Province pounces on specialty meat producer Prizewinning farm inventory seized
September 5, 2013
» Page 3
Funding research — Different pockets, same pants Private companies invest, but farmers pay
» Page 18
Manitoba halts cattle levy collection But Plains Processors support is assured By Dave Bedard Co-operator managing editor (with files from Daniel Winters)
Carman beef processor in the midst of a $12-million expansion says he has received assurances the province will honour its commitment of support from a nowdefunct provincial cattle levy fund. Calvin Vaags, owner and president of Plains Processors, said this week he received a call from the Manitoba Cattle Enhancement Fund’s lawyer shortly after the announcement Aug. 30 that the organization would be winding down. See LEVY on page 6 »
Most of Manitoba’s winter wheat has been harvested with good yields and quality reported. Paterson Grain has two massive piles of winter wheat at its Morris and Winnipeg terminals. Although stored outside the grain is covered and aerated. photo: allan dawson
Winter wheat
considerations this fall CDC Falcon is changing classes and winter wheat crop insurance coverage is changing too By Allan Dawson co-operator staff
Publication Mail Agreement 40069240
t’s winter wheat-seeding time and there’s lots to consider, including the shift next Aug. 1 of Manitoba’s most popular variety, CDC Falcon, to a different class and changes in crop insurance coverage for all winter wheats. Above-average winter wheat yields this year, along with good protein levels and low fusarium damage, should encourage plantings. But an estimated one-third
of the 615,000 acres seeded last fall was ripped up this spring. Dry, hot weather last fall hurt germination. A cold, wet, delayed spring didn’t help the winter wheat that survived, said Pam de Rocquigny, Manitoba Agriculture, Food and Rural Initiative’s provincial cereal specialist. Dry and hot weather in many parts of Manitoba again this year makes for good harvesting conditions, but is poor for seeding. This year many crops are late, including canola, the preferred stubble for winter wheat planting.
To be eligible for full crop insurance coverage winter wheat must be seeded between Aug. 20 and Sept. 15. Insurance coverage is cut 20 per cent when seeding occurs between Sept. 16 and 20, said David Van Deynze, Manitoba Agricultural Services’ manager of claim services. There’s also a major change in winter wheat insurance coverage starting. The Stage 1 indemnity (from the time of fall seeding until June 20 the following year) See WINTER WHEAT on page 6 »
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The Manitoba Co-operator | September 5, 2013
Did you know?
Quick cash needed for remote island fundraiser
Shear success Students learn the art of shearing sheep
STARS volunteers compete to raise $500,000 By Lorraine Stevenson co-operator staff
CROPS Sea buckthorn business hits a wall A shortage of growers limits growth
FEATURE A plague of pigs Wild pigs considered a major threat in U.S.
CROSSROADS A new home for Niverville The community unveils a state-of-theart personal-care home
4 5 8 10
Editorials Comments What’s Up Livestock Markets
farmer, a mayor, a Lions Club official, two CEOs and one businesswoman will all have something in common for a day later this month — they’ll be on the phone trying to fundraise themselves off a remote island in Manitoba. Six Manitobans are taking part in a Shock Trauma Air Rescue Service (STARS) air ambulance fundraiser this month to raise money for the emergency medical service for remote and rural areas of the province and the rest of Canada. The six will be dropped off by helicopter September 12 on a remote island in Manitoba with just their phones to spend the day calling friends and colleagues for help — and cash — to reach their goal. Then they’ll be rescued, e x p l a i n s S h a n d y Wa l l s , Manitoba manager of major gifts with STARs. “Everyone has set their own significant personal goals. It ranges from $50,000 to $100,000 each,” Walls said, adding that they hope to raise $500,000 between everyone. Events are held all across Canada every year to raise funds and community aware-
Several Manitobans, including a farmer and farm-marketing adviser, are participating in a STARS air ambulance fundraiser Sept. 12.
ness for STARS but this is the first time they’ve tried this remote island event in Manitoba, Walls added. The six participants include Chris McCallister who farms at Portage la Prairie, Brenda Tjaden, co-founder of FarmLink Marketing Solutions, Jeff McConnell, mayor of Virden, Nicolas Hirst, CEO of Original Pictures Inc. and former editor of the Winnipeg Free Press, Dan McLean, CEO of Tundra Oil and Gas Partnership, and Doug Wiens, district governor for Lions Club 5M11 Zone 8 and a member of the Grunthal Lions Club. Their work has already begun — and it’s definitely work to
reach their respective goals, said Walls. “Everyone’s finding out how hard fundraising is,” she said. Each participant’s bio, fundraising goal, and amount raised to date is posted on the STARS website. The fundraiser will conclude with an end-of-day celebration dinner at Assiniboine Park. STARS has flown over 500 missions to date in Manitoba, reaching critical-incident scenes in minutes in rural and remote areas. For more information about the fundraiser or about STARS log on to
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11 16 26 30
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The Manitoba Co-operator | September 5, 2013
Pilot Mound farm’s prizewinning meat product seized by health inspectors Health inspectors seized the Cavers farm’s entire inventory of specialty meat product August 28 By Lorraine Stevenson (with files from Daniel Winters) co-operator staff
l i n t o n a n d Pa m e l a Cavers are looking for a p a t h t h ro u g h t h e bureaucratic and regulatory maze that has blocked them marketing their prizewinning meat products. T h e P i l o t Mo u n d ow ne r s o f Ha r b o r s i d e Fa r m s had their entire inventory of about 160 kg of charcuterie, which is cured pork and beef products, seized by health inspectors last week, a few months after those same products took the top prize worth $10,000 i n t h e p rov i n c e’s a n n u a l c o n t e s t f o r h o m e g r ow n food inventors. The two Manitoba Agriculture, Food and Rural Initiatives food inspectors w h o s h owe d u p a t t h e i r farm last week seized about $8,000 worth of product, and handed the couple a $600 fine for selling what they deemed “food unfit for human consumption.” The meat products were not found to contain any f o o d b o r n e, i l l n e s s - c a u s ing pathogen. Rather, they were told they must comply with certain procedures and processes, as well as upgrade their facilities to ensure no such pathogens have a chance to develop. T h e p r o b l e m i s , t h e re a re n o c l e a r a n s w e r s a s to how they can meet those requirements. “We’re having a very difficult time getting a clear sense of what those procedures and processes are,” Clinton Cavers said. Even as they try to figure out how to do the proper testing to make sure they’re producing a safe product, complicating everything is that they can’t do any testing until they have the proper facilities. Cavers said he called the d e p u t y m i n i s t e r’s o f f i c e immediately after the Au g u s t 2 8 r a i d . T h e y ’v e since been told a MAFRI team will visit their farm this week to help sort this out. “I’m assuming it’s going to be someone in business development to help us navigate through this so we can figure out how we can get this to work,” he said. Cavers fears compliance with the required food safety precautions may prove too costly for a venture their size. The food embroiled in the controversy was the farm’s charcuterie, a specialty meat product they’ve been making since 2008 using traditional Italian recipes. Charcuterie is also known
Optaflexx sales surge as Cargill joins Tyson in rejecting cattle given Zilmax Feeders will feel the pinch as Zilmax withdrawn from market and supplies tighten for rival Optaflexx By Tom Polansek and P.J. Huffstutter chicago / reuters
First-place winners at the April 18 Great Manitoba Food Fight with their pastured pork proscuitto, Clinton and Pamela Cavers had no idea their entire inventory of on-farm processed charcuterie would be seized by health inspectors two months later. photo: lorraine stevenson
a s p r o s c i u t t o, l o n z i n o, a n d c a p i c o l l o, b re s a o l a , s a l u m i a n d s o p p re s s a t a and made using a fermenting or drying process rather than cooking. The charcuterie is a specialty product the Cavers are developing as part of t h e i r f a r m’s f a r m - r a i s e d meat business. They also direct sell meat from their grass-fed beef, heritage breeds of pastured pork, s h e e p, g o a t s a n d d u c k s and geese. The producers complied with a June order to stop making and selling the product. “ That wasn’t an issue,” said Cavers. Inspectors have asked for separate drying and separate curing facilities and that means a significant capital investment to renovate their existing meat shop, he said, adding that could double the cost — to upwards of $200,000 — which they initially anticipated in their business plan. “Our meat shop is not huge, where you can set up a complete drying room,” he said. Food product makers usually seek help from the Food Development Centre (FDC) at Portage la Prairie when specialized facilities like these are needed before a product’s market is developed. But the Cavers said they don’t think FDC has the space to dedicate to this kind of product. “ We could probably be doing the curing and the salting (of the charcuterie)
“It doesn’t matter whether you’re a large-scale processor or an artisanal producer, you have to produce a safe product.”
Glen Duizer
Acting chief veterinary officer MAFRI
a t t h e F D C , b u t I d o n’t think it has the facilities for doing all the dr ying,” he said. “We’re going to be looking, at some point in time, having a year’s worth of pig hips hanging, let alone all the other smaller cuts that we’re doing and it’s going to take substantial room to do that.” G l e n D u i z e r, a c t i n g chief veterinary officer with MAFRI, wouldn’t discuss the particulars of the Cavers’ case due to privacy rules. But he said a product like charcuterie, which isn’t cooked, requires ongoi n g m o n i t o r i n g o f p ro d uct pH and moisture levels and precise records of that monitoring. Charcuterie can’t be tested for food safety after it’s finished; it needs ongoing testing during processing, he said. “If you do testing throughout the process of developing the product, then you have much, much better confidence that the product is safe, to the point that you don’t have to test for pathogens once it’s made,” he said. “Doing any testing
after is worthless because it wouldn’t tell you anything you can rely on that the product is safe.” Duizer added that while it’s “definitely a struggle” for smaller-scale producers to produce this kind of product, they cannot be exempt from the procedures needed to make it safely. “It doesn’t matter whether you’re a large-scale processor or an artisanal producer, you have to produce a safe product,” he said. “What the province wants them to do is do everything they can to produce a safe product and reach the point where they can market and sell that product safely.” Cavers said best-case scenario will be to be given clear direction for how, as a smaller-scale operation, they can comply with these food safety requirements, he said. “ Wo r s t - c a s e s c e n a r i o. . . they destroy the product and the depar tment gets really antagonistic and makes it so difficult we can’t continue doing what we’re doing.”
argill says more testing needs to be done on Zilmax and the last cattle given the feed additive will be out of its production supply by the end of September. Zilmax became the focus of attention last month when Tyson Foods said it will stop buying Zilmax-fed cattle for slaughter beginning next month because of concerns it affects the health and mobility of cattle. That prompted its maker, Merck’s Animal Health unit, to suspend sales in Canada and the U.S. pending a review. Zilmax, part of a family of drugs called betaagonists, can add as much as 30 pounds of lean meat to cattle prior to slaughter. The suspension of sales has caused a surge in demand for rival Eli Lilly’s Optaflexx. Demand has been so heavy, Lilly is telling some new customers it cannot immediately supply them, customers told Reuters — a charge the company denied. Lilly is “managing the supply over the next two weeks as we assess the long-term market demand,” said company spokeswoman Colleen Parr Dekker. About 70 per cent of cattle brought to slaughter in the United States are fed beta-agonists, with Merck selling $159 million worth of Zilmax in the U.S. alone last year. Merck has said no safety issues have been discovered in 30 studies since Zilmax was introduced in the U.S. in 2007. Tight supplies of Optaflexx could temporarily pinch beef production at some feedlots, said John Nalivka, president of Sterling Marketing. However, there should be little impact on the nation’s overall beef supply, he said. “We’re not going to run out of beef,” Nalivka said, adding that feeders can adjust feed rations and take other steps to control meat production. But that’s not the issue for feeders, who have used the drugs to reduce some of the economic pain caused by high feed costs.
The Manitoba Co-operator | September 5, 2013
Selling cattle, buying beef
ast week, Manitoba Agriculture Minister Ron Kostyshyn announced the termination of the Manitoba Cattle Enhancement Council (MCEC), which collected a voluntary levy for a fund to improve the province’s cattle-slaughtering capacity. The decision makes sense under current circumstances of good cattle prices and no significant restriction of marketing, but the MCEC was born under much different circumstances, John Morriss which began 10 years ago when the U.S. borEditorial Director der was abruptly closed due to BSE. The reaction was near panic, with prices plummeting for all animals and the market for cull cows virtually disappearing. The response to BSE showed some of the best and worst aspects of the cattle industry. There were stories of cattle purchased at one price when they loaded on the truck, and paid for at a much lower one when they unloaded a few hours later. While producers suffered, the large Canadian packing plants made a tidy profit buying Canadian cattle at BSE wholesale and selling beef at full retail. On the positive side, consumers rallied behind Canadian producers, lining up to buy burgers at special events and never reducing their purchases of beef. Then there were the beef producers who decided to do something by trying to take their future into their own hands. Producers in Alberta, Saskatchewan, Quebec and here in Manitoba started raising funds to build processing plants so that they would not be held hostage in future. Many invested untold amounts of time, effort and personal money into these ventures. Despite that, all of them were dogged from the start by those who said that they were doomed to fail. Opponents said that there was no way small plants could compete with the giant multinationals, and when the border reopened, Canadian producers would just go back to selling to them if they offered a couple of cents a pound more. Statements like that from beef producers themselves weren’t exactly helpful in convincing the public that they were a group worth supporting. It turns out that the opponents were right — these ventures did fail. But many if not most new businesses fail, and if that were a reason not to try them, we wouldn’t have much of an economy. And in this case, part of the reason they failed is because so many said they would. Here in Manitoba, there was the valiant effort to start the Ranchers Choice plant at Dauphin. One of the reasons it failed was that not enough producers would commit cull cows, despite the Manitoba government bending over backward to provide financial guarantees. When the province attempted to form the MCEC to fund Ranchers Choice and other ventures, initially with a compulsory levy, there was a storm of protest that had as much to do with party politics than with reasoned opposition. Subsequently there was the attempt with MCEC funding to start the Keystone beef plant in Winnipeg, but it was torpedoed when the federal government backed out. All that is in the past now, and one hesitates to dredge up some of these now almost decade-old battles. But what is not in the past is the reality that it takes just one diseased animal to slam the border shut. What also remains is the current business model that applies to most of the beef on Manitoba plates. It may well be from Manitoba animals shipped to be fed and slaughtered hundreds of miles away. Therefore we should all wish every success to the Plains Processors plant at Carman, which announced a major expansion in January. Manitoba still has to export most of its cattle, but at least for the beef we eat at home, it would be nice to know it didn’t come back from Iowa or Alberta in a box.
U.S. COOL lawsuit hits the courts By Alan Guebert
nside the U.S. District Courthouse Aug. 27, just three blocks from the U.S. Capitol, all anyone from Mexico to Canada could talk about was COOL, the American law that requires U.S. food sellers to reveal — label — the country of origin of the meat they sell. Earlier this year, in response to a World Trade Organization ruling, the U.S. Department of Agriculture rewrote the labelling law to be, it says, more WTO compliant. Not so, claimed some of COOL’s chief opponents, like the Canadian Cattlemen’s Association, the Canadian Pork Council and Mexico’s National Confederation of Livestock Organizations, who, in July, filed a federal lawsuit to stop it. It’s not surprising that Canada and Mexico and their respective livestock organizations would fight labelling laws that tell Americans what they put in their roasters, skillets and grills may not be American bred, fed or butchered. What is surprising, however, is that the foreigners have as co-plaintiffs two American livestock groups. In effect, these groups, the National Pork Producers Council (NPPC) and the National Cattlemen’s Beef Association (NCBA), are telling American consumers, who favour COOL by a four-to-one margin, and American red meat producers, who stand to gain huge leverage in the U.S. retail meat market, to shut up, butt out and get lost. You’d think these self-crowned leaders of American hog and cattle producers would actually stand with American hog and cattle producers on labelling American pork and beef in America. After all, it is the law; Congress approved COOL in 2002. The hitch, however, lies with the groups’ big buddies, the Big Meatpackers. The packers hate COOL because it prevents them from commin-
OUR HISTORY: Farm(h)ers
he comments and Internet buzz were so strongly in favour that anyone who didn’t like the Dodge Ram-sponsored “And God made a farmer” ad for the last Superbowl would have been afraid to say so. While we support both the social and business case for the family farm as strongly as anyone, we thought that ad strayed a touch too far over the “Ma and Pa” line. Or rather, the “Pa and Ma” line, as by our count there were 20 men and boys (including the boy who’d inherit the farm at the end) and six women and girls,
including the ones at the kitchen table. That’s not representative of the North American gender balance in farming, and certainly not of the worldwide balance — in Africa up to 90 per per cent of farmers are women. Marji Guyler-Alaniz felt the same way, and decided to quit her agriculture-related job in Iowa and set out to take photos of women farmers, which are now posted at Let’s hope others follow her example when portraying the faces of North American agriculture.
gling foreign and domestic animals in feeding operations and at slaughtering plants which, when killed, chilled and boxed, can then be peddled as U.S. sourced no matter the origin. That opaqueness is wilful, profitable and — to most consumers — deceitful. Not to Big Meat and its Washington, D.C. lobbyists, the American Meat Institute, American Association of Meat Processors, North American Meat Association and the Southwest Meat Association. All joined the American livestock groups and Canada and Mexico to sue USDA in an effort to kill COOL. Curiously, the lawsuit’s key argument is as American as a Nebraska-raised steer. The COOL rule, it suggests, “… violates the United States Constitution by compelling speech in the form of costly and detailed labels on meat products that do not directly advance a government interest.” And what of advancing the interest of American consumers who like knowing that their ground chuck came from New Mexico, not Old Mexico, or the pot roast on tonight’s menu was raised somewhere in South Dakota, not somewhere in South America? Well, says the multinational Meat Gang, shut up, butt out and get lost. Moreover, NPPC and NCBA said the exact same thing to every American cattleman and hog farmer when the groups joined the lawsuit: We know what’s best for American cowboys and hog farmers, so just shut up, butt out and get lost. Here’s a better suggestion: U.S. cattlemen and hog farmers should give the narrow-based, meatpacker-allied NPPC and NCBA the heaveho. COOL is a huge winner for U.S. farmers and ranchers; that’s why our competitors and packers hate it. Besides, when did it become not COOL to be an American farmer and rancher? Contact Alan Guebert at
September 1949
elephone etiquette today now applies mainly to those who talk loudly on cellphones in public places, but in September 1949 it meant replacing the receiver gently so that you did not annoy your neighbour on the party line. This ad from our Sept. 1 issue that year also reminds that faster long-distance service can be had between 6 p.m. and 4:30 a.m. We reported that the Prairie wheat crop had been seriously pared by a prolonged heat wave, with the Prairie Pools forecasting a crop of 361 million bushels (9.8 million tonnes; this year’s estimated at 28 million). A new egg-laying record was reported, with a Leghorn hen owned by Don Shaver of Galt, Ont. delivering 360 eggs in 365 days. It was part of a flock of 450 of which 20 per cent had laid more than 330 eggs in a year, which was believed to be another record. The livestock market report for the week said that good-quality grass steers were selling in Toronto from 19 to 21 cents, with a top of 18 cents for strictly choice, lightweight killing heifers. “There is the odd prime, lightweight young heifery cow which will cash up to 13-1/2 cents or better, but 13 cents is the practical top price obtainable for cows.” All quoted prices were for healthy cows. “Anything showing indications of having to be tanked is selling at lower levels.”
