First Edition 03.02.16

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Take a Leap of Faith!

I am sure that all of you are aware that February 2016 has an extra day—a leap day for a leap year. Because leap year occurs every four years, it usually coincides with a presidential election year and the Olympics. If you have listened to the news (we can’t escape it!), you know that elections are indeed near and Brazil is doing their best to prepare for the Olympic Games this summer. Both major events that don’t happen often. 2016 will prove to be a major year for our fellowship. We have many exciting events that will unfold in the near future. Who will our new Senior Adult Minister/Associate Pastor be? What plans will unfold for our Preschool/Children’s building? Who will be on the search team for our new pastor? And, of course, who will our new Pastor be? Yet in all these exciting and unknown events, we shouldn’t fear. Isaiah 30:21 tells us, “Whether you turn to the right or to the left, your ears will hear a voice behind you, saying, ‘This is the way; walk in it’.” My hope is that the 21 Days of Prayer led us to be able to discern our Lord’s voice with clarity. Compare the voices below—let’s make it our desire to hear from God as we go forward. God’s Voice Satan’s Voice stills you rushes you leads you pushes you reassures you frightens you enlightens you confuses you encourages you discourages you comforts you worries you calms you obsesses you convicts you condemns you Our church continues to add members despite Dr. Henry’s retirement announcement. He would tell you that this is because our hope is built on nothing less than Jesus’ blood and righteousness. With such a firm foundation, whom shall we fear? Let us move into the future with confidence—appreciative of the wonderful ministry of Dr. Henry and Susan—as we “leap” into the rest of this year! Kerry Flowers Chairman of Deacons

Welcome to the Family! 1. Carol Tierce (by Letter) 305 Bay Hill Dr., DA 251.586.8371

2. Mary Anne & Richard Greer (by Letter) 204 Farrington Blvd, FH 928.7752 3. Hope and Anthony Solorzano Trevior Solorzano (all by Letter) 1313 Dominoe Trl, Foley 979.7089 4. Tess and Morgan Slay (by baptism) 19826 Quail Creek-FH 251.802.3784 5. Carol and Hayden Montgomery 22 Olde Lodge Blvd. FH (by Letter) His: 251.377.3317 Herrs: 205.613.1505 6. Pat and Don Louis (by Letter) 428 Patlynn Dr. His: 682.215.3888 Hers: 682.225.5413 7. Katherine & Mike Johnston and Kealee (by Letter) 621 Turquoise FH His: 463.3763 Hers: 300.4977 8. Kate and Brent Wood and Ella (all by letter) Alice (by Baptism) and Thomas 114 Fels Ave., FH His: 817.239.4622

Pastor Search Committee Nominations Made Vote on Search Committee is this Sunday

This past Sunday evening the following members were nominated to serve on our Pastor Search Team. This Sunday, March 6, you will be able to vote for up to 7 out of this group in both of our morning worship services (at the conclusion). If you will be out this weekend, you may come by the Pastoral Office and complete an absentee ballot. Genie Bailey Tyler Brown Harold Burkholder Dennis Byrne Charlie Carroll Mary Clements Laureen Davis Bill Donaldson BevAnn Ellis Russell Eubanks Kerry Flowers Dawn Ford Bob Green John Hardman Gary Hicks Mike Kilpatrick Chris Knight Bill Lang Shane Langley Poenta Luckie Jonathan McKenzie Ben McKibbens Jim Merritt Don Mesler Lissi Mitchell Doug Montgomery

Pete Norman Sharon Pippin Amelia Pope Lasha Powell Clay Rainer Dot Renaker Vann Saltz Craig Sawyer Frank Shepard David Shepherd Bill Sims Jennifer Steininger Mark Stejskal Harold Street Ken Street Lawson Swearingen Jason Thomas Perry Thomas Shawn Trotter Kelly Trull Tracy Watson Ralph Watson Ryan Weed Rene Wilkins Stephanie Williamson Douglas Wright Austin Young

If you do not see a name you heard voiced in the nomination meeting, it is because that person requested removal from the ballot.

Saturday, March 12, 8;00 – 10:00 Am | Fairhope Pier Last year our church led the way in Baldwin County with the most WALKERS (100) and with the most FUNDS RAISED ($10,000). This year our Goal is to have at least 150 WALKERS and raise $15,000. In order to do that, we will need YOU to get involved. Our plan this year is to have a competition between our Youth / Adult Sunday School classes in the following categories: -Most Walkers Participating -Best Percentage of Class Members Participating -Most Funds Raised Ways You Can Be Involved: -Walk the 2 mile walk and get people to SPONSOR you. -If you cannot walk, be a SPONSOR for one or more walkers.

Check out the sign up table in the Gathering Space where you’ll find sponsor forms and “shoe” cut outs - check out which Sunday School Classes are in the “front running” (pun intended). FIRST EDITION | 3

Sunday, April 3, 5:00PM First Baptist Fairhope

ACTS the 3 Man Show is a bold, action-packed and moving drama based on the sequel to the Gospels..the Book of Acts. Three professional Christian actors take the stage to play the roles of Peter, Paul, Stephen, Barnabas, Herod and many more. This dramatic presentation is sure to strengthen your faith and will increase your appreciation for those who were a part of the founding of the Church and the spread of the Gospel. NOTE: A Love Offering will be taken.


