive qualities of self and others. These cards are a helpful resource for children to discover and discuss these qualities in a non-threatening and playful way. They may be used in a one on one discussion, or in groups.
Values and Attributes
$46.50 Resilience Cards: Behaviours 40 plastic coated, full colour cards, booklet
The Resilience Cards may be used as teaching aids in class or as discussion starters in counselling situations. The accompanying booklet provides many ideas that cover topics including: resilience; coping; emotions; teamwork; friendship; supportive relationships; bullying and problem solving. The cards can be adapted for many other uses with young people, staff and families. The ‘Ghost’ character exhibits many behaviours, some helpful, some not-so-helpful. People of all ages find them humorous and thought-provoking.
Set of 3 $115
Communication Cards 38 full colour cards, 42pp booklet
The Heart Masters’ Communication Cards are a set of 38 playfully penned caricatures that people of all ages will be able to recognise. Teachers, trainers and counsellors may use the cards to explore verbal and non-verbal behaviour. An accompanying booklet provides many ideas for using the cards in discussions, role-plays, games and activities.
Social & Emotional Learning 07
Not Listening to
Dan and Byron are playing a game. When it is Dan’s turn to be ‘it’, Byron decides not to play. Dan protests and gets so upset he shakes his fist. Byron folds his arms and refuses to listen.
Stubborn Nasty Kind Unco-operative Proud Rude Difficult Ashamed Worried Suspicious Afraid Shy Lonely Nervous Excluded Depressed Hurt Sorry Frustrated Resentful Angry Violent Jealous Stupid What is the problem? Selfi sh Worthless Worthles Puzzled What might be the reasons for Byron refusing to listen? Unconcerned Bored Polite ? How might Dan and Byron be feeling? Sick Interested Intereste Superior What could they do to solve the problem? em? Important Happy Clever Not Listening Generous Helpful Lucky Social and Emotio Emotional nal P bl Problem S Solving l i Game Game — Primary Pi Loved Included Friendly Kristy has a group project. Everybody has such great ideas they all Amused Delighted Safe talk at the same time. Nobody is listening, just talking. Kristy blocks her ears and turns away. Cooperative Special Excited Uninterested Sad
INSTRUCTIONS What is the problem? What is the reason for Kristy blocking her ears? CLICK HERE FOR THE
How might Kristy be feeling?
Coping Strategies for Young People 30 A6 card set, UV coated, A4 booklet with blackline masters
What could she do to solve the problem?
Social and Emotional Problem Solving Game — Primary
Social and Emotional Problem Solving Discussion Cards (Primary)
Based on the brilliant research of the Late Dr Chris Madden, these cards and accompanying book may be used in games, lessons or when communicating with young people about coping with many of the challenges of school and life.
40 cards
These are a set of discussion cards using hypothetical social and emotional problems. They cover a range of social and emotional issues that are relevant to children from 8–12 years old.
Story Books Inyahead Press is embarking on a series of books called the ‘You’re Not Alone’ series. The brief is to explore tales of diversity. In this way, we aim to promote understanding and discussion among children, while at the same time, hoping to reassure children who experience difference. ‘Anzac Day: A Refugee’s Tale’ is the first in this series.
Anzac Day: A Refugee’s Tale 28pp, A4, full colour
Anzac Day: A Refugee’s Tale is written in the first person from the perspective of a young refugee. It is his first Anzac Day ceremony. His reflections are both respectful and inquiring, while at the same time prompting him to ask questions about his family history, his miracles and his tale of loss. It is a story that is an ideal discussion starter for all primary aged children, and may also be relevant in secondary schools.
A A Day Day in in the the Life Life of of
Published by Inyahead Press for Odyssey House Victoria
R Bellhouse & A Osborne
A Day in the Life of Raindrop 28pp, A4, full colour
A Day in the Life of Raindrop was commissioned by Odyssey House Victoria. Odyssey House Victoria provides a range of services for people suffering from addiction problems. The intention of the book was to develop a story with which the children of Odyssey’s clients might identify. The book is realistic and explores challenging themes. It has proved popular among Alcohol and Drug workers, as well as among teachers for the purposes of professional development.