The Manitoba Co-operator | September 5, 2013
The Manitoba harvest: ‘To every thing there is a season’ In his sixth instalment from Northern Blossom Farm, Gary Martens reflects on the length and variety of the Manitoba harvest
he crops in my Kleefeld area look to harvest the same number of acres or very good. We have actually had the combine you have could harvest more less-than-average rainfall with no than 2,000 acres in a season. gigantic rain events to damage the crops. Grain farming is becoming a lonely job On my little “nano” farm, the peas are in because so few people are required and swath but it has rained a small amount for such a short time. I just came back most days since, the wheat is almost ready from buying some honey at my neighto harvest and the oats will not be far bour’s honey farm and three generations behind. were working on the farm. Grandparents I plowed up one of the hayfields and am were filling the containers, parents were anticipating seeding it to fall rye. The gartaking the supers off the hives and the den peas, cherries, strawberries and raspkids were extracting the honey in the yard. berries have been picked, the green beans There is more labour required on a honey are at peak season, the cucumbers and farm compared to a grain farm and the tomatoes are just starting to come in, we labour can be done relatively safely by have been sneaking some potatoes from young people. There was conversation the occasional plant and the chickens are and the feel of community on that honey ready for the fryer. farm. I hope to have some potatoes to store in my newly constructed root cellar. The sweet corn is still a week or two away from harvest. Harvest is the most critical and time-sensitive activity on any farm. It is also the activity that demands the most labour. Until 175 years ago, manual labour harvest for small grains required four to 10 people, each working a 10-hour day to harvest one acre. Even when mechanization such Hiram Moore is credited with inventing the combine as the steam engine and the threshharvester in 1834. The basic concept is still the ing machine were adopted, trainsame today. loads of young men from all over North America descended onto the Prairies to bring in the harvest. It took a Grain farms still have some sense of crew of 10-12 men around one threshing community, especially around the dinmachine to thresh 80 acres per day if the ner table — which is probably the pickup weather was good. It took about a week to tailgate at harvest. Harvest dinners for the complete the harvest at each farm, if there workers are as anticipated as Christmas is was no rain. It also took a house full of for kids. At harvest time I looked forward women to keep the men fed. to full-course meals of fried chicken, potato salad, cucumber salad and of course saskatoon or raspberry pie every Revolutionary machine day. Hiram Moore is credited with inventing the combine in 1834. The machine included reaping (cutting), threshing and The harvest sequence winnowing in one operation. This was “To every thing there is a season” one of the most important labour-saving (Ecclesiastes 3) devices invented in agriculture. The basic Among all of us in Manitoba, we harvest concept of the machine that Hiram Moore an incredible diversity of crops and liveinvented 175 years ago is still used today, stock. All of our farms together could be in with no substantial change except to add harvest season almost every month of the size and an air conditioner, oh, and a satyear. I tried to list all the crops we grow in ellite radio so we can listen to golden oldManitoba and their harvest sequence. ies while the canola pours into the tank • May: Maple syrup and rhubarb in April. behind us. Lettuce and spinach. Now, modern combines can harvest • June: Strawberries, first cut of hay, sas20 acres per hour or 200 acres per day katoons and garden peas. and that is with only one person on the • July: Zucchini, raspberries, kale, honey, combine, but you still need at least one green beans, cucumbers, peppers, chermore person to haul the grain. Today ries, plums, tomatoes, forage grass seed, two persons can harvest 200 acres or 100 second cut of hay. acres per person per day compared to • August: Fall rye, winter wheat, field one-tenth of an acre per person per day in peas, barley, wheat, oats, apples, sweet a manual labour harvest, so that is 1,000 corn, straw, canola, alfalfa seed, leaftimes as much work per person in 175 cutter bees, hemp, onions, garlic and years. That is an incredible change! chokecherries. It has been said that a farmer with all • September: Flax, chickens, potatoes, acres in spring annual small grain crops carrots, edible beans, soybeans, deer, needs to be able to seed in 10 days, spray waterfowl, field corn, hazelnuts, waterin 10 days and harvest in 10 days because melon and turnips. that is the window of opportunity that the • October: Pumpkins, squash, sunflowers. weather will allow in Manitoba. • December: Pigs, lamb, beef, firewood in Therefore one combine at 200 acres per December. day can do about 2,000 acres unless you • Winter: Fence posts, lumber, fish in are a bit more diversified and start your winter. hay harvest in June with alfalfa/grass hay, • Any time, all the time: Milk and eggs. continue on to forage seeds in early July, Did I miss any? What do you harvest then on to winter wheat at the end of July that is not on the list? early August then on to spring annual I wish you a great harvest this fall. crops, then on to soybeans and corn later in fall, then finish with sunflowers when Gary Martens is a plant science instructor at the the snow flies in October. University of Manitoba. He began experimenting With that much diversity you would with a “nano” farm this spring. He can be have much more than 10 days and could reached at or either have a smaller (cheaper) combine 204-474-6097.
COMMENT/FEEDBACK We welcome readers’ comments on issues that have been covered in the Manitoba Co-operator. In most cases we cannot accept “open” letters or copies of letters which have been sent to several publications. Letters are subject to editing for length or taste. We suggest a maximum of about 300 words. Please forward letters to Manitoba Co-operator, 1666 Dublin Ave., Winnipeg, R3H 0H1 or Fax: 204-954-1422 or email: (subject: To the editor)
Innovations must benefit farmers Farmer caution is necessary when participating in the review of the crop-variety registration system (Aug. 29, Page 3). John Morriss’s editorial reminder that a free market is “one where the same rules apply to all” is also relevant here. It’s clear that the Harper government and Ag Minister Gerry Ritz are choosing to side with multinational companies against the best interests of farmers and the viability of our food system. Federal changes to the registration process this spring have made it easier for companies like Monsanto and Forage Genetics International to get approval of genetically engineered (GE) alfalfa by removing the requirement that they prove there is a clear benefit to farmers in growing it. The regulation change simply moved forage crops and soybeans from a Schedule 1 to Schedule 3 classification. This seemingly innocuous change has serious ramifications for all farmers who rely on alfalfa in their operations. A concern here is not about whether or not one supports the sale and use of GE alfalfa or other GE crops in Canada. Rather, the question is, to whom will the prime benefit accrue in not requiring an independent assessment of the merits and benefits to farmers before they can be registered? Without an independent assessment process, especially for varieties that are losing consumer acceptance, farmers are certain to become guinea pigs for companies such as Monsanto. Farmers will be forced to assume more of the production and market risk in growing these varieties as well as the added costs of cleaning up the farm when things go awry. We need to look further into the future and to fully understand all the implications of accepting companyadvanced “innovations” in how we grow and market food. Ruth Pryzner Alexander, Manitoba
GM comparison flawed New Zealander Jack Heinemann hates genetically modified crops and has written much using selected statistics to support his position. He’s not unique. What’s more surprising is that columnist Laura Rance has repeated conclusions from a recent Heinemann paper (Manitoba Cooperator, July 11), without any reference to published critiques. The paper claims that corn and rapeseed/canola yields have gone up faster in Western Europe than in North America because of the use of GM crops here. Rance also repeats his claim that agricultural pesticide usage in North America has been enhanced, relative to Europe, because of GM crops.
In his analysis, Heinemann chose 1986 as a starting date for the introduction of GM crop usage, even though the first commercial field crop usage came 10 years later. That 1986 date is crucial to his conclusions. An Australian analyst, Dr. Chris Preston, has calculated (, that when 1996 is (properly) chosen as the starting date, Heinemann’s data show Canadian canola yields (in kg/ha/year) to have increased at an average annual rate 19 per cent higher than in Western Europe. For U.S. corn, it’s 44 per cent higher ( Heinemann’s claim about pesticide usage is even more suspect. Data from the United Nations Food and Agricultural Organization show pesticide usage (kg of active ingredient/ ha) to be far higher in most of Western Europe than Canada. Examples for 2008 (latest year for common statistics) are: Canada 1.1, United States 2.4 (2007), Germany 3.6, U.K. 3.6, France 4.0, Italy 8.0, Netherlands 9.8. As Rance notes, pesticide application rates have been declining in some EU countries, but they’ve a long way to fall before matching Canada. Rance’s suggestion that the Bt gene insertion into crops for insect control constitutes pesticide addition seems weird. If true, that would mean all other genes for pest resistance inserted by plant breeders are also pesticides — in Europe as well as here. Finally, her statement that herbicide usage has gone up with GM crop usage comes from another perpetual GM critic (Binbrook) and his “fact” has also been widely doubted. Terry Daynard Guelph, Ontario
KAP should do more Re: KAP will work on checkoff, membership promotion (Aug. 8, page 3). Never mind “stable funding” legislation — do your job. The number of farmers 35 or younger has dropped 75 per cent since 1991, and they call themselves a farm organization and expect to be funded. They should be put out to pasture permanently. Governments cut farm support programs and saddle us with the cost of the grain commission, and have no programs for farm succession as all of us are ready to retire, and (KAP president) Chorney wants more funding. Come on. Do your job and stand up for farmers. No wonder no one wants to join. KAP is just a sad joke and doesn’t deserve and hasn’t earned our support. Terry Drul Oakburn, Manitoba
The Manitoba Co-operator | September 5, 2013
FROM PAGE ONE WINTER WHEAT Continued from page 1
based on 50 per cent of a farmer’s coverage is gone. Farmers will still be eligible for a reseeding benefit of 25 per cent if their winter wheat fails before June 20. But until now farmers could get 75 per cent of their coverage. In the past a farmer with $200-an-acre coverage on winter wheat could get $150 an acre if it failed before June 20; now that farmer will get just $50 an acre. “In our minds the difference between spring wheat and winter wheat is you usually lose your winter wheat crop by May 1 so you could replant canola on May 10 and have a wonderful crop of canola,” Van Deynze said. That’s not the case when reseeding a spring crop. Earlier this year Doug Wilcox, MASC’s manager of agronomy and program development said the old coverage created a “moral hazard.” “Winter wheat has received a disproportionate amount of payouts over the years,” he said. The upside is the winter wheat premiums farmers pay will be cut up to 40 per cent. The change shouldn’t discourage winter wheat plantings, Van Deynze said. “We believe the 25 per cent will cover costs like seed.”
Falcon class change
Starting Aug. 1, 2014, CDC Falcon will move to the Canada We s t e r n G e n e ra l Pu r p o s e (CWGP) class from the Canada Western Red Winter (CWRW ) wheat class. The change is being made
Watch for winter wheat data
To be eligible for full crop insurance, winter wheat must be seeded between Aug. 20 and Sept. 15. file photo
“AC Flourish has been moving really well, but the yields have been really great so we have a good supply.” Todd Hyra SeCan
because often Falcon falls short of CWRW quality standards and there are adequate supplies of a new CWRW winter wheat, AC Flourish, to replace CDC Falcon. AC Flourish, developed by Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada (AAFC), will be distributed by SeCan. “It has been moving really well, but the yields have been really great so we have a good s u p p l y,” s a i d To d d Hy r a ,
LEVY Continued from page 1
Trait Stewardship Responsibilities Notice to Farmers
“They told me, ‘Not to worry. Our commitment will still be honoured,’” said Vaags. “It was very considerate of them. They Monsanto Company is a member of Excellence Through called me half an hour after the Stewardship (ETS). Monsanto products are commercialized in accordance with ETS Product Launch Stewardship Guidance, and government press release was in compliance with Monsanto’s Policy for Commercialization of out to make sure I wasn’t getting Biotechnology-Derived Plant Products in Commodity Crops. This product has been approved for import into key export markets with any surprises.” functioning regulatory systems. Any crop or material produced Vaags said that he was told the from this product can only be exported to, or used, processed or sold in countries where all necessary regulatory approvals have $920,000 loan that he was prombeen granted. It is a violation of national and international law ised in 2011 through MCEC to to move material containing biotech traits across boundaries into nations where import is not permitted. Growers should talk support a $12-million expanto their grain handler or product purchaser to confirm their buying sion for his proposed 200-headposition for this product. Excellence Through Stewardship is a registered trademark of Excellence Through Stewardship. per-day, federally inspected ALWAYS READ AND FOLLOW PESTICIDE LABEL DIRECTIONS. slaughter plant near Carman Roundup Ready crops contain genes that confer tolerance to would still be forthcoming glyphosate, the active ingredient in Roundup brand agricultural through a different provincial herbicides. Roundup brand agricultural herbicides will kill crops that are not tolerant to glyphosate. Acceleron seed government department. treatment technology for corn is a combination of four separate Vaags’ expansion is half done, individually-registered products, which together contain the active ingredients metalaxyl, trifloxystrobin, ipconazole, and and he’s pegged February of clothianidin. Acceleron seed treatment technology for canola is next year as the completion a combination of two separate individually-registered products, which together contain the active ingredients difenoconazole, date for the plant that is aimed metalaxyl (M and S isomers), fludioxonil, thiamethoxam, and at serving the Winnipeg beef bacillus subtilis. Acceleron and Design , Acceleron , DEKALB and Design , DEKALB , Genuity and Design , Genuity Icons, Genuity , market, as well as fee-for-servRIB Complete and Design , RIB Complete , Roundup Ready 2 ice slaughter for niche markets Technology and Design , Roundup Ready 2 Yield , Roundup Ready , Roundup Transorb , Roundup WeatherMAX , Roundup , such as grass fed, bison, organic, SmartStax and Design , SmartStax , Transorb , VT Double PRO , elk, and lamb. YieldGard VT Rootworm/RR2 , YieldGard Corn Borer and Design and YieldGard VT Triple are trademarks of Monsanto Technology But he’s been kept waiting LLC. Used under license. LibertyLink and the Water Droplet for the loan to come through, Design are trademarks of Bayer. Used under license. Herculex is a registered trademark of Dow AgroSciences LLC. Used under which he said is an “intelicense. Respect the Refuge and Design is a registered trademark gral” part of his financing of the Canadian Seed Trade Association. Used under license. ©2013 Monsanto Canada Inc. arrangements. “Given the state of affairs at MCEC, how do you deliver on that commitment if there’s no money there?” said Vaags. “But at this point, I’m quite confident that the provincial government will find a way to make sure that commitment is honoured.” The Farm Products Marketing 10801A-Gen Legal Trait Stewardship-AF.indd 1 7/26/13 2:33 PM Council announced Aug. 30 that voluntary $2-per-head levy with which Manitoba hoped to boost beef cattle slaughter capacity in ®
® ®
SeCan’s business manager for Western Canada. Falcon is popular with farmers because of its high yield and short straw. AC Flourish yields even better, has shorter straw and higher protein, Hyra said. There are at least two other Falcon replacements in the pipeline. AC Emerson, also f ro m A A F C , w i l l b e c o m mercially launched next fall through Canterra Seeds. It’s the first wheat of any type in Western Canada rated as resistant to fusarium head blight. Although AC Emerson has an “R” rating, it isn’t immune to fusarium. Farmers should still take steps to mitigate the impact of the fungal disease. Limited supplies of AAC Gateway, another AAFC variety, will be available from Seed Depot under an identity-preserved program next fall. Full commercial release is expected in 2015.
