8 minute read
APPENDIX IV: SRGBV Response Checklist
from FAWE School Related Gender Based Violence Manual - English
by Forum for African Women Educationalists | Forum des éducatrices africaines (FAWE)
APPENDIX IV: SRGBV Response Checklist
Domain 1: School leadership and community engagement Term 1 Term 2 Term 3 Year Total F M F M F M F M
How many members of school leadership: Attended a meeting explaining the importance of addressing SRGBV in and around the school? Were trained on how to address SRGBV using FAWE Mirrored Approach (FAMA) and know the main forms of SRGBV? Were involved in developing SRGBV action plan with school community? Utilized the FAMA and SRGBV action plan to address SRGBV in and around the school? How many community members: Attended a meeting explaining the importance of addressing SRGBV in and around the school? Were trained in how to address SRGBV using FAWE Mirrored Approach (FAMA) and know the main forms of SRGBV? Were involved in developing SRGBV action plan with school. Utilized the FAMA and SRGBV action plan to address SRGBV in and around the school? How many teachers: Attended a meeting explaining the importance of addressing SRGBV in and around the school? Were trained in how to address SRGBV using FAWE Mirrored Approach (FAMA) and know the main forms of SRGBV? Were involved in developing SRGBV action plan with school leadership and community? Utilized the FAMA and SRGBV action plan to address SRGBV in and around the school? How many learners: Attended a meeting explaining the importance of addressing SRGBV in and around the school? Were involved in developing SRGBV action plan with school leadership and community?
Yes No N/A
Does the school have a gender responsive SRGBV action plan (based on agreed upon SRGBV issues) that is incorporated in the school calendar? Have members of the school community been trained in how to implement the SRGBV action plan using their day-to-day school and community activities? Does the school have a budget and resources specifically for the SRGBV action plan? Are members of the school community implementing the SRGBV action plan using their day -to -day school and community activities? Does the school have a school and curriculum and curricular guidelines that are gender responsive and address SRGBV? Does the school hold regular meetings to plan and access progress of SRGBV action plan? List the major achievements registered by school leadership and community in addressing SRGBV from January to December, specifying the issues that were addressed.
How many members of school leadership: Were involved in decision-making processes and development of the school code of conduct/ SRGBV policy? Are aware of the school code of conduct/ SRGBV policy? Are actively involved in enforcing the school code of conduct/ SRGBV policy? How many teachers: Were involved in decision-making processes and development of the school code of conduct/ SRGBV policy? Are aware of the school code of conduct/ SRGBV policy? Are actively involved in enforcing the school code of conduct/ SRGBV policy? How many learners: Were involved in decision-making processes and development of the school code of conduct/ SRGBV policy? Are aware of the school code of conduct/ SRGBV policy? Are actively involved in enforcing the school code of conduct/ SRGBV policy? How many parents and other community members: Were involved in decision-making processes and development of the school code of conduct/ SRGBV policy? Are aware of the school code of conduct/ SRGBV policy?
Yes No N/A
Does the school have a code of conduct/SRGBV policy with clear definitions of SRGBV, zero tolerance to SRGBV and clear guidelines and penalties in line with Teachers’ CoC and national laws? Does the code of conduct/SRGBV policy address sexual harassment, corporal punishment and other forms of SRGBV outlined in the FAMA? Does the school have resources, (time, personnel, budget) dedicated to implementing the code of conduct/ SRGBV? Does the school have several types of awareness activities planned and conducted every term across the year? List by sex, the number and types of SRGBV cases that were addressed using the code of conduct/ SRGBV policy in the last 12 months.
Domain 3: Teachers and educational staff support Term 1 Term 2 Term 3 Year Total F M F M F M F M
How many teachers: Believe that women and girls need to be responsible for keeping themselves safe? Believe that violence against women and girls is justified under certain circumstances? Believe that boys and girls should have equal access to an education and study the same subjects? Believe girls do better at language and the Arts and boys at Mathematics and Science? Are aware of legislation and policy frameworks on child protection, violence prevention, and protecting pregnant students? Have received in-service training on FAMA and SRGBV? Are using participatory gender-responsive approaches and positive discipline teaching methodologies? Have received refresher training on FAMA and SRGBV? Are including participatory gender-responsive approaches and positive discipline and teaching methodologies in their termly and monthly scope of work and lesson plans? Are reporting no longer using corporal punishment in the past 12 months? Are reporting decreased SRGBV by kind, in the past 12 months?
