From your pastor’s heart
School days, school days, dear old golden rule days...” remember that song? Well, ready or not, school days are back in Fairhope. Summer was good with vacations, free time for teachers, and students with packed schedules of camps and mission trips. If you thought summer was filled, get ready for the awesome Fall at FBC. Football is also here. The area football teams, band and cheerleaders will be recognized and honored this Sunday night at 6:00. Come join us for Spirit Night with Travis Crim. Wear your team colors and come on to Spirit Night this Sunday! Another important item coming up in the next few weeks is Deacon Nomination. I can’t emphasize enough how careful we need to be as we select deacons. Please make it a matter of prayer. Our church needs leaders who are faithful and have servant hearts. Faithful men with the character of Christ and the desire to serve the Lord can accomplish so much for the kingdom of God. Get your ballot, pray, and nominate the men God leads you to nominate. August will be ending soon and September promises to be exciting as we start Experiencing God as a church. I hope you have your copy of “Your Church Experiencing God Together”. It should be a very special time for our entire church. This past Sunday night was a taste of what our church can do. As we experienced baptism and the Lord’s Supper, you could feel God’s love all through the sanctuary. We praise God for those baptized and for the time of remembering our Lord’s sacrifice. Fairhope is growing. There is a host of people unchurched who live around us. Invite a neighbor to church. That invitation could be the reach that touches a life for Christ. Have a good two weeks. May God bless each of you. Your pastor, Jerry John 4:35
Welcome to the Family Doreen Patterson Joins by Statement. 740 Whittington Av. Fairhope
Lauren and Robby Wellborn and Haley Hilier Lauren & Haley join by Letter. Robby by Baptism. 727 Cheswick Ave., FH 713.416.2904
Shannon and Chris Spaulding Join by Baptism. 806 N. Greeno Rd. #19, FH 251.605.5017 First Edition - page 2
Amber and Justin Frasier Hunter and Madison Hunter by Baptism; Amber, Justin and Madison join by Letter. 20690 Lowry Dr., Fairhope 662.251.5854
Al McCoy Miriam McCoy (not phorographed)
Al joins by Letter; Miriam by Baptism. (Mrs.McCoy was sick on Sunday) 112 Old Mill Road, Fairhope
Focus on Sunday School Sunday, August 30
Come to the Gathering Space first to get a list of meeting rooms 4:00pm Age Group Training Sessions Learning How to Reach Each Age Group 6:00pm Evening Worship Dr. Jeff Iorg, Special Speaker AGE LEVEL CLASSES:
Sunday School Directors: Jamie Baldwin Small Study Groups: Mark Messick Senior Adults: Ronnie McCarson Median Adults: Jerri Herring
Young Adults: Tommy Treadwell Youth: Joel Carter Children: Sue Catrett Preschool: Beth Baldwin Pastors/Staff : Dr. Jeff Iorg
Dr. Jeff Iorg
Back to School… Back to Church… Back to Giving!
August is the time when kids get back to school, families get back from summer vacation and travel sports, and we kick off our regular schedule of Church activities. It is also the time that we need to get back to our REGULAR GIVING so we can CATCH UP from a heavy summer of spending on numerous children’s and youth camps and retreats, missions trips, VBS, and more. We have fallen behind (as we typically do in the summer) in our BUDGET GIVING and now is a good time for us to begin to overcome our summer deficit. So, if you’ve fallen behind in your giving to God, AUGUST IS BUDGET CATCH UP MONTH…thanks! Sincerely, Your Budget Committee
Travis Crim explodes onto the stage with energy and a genuine love for students. His communication style blends humor and intensity with practical application for real life. Travis’ initial speaking opportunities came while playing football at The University of Alabama from 1993-97. Travis played running back, free safety, and special teams at Bama under the coaching of Gene Stallings. During Travis‘ time at Alabama the team won 2 SEC Championships and went to 3 Bowl games. He was Academic All -SEC twice. Between studying and football, he spent his summers working at Christian sports and adventure camps and began speaking regularly at youth groups and retreats around the Southeast.
We will need about 75 pizzas to feed this hungry crowd. If you would like to donate one or more pizzas, please make your check payable to First Baptist and put ‘PIZZAS” on the check. Pizzas are $6 each.
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As our church Experiences God Together, it is our hope this setting will bring Ladies together to experience God. Ladies @ First will host three intimate settings where you and your friends are invited for an evening of light refreshments and a getting to know others in our fellowship. We want to know Him more, to know one another and love one another. (See John 13:35) Ladies Experiencing God Together will meet September, October and November the second Thursday of each month....6:30-8:00pm in the Student Center The first event is planned for
Thursday, September 10
with Dorothy Savage 9.10.15 Student Center // 6:30-8:00PM
and will feature Dorothy Savage. Come hear Dorothy’s story and get to know this Daughter of the King.
