Faith Unlimited - September 2014 final copy

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Enduring Sound Doctrine By: Dr. Bill Hanshew 2014 – ICFM Central Regional Convention Section with message By: Pastor Bob Kaps Tom’s Tortilla Soup Recipe! Continued Testimony: “I had two Choices” By: Jonas Sikes

Faith Unlimited

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Articles Is the Word of Faith Movement Really from God? Enduring Sound Doctrine What Does the Word say About Paul’s Thorn in the Flesh? Every Gift Until His Return Where Did it Come From? Everything The Truth Will Set you Free 2014 ICFM Central Regional Conference

Bishop Tom Brown Dr. Bill Hanshew Pastor Jimmy Patillo Dan Corse Kim Miller Genice Fulton Leon Gosiewski Pastor Bob Kaps

Books Prayers that get Results Apple of His Eye and Hiding in His Love The Fig Tree Has Sprouted and Awake! Rise & Glow The Crocked Legged Foal

Bishop Tom Brown Kim Miller Leon Gosiewski Danielle Norris

KIDZ Section Kids Section

Anna Martin

Testimonies Dave Medlin Part Two: “I Had Two Choices”

Pastor Richard Hanshsew Jonas Sikes

Is The Word of Faith Movement

Really From God?

By: Bishop Tom Brown What is the Word of Faith movement, and is it from God? If you listen to the critics, you will think that this movement is the worst thing that could happen to Christianity. But this article is going to show how this movement is not only of God but absolutely necessary in God's end-time plan. When you look at all the Christian denominations in the world, you begin to wonder which is the right one. Well, the truth is, most of them have a lot of good, yet I believe God is wanting to do something better than simply build a bunch of denominations. In order to understand this controversial movement, we have to go back to the Bible and see God's plan for the Church. Jesus spoke to Peter and said, "And I tell you that you are Peter, and on this rock I will build my church, and the gates of Hades will not overcome it" (Matt. 16:18). If you listen to a few negative

Bishop Tom Brown folks, you'll get the impression that the Church is going to be a defeated, beaten-down, rotten, sin-filled group of hypocritical people. But Jesus said that the gates of hell will not overcome it. Jesus is coming back for a glorious, victorious Church. How is the Lord going to accomplish this task of making the Church an overcomer? By using people. Yes, by using people just like you and me. Notice carefully that the Lord is speaking to Simon. He changes his name to Peter,

which means a "little rock," and declares that He is going to build his church on this rock. Many wonder if Jesus was building His church on Peter. Yes and no. Ephesians chapter 2 verse 20 says that the Church is built on the foundation of the apostles and prophets. Peter is definitely one of the people who are part of the foundation; however, all the apostles, including many prophets, are considered the foundation of the Church as well.

Do you remember what the New Jerusalem will look like? John saw the Holy City with 12 foundations, and on them were the names of the 12 apostles. So, Peter was a rock on which the Lord was going to build His Church; yet, Peter declares in his writings, "As you come to him [Jesus], the living also, like living stones, are being built into a spiritual house ..." (1 Pet. 2:4-5). Peter testifies that Jesus is the Stone, the Corner Stone to be exact, and that we are living stones that the Lord is putting in place, such as a mason places brick upon brick, until the building is finished. The Lord has been in a building project for the last nineteen hundred-plus years. The Lord is not interested in doing a quick work but rather a quality job.

Now understand this: Each part of the building is essential for the completion of the whole. There can be no missing parts. Not only is this so, but every part adds something that is missing. This is where the Word of Faith movement comes in.

a burst of power and glory. They were invincible. Every believer acted as priests of the Lord and fervently preached the truth. They did such a wonderful job that their critics accused them of turning the world upside down.

The Word of Faith movement adds to the Church what has been missing for the last several centuries, primarily the teaching that the believer can receive answers to every prayer that is based on God's Word, as long as he has enough faith and that there is nothing in his life that could be hindering his prayer. This is a revolutionary thought to most of Christendom.

The early church fathers continued living in the same spirit of the apostles after the apostles died. But little by little, through the centuries, Christians abandoned the faith and dynamic lifestyle of their predecessors. They entangled themselves in silly controversies, which split the

Let me explain how the Word of Faith movement got here. The early church began with

Word of Life Church - El Paso, TX

unity of Christians. One group built their headquarters in Constantinople; they became the Eastern Church. And the other group had their headquarters in Rome and called themselves Roman Catholics. These churches have never reunited.

For almost the last 500 years, God has brought to western Christianity six major restorational movements: 1)the Reform, 2) the Evangelical, 3) the Holiness, 4) the Pentecostal, 5) the Charismatic, 6) and the Word of Faith.

Since most of us have our roots in the West, we have been influenced by the western branch of Christianity called the Roman Catholic Church. I want to focus on this part of the Church.

Each movement has been used of God to restore to the Church truths and practices that were lost by the Roman church.

During the dark ages, the Catholic Church had a monopoly over most of Christendom, and she used her power in terrible ways. This church deserted the ways of Christ and His teachings. They put fear in the hearts of the peasants by making them seek the church for forgiveness. They promised an easy salvation to those who would purchase indulgences. They exalted Mary nearly to the same position as Christ. They offered prayers to her as well as to many of the saints. In summary, they rejected most of the clear teachings of the Bible.

In 1517, a German monk named Martin Luther, who discovered from the Bible that salvation was not earned, but that it was a free gift to all those who believed proclaimed a loud and clear message: "The just shall live by faith." This doctrine that the just shall live by faith is

the most basic doctrine of the New Testament. We could not preach anything else without this truth. True Christians everywhere believe that salvation is a free gift to those who truly believe. This monk brought in the first restorational truth to the Church. This movement took on his name. His followers were called "Lutherans." His following, though, was mainly in Germany. Others followed his same doctrine and beliefs in other countries, and they were called different names. In Scotland, the reformers were called Presbyterians; in England they were called Anglicans (or Episcopalians). Basically these three denominations believe the same things. Although the reform movement embraced the all-

This branch of Christianity needed reformation, and God intended to bring it to her.

Bishop Tom Brown and Sonia Brown

important way of salvation, there were still some old Catholic ways and doctrines to which they continued to cling. They still believed that the Church should use the state to persecute dissenters, and they also practiced infant baptism. These practices and beliefs were clearly not biblical. So within these denominations, in about the 1600's, men arose to confront the reformed movement just as the reformers had confronted the Catholic church. They began by first insisting that all believers who were baptized as infants be rebaptized. They did this because many Lutherans, Presbyterians and Anglicans had never experienced the new birth; they were erroneously told that they were Christians because they had been baptized as babies. Many experienced true salvation through the efforts of evangelicals. It was the evangelicals' rebaptizing efforts that caused the critics to call them "Baptists." The Baptists also demanded separation between church and state. They believed that everyone should be able to worship God according to their own consciences without the intrusion of the government. They won-although at a huge cost. Many lost their lives for standing up

against the reformed churches, just as many reformers had lost their lives for standing up against the Catholic church. The Baptists were correct in their beliefs concerning adult baptism and freedom of Bishop Tom Brown and Sonia Brown worship. Today, almost all Christians election and the perseverance believe these things. God had of the saints. These teachings, restored adult baptism and in essence, gave people a freedom of worship for license to practice Christians. immorality--or at least gave them freedom to live In time, even the Baptists undisciplined lives. Even began to experience a need today, some Baptists have a for reformation. The terrible reputation of shortcoming of the Baptists hypocrisy—that they teach was a lack of holiness. The one thing but live another Baptists had so emphasized way. that salvation was by grace alone, not by works, that As you can see, there needed many of them refused to to be another restoration, and "work out their salvation this one would emphasize with fear and trembling," as holiness. John Wesley would Paul admonished believers in be the main leader in this Phil. 2:12. They reasoned, as next restorational move. His many do today, "Since movement was later called salvation is by grace, through Methodism--termed after his faith alone, there is no real disciplined, methodological need to do good works." approach to holy living. Many Baptists were living Today, we need Wesley's ungodly lives because of the message as never before. Calvinistic teachings about There is a great need for

holiness in American churches. John Wesley and others taught the past restorational truths, but they also emphasized the need to live disciplined Christian lives. They rejected much of the Calvinistic ideas of the past. They laid stress upon personal works without neglecting salvation by grace. Like the other restorational leaders of the past, they too were persecuted, mocked and criticized. But today, many Christians acknowledge a real need to discipline their lives. Many Christians no longer take the grace of God in vain. They work out their salvation with fear and trembling.

One man who got filled left the school and began preaching this newfound experience in Los Angeles, California, in a small cottage on 312 Azusa Street. He was the first black man to lead a restorational movement. His name: William Seymour.

Many in the holiness camp saw that there still were things lacking in their lives— primarily power. They lived separated from the world, but they lacked supernatural power.

Today, millions of people claim to adhere to the Pentecostal experience of being filled with the Spirit with the evidence of speaking in tongues. This truth is firmly established in the Bible.

So in 1901, some Bible students in Topeka, Kansas, began to study the subject of the Holy Spirit. They quickly discovered that they lacked the Bible experience of being filled with the Holy Spirit. They began to seek God for this experience, and God graciously met their faith. He filled them with the Holy Spirit with the evidence of speaking in other tongues.

Bishop Tom Brown

Since the Pentecostal movement came out of the holiness movement, there were some errors that permeated the Pentecostal movement. The main error had to do with "who could receive the Holy Spirit?" Most Pentecostal leaders believed that a candidate for the Holy Spirit had to first sanctify himself and live holy for a period of time before he

Bishop BishopTom TomBrown Brown

could receive the Holy Spirit. This rule was of course unscriptural. The Bible plainly shares accounts of people receiving the Holy Spirit right when they were saved. They did not have to tarry and sanctify themselves to qualify for the Spirit. They could receive this gift immediately upon praying for the experience. Hence, the charismatic movement took off. The charismatic movement was led by many people--the most popular being Chuck Smith, who founded the Calvary Chapels. He began baptizing hippies and praying for God to fill them with the Holy Spirit. And sure enough, God did.

God was pouring out his Spirit on all people, including long-hair, pot-smoking, barefooted hippies. This made the old-time Pentecostals upset. They couldn't believe that these people were receiving the Holy Spirit without first cutting their hair, throwing away their dope, and dressing modestly. But God was filling them with the Spirit despite their objections. The Pentecostals criticized Chuck Smith and many of the charismatics, including the Catholic charismatics. But time showed that the charismatic movement was here to stay. This brings us to the current move of God: the word of faith. This movement is an extension of the charismatic movement. It is bringing to Spirit-filled Christians everywhere the message of uncompromising faith--that believers can receive answers to their prayers, including healing, so long as they exercise sufficient faith. The charismatic movement experienced dramatic healings, but most people were not taught that they could be healed on their own faith and that they didn't need to be healed at a great miracle service like those of Kathryn Kuhlman. The word of faith ministers have shown the power of faith and that

God will bless the believers in every way, including materially, if they will live according to the Word. This is revolutionary to many Christians. Because it is the current move of God, we should expect it to be criticized more than any other movement. And this is the case.

criticized by the religious establishment: the Catholics persecuted the Lutherans, the Lutherans judged the Baptists, the Baptists ridiculed the Holiness people, the Holiness community criticized the Charismatics. And today, many Charismatics unfairly accuse the Word of Faith ministers of heresy.

I am not surprised at all when we are criticized. We should expect it. After all, every past restorational movement was

The heresy hunters are still here. When will they learn from the past and quit criticizing what God has begun?