Order Toll Free 1300 556 830
Strengths & Character Education GO LEAD— A Teachers Guide
GO LEAD— A Student Leaders Guide Secondary School Aged Students
Designed as a companion to Go Lead, a resource designed to equip teachers with training options that provide students with authentic leadership opportunities, the student manual provides a range of ideas and activities for young leaders to consider. The resource comes as a CD ROM so that teachers can produce multiple copies for their students.
$44.00 (CD ROM)
Change Agents
cHaNGe aGeNts
A program for promoting self-awareness, team work, leadership and community action in the middle years
a program for promoting self-awareness, team work, leadership and community action in the middle years
Teacher, 160+pp. Secondary School Aged Students. A
The author, Pam Mathieson, provides teachers with a range of training options in the area of student leadership. The resource is based on Pam’s experience developing training options with schools. She believes all students have the potential to take on leadership roles. A variety of leadership options have been implemented in many secondary and primary schools. CD ROM designed for easy printing of activities and worksheet. Teachers can print portions of the resource as required, or can print the complete resource. The CD ROM has a unique home page that makes the CD ROM easy and efficient to navigate.
$75.00 (Book & CD ROM) Creating Student Leaders! A resource designed to equip teachers with training options that provide students with authentic leadership opportunities
Dianne Summers, Gloria Douglas, Jane Anastasios, 150pp
Change Agents is a Middle School curriculum-based program aimed at developing social and emotional learning, personal strengths and problem solving skills. The program focuses on four interrelated areas: Knowing Yourself; Working with Others; Leading Others; Taking Community Action and Making a Difference.
dianne summers // gloria douglas // jane anastasios
$75.00 I am...
astic Enthusi arning le toward
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you.. One for me.. One for
istic Optim
Character Strengths Poster $12.00
Energe Thank
The author, Pam Mathieson, provides teachers with a range of training options in the area of student leadership. The resource is based on Pam’s experience developing training options with schools. She believes all students have the potential to take on leadership roles. A variety of leadership options have been implemented in many secondary and primary schools. This resource contains the following training packages: • General student leadership • Peer mediation • Peer support/Buddies • Games leaders • Student Council Representatives. Each training package includes: • An agenda for each training day • Student worksheets • A running sheet for the teacher conducting the training • Relevant teacher support material. An extensive set of ideas for physically active games and a CD ROM with printable materials is also included.
$75.00 (Book & CD ROM)
t Patien
re Let’s sha
Teacher, 160+pp
ia Apprec
Social & Emotional Learning The Heart Masters
Building Resilience & Managing the Difficult Emotions
Junior Primary School
Middle to Senior Primary School
Junior Secondary School
Teachers, 5–6 year olds, 160pp
Teachers, 10–12 year olds, 180pp
Teachers, 12–13 year olds, 170pp
Packed with stories and activities aimed at building emotional awareness and creating a sense of belonging for young children in the classroom.
Has an emphasis on building emotional awareness, as well as social confidence and competence.
Has an emphasis on emotional, social and study skills. Mastery of these skills provides a platform for creating the sense of belonging that is critical to individual well-being and success in secondary school.
Teachers, 11–13 year olds
Helps teachers to help young people who are at the on-set of adolescence to develop awareness, skills and behaviours that will help them to manage their difficult emotions.
The Bullying Intervention Toolkit Aims to provide schools with a range of effective bullying intervention strategies. The strategies are all solution focused, encourage individuals to make pro-social choices, avoid labelling, and aim to educate and heal, rather than punish. The authors believe that no one intervention for bullying works best in all circumstances. Effective intervention occurs when teachers have a range of strategies, with the accompanying knowledge and skills to know when (and when not) to use them. Making a choice about which approach to use is critical to the success of the intervention. The authors provide guidance to help make this choice, along with facilitator notes and detailed scripts. The resource includes: • 60 page book • 4 large laminated scripts (A4 size); Method of Shared Concern, Classroom Conference Early Years, Classroom Conference, Support Group Method. • 5 pocket scripts; restorative chat early years, restorative chat, No Blame brief intervention, mediation, small group discussion.
School Support Group Method—Meeting With Target Purpose
Key Statements And Questions The reason I asked if we could meet is that I have heard/noticed that… I was hoping we might be able to discuss what has been happening. Nobody is going to get into trouble, but I can help you if we decide it is necessary. ‘Could you explain to me a little more about what has been happening to you?’