Join us to kick off the fall session on September 8 from 9:3011:30 with a brief introduction to the study and registration followed by refreshments. The group will meet in the Brides Room. This ladies study will meet on the 2nd and 4th Tuesday of each month from 9:30-11:30 to connect and grow spiritually through fellowship in Gods word! Childcare will be provided! (Cost is $15.00/pp) For more information contact Tammy Henry at: 251.504.8959 /
Pillow Case Dresses Ministry
Barbara Sanders is no longer able to be in charge of the Pillow Case Dress/Shorts Ministry that provides outfits for children in Brazil and other places. If someone in the group is willing to assume the responsibility, please contact the church office.
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Jubilee Race for Life 5K Race
& 1 Mile Fun Run‌
Running with a Purpose!
Saturday, September 19, 2015 8:00 AM / Daphne
If you enjoy running, then how about running with a purpose? This annual race will benefit BAYSIDE MEDICAL MISSONS which provides corrective surgeries and wheelchairs to persons of limited resources in Ecuador. To get a form come by the Church Office or visit their website: If you would like to be a sponsor for the race, visit their website to see the various levels of sponsorship.
Moving Up Day in Sunday School is August 23! On Sunday, August 23 all Preschoolers, Children and Youth will begin their new classes in Sunday School. This is also the day that Adults may choose to move to a new class or try out a new class as well. Want to see what classes are available? You may pick up a list of current classes at the Welcome Center.
Wednesday Fall Schedule
begins August 26 WEDNESDAYS 4:30 PM 4:45 PM 5:00 PM
Handbells Family Supper (please get on the weekly reservations list) Ladies Bible Study
5:30 PM
Childrens Choirs
(Begins 8/26)
(ages 3-5th Grade)
6:00 PM 6:15 PM
6:30 PM
Student Activities Sanctuary Orchestra Dave Ramsey’s Financial Peace University Class (BEGINS 9/2) Refresh Young Adult Bible Study Preschool / Children’s Missions Student Worship Pastor’s Bible Study Adult Choir Rehearsal
Bible Buddies will start back on September 13th from 5:00-7:00pm. This program is for those children that are entering the 4 year old Sunday School Class and upcoming Kindergarteners. Our study to start off the fall will be “The Beatitudes.” This will be an exciting time for preschoolers as they study what it means to bee blessed and how to show attitudes of a follower of Christ. Come join us as we have a buzzing good time! Jennifer Warren, Preschool Minister
“THE ARMOR OF GOD” Ladies Bible Study 5:00 PM in 201-West Begins 8/26 Facilitator: Debbie Tuggle All day, every day, an invisible war rages against you – unseen, yet felt throughout every aspect of your life. If you’re tired of being defeated by Satan and being caught with your guard down, this study by Priscilla Shirer is for you and will help you put together an action plan for securing victory in your spiritual walk with God. “FINANCIAL PEACE UNIVERSITY”
6:15 PM in MPR #1 Begins 8/26 Facilitator: Debbie Tuggle This class features financial insight by Christian financial guru, DAVE RAMSEY, on how to defeat the “debt monster” in your life and get a handle on your finances. NOTE: A FREE preview class will be on August 26. Cost for the class materials is $70.
“ReFresh” Young Adult Bible Study 6:15 PM in 206/ 207 West Ongoing Facilitator: Shawn Trotter Join other Young Adults in a casual atmosphere for a serious study of one of the key New Testament books, the Book of Romans. Deaf Ministry Class
Begins 8/26
6:00 PM in 209-West Facilitators: Boyd & Jennifer Eggers
Pastor’s Bible Study
6:30 PM in Fellowship Hall
“THE ARMOR OF GOD” Ladies Bible Study
5:00 PM in 201-West
Facilitator: Dr. Jerry Henry
SUNDAY EVENINGS 3:30 4:30 5:00
Selah, Hosanna Rehearsal Student Choir Bible Drill (See Various Study class & Small Group listings at right) Student Worship/Discipleship Evening Worship
Watch for more info on these coming classes: -Grief Share -Divorce Care NOTE: Preschool care is available for all classes. Children & Youth activities are going on during these times as well, so something for the entire family!
