From your Pastor’s Heart
May has arrived. It is the time of year when we move out of Spring and into the summer. The rains of April keep coming in May and they bring with them the beauty of our flowers. We live in a place of God’s beautiful creation regardless of the season of year. Each season is a reminder that some things change but our God remains the same. The days are counting down for my retirement. It is hard for me to imagine myself watching soap operas and taking frequent naps. I know that there is another segment God has for Susan and me, and I know for sure, He has a great future for this church under the direction of another pastior. Both First Baptist Church and Susan and me are in His hands. There is such serenity and strength in that promise. When we read our letter of retirement, I remember Susan saying we have 17 more Sundays to be your pastor and wife. Well, the time has come now that we are down to four more sundays. All in all, these fifteen years have been filled with appreciation and encouragment. Our hearts overflow with gratitude for the way this church has blessed our lives. Thank you First Baptist for loving your pastor and wife. This Thursday is the National Day of Prayer. Our community has been invited to come to First Baptist and pray for our nation. Community leaders and various church pastors have been invited to lead in prayer for our city, state and nation. I hope each of you plan to attend and enjoy a fellowship meal afterward. The service is at 12:00 in our Sanctuary. Sunday is the celebration of Mother’s Day. There is no greater role than that of Mother. It is a demanding call that requires the utmost tenderness and strength. The influence of Godly mothers still has its impact and those that have received that love “rise up and call her blessed” (Proverbs 31:28). Make sure you honor your mother this Sunday. Like so many months, May is full of activity. Find a place where you can make a contribution. We are called upon to be about our Father’s business (Luke 2) until He comes (Luke 19). Pray for our Search Committee. Thank God for the desire of our church to move forward with the plans for the Preschool and Children’s Renovation. We also welcome Debbie and Bubba Sawyer back to serve at our church. His date of service begins May 15. A shoutout goes to our church for meeting the North American Mission Board’s offering goal we set. You are a giving church. Have a good two weeks! God bless you Your Pastor, Jerry Psalms 16:8
Welcome to the First Family!
Jennifer Ford Joins by Letter 1128 Orlando Dr., Foley 943.6848 FIRST EDITION | 2
Mission Trips to Pray Over...
Error on Page 3.... Builders are not the first Mission Trip heading out (but you can still pray) The Victoria Mission Team leaves first. Those team members are: Lauren Hardman Darlene and Dan Mueller LaSha and David Powell Stacy, Peyton and Camryn Sexton Tammy and Brent Shaw Rhonda Spurling Sharon Wolff
Thomas Gulledge (Pictured with wife, Hailey, already a member) Joins by Statement 408 Myrtle St., Fairhope 251.604.4578
Then the Scotland Mission Team leaves after that. Those team members are: John Baldwin Karen Hicks Sharon Jones David Machefsky Brenda Saltz
You might not be able to “go” but you can help send many of our members to places abroad and those helping here locally. Here are ways you can help...
The Brazil Team is collecting...
hotel/travel size soaps, lotions, shampoos, toothpaste and hand sanitizers, toothbrushes, pencils and gallon size ziplock bags. We need 2000 of each. There is a box in the church office for you to drop off your donations.
Annual Uniform Drive Preparations Begin
First Hope is collecting donations for the School Uniform Give-away. The cost of two sets of uniforms is approximately $35.00. We are also accepting new uniforms and gently used uniforms. Our greatest need is for larger sizes. Please make your donations by June 15 to the box at the Welcome Center. Questions? Call First Hope at 586.5889.
Missions Teams Commissioning
Sunday, May 15 in Both Morning Services All Mission Team members for the Victoria, Builders for Christ, Scotland and Brazil will be commissioned in both services on May 15. Please be praying for all our teams as they go out to share the Gospel as we seek to fulfill the Acts 1:8 Challenge.
And you’ve helped SEND/SUPPORT
more North American Missionaries by EXCEEDING our Annie Armstrong Easter Offering Goal of $35,000.00 The final count shows we have received:
First Mission Trip to leave: Builders For Christ (May 28-June 4)
Participants are: Kevin Boone, Dee Brookshire, Alan Browning, Bart Cox, Don Hill, Clyde Ingersoll, Bud Pommer, Candice Webb
Stay in touch as the summer months approach! Sign up for the general church text group (age level ministries have text groups as well). See the info at the left. Another way to stay up on things is to download the First Baptist Fairhope Church App from the app store on your device. It’s free and all activities from the website as well as sermons, menus, etc are right there. Be sure to turn ON push notifications, because we will communicate thru this avenue as well. And online, be sure to “like” our Facebook Page, and Join our group First Baptist Fairhope on facebook too. You may also follow us on Twitter and Instagram.
