First Edition 10-21-15

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From your pastor’s heart I hope you are growing in your walk with the Lord through “Your Church Experiencing God Together”. These lessons have great value to challenge our attitudes and actions in and through our church. The cry of our nation is for churches to take God at His word and make a difference for Christ where we are. May God use this study to fan the fire of our church because the fires of hell are getting higher and higher. God’s answer to the gates of hell is a church on fire with the love of Christ. I can’t say enough about this past Sunday when we actually went to the streets to share Christ’s love. God laid this program on Brent’s heart and I appreciate so much how everything was carried out. If you were a part of going to one of the several locations, you know the blessing that you experienced. The group that went to the Loxley Men’s Work Release Center saw men step down front to stand up for Christ. Such decisions to follow Jesus – even in a prison uniform – were God-filled moments. Two more weeks are left in this campaign, but the effects should continue long after the study ends. Get your calendar out and circle two important dates. October 31 is our Perky Pumpkin Party. This is a great time for our church family and also to have a night of outreach to our community. Not only do our children have fun but, once again, it is a time for our entire church to be involved. We have adults who serve hotdogs, popcorn, cotton candy, pickles, and of course, “man the booths.” Thanks to Kevin, Delores, and the many helpers, this event always proves to be an exciting night. Through these activities we show forth the love of Christ to a needy generation. (Don’t forget we need tons of candy.) The other date to circle is November 1 – which is our Experiencing God Celebration Day. We will have one service at 9:00AM – where we will celebrate baptism and the Lord’s Supper. That night, we will have a 6:00 service followed by a church-wide fellowship. These are exciting times for our church. Keep praying for your pastor and staff. God bless each of you. Remember – “He is able.” Your pastor, Jerry Jude 24-25

Welcome to the Family

Ina and Bud Flowers Join by Letter (Photo not available) 617 E. Orange Ave., Foley, 36535 943.3961 Lona Phillips (pictured here) Joins by Letter 9733 Bay Rd., N - Foley 36535 251.597.4157

Want to look like THIS during your holiday season? It’s possible!...And it’s the idea behind De-Stress your Holidays the last Ladies Experiencing God Event that Ladies @ First will offer this year. This event will be November 12 from 6:30-8:00 in the Fellowship Hall (note this - we will need the extra room!). This evening begins with “Holly Helps” browsing around a myriad of seasonal ideas.... presented in a “Pinterest” fashion....only IN PERSON....a.k.a. pinperson! So bring your cell phone cameras (or real camera; matters not) and be ready to snap away at the ideas/how-to’s for a warm night of fun and to add to your ideas for the season. The evening will feature Angie Lewis as our special guest. She will share with the group ways to de-stress this season. Angie is a Certified counselor and is our counselor in residence here at First. Angie is also a Christian recording artist! (check her out at She will connect with women on the extra elements of emotions that even the happiest of times can bring.....and what in the world to do with them! So bring a friend or two (don’t forget to charge your phone) and we’ll see ya there!


Our Holly Helps will include: ~Bow Making ~Memory making ideas for the fam ~Kids craft ideas ~Wreath making ~Sampling yummy seasonal goodies ~Creative ways to give money ~Quick gifts (“happies”) ~Easy tablescapes

It’s Shoebox time!

Shoeboxes are now available at the Shoebox Christmas display in the Gathering Space. Please fill the boxes for either a boy or girl according to the instructions and return it on Sunday, November 22 for our annual BLESSING OF THE BOXES. To find out more about the wonderful work of SAMARITAN’S PURSE, visit their website at: NOTE: Please remember to place a check made out to SAMARITAN’S PURSE for $7.00 and place inside each shoebox you donate.

The Learning Tree News

There will be a Legacy meeting for baby dedication in MPR 1 at 6pm on Wednesday, November 4th. If you are participating in baby dedication, it is important that you attend this meeting.

First Edition - page 4

As I observe the changes and colors of Autumn, I’m reminded of this little verse: “God gave color to the world by filling it with sunshine, rainbows, leaves, flowers and children.” Lynn Carroll, Director Photo: One of our students making a flower for the letter “f” .

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9:00 AM ONE Worship Service celebrating together BAPTISM & THE LORD’S SUPPER 10:30 AM Sunday School 6:00 PM Night of Praise & Worship Church-Wide Fellowship Following Mark your calendar for this change in schedule which is on TIME CHANGE SUNDAY!

