2 minute read

Denise Jude Meet a Southern Woman!

Ihavealwaysloveddecorating,anddreamed Icouldonedaybecomeaninterior decorator/designer.Asateenager,Iusedtositin myroomandsketchallkindsofthings,from interiordesignideastoweddinggowns.Ididn’t followmydesignpassionrightawaybecause sometimeslifetakesyoudownadifferentpath, butthatdoesn’tmeanyoucan’trevisityour dreamslaterwhenthetimeisright

Today the social media world has rekindled my love of decorating, and I now have the ability to share this passion with others. I didn’t realize there were so many people who loved decorating as much as I do!

We moved into our forever home in June, 2021, and it was such fun personally choosing every little detail for my home’s interior It made me realize why I wanted to be a decorator/designer in the first place I still have so many things I want to do and achieve and hope to make them all happen. I love to paint, craft, and do DIY projects and dream of one day having my own line of home décor items

There are so many things I wish I had done in my younger days, but I was too afraid of rejection – of hearing the word “no ” I never had the confidence to just put myself out there and go for it. A friend’s mother always told me I had missed my calling and should pursue interior design She had the confidence in me that I didn’t have Today I no longer feel that fear of rejection. I have new confidence, thanks to friends, family and social media interactions, and know that I can achieve anything if I just put my mind to it and trust my heart. I never thought I would get published or featured in a magazine, yet here I am, because I refuse to give up on the things I want in life

In this issue, I want to share my love of springtime, because everything is turning green again, and all the beautiful spring bulbs are starting to bloom. Tulips are my favorite flower, and I enjoy featuring them, along with a variety of pastels, in my spring décor I feel you can’t go wrong with color I know it’s not for everyone, but it makes me happy to have pops of color around me.

Layering different garlands and stems on your mantle is the easiest way to make a big statement, and you don’t have to spend a lot of money to achieve a beautiful high-end look. The same goes for your tablescapes. You can do as much or as little as you like and still make a statement and create something that makes you happy. Never be afraid to step outside the box, and never be afraid to experiment with color.

My only advice is to design and decorate for YOU Surround yourself with what makes you happy, because, it’s your home, and at the end of the day, you are the one living in the space. Be surrounded by what makes you feel good!

I hope I can inspire you in your own home decorating journey. Maybe, just maybe, you will one day have pieces that I created to use in styling your home! Until then, please come join me for home styling tips and inspiration.

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