1 faith unlimited february, 2018 2

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What is the Revelation of Jesus Christ?

Year Ending, Consideration – Year Beginning, Motivation

2018 – The Year of the Deep

What is the Mystery as Revealed in the Saints

The Priceless Gift of Loving Yourself Enough He is Comfortable Living in Your Skin

Christ, Our All in All

Chemistry in the Air Jesus, The Ultimate Valentine The Finished Work Christ is Enough Never Trade Liberty for Bondage Are You Poverty Minded? What Does It Mean: The Hope of Glory?

February 2018 – Published by World Bible School International Training Center

Hello Readers!

Welcome to our Valentine Issue of Faith Unlimited! I pray the articles in this issue will bless you and cause you to just want to show love to everyone around you! Valentine’s Day is one of the most fun holidays during the year. It is set aside to celebrate LOVE. Many people like to take their special someone out to dinner, buy them an expensive gift, maybe diamonds, roses, or chocolates. Others sometimes feel like they can’t do anything because they do not have the money to buy these things. The worst thing you can do is spend money that you do not have and cause a lot of stress. I want to give you a few hints to make your Valentine Day special without breaking your budget. So here goes! Girls: Plan a very special Valentine’s Dinner at home. Fix whatever kind of meal you can afford but add a candle to the table and get out the nice red tablecloth! Maybe even sprinkle a few rose peddles or candy kisses on the table. Take time during the day to get your bath early, fix your hair and put on something special. Don’t wait until the last minute to do this, because if you do, you will be tired that evening! Oh, and don’t forget those little added pretties‌your earrings, necklace. My husband always notices when I wear my earrings, he really likes them! My husband and I have been married 45 years. The first year we were married, every month I made him a homemade Anniversary card. Today, it would not be so hard with computer programs, you can quickly print out a card. But when he sees you have taken extra time to hand make your card, believe me, he will smile inside, even if he does not say anything except “Thank you!â€? And remember, let your man be the Gentleman God created him to be! Men: If you have $20 extra, you can usually get a small flower arrangement. If you can’t afford to have it delivered, either take it to her on your lunch, or pick it up after work and take it home to her with a card. Write something very special in the card. That always gets them! But if your budget can’t afford anything more than just a candy bar, get her favorite and wrap it up with a letter that you took the time to think about and write. If you have been married for a while, like we have, talk about the good things you remember throughout your married years. Women love to know that you remember special times, especially if they include something “sheâ€? did for you! đ&#x;˜Š Oh, and guys, if you have children and can’t afford a babysitter, you take the kids out for just an hour or so, to give her a little time alone. Especially if the children are small and she has them all day! Parents: If you are going out for Valentine’s Day, you might take the kids out a few days before and let them know that this is their treat for Valentine’s Day because you will be taking their Mother out. Let them know you love them, and you do not want to forget them. And then, on the night of your date, leave them something special with the babysitter to give them after you have left. Nothing extravagant, maybe a ticket for a movie for them and their best friend, or a coupon for a trip to McDonalds! As long as you let them know you remembered them, it will make them smile inside! Remember, it’s not the amount of money you spend, it is all about the attitude you have and if your heart is in it! Have a Wonderful Valentine’s Day! God Bless you!

Faye Hanshew Publisher & Editor

Publisher & Editor Faye Hanshew

Co-Publisher & Co-editor Dr. Bill Hanshew

Articles What is the Revelation of Jesus Christ? Year Ending, Consideration – Year Beginning, Motivation 2018 – The Year of the Deep What is the Mystery as Revealed in the Saints

The Priceless Gift of Loving Yourself Enough

Dr. Bill Hanshew Dr. John Roberts THD Steve Porter Dr. Richard Rundell

Cortni Needles and Genice Fulton

He is Comfortable Living in Your Skin

Matthew Deves

Christ, Our All in All

Dr. Dan L. Corse

Christ in You

Chemistry in the Air Jesus, The Ultimate Valentine The Finished Work

Dave Kachele

Author/Speaker Larry Thompson Rev. Kathy Weddle Ernest Kweku Nanor

Christ is Enough

Stuart E. Smith

Never Trade Liberty for Bondage

Pastor Jo Bruns

Are You Poverty Minded? What Does It Mean: The Hope of Glory?

Tom Tompkins Pastor Bill Hackworth

by: Dr. Bill Hanshew

Revelation 1:1-2 says, “1 The Revelation of Jesus Christ, which God gave Him to show His servants—things which must shortly take place. And He sent and signified it by His angel to His servant John, 2 who bore witness to the word of God, and to the testimony of Jesus Christ, to all things that he saw.” When this type of question is asked, we will inevitably need to look directly at the book of Revelation. This book was written by the Apostle John of whom it is commonly noted that he was the disciple whom the Lord loved. In the book of John 21:7 it says, “Therefore that disciple whom Jesus loved said to Peter, “It is the Lord!” Now, it is not that Jesus only loved John, but John had a future assignment that he was not yet aware of. John was very attached to the Lord Jesus, yet he had no idea of what was ahead concerning the writing of the book of Revelation. When we speak of the book of Revelation, it is properly called, the book of “The Revelation of Jesus Christ. The Greek translation of the first five words of chapter one and verse one should read, “The Unveiling of the Anointed–One.” Also, know that this book seems to be completed prior to A.D. 70 when the temple at Jerusalem was destroyed as Jesus had prophesied. This destruction brought the end of the law, the end of the Levitical Priesthood, and the end of the need for animal sacrifices. Romans 10:4 says, “For Christ is the end of the law for righteousness to everyone who believes.” Now, with this end of the old, Jesus brought a new revelation of which He attempted to introduce throughout the gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. However, even though those under the Old Covenant law were often blinded to the reality of the

appearance of the Son of God in their midst, we need to understand that Jesus returned as He promised and set up His New Covenant Kingdom inside of you and me. But the thing to remember is that the book of Revelation is not simply the last book in your Bible, but it does not speak of future events as many assume. The book of Revelation layers on top of biblical events, even layering over the gospels of Jesus Christ. There was once a conversation between Jesus and Peter in Matthew 16:13-17 which says, “13 When Jesus came into the region of Caesarea Philippi, He asked His disciples, saying, “Who do men say that I, the Son of Man, am?” 14 So they said, “Some say John the Baptist, some Elijah, and others Jeremiah or one of the prophets.” 15 He said to them, “But who do you say that I am?” 16 Simon Peter answered and said, “You are the Christ, the Son of the living God.” 17 Jesus answered and said to him, “Blessed are you, Simon Bar-Jonah, for flesh and blood has not revealed this to you, but My Father who is in heaven.” The person of Jesus must become a revelation to every individual. So, one thing the wisdom of God did, was to orchestrate the final words of the Bible to be about the Unveiling of Christ in you. Those who discovered that Jesus was the Son of the Living God, or in other words, that Jesus was the Living God, did not find it out on their own. This information came by a supernatural revelation by the Holy Spirit. And the Revelation of Jesus Christ is that the Anointed–One of the heavens had come among them. But this revelation did not stop there. So, if the revelation of Jesus is the unveiling of who He is, then who is this revelation unveiled too? Colossians 1:26-27 says, “26 The mystery which has been hidden from ages and from generations, but now has been revealed to His saints. 27 To them God willed to make known what are the riches of the glory of this mystery among the Gentiles: which {Who} is Christ in you, the hope of glory.” There were a people of whom this revelation had been hidden from, but these verses say, “but now has been revealed to His saints.” It does not mean that the revelation if only for the saints, but at least was revealed to those New Covenant saints in that day. Let us be clear, that the Bible says that “To them {the saints} God willed to make know what are the riches of the glory of this mystery among the Gentiles.” Now, I think it is wonderful that “Father–God willed” to make this mystery known among those Gentiles who would embrace it, but what is that mystery which is no longer hidden? IT IS “Christ in you, the hope of glory.” The object is for you to gain a very clear understanding that the Resurrected Christ lives inside of you. Remember that this book of the Revelation of Jesus Christ states its intentions from the start, which is to reveal the things that have not been seen or understood yet by God’s people. God wants us to understand that mystery of the ages, which are contained in the revelation of scripture, that was written so they can be studied and understood. Once again, “They mystery which has been hidden … has now been revealed to His saints.” God wants you to understand and interact with this one called, “Christ in you, the hope of glory.”

Now, the book of Revelation is not about monsters, beheadings, terrible wars, or even an antichrist that is not even mentioned in this book. But it is about the Unveiling of the Anointed–One who lives in you, and it is about this process of Christ unveiled in a remnant company, a.k.a., sons of God. While it would take many articles to even attempt to explain the book of Revelation, the bottom line is that this book reveals how God brings you out of a state of carnality and into maturity. This book is about how God delivers you from your canal nature and that line of thought and brings you into a oneness with Christ Himself so that when the transformation process is complete, only Christ will be seen, heard, and demonstrated. Romans 8:21 says, “Because the creation itself also will be delivered from the bondage of corruption into the glorious liberty of the children of God.” This was God’s plan in Christ, which was to deliver the entire race known as “humanity.” The Father’s plan for mankind has always been to cause a change in those who are willing to be changed so that all creation will come to realize and experience that true deliverance from the bondage of corruption, which Jesus has paid for to give all mankind. How, by the Unveiling of the Anointed–One in you. …Think about it!

