First Edition August 5, 2015

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From your pastor’s heart

August is here. What that means for FBC is that we are in getting-ready-for-school mode. When kids start school, our programs ramp up to include activities for each age group. These programs require more energy, but they also bring greater benefits. We look forward to the challenges as well as the opportunities. Our new Deacon Selection Process begins this coming Sunday. Deacons will be in the Sunday School classes to present the new process as well as answer questions that may come up. Nomination Ballots will be available on August 23 and 30. According to the church bylaws, a deacon needs to be at least 25 years old, a member for one year, and a Christian for three years. It has been the tradition of this church to vote for non-divorced men. Keep these qualifications in mind when nominating, but also vote for men who are faithful in attendance at church. A deacon should represent, by example, a faithful church member who is serious about his walk with the Lord. My sermons in the coming weeks will emphasize the place of deacons as servant leaders in the church. Exciting churches are characterized by deacons whose walk with the Lord is so dynamic that it spreads throughout the congregation. Please don’t just pick a name at random. See those that are here on Sunday morning, Sunday evening and Wednesday. Watch their hearts at prayer and worship. Go to them and ask if you can place their name in nomination. It is not a popularity contest, but a placing of God’s men to do God’s work. Pray for our deacon selection process. Have a good two weeks. May God bless each of you. This month is full of exciting opportunities. There are still openings for media ministry helpers, Sunday School teachers and assistants, and other places of service. There is a blessing that God promises servants -- don’t miss it! Your Pastor, Jerry Luke 19:17

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Welcome to the Family

Jenny & Phil Cottingham Joins by Letter 21315 Hwy 181, Fairhope His: 205.316.0178 Hers: 205.316.0122

Barbara Ray Lewis

Join by Statement 4 Yacht Club Dr. #35 DAPHNE 615.332.2445 First Edition - page 2

Charles Lett

Joins by Profession of Faith (Deaf Ministry) 1100 Lett Ave., FH 251.281.2456

April Marie Mason Join by Statement 8334 Gardenia Cir. Pensacola, FL 32534 850.324.6739

William Knox McInnis

Joins by Profession of Faith Son of Tiffany and Devin McInnis

Chelsea Lucassen

Joins by Profession of Faith 12121 Comalander Rd. N FH 990.7899

Isabel Ross Marie Weatherly Joins by Profession of Faith daughter of Eric Weatherly

This Fall Experience God TOGETHER September 6 – November 1

This church-wide focus will bring back the seven principles from the “Experiencing God” study that made such an impact on many of us during the 1990’s and add in new material designed for a total church experience. This focus will involve all Adult Sunday School classes in special lessons designed just for this campaign, sermons by our Pastor and a number of church-wide events that will involve all age groups as we learn to Experience God Together.

Get Your copy of “YOUR CHURCH EXPERIENCING GOD TOGETHER” daily devotional book!

As part of our “Experiencing God Together Campaign” we are encouraging adults to get a copy of the daily devotional book from which our Sunday School lessons will be built. If you have been needing to begin a daily devotional time, or are wanting to start something new, this will be a great way to get into the Word and to learn what God wants us to know and do as a corporate body of believers. The original “EXPERIENCING GOD: KNOWING & DOING THE WILL OF GOD” book made a tremendous impact in many of our lives in the early 1990’s. Dr. Henry will be preaching messages built around the major truths of this study which was focused on the believer’s personal experience in knowing and doing the will of God. The new book, “YOUR CHURCH EXPERIENCING GOD TOGETHER” will help us to focus on knowing and doing God’s will as a body of believers and will be the basis for our Sunday School lessons. So, you do not have to purchase a book to participate, but this will allow you to get the most from our 9 week campaign and to better interact in Sunday School. NOTE: Books will be available for $5 each in the Gathering Space beginning Sunday, August 9.

Pray for Our Scotland Mission Team August 6 -15, 2015

Please pray for ADORATION as they travel to Scotland to share the gospel in song and other ways. The group includes Rev. John Baldwin, Karen Hicks, Sharon Jones, Brenda Saltz and David Machefsky.

Emmanuel House Update

Dr. Joe Savage from the University of Mobile shared with our church during our recent Missions Service what has been going on with the EMMANUEL HOUSE MINISTRY in Moldova located in Eastern Europe. Emmanuel House is a home for teenage girls who have “aged out” of the state orphanages and have nowhere to go and are prime targets for the human trafficking/sex trafficking industry. He shared how the money FBC has given helped to renovate the kitchen (SEE PICS HERE) and other parts of the house and how we have helped make a difference in these girls lives. The special surprise of the night was getting to meet four (4) of the girls and hearing their testimony thanking our church for its involvement.

