FroM Your Pastor’s heart
The Lord has called us as a church to be salt and light. As salt, we are to add the flavor of Christ to a decaying world. As light, we are to shine in the darkness of a culture headed in the wrong direction. In the lives of our members, there ought to be heaven on earth moments in our families, workplaces, and with the people who know us. That is our mission - to know Christ and to make Him known. With that in mind, we invited the Power Team to come and share the gospel. Their approach with feats of strength gets people’s attention and, then, this becomes a platform for sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ. The message is heard by listening hearts that would otherwise avoid church. Here is an evangelistic opportunity to invite lost persons to ask Christ into their hearts. Pray for the services that begin this Wednesday. Places of service include those who put up and those who take down. Counselors have received training in helping those who make decisions. Ask God to move upon this event and bring people to Himself. May we see a harvest of souls. Come and find a place to be involved. The matter of same sex marriage is the hot button issue not only in our society, but also in so many churches. The statement of First Baptist Fairhope is that no ministers will perform same sex marriages or that any of our facilities will be used to conduct same sex marriages. This has the support of our Deacons. This is based on the Scriptures’ foundation that only traditional marriages of a bride and groom are blessed by God. It is not that we are mean-spirited toward homosexual persons, but rather we find only marriages between husband and wife to be biblically correct. Pray for our church to take a stand against this issue and to do so in Christian love. We live in a changing world. Things that have been assumed as true are now being questioned. What this means is that we have the opportunity to stand for Christ as never before. That stand will be filled with challenges, but it gives the opportunity to be salt and light. May God help us to keep the faith. Have a good week. I am so looking forward to the ministry of the Power Team. May God bless us with services that lift up Christ. Your Pastor, Jerry Matthew 5:14-15
Welcome to the First Family
James Lloyd Brown Warren Cummings, Matthew & Brittany Curry
Joins by Letter 20233 River Mill, FH / 251.635.2038 First Edition - page 2
Joins by Profession of Faith Shown with parents: Stacy and LeighAnn
Join by Letter 456 Nichols Ave, FH 251.751.7464
Island Vancouver rip Mission, T 0 2 15
May 5 – 11 ary, Ashely ada Island, Canith North American Missioitnh a group r e v u o c n a V gw gw ill be workin e asCanvas, alon
, Our team w r team will b t-up church his new star urch in Mississippi. Ou king, hanging d an , in st u h al A oor Baptist C ent, prayer w f from Broadm rch with a Family Fest ev , and with the events o e st er u Fe th ch is ily so h m g ed Fa h in e rc st u si vertising th ple are ch ad eo s p e er g th f an o h door ut 3% st. Only abo ared. the Family Fe for the Gospel to be sh , please contact Brent d am ee te n r u at o re art of is a g like to be a p ion. If you would gram for more informat In ff Je r o Shaw
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2015 NOTE Kansas : A$ 100 d by Fe b e place ruary 25 posit is d to se u . Con cure e more tact B y o info r u ent S (928haw r 8685 f o r bsha o w@fb r cfairh ope.o rg).
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First Edition - page 3
Wednesday Nights
SUNDAY Notes February 22
(Both AM Services)
No regular Kids Worship with Bro Kevin today. All 1st– 5th grade kids. Power Team Sunday. Todd Keene has asked for all graded kids to remain in the AM services this day as we close out our Power Team Weekend. All graded kids remain with Parents during morning worship. Parents must also pick up kids from Sunday school class this day. (Not 301S as usual) Children’s Worship Room will be locked. Preschool- K will meet with Ms. Jennifer as usual. (No Bible Drill this night).
