Camp edition: Location is Camp Baldwin on Wolf Bay
$70.00 includes, camp fees, lodging, T-shirt, food, & Transportation OUTFITTERS will begin Friday, Feb. 26 at 5:30pm. You will come to the church and get checked in, eat dinner, meet your small group & leaders and then load the bus for OUTFITTERS WEEKEND. We will be at Camp Baldwin Friday Night til Sunday morning. You will return to First Baptist for Sunday School and the last OUTFITTERS Session will be at 11AM Sunday morning. The Featured Speaker for the weekend is Kyle Beshears from People of Mars Hill Church, Mobile. Our worship Band will be IMPACT from University of Mobile.
I am sure by now that all of you are aware that I officially announced my retirement. It was not an easy decision, but
From Your one that needed to be made. Thank you for the many who have expressed their love, appreciation and, most of all, your prayers for Susan and me. Pastor’s Our church is in the 21Days of Prayer for God’s guidance during this time of transition. We need to continue plans for Children’s Building, to find a Senior Adult/Associate Pastor, and to lead people to find Christ as their Savior. All of this Heart the is to make ready a church in the center of God’s will and on a course to be led by the next pastor. You are an easy church to love.
Jerry M. Henry, Ph.D Love was in the air this past Sunday. Our Worship services on Sunday morning and our movie on Sunday spoke to the Pastor amazing power of God’s love. Family film night was awesome as we responded to War Room with laughter, tears, and a
commitment to be prayer warriors. All of this was done while eating popcorn and drinking diet soda. Thanks to all those who made it possible through their acts of service. February is half over. Time moves along so quickly. My sermons will continue emphasizing Jesus as The Great Physician. He overcomes the evil one, restores the fallen, and responds to each one in a way that each one needs to be healed. On Wednesday Night, I want to take a look at different religions and cults that are confronting us in our culture. Fairhope is being invaded by faiths that are not the same as our Christian beliefs. What do they believe and how are we different? Come and see! We start with Islam. Be in your place this coming Sunday. Make a commitment to worship in a world that takes worship as a “take it or leave it” solution. All of us need to draw near to God, resist Satan, and he will flee from you. (James 4:7) God bless each of you. Your Pastor, Jerry James 4:10
Babies, Babies, Everywhere!!
And do we have them! Would you like these sweet ones sitting by you? We are looking for adults who love babies and toddlers who would like to work in our preschool department. We could use part time or full time for Sunday mornings and/or Wednesday evenings. If you are interested or would like more information, please contact Jennifer Warren at or call the church office and leave your name and number. Thank you!
Welcome to the Family Tina and Bill Moore Join by Letter 326 Cumberland Rd., FH 928.2010
Wednesday Nights, 6:00PM the Fellowship Hall The Pastor’s series on World Religions. Begins February 17
Spring Walker Joins by Baptism 19681 Cardinal Dr., FH 251.680.7399 Sophie Day Joins by Statement 152 Orange Ave., FH 618.975.2934
Erilda “E” and Ronald Coleman Join by Letter 12665 Co Rd. 9 Lot 34, Foley 251.597.6047
Day of Prayer
Emmanuel House in Moldova | March 4–11
We have been partnering with the Emmanuel House for girls in Moldova for the past year. This wonderful ministry sponsored by the University of Mobile works with teenage girls who are at risk of being trapped in human trafficking. This mission trip will include working with the girls from Emmanuel House as well as the state orphanages. There will also be opportunities to assist several churches with evangelism. Cost: $2,850 (covers all expenses except extra snacks). For Additional Information: Contact Dr. Joe Savage at: or (251) 442-2406.
The Brazil Team is collecting
hotel/travel size soaps, lotions, shampoos, toothpaste and hand sanitizers, toothbrushes, pencils and gallon size ziplock bags. We need 2000 of each. There is a box in the church office for you to drop off your things.