Describe Feelings
‘How have you been affected by this? How have you been feeling?’ ‘What is the worst of it for you?’
Gain Permission For Meeting With Aggressors And Request A Piece Of Writing Or A Drawing
If you agree, I would like to meet with the students involved in bullying you to explain to them how you are feeling and to ask them to help find ways to solve the problem. They will not be in trouble so you needn’t fear that they will retaliate or make things worse for you. To help me explain to them your feelings, could you write down how you are feeling or write a poem about your feelings or draw a picture? You do not have to write anything you do not wish to share with them.
Plan Support Group Meeting
Let’s make a time to meet so you can give me the writing or picture. Remember to concentrate on explaining your feelings; don’t mention any of the people involved in this in your writing. To help me understand who should make up the support group to solve the problem could you help me by telling me who is involved, who is watching. Who do you think knows but does not really r likes what is going on?
Restorative Chat eting Arrange Another Meeting
Thank you for this writing/picture, r it will help me explain to the other students how you are r feeling and help us to solve the problem. r I will meet with
Purpose you in a week’s time to see Target how things are r going.
Engage And Describe
The Bullying Intervention Toolkit T SCRIPT SCRIPTS TS
What happened?
I just noticed/heard… (if there’s some level of acknowledgement) What happened?
What happened? What do you think (X) wanted?
What were you thinking? Encourage Thoughtfulness
How have you been affected?
Who has been affected?
How are you feeling?
Who has been affected? How do you feel?
What can we do to make What can we do to make What can we do to make things better? things better? things better? Problem Solve
How can we make sure this doesn’t happen again?
How can we make sure this doesn’t happen again?
How can we make sure this doesn’t happen again?
What can I do to help?
What can I do to help?
What can I do to help?
Restorative Practices POCKET SCRIPTS
$65.00 Worried Wilber Activities Book & CD ROM A comprehensive resource to help tackle the growing levels of anxiety in young children. By Francis May
Includes A5 book and a FREE CD ROM of comprehensive teachers notes with ideas on how to tackle some of the issues, as well as worksheets for the children to complete. Images of 31 worries commonly found amongst young children, all presented with amusing illustrations. Includes: • Being picked last • being teased • visit to the dentist • germs • stings • swimming • animals • hospitals • skateboarding • getting things wrong • getting told off • the dark • heights • scary things on TV • fast cards • thunder & lightning • being laughed at • busy places • being late • bad dreams • other people being sad • about being loved • eating with others • new baby • new school • people arguing • having no friends • and a ? so they can discuss anything else that may be on their minds. Using an inanimate object, Wilber, will enable children to feel more able to communicate their own fears. Included in the pack is a CD ROM which contains practical ideas and activities to help teachers to communicate with the children and therefore to deal with the worry.
Order Toll Free 1300 556 830
Social & Emotional Learning All About Anger Discussion Cards $55.00 Includes 38 A5 cards
The All About Anger Discussion Cards present some of the commonly-held beliefs on anger and offer the opportunity for users to understand the rationale underlying WHY they believe that, whether it could be said to be a reasonable belief and whether it is in the best interest of the holder. The cards can be used with individual students as a diagnostic tool and they can be used in small groups to promote discussion or they can be used with class groups to start discussion.
All About Success Discussion Cards $55.00 Challenge the ideas surrounding success, increase confidence and raise awareness of goal setting. Includes 36 A5 cards By raising the topic of success through discussion, students have an opportunity to develop the following key skills and attitudes: • Self belief and confidence in one’s own abilities • Realising the importance of goal-setting • Understanding the need of planning for success • Understanding what success means to them • Persistence and tenacity • Understanding the importance of social interaction and networking.
All About Friends Cards $55.00 Friendships and relationships form an important part of our lives, but creating them takes time, effort and commitment. Includes 36 A5 cards These cards challenge some preconceptions of the types of friends students may wish to have and through discussion enable them to examine some of the myths and beliefs that underlie their ideas of friendship.
All About Myself Discussion Cards $55.00 These cards will provoke thought and discussion on aspects of personality, thereby challenging developing or previously-held assumptions. Includes 36 A5 cards Knowledge and understanding of oneself is essential to success in life. Many views we hold are based on inaccurate assumptions and can be damaging by encouraging us to hold beliefs that are not helpful: it is therefore equally as important to understand why we feel that way and the cards give an opportunity to explore these reasons.
