First Baptist Fairhope
Vol. 8 No.19 : : 10.08.14
5 weeks this fall...
tell everyone: god’s not dead October 12 through November 16 (One Service @ 9)
See inside for ways you can serve in an effort to reach people for Christ in Fairhope. Notes about Children for November 16: Third grade and up will be in the movie with parents. Second grade and under in Kids Worship.
From your Pastor’s HEART
Fresh experiences are the oxygen that fuels relationships. To grow strong in our walk with the Lord, we need to refill our souls on a regular basis. Without the input of renewed inspiration, our hearts have a tendency to grow cold. The church at Ephesus came under Jesus’ admonition to return to their first love. To ignore that recall was to put hemselves in danger of losing their church’s aliveness. (Revelation 2:4ff ) The “God’s Not Dead” Campaign is our church’s effort to engage the culture of Fairhope with the good news of Jesus Christ. Our community is one of the most beautiful in our nation, but there are so many people who have deep personal needs and who don’t know Christ as their Savior. It is our responsibility to reach out to others as Christ has reached out to each of us. Starting this Sunday, the morning sermons will focus on the Romans Road - selected scriptures that each one can share with someone what it means to become a Christian. This week’s sermon will come from Romans 3:23 “All have sinned.” The sermon will kick off six weeks of community calling and church praying that hopefully will reach the unchurched in Fairhope. Your involvement is necessary - not only to fill places of participation, but to have a fresh experience of God using you to reach somebody’s life. Come out of the stands and be on the playing field. Sign up to be used and experience the joy of touching our community for Christ. This past Sunday was a good day of worship. The sermon from Acts emphasized that disagreements even among the most dedicated Christians can become opportunities for the gospel when placed under God’s Grace. Terry Blair and Jubilee blessed us on Sunday evening. We remembered Mary Blair - a Christian lady who was faithful in life as well as death. What a God-filled moment as we heard the song Terry wrote abut his wife after her death. Don’t forget that this Sunday is World Hunger Offering. We will have an ingathering at both morning worship services. Fill your bread banks and reach out to the masses of humanity that are starving. Our missionaries use this money to feed the hungry and use it as an opportunity to share with others about Christ. We who are overfilled have a responsibility to share with the underfilled. Jesus said, “When you have done this to the least of have done this unto me.” (Matthew 25:40) Have a good two weeks. Be involved in the God’s Not Dead Campaign. Pray for our church to be used in reaching others for Christ. May God bless each of you. Your Pastor, Jerry Romans 1:16
Welcome to the First Family
Carlo Sametini
Joins by Letter August 24 116 Cypress Lane Fairhope 605.5202
Mollie Baker
(in front) Came by Profession of Faith August 24 She is the daughter of Judi and Brandon Baker
Mike, Linda and Taylor McClain Join by Statement 10886 Ferry Rd., FH, 928.1440
Stephen and Nathaniel Middleton Stephen by Statement and Nathaniel by Baptism 1o N Section St., FH 251.213.8434
Bella Cannon Joins by Profession of Faith daughter of Keisha & David Cannon
Tom Day Joins by Profession of Faith 112 Marilyn 207.522.2329 Parker Beasley (in middle) Joins by Profession of Faith daughter of Molly and Dave Beasley First Edition - page 2
The Campaign October 12 – November 16 During this 6-week campaign we will be reminding our community that God’s Not Dead” and “Jesus is Alive!” It will culminate on
Sunday, November 16 with
ONE BIG SERVICE in which the Gospel will be clearly shared in a variety of ways including showing the movie “God’s Not Dead”. Following the service our Guests will be invited to a nice lunch with our Pastor and staff.
Ways You Can Be Involved Pray daily for the campaign at home. Serve on one of the Campaign Teams (see the website) Place a Yard Sign on your front lawn for the duration of the campaign. Purchase at least 2 “Time to Revive” New Testaments and give at least one away. Learn the simple method of sharing the Gospel contained in the
“Time to Revive” marked New Testament. Hand out as many “God’s Not Dead” Inviter Cards as you can to people you encounter. Pray for at least one person / family that you will personally invite to attend our Connection Day Service on November 16. Be present at Worship for the next 6 Sundays unless providentially hindered.
All ADULT Sunday School Gathering This Sunday, October 12
All Adult Sunday School Classes are asked to join us this Sunday, October 12 as we “kick-off ” our “GOD’S NOT DEAD” campaign. Our guest speaker will be Dr. John Herring, a former First Baptist staff member. John is currently the Executive Pastor at Northpark Baptist Church in Trussville and is on the board of the LIFE Bible Study organization that produces the “TIME TO REVIVE” New Testaments that we are asking everyone to get to give away to those who are lost or unchurched. NOTE: Coffee, orange juice and light snacks will be served in the Social Hall prior to the Gathering.
First Edition - page 3
Go Behind the Scenes
Operation Christmas Child Mission Trip December 12 – 13, 2014 -- Atlanta Processing Center
The Mitchells and the dePaulas
Back from Brazil
with the Mitchells & Friends Sunday, October 19 @ 6:00 PM
Join us for a moving report from Ron & Jean Mitchell and Pastor & Mrs. Daniel & Ruth de Paula as they share with us the exciting things that God is doing in this part of Brazil and how you can help in their ongoing work.
