1 faith unlimited december, 2016 2 b

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GOD WITH US – Dr Bill Hanshew LEADING FROM THE THRONE – Tom Tompkins, Jr. MY GRATITUDE LIST – Genice Fulton

Merry Christmas! Evan/Teacher Rick McKnight

COULDN’T EVEN FIND BABY JESUS – Matthew Deves TRAINING WHEELS – Author/Speaker Larry Thompson GLORY TO GOD IN THE HIGHEST – Rev. Kathy Weddle

Faye Hanshew Publisher Editor

Dr. Bill Hanshew Co-Publisher Co-Editor

ARTICLES TEEN WARIORS Old Fashioned Christmas Gratitude Get Into Christmas Whiz Kids – This Christmas, Be a Cheerful Giver!

Stuart E. Smith Mikea Fulton The Girl Next Door Grace Martin

God With Us Dr. Bill Hanshew Leading from the Throne Tom Tompkins, Jr. My Gratitude List Genice Fulton Living “La Vida Loca” Dr. Glen Hartline Glory to God in the Highest Rev. Kathy Weddle Repenting of Unscriptural Views about Love and Fellowship Dr. Dan L. Corse Couldn’t Even Find Baby Jesus Matthew Deves They Saw Jesus Pastor Kumar Raju Komannapalli A Christmas Message with a Difference Rev. Leon Gosiewski Keep Your Eye on the B_ _ _! Dave Kachele Overcoming Temptation Rev. Melissa Smith-Shepherd The Foundation of Faith Pastor Ryan Sutton Faith for Tangible Miracles-II Evangelist Ernest Nelson K. Nanor Training Wheels Author/Speaker Larry Thompson Merry Christmas! Evangelist/Teacher Rick McKnight Lending to the Lord Janice Schulz Not a “Hide and Seek” Gospel Teacher/Author John Woolston Knowing the Love of God Rev. Hiram Gomez Christian Culinary Academy Recipe-Chocolate Roulade

Article by Chef Leo Chef Bob Vaningen

Wow! The Election is over….Thanksgiving is over…and Christmas is on the way! Boys and Girls writing out their Christmas lists, Parents rushing from store to store to find just the right gift for their loved ones…And oh, let’s not forget that very special Christmas Dinner! Ham, Turkey and Dressing, Mashed Potatoes, Dressing, and some like Duck…those scrumptious vegetables and delectable desserts! I KNOW I’ve got your mouth watering now, right? But that is not all there is to Christmas…Let me tell you a little story about one of my Christmas experiences. I was in the All-American store, Wal-Mart, of course! When my eyes came in contact with a gentleman who was trapped in the corner by all the cassettes…with WOMEN all around scurrying for their child’s favorite song or movie to the point that the gentleman could not get out. When our eyes met, he looked desperate. I smiled and whispered, “Remember the Reason for the Season!” He said, “Thank You” in a very meaningful voice and smiled. Shortly, he was released from the grumbling crowd of women and he was on his way. I hope that message stayed in his mind, as I know it has mine. But it also taught me a lesson. So many times, traffic, the bustle of the Christmas Shoppers and the little time left before that day is here, stress gets the best of us. Since that year, Christmas traffic or people in stores have never bothered me, because I totally remember that day! Let’s keep the message that “JESUS IS THE REASON FOR THE SEASON” in the front of our mind this Christmas Season, and not allow stress to take over. If you can’t buy all the presents you want to buy, be happy for the ones you can buy. And if you can’t buy any, maybe you and your family and/or friends can get together for a nice dinner. And if you happen to be one that will be alone, remember, you are really not alone. Jesus is always there. He says He will NEVER leave you or forsake you. Father God loves you so very much that he sent His ONLY son to die for you. Be happy this Christmas, rejoice and be glad for the things you do have. Merry Christmas and God bless you!!! Faye Hanshew Publisher & Editor

Merry Christmas to all our friends and loved ones who are a part of this magazine, by writing, submitting an ad, or reading and sharing our magazine with others. We love you and wish you the best for this season and the coming year! God bless you! Dr. Bill and Faye Hanshew


An Old-Fashioned Christmas

by Stuart E. Smith

One night a little more than 2000 years ago a baby boy was born that would change the entire world. There was a king who even sent out his soldiers to kill little boys to try to prevent him from growing up to have that chance. Thankfully an angel warned Joseph the husband of the Virgin Mary who would carry this precious holy child in her womb and deliver him on that first Christmas. Of course, we all know the day wasn’t originally called Christmas. It was like any other day to all those in that little town called Bethlehem. Millions upon millions more celebrate the day of December 25th as Christmas Day. The believer will consider it as remembering the day of Jesus Christ’s birth. We will read the story from the Holy Bible and celebrate by the singing of traditional Christmas songs about the birth of the Son of God. The unbeliever will see it as another holiday to be off work and celebrate with

family and friends. They will stress about whom to buy gifts for and try to get the best buy even if it means going shopping at midnight Friday morning after Thanksgiving. I would like to take a moment and not unlike the writer of the “Christmas Carol” story and remind us of the idea of an old-fashioned Christmas. You remember the story of Ebenezer Scrooge when the ghost of Christmas past awakened him to show him how wonderful Christmas was in his youth? I remember early on in my life such a strong belief in Santa Claus that the red light on the top of the television tower blinking was my imagined Rudolf the red nosed reindeer. I was curious as to why he seemed to be stuck in one place? I remember dressing up as a wise man or as I grew older Joseph in the Christmas plays we would do at church. Once my grandmother Dunn looking for a beard for us pulled the moss off a

willow tree. No one knew that little creatures known as red bugs had invaded the moss. Once we took off the fake beards the marks where we had all been bitten were revealed. We survived and it left us with a story to tell. As a young boy, me, my baby brother and my first sister Windy would wake up Christmas morning before daylight and gather at the end of the hall near the gas heater that was used to warm our house. When we got up the courage we would go to Mom and Dad’s bedroom and ask them could we open our presents? Sometimes only after we had took a peak around the corner into the Livingroom where the tree still lit up and blinking revealed

glimpses and shadows of what our surprises were to be. I remember the time before electronic devices other than an electric train set or the racing set where you pulled the trigger and watched the race car whir around the figure 8 shaped tracks. The bicycle was a prize to behold and we would ride it at least half of the Christmas Day to meet our neighborhood kids with their new bikes. There are so many Christmas memories as a boy and so many more as a Dad. My wife who has since passed away would make certain that our children knew there was such a thing as a naughty or nice list. They would

put their Christmas wishes on the refrigerator door so Santa would have no excuse not to see it. She also made certain our 20 international exchange students knew what Christmas was all about. I share these cherished memories with you because if nothing else most of us have a common bond with this holiday known as Christmas. It is as a Christian a point to refocus on the miraculous event of Jesus Christ’s birth as well as an opportunity to showcase our willingness to give. The angels declared at our Lord’s birth “Glory to God in the highest, Peace on Earth and goodwill toward men.” We are in great awe of the

majesty of this beautiful reminder of God’s love toward man. The offer is to all mankind in John 3:16 “For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life.” The greatest gift to each of us is eternal life and it is an offer for all races, all nationalities and toward each continent upon this Earth. We should not be silent about this historical event dear reader. If the angels declared it on that blessed day so long ago, those of us who have accepted Christ as our Savior should also proclaim it. It is the purpose of our existence to deliver this message of hope and life to all mankind.

by: Mikea Fulton

Psalm 18:2 "The LORD is my rock, my fortress and my deliverer; my God is my rock, in whom I take refuge, my shield and the horn of my salvation, my stronghold." I guess some people may say, this is the thankful month or the month of gratitude. But, shouldn't all months be full of thankfulness and gratitude? The Lord tells us to rejoice in the things he has created (Deuteronomy 26:11)! God created us to worship Him and to be delighted in all He created. When we are not worshipping God, it's hurts Him. So, let's make all months the month of thankfulness and gratitude!

by: The Girl Next Door

Hey friends! I hope you have had a great month! I am so excited for Christmas!! Aren't you?? Everyone knows that Christmas is a special day. But we are going to talk about Christmas to its full with our families, we put up extent. What is the most a tree, we give gifts. important thing to More importantly, we remember on Christmas? celebrate the birth of Jesus. It’s Jesus’s birthday! We pray to Him and we Whoop! A day definitely cherish Christmas Day until worth celebrating! it comes around again the According to Isaiah 7:14 it next year. says, “Therefore the Lord himself will give you a sign: The virgin will conceive and give birth to a son, and will call him Immanuel.” We celebrate this day by giving thanks to Him and giving back to others. We have a nice dinner celebrating

I apologize this is not as long as other months. I am currently playing dominoes with my family! This month, I challenge you to play a game with your family and have music on and enjoy yourselves!

Please email me at faye.faithunlimited@gmail. com and in the subject line put “The Girl Next Door”!

of Christmas is getting to watch a movie with my family every year! Have a very blessed December and may you have a wonderful Tell me a family tradition or Christmas! your favorite part of Christmas! My favorite part ~The Girl Next Door~ Sugar Cookies Recipe TOTAL TIME: Prep: 30 min. Bake: 10 min./batch MAKES: 60 servings

Ingredients 

1/2 cup butter, softened

1/2 cup shortening

1 cup sugar

1 egg

1 teaspoon vanilla extract

2-1/4 cups all-purpose flour

1/2 teaspoon baking powder

1/2 teaspoon baking soda

Additional sugar

Enjoy this great sugar cookie during the holidays. Great cookie to let the kids decorate the top with icing and candies!

Directions 1. Preheat oven to 350°. Cream butter, shortening and sugar until light and fluffy. Beat in egg and vanilla. In another bowl, whisk flour, baking powder and baking soda; gradually beat into creamed mixture. 2. Shape into 1-in. balls. Roll in additional sugar. Place on greased baking sheets; flatten with a glass. Bake until set, 10-12 minutes. Remove to wire racks to cool. Yield: 5 dozen. If Cooking for Two: Freeze baked cookies in airtight containers or freezer bags to enjoy anytime! Originally published as Sugar Cookies in Reminisce July/August 1992, p37

To see the video of the building they would like to purchase, click on the star above, or go to: https://youtu.be/4ncNrihLTYU ... To make a donation, you can mail your check to the address below, or go to their website at: http://evangelchurch.webs.com/ and click on Donate.

Pastor John Varughese

CONTACT INFORMATION: Ps John Varughese, President Ascension Ministries International Post Box # 4678 Cerritos, CA 90703 Donations given through the USA are tax deductible For those who want to send directly to India: India Address: Ascension Ministries Plot No 94 Arul Colony, Kapra, Ecil Post Hyderabad 500062 Telangana State, India WEB: www.evangelchurch.webs.com YOUTUBE: www.youtube.com/amimissions Facebook: Ascension Ministries International, USA Please send all donations to the USA address so you can claim on your taxes.

BUILDING PROJECT: Pastor John is now raising money to purchase a currently constructed building that has room for expansion. They currently feed the poor, you can see the building on YouTube at: https://youtu.be/4ncNrihLTY U or click on the star at the top of this page.

by: Grace Martin ☃️

Help your parents around the holidays!! Hey there Whiz Kids! This month I'm gonna tell you how to help your parents around the holidays and at the end I'll tell you how to make a DIY gift for them if you don't have money to buy them a gift this year.

Ways to help your parents around the holidays 1. Ask them if you can help them clean house or put up the tree 2. Ask them if you can help set the table or help with dinner 3. Keep things picked up so they don't have to pick it up for you 4. Last but not least, I know that we ALL have trouble with this one….

keep your room clean! Now onto the DIY gift idea.. By the way, DIY means, “DO IT YOURSELF!” So, for a gift this year if you can't buy one, you can definitely make a little coupon book like this one below⬇️ http://www.733blog.com/wpcontent/uploads/2012/11/coupons.png Just click on that link if you want ideas on what to write, if you don't like the ideas I gave you below.

Ideas in what to write on the coupon book 1. Give your mom a really big bear hug 2. Spend one full hour with mom or dad 3. Do the dishes 4. Mop the floor 5. If you have younger kids and your parents can't find a babysitter offer to babysit for them Those are just a few ideas and remember that these have NO EXPIRATION DATES. I hope you enjoyed this month's article and have a good month and Merry Christmas!!