All About Responsibility $55.00 People often feel responsibility to their peer groups and to friends, but responsibility extends beyond ourselves and our own well being and needs: we are part of a larger society that gives us rights, comes responsibility. Includes 36 A5 cards Knowledge and understanding of oneself is essential to success in life. Develop responsible citizens. Consider the obligations of a member of society. Install ideas & challenge beliefs. Contemplate irresponsible actions which lead to problems for the perpetrator and victim.
All About Decisions $55.00 Encourage the art of making good decisions. Includes 36 A5 cards Knowledge and understanding of oneself is essential to success in life. Making good decisions is a complex process that involves weighing up the relevant facts, analysing them, prioritising them and then predicting all the possible outcomes, before choosing the preferred option. Decision-making should improve with practice and maturity but various processes outlined above can be taught even from an early age.
Anger Management Discussion Cards Secondary $55.00 The perfect way to help young people talk about anger-inducing situations and how they would cope.42 cards, CD ROM Choose from more than 40 scenarios to allow young people to open up about situations that are likely to make them angry. Users pick a card and discuss that scenario, either one to one or in small groups. The facilitator can turn the conversation onto the user’s beliefs and values that are being challenged by the situation suggested on the card. This can be followed up by role-play and the opportunity to practise different strategies for dealing with similar situations.
Anger Management Discussion Cards Primary $55.00 The perfect way to help children talk about anger-inducing situations and how they would cope. By E A Morris, 42 cards, FREE CD ROM
Choose from a variety of scenarios to allow children to open up about situations that are likely to make them angry. Users pick a card and discuss that scenario, either one to one or in small groups. This can be followed up by role-play and the opportunity to practise different strategies for dealing with similar situations.
Behaviour Intervention Anger Management Programme Book Primary $65.00 Session plans to control children’s anger effectively By E A Morris, 76pp, A4 ring bound book with FREE CD ROM
This anger management programme draws on research about the development of emotional and social intelligence which indicates that a well balanced and emotionally mature individual will be capable of greater academic achievement since they are not psychologically involved with inner tensions and emotional turmoil.
Assessing and Developing Self Esteem $65.00
Moving On From Anger $65.00 Session plans to improve communication and assertiveness By E A Morris, 98pp, A4 ring bound book with FREE CD ROM
Anger management involves steadily increasing the level of maturity a child has with regard to both managing their emotions and being skillful enough to negotiate and collaborate with others in order to get to a win-win situation where both parties feel satisfied enough with the outcome. This manual offers a structured programme to achieve this.
Activities for Helping Young People Deal with Bullying $65.00
Anger Management Programme Book Secondary $65.00 Session plans to control students’ anger effectively By E A Morris, 76pp, A4 ring bound book with FREE CD ROM
This anger management programme draws on research about the development of emotional and social intelligence which indicates that a well balanced and emotionally mature individual will be capable of greater academic achievement since they are not psychologically involved with inner tensions and emotional turmoil.
Activities for Helping Young People Deal with Anger
Beyond Anger Management $65.00
Session plans to improve communication and assertiveness By E A Morris, 80pp, A4 ring bound book with FREE CD ROM
Anger management involves steadily increasing the level of maturity a young person has with regard to both managing their emotions and being skilful enough to negotiate and collaborate with others in order to get to a win-win situation where both parties feel satisfied enough with the outcome. This manual offers a structured programme to achieve this.
Taming your Temper
Taming a Tempersaurus Programme
Anger Management Programme Secondary
A4 Book, 62pp A
Learning to control your temper is a vital skill, the activities in this book have been designed to help students: • Develop and understand appropriate ‘anger’ vocabulary • Understand that ‘anger’ covers a range of feeling from mild to intense • Learn to recognise their own individual triggers • Understand the pre-existing factors that may make an angry response more likely and more intense • Learn how to change their angry behaviour • Develop a range of strategies to use when facing potentially angry or stressful situations • Learn to express feelings rather than act them out • Learn how to ask for what they want • Learn to empathise • Practise new ways of doing things and learn new ways of looking at things • Have the opportunity to deal with their personal anger issues in depth • Develop selfmonitoring techniques and so recognise the signs of anger building up in themselves • Recognise the signs of anger building up in others. Includes FREE CD ROM of printable workbooks.
