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IT’S A Porch ThingBy Holly Cellini | Photography by Michele Mabie

Happy summer, everyone! This is my favorite time of year. We celebrate our amazing country, school being out, and long days. Porches are so much fun this time of year with American flags, bunting, and patriotic pillows. The weather is perfect for long visits with friends. I suggest adding some lanterns to your porch this time of year. I have some outdoor automatic-timer candles in all of my lanterns. I am always ready for some evening chats! My other go-to is citronella candles. I have at least one on my front porch to keep those bugs away. I would love to see some of your patriotic porches! Please message me a photo of your porch on my It’ s a Porch Thing Facebook page. I would love to see lots of proud red, white, and blue! Have an amazing summer with your family and friends.

Cheers, Holly

itsaporchthing.com @itsaporchthing


Purchase your favorite pound cake. Remove it from the pan. Slice it into two even pieces. Soften your favorite ice cream (I used strawberry). Smooth the ice cream out in a glass 8” x8” pan lined with parchment paper. Put the ice cream back into the freezer for about three hours. Once it is nice and solid, slice it to fit inside the layers of the pound cake. Assemble the layers together, and wrap them in parchment paper. Place back into the freezer for an hour so that they can harden together. When you are ready to serve, melt one bag of chocolate chips in the microwave. Dip your sandwich into the chocolate. Let the chocolate harden. Enjoy one of our family ’ s favorite summertime sweet treats!


It’ s perfect for the porch or the pool! Line the bottom with your favorite frozen fruit. For this batch, I used frozen peaches and mangos. The fruit works to keep your drink cold and looks great in your glass. I enjoy the Kirkland sangria mix. The sangria is in a larger wine bottle at Costco. Pour that in over the fruit. When you are ready to serve, pour a bottle of Prosecco into the mix. It is absolutely delightful and refreshing. Perfect for some front porch sitting!

ThisThis isis aa fantasticfantastic projectproject forfor adultsadults andand kids.kids. PurchasePurchase pre-coloredpre-colored red,red, white,white, andand blueblue sand.sand. LookLook aroundaround thethe househouse andand findfind aa masonmason jarjar oror otherother clearclear container.container. LayerLayer asas youyou please.please. WhenWhen youyou areare donedone layeringlayering addadd aa teetee candlecandle toto thethe toptop ofof thethe design.design. ThisThis alsoalso worksworks asas aa cutecute hostesshostess giftgift asas well.well. AddAdd thethe lidlid andand tietie aa ribbonribbon aroundaround it.it.

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