Our Ongoing Projects:
avalon :J{omes Bhiwadi Value Housing
GROUP Corporate Office : 5-5, Central Plaza, Golf Course Road , Sector 53, Gurgaon 3rd Floor, City Mart, Sohna Road , Gurgaon Phone: + 91124 4143440 - 41 - 42 Fax : +911244143443 Mobile : 9818356111 - 222 - 333 - 555 E¡mail : info@avalongroup.in
Visit us at : www.avalongroup.in
ava~on GROUP
Visit www.favista.com or Call us on 1800 2121 000 for more information regarding availability.
H\! lt~0ll J.-. ~l-(() III f!.' ~' 8hiwalii
m~n"g~mcnl !,>TOUI'. \I,:hu;h h:wl: netc.! :a~ tht .! ti\'1I1g f,>lt~o: 'n Ilike :'I\'."!"" Gn,up no:~' h ci~h~
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AI'a1(1Il Group hl\e 1Ion t<lgo:
A"a1u n G ..uup the numbCT (.f
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B~epM~ KU:1(J, at I~hl".-:tdi jlLSI40 :. linuleSan\· ...
wrrountb n~s u f 11Igh~'
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Ihw-al / ,\IaO<..'<:'I1' / Chup;t.nki/ I\:huskh..~
bul .... h:lt m aUCTsislhcirC'flkien. t nun:lj.;Cf11c:nl.
IJCIIlg II"!C ,listl1butnl'S (vr ?rOCI"" & Gamble ~od Ginelle for Punj,b, the
R~i<kncr l'r\)lCCf,
"A,'a!ull H u mcs", Bhiw:uli IS IIIQ,,: d :al I'rimc InCliulIn on main /\hl.":U'
mOen. ~ delivering un thclr pmmi$CL For
projecl~ complete.:!
markc l in~ \';nlthls a d cdicauxl
,\(Itr 5utccssful bunch of A\';I1on Gardens & ,\ ,'alt.n
group inlroduces thcn t~ 1 projec t "A\';\lollli omCll". Blm..... di 10 you.
lJo'Orkforccof 0\1:, 700cmplo:.'Cc5"" ,h branches
all nJljO rl"",ruO( Punjab.
FC:I.IUfI'I uf Ihl' P rojecl_Avalon Humc,
V:al ut lhlU5inl;
• OnenNiroom Apmmt-'1m (GH SwnN) • '1\0.'(0 Btdmol1l /\l1 ~ ruroc:n ls (G + 14 SlllMed) •
Ukiw:u!!, lhe.> g3!t\\";Ij' of R"l:lSlh:1II cQ rpomt~'S
like: HOl\.DA
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1I0:-.lDA, HOND,\
GEA R, :-"S(;, IFf'Co, S/\l i'\T GO "AIN, O RlEJ'-.:T
G aTdcns,
have chOIce uf 2 & 3 Ik tlroum J\ir- Cun<llUunrtl Ap:lrt1lltnt~
A\':llon Res idency ~':t dU'lcc uf 2 & 3Ikdn >lJl,,:tff"Tfbhk: ~ I'lflnl~na.
CR/\FT••\ I A I-I I~DR/\ & MAIII N l)llt\ . G! LL ET n!.j!\Q UAR. KAJI\ RII\ CERA.\U CS, PEP$I <.1t. Sino;:t IIsl few )=" II IS I«uming:a huh fur r(::L1 dl:l.lC. h '~
n::al CSf:Ut dL'\'CIopm.:n l led 10 II
fc;al\.lrcd :as un ... uf Ihc holtest
A,~lIo ll G a rde ns /
AP' rnllCfUS is suld
Avalo ll Rcsidcn(.'Y Phase·1 havtng apl' rox. 525 I 8541 1>lI i
""ilh m~nr torp"r.lle cbt:llIs like: Hoo<b (.at. Hero
Inn::llmcmd ... snmlltum in Indl :a.
Il undl, Honda Scooters, llil<.-ch G ear, NSG, lFrCO , Gilll'n l' lMllI., ..\ ml.,k
Alw:Ir Di strict hlS gut the q,'1:un.1 highesl prupoSt.'tI IfTl'c:sunem in Ih ... St:lle vf
Ca bles. Cotco, Slut SI:tr. B:mk of Amcric:t, Ranb:txrt1c. and :tls( . m:Lny iNftrs
Aum,l..af:aq,'t: Cemem. EDS, J-I eL, Shr.::c C emenl. TCS. -rVS Tl res. Suzuki. LS
Rajuthan, ~flu J.1Jpu r ltll:llllin/o(l1IotC than 36,()O;) Cran Li m a~ 'fpurlion of lhis IS
fm/ll :\R.\lY &DEFEKCE$Cr\'lccs.
f.!rShi ...·:lIll.
'nit conStruction is In (u11 5\\;nlo::a1 the tJIiHioRSi lc\. ,h~,]o n Gardens art rl':ldy SEZ's o(
Itdl:ll lC'C Gn.IUP. DIJ~
G roup, Apparel ptoccssin,; EJpofl Zone.
1~ l hcr I' n.NXSSIll~ Zon.: h;l\'c:lxc n ap p/'()\~d III Ihcn ~:lIfdclmry.
fur posst5!ion & Av:a lon Resid en<.,. \loin be fead)' b, IA"Ccmb er 2l1lO. Tht$C ptojeruare :apprtlvoo hI' Axb Ihnk. 1ID FC Bank, t IC & P:..I l1l lou! ing f"rhomc ll).'Ul!\.
Visit www.favista.com or Call us on 1800 2121 000 for more information regarding availability.
Hou~ in~
(j IC li cousin,.;
IhcpnccbnckllCJf Its. 5 L.lC51O IOL'tO. °1'h~projLc l "A\"ldCJn HOlllcs" h
I,",nhq,,~kc ~~sn,nl
K eC and ntln l....d be:lnn<: lone" " ...11"
Our I'.nck:ln.," I ~ I., p"",<ie alnpl e li..'n~ Space' ,nih b~SI( ~l1"ICfI.illd:1I ""'ory
:lp:mmemswnh:tll lhe bask rc:quln:mcnl5 (orclOmruf(:lblc h\'n~
C,b:rcd ".11111n 111'10 2 fcci haj:.h::d.o<c c••,nun
CP fi\1I1IgJ (lSI .\lnkNJ
Gbud ".U Ilks 111"0 6 fcc. ne.;:h. m d II",
l ..:lnd$C~pe<1 and wdJom:unllino.:dgreens ...ilh
...."lklnJ::& IOI!,~~ tr:tcks. FINISHLNG
Co.lmnlUnH~ H~lI
ELECTRICAL Li"ing Roo m; C'.oncc.llC'd ('lin duns & (o~>JXr "mn;:. pb.c ~"",ctoC'l. BedrO()ll1, Toile. , Kil chen and Balconin : Co.JIlCC::llcd C'.llnduns &. cupprr ",;mn,:.
SECURI1'.... S\' STE.\{
Visit www.favista.com or Call us on 1800 2121 000 for more information regarding availability.
Value Hous i ng
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ava l on
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Visit www.favista.com or Call us on 1800 2121 000 for more information regarding availability.