March 1(BOTH AM SERVICES) No regular Kids
Children’s Schedule til Summer February
February 18th – No Music or Missions (Power Team 7:00 pm) February 25th – Regular Missions Schedule March 4th – Regular Missions Schedule March 11th – Regular Missions Schedule March 18TH – Regular Missions Schedule March 25th- No Children’s Missions / YES to Preschool Missions (5:30pm Church Bible Drill Competition) 6:30-7:30 MUSIC meets April 1st – No Children’s Missions / YES to Preschool Missions (Associational Bible Drill Competition 5:30 pm) April 8th – No Missions (Spring Break) April 15th – Regular Missions Schedule April 22nd- Regular Missions Schedule April 29th- Regular Missions Schedule
May 6th- No Missions (for either Children or preschool) (6:30 Children’s Spring Music Presentation) May 13th - *** End of year joint Music and Missions water night at Fairhope Kids park, 6:30-7:30 (YOU WILL GET WET!) (This event ends Children’s Music and Missions until fall) May 20th - *** Kids Summer Schedule Begins 6:30-7:30 pm. Wednesday kids discipleship in Children’s Church
Preschool Happenings
Note these adjustments in your family calendar:
Wed. Feb. 18th NO preschool activities. Power Team @ 6:30 pm. Childcare provided for Babies -3years old. Sunday, Feb. 22 NO Bible Buddies Enjoy the Power Team with your Family @ 5pm. Childcare provided for Babies-3years old. Wednesday, April 8 No Preschool Missions due to Spring Break
Mustache for him Bow for me A very special time for Dad and Me! Dress your best and wear your grin, Let us know if YOU are in!
Please, by Wednesday March 11, 2015 For Girls ages 3 - 5 years old and their dad. RSVP online or at the Preschool Welcome Desk
See you March 14 after the second service
Worship with Bro Kevin due TO OUR HOSTING THE Alabama State Children’s Honor Choir. Kids not participating in choir will remain with parents this day. All 1st– 5th grade kids. Preschool- K will meet with Ms. Jennifer as usual. Parents must also pick up children from Sunday school classes this day. (Not 301S as usual) Children’s Worship Room will be Locked) (Bible Drill will Meet This Night)
Competition Dates for
Church Drill
4th-5th grade Children’s Bible Drill Competition will be held on Wednesday, March 25th at 5:30 in the Sanctuary. (Children’s Music will meet at 6:30 this night following Church Drill Competition) Kids must score a 17 out of 24 this night to reach our set goal. Kids need to score 12 or higher to advance to Associational Drill.
Associational Drill
4th-5th grade Children’s Bible Drill Competition for children who score 12 or higher at church drill will be held Wednesday, April 1st at 5:30 pm here in the FBC Fairhope Sanctuary. A kid’s fellowship will follow this event on the back lot for all churches who participate as well as for our FBC kids. The outdoor fellowship ends at 7:30 pm. Pick up your child on the grassy lot out back.
District Bible Drill
College Park Baptist Church – Monday, April 20 – leave church by 2:30 pm. (kids must check out of school this day) Drill registration begins at 3:30 PM. and Drilling begins at 4:00 pm. We will stop for fast food on the way home. (Church treat) District drill participation requires a minimum of 16 points at the associational level. Questions? See Kevin.
Kid’s “Mock” Drill
Romar Baptist Church
On Sunday evening, March 8th, all 4-5th grade Bible drillers will travel to Romar Beach Baptist Church to join their drill team for a night of Drill Practice and a fellowship to follow. We will leave FBC Fairhope by bus at 4:30 this afternoon and will return to the church for parent pick around 7:30 pm. Parents should note that this trip only affects our 4-5th grade drillers. Preschool-3rd grade will need to be picked up immediately following regular worship and Legacy class. There is no cost for this event. Questions? See Kevin. First Edition - page 4
With: Dr. David Platt, author of the books, “Radical” and “Counter Culture” The culture around us is constantly changing, and successive changes are often accompanied by significant challenges. So how does the call of Christ compel us to respond to challenges like the rapid rise of so-called same-sex marriage, the increasing acceptance of homosexuality, human trafficking and sex slavery, pornography and a world where babies are aborted and widows are abandoned? Secret Church will help us explore the biblical foundations for answers to these questions so we can better engage our culture with a firm grip on the Gospel and a passion for God’s glory in the world. SIGN UP & PAY ONLINE at www.fbcfairhope.org or with LaSha Powell in the Church Office 928-8685 or lpowell@fbcfairhope.org. COST: $10 until April 10 $ 25 after April 10
CONNECTIONS OUTREACH Tuesday, February 24 6:00pm in Social Hall
Join us as we deliver Welcome Bags and fresh baked cookies to those who have been our guests in worship or Sunday School recently as well as those new to our area. You’ll have fun and meet some new folks!
Next Steps Single Young Women’s Class
Teacher: Christian Counselor, Angie Lewis This class designed especially for Young Single Women (20/s – 40’s) meets in Dr. Henry’s office during Sunday School. The next study will be from the series,
“Missing Pieces: Real Hope When Life Doesn’t Make Sense.”
