With little. With much. With all. “Moreover it is required in stewards, that a man be found faithful.” I CORINTHIANS 4:2 KJV
Dates to note: Sunday, November 8 Wednesday, November 11 Sunday, November 15 Sunday, November 22
2016 Budget Presentation / Discussion in the Evening service (6:00 PM) 2nd Budget Discussion (if needed) VOTE on the Proposed 2016 Budget COMMITMENT Sunday
Please be praying about what your commitment will be for the coming year in terms of being a generous giver in the areas of your TIME, TALENTS, TREASURE and TESTIMONY.
From your pastor's heart jhenry@fbcfairhope.org
Welcome to the family!
Experiencing God has been an eight-week study of focusing our attention on a fresh God encounter. The greatest thing that can happen in this life is to have a heaven-on-earth moment. The God who has started with us will continue to invite us into His work. There is no greater invitation than to be involved in the only story that lasts forever. What a mighty God we serve! The things we have learned can have an amazing impact upon each individual as well as our church. My prayer is that we have learned and have experienced the power of God working in the core of our being. Recognizing His voice and understanding His will for our lives can awaken our hearts to the deep needs around us. As we see where God is working we will be drawn to what He is doing. Our Celebration Day this past Sunday was great. The one service was full, the baptism and Lord’s Supper had that special touch these ordinances bring. All were significant, but the three men baptized from the Loxley Correctional Center had special notice. May this be a start of seeing God move us in places that only He can take us. The Perky Pumpkin Party was a tremendous success. The prayers of Kevin and others kept the rain away until the event was over. Thanks for so many who worked so hard for our outreach to this community. It was not only well done, but done well. November has its next set of events. We will look at the proposed budget for 2016 and, also, our response to the call for faithful giving. The shoeboxes will be an opportunity to provide a Christmas gift to underprivileged children and Thanksgiving always turns our hearts to how God has abundantly blessed us – far beyond our deserving. Thankful hearts always find God even in the midst of adverse circumstances. Have a good two weeks. The challenge in the next two weeks will be on being faithful stewards (I Corinthians 4:2). Come, bring your Bible, and let God speak to your heart. Fall is such a beautiful season. Make the most of whatever season you are in. Know that God wants to bring you abundant life because He, and He only, is the Life-Giver. God bless each of you. Your Pastor, Jerry John 10:10
To begin giving online, click: http://bit.ly/1MEXs5w Read up on legacy giving at: http://fbcfairhope.org/ leave-a-legacy Both are available on our website and our APP.
Associate Pastor/Sr. Adult Minister Search Has Begun Julia and Philip Guinn Join by Letter 8777 Co Rd. 34, FH His: 205.272.0973 Hers: 205.295.8146
Our Human Resources Committee and Staff are ready to begin the search process to fill the position of Associate Pastor/Sr. Adult Minister that was held by the late Rev. Jeff Ingram. The person filling this position will focus on assisting the Pastor in pastoral duties, preaching as needed and will lead our Ministry to Adults 55 –over and our helping ministries such as Grief Share, Divorce Care, etc. Resumes will be received through December 21. If you know of someone who might be interested in this ministerial position, please have them send their resume to Brent Shaw at the church office. (bshaw@fbcfairhope.org)
Is THIS your usual holiday look?? It doesn’t have to be!...And it’s the idea behind the event...
De-Stress your Holidays sponsored by Ladies @ First.
November 12 from 6:30-8:00 in the Fellowship Hall
This evening begins with “Holly Helps” browsing around a myriad of seasonal ideas presented in a “Pinterest” fashion....only IN PERSON....a.k.a. pinperson! So bring your cell phone cameras (or real camera; matters not) and be ready to snap away at the ideas/how-to’s for a warm night of fun and to add to your ideas for the season.
Meet Angie Lewis
The evening will feature Angie Lewis as our special guest. She will share with the group ways to de-stress this season. Angie is a Certified counselor and is our counselor in residence here at First. Angie is also a Christian recording artist! (check her out at angielewismusic.com) She will connect with women on the extra elements of emotions that even the happiest of times can bring.....and what in the world to do with them! Bring a friend or two (don’t forget to charge your phone) and we’ll see ya there, November 12! Requests for child care need to be turned in by November 8. (to jwarren@fbcfairhope. org)
There’s no such thing as a free lunch... but there IS a free supper, if you are attending FIRST CLASS!