CONNECTIONS Community Outreach Tuesday, May 10 @ 6:00 PM
Join us as we reach out and deliver information kits & fresh-baked cookies to our recent Guests in worship and Newcomers to our area
A Chapel You Built...
Church Security Team Meeting Wednesday, May 11 @ 6:00 PM Multipurpose Room #1
Here are a couple of pictures of a chapel you, First Baptist Family, recently built in Brazil. This is through the “hands-on” efforts of the church Jean and Ron Mitchell partner with in Brazil. Thank you for your donations that make this ministry possible.
We are in the beginning phases of putting together a Church Security Team to help insure we all have a safe experience on Sundays and at other times. If you are a current or former law enforcement official, serve or have served in the military, have EMT or paramedic training, a volunteer or full-time fireman, etc, then we want to invite you to attend this initial meeting as we explore the next steps in putting together this ongoing team to serve our church family. For more information contact Brent Shaw in the Church Office at 928.8685 or
Jubileer Travels continue... May 26 - travel to Destin to sail out and see the dolphins. Lunch included and some shopping at Silver Sands. Cost is $109 ea July 14 - travel to Hattiesburg to Shady Acres and lunch (included) at Crescent City Grill operated by famous chef Robert St John. Visit the Treasure Mall, $89 per person.
Approximate time frame for each trip is 6:30am - 6:30pm Contact Carolyn Hammill 990.6773 if you are interested in going.
The Learning Tree News As the school year comes to a close we especially thank some special church friends who blessed our children throughout the school year. First, Calvin Hagle (Poppy), taught the kids how to bake cookies and muffins from scratch and planted flowers in the fall and spring. Second, our Jubileer Puppeteers shared God’s love through puppets in the fall and again at Easter time. Our enrollment is almost 100% for the 2016/17 year. We have openings in our young ones and 5 day four year old class. If interested, please contact Lynn Carroll, director @251-928-0496
June 5: 4:30pm-7:30pm June 6-9: 9am-12:45pm
First Baptist’s VBS is for children, completed K through completed 5th.
Launch Day is SUNDAY June 5 from 4:30-7:30pm!! You don’t want to miss this FAMILY OUTING! David Garrard, Illusionist will be here for an awesome and thrilling kickoff event; ALL services June 5, and then the launch event that night.
VBS will be held 9:00am – 12:45pm Monday through Thursday.
David Garrard, Illusionist
Preschool VBS is only for workers children. If you want to work in VBS, please contact Delores Lund ( and she will put you in contact with VBS Director, Marcy Smith. T-shirts may be purchased FROM LIFEWAY. The link to purchase them is contained within the sign up area.
New around the church... Check out these new faces you’ll see around.
Top photo in red is Betty Carter (& husband Ray) Betty is now our Church Hostess/Wednesday Cook. Betty and Ray joined the church in January of 2015. She brings a background in catering into the arena of church hospitality. Thank you Betty for jumping on in to ministering with your gift of hospitality (and we like to EAT!) Welcome Betty!
In the right picture in the white shirt is Don Louis. Don and Pat joined First Baptist in February. He has a background in landscaping and handyman work, and so God has put FBC and Don together. He is on staff as our Building & Grounds Superintendent. (Part Time) Welcome Don!
On Sunday, May 1, the church voted to approve the revised Master Plan as presented on April 15 by a vote of 390 to 47. This authorizes the Preschool / Children’s Building Team to move ahead to work with the City of Fairhope to get approval of the plan and to work through any zoning issues/variances that may arise. Please continue to pray for wisdom for this Team as they seek to move this project forward.
All camps all in one place! Add to your calendar and check out the details on each on their part of the church website: Most have online sign up as well thru the church app. May 30 - June 3 RA Camp, Camp Baldwin (for boys completed 1-6 grades) June 13-17:
Big Stuf Camp, Panama City Beach, FL (HS Students) See Ryan Smith:
June 28-July 2:
Centrifuge Camp, Panama City Beach, FL (MS Students) See Ryan Smith:
July 4-9:
Blue Lake Music & Arts Camp, FL (Students) See Sandi McKinney:
July 11-15:
MIX Music Camp, Shocco (Children/Preteen) See Dee Pace:
July 25-29:
Centri-Kid, Shocco (Grades 1-5) See Kevin Nelson: