First Edition 03.16.16

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From your Pastor’s Heart

My retirement date keeps getting closer. Susan and I have mixed feelings but are excited about what God has planned for First Baptist. An excellent search committee has been selected to find the future pastor. Join me as we pray for this team to have the wisdom they need and the insight to see the person of God’ s choosing. Until then, pray for me to lead our church in continuing the work of the Lord. The next two weeks are special weeks on the Christian calendar. We celebrate the time of Jesus’ death and resurrection. Both of these are central to our faith - Jesus died for our sins and rose to give us eternal life. This Sunday we celebrate Palm Sunday and next Sunday is Easter. A special invitation to each of you is to be at our Good Friday Service. Each of these services is a fresh reminder of the cost and hope of our salvation. Ours is the only religion that serves a risen Savior! The Easter season is also a season to give to the Annie Armstrong Offering. This offering goes to the work of the North American Mission Board - a work that reaches out to the people on the North American contintent and it’s territories. These are home missionaries who grow churches in areas of neglect. The need to reach this continent for Christ is a pressing one. Your offering sends others to reach people for Christ. An ingathering will be made on Easter Sunday. My sermons in the coming weeks will focus on the Great Physician (Jesus) as He reaches out to people even from the experience of the cross. On Wednesdays, we will look at two religions that we encounter here in Fairhope - Mormons and Christian Scientists. Come and learn that all religions do not believe the same things. Eggciting Saturday is a great event for our parents, grandparents and children. Don’t miss the excitement on the Saturday before Easter (10:30-noon). May God bless each of you. Your Pastor, Jerry Why do you seek the living among the dead? He is not here, but is risen! LUKE 25:5d-6a KJV

Welcome to the Family!

We welcome these to the First Baptist Family! Baptism is scheduled for Easter Sunday Morning (both services). If you have someone you know that wants to be baptized, but they have not come forward, please encourage them to do that this Sunday, March 20. Marilyn Hamburg Joins by Letter 1008 Orlando Dr., Foley 943.5159

Alex Hudson Joins by Baptism (& was baptized at 11:00) 901 Gayfer Ave Apt. 824, FH 256.794.1587

Vivian Bosarge (pictured with her parents Mike and Tanya) Joins by Profession of Faith 48 Viale Trentino, FH 753.2781

Marianne and Jason Turner and Abigail Turner Parents join by Letter Abigail by Profession of Faith 559 Morphy Ave., FH 259-2344


A million thanks to those who have made candy and egg donations. Eggs have been steadily coming in, however much more candy is needed. Please help us reach our goal for another incredible family event. Please be sure candy is individually wrapped and is small enough to fit inside plastic eggs. Thanks so much for your amazing support each year. Candy donation buckets are located at each major church entrance. See you at Eggciting Saturday. Eggciting Saturday is Saturday March 26th from 10:30-12:00 at Fairhoper’s Kids Park.

NEEDED Communion Service @ 6PM

Services at 8:30 & 11AM No Evening Service

In spite of less than ideal weather First Baptist had a record number of walkers...around 130! Also, Denise Mann with the Women’s Care Medical Center has reported that a record amount has been donated from across the county…$ 100,154.30. Praise be to God for all those who walked and those who gave to help save lives of unborn children!

NOTE: The Young Professionals Class had the most Walkers and the highest percentage of Walkers. Annnddd Mason Mesler raised the most bringing in over $3200.00! Darlene and Dan Mueller raised over $1,400. Our preliminary grand total is $12,328. Way to WALK for LIFE!


Here I am. Send Me.” (Isaiah 6:8 HCSB)

Church Goal: 35,000.00

Isaiah’s heart cry transcends time and place to resonate in the lives of thousands of Southern Baptist Missionaries today. From the eco-conscious homes of Portland, to the high-powered boardrooms of New York, to the bead-strewn streets of New Orleans, the North American Mission Board (NAMB) is partnering with churches to send out missionaries to the 32 Send Cities on the map at the left. They share the love, hope, joy and peace that can only be found through a saving relationship with Jesus Christ with the lost and hurting of the U.S. and Canada. The “here” may be different for each, but the heart and message is still the same.

Our prayer and financial support is vital to the ministry of these servants of the Lord. The Ingathering for the Annie Armstrong Offering will be on Easter Morning in each morning service.

