First Baptist Fairhope
Vol. 8 No.17 : : 09.10.14
5 weeks this fall...
tell everyone: god’s not dead October 12 – November 16
See inside for ways you can serve in an effort to reach people for Christ in Fairhope. This is an “all hands on deck” event. Many people are needed to make it a success, so Join in! (see page three for a variety of ways you can help)
From your Pastor’s Heart
September is a month that tells us that autumn is on its way. There is an increase in activity because school is back in, but for us in Fairhope, the weather remains the same. However, what must be factored in is the increase in hurricane risk. We pay more attention to waves off the African coast because past history tells us that the “commotion in the ocean” could be headed our way. For First Baptist, September means putting activities in place that make the most of the time and opportunities God is sending our way. An Outreach Campaign is being organized that provides a way to reach into our community with the good news of Jesus Christ. We will call people, hand out Bibles, preach evangelistic sermons, pray for God’s power, and see results only God could make happen. God’s not dead, but very much alive and we want to be His instruments to make a decided difference where we are. Right now, pray for the power of God to fall on Fairhope and look for ways you can be involved. The level of excitement is greater for those who are a part of what God does than for those who only watch what God does. Be a doer, not just a watcher. This past Sunday was an exciting church happening. We dedicated eight babies, baptized five people, and had 11 people come forward for membership and baptism. The day ended with the performance by Ram Corps - a musical service that refreshed hearts with the joy only an orchestra of Christian musicians can bring. It was a good day. The opportunity to hear Beth Moore comes this weekend. She is one of the great Bible teachers and her enthusiasm for the Lord is so infectious. Especially is this an event for women. One of the great needs of this day is the impact of Christian women. My own life has been so influenced by Godly women who have enriched my Christian experience. Come and let God speak through this gifted teacher. It will be a day well spent. Deacon Election is this Sunday. Eleven men have been nominated and have agreed to serve if elected. My prayer is that these men will join the already body of deacons to provide the servant models that our church needs. What a difference a faithful deacon can make in the body of Christ. My sermons in the next few weeks will continue from the book of Acts. The outreach of Paul and Barnabas to a lost world keeps reminding us of our mission to reach others for Christ. Worship reignites our heart to fulfill God’s purpose for our lives. Come and experience God through the music, Bible preaching, and the fellowship of the Church. These are the days of opportunity for First Baptist. May God bless each of you. Your Pastor, Jerry Saturday, September 27 7:30 AM – Noon in Social Hall Ephesians 2:8-10 ALL New Deacons and Deacons who are currently serving are encouraged to attend this morning of fellowship, prayer and training as we seek to build a stronger Deacon Ministry Team. We will be using some great material from Dr. Jim Henry, long time pastor at First Baptist, Orlando. NOTE: Please sign up by Wednesday, September 24 by contacting Sharon Pippin in the Church office (928.8685 or
Deacons Breakfast & Training
Welcome to the First Family
Kim and Jay DiRico Kim by Letter Jim by Baptism 56 White Ave., FH 210.6316
Jeff & Lindsey Brown Join by Baptism 20201 Heathrow Dr. 979.4248
First Edition - page 2
Melissa and Tommy Knight Join by Letter 901 Gayfer Ave., #1217 601.955.6799
Tracy and Stacey Sexton, Camryn, Peyton Join by Letter 204 Falls Creek St. FH
The Campaign
October 12 – November 16 During this 6-week campaign we will be reminding our community that God’s Not Dead” and “Jesus is Alive!” It will culminate on Sunday, November 16 with ONE BIG SERVICE in which the Gospel will be clearly shared in a variety of ways. Following the service our Guests will be invited to a nice lunch with our Pastor and staff.
Ways You Can Be Involved
-Volunteer to serve on the Community Phone Calling or Prayer Outreach Team as we contact thousands of our neighbors during 5 weeks of calling (see info below) -Commit to learn a simple method of sharing the Gospel using the marked “Time to Revive” New Testament. (Each family will be asked to buy 2 New Testaments – one to keep and one to give away. Bibles are $5 each). -Place a “God’s Not Dead” Yard Sign in your front yard to create interest in our November 16 BIG Community Outreach Day.
-Pray for the success of our campaign and for God to place at least one person on your heart that you can invite to our church on November 16. -Commit to be present each Sunday, October 12 – November 16 to reap the full benefit of the campaign for you
Call Center Managers (5 needed) -Help coordinate the work of the Phone Center for one night each week during the five weeks of calling.
Congregation Intercessors Team (60 + needed)
Phone Calling Team (50 + needed) Be part of an 8-person calling team at the church for one night each week during the five weeks of calling.
Harvest Day Lunch Table Host (20 + needed) Sit with our invited guests for lunch and help them to feel welcomed on Sunday, November 16.
Prayer Center Managers (5 needed)
Help coordinate the work of the Prayer Center one night each week during the five weeks of calling.