Safe-Travel Training Saturday, March 12, 2016
9 a.m. -4 p.m. Redemption Church (formerly North Mobile Baptist Church) 1251 Industrial Parkway, Saraland, Alabama Cost: $45 (non-refundable:includes lunch and training) This training is highly recommended for all churches taking mission trips and for churches who participate in State Board of Missions projects. Topics will include travel security, code of conduct, crime survival, basic crisis policy and more, all from a faith based perspective. For more information or to register visit or call: 1-800-264-1225 ext. 308, or email
for North American Missions
The theme is: Here I Am - Send Me. Places to be considered are: Canada; Cleveland, Ohio; Washington, DC; New Orleans; Portland, Oregon and San Diego, California. We will meet at 10:00 am March 1 in the Choir Room. The women of the church are invited to attend.
Sunday, February 21 @ 4:00 PM
For the next few months CONNECTIONS OUTREACH will be moving to Sunday afternoons. Join us in the Social Hall as we go out to deliver fresh-baked cookies and information about our church to recent guests and newcomers to our area.
Sewing Help Needed
Not for Mardi Gras gowns or curtains for the home, rather, help is needed in making pillowcase dresses for missions. These are given to little children in places far away from Fairhope. The children simply need clothes. And you can help! The material and instruction are given out by Mrs. Barbara Sanders and Mrs. Carolyn Brakefield. If you are interested in helping out, please give one of them a call: Barbara: 928.2059 / Carolyn 928.0470
Human Trafficking Seminar Sunday, February 21 @ 5:00 PM | Summerdale Baptist Church This informative seminar sponsored by HOPE HAVEN MINISTRIES will bring you up to date on what is going on not only in our country, but sadly right here in Baldwin County. For more information contact Donna Armstrong at 251.604.4549.
Women’s Care Medical Center’s Annual WALK FOR LIFE Fund Raiser
Saturday, March 12, 8;00 – 10:00 Am | Fairhope Pier Last year our church led the way in Baldwin County with the most WALKERS (100) and with the most FUNDS RAISED ($10,000). This year our Goal is to have at least 150 WALKERS and raise $15,000. In order to do that, we will need YOU to get involved. Our plan this year is to have a competition between our Youth / Adult Sunday School classes in the following categories: -Most Walkers Participating -Best Percentage of Class Members Participating -Most Funds Raised Ways You Can Be Involved: -Walk the 2 mile walk and get people to SPONSOR you. -If you cannot walk, be a SPONSOR for one or more of our walkers. NOTE: Be watching for the SIGN UP TABLE and Sponsor Forms and “shoe” cut outs in your Sunday School box FIRST EDITION | 3
Coming Up Bus Trip Planned for Jubileers
Bus trip to Prince Edward Island and Nova Scotia October 1-13, 2016. $1899.00 per person double occupancy. Contact Carolyn Hammill (990.6773) if interested. Highlights: Traveling up East Coast of our country -Overnight in the Carolinas, Washington D.C., New York, Boston, Bar Harbor, St. John’s, New Brunswick and two nights on Prince Edward Island.
Senior Fest in New Orleans
March 31-April 1 // Cost $75.00 includes Hotel, Transportation and Festival. Meals on your own. Stop by Jennifer Coulter’s office to sign up, pay and choose your breakout sessions.
Signing Choir
Our Signing Choir will begin back March 13 in room 209A-West. Beginners are welcomed! So, if you would like to learn or improve Sign Language skills and work as a group to present worship songs with the praise team, then this is the place for you! Questions? Contact Jennifer Eggers, 251.223.1010
The Ladies at First Planning team has designed a weekend just for ladies to get together and restore their relationship with our Father! This getaway will be at Baldwin Baptist Camp March 4–5, 2016 and will feature Rochelle Frazier who was here a couple of years ago. Over this weekend, you’ll experience intimate worship, strong teaching sessions, campfire visiting, an art project, a surrender walk, great time with friends old and new! We will meet at the church around 4:00pm to load up and head to the camp for an overnight and a Saturday full of fellowship, fun, restoration and relaxation. Return time to FBC is around 5:00pm Saturday. (Full schedule is online) Rochelle is anchoring in Hosea…looking at the restoration of Israel. We have a need to get away with Him (retreats become wilderness moments). There, our vineyards are restored (we become fruitful), the place of trouble becomes a door of hope and there we shift from calling Him master to calling Him husband (intimacy is birthed). Our worship times will be led by our own Ryan Smith and Anthony Kidd both gifted worship leaders and we are honored they will help lead us into the throne room.