Annual School Uniform Giveaway Another Success!




Once again our FIRST HOPE MINISTRY was able to help a large number of families in our area with the basic needs of school uniforms for their children. Thanks to all who donated uniforms or funds to purchase new uniforms!

Have you seen our new MISSIONS WALL in the hallway located between the Social hall and Fellowship Hall? If not, stop by and take a look. Be watching over the next few months as the wall comes to life with pictures and other media promoting and informing our church about what FBC is doing to “MAKE HIM KNOWN” in the Eastern Shore and around the world. First Edition-Page 3

Welcome Steve Dunn,

as director of the Sanctuary Orchestra The Music Ministry is delighted to welcome Steve Dunn as the new director for the Sanctuary Orchestra. He and his wife Betsy, along with their children, come to First Baptist from a sister church in our area. Steve is an assistant professor at the University of Mobile where he directs several ensembles including the Symphonic Winds and the dynamic string group, Welsh Revival. He is a graduate of Jacksonville State University (brass performance) and the University of New Mexico (composition), and has done additional graduate study in church music at The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. Along with extensive experience as a director of Instrumental Ministry in several large churches, he is also an accomplished composer and arranger with well over 1000 compositions.

On Wednesday, August 19 at 6:00pm in room 308 West (the Orchestra rehearsal room), we’ll have a reception

for Steve and the Sanctuary Orchestra to “meet and greet”. We encourage all instrumentalists to attend for a time of information and refreshments. For additional information, contact John Baldwin at

SELAH! Auditions AUGUST 23 :: 3:15 pm

Selah! Is a mixed vocal ensemble made up of students from First Baptist, Fairhope. Anyone in grades 9-12 is eligible to participate. Auditions will be held on Sunday afternoon, August 23, beginning at 3:15 pm (Room 204/205-West). Be prepared for a short interview from our panel of judges, and to sing a solo of your choosing, any style of church music. You must sign up for an audition appointment with Sandy McKinney. Audition packets are available in the Student Center and the church office. If you need more information contact our student choir director Sandy McKinney, at 251.504.4657, or

New Time for RE:SOUND

From the Ring Leader

We are always on the lookout for hand bell ringers. A little bit of music reading skill is necessary. We’ll help you with the rest. Our hand bell group, The Southern Bells, rehearses on Wednesdays from 4:30-5:30 in room 301 South. It’s a little off the beaten path, but is a lot of fun! Contact our “ring leader” Sandy McKinney if you have any questions. She can be reached by phone or text at 251.504.4657 or by email at

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As we return to a full schedule of activities for the fall, please note the following change for student choir on Wednesday nights. There will no longer be a rehearsal from 5:30-6:30 for middle school students. ALL GRADES (6-12) will meet together on Sunday afternoons from 4:30-5:30 in room 204/205 West. This change will help with developing camaraderie among the different ages, developing part singing skills, and it affords our older students the opportunity to mentor younger singers and develop their leadership skills. Participating in Re:sound Student Choir is an opportunity for our students to serve the Lord, as we work together learning songs, and lead in worship throughout the year. Don’t miss out!! On Sundays: Re:sound Rehearsal 4:30-5:30 in room 204/205 West. Snack/meal at 5:30 followed by worship and discipleship at 6:00 in the Student Center.


Wednesday Fall Schedule Begins August 26 WEDNESDAYS 4:30 PM Handbells 4:45 PM Family Supper (please get on the weekly reservations list) 5:00 PM Ladies Bible Study (Begins SEPT. 16) 5:30 PM Childrens Choirs (ages 3-5th Grade) Student Activities 6:00 PM Sanctuary Orchestra Refresh Young Adult Bible Study 6:15 PM Dave Ramsey’s Financial Peace University Class 6:30 PM Preschool / Children’s Missions Student Worship Pastor’s Bible Study Adult Choir Rehearsal

Tuesday, Aug. 11 11:30am Fellowship Hall 3 Guys In Bow Ties

Jubileers in August will host the talented singing trio “3 Guys in Bow Ties” otherwise known as Josh Bell, Connor Thompson. & Owen Trotter. Please bring a side dish, salad, or dessert to accompany the chicken and join us in the Fellowship Hall for fun, food, & fellowship.

Movie Day Friday, August 14th 10:30am// Social Hall

Our Movie Feature for August will be “National Treasure” starring Nicolas Cage.