REMEMBER: 2 Cor 9:7 says, “So let each one give as he purposes in his heart, not grudgingly or of necessity; for God loves a cheerful giver.�

24 Hour Radio Go to: WWW.Fourteen12.com for schedule of live shows and to register.

by: Dr. Bill Hanshew

Matthew 1:22-23 says, “22 So all this was done that it might be fulfilled which was spoken by the Lord through the prophet, saying: 23 “Behold, the virgin shall be with child, and bear a Son, and they shall call His name Immanuel,” which is translated, “God with us.” Have you ever felt like God was with you one moment, then had abandoned you the next? Many people who attend “church services” today have been taught traditional or wrong ideas about God. These ideas are teachings that tell you how God is with you only when you are good; but how He will not stay around if you are bad or are less than good. From this belief alone, many people suffer feelings of abandonment and have even had emotional difficulties throughout their own lives and experiences in childhood, the teen years and adulthood. They seem to continuously live in fear, feeling like they are completely alone. However, in Matthew chapter one, the announcement was given concerning the arrival of Jesus, which was not a brand-new idea throughout Bible history. As a matter of fact, an angel of the Lord had appeared to Joseph in a dream and said, “Joseph, son of

David,” your wife, Mary is going to have a baby, which is “conceived in her” of the Holy Spirit. The angel also told Joseph, “It’s a boy,” and you are to call His name JESUS. Now, even as the angel spoke of Isaiah’s prophesy, he said this baby will “save His people from their sins.” As the angel spoke, he quoted what the prophet Isaiah had said which is found in Isaiah 7:14 and says, “Therefore the Lord Himself will give you a sign: Behold, the virgin shall conceive and bear a Son, and shall call His name Immanuel.” This word, “Immanuel” literally means, God-With-Us. God’s people; even in the Old Testament needed a sign from God which would mean to them that everything was going to be alright.

Now, the reality of the arrival of Jesus meant that the King had come to establish His Kingdom, not only on the earth, but in a people. This meant that everything that God is was now going to cohabitate with you, which means to occupy the same space. When you say “yes” to Jesus, He moves in and brings the family with Him. And we know that this family is known as the godhead being, God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit.

Have you ever wanted someone just to tell you, “Everything is going to be ok?” This prophecy may have been about the birth of Jesus and how He would be born and then offered up as a sacrifice for the sins of all mankind; but it was also an announcement telling us that God With Us, physically and spiritually through the person of Jesus Christ.

So, Jesus is God who has come in the flesh. John 1:1 says, “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.” Then in John 1:14 it says, “And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we beheld His glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father, full of grace and truth.” Jesus is God with us; and this fact has been stated and confirmed throughout the history of the Bible.

Hebrews 13:5 says, “Let your conduct be without covetousness; be content with such things as you have. For He Himself has said, “I will never leave you nor forsake you.” So again, we have an Old Testament quote from the scriptures. Then the writer says in Hebrews 13:6, “So we may boldly say: “The LORD is my helper; I will not fear. What can man do to me?” It is a wonderful thing to be able to face every circumstance in life with the words, God With Us. You can proudly and confidently declare, “God is with me no matter what I may be facing.” You can speak to adversity and say, “Because my God is always with me and is my Helper; I will not fear any lie the enemy may present to me today.” Jesus did not come in the flesh just so He could abandon us. He was in the beginning with God and was also God in the beginning. He was God in the spirit, as well as God in the flesh. Jesus is the only begotten Son of the Father,

and He came to be a permanent resident in your life with the promise that He will “never leave you nor forsake you” or in other words, He will never move out. This is why Jesus became Man, as well as God With Us, and why He is the living God in your life today. You will not ever, ever need to feel alone again. Joshua 1:5 says, “No man shall be able to stand before you all the days of your life; as I was with Moses, so I will be with you. I will not leave you nor forsake you.” God told His people in Joshua 1:6 to “Be strong and of good courage...” because the inheritance promised to them by God, is already theirs. Whatever you are facing today, know this: The Bible is filled with promises which God has made to you {His people}. If you are unsaved, God promises to love you and accept you; forgive your sins and give you a brand-new life. If you are already a Christian;

know that God has filled His Word with promises that belong to you right now; all because of the finished work of Jesus on the earth. And ALL the promises of God in Him are “yes” and “Amen.” 2 Peter 1:2-4 tells us how God’s divine power flows through His Word and has {past-tense} “given to us exceedingly great and precious promises, that through these you may be partakers of the divine nature, having escaped the corruption that is in the world through lust.” These promises are released to all of God’s children and are accessible through faith, which believes that “every promise in the book” literally belongs to you in the here and now. If you truly want a better life, hook up with Jesus today; believe His Word and you can learn how to have one. Start with the fact that God never leaves you and never forsakes you; because Jesus is God With Us. …Think about it!

by: Tom Tompkins, Jr

Tom’s Bio Tom is an author, entrepreneur, public speaker, and visionary. www.tom-tompkins.com Tom is the founder and president of Winlight Ministries (Teaching the simplicity of the Gospel). Tom is founder and CEO of Inspired Perceptions and Winlight Properties, LLC in addition to Tom Tompkins Business and Ministry Consulting. Whether you own a small business, large corporation, or a non-profit ministry, I am available to implement strategies and systems that will change the course of your venture. Education – Charis Bible College School of Business. Over 23 years of profitable experience in business and ministry. Tom has owned and operated a graphic design company, web and graphic design company, janitorial service, laundry service, publishing company and has additional experience in real estate investing and property management. Additionally, Tom has also run a non-profit ministry. Additional Experience and Roles Board Member at Joyner Briceno Ministries (2012 – Present) Board member at Finished Work Ministries (2012 – 2015) Volunteer with Signal 51 Group (rehab for Shreveport Fire Department) (2012 – 2015) Key Areas of Focus Business & Ministry Development Business Systems Creation and Implementation CEO Training Debt Elimination (personal and professional) Leadership Training Marketing and advertising Problem Solving solutions and skills Strategic planning and implementation For additional information please visit tom-tompkins.com

Whether it is a small business, fortune 500 company, ministry, church or family setting, being in a place in leadership offers an incredible opportunity to positively impact the lives of those being led. In many cases, no matter where the setting may be, leadership is often characterized by the practice of command and control. This is especially harmful in the workplace as the stress and strain created by the command and control environment does not end at the office door. Its stresses and strains often spill over into the home life of the employee, creating undue stress with family members and potentially beyond. While this is a common problem, proper leadership training will not only create a positive atmosphere in the workplace but could also have a positive effect on the home life of the employee. It all begins with the heart of the leader. If the leader does not have a revelation of their identity in Christ, passing such a thing along to those being led will be rather challenging if not impossible. I am not going to take the time to go into detail concerning this matter but before I move on, please

allow me to offer some advice. If you, as leader, are not sure if you are where God wants you to be in the area of understanding and walking in your true identity as a son or daughter of God, why not ask Him what His view of the matter looks like? Depending on the answer He gives you, you may need to ask additional questions. If you are not sure of what questions to ask God, ask Him what questions He desires to hear you ask. Not only will give you the questions to ask, He will also answer the questions He gives you. So, how does the leader go about leading from the Throne Room? It is as simple as understanding God’s true nature in addition to how He sees and deals with you and me. According to the words of Hebrews 12:6, God disciplines those He loves. However, each of us must be open to God’s discipline in our lives when it is needed as God, who is love (1 John 4:8) never forces Himself or His will on anyone. After all, love does not force itself on others (1 Corinthians 13:5). From the Throne Room, God’s view of discipline is not based upon pain, suffering or retribution. On the contrary, God does not view discipline as something

that He does to His loved ones, but rather, God views discipline as something He does for His loved ones. In other words, discipline from God is viewed as something applied via discipleship and relationship, with a desired end result of being a blessing and helping not only individuals but offering the chance for far reaching effects beyond one person. This is what leading from the Throne Room looks like. When the leader is leading from the Throne Room, he is taking a step back to ask God and the Holy Spirit how to deal with the individual or individuals involved in a given situation. When it comes to workplace discipline, the conversation between the leader and God should look something like the following example. Leader – God, what is your view of the situation? How do you want me to view the situation? What can I do to show your love to those involved in the situation?

This is one example of how the process should work. When all is said and done, the process of viewing workplace discipline should be viewed as something that is done for someone as opposed to something that is done to someone. This process is also known as discipline through discipleship. Leadership is not about the position. Leadership is about what the position allows the leader to do for those being led. In many cases, the effect of leadership is not positive but it does not have to be that way. Remember, leading also includes training future leaders. Who do you want to take over when you change positions or move on? How do you want them to lead? Would you want to sit under their leadership? These are important questions to ask when considering leadership practices. God is always ready to give answers and direction concerning leadership practices. You can rest assured that God’s manner of leading, whether it involves workplace disciple as discussed in this article or a host of additional topics will always involve love as its foundation.

Leading from the Throne Room involves patience in seeking God before dealing with any given situation or individual, seeing others as God sees them and dealing with them as God deals with them. There is a specific reason why God disciplines in the manner as He does among many other areas of how God leads. He knows what is taking place in the life of an individual will influence the lives of those around them. What would happen if the stressed husband showed up at work one day, came into the office of the leader and suddenly had an experience of being showered with God’s love? What might happen when he returns home that evening and begins to live out of this new-found revelation toward his wife and children? The leader is in a prime position to be used of God to incite such a reality. There are many additional areas in which I could address the topic of leading from the Throne

Room, but I believe this particular subject is one of the most important. Working or living in a command and control environment will only increase the chance for additional stress. Leading from the Throne Room gives God the chance to use the leader as His hands, feet and mouth piece to bring about positive change in the lives of those being led. Leadership is a position of privilege. When used properly, the effects of positive change will reach far beyond the walls of the workplace. The leader may not always know of such things until going to Heaven but he can rest assured that many will come to him, saying, “Thank you for caring! Your actions made our home a better place to live.”

by: Genice Fulton

Have you ever written a gratitude list? Many years ago, I was upset with my husband. I was praying about the situation (a.k.a. petitioning God to change him) and the Holy Spirit spoke sweetly and gently to my heart and said, “Make a list of things he does that you are grateful for.” (Jeremiah 33:3, Deuteronomy 31:8) Imagine my shock and surprise! I was pouring my heart out to God to fix my husband and God decided to give me “homework”? (James 2:17) But knowing His ways are higher than my ways, knowing He loves me, and knowing He has never left me or forsaken me, I trusted Him to guide me in this situation. (Isaiah 55:9, Romans 8:37-39, Deuteronomy 31:6, 1 Chronicles 16:11) I took my pen and paper and I was very surprised to see how my gratitude list became a very long list quickly and easily! (James 1:22) I learned, he has very few weaknesses compared to his (very long) list of strengths. I also learned, when compared, his weaknesses couldn’t stand up to his strengths. God’s instruction for me to write a gratitude list has become a very valuable tool for me. Please allow me to encourage you. When you are faced with a difficult situation (or person). Take time to write a gratitude list, spend time in God’s Word, praise, and worship and then meditate on the many ways God blesses you! (John 10:10, Romans 12:1-2, Psalm 103:1, Deuteronomy 30:19) I have included a list below that will help get you started on those days you find yourself struggling to be grateful. May it richly bless you and keep you! As you read the list, it is life changing to go into your Bible and read the scriptures referenced. (Hebrews 4:12) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

God loves me! (Romans 5:8, Galatians 2:20, Psalm 86:15) God is always available to me! (Proverbs 8:17, Psalm 16:18, Deuteronomy 31:6) God has a plan for my life! (Jeremiah 29:11, Proverbs 3:5-6) God chose me! (John 15:16, Romans 8:17, Psalm 40:2) God takes care of me! (1 Peter 5:7, Romans 8:28, Philippians 4:9)

by: Dr. Glen Hartline

Last night as I was talking with Holy Spirit I asked Him what He wanted me to write about for the December issue of Faith Unlimited. Immediately I heard the phrase “living la vida Loca”! The phrase sounded familiar to me and immediately my mind raced around grabbing memories of what it believed living the crazy life meant. In my mind appeared images from a time a group I was with all went into a visionary experience, all seeing aspects of Heaven. That time Holy Spirit allowed me to enter into each of their experiences, seeing what each individual was seeing and doing, I was then able to describe it to that individual afterwards. That was crazy! Then there was the time I went into a vision while driving. When I came out of the vision I was parked in a parking space at work. I don’t have any idea how I got there except that God placed me there. That was crazy! I then remembered the time I was talking to a young man and woman that were sitting on a bench. We were talking about the difference between Islam and Christianity, Mohammed and Jesus. We discussed how both the Koran and the bible are claimed to be the word of God, they wondered how could you know who is right. That’s

when Holy Spirit gave me a word of knowledge about the young man. “You have problems with your back” I mentioned. “Yes I do” he confirmed “Then if by the name of Jesus your back is healed, wouldn’t you agree that Jesus is Lord?” I questioned. “Yes” he affirmed. “Good, then check your back because Jesus has healed you.” I laughed within myself as a bewildered look crossed the young man’s face as he, bending from his waist and feeling his back with both hands exclaimed, “It’s gone, the pains gone!” “Of course it is” I replied with a chuckle, “because Jesus is Lord!” That was crazy! As mind mind continued racing around but before it could grab another memory I heard Holy Spirit whisper, “That’s not what I’m talking about. Living the crazy life isn’t living a life full of supernatural encounters and the miraculous. Living a crazy life is living a life without those things!”