Lesson and activities designed to help students: • Develop & understand ‘anger’ vocabulary • Understand that ‘anger’ covers a range of feeling from mild to intense • Learn to recognise individual triggers • Understand the pre-existing factors that make an angry response more likely & more intense • Learn how to change angry behaviour • Develop a range of strategies when facing potentially angry or stressful situations • Learn to express ffeelings rather than actt tthem out • Learn how to ask for what li th th they want • Learn to empathise • Practise new ways of looking at things • Have the opportunity to deal with their personal anger issues in depth • Develop self-monitoring techniques, recognise the signs of anger building up in themselves • Recognise the signs of anger building up in others. Includes FREE CD ROM of student worksheets.
Order Toll Free 1300 556 830
Restorative Practices The Restorative Approach Explained The philosophy of Restorative Justice encourages schools and organizations to shift their thinking from a traditional model of punishment to one of education, accountability and meaningful change. It provides schools with a set of guidelines to manage even the most confronting behaviours. Restorative Justice views wrongdoing as a violation of people and relationships. When wrongdoing occurs, it is concerned with healing and repairing those individuals and their relationships. In this sense, it strengthens feelings of caring, belonging and community among school members. The restorative teacher views wrongdoing as an opportunity for learning. They use methods that develop social and emotional knowledge and skills. They create safe environments by using processes that treat all participants fairly, and with respect and dignity. Their discussions are concerned with reconnecting people and repairing relationships. They focus on the needs of everybody, including the wrongdoers. Students learn to trust the school and its processes. Victims and others learn to trust that they will be protected, that relationships will be repaired and that things will be made right. Wrongdoers learn to trust that the restorative dialogue will help them to understand and take responsibility for the harm done.
Restorative Practices in the Early Years — Visual Script and Cards
What was I thin
ool A child’s ability to successfully engage in a restorative approach At sch develops in line with their ability to reason. ‘The Visual Script’ has been developed as a modified version of the original Restorative Practices Conference Script. It has been designed to support the following groups: • Children in the early years (K – 2) • Children with special needs (Autism Spectrum Disorder, Language Disorders) La • Children who have experienced trauma • Children from generational poverty • Some boys. The T Visual Script aims to support these groups by: • Helping them to identify and express their feelings and thoughts, and understand those expressed by others. (Expressive and receptive language) • Providing them a concrete aid to help them follow what may be an abstract process. a • Providing the facilitator with language that is brief, clear and concise.
Emba arrra rassed Rig ht t hin g
20 Cards Includes deta iled instructions
$1 each
Set of 10 $7.50 Pocket Scripts Pocket scripts, restorative chat, restorative chat — early years students and mediation.
Pocket Scripts for he Early a ly Years ea s the
Behaviour Poster $12.00
Restorative Practices Working Restoratively in Schools: A guidebook
Restorative Practices in Classrooms: Rethinking Behaviour Management
for developing safe and connected learning communities
Behaviour Management M Thorsborne & D Vinegrad. Teacher, 80pp
ahead Pres
Bill Hansberry
“What we have here in this resource is a wide-ranging variety of ideas, theories and suggestions which should deepen your understanding of how to use Restorative Practices, why and how they work, combined with clear guidelines for the practicalities of doing this work in schools.” Marg Thorsborne
Restorative Practices in Classrooms: Rethinking
Margaret Thorsborne and David Vinegrad learning well-being resilience
Based on the Restorative philosophy, this book shows how the approach may be applied to classroom practice. Chapters include; working proactively, classroom conferences, individual, small and medium group conferences, facilitating conferences, what if? Appendices include; classroom script, classroom conference report, classroom conference evaluation, letters to parents, case studies and recommended reading.
Restorative Practices and Bullying: Rethinking Behaviour Management M Thorsborne & D Vinegrad. Teacher, 48pp
A set of 35 cards that feature the 4 key rules and most commonly used questions in the restorative process. One of the most common reasons that an intervention fails occurs when the facilitator gets lost in the process. Students become confused and can quickly lose trust. The Restorative Practices Prompt Cards may be used to: • Help facilitators to plan the process • Ensure that the process stays on track • Empower students • Act as a prompt • Help students to stay on task • Consult with students about the important questions.