Ben Gates descends from a family of treasure-seekers who’ve all hunted for the same thing: a war chest hidden by the Founding Fathers after the Revolutionary War. Ben is close to discovering its whereabouts, as is his competition, but the FBI is also hip to the hunt. Cost for Movie Day is $5 and includes popcorn, drinks, and lunch from Honey Baked Ham.

Blue Card Kids! Orientation Wednesday Kids @ First

New Orleans & Newsies Saturday, Dec. 5

Blue Cycle Bible Drill (2015-2016) introduction will begin for all kids completed 1ST5TH grade on Wednesday, August 12th in room 301S. This Orientation class will introduce your child to the upcoming Bible memorization cycle which will be followed in Bible Drill this fall which will kick off on Sunday evening, September 13th from 5:00-7:00pm. Blue Card Orientation is a great way to introduce kids to the structure, demands, discipline, and requirements involved in participating in the FBC Kids Bible Drill program. See you at BCO.

One day trip to New Orleans to see the Broadway Touring Production of “Newsies” on Saturday, December 5. We will have lunch in the French Quarter and have time to shop and visit the Old French Market. Cost is $149.00 which includes show and lunch. Will leave from Bel-Air Mall at 7:00 am and return at 7:30 pm. Spaces are filling quickly and full payment is due at sign up. Contact Carolyn Hammill (990-6773) if interested.

Wednesday Kids @ First will work on becoming


“Upon this Rock I will build my Church” Matthew 16:18 On Wednesday, August 19th all parents of kids are invited to stop by the Preschool hall any time between 6:00pm and 7:00pm to register all children for our fall music and missions programs which will kick off the following Wednesday August 26th from 5:30-7:30pm. Our children’s theme for this fall is “Rock Solid”. The leaders and volunteers in Children’s Ministry are looking forward to building a “Rock Solid” foundation in the lives of our FBC kids through awesome music with Dee Pace (Children’s Music Minister) and inspirational missions education with Craig Sawyer (RA Director) and Jenny Bramblett (GA Director) and all of their amazing servant leaders. I look forward to seeing kids build a “Rock Solid” foundation this fall through FBC Music and Missions. See you there!

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Ladies Experiencing God

Ever wonder what “her story” is? You may see peers or ladies outside your age group and wonder, what got her to this place in her life. You perhaps want to plug into some relationships with a broad age group of women at First. As our church Experiences God Together, it is our hope this setting will bring Ladies together to experience God. Ladies @ First will host three intimate settings where you and your friends are invited for an evening of light refreshments and a getting to know others in our fellowship. We want to know Him more, to know one another and love one another. (See John 13:35) Ladies Experiencing God Together will meet September, October and November the second Thursday of each month....6:30-8:00pm in the Student Center The first event is planned for

Thursday, September 10

with Dorothy Savage 9.10.15 Student Center // 6:30-8:00PM

and will feature Dorothy Savage. Come hear Dorothy’s story and get to know this Daughter of the King.

New Deacon Nomination Process Begins Sunday

Moving Up Day in Sunday School is August 23! On Sunday, August 23 all Preschoolers, Children and Youth will begin their new classes in Sunday School. This is also the day that Adults may choose to move to a new class or try out a new class as well. Want to see what classes are available? You may pick up a list of current classes at the Welcome Center.


The new Deacon Nomination and Selection Process that the church recently voted to approve will officially begin this Sunday. On August 9 & 16, one of our current Deacons will be coming to each Adult Sunday School class to pass out information about the new process and to answer any questions. Please be praying about the men that you would like to nominate to serve our church in this important role. Deacon Nomination Ballots will be made available in Worship and Sunday School on August 23 & 30. If you will be out of town on those two (2) Sundays, you may pick up an Absentee Ballot in the Church office during the work week and fill it out while you are present one week prior to and one week after the regular nomination Sundays.

Committees at First…

An Opportunity to Serve

We have 21 standing committees that serve our church in a variety of ways on a 3 year rotation. If you would be willing to serve on one of our standing committees, please pick up a 2015/2016 Ministry Committees Interest Forms from the Welcome Center, Church office or your Sunday School School class records box.

New Member Orientation Wednesday, August 26 5:45 – 7:30 PM in the Choir Room

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FIRST CLASS is for adults who have recently become members at First Baptist AND for those who are considering membership. FIRST CLASS will allow you the opportunity to meet our Pastor and Staff, learn more about our mission and key beliefs, learn where things are located, find out how to get more involved and more. FREE SUPPER is included and children and students may participate in the usual Wednesday activities. TO SIGN UP: Contact LaSha Powell in the Church Office by Tuesday, August 25 ( or 928-8685).

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