I immediately understood what He was talking about. He was reminding me that we were created in both the image and likeness of God. That means we were created to have His nature and abilities. To be just like Him even though we are not Him. Let me explain it this way. Let’s say that I was born with an identical twin, I wasn’t but let’s pretend for the sake of explanation. Now this twin and I are identical in every way. I not only look like my identical twin but we have the same abilities. We talk the same, think the same, and act identical. We even have the same talents. Most people can’t tell us apart and often get us confused. Even though people have trouble telling us apart and believe I am him, the truth is that I am not him. We may appear to be the same but I am still my own person. I am not him and he is not me. It is the same way between us and Jesus. We have been created in His

image and in His likeness. We have been created to look like Him and empowered to do what He does. (John 14:12) We are to be as God on this earth but we are not God. We were just created and empowered to be His exact representative in this universe. (1 John 4:17) In Acts Chapter 17 Paul makes an incredible statement while in Athens. While standing in the middle of the Aeropagus he declares that in Christ we live and move and have our being. Now throughout the New Testament we are clearing told that because of Jesus as the Christ that since we have participated in His death we also participate in His life. Our life is now found in Christ! That is what Paul is eluding to when he starts elaborating on our life in Christ. Paul says in Christ we live. The word live is from the root word zoe which is God’s life, life that never ends and destroys the work of sin and the Devil. So, in Christ we

find life that never ends, that heals, delivers, and prospers us. But we don’t just find God’s life in Christ, we also move in Him. The word used for move is the word Kineo. The same word we get kinetic from and it means – To put in motion. Therefore, this life we have in Christ reveals God’s life in us, sets us in motion, and we have our being in Him. Now that word being is interesting. In English, the word being means the nature or essence of a person. In Greek and in Christ the meaning is so much grander! You see, the word being used in this passage in Acts is the same word Jesus used when He declared, “Before Abraham was I AM.” The words being and I AM are the same! Can you see it now? Paul is declaring that since we are now found in Christ, we have His life which sets in motion our I Am, our divine nature! His life and being in Him declares that we are just like Him! We are just like Him, not will be, but are right now at this moment exactly like our older

brother, or Lord Jesus. As if being just like Jesus wasn’t enough, our Father God took it a step further. When He put us in Christ He also placed us at His right hand sitting with Him on His throne. The right hand is the place of authority, so when He placed you in Christ He gave you all authority of Heaven and Earth so you can rule and reign with Him as son and daughter of God. It is in that place of authority and sonship that we break the will of this fallen world and allow it to be on Earth as it is in Heaven. We confront every situation that comes against us with all the authority of the Kingdom of God and with the assurance that our loving Father will not forsake us. The supernatural is our way of life, it’s not crazy, it’s normal. Crazy is living far below your created status, allowing sickness, poverty, death, and disease have any influence in your life. Living subject to the things of this world is living la vida loca.

by: Rev. Kathy Weddle

Have you ever noticed what a whirlwind the holidays tend to be? It suddenly becomes necessary to see everyone, touch base, gather and prepare our favorite recipes, (whether they are healthy or not), then all the dust bunnies we never noticed before come peering out at the most inopportune time, there is a sudden influx of cobwebs just out of reach. Mailing lists get updated, Christmas cards selected with just the right look and message, or maybe we mass produce an undated picture, or a newsletter to bring every one up to date for the entire year. We suddenly find ourselves with an overwhelming need to fill several dozen shoeboxes with toys and goodies and socks and gloves cram every space. We remember all our military overseas and we share the best recipes for goodies that will last the trip from here to there with hand written notes tucked in. Silver gets polished, Crystal and China are brought out to be shined to a sparkle along with the finishing touches to the holiday table, soon to be crammed with goodies and kids and laughter and….. The LACK of peace of earth begins to emerge in bolder ways that normal. This is the time of year chosen to send the ever-present tax bills; to tie up year-end debt, to get those last few medical appointments added before the

deductible starts over. We desperately peruse the Black Friday ads for deals that will give us the most bang for our buck and allow our Christmas dollars to stretch. It is now that we rush to familiarize ourselves with what family members like so we purchase the perfect present. Office parties, Choir parties, Caroling at the local nursing home, food baskets with turkey and ham and fixin’s. This is the time of year it gets cold in most parts of the country; now thoughts turn to the homeless and the need for hats and gloves and sleeping bags and coats, etc. We’ve thought of everything and everyone by now. Haven’t we? Of course, all these acts of goodwill are necessary (well, maybe not the parties, but they’re fun), they’re even “scriptural” as some say. We

seem, though, to be missing someone. Oh, Someone. The Name above every Name. He really doesn’t want His Name to be lifted up so high no one hears it or sees it for all the hustle and bustle. Oh, yes, and those bills and taxes, and insurance messes; He’s really hoping he’ll be included in the solution for those issues. You see, it’s as important to Him to help us with the issues of life as it as for us to help others with shoeboxes and coats and wraps; He wants to be the Voice that gives the strength to those sweet notes of song to lift the spirit of people often forgotten. He wants to be involved in it all.


by: Dr. Dan L. Corse

During the 60’s, Vietnam War protestors chanted, “Make love, not war.” In that same decade, the Beatles purported, “All you need is love.” In the early 70’s, the movie “Love Story” proclaimed, “Love means never having to say you are sorry.” Then, in the 2000’s, we were admonished that all relationships are good, if those involved in them love each other. What do all these examples have in common? None of them truly reflect the biblical perspective of love (agape) defined in 1 Corinthians 13:4-8. “Making love” is not about agape, selfsacrificing love, but it is about eros, sensual or sexual love. Though singing “all you need is love” may tug at our emotional heartstrings, the truth is, though we surely need agape, we also need hope, faith, perseverance, selfcontrol, wisdom, knowledge, etc. Neither does agape behave rudely (1 Cor. 13:5), which is what “never saying you are sorry” for wrongs done reflects. Nor does the presence of love in a relationship insure that it is a godly one, as we glean from the fact that Solomon loved the wives God told him not to marry; they did exactly what God told him they would do, turn his heart from Him (1 Ki. 11:1-10). Furthermore, the presence of love in an adulterous or homosexual relationship does not make that relationship a godly one, as nothing in

scripture supports the appropriateness of either. When it comes to misrepresented, misunderstood, or inaccurately defined love, perhaps no better example exists than the narrative often associated with Jesus’ love as supposedly reflected by His actions. Tragically, even some Christian ministers and their followers fall prey to this trap in that they insist that Jesus, because he associated with sinners and due to His love for them, never focused on or took note of their sin. Instead, they often misconstrue His ministry as a kind of perpetual “hug fest,” one seemingly more about feelings and good “vibes” than agape. Obviously, they are either unaware of or ignore the fact that 1 Corinthians 13:6 (NKJ) states, “Love (agape) does not rejoice at iniquity.” Iniquity refers to “unrighteousness of heart and life” or sin (Joseph H. Thayer, Thayer’s GreekEnglish Lexicon of the New Testament, Peabody, Massachusetts: Hendrickson, 2007, p. 12). And, though Jesus did not come to condemn sinners (John 3:17), neither did He ignore their sins, as He admonished the woman taken in adultery to “go and sin no more” (John 8:11, NKJ). Likewise, Jesus often spoke of need for repentance (Mat. 4:17; 11:20; Luke 13:2-5). “Repentance (metanoia,

‘change of mind’) involves a turning away with contrition from sin to God; the repentant sinner is in the proper condition to accept divine forgiveness” (F.F. Bruce, The Acts of the Apostles [Greek Text Commentary], London: Tyndale, 1952, p. 97). When it comes to our demonstration of agape toward God and others, distortions of what that entails are common as well. I John 5:2 (NKJ) reveals, “By this we know that we love the children of God, when we love God and keep His commandments.” Yet, some insist that loving God and others has nothing to do with what we do or do not do. That perception is not based on biblical reality. As John 14:15 (NKJ) also charges us, “If you love Me, keep My commandments.” Commandments speak of the demands of God promulgated in Christianity. A sampling of them includes: Putting away lying and speaking truth with others (Eph. 4:25). Letting no unwholesome or worthless words come out of our mouths but instead choosing words that edify or build up others (Eph. 4:29). Fleeing sexual immorality (1 Cor. 6:18). Loving not merely with words but also by our deeds and in truth (1 John 3:18). Not conforming to ungodly ideologies and manners of thinking (Rom. 12:2). Not being drunk, but filled with the

Holy Spirit (Eph. 5:18). Being thankful to God (1 Thess. 5:18). Not quenching, subduing, or suppressing the Holy Spirit (1 Thess. 5:19). Loving God and others (Luke 10:27). Unlike some would also have us believe, neither is being a Christian about some sort of unscriptural fellowship with God or being His followers in a manner that lacks biblical specificity. Biblical fellowship or joint participation with God and other Christians results in our conforming to His image and being or becoming salt and light. Related to that fellowship, 1 John 1:6-7 (NKJ) clarifies its parameters, “If we say that we have fellowship with Him, and walk in darkness, we lie, and do not

practice the truth. But if we walk in the light as He is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus Christ cleanses us from all sin.” Speaking of fellowship in a manner that ignores or minimizes the biblical accuracy of our walks with Him and others reflects compromise and titillating our flesh more than it does healthy growth in grace. Where we, the body of Christ, are guilty, from a biblical perspective, of misrepresenting, misconstruing, or inaccurately defining Christ’s love, our demonstration of love toward God and others, or what godly fellowship entails, it is time for us to repent. Such repentance will not occur based on the

hopeless and pagan sorrow of the world. Rather, it will only happen when we have contrition or godly sorrow that, recognizing where our behaviors and attitudes are sinful, makes it our aim to confess our sins to God and fully experience His forgiveness (1 John 1:9; 2 Cor. 7:10). Having secured that forgiveness, there should follow the characteristics of true repentance, a change of mind followed by a change of direction and actions. Our minds and directions changed, we will shun further attempts by others to encourage us to embrace unscriptural views about love (agape), its demonstration in our lives, and fellowship with God and others.

by: Matthew Deves

…for Herod intends to search for the Child in order to destroy Him. Matt 2:13

some thirty years earlier. All he had to do was find the infant…

This was not going to be a fair fight. No challenge. Mighty king Herod vs. the Baby. All he had to do was find the child…

Then Herod, having seen that he was deceived by the learned men, became greatly incensed, and having sent off those appointed to fulfill his wishes, he put out of the way all the male children, those in Bethlehem and in all its surrounding territory from two years and under, according to the time which he carefully ascertained from the learned men. Mat 2:16

Does anyone question that Herod was working for satan? At a minimum, sin was leading this little king in a pattern of stealing, killing, and destroying. He was taking his marching orders from the same one which thousands of years before, convinced the first adam to get smarter and give up his walks in the garden with God. Bad advice. Wrong mentor. Adam didn’t need anything else. All he had to do was continue to experience the pure gift of innocence. The second Adam, Jesus, was a King who was sent to give His Life freely to get your innocence back. Jesus rejected bad advice from the snake at the end of His 40 days in the desert. He did not receive the devil’s comments as truth like adam, but instead answered him with the Authority of a Son. By the time this desperate attempt occurred in the desert, the deceiver knew he had missed his best chance

Wise men found the baby but the devil couldn’t. He initiated plan B. Take out baby Jesus by killing all the Hebrew boys under two. We all know who lived. Stupid devil. Demons recognized Jesus. They knew He was the Son of God before His best friends had a clue. The prince of demons surely knew the same, and yet, at Jesus’ most vulnerable point in His history, the devil failed. Think about it. Early in His life, the devil had his best shot in taking out the Son of God and destroying any Hope for the Redemption of man. All he had to do was find the baby…

He had the chance when Jesus was still entirely dependent upon Mary and Joe, but he couldn’t pull it off. Blinded by the same arrogance that got him booted from Heaven, he thought that he was going to be the one who took the Life of The Son. Do you think it burned the devil to the core when he heard adult Jesus say, ”No one takes it from me. I lay it down of my own free will. I have the right to lay it down; I also have the right to take it up again. I received this authority personally from my Father?” The thief kept employing the same futile tactics throughout the earthly-life of Jesus. Many of these were public efforts while Jesus was

in plain sight. Still not an intelligent enough plan. The following three events had to infuriate him. How many times could Jesus escape? When they heard these things, all the people in the synagogue were filled with rage. And rising up, they pushed and drove Him out of the town, and [laying hold of Him] they led Him to the [projecting] upper part of the hill on which their town was built, that they might hurl Him headlong down [over the cliff]. But passing through their midst, He went on His way. Luke 4:28-30 AMP. Then took they up stones to cast at him: but Jesus hid himself, and went out of the temple, going through the midst of them, and so passed by. John 8:59 KJV They sought again to arrest Him, but He escaped from their hands. John 10:39 KJV Now He was hiding in plain sight. Going through the traps unharmed. What was the devil’s mistake? He thought this Adam was going to give up His Authority. Jesus did the opposite by using His Authority to give up His own