Sound Doctrine By: Dr. Bill Hanshew

2 Timothy 4:3 says, “For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine, but according to their own desires, because they have itching ears, they will heap up for themselves teachers.” Today we live in a world where the church at large seems to be in a seeker sensitive mode. What this has meant to me so far is that the ministerial leadership is expected not to talk about money; we are not to preach anything that demands change or makes anyone feel uncomfortable and especially, don’t teach or talk about any subject to long or someone just might get mad and quit the church. However, there remains a remnant today of those who embrace the truth, and still make an effort to impact our world for Jesus Christ. Yet too many people are embracing things that have an appearance of truth, but are still ignoring what is actually sound biblical doctrine. The Apostle Paul said, “For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine…” And since God is always right and we are in the

last days, we must be in a time when people are being deceived by doctrinal teachings that are not sound.

Dr. Bill Hanshew

Dr. Bill Hanshew

The word “endure” mentioned here appears to mean that you will either stand for sound doctrine or put up with a doctrine that is not sound. Unfortunately, there are teachings that have infiltrated the church that many seem to embrace, whether true or false, simply based on the popularity of how certain doctrines are presented and how they make a person feel about themselves. For example; 1 John 1:9 says, “If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.” Now, a debate has arisen within the body of Christ based on this single verse of scripture. Some

say that 1 John chapter one was not written to Christians, but to the Gnostics. Therefore, some are saying that when a Christian sins, there is nothing that we need to do about it— since Jesus has already paid the entire debt for sin. While it is true that the sin debt for all of humanity has been paid for, it is also true that when we sin, we need to confess it to God. So, the question is this; was 1 John 1:9 written to the Gnostics or to the Christians? Some say this: “Gnosticism was a second century heresy claiming that salvation could be gained through secret knowledge.” Also, we find that Gnosticism

is a word derived from the Greek word gnosis, meaning “to know.” This is not a well kept secret. However, it is also said that “Gnosticism is defined as a prominent heretical movement of the 2nd-century Christian Church, partly of preChristian origin. The Gnostic doctrine taught that the world was created and ruled by a lesser divinity, the demiurge (meaning, a powerful creative force or personality, and in some cases, known as a deity who creates the material world and is often viewed as the originator of evil), and that Christ was an emissary (meaning, an agent sent on a mission to represent or advance the interests of another) of the remote supreme divine being, esoteric (meaning, only a particular group could understand this) knowledge (gnosis) of whom enabled the redemption of the human spirit.” Now, the bottom line is that it seems as though many say the term “Gnosticism” does not

appear in ancient sources. And it certainly does not appear in the Bible. So, if 1 John chapter one was written to the church or the Christians, just as 1 John chapters two, three, four and five were, then what does 1 John 1:9 mean? The object of this verse is not just God’s faithfulness. And we know that our God is faithful! However, the issue at hand, which is addressed in this statement is, “If we confess our sins...” What is sin? Other than what the word says, my opinion and your opinion of sin may not be the same thing. And there are a variety of opinions in the body of Christ about what exactly sin is and how to handle it. Yet this verse, which was written to Christians, says, “If we confess our sins.” Therefore, whatever sin is to you, we must confess or admit it to God, when we sin. It seems to be the nature of man to attempt to hide from God whenever we do mess up, just as Adam and Eve did in the garden. Why was that? It was

because they were afraid. When people sin, it seems that people go into a defensive mode, which is prompted by fear. Some act as though God will somehow punish them for their sins. But God is not looking to destroy His creation, but rather, He desires our fellowship. So He sent Jesus, Who paid for our debt of sin. So, this is what I see in 1 John 1:9. When we sin, it is important to immediately say to God something like; “here I am Lord… I did it!” In other words, “confess it to God!” 1 John 1:9 tells us that, “If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins.” We must understand that forgiveness was released at the cross of Calvary and still flows today. It’s just like healing for our bodies, which was also released at the cross through the beaten body of Jesus. So, do you ever need a physical touch from God? The answer is yes! The same thing is true about

forgiveness. It has already been released to us, but every now and then, we might need God to wrap His arms around us and for us to take a fresh look at the finished work of Jesus. Also, we need to understand that when we sin, someone is affected by it in some way. If we lie, it may hurt our credibility with someone. If we commit adultery, it will probably affect our credibility with a lot of people. In other words, there are moral consequences attached to our sin. The good news is that Jesus paid for our sin. But also He paid for the cleansing of the moral consequences. That is

why 1 John 1:9 says, “and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.” This refers to the moral consequences brought on by our sin. Now of course, if you commit murder, you can easily get right with God, but the city, state or country in which the crime is committed may feel differently. Sound doctrine is simply understanding what the Bible and avoiding new trends based on the popularity of new ideas. Just because something new is being preached, doesn’t make it sound doctrine. Paul makes it clear that the time will come when some will not endure sound doctrine. But this should serve as a warning for

us to watch out for teachers who mislead with fancy words, and especially when our intellect is compelled to follow them in an unscriptural way, rather than follow after the Holy Spirit. 2 Timothy 4:4 says, “and they will turn their ears away from the truth, and be turned aside to fables..” Then we are told to be watchful in all things. So never take up with the popular message, unless it is can be confirmed to be true, by searching the scriptures and proving that it is sound doctrine, with its foundation in God’s Word. …Think about it!



What Does the Word say about…

Paul’s “Thorn in the Flesh?” By: Pastor Jimmy Patillo I want to thank Pastor Faye for the invitation to write this article on Paul’s “Thorn in the Flesh.” I realize there are many ministers more capable than I who could write on this subject. However, this is my assignment and I am honored to be asked to write it. The subject of Paul’s Thorn is taken from 2 Corinthians 12. Let’s look at this text, verse by verse, starting with verse seven. 2 Corinthians 12:7 “And lest I should be exalted above measure through the abundance of the revelations, there was given to me a thorn in the flesh, the messenger of Satan to buffet me, lest I should be exalted above measure.” Paul’s statement, “...lest I should be exalted above measure...” has made people believe that God was the one who gave Paul this thorn. Their reasoning is “being exalted” is pride, and certainly God is against pride. However, the text specifically says that the thorn was not from God, but from satan. It was “the messenger of Satan...” This is proof that it was not pride, for satan would never attack someone for being prideful. So what is going on

here? The Bible speaks of a godly type of exalting that has nothing to do with pride. First Peter 5:6 says, “Humble yourselves therefore under the mighty hand of God, that he may EXALT you in due time” (emphasis mine). Pastor Jimmy Patillo Matthew 23:12 states, “And whosoever shall gift and every perfect gift is exalt himself shall be abased; from above, and cometh down and he that shall humble from the Father of lights, with himself shall be EXALTED” whom is no variableness, (emphasis mine). Satan sent a neither shadow of turning.” messenger to buffet Paul God doesn’t “give” messengers everywhere he went, to hinder of satan to beat His children up! him from being “exalted above God is good, and He is good all measure” and attaining too the time! much influence with the people. No doubt Paul got the Also, notice that the thorn was expression “thorn in the flesh” given as a result of “the from the Old Testament abundance of the revelations” Scriptures. In all of the that was given to Paul. Who instances where the phrase gave Paul the revelations? God. “thorn in the flesh” is used in God is not going to give you the Bible, it always states something then beat you up for exactly what the “thorn” was having it! Imagine a father (See Numbers 33:55; Joshua giving his child a gift, then 23:13; Judges 2:3; 2 Samuel whipping the child for having 23:6). Without exception, all it! Let’s not insult the goodness the “thorns” were personalities. of our Heavenly Father! James In the same manner, in our text, 1:16-17 says, “Do not err, my Paul most definitely states what beloved brethren. Every good his “thorn” was. It was “the

messenger of Satan.” The word “messenger” is the Greek word angelos. This word appears 188 times in the Bible, and is translated “angel” 181 times, and “messenger” seven times. In all 188 references, it is a person and not a thing or a disease. While the Old Testament uses the terms “pricks in your eyes and thorns in your sides,” the Canaanites were not inflicting physical disease on Israel (Num. 33:55). God was not saying they would get in their eyes and their feet would be dangling out. It was a figure of speech, much like many today use the phrase “pain in the neck” regarding someone. In the same manner, Paul’s “thorn” was a satanic personality, not a disease as some have proposed. If that is what Paul says it was, why should we argue with him? The “messenger” was sent to “buffet” Paul. The word “buffet” means “blow after blow,” as when waves buffet a ship. The American Heritage Dictionary defines “buffet” as “to hit or beat, especially repeatedly.” Paul spoke of these attacks as being reproaches, persecutions, and distresses for the sake of Christ (see 12:10). Paul’s thorn was not sickness sent by God to keep Paul humble. It was a messenger of

satan, a wicked demonic spirit, who was assigned to continually persecute Paul everywhere he went. 2 Corinthians 12:8 “For this thing I besought the Lord thrice, that it might depart from me.” Notice that Paul made special mention of praying over this situation three times. The average Christian will pray incessantly over the same request, over and over again. Apparently this was not Paul’s way of praying, for he stressed that he prayed three times over this situation. This implies that having to pray three times over the same thing was abnormal to Paul. The Lord didn’t remove Paul’s thorn because Jesus did not redeem believers from persecution. God would have had to remove Paul from the

earth to answer his prayer. 2 Timothy 3:12 states, “Yea, and all that will live godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution.” Had Paul’s thorn been sickness, he could have received healing. However, the Lord doesn’t deliver believers from persecution. He strengthens them through His grace to be able to bear it, thereby bringing glory to God and conviction to the persecutors. 2 Corinthians 12:9 “And he said unto me, My grace is sufficient for thee: for my strength is made perfect in weakness. Most gladly therefore will I rather glory in my infirmities, that the power of Christ may rest upon me.” Let’s look at the word “infirmities.” This word is not referring to sickness. The context makes this evident. In 2 Corinthians 11, Paul listed the things that he called his infirmities (2 Cor. 11:2330). In enumerating them, we see that Paul mentions almost everything one could think of except sickness or an eye disease. There is no need to substitute “sore eyes” or “sickness,” which Paul does not mention, for all of these buffetings which Paul does mention. His infirmities were the hardships he suffered because of the preaching of the Gospel. In 2

Pastors Jimmy and Melissa Patillo

Corinthians 12:10, he confirmed this again by listing five things that he suffered. None of them were sickness. Further examples of Paul’s persecutions and infirmities are given in Acts 9:23, 26-29; 13:612, 44-50; 14:1-19; 16:12-40; 17:1-14; 18:1-23; 19:23-31; and 20:3. Notice, no matter how great the buffeting Paul experienced, God said, “My grace is sufficient for thee.” God was saying to Paul, “When you are at your weakest point, My grace will be sufficient to meet anything the devil throws at you.” I like how one minister said it, Paul became acquainted

with the overwhelming grace of God, and he saw he magnificent power of God demonstrated again and again, He said, “I am going to take glory in my weaknesses because when I am weak, when I find myself imprisoned without cause, beaten and in stripes because of the gospel and there seems to be no way out, God, in the middle of the night, sends an earthquake and shakes the prison. Every chain is broken, every door is opened, and I walk out free! When I am in a shipwreck or I am a day and a night in the deep and have no hope, God sends His angel and says, “All that are sailing with you are going to be

saved, and I end up on an island preaching, and seeing many signs and wonders.” Yes, God’s grace is sufficient for Paul, for you, and for me! God’s ability abounds when our ability is weak! Always remember...No matter the weapon, WE WIN!!

Eastern District ICFM Convention - 2014

Chipolte’s – A Mexican Grill, Where you go in, walk through a line, and tell them exactly what YOU want on YOUR dish! Located in Blue Springs, MO, up by Kansas City. A wonderful place to go! We visited while on our trip to ICFM!

What a BEAUTIFUL tin horse! Right in the Shopping Center! Really cool scenery!

Every Gift Until

His Return By: Dan Corse

James 1:17 (NKJ) – Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and comes down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variation or shadow of turning.

