2 minute read

Activity 5: Beijing Declaration And Platform For Action (BPFA


Time Needed

Methodology After completion of this activity, the participants will be able to: Have good understanding of the term branding in politics. Get visual image of branding that text.

1 hour

Pair discussion, small groups, large groups

Materials Marker, flipchart and paper

Case of Louise Mushikiwabo

Birth: Mushikiwabo was born in 1961 near Kigali of parents she describes as “from the generation of independence”.

Education: Mushikiwabo attended primary and secondary school in Kigali before joining the National University of Rwanda (currently University of Rwanda) in 1981 studying a bachelor’s degree in English. She graduated in 1984 taking on a job as a high school teacher for about two years. She then moved to the United States in 1986 for further studies where she enrolled for a master’s degree in Languages and Interpretation at the University of Delaware, specializing in French.

Career: On graduation, Mushikiwabo in 1988, continued to work in the United States in multiple capacities for about 20 years before moving to Tunisia to join the African Development Bank where she served in various capacities including as Communications Director.

Rwanda Government: In March 2008, she was invited by President Paul Kagame to join the government team as the Minister of Information before later becoming Minister of Foreign Affairs in 2009. While serving as Minister of Foreign Affairs, she has made significant contributions during Rwanda’s turn at the UN Security Council between 2013 and 2014 in aspects such as conflict resolution. She was also involved in the ongoing African Union reforms.

It was during her time as Foreign Affairs Minister that she expressed interest or the position.

She is currently serving as the Secretary General of the International Organisation Organisation of Francophonie (OIF), the post she occupies since 2018.

Publications: In 2016, she co-authored a book “Rwanda Means the Universe”, an intergenerational and autobiographical socio-historical memoir. The book largely focused on the subject of the 1994 Genocide against the Tutsi.

She has also published numerous articles in print and digital media.

Awards and recognition: Mushikiwabo is a recipient of the 2004 Outstanding Humanitarian Award from the American University and School of International Studies.

In May 2018, Jeune Afrique a reputable French news magazine listed her as one among - the most influential African personalities on the continent.

Activity 10: Conclusion


After completion of this activity, the participants will be able to:

Recall all the content enclosed in the module.

Have a clear connection between the activities practised in the Module.

Time Needed 30 minutes

Methodology Large group discussion and facilitator presentation

Materials Flipchart and paper, markers, tape

The facilitator starts by reminding the participants that they reached the end of the Module 5 and share the overview of the Objectives: of the Module.

They discuss briefly the Objectives: of the Module and go on to draw conclusions and trying to bring the content of the Module to the home country.

Share with the participants the common discussion outcomes of discussions on the most activities covered in the Module: communication, public Relations and Branding skills.

The facilitator makes sure that the content of the Module is transmitted to the participant.

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