This book is the third in the school series of books on Restorative Justice. The guiding principles of restorative justice provide for a different response to bullying. When harm is done (deliberate or otherwise) it needs to be fixed. These principles are not based on definitions of bullying behaviour or measures of frequency and intensity. the authors believe that what matters most about bullying is what is done about it. The challenge h ll for f schools h l iis to provide id processes that are effective, safe and fair for all stakeholders - victims, wrongdoers, bystanders and the adults (parents and staff) who become involved. this manual is aimed directly at those at the chalkface - in classrooms, corridors and playgrounds, and now in cyberspace. this manual is intended to provide responses that can bring about healing, and in the long term, make the school a safer place.
35 cards & instructions
Restorative Practice Poster
Restorative Practices in Schools: Rethinking Behaviour Management M Thorsborne & D Vinegrad. Teacher, 75pp
A ‘just’ school is a place where victims, offenders and their respective communities of care are active participants in processes that ensure equal justice and fairness. Victims are empowered to have their needs met and to have their experience validated. Offenders are able to tell their stories and Margaret Thorsborne and David Vinegrad be given the chance to make amends. And finally, the community of care may seek ways to ensure that the incident does not happen again. this book takes you through the restorative practice process with chapters on: deciding whether to conference or not, conference preparation, convening the conference, managing the emotional dynamics, what if? Appendices and case studies are also included. ahead Pres
The Restorative Practices poster includes 4 key questions that represent a framework for the restorative process. • Telling the story – What happened? What were you thinking? • Encouraging thoughtfulness and empathy – How have people been affected? • Problem solving – How will you make things better? Having a visual representation of the restorative process helps all members of the school community to follow and understand it.
Restorative Practices in Schools: Rethinking Behaviour Management
Restorative Practices Prompt Cards
learning well-being resilience
Order Toll Free 1300 556 830
Student Welfare & Support S Strength Cards New Edition
Angels Angels is a set of 52 exquisitelyillustrated, heart-warming cards featuring ‘everyday’ angels. Each card represents an important quality or skill that we may want to celebrate or invite into our family, workplace, classroom and community, such as contentment, peace, assertiveness, clarity, openness, balance or adventure.
G Grounded in Strengths-based theory, tthese cards are capable of opening up conversations about the hard stuff in life as well as nurturing new ways of tthinking about life’s possibilities.
$49.50 $
$49.50 Bears Cards New Edition The Bears is grounded on the principle that talking about feelings is one of the cornerstones of emotional and mental health. This vibrant, high-quality card set is a poignant, simple and clever catalyst for identifying and exploring emotions.
$49.50 Picture This
$49.50 Cars ‘R’ Us Perfect for anyone wanting to engage boys or men in important conversations. For those familiar with Glassers work this is a handson tool that includes all the carbased metaphors Choice Theorists find so useful.
Using vibrant illustration and gentle humour, this clever but simple card set is a strengths-based resource designed specifically for primary school aged children with the intention of nurturing emotional intelligence and self-esteem.
These 75 original, diverse and eclectic photographs offer opportunities for people of all ages to reflect on their p experiences. Here is a powerful e conversation - stimulant for oiling tthe juice of imagination, memory and e emotions. Some of these full-colour im images are poignant, some are heartw warming, and others are tinged with humour.
Reflexions Reflexions is a set of cards that use contemporary street and techno style photo collage and graphics to deepen conversations on the issues that concern young people. A single word accompanied by graphics guide participants to identify and name reactions to their circumstances. Especially important for boys struggling to express their emotions.
Optimism Boosters Each of the 30 cards in this elegant little set creates a window into change, new possibilities and fresh ways of thinking. Key questions focus on goals, possibilities and strategies.
$27.90 Can Do Dinosaurs 3–7 year olds. 28 colour cards, 8pp booklet
The bright, quirky cartoons will inspire great conversation and an ‘I can’ attitude in young kids. Minimal text builds literacy without excluding pre-literate children.
Little Tin of Worries $55.00
Little Tin of Teenage Worries $55.00
Cyber Space Issues Discussion Cards $55.00
Pocketbooks Dyspraxia/DCD Find out what exactly dyspraxia/ DCD is and the current approaches to diagnosis. Learn how to recognise students ith dyspraxia; d i ffamiliarise ili with yourself with the effects of the condition, including secondary consequences; and equip yourself with a range of teaching tools and classroom strategies to support pupils with this ‘hidden disability’.