Throughout the New Testament we find passages that speak of gifts that God gives the church. In Ephesians 4:11 we see what are often referred to as the “ministry gifts.” In 1 Corinthians 12:4-11 we find listed what are known as “the gifts of the Spirit.” (1 Corinthians 12-14 contains a plethora of information related to the gifts of the Spirit and their correct use.) In Romans 12:3-8 there is listed more information on gifts. Being good, these gifts, all of them, were given by God to equip, perfect, edify (build up), exhort and encourage the saints until Christ’s return. Yet, related to the gifts there exists in Christendom a false teaching that robs the body of Christ of a myriad of blessings related to the gifts. That teaching is known as cessationism. Cessationists believe that many of the “ministry gifts” and none of the “gifts of the Spirit” are any longer valid, that they are no longer for today. Noted among modern cessationists is John MacArthur, who in a conference called “Strange Fire” condemns those who are not cessationists as heretics and demonic, which should serve as a wake-up call as to the intensity of the

onslaught that cessationism often represents. Historically speaking, B. B. Warfield, a theology professor who took the chair of the theology department at Princeton University in 1887, is often referred to as “The Father of American Cessationism.” His theology was strongly Calvinist, what today we know as reformed, a minority view in Christianity that contains a number of troubling tenets, not the least of which is the view that God wills some to be lost and some to be saved. Clearly, such a view flies in the face of 2 Peter 3:9 (NKJ), where we read that God is “not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance.” 2 Timothy 2:4 (NKJ) provides further rebuttal to this view, stating that God “desires all men to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth.” Some reformed cessationists, when presented with those two verses, will counter by questioning, “If God wants all saved, then why are not all saved?” Often adding, “Do you believe in universalism?”

Dan Corse (Universalism is the false teaching that all will eventually be saved, which obviously contradicts teaching related to eternal punishment for the lost.) Those questions, often viewed as astute by those asking them, as they think God’s will can never be resisted, based on their interpretations of various passages of the Bible, do not take into account that God sovereignly created men with free wills, which means His call, unlike they adhere to, is not “irresistible.” Nor do they take into account verses like Psalm 78:41 (NKJ), speaking of the Hebrews in the wilderness, “Yet, again and again they tempted God, and limited the Holy One of Israel.” Moving back to our discussion of cessationism, we shall now consider

the passage so often provided as the proof text for the view that some of the “ministry gifts” and none of “the gifts of the Spirit” are for today. That passage is 1 Corinthians 13:9-12 (NKJ): “For we know in part and we prophesy in part. But when that which is perfect has come, then that which is in part will be done away. When I was a child, I spoke as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child; but when I became a man, I put away childish things. For now we see in a mirror, dimly, but then face to face. Now I know in part, but then I shall know just as I also am known.” Related to this passage, cessationists tell us that some of the “ministry gifts” and all of the “gifts of the Spirit” ceased “when that which is perfect has come” viewing “that which is perfect” as the Bible, when the cannon of Scripture became complete. Yet, contradicting this erroneous assertion is 1 Corinthians 1:7 (NKJ), relating to us Paul’s desire, “so that you come short in no gift, eagerly awaiting the revelation of our Lord Jesus Christ.” Note, Paul desires that they come behind in no gift until the revelation of Jesus Christ, speaking of His return, not the completion of the Bible.

of the Son of God, to a perfect (Greek teleios, speaking of that which is mature) man, to the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ; that we should no more be children, tossed to and fro and carried about with every wind of doctrine, by the trickery of men, in the cunning craftiness of deceitful plotting, but, speaking the truth in love, may grow up in all things into Him who is the head – Christ” (Ephesians 4:12-15, NKJ).

Jesus Christ, until His return. They are needed in a multitude of ways, for the edification (building up) of the body of Christ, spiritually speaking, and for our physical needs (i.e. gifts of healings, 1 Cor. 12:9). Clearly, mankind’s needs, spiritually, intellectually, emotionally, socially and physically, have not changed with the completion of the Bible. For its completion we should be eternally thankful, yet that completion was not intended as impetus for a ceasing of any of the gifts, but surely does enhance and compliment the blessing that the gifts are intended to be.

The language of both 1 Corinthians 13:9-12 and Ephesians 4:12-15 reflects aspects of Christian growth, using terms like “child,” “man,” “perfect” (mature) and “children.” Maturation in Christ should be the goal of every believer. Though this maturation is fully impossible without a dependence on the Word of God, both as milk and as meat (solid food), again referencing aspects of spiritual maturity, that does not mean, unlike cessationists would have us believe, there is no longer a need for some of the gifts that God gives. The gifts, all of them, are needed until the revelation of

Using the logic of cessationists related to the gifts, that they are no longer all needed or are for us, then we could say that the knowledge Paul spoke of in 1 Corinthians 13:912 was no longer needed either. Clearly, they won’t suggest that. Yet, choosing to ignore that possibility, cessationists only speak of that “which is perfect,” the completed Bible from their perspective, necessitating the end of some of the gifts. Of course, you will often be hard pressed to have them explain with Scripture how they decided which ones, especially when it comes to the “ministry gifts.”

Having the completed Bible does not mean all who are in Christ immediately obtain spiritual maturity, else we should ignore the reason for all of the “ministry gifts”: “For the equipping of the saints for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ, will we all come to the unity of the faith and to the knowledge

Dan and Tammy Corse and Grandchildren

The language of 1 Corinthians 13:912 should make us think of 1 John 3:2 (NKJ), “Beloved, now we are the children of God, and it has not yet been revealed what we shall be, but we know that when He is revealed, we shall be like Him, for we shall see Him as He is.” Obviously, the language of both passages points to a time when we shall no longer see through a mirror or glass darkly or dimly, to the time of His revelation or return. It is a time when we shall see clearly, a time when we shall be like He is, “for we shall see Him as He is.” Meanwhile, we should remember that spiritual maturation is imperative for all believers, as 2 Peter 3:18 (NKJ) states, “but grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.” Yet, as continuationists, those who know all of the gifts are for today, we should be thankful not only for the entire Bible, given for our benefit as believes, but also for every gift until His return.

Romans 10:9-10 9

That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised Him from the dead, thou shalt be saved. 10

For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation. KJV

By: Kim Miller In order to walk in the things that Jesus accomplished for us, we must know God's word. It isn't enough to THINK we know what God's word says, or to just believe that the Bible says something because someone told us that it does. The devil goes about as a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour. (1 Peter 5:8) Those who don't know God's word will be devoured. They will believe the lies of the devil and miss out on the wonderful things that Jesus has already provided for them. This isn't what God wants. He purchased victory for us, so that we can

enjoy it. What He did wasn't in vain! H ow can we experien ce victory in our lives, if we don't know what belongs to us, and if the things we are experiencing are from Satan or God? What does the word of God say? The word of God is where we should be going for answers. God's word is forever settled in Heaven. Nothing will ever change it. It should be the final authority in a believer's life. Where does sickness come from? Many in the body of Christ believe that it comes from God. They believe that everything that happens in life is God's

Kim Miller will. Not so! Matthew 8:16-17 When evening had come, they brought to Him many who were demon possessed. And He cast out the spirits with a word, and healed all who were sick, that it might be fulfilled which was spoken by Isaiah saying: He Himself took our infirmities and bore our sicknesses. Jesus took our sicknesses for us. He took them so that we don't have to! 1 John 3:8 tells us that Jesus's purpose is to destroy the works of the devil. John 10:10 says "the thief does not come

except to kill, steal, and destroy, I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly." You see, Jesus isn't the thief, the devil is, and anyone who has ever experienced sickness and disease knows that it is not part of the abundant life! Jesus healed all people then, He desires to heal all people now! Hebrews 13:8 "Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever." The next verse (v. 9) tells us not to be carried about with various and strange doctrines. We must know and believe God's word. Sadly, many Christians don't experience anything more than salvation. They are going to Heaven, which is most important, but God's plan is for us to live long and strong until we get there. Freedom from sickness is part of our salvation. Jes us did more than just save us from hell. Believe me, that

would have been more than enough, but He is so good that He provided an abundant life here for us on Earth until we go to Heaven. Healing is always God's will. The Bible says that Jesus healed them all. Acts 10:38 how God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Ghost and with power, who went about doing good and healing all who were oppressed by the devil, for God was with Him. We cannot base what we believe on our own circumstances or the experiences of others. Someone recently said to me, "It must not be God's will to heal everyone because there are still sick Christians." Just because everyone isn't experiencing what Jesus has provided for them, doesn't mean that it hasn't been provided, or

that they can't experience it. There are Biblical principles set up in His word when it comes to receiving from God. For example, I can go to the store and buy you a fantastic gift, wrap it up, and set it on the table. If you don't go to the table, pick it up, and unwrap it, you won't receive how wonderful it is, or the benefits of it. That doesn't mean that I didn't buy it for you, or that it isn't yours. You have to receive what I purchased for you. God's word doesn't automatically happen in our lives because we are Christians, or because we want it to. The devil tries to rob from us and the way to experience what Jesus has done for us is to believe, speak, and do God's word. Don't allow the devil to rob you of what belongs to you! Take what's yours, unwrap all Jesus has purchased for you!

Pastor Tom's Tortilla Soup Okay, I give up! All my members keep asking for my amous tortilla soup recipe. Here it is. Muy Bueno! 16 ounce can tomatoes 1 medium onion, cut up 2 clove garlic 4 tablespoons snipped cilantro 1/2 teaspoon sugar 8 cups chicken broth 1 1/2 lbs chicken breast cut up 2 or 3 *chipotle peppers and a little adobo sauce Shredded Monterey Jack cheese Avocados cut up Tortilla chips Sour cream

Fun Fact:

EL PASO – Some say stories of a maze of hidden tunnels beneath the city of El Paso are just myth while others swear that the underground pathways are real. Their existence has been the stuff of legends for over 150 years. Hudnall, K. (2012) Background Pictue: The infamous tunnels under the Turtle House in Sunset Heights, El Paso Texas Picture used by permission of: Heather Shade Photography

In blender combine undrained tomatoes, onion, garlic, cilantro, and sugar. Cover and blend till nearly smooth. Put mixture into a large pot with chicken broth, chicken and chipotle peppers. Bring to boiling; cover and simmer for 20 minutes. Put crunched tortilla chips in a bowl with cheese, avocados, and sour cream (omit if desired). Ladle soup over; serve immediately. Makes 8 or 10 servings. * I'm sure people are wondering what is a chipotle pepper. It is a smoked jalapeĂąo. It is usually found in adobo sauce. Do not think the soup will taste good without it. It is the reason why my soup recipe is so good. If you can't find chipotle peppers in your store, click here to find the brand I use. By the way this is an original recipe. Tell me what you think.