the province would no longer be collected as of Sept. 1. The Manitoba Cattle Enhancement Council (MCEC), the levy collection and distribution agency, will now be wound down. Manitoba cattle producers will still be able to request refunds of the levies they paid over the 12 months ending Sept. 1. All livestock auction marts in the province are to be notified “immediately” of the levy’s end, the MCEC said. MCEC has operated since 2006 as manager of a levybacked investment fund meant to help finance slaughter facilities in Manitoba. The investment pool was funded by the compulsory-but-refundable levy of $2 per head on all cattle produced and sold in the province. The province matched levy contributions to the fund for its first three years. The council and levy were set up in the wake of the BSE crisis in 2003, when the U.S. shut its borders to Canadian cattle. Manitoba was caught with no federally inspected slaughter facility that could market beef interprovincially or for export — and the province’s producers had relatively little access to federally inspected plants in Ontario and Alberta. “The directors and staff at MCEC have gone above and beyond in their efforts to build federally inspected cattle capacity in Manitoba,” said Frieda Krpan, a producer at St. Laurent, Man. who in July was named MCEC’s chair, following Barry
Todd’s retirement from the post March 1. “However, we have agreed that it is in the best interest of Manitoba cattle producers to stop collecting the levy.” Manitoba’s need for federally inspected beef slaughter facilities “has not diminished over time, but private investment needs to take the lead,” she said in a release. Provincial Agriculture Minister Ron Kostyshyn said the province still believes Ma n i t o b a n e e d s f e d e ra l l y inspected cattle slaughter capacity, but he blamed the federal government’s 2009 withdrawal of $10 million in Slaughter Improvement Program (SIP) backing for a proposed plant in Winnipeg. Since then,“everyone has done their best to increase federal cattle slaughter capacity in Manitoba. As a cattle producer, I believe it is now time to end the levy before the fall cattle run.” M C E C we n t o n t o h e l p finance the expansion of provincial slaughter facilities as well as the purchase and preparation of the proposed beef project site in Winnipeg’s St. Boniface district. “MCEC spent $5.7 million developing the (St. Boniface) project based on the commitment that they were going to receive financing through the federal Slaughter Improvement Program,” Kostyshyn said. Another $1.1 million was spent to pursue “other options” for the project after the SIP funds were pulled. Manitoba’s provincial Tory
Under the Canadian Wheat Board’s monopoly, shifting Falcon to the general purpose class would’ve almost certainly meant lower prices. But the impact is less clear in an open market. “The market will determine its value relative to its replacement,” said Keith Bruch, vicepresident of operations for PatersonGlobalFoods. “Flourish is really the upa n d - c o m i n g r e d w i n t e r. Functionally it is... probably better. We’re trying to encourage farmers to plant Flourish instead of Falcon going forward and then it will be the market that determines values.” Despite the shift, for now Falcon’s insured dollar value stays the same as winter wheats in the CWRW class, Van Deynze said.
Winter wheat data to help farmers with variety selection should be in next week’s Manitoba Co-operator and posted online at even sooner. Manitoba Agriculture, Food and Rural Initiatives’ Pam de Rocquigny is analyzing the data collected from this year’s Manitoba Crop Evaluation Trials. Over the last five years Manitoba farmers have seeded an average of 330,000 acres of winter wheat yielding 64 bushels an acre. This year yields vary from 50 to 100 bushels an acre, but most are in the 60- to 70-bushel-an-acre range, de Rocquigny said. Ideally winter wheat should be seeded into standing stubble to catch insulating snow reducing winterkill, she said. The optimum plant stand is 25 to 28 per square foot. Thousand-kernel weight and seed germination should be used to calculate seeding rates, said de Rocquigny. “Don’t seed deep,” even if it’s dry, because it reduces seedling vigour, she said. Aim for a halfinch or less.
opposition, however, argued that the federal government pulled out because Ottawa did not believe the St. Boniface plant was viable. Tory Agriculture Critic Ralph Eichler said $8 million has been collected from producers through the levy, only for the government to now confirm that plans for a St. Boniface plant have failed. Ko s t y s h y n “s h o u l d b e ashamed of himself for getting so little return on the investment made by Manitoba’s cattle producers,” Eichler said in a release. “I don’t know how Minister Kostyshyn could look a fellow cattle producer in the eye and say he did his best for them.” Eichler said MCEC also has yet to deliver a $920,000 grant pledged to Carman-area meat packer Plains Processors. That grant got conditional approval from MCEC in 2011. Manitoba Beef Producers said it approves of the province’s decision to halt the levy and wind down MCEC, noting it has called for such a move through resolutions. M B P p r e s i d e n t Tr e v o r Atchison said the producer group “continues to support the expansion of federally inspected slaughter capacity in Manitoba provided there is a viable business plan.” Winnipeg lawyer Anders Bruun has been hired as an independent third party to work with MCEC on winding down the organization’s operations, MCEC said.
The Manitoba Co-operator | September 5, 2013
Risk of serious injury peaks now Heat, fatigue, and rushing can lead to not recognizing workplace hazards
Argentine wheat dodges weather bullet BUENOS AIRES / REUTERS A late-winter cold snap in Argentina has done little or no damage, experts say. The weather worries supported Chicago futures and came just as Argentina’s northern neighbour and main wheat buyer, Brazil, said it will have a smallerthan-expected crop this year due to July frosts. World demand for wheat is solid this year due in part to steady demand from China. Most local meteorologists and analysts said the antarctic air that blasted Argentina last week won’t affect yields because it hit too early in the season. “The leaves on some of the more susceptible varieties (of wheat) may have suffered from the cold, but the plants themselves can recuperate,” said Tomas Parenti, weather expert at the Rosario grains exchange.
Aussie wheat rebounding PERTH / REUTERS / Western Australia’s wheat production is set to rise 25 per cent in the 2013-14 year, with July rains likely to boost output, says CBH Group, the state’s largest grain handler. “We’ve had very good rainfall and our crop forecast has improved dramatically,” said Tom Puddy, head of marketing at CBH Group. “The rainfall has probably increased the yield potential by 15 to 20 per cent.” Overall, Australian wheat production is forecast at 25.0 million to 25.5 million tonnes, with 18 million tonnes to be exported.
before moving machinery to ensure no one is nearby, taking breaks to stay alert, never getting on or off moving equipment, and avoiding climbing or reaching into combine hoppers unless the engine or augers are stopped. “ Working long hours are essential but it’s important producers take the proper safety measures to ensure their own safety and health and that of others as well,” Shaw said. “It can be as simple as taking breaks every so often, or rotating jobs like switching off and driving the truck if you’re typically the combine driver.” The heat of the last two weeks will also take its toll, especially on fatigued workers so it’s critical that farmers and all those they’re working with stay hydrated and take time to eat properly, he said.
Taking breaks, or switching jobs between hauling and combining, can help maintain alertness. PHOTO: SUZANNE PADDOCK
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ith har vest in full swing, risk of serious injury in the farm workplace runs high so farmers are reminded to work safe while they work hard. There has been one farmrelated death in 2013, which occurred in August. No details were released at press time. In 2012 there were three farm-related deaths. In previous years there have been as many as eight or nine. “History tell us these are the months when significant injuries and fatalities often occur,” says Jeff Shaw, the provincial farm safety co-ordinator. “We’re hoping that the (farm safety) message is getting out there, but we can’t let our guard down. And we’re heading into busy times again.” Last year’s lower number of fatalities may have been the
outcome of a less stressful harvest, Shaw said. “Guys weren’t as rushed which means there was less fatigue and less stress. “But this year we did have a late spring and there’s the possibility of guys being more rushed to get the crop off. And that could lead to more fatigue and not recognizing hazards as quickly.” Shaw notes that there has not been a significant trend up or down with respect to agricultural non-fatal injuries. “People are still getting hurt,” he said. “We have to do our best to ensure our workers and our family members are trained for their job and know what the hazards are and know what to do when something goes wrong.” Tips listed on the Safe Farms website (www.safemanitoba. com) for working safe at harvest include taking precautions such as doing walk-around checks
VT500 G
Standability Rating
DEKALB 2.9 73-75 RR DEKALB 3.2 73-45 RR
L130 VR 9560 CL L159 1.8 VT 530 G VR 9562 GC 2.2 2.1 2.3 VR 9559 G 2.5 2.4
By Lorraine Stevenson
Monsanto Company is a member of Excellence Through Stewardship® (ETS). Monsanto products are commercialized in accordance with ETS Product Launch Stewardship Guidance, and in compliance with Monsanto’s Policy for Commercialization of Biotechnology-Derived Plant Products in Commodity Crops. This product has been approved for import into key export markets with functioning regulatory systems. Any crop or material produced from this product can only be exported to, or used, processed or sold in countries where all necessary regulatory approvals have been granted. It is a violation of national and international law to move material containing biotech traits across boundaries into nations where import is not permitted. Growers should talk to their grain handler or product purchaser to confirm their buying position for this product. Excellence Through Stewardship® is a registered trademark of Excellence Through Stewardship. ALWAYS READ AND FOLLOW PESTICIDE LABEL DIRECTIONS. Roundup Ready® crops contain genes that confer tolerance to glyphosate, the active ingredient in Roundup® brand agricultural herbicides. Roundup® brand agricultural herbicides will kill crops that are not tolerant to glyphosate. Genuity and Design®, Genuity®, Roundup Ready® and Roundup® are registered trademarks of Monsanto Technology LLC, Monsanto Canada, Inc. licensee. ©2013 Monsanto Canada Inc.
The Manitoba Co-operator | September 5, 2013
A crop with curves
Please forward your agricultural events to daveb@fbcpublishing. com or call 204-944-5762. Sept. 7: Manitoba Giant Growers Association giant pumpkin growers’ patch tour, starts 2:30 p.m. at 59 Sixth St. in Roland. For more info call Art Cameron at 204-3432314 or email artccam@gmail. com. Sept. 7-8: Double B Rodeo and Country Fair, Beausejour. Call 204-205-0723 or email doublebro Sept. 13: Food Matters Manitoba annual general meeting, 2-4 p.m., Neechi Commons, 865 Main St., Winnipeg. For more info or to RSVP (deadline Sept. 5) call 204-9430822 or email Sept. 13-15: Harvest Moon Festival, Clearwater. Visit harvestmoonfes Sept. 15: Open Farm Day. Over 60 participating host farms in Manitoba open their farm gates to the public. Learn more at www. or call 204-8215322 in Russell.
Hopefully this nice crop of hay photographed Aug. 27 missed the spotty weekend downpours that moved through southern Manitoba. photo: jeannette greaves
Trim: 17.
Sept. 19-20: Canada Beef Inc. annual forum, Sheraton Cavalier, 2620-32nd Ave. NE., Calgary. For more info visit or call 403-275-5890, ext. 310. Sept. 24-26: Western Nutrition Conference, Sheraton Cavalier, 612 Spadina Cres. E., Saskatoon. For more info visit or call 306933-4404. Sept. 28-29: Manitoba Plowing Match; horse, tractor and vintage classes. From Carberry, six miles north on Hwy. 5 to Road 67N and two miles west. For more information, contact, Barb Boundy, at Oct. 5: Roland Pumpkin Fair. Call 204-343-2314 or email artcam@ Oct. 9-10: National Farm Animal Care Conference, Hilton Garden Inn, 2400 Alert Rd., Ottawa. For more info visit ferences or call 403-932-1877. Oct. 22: Fields on Wheels Conference: Climate Change and Grain Transportation, Delta Winnipeg Hotel, 350 St. Mary Ave., Winnipeg. For more info visit ment/ti/2610.html or email trans Oct. 31-Nov. 2: Manitoba Livestock Expo, Brandon. Call 204726-3590 or visit Nov. 17-19: Manitoba Farm Women’s Conference, Canad Inns, 2401 Saskatchewan Ave. W., Portage la Prairie. For more info visit www.manitobafarmwomen Dec. 9-11: Canadian Forage and Grassland Association conference, Pomeroy Inn and Suites, Olds College, 4601-46th Ave., Olds, Alta. For more info call 204-726-9393 or visit events/current-events/. 2014 Feb. 4-5: Manitoba Beef Producers 35th annual general meeting, Victoria Inn, 3550 Victoria Ave. W., Brandon. For more info visit Feb. 25-27: Canola Council of Canada annual convention, San Antonio, Texas. For more info visit
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The Manitoba Co-operator | September 5, 2013
Two more transmission lines planned in southern Manitoba
Manitoba Hydro promising to consult but holding open houses during harvest draws criticism By Shannon VanRaes co-operator staff
ar mers and landown ers in southern Manitoba who mounted an unsuccessful fight to block the Bipole III transmission line are now facing the prospect of two more lines. Manitoba Hydro is planning two more lines — the St. Vital
“There were three open houses last week, all right during the middle of harvest.”
Karen Friesen photo: thinkstock
Transmission Complex and Manitoba-Minnesota Transmission Project — and again upsetting landowners in the process, said Karen Friesen, who farms near Niverville and is president of the Bipole III Coalition. “They’re already at the stage o f h a v i n g t h re e p ro p o s e d routes for the St. Vital project,” said Friesen. “It comes from St. V ital straight south to Letellier. That’s all prime agricultural land.” People aren’t happy with Manitoba Hydro’s consultation process, she added. “ T h e re we re t h re e o p e n houses last week, all right during the middle of harvest,” said Friesen. Manitoba Hydro’s Bipole III consultation process was criticized by the Clean Envi-
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Trim: 10”
ronment Commission, and the Crown corporation has “made significant modifications” to improve the process this time around, said Hydro spokesman Glenn Schneider. Thir ty-six stakeholder groups have already been consulted for the St. Vital Complex, and 2,200 letters sent out to landowners, he said. However, there was only two weeks’ notice for the open houses, which only drew 130 people. Friesen accused Hydro of trying to limit landowner input by holding them during harvest. However, Schneider said the timing was dictated by a need to file regulatory materials by December, and that input can also be provided by phone or email. “There will be another round of open houses in October,” he said. “In addition, we will meet personally with any landowner who wishes to discuss the project with us.” He also notes that lines for the St. Vital Complex will not be as high as those of a bipole line, allowing for “H-style” poles to be placed along road allowances. But they pose other problems, said Friesen, including more poles because the lines are lower and interfere with GPS equipment from AC lines. Her coalition has turned to the Canadian Association of Energy and Pipeline Landowner Associations, a nonprofit group that represents the interests of members facing a possible expropriation. The organization wants expropriation privileges for pipeline and power line companies repealed, and replaced by voluntary business agreements founded on property rights and bound by contract law, said Dave Core, the association’s CEO. “But in the meantime we have to live with the regulations that are there,” said Core. “ We’re not anti-development here, our role is to get landowners’ property rights respected and make sure we address all the liabilities, risk and costs that are imposed upon them.” The organization has negotiated land sales in Manitoba in the past, and also represented property owners in recent negotiations with Enbridge for pipeline access. “It’s not hard to expropriate one or two people who are causing you difficulties, but to expropriate everybody is challenging,” Core said. “That’s the way we level the playing field... there’s strength in numbers.” The Bipole III Coalition is working to make landowners aware of the association and consider whether it would be worthwhile becoming a member, Friesen said. “For us personally, we made the decision to join because this is the only option we have left... but ever yone has to make their own decision,” she said.
The Manitoba Co-operator | September 5, 2013
LIVESTOCK MARKETS Cattle Prices Winnipeg
August 30, 2013
Fall yearling run begins at Manitoba auction marts
Steers & Heifers 105.00 - 112.25 D1, 2 Cows 76.00 - 84.00 D3 Cows 66.00 - 75.00 Bulls 85.00 - 94.75 Feeder Cattle (Price ranges for feeders refer to top-quality animals only) Steers (901+ lbs.) 120.00 - 140.00 (801-900 lbs.) 136.00 - 142.00 (701-800 lbs.) 138.00 - 152.00 (601-700 lbs.) 145.00 - 162.00 (501-600 lbs.) 160.00 - 185.00 (401-500 lbs.) 165.00 - 186.00 Heifers (901+ lbs.) 110.00 - 125.00 (801-900 lbs.) 122.00 - 133.00 (701-800 lbs.) 127.00 - 137.00 (601-700 lbs.) 130.00 - 142.00 (501-600 lbs.) 135.00 - 148.00 (401-500 lbs.) 140.00 - 155.00
Alberta South $ 118.00 - 119.75 118.25 - 119.40 72.00 - 82.00 63.00 - 77.00 — $ 133.00 - 145.00 135.00 - 152.00 140.00 - 158.00 144.00 - 160.00 149.00 - 165.00 158.00 - 185.00 $ 123.00 - 134.00 128.00 - 140.00 130.00 - 144.00 130.00 - 145.00 130.00 - 149.00 140.00 - 160.00
($/cwt) (1,000+ lbs.) (850+ lbs.)