Moms 2 Moms meet every other Tuesday (some holiday alterations, see dates below). They meet in the Brides Room from 9:30-11:30am. Join this group of moms as they break away from the fast-paced life as young mothers for a time to focus on God’s Word. Building Relationships with each other and with the Lord are of prime importance as one grows as a daughter of the King. They are going through the book by Angie Smith “Seemless”. The cost is $15 to cover book costs and will receive that at the first meeting. Child care is provided. Need more info? Contact Tammy Henry at 251.504.8959 Meetings for February and March:
February 23 March 8, 22 April 5, 19 FIRST EDITION | 4
Scan to sign up
Sounds like what you need? Great! Then grab up the names of your roomies and sign up right here. Schedule is online and the costs are: Two per room $55.00 per person Three per room $46.00 per person Four per room $42.00 per person Sign up and pay online. (Credit, Debit, Electronic Check).
On Friday, March 18th, all kids 1-5th grade are invited to a Kids Night Out. We will meet at the church at 4:30 pm and travel to Daphne for Chick Fil A and a movie at Carmike Cinemas. Movie will be determined as we approach date. Cost for this night is $12.00 per person and includes dinner at Chick Fil a, transportation and movie ticket. (concessions money for theatre optional) All kids MUST wear the silliest shirt they can find this night. Prizes will be awarded for the three most awesome silly shirts. Sign up online for this awesome kids event by visiting Deadline to sign up for KNO is Wednesday, March 16th. Get your silly on… see you at KNO. For Kids Night Out text alerts this night text: @SillyKNO to: 81010 we will return to the church this night around 9:30pm (tbd)
Eggciting Saturday
Children’s Ministry Text Alerts
Buckets labeled “Eggciting Saturday” will be available at main church entrances beginning Feb 21st for your individually wrapped candy and plastic eggs. Our egg goal for this event is 5,000 eggs. We can’t do this event without your help. Thanks in advance for your faithfulness to our awesome FBC kids. Eggciting Saturday will be Saturday, March 26th from 10:30am-12:00pm at Fairhope Kids Park. Please plan on joining us this day for fellowship, fun and CANDY as we prepare together to celebrate our Risen Savior. Oh did I mention… WE NEED EGGS AND CANDY! Thanks FBC for your incredible faithfulness to our children’s ministry.
@Kidmin16 to 81010
The Children’s Ministry is updating all Text Alert groups. All parents of current 1st-5th grade kids who are interested in receiving Children’s Ministry text alerts must text: @Kidmin16 to 81010. The old text groups will be deleted. PLEASE sign up asap if interested in continuing to receive FBC kids ministry text alerts. This group is for general information, which concerns all parents of graded kids of FBC. Specific event text alerts such as kids nights out, camps, or special events will be offered separately. Be in the know. Sign up today.