By: Genice Fulton Recently, I’ve been thinking a lot about my Bible, the Word. What is my Bible (the Word), what does the Word say, and how can we apply the Word to our life today? All Scripture is inspired by God and is useful to teach what is true and to make us realize what is wrong in our lives. It corrects us when we are wrong and teaches us to do what is right. (2 Timothy 3:16, NLT) The Word says:  To search our own hearts. (Matthew 7:1-5)  Not to judge. (Matthew 7:1) Our priorities. (Matthew 6:33)  God’s will for our lives. (1 Thessalonians 5:18)  To go to church. (Hebrews 10:25)  (Husbands) Love your wife. Genice  (Ephesians 5:25) (Wives) Respect your husband. (Ephesians 5:23)  Who is in charge. (Ephesians 5:22)  How to train our kids. (Proverbs 22:6)


                                      

To honor our parents. (Ephesians 6:2) To overcome. (Romans 12:21) To value our friends. (Ecclesiastes 4:9-12) Be mindful of who we expose our self to. (Proverbs 13:20) To be blessed. (Psalm 1:1) To build a team of wise counselors. (Proverbs 15:22) Be obedient. (Hebrews 13:17) To pursue peace. (Psalm 34:14) He’s not slow, just very patient. (2 Peter 3:9) Above all, love. (1 Peter 4:8) How to be exalted. (James 4:10) Just believe! (Mark 5:36) Mike and Genice at We don’t have to beg God! (Matthew 7:11) 2014 Sparatan Race Never waver! (James 1:6) He has anointed us! (Luke 4:18-19) Hawaii Make the devil flee! (James 4:7) We are whole! (Isaiah 53:5) He is the LORD our God! (Leviticus 19:31) He is always our good Father! (Psalm 136:1) To walk in our God given authority! (Luke 10:19) We can believe everything He said! (Hebrews 6:18) He is faithful! (1 Corinthians 1:9) He has partnered with us! (1 Corinthians 1:9) He will finish what He started! (Philippians 1:6) Not to give up! (Galatians 6:9) We will always reap a harvest! (Galatians 6:7) Every Scripture is inspired by God Himself! (2 Timothy 3:16) The Word is alive! Active! Powerful! (Hebrews 4:12) God wants everyone! (2 Peter 3:9) God only blesses us! (Jeremiah 29:11) God has given us all we need! (2 Peter 1:30) God wants us prosperous! (3 John 1:2) God gave us abundant life! (John 10:10) God is the beginning! (John 1:1) God is the end! (Revelation 1:8) God is the Word! (John 1:1) God loves us! (John 3:16) God is everything! (Revelation 1:8, 1 John 5:7)

Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light untothe in my path. Psalm 119:105

The above list contains a few of the things the Word says but how do we practically apply the Word to our life today, every day? One of the most powerful things I love about the Word is, it contains no loopholes. For sake of space, I will only address one item on the above list. Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it. (Proverbs 22:6, KJV) This verse is twofold. The first part is instruction (mandate), not a suggestion (option). The second part is God’s promise. In other words, when we do part one, God insures part two. (1 Corinthians 1:9, Philippians 1:6, Galatians 6:9, Galatians 6:7, Hebrews 4:12) I have two small children. The world� tries to convince me I have little to no authority in my children’s lives in regards to privacy, discipline, restrictions, etc. At times, this is done advertently while other times it is done advertently. Thankfully, I understand I am not of the world. (Romans 12:2) Thankfully, God has anointed me to train my children in the way they should go. (Jeremiah 1:5) As a result, I train my children according to my final authority (God). His authority overrides all other authority. Parents, please do not hand over your God given authority in raising your children. In closing, what is the Word? The Word is everything!

Mike and Genice Fulton in Alaska Praise God for the new CPR location!!!

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Hey kids! Anna here! I want to talk to you about Mark 11:24 today.. Mark 11:24 says,

"Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it is yours." Now, to me, the meaning of this verse goes like this: In order to receive your prayers answered, or to have your prayer heard, you have to believe in it, and you have to receive it. You might think to yourself, "I have prayed before. I received it and I believed it, but nothing happened." Well, let me tell you why. You didn't stay in faith. Confess it every day. Whether it is for a relative or for a pet, just pray and believe.

Anna Martin

Also, don’t be embarrassed to pray in front of people. My friends were over this weekend and I prayed over my food because I was having a snack at the time. I wasn't embarrassed at all. I also want everyone to know that even though your friends might not do it, you can. You can pray. If you forget to pray, it's okay. Just tell God you are sorry, and try to remember next time. I do occasionally forget to pray. Then during my meal, I remember and I pray. Prayer is a wonderful factor in life. It is also a good deed to do. "How?" you might ask. Well, praying for the sick to be healed, praying for you to be safe, praying over meals, or praying for the homeless. Praying is a useful source in getting healed. It is a very good blessing as well. So use it wisely. What I mean is use it for good. Don’t use it and not believe or receive it.

"Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need and thank him for all he has done. Then you will experience God's peace, which exceeds anything we can understand. His peace will guard your hearts and minds as you live in Christ Jesus."

This Month's Questions A. Macy's friend said that praying is out and games are in. Macy doesn't believe that, but she want to fit in. Macy isn't sure what to do, what do you think she should do? 1. Go with the crowd! You definitely don't want to be uncool! 2. Pray, but not around your friends! They will laugh and make fun! 3. Pray! Who cares what others think?

B. Blaine has a friend over. Blaine really wants to keep that friend, but the friend said that Blaine has to quit praying or people won't like him. Blaine loves to pray and talk to God, but he doesn't want to be friendless. What should he do? 1. Do what your friend says! You don't want to be friendless! 2. Pray, but do it in a safe place like the janitors closet. 3. Don't listen to them! If they don't accept you for who you are, they weren't your friends anyway.

*Answers will be in next month's issue*

1. Jahuos Joshua 2. asihIa Isaiah 3. bJo Job 4. laPmss Psalms 5. iaabhOd Obadiah 6. oAsm Amos 7. anJoh Jonah 8. eeihJamr Jermiah 9. xdusEo Exodux 10. aErz Ezra 11. ctsA Acts 12. onhJ John 13. omRnas Romans 14. Jasem James 15. kLue Luke 16. stuTi Titus 17. Mkar Mark 18. twthaeM Matthew 19. aianGsatl Galatians 20. nphsiesEa Ephesians (I apologize - #20 had an error in the original Scramble – It should have had an “h” also!)

Here are the answers to the Word Find from the August issue.

Answers for the Two Questions in this issue will be in the October issue.

The Truth

Will Set You Free! By: Leon Gosiewski

Pontius Pilate famously asked the question, ‘What is truth?’ (John 18: 38). We could of course easily debate this question for a very long time and in the process no doubt go round in circles whilst involving ourselves in philosophical mind-bending contortions that will eventually probably leave us no less wise. What Pilate appears to express is that in his experience, truth is not always truth. In asking the Leon Gosiewski question he seemed aware that truth can either be absolute or relative; sincere or opinion, changeless or fluid, deceitful or honest. Most if not all of us will equally know the paradoxical unreliability of ‘truth’ in various aspects of our life experiences. For example, how often have we heard someone tell us what they are saying is true only to find it was not what they had so convincingly and plausibly claimed? The Psalmist was also aware of the untruthfulness of man, saying, ‘his mouth is filled with cursing and deceit and oppression; under his tongue are mischief and iniquity’ (Psalm 10: 7). Paul also wrote, ‘the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and wickedness of men who by their wickedness suppress the truth’ (Romans 1: 18). Truth in human terms is unreliable and so Paul wrote these wise words, ‘see to it that no one makes a prey of you by philosophy and empty deceit, according to human tradition, according to the elemental spirits of the universe’ (Colossians 2: 8). There is a plain and simple fact that most, if not all of us have experienced, there is an ‘elemental spiritual’ realm that is indistinguishable from the worldly realm in terms of deception. So, how can we avoid falling ‘prey’ to philosophy, deceit, tradition and elemental spirits of the world? The fact is, as Pilate so clearly expressed in worldly terms we cannot. We will find ourselves in one way or another caught up in worldly deception. But all is not lost because as believers, spiritually we are not of the world; our engagement in life is not

[or it should certainly not be] in the philosophy of humankind, the emptiness of worldly deceit, the web of human tradition or the spirits of the universe. If it is these will only serve to draw us away from God and separate us from His leading and guiding. You see, in the heavenly spiritual realm, Paul completed his statement by saying these key words ‘and not according to Christ’ (Colossians 2: 8). In other words, Paul was asserting that the one sure, reliable, unchanging truth is Christ. Truth in worldly transitory terms may generally be unstable and unsure, but truth in spiritual eternal terms is always stable and sure. Truth is Christ and Christ is truth. I now realize that this is what Jesus was saying to Pilate when he said, ‘I have come into the world, to bear witness to the truth. Everyone who is of the truth hears my voice’ (John 18: 37). Those that belong to Christ are acutely ‘tuned in’ to Christ. When, however we step away from Christ we stop hearing his voice and we can lose touch with truth and become easy targets to the ‘elemental spirit of the universe’ (Colossians 2: 8). Yet, there is an interesting and powerful twist in Pilate’s question. You see, Pilate did not know truth and he certainly did not know about the truth of Christ but as Jesus stood before him there was both a visually perceptible and deeper, inner recognition within him that led Pilate to say three times, ‘I find no crime in him’ (John 18: 38, 19: 4 and 19: 6). Pilate also intuitively recognized something that the Jewish people both of the day and many even today did not recognize I am, of course, referring here to these three statements, ‘Behold your King!’ (John 19: 14), ‘Shall I crucify your King?’ (John 19: 15) and the amazing written declaration of heavenly truth boldly written in Hebrew, Latin and Greek pinned to the cross so that everyone without exception could read it, ‘Jesus of Nazareth, the King of the Jews’ (John 19: 19). Pilate instinctively exposed the true identity of Jesus and who he really is, a truth that denied by many even today. When we deny this truth we also deny the truth of God who said, ‘This is my beloved Son, with whom I am well pleased’ (Matthew 3: 17). Effectively we are not only calling Jesus a liar but we are also calling God a liar because God Himself identified who Jesus really is! In their blinded denial the Chief priests tried to get Pilate to change the words to, ‘This man said, I am the King of the Jews’ but Pilate had been so deeply convicted that he refused. Pilate discovered, as we do, that the truth of Christ has the spiritual ability to ‘prick’ our conscience. It has the divine ability to touch our innermost heart, but when our love for Christ is missing or lacking, when our focus is on self and not on Christ, or when we have not yielded to Christ completely we can lose sight of him and our spiritual hearing and sight become dull. Worldly thoughts, concerns and traditions mix with elemental spirits and take over. Love is chokingly swamped. Faith is severely debilitated, conviction is silently weakened and we get drawn away by an inner war of opposition with the ‘voice’ of dissention that primes our ego, repels our sense of right and wrong and we flounder in sinfulness instead of rejoice in divine life. Jesus said, ‘If you love me, you will keep my commandments. And I will pray the Father, and he will give you another Counsellor, to be with you for ever, even the Spirit of truth, whom the world cannot receive, because it neither sees him nor knows him; you know him, for he dwells with you, and will be in you’ (John 14: 15 – 17). The Spirit of truth is in us. But we must walk constantly in

the Holy Spirit, check all things against scripture, listen to the voice of the Lord and use spiritual discernment[1]. It is the solid truth of scripture personified in Jesus that sets us free. Are you free? More can be found in Leon’s book, Awake, Rise & Glow!

For a list of books written by Leon see the free features available on Amazon.

Leon is available to speak, sign books at conferences, and hold healing meetings.

You can contact him by email at:

Praise God for the following testimonies! God is Good, and people deserve to hear what God is doing in their lives!

Testimony So many of you know we became Pastors of Sunshine Tabernacle Pentecostal Church of God on July 30th, 2014. That Saturday the 2nd of August, Dave Medlin brought some workers and they began to change filters and we cast vision for the future of our building, since he is a general contractor. That evening he went into the hospital. Then, on Tuesday as he was being rushed from Modesto hospital by ambulance to Sacramento for emergency surgery, I began to pray and tell God, “God, you gave us a vision, gave us the opportunity and gave us people to work with towards those visions. I need Dave, and we proclaim and declare the healing in his body through the finished work of Jesus!”

