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Get Connected with our Women's Ministry
Ministries of FBC Franklinton
Women in God’s Service
Restore the soul. Feed the spirit. Nurture the heart.
Join us for this powerful two day event celebrating women, strengthening our faith, and worshiping our Lord Jesus.
Join us for this powerful two day event celebrating women, strengthening our faith, and worshiping our Lord Jesus. Our headline speaker is Lisa Bevere. Lisa has spent nearly three decades empowering women of all ages to find their identity and purpose. Her previous books, which include Fight Like a Girl, Lioness Arising, Girls with Swords, Without Rival, and Adamant are in the hands of millions worldwide. Lisa and her husband, John, are the founders of Messenger International, an organization committed to developing uncompromising followers of Christ who transform their world.
Conference at St. Timothy’s in Mandeville, LA Cost is $30 Online or at the door For tickets visit https://www.itickets.com/events/404509.html
Mugs and Muffins
When: February 23 rd Saturday 8-9 a.m. Where: Room by the fountain (SAC) All ladies are welcome!
Bring your favorite mug and a friend. Enjoy fellowship, muffins, coffee, and juice.
Mrs. Janice Adams will be sharing with us.
Thanks Ruth Sunday School class for hosting!
Group will leave FBC Friday, April 5 th at 4:00 p.m. and return Saturday, April 6 th.
Deadline February 20 th Please sign up and pay the church office $59