Dr. John Roberts was born on Christmas day and grew up in Chattanooga, TN. He and his beautiful wife, Sandra currently lives in Dunlap TN. They have 7 children – 4 boys and 3 girls. In addition, they have 3 Grandchildren, with a 4th grandchild to arrive this April. John was the founder of Truth Church in Sparta TN. Since it's time there were 3 ministers that came out of that ministry and as a result of their sonship became the birthing of 3 other ministry works and churches. John is the founder of his current ministry FAITHQUAKE ministries located in Dunlap TN. It is his desire to teach Saints how to know who God is IN THEM and to know who they are IN GOD. John's vision God blessed him to see and catch, is to equip all Saints as God would connect with to experience a qualified and authentic Kingdom education in and through bonified coursework and accreditation. John's desire is God's and that is to assist as many who seek and search for REAL relational stewardship and sonship in order to discover the relevance and virtuous manifested potential that only God can reveal within the believer thru cascading spiritual growth. Dr. John enjoys pursuing his own spiritual growth thru spiritual sonship serving under his spiritual father, Pastor Dickey Porter, from Harrison TN. He has served the Body of Christ under Dr Mark Hanby from way back at the Bible Teaching Center Church that was located in Chattanooga TN. John and Sandra serve alongside one another now with the UMC at Welch's Chapel in Dunlap TN. Their desire is FAMILY. They believe in it wholeheartedly. They also have their roots in the Church of God In Christ at Temple of Faith in Chattanooga TN under the leadership of Dr. Rozario Slack. They teach and live F. A. M. I. L. Y. Which stands for Forgetting About Myself I Love You. Dr. John can be reached via social media & email at www.faithquake.org and drjohnroberts@ymail.com

by: Dr. John Roberts THD

Year after year on the beginning of every year many if not most people make what we call and consider resolutions. The best way to describe them is that they are man’s best attempt to seek betterment and a better reality of the life that is currently lived upon by the well-wisher of them. In other words, the one making them is seeking for something better than they had before. They seek a slimmer waist line, more money and wealth, and just better all in all. If we didn’t know any better it would almost sound like witchcraft of sorts, but we all know that it isn’t. The person seeking the change is only after change are they not? But what about the Believer? Do they have need of such rhetoric and compelling desire by making these well-wishes, these promises, and these resolutions. However, does it bring or usher in any real resolute? As Believers, are we supposed to make such things? If the year 2017 has proven anything, it has revealed evil's declaration is not only still here, but very much targeted. The Believers in Christ need to pay very close attention to what

is about to be said here. Throughout this year we have seen a great number of horrible events that for some are still breathtaking and mouth dropping attention getters to say the least. The number of physical attacks that at the very heart were evil and demonic have come up against what we know as sanity, morality, and even the very Body of Christ. The church in Texas for example, the concert in Vegas, the cyclist trail up northeastern US, and not to mention the worst of things that take place around the globe. Here in the US we saw the uprising of the Conservatives too, who not only had voices to be heard, but a leadership to exhibit in the race for the Presidency. 2017 has also made great strides, too. We have seen some of the greatest remarks, revivals, and regalia’s the world has ever seen with Christendom taking a front seat so to speak recognizing God in all that we do. We have seen the results of God’s return in force as even nations it seems to recognize Him and the reality of Christ. Over the past several years the US has seen its fair share of remorse with what would seem to be an all-out attack from the liberal movement against conservatives, and especially Christians and the foundations both morally and ethically. The county clerk in Kentucky, the man who refused to bake the gay couple's wedding cake, and the government to step in thru lawyers seeking to either end the Christian rights to establish the abominable rights of what is evil. In fact, the battle in 2017 is quite clear, evident by the actions of the world, the demon oppression of evil, and the very focused agenda of all that satan stands for. Now we can’t say that it all started in 2017, 2016, nor any other year of our Lord, but what we can say is that we have seen a deviant evil rising up subtilty in the ranks of society, and in the eyes of greedy men holding power. In fact, we can surely see this creeping up the mountain of recognition, desiring and needing to be seen wanting more and more power to control and destroy. It then ascends up into the clouds of political correctness into new heights never before revealed until it’s now newly founded high place beginning before 2016, reaching a pinnacle in 2017. However, 2017 like I stated has also seen its fair share of Godly reality! In America, we can now say Merry Christmas, and the only backlash would be the leftist insults, slurs, and sometimes some legal encounters. Yet all of this started as I stated as we can point out quite clearly in America when prayer was removed from the US School systems, and then the legal killing of babies in this country. From that point on, the United States has become an almost modern-day Sodom and Gomorrah, and in essence a type of an Americanized Eurasia, or rather a westernized beginning example of what we see in Europe and Asia today. So then, what is the good news? I think a lot, but we will not find it in our making of these yearly resolutions. Hopefully, 2018 shall be a year of optimistic impact rather than making unrealistic gestures hoping that our well-wishes will somehow gain our success. We may not see the full turn around in this generation, but we will see such a spike and growth in the reality of God this year that being an atheist will be novel to say the least. However, let's not get ahead of ourselves, for there are some things that must come to pass, and they shall not to our detriment, but to our delight. Allow me to share.

Life is nothing more than a series of changing events, marked out by time, and seen by all who take notice allowing themselves to be shaped by them instead of being dreadful of them fighting them tooth and nail all the way to turmoil. However, it is how we view them that corresponds and relates to how we live them. Change for the sake of change is good, whether we would like to admit it or not. Some would like to focus on the good in hope, while yet others choose to point out the bad to embrace chaos and turmoil. The choice is ours to make. So, what will we see in 2018? What will it take to motivate us in this new year? What will we see take place this year? Will we see things turn around? Will we see the desires of our heart, or the well-wishing of our selfishness to become our reality? As my studies in the Psalms have seen it, it is my belief that we will begin to see the air exhausting out of the bags of the bad and evil of this world as they begin to recognize that they are on the wrong side of this equation. As the year moves along we will begin to see some even turn from their wicked ways, but not to embrace the reality of God, but to cease their battle upstream in order to stop the fighting and go with the flow so to speak in that their time can become smoother for the sake of self. However, they will still be non-committed if you will listen to what it is that they don't say. As it is true that God does not wish than any should perish, but that all come to repentance, unfortunately, there will be many who will not ever get there. Why? It is because of their plight to self-centered elevation, and their refusing to have anyone to rule over them that they have to call Lord. Yet we all know how wonderful and what that entails as His Children don’t we? Our world, as being part of the Kingdom of God, is on a new course and it is one that in the end results in giving God glory, and ultimately witnessing His victory over death, hell, and the grave for His victory has already been won. However, it is our victory in the expansion of the Kingdom of Heaven, while here on Earth that we can witness it firsthand. In order to do that, we need motivation, and not just any will do, but the right only. The Christian Revolution needs motivation. The foundation of that word is built upon or founded upon the word motive. However, for those of you who think that this is the revival of the churches (brick and mortar) think again. The last thing we need today is the wrong motive as a church, and to have bigger and better buildings, vast numbers of attendees or members should not be the motive for our eternal endeavor. You see the real and last move of God is not the things I just covered, but the Ministry of the Saints, and this happens OUTSIDE the walls of that for what we call the church whether you or me likes it or not! This shall be the most outstanding move the church (Body of Christ) will ever see, until the return of Our Lord. Those that will oppose this will find themselves beating their spiritual heads against the wall of their own carnality. The sheer numbers of those that leave the buildings behind shall be found strong and encouraged in The Lord God Jehovah strengthening and encouraging others as they break out of the box of religious mundane existence! It will be seen as strange, regardless, it will be clearly seen. Those who recognize it will find themselves swimming in vast oceans of spiritual growth to enhance the Body of Believers to realize that the waves that they wade in are truly that of the Holy Ghost.

Finally, morality will come back returning in full swing. The year 2017 has seen its time of the me-too movement, but when all is said and done the morals of society will reach over to the Christian and embrace what it is that they have steered away from and resulted in the largest removal of ethics and morals that they once had. 2018 will be a year where morality and decency return, and the opposition will be seen as alien. MOTIVATION As stated earlier, the foundation of the word motivation is the word motive. What is our motive or rather what is supposed to be our motive as being the church? Can we either discover it or rediscover it? I think that we can. Our motive is discovered in the Scripture, and rediscovered in our actions, in our witness, and in our realities living as His ambassadors here on earth. Motivation is manufactured in change, and our change is understood in our perception of it for the better, nut nothing gets better without change. One cannot live without the other. This past year revealed this truth We saw it in the changes that took place all throughout the world. What once was called evil is now called good, and vice versa. The world has created this turmoil as it is and always has been directed by the devil, for he is their father. As a believer, we must understand this, for we too were once unenlightened. The world has made such noise and exhausted such anger against all that is right and true, but next year we will begin to see this dissipate and become more settling. And this is on track for what we are destined to embrace as a Body of Christ, the Church of the Living God. We are on a new course as a nation, as ambassadors of Christ. It’s not about popularity, political gain, or powerful control. Our new course will take us on the journey to begin the welcoming of Our Lord and to make way the coming again of Our Messiah. Religion will dedicate itself to seeking as the world does, but the Church will seek to bring resolve. As the unbelievers make their predictions, the prophets of Christ will be making His prophetic utterances clearly. While the world endeavors to make their yearly resolutions without success, the Bride of Christ will endure to make His reformation resolute. Motivation is pushed by the motive of the mover! Among the chaos and the turmoil that seems to surround us every day we ask ourselves the question, why must we go thru such activity, such strain, and such terror? As I recall the disciples asked the very same question of Jesus while He slept at peace in the bow of that boat. It would seem that today is repeating that very same circumstance in our day and time. It almost sounds like a repeat of that event in the life of Christ when He walked this dusty earth. The Lord is like up front of our timeline sound asleep. Some have asked does He hear us? Doesn’t He care that we are perishing here? Many feel that God is not answering, like that He is asleep just as He was in that boat. How can we find motivation in all this? How come we don’t see shadows healing the sick like that of Peter’s? Why don’t we see 5000 saved on one day as a result of our participation in the Holy Ghost to unveil Truth? Could our practices be given reconsideration? Should we not attempt to refocus our motives as a church?

What must happen or take place to witness the reality of the Church in action? We need to be motivated! To do that we must find and realize the right motive as God’s Ambassadors. There is coming a revolution in Christianity. One that will take place OUTSIDE what we call or have come to be known as familiarity and or commonplace as what we believe is normal. There needs to be a rebirth in God. This is not revival. The move I speak of is a revolution. It will be unorthodox and unstructured by the religious. As the world seeks to make resolutions, the church will seek to make resolve. They will act in tandem one with another in concert bewildering the wise and uplifting the foolish. The church will become the teachers that the young in Christ need to mature and rebuild that which has fallen. There will be a great exodus of what we think is normalized church. The reality will be this revolution. For many this will be what was to be expected, but for others it will be what is to fear. Many have talked about unity being evil, and that it is nothing other than the antichrist reaching new heights calling it the one world government. What they will not understand is that this is the move of God in the earth. Those that desire the final move of our King will become the leaders that to the wise seem foolish. We will see the world embracing the ethics and the moralities that we as the Body of Christ exemplify by desire and heart rather than obedience and direction. But to do all of this we need to understand motivation. Motivation is the motive of the heart, and the sincere desire of the love for Christ and God. The relationship factor will take on a whole new meaning. This is the new course that we as a Nation of Christ will be compelled to follow. We will begin this journey as God leads. The journey consists of a great many things. However, behind it is the understanding of our motivation, and that being our motive as God would have it. It is not in those who tell us what to believe, who to believe, or what some dictate as important. On the contrary this voyage is driven by motive. The motive that God is about unity and oneness. The motive is driven by pure desire to be one with the Father as He is one (John 17). The idealism is that our for integrity is discovered again and again in maintaining and keeping in tune with the culture of Christ. As time goes on we will see the right and the wrong as it swings to and fro and what will be revealed will be the hypocrisy and the liars that are in the Body of His Christ, and as they are discovered they will be faced with a decision to make. This decision is what God has at the heart of His motive. That Divine motive is that none should perish, and that all should come to repentance. How many did you bring to Christ in 2017? What is it that motivates you as a Believer? So many would like to say that they don’t understand what it is God wants them to do? That is simple. Discover and rediscover God’s motive and explode in the direction He has for us all and get out there and get MOTIVATED! Motivation is the Motive that Moves! Blessings Dr. John Roberts THD