First Edition - page 5
Women’s Care Medical Center’s
Saturday, March 14 // Fairhope Pier
WE NEED WALKERS & SPONSORS! We want to have our largest number of walkers ever and raise the most funds ever as well. So, how can you help? We encourage all those who can to walk with us, but if you can’t we need lots of SPONSORS to help us reach our TEAM GOAL for funds raised to help the Women’s Care Medical Center continue with their great ministry to women in a crisis pregnancy. Here are our 2015 Team Goals: Walkers: 75+ people walking Funds Raised: $7,500 NOTE: You can sign up at the Walk for Life table in the Gathering Space to be a part of our Walking Team, to Sponsor our team, or both!
WMU to host
Day of Prayer for Home Missions Baptist Women will meet Tuesday, March 3 at 10:00 for the Day of Prayer
for SEND-North America. Places of interest include Salt Lake City, Utah; Toronto, Canada; Sioux Falls, South Dakota; and Townsend, Delaware. The goal of the North American Mission Board is to see 15,000 churches planted by the year 2022.
Learning Tree Registration
In house registration is February 9-13. Registration is open to the public on February 23. God is blessing, we anticipate a full house for the 2015-16 school year. As we continue to grow, the need for additional teachers is a possibility. If you are interested in a teaching position or substituting, please see Lynn Carroll, Director. tlt@fbcfairhope.org 251.928.0496
FIRST CLASS New Member Class Wednesday, February 25
5:45 -7:30 PM in Choir Robe Room Have you been thinking about becoming a member at First Baptist? Have you recently joined First Baptist? Then, FIRST CLASS is for you! At FIRST CLASS you will have the opportunity to meet our Pastor and Ministerial Staff, learn about our key beliefs and Mission, find out where things are located, how to get more involved, and more. FREE SUPPER is provided beginning at 4:45 PM. Children and Youth may participate in the regular Wednesday activities for their age group. TO SIGN UP: Contact LaSha Powell in the Church Office (928-8685 or lpowell@fbcfairhope.org) or sign up online (via web or app) by Tuesday, February 24.
A child’s heart is God’s territory, sowing there is a sacred task.
All-State Children’s Honor Choir Here March 1
The Alabama Baptist All-State Honor choir will be performing in Mobile, Fairhope and Daphne, February 28 and March 1. Our own choir members: Nan Browning, Anna Madeline Carrick, Mary Katherine Carrick, Andrew Flad, Lily Glassford, Lexie Lindsey, K2 Nelson, Hallie Ryals, Rianna Smith, Trey Street, Noah Trull, Crosby Warren and Christopher Young, will join this 170 voice auditioned choir composed of 4-6 grade boys and girls from all over the state. Their repertoire of music is enhanced by a variety of instruments, sign language, and movement. These concerts are free to the public to attend. February 28, 6:30pm at Spring Hill Baptist Church, Mobile March 1, 8:30am, First Baptist Fairhope* March 1, 10:10am Eastern Shore Baptist Church, Daphne* *-Morning Worship Service The group is directed by Karen Gosselin, State Missionary Associate in the Office of Worship Leadership & Church Music, Alabama Baptist State Board of Missions, and accompanied by Music Specialist, Deb Anderson of Elkdale Baptist Church, Selma.
High School Seniors!
There are several scholarships that are associated with First Baptist Fairhope. The H.B. Shepherd Memorial Scholarship is handled by the Trust Committee of First Baptist Church and is offered to students who are pursuing a degree in full time Christian service and are attending one of the four baptist colleges in Alabama. Interested persons should contact the Financial Office or Pastoral Office by providing a letter of interest for this Scholarship. April is customarily the deadline month. The Sarah King Shepherd Memorial Scholarship is housed at the University of Mobile. This scholarship is for girls entering the ministry and attending University of Mobile. Preference is given to FBC members. Please check with their Financial Aid office for forms, etc. The Paul W. Martin Scholarship is managed by a Sunday School Class in the church. All information on the selection process as well as the application are provided online on the student ministry page of the church website. You may return your packet for this scholarship to the church office at the attention of Martin Scholarship Committee as the point of contact changes annually. THE DEADLINE for this Scholarship of March 31 of the candidates Senior Year of High School. (The printed form has a different year)
First Edition - page 6