Dream… Dare to jump
What are you waiting for?… I’ve recently met some people who are just doing what they’re good at and are just getting on with it despite imperfections and fears around how they are perceived. It’s been inspiring and it’s made me realise I’m the only person blocking the way for myself. Maybe there are things you know you need to do, that are good for you and for others. Maybe there are things you need to stop doing so you can concentrate on the things that God has marked out for you. Maybe there are things you’d love to do but you think others might trash your hopes or confirm your worst fears anyway.
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“No you can’t” Oh yes, I will…
Emma Handscomb. Fragment from https://averynormalmum.wordpress.com/20 17/01/18/what-are-you-waiting-for/ www.sonniamarmontes.com Illustration Ruth Cubillos.
Uncover your
No fro one c m m an y d bring rea m… me d ow n
passion and
you will find your
dream. My dreams are more than just hopes or desires. My dreams are my most valuable thoughts that one day I will see in reality. But my dreams are not known to any but the very trusted of friends, and my God. They are precious and personal and expose my vulnerability. To think that these can be thrown around makes me cringe. No, these are things I've treasured for some time. But my dreams rise up within me sometimes and I know God is pushing me to open them up to him. They are things to be shared and given over so that He who gave them can work them out at the right time and in the right way. And what will I do when they make an appearance? I’ll dream new dreams far beyond the things I once dreamt before. For seeing a dream become a thing makes you dream bigger and bolder than ever. Emma Handscomb
When they announced the Dance medals, I thought: “it is totally not going to be me.” Five seconds later. They called me and said, “You’ve been awarded.” Two years of hard practice led to celebration of perseverance. Sara. I qu gh ( i bu it my h s bec s driv job m . in o art ome a er) to fr 56 sta i n ed l at su s. Ste st. t v a e e o m n CS du ho anc ea . M a r c B r s er d a Ig ev our ari s r y M Pe
Dreams fade when you let them….
Although we had a long wait and a hard pregnancy, it was all worth in the end. My dream made real. January 2017
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Dreams are born from deep down inside us in a unique place, where truly human beauty is found. Everyone faces difficulties and failure before reaching a dream. We need to keep searching inside us, grabbing for the passion, perseverance and strength to endure the journey. “A dream is free but the journey isn’t” John Maxwell. Every day is a day full of excitement, challenges and an opportunity for us, to try and achieve great things. I would rather pay the price of perusing my dream than pay the price of regret in years to come. Sonnia Margarita