Pastors Richard and Rosa Hanshew

When he had emergency surgery there was a blood clot pressing on his spinal cord. The doctor said he'd be paralyzed from the chest down. We all prayed and thanked God for health, healing, and wholeness that came through Jesus Christ! We proclaimed and thanked God for healing in Dave’s body. This morning at 8:00 A.M. Dave called me and said, “Pastor, I’m moving my leg! Pastor, I can move my leg! Out of a dead sleep, I began to practically shout! I scared Rosa awake! GOD IS GOOD! THE WAY MAKER! THE HEALER! When man says no, God says YES!! Glory to the living God!! On the way to the hospital, a friend of my daughter saw me driving, and though I was rocking out! I said, “I wasn’t rocking out at all! I was having a very animated and serious talk with God my Father!”


Continued from the August Issue…

I Had Two Choices By: Jonas Sikes When Is enough, enough? When will we finally realize that the ways of this world are nothing more than just distractions? They are distracting us enough from what we should be doing. They are distracting us enough from what we could be doing. In the August Issue, I said, “This is where we choose no longer to lean on our own understanding.” What does it mean to not lean on your own understanding? Well for starters, one must first find the answers to these questions. See, one just can’t obtain an understanding over night! There is indeed a learning curve and what makes this curve different is that it is totally up to the person wanting to learn. You see, until one reaches that point where he understands he can no longer lean on his own understanding, he or she will still be in the world and of the world. So let me try and explain what these 6 words, “Lean not on your own understanding," truly means. Everything we know

is based on everything we have been taught or we have experienced first hand. Our understanding can separate us from God! When we rationale to justify our choices, we are using our own understanding, Jonas and Susan Sikes which can lead us to sin. When we start to understanding is to deny defend our choices with everything you know and to statements like, " I believe" trust in one word. This word or " I think," is called faith. Faith is the unfortunately we really get key!! Faith in Jesus is the bold, or perhaps a better way key!! Faith in understanding to describe this is when we that it’s God’s way and not get foolish enough to speak our way is the key!! If we for God by saying," God will lean on God’s understanding be ok with this or that" or then we understand exactly "God doesn't care what I what this verse do." The truth is, Jesus died means.... Isaiah 55:8on the cross for your sins, 9 (KJV), "8 For my thoughts making it possible for you to are not your thoughts, obtain salvation if you neither are your ways my decide to choose Him. So neither are your ways my yes, God does care very ways, saith the Lord. 9 For much what you do and as the heavens are higher especially what you say! To than the earth, so are my not lean on your own ways higher than your ways,

and my thoughts than your thoughts." We understand that we no longer rationalize. We no longer use the excuse that we are all human, therefore we are going to sin. In fact we make no more excuses period!! We understand our ways are not God’s ways so we must choose His ways. His Way is the right way! His way is the straight & narrow and His way is the not so popular, heavy persecuted, often hated, at times overwhelming but never too difficult, never too much for us to handle way. “Why is this?” You Ask? Did you know I can do all things through Jesus Christ who strengthens me? Did you know if you wait on the Lord, He will renew your strength and you can run & not grow weary? Did you know that you can call on His Name anytime and He will show you great and wonderful things that you did not know? As I cried out to Jesus, and began a new life, a peaceful life, I actually began to see things differently! The more I would seek Him, and seek Him first, the more I began to learn. I was gaining wisdom and obtaining

knowledge for sure! I began to understand that leaning on my own understanding is what led me to my crying out to Jesus. Do you want to know how thankful I truly am to Jesus for allowing me to live long enough to call on His name? To live long enough might have been a stretch but hey like I said earlier, I was on a really dark path where violence was always present and hatred lit the pave way. So when I say I am thankful “What we do have time for is to praise Jesus more than ever! What we do have time for is to seek the Lord first before anything else! What we do have time for is to continue to hunger & thirst for righteousness, continue to make our lives more about Jesus and less about us.” to Jesus it’s because He saved me from much destruction, -because I finally understood what salvation meant, -because I finally understood what forgiveness meant, -because I finally understood what love was and is! So yes, I’m very happy to be forgiven of

my sins. I’m so happy to be saved and experience the love and joy of Christ! It’s so true that the old life is gone and the life we live now is in fact a new life. The Bible talks about renewing our minds to the likeness of Christ. It talks about a transformation that takes place as one truly invites Jesus into his or her heart and starts to live for Him! A new creature in Christ is now born, 2 Corinthians 5: 17, “Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold all things are become new." We no longer conform to the ways or patterns of the world, because we no longer love the world or the things of the world! Yes I am so happy knowing that I can come to Jesus, that I have a Saviour to call on to forgive me, redeem me, restore me and yes love me. As I look back and remember how far I have come mentally, I owe it all to Jesus. He rescued me from myself, for sure! Make no mistake about it, Jesus called me! He chose me! He protected me many times and Wow, Wow, Wow, I am truly Grateful! Of course this does not mean I am perfect. No Way! Of course this does not mean that I would dare

say I am better than anyone, or even think that I am better than anyone else! No Way! I am a very blessed man, seeking Jesus every day, learning more and more everyday so that He can use me to help others! “Is It Easy?” you ask. Is what easy, living for Jesus and not following man’s ways or man’s traditions or man’s rationale? Let me explain to you exactly what following Jesus truly means without sugar coating or watering it down. I'll explain to you what I have gone through, what I go through and no matter what; I am able to still smile, even through the toughest of storms!! I'm talking about the really tough storms; you know the ones which bring so much stress, so much worry, yea, the ones which we never prepare for. Yes, these storms, these trials, these tribulations are the ones I’m talking about & I have learned to smile during these moments because I have learned that no matter what, we should allow God to be in control! I have learned that we need to be praising God in all circumstance, whether we perceive it to be good or to be bad. I have learned that we are not to lean on our

own understanding. Yes, this is The Key! Removing me from the situation is the Key!! I cannot allow circumstances to define who I am. This is the Key! We are no longer the victim; I am no longer the victim. I have Victory in Jesus. I live a victorious life for many reasons. I’ve been forgiven, restored, redeemed, sanctified and I have a Saviour who will never ever leave me nor forsake me. I have Jesus by my side which means no weapon formed against me will ever prosper and when the many storms head my way, when the tears fall or the anger builds up inside, when the flesh is present and the pull is strong,

I can pray to Jesus. I can pray for understanding. I can pray for ears to hear, and yes eyes to see His light!! I want you to know that the truth of how to smile in the most difficult times is to actually realize there are no difficult times. We give our hearts to Jesus and our minds to Jesus. We follow Jesus and live for Jesus. Then we do not have time to worry and we do have time to stress. We do not have time to get angry or mad. We do not have time to gripe or complain. What we do have time for is to praise Jesus more than ever! What we do have time for is to seek the Lord first before anything else! What we do have time for is to continue

Pastor Joel McNabb, Jonas Sikes, and David McNabb

to hunger & thirst for righteousness, continue to make our lives more about Jesus and less about us. We have to realize that there is a bigger picture and a brighter future. Like I said, I had two choices to choose from. It was either choose myself and my thoughts or choose Jesus and his thoughts. I was either going to remain on the path of destruction which would have led to my own demise or I was going to choose the path of the straight & narrow meaning no more destruction but a path full of correction and instruction. Yes, I had to go there because it is so important to understand that by choosing Jesus, we understand that His ways are what is best for us! We are instructed to walk in the Spirit and allow the Holy Spirit to guide us, lead us and direct us into all the truth, which is Jesus Christ. Is there a certain way we should be living? Well yes there is!! I had two choices. We all have two choices to make. Allow me to go back to that night I had to trust in Jesus. That night which many of my tears fell down from my eyes so fast and so hard. I was so scared! I was so alone, actually let’s not!! Let’s continue to talk

about Jesus. Let me explain to you the reason why I made the choice I made that night!! It was because of one Man!! His name is Jesus Christ. I’m not sure I chose Jesus just to escape hell. I've heard many say they chose Jesus for hell insurance. Well, an eternity spent in Heaven is definitely far from hell, but there was a cost. A price that needed to be paid because of our sins! Someone had to pay the price for our sins. See this is why I chose Jesus. It is true that I needed some peace in my life! I needed direction and assurance. Most of all I finally understood what that four-letter word called love really meant. God loved us so much; He gave his only begotten Son, Jesus, to take our place and die for us. Jesus loved us so much, He willingly died for us, and went thru so much pain and verbal and physical persecution just for us. He did this to give us a way to obtain Salvation so that we have a way to His Father in Heaven! Finally just when you think you know what love is, Jesus spoke to his Father while taking his last few breaths and said,

“Father please forgive them for they know not what they do!” Wow! Are you kidding me? Now that’s love folks! Sometimes I wonder why we aren't that loving. Why can’t we forgive and love? You see, I fell in Love with this Jesus, the Son of God, who never sinned but was tempted in every way possible. This Man, who walked on water, cured the sick, healed and helped the blind, and even raised some from the dead. He turned water into wine. He fed the multitudes and just loved everyone He came across. His birth is an amazing story. His ministry is phenomenal and His death & resurrection is the best true story ever! It is second to no other story. Jesus is the King of kings. He is the Lord of lords. He is our Messiah and He is the Way, the Truth, and the Life. His sacrifice instantly grabbed my attention. The beating He took and the many lashings with a whip on His back which ripped His skin from His body. I am thinking about those rusty long nails driven into His hands and those rusty long nails driven into His feet. I am thinking about those razor sharp thorns hammered into His

skull. Do you still think you’re having a bad day now? The Bible says that He was not even recognized because He was disfigured and beaten so bad. Can you imagine? As I look back to the road I was on, and now to the road I am on, I see that it takes sacrifice on my part. It takes a willing heart and it takes action. It’s no longer my way, nor my thoughts and or giving into my fleshly desires. I have lost some friends over my choice. I left the world I was in and I am still learning to give up more and more of me as I travel on this new road. I praise God for the frequent pit stops. I praise God through the storms, trials & tribulations which come my way. I pray that If I am to be persecuted, and the Bible says I will, then may it be because I stand behind the Bible and the standards of God and may it be because God’s Word, the Holy Bible, is being quoted and not because of anything unkind or rude thing I said to the sinner from my own words. There is indeed a price we all pay as we follow Jesus. Those who are willing to follow Jesus according to

His way and by His words and through the guidance of the Holy Spirit will one day hear the words well done my good and faithful servant! Those who remain faithful to His Word and obedient are the ones who truly love Him. It’s time to learn! It’s time to understand that man’s ways leads to certain death (Proverbs 14:12)! It is time to learn that God’s ways and thoughts are not even close to man’s thoughts. We better take heed to His ways! We better start leaning on His Ways. We better stop leaning on our own understanding!! Our own understanding is a death sentence straight to hell and when we start defending our choices with the words, " I think" or the words "I believe this" and or " I believe that" we have just chosen ourselves over Jesus because we did not deny ourselves. If you are doing this, then you must know that you are not following Jesus. This is the path I was on! These are the thoughts I used to justify my rationales. This is a prideful road full of stubborn selfishness, worldly acceptance, and a selfseeking personality! This road can be called the back sliders road. The ones who

are lost are on this road. The ones who are blinded travel this road and the luke-warm travel this road. This road leads to a place so terrible, so horrifying, so hot and painful. Let’s avoid this place all together, shall we? Let’s hop on the other road. I have already made my choice. It’s trusting in Jesus and it is living for Jesus. It’s not about saying the right things to please man. It’s all about total surrender! Folks, as long as you are still breathing, you can get it right! Do not think for one second that tomorrow is given. People die every day for various reasons. Do not let the devil trick you into prolonging your decision. He wants you to wait! He wants you to put it off another day. Of course the more world he can pour into your veins the stronger the pull to stay in the world will remain. I’m rooting for you!! I’m cheering for you! I'm most definitely praying for you. I’m praying that my testimony, my tears shared, my fears expressed, my cries out to Jesus, my pain, my sorrow, my joy, my peace, my smile; yes my smile, my decision to choose Jesus, my faithfulness to Him, my example, will help

you see that it’s all about Jesus and never about us. We have to live for Jesus! We have to serve Jesus. We have to Love Jesus! Thank you for the Honor of allowing me to share my heart and my story with you and I want you to know I love each and every one of you. Thank you for allowing me to share with you a bit of me and my experience with my worldly choices and who I used to be, who I was back then and who I am now since I have totally surrendered to Jesus. What a big difference it is! I went from choosing my way to choosing His way, and again it is a big difference. I went from going with my thoughts and understanding to starting to trust on His thoughts & understanding and again it is a huge difference. What is the difference you ask? Heaven or hell! My way is and was a one way ticket to hell! There are no exceptions!! His way is a road that leads to an eternal

life with Him. God Bless each and every one of you and I want to leave you with my promise verse from God.

