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Governmental Fund Balance
At the end of the fiscal year 2016, the combined ending fund balances for the City’s Governmental Funds were $10,327,053. Of the total fund balance, $10,073,693 is available as working capital for current spending in accordance with the purposes of the specific funds. The remainder of the fund balance, $253,360, is not available for new spending because it is considered nonspendable (pre-paid items and inventory).
The General Fund’s fund balance for the fiscal year ending 2016 was $5,703,779, which indicates a decrease in fund balance over the previous year by $868,579. The decrease in the General fund balance is due to the transfer of $1,000,000 to the SPLOST fund to finish the last project of the SPLOST Fund. The SPLOST fund has increased by $337,240 due to the fact that payments were received from the County for a joint SPLOST project where the City had made the payments in advance and the transfer of $1,000,000 from the General Fund. Information provided in Table 4 is from the Governmental Funds Balance Sheet on page 16.
4 – Governmental Fund Balance
Proprietary Net Position
At the end of the fiscal year 2016, the combined net position of the City’s Proprietary Funds were $13,526,077. The most significant event that took place in the Water and Sewer Funds was the reduction of interest expense and the increase in revenue collections.
General Fund Budgeting Highlights
The City’s budget is prepared according to Georgia law. The most significant budget fund is the General Fund.
For the General Fund, the actual revenues of $11,830,690 were less than the final budgeted amount of $11,973,151 by $142,461.
The actual expenditures of $11,061,472 were less than the final budgeted amount of $12,054,039 by $992,567. This difference was primarily due to vacant personnel positions and a reduction in all costs.