(901+ lbs.) (801-900 lbs.) (701-800 lbs.) (601-700 lbs.) (501-600 lbs.) (401-500 lbs.) (901+ lbs.) (801-900 lbs.) (701-800 lbs.) (601-700 lbs.) (501-600 lbs.) (401-500 lbs.)
Futures (August 30, 2013) in U.S. Fed Cattle Close Change August 2013 123.55 0.20 October 2013 126.97 -0.23 December 2013 130.25 0.53 February 2014 131.80 0.73 April 2014 133.00 1.10 June 2014 127.17 0.85 Cattle Slaughter Canada East West Manitoba U.S.
Feeder Cattle August 2013 September 2013 October 2013 November 2013 January 2014 March 2014
MCEC’s $2-per-head cattle levy ends as of Sept. 1
Previous Year 54,037 12,064 41,973 NA 652,000
Ontario $ 102.34 - 130.35 111.35 - 126.76 58.43 - 86.19 58.43 - 86.19 75.56 - 94.78 $ 134.70 - 149.84 139.10 - 156.00 133.48 - 163.59 126.06 - 170.01 128.02 - 187.95 143.47 - 195.49 $ 125.19 - 133.91 132.64 - 145.40 116.28 - 147.10 121.21 - 151.72 123.11 - 158.63 118.86 - 158.32
Close 155.05 156.22 158.00 158.77 157.80 157.40
Week Ending August 24, 2013 493 20,337 19,665 1,094 1,286 6,120 160
Prime AAA AA A B D E
Change -0.40 -1.48 -2.00 -1.68 -1.17 -0.82
Previous Year 428 24,499 21,474 1,299 1,121 4,161 454
Hog Prices Source: Manitoba Agriculture
(Friday to Thursday) ($/100 kg) E - Estimation MB. ($/hog) MB. (All wts.) (Fri-Thurs.) MB. (Index 100) (Fri-Thurs.) ON (Index 100) (Mon.-Thurs.) P.Q. (Index 100) (Mon.-Fri.)
Current Week 189.00E 174.00E 180.96 187.10
Futures (August 30, 2013) in U.S. Hogs October 2013 December 2013 February 2014 April 2014 May 2014
Last Week 195.29 179.92 188.49 193.54
Close 87.32 84.30 86.07 85.90 90.00
“When our dollar is weaker, the Americans will be more aggressive on our market.”
robin hill
Brandon Logan
Cattle Grades (Canada)
Week Ending August 24, 2013 49,576 12,614 36,962 NA 634,000
$1 Cdn: $ .9500 U.S. $1 U.S: $1.0526 Cdn.
(Friday to Thursday) Slaughter Cattle
Slaughter Cattle Grade A Steers Grade A Heifers D1, 2 Cows D3 Cows Bulls Steers
EXCHANGES: August 30, 2013
Last Year (Index 100) 163.52 150.20 147.57 156.79
Change -87.32 -84.30 -86.07 -85.90 -90.00
Other Market Prices
he number of yearlings enter ing Manitoba’s cattle markets jumped significantly during the week ended Aug. 30, signalling the beginning of the yearling run, according to Robin Hill, manager of Heartland Livestock at Virden. “We had about 950 yearlings this week, so we had a good yearling trade,” he said. “The yearling run has begun and we’re full swing ahead. Guys with yearlings try to have them marketed before the calf run starts, and the calf run is roughly a month away.” However, many yearlings are still on pasture heading into the first week of September. Hot, dry conditions the past few weeks have hardened pastures, Hill said, before noting that isn’t exactly a bad thing. “Harder pasture means more weight as long as there is something there for them to eat,” he said. “I’d say the pasture conditions across the province are still fair to good.” According to Manitoba Agriculture, Food and Rural Initiatives’ weekly crop progress report, pasture conditions varied significantly from region to region, based on the amount of precipitation received last week. The Canadian dollar played an important role in terms of demand again this week, as its continued weakness against its U.S. counterpart made Manitoba cattle more enticing for U.S. buyers. “ W h e n o u r d o l l a r i s w e a k e r, t h e Americans will be more aggressive on our market,” Hill said. “There are lots of orders and fight in all three directions ( Western Canada, Eastern Canada and the U.S.).” At the close on Aug. 30, the Canadian dollar was valued at US94.97 cents. From a producer’s viewpoint, Hill said, increased competition from U.S. buyers is making sellers very happy. “As a producer, we want to see competition, and the Americans are making it a very competitive marketplace today for the seller.” Butcher cow prices were steady again
this week, but Hill said prices could start to come down sooner rather than later. “Butcher cows and bulls have been fully steady the last three weeks of marketing,” he said. “However, on a normal fall, we will see prices back down due to increased volumes in September, October and November.” With harvest starting across Western Canada, grain prices will soon begin to weigh on cattle prices, as crop projections are favourable for the most part. Add in an expected record-large U.S. corn crop, and it’s more than likely that feed barley will continue to decline in price. It was also announced Aug. 30 that the Farm Products Marketing Council would end collection of Manitoba’s voluntary cattle enhancement levy effective Sept. 1, upon the recommendation of the Manitoba Cattle Enhancement Council (MCEC), a provincial release said. “ The Manitoba Cattle Enhancement Council and Manitoba’s livestock producers have shown their dedication to the future of the industry and we still believe that Manitoba needs federally inspected cattle slaughter capacity,” Agriculture Minister Ron Kostyshyn said in a release. “Since the federal government made the decision to withdraw it’s $10-million pledge (to a Winnipeg beef slaughter plant project from the federal Slaughter Improvement Program), everyone has done their best to increase federal cattle slaughter capacity in Manitoba,” he said. “As a cattle producer, I believe it is now time to end the levy before the fall cattle run. We hope the federal government will come back to the table if a new opportunity arises.” Brandon Logan writes for Commodity News Service Canada, a Winnipeg company specializing in grain and commodity market reporting.
Sheep and Lambs $/cwt Ewes Choice Lambs (110+ lb.) (95 - 109 lb.) (80 - 94 lb.) (Under 80 lb.) (New crop)
Winnipeg (head) (wooled fats) — Next Sale is Sept. 4
Chickens Minimum broiler prices as of May 23, 2010 Under 1.2 kg................................... $1.5130 1.2 - 1.65 kg.................................... $1.3230 1.65 - 2.1 kg.................................... $1.3830 2.1 - 2.6 kg...................................... $1.3230
Turkeys Minimum prices as of September 1, 2013 Broiler Turkeys (6.2 kg or under, live weight truck load average) Grade A .................................... $2.035 Undergrade .............................. $1.945 Hen Turkeys (between 6.2 and 8.5 kg liveweight truck load average) Grade A .................................... $2.025 Undergrade .............................. $1.925 Light Tom/Heavy Hen Turkeys (between 8.5 and 10.8 kg liveweight truck load average) Grade A .................................... $2.025 Undergrade .............................. $1.925 Tom Turkeys (10.8 and 13.3 kg, live weight truck load average) Grade A..................................... $1.920 Undergrade............................... $1.835 Prices are quoted f.o.b. farm.
Toronto 69.61 - 103.05 144.87 - 159.45 161.45 - 171.05 155.91 - 175.16 134.23 - 193.17 —
SunGold Specialty Meats 40.00
Eggs Minimum prices to producers for ungraded eggs, f.o.b. egg grading station, set by the Manitoba Egg Producers Marketing Board effective June 12, 2011. New Previous A Extra Large $1.8500 $1.8200 A Large 1.8500 1.8200 A Medium 1.6700 1.6400 A Small 1.2500 1.2200 A Pee Wee 0.3675 0.3675 Nest Run 24 + 1.7490 1.7210 B 0.45 0.45 C 0.15 0.15
Goats Kids Billys Mature
Winnipeg (head) (Fats) — — —
Toronto ($/cwt) 85.23 - 222.04 — 79.98 - 189.48
Horses <1,000 lbs. 1,000 lbs.+
Winnipeg ($/cwt) — —
Toronto ($/cwt) 4.92 - 32.00 20.79 - 44.35
China says to boost corn imports beijing / reuters China’s agriculture minister said the world’s secondlargest corn consumer will gradually boost imports to meet growing demand, reflecting the challenge China faces in trying to achieve self-sufficiency in food output. Rising dependence from China on corn imports would bring about a long-
term change in global trade in the grain and support international prices. Chinese buying has already had a big impact on the cost of corn. When the country bought a record volume in 2011-12 it helped drive benchmark Chicago corn prices to $8 a bushel — more than double the average of the past decade. Any change of self-sufficiency policy for corn could herald long-term growth in imports in line with soybeans, where the policy has been dropped. China’s soy-
bean imports have surged over the past decade to a forecast 69 million tonnes in 2013-14, and account for over 60 per cent of the global sea-borne market. “We will gradually expand corn imports,” Han Changfu told state media, in an interview published on the ministry’s website. (www. “The growing consumption of meat, eggs and dairy has boosted demand for the feed grain ... the expansion of the cornprocessing industry also needs more corn.”
Looking for results? Check out the market reports from livestock auctions around the province. » PaGe 36
The Manitoba Co-operator | September 5, 2013
GRAIN MARKETS Export and International Prices
Volatility still possible for canola this month Large crops remain a bearish influence on wheat markets
Last Week
All prices close of business August 29, 2013
Week Ago
Year Ago
Chicago wheat (nearby future) ($US/tonne)
Minneapolis wheat (nearby future) ($US/tonne)
Coarse Grains Chicago corn (nearby future) ($US/tonne)
Chicago oats (nearby future) ($US/tonne)
Chicago soybeans (nearby future) ($US/tonne)
Chicago soyoil ($US/tonne)
Phil Franz-Warkentin CNSC
CE Futures Canada canola contracts saw some wide price swings during the week ended Aug. 30, initially climbing sharply in sympathy with the rallying U.S. soy complex, but then spending the rest of the week retracing its steps to finish with only small advances overall. Hot and dry U.S. weather conditions, and the accompanying concerns that soybean yields may be compromised, sent soybeans rallying sharply higher on Monday. Canola followed suit, but the crop’s own relatively bearish fundamentals took over as the week progressed. Soybeans also backed away from their gains, as forecasts turned more moderate and the improving moisture prospects had traders taking some of the recently created risk premiums out of the futures. While the U.S. heat created some concerns for soybeans and corn, similar conditions across the Canadian Prairies came at just the right time for canola crops and helped speed up development ahead of the harvest. Swathing is underway in all three provinces, and combining will soon pick up steam. Anecdotal reports point to good yields, with most in the industry now banking on a canola crop well above the already-record 14.7 million tonnes currently forecast by Statistics Canada. While the end is near, the canola crop is not yet completely made, which leaves the door open for some volatility over the next month. A possible frost is one such uncertainty in the background, as cool temperatures are not out of the question moving into September. A frost at this time is unlikely to hurt yields, but quality downgrades are a possibility. Fr o m a t e c h n i c a l s t a n d p o i n t , t h e November canola contract hit an intersession high of C$544.90 per tonne during the week, but its highest settlement was $538. Former resistance around $520 per tonne acted as nearby support, but the looming harvest pressure could easily overpower any chart signals and take values considerably lower. U.S. weather conditions, and the result-
For three-times-daily market reports from Commodity News Service Canada, visit “Today in Markets” at
Winnipeg Futures ICE Futures Canada prices at close of business August 30, 2013 barley
ing swings in soybeans, will also have more play in the canola market than any of the commodity’s own fundamentals over the next month. If the soybean crop doesn’t get enough moisture, November soybeans could quickly rally back above the psychological US$14-per-bushel level breached briefly during the week. However, if conditions improve, long liquidation would then come forward to take prices lower, with a sizable gap on the charts between US$13.30 and $13.48 needing to be filled. Corn futures also rallied with U.S. weather concerns, but not to the same extent as soybeans. The corn crop is much further along, and the hot, dry weather was not as detrimental to its development during the week. December corn settled just above the US$5-per-bushel level on Monday, but failed to see any follow-through buying interest. New weather concerns or a rally in soybeans could lead to a retest of that chart point. Activity in wheat was a little more subdued, although the Minneapolis, Kansas City and Chicago futures all posting small gains but holding were relatively rangebound overall. Gains in corn were somewhat supportive, but large global wheat crops remain a bearish influence overhanging the market. The International Grains Council raised its projections for the size of the world wheat crop by four million tonnes, with total production now forecast at 691 million tonnes. Part of the increase was due to Canada’s improving prospects. Phil Franz-Warkentin writes for Commodity News Service Canada, a Winnipeg company specializing in grain and commodity market reporting.
Last Week
Week Ago
October 2013
December 2013
March 2014
Last Week
Week Ago
November 2013
January 2014
March 2014
Special Crops Report for September 3, 2013 — Bin run delivered plant Saskatchewan Spot Market
Spot Market
Lentils (Cdn. cents per pound)
Other ( Cdn. cents per pound unless otherwise specified)
Large Green 15/64
22.00 - 23.00
Laird No. 1
20.00 - 22.00
Oil Sunflower Seed
Eston No. 2
16.00 - 17.75
Desi Chickpeas
24.75 - 27.00 — 20.00 - 21.00
Field Peas (Cdn. $ per bushel)
Beans (Cdn. cents per pound)
Green No. 1
8.80 - 10.50
Fababeans, large
Medium Yellow No. 1
6.40 - 7.30
Feed beans
Feed Peas (Cdn. $ per bushel)
No. 1 Navy/Pea Beans
38.00 - 40.00
Feed Pea (Rail)
No. 1 Great Northern
5.25 - 8.60
Mustardseed (Cdn. cents per pound)
No. 1 Cranberry Beans
60.00 - 60.00
Yellow No. 1
37.75 - 38.75
No. 1 Light Red Kidney
50.00 - 50.00
Brown No. 1
35.75 - 37.75
No. 1 Dark Red Kidney
55.00 - 55.00
Oriental No. 1
27.30 - 28.75
No. 1 Black Beans
40.00 - 42.00
No. 1 Pinto Beans
40.00 - 41.00
No. 1 Small Red Source: Stat Publishing
No. 1 Pink
— 40.00 - 42.00
Fargo, ND
Goodlands, KS
32.00* Call for details
Report for August 30, 2013 in US$ cwt NuSun (oilseed) Confection Source: National Sunflower Association
Weaker futures cause CWB to lower 2013-14 wheat PROs By Commodity News Service Canada
CWB (formerly known as the Canadian Wheat Board) has lowered Pool Return Outlooks (PROs) for wheat in its 2013-14 (Aug./Jul.) Annual and Early Delivery pools, according to an updated report released on August 15. CWB noted in the report that they lowered PROs by $23 and $25 per tonne in the Delivery and Annual pools, respectively. The report said that recent weak-
ness in the U.S. futures markets and strength in the value of the Canadian dollar caused them to move PROs lower. Wheat futures markets in the U.S. have been weaker due to expectations that global supplies of both wheat and corn will be very large in 2013-14. Generally good conditions for wheat across the globe, including Canada, Europe and the Black Sea region have also been bearish for wheat prices. Durum PROs were lowered slightly by CWB, as Canadian crop prospects are looking good so far. CWB moved malting barley PROs lower in reaction to news of good
crop prospects in Western Canada, as well as Europe and Australia. Canola PROs were also lowered, due to a recent downturn in prices in both futures and cash markets.
Dry weather threatens U.S. soybean yields chicago / reuters / U.S. soybean conditions are likely to decline this week due to insufficient weekend rain and forecasts for mostly dry weather in the days ahead for key crop areas, agricultural meteorologists said Sept. 3. “I don’t think there will be any major improvements,” said John
Dee, meteorologist for Global Weather Monitoring. “If anything, conditions will go down again.” Most of the concern is for soybeans as corn is further along in development. “There is a pretty dry week ahead, though temperatures will be cooler this week,” Dee said. Commodity Weather Group meteorologist Joel Widenor said the weekend rains were better than expected along the Iowa-Nebraska border but still missed many of the driest Midwest soybean areas. “About 40 per cent of the Soybean Belt remains severely dry and will continue to see yield losses mount as growth finishes up,” Widenor said.