Pray daily from home for the Campaign and the prayer requests received from the 5 weeks of calling.
Harvest Day Lunch Serving team (12-15 needed)
Help prepare and serve the meal for our invited guests on Sunday, November 16.
Prayer Center Intercessor Team (50+ needed) Join with others to pray for specific prayer requests received from phone contacts made, one night each week for the five weeks of calling.
Would You Like to Serve on a Committee?
If you are interested in serving on one of our Standing Committees, then please fill out one of the COMMITTEE ON COMMITTEES INTEREST FORMS and turn them into LaSha Powell in the Church Office. There are forms in each Adult Sunday School records box, the Main Welcome Center and the Church Office.
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Handyman Ministry
There are many Senior Adults, Widows, and Single Moms in our church and in the community who need help from time to time with fix-it / small repair projects around their home that they need help with or may not be able to afford to pay someone to do. We would like to form an official HANDY MAN MINISTRY to help out with these needs. If you have some “fix-it” skills and would be interested in helping, please contact Brent Shaw in the Church Office (928.8685 or NOTE: There will be a team meeting for this new ministry on Wednesday September 17, 5:45PM. Plan to join us and get in on the fun of helping others.
CONNECTIONS Outreach for September
Tuesday, September 16 & 30 @ 6:00 PM Join us in the Social Hall and be part of our team to deliver info bags & cookies to recent Guests in worship and Newcomers to our area.
Sundays, 5:00 – 7:00 PM Focused on parents with kids in their Preschool – Teen years -Strengthen your marriage -Sharpen your parenting skills -Grow deeper in your faith at the same time your kids are growing deeper -Network with other parents and build deeper relationships in an informal setting -Learn wisdom for life from other “seasoned” couples who have been there and have the t-shirt LEGACY BUILDERS has started with a 4 week DVD-driven study by Andy Stanley, “STAYING IN LOVE” that will be facilitated by Bob & Pat Green, Charlie & Lynn Carroll, Dee & Robin Brookshire, Randall & Connie Griffin and other “seasoned” couples. SIGN UP online or in the church office with LaSha Powell. Participant Guides cost $5.
The Learning Tree is off to a great start! The children are getting to know their teacher and making friends. We llook forward to music class which begins this week with Ms. Dee. We have a few openings in the four year old classes. For more information contact Lynn Carroll at or 251.928.0496
Dig Deep Give Well Tanzania Mission Trip Information Meeting
Monday, September 29, 6:30 PM Celebration Church Would you like to hear reports from this summer’s trips? Want to learn more about the work of Dig Deep Give Well? Want to hear about the 2015 mission trip possibilities? Then plan to attend this time of celebrating what God is doing in Tanzania and learn how you can be involved. Contact Brent Shaw for more information (928-8685 or
Our church will be hosting the Beth Moore 2014 Simulcast on Saturday, September 13! The event will begin at 8:15 a.m. and end at 3:15 p.m. Tickets are $12.00 for the event, or $20.00 for the event plus a box lunch. Sign up and purchase your ticket online at or contact LaSha in the church office.
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Fall @
God intends for us to GROW in our faith as His disciples, to SERVE others with our gifts, talents, time & treasure, and He wants us to GO out into our world to share the Good News of the Gospel by our words and our actions. We have a plethora of opportunities designed to help you and your family be the kind of disciples that help our church to KNOW HIM and MAKE HIM KNOWN. So, join our team of growing Disciples by getting personally involved on Sundays and Wednesdays here at FBC!
SUNDAYS @ First 8:30AM 9:45AM 11:00AM 3:30 PM 4:00 PM 4:30 PM 5:00 PM
6:00 PM
Worship Service Sunday School Worship Service Hosanna / Selah Rehearsal First Praise Rehearsal Grief Share Class Adoration Rehearsal Re:Sound H.S. Choir Ladies Bible Study (begins 9/14) Bible Buddies (4’s & 5’s) Bible Drill (Grades 1 – 5) Re:Play (M.S & H.S. students) LEGACY BUILDERS (for parents w/ Preschoolers – College) Worship Re:Call M.S. Bible Study Re:New H.S. Bible Study
Wednesdays @ First 4:00 PM 4:45 PM 5:00 PM 5:30 PM
5:45 PM 6:00 PM 6:15 PM 6:30 PM
Handbells Family Supper Beth Moore Class begins 9/17 Childrens Choirs (ages 3-5th Grade) Re:Sound M.S. Choir Re:ACT H.S. Drama Team Sanctuary Orchestra Practice Dave Ramsey FPU begins 9/10 Young Adult Bible Study Pastor’s Bible Study Kids Missions (kids age 3-5th grade) Sanctuary Choir Rehearsal *Re:MIX Student Worship (for all students 6th-12th Grade)
“Children of the Day” Beth Moore study… Sundays @ 5:00 PM in 201-West beginning September 14 Facilitated by Susan Young
Legacy Builders Class
Sundays, 5:00 – 7:00 PM in 207/208 West (ongoing) Facilitated by Bob & Pat Green and others