Steve & Diane Porter are founders of Refuge Ministries. They believe that, through the presence of God, healing takes place. They have a passion for conducting presencedriven intimacy conferences, missions, and restoration ministry. They reside near Rochester, NY Steve's Bio

Steve has written many books and has a special anointing to bring forth the deep truths of the Spirit, with a clarity and simplicity that draws one up into a closer walk and deeper relationship with our Lord Jesus Christ. His speaking engagements take him internationally. Steve's passion is conference speaking and writing devotional books that draw the reader into the very presence of God. His latest devotional "He Leads Me Beside Still Waters: 50 Love Letters of Healing and Restoration from our Lord" is a special prophetic devotional where you will find Jesus in the pages of this book. Steve's books, articles and videos have touched countless lives around the world. Steve is ordained through Parousia Ministerial Fellowship. Diane's Bio Diane co-founded Refuge Ministries with her husband Steve. She believes that, through the presence of God, healing takes place. Diane has a passion for conducting presence-driven intimacy conferences, women’s ministry, missions, and restoration ministry. Diane's new book "Garden of the Heart" is coming in May 2017!


by: Steve Porter “Deep calls unto deep at the noise of your waterfalls: all your waves and your billows are gone over me.” (Psalms 42:7)

In my spirit I hear the wooing of the Lord tenderly calling to His treasured Bride in 2018. The deep things inside Him are stirring the deep things inside us. All over the world we see this holy cry for more of Him. He’s stirring in us an urgency to run after Him with all that is in us because time is short, and the wise virgins of Matthew 25 must have their lamps filled with oil and be ready for His soon return to establish His kingdom. “As the deer pants for streams of water, so my soul pants for you, my God. 2My soul thirsts for God, for the living God. When can I go and meet with God?” (Psalms 42:1)

This scripture expresses the unquenchable thirst we have for God, which can be filled by nothing else. Right now, the lukewarm, apathetic spirit of Laodicea is doing its best to blind the eyes of the body of Christ, while the Lord is busy preparing a pure and beautiful Bride for His Son. The Bride is “buying gold tried by fire”—His divine nature. In His presence our nature is transformed so that we become the radiant Bride that shines with the very glory of our God. Many within the church are experiencing an inner restlessness placed there by the Lord, which creates in them a yearning for more of God than they’ve ever experienced before. You’ll find this deeper cry echoing from every corner of the earth, where the Lord is stirring up His Bride, filling her with deeper passion than she’s ever known. She’s yearning, longing for the Living God, and nothing and no one else can satisfy that longing. The Lord says in 2018, “I am placing a yearning inside of you for only the living God; dead religion will no longer satisfy you, nor will worshipping me from a distance quench your thirst for more of Me. I am awakening within you a yearning for Me only, and I will certainly fill you up if you only ask.” In fact, I can hear a cry over the waters, where deep is calling unto deep, wooing us into His presence. I sense that this deep cry has three distinct functions, each prophetic in nature, that will be very pivotal in 2018. The Cry of Father’s Heart The first deep cry I’ve heard coming over the waters is the cry from Father’s heart. From the very depths of Abba’s heart is a deep longing to spend quality time with His Bride. No matter where we are in our walk with God, He will lift us up and fan into flames His abiding love and tender care for us, as we simply call on His name and spend time alone with Him in the secret place. Just like a lock and key, what we lack He is, completing and filling us with Himself so that we no longer feel out of sync or ill-equipped for the tasks before us. “My beloved is like a roe or a young hart: behold, he standeth behind our wall, he looketh forth at the windows, shewing himself through the lattice.” (Song of Solomon 2:9) Time is short. We no longer have time to squander on frivolous pursuits and distractions. He wants us to come away with Him in 2018. The Heavenly Bridegroom stands outside the wall looking through the window. He waits patiently for us and calls out softly, “Rise up, my darling! Come away with me, my fair one!” Then He waits for our response. Will we agree to come away? Will we leave our warm beds and the distractions of the world and come away? Will we leave our normal routine and sit with Him awhile? He wants us to know He is there. As He looks through the window, He slowly reveals His presence and hopes we will notice Him. Do we? Or do we sit alone, content with the blessings He has provided, while the Lord of glory stands outside alone and lonely? As

hard as it is to believe, He longs for our company, for intimacy with us. He wants us to know we have a higher purpose than merely taking up space until we die. He yearns for us to go deeper in 2018 and bask in His warm embrace where we can finally rest and find true contentment and security. In reality, this will be our only place of refuge from life’s assaults and the relentless spiritual warfare that’s driving the enemy’s plots to steal, kill and destroy. Our Heavenly Bridegroom is not content that we merely hear stories about His manifest presence. He wants us to draw near and enjoy fellowship with Him in the secret place. He longs to bring us into the experiential reality of His manifest presence where we have those experiences ourselves. It’s there that He awakens the desire for more of Him and reveals the deeper things of the Spirit. The Cry of Fervent Intercession—Birthing a New Season in the Church The second-deep cry I’ve heard coming over the waters is a cry of fervent intercession birthing a new season in the church in 2018. Today the Lord is preparing a company of forerunners who know how to pray and intercede; they shake heaven and Earth with continuous deep intercession. You will find them lying on the floor in deep groaning for many hours, weeping for the lost. You will find them birthing with travail the next great awakening. For even as the Lord used Johnathan Edwards in the First Great Awakening and Charles Finney in the second, there will be a third move of God that will hit America, Canada and the world like a tsunami that affects every continent on the planet. There is once again a brooding occurring over the face of the deep. The Lord is moving over the waters, preparing a company of intercessors that will pray it in—not just one man but an army of fervent believers like the early prayer warriors Nash, Hyde and Howell. I see a cloud moving; the glory is drawing near; the very manifest presence is building and as we pray the cloud will draw nearer still. The glory is invading the enemy’s camp where the people of God will dance and sing again, rejoicing that heaven is being released. The throne room is cracked open and the very atmosphere of heaven is leaking out toward the earth. Open your hearts; open the gates to welcome the presence of the very King of Glory Himself. Seek the Lord while He may be found; invite Him in to rest and abide in you, for as He dwells there the earth shall be transformed. With a kiss of His presence we, as the Bride, shall come forth arrayed in His magnificent glory. Yet not all of us are eagerly preparing for this grand entrance. Many of us are sleeping and completely unaware of the urgency of our times. It’s time to wake up, wipe the sleep from our eyes, and repent of our complacency. The time is now! The Cry of Our Hearts The last deep cry I’ve heard coming over the waters in 2018 is the earnest cry from our own yearning hearts. There is this “want” many are finding within for the deeper things of God. We can’t really communicate it, but we long for it and know that it’s

available to all who ask. Many have searched diligently for it but cannot find it. Like a newborn infant who is desperately hungry for milk, we’re starving for a real touch from Him this year. This sense of desperation is growing in intensity in 2018 and will not be satisfied with anything less than all He has for us. The Lord says, “I will touch you afresh in 2018. Those who truly love me with all their hearts will find me. I will come and fellowship with them, and we will share a special intimacy this year. Have I not called you and bidden you to come deeper? Can you not hear me calling from My private chambers, inviting you to come? Those who will truly desire Me this year will find Me. They will hear my footsteps approaching them as I announce My presence in a fresh new way . . .” I see a glow flooding through an open door in 2018. It’s a door to the secret place where the garden of the Lord is in full bloom, and the fresh scent of flowers is intoxicating. The Lord is waiting with great anticipation for you to enter this special place where you will enjoy greater intimacy in 2018. There He will give you a new infilling of peace and restoration, share all His secret hopes and desires, and recruit you to play a part in making them a reality so that you will never be the same again! If you allow it, this year He will take you deeper into the springs of His endless love, sweeping you up to a new level of understanding where turmoil and warfare no longer hinder you. I heard the Lord say He was baking living Bread in 2018. Can you smell the scent of baking bread? There’s truly nothing like it. He’s taking us into a new season where we’re filled with what we need most—things we’ve only dreamt of but never experienced. In the past, many were enamored with just His blessings and manifestations—the things He could do for us. But no longer will we stop there as we starve for more. In fact, this year we will not stop until we have the Lord’s very heart and the tender compassion that will address the needs of a broken world. I also see that in the past many spectators watched from a safe distance, seeing divine movement from inside the very holy of holies’ inner chambers. They could see the soft glow of glory coming from the secret place but could not join in because of fear or shame, believing that the Lord was out of reach. The enemy used to come with blame and word curses to prevent us from coming into His fullness, but in 2018 His Bride will not be held back because of her past or allow the enemy access because of the sin of yesterday. She will enter into her new season, unencumbered and free to move and live and have her being in Him alone. I see His Bride walking on the water with a lamp in her hands, eager to enter into His presence, anticipating everything He has for her in that place where she will see the sweet Master face to face. The waters symbolize the depth of God’s presence, passing unnoticed, waves of fear or old hindrances that have previously stopped her progress. I see this Bride walking on top of the waters, unaffected by anything around her. She has a lamp in her hands because she has been busy loving the Lord, allowing the Holy Spirit to fill her moment by moment with the oil of fellowship, seeking after Him in prayer with great joy and mounting excitement.

The Lord will have a people who will be consumed by that inner cry for more. They are wrecked by the Living God because old, stale bread from yesterday no longer satisfies where they’re being called into a new realm, desperate for the living bread that comes from the ovens of heaven in moment to moment communion with our King. “Draw me, we will run after thee: the king hath brought me into his chambers: we will be glad and rejoice in thee, we will remember thy love more than wine: the upright love thee.” (Song of Solomon 1:4) I often pray this prayer: “Lord, draw me. Increase my spiritual hunger.” We can easily become content where we are, allowing ourselves to become apathetic so that we sit in church week after week, month after month and leave without ever being changed. Yet there are some who are crying out, “Draw me, Lord, I’m thankful for what I have, but it’s not enough. I want more in 2018—a deeper spiritual hunger—than I’ve ever had before. Draw me this year, my Heavenly Bridegroom. Let my heart become one with yours, Precious One.” To sum it up: This year we will hear the cry of the Father’s heart for His Bride to draw near to fill up all that is empty within us. Secondly, the fervent prayer of the saints will be heard over the deep. Third will be the cry of our hearts, asking for more of Him. When all three cries go up simultaneously, it will create a resounding echo that will shake the very foundations of heaven and Earth and leave us changed as never before. So, let’s seek the Lord with all our hearts while He may be found for we are stunningly beautiful in His sight! I hear the Lord whisper, “The greatest hunger you’ve possessed in your past will only be the starting point of the hunger I will give you from now on. For I am placing a great hunger in the heart of My Bride and she will not be content with ‘things’ but only with My face. I’m calling you deeper today,” says the Lord! “Will you cry out to Me with all your heart?” Steve Porter Rochester, New York www.findrefuge.tv Steve and his wife Diane founded "Refuge Ministries." Steve is a regular contributor to many prophetic publications including the Elijah List, Spirit Fuel, and the Identity Network. His writings have been read worldwide by hundreds of thousands of people. He also has been interviewed by the Trinity Broadcasting Network and a few other TV programs. Steve's books, articles, and videos have touched countless lives around the world. The Porters reside near Rochester, NY.

by: Dr. Richard Rundell Notice in our title, “in” the saints, not “to” the saints. We will develop that distinction. We first look at Matthew 13:11 “He answered and said to them, ‘Because it has been given to you to know the mysteries of the kingdom of heaven, but to them, it has not been given.’” This verse speaks of more than one mystery. First, an outward appearance after the resurrection of Jesus Christ, and second, on the Day of Pentecost, an inward appearance in His saints. Here Jesus sharply distinguishes between you and them. The “you” are the disciples or the sonship company, the leaders in the Kingdom of God. God reveals the deeper things, the mysteries of the Kingdom to those leaders. “Them” are those of lower rank. We see three distinct parts: 1. Preparation 2. Visitation and 3. Habitation. In Mark 1:3. NKJV we read of John the Baptist, “The voice of one crying in the wilderness, Prepare the way of the Lord, Make His paths straight” In visitation, we read from Psalm 106:4, “…Oh, visit me with Your salvation,” Then in the Day of habitation we read, He inhabits the praises of His people.