Jeremiah 33:3," Call unto me and I will show you great and wonderful things you do not know."

Spread the Word!!!!!!!! There is a new challenge on Facebook!!!! God spoke to Brother Jonas Sikes from the People of Truth’s church in Paden, OK to do an:

Challenge 5 people to make a video and share it on Facebook telling everyone how much you love Jesus!

You love Jesus? Help spread the word!!!!

Ministry on the road during August New Life Family Ministries – Excelsior Springs, MO and said she woke up “PAIN FREE” for the first time in a long time! Praise God!!!! People requested prayer for depression, hearing, sight, deliverance, and more. We praise God that he met with and touched the One lady testified that she people in Excelsior had previously had pain in Springs! We are looking her back for years. The forward to receiving next day, she contacted us testimonies! During August, we ministered at New Life Family Ministries, in Excelsior Springs, MO for Pastors Mike and Debbie Beaverson,. The Lord really touched people and many were blessed by the Word and by the healing power of Jesus!

If you are in the Excelsior Springs area, make plans to visit New Life Family Ministries! You will be blessed!

We had supper with Pastors Mike and Debbie at the Country CafĂŠ in N. Kansas City. It was a wonderful cafĂŠ with excellent service and food!

One lady stood up and said God had spoken to her to make afghans for everyone at church. Since we were visiting there that day, she blessed us with the one! GOD IS SO GOOD!!!!

Let It Flow Evangelism God uses Pastor Doug Cline to minister to the Indian People in New Mexico. Just this year he went and helped pour the concrete floor for a new church building. He takes them food and encourages the pastors who live in less than what we would call comfortable homes. But they are willing to live in these circumstances to preach Jesus to the Indian People. He appreciates your prayers and support.

Living Waters Fellowship We ministered at Let it Flow Evangelism for Pastors Doug and Linda Cline in Rolla, MO. The Holy Spirit ministered to a former pastor letting them know that their ministry was not finished. God is GOOD!!!

Believer’s Praise Church We also visited with Pastors Marshall and Merideth Hagler at Believer’s Praise Church. Sorry, but no pictures available. But he sure preached a great faith message entitled “Sowing and Reaping in the Kingdom, with his leading scripture as Mark 4.!

We did a pop-in visit with Pastors Jimmie and Sarah Lewis at Living Waters Fellowship in St. James, MO. Pastor Jimmie preached an awesome message. I like when he said, “God made you and He makes NO JUNK!” He had several scriptures, but his leading scripture was Colossians 1:27. ! Pastor Jimmie also travels to Africa at least every other year ministering in several villages.

Special 2014 ICFM Central Regional Convention Section Hosted by Pastors Bob and Debbie Kaps Buckner, MO

2014 ICFM Central Regional

Convention Speakers

Dr. Jim Willoughby, ICFM President and Monday & Tuesday Evening Speaker

Pastors Joan and Dan Olson, Tuesday Morning Speaker

Pastors Bob and Debbie Kaps, Host Pastors, Regional Director, and Tuesday Morning Speaker

Pastor Rob Rotola, Wednesday Morning Speaker

Thank God for everything you do!

2014 ICFM Central Regional Convention

2014 ICFM Central Regional


Just a few of the ICFM Family

2014 ICFM Central Regional Conference

As Pastor Bob says, “Just Ramblin’!

Central Regional

ICFM Conference - 2014 Pastor Bob Kaps – Heart of God Fellowship – Buckner, MO.

1 Peter 5:1-5: I love this group of scriptures, because what it tells you in this scripture is you are to make sure that everybody always does exactly what they are supposed to do all the time and if they haven’t done it then you are a failure. No, it does not say that, does it? I couldn’t even get my kids to do what I wanted them to do, so you know, I can’t do that with the church. But it’s so easy if you are not careful to decide you are going to adapt…now understand I do believe in doing what it takes to reach people for Christ, and to teach people. Sometimes people will hold on to the old, and they will say, “I’ve always done it this way, and I’m always going to do it that way!” Well, you are not dealing with the same people that we were 20 years ago. And so, I think you need to be flexible enough to not change the message but go forward and realize that it takes something to reach people. Amen…and with that, a lot of people today do not even believe that God exists, and so if you don’t believe God exists, you are certainly not going to believe His Word. (At this point, pastor played a video. Wrote it out here for you to read). “Lots of people say there is no evidence for God. Well, we are going to knock that one out in three. Just gonna have to keep it simple, throw in the old one-two combo, get in and out real quick, and let you fine folks chat all about it. Ok? Punch one I’m gonna call the info uppercut! When is the last time you walked into a library and ask, “Hey where are all the books that have been written by mindless products of

natural laws? The librarian will probably laugh at you and tell you that no such books exist. They don’t exist because they can’t exist. Why not? Because Pastor Bob Kaps first of all it’s just common sense. The words that form couldn’t have spontaneously the message in books always generated and that a mind is behind originate from a person with a brain! the information. Period! No Or to say it a bit more scientifically, exceptions! the message of the book, the purpose, comes to be understood by Look at it this way. The simplest life the orderly placement of the words, form we know of is in ameoba, and it design, and information. Awe! contains as much information in its Information! Now, anytime we find DNA as the thousand complete sets information these basic laws always of Encyclopedia Britannica. So, are apply. Number 1: Matter doesn’t we to believe that there’s no way a spontaneously produce information. message in a library book could spontaneously generate, but far more Number 2: Only a mental source, complicated messages in DNA that intelligence can generate new contain thousands times more creative information. In other words, just like those books that couldn’t information than could have? Not originate without a mind, neither likely. You see when it comes to could life. Why not? you ask. life, or anything else that contains Because we know that DNA contains information, the laws of information information. Therefore the laws of information science apply, which science confirm the necessity of a means the information in DNA creative mind. And guess what? In

the very first book of the Bible it just happens to mention that! In the beginning God created! Bam! Uppercut – Lands on the Chin…And now here comes the indefensible head blow!

the opposite? And, if the general understanding of the law of cause and effect is true, how can matter come from a lesser cause like nothing? I mean come on, I don’t have a bunch of letters after my name, but even a monkey knows better! And yea! I snuck in a couple of extra jabs in there, so sue me!

evidence won’t convince the unwilling. Sad, but true. So there you have it. With just a couple of meaningful blows the claim that there is no evidence for God is down for the count mi amigos. In other words, it’s been debonked! Audios!”

We’ll call this A Not a Big Bang I am amazed that people think you Bing Swing. The chao to the claim have to put your brain in neutral to that The Law of Cause that’ll be left Now, for some parting words from serve God. Because there is more hook and doom! It goes like this! our sponsor! The BIBLE! It tells us evidence for God than there is Everything that had a beginning had in Romans 1:20 that since the evidence of anything else that exists! a cause. The universe had a creation of the world, God’s invisible So I just want to say, it is such a beginning therefore the universe had attributes are clearly seen being privilege to serve God! I like the a cause. Now, either something understood by the things that are fact that I can go to one book and caused the universe find out the meaning and to come into cause for absolutely existence or nothing everything in this world! caused it. Huh? I Amen! I love this! So, might not be the it’s a privilege to serve smartest guy behind God! Say this, “It is a the telescope but privilege to serve God!” honest practical And I want to share with everyday thinking is you some things about gonna lead me to serving God, yes, about the former. You being a pastor, I don’t have to work pretty know about being much hard to conjure up a of anything else. I spent way that nothing the first part of my life did it. You see, it’s Pastors Bob and Debbie Kaps trying to be the other pretty improbable, things. nah, impossible to account for design, You know for years, I information and hated it when they cause that the would have this xuniverse just prostitute go across the exploded for stage, this x-biker go nothing! SMACK! across the stage. I had a And while we’re on guy asked me one time, “Come Pastors Bob and Debbie Kaps the topic, where did and preach at my church,” and made, even His eternal power and the matter come from that exploded? I said, “cool!” And I went in there, Godhead, so they are without Are we really to believe that there and I noticed when I went inside of was nothing, and then it exploded? excuse! It also says the people Blue Springs that there were posters And now the exploded nothing is actually know the truth but they up that said, “Biker Bob.” So I something and we just happen to be reject it which explains why even showed up in, what was back then, a there’s overwhelming nice 3-piece smart enough to discover and though understand the very laws that prove evidence that there is a God,

suit, you know what I’m saying, no Harley, no nothing, and he said to me, “I told everybody that you was a biker!” I said, being a biker don’t have anything to do with how I dress! “But I expected you to come on a Harley!” I said, “Did you want me to entertain or would you like me to teach the Word? I came to teach the Word, you want me to do that?” So, you know the truth about it is we have had all kinds of weird things happen in Christianity. And God is calling you and I as ministers to speak the truth! Wherever the truth exists, the enemy will always try to bring out a lie! He’ll try to get something that looks so close to the truth that even believers might even fall for it. I mean, in other words, if the devil came up and said, “God doesn’t exist,” I’m not going to fall for that. But if he could convince me that God puts me through hell on earth so He can try to teach me that He’s here, there might be some

people that would actually believe that. And it’s up to you and I to change that! That’s what we can do. We can preach the truth! 1 Peter 5: 1-5. Just some quick points here. In the amplified. 1

I warn and counsel the elders among you (the pastors and spiritual guides of the church) as a fellow elder and as an eyewitness [called to testify] of the sufferings of Christ, as well as a sharer in the glory (the honor and splendor) that is to be revealed (disclosed, unfolded): And he’s gonna tell us to do some things here. He says to: 2

Tend (nurture, guard, guide, and fold) the flock of God that is [your responsibility], not by coercion or constraint, but willingly; not dishonorably motivated by the ….(millions and millions of dollars that we make, no, no)… advantages and profits [belonging to the office], but eagerly and cheerfully;


Not domineering [as arrogant…

Let me tell you something, there is a world of difference between arrogance and confidence. I am very confident in what God says. But we have way too much arrogance in the body of Christ. I’m just telling you. You want me to be honest with you, don’t you? I think we are way beyond pulling up in a limo and pick me up from my house and deliver me to my church, and somebody carry my bible, with a security team around me. When Jesus Christ, himself, was touched by the people. It says in Matthew 9: 35, 35

Jesus went through all the towns and villages, teaching in their synagogues, proclaiming the good news of the kingdom and healing every disease and sickness. 36 When he saw the crowds, he had compassion on them, because they were harassed and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd. That’s our attitude. And today we are going to talk about our attitude in ministry. Whether you are a pastor, or what you are. See this thing really isn’t about you and me. But it’s all about Jesus! It’s all about Jesus! So he says, 3

Not domineering [as arrogant, dictatorial, and overbearing persons] over those in your charge, but being examples (patterns and models of Christian living) to the flock (the congregation). 4

And [then] when the Chief Shepherd is revealed, you will win the [a]conqueror’s crown of glory.