Contact LaSha Powell in the Church Office 928-8685 or, sign up ONLINE at
Begins 9/13
Facilitator: Susan Young
Legacy Builders: “GLORY DAYS”
5:00 PM in 206/207/208West Begins 9/13 Facilitators: Bob & Pat Green, Dee & Robin Brookshire, Charlie & Lynn Carroll, Randall & Connie Griffin If you are feeling in a “rut” spiritually and not feeling hopeful about the future, then join other Young Adults for this time of Bible study using the DVD series by Max Lucado to get spiritually “recharged”! Come early for a time of food and fellowship and meet other Young Adults while your kids and teens are involved in their discipleship activities.
Deaf Signing Choir
5:00 PM in 209-West Begins 9/13 Facilitator: Jennifer Eggers If you would like to learn some basic Sign Language and be a part of our Signing Choir, then get involved in this new ministry opportunity.
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Deacon Nomination August 23 & 30
Deacon Nomination Ballots will be made available in Worship and Sunday School on August 23 & 30. You may nominate up to 13 men. If you will be out of town on those two Sundays, you may pick up a Absentee Ballot in the Church Office during the work week and fill it out while you are present one week prior to and one week after the regular nomination Sundays. Those nominated will then be screened by the Pastor and the Deacon Selection Team according to the new recently adopted Deacon Screening Process. We encourage you to consider not only if the men you would like to nominate meet the Church qualifications, but also are willing to serve if nominated. The Church Qualifications for men serving are that they: (1) Be at least 25 years old, (2) Be a Christian for at least 3 years, and (3) Be a member of First Baptist for at least 1 year. In addition, it is a tradition of the church that divorced men are not eligible to serve. Please pray about those you will nominate to serve our church for a 3-year term that will begin in January 2016.
CONNECTIONS OUTREACH Tuesday, August 25 6:00 PM / Social Hall
Welcome Steve Dunn, as director of the Sanctuary Orchestra
The Music Ministry is delighted to welcome Steve Dunn as the new director for the Sanctuary Orchestra. He and his wife Betsy, along with their children, come to First Baptist from a sister church in our area. Steve is an assistant professor at the University of Mobile where he directs several ensembles including the Symphonic Winds and the dynamic string group, Welsh Revival. He is a graduate of Jacksonville State University (brass performance) and the University of New Mexico (composition), and has done additional graduate study in church music at The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. Along with extensive experience as a director of Instrumental Ministry in several large churches, he is also an accomplished composer and arranger with well over 1000 compositions. The Sanctuary Orchestra will begin rehearsal on Wednesday, August 26 at 6:00pm in room 308 West (the Orchestra rehearsal room). For additional information, contact John Baldwin at
Join our team as we GO OUT to deliver welcome bags and cookies to our recent Guests in Worship and recent Newcomers to our area.
Jubileers in September Tuesday, Sept. 8 @11:30am
There is a certain something about the South in September that makes you a little extra excited to celebrate family, food, & our love of football. Whether you’re a Southern transplant or born and bred deep in the heart of Dixie, most everyone has a favorite team. So, for Jubileers in September get dressed up in your favorite team colors and join us at Jubileers. Our special guest this month will be the Area Director of The Fellowship of Christian Athletes, Dennis Hayford. Dennis will share with us all about his work with FCA, what they are doing, how he became involved, etc.. Looking forward to seeing eveyone and their team spirit for Jubileers in September. Don’t forget your sidedish, salad, or dessert and Invite a Friend!
Jubileer Movie Day/ Friday, Sept. 11
We are planning on going to the movies to see “War Room” in September. We do not have showtimes yet, but are working out all of the details. If you know that you wish to attend and want to go ahead and get your name on the list (because space will be limited) please call Jennifer Coulter in the church office at 251-928-8685 and sign up. As details become more available we will contact everyone and promote through church publications.
New Member Orientation Wednesday, August 26 5:45 – 7:30 PM in the Choir Room
Committees at First…
An Opportunity to Serve
We have 21 standing committees that serve our church in a variety of ways on a 3 year rotation. If you would be willing to serve on one of our standing committees, please pick up a 2015/2016 Ministry Committees Interest Forms from the Welcome Center, Church office or your Sunday School School class records box.
FIRST CLASS is for adults who have recently become members at First Baptist AND for those who are considering membership. FIRST CLASS will allow you the opportunity to meet our Pastor and Staff, learn more about our mission and key beliefs, learn where things are located, find out how to get more involved and more. FREE SUPPER is included and children and students may participate in the usual Wednesday activities. TO SIGN UP: Contact LaSha Powell in the Church Office by Tuesday, August 25 ( or 928-8685).
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