EAL pocketbook Britain today is culturally and linguistically diverse. One in eight pupils in primary schools speaks a language other than English; in secondary schools, one in six. Over 200 languages are spoken in London schools.
Differentiation Differentiation - the process of modifying a lesson or part of a lesson for one or some of the learners - is a fundamental part of teaching. This pocketbook turns theory into p g 20 key types of differentiation. practice and including
Outstanding Lessons Caroline Bentley-Davies covers the crucial factors for outstanding lessons. These range from relationships, planning, motivating and communicating, to content, assessment, differentiation, resources and methodology.
Anger & Conflict Management
Eating Disorders Eating disorders are not ‘just a teenage fad’; they are a serious mental health disorder that can affect people of any age, d Statistically St ti race or gender. speaking, one student in each of your classes is at risk. But how should you respond when a pupil confides in you about their eating disorder?
Lesson Observation We are all familiar with the summative, Ofsted model of lesson observation where performance is judged according to external criteria. However, used formatively and creatively, lesson observation is a process that can support and professionally develop the observer as much as the observed.
Questioning Technique Teachers questions play a critical role, not just for the thinking they provoke, but in the modelling of questioning skills and the development of curiosity.
Influencing Influencing skills are at the heart of all successful communication. The Influencing Pocketbook lists five easy steps to influence, eight i fl i styles l and d four different personality types influencing with influencing techniques for each.
Facilitator’s A comprehensive guide covering all stages of facilitation, from planning through to implementation. Interpersonal skills (including attitudes and values) and session skills (including energising and problem solving) are dealt with at length.
Trainer’s A succinct, practical approach to all aspects of structuring and delivering a training course or seminar. It covers learning theory, learning environment, techniques for opening and closing the session, the right equipment and how to use it, preparation, delivery and group activities.
Set of any 6 $95
Find out about the anger cycle; how to recognise early warning signs and intervene to prevent an eruption; how to handle angry explosions/conflict situations; how to repair relationships following an outburst; how to teach children to manage difficult emotions.
Asperger Syndrome Explains what Asperger syndrome is and offers a range of helpful strategies for overcoming the challenges it poses in the classroom.
The Behaviour Management Unravels the complexities of teacher-student relationships and covers different styles of classroom management, patterns and offer and range of core principles and key strategies for dealing with everyday scenarios.
Restorative Justice Expert practitioners Margeret Thorsborne and David Vinegrad provide a thorough grounding in restorative practice, with worked examples and easy-to-follow teacher scripts to get you started.
Challenging Behaviours Explains why some children are prone to developing a can’t learn, won’t learn or don’t care attitude. practical classroom strategies include lesson scearios, with example dialogues.
Dyslexia If you would like a better grasp of what dyslexia is, need tools and techniques for teaching dyslexic learners or aren’t h b sure how best to present material for students with dyslexia... It’s all here in one handy guide.
Emotional Literacy There are chapters on building relationships that support learning, nurturing, working effectively in groups and classroom organisation.
Order Toll Free 1300 556 830
$18 Each
Stop Bullying lying Jam-packed with practical ideas for tackling bullying in schools. Strategies for teachers and parents when dealing with bullies and their victims.
Learning & The Brain Full of accessible information about how the brain works, how it learns, how it memorises and how it develops. Learning about the brain is fun - and it makes for great professional development.
Boys, Girls & Learning The challenge for education is to avoid gender stereotyping, while understanding and exploiting gender differences for better teaching and learning. This book takes a refreshing look at the broader picture and gives practical classroom advice.
Energy & Well-Being Demonstrates how to carry out an energy and well-being audit which will help readers establish their personal well-being goals. There is advice on poise/posture, breathing, taking energy-boosting breaks and a range of activities.
Icebreakers Contains some 40 original activities that are grouped together - for example: assertiveness, communication, coaching & mentoring, and people management. Most of the activities take between 10 and 30 minutes to complete.
Openers & Closers The emphasis of The Openers & Closers Pocketbook is on simple activities that require the minimum amount of preparation i the h authors’ h ’ words, d ‘grab and go’ activities - in that will give trainers new and imaginative ways to enhance their training delivery.