Life. Big difference. Jesus was never lost. He was the Promise. The seed of Redemption. God said that seedtime and harvest would never cease. The Baby was going to find a way to live until as an adult, in sound mind and body, He could freely give up His Spirit. The devil’s not wily enough to figure that plan out. Years later, while Jesus was taking His own walk in the garden with His Dad, merely His answer to their question knocked the captors over. When Jesus said to them, I am He, they went backwards (drew back, lurched backward) and fell to the ground. John 18:6 Even when located, Jesus was clearly only going to be taken out when he said he would be. Not a minute sooner. Is this same mind that was in Christ Jesus in you? You have been delivered and drawn to Himself out of the control and the dominion of darkness and has transferred you into the kingdom of the Son of His love, Col 1:13. Like Jesus, you are not outmatched or out-smarted. All the smoke, mirrors, and

cunning of the enemy cannot compete with The Authority you have in Christ. The same Spirit that caused Jesus to pass through the chaos now dwells in you. You have an onboard escape mechanism. The devil might be a crafty deceiver but don’t think that translates into any success. Particularly during this Christmas season, let’s not give him any credit for being a wise man. He wasn’t even smart enough to find the Baby Jesus.

by: Pastor Kumar Raju Komannapalli

“And they came with haste, and found Mary, and Joseph, and the babe lying in a manger.” (Luke 2:16) We are about to come to an end of this year and are getting ready to enter the new year of 2017. We may have a lot of experiences from this past year, but we still have the Christmas season of 2016 ahead of us. People do have many common projects left for 2016, except for the celebration of “Merry Christmas” in all the 7 continents and around the World. Christmas is only the one world celebration, and Christianity is the biggest family in this World who will celebrate it. I would like to encourage you with the Word of God as we are drawing closer to this Christmas celebration. The Lord has dropped many things on my heart and put His Words in my mouth to deliver and proclaim for encouraging your faith. Especially the Lord has turned my eyes to have a deeper look at His Word in Luke 2:15, where the shepherds were saying to themselves to get started for going unto Bethlehem to see Jesus. Let me explain in some deeper notes. Something happened before this verse which we must know more details about. The shepherds heard an announcement from the air which sounds to them like a new experience. They did not have this kind of experience previously, therefore, this was

awesome news for them, and it was a Good News to them. “And it came to pass, as the angels were gone away from them into heaven, the shepherds said one to another, let us now go even unto Bethlehem, and see this thing which is come to pass, which the Lord hath made known unto us.” Luke 2:15 The Shepherds were abiding in the field, keeping watch over the flock and it was night time (darkness). Yet, this was the situation at that time, and suddenly something happened beyond on their imaginations and expectations. “And, lo, the angel of the Lord came upon them, and the glory of the Lord shone round about them: and they were sore afraid.” (Luke 2:9) When this angel came to them, the glory of the Lord shone around them and some were afraid. It was proclaimed to them, “I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people.” This was the announcement of the birth of the Savior in the city of David. And the angel said that this would be a sign to them in that, “You will find the babe wrapped in swaddling clothes, lying in a manger.” Then suddenly, there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising God, and saying, Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men.” There are many points to be made like this. But, my point here to tell you about the

intension of the shepherds that had discussions about beginning their journey to see Jesus. They did not hesitate or ignore that what they heard about the Lord. Remember one thing here, they saw the glory of God (Luke 2:9), the glory of the Lord shone around them. The glory means the Light came unto them while they were in the night. The Lighting of the Lord shone around them. They were afraid of that, but they were encouraged by that Angel and said them, to fear not. They were told by that Angel in Luke 2:12, “And this shall be a sign unto you; Ye shall find the babe wrapped in swaddling clothes, lying in a manger.” This news was confirmed to them by the Lord’s angel. The angel did not say to go and see Him, but these shepherds started to walk on the Word of God to see Jesus. In the other words, we can say they started to walk on the Words of God to inherit their provision. And you know that Jesus is our Provision. The real meaning of Christmas is SEEING JESUS. That is why the shepherds started their journey which was according to what they heard of the Lord. They started their faith walk, believing on God’s words, trusting in His promises. This is what we all must do in these

days. Christmas is not just a celebration with trees, cakes and candles. Christmas is seeing Jesus. Many of us today have started our faith journeys, but we are missing the real destiny. Why? What is going wrong on the road? What was wrong with us? The problem with us today is we are forgetting what the Lord told us and shone on us. These two points are so important to any of the believers, ministers, and church leaders today. The angel did not tell them about the route to take on a map, not the street address or door number. He said today in the city of David, which means, no home address. These shepherds had to find Him by the leading of the Lord. They found Him with the leading of the Holy Spirit. The Maggi also says that we came to worship Him by looking unto His star in the sky. Star means, the lighting of the Lord or the glory of God. They heard about the Good News and they started to walk based on that Good News. What does Good News mean? John 1:1 & 14 tells about the Word of God, which came through flesh on to this earth. Matthew 1:21 says “And she shall bring forth a son, and thou shalt call his name JESUS: for He shall save His people from their sins.” Jesus means that the Savior came to save all people from their sins. Sin means, go and not believe in

again. When Joshua and his team came unto the river of Jordan, God helped them to cross over that river. Actually, Jordan means death and God heated the water and brought forth the life in them to cross over the death or the Jordan river. So, Joshua is a type of Jesus there. Jesus saves His people from their death. The wages of sin is death (Romans 6:23). Joshua and Caleb had received the promised land at their age of 85 years. To miss the mark is to miss the inheritance. So, why did Jesus save us all? The simple answer is to inherit His Promises. This means exactly seeing Jesus. Our forefathers missed the mark by their unbelief, they died in the wilderness, did not inherit the promised land because of their unbelief. Today, we have the same problem of getting our inheritance. Psalm 104:4 says, “who maketh his angel’s spirits; his ministers a flaming fire:” Exactly the Holy Spirit leading. The Holy Spirit will lead us to see Jesus and to inherit Him, or His promises. Jesus said in John 17:22 “And the glory which thou gavest me I have given them; that they may be one, even as we are one.” His glory brings unity among us. That is why these shepherd’s come in the unity to go and see Jesus. The glory of God also encourages us to go unto Jesus.

Isaiah 60:1 says “Arise, shine; for thy light is come, and the glory of the LORD is risen upon thee.” The glory of God arises on us to shine, and raises us to walk on His light. Moses asked to see God, and to come along with him to Egypt. But God said to Moses that I will send an angel and I will not go with you, because they were stiff-necked and in unbelief. The difference between them and us is His presence. Immanuel means God with us. (Matthew 1:23). God with us means God is our inheritance. When God is with us, His glory also with us. This is Good News. 1 Thessalonians 4:16–18 says that we who are alive, hear the shout and you know what that actually means? It is finished which is the real meaning. Trumpets are used for announcements. And the announcements are: a) You have been righteous (Romans 3:22–24) b) You have been cleansed (John 15:3, Ephesians 5:26, Acts 15:9) c) You have been healed (Isaiah 53:5) d) You have been justified (Romans 5:1) e) You have been glorified (1 Corinthians 15:51– 52, Romans 8:18, John 3:16, 1 John 3:2) f) You have been washed (Hebrews 10:22)

g) You have been completed (James 2:22) This is what we have to believe. This is the real Good News. Unfortunately, so many today are not believing this Good News. That is why they are missing the mark of inheriting God’s promises. They are all His promises and declarations through the voice of the trumpet’s sound. Romans 12:1–2 says “be transformed by renewing of your mind.” This is the real mystery, that God loves us so much. What is His love? His death and resurrection showed His love and proved His love for us. He is not looking at our wrongs or mistakes, He just keeps on loving us. The trumpet stands for the Church, so, the Church has to stop pointing their finger at each other. Ephesians 3:20 says “Above all” which means to believe even more. We must think like a king. People can also come under the graving stones and they can be raised, if they do not stay in unbelief. Caught up in the air means, so many times while we sing praise, we don’t care about the things on the earth or happens around us. Hebrews 11:38–40 talks about the great men of faith who did

not receive the promise. But how can they be perfected? Not until we are perfected. And how we can be perfected? By believing in Jesus.

night, by His angel. They kept His Words in their hearts and was delivered to Him (Luke 2:17). And they witnessed about Jesus (Luke 2:20).

Good News is to be proclaimed, not the bad news. And the Good News is: a) You can be saved b) You can be healed c) You can be delivered d) You can be perfect e) You can be holy f) You can be justified g) You can be cleansed h) You can be lived i) You can be glorified, etc.

Before concluding, I would like to encourage you with this Holy Scripture. Jeremiah 5:14. God keeps His Words as fire because He is the consuming fire (Hebrews 12:22). Fire means Love, and fire brings energy, power, ability, purity. That is why we have to preach His Words on this earth to glorify His name. The shepherds saw His glory and brought glory to Jesus after their visit. I wish you be the same like these shepherds to hear, see, and walk for the glory of God.

The Apostle Paul says that I go for my inheritance (Philippians 3:12–14). Hebrews 11:1 says, “Now faith is. Jesus said in John 6:48–51 this is the Good News. The Word came down from the Heaven to die for us, so that we can live forever and ever. Amen. Finally, these shepherds directly came to Jesus with the leading of the Holy Spirit and they saw Jesus as they were foretold by His angel. Also, the Maggie saw Jesus (Matthew 2:11). The point today for you is “Did you see Jesus?” You can never see Him with unbelief, so just renew your mind and find Him. After seeing Jesus, the Shepherds glorified Him. They spoke to Jesus that what they have heard in the field, in the

God bless you, Pastor Kumar Raju Komannapalli, India.

We wish you all the best in your Christian journey of faith to see Jesus. And we are not ignoring you to wish you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year 2017. Let us walk to inherit His promises. This is why Jesus came unto this earth for you and me. Leave all the unbelief, and walk by greater faith for the Inheritance. And the night watchman said that the walls of Babylon are destroyed. This means the power of the enemy has been destroyed! So, there is no offense for our faith walk or journey to inherit our provision. In conclusion, this is what really is the GOOD NEWS!!!

Dynamic Life Ministries Mission Never ends‌ CHRISTMAS PROJECTS: This year, we will be distributing cold weather clothing to the poor children, widows, and street people. Also, we have a persecuted family who needs help with medical treatment, food, warm clothing, shoes for the family, and a sewing machine so they can earn money.

Pastor Waseem Waris

CONTACT INFORMATION: Address: Pastor Waseem Waris, House No. P-99 Street No. 4 Barket Pura, Faisalabad, 38090 Email: dynamiclife.ministries.pak@gmail.com Skype: pastorpresence Phone: +92-322-6329436

by: Rev. Leon Gosiewski

‘Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past. See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland’ (Isaiah 43: 18, 19) Uniquely, and for various reasons, not all countries and Peoples across the world use the same date month and year calendars. This means that certain commonly celebrated annual events, such as Christmas (or a parallel celebration) and the beginning of a New Year, take place during different dates and months of the year. Of course, it is a fact that the largest proportion of people worldwide now use the Gregorian calendar introduced in 1582, and so for these users, although in some ways peculiarly because December, which in Latin actually means ten, or the tenth month, will signify the end of the year 2016, but it is also the month that heralds the birth of something new; and the coming of the New Year 2017.

You were probably expecting a traditional Christmas-based message, but as a watchman I feel led by the Lord to prophetically write about the new birth of something that, for all true Christian believers goes beyond the usual Christmas message. It is, for those that are awake to God, spiritually life changing, and far more imperative, significant and imminent. Isaiah writes, ‘Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past. See, I am doing a new thing!’ (Isaiah 43: 18). The end of 2016 and beginning of 2017 is a crucial time for all believers to lay at the feet of the Lord, whatever is in the past because we have now reached a Divine period in history like no other; a time to truly humble our selves, put our lives in order, repent and dedicate our life wholly to God. The return of Jesus is rapidly drawing closer, and we are on the brink of a very special present from the Lord; one that will lavish Holy Spirit anointed gifts on those that have humbly made themselves ready. This is a time to walk our Christian lives unified with God and one another. Although it is perhaps not always articulated clearly, many perceive, or have inkling in their spirit that something in heaven’s spiritual realm is about to happen. That awakening perception or inkling comes from God.

