1 minute read
from FAWE 2021 Annual Report - English
by Forum for African Women Educationalists | Forum des éducatrices africaines (FAWE)
Table of Contents
Executive summary Acknowledgements Preamble Acronyms 1.0 FAWE at the heart of girls’ access to education and training opportunities
1.1 Enabling access to quality education 1.2 FAWE Rwanda scholars excel in academics at university 1.3 The Higher Education Access Programme (HEAP) 1.4 Sixty students graduate with certificates in higher education 1.5 Scholarship Entrepreneurship Fund 1.6 Commonwealth Scholarships 1.7 Supporting girls and women through skills training 1.8 Imparting political leadership skills in the next generation of leaders 1.9 FAWE implemented Women in Political Participation (WPP) launches the Intergenerational Mentorship Programme 1.10 Youth empowerment through Sexual Education Break Free Alliance (BFA) project Make Way Programme (Dutch Government Funds) Sexual Health and Reproductive Education (SHARE) Tamatisha! Forum for African Women Educationalists Zambia Chapter (FAWEZA) launches the Make Way Programme
2.0 Integration of gender-responsive approaches in education for transformative societies
2.1 Girls taking their rightful place in STEM 2.2 STEM teachers in Uganda awarded 2.3 Gender Responsive Pedagogy (GRP) and Tuseme Models
3.0 Advocacy and Policy Engagement
3.1 FAWE, a Pan-African thought leader 3.2 Leveraging on partnerships to advocate for girl child education 3.3 Data Driven Advocacy for Girls in Emergencies (EiE)
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