Leadership Explains how to inspire, influence, deal with change and achieve objectives. Illustrated throughout, the book adopts a practical approach, setting out the principles of leadership, the role of the leader, the skills required for effective leadership and the key challenges facing leaders.
NLP Looks at the key principles of NLP and how it can make a difference to you. It describes how you are limited by your beliefs and thoughts and how you can change them for the better.
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Deep Thinking & Learning Cards
S THER PIG And WHE INGS? W E HAV e to becom students Helping rs ting learne self regula
Deed use Craig
Glenda Johns Agterhuis
Bob Bellho
$65 for kit
The Mind Masters: Thinking Cards
26pp booklet, 30 plastic coated colour cards
Scaffolding the inquiry-based learning process helping students to become self regulating learners
These cards are a deceptively simple tool comprised of 30 meta-cognitive questions that may be used for critical thinking, to enrich discussions or to solve problems. For instance, when discussing an issue with a group, ask students to choose those questions they might consider before they are in a position to form an opinion. Students explain why they believe a question is relevant. They then place the card where other students can see it. As more students place cards, the complexity of their thinking begins to develop before their eyes. Students may use the cards to plan essays, imaginative pieces of writing, inquiry-based learning or as a monitoring and evaluation tool.
To manage inquiry-based learning students require a range of strategies. ‘And Whether Pigs Have Wings’ provides a set of cards, activities and rubrics to support the development of independent learning and management strategies. It is aimed at students in the middle years of schooling, but may be utilised at either end of the spectrum.
Book $25.00 Activities for understanding how I learn
Cards $40.00
7. Hierarchy
A set of 48 meta-cognitive questions about learning
16. A Concept Map Concepts are categories as constructed by people. They are useful because they allow ideas to be classified and communicated, assist understanding and explanation, allow predictions, and support reasoning. Concept maps therefore, allow the representation of categorized information. They differ from mind-maps in that they represent an edited and considered view.
CD ROM $20.00
Mr Chalk
Mrs Talk
Ms Reader
Grade 3-4
Grade P-2
rade 5-6 Grade
A hands-on self evaluation and goal setting tool
8. Sequence Chart
Full Kit $65.00
13 3
Understanding Graphic Organisers
Contains book, cards and CD ROM
Making Thinking Visual: Understanding Graphic Organisers 28 page book, 16 cards & CD ROM
Thinking is a messy business. Representing thoughts using a graphic organiser is a concrete way of developing the thinking skills of focus, organisation and analysis. This resource is based on the idea that thinking can be improved using visual representations. Students build thinking processes in concrete ways, and graphical representations of ideas and patterns help them to organise ideas, increase understanding and improve memory. An important characteristic of thinking strategies is that they be easily used in the classroom. The ideas and strategies in this resource can be used with little introduction. In this way, deep-learning occurs not as isolated skill development, but as part of a task.
Full Kit $39.00 Cards $22.00 Book $15.00 CD ROM $10.00
Order Toll Free 1300 556 830
Inyahead Press Training We offer fun, highly interactive, non-threatening and activitybased workshops. Our workshops are adapted to suit the specific needs of schools and include: Circle Time, Emotionally Intelligent Classrooms, Restorative Practices, Empathy and Deep Understanding, Leadership, Bullying Intervention, Teacher Well-Being, Resilience, Strengths-based Personal Development, Thinking (including ideas for improving understanding through meta-cognitive strategies) and Deep Learning.
Phone 1300 556 830 for more details
Posters I am... Interesting!
Enthusiastic toward learning
Open minded
Honest Let’s share
One for you.. One for me..
Thank you
Behaviour Poster $12.00
I Feel…
Character Strengths Poster
When I Feel Bad…
Restorative Practice
Feelings: Angry
Feelings: Optimistic
Feelings: Kind
Feelings: Sad
Feelings: Happy
Circle Time Poster $10.00
The Heart Masters Series of Posters Feelings and Faces, Self Control, Problem Solver, and Mistakes and Muck-ups make up The Heart Masters series of posters. A booklet with explanatory notes and teaching ideas is included.
$48.00 (Poster set and booklet)
The Heart Masters: Feelings and Faces
The Heart Masters: Problem Solver
The Heart Masters: Self Control $12.00
The Heart Masters: Mistakes and Muck-ups $12.00