For some, the stirrings of the Lord are bringing a fresh, last of the last days longing and expectancy of an outpouring of the Holy Spirit, whilst still others are tragically spiritually asleep, comatose and have lost their sensitivity to God. There is coming, for those that are spiritually awake, and in harmony with God, a divine worldwide move that will revitalize the wilderness places of our hearts, and bring living waters into the wastelands and deserts of our Christian lives and the communities that we live and serve in. Significantly, the Jewish people, at sunset on December 24th 2016 to nightfall on January 1st 2017 will celebrate an eight-day festival [yamim tovim] called Chanukah. This festival is also known as the festival of rededication or sometimes it is also known as the festival of lights. There are some prophetic links to these dates that are worth watching and testing before the Lord, because they fall within the new Jewish calendar year 5777, which began at sunset on 2nd October 2016 when the close of the biblical jubilee year 5776, a year of judgment, and a Shemitah year, the beginning of a heaven and earth-shaking converged. Added to this an eight-hundred-year-old Jewish prophecy states that the year 5777 will begin the turning point toward the coming of the Messiah, or return of Jesus. Jesus told us very clearly to watch the signs and be ready. This is important for all true believers in the church because God is calling His people to humble themselves and rededicate their lives to Him in preparation for the Shekinah light of the Lord to shine. The light that is coming is the Holy Spirit bringing God’s glory and power from heaven to earth, and we will convey and give glory to God from earth to heaven for His supernatural moves. We are about to see an outbreak of what we have come to call Revival, but this move of God will be unlike other Revivals. We can of course learn from these past Revivals, but they were limited to specific areas and regions, and their lifespan was short. We must not look at the past and try to copy it. What is coming is fresh; a latter-day Pentecost outpouring on those that have yielded and dedicated their lives to God and made themselves ready through repentance, holiness, unity, love and prayer. Many yielded believers do not yet know it, but they will have their eyes fully opened to see that the Christian lives they have lived fall woefully short because they are not filled with power. The coming Pentecost fire will fulfil the words of Jesus who said, ‘you shall receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you’ (see Acts 1: 8). The fire of the Holy Spirit will fall upon the hungry and thirsty; those who are ready, and they will move in God’s supernatural power in ways beyond anything imaginable. This previously almost lost Pentecost outpouring of the Holy Spirit will fill and baptize those that are awake and eagerly ready. Unlike preceding Revivals, this will be a holiness outpouring of fire

that removes sinful influences such as idolatry and immorality, and it will prepare the true Bride of Christ for His coming.

The wind of the Holy Spirit will blow on people, communities, areas, regions and countries. It will stoke up and cause the fires to burn brightly and intensely. Waves of the Holy Spirit will build up, pushing a fireball along with it across the world. There will be such a volcanic rupture and quake of God’s power that it will cause a tsunami wave of the Spirit that will lead to the Gospel message reaching all people and bring in a harvest of last day’s souls (see Matthew 24: 14). The close of 2016 and beginning of 2017 is a time when we must all be able to say, ‘I am ready’ because only those that are in the dedicated and equipped last day’s ark of the Lord, and filled with the power of the Holy Spirit will be able to ride the tsunami wave. This latter-day Pentecost is a power gift from God to those that have laid their lives down for Him, the remnant of awakened, watchful and dedicated believers who will divinely influence the world. But, be warned and alert because coming with this fresh move of God will be a great falling away from the Lord, persecution and deception. There are many that have slowly, almost without detection, drifted away from their first love. They have become desensitized to God’s voice. They are living in the depths of worldliness and flesh; opposed to the Lord and out of touch with the Holy Spirit. Many are sleeping, and they have become spiritually deaf and blind. Many do not want a Pentecost Revival, the cost is too great, and they will bring disunity and oppose God’s chosen Remnant. Deceptions will arise, if possible to deceive the remnant. We must pray for discernment and wisdom, because increased numbers pf counterfeit prophets will crop up from within the church, and there will be signs and wonders that are not of God (see Matthew 24: 1 – 28). When the day of Pentecost came, they were all together in one place. Suddenly a sound like the blowing of a violent wind came from heaven and filled the whole house where they were sitting. They saw what seemed to be tongues of fire that separated and came to rest on each of them. All of them were filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in other tongues as the Spirit enabled them. (Acts 2: 1 – 4)

by: Dave Kachele

“Follow the B A L L all the way to the bat, Son.” Two strikes, three balls. I didn’t yell out to my son who was up, but I thought that sentence really hard. We’d had this conversation in our practice at home. “CRACK!” A solid hit! Now, I’m loud, cheering as my boy slides into second with an RBI double! With a big smile across his face, he tips his hat my direction. I nod. Where are your eyes today? I, for one, am glad the election is over! How about you? Were you elated or deflated at the outcome? Either way, where is your focus now? Heaven’s call to LOVE is still there, strong as ever! There’s work to do! Jesus prayed, “My prayer is not for them alone. I pray also for those who will believe in Me through their message, that all of them may be one, Father, just as You are in Me and I am in You. May they also be in Us, so that the world may believe that You have sent Me. I have given them the glory that You gave Me, that they may be one as We are One— I in them and You in Me—so that they may be brought to complete unity. THEN, the world will know that you sent me and have loved them even as you have loved me.” (John 17:20-23) What is the world seeing right now in the Body of Christ? Is it love and unity? This is a quote from the actual Lord’s Prayer on the night of His betrayal and arrest. Democrat, Republican, Independent believers, are you loving one another in unity? I love this time of year! We set our hearts to being thankful and look forward to the celebration of the first coming of our Lord and Savior: CHRISTMAS! The whole world celebrates His birth! I’ m reminded to “Keep my eyes on the B A B Y! Yeah, the “BALL” is the BABY! I trust that the Spirit is prompting ALL of us to turn our attention to Jesus and His call on our lives individually AND collectively. It’s been said, in many different ways, by many Christian leaders, “The world will never believe our message until the Church unites at the foot of the cross!” Conservative Christians – No gloating! Sadly, I’ve seen some online. Trust God! Liberal Christians – Don’t let your disappointment throw you off task. Trust God! All Others – Be uniting voices with the love of Jesus Christ on your lips. Trust God! In 2017, if not before, let’s Each One ~ Reach One!

by: Rev. Melissa Smith-Shepherd

Overcoming temptation is one of the most important things to learn as you walk with God and fulfill His plan in your life. Your enemy will attempt to assault you with temptation daily, sometimes many times in a single day. Your mission, according to the Word, is to overcome every temptation by the power of the Word and the Holy Spirit. Jesus said that He overcame the world for our sake and instructed us not to worry or be anxious. John 16:33 So when temptations come, trust in God’s power to help you and know that it is Christ in you that will make you stronger than your enemy or temptation.

As we go about our day, we are given multiple temptations by the enemy and our flesh to succumb to sin. It could be during a discussion with a spouse or child, while at work, at lunch hour, during our drive to the grocery store, while working on a project on the computer, etc. We may find ourselves in the middle of trying to be a productive individual and good Christian then suddenly become tempted do the opposite of what God wants us to do, even though we have a desire for wanting to please God.

Though you are not actively seeking to do evil, you may find yourself in the midst of temptation in word, thought or deed. In every one of these moments of temptation, we have the grace to say no. Sin has no dominion over us now because of the work of Christ Jesus. Romans 6:14, Romans 8:2 Nothing or no one can make you give in to temptation. The Bible says to submit yourself to God, resist the enemy and he will flee from you! James 4:7 Even the evil one himself does not have the power to make you give in to temptation! The enemy will attempt to bring temptation to you in an area that he believes is your weakness, the area where you have struggled in your life, where your heart or mind has not been renewed to the Word of God. When the devil tempted Jesus, he tried to get Jesus to act on the temptations but there was no evil in Jesus’ heart, so Jesus did not respond to the temptations. When the

enemy brings temptation, he believes we will fail. He is testing to see what is really in our hearts, to see if he can get us to do his will instead of God’s will. God does not tempt us, but we are tempted when there are still things in our heart that need to be surrendered to God and His Word. James 1:13-15 13 Let no man say when he is tempted, I am tempted of God: for God cannot be tempted with evil, neither tempts he any man: 14 but every man is tempted, when he is drawn away of his own lust, and enticed.15 Then when lust hath conceived, it brings forth sin: and sin, when it is finished, bringeth forth death. Every Christian comes into God’s kingdom from the kingdom of darkness. That

kingdom of darkness has ruled in the hearts and minds of people and it takes time, effort and study of the Word to renew that person to God’s Kingdom way of living. Matthew 15:19 For out of the heart proceed evil thoughts, murders, adulteries, fornications, thefts, false witness, blasphemies… This is why it is imperative to study the Word, learn righteousness and to allow yourself to be transformed into the image of Jesus Christ our Lord. We are responsible for taking every single thought captive that enters our mind, whether from our own heart or experiences, or from the enemy and his kingdom. When you take a thought captive you check that thought against the Word. Did Jesus give me this thought? Would God want me to think this thought? What does the Word say about this subject? If the thought does not agree with the Word, cast it down, resist it, refuse to let it remain in your mind. Speak God’s Word about that subject, and do not act on the thought nor allow it to create an emotion in your soul. 2 Cor 10:5 5 Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the

knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ; Ephesians 4:23-24 23 And be renewed in the spirit of your mind; 24 and that ye put on the new man, which after God is created in righteousness and true holiness. If you have a bad thought and you know it is not pleasing to God, do not be condemned, just the fact that you recognize that the thought would not be pleasing to God is the evidence that you are being led by the Holy Spirit to discern the bad thoughts and that is the first step to casting it down. The moment you recognize the bad thought, you have the opportunity to ask God to create a clean heart in you in that area. God will give you grace to take those things captive, overcome them and resist them. Each time a temptation occurs, you can resist it, and refuse to allow it to dictate your mind, or your actions. You will learn that your born-again spirit is stronger than the left-over things in your heart from the ways of the world. As you study the Word in those areas, you will fill your heart with God’s will, and if those old

thoughts show up again, or if the enemy tries to tempt you with old thinking patterns, you will be strong and ready to resist it. Eventually it will not be a temptation for you anymore. You will have overcome it completely. Just like Jesus said, Satan came and he found nothing in me, you will have no more triggers that the enemy can use to draw you into sin, and you will have circumcised your own heart and that temptation is no longer a weakness for you! This process is known as crucifying the flesh. It is an ongoing process for every Christian. You are working out your own salvation and submitting your heart and thoughts to God. Jesus said if you think something that is sin, it is just as if you have done the act of that sin. It is very important to gain mastery over our heart and mind for this reason. Now that you know how to take the bad thoughts captive, and speak God’s Word out in that area, there is another important technique that the Bible gives us to keep our mind full of good things. Paul instructs us how we should allow our minds to function in Philippians 4:8, Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever

things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things. The Word says people will know we are God’s child if we have love for the brethren. 1 John 3:14 Allow the love of God to flow through you. Keep your mind filled with the Word. Cast down any thought that is not full of God’s love and you will overcome every temptation that comes your way. Paul describes love in 1 Corinthians 13:4-8: 4 Love is patient, love is kind, it isn’t

jealous, it doesn’t brag, it isn’t arrogant, 5 it isn’t rude, it doesn’t seek its own advantage, it isn’t irritable, it doesn’t keep a record of complaints, 6 it isn’t happy with injustice, but it is happy with the truth. 7 Love puts up with all things, trusts in all things, hopes for all things, endures all things. 8 Love never fails. Overcoming temptation and walking in love affect your faith level. Faith works by love. Perfect love casts out fear. When you are tempted, there is fear, but when you know how to resist and

overcome that temptation your faith grows stronger. You realize that God’s love and grace is with you, and that greater is He who is in you than he who is in the world! 1 John 4:4 4 Ye are of God, little children, and have overcome them: because greater is he that is in you, than he that is in the world. God knew we would have temptations, and that is why He sent Jesus, His Word, and His Spirit to help us! Jesus gave us the victory over sin and temptation, and we are overcomers by the blood of the Lamb and by His word. Hallelujah!