What is that mystery? It is that God, in the form of Holy Spirit, can live in man, guide and direct him and reveal the truths of the Bible to him. The non-believers, those not born again, have no clue about Holy Spirit. God has given to us, the disciples, the followers of Kingdom principles, not just any bornagain believer, to know the mysteries of the Kingdom. He who already has revelation, God will add or grant more revelation knowledge because that person has a foundation on which to build. Such a person, in studying Scripture, can more easily grasp fresh revelations from what he studies but these same mysteries remain hidden from the natural mind. God, through anointed prophets, wrote the Scriptures to believers, not to the unbelievers. The Scriptures were not written for the reader to understand only the letter of the Word or only the literal meaning. I believe God has provided infinite levels of revelation concerning the meaning of each verse or passage of Scripture. These are hidden from the natural mind for they are secret or hidden truths. The mystery is not that they are difficult to interpret but that they are impossible to interpret until God reveals the meaning when they then become plain to the reader or hearer. "Them" or the natural man is incapable of understanding the mysteries, even if you tried to explain them to him (1 Cor. 2:14). Paul wrote in Colossians 2:2-3, “that their hearts may be encouraged, having been knit together in love, and {attaining} to all the wealth that comes from the full assurance of understanding, {resulting} in a true knowledge of God's mystery, {that is}, Christ {Himself} in whom are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge. The Apostle Paul explains it this way. “For this cause shall a man leave his father and mother, and shall be joined unto his wife, and they two shall be one flesh. This is a great mystery: but I speak concerning Christ and the church” (Eph. 5:31-32). Here Paul quotes Genesis 2:24 which teaches that the special union between husband and wife supersedes the original family ties. In verse 32, the mystery Paul now reveals is that a Christian marriage parallels the union that exists spiritually between Christ and His bride, the Church. Another mystery concerns the divinity of Jesus Christ. We ask, how did Jesus become divine? Quoting from Isaiah 7:14, we see the fulfillment of the birth of Jesus, a sign to people of all ages that God was with them. “Behold a virgin shall be with child, and shall bring forth a son, and they shall call his name Emmanuel, which being interpreted is, God with us” (Matt. 1:23). Jesus Christ was born into this world, not from it. Stop and meditate on this statement. He did not emerge out of history; rather He came into history from the outside. He exists as a Being for whom the human race can take no credit. He is not man becoming God, but God incarnate, God coming to human flesh from outside it, that is, from outside human environment. The birth of our Lord was an advent - the appearance of God in human form.

In the book of First Timothy, we read of the Lord coming into history. “And without controversy great is the mystery of godliness: God was manifest in the flesh, justified in the Spirit, seen of angels, preached unto the Gentiles, believed on in the world, received up into glory” (1 Tim. 3:16). “By this you know the Spirit of God: Every spirit that confesses that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh is of God” (1 John 4:2). We find true love portrayed in the Song of Solomon. In this book, we discover a unique relationship between the Spirit (male) and the soul (female). Yet no love satisfies the soul until she finds the true lover of her soul, which is Christ. Here the Lord invites us to enter where no Israelite would dare to go, behind the veil into the Most Holy Place where God dwells (for advanced believers). Then we can identify ourselves with divinity and come to know experientially the divine nature within us (2 Pet. 1:4). The whole creation waits for the manifestation of the sons of God. (Ro. 8:19). It's an order of man being trained and fitted -and this will reach a perfect man by gradual growth and development, and that through the Word. To them, it is given to know the mysteries of the kingdom (Mt. 13:11). John 15:15, “No longer do I call you servants, for a servant does not know what his master is doing; but I have called you friends, for all things that I heard from My Father I have made known to you.” With the coming of Holy Spirit, a new era was to be inaugurated. A servant has to obey without being consulted or admitted into the secret of all his master's plans. On the other hand, Christ's friends share with Him in all the secrets the Father has entrusted to Him. Thus, we have another one of the results of that mystery.

by: Cortni Needles and Genice Fulton I am so excited to announce my oldest daughter, Cortni Needles, has joined me in writing this month! I am so blessed to have her input on this subject matter. Cortni is full of godly wisdom, grace, and integrity. We hope you are blessed by our collaboration! So prepare your minds for action and exercise self-control. Put all your hope in the gracious salvation that will come to you when Jesus Christ is revealed to the world. So, you must live as God’s obedient children. But now you must be holy in everything you do, just as God who chose you is holy. (1 Peter 1: 13-15, NLT) Wedding dresses have been on our hearts for quite some time. Wedding dresses are made of the finest beads, lace, and fabric and are so expensive. Most brides feel as if their wedding dress is priceless! Wedding dresses are as unique as each individual bride. Wedding dresses are cherished, honored, protected, and are kept secret until the exact right time. Wedding dresses have their big moment! When I (Genice) married my husband Mike, like most brides, I wanted my wedding dress to be perfect for us. My heart’s desire was to find the perfect wedding dress especially for our unique ceremony! Mike had previously told me exactly what he had envisioned for us. After a lot of shopping, talking to a seamstress, and driving all over the state, I found exactly what we were looking for! My wedding dress was perfect for me, right down to every detail, including the traditional “something blue.” I still look at my wedding dress as a priceless gift! My (Cortni) wedding dress was important to me. I got the dress I wanted. Now it's preserved sitting in a box with hopes that one day one of my girls will want to wear it. But

it was a one-time thing for six hours. Holiness is life long, forever. A dress holds monetary value and some sentimental value. But what will you do with it after that day? It doesn't bring intimacy, it doesn't heal wounds or regrets, it sits there in a box. We encourage and challenge men and women to value themselves as God's sons and daughters. And not value a dress or wedding more than themselves. You may be wondering, why we are writing about wedding dresses in February instead of the typical wedding month of June. Our emphasis is actually less on wedding dresses and more on the priceless gift that God bestows on every man and every woman. The priceless gift of knowing in compliance with God’s will of remaining holy. (Genesis 4:1, 1 Peter 1:15, 1 Peter 2:11-12)) You are a priceless gift! You are to be cherished, honored, and protected! There are places in you (mind, soul, body) that are to be kept secret until the exact right time. Every part of you deserves your big moment! We encourage and challenge you to refuse to accept less for yourself than the very best! Hold onto those secret places until the exact right moment! Most people dream of their wedding their whole lives. From childhood, little girls put bath towels on their heads pretending to wear a bridal veil and hold pretend weddings. Teens and young women gush over wedding magazines planning their dream wedding. We encourage and challenge you to value your wedding dress, of course! And value all things about your wedding but value yourself above your wedding dress. Spend more time dreaming about the priceless gift of yourself and marriage than you do about your dress. Most brides wouldn’t dream of allowing anyone to see their wedding dress prior to the perfect moment. And most men are more than agreeable to this tradition. That said, how much more women and men should cherish, honor, protect, and keep secret every aspect of themselves (mind, soul, and especially body) prior to the exact right time. Which is God’s command.

Isn’t it a ludicrous idea to be in agreement to cherish, honor, and protect a dress until the exact right moment but not one’s own body? Some argue, men and women abstaining from sex outside of marriage is outdated and irrelevant for today. But we stand by the word of God. (Matthew 6:33, Hebrews 13:8) There is a lot of scientific evidence and a lot of opinions about the matter, but the most important reason is because waiting is God’s best. (Jeremiah 29:11) God loves us more than any earthly person can love us and that is why He wants the best for us. It is not out of rules or regulations it is out of God's love for us and His infinite wisdom. (Psalm 147:5, Psalm 104:24, Proverbs 3:19-20) Please consider this, young women who are not yet mothers don't know the legacy the decisions they make will leave for their children once they become mothers. Because they haven't become mothers, yet they don't understand. But mothers value their children in the highest way possible. If women could learn to make decisions through a filter of what they are giving to their unborn children or what the value their unborn children hold we believe they would make different decisions. If women believe they aren't worth purity or aren't deserving of a man that will wait for them...they could see it differently if they think about what their future children are

worth. We believe one of the major considerations prior to entering into a relationship is agreement to hold oneself and others in compliance with God’s will. (Matthew 18:19, Amos 3:3, 1 Peter 1:13-15) Any man/woman who refuses to come into agreement with you that you are worth waiting…does not understand your value or worth. God has the best plan for your life! (Jeremiah 29:11) Each woman and man is to love God more than loving a person and trying to please or be accepted by someone of the opposite sex. (Matthew 6:33, James 4:17, Galatians 6:7, Colossians 3:2) We must remember and commit to The One we belong to! (1 Corinthians 6:20) We understand the short “season” of temporarily feeling loved and accepted; however, that short season does not outweigh the long-term problems of emotional and potential medical issues, and soul ties. These subjects are to in-depth for this article, so we encourage you to research it and educate yourself. We pray a deep revelation for us all to love ourselves enough to refuse to conform to this world but to be progressively changed by renewing our minds and to focus on godly values and ethical attitudes. For those of us who are married, we pray we cling to our own wife/husband and bless them abundantly. For the unmarried to cling to God’s Word and He will make your path straight. We pray the married and the unmarried alike, honor marriage, glorifying God. We pray we all avoid sexual immorality and control our own bodies in ways that are holy and honorable. We pray the priceless gift of loving ourselves enough to be strengthened to command and demand relationships in agreement to hold oneself and others in compliance with God’s will. We pray all these things in the wonderful, precious, powerful name of Christ Jesus! (Romans 12:2, 1 Corinthians 7:2-3, NIV, Hebrews 13:4, 1 Thessalonians 4:3-4)

by: Matthew Deves Have you thought about how God is going to accomplish his plans on this earth these days? As some have said, do you imagine him pacing about the throne, wondering how things could have gotten so rotten? Never fear! God is not stressing when it comes to figuring out how to set people free. He has a secret weapon, a perfect way to announce Liberty to this hurting world. Drumroll, please... It is by choosing to live in YOU You might have already decided you’re disqualified from this conversation. This is a flat-out lie the enemy whispers to you. In fact, there is no one else that can for fill God’s desire to love and care for people the way that you do. God needs you. He is pleased to live inside you, so He can accomplish His will. Even though you were once distant from him, living in the shadows of your evil thoughts and actions, he reconnected you back to himself. He released his supernatural peace to you through the sacrifice of his own body as the sin-payment on your behalf so that you would dwell in his presence. And now there is nothing between you and Father God, for he sees you as holy, flawless, and restored,…Colossians 1:21–22 from The Passion Translation. There is nothing between you two But I don’t feel qualified… There are better candidates… I need to get my act together first… When I go to Bible school and get that degree…