The Manitoba Co-operator | September 5, 2013
Niverville unveils new state-of-the-art personal-care home Assisted living, supportive care, and now personal-care home provide full aging-in-place services in Niverville Over 600 people attend the opening of the Heritage Life Personal Care Home in Niverville on August 20. supplied photo
By Lorraine Stevenson co-operator staff / niverville
new state-of-the-art personal-care home unveiled here this summer has caught the attention of at least three other towns in rural Manitoba. The 80-bed Heritage Life Personal Care Home includes the country’s first special-care 20-bed unit designed specifically for patients with aggressive and overactive Alzheimer’s or suffering from dementia. It’s also the province’s first personal-care home to be funded entirely by the community. And its $13.2-million price tag works out to a cost of just over $150,000 per bed, well below the $400,000-per-bed cost of a government-funded facility. That’s caught the attention of others — including officials from Carman and two other towns, said Gordon Daman, volunteer president of Heritage Life Personal Care Home and vice-president of Niverville Heritage Holdings Inc., the non-profit board behind the facility’s construction. “We recognize that this isn’t just about Niverville,” he said. “This is about the region and indeed the province as a whole. Future builds will likely very strongly consider the model that’s been developed here.” The new facility adjoins the town’s Heritage Centre, a 36-suite assisted-living and supportive-care residence completed in 2007 and is also tied in with a new primary health-care centre. The project dates back to 2003 when Niverville’s
“We recognize that this isn’t just about Niverville. This is about the region and indeed the province as a whole. Future builds will likely very strongly consider the model that’s been developed here.” Gordon Daman
president Heritage Life Personal Care Home and vicepresident of Niverville Heritage Holdings Inc.
town council had a growing population with no health-care services and dearth of seniors’ housing. Although it was the fastest-growing centre in the province, older residents were leaving for places that had seniors’ housing or a hospital. Losing older citizens isn’t good for any community, said Daman. “Individuals who realize there won’t be a place for them to live (as they age) in the community will literally begin to start checking out,” Daman said. That has a ripple effect and affects volunteerism, support for local businesses, and other facets of community life, he said. “There’s even a trickle down to the next generation.” So community residents embraced an ‘aging-inplace’ strategy, a vision founded on ensuring there is
adequate housing for people in all stages of life. The community raised nearly $2.5 million over 10 years to make both the Heritage Centre and now Heritage Life Personal Care Home a reality. “There have been a lot of individuals who have given their hard-earned dollars in a very philanthropic way to be able to see this move forward,” Daman said. Building the new facility next to the Heritage Centre helped to lower construction costs, but local tradespeople also reduced their rates, which saved about 25 per cent on the construction bill. They were happy to help, Daman said. “They’ve experienced where family and friends have had to leave the community, too,” he said. The project initially involved having the community-owned Niverville Heritage Holdings purchase the personal-care home in St. Adolphe and working with the regional health authority and the Manitoba government to develop a plan to replace that 42-bed facility. The new personal-care home was built in a partnership between the provincial government, Niverville Heritage Holdings, and Southern Health-Sante Sud, with the province agreeing to provide more than $5 million per year in operating funds for the new home. “This is an important part of the Manitoba government’s plan to build hundreds more personal-care home beds across Manitoba,” Health Minister Theresa Oswald stated in a news release.
The Manitoba Co-operator | September 5, 2013
Send your recipes or recipe request to: Manitoba Co-operator Recipe Swap Box 1794, Carman, Man. ROG OJO or email:
Corn ahead Lorraine Stevenson Crossroads Recipe Swap
f you’ve thrived in last month’s heat, you’re kind of corny. Corn loves the heat too, and needs a lot of it to become that sweet, latesummer crop we crave. Crop development was five to 14 days behind usual due to the cooler weather in July, says Tom Gonsalves, Manitoba Agriculture Food and Rural Initiatives’ vegetable specialist. But there are now ample supplies of sweet corn on the market, about 750 to 850 acres’ worth, Gonsalves ‘guesstimates.’ But before you buy, ask if it’s locally grown, says Gonsalves, as there’s also a fair amount of corn coming in from B.C., Ontario and the U.S. “I think most consumers equate local with fresh,” he says. “(Local) could be picked the day before. But if it comes from wherever, it’ll be more like a week from the time it gets picked and put in transit and shipped.” Don’t assume the bicoloured corn you’re buying is ‘Peaches and Cream,’ either. Farmers grow varieties best suited to location and while Peaches and Cream is a very popular variety, it’s certainly not the only one. Super Sweet,
Hearty Corn and Black Bean Soup This thick, rich, satisfying soup is a great way to welcome fall. 2 large onions, chopped 1 lb. bacon, chopped 2 lbs. dried black beans 12-1/2 c. chicken broth 1–2 bottles light-tasting beer, or use 2–4 cups water or additional chicken broth 6 ears fresh sweet corn, husks removed Juice and zest of 2 limes 6 ribs celery, chopped 3 green bell peppers, chopped 2 red bell peppers, chopped 1 yellow bell pepper, chopped 3 jalapenos, finely chopped 6 cloves garlic, pressed or minced 2 tsp. cumin 1 tsp. salt 1 tsp. pepper Optional toppings: Cheddar cheese, sour cream, crumbled cooked bacon
In a large, heavy pot, cook onions and bacon over medium heat, stirring, until bacon is cooked but not crispy. Add black beans, chicken broth, and beer, and heat to boiling. Once mixture comes to a boil, stir it once, cover it with a lid, and remove from heat. Allow to sit for 1 hour. Return mixture to a boil. Reduce heat and simmer for 1 hour, stirring frequently. Using a sharp knife, carefully cut kernels off the ears of corn. Add kernels to pot along with lime juice and zest, celery, peppers, jalapeno, garlic, and seasonings. Continue to simmer for another 20 minutes, until beans and all vegetables are tender and soup is quite thick. Serve hot, topped with cheddar cheese, sour cream, and/or crumbled bacon. Serves 6 to 8. Source: Sweet Corn Spectacular
Northern Sweet and Extra Supersweet are some of the varieties available. Don’t hesitate to ask which variety is being sold, adds Gonsalves. Asking questions is a good way to gauge whether the seller knows and cares about growing quality corn or is just someone hoping to cash in on a quick-selling crop. Two of his favourite questions are: ‘How long have you been growing corn?’ and, ‘What kind of year has this one been compared to last?’ “You can interpret from the responses you get if the person really knows and understands a bit about what they’re doing,” he says. If you want advice on what to do with sweet corn once you’re home in the kitchen, Marie Porter can help you out. The former Winnipegger is a professional baker and cookbook author now living in Minnesota. Just in time for corn season, she has released Sweet Corn Spectacular (Minnesota Historical Society Press, 136 pages, $18.95) containing more than 70 recipes for every corn-based appetizer, side dish, main dish and dessert you can imagine. Her love of corn began at Morden’s Corn and Apple Festival and her husband — who she calls “The King of All Corn Freaks” — inspired the cookbook. “He can live on corn. It’s his favourite food,” she says.
Sweet Corn Panna Cotta Steeping dairy ingredients with fresh, sweet corn provides the base of a wide variety of creamy desserts — the ideal way to show off corn’s sweet, subtle flavour, says Marie. This recipe produces a beautiful dessert, with the clear flavour of corn shining through. 1-1/2 tsp. unflavoured gelatin powder 3 tbsp. cold water 2–3 ears fresh sweet corn, husks removed 3/4 c. milk 1 c. heavy cream 1/2 c. granulated sugar 1/2 c. sour cream Toppings (see below)
The recipes for the cookbook originated with a big corn feast she prepared for his birthday a few years ago, with every item on the table made from corn. Sweet corn fudge, anyone? It’s the desserts in this cookbook that intrigue me the most. Sweet corn pairs really beautifully with milk and cream, says Porter. “I’ll use corn in pretty much any type of dessert,” she says. She’s even got a recipe for corn ice cream and the dish is “really trendy down here at state fair time,” she notes. Porter says she hopes her recipes inspire year-round use of corn, and encourage tasty experimenting in your own kitchen. Sweet Corn Spectacular is the third of what’s called the Northern Plate series, published by MHSP, celebrating the bounty of the American Upper Midwest by focusing on a single ingredient. Here are two recipes reprinted from Sweet Corn Spectacular. You can find out more about this and MHSP’s other cookbooks, and ordering info at http://discussions. You can also order this book on I put in a call to McNally Robinson Booksellers in Winnipeg about it last week and they’ve already ordered copies.
Recipe swap If you have a recipe or a column suggestion please write to: Manitoba Co-operator Recipe Swap Box 1794 Carman, Man. R0G 0J0 or email Lorraine Stevenson at:
Sprinkle the gelatin over the cold water in a small bowl and let soak for 5 minutes. Using a sharp knife, carefully cut kernels off the ears of corn. Add kernels to a food processor or blender along with the milk. Process until corn is rendered into small pieces. Pour into a saucepan along with heavy cream. Heat corn and liquid mixture just to a simmer, stirring occasionally; do not let it boil. Remove from heat, and allow to steep for 10 minutes. Once mixture has steeped, pour it through a fine-mesh strainer into a clean saucepan; discard kernel pulp. Add sugar, and heat mixture over medium just to a simmer once again, stirring to dissolve sugar. Meanwhile, microwave the gelatin on high for about 15 seconds or until melted. Once the milk mixture has come to a simmer, remove it from the heat. Whisk in the gelatin until fully incorporated and the mixture is smooth. Add sour cream, whisking until fully incorporated and smooth. Pour into 4 greased ramekins or custard cups. Chill for at least 2 hours, until set. Top with glazed nuts or a berry or caramel sauce of your choosing. Serves 4. Source: Sweet Corn Spectacular PHOTO: THINKSTOCK
The Manitoba Co-operator | September 5, 2013
Take a trip to Treherne Plenty to see in this south-central area By Donna Gamache Freelance contributor
f you’re looking for a new spot to visit, try a trip to the Treherne area, in south-central Manitoba. My husband and I spent a few hours in the region this summer, and were pleased with our explorations. First on anyone’s list in visiting Treherne should be the “bottle buildings,” located at the corner of Railway Avenue and Alexander Street, beside the Visitor Centre. The site is open every day during the summer months, from 11 to 7, with shorter hours in the off-season. (Check at s.hird@treherne. ca or call 204-723-2044.) We visited on a Sunday and were given a tour by a very knowledgeable volunteer. During the week hired students work at the office, and we learned that student volunteers also help with cleanup in the spring and fall. The glass bottle buildings — which include a house, a church, a bathroom and a wishing well — are the work of a Treherne couple, Bob and Dora Cain, and their friend, Fred Harp. The Cains had seen glass structures on visits to Ontario and B.C., and decided they wanted to build something similar. Harp joined them in the construction, which was originally on the Cains’ farm, six miles (approximately 9.6 km) north of Treherne. Dora’s contribution was mainly cleaning all the bottles and removing the labels — no small task in itself. The structures are made of ale and whiskey bottles — mostly of clear and green glass, with a few darkbrown ones for accent. The bottles are arranged in pleasing patterns, concrete mortar filling in the spaces between. On the outside the bottles are arranged evenly; inside they are more uneven, depending on the size and height of the bottles. The first building,
the house, used about 4,000 bottles, which took over three years to collect. Antique and foreign bottles, donated from around the world, are also displayed inside. The bottle buildings are an inspiration for anyone with a dream to fulfil. When the Cains began the construction, they had already celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary! The house, with “Bob” and “Dora” spelled out in glass is dated 1982, and the following year the trio took about three months to build the church. For many years, until 2005, the Cains welcomed visitors at their farm to see the display. Some years up to 5,000 visitors arrived, including whole busloads. Eventually Dora convinced Bob that they needed an operating bathroom for the visitors to use — which is how the glass bathroom came into being, and their son, Joe, installed running water and a sink. (The glass — about 1,000 bottles — lets in enough light, but you can’t see through it.) After the couple passed away (Dora in 2002 and Bob in 2006), the bottle buildings were donated to the community by the W.A. Cain family. Local officials from Treherne and the RM of South Norfolk and volunteer groups pooled their resources to move the structures and re-establish them in Treherne, where they have become a definite tourist attraction. The moving was apparently completed without any bottles being broken. The tiny church, which seats about eight people, contains around 5,000 bottles and pews were cut in half to make them fit. The church has an organ donated by the MacGregor Anglican Church, as well as stained glass windows donated by the Cypress River Anglican Church. Over the years, five weddings have been held in the church, the latest in 2008.
The glass church seats about eight people. GAMACHE photos
Once you’ve explored the bottle buildings, don’t miss out on some other attractions in the area. Drive farther west along Railway Avenue to the Treherne Museum, which has a variety of pioneer and First Nations artifacts, including antique farm machinery, a pioneer house and an extensive collection of antique guns. We weren’t able to visit inside the buildings, as the museum is not open on Sundays, but we loved the beautiful murals, by renowned painter Hubert Théroux, showing scenes from years gone by. Take time to check out the Treherne United Church on Boyne Street, a designated heritage site built in 1908. We also visited the campground for a picnic, and later strolled along part of the Boyne Valley Trails. The nature section of this trail is about 1.5 km, located on the east side of the village. Two bridges, one a covered one, cross the Boyne River.
Museum murals were painted by Hubert Théroux.
While we were in the area, we drove about nine km south along No. 242 to the Pinkerton Lakes, a wildlife refuge with a viewing tower overlooking the lake. This area is definitely worth a visit! Donna Gamache writes from MacGregor, Manitoba
Nuisance or bonus plant? Spreaders — love them or hate them By Albert Parsons Freelance contributor
t’s funny how one person’s problem is often regarded by another as a bonus. So it is in the garden where some people abhor certain perennials because they are classified as “spreaders” while some of us welcome these easy-care and prolific plants into our gardens and let them spread in great drifts throughout our landscapes. What are some of these “problem plants” and how can they be incorporated into the landscape so that they are not too much of a nuisance? Here are a few of the most notorious. Many of the members of the campanula family — among them the common creeping bellflower — are know for their spreading habit since their underground roots spread out aggressively from the parent plant. Tansy — I’m referring to the domestic cultivar, “fern-leaf ” tansy,
with its bright-gold umbels — is another perennial with a “spreader” reputation. Its long roots will easily spread out a couple of metres in one growing season. Japanese spurge, like its cousin the native leafy spurge, also spreads by way of an aggressive underground root system. I like its lovely soft foliage — very useful in flower arrangements — and i t s b r i g h t , s u l p h u r- ye l l ow blooms, which appear in s p r i n g a n d a g a i n i n m i dsummer. Some shade-loving perennials also have a bad “spreader” reputation. Two of them are bishop’s goutweed and lily-of-the-valley. How does a gardener include these often pesky plants into the garden without causing untold grief in the not-too-distant future? The trick is to plant them in an appropriate location where their spreading habit can be contained. These plants are often tough as nails, tolerating
drought, poor soil, and neglect while still producing an attractive display of foliage and bloom. Most of us have such spots in our landscapes where we would appreciate some colour but have tried growing numerous other plants with little success. Often such spots are separated from the rest of the landscape — they are beside an old shed, across the driveway from the landscaped house yard, or squeezed between the house foundation and the cement walkway. Such locations are ideal for such plants because they will be unable to escape into surrounding cultivated areas; they will be contained and restrained! I have my Japanese spurge contained in a raised bed beside the sunken patio — on one side is a rock retaining wall separating the bed from the lawn and on the other is the paved patio. Although a few sprigs appear in the lawn from time to time they are eas-
ily removed. I have my tansy located in a similar spot farther along in this raised bed. I originally planted it in one of my perennial borders — a big mistake — and it took me two years to eradicate it from that border; it spread like wildfire. Bishop’s goutweed and lily-ofthe-valley often are used along the north sides of buildings or under trees where they can be allowed to spread at will, creating attractive ground covers in these difficult-to-manage locations. Many other perennials, such as filipendula, ribbon grass, evening primrose, and obedient plant (physostegia) also will spread by underground r unners. I find that these plants can be contained with a ruthless spring cleanup. I simply use a sharp spade and remove two-thirds of each clump when I am digging the beds. This technique seems to keep them in bounds. Don’t dismiss “spreader” perennials without a second thought;
This fern-leaf tansy is contained by rock retaining walls and dense shrubbery. PHOTO: ALBERT PARSONS
they can be useful plants in the landscape and with a bit of careful management, they will deliver beauty, not bother, to the gardener. Albert Parsons writes from Minnedosa, Manitoba
The Manitoba Co-operator | September 5, 2013
Brandon Friends of the Bluebirds Shoal Lake couple has been involved for 20 years By Darrell Nesbitt Freelance contributor
aking over lines from a former bluebird enthusiast in 1994, a husband and wife team from Shoal Lake is marking the 20th year of being involved in the association, Brandon Friends of the Bluebirds. Ray and Barbara Pettinger, who took over bluebird lines from Cliff Findlay, a former Shoal lake resident, oversee close to 100 nesting boxes in various areas, with the 72 bluebird boxes on the St. Lazare line being the most productive. “Located in a community pasture, we have seen the best success in the St. Lazare area, with other small lines in the Wattsview and Shoal Lake areas, overtaken by swallows,” said Barbara, who is the secretary of Brandon Friends of the Bluebirds – a bluebird conservation group. The Pettingers say the beneficial part of the Nesting Box Program is seeing the population remain fairly stable. While there are both mountain and eastern bluebirds at St. Lazare
Ray Pettinger banding a bluebird nesting on the St. Lazare line, with grandchildren looking on. COURTESY PHOTO
and Wattsview, the eastern population has increased since the Pettingers took over the line. Ray bands the nestlings and also the female while she is sitting on the eggs, and he has occasionally recaptured birds that he previously banded. Working together, Ray builds his own boxes and Barbara
records statistics about eggs, fledglings and band numbers. Boxes are monitored five or six times during the summer. “The exciting part is finding something different such as white eggs (they are normally blue), seeing a nest with eight eggs (the usual is five or six), finding nest boxes demolished
by a bear, solitude, picnicking in the pasture, enjoying nature and the ever-changing wildflowers, seeing a scissortailed flycatcher (not usually any farther north than midUnited States, and cross-nesting between the mountain and eastern bluebirds,” said Barbara. Today, there are about 100 bluebird enthusiasts on the mailing list of Brandon Friends of the Bluebirds, but not all of them monitor boxes. New members are always welcome to the organization of which Herb Goulden is chairman (, Barbara Pettinger, secretary (pettinger@, and Joan McTavish, treasurer.