Come hear Former Missionary Peggy Bennitt

at this month’s Women on Mission Meeting April 5 from 10:00am-11:30am in the Choir Robe Room. Peggy served the International Mission Board as a missionary to Africa. You’ll be blessed as you hear how the good News is spreading to Africa.

Missions Yard Sale

Humanitarian Aid Trip to Jordan

November 4 – 14, 2016 // Cost: $1,000 plus airfare Work will include helping Syrian Refugees by distributing blankets, mattresses, stoves and food. There will also be opportunities to visit with families, helping witih medical clinics, ESL (English as a Second Language) and working with children. There will also be the opportunity to visit Petra and other sites of interest. NOTE: There will be an Information Meeting on Wednesday, April 13 at 7:00 PM in the Bride’s Room. A $200 non-refundable deposit is due by May 1. Contact Bubba Bosarge at 510-2487 for more information.

Friday, April 29 at 2:00 p.m. and Saturday, April 30 at 5:00 a.m.- 1:00 p.m. on the back parking lot of First Baptist Church Fairhope. Pick ups will be made on Friday, April 29 in the morning. Call Paula Bosarge to schedule your pick up at 251.510.2487. There will be a POD Storage Unit on the back parking lot of the church at the beginning of March for you to bring your items for the sale and will be hotel/travel size soaps, lotions, shampoos, toothpaste and hand sanitizers, unlocked during daylight hours. We accept anything but magazines. toothbrushes, pencils and gallon size ziplock bags. Looking for someone to come get the leftover items on Saturday at We need 2000 of each. There is a box in the church office for you to drop 1:00 p.m. for a donation. off your things.

The Brazil Team is collecting


Fundraiser for Missions Sunday, April 10

Grab a boxed lunch to go and help support our 2016 Missions Teams by making a generous donation. The lunches will be ready following Sunday School and the 11:00 worship service. Chef Vann Saltz will be preparing a tasty meal of Chicken fingers, Mac & Cheese, Green Beans, roll and a cookie. NOTE: Donations will go to help our 2016 Mission teams, so please be generous and give at least what you would pay for a nice meal in a restaurant. FIRST EDITION | 4

MARCH 18 Bible Drill Competition is here! Pray for our FBC kids as they stand on stages and offer back to God many months of hard work and dedication to his Word. Nothing is sweeter to me than to see children speaking scriptural truth from memorization. This I know is pleasing to God. Please note the following schedule for Sunday nights leading up to our summer schedule. Competition dates are as follows: Church Bible Drill Competition – Wednesday March 23, 5:00 pm. Sanctuary. Associational Bible Drill – FBC Foley Wed April 6 - 6:00 pm. Family Center. District Bible Drill – College Park Baptist Church Monday April 18 (leave here 2:30 pm)

On Friday, March 18th, all kids 1-5th grade are invited to a Kids Night Out. We will meet at the church at 4:30 pm and travel to Daphne for Chick Fil A and a movie at Carmike Cinemas. Movie will be determined as we approach date. Cost for this night is $12.00 per person and includes dinner at Chick Fil a, transportation and movie ticket. (concessions money for theatre optional) All kids MUST wear the silliest shirt they can find this night. Prizes will be awarded for the three most awesome silly shirts. Sign up online for this awesome kids event by visiting Deadline to sign up for KNO is Wednesday, March 16th. Get your silly on… see you at KNO. For Kids Night Out text alerts this night text: @SillyKNO to: 81010 we will return to the church this night around 9:30pm (tbd)

July 11-15, 2016

Shocco Springs, Talladega Mix Music Camp is open to kids who have completed Third thru Tenth grade. They will be divided into three groups while at camp: 3rd thru 5th, 6th and 7th, and 8th thru 10th. Meaningful worship Is intertwined in every facet of this camp. Our goal is to clearly share Jesus in all that we do and encourage the spiritual growth of our campers. We use music in unique ways to help retain the spiritual truths of His Word. Careful consideration is paid to our corporate worship times by including attention-getting skits, student-led praise teams, and a speaker with messages geared to the students. Small group devotions give the students an opportunity to share with each other, using God’s Word to encourage a deeper walk with Him. Recreation tracks include messy games, bazooka ball, paintball, aqua jumps, swimming, putt-putt, relay races, high ropes, low ropes, tricycle races, peddle cars, paddle boats, ping pong and foosball and the Wet Willie Water Slide. Lasting friendships are built as students meet others and build new friendships that continue throughout the years as they return to camp each summer. First Baptist Fairhope has ONLY 15 spots reserved at the $250 price. who is going to be the first 15 to sign up? Sign up online at (First Baptist Fairhope) or contact Dee Pace at for signup help.

