WEEKLY REPORT JAN. 11-17, 2021
City representatives participated in the ribbon cutting at Gocha’s Breakfast Bar.
1/11 Held the weekly Management Team meeting 1/11 1/11
1/11 1/1214 1/12 1/12 1/12 1/12
Along with Mayor Ed Johnson, held a meeting with Fayette Chamber of Commerce President Colin Martin Held a meeting with Steve Mauro from Comprehensive Program Services (CPS) and Dave Hilderbrandt from HVAC RNTL to discuss air purification systems for the new City Hall Held a meeting with CPS Program Manager Steve Mauro, Goodwyn Mills & Cawood’s (GMC’s) Amy Bell, Community & Economic Development Director David Rast, and Economic Development Director Brian Wismer to discuss the mural wall at the New City Hall Launched the Teamworks performance management system with all employees in ten meetings over three days, with the meetings going 7-10 a.m. each morning Attended a meeting with Rick Halbert and Rob Parker from Trilith to discuss upcoming developments within the mixed-use community Conducted a site visit to Oak Street along with Assistant City Manager/Fire Chief Alan Jones to look at a stormwater complaint Attend the bi-monthly Owner Architect Contractor (OAC) meeting for the New City Hall & City Center Park project Walked the new City Hall building with GMC’s Amy Bell and Tony Vanderwyt, and Community & Economic Development Director David Rast to look at possible locations for the culture wall CONTINUES ON PAGE 2
CITY MANAGER’S REPORT CONTINUED 1/13 Held a lunch meeting with Brian Cooper from Redtail Consulting
1/14 1/14 1/14
1/15 1/15
Held a meeting with Community & Economic Development Director David Rast, Economic Development Director Brian Wismer, Main Street Coordinator Joyce Waits, and Finance & Administrative Services Director Mike Bush to discuss Main Street and Downtown Development Authority operations Held a lunch meeting with Mayor Ed Johnson and Community & Economic Development Director David Rast to discuss department operations Held a meeting with Abe Morral from ATL Leadership Training to discuss succession planning Held a meeting with PIO Ann Burdett, Human Resources Director Nella Cooper, IT Director Kelvin Joiner, Marketing Specialist Justin Crum, and IT Systems Analyst Brent Latham to discuss Teamworks training and the associated schedule Participated in a Zoom meeting with Fayette FACTOR to discuss the marijuana ordinance and associated Memorandum of Understanding Along with Mayor Ed Johnson and Community & Economic Development Director David Rast, attended a meeting with David Burnett from Fayetteville Ford
1/15 Held a lunch meeting with CPS Program Manager Steve Mauro Along with Community & Economic Development Director David Rast and Development Inspector Tony Whitley, held a meeting with 1/15 Clay Kirkley and Joey MacDonald from Meritage Homes to discuss close-out items
CITY CLERK’S OFFICE ANNE BARKSDALE Meetings: Management Team 1/11; Gocha’s Breakfast Bar ribbon cutting 1/12; Governor Kemp’s press conference 1/12; Citywide employee informational meeting. Projects: Prepared 1/21 City Council meeting agenda packet; prepared legal ads for city council qualifying and various committee meetings; finalized GovDeals online auction for the Police Department; scheduled the annual records purge for the end of January; finalized plans and scheduling for the upcoming City Council/Staff Retreat February 9-11. Open Records Requests: 10
PIO / COMMUNICATIONS TEAM ANN MARIE BURDETT Promotions: State of Emergency extension; FCHS activities; LCI Study; UDO. Meetings Attended: Management Team 1/11; Communications Team 1/11; Performance Management/ClearCompany Overview Introductory sessions with the City Manager and Mayor 1/12-14; Communications Team 1/13. Projects: City News; Weekly Report; E-Mail Update; Website/UX; Performance Management; LCI Study promo material; UDO information; Road Diet information. Publications: E-Mail Update. Events Attended: n/a Media Requests: 2 Press Release: UDO; Road Diet; LCI Study. Unique Media Created: MLK Jr. Day closure notice; MLK Jr. Day greeting; Teamworks Explainer video. E-Mail Update subscribers: 1,952
COVID-19 COMMUNITY DISCOURSE Social media chatter continues to center around discussion of COVID-19 vaccines, including how and where they may be obtained. CITY WEBSITE VIEWS
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MLK Jr. Day closure notice FACEBOOK FOLLOWERS
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Gocha’s ribbon cutting 1/12
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FIRE DEPARTMENT ALAN JONES Events: All shifts attended the performance management system overview training session; all shifts completed the monthly fire training on Selecting, Stretching and Advancing Hose Lines for Initial Fire Attack. Projects: Chief Alan Jones and City Manager Ray Gibson performed a site visit for a stormwater drainage issue on Oak Street; Chief Black attended various webinars throughout the week with Georgia Department of Public Health (DPH) and other medical associations regarding COVID-19; Truck 9 ladder testing was completed with no issues found and it was placed back in service; Battalion Chief Jeff Gable continues to update the COVID-19 Incident Action Plan; weekly COVID-19 report completed to Georgia Department of Public Health; daily cleaning and sanitizing of self-contained breathing apparatus masks and regulators continued; Battalion Chief Chris Peacock assisted the Henry County Fire Department with a captains promotional assessment; Chief Black and Captain Josh Collins assisted the Georgia Department of Public Health and Fayette County Department of Fire and Emergency Services with COVID-19 vaccinations.