Reversing decline
Bluebirds – a shy, beautiful bird – had all but vanished from Manitoba in the 1930s. The native pasture it needs to survive had been plowed under for urban landscapes and farming. There was also competition from starlings and sparrows, which are not indigenous to North America but were brought over from
England, which were pushing out the bluebirds. A railroader from Brandon n a m e d Ja c k L a n e t o o k u p the cause in 1960 and began building birdhouses specifically designed for bluebirds. His enthusiasm was contagious and bluebird birdhouse construction was being taken up by youth clubs. Today, if y o u’r e t r a v e l l i n g d ow n a farm road or lesser highway in western Manitoba, you’re apt to come across a series of birdhouses nailed to the fence posts. W i t h L a n e’s p a s s i n g i n 1975, Brandon Friends of the Bluebirds was formed and is still preserving the elusive bird 53 years after he began. It’s an all-volunteer association run without government funding. Data collected by members is forwarded to the North American Bluebird Society. There are approximately 2,300 boxes within Manitoba, t h a n k s t o vo l u n t e e r s w h o cherish the bluebird and its song. Darrell Nesbitt writes from Shoal Lake, Manitoba
Lessons to take to college Here’s some tips to stay healthy when leaving home By Julie Garden-Robinson NDSU Extension Service
hen high school graduates leave home for further education, they get their long-awaited freedom from parents and family rules. They are free to set up and maintain their limited living space as they prefer, often in collaboration with a roommate. They are on their own to get up in the morning, eat, do their homework, arrive at part-time jobs on time and attend to all their other responsibilities. Then there’s the all-important social life. We, as parents, hope that some of the lessons we have tried to instil along their path to adulthood “stick.” College brings new responsibilities, opportunities to learn and grow as young adults, plus many temptations and some risks. Here are a few tips about staying healthy for young adults, most of which also apply to the rest of us who aren’t so young anymore. These are adapted from tips from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. • Have a medical checkup and be sure your vaccinations are up to date. Be aware of your family history and let your health-care provider know. If you know you might be at risk for diabetes, cancer or heart disease, prevention steps, such as a healthful diet and activity, should begin when
you are young. Know the campus health resources. • Get your sleep. Yes, it’s tempting to stay up all night with your buddies in the dorm or “pull an all-nighter” to prepare for an exam. However, we all need plenty of sleep (about eight hours) to avoid being sluggish and having difficulty concentrating. In the long term, too little sleep is linked with obesity, heart disease, diabetes and depression. Be sure to limit caffeine and stick with a sleep schedule, even on weekends. • Get some exercise. Fitness e x p e r t s re c o m m e n d , o n average, about 2.5 hours of physical activity per week, or about 30 minutes of moderate physical activity on five or more days of the week. Exercise helps reduce stress and promotes the maintenance of a healthy weight. For fun and health, college students can join an intramural sports team or find an exercise buddy to visit the gym. • Eat a healthful diet. Campus cuisine features ample buffet lines and vending machines. The wide array of foods can promote the overconsumption of calories, and potentially, a weight gain of 15 pounds (“the freshman 15”). However, be sure to get up early enough to eat some breakfast. Your brain needs fuel, and a protein-containing breakfast will help you
It may seem like a good idea to stay up all night to prepare for an exam, but lack of sleep can make you sluggish and create concentration difficulties. photo: thinkstock
feel full longer and can help with weight maintenance. In addition, eating disorders also can become an issue during college years, so be aware of campus counselling resources. • Avo i d s u b s t a n c e a b u s e. According to the CDC, about 80 per cent of college students drink alcohol, which is linked with many other risky
behaviours, including smoking. Cigarette smoking can have lifelong health consequences, including cancer and respiratory problems. During the past several years, I have worked with my college interns to create a series of handouts called “Cooking 101.” The handouts feature nutrition tips, recipes and menus to help young adults and others
prepare affordable, quick and nutritious meals. They are available at eatsmart. (Click on Singles and Couples.) Julie Garden-Robinson, PhD, R.D., L.R.D., is a North Dakota State University Extension Service food and nutrition specialist and professor in the department of health, nutrition and exercise sciences.
The Manitoba Co-operator | September 5, 2013
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“ E v e r y o n e tal k s ab o ut the weathe r , but n o o n e d o es a n y thi n g ab o ut it . ” M a r k Tw a i n , 18 9 7
Warm weather trying to stay in place Issued: Monday, September 2, 2013 · Covering: September 4 – September 11, 2013 Daniel Bezte Co-operator contributor
ast week’s forecast played out pretty much as expected, with the cold front pushing through just a little earlier than expected. Fortunately, temperatures were not that cold behind the front and we saw plenty of sunshine along with less humidity. For this forecast period the southern upper ridge of high pressure looks to tr y and rebuild into our region. The weather models show the high building northward during the first part of the week, but the main heat will be well to our west. A deepening low moving across Hudson Bay will bring a back-door cold front through our region on Wednesday. This will cool things down just a little. The weather models then show the ridge building eastward later in the week. If this plays out, we should see plenty of sunshine to end the week, with high temperatures pushing or even surpassing the upper end of the usual temperature range for this time of the
year. There is even an outside chance of breaking a few record highs on Thursday or Friday. The upper ridge is then forecast to collapse over the weekend, allowing cooler air to move in from the north. Highs will likely drop back down into the low 20s on Sunday and Monday. We could see the odd shower or thundershower move through as the cooler air pushes in, but overall it looks to remain fairly dry. Temperatures look to remain cool through the first part of next week as an area of low pressure tracks across northern Manitoba. This will help push cooler air southward. The models then show the upper ridge rebuilding once again toward the end of next week, so we might not be finished with the warm temperatures just yet. I guess we’ll just have to wait and see. Usual temperature range for this period: Highs, 16 to 27 C; lows, 4 to 13 C. Daniel Bezte is a teacher by profession with a BA (Hon.) in geography, specializing in climatology, from the U of W. He operates a computerized weather station near Birds Hill Park. Contact him with your questions and comments at
2 Month ( 60 Days) Percent of Average Precipitation (Prairie Region) June 28, 2013 to August 26, 2013
< 40% 40 - 60% 60 - 85% 85 - 115% 115 - 150% 150 - 200% > 200% Extent of Agricultural Land Lakes and Rivers
Produced using near real-time data that has undergone initial quality control. The map may not be accurate for all regions due to data availability and data errors. Copyright © 2013 Agriculture & Agri-Food Canada Prepared by Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada’s National Agroclimate Information Service (NAIS). Data provided through partnership with Environment Canada, Natural Resources Canada, and many Provincial agencies.
Created: 08/27/13
This issue’s map shows the total amount of precipitation that fell over most of the main two months of summer (July and August) across the Prairies. Eastern and central areas of Manitoba saw below- to near-average amounts, while western regions saw average to aboveaverage amounts. Farther west, much of Saskatchewan saw below- to well-below-average amounts, while Alberta saw slightly belowto near-average amounts. The wettest areas were in southwestern Saskatchewan and most of extreme southern Alberta.
Warm end to August results in average summer Most of Manitoba’s rainfall came as isolated thundershowers and storms By Daniel Bezte co-operator contributor
t took awhile, but we finally saw an extended period of summer heat across southern and central Manitoba, with even northern Manitoba getting its share. From the general talk I’ve heard, most people appreciated the warm temperatures and the big question now is whether they will continue into September, keeping summer alive, or will fall move in early and end up sticking around? Before we tackle that subject, let’s take a look back at the weather in August and the summer as a whole. Looking at August, the month started off like July ended… well, almost. Temperatures for the first half of the month were well below average across pretty much all regions, with daytime highs struggling to make it into the low 20s and overnight lows falling into the single digits. The coldest weather moved in around Aug. 7 or 8 when afternoon highs in some locations were only around 17 C and overnight lows fell below 5 C in some places. We saw a second shot of cold weather about a week later when high pressure built in on
It would appear, not surprisingly, that no one was able to correctly predict the weather.
the 13th and 14th. This created a setup for really good overnight cooling to take place, especially over central and eastern regions. As a result, several places saw overnight lows once again fall below 5 C. The coldest reading I could find was Arborg, where the overnight low bottomed out at +1.6 C on Aug. 14! After this push of cool air, the tables turned and we saw an upper ridge of high pressure build across the central U.S. and up into our region. Under this upper ridge, temperatures quickly warmed, with daytime highs pushing 30 C by the 15th of the month. Along with the warm daytime temperatures, overnight lows were also fairly mild. Thanks to some fairly humid air, overnight lows were typically around 14 C with some nights only seeing the lows drop to around 19 or 20 C. These warm temperatures remained pretty much right through to the end of the month
and as a result, the mean maximum monthly temperature for Winnipeg and Dauphin ended up coming in about 1 C above the long-term average. Brandon was a little cooler, coming in right around average. Precipitation during the month was a bit of a mixed bag. No big organized areas of low pressure affected our region during the month, so most of the rainfall came in the form of isolated thundershowers and storms. Overall, most regions saw belowaverage amounts of rain. Of the three main centres, both Winnipeg and Dauphin saw well-belowaverage amounts of rain, with Brandon once again being the odd one out, with near-average amounts of rain. Overall, August ended up being warmer than average, with below-average amounts of rain. If we combine this with the cooler-than-average July, then the two main summer months saw
near-average temperatures. Precipitation in July was near average over eastern and central regions, with above-average amounts in the west. This resulted in eastern regions seeing below-average amounts of rain this summer, with central regions seeing near-average amounts and western regions seeing above-average amounts.
Who called it?
Now on to the good stuff: Who was able to predict the warmerand drier-than-average August and even better, was anyone able to correctly predict the summer? Looking back at the August predictions, it appears my prediction of a slightly warmer-than-average August, with near-average amounts of rain, is the winner, even if I did hedge my bets. Environment Canada comes in a close second with its call for near-average temperatures over southern regions and above-average over northern areas, along with nearaverage amounts of rain. Looking back at the summer weather predictions, it would appear, not surprisingly, that no one was able to correctly predict the weather. Of the four main long-range forecasts I look at, the Old Farmer’s Almanac was
the only forecast that called for well-below-average temperatures along with well-above-average amounts of rain. The remaining forecasters (the Canadian Farmers’ Almanac, Environment Canada, and myself) all called for near- to above-average temperatures with near-average amounts of rainfall. If I had to give the nod to just one, it would be for my forecast (Isn’t it nice to be the judge?). If you look back to the forecast I wrote in early July, it called for warm spells to increase over the summer and for most of our rain to come from thunderstorms, which means some regions will have above-average amounts of rain (western regions), near-average amounts (central regions) and below-average (eastern regions). Oh, I do point out how wishy-washy that kind of forecast is, so once again, I will leave the real verdict to you, the reader. I’ve run out of room to discuss September’s forecast along with the fall outlook, but let’s just say the first half of September looks to remain fairly warm and dry, followed by what currently looks to be a wetter and cooler pattern. Check in next week for more details!
The Manitoba Co-operator | September 5, 2013
Manitoba maker of sea buckthorn products says a lack of berries has limited the growth of her business By Shannon VanRaes CO-OPERATOR STAFF
ea buckthorn is moving out of the hedgerows and into the mainstream, as new varieties and evolving technologies promise to make harvesting the nutrient-rich berry less labour intensive. “It’s been a very difficult industry to kind of get going, a lot of the cultivars that were first planted aren’t ideal for harvesting, in fact they’re very difficult to harvest,” said Anthony Mintenko, a fruit specialist with Manitoba Agriculture, Food and Rural Initiatives. To harvest current varieties, whole sections of berry-filled branches must be cut and then frozen, so fruit can be removed without being damaged. “Sea buckthorn has been around for more than a decade now, but it’s been a bit of a long haul and we’ve lost some of our original growers,” said Kathie Fedora, a berry producer in the Beausejour area. But new varieties with larger berries, which are easier to remove from the branch, have been developed at Canada’s Agroforestry Development Centre in Indian Head, Sask. and are currently part of a demonstration project in Portage la Prairie. They should encourage more production, and eventually consumption, of a fruit dubbed a “super food.” The berry, which is native to northern China, Russia and Eurasia, has seen a slow, but steady gain in popularity in recent years, thanks in large part to celebrity health gurus who praise its nutritional punch. Along with its stunning vitamin C content — 15 times that of oranges — the berry also contains betaSitosterol, carotenoids, vitamin E, amino acids, omega-7, superoxide dismutase and fatty acids. Mila Maximets grew up using the berry and its oil in Russia, but had trouble finding it after moving to Manitoba. So four years ago she founded Solberry Inc., and launched a sea buckthorn purée, followed by lip balm, moisturizer, and a herbal tea (with an energy bar in the works). Demand for Solberry’s products is high, with nearly 40 stores and restaurants using or selling its products in Manitoba. But growth is limited by the amount of berries grown in the province, she said. “We are still looking for growers,” said Maximets. “This year we only started marketing in the summer because we weren’t sure we would have enough berries... there’s no doubt it holds us back.” Along with government and the Prairie Fruit Growers Association, Solberry has been working to find ways to make harvesting, separating and cleaning the berries easier. The hope is that new varieties — with names
Mila Maximets is the creator of Solberry, a sea buckthorn purée made in Manitoba.
New varieties of sea buckthorn are easier to harvest. PHOTO: SUBMITTED
like Prairie Sunset, Autumn Gold and Harvest Moon — can be harvested with the vacuum system. First developed in Finland, vacuumpowered harvesters can hoover up 50 kilos per hour, without pruning the plant or freezing the berries. Demonstrations of the new harvester will take place later this month at the Indian Head facility. “It’s like any new crop — there’s lots of challenges,” said Mintenko, adding that applies to both producing the berry and marketing it. Until Solberry, there weren’t really established
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Business needs more sea buckthorn growers
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buyers for sea buckthorn in the province, he said. “Up until now it’s pretty much been a catch-22 — people would like to grow it but they’re holding off because they want to see markets (and) markets are holding off because they’re not seeing growers planting,” said Fedora. It’s estimated there are only between 50 and 80 acres of productive sea buckthorn planted in the province, but Fedora predicts production will increase as demand grows. “It’s starting to happen now, and as we begin to have access to these improved varieties, the culture of sea buckthorn will start to become more mainstream,” she said. Fedora has five acres of one of the oldest sea buckthorn varieties on her farm, but said she plans to plant new cultivars as soon as they are available. Meanwhile, Solberry is taking Manitoba sea buckthorn across the country and overseas. Stores in Alberta and B.C. are now carrying the company’s products, while a high-end Japanese retailer has also expressed interest in Solberry’s sea buckthorn purée. “Things are going really well,” said Maximets. “But if we had more berries, I think we could sell even more.”
8.9% % 12-08-28 2:09 PM
The Manitoba Co-operator | September 5, 2013
Farmers play important role in funding wheat innovation Richard Gray says private companies invest more in canola but farmers are paying for it By Allan Dawson co-operator staff
nvesting more into research will result in higher-yielding wheats for western Canadian farmers, but how should the money be raised and from whom? University of Saskatchewan agricultural economist Richard Gray says the public, private companies and producers all have a role. If farmers contributed through an end-point royalty of one per cent of the gross value of wheat at the point of sale, funding for western Canadian wheat research funding would more than double to $60 million a year. “The main thing it does is create a revenue flow for anybody that’s got a variety that producers are growing and it’s a lot richer than what’s out there right now,” he said in an interview. Gray shared his ideas at a workshop in Winnipeg last week organized by the Canadian Seed Trade Association (CSTA). The association is facilitating grain sector discussions in search of a consensus on funding wheat innovation. Wheat developers currently receive a royalty from the sale of certified seed. However, once farmers buy a new variety they tend to save seed from the crops they produce for future planting, reducing their seed costs, but lowering earnings to seed developers. In contrast, farmers generally buy new corn, soybean and corn seed annually because the seed is hybridized, rendering
saved seed unusable or because contracts prohibit saving seed. As a result corn, soybean and canola developers get a higher return on investment. “One of the underlying things here is we see the federal government really backing away from their traditional activities like plant breeding and finishing varieties,” said CSTA president Peter Entz. “It is time to ask, who is going to pick up the slack here? Private companies seem very comfortable in the canola, corn and soybean world, but this cereal world is a whole different kettle of fish.” Western Canadian wheat farmers rely mainly on public research, with some additional money from farmers themselves through a checkoff. But it’s only a fraction of what private companies invest in western Canadian canola. Farmers pay for that investment when they buy seed. “I think it’s important (farmers) don’t think, ‘Well gosh, how can I afford $3 a tonne (for wheat breeding)?’” Gray said. “Well, they’re actually paying $40 a tonne for their canola right now.” Farmers spend about 10 per cent of their gross revenue on corn, soybean and canola seed, which becomes revenue for the seed companies, Gray said. And the seed companies spend only about 10 per cent of their net margins on research and development. Farmers could potentially get more bang for their research buck investing and then owning the research, he said. Some studies show for every dollar
“I think it’s important they don’t think, ‘Well gosh, how can I afford $3 a tonne (for wheat breeding)?’ Well, they’re actually paying $40 a tonne for their canola right now.”