Grief Share Support Group Sundays, 4:00 PM in MPR #1 (ongoing) Facilitated by Kathleen Aultman, Dr Russell Eubanks, and others
“Children of the Day” Beth Moore Study Wednesdays @ 5:00 PM in MPR #2 beginning September 17 Facilitated by Debbie Tuggle Dave Ramsey’s
“Financial Peace University”
Wednesdays @ 6:30 PM in MPR #2 beginning September 17 Facilitated by Debbie Tuggle NOTE: Sign up with LaSha Powell in the Church Office (928-8685 or
Refresh Young Adult Bible Study Wednesdays @ 6:15pm 208 West Facilitated by Shaun Trotter
Praise Band/Team practice
Life South Blood Drive
Wednesday, September 24, 4:00 – 8:00 PM FBC Back Parking Lot
Golden Tone Singers
If you like to laugh, sing, fellowship, and on occasion, eat really scrumptious dishes, you’ll want to be a part of the Golden Tone Singers. There’s just one catch: You must be at least 55 years old to be a member! Sorry, no exceptions. On Tuesdays at 1:30pm in Multipurpose Room 1, we rehearse Southern Gospel songs, hymns, anthems. and maybe a chorus or two. We go to area Nursing Homes, churches, and Women’s Ministry Centers to sing, smile, and share a pat on the back and a word of encouragement. No audition necessary….just “make a joyful noise”! For more information, contact John Baldwin at or call the church office at 251.928.8685.
Sanctuary Orchestra
Brass players, woodwind players, string players, and percussionists — this is for you! Even if you haven’t played for several years, dust off your instrument, rosin up the bow, or get your chops back in shape, and come on! We rehearse on Wednesdays at 5:45pm in Room 308 West building. We play a wide range of music: Classical to southern gospel to hymns/choruses to contemporary and beyond. For a taste of some of our repertory, go to and listen to some of the selections. We play for the Morning Worship Service (8:30) once a month playing stand-alone orchestrations as well as accompanying the congregational singing and Sanctuary Choir. Have questions? Contact John Baldwin at or Jerry King at or call the church office at 251.928.8685
Southern Bells
This is an experienced group of bell ringers using four octaves of Malmark Bells. We ring a wide range of musical styles. Those interested in joining the Southern Bells should be comfortable reading music and able to count complex rhythms. We meet each Wednesday at 4:00 pm in Room 301 South Building. For more information, contact Sandy Sanctuary Choir Our Sunday Morning Worship Choir. Young Adults all the way up McKinney at or call the church to….90 somethings. Rehearsals are on Wednesdays at 6:30pm in office at 251.968.8685 the Sanctuary. We sing a broad range of music from traditional to contemporary, from southern gospel to classical. If you love major presentations, this is the group for you! No audition required. For An auditioned group comprised of High School students more information, contact John Baldwin at jbaldwin@fbcfairhope. (9-12 grades). Auditions will be held on August 24, 2014 for the new Fall session. Musical selections generally org or call the church office at 251.928.8685. include cutting-edge, SATB and SAB contemporary music as well as traditional standards. Selah rehearses on ReSound Students love to sing all the cutting-edge music. This group sings Sundays at 3:30pm. Those interested in auditioning should contact Sandy McKinney, our Student Music Assistant, at music by artists such as Third Day, Mercy Me, Audio Adrenaline, or call the church office at Rebecca St. James, Fuse Box and more. Here is the schedule for 251.928.8685. our student choirs: ReSound for 6-8 grades, rehearses on Wednesdays at 5:30pm ReSound for 9-12 grades, rehearses on Sundays at 4:30pm. Sandy McKinney, our Student Music Assistant, directs these two energetic groups of students. For more information, contact her at or call the church office at 251.968.8685 Re:Sound Student Choir cranks back up Sunday, August 24 at 4:30pm in Room 204/205 West. This will be a special combined rehearsal for grades 6-12. We offer a tremendously exciting Children’s We will be singing in the 6:00 service that night. Choir Program on Wednesdays at 5:30pm. Our wonderful faculty of directors and teachers Don’t worry about knowing the song. It will be easy and fun! lead our children in singing, playing instruments, Don’t miss it! RE:Sound Text Alerts doing activities and learning about God and His Stay in “tune” with Mrs. Sandy and creation. Here are the choirs available: Wee Singers (for children 3 years old before Sept 1) all Student Choir need to know Wee Singers Too! (4 year olds) info. Text: @fbcsing His Kids (5 year olds) to: (251)517-0862 Music Makers (1st Grade) Music Makers Too (2nd Grade) Young Musicians (3rd Grade) Young Musicians Too (4th Grade) J.A.M. (Jesus and Me, 5th Grade) If you need further information, please contact our Children’s Music Associate, Dee Pace, at or call the church office at 251.928.8685
Children’s Choirs
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