2016-17 Chef Ira, Students, and Apprentice

My Dear Sisters and Brothers in Christ! Greetings from the staff and students at the Christian Culinary Academy in Cannon Beach Oregon. Thanks to Faye and her wonderful efforts in sharing the diversity of God in sharing the Good News of Jesus Christ. We are also thankful for the continued support of what God is doing in the Culinary Arts and through Christian Chefs International (http://www.christianchefs.org/) and the Christian Culinary Academy (http://www.christianchefs.org/school/). We are here basically Chefs and Cooks...Cooking with a mission to go and make disciples, the same Co-mission Jesus gave all of us. We are taking our Giftings and make culinary disciples. I wanted to update you on the largest class we have ever had! 8 students all loving the Lord and what they are doing and learning. Please keep them and the staff of CCA in your prayerful support. For more information please visit our website at christianchefs.org/school I love Thanksgiving...and not just the meal...it means so much as the key to our attitude in prayer...to our understanding of place, and of Jesus...Read in Luke, Matthew and First Corinthians that Jesus himself after or when He gave Thanks...broke the bread...and gave it to His disciples‌

Ah, the Thanksgiving Feast! I found the spirit of our estive meal in Nehemiah 8:10-12: Then he said to them, “Go your way. Eat the fat and drink sweet wine and send portions to anyone who has nothing ready, for this day is holy to our Lord. And do not be grieved, for the joy of the Lord is your strength.” So, the Levites calmed all the people saying, “Be quiet, for this day is holy; do not be grieved.” And all the people went their way to eat and drink and to send portions and to make great rejoicing, because they had understood the words that were declared to them. Lord I pray we all will understand the words you declare unto us.... OK! We said Grace, let’s eat! You all may remember our Dear Brother Chef Bob, Executive Chef Food Service director at Olive Baptist Church in Pensacola FL. As a Cook Book Author who loves sharing His Gift from God and gives God the glory, he takes the professional recipes he worked with all his life and makes them accessible to the home cook…You my dear reader will be blessed! One of my favorites is this recipe. The taste is exceptional and the presentation is so festive...it represents the saying “The Kingdom of God is a party!” This is party food and as there is a time and season for everything. I pray this blesses your party time as you share with each other and those who know no joy...that to taste and see that God is good is a delightful experience! Now do not be intimidated; and if you are, contact us for any way we can help or Chef Leo

Chef Bob Vaningen’s Most Wonderful Chocolate Roulade Ingredients: 6 eggs (separated) ½ cup sugar 4 Tablespoons sugar (for the egg whites) 6 ounces bitter-sweet or semisweet chocolate chips ¼ cup boiling coffee 1 stick melted butter Filling 2 cups of heavy cream ½ cup of powdered sugar 1 teaspoons vanilla Directions: First off Mis en Place...our fancy french way of saying get all yer ingredients together! Including equipment...Alright then... let’s Rock and Roll...or Roulade! 1. Line a half sheet pan with parchment paper and paint with melted butter. 2. Bring coffee to a boil and pour over chocolate. Mix until smooth. 3. In a mixer with the whip attachment, or your hand mixer place the egg yolks and 1/2 cup of sugar. 4. Whip until yolks are thick and light yellow in color. 5. Transfer this mixture into a medium mixing bowl. 6. Fold chocolate mixture into egg yolk mixture. 7. Clean mixer bowl and whip attachment, or bowl and beaters. 8. With your clean mixer whip egg whites to soft moist peaks. 9. Add the 4 Tablespoons of sugar to the whites while whipping. 10. Fold whites into the chocolate egg yolk mixture. 11. Scrape into prepared pan and level it out. 12. Slide into a 350° oven for 18-20 minutes. 13. Set pan on wire rack. Allow to cool for 1 hour. 14. Whip the 2 cups of heavy cream until stiff peaks 15. Fold in the powdered sugar and vanilla. 16. Loosen cake by running a knife around the pan edges, turn out onto a parchment paper. If the cake is a little sticky, dust parchment with cocoa powder. Spread whipped cream over cake and roll cake up like a jelly roll or a delicate, expensive rug, using the parchment to help the rolling. Wrap in heavy duty foil. Transfer to a pan and place in refrigerator or freezer. slice on a platter and dust with powdered sugar sort of like snow...Who knew Gluten free and God could be soooooo Goooooood!

by: Pastor Ryan Sutton

Our faith is rooted in the Word of God.

perform" (Romans 4:20-21 KJV).

“So then faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God" (Romans 10:17 NKJV).

Why didn't Abraham stagger? He was "fully persuaded" that God would do what He had promised. He held to the promise of God. There were no external helps to make his soul certain of its fulfillment. Circumstances were against him. Time was against him. Yet, Abraham staggered not (didn't waver). He steadied himself on the promise of God.

We have faith in the Word of God because we know the faithfulness of the One who spoke the Word and inspired men to write it down. We have faith in the Word of God because, God stands behind His Word watches over His Word to perform it. "...there has not failed one word of all His good promise..." (1 Kings 8:56 NKJV). We can be "fully persuaded" because we trust in the faithfulness of God. Our faith is rooted in the Word of God. But the roots of our faith go even deeper – into the faithfulness of the One who spoke the Word. The Word is as good as the One who spoke it! “He staggered not at the promise of God through unbelief; but was strong in faith, giving glory to God; And being 'fully persuaded' that, what he had promised, he was able also to

Against hope "he believed in hope" (v. 18). He "considered not" the condition of his own body (v. 19). He believed that God could do – would do – the impossible (v. 17). Circumstances shouted, "Impossible!" Common sense reasoned, "Not likely." Satan mocked, "You're crazy old man!" No doubt, Abraham's stand of faith made him look the part of a fool before those who were governed by the natural mind. But Abraham had a promise – a word from God – and he wouldn't turn it loose. When the battle to believe was over, faith had conquered every foe.

Abraham stood on the battlefield a victor, not a fool. “For whatever is born of God overcomes the world. And this is the victory that has overcome the world— our faith" (I John 5:4 NKJV). “By faith Abraham obeyed when he was called to go out to the place which he would receive as an inheritance. And he went out, not knowing where he was going. By faith he dwelt in the land of promise as in a foreign country, dwelling in tents with Isaac and Jacob, the heirs with him of the same promise; for he waited for the city which has foundations, whose builder and maker is God" (Hebrews 11:8-10 NKJV). Abraham lived by faith. He kept looking up. That's what I want to encourage you to do. Sometimes trials

and troubles blur our vision of heavenly things. Sometimes we lose sight of God's purpose in the midst of the everyday pressures and problems of life.

pressing on toward the "city which has foundations." Don't let the temporary darkness of this world dim your vision of the eternal glory before you.

That's why it is so important to remember where you're headed – to remember your destiny and your destination. That's why we need to keep looking up and keep

You have a wonderful future – eternal joy in the presence of God. As you journey, keep looking up. And always remember,

faithfulness in this life will be rewarded in the life to come. “His lord said to him, ‘Well done, good and faithful servant; you were faithful over a few things, I will make you ruler over many things. Enter into the joy of your lord'" (Matthew 25:21 NKJV)

“Then I proclaimed a fast there, at the river of Ahava, that we might afflict ourselves before our God, to seek of him a right way for us, and for our little ones, and for all our substance. For I was ashamed to require of the king a band of soldiers and horsemen to help us against the enemy in the way: because we had spoken unto the king, saying, the hand of our God is upon all them for good that seek him; but his power and his wrath is against all them that forsake him.” Ezra 8:21-22 I want to thank God for His great love and mercies which He has bestowed on the church through the appointment of Donald Trump as the President of the United States of America. I personally see this as a great victory for the body of Christ because of Mr. Trump's vision to supports Christianity. The Bible declares that in the last days, “your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, and your young men shall see visions, and your old men shall dream dreams.” Hello young men with me out there, I want to encourage everyone of us not to sit down waiting for our visions to be re-confirmed over and over before we move in the direction of our visions. When God gives us prophecies, dreams, visions and revelations concerning Him and His Word and ultimately toward His people, we need to believe in what God has told us and move in the direction of what we have seen. Many times, after receiving visions,

the enemy will bring struggles, quarrels, trials and temptations, but when you keep the divine call of God ahead of you and you pursue it with purpose as Ezra did, then you will see the hand of the Lord will not forsake you. Think about Moses in the Old Testament, how that when God spoke to him out of the burning bush, no one was there except Moses and God. Thus, God had to give him a remedy that was a miracle because at that time the children of Israel had not encountered God like that for four hundred and thirty years. They had heard of how great their Fathers God was. They knew about how that God had miraculously brought them into Egypt through the dream that Joseph Interpreted. They were not ignorant of the miraculous ways of God. They knew about the covenant God had with their fathers, with Abraham, with Isaac and even with their very father Israel. So, when the miracle came, all they had to do was to move in direction of the miracle, even though there were challenges. Yet anytime a word of inspiration came from Moses, they listened. Surely, there were challenges but Moses did not take it easy when speaking the word of God to them so that they would follow the voice of the Lord. The children of God were not stiffhearted like the children of Pharaoh were, which is one of the great admonitions that I always give to the church

wherever I go to preach the word of God. Even though there are struggles, quarrels, missunderstandings and sometimes a lot of people who do not want to hear the preaching of the Gospel, God always has other who are willing to listen. God always has the Nathaniel’s who will confirm that indeed this is the Christ, just at the hearing of the word. God will not give us prophecies, dreams, visions and revelations about Him, His Word and His people to those who are not capable of speaking it and broadcasting it to others. God will not give it to us if use it to hinder others. However, God knows that we are capable of fulfilling the divine calling upon our life, which He has given to us and has entrusted us with. Child of God, you do not have to allow the devil to look down on you and hinder the divine call of God in you when that is the exact thing that he will always attempt to do. The devil will test your faith concerning what God has assigned you to

do. Moreover, he will try to write you off as if what God has told you is not worth believing. Also, the devil will try to make you think that you are not relevant to that mission and will always use your past as an attempt to distract you from your divine mandate. The bible says that we are not ignorant of the devil’s devices, which is why you should stand firm in believing what God has told you. Regardless of the number of times Moses had to go to Pharaoh, even with those miracles, Pharaoh was not willing to give up and let the children of God go and do the will of God for their lives until God spoke by death. We as children of God cannot be frightened with death because we have already trodden over it through the death and the resurrection of Christ Jesus. And that is why you must deny yourself. Because if you do not deny yourself and take up your Cross and follow Him, death will be a hindrance to your call. And once the enemy sees that you are afraid of death, he will always use death to frustrate you. But the bible says that through death He destroyed him who hath the power of death, which is the devil so that those who through all their lives are held and kept in bondage of the fear of death will be liberated. Jesus did not die to bind the devil, but He died to destroy the works of the devil and this was the reason the Son of Man was manifested.

An American-based German missionary traveled to preach the Gospel in the DR Congo of Africa and during his short stay in that nation, the Pastors there asked him to visit the prison with them. When they got there, it was so beautiful; the prisoners were singing the song, “This is the day that the Lord has made, and we will rejoice and be glad in it.” When the missionary heard the song, he was heard the voice of the Spirit of the Living God, which said, “Tell the song leader that he will be released, and he will preach the Gospel in Africa,” and immediately he told him what the Spirit had said to him. When the prisoner heard this, he pointed his hand towards a tall tree and said, “Do you see that tree over there? That is where the prisoners are hanged. For three consecutive times, it has been my turn to be hanged. And in all the times, the hanged men were complaining that they were tired of waiting. Within two weeks they will be here and this time I will be the first to be hanged. So, are you sure of what you just said?” And the missionary told him; “that is not my word, thus saith the Lord.” The missionary came home to pray for this prisoner and at the same time, he was thinking about how to help the prisoner. He had the inspiration to visit the commissioner and he did. When he got there the commissioner was not there, but his wife was; and therefore, he had to tell her what the Spirit of God had told him.

Think about this natural situation, including the time involved and the nature of the message he had received from the Lord. Think about it. How many believers out there would be willing to go the extra mile, without money, and without enticing and persuasive words, but only with a word from God. Let’s look at what he told the woman. “Richard must be released because he must preach the Gospel in Africa.” Then the woman challenged him, just like we face for the Gospel's sake. Yet he told her, Thus saith the Lord. Then she said, “alright, he will be released but you have to promise me that you will take four of our children to America to help them to further their education.” Then the missionary told her; “Madam, I am a missionary, I don't have money.” One day he was in Germany and received a phone call; Hello, this is Richard from Africa, I have been released. The missionary took him to another African country and sponsored him in the Bible school. The essential element that God needs from us is our hearts. If a song was worthy enough to touch the heart of heaven and warrant the release of Richard from prison, then what can God do for us if we fully submit our hearts to him and deny ourselves for His will? Now, there is another story, but it will be told another time…

My prayer for America and the church at large is that we should not stop praying for Mr. Trump, even though he has won. We should pray that God would help him to fulfill His will. There can be many temptations

where there is money, fame, and power. When you do not have any of these, you can be the most humble person in the whole world. But when it is in your hands, then we see how truly humble or obedient you are.

My last message for everyone is the long-standing cry of the resurrected Lord Jesus to the church; Go into all the world, and preach the Gospel to every creature! Hallelujah!

by: Author/Speaker Larry Thompson

Faith works within us like training wheels on a bike. We ride with greater ease when first starting out because of those training wheels. Faith accompanies not only our early steps as a believer, but now more precisely, having an understanding how faith works, we can step more easily into this realm of His glory deliberately. Faith helps set that direction and the deliberateness in our spirit, so that we can then stand in His favor, knowing exactly what will manifest and how it is manifested through our spoken words. Remembering how some things seem difficult when those situations were first approached by us should always help to keep us humble. This is especially true, by walking in humility, reminding ourselves where we have come from, when we are expressing simple truths to others that are just now becoming awakened. After working all night at my job, I hurriedly ran to the bus stop to make the connections that would take me to the transfer stop, to ride the bus to where I lived in a townhouse. It was payday, and I wanted to be able to cash my check right away, since it was Friday, and I had already made plans for the weekend.