ยก Chief Scott Gray attended the Georgia Association of Chiefs of Police Winter Conference. ยก The Command Staff met to discuss weekly progress and to plan for the week ahead. ยก Half of the department completed suicide prevention training, and the other half will complete the training within the next two weeks. ยก The entire department participated in the performance management system overview training sessions.
FINANCE & ADMIN SERVICES MIKE BUSH ยก Sent Fiscal Year 2020 Comprehensive Annual Financial Report stats to
ยก Reconciled month-end books. ยก Issued three RFPs: Legal Services, Auditing Services, and Banking Services.
PURCHASING Order Statistics
Major Revenue Funds M.S.T.F.* Revenues G.F.* Revenues
Purchase Orders Issued
Open Purchase Orders
D.D.A.* Revenues
W.S.* Revenues
Change Purchase Orders
Budget Override Requests
UTILITIES Billing In-person/over-the-phone
Service Disconnections 126/148
Customers Billed Total Amount Billed
1,936 $135,965.66
Robotic Courtesy Calls
Staff Courtesy Calls
Customers Disconnected
COURT General Statistics Court Sessions Held Citations Received
Scheduled Arraignment Cases
Scheduled Trial Cases
10 16
Warrants Issued (F.T.A. & V.O.P.)*
Number of F.T.A.s
Citations (F.T.A.) sent to D.D.S.*
F.T.A. Cases reconciled after court
Probation Revocation Hearings
*Main Street Tourism Fund (M.S.T.F.)
*Violation of Probation (V.O.P.)
*General Fund (G.F.)
*Failure to Appear (F.T.A.)
*Downtown Development Authority (D.D.A.)
*Department of Driver Services (D.D.S.)
*Water and Sewer (W.S.)
HUMAN RESOURCES DEPT. NELLA COOPER Personnel: With the help of the Public Information Office and the Information Technology Department, we began the overview presentations for the performance management system and performance appraisals platform on ClearCompany. We continue to focus on COVID-19 and federal and state requirements as they relate to City employees and on remaining compliant with mandates. We continue to maintain a case spreadsheet of potential pandemic cases involving City employees. We are requesting proper leave forms to be completed by employees that are out of work due to COVID-19 related absences. We continue to review and update various administrative policies for accuracy. We are preparing for updated 2021 W-4 tax forms. We have finalized changes identified from the Open Enrollment file and made corrections in New World for the next pay period. Turn Over Report: There were no new-hires and no terminations during the period of January 11-17, 2021. Employment Opportunities (11 total vacant positions): ¡ Wastewater Plant Operator - placed on hold ¡ Public Works Maintenance Workers (3) - placed on hold ¡ Certified Police Officers (2) - 2 applications ¡ Non-Certified Police Officer - 2 applications ¡ Firefighters (3) - 16 applications ¡ Planning Specialist - placed on hold
INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY KELVIN JOINER Work orders: 49 new, 37 closed. Projects: We are continuing to work on a list of technology needs for the new City Hall building; reviewing the audio/visual plan for the new City Hall; documents retention continued (working); Fleet Maintenance Systems (waiting); new phone system (RFP review); Court DocuSign project; Occupational Tax online form project; Water and Public Works work order system; ClearCompany employee system (training employees); Video Wall research; reviewed and responded to numerous e-mails throughout the week having to do with City projects; Court TV installation scheduled. Meetings: Comcast engineer meeting at new City Hall; ClearCompany training meetings; Technology Department staff daily standing meetings; vendor hardware meeting; performance management meeting; meeting with MCCI on quickfields.