Want to experience the feeling of what Samaritan’s Purse is doing globally through Operation Christmas Child? Then, join us for this fun time at the Atlanta Processing Center where you will feel like you are working in Santa’s Workshop with hundreds of other volunteers. We have spaces reserved for 16 people, so contact Brent Shaw if you would like to go (928-8685 or WATCH FOR MORE INFO ON THE COST!
Blessing of the Boxes will be Sunday November 23. Watch for the premade boxes to be out soon or you may go ahead and get your box(es) started by simply purchasing a plastic shoebox size box and pack it.
World Hunger Offering Sunday, October 12
100% of the funds received go to help feed the hungry people in the U.S. and around the world. Funds are distributed to our missionaries and SBC helping agencies to provide food for the hungry, so there are no administrative costs. Let’s really be generous in our giving this year! NOTE: Checks may be made out to First Baptist and designated for World Hunger.
Perky pumpkin Party We are off to a great start! The children are happy and busy, making friends and getting used to their routine. Painting, story-time, learning ABC’s, singing and playing instruments with Ms. Dee are just some of the experiences they are enjoying. In Chapel time with Ms. Jennifer, the fours are learning that “God made me.” Lynn Carroll, Director
First Edition - page 4
We are in need of cakes for the annual Perky Pumpkin Party cake walk. There will be cake donation sign up sheets in your Sunday school attendance boxes beginning this Sunday. Please sign up this week during Sunday school, or simply call the church office and speak to Delores. Cakes can be delivered to the church beginning at 8:30 am on Friday October 31st. Cake tables will be set up inside White Street church office entrance. Any questions? See Kevin or Delores. On the Journey, Kevin
Children’s Honor Choir Parents of 4th - 6th grade, It’s that time of year again - audition time for Children’s Honor Choir! If you aren’t familiar with this ministry event, Children’s Honor Choir is an auditioned group of 4th -6th graders from active children’s choirs in Baptist churches from all over Alabama. Approximately 150 - 170 children will be selected to participate in the CHC annual tour which will be February 27 thru March 1, 2015 in the Mobile/Daphne/Fairhope area. Each year we have had students participate in this great choir. And this year, we would like to see even more. Audition Deadline is November 1, 2014!! We will be having some prep audition rehearsals to prepare your child for their recorded audition CD. Beginning Sunday, October 12, 19, & 26th from 3pm - 4pm. You can come to one or all of these rehearsal preps. RECORDING will be Sunday, October 26th at 4:00pm in the Sanctuary. THIS IS A MUST! To get the necessary forms or to sign up, contact Dee Pace at
Legacy Builders Building and Bridging the generations Sundays, 5:00 – 7:00 PM
Focused on parents with kids in their Preschool – Teen years -Strengthen your marriage -Sharpen your parenting skills -Grow deeper in your faith at the same time your kids are growing deeper -Network with other parents and build deeper relationships in an informal setting -Learn wisdom for life from other “seasoned” couples who have been there and have the t-shirt The new series in Legacy Builders will begin October 12. It is “Experiencing God at Home”. Participant books are $10/each. SIGN UP and purchase books online or in the church office with LaSha Powell.
COMMITTEE TRAINING MEETING Sunday, October 26, 2014 4:30 PM in Social Hall
ALL Committee Members are asked to attend this time of training as each Committee will receive instructions on basic Committee structure and procedures. Each Committee will sit together and have time to discuss their work and make any needed plans.
New Member Orientation Class
Wednesday, October 22 5:45 – 7:30 PM in Choir Room If you have recently joined First Baptist, or have been thinking about becoming a member, then FIRST CLASS is for you and you are strongly encouraged to attend. You will get to meet our Pastor and members of our Staff, learn how to get more involved, learn about our key doctrinal beliefs and more. TO SIGN UP: Contact LaSha Powell at 928-8685 or, or sign up online by October 21. First Edition - Page 6
Financial Information You Can Use CHECK OUT OUR WEBSITE FOR HELPFUL
Through our relationship with The Baptist Foundation of Alabama and PhilanthroCorp, we are able to provide you with a plethora of financial planning information, including how to establish a will. It’s easy and won’t cost you anything to talk with a PhilanthroCorp representative in the privacy of your home. If you do decide to make a will or do estate planning you can use your own lawyer or one they can provide for you. Check it out at and click on the “LEAVE A LEGACY” button and it will direct you to the PhilanthroCorp site.
After a very busy summer of missions experiences, VBS, Children’s and Youth camps and activities, we have fallen behind in our giving versus our spending as we typically do in the summer months. Because the bulk of our major events happen in the first 8-9 months of the year, we experience deficit spending and draw from our Budget Surplus and Rainy Day Fund if needed to meet our expenses until we catch up at the end of the year when many of our folks do the bulk of their giving. So, if you have fallen behind in your giving due to being gone more than usual, or God has blessed you more than expected and you can do more, now is a good time to help us catch up so we can begin to close the deficit and finish strong as we have done for so many years. Thanks for your faithful giving! Rev. Brent Shaw Minister of Education and Administration
ReFresh is starting a new study:
Exploring the Holy Spirit by David Platt
Meeting Wednesdays, 6:15 PM in 208 West. Facilitated by Shawn Trotter. For all young adults and friends!