Richard Gray
University of Saskatchewan agricultural economist Richard Gray has some ideas on how to get more investment into wheat breeding. photo: allan dawson
invested in agricultural research it returns $32.10. Investing in variety evaluation for Canada Western Red Spring wheats has a 63:1 return, Gray said. “If Saskatchewan producers get (on average) one per cent better yield because they are producing the best varieties, that one per cent of say, $3 billion worth of crop, is a lot of money,” he said. “And then on the other hand the variety trials don’t cost very much.” Western Canadian farmers are paying about 14 per cent of their gross revenue from canola to pay companies for a one per cent increase in canola yields, Gray said. “You only need a 0.07 per cent yield increase to pay for a
one per cent research checkoff,” he said. “I think a lot of farmers are confused thinking they need a one per cent yield increase to pay for a one per cent investment, but you get that one per cent again and again and again. It’s not a one-time thing. You move the yields up by that amount and they get bred into future varieties.” Gray, who has studied the end-point royalty system in Australia, doesn’t recommend it for Canada. The Australian model took too long to raise funds because it only applied to new varieties when first introduced in 1998. Once established the system gave seed companies too much market power and the ability to overcharge.
The Australian model is complex because royalties vary between varieties. Farmers have a financial incentive to misrepresent their varieties to cut their royalty costs. Gray advises Canada’s wheat industry to “think big” and not settle for an end-point royalty that’s not going to raise a lot of money. “Farmers right now... are paying about a buck a tonne for (wheat) research,” Gray said, noting they pay more than $40 per tonne for canola. “Producers need to be thinking about this. With a one per cent (fee) you may have to pay $2 a tonne royalty but it’s still cheap relative to what they’re paying for canola. And they say, ‘I like to pay for canola because there’s all this private research,’ well to get private research in wheat let’s start at $2 a tonne.”
Australian opposition wants closer scrutiny of foreign farm investment
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canberra / reuters / Foreign investment in Australia’s farm sector will face closer scrutiny if the favoured conservative opposition wins power on Sept. 7. Tony Abbott, leader of the Liberal-National Party coalition, said he would dramatically lower the threshold for a formal review by the country’s Foreign Investment Review Board from the current level of C$230 million to under $15 million. Any move to tighten foreign investment rules could upset China, Australia’s biggest trading partner, and possibly hinder farmland investment at a time when Canberra is seeking to become the food bowl of Asia. Last year, Chinese investors bought Australia’s biggest cotton farm Cubbie Station, and Shanghai Zhongfu Group has received approval to invest around $660 million to build a sugar industry in northwest Australia. Prime Minister Kevin Rudd is also considering “a more cautious approach” if he retains power.
Rapeseed-crushing scam alleged beijing / reuters / Chinese officials are investigating whether local crushers profited by selling oil processed from cheaper imported seed while collecting subsidies intended for domestic rapeseed. The probe underscores the potential for manipulation of China’s farm products stockpiling program, where a minimum purchase price set by Beijing to support farmers has pushed prices for local rapeseed above world prices. It’s alleged local crushers more than tripled their crush margin by selling edible oils processed from imported rapeseed to Sinograin, the state reserve agency. Sinograin has sent inspection teams to major rapeseed-growing provinces of Sichuan, Hunan and Hubei and vowed to deal with any violations severely.
The Manitoba Co-operator | September 5, 2013
Hands-on look at using Canadian durum Participants visited the Crop Development Centre, a grain farm near Saskatoon and a terminal elevator staff
ourteen representatives from 10 countries attended the International Durum Wheat Program at Cigi (Canadian International Grains Institute) in Winnipeg during the week of Aug. 19. The program included lectures, laboratory sessions, field visits, and pilot processing demonstrations on Canadian durum wheat. Topics included breeding, production, grading, handling, transportation, marketing, milling and enduse processing. The participants represent trading organizations, mills and processing companies from Algeria, Colombia, Cuba, Germany, Morocco, Peru, Portugal, South Korea, and the U.S. In addition to classroom and technical sessions in Winnipeg, the participants visited the Crop Development Centre at the University of Saskatchewan, a grain farm near Saskatoon and a terminal elevator at the Port of Vancouver. “The program will offer international customers a greater understanding of Canada Western Amber durum wheat and its application in pasta and other end products as well as providing us with additional information on their end-use requirements,” said Earl Geddes, Cigi CEO.
GM corn losing its effectiveness Rootworms are growing ever more resistant By Carey Gillam reuters
merican researchers are finding significant damage from rootworms in fields planted to GM corn. “It’s very alarming,” said Joe Spencer, an insect behaviourist with the Illinois Natural History Survey. Illinois field studies suggest rootworms are growing evermore resistant, even in fields where corn is rotated with soybeans, a practice that lowers pest levels as western corn rootworm adults don’t typically lay eggs in soybean fields. But a large number of apparently resistant rootworms were collected in both the cornfields and from adjacent soybean fields. “It looked like continuous corn and use of the same trait year after year is what produced resistant beetles,” said Spencer. “Growers thought their getout-of-jail-free card was just to rotate to soybeans. But what we’re seeing in northeast and east-central Illinois is beetles that are also resistant to crop rotation.” Monsanto introduced its GM corn in 2003. Farmers should continue to use it, but it’s not a silver bullet, said Rodney Williamson, director of research and development with the Iowa Corn Growers Association. “Rotating modes of action, that will be one of the best things we can do,” he said.
The program included lectures, laboratory sessions, field visits, and pilot processing demonstrations.
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The Manitoba Co-operator | September 5, 2013
crop report
Wind, rain and hail a setback but harvest in full swing Manitoba Agriculture, Food and Rural Initiatives crop report for September 3, 2013 Weekly Provincial Summary
Strong weather systems passed through several areas of Manitoba over the Labour Day long weekend. High winds, heavy rains and hail associated with the systems resulted in some crop damage, including lodging of crops, shattering of standing and swathed canola and cereal crops. Winter wheat harvest is nearing completion with generally above-average yields and quality. Harvest of spring wheat, barley, oats and canola continues. Reported spring wheat yields range from 35 to 80 bushels per acre, barley 60 to 110 bushels per acre, oats 85 to 160 bushels per acre, and canola 30 to 60 bushels per acre. Seeding of winter wheat has started in Manitoba.
Southwest Region
Early yield reports are indicating above-average barley and spring wheat yields with good quality and above-average bushel weights. Regrowth of tillers in lodged cereal crops continues to be problematic for many producers and is slowing harvest progress. Winter wheat seeding began late last week. Although only limited canola harvest has occurred to date, early yield reports are indicating average to above-average yields. Sclerotinia continues to be found at low levels with much of the premature ripening a result of blackleg. Flax fields also con-
tinue to ripen rapidly with preharvest desiccation reported on early-seeded fields. The majority of soybeans are entering the R6 stage of development. Most corn crops are in the late-blister and earlymilk stage of development (R3) with some of the earlier-seeded fields just beginning to enter the dough stage (R4). Sunflowers are continuing to come out of flower with the majority of the crop in the wilting stage (R6) of development. Insect activity last week was limited to grasshoppers with the highest numbers reported in eastern and central areas. The second-cut alfalfa harvest is 75 to 80 per cent complete with the remainder of the crop to be harvested after the first fall frost. Greenfeed and silage continue to be harvested and are 75 to 80 per cent complete. Slough and marsh hay continue to be harvested to supplement winter feed supplies across the region. Pasture conditions are generally stable.
Northwest Region
Regionally, 90 per cent of spring cereals acres are mature while 75 per cent of canola acres are also mature. Preharvest herbicide treatments are continuing. Combining of wheat, oats and canola is completed on approximately five per cent of total acres. Expected yield ranges from 35 to 65 bu./acre for spring wheat, upwards of 100 bu./acre for oats and 35 to 50 bu./acre for canola.
With canola reaching maturity, sclerotinia is more evident; frequency levels however, appear to be average. Some concern of ergot in cereals is reported in the Roblin area. Second-cut hay harvest is mostly completed; yields are average with quality above average. The native hay harvest continues as more fields are accessible. Yields are average to below average and quality has improved slightly under favourable weather conditions. Supplies of hay and greenfeed are expected to be 25 per cent short at The Pas and other early-season moisture, impacted sectors. Pastures are drying.
Central Region
Cereal harvest is well underway in the Central Region. Harvest progress on cereals range from 30 to 50 per cent complete. Yields for spring wheat vary from 50 bu./acre to upwards of 80 bu./acre. Protein levels range from 12 to 14 per cent. Oats continue to be harvested with yields ranging from 90 to 160 bu./acre. Barley yields in the region range from 90 to 110 bu./acre. Baling of straw is being done, with little to no crop residue burning reported. Canola yields range from 40 to 60 bu./acre throughout the region. Hail resulted in shattering in canola swaths and strong winds spread some swaths across fields which will make harvest challenging.
Soybeans are beginning to mature with some fields in the R7 stage. Generally, the crop is rated as good with reports of white mould showing up in various fields around the province. Most fields in the region are between R6 and R7. Grain corn growth stage ranges from R4 dough stage to early R5 dent stage. A few more weeks of frost-free weather is needed for soybeans and corn to reach maturity. Edible bean har vest will begin shortly with some of the earliest types to be harvested later this week. A few fields have already been undercut; late-season white mould is present in some of these fields. Haying continues with a number of producers trying to finish up with second cut. Yields are expected to be average for most areas. Winter feed supplies may be inadequate for some producers. Dugouts are full.
Eastern Region
Harvesting continues in the region. Winter wheat harvest is complete with many producers close to finishing the spring cereals and canola. Initial average yields for the region are as follows: winter wheat 70 to 80 bu./acre, spring wheat 45 to 60 bu./acre, barley 85 bu./acre, oats 100 to 125 bu./acre and canola 40 bu./acre. Corn is in the milk (R3) to early-dent (R5) growth stages. Soybeans are in full R6 stage with some showing the start
of leaf drop or leaf yellowing (early R7 stage). Sunflowers in the region are in R7 stage. Grasshoppers continue to be an issue in the southern areas of the region. Winter feed supply status has hay at five to 10 per cent surplus, 80 to 90 per cent adequate, and five to 10 per cent inadequate; straw at 100 per cent adequate or surplus; greenfeed at 100 per cent adequate and feed grains at five to 10 per cent surplus, 80 to 90 per cent adequate and five to 10 per cent inadequate. Pasture conditions in the region are rated as 60 per cent good, 30 per cent fair and 10 per cent poor.
Interlake Region
Harvest is in full swing across the region with canola and spring cereals acres being combined. Most crops are yielding better than expected, with the exception of areas that were impacted by excess spring moisture. Early-maturing soybean varieties are starting to show signs of maturing with colour change and leaf drop. Corn crops are in the dent (R5) stage. So m e s e c o n d - c u t h a y i s occurring throughout the region. North of Ashern, producers are still working on completing native hay harvest. South of Ashern, producers completed native hay harvest and are working on second-cut hay in some areas. Pasture and dugout conditions are good.
Frost seen for early September October seen as drier than normal and cool
Attention: Grain producers
Reminder of upcoming variety reclassification Effective August 1, 2014, CDC Falcon will be moved from the Canada Western Red Winter class to the Canada Western General Purpose class. Working together, we all play a part in maintaining Canada’s grain quality. For more information, contact the Canadian Grain Commission: 1-800-853-6705 or 204-983-2770 TTY : 1-866-317-4289 Follow us @Grain_Canada Stay informed. Check the variety designation lists on the Canadian Grain Commission’s web site.
By Phil Franz-Warkentin commodity news service canada
yclical weather patterns developing in Western Canada are pointing to cooler temperatures and the possibility of frost in early September, according to meteorologist Drew Lerner, of World Weather Inc. in Kansas City. Based on a number of studies over the past few months, “we think we’ve identified a pattern in the atmosphere that is repeating at 18 to 19 days at a time, depending on the location,” Lerner said last week. A cold snap on July 26 in southern Saskatchewan, followed by another cold snap around Aug. 13 to 15, is also coinciding with a regular 10-day cycle in the atmosphere. Lerner said the weather models are trending cooler again, suggesting that the cool cycle will repeat itself starting Sept. 3, and then last for a week to 10 days. “It’s too soon to jump all over it… but there is the potential that we may experience another cool surge in the eastern Prairies,” said Lerner. He added that first week of September would be a little early for a frost, but not out of the question for this
“We recognize that it’s a threat period, but not necessarily a sure thing.” Drew Lerner
time of year. Looking at the trends, Lerner placed Manitoba and northeastern Saskatchewan at the highest odds of seeing a frost in the upcoming cool cycle, with Alberta more likely to see something the following week. “It’s not set in stone at this point, but some of the models are pointing this way,” cautioned Lerner adding, “we recognize that it’s a threat period, but not necessarily a sure thing.” The cooler period will also bring the chance of increased precipitation, which could lead to some harvest disruptions, said Lerner. Although he added that the rainfall would not be heavy and any disruptions would likely be short lived. Looking farther out, October is forecast to be cooler than normal and dry in Western Canada, said Lerner.
The Manitoba Co-operator | September 5, 2013
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The Manitoba Co-operator | September 5, 2013
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Scientists predict U.S. irrigation crisis By Carey Gillam REUTERS
Not cute for long — most feral swine give birth starting at six to 12 months and have litters of six to 12 piglets twice a year.
Plague of wild pigs has U.S. authorities squealing There could be up to eight million wild pigs in the U.S., up from a maximum two million in 1990 By Kevin Murphy LOCUST GROVE, OKLAHOMA / REUTERS
few years ago, Jim Vich would not have dreamed of setting up an elaborate trap to catch wild hogs. But that was before Oklahoma was invaded by a plague of pigs that devour crops, uproot pastures, destroy wildlife habitats, spread disease to humans and animals, kill trees and even knock over cemetery stones. “I started trapping them more or less in self-defence,” said Vich, 60, a livestock farmer in northeast Oklahoma. “They were tearing up my place.” Oklahoma is battling a wild pig problem that has spread across the United States. The pigs, evolved from introduced wild boars or from escaped domestic stock, are prevalent in 36 states and have been sighted in 47 states, according to authorities who track their populations. They are vicious critters that typically grow to 200 pounds, can run 30 miles per hour, jump three feet high and climb out of traps with walls up to six feet high, experts say. “They are the ultimate survivors,” said John Mayer, manager of the environmental science group at the Savannah River National Laboratory in Aiken, South Carolina. “They can live pretty much anywhere, eat pretty much anything, they don’t have enough predators and they reproduce faster than any other mammal.” They seldom appear in the daytime making them hard to count, but Mayer estimates there are 5.5 million feral pigs nationwide. There could be up to eight million, up from a maximum two million in 1990, he said.
Desperate measures
State and local authorities are increasingly desperate to stop their advance. Trapping and shooting are the primary means of eliminating wild pigs, but researchers are also trying to develop
“They are here to stay and it’s going to take a huge, concerted effort to get the numbers under control.”
RUSSELL STEVENS Wildlife and fisheries consultant
poisons and birth control to control the population. Some states such as Texas have even authorized hunting from helicopters. “They are here to stay and it’s going to take a huge, concerted effort to get the numbers under control,” said Russell Stevens, a wildlife and fisheries consultant for the Oklahoma-based Samuel Roberts Noble Foundation. The federal government is joining the pig purge. The Agriculture, Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service is preparing a national feral swine plan. President Barack Obama has proposed $20 million in his proposed 2014 budget for the plan, U.S. Department of Agriculture officials have said. Most feral swine give birth starting at six to 12 months and have litters of six to 12 piglets twice a year, Mayer said. Families of pigs have repeatedly used their powerful, plow-like snouts to uproot the hayfields on Nancy Bond’s farm in northeast Oklahoma. They eat roots and grubs, destroying fields and making them lumpy and hard to work in, she said. Chad Hibbs, caretaker of the Mayes County Deer Ranch near Locust Grove in Oklahoma, pointed to soybean fields shredded by feasting wild hogs and to deer feeders scraped and battered by pigs. Hunters exacerbated the problem in many states by catching and releas-
ing pigs so they could pursue them, spreading them to more areas. States such as Oklahoma have made releasing pigs illegal and Kansas in 2006 banned hunting of wild pigs altogether.
Vicious animals
Vich, the pig trapper, showed a large trap on a remote part of his farm that resembles a livestock pen but is rigged with wires along the ground. He baits the trap with corn in hopes the pigs will trip the wire and slam the door behind them. A mechanical engineer by training, Vich said he has trapped hogs for five or six years and sometimes nabs nine to 12 pigs at a time, which he loads into a livestock trailer and takes home to sell to neighbours for meat. “They are not happy when they get trapped and they are very vicious,” Vich said. “They would hurt you in a heartbeat if they got the chance.” Pigs are wandering into urban areas, damaging lawns and parks and being hit by cars, said Billy Higginbotham, professor and wildlife and fisheries specialist for the Texas A&M University Extension Service. Pigs were introduced into the continental United States in 1539 in what is now Florida and used as a travelling food source by explorers, said Higginbotham. Most wild pigs evolved from domestic pigs that escaped into the wild prior to the 1930s, said the Noble Foundation’s Stevens. Texas is the most pig-plagued state, with an estimated 2.9 million in 2011, Higginbotham said. They are present in all but one of the state’s 254 counties. Florida is second and California third, according to Stevens. Dale Nolte, the man at the U.S. Department of Agriculture charged with drawing up a plan to stop the pig pestilence, is blunt about the objective. “In states with emerging populations of feral swine, our goal is to eliminate them,” Nolte said.