FIRST CLASS New Member Orientation
Wednesday, December 2, 5:45 -7:30 PM
One of the things our recent Experiencing God Together campaign has taught us is the importance of being attached and committed to a local church body. If you have been considering becoming a member at First Baptist, or you have recently joined, then we encourage you to attend our next FIRST CLASS. At this orientation class you will get to meet our Pastor and Staff, learn about our core Biblical beliefs, learn about our mission and future hopes, find out how to get more involved, learn where things are located and more. TO SIGN UP: Contact LaSha Powell in the Church Office (928-8685 or lpowell@fbcfairhope.org) or sign up ONLINE at our website: www.fbcfairhope.org. NOTE: FREE Supper is included for you and your family (4:45 -5:45 ) and children and youth may participate in the regular Wednesday evening activities. First Edition - page 3
Our Holly Helps will include: ~Memory making ideas for the fam ~Kids craft ideas ~Wreath making ~Quick gifts (“happies”) ~Easy tablescapes ~Creative ways to give money ~Bow Making ~Sampling yummy seasonal goodies ~Creative ways to give money Have your phones ready!
When you die, what will be your legacy? You may have certain physical possessions that you want to leave to your children or grandchildren. Or, you may want to leave a legacy gift to help your grandchildren with educational expenses. But you might also want to leave a LEGACY GIFT of ministry that will benefit the church and other wonderful ministries long after you are gone that will outlast all your physical possessions. LEGACY GIVING recognizes that ALL our possessions belong to God, not just our cash or liquid assets that we usually use to tithe on or give to God through the church. We have partnered with the Baptist Foundation of Alabama and a fellow ministry called PhilanthroCorp to assist you in thinking through your estate plan and your legacy gifts. This estate planning service is available to you at no cost. The only cost will be to work with your attorney. It is an easy and convenient process that can be done in the comfort of your home or office and is conducted entirely over the phone. To find out more you can visit our website at: http://fbcfairhope.org/ legacy.htm NOTE: We will be hosting a FREE ESTATE PLANNING SEMINAR led by the Baptist Foundation of Alabama on Sunday, November 15 @ 4:30 PM. Watch for more details.
Firrst Edition - Page 4
Our friends at TLT are enjoying Fall festivities. They are learning about animals at Brantley Farms, planting, community helpers and the five senses. In November, they will learn about giving, sharing and doing for others by collecting food for our First Hope Ministry. Lynn Carroll, Director
Our church will again be collecting pies for Thanksgiving for those at the Loxley Work Release Center. Bring pies that need NO refrigeration to the church November 24 by 10:00am. Thank you! NOTE: Please bring your pies to the Social Hall.
First Hope making Christmas Ministry Plans
It’s Shoebox time!
Shoeboxes are now available at the Shoebox Christmas display in the Gathering Space. Please fill the boxes for either a boy or girl according to the instructions and return it on Sunday, November 22 for our annual BLESSING OF THE BOXES. To find out more about the wonderful work of SAMARITAN’S PURSE, visit their website at: www.samaritanspurse.org. NOTE: Please remember to place a check made out to SAMARITAN’S PURSE for $7.00 and place inside each shoebox you donate. www.samaritanspurse.org
It’s not too early to think about giving less fortunate families a Merry Christmas. First Hope has a number of families and children both in the church and in the community that need help this holiday season. If any individuals or Sunday school classes would like more information please call Marjorie Ballantyne at 251-2841092 or email at jwbmjb1@gmail.com. You will be blessed as you bless others. If there are any church families who need a little extra help with Christmas gifts for their children please let Marjorie know (information is confidential).
Medical Missions Sponsorship Opportunities in Ecuador Bayside Medical Missions is actively searching for sponsors for several upcoming orthopedic surgeries for those in need in Ecuador. This local non-profit organization has been providing surgeries and wheelchairs for those in need within Ecuador and sharing the love of Jesus since 2011. Since then they have performed over 400 surgeries and provided over 350 wheelchairs. This is done through an all volunteer team of orthopedic surgeons (including Dr. Fellers, Dr. Terral and Dr. Matthews from our area) and other medical staff locally and regionally. You can learn more about their work by visiting their website at: www.baysidemedicalmissions.org. In the next couple of months they are slated to go for two weeks of surgeries and still have a need for five (5) more people to be sponsored. The cost for each surgery is $350. That goes strictly for the medical supplies and medicines required for each surgery. Sponsorship Donations can be sent to: Bayside Medical Missions P.O. Box 949 Fairhope, Al 365632 For more information or questions contact Patrick McTaggart at (251) 680-0117. First Ediion - page 5
The Holidays are
Please note these events for your holiday schedule planning: Thursday, November 19 Fairhope’s Lighting of the Trees Wednesday, November 25 No activities Thursday, November 26 & Friday, November 27 Office closed Friday, December 4 Fairhope Christmas Parade Sunday, December 13 Student Choir Christmas Music (6:00 PM) Saturday, December 19 Adult Choir Christmas Musical (7:00 PM) Sunday, December 20 Adult Choir Christmas Musical (7:00 PM) Wednesday, December 23 No Activities Thursday, December 24 Office Closed CHRISTMAS EVE SERVICE (5:00 PM) Friday, December 25 Office closed Sunday, December 27 ONE SERVICE @ 10:00 AM (No Sunday School) Wednesday, December 30 No Activities Thursday, December 31 New Year’s Eve Service (6:00 PM) Friday, January 1 Office closed
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