Real gifts have no strings attached. You have the gift inside of you, and the present needs distribution! Why wait another day? You still think there's somebody better for the job? There is not. He doesn’t have a problem with you. You are not an inconvenience. Things will not go better if you just stay out of this. He is unwilling to do His will without you. He is not waiting for you to shape up before lighting up someone's body with a miracle. The Message Bible of Rom 8:12-15 will empower you to start with what you have. “So don't you see that we don't owe this old do-it-yourself life one red cent. There's nothing in it for us, nothing at all. The best thing to do is give it a decent burial and get on with your new life. God's Spirit beckons. There are things to do and places to go! This resurrection life you received from God is not a timid, grave-tending life. It's adventurously expectant, greeting God with a childlike "What's next, Papa?" …What’s next Papa? How long has it been since you were looking forward to what’s ahead? What’s stopping you? What are you running from? Try to hide, but you can’t run away from something inside you. Even as you read this article, you know deep down that God has never abandoned you. He is your breath and hope and the reason why you are alive today. The real question is, “Are YOU comfortable with your Creator living in you?” I desire for you to become intimately acquainted with the love of Christ on the deepest possible level; far beyond the reach of a mere academic, intellectual grasp. Within the scope of this equation, God finds the ultimate expression of himself in you. (So that you may be filled with all the fullness of God! Awaken to the consciousness of his closeness! Separation is an illusion! Oneness was God’s idea all along! He desires to express himself through your touch, your voice, your presence; he is so happy to dwell with you! There is no place in the universe where he would rather be!) We celebrate him who supercharges us powerfully from within. Our biggest request or most amazing dream cannot match the extravagant proportion of his thoughts towards us. (Now to him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that works in us…KJV) Ephesians 3:19-20 Mirror Bible Become intimately acquainted with the Holy Spirit doing His work from inside you. Brain power is good, but as this verse said, “reach beyond mere academic, intellectual grasp” He is so happy that you are alive and able to carry His purpose into this world. Believe that He did this for you, to be IN you. Do you really need to figure it out in your head? This is how we fit into God’s picture: Christ is the measure of our portion, we are in him, invented and defined in him. God’s blueprint intention is on exhibition in us. Everything he accomplishes is inspired by the energy and intent of his affection. (See Romans 8:29, “He engineered us from the start to fit the mold of sonship and likeness according to the exact blueprint of his design. We see the original and intended shape of our lives preserved in his Son; he is the firstborn from the same womb that reveals our genesis. He confirms that we are the invention of God.”) Ephesians 1:11 Mirror Bible:

You are the perfect shape for His presence. The mold of Sonship. Now, what exactly fills the space? For in Him the whole fullness of Deity (the Godhead) continues to dwell in bodily form [giving complete expression of the divine nature]. And you are in Him, made full and having come to fullness of life [in Christ you too are filled with the Godhead--Father, Son and Holy Spirit--and reach full spiritual stature]. And He is the Head of all rule and authority [of every angelic principality and power]. Col 2:9-10 Amplified and also from the Mirror translation, It is in Christ that God finds an accurate and complete expression of himself, in a human body! (While the expanse cannot measure or define God, his exact likeness is displayed in human form. Jesus proves that human life is tailor-made for God!) Jesus mirrors our completeness and endorses our true identity. He is “I am” in us. Col 1:19 The full measure of everything God has in mind for mankind indwells him. “Your own completeness is only realized in him.” — Phillips Translation.) Jesus proves that human life is tailor-made for God! - Francois Du Toit Like a well-fitting glove, God decided that the best way to move about this world and accomplish his purposes was to inhabit you. Do you believe he is unwilling to do this without you? Do you trust that his presence fills you to the fullest and your frame is the perfect place for him to dwell? This is what will happen in your life as Holy Spirit works through youBut the fruit l produced by the Holy Spirit within you is divine love in all its varied expressions: joy that overflows, peace that subdues, patience that endures, kindness in action, a life full of virtue, faith that prevails, gentleness of heart, and strength of spirit. Never set the law above these qualities, for they are meant to be limitless. Galatians 5:22– 23 TPT Can I tell you that Christ in you is limitless? Can you see that His Spirit inside of you is the place He is most comfortable to dwell in? God picked you for His ideal spot to hangout. Get comfortable with that. He already is.

Christ, Our Dan All inL. All! by: Dr. Corse

By: Dr. Dan L. Corse

Ephesians 1:22-23 (NKJ) – 22 And He put all things under His feet and gave Him (Christ) to be head over all things to the church, 23 which is His (Christ’s) body, the fullness of Him (Christ) who fills all in all.

Those of us who like to have access to a hodgepodge of food types often choose buffets. Why? Because everything that is covered on the menu is accessible to a patron for one price. If we want beef, seafood, chicken, pork, salad, or vegetables, it is available. If we desire dessert, it is included. Whatever we fancy, if it is accessible on the smorgasbord menu, it is ours to enjoy. Just thinking about it, I would imagine that some of us, who are buffet aficionados, find our thoughts drifting to our favorite diners, perhaps even finding our mouths beginning to water. Yet restaurant menus, having only temporal and not eternal value, pale when it comes to the fare offered by Christ related to salvation cuisine. What does Christ’s smorgasbord of salvation include? Salvation, coming to English from the transliterations soteria and soterion, is a very full word. Not only is it used in a material or temporal sense but also in a spiritual and eternal sense. Its scope is total, addressing our spiritual, soulical, physical, emotional, and intellectual needs. It includes “deliverance, preservation, soundness, prosperity, happiness, rescue, general well-being, forgiveness, healing, safety, liberation, and restoration” (“Word Wealth” from the New Spirit Filled Life Bible). Salvation also encompasses all the redemptive acts and processes: justification, grace, redemption, propitiation, imputation, sanctification, and glorification. When it comes to salvation, Christ, our all in all, is not short on provisions, is He? Not at all, whatever we need, spirit, soul, or body, we can find it on Christ’s menu of salvation.

Intrigued by the provisions that Christ offers on the menu of salvation, those of us who have not yet gained access to them may be inclined to ask, “How do I gain admittance?” Thankfully, Christ did not make it a difficult task. The initial step to gaining entrance to the Christ’s salvation smorgasbord is spiritual regeneration or being made a new creation in Christ (Jn. 3:3, 7; 2. Cor. 5:17). How are we spiritually regenerated or do we become new creations in Christ? The Holy Spirit inspired Paul in Romans 1:16 (NKJ) to write, “For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ, for it is the power of God to salvation for everyone who believes…” We hear the gospel, the good news of salvation based on Christ’s life, death, resurrection, and ascension, and believe. Believe what? We believe that Christ is who He said He was, the Word that was with God and was God and became flesh (a man) and dwelled among us (Jn. 1:1, 14). We believe that He was and is the promised Savior, a title to pointing the action of salvation, saving us. We believe that He was crucified on a cross and rose from the dead. Believing these things, let us proclaim Him as the Lord of our lives, meaning we go beyond merely receiving the many blessings He showers upon us through salvation but also grant to Him a right He already deserves, that of orchestrating the directions of our lives. Believing and proclaiming, we pass from spiritual death unto life and are spiritually transformed or made new creations in Christ. Spiritually transformed, we are granted access to the myriad of benefits found on Christ’s salvation menu. Spiritually regenerated, our next step should be growth in grace and our understanding of the salvation benefits menu discussed earlier and elaborated on in the Bible. In addition to understanding what they are, our next step is to learn how to appropriate them or put them on our plate, so to speak. Munching on those benefits through meditation, prayer, and study, it is not unusual to become astonished at their majestic breadth. Daunted by such grandeur, we may find ourselves wondering how we will ever pay for them. Then, amazingly, it becomes clear. We do not have to. When it comes to Christ’s salvation menu, He paid for it. All we to do is believe. Truly, Christ is our all in all!

by: Dave Kachele


sure you’ve asked the question of someone wanting to know the Lord, “Would you like to ask Jesus into your heart?” As I’ve researched for this article, I think that another question could be asked: “Would you like to be in Christ?” I actually found many more references referring to being in Christ rather than Him being in me. So, let me try to unravel this tapestry. The truth is simple: I am in Christ and He is in me. You are in Christ and He is in you. And this is wonderful! Consider the Lord’s prayer recorded in John, chapter 17. As you know, this was prayed just before the arrest of our Lord. He concludes in verses 20-26. Notice the preposition “IN.” “I pray not only for these, but also for those who believe IN Me through their message. May they all be one, as You, Father, are IN Me and I am IN

You. May they also be one IN Us, so the world may believe You sent Me. I have given them the glory You have given Me. May they be one as We are one. I am IN them and You are IN Me. May they be made completely one, so the world may know You have sent Me and have loved them as You have loved Me. Father, I desire those You have given Me to be with Me where I am. Then they will see My glory, which You have given Me because You loved Me before the world’s foundation. Righteous Father! The world has not known You. However, I have known You, and these have known that You sent Me. I made Your name known to them and will make it known, so the love You have loved Me with may be IN them and I may be IN them.” “May they also be one IN Us (the Father and the Son) I am IN them and You are IN Me The love You have loved Me with may be IN them and I may be IN them.” These phrases are of particular interest. When Jesus comes into someone’s heart, He doesn’t physically come in. He comes in through the Holy Spirit. The Trinity is IN you and me! Perhaps the wonder of this fact is that you and I are also IN the Trinity. Jesus prayed for perfect love and unity. Think of this! We are IN one another IN Christ. We are “the whole building, being put together by Him, growing into a sanctuary IN the Lord.” We are “being built together for God’s dwelling IN the Spirit.” (Eph. 2:21-22c) Brothers and Sisters, I pray that this love and unity IN Christ, with Him IN us, may become unmistakably evident to the world that needs Jesus so desperately! “…so the world may know…” (John 17:23) Without love and unity, the world will never believe the Gospel. (John 13:34-35, 17:20-26)

Win and Grow Ministries Website: http://www.winandgrow.com Email: winngrow@gmail.com

by: Speaker/Author Larry Thompson It is noteworthy to view that the verse in Colossians 1:27, which states, “…Christ in you, the hope of glory.” This verse declares Christ is the HOPE of glory. I had always thought that He was the Lord of glory. Indeed, He is the Lord of glory, though this verse says HOPE. Why would the Father use this word HOPE? I have a very good illustration that the Holy Spirit gave me to make this verse more understandable. I want to take the time to share what He has revealed to me. Ever wonder why the Scripture says, “the hope of glory” and not “the glory of God”? He really is the glory of God, so why does this verse say hope? It is not automatic. Every believer has been born again by imperishable seed, but as long as that seed remains a seed, it has not produced all that is intended. Therefore, that imperishable seed only remains a hope. Here is the illustration that expresses this truth. Let’s say a young lady is on a date with her guy friend, and he brings her back to her residence. She is standing at the door looking at him, and he is looking at her. A certain chemistry is in the air, and he reaches in his pocket and pulls out a card that says, “a hope of a kiss.” The question to be answered is, “Do you want the card or do you want the kiss?”