Normally, it would not have been any thought about rushing to have cash on hand. I would just wait till it would be convenient to do so. When I reached my stop on the route, it was still too early to cash my check in the bank, they would not be open for another two hours. The night shift was starting to catch up with me. I was thinking more about sleep than cashing my check. However, knowing my own habits, I did not want to oversleep and miss all business hours at the bank. I made a decision, that even though I was not really willing to stay up any longer, I would at least get personal business out of the way. I stepped inside a nearby craft store in the interim waiting for the bank to open. While I was in that craft store, I had been speaking casual conversation, just small talk with the owner about waiting for the bank to open, and asked if he did not mind if I looked around. He interjected with this thought, that the drive-up window would be open in about ten minutes, and I would not have to wait for the branch to open. That sounded to me like a very good idea. I quickly left and stood in line with the cars that were driving up to the window. Right in front of me

was a guy on a motorcycle, and then I would be next up to the window. I had been standing all this while walking up closer as each customer finished their business at the window. Next came my turn at the window, I told the clerk right away that I only wanted to cash my payroll check. She told me that she could not do that because I was on foot, and that the window only served drive-up customers. I inquired about the previous customer being on a motorcycle. Her answer to me, was that the insurance did not cover any pedestrians. It only covered moving transportation. The end result, I was denied the privilege of cashing my check early in the morning like I had planned on. What I did, instead, was make a decision that no matter what, I would get my check cashed, and at

that window from the clerk that had told me as long as I was a pedestrian I would not be able. You know this tenacious attitude has to be tempered, but it is also the passion that we need to have alive in our hearts over every single promise of God, that we will not be denied. We are not getting the Father to do anything that He had not already sovereignly authorized us by covenant. All His promises are yes in Christ. More precisely, we are activating our faith in the promise, knowing already what we expect the end result to be. "For all the promises of God in Him are Yes, and in Him Amen, to the glory of God through us" (II Corinthians 1:20 NKJV). Sleep did not matter now, I was on a mission (I think it energized me more because of it.) As I was walking back towards my place I saw a bicycle repair shop. Instantly, I had an inspirational idea. I stopped and talked with this owner of the shop. I told him what it was that I wanted to accomplish, and what it required for me to use the drive-up window. I asked him if I might borrow one of his

bikes to ride over to the bank drive-up window to cash my check, and then I would promptly return his bike when finished. He was hesitant to let anything leave his shop because of problems he had had in the past with theft in the area. I assured him, that I only had one goal, and that my word was good. Still, I could tell he needed a little more persuasion. I suggested that he could have my employee ID as collateral, since it was required for my entry into the building each time. I added a twenty-dollar bill as a deposit too, so that he would be fully persuaded. He conceded, and picked out a bicycle for me so I could cash my check. I left the bicycle repair shop with a borrowed bike, that had cost me collateral, my employee id, plus a twentydollar bill. This was a little girl's bike, something you would give to your daughter that was not quite in second grade. I might also mention; I would never have even given this bike to either of my daughters or anyone else's daughter for that matter. It was so rickety, the front tire wobbling back and forth making it difficult to steer. My knees were up in my

chest while trying to peddle this contraption. However, I was no longer a pedestrian! (I think I might have had a smirk on my face, thinking about the expression on the clerk's face when I would come riding up on my new wheels.) I rode right up to the customer lane I had been previously in the morning. This time I was prepared. Straddled over the little girl's bike, I, politely requested that I have my check cashed. The window clerk said absolutely nothing, it was all business, straight forward mannerism. I did not break character, even when I could see a couple of the bank managers through the window in the background cracking up and laughing hysterically. She counted out meticulously each bill as I watched and listened. I confirmed the amount, placed it in my wallet. With my head held high, I peddled out of the parking lot on the back of this two-wheeled motor-less vehicle. I had accomplished what I set out to do. Of course, I returned this work of art and exchanged it for my employee ID and twentydollar deposit.

by: Evangelist/Teacher Rick McKnight

I would like to open this article with an old fashioned saying! MERRY CHRISTMAS! Somebody please help me! Whose birthday is it! Just who was it that was born in a manger in Bethlehem on that wondrous starlit night? His name is Jesus! Why is He here? For God so loved the world (everyone in it!) He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have everlasting life! Hallelujah!

Who is he? He is the Alpha and the Omega! The beginning and the end! (And everything in between!) He is the Creator of all things! All things were created by Him, for Him, and through Him, and without Him was not anything made that was made! He is the Bright and Morning Star! The Ancient of Days! The Rose of Sharon. The King of the ages! He is the One who walked on the water! Fed the 5,000 with a few loaves and a few little fish! He Raised Lazarus, and the boy in the casket (at his own funeral procession) from the dead! He turned the water into wine at the wedding! He healed the sick, the insane, the depressed, and brought help to the helpless! He brought hope to the hopeless, prosperity to the poor, health to the lepers that were forsaken by society! He brought salvation for the sinner, and righteousness to a lost and dying world. He was moved with compassion towards the leper who doubted Him and healed him.

He healed the 10 lepers! He brought the fish into John's nets! He cast out devils with a word! He set the captives free! He never put an ad in the paper, but drew the multitudes! He was never on television, but is the most well-known person in the world! And what was the worlds reaction to such a wondrous Savior? He was spat upon. Humiliated. Suffered shame. He was beaten beyond recognition. He died on a cruel Roman cross. He cried It is finished and gave up His Life! He was wounded for our transgressions. Bruised for our iniquities. The chastisement of our peace was upon Him. With His stripes, we are healed. He plunged into the dark regions of the damned. He suffered in hell for three days for mankind! But! On the third day, the Holy Ghost split hell wide open and brought Jesus out of the flames, and out of the grave! He conquered satan, and all that hell has to offer! He arose victorious over death hell, and the grave, sin, sickness, and poverty! He cried out after His ascension " Behold I am He that was alive, then was dead, and behold I am alive forever more. And I have the keys to death and the grave! And He is now the One that the praisers are referring to when the bible says in the book of Revelation 5:11-14: 11 And I beheld, and I heard the voice of many angels round about the

throne and the beasts and the elders: and the number of them was ten thousand times ten thousand, and thousands of thousands; 12 Saying with a loud voice, Worthy is the Lamb that was slain to receive power, and riches, and wisdom, and strength, and honour, and glory, and blessing. 13 And every creature which is in heaven, and on the earth, and under the earth, and such as are in the sea, and all that are in them, heard I saying, Blessing, and honour, and glory, and power, be unto him that sitteth upon the throne, and unto the Lamb for ever and ever. 14 And the four beasts said, Amen. And the four and twenty elders fell down and worshipped him that liveth for ever and ever." This is the One they are trying to take out of the minds of people by eliminating prayer in schools, and every reference to His Name out

of the public eye? This is the One that was born on Christmas morning. No wonder there is such a spiritual battle going on to keep Him out of prominence! One day, the bible says, that everyone will bow their knee to Him, and confess that He (Jesus) is Lord!

Take Jesus out of Christmas? You have got to be kidding! Try taking blue out of the sky! Fragrance out of the flowers! Sun out of the day! Water out of the ocean! It will be easier! God Bless you and Have a very Merry Christmas!

Several years ago, I felt led to start sowing seed into the lives of young ones whom the Lord brought across my path. I always had a heart for Africa and this seemed to be where the Lord was directing me. All that I have belongs to the Lord and so I prayed seeking where to plant my seed. The first place I was led by the Holy Spirit was Nigeria. Nigeria is a country that suffers a great deal of hardships. The country is filled with corruption on every level and yet there are many praying hearts. I was connected to a few young men who were desperately trying to get their education and struggling with the cost of doing so. God led and I felt to lend to the Lord to give them a hand up. The following is a note from one of these young men in Nigeria. “My name is Abraham Vwi from Jos, Nigeria. I'm writing to tell of how much good Janice Schulz 's charity has done for me. For 3 years and more now, I have benefitted immensely from her financial contribution in my education. I'm a student pilot and she has helped to pay for purchasing most of my learning tools and materials. As you may be

aware, most Nigerian (African) families live below the poverty line and cannot afford basic needs like feeding and the right to quality education. I have seen Janice Schulz out of her limited resources, attempt to alleviate such a difficult situation that many kids most of them in their teens have to endure. Her love and compassion have been extended to countries like Nigeria, Uganda and Zimbabwe mostly in areas of funding the tuition and feeding of orphans and the less privileged. You could be a part of this magnanimous cause as the Lord leads.’

taken care of. I was given a young man of 18 years to sponsor who needed to finish his schooling. I wanted to see him succeed so I agreed and Sam Okia became my ‘son’.

Note: While Abraham is not an orphan he still needed some interim assistance to become a pilot. His family did not have the finances available to pay for his complete education. This has been an amazing investment for me into the life of a fine young man.

As time progressed, Sam asked if I could sponsor one of his friends who desperately needed to finish school. I prayed and asked the Lord to increase my income so I could give a hand up to one more young man. I stepped out in faith and sponsored Jeremiah Mukiibi and he was able to finish school. God was faithful and increased my income. Then both boys came and asked if I could sponsor their friend, Queeny.

From this point in time I prayed to enlarge my boundaries and the Holy Spirit led me to Bulamu Children ’ s Village in Uganda. This is an orphanage that has approximately 300 young ones being housed and

I trusted the Lord once again and my income increased to handle another young one. Currently I am sponsoring ten young ones in Uganda which is enabling them to get their education and have a safe place to live. I could not

have done this without the faithfulness of the Lord who caused me to trust in Him and reach out to the orphans. There is a big need to sponsor these young ones and give them a hand up rather than a hand out. With each offering, the Word of God accompanies the funds and they are taught to reach out of their own lives to help others. This is making a huge difference in the lives of people around them as they see the Lord truly reaching out in love towards them. Having a sponsor makes it so much more personal than just giving a donation to an orphanage. Sponsors have the ability to give into the life of the young one and let them know that someone cares in a personal manner. When people sponsor through one of the huge organizations that reach out to people in need it is not the same thing. These young ones need that personal contact with people who sponsor them. They need the input into their lives. Almost daily I connect with all of my young ones through Facebook Messenger or Whatsapp or personal

phone calls. I get to hear the excitement in the voices of my young ones when they gather together and we get to talk on the phone. There is such a big difference in supporting them in this close, personal way and seeing God work in their lives each day. They have hope for a better future. Last year I got to a point in my life where I wanted to do more. Some of my young ones were going off to university and more income was needed to support them. I prayed and asked for a way to increase my income so that more could be done in the lives of these young ones I call sons and daughters. A friend and sister-in-the-Lord came and introduced me to a company called Plexus. Right away I saw the potential to earn an income that would help support these ten young lives until they were finished their education and could find employment to support themselves and help others. Plexus has enabled me to pay for the university education of the first two young ones I sponsored. Sam and Jeremiah are doing well at their studies and have proven to be good

ambassadors for me in Uganda. They watch out over the others and see that everybody is doing well. Plexus is a health and wellness company that offers some amazing products through referral marketing. Even though I was not sure what products were available I knew this was a very good opportunity for me to start a separate business to earn income that would be strictly used for giving to the care of widows and orphans. Within two months I met my first goal as far as income was concerned and there is no looking back now. I can see great potential in being a part of this company to earn income for ministries. Just recently our Plexus team reached out to assist a widow, Juliet, with nine children near Kampala, Uganda. We were connected through Linda L. Price, a like-minded sister in the Lord who supported Kityo Kabugo (on Facebook under the name of Hearken Ken) through his outreach Just For All Orphans and Widows' Ministry. He raises funds through Christ Commedians International and African

BEADS Jewelries Int'lKampala, Uganda. The funds raised help to feed and house widows and orphans in the Kampala area. We now have Juliet’s family housed in safe accommodations and they have hope once again. This is what happens when we connect on an individual basis and have that personal connection with the young ones. I also try to teach these young ones to reach out to others so some of my older young men are mentoring the younger males so that everyone is reaching out and giving of themselves. This is community. You might ask how we know the funds are going where they are directed but I require receipts to be kept for all purchases. In my own

situation, I send the support money through to the administrator and the funds for other needs go to my own ambassador, Sam, who handles paying out the school fees, etc. It is all well handled and well documented. Not every sponsorship situation requires this much attention but for me it is a daily blessing that I do not want to miss out on. As you can see, there are a lot of God connections in this story. We can connect with people all over the world when we are listening to the leading of the Lord. My opportunity to tell my story came about because of Elijah Ombiro, Director Elimonya Orphanage High School. This ministry needs a hand up. We can all reach

out to make a difference in the lives of others. I would encourage anyone reading this story to reach out to these young ones in orphanages throughout Kenya, Uganda and beyond. You will make a world of difference to the lives of these children. If you have any questions on how to do this, please do not hesitate to contact me @ meshakzach@shaw.ca Your life will be so blessed when you have the opportunity to bless and encourage these young ones. God says that pure and undefiled religion is to care for the widows and the orphans. Because we are blessed we can be a blessing to others. Janice Schulz meshakzach@shaw.ca Vernon, B.C. Canada

This is the story of Janice Schulz and how God has helped her to help children around the world. Her mission in this story is to encourage others to seize the opportunity to give and help children who are less fortunate, so that they can obtain a good education. Faith Unlimited is not trying to encourage anyone to purchase or not purchase Plexus.

by: Teacher/Author John Woolston

• When Peter brought his message to a close, he didn’t ask that everyone present “bow their head and close their eyes.” He didn’t ask them to slip up their hand if they wanted to accept Jesus as their Savior so that they could go to heaven when they died. No, he looked them right in the eyes and preached to them about the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Instead of him inviting them to “try Jesus,” he told them the truth and left it up to them as to what they would do! I think Peter did it that way on purpose. It seems to me that when he said, “Repent, and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, and you shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost,” (Acts 2:38) he was telling them that it was going to be their decision as to whether or not they wanted to be His disciple and told them what they must do if that was the case. The scripture says, “they that gladly received his word were baptized: and the same day there were added unto them about three thousand souls.” (Now let me tell you, that is a LOT of people to baptize!) Peter did not offer these folks a ‘hide and seek’ gospel where everyone is told to “bow their head and close their eyes; slip up your hand and put it right back down” so nobody would

know that they were a Christian. Quite to the contrary, he told them that if they were going to identify with Christ, then everyone was going to know! Believing on Jesus in those days was definitely a commitment that you made publicly. It was the same when John the Baptist preached in the wilderness. He preached “the baptism of repentance for the remission of sins,” and laid it on the line! When they were baptized in those days it was a big deal! It was done right out in the public where everyone could see. As time went on there were instances where people were baptized in private for obvious reasons, but in the beginning, it was quite a public matter! When folks believed on Jesus it was a 100% commitment! Wow! Could we learn a few things from the way they did things back then! (From my book, "The Church Without Real Estate.")