Pastors Bob Kaps on Biker Sunday Pastor Bob Kaps

Amen? So we look at it and we say, out…if he had never called on God, I am still in the amplified. Number what’s He say? Take care of God’s if he would have just kept moving, one, I want you to understand that people! In our local area here, there God would have parted that sea when we minister, we minister with are some of the ministers who don’t anyway! They were headed in a purpose. Now there are people that want to get together in public events direction that God wanted them to work a job every day that sometimes because they’re afraid that somebody go! Not as a dictator, but eagerly forget that there’s purpose. And they is going to take their people. I have and cheerfully! may think that their only purpose is a cure for that. Don’t have people. I to draw a paycheck. But I’m gonna don’t have any people. They are We tell all the leadership here, “I tell you something, ministry is not a God’s people! My job is not to don’t really care what happened at good job, it is a great calling, but not corral them to make sure that nobody your house before you got here. I a great job! Amen? So when you ever, no, that’s not it. But take care love you, and we can get together minister, minister with purpose. You of God’s people! Because people and pray about it, but when you know why you are doing it. You matter to God! I believe you don’t come here to serve, you are gonna don’t have to go to the internet just have the right heart toward people if put a smile on your face and they are to find out if you can see what every time somebody says something going to see on you that you are head somebody else preached, so you that is a little bit challenging to you, over heels in love with your Savior. might be able to find something, that you are offended by it. I’ve just And I tell my greeters when people because the Bible’s got plenty to chosen not to be offended. I’d have walk through the door; they need to preach on! Amen? So, minister with lots of opportunity to be offended, feel like they are the most special purpose. Know why you are headed but I have just chosen not to be people that have ever walked even to church or wherever you’re offended. Take care of God’s people. through that door. Amen? Not as a going if you are in the field, and you What is He saying? Not as a dictator, but eagerly, cheerfully. Let go to a church…I know evangelists dictator. If you are a pastor, believe your life be a picture of that great that preach the same sermon about it or not, I don’t believe in a Shepherd! Let’s turn in our Bibles to everywhere they go. Minister with congregational lead church. I 1 Thessalonians the second chapter. purpose. And when you minister believe in a pastor lead with purpose, you can expect church. And so I believe fruit! If I lay hands upon the that if you’ve got a church sick, I don’t lay hands upon that is congregational lead, the sick hoping, wishing, and I mean more power to you, praying like the old song, but if you can get that to work, I believe beyond a shadow of but if 80% of your people a doubt that when I lay hands don’t read the bible and upon the sick that they are pray, what makes them going to recover because I’m qualified to make a going to stand upon the Word spiritual decision about the of God! direction of your church? Amen? I mean if Moses I get worried about that would have turned around myself you know…I know, I when he got to the red sea do things weird because I and said, “Well, what do don’t have a proper education you think we ought to so sometimes I just go like do?” They would have this, “Father I just thank you said, “Let’s go back to right now in the Name of Egypt!” Alright…may Jesus, I thank you for your the will of the people be healing power, as much as I so. I mean, come on. But can lay hands upon the sick, I he looked to God, a little can lay hands upon myself, I bit like a cry baby, “what thank you for it! Amen. I are we going to do now?” praise you for it!” Do what God never told them to you do with purpose! For he stop! He told them to says, keep moving! I believe if he had never stretched Pastor Debbie Kaps and Daughter 1For you yourselves know,

brethren, that our coming among you was not useless and fruitless.” Everything you do in life, what’s the purpose of it? Why are you there? Next thing is, understand this; opposition is always present. I get tickled when people in the church come up to me and say, “Pastor, the devil’s attacking me.” Well, that’s his job! Someday, he will be fired from his job, but right now, that’s his job! But God gave you authority over him. Amen? It says here in the scripture, 2

But though we had already suffered and been outrageously treated at Philippi, as you know, yet in [the strength of] our God we summoned courage to proclaim to you unfalteringly the good news (the Gospel) with earnest contention and much conflict and great opposition.” Let me go ahead and tell you this, when you are opposed, you need to praise God for that! Thank God I’m being opposed! Nobody opposes me when I’m doing something wrong. Only when I’m doing what God calls me, because the enemy really gets stirred up about it, he’s opposing me, in the midst of that. I know one thing, what an opportunity for God to show Himself strong on my behalf! Amen? Hallelujah! God will show himself strong when I decide I’m gonna do what God calls me to do, no matter what anybody says! Amen? Opposition is always

present! But that’s alright. We can handle it! Amen? Keep your motives pure. Paul said, 3

For our appeal [in preaching] does not [originate] from delusion or error or impure purpose or motive, nor in fraud or deceit. I’d like to tell you that “I think” every minister gets up…I love the ICFM people because I just don’t see a bunch of fake stuff going on! But I like the fact that people have their hearts pure! The other day, I met two guys, they were a part of another church where their Pastor

Pastor Bob Kaps has a painting business. And both of them haven’t got paid for a month or so, and they quit church because they said he won’t pay them for their work. Now I want to tell you something, what preaches Jesus isn’t what comes out of your mouth, but what your life is! You have to be a person of integrity! 3

For our appeal [in preaching] does not [originate] from delusion or error or impure purpose or motive, nor in fraud or deceit.” And then he

goes on and says, “4 But just as we have been approved by God to be entrusted with the glad tidings (the Gospel), Do you hear how Paul is saying this? Man! What a privilege to be called to spread the gospel of Jesus Christ! What a privilege to be in the ministry! “4 But just as we have been approved by God to be entrusted with the glad tidings (the Gospel) so we speak not to please men but to please God, Who tests our hearts [[a]expecting them to be approved]. 5 For as you well know, we never resorted either to words of flattery or to any cloak to conceal greedy motives or pretexts for gain, [as] God is our witness. Be a God pleaser and not a man pleaser! It’s easy to please men, just ask everyone what they want, and then do it! Amen? But that’s not what we’re called to do. When Jesus came, he didn’t say that he came to bring peace to everything. He said brother will turn against brother. When you preach the Word of God, and you get people standing up for God, it’s gonna cause them some conflict and it’s gonna cost you come conflict. Look at what they told the disciples. Here they had this magnificent miracle. They said, “Silver and gold have I none, but such as I have give I unto you, rise up and walk, and they lifted him up praising God.” The religious

people mad, and they said what authority do you have? Well, we did it by the Name and Faith in the name. Then they were instructed, “Don’t do this anymore!” But because they weren’t men pleasers, what did they say? They didn’t lose their sense of being submitted to authority, they just quietly said, “Shall we please God or man? You be the judge of that.” I’ve seen more churches hurt because they are trying to yield to what people want, rather than be a strong leader and do what God wants. There was that movie with that comedian; where he took the place of God, Bruce Almighty. And I loved the place when Bruce Almighty is trying to answer all the prayers, so he just said “Yes” to everybody. And it didn’t work out very well. So he’s complaining to God, then Morgan Freeman playing God said, “Well since when do men know what they want?” And I would say the same thing to you. Since when is the church qualified to dictate to you, because they don’t understand that the preaching of the Word gives direction and guidance to people. It needs to come from the pulpit out there with such love and such grace and such mercy that people’s lives will be changed by the Word of God and the presence of the Holy Ghost in their lives. You can’t please man and you can’t seek praise from man. He said, 6

Nor did we seek to extract praise and honor and glory from men, I didn’t know if you knew this, you probably figured it out by now, but not everybody is going to like you. Did you figure that out? I had someone say that to me once, I thought people would like me. I said, man, your grandmother is the only one who ever liked you! None of us like you! I’m telling you, how many know that there are personalities that just rub you the wrong way? And you’ve got to love them anyway! Amen? You cannot

seek the praise of men because not everyone is going to like you. And you will stumble and fall if you are waiting for someone to pat you on the back. Oh my goodness, I Pastor Bob Kaps love it when Jesus comes along and pats me on mother nursing and cherishing her the back. own children. 6

Nor did we seek to extract praise and honor and glory from men, either from you or from anyone else, though we might have asserted our authority [stood on our dignity and claimed honor] as apostles (special missionaries) of Christ (the Messiah). Minister with authority, but do it with gentle authority. One of the great ways is not to stand up and say, “By golly, I am the pastor of this church and what I say goes!” That is not received very well! But you can be gentle with how you are talking with somebody, and you can say, “You know what? I really believe God is leading us to do this. That is the word that I have.” And you know what? It’ll do the same thing without people feeling like you are being a bully. It will do the same thing. Also, another great way is you can do it like Jesus would do it, and ask the questions until they come to the same conclusion. He said, 7

But we behaved gently when we were among you, like a devoted

I can tell if somebody is tired, and that is when they start losing that burning desire they have in them. When you start losing that burning desire, when you can’t hardly stand to get yourself up to go and do the thing that God called you to, when you’re weary and can’t stand. I told the story earlier about one time, I can only remember one time that I did do this, but I did do it one time. I was weary, I was tired, I was wore out, I had told Debbie, “that’s it for me! I’m gonna quit this church, I’m gonna move from this house, move up to the mountains, and work at McDonalds!” So she goes, “Well you can’t work at McDonalds and buy a house. Plus, because of the calling on your life, you would plant a church there and it would be the same thing all over again!” I said, “Well, I know.” He said in the 8th verse, 8

So, being thus tenderly and affectionately desirous of you, we continued to share with you not only God’s good news (the Gospel) but also our own lives as well,

I think in the King James, “we shared our very souls with you.” There’s a place of ministry that’s so precious, and I know this is who you guys are. That’s who we are here in ICFM! Where just sharing the Word is not good enough. The Word is a wonderful thing! But the Word apart from the move of the Spirit; a move apart from you really laying your life down as Jesus did really doesn’t mean anything. It’s just empty words. Pretty much, anybody in this church, if you would ask them, they would tell you that I would lay my life down for them. Because I love these people. I worship the Lord when I get up, and I think about, God where would you have me go, how can I love and be at service to these people? Many years ago, I had a leader that I said, “Listen, I just saw you walk by that trash out there in the parking lot. Did you see the trash laying right there?” “Yea, don’t we have somebody to pick it up?” “Yea, You! When you walk by a piece of trash, pick it up!” I want to tell you this. It’s called the work of the ministry! It’s work. Let me hear you say, “It’s work!” It’s the work of the ministry! And another friend came to me one time and said, “I good at work construction. I’m gonna get a good job like yours.” I said, “If things keep going this way, it might be yours anyway! Paul said, 9

For you recall our hard toil and struggles, brethren. We worked night and day [and plied our trade] in order not to be a burden to any of you [for our support] while we proclaimed the glad tidings (the Gospel) of God to you. I would do anything to preach. I have to be able to share what God has laid upon my heart. You know, I have a lot of respect for Dan. Dan doesn’t just rely upon the church, but he’s working a job. That’s not the calling for everybody, but I think most pastors like ourselves, wouldn’t

we do anything to be able to continue doing what God wants us to do with our lives? Whatever it takes. As a minister, we have to encourage holiness. We had a same-sex couple that was inside the church, not members, but attended here, I thought they were just really close girlfriends. And so one time when I preaching and I wasn’t condemning, I was just preaching the Word of God that came about homosexuality. I had a minister call me up after I said this about homosexuality, that it is a sin just like any other sin, but God doesn’t want us to sin. And they were sorely offended, and they came to me in the office and they said, “But you have always treated us with love.” “I do love you, and God loves you too.” They said, “Yea, but you said it was a sin.” No, I didn’t say it was a sin, the Bible says it’s a sin, God says it’s a sin!” “But you’ve always loved us.” “You’re mixing up the two. God sent His son to die for sinners. We have the opportunity and the power for change!” Amen? I was a drunk and an addict, I didn’t stay that way. Amen? They were offended…You can treat people with kindness, and its work, and it’s hard, but you’ve got to encourage holiness! We haven’t come to a place in Christianity where holiness doesn’t matter anymore. We’re filled with the Holy Spirit. I’ve said this for years, if you call yourself a believer, and you can walk in known sin, and you don’t have any conscious about it, I don’t know