Until His Word in us is on our lips, His glory in us only remains a hope. It has not been activated as of yet. Like the chemistry between that dating couple, the chemistry of our relationship with Him has not been awakened. We bring the sacrifice—the fruit of our lips. Jesus said it this way, “Abide in Me and My words abide in you…” (John 15:7 NKJV). Most likely you own a cell phone, and definitely you know others who own a cell phone. An interesting observation I made a couple years ago after the economic downturn, is that while many people were out of work, they still stood in some unemployment line with a cell phone in their hand. This technology has become an integral part of our society and a way of life. Most everyone knows that when you buy a new cell, it still has to be activated. Even though it is perfectly made from the manufacturer and all the functions are absolutely designed to benefit the owner, it will not function as a phone until it is activated. That is the picture of the New Creation, perfectly designed and perfectly created, but the main purpose for which we are created still needs to be activated. The Father has deposited His glory in us; we have been qualified for His kingdom, but we are not yet activated—if His glory is not rising out of us in our every word and every action. The glory in us is true, but that glory is not automatically activated. We have our part. The two become ONE. Jesus has done His part. We do our part. His dying on the cross and restoring the glory was His part. Our believing in our heart and confessing with our mouth is our part. The two become ONE. Both what He has done and what we do are necessary to join us as ONE. It is “wired” correctly. If it is not wired correctly, then there will be no power. He has called us to His kingdom, but the kingdom is not a matter of talk but of POWER. A very specific purpose of being ONE is to manifest His POWER. He has done His part; we must do our part. He is seated in heaven, and we are seated with Him. We are standing on earth, and He is standing with us. We connect heaven and earth when we do our part. He has done His part. The two become ONE when it is “wired” correctly. He takes this relationship to a new level when we are in Him. We abide in Him, and His words abide in us. That new level is His words abiding in us. He has declared only what He hears the Father saying. These words are the Father’s “…take My words, and you decide; you act with your will, you say My word.” That is a new level to which He is taking this relationship. You are being taught how to speak His word. Jesus ONLY spoke what He heard the Father saying. He has done His part; now we are doing our part. Learning now to speak His word is our part. If we faithfully follow the voice of the Holy Spirit, then we will faithfully hear the voice of the Holy Spirit. He has done His part. We do our part when we exercise our will to speak His word.


by: Rev. Kathy Weddle It

was January of 1988…An 18-year marriage getting ink to its ending after many years of sadness, loneliness, and abuse. The exact opposite of God’s wonderful plan. I was done! I mean done! With no hope of ever being loved. I’d given, more than I care to go into, everything within my grasp to be loved, to be accepted, approved of, cherished. He didn’t want to be what he became, but he wasn’t willing to give himself over to the Lord and allow Him to fix the damage. Instead, he turned to everything a married man should not do and then married another. It was all gone; 18 years. No, it isn’t a pretty story, but keep reading. That is where this story started, but that is not where it ended! In fact, it’s still being written. I got on my face before God; asked forgiveness for the many mistakes I’d made, asked for healing for the damage in me, asked forgiveness again. Feeling like there was nothing left to give. I decided I’d do as the Apostle Paul recommended; I’d live celibate before the Lord the remainder of my life. I’d serve Him and devote everything I did to Him. That would keep me safe, you see. Great idea, wrong motive. After 6 months, my Father delivered me from my painful memories. I was ready for a new life and willing to follow only His leading.

Of course, that was not God’s plan. You see, God, our Father, is Love. He’s all knowing. And He knew the last thing that would be good for me was to be alone. So, He orchestrated an extraordinary meeting when I least expected it. I walked into a restaurant I had been frequenting for the past few months and saw an old childhood friend across the room, sitting with what had to be the most disagreeable looking man I think I’d ever seen. As I got closer, he just stared. I sat down next to my friend and was introduced to this man. His name is Ray. This man had also been damaged deeply; he was NOT over it yet. He proceeded to outline to me all the reasons he was never getting married again; all I’d done was to sit down. I’d given him no reason to be on the defensive! Then I heard the Holy Spirit encourage me to look directly into his eyes; where He showed me a vast, bottomless lake, brimming over with a love he’d never been allowed to give, even though he’d been married 15 years himself. And God said, “This is the man I have for you to marry; he will love you.” This was not what I had in mind at all! I later found out that he’d stared at me coming across the room because, God said to him “This is My daughter; she’s the best I have for you. Take care of her.” The next few months were pretty rough as we slowly built the relationship; there were rough spots along the way, but the Lord just kept patiently moving us forward. Our Father is so good; His plan is for us to have a marriage that truly reflects the relationship we will have with Jesus as His Bride. He put together 2 people to love each other unconditionally to the end of their life. Neither of us even truly knew what love was until God put us together. We both left Him out of the decision the first time and it cost dearly. Twentyeight years as of this month, we’ve experienced and been an example of the kind of marriage our Father intends for us to have. He knows what it is to love; unconditionally, intentionally, sacrificially, eternally. John 3:16. We all know it, love it, quote it. But once in a while, do you ever just take moment and savor everything it means? The Creator of the Universe loved us so much He willingly sent His Son; knowing what it would take to save us. And the Son, our beloved Jesus, willingly came, and gave His life for us because He loves us far beyond our comprehension. Unconditionally. Intentionally. Sacrificially. Eternally. He builds a mansion for our eternity with Him. John 14:2 NKJV In My Father's house are many mansions; if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you. He prepares what will be the most incredible supper of all time. As His Bride. Rev 19:7-9 NKJV Let us be glad and rejoice and give Him glory, for the marriage of the Lamb has come, and His wife has made herself ready." And to her it was granted to be arrayed in fine linen, clean and bright, for the fine linen is the righteous acts of the saints. Then he said to me, "Write: 'Blessed are those who are called to the marriage supper of the Lamb!' " And he said to me, "These are the true sayings of God." He cherishes us. I Peter 2:9 NKJV “You are a chosen generation”….Chosen….for Him; “a royal priesthood, a holy nation; His own SPECIAL people”…later in the verse it says “He called you out of darkness into His marvelous light”, and “who once were not a people, but are now the people of God who had not obtained mercy, but now have obtained mercy” He intercedes for us. Romans 8:33-34 Who shall bring a charge against God's elect? It is God who justifies. Who is he who condemns? It is Christ who died, and furthermore is also risen, who is even at the right hand of God, who also makes intercession for us.

If Jesus is our First Love, there is no end to the blessings available to us, beginning with eternity with him! He said to love Him with all our heart, soul, mind, and strength. He also said to love our neighbor as our selves. I encourage you to take some time and read Ephesians 1:1-6 in several of your favorite translations. Let the words sink in and become part of you. Ask God to give you revelation of what they really mean. Is Jesus, who literally wrote the Book Love, the Ultimate Valentine? Oh yes, yes He is.

By: Ernest Kweku Nanor When Jesus had received the sour wine, he said, "It is finished, and he bowed his head and gave up his spirit.� (John 19:30, ESV) As preachers of the gospel, we have a lot of ways to view this 'good deed' that our Lord Jesus Christ had achieved for all humanity. One way I would address, has to do with redemption through the gospel that we have received. In an African movie I watched, there was a village in a Country in Africa, which had so many plagues, that all the villagers were suffering with a water-borne sickness, as well as uncountable deaths. Then the elders of that land, who believed in sorcery, consulted their witch doctors. Their witch doctors told them to send six maidens into a thick forest, and as they went, they faced a lot of demons and evil spirits on their journey. In many of their encounters, many evil spirits attacked them, and the number reduced from time to time, until they arrived at their destination. When the remaining two got there, they achieved what they had labored for, in that thick forest, regardless of the number of lives they had lost. When the two were coming back home, they encountered a crucial fight with another host of forest spirits; and one of them was wounded. When they got home, she gave up the ghost. Only one came back alive and

strong; having solved the mystery! The plagues had finally disappeared from the land, but five lives had been lost. Jesus did what Moses and Elijah could not do for us. His death on the cross was the greatest solution to a parable that has never been touched since ancient times. The parable of salvation had its own purpose, even before the entire human race would have been redeemed back to God. Many people see it as common, but it is not. Fulfilling all the Old Testament, Messianic prophecies was one thing, because any other person in that spot, apart from Jesus Christ would have blown it on many occasions. Moses blew it, and he himself was not able to reach the promised land. Likewise, Elijah, who was moved with the fear of Jezebel and ended his ministry. John the Baptist was the greatest of them all, but he sent his disciples to find out from Jesus, if He was the one who it was predicted that he should come or not. Jesus was the only one who came with a successful mandate of accomplishing every divine Messianic mandate that was laid before Him, so the whole human race could enjoy the salvation of God for all. In the old testament, atonement for sin was to be made by the High Priest alone, who was not exempt from the atonement process. On that very day of atonement, if he is found without any atonement for himself, that is, perhaps if he thinks that he is the Messiah, and forgets to make atonement for his own sins before he entered into the Holy of Holiest of the Jewish Old Testament temple, he would be struck dead instantly. In other words, If Jesus was not who He claimed that He was, He could not have risen from death. Death did not have any power over Him because the work of sin was completely dealt with by Him on the cross of Calvary according to the prophecy of Hosea which was further interpreted by Paul through his letter to the Corinthians. “I shall ransom them from the power of Sheol; I shall redeem them from Death. O Death, where are your plagues? O Sheol, where is your sting? Compassion is hidden from my eyes.” (Hosea 13:14, ESV) “55 O death, where is your victory? O death, where is your sting? 56 The sting of death is sin, and the power of sin is the law. 57 But thanks be to God, who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.” (1 Corinthians 15:55-57, ESV) Therefore, having dealt with the power of sin on the cross through the offering of Himself, sin and death had no power over Him. Likewise, we ourselves, if we believe Him and the impact of what He has done in our individual lives by recognizing our human nature of sin (incompetency’s) as the main reason why we have believed in His death and glorious resurrection. Therefore, because of Him who knew no sin, became the sacrifice for our sin, that we might become the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus.