Are there teachers who have administered corporal punishment to a learner in the past 30 days/since the beginning of the school year? Are there teachers who have experienced sexual violence by someone other than an intimate partner in their lifetime/in the past 12 months? Did the teachers who experienced sexual abuse get any direct support or referral? Are there teachers who have experienced physical or sexual partner violence in their lifetime/in the past 12 months? Did the teachers who experienced physical partner violence get any direct support or referral? What are the main areas where teachers need personal support; technical support; capacity building over the next 6-12 months? Yes No N/A
Domain 4: Child rights, participation, and gender equality Term 1 Term 2 Term 3 Year Total F M F M
How many learners: Have clear understanding of SRGBV? Are reporting improved, healthy and safe peer to peer relations? Are reporting increased use alternative modes of discipline in past 12 months? Believe they have the right to a safe and protective environment? Participate in the classroom? Are from marginalized groups that have reported discrimination at school?
Yes No N/A
Are there learners who believe that a woman’s role is to take care of her home and family? Are there learners who have experienced physical bullying in the past 30 days/since the beginning of the school year? Have some learners experienced emotional bullying in the past 30 days/ since the beginning of the school year? Have some learners experienced cyber-bullying (via mobile phone or internet platforms) in the past 30 days/since the beginning of the school year? Are there learners who have experienced corporal punishment from a teacher in the past 30 days/since the beginning of the school year? Are there learners who have experienced sexual violence by someone other than an intimate partner in the past 30 days/since the beginning of the school year? Are there learners who have experienced sexual harassment in the past 30 days/since the beginning of the school year? Are there learners who have experienced physical partner violence in the past 30 days/since the beginning of the school year? Are there learners who have experienced sexual partner violence in the past 30 days/since the beginning of the school year? Are there learners who have experienced emotional partner violence in the past 30 days/since the beginning of the school year? Are there SRGBV awareness and response activities (e.g SRGBV clubs, poems and stories, music, dance and drama, mention when leading assembly etc.) established and incorporated into school calendar? What are the main areas that affect child rights, participation, and gender equality in general and by sex and different age groups?
Domain 5: Response and referral Term 1 Term 2 Term 3 Year F M F M F M F M
Evidence of response and referral seen through: Learners who know about the designated safe, confidential, age-appropriate, gender sensitive and inclusive reporting mechanisms, procedures and spaces and are confident in using them? Learners reporting potential, current and past cases of SRGBV? Staff (teaching and non-teaching) who know how to respond to incidents of SRGBV and clearly understand their roles and responsibilities in response? Victims and survivors receiving direct response and referral?
Does the school have an established school reporting and referral SRGBV policy with clear reporting and referral guidelines that observe confidentiality and are learner-friendly? Does the school have clear referral points that can easily be reached? Does the school have resources and the capacity to offer support to victims and survivors of SRGBV? What were the main cases of SRGBV reported and referred in general and by sex and age group over the past 6 and 12 months? Yes No N/A
Domain 6: Parent engagement Term 1 Term 2 Term 3 Year F M F M F M F M
Parents who: Sit on school bodies and other bodies (Village councils, mama clubs, special needs committees, parents of survivors etc.)? Have participated in capacity building activities on gender equality and SRGBV? Have participated in SRGBV prevention and response activities?
Does the school hold regular parent-teacher meetings to discuss issues of SRGBV? What are the major contributions that parents made towards preventing and responding to SRGBV in past 3, 6 and 12 months? Yes No N/A
Domain 7: Safe and secure environment in and around schools Term 1 Term 2 Term 3 Year Total
Learners who: Report feeling safe and protected around the school? Report feeling safe on the way to and from school?
Does the school have the resources and capacity to identify SRGBV “black spots” and take remedial action? What SRGBV “black spots” have you identified in the past 3, 6, 12 months and what remedial action have you taken to eliminate them? F M F M
Yes No N/A
Domain 8: Reporting, monitoring, and accountability Term 1 Term 2 Term 3 Year Total F M F M F M F M
Teachers who know how to collect and store data on SRGBV in line with action plan and indicators.
Yes No N/A
Does the school have an established SRGBV Information Management System (IMS)? What are the main reporting, monitoring and accountability challenges and gaps in the past 3, 6 and 12 months? How have you addressed them?