MIX MUSIC CAMP | JULY 11-15 At Mix Music Camp we work to identify and help train worship leaders for the next generation. This camp is sponsored by the Alabama Baptist Convention State Board of Missions’ Music Department. The week is loaded UP with all kinds of activity and worship. Keeps kids busy growing, worshipping, singing, and discipling. Something we are SURE you want your Child to take part! “It’s not about the performance. It’s not about what other people think about you. It’s about worshiping the Lord. And this camp is the one thing that helped me understand that most of all.” - Lindsay Lyon, former camper, now counselor AND...If being at music camp isn’t enough, here are a few more things we’ll be doing! • Hiking Trails • Putt-Putt Golf • Basketball • Volleyball • Pedal Boats • Horseshoes • Octaball • Disc Golf • Poly pong • Fishing • Ropes Course • Paintball • Pedal Cars • Swimming! Check out all the fun things at MIX camp by clicking on For more information contact Dee Pace:
Text Alerts for Children’s Choirs
Text @fbckidsmu TO 81010
Honor Choir Kids!
Keep up with news: Text @chonor TO 81010
RECENT QUESTIONS (& ANSWERS) - added 2/15/16:
Pastor Search Key Dates… Monday, February 8 Sunday, February 28 21 Days of Prayer (Get your Prayer Guide at the Welcome Center, online, via the APP, or the Church Office) Sunday, February 28, 6:00PM Special Business Meeting in evening service to NOMINATE potential Pastor Search Team members. Sunday, March 6 VOTE on Nominees in both morning services by secret ballot. Ballots counted that afternoon and results presented in the evening service. Sunday, March 13 Pastor Search Team presented to the church and officially commissioned.
Question #1. Does a member have to be present at the meeting February 28th to nominate a potential Pastor Search Committee member? The answer is YES. We are not accepting any nominations other than the ones verbalized at the special business meeting on the 28th. If someone cannot be there, it is perfectly acceptable to have someone else nominate their choice for them provided the nominee has been talked to about their willingness to serve.. Question #2. Will there be absentee ballots for the March 6 vote? The answer is YES, but there are stipulations. Once nominations are closed on the 28th the church will not accept further nominations. Ballots will be made on Monday, February 29th and if a member would like to come by the church (Sharon Pippin’s Office) and fill one out, they may do so after lunch on Monday, and then any time during church office hours M-F. The ballot must be filled out and left at the church office where Sharon will put in envelope, sign her name across the sealed envelope and turn it in to the counting committee on March 6th. We are not allowing emails or phone calls or mail-in ballots for two reasons: 1.) Time—we only have one week between nominations and vote. 2.) To protect the integrity of the process, ballots must be filled out and secured at the church office.
The Section of the Bylaws pertaining to the Pulpit Committee reads:
Section 2. A Pastor, to be chosen and called by the Church whenever a vacancy occurs. His call and election shall be made in the following manner, viz: The Church shall wait until the pulpit is actually vacant, or until the present pastor has announced his retirement at which time, the Chairman of Deacons shall call a Business Meeting of the Church, which shall elect a Pulpit Committee, consisting of SEVEN (7) members, which shall have the duty of seeking and finding a suitable Pastor, and their recommendation will constitute a nomination. The committee shall bring to the consideration of the Church only one man at a time. At least one week’s public notice must be given before a vote is taken. The vote of the Church shall be taken at the Sunday Morning Service, by secret ballot, and an affirmative vote of three-fourths of those present and voting being necessary to make a choice. The Pulpit Committee shall see to it that the pulpit is supplied during the time the church is without a pastor. (Amendment Approved, 8/82)
All of the information relative to this process is shared in detail on our website. You may scan the code at the left or click on:
All camps all in one place! Add to your calendar and watch for details on sign up and who can attend. Check the age/ministry specific pages online at March 4-6: Alabama State Children’s Honor Choir Trip (Children) April 8-10:
Student Choir Mini Tour, NW Florida (Students)
April 22-24: One Voice Honor Choir (Students) June 13-17: Big Stuf Camp, Panama City Beach, FL (HS Students) ONLINE NOW June 28-July 2: Centrifuge Camp, Panama City Beach, FL (MS Students)ONLINE NOW July 4-9:
Blue Lake Music & Arts Camp, FL (Students)
July 11-15: MIX Music Camp, Shocco (Children/Preteen) July 25-29: Centri-Kid, Shocco (Grades 1-5)