First Edition 10-22-14

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First Baptist Fairhope

For kids birth - 5t h grade

Vol. 8 No. 20 : : 10.22.14


The next few weeks represent great opportunities for our church to reach out into our community and the Eastern Shore with our “GOD’S NOT DEAD” campaign and the upcoming PERKY PUMPKIN PARTY. Both are efforts to carry out the ACTS 1:8 CHALLENGE which tells us to go to the ends of the earth to share the Gospel, but to begin at home…in our Jerusalem. It’s not a question of whether or not each of us are to be involved at some level or not – it’s only a question of whether or not we will be obedient. Look for ways you can be involved in both of these “Jerusalem” opportunities.

From brent’s pen

The first week of our Phone Calling / Prayer outreach as part of the “GOD’S NOT DEAD” Campaignwas a success. Many people were contacted and a large number of prayer requests have already been received. If you are one of our Congregation Intercessors who are praying at home for the prayer requests, please be sure to stop by the “GOD’S NOT DEAD” table in the Gathering Space each week to pick up your prayer assignments. If you aren’t here on Sunday, you can stop by during the week and get your assignments from the file folder on the table. Continue to pray for the Holy Spirit to use the phone calls, prayers, cards that are being written, yard signs, New Testaments, and the inviter cards to all make a spiritual impact on the families of our community. The PERKY PUMPKIN PARTY represents an outreach event for the families of our area to experience the love of God. Our Fall festival offers parents the opportunity to come to a fun event in a safe environment. It gives us the opportunity to mix with people we might otherwise not be able to attract to our church campus. There is still a need for candy and cakes. But, there is also a BIG need for volunteers to help set up the booths, man the booths and take everything down afterwards. This is a great service opportunity for individuals or Sunday School classes. Please contact our Children’s Minister, Kevin Nelson, to let him know you can serve. As we move into November we will be having our annual stewardship emphasis to help us focus on Biblical stewardship and to raise the awareness of our 2015 Ministry Budget needs. Our theme will be “GRATEFUL HEART GIVING.” It is also the time of the year when we make up ground on our budget spending deficit that accumulates during the first three quarters of the year. If you have fallen behind in your budget giving, or God has blessed you more than your expected, now is the time for us to step forward and demonstrate how God has so generously blessed us and give from a grateful heart. Look for opportunities to invite folks to our church and the special service on November 16 at 9:00 am. Pray for the Holy Spirit to work in unusual ways and to use each of us. May the Lord bless you and keep you. Brent

Welcome to the First Family Victoria and John Bethea Join by Statement POB 714 FH, 928.3078

Landon Hughes

Joins by Profession of Faith pictured with parents, Tammy and Trammell Henry

Baptized Sunday October 12 were:

Parker Beasley, Taylor Curenton, Jay DiRico, Shelley Taylor, Craig Taylor, Lindsey Brown, Jeff Brown, Bella Cannon, Landon Hughes, Nathaniel Middleton and Kyle Price.

First Edition - page 2

TheGOING Campaign ON NOW! During this 6-week campaign we will be reminding our community that God’s Not Dead” and “Jesus is Alive!” It will culminate on

Sunday, November 16 with ONE BIG SERVICE AT 9:00AM

in which the Gospel will be clearly shared in a variety of ways including showing the movie “God’s Not Dead”. Following the service our Guests will be invited to a nice lunch with our Pastor and staff.

GOD’S NOT DEAD MATERIALS TABLE (Located in Gathering Space) Be sure to pick up these items starting today and throughout the campaign: -“GOD’S NOT DEAD” Yard Signs -“TIME TO REVIVE” New Testaments ($5 each) -“GOD’S NOT DEAD” Inviter Cards

WANT TO HELP US WITH CAMPAIGN EXPENSES? An outreach campaign of this magnitude involves a lot of extra expenses. If you would like to help underwrite a portion of the campaign, please contact Brent Shaw in the Church Office (928-8685 or bshaw@

Ways You Can Be Involved Pray daily for the campaign at home. Serve on one of the Campaign Teams (see the website) Place a Yard Sign on your front lawn for the duration of the campaign. Purchase at least 2 “Time to Revive” New Testaments and give at least one away. Learn the simple method of sharing the Gospel contained in the “Time to Revive” marked New Testament. Hand out as many “God’s Not Dead” Inviter Cards as you can to people you encounter. Pray for at least one person / family that you will personally invite to attend our Connection Day Service on November 16. Be present at Worship for the next 6 Sundays unless providentially hindered.

Table Host Training Wednesday, November 5 6:00 PM in MPR #1

All folks who will be serving as Table Hosts for our big event on November 16 are asked to be present for this time of training and preparation for our guests who will be attending the Lunch following the GOD’S NOT DEAD service.

CHURCH COMMITTEE TRAINING MEETING Sunday, October 26, 2014 4:30 PM in Social Hall

ALL Committee Members are asked to attend this time of training as each Committee will receive instructions on basic Committee structure and procedures. Each Committee will sit together and have time to discuss their work and make any needed plans.