PastorsBob BobKaps Kaps Pastor what you did at the altar, but you don’t have my Holy Spirit living in you. I mean that! I’m not talking about something you do out of ignorance, I’m talking about when you know something’s wrong; “Ye that knoweth to do right and doeth it not, to him it is sin!” Somebody say sin. My goodness, encourage holiness inside the church. When people come up and ask you a question about something, answer them! If it steps on their toes a little bit, you’re gonna do it with love but answer them. Because if you care about their soul, I mean answer them and let them know. Paul talks about how gently he did it for he said, 11

For you know how, as a father [dealing with] his children, we used to exhort each of you personally, stimulating and encouraging and charging you.12 To live lives worthy of God, Who calls you into His own kingdom and the glorious blessedness kingdom and the glorious blessedness [[b]into

which true believers will enter after Christ’s return]. Listen to me, encourage ‘um, get ‘um, push ‘um on to good works. Encourage um, let them know that God loves them so much they don’t have to stay in their sin. You know most of the people would like to get out of their condition. Amen. They would like to have some change. I didn’t believe when I was an alcoholic there was any way I could change. And I’d already run off all my friends, and I’m just telling you. I may joke about it from time to time, but it wasn’t a joke at the time. Amen? But encourage people. That’s still our responsibility in this day and age that we encourage people. We lead them to Christ. Part of the discipling process and preaching the Word, you know we don’t want to use those words, is rebuke and reproof as well. People don’t always just need a pat on their head. Sometimes, they need to be instructed in the way they should go so they can live the victorious life. Every time I walk in obedience, I open a door for a blessing. I get a revelation, when I first got saved, a lot of revelation I didn’t have. When I first got saved, I was working pipeline, and at the end of the day, I would send people after the beer, and I would sit there…I know you are going to say, “You’re an idiot,” but we already know that! I would sit on that steel pipe stack, with my Bible in hand, sucking down some suds and telling ‘um about Jesus. And there would have been some hard line old Pentecostals would have said that guy will split hell wide open. I’m telling you, I was glorious saved; I just didn’t have a revelation about some stuff, you know. And yet, through it all God used me. Then I got that revelation and I laid that thing down through His power, and I never drank again. You understand what I’m saying? It’s not just telling

people that God loves them so much that it don’t matter how you live, it’s saying that God sent Christ to pay the penalty, and He already took care of all our sins, and if He’s already taken care of all our sins, that should spur us to live for Him, not to live against Him. Amen? So encourage people to live holy. People say I don’t understand why all this stuff’s going on in my church. Well when’s the last time you told them about holy living? You still love me? Encourage that holiness. If you look like Jesus, people will recognize that the words you speak are God’s Word. That they’re really God’s Words. He said, 13

And we also [especially] thank God continually for this, that when you received the message of God [which you heard] from us, you welcomed it not as the word of [mere] men, but as it truly is, the Word of God.

Spirit. If your life doesn’t match up to the words that you’re speaking, your words don’t mean anything to them. Amen? Your congregation or if you’re an evangelist, whoever you are ministering to, they have a right to expect you to walk in holiness, and walk in power, and be who God’s called you to be. They have a right to expect that of you. He said, 13

The Word of God which is effectually at work in you who believe [[c]exercising its superhuman power in those who adhere to and trust in and rely on it]. Let’s turn our Bibles to Acts 20:26, 26 Therefore I testify and protest to you on this [our parting] day that I am clean and innocent and not responsible for the blood of any of you. 27 For I never shrank or kept back or fell short from declaring to you the whole purpose and plan and counsel of God.”

Now why did they receive it? Because of everything they did before that. Because of everything that Paul taught before that, because I was honest with you, because I lived the life that I was supposed to live, because I was talking about holiness, because I was walking in power, because I was led



Pastor Bob Kaps

I didn’t shrink back from it. I spoke it. I didn’t skip that verse when I got to it and go to something else that would be more pleasing to your ear. I spoke it. I do wonder sometimes how many ministers today can actually say they never shrank back from what God said. But they held true. There is a group of people out here that want to know the truth. They want it. And if they’re saved already, the Holy Spirit is working in them already; they want to hear the Word of Truth. Don’t shrink back from what God’s saying. And guard yourself. I said I’d talk to you about what you do? You guard yourself. If the devil can get that minister to fall inside that ministry, a lot of people will be hurt. If he can shake you from your position it won’t just affect you, it will affect a lot of people around you. Every time, and I’ve been used in a couple different places to try and help some ministers that fell. Every time a minister falls, the devil knows what he’s doing man! Because he’s trying to destroy a whole lot more than just that ministry. Dan, today if you were to show up at the local bar, get drunk, run around on your wife, you could pretty much kiss your church goodbye. I’m telling you. People aren’t taking it seriously. I bought things from people before that’ll go like this. They’ll say you bought that motorcycle, write any amount you want on that title so you won’t have to pay as much taxes. No! I’m gonna pay the taxes on what I owe. So write down what I paid for it! I mean those little challenges to your integrity, they happen every day! Because the devil wants to bring you down. And once you give a little inch here, then he wants a little bit more, and he wants a little bit more. I don’t even like it when ministers go like this and say, “Tell them I’m not home honey.” What is that? You think I’m being picky here, but I’m not. I mean live a life of integrity. It’ll always work out for you. God has that expectation of us. Guard

Pastor Bob Kaps yourself and your flock and it’s gonna talk a little bit about that. I get tickled, and I know you guys have heard it too, when you’ll hear ministers say, “Well, I know that person didn’t really have any evil motive.” Are you kidding me? I’m gonna go ahead and tell you this, satan will always send some people inside your church to try and destroy your church. He’ll always do that. Not part of the time, always! If my blessed Lord and Savior was betrayed, what makes me think I’m not gonna be betrayed? Amen? And you need to be spiritually sensitive enough to recognize when it happens. He says, 28

Take care and be on guard for yourselves and the whole flock over which the Holy Spirit has appointed you bishops and guardians, to shepherd (tend and feed and guide) the church of the Lord. Whose church is it? It’s the Lords! and]of God which He obtained for Himself [buying it and saving it for Himself]

These are God’s people! And you are a steward of God’s people as a pastor or minister. You are a steward of that! In the same way that we talked about the talents of silver in the Word of God. You may have a congregation of one, or you may have a congregation of two, or you may have a congregation of five. But until Christ returns, understand you are not to just not take care of that one. Man He wants to see some multiplication. He wants to make sure that you’re taking care of what God has given you. Don’t get caught up in that numbers game. I can remember one time when the only person they’d have speak at a conference, said he had a church of thousands. And I’ve got to tell you this, there’s some anointed people with churches of ten! Amen? Take care of what God’s given you. Watch out, he says. And he goes on, “because satan has a plan to destroy your ministry. I want you to know that right now. I felt this so much quicken in me. I want you to understand. Satan already had a plan when you were called to ministry; he put together a plan to try to kill your ministry. He did! Why in the world

would God tell us to be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might if we didn’t have to be strong? Amen? Why would He tell us to guard over ourselves if we didn’t have to guard? Why would He say to watch over the flock if there wasn’t ever anything that could happen to a flock? But there is! And we are in the last of the last of the last days. Amen? So He says, 29

I know that after I am gone, ferocious wolves will get in among you, not sparing the flock; You know why? Because there are people that will come in that don’t care about your flock, and they don’t care about your people. And they don’t care about what happens to them. We had a man come in here years ago, and in the middle of an adult bible study, and we was in the little church, every time the speaker would say something, he would say, “Nope, that’s not true!” So I said, “Can you come with me?” I went inside the office with him, and said, “Man don’t disturb this. If you have a question you want to ask, when he gets done, go up there first thing and ask. But right now he’s teaching the adult Bible Class. And he said, “Well, I’ll say what I want to say, when I want to say it.” And I said, “Well, not here.” I said, “Who’s your pastor?” He said, “I’m not a pastor. I am called by God to bring correction to pastors.” “Well, you’re gonna keep your mouth shut here buddy, I’ll tell you that right now.” He said, “I won’t!” And I literally, those of you that went here years ago will remember this…I literally grabbed him by his collar and his back belt, and I went to the front door and boom…he landed out in that parking lot. “I can’t believe you did that!” “I’ll do it again if you come in here, because I will protect this flock!” Amen? Yes! Protect this flock! I love these people. Amen? Did you know that’s the same thing that’s wrong with

families today? We don’t have anybody that will stand up and fight for their family! You got pastors that won’t fight for their flock! But you’re not that way! There are some pretty tough characters out here, I’ll tell you. Then he says, and here’s what we don’t like…

Pastors Bob and Debbie Kaps


Even from among your own selves men will come to the front who, by saying perverse (distorted and corrupt) things, will endeavor to draw away the disciples after them [to their own party]. Man that his not changed! You got people that are, and I recognize them when they come up, and you do too, when you got somebody that you’ve raised up inside your church to minister and you notice that they have to bring attention to themselves all the time and that Christ is not the one that is lifted up, but that person is. When you see that, there ought to be a Bing, Bing, Bing, Bing, Bing, Bing, alarm going off and you need to sit them down and bring some correction in their life. Cause there is only one hero in this church, and that’s Jesus! Amen? 31

Therefore be always alert and on your guard, being mindful that for three years I never stopped night or day seriously to admonish and advise and exhort you one by one

with tears.” And then he says, “32 And now [brethren], I commit you to God [I deposit you in His charge, entrusting you to His protection and care]. And I commend you to the Word of His grace [to the commands and counsels and promises of His unmerited favor]. It is able to build you up and to give you [your rightful] inheritance among all God’s set-apart ones (those consecrated, purified, and transformed of soul). I really have this at large to pastors, but we take sometimes the church service not seriously enough. It’s one of the most important times inside of a Christian’s life. When they walk through the doors of that church, when they are beat up, you need to help them into it. When they’re hungry, you need to feed them, when they weep, you should weep with them. When they rejoice, rejoice with them. The anointing

that is on a church service, the ability for a person to sit there, they can literally learn things, they can learn things from you that they won’t learn anywhere else. There is the apostle, prophet, pastor, teacher, and evangelist, can I tell you that they have their singular anointing’s, that you will never reach the place that you ought to reach until you tap into that anointing. When the teacher comes, man, it is a special time for the church, because they can tap into that teaching anointing and grow through that! When the pastor’s there, how many people will say, how many inside your church will say, “I don’t want to bother the pastor, he’s too busy.” And I tell my people, you can bother me anytime, and what do you think I’m too busy doing? Amen? When you fall in love with Jesus, when we fall in love with Jesus, we tend to become like the people we hang around with. When we hang around with Jesus, we find that we have His heart toward the Father, we have His heart about holiness, we have His heart toward people, and man I want to tell you something. That revival that we’re looking for, it doesn’t happen because you can serve enough pizza and have enough entertainment. It happens because they find God in their midst! Do you receive that from me today? Amen. Let’s just raise our hands and say, “Heavenly Father I’m here for you. Jesus I love you. Form me into what you’d have me be. Lord I love you. Shine through me; let them see you in me in Jesus Name. Amen. Amen.

If you are in the Kansas City area, Stop by

Heart of God Fellowship in Buckner, MO. You will enjoy the service!


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my mouth that Jesus is my Lord. I believe in my heart that God raised Jesus from the dead. I receive You into my heart and I lay aside everything I have done up to this point in my life and I release it to You right now. I reject works of darkness that have controlled my life and I receive Your forgiveness now. According to Your Word, I believe that I am born again and on my way to Heaven. Thank You Jesus for my victory! Amen!”

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Remember, God loves you! You are blessed and highly favored by God! God bless You!!!

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