On Friday, March 18th, all kids 1-5th grade are invited to a Kids Night Out. We will meet at the church at 4:30 pm and travel to Daphne for Chick Fil A and a movie at Carmike Cinemas. Movie will be determined as we approach date. Cost for this night is $12.00 per person and includes dinner at Chick Fil a, transportation and movie ticket. (concessions money for theatre optional) All kids MUST wear the silliest shirt they can find this night. Prizes will be awarded for the three most awesome silly shirts. Sign up online for this awesome kids event by visiting Deadline to sign up for KNO is Wednesday, March 16th. Get your silly on… see you at KNO. For Kids Night Out text alerts this night text: @SillyKNO to: 81010 we will return to the church this night around 9:30pm (tbd)

Children’s Ministry Text Alerts

Artists at Work

Spring fever is in the air at TLT! We are getting ready for our second annual Silent Auction Art Walk. You are invited to view and bid upon the beautiful display of creative art work. In addition to art, businesses have donated items such as elegant homemade crosses and much more! It will be held at 6:00 on March 11th. Funds received will be used to purchase new educational toys. If you are interested in donating an item for advertising purposes and help support our preschool, please call Lynn Carroll; 251-928-0496 or TLT@fncfairhope. org

@Kidmin16 to 81010

The Children’s Ministry is updating all Text Alert groups. All parents of current 1st-5th grade kids who are interested in receiving Children’s Ministry text alerts must text: @Kidmin16 to 81010. The old text groups will be deleted. PLEASE sign up asap if interested in continuing to receive FBC kids ministry text alerts. This group is for general information, which concerns all parents of graded kids of FBC. Specific event text alerts such as kids nights out, camps, or special events will be offered separately. Be in the know. Sign up today.

MIX MUSIC CAMP | JULY 11-15 At Mix Music Camp we work to identify and help train worship leaders for the next generation. This camp is sponsored by the Alabama Baptist Convention State Board of Missions’ Music Department. The week is loaded UP with all kinds of activity and worship. Keeps kids busy growing, worshipping, singing, and discipling. Something we are SURE you want your Child to take part! “It’s not about the performance. It’s not about what other people think about you. It’s about worshiping the Lord. And this camp is the one thing that helped me understand that most of all.” - Lindsay Lyon, former camper, now counselor AND...If being at music camp isn’t enough, here are a few more things we’ll be doing! • Hiking Trails • Putt-Putt Golf • Basketball • Volleyball • Pedal Boats • Horseshoes • Octaball • Disc Golf • Poly pong • Fishing • Ropes Course • Paintball • Pedal Cars • Swimming! Check out all the fun things at MIX camp by clicking on For more information contact Dee Pace:

Text Alerts for Children’s Choirs

Text @fbckidsmu TO 81010

Honor Choir Kids!


Keep up with news: Text @chonor TO 81010

Church Goal: 35,000.00

The Brazil Team is collecting

hotel/travel size soaps, lotions, shampoos, toothpaste and hand sanitizers, toothbrushes, pencils and gallon size ziplock bags. We need 2000 of each. There is a box in the church office for you to drop off your things.

Missions Yard Sale

Friday, April 29 at 2:00 p.m. and Saturday, April 30 at 5:00 a.m.- 1:00 p.m. on the back parking lot of First Baptist Church Fairhope. Pick ups will be made on Friday, April 29 in the morning. Call Paula Bosarge to schedule your pick up at 251.510.2487. There will be a POD Storage Unit on the back parking lot of the church at the beginning of March for you to bring your items for the sale and will be unlocked during daylight hours. We accept anything but magazines. Looking for someone to come get the leftover items on Saturday at 1:00 p.m. for a donation.

Safe-Travel Training Saturday, March 12, 2016

9 a.m. -4 p.m. Redemption Church (formerly North Mobile Baptist Church) 1251 Industrial Parkway, Saraland, Alabama Cost: $45 (non-refundable:includes lunch and training) This training is highly recommended for all churches taking mission trips and for churches who participate in State Board of Missions projects. Topics will include travel security, code of conduct, crime survival, basic crisis policy and more, all from a faith based perspective. For more information or to register visit or call: 1-800-264-1225 ext. 308, or email

Humanitarian Aid

Mission Trip to Jordan

November 4 – 14, 2016 Cost: $1,000 plus airfare This trip is a partnership with the International Misson Board to work with Syrian Refugees distributing humanitarian aid such as blankets, mattresses, stoves and food. There will also be opportunities to visit with families and listen as they share their stories and working with other ministries such as medical clinics, ESL (English as a Second Language) and working with children. There will also be the opportunity to visit Petra, Mt Nebo (where Moses viewed the Promised Land) and Jesus’ Baptism site. NOTE: There will be an Information Meeting on Wednesday, April 13 at 7:00 PM in the Bride’s Room. A $200 non-refundable deposit is due by May 1. Contact Bubba Bosarge at 510-2487 for more information.

CONNECTIONS Sunday, March 15 @ 6:00 PM

CONNECTIONS OUTREACH will be moving back to Tuesdays. Join us in the Social Hall as we go out to deliver fresh-baked cookies and information about our church to recent guests and newcomers to our area.

Sewing Help Needed

Not for Mardi Gras gowns or curtains for the home, rather, help is needed in making pillowcase dresses for missions. These are given to little children in places far away from Fairhope. The children simply need clothes. And you can help! The material and instruction are given out by Mrs. Barbara Sanders and Mrs. Carolyn Brakefield. If you are interested in helping out, please give one of them a call: Barbara: 928.2059 / Carolyn 928.0470


New Member Orientation Class

Wednesday, March 23 | 5:45 – 7:30 PM | Choir Room

If you have recently joined First Baptist, or you are considering membership, then you are strongly encourage to attend our next FIRST CLASS. At this class you will have the opportunity to meet our Pastor and Ministerial Staff and to learn more about our Mission and vision for the future, how to get more involved, our core Scriptural beliefs, where things are located and more. To Sign Up: Sign up ONLINE or contact LaSha Powell in the Church Office by Tuesday, March 22 (928-8685 or

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