First Edition - page 3

Children’s Honor Choir Parents of 4th - 6th grade, It’s that time of year again - audition time for Children’s Honor Choir! If you aren’t familiar with this ministry event, Children’s Honor Choir is an auditioned group of 4th -6th graders from active children’s choirs in Baptist churches from all over Alabama. Approximately 150 - 170 children will be selected to participate in the CHC annual tour which will be February 27 thru March 1, 2015 in the Mobile/Daphne/Fairhope area. Each year we have had students participate in this great choir. And this year, we would like to see even more. Audition Deadline is November 1, 2014!! We will be having some prep audition rehearsals to prepare your child for their recorded audition CD. Beginning Sunday, October 12, 19, & 26th from 3pm - 4pm. You can come to one or all of these rehearsal preps. RECORDING will be Sunday, October 26th at 4:00pm in the Sanctuary. THIS IS A MUST! To get the necessary forms or to sign up, contact Dee Pace at

Legacy Builders Building and Bridging the generations Sundays, 5:00 – 7:00 PM

Focused on parents with kids in their Preschool – Teen years -Strengthen your marriage -Sharpen your parenting skills -Grow deeper in your faith at the same time your kids are growing deeper -Network with other parents and build deeper relationships in an informal setting -Learn wisdom for life from other “seasoned” couples who have been there and have the t-shirt The new series in Legacy Builders began October 12. It is “Experiencing God at Home”. Participant books are $10/each. It’s not too late to join this study! Sign Up and pay online.

Help Us Reach Our Full Potential... Be a “RING” leader!

We need a few more hand bell ringers to help fill up our group, the Southern Bells. While we are able to provide music for worship with our current group, we are not utilizing the entire set of bells. We want to fully use this beautiful instrument that was gifted to us nearly 35 years ago. Some basic music reading skills and a willingness to learn are all that’s necessary. We will help with the rest. We rehearse on Wednesday afternoons from 4:00 to 5:00. We play for worship about once a month. If child care is needed, we can provide that. This could be just the thing for you to “Serve the Lord Out Loud”. If you have questions or need more information contact our hand bell director Sandy McKinney at 251-504-4657 or, or our Minster of Music John Baldwin at 928-8685 or . First Edition - Page 4

Financial Information You Can Use CHECK OUT OUR WEBSITE FOR HELPFUL


Through our relationship with The Baptist Foundation of Alabama and PhilanthroCorp, we are able to provide you with a plethora of financial planning information, including how to establish a will. It’s easy and won’t cost you anything to talk with a PhilanthroCorp representative in the privacy of your home. If you do decide to make a will or do estate planning you can use your own lawyer or one they can provide for you. Check it out at and click on the “LEAVE A LEGACY” button and it will direct you to the PhilanthroCorp site.



After a very busy summer of missions experiences, VBS, Children’s and Youth camps and activities, we have fallen behind in our giving versus our spending as we typically do in the summer months. Because the bulk of our major events happen in the first 8-9 months of the year, we experience deficit spending and draw from our Budget Surplus and Rainy Day Fund if needed to meet our expenses until we catch up at the end of the year when many of our folks do the bulk of their giving. So, if you have fallen behind in your giving due to being gone more than usual, or God has blessed you more than expected and you can do more, now is a good time to help us catch up so we can begin to close the deficit and finish strong as we have done for so many years. Thanks for your faithful giving! Rev. Brent Shaw Minister of Education and Administration

Go Behind the Scenes

Operation Christmas Child Mission Trip December 12 – 13, 2014 -- Atlanta Processing Center

Want to experience the feeling of what Samaritan’s Purse is doing globally through Operation Christmas Child? Then, join us for this fun time at the Atlanta Processing Center where you will feel like you are working in Santa’s Workshop with hundreds of other volunteers. We have spaces reserved for 16 people, so contact Brent Shaw if you would like to go (928-8685 or WATCH FOR MORE INFO ON THE COST!

Operation Christmas Child Shoeboxes are Here! Go by the Operation Christmas Child table and pick up

several boxes and return them on Sunday, November 23 for our BLESSING OF THE SHOEBOXES. Let’s give at least 500 boxes this year!


December 12-13, 2014 Oak Alley Plantation for Tour and Lunch Celebration on the River for music, arts & crafts and cook-offs Saturday to New Orleans for shopping at Lakeside Mall and the French Quarter Single - $348.00 Double - $285.00 Limited spaces left so contact Jennifer Coulter (928.8685) or Carolyn Hammill (990-6773) First Edition - page 5

Preparations are under way for our annual Perky Pumpkin Party and WE NEED CANDY! On Friday October 31st from 6:00-8:00 pm the Children’s ministry of FBC Fairhope will once again be hosting this amazing night of food, fellowship, games, thrills and CANDY! This is where you come in. We need tons of candy to pull off this event. Orange Perky Pumpkin candy buckets are positioned at all major church entrances where we ask that you place your individually wrapped goodies throughout the month of October. Last years goal was 50,000 pieces. Lets give our best in order to beat that goal this year and make all dentists on the Eastern Shore really happy. The candy you donate will in a small way be used to draw our surrounding community to our awesome church and give us an open door to meet our neighbors and ultimately introduce them to Jesus. People ask Jennifer and I all the time… What can I do to help? You can help right now by donating tons of candy for what we pray is the best Perky Pumpkin Party ever! Be on the lookout for game booth sign up sheets in your Sunday school boxes TODAY. It just can’t be done without you! On the Journey, Kevin Psalm 20:7 P.S. We need CANDY!!

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