Children’s Honor Choir Participants On March 4 - 6, Cooper Anderson, Anna Madeline Carrick, Lillie Lassiter, Lexie Lindsey, Trey Street, Coleton Smith, Andrew Flad and Noah Trull represented First Baptist Fairhope in the 2016 Children’s Honor Choir. This year there were 154 voices singing songs about God’s AMAZING GRACE. Partnering with Eastern Shore Baptist Church and Springhill Baptist Church, we took over 30 from the South West region. Thank you to Carla and Kelly Trull for chaperoning and driving, thank you to the Alabama State Board of Missions Office of Worship, Karen Gosselin and Keith Hibbs, and thank you to our own church family for allowing these young musicians to experience leading worship in ALL areas of the arts.

Our annual Daddy/Daughter Tea is planned for Sunday, April 24 beginning immediately after the 11:00 service, in the Social Hall. All girls in the three year old through Kindergarten Sunday School classes are invited to bring their daddy(or granddad) to celebrate a lunch together along with various crafts and picture/dress up opportunities. No cost, just come enjoy a date with dad. Deadline for signup is Wednesday, April 13.

Bible Buddies Spring Calendar

Regularly meeting (Sundays, from 5-7) except for these instances: March 27:Easter Sunday no PM Activities April 3: Babies=-4yr old chlid care only 5-7pm K-5 enjoy ACTS3MAN show with family. April 17: Service at the Bay - nothing here April 24: Babies-4 year old child care only 5-6/K-5 enjoy RA Derby Night May 8: Mother’s Day no PM Activities May 15: 5-6PM early pick up for 4 and 5’s FIRST EDITION | 5

SECRET CHURCH SIMULCAST Friday, April 29, 2016

5:30 -11:30 PM | Student Center | Cost: $15 During this year’s SECRET CHURCH, Dr. David Platt will be helping us to explore the claims of Christ in the Gospel and consider how these claims inform the way we understand other religions and cults in the world and impact the way we live when surrounded by people with diverse belief systems. SIGN UP: Sign up online beginning March 23 or with LaSha Powell in the Church office (928-8685 or lpowell@

Living Proof Live is headed to 11 cities in 2016, and they are coming to Mobile! The Ladies At First Team would like to get all who want to ride together as a group over to the Mitchell Center, however, we encourage you to purchase your tickets online NOW. (We are not selling tickets) There is an early bird rate that is good through March 31! Scan this code to head to the registration location online.

Thursday, April 14

Montgomery - Capitol Grounds No Cost - Buy your own Lunch The Decision America Tour is coming to our state soon. Join thousands of other Christians across America as we fervently pray for our nation, boldly live out our faith, and engage on the local, state and national levels to stand for God’s truth and righteousness. Find out how you can get involved at 8:00 AM Noon 1:30 PM 6:00 PM

Leave FBC Decision America w/ Franklin Graham Lunch Return to FBC

NOTE: Sign up online or in your Sunday School Class or with LaSha Powell in the Church Office ( or 928-8685).

Pray for your Pastor Search Committee

Back row (L-R) : Shane Langley, Russell Eubanks, Lawson Swearingen, Kerry Flowers Front row (L-R) Sharon Pippin, Amelia Pope, Genie Bailey Thank you for your prayers as the process begins. The Committee will be having training by the State Board of Missions before Easter, and will commence with the next steps after that meeting. FIRST EDITION | 6

New Member Orientation Class

Wednesday, March 23 | 5:45 – 7:30 PM | Choir Room

If you have recently joined First Baptist, or you are considering membership, then you are strongly encourage to attend our next FIRST CLASS. At this class you will have the opportunity to meet our Pastor and Ministerial Staff and to learn more about our Mission and vision for the future, how to get more involved, our core Scriptural beliefs, where things are located and more. To Sign Up: Sign up ONLINE or contact LaSha Powell in the Church Office by Tuesday, March 22 (928-8685 or

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