Meetings Management Team; met with Planning & Zoning Director to discuss zoning approval process for automobile brokers; held virtual meeting with the City Manager, Economic Development Director, CPS and GMC to discuss artwork for the new City Hall lobby mural Attended Street Naming Committee meeting; met with the City Manager, Building Official, Fire Marshal, Development Inspector and Trilith representatives to discuss plans for the Town Stage development; attended the bi-weekly OAC meeting for new City Hall projects Virtual meeting with the Communications Team to discuss UDO promotions and marketing; met with the City Manager, Economic Development Director, and Main Street Manager to discuss Main Street operations; virtual meeting with the Planning & Zoning Director and Beasley Homes representatives to discuss potential development opportunities in the city Attended performance management training; met with the City Manager, Economic Development Director, and Walton Communities representatives to discuss the Walton Communities development; had a lunch meeting with the Mayor and City Manager to discuss programming opportunities; met with the Planning & Zoning Director to discuss performance management goals Code Enforcement officers attended virtual training related to property maintenance and housing enforcement; met with the Mayor, City Manager, and Fayetteville Ford owner to discuss redevelopment opportunities; met with the City Manager and Development Inspector to discuss unresolved Oakleigh Manor issues; met with the City Manager, Development Inspector, and Meritage Homes representatives to discuss Oakleigh Manor closeout requirements PLANNNG AND ZONING
Occupational Tax - zoning certifications
Zoning verification letters issued
Sign permits issued
Site inspections performed
BUILDING DEPARTMENT Building inspections performed
Plans received
Permits issued
Permits issued - total construction value
Erosion control inspections
Development-related inspections
Compliance check
Disposal of garbage
Inoperable vehicle/junk
Prohibited parking
Prohibited signs
Stormwater service charges/fees
Working without a permit
Building size/No. of lots
Fayette Meadows
Highway 92 at Jimmie 129 lots Mayfield Boulevard
Final plat - Phase 1 under review
Trilith – Spotlight Theater
155 J. Arthur Rank Avenue
39,350 square feet
Project on hold
Springhill Suites
139 North Glynn Street
57,692 square feet, 87 rooms
Development plans being prepared
Satterfield Townhomes
Satterfield Marketplace
52 units
Development plans under review
Oceanic Data Center
Highway 54 West at Veterans Parkway
About 1,000,000 square feet
Development plans being prepared
Fayette Discount Gas and Tobacco
535 North Glynn Street
1,800 square feet
Development plans being prepared
Jersey Mike’s retail building
985 North Glynn Street
4,020 square feet
Conceptual site plan 1/27 P&Z agenda
Take 5 Oil Change
985 North Glynn Street
1,484 square feet
Conceptual site plan 1/27 P&Z agenda
Andy’s Frozen Custard
800 North Glynn Street
2,170 square feet
Conceptual site plan 1/27 P&Z agenda
Trilith Studios Phase 4A
400 Veterans Parkway
94,000 square feet
Development plans under review
The Shoppes at New Hope
Highway 314 at New Hope Road
16,200 square feet
Development plans under review
Trilith Phase 3 residential
Veterans Parkway
39 townhome units mass grading
Construction plans under review
Marquis DR subdivision
Marquis Drive
2 lots
Minor subdivision plat under review
Epic Car Wash
1512 North Highway 85
7,050 square feet
Redevelopment plans 1/27 P&Z agenda
ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT BRIAN WISMER Economic Development: Met with Walton Fayetteville representatives regarding fee schedule and project timeline; attended the monthly hospital bridge/ trail project update meeting, and currently preparing bid package for Georgia Department of Transportation review; attended the Georgia Municipal Association webinar on regulatory best practices for downtown development; met with City staff and Comprehensive Program Services regarding new City Hall interior murals; prepared a draft “scope of work� document for People for Parks, an Atlanta Regional Commission-awarded grant for path studies. Main Street: Attended the performance management training at City Hall; met with a prospective amphitheater rental client for a spring dance performance; met with Dale Georgia of Happy Dog Studios to prepare the Concert Series graphic design; prepared and submitted year-end documents for Georgia Main Street annual certification review. Downtown Development Authority: Held the onboarding meeting with incoming DDA member Brandon Sherman; worked with the PIO team on upcoming articles and planning for the 2021 economic development-related out reach to the local business community; prepared for the monthly DDA board meeting.
PUBLIC SERVICES DEPT. CHRIS HINDMAN Public Works: Cleaned City Hall and Police Department; cut and maintained the fountain area and Hood Avenue; cleaned up and laid mulch at the Lane Brown Gazebo; repaired potholes at 315 Mimosa Drive and Lindsey Terrace in the Summit Point subdivision; completed the trash run on East Lanier Avenue between Gwinnett Street and Knight Way, West Lanier Avenue near the hospital, Grady Avenue and Redwine Road; blew the Lane Brown Gazebo area; replaced a directional sign; Trimmed the ditch line at 305 Pilgrim Way; filled in the erosion around the catch basin on Adverton Court; cut the curbing and sidewalk in Summit Point; blew off the curbing and cart path on Beauregard Boulevard and Redwine Road; blew off the curbing and sidewalk area on Brandywine Boulevard; participated in the performance management meeting at City Hall. Stormwater: Removed and replaced the Clairmont subdivision storm drain. Sewer: Average daily flow treated was 1.82 million gallons per day; performed weekly maintenance at 26 lift station sites; maintained wastewater plant and remained in compliance of our permit requirements. Water: Average daily flow of 1.6 million gallons of system demand; repaired four water leaks; performed maintenance on 52 water meters; maintained water plant and remained in compliance of our permit requirements.
Utility Locates: 81