Super Bowls come and go but the Word of God lasts forever (Isaiah 40:8). It is so amazing how excited people get over a football game, not to mention paying mega-bucks for tickets, but in the future don’t even remember who won the game. What would it take for Christians to get that excited about Jesus? Why is it so easy to talk about football but shy away from talking about Jesus?
FroM Your Pastor’s heart
God doesn’t expect us to know all the answers about Christ. He does call us to be His witnesses and He promises to be with us as we share the gospel (Matt 28:18-20). A good place to start is in our homes. Noah is described as faithful even though he failed to reach his world for the Lord. However, he did reach his sons - he stands as a faithful example (Hebrews 11:7). Sunday’s sermon was about an enemy who seeks to trash our homes and we close the door to Satan by opening the door to Jesus. This month has Valentine’s Day, President’s Day and Black History Month. All of these can remind us of love, steadfastness and mistreatment. As Christians, our story has a good ending, but along the way we have significant contributions to make. A tragedy would be to live our lives and never make a difference for Christ. What can you do to let your light shine in the midst of such a dark world? The Prayer Conference is this Friday. Our most powerful reserve is Godly prayer. Faith always reaches Heaven with our humble requests. We have not because we ask not (James 4:2). All of us are in need of improving our prayer life. Come and see how God can show you to become prayer warriors. The Power Team is coming to our church February 18-22...They not only share in our services, but also go to various schools in our area. Here is a place to touch a generation with the claims of Christ. Counselors and workers are needed in addition to school assemply sponsors. This event has such possibility of making an impact. Be a part of God using their testimony to touch lives. February is sometimes known as a dismal month, but it doesn’t have to be. Get involved and see Christ do amazing things in and through your life. Your pastor, Jerry Romans 8:37
Welcome to the First Family
The Hargadon Family
Joins by Statement John, Bobbie, Thomas, Michael 201 Heather Ln, FH 251.943.2530
Kathryn and Les Woodin
Kathryn by Statement, Les by Baptism 114 Keplar Pl, FH 990.2526
Betty and Ray Carter First Edition - page 2
Join by Letter 19750 Quali Creek Dr., FH 251.210.6100
prayer event
with Claude King and John Franklin
Here on Friday, February 6 @ 7:00 PM
Join us for this exciting opportunity sponsored by our Alabama Baptist State Board of Missions and Baldwin Baptist Association to encounter God as we worship, praise and lift our prayers to God with other fellow Christians from across our Baldwin Baptist Association. We are looking for Prayer Warriors who will commit to pray during 2015 for our pastors and staff, churches and ministries of our Association throughout the coming year. If you are willing to be a Prayer Warrior and to try and attend this event, please sign up by contacting LaSha Powell in the Church Office (928-8685 or
Legacy Builders for Young Adults is Back! Sundays, 5:00 – 7:00 PM // 206/208 West
All Young Adults are encouraged to be a part of our Legacy Builders and learn from seasoned couples in the areas of parenting, marriage, and how to grow as a follower of Christ. It’s also a great opportunity to get to know other Young Adults and to grow stronger in your faith while your children & teens are also growing stronger in their walk with Christ. It’s your opportunity to impact the next generation for Christ and to help us turn the tide of our godless culture. The focus for the next few weeks will be from “THE LEGACY MILESTONE” book. Books are $5 each. Hope to see you there! The Legacy Builders Mentor Team
NEW Adult Sunday School Classes Going on now!
Next Steps-A new Single Young Women’s Class targeting those in their 20’s – 40’s will be meeting in Dr. Henry’s office. Teacher will be our Christian Counselor, Angie Lewis. Cornerstone Class-A new class for Senior Married Couples 60s-Up. They will be meeting in 201-A, West Bldg. Teachers: Bill Blackwood and Bill Sims.
BREATHE by Priscilla Shirer 5:00pm in MPR#2, begins February 11 This 6-week study is sponsored by Ladies At First. The study focuses on the importance of the Sabbath and the need to find space in one’s life for God to speak and for Christians to hear His voice. (Book $10) Facilitator: Debbie Tuggle Dave Ramsey’s Financial Peace University 6:30pm in MPR#2, Begins February 11 Learn how to defeat the “debt monster” and get your finances under control so you can be the steward God wants you to be and can relieve the stress of financial debt. (Book/Kit $93.00, Scholarships are available) Facilitator: Debbie Tuggle NOTE: A FREE PREVIEW class is offered on February 4 at 6:00pm in MPR#2
Breathe by Priscilla Shirer 5:00pm in 201 West, Begins February 8 This 6-week study is sponsored by Ladies At First. The study focuses on the importance of the Sabbath and the need to find space in one’s life for God to speak and for Christians to hear His voice. (Book $10)Facilitator: Susan Young
First Edition - page 3
Island Vancouver Mission T0r1ip 5
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First Edition - page 4
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Volunteers for Sunday Mornings Needed in Preschool Ministry
The Preschool Ministry is in need of Special Adults to help with some very special preschoolers. If you are willing to volunteer during Worship or Sunday School with children that need extra attention, please let Delores know in the office or email We are trying to get enough volunteers that it could be done on a once a month time frame per person volunteering. We will have a training session the middle of February to equip you with how to minister to these little ones. It doesn’t take a professional, just someone with a big will be blessed.
2014 GIVING RECAP… What a Great Year! As a result of our people’s generous giving we were able to finish strong
in our Ministry Budget. We had over $ 535,000 given to the Ministry Budget in December alone making it the largest Ministry Budget giving month in the history of First Baptist and allowing us to finish well in the black and start 2015 with a large surplus. In addition we had $229,955 given to the Capital Fund in addition to other Designated offerings. For the entire year, we had the following given: General Fund $ 2,460,179.22 Other General Fund Income 172,957.59 Capital Campaign Fund 545,483.65 Missions Gifts 257,446.07 Other Designated Gifts 136,385.82 TOTAL Income /Giving $ 3,572,452.35 To God be the Glory!
February is Alabama Baptist Disaster Relief Offering Month Sunday, February 22 in both services
Learning Tree Registration
In house registration is 2/9th-2/13th. Registration is open to the public on 2/23rd. God is blessing, we anticipate a full house for the 2015-16 school year. As we continue to grow, the need for additional teachers is a possibility. If you are interested in a teaching position or substituting, please see Lynn Carroll, director. 251.928.0496
A child’s heart is God’s territory,
sowing there is a sacred task.
Funds given through the Alabama Baptist Disaster Relief Offering will enable the Alabama Baptist State Board of Missions, in partnership with churches and associations, to support and equip disaster relief responders and response efforts, including the purchase of needed equipment and relief supplies. 100% of your gifts will go to this effort. Special offering envelopes will be made available or you can use a regular offering envelope and designate it for the DIsaster Relief Offering.
First Edition - pg6