So if the Good News that we tell others is covered with a veil, it is hidden from those who are dying. 2 Corinthians 4:3 GW

by: Rev. Hiram Gomez

I want to talk to you about a subject that I believe is of tremendous importance in the life of a believer, because without a working knowledge of this truth the enemy will keep you in a place of hindrance and defeat. That subject is "Knowing the Love of God". Don't ever underestimate the power of this truth in your life. It will cause you to prosper and be in health, even as your soul prospers. 14 FOR THIS CAUSE I BOW MY KNEES UNTO THE FATHER OF OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST, 15 Of whom the whole family in heaven and earth is named, 16 THAT HE WOULD GRANT YOU, according to the riches of his glory, TO BE STRENGTHENED WITH MIGHT BY HIS SPIRIT IN THE INNER MAN; 17 That CHRIST may DWELL in your HEART by FAITH; that ye, being ROOTED AND GROUNDED IN LOVE, 18 May be able to COMPREHEND with all saints WHAT IS THE BREATH, and LENGTH, and DEPTH, and HEIGHT; 19 AND TO KNOW THE LOVE OF CHRIST, WHICH PASSETH KNOWLEDGE, that ye

might be FILLED with all the FULNESS OF GOD. - Ephesians 3:14-19 Every word that I capitalized in these verses is to focus your attention on their importance. There are Spirit inspired prayers in the Word of God that you need to pray in order to obtain specific results. This is one of them. You can never go wrong praying the Word of God, because it is the will of God. That's a guaranteed answer to prayer. It may not get answered exactly when you want it, but it is a guaranteed answer to prayer. Our text begins with the Apostle Paul praying three words: "For this cause..." In other words, "For this reason..." What's the reason? Apply the rule of context and back up a few verses, and you'll see that he was talking about the saints fainting as a result of Paul being persecuted for the gospel's sake. So Paul begins verse 16 by praying "THAT HE WOULD GRANT YOU, according to the riches of his glory, TO BE STRENGTHENED WITH MIGHT BY HIS SPIRIT IN THE INNER MAN..." Notice that Paul prays for God to strengthen the saints at Ephesus with "might". This is a reference to spiritual strength. How do I know?

Because the next part of verse 16 says "...BY HIS SPIRIT IN THE INNER MAN..." So Paul prayed that their spirits (inner man) would be strengthened BY THE SPIRIT. That's the Holy Spirit. What was Paul's purpose for praying this? Notice verse 17: "...That CHRIST may DWELL in your HEARTS by FAITH; that YE, being ROOTED AND GROUNDED IN LOVE..." Did you get that? So that CHRIST (the Anointed One and His anointing) would DWELL (live) in your HEARTS (their spirits) by FAITH. In other words, Paul prayed for God to strengthen the hearts of the saints at Ephesus with the power of the Holy Spirit so that they would believe that the Anointed One and His anointing lives inside of them. Why? The next clause says "...that YE, being ROOTED AND GROUNDED IN LOVE..." Hallelujah!

Beloved, God wants us to become rooted and grounded in His love to the extent that NOTHING will be able to separate us from that love (Romans 8:38,39) You see, beloved, when you have a problem believing that Jesus lives on the inside of you, that's a lack of love problem. When you are not walking in a revelation of being God-inside minded, that will hinder you in your prayer life, your faith, and being an effective witness for the kingdom of God. The devil keeps you immobilized because your sense of righteousness is poor. So Paul goes on to say in verses 18 and 19 that you: 18 May be able to COMPREHEND with all saints what is THE BREATH, and LENGTH, and DEPTH, AND HEIGHT; 19 AND TO KNOW THE LOVE OF CHRIST, WHICH PASSETH KNOWLEDGE, that ye might be FILLED with all THE FULNESS OF GOD. - Ephesians 3:18-19 When you get a revelation of the fact that Jesus lives on the inside of you, and start becoming rooted and grounded in the love of God, you have come to the place where you are beginning to

"comprehend" (understand) with the saints what is the breath, length, depth, and the height of God's love. Think about that for a moment. The breath, length, depth, and height of God's love. Those are measurement terms. How do you measure God's love? Well, I can guarantee you that it can't be done with mere knowledge. You can understand the love of God from an intellectual standpoint, but you can't measure it with knowledge. God's love is so immense that it has to be experienced. And because it is supernatural, it has to be experienced from the inside. God's love can only be measured by your spirit man. John 4:24 says "God is a Spirit: and they that WORSHIP HIM must worship him IN SPIRIT AND IN TRUTH." To worship God is to love Him. But notice that you cannot worship God in truth only (knowledge); you must worship Him in spirit. Why? Because God is a Spirit. God is not a mind, therefore, you cannot communicate with Him out of your soul. God is not a body. So you cannot communicate with Him physically. You must communicate with God out of your recreated born again spirit. That's what the Bible means

when it says in Luke 10:27 "Thou shalt LOVE THE LORD THY GOD with all thy HEART, and with all thy SOUL, AND with all thy STRENGTH..." Notice the progression"...HEART...SOU L...AND...STRENGTH..." That's the proper order: spirit (heart), soul (SOUL), and body (strength). You need your body to open your mouth, you need your soul to express emotion, but ultimately your spirit communicates the words and the emotions to God with praise and thanksgiving. Praise and thanksgiving are not natural or soulish attributes. They are spiritual and come from your spirit. In closing, notice verse 19 again: 19 AND TO KNOW THE LOVE OF CHRIST, WHICH PASSETH KNOWLEDGE, that ye might be FILLED with all THE FULNESS OF GOD. - Ephesians 3:19 The word "know" is the Greek word ginosko and it means "to develop a relationship through a period of time". Notice the next clause says "...WHICH PASSETH KNOWLEDGE.." In other words, you can't develop a relationship with God by just having intellectual knowledge of Him. It has to be experienced through a period of time. That's how you develop the love of God in

your life. You have to get to know Him by spending time with Him. The last clause of verse 19 says "...that ye might be FILLED with all THE FULNESS OF GOD." That's what will take place in your life when you develop the love of God by getting to know Him. You will be filled with His fullness! Something very beautiful begins to happen when you develop a revelation of the love of God in your life - you begin to believe Him! 15 Whosoever shall CONFESS that Jesus is the Son of God, GOD DWELLETH IN HIM, AND HE IN GOD. 16 And we have KNOWN and BELIEVED the LOVE that GOD hath to US... - 1 John 4:15-16 It is paramount that we receive a revelation of this principle of believing the love that God has towards us. You see, beloved, having a revelation of the love that God has towards us will keep us living in a constant state of victory in life. So let's go back to Ephesians chapter three. 14 FOR THIS CAUSE I BOW MY KNEES unto the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, 15 Of whom the whole family in heaven and earth is named, 16 THAT HE WOULD GRANT YOU, according to

the riches of his glory, TO BE STRENGTHENED WITH MIGHT BY HIS SPIRIT IN THE INNER MAN; 17 THAT CHRIST MAY DWELL IN YOUR HEARTS BY FAITH... - Ephesians 3:1417 Now when you got born again, Jesus Christ came to live on the inside of your spirit through the third person of the Godhead, the Holy Spirit. But many Christians actually have a hard time believing that, which is why they're so ineffective in developing their relationship with God. Paul said that it takes the power of the Holy Ghost to infuse your spirit with strength in order to believe that! Wow! Now I understand what Paul meant in Galatians 4:19 when he said "My little children, of whom I TRAVAIL in birth again UNTIL CHRIST BE FORMED IN YOU..." Many young Christians struggle in their faith early on in their Christian walk because of condemnation from the devil, as well as other Christians who mean well. They have a hard time believing that God loves them, even when they fail spiritually. We've all been there from time to time. But then there comes the time where you start

growing up spiritually and you put away "childish things", and learn the walk of the Spirit in order to put away condemnation and guilt in your life. This comes by developing a righteousness consciousness and getting rid of sin consciousness once and for all. That ultimately comes as you renew your mind to the Word of God and walk by faith where your relationship with God is concerned. Finally, our text says that when you confess Jesus is the Son of God, you realize that God dwells in you and you in God. You come to know that by faith. That's why our text goes on to say that we have known and believed the love God has toward us. It's no longer a struggle. We know it by revelation of the Word of God and we receive it by faith. We believe in the love of God toward us. That's where the life of victory begins and continues. That's how we overcome the devil every time. We believe in the love that God has towards us. Once we get to the place where we’re believing the love God has towards us, we need to go to the next level in our relationship with that love and that’s to perfect the love of God in our hearts. Notice: 10 HEREIN IS LOVE, not that WE loved God, but that HE loved us, AND SENT

HIS SON to be the propitiation for our sins. 11 Beloved, if GOD so loved US, WE OUGHT TO LOVE ONE ANOTHER. 12 No man hath seen God at any time. IF WE LOVE ONE ANOTHER, God dwelleth in us, and HIS LOVE IS PERFECTED IN US. This passage of Scripture begins by giving us a description of the love of God. It's not that WE loved God, but that HE loved us. How? HE SENT HIS SON to be the propitiation for our sins. Why did I emphasize the fact that God sent His only begotten Son to die for our sins? Because that's love in action! Notice the next verse says "Beloved, if GOD so loved US,

WE OUGHT TO LOVE ONE ANOTHER." This verse clearly describes what verse ten was trying to portray. In other words, in the same way God loved us (and still does) by sending His own Son to give His life as a ransom for our sins, so ought we to love one another. That's love in action. It's interesting that the word for love in 1 Corinthians 13 is "charity". And that's exactly what love is. Charity is love in action. Finally, our third verse shows us how to arrive to this place where we're expressing love with our deeds, instead of our words. It says "...IF WE LOVE ONE ANOTHER, God dwelleth in us, and HIS LOVE IS PERFECTED IN US." If we love one another,

it's #1) because God dwells in us, and #2) because His love is perfected in us. Now the word "perfected" means "complete", in the sense of maturity. So in order for us to walk in love towards one another, we're going to have to perfect the love of God in our hearts. It's already there according to Romans 5:5, it just needs to be perfected, or matured. This happens as we meditate on the love of God in His Word, but more importantly, it comes as we exercise the love of God we have in our hearts by the Holy Ghost given to us. As we learn to walk out this love towards others in this world, we begin to perfect the love of God in our hearts.




If you are not a Christian, and would like to be, all you have to do is repent of your sins and invite Jesus into your heart. Say the prayer below, and mean it from your heart. If you decide to make Jesus Lord of your life, we would LOVE to hear from you.

Please go to: https://www.facebook.com/faithunlimitedemagazine and leave us a note. God Bless you for this life changing decision!

Dear Jesus, I know I am a sinner. I thank you for dying on the cross for me. I confess with my mouth. I believe in my heart that you are the Son of God. I believe you are the Lord and that God raised you from the dead. Please, forgive me of my sins. Wash my heart clean. Come live in my life. Be the Lord of my life. Fill me with your Holy Spirit. Teach me to walk with you and live for you the rest of my life. Thank you for saving me and for giving me the gift of eternal life in Heaven with you. Amen.

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