This is one thing we must understand and that is, the work on our individual redemption to God, the Supreme owner of our eternal Spirits, required a specific Savior and His specific requirements have been met in the person of Jesus Christ, who is the leader of the Christian faith. And through His own words, “IT IS FINISHED” on the day He was crucified on a cross on Calvary in Jerusalem, Israel’s Capital City. And it was proven that He was the Savior in that three days later, He resurrected from death. “14 And if Christ has not been raised, then our preaching is in vain and your faith is in vain. 15 We are even found to be misrepresenting God, because we testified about God that he raised Christ, whom he did not raise if it is true that the dead are not raised. 16 For if the dead are not raised, not even Christ has been raised. 17 And if Christ has not been raised, your faith is futile and you are still in your sins. 18 Then those also who have fallen asleep in Christ have perished. 19 If in Christ we have hope in this life only, we are of all people most to be pitied.” (1 Corinthians 15:14-19, ESV) “20 But in fact Christ has been raised from the dead, the firstfruits of those who have fallen asleep. 21 For as by a man came death, by a man has come also the resurrection of the dead. 22 For as in Adam all die, so also in Christ shall all be made alive. 23 But each in his own order: Christ the firstfruits, then at his coming those who belong to Christ.” (1 Corinthians 15:20-23, ESV) “For since we believe that Jesus died and rose again, even so, through Jesus, God will bring with him those who have fallen asleep.” (1 Thessalonians 4:14, ESV)

by: Stuart E. Smith “There is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus, who walk not after the flesh, but after the spirit.� Romans 8:1 (KJV)


violence that is throughout the land is a symptom of sin and rebellion against God. We live in a time when so many reject the teachings of the one called Jesus Christ. They are in a neverending search for anything that will feed their own selfish desires. Wickedness has grown to become like a cancerous tumor invading the healthy body of humanity and cell by cell, man by man corrupting his heart. Surely, we can pray, and some may even buy a gun. Bullets may protect us to some extent; however, the cure for this outbreak is a change in the heart and soul of men. This change can come only through the experience known as salvation. This is a blessed event that happens when men bend their knee to the one true and living God of the Bible. I am of the opinion that rejecting the fact that there is one true and living God is like driving a paper tank. There is no protection from the hard truth that we all must face. There is an unseen realm that has far more dangers than most people would like to admit.

Now the armored tank is a vehicle of destruction a friend of mine once operated with great success. It would intimidate the enemy soldier and could launch a very powerful blast into the opposing lines if needed. When you faced another tank, you had to outflank and hopefully surprise them. Ordinary guns would fail to stop these metal beasts. My courageous friend carried out his duties well in the 1980s. It wasn’t very long after his service that the Berlin wall fell and finally Germany was reunited in a free and independent nation. I’m sure for the most part an infantry man would feel safe “in the tank.” But, even then was a target and decisions had to be made for his safety and the protection of the tank. My grandfather told me how they would protect the tanks and the tank would in return help them with their objective of displacing enemy Japanese troops on the Islands of Anguar and Peleliu in WWII. Vigilance and training had shown them that no matter how powerful their metal beasts were, these could become the tomb of the men operating them with one well-placed shell. As I was thinking of how to approach this message of “In Christ” I thought it best to mention the above description of some real-life men who found themselves protecting or being protected by the instrument of war known as a tank. As ferocious and as advanced as any weapon made by man, being in such a thing cannot protect you from evil. It has its limitations as to how it can keep you safe. We recently flew our nation’s flag at half-staff out of respect for Christians attacked in their church in Sutherland Springs Texas. Surely, these were in Christ. Yet, evil killed them in an attack that will go down as one of the most violent on the Christian church in America. Last Halloween in New York, a terrorist used a rented truck to run over pedestrians on a sidewalk and killed innocents. In Las Vegas a gunman shot into concert goers killing over 50 people who just moments before were celebrating with friends. Where was God? He was right there. In all these places God was right there. Why didn’t He stop it? That may not be an easy answer. However, allow me to try. When over Six Million innocents were killed in the holocaust with most of them being of Jewish descent, He saw it. I believe He allowed the Allies to come together and defeat their enemies so that out of the ashes, the nation of Israel would be reborn. What good will come of these horrendous attacks in modern times? God knows, each soul was precious to Him. He will get His vengeance on all those who take the life of the innocent. The fact is we do live in a fallen world. When it was first created, it was good. When man rebelled against his creator, evil crept in. With evil came sickness, death and destruction. These horrible events are not God’s doing, even though He could have stopped them. It was men with an ideology of hate for others who have done these things. It is not God’s fault that evil exists and causes such pain and devastation. He in His divine plan does have a final decision on such matters. He will cast all such rebellion from the Earth on that last day. God will then settle the score of evil in this land and others. There is nothing hidden that shall not be revealed. There is nothing told in whispers that shall not be shouted from the mountaintop. When the final curtain is pulled back and the

reality of good and evil is at last known by all humanity, there will be nowhere to hide. God loves every one of us, this is true. However, there will come an hour when His justice shall be brought to bear. There will be no slick attorney who finds a loophole in the law to free the sinner from judgement. There will only be one safe place to hide. It is in CHRIST! Knowing that CHRIST IS ENOUGH no matter what evil may come is our fortress and our high tower. He is our shield and our buckler. As we pray deliver us from evil, let us also remember, “for thine is the power and glory.” We need to be like the Hebrew children who said, “Surely the Lord is able to deliver us o king, but if not, we will not kneel to your idols.” We can rest assured that our punishment has already been unleashed upon the perfect Son of God. We be certain in the knowledge that our debt has been paid in full. Jesus Christ, the Lord of Lords and King of kings will deal with the darkness we have mentioned here in time. Let us lean upon the everlasting arms of our Savior. You can build the most impressive panic room in your home. You can stock it with food, weapons and ammunition. The fact of the matter is, sooner or later you will have to come out and face whatever evil or destruction has visited your home. In the verse quoted from the book of Psalms, David found absolute solace in his relationship with God. There was no second guessing the reliability of how strong and powerful his God was. He knew that whatever came, that high tower and fortress would be enough. I once visited a Castle in Spain that had such a high tower. It was on a hill with a drawbridge over a deep moat. A castle like we often equate with such a fortress. The winding stone steps that led me to the top of this old tower were just wide enough to accommodate one man. I imagined as I stepped from the shadows of that tower onto the highest point of the Castle what it must have been like. You could see for miles around. I looked over the walls and had I been a skillful archer, I’m certain I could have dispatched many of my enemy from that high place. This verse in Psalms opens our eyes to the world of a man who would one day be king. He knew violence against him. He in some parts of his story was running for his life from a very jealous king Saul. Knowing that the Lord was his shield gave David the peace that no fortress or modern tank could give him. There is not any weapon or evil that will in the end prosper. They may have momentary victories over you. However, you will overcome these adversities in life. When you and I trust in the Lord the way David did. This translates to the modern day believer as a devotion to Jesus Christ. CHRIST IS INDEED ENOUGH! He became the mediator between us and God when He surrendered Himself willingly to the penalty of sin and death that was to be leveled against us. This doesn’t mean you and I are bullet proof. We do need to always proceed with certain knowledge of our mortality. The fear that we have of our own demise should as a believer be tampered with the understanding, we have a promise in Christ of everlasting life. Here is a mention of our ability to stand as the church built by Christ.

“And I say unto thee, that thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.” Matthew 16:18 (KJV) “No weapon that is formed against thee shall prosper; and every tongue that shall rise against thee in judgement thou shalt condemn. This is the heritage of the LORD, and their righteousness is of me, saith the LORD.” Isaiah 54:17 (KJV) In closing, allow me to say, march onward Christian soldiers, march on. Jesus Christ is our banner and as that old song says, “We shall overcome.” God bless you all is my prayer. Amen.

by: Pastor Jo Bruns “I will walk about in freedom, for I have sought out your precepts.” Psalm 119:45 (NIV)

What is liberty? What is bondage? As a believer in Jesus Christ it is imperative to understand these two things so that you will never trade one for the other. After all, Jesus came to “set the captives free” and it is through Him, that we are “free indeed.” We are no longer held captive by sin. We are reminded of this in John 8:34-36 when “Jesus answered them, ‘Most assuredly, I say to you, whoever commits sin is a slave to sin. And a slave does not abide in the house forever, but a son abides forever. Therefore, if the Son makes you free, you shall be free indeed.’” Too often, though, believers fall into the trap of looking for what they can “do” for God, instead of living a life of devotion out of gratitude for what He has done for us. Therein lies the difference. Perhaps, that’s why Jesus vehemently opposed the religious leaders who imposed manmade rules on what was pleasing to God, instead of encouraging the people to “draw near

to God.” Perhaps, this is why the Apostle Paul, too, waged his own battle with the churches in his day. He reminded the believers of the early church that God has done what we can never do for ourselves. We are incapable of saving ourselves. The only thing we can “do” is to believe in the One who can and has rescued us from our sins. Paul writes to the Galatians (see Galatians 3:1-3): “You foolish Galatians! Who has bewitched you? Before your very eyes Jesus Christ was clearly portrayed as crucified. I would like to learn just one thing from you: Did you receive the Spirit by observing the law, or by believing what you heard? Are you so foolish? After beginning with the Spirit, are you now trying to attain your goal by human effort?” The battle remains steadfast today. How often have you heard ministers wage war over the “hyper-grace gospel” versus the “true gospel” or the “law versus grace” message or “conservative” versus “liberal” values? It’s nothing new. The battle is real. So what can you do, then, to continue to walk in the liberty Christ bought for us instead of being so easily ensnared in bondage? 1. Acknowledge your need for Christ. Realize that no matter how hard you try to “please” God by your own behavior (actions), you will always fall short of God’s ideal. (See Romans 3:23) 2. Realize that no matter what you do or don’t do, God will never love you more or less than He does right now. (See Romans 5:8) 3. Remember, grace isn’t a license to sin. Grace is the ability God provides to help you overcome the sin that has kept you bound. (See Romans 6:1-18) 4. Store up the Word of God in your heart so that you might not sin and will be able to resist the sin that so easily entangles you. Religion says you must pray and read your Bible x-amount of many hours or at set times in a day. Love compels you to read His love letters and to have “conversations” with the Lord; it’s not because you have to, but because you want to and choose to “nourish” the relationship you have. (See Psalm 119:11 and Hebrews 12:1-3) 5. Give freely and meet with other believers because you want to do this, not out of obligation. (See 2 Corinthians 9:6-7 and Hebrews 10:25) 6. Be on guard for those who might lead you astray. Paul writes: “I appeal to you…to watch out for those who cause divisions and create obstacles contrary to the doctrine you have been taught. Avoid them. For such persons do not serve our Lord Christ but their own appetites. And by smooth talk and flattery, they deceive the hearts of the naïve.” Romans 16:17-18 (ESV) 7. It’s not how you dress, whether you have tattoos (or not) or what you eat or drink (or not), by the length of your hair, or whether you wear makeup (or not) that determines your salvation. God doesn’t judge by your outward appearance. He looks at what’s in your heart. That’s not to say you shouldn’t dress modestly or eat