CONNECTIONS Outreach Leading us in

worship This Sunday Evening October 25 at


Tuesday, October 27 6:00 PM in Social Hall

Join us as we reach out to our guests in Worship and Bible study and to recent newcomers to our area.

World Hunger Offering Update

To date we have received $2,2665.63 for our World Hunger Offering. We will continue to receive this offering through the month of October. REMEMBER, 100% of all funds received go to meet hunger needs in our own area, the U.S. and around the world.

Interest Meeting for the Perspectives Class On World Christian Movement Monday, December 7 @ 6:30 PM

There will be an INTEREST MEETING and FREE DINNER for an upcoming PERSPECTIVES CLASS ON WORLD CHRISTIAN MOVEMENT on Monday, December 7 @ 6:30 PM here at First Baptist. This class is a 15-week course designed around four (4) main vantage points or “perspectives” – Biblical, Historical, Cultural and Strategic. Each one highlights different aspects of God’s global purpose. Real-life missionaries share and lead in each class. The class will begin in January 2016 and will meet at the 3 Circles Church. God has a “world-sized” role for every Christian in His global purpose. Whether people go to distant countries or stay at home is a secondary issue. The primary issue is what most people are hungry to discover: vision to live a life of purpose. Discovering that vision makes this course very valuable. Listen to these words from one of our former International Mission Board leaders: “Perspectives provides Southern Baptists and other believers with the finest overview of God’s worldwide work available. I wholeheartedly recommend it for any committed disciple of Jesus.” Dr. Avery Willis, former Senior V.P. , International Mission Board

For more information on the Perspectives Class visit their website at : SIGN UP: To get more info or to sign up for the Interest Meeting, contact Bubba Bosarge at 251.802.2487 First Edition - Page 5


Our annual Stewardship emphasis begins on November 8. There will be a series of lessons provided for November 8, 15, 22 & 29 for our Sunday School classes. Teachers, be watching for your lesson booklet in your Sunday School records box next Sunday, October 25.

FBC purchases a new Coach Our church recently purchased a newer 2008 MCI bus that we will be able to use for all age groups in our church. The Bus Committee did a great job of finding a bus that will be able to benefit the many ministries of our church. This was all made possible because of the generosity of one of our former members, Carmen Headley. Mrs Headley, pre-deceased by her husband, went to be with the Lord this past year. She chose to leave her estate to First Baptist, since they had no heirs. As a result, we were able to have the funds to purchase this much needed bus at just the time we needed to replace our old bus. Mrs Headley’s giving is an example of LEGACY GIVING that all Christians should consider. To find out more info on Legacy or Estate Planning, please visit our website and look for the info that is provided by PhilanthroCorp for establishing a will and many other free financial resources.

When you die, what will be your legacy?

You may have certain physical possessions that you want to leave to your children or grandchildren. Or, you may want to leave a legacy gift to help your grandchildren with educational expenses. But you might also want to leave a LEGACY GIFT of ministry that will benefit the church and other wonderful ministries long after you are gone that will outlast all your physical possessions? LEGACY GIVING recognizes that ALL our possessions belong to God, not just our cash or liquid assets that we usually use to tithe on or give to God through the church. We have partnered with the Baptist Foundation of Alabama and a fellow ministry called PhilanthroCorp to assist you in thinking through your estate plan and your legacy gifts. This estate planning service is available to you at no cost. The only cost will be to work with your attorney. It is an easy and convenient process That can be done in the comfort of your home or office and is conducted entirely over the phone. To find out more you can visit our website at: NOTE: We will be hosting a FREE ESTATE PLANNING SEMINAR led by the Baptist Foundation of Alabama on Sunday, November 15 @ 4:30 PM. Watch for more details.

Volunteers needed to visit and call members who are in nursing homes,

Deacon Approval is This Sunday, October 25

This Sunday we will vote in each morning service on the following 13 men who have nominated, have met all the church requirements and have agreed to serve: Ed Bishop, Andru Bramblett, Todd Edmiston, Scott Hutchinson, Mike Kilpatrick, Bill Lang, Don Mesler, Roy Owens, Mark Stejskal, Harold Street, Lawson Swearingen, Kelly Trull, Don Mesler and Dennis Watson. This serves as notice of the Special Business as required in our Bylaws and in adherence to the new method of Deacon Election. First Edition - page 6

assisted living facilities and homebound. Teams will be set up. Please contact Carolyn Hammill to sign up: 990.6773 or

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