or drink something that might cause another to sin. Seek the wisdom of the Holy Spirit and the Word of God to give you guidance for the decisions you make. (See 1 Samuel 16:7, 1 Corinthians 8:13, and James 1:5) Christ has opened the door to a life of freedom! Why go back to a life that has kept you bound? Take your stand now and never trade the freedom Jesus has provided to turn back to a life that has kept you captive. Don’t get tangled up in man-made rules and exchange the advantages of your free life in Christ for the obligations of a life of bondage of the law. When you fall back into bondage by attempting to live by your own religious plans, you cut yourself off from Christ and reject His grace. Instead, choose to live your life and to use your freedom as a means to serve one another in love. Choose to be led by the Holy Spirit so that you can live free instead of in captivity. Christ has set you free. Now live in it.

by: Tom Tompkins Last

month I wrote an article titled, “Tackling the Issue of Christians Embracing poverty.” This month I want to show you how to find out if this is an issue in your life. My intention is not to offend but to inform and help. While my focus in this article centers around finances, I realize that finances are not the only area in which prosperity is a must. However, if one believes poverty is Godly in the area of finances, they are likely to buy into similar lies from the enemy concerning other areas of life such as health and relationships. Before we advance forward with this article, I want you to stop and ask yourself a question. The question is, “What is the purpose of prosperity?” The purpose of prosperity is twofold. First, prosperity is for you. Secondly, prosperity is for those around you. It is much like the words of Mark 12:31, “Love your neighbor as yourself.” You cannot love your neighbor if you do not first love yourself. In the same manner, you cannot pass on prosperity of any sort, blessing others, if prosperity is not first operational in your own life to the extent that it is more than enough. Living in prosperity comes as a by-product of living in the blessing of God. If you want to know if or where you are living out of the blessing of God, you need not look any further than what you are able to do for others.

How does one know if they are poverty minded? There are many ways to answer this question. I will address some of the most common ways to discover the answer to this question. 1.

Believing for just enough to meet your own needs. I was once in a prayer meeting in which the subject of prosperity came up. During the course of conversation, one man said, “Shouldn’t we believe for just enough to meet our own needs?” I responded by saying, “If you do so, you see a need and not be able to meet it.” This is only one example of the terrible dangers of believing for just enough to meet your own needs.


When someone has a financial need, the response is, “I’ll pray for you”. There is nothing more disappointing than presenting a genuine need only to be met with the dreaded, “I’ll pray for you”. While those who respond in such a manner may mean well, this is not how it is supposed to work. According to scripture, the wealthy are supposed to help the poor (Proverbs 14:31). This not only incudes giving money to the poor but being willing to teach them how to move from being poor to being wealthy. Remember, one cannot pass on to others what is not operational in his own life.


Living paycheck to paycheck In the United States of America, those who live paycheck to paycheck are not always those who are making the least amount of money. According to recent statistics, 78 percent of Americans are living paycheck to paycheck and are in debt. A high percentage of these people are making over $100,000 per year, revealing the reality that the amount of money a person makes is not the main issue. The main issue is an understanding of money and how it works.


Giving out of obligation One of the biggest difference between the haves and have nots is the reason behind their giving. I hear many Christians complain about the fact they do not receive anything in return when they give. The issue here is with the heart and their reason behind giving. They believe God is going to bless them if they give, but what if it is as easy as believing God has already blessed you before you were ever conceived in your mother’s womb? When a non-believing millionaire gives and is known for their philanthropy, you will discover they give because they want to, not because they must or have some string attached. Are their tax advantages? Sure! There are also tax advantages (in the United States) for giving to a church or ministry. There is nothing wrong with such things as the laws in place allowing for tax deductions were established by the Government.

How do you feel when it comes to the subject of finances? Are you seeking just enough to meet your own needs? Are you satisfied living with less than enough? What about a tiny bit more than enough? What if you were mean to have more than enough beyond your

wildest dreams to not only be use of God to establish His covenant upon the earth but to take care of yourself, your family, bless those around you and have fun in life? This is far from what the average Christian is experiencing but that does not mean it cannot change for them. God truly has much more for you! If you are one who is struggling financially, but knows there must be a better way, I encourage you to meditate on the words of Ephesians 3:20 as seen in the Message Bible. “God can do anything, you know—far more than you could ever imagine or guess or request in your wildest dreams! He does it not by pushing us around but by working within us, his Spirit deeply and gently within us.”

by Pastor Bill Hackworth

I hope you all had a fantastic holiday season, as we are well on our way into 2018. The amazing thing about the new year, is that we have the opportunity to reflect on last year’s successes and failures. We can make adjustments along our journey, to ensure a better year than the last. Last year was a year of growing and maturity for me, personally. I am very excited for what God has in store, for, not only me, but for the body of Christ in 2018! This month I want to talk to you about a mystery. The disciples asked Jesus one day, "Why do you speak to them in parables?" Jesus replied, “Because it has been given to you to know the mysteries of the kingdom of heaven, but to them it has not been given. For whoever has, to him more will be given, and he will have abundance; but whoever does not have, even what he has will be taken away from him." The parables were to conceal the mysteries of the kingdom. But Jesus says, those who have knowledge of the mysteries of the kingdom, those people will have abundance. I do not know about you, but I want to attain everything Jesus paid for in this life. Jesus said He came to give us life, and life more abundantly! Why should our expectations be for anything less? The amazing thing about the Gospel is that God has not withheld anything. Everything was poured out at the Cross. As His skin was torn, Heaven was ripped open, and we were made heirs to the kingdom -- all mysteries were revealed in Jesus. We have been blessed with every spiritual blessing in Christ. We are seated in Jesus, on the throne, at the right hand of the Father. Even the mystery has been revealed. Apostle Paul writes to the Colossians.

Colossians 1:26-27 New King James Version (NKJV) 26 the mystery which has been hidden from ages and from generations, but now has been revealed to His saints. 27 To them God willed to make known what are the riches of the glory of this mystery among the Gentiles: which[a] is Christ in you, the hope of glory. The mystery this verse is referring to is Christ in you: the hope of glory! This is a powerful revelation, that God, in all His glory, has made His abode in you; however, these verses deserve a deeper look. Let's take a deeper look at the meaning of this verse. Let's start with the word, “hope.” In the Greek, the word “hope” is defined as “joyful expectation,” and the word “glory” can be defined as “God’s opinion, view, or reality.” So, give me the grace to translate verse 27 for you: 27) To them, God willed to make known what the riches of the glory of this mystery is, among the Gentiles; it is Christ in you, the joyful expectation of God's reality. Glowray!! Because Christ is in you, your expectations can now be elevated to experience God's reality here on Earth -- right here and right now. This is God's will: that His kingdom will come, and that Earth would look like Heaven. It all begins with Christ in you. What would happen if, in every circumstance we encounter, our first thought is that Jesus is in me, and my expectation is that this circumstance here on Earth, would look like Heaven. For example: If you're battling cancer, is there cancer in Heaven? If you're in poverty, is poverty in Heaven? Because Christ is in me, I actually have an expectation of God's reality here and now. Hope is a lot like a kid on Christmas morning. There are gifts under the tree. Even though they do not know what is contained in those packages, there is a joyful expectation of what is behind that wrapping paper. That is how we need to view situations that we encounter. Every circumstance, is an opportunity, even though we might not see what God is going to do. We have a joyful expectation, that God's reality is going to come through! Church, the Spirit of Him who raised Jesus from the dead dwells in you. You are more than a conqueror! Every circumstance you face, ask yourself, “Is this how God sees it?” If not, increase your expectation to match His reality! Romans 5:17New King James Version (NKJV) 17 For if by the one man’s offense death reigned through the one, much more those who receive abundance of grace and of the gift of righteousness will reign in life through the One, Jesus Christ.)

Dr. Bill has several shows each week. Wednesday at 10:00 AM – Central Time - Take Another Look Thursday at 10:00 AM – Central Time – Rightly Dividing Truth Friday at 10:00 AM – Central Time – Friday Morning Conversations Friday at 1:00 PM – Central Time – School of Ministry

Join Him in any or all of his shows. God Bless You!


Leon Gosiewski’s Books are available on AMAZON.COM

Ernest Kweku Nanor, Author from Ghana

After the death of Joshua, the Bible says that a Generation came which did not know God nor regarded Him as God. Right after those generations was the generation that Gideon was born in. God is about to raise Some disciples like Gideon and all the other through this book and it will help you to keep your head up on God without fainting!

Stuart E. Smith’s Books are available at: Amazon.com


Pastor Ryan Sutton’s books can be found at: AMAZON.COM

Larry Thompson’s books, INCLUDING HIS NEWEST, “Guardians of the Glory,” are available at AMAZON.COM

Streams of Glory Podcast By Streams of Glory Ministries https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast /streams-of-glorypodcast/id985879326?mt=2

Listen to Larry’s Podcasts here!

Tom Tompkin’s books are available at AMAZON.COM

John Woolston’s books are available at AMAZON.COM

You won’t want to miss John Woolston’s Newest Book, Evangelism Outside the Sanctuary. IT WILL BE COMING SOON AT AMAZON.COM!

Please remember, Father God’s love is unconditional. Pray for all the victims around the world that have been affected by flooding, fires, and other things. That is our job, our responsibility‌to help the hurting. Romans 8:19-23 (NKJV) 19 For the earnest expectation of the creation eagerly waits for the revealing of the sons of God. 20 For the creation was subjected to futility, not willingly, but because of Him who subjected it in hope; 21 because the creation itself also will be delivered from the bondage of corruption into the glorious liberty of the children of God. 22 For we know that the whole creation groans and labors with birth pangs together until now. 23 Not only that, but we also who have the firstfruits of the Spirit, even we ourselves groan within ourselves, eagerly waiting for the adoption, the redemption of our body. WE ARE HERE TO HELP THE HURTING

TO ALL OF OUR Readers, From: Faith Unlimited Staff And Writers

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