A critical water source for U.S. farmers and ranchers is being depleted at a rapid rate and nearly 70 per cent of it will disappear within the next 50 years if the current trend continues, according to a new report. Thirty per cent of the groundwater from a critical portion of the High Plains Aquifer already has been pumped and another 39 per cent will be depleted over the next five decades, according to the report by environmental science and engineering experts. The report said limited water supplies will begin to have a significant impact on food production over the next few decades. It laid out different scenarios for how targeted reductions in water usage made now could extend peak agricultural production for many more decades. It said cutting back water use from the aquifer by 20 per cent now, for instance, would reduce agricultural production in the near term but would extend the longevity of production well into 2070. “At some point in the future we need to use less water,” said David Steward, a professor of civil engineering at Kansas State University who participated in the study. “If we are able to save more now, it’s going to make the decline that we have more gradual.” The study examined in depth the portion of the High Plains Aquifer in the western part of Kansas, the largest wheat-growing state. The aquifer system, including a portion known as the Ogallala aquifer, is one of the world’s largest, covering an area of approximately 174,000 miles under portions of South Dakota, Nebraska, Wyoming, Colorado, Kansas, Oklahoma, New Mexico and Texas. Current water policies have not translated to significant reductions in use of the groundwater — people are simply pumping until wells run dry, the researchers found in their comprehensive, four-year-long study.
U.S. land prices soar ever higher
KANSAS CITY / REUTERS Farmland prices in key U.S. crop regions surged more than 25 per cent over the past year, even as farm income declined. Prices paid for irrigated cropland in the central U.S. region that includes Kansas, Nebraska, Missouri, and Oklahoma jumped 25.2 per cent from a year ago, according to a report by the Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City. Non-irrigated land rose 18 per cent and ranchland 14 per cent in the past year. It was a similar story in the Midwest and in some mid-south states, with quality land up 20 per cent and averaging $5,672 per acre. The reports are based on surveys of bankers, who attribute the rise to low interest rates and wealthy farmers who view land as their best investment option. However, most now say prices are more likely to fall than keep rising.
The Manitoba Co-operator | September 5, 2013
Hefty crop prospects to keep weighing on falling food prices Food prices surged to near-record levels in 2012 due to the U.S. drought By Catherine Hornby ROME / REUTERS
lobal food prices could decline further in coming months after hitting their lowest level in more than a year in July, the United Nations’ food agency said Aug.8, pointing to prospects of abundant grain supplies. Food prices surged during the summer of 2012 due to a historic drought in the United States but improving prospects for cereal supplies in 2013-14 are fuelling the opposite trend this year, the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) said. “Supplies are proving to be much better than anticipated a few months ago. The weather has been pretty good in many cases and is giving hope for higher production,” FAO senior economist Abdolreza Abbassian said. He said good prospects for maize output in the United States, Argentina and the Black Sea region meant corn prices could lead other markets down this season, reversing their supportive influence on higher prices last summer. Food prices could face further downward pressure if the U.S. dollar strengthens, he said. A stronger dollar weighs on dollartraded commodities as it makes them more expensive to holders of other currencies. “There is an extent to which prices could fall,” Abbassian said. “But I’m not sure we are going to see as much of a decline in coming months as we saw in the past few months.” FAO’s food price index, which measures monthly price changes for a basket of cereals, oilseeds, dairy, meat and sugar, fell nearly two per cent in July, declining for the third month running to 205.9 points compared to 210.1 in June. The fall was driven mainly by lower international prices for grains, soy and palm oil, FAO said, while sugar, meat and dairy quotations also declined. The Rome-based agency raised its forecast for global cereal production in July, expecting it to increase more than seven per cent to 2.479 billion tonnes in 2013-14. Its next output forecast update is due in September.
DuPont gains majority stake in South Africa seed company Critics feared the takeover would erode traditional seed availability By Carey Gillam REUTERS
.S. chemical and seed company DuPont said July 31 it completed its three-year effort to buy a majority stake in South Africa’s largest seed company, overcoming that country’s stiff opposition to the foreign ownership with pledges to keep a rein on pricing and to aid small South African farmers. The deal with privately held Pannar Seed Ltd., a 55-yearold seed company, should provide immediate financial gain to DuPont, with new products expected to be on the market in August and September, according to Paul Schickler, president of DuPont Pioneer, DuPont’s agricultural seed unit. B o t h P i o n e e r a n d Pa n nar specialize in corn seed, or maize, and will focus on
DuPont sees Pannar’s seed operations, which extend across nine African countries, helping broaden its infrastructure across the continent.
improving those product lines. But the companies will also explore opportunities for combining strengths in crops that include sorghum, soybeans, and wheat. “This partnership, will result in more products, better products, faster than the two companies could do individually,” Schickler said in an interview. DuPont now holds an 80 per cent stake in Pannar. Other terms of the transaction were not disclosed. DuPont sees Pannar’s seed o p e ra t i o n s, w h i c h e x t e n d across nine African countries,
helping broaden its infrastructure across the continent. Africa has about 86 million acres (35 million hectares) available for maize production and seed demand is high, totalling about $350 million in annual sales of hybrid maize seeds in South Africa alone, according to DuPont officials. Currently, average grain yields on the continent are only about one-fifth of those in developed countries like the United States. DuPont announced its intent to take a majority stake in Pannar in September 2010 and
had hoped to complete the deal in early 2011. But opponents convinced regulators in South Africa to initially deny DuPont’s bid. The critics argued that allowing foreign corporate control of South Africa’s seed supply would erode availability of traditional seed varieties, hurt export business with countries opposed to the biotech crops that DuPont develops, and force farmers deep into debt to pay for expensive seeds that are the patented properties of the U.S. corporations. DuPont appealed the rejection by regulators and ultimately convinced South African officials to allow the transaction under certain conditions, including pledges by DuPont and Pannar to keep a lid on price increases for some new products for at least three sales seasons.
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The Manitoba Co-operator | September 5, 2013
Prices are down but cash-rich American farmers in no hurry to sell With lots of on-farm storage and bulging bank accounts, U.S. corn and soybean farmers are holding back grain in hopes of better prices By Mark Weinraub chicago / reuters
ich U.S. farmers may disappoint food companies, livestock feeders, and exporters hoping for a flood of low-price grain this fall. “The American farmer has never been in a better or stronger financial position ever in the history of farming,” said Tom Grisafi of agricultural advisory service Trade The Farm LLC. “They have a ton of money and they have more on-site storage than ever.” One indicator that post-harvest selling may be slow is the decline in pre-harvest business. Farmers often pre-sell a portion of their crops, but this year that selling has been slow. “What you are looking at is the historically small amount of grain that the producer has sold,” said Joe Christopher, of Nebraska grain merchandiser at Crossroads Co-Op. Commercial purchases are only running about 20 per cent of normal for this time of year, he said. “There is a wealth factor that is in play,” he said. “They have had three or four years of very good returns.” Last year’s drought pushed crop prices to record-high levels, and those lucky farmers who harvested a crop were paid handsomely for it. Even this year farmers should do well. USDA is forecasting 2013 net farm income at $120.6 billion, up six per cent from a year ago and the second highest of the last 40 years, when adjusted for inflation. It forecasts a U.S. corn crop of 13.763 billion bush-
Corn headed for the bin to stay for a while. photo: thinkstock
els (up 28 per cent from 2012) and a soybean crop of 3.255 billion bushels (up eight per cent). However, a late spring has slowed corn and soybean development in the Midwest, which has contributed to lower pre-harvest sales. “I am not sure exactly what we are going to have out there,” said Andrew Goleman, an Illinois farmer who has only pre-sold about five per cent of
his expected harvest versus his typical 40 per cent. But price weakness is another factor — corn futures are down 38 per cent from a year ago. W h i l e s oy b e a n s a l e s re c e n t l y increased after prices surged on weather-related concerns, farmers were still reluctant to commit to corn deals, traders said. That’s expected to continue.
“Not all crops produced in 2013 will be sold by the end of the 2013 calendar year; we anticipate substantial increases in the annual quantity and value of crop inventories, particularly for corn,” USDA said. Increases in farm asset values are expected to continue to exceed increases in farm debt, netting a record high for farm equity, it added.
Monsanto reaches deal with farmers
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sao paulo / reuters / Brazil’s largest soybean co-operative, Aprosoja, is dropping a lawsuit against Monsanto and is encouraging farmers to sign agreements with the seed giant. The move comes after Monsanto offered to reduce the price on its new Intacta RR2 pro soybeans in exchange for an end to a lawsuit over its old seed technology, Roundup Ready by 16 per cent for farmers who promise not to sue it over past royalty payments. Mato Grosso state’s farm and ranch federation, Famato, had already decided to support the agreement. Individual farmers could still sue Monsanto for royalties, but will no longer have the backing of the country’s two powerful farm groups. The lawsuits in Brazil started because farmers claimed Monsanto’s right to charge royalties on Roundup Ready expired in 2010 under Brazilian law. The company said its patent didn’t expire until 2014, the same as in the U.S. However, it stopped charging the royalties in February after the courts rejected the 2014 patent claim.
More bird flu viruses lurking in wild london / reuters / A deadly new bird flu virus in China evolved from migratory birds via waterfowl to poultry and into people, and other, similar bird flu viruses could do the same, scientists say. A new study of the evolutionary history of the H7N9 bird flu, which has so far killed 44 people, found several other H7 flu viruses that “may pose threats.” None of the additional H7 strains have been found in humans, but some are able to infect other mammals such as ferrets, which suggests a jump to humans is possible. “Even if H7N9 does not return, there are risks lurking amongst the great diversity of avian influenza viruses,” said Peter Horby, a bird flu expert at the Oxford University Clinical Research Unit in Vietnam. The number of new H7N9 infections in people has dropped dramatically, thanks largely, experts say, to the closure by Chinese authorities of many live poultry markets and the summer season.
The Manitoba Co-operator | September 5, 2013
Shaken Chinese consumers buying food online
The classic moon for harvest
Chinese consumers willing to pay for a ‘safety premium’ By Dominique Patton beijing / reuters
hinese consumers are responding to a powerful new marketing tactic that plays to a widespread fear of food contamination — the promise of safe groceries sold online. Pledging produce direct from the farm, vendors have found food is becoming one of the fastest-growing segments of Internet retailing as they cash in on scares ranging from cadmiumtainted rice to recycled cooking oil. “I think people are willing to pay a higher premium than in the West,” said Chen Yougang, a partner at consultancy McKinsey. “In other markets, like the U.K., food e-commerce is about convenience. Here, there’s going to be a higher quality and safety premium.” But convincing some skeptical Chinese consumers on food quality remains a battle. “Everyone knows that in China organic is not the real thing,” said Zhang Lei, a mother of one who lives in Shanghai. Nonetheless, total online sales of fresh produce in China could rocket to 40 billion yuan ($6.5 billion) in five years from about 11.5 billion yuan this year, said one analyst. So far, most food sold on China’s largest online shopping sites such as Yihaodian, majority owned by Wal-Mart,
and Jingdong Mall has been packaged items or fruit with a relatively long shelf life. But a wave of new businesses is focusing on fresh and premium produce, using the Internet to target higher-income consumers. “The vegetables are really fresh,” said Beijing resident Lei Na, who shops on websites such as, owned by China’s top food processor and trader COFCO. “Supermarket food doesn’t look that fresh, especially if you only get there in the evening.” But persuading customers they can meet promises on food safety is crucial for online retailers. Vendors argue that cutting out middlemen not only increases freshness, but makes food more traceable. On the Benlai Shenghuo website, consumers can get details on the free-range chickens they are selecting, such as breed and diet, as well as photos of the birds wandering on farms. The big driver has been food scandals, which have been hitting Chinese shoppers thick and fast — the latest a recall of dairy products for Fonterra. “During the bird flu outbreak, our chicken sales exploded,” said Steve Liang, founder of Shanghai-based online retailer Fields, referring to a jump in sales after a new strain of the virus, discovered in February, killed over 40 people in China and Taiwan.
A harvest moon rises near St. Claude. photo: shannon vanraes B:10.25” T:10.25” S:10.25”
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The Manitoba Co-operator | September 5, 2013
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The Manitoba Co-operator | September 5, 2013
AUCTION DISTRICTS Parkland – North of Hwy 1; west of PR 242, following the west shore of Lake Manitoba and east shore of Lake Winnipegosis. Westman – South of Hwy 1; west of PR 242. Interlake – North of Hwy 1; east of PR 242, following the west shore of Lake Manitoba and east shore of Lake Winnipegosis. Red River – South ofHwy 1; east of PR 242.
The Pas
Birch River
Swan River Minitonas Durban
Gilbert Plains
Fisher Branch
Ste. Rose du Lac Russell
Riverton Eriksdale
Rapid City
Reston Melita
Elm Creek
Ste. Anne
Pilot Mound Crystal City
Lac du Bonnet
Austin Treherne
Westman Boissevain
Stonewall Selkirk
Portage Carberry
Erickson Minnedosa
Lundar Gimli
Shoal Lake
St. Pierre
Morris Winkler Morden
Red River
GUN & MILITARIA SHOW Sunova Centre West St Paul Rec Centre 48 Holland Rd Located North of the North Perimeter Hwy between McPhillips & Main St off Kapelus Rd WINNIPEG, MB. SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 15, 2013 10 a.m. – 3 p.m. Adults $5.00 – Women free Children under 12 accompanied by an adult free There will be dealers from Ontario, Saskatchewan and Manitoba Show Sponsored by the MCC of C
ANTIQUES ANTIQUES Antiques For Sale MULVEY “FLEA” MARKET. Osborne & Mulvey Ave E. Wpg. Sat-Sun-Hol. 10:00a.m. to 5:00p.m. 40+ vendors. A/C. Debit, Visa, M/C. Table/Booth rental info:(204)478-1217.
ANTIQUES Antique Equipment 2 JOHN DEERE ANTIQUE tractors: JD R 1950 model, Serial R4332; JD AR 1952, Serial 283014. Original good running condition. Contact Ken: (204)467-2982. 3 SETS OF LEATHER harness to fit general purpose horses, $350 set OBO; Good selection of leather horse halters, open to offers; 3 large cloth face straw collars, open to offers; Antique buggy or cutter tongue, complete eveners, neck yokes like new; Double set of ivory spread rings, in nice shape; Some old horse machinery. Phone (204)242-2809, PO Box 592 Manitou MB R0G 1G0.
AUCTION SALES AUCTION SALES Manitoba Auctions – Parkland
AUCTION SALES Manitoba Auctions – Interlake HOBBY FARM AUCTION FOR BARRIE & BEV BRADEN Sat., Sept. 21st at 12:00noon from the Jct of Hwy 1 & 16 west of Portage: 2-mi West on Hwy, to Rd 46W & 1/2-mi South yd #65066. 1976-970 Case Tractor w/595 Buhler Allied loader, fact 3-PTH; 2 hyds clamp on 18.4x34 duals PTO 7,222-hrs (eng redone at 6,000hrs); 80 INT 3-PTH Snowblower; 8-ft. Frt mt Leon angle blade; 3-PTH 2 wheel dolly Hitch; 1971 Ford F750 cab/over 16-ft. Stl box & hoist RT 360 eng 5+2 SPD; 1971 Ford F500 w/1,000-gal stl water tank pump 330 eng 5+2 SPD; 1973 Ford F100 302 auto 110,336-mi; 1978 Lincoln Mark V continental 2 dr hardtop 460/ auto/ air/ cruise PWR locks/windows, 209,184-miles; *consigned 1928 MODEL A FORD original, except the paint, had MB safety 3 yrs ago reserved* double Ski-Doo trailer w/12V winch; Steel yd drag; Swath Roller; 935 JD frt mt Riding 60-in. Mower DSL 2,441-hrs; Lawn Sweep; 8-HP MTD Garden Tiller; Shop Tools: 6500W Ducar power plant (approx 25-hrs); 300W Honda power plant; Winpower power plant; 100-gal Slip Tank w/12V pump; 250amp LKS welder; Acetylene torch & cart; 5-HP 20-gal Air Compressor; Air compressor; Air carry Tank; 2 Keer Shears; Karcher 2400psi gas Pressure Washer; Estate Sprayer; Banjo Pump; Roller Cabinet Tool box; Tool Boxes; JD Battery Charger; 100-Ton Hyd Jack; Hyd Floor Jack; Oak Desk; antique side board; 3 wood Duck Decoy’s; 3 drawer Filing cabinet; Misc. Website Terms Cash or Cheque w/I.D. Lunch served. Subject to additions & deletions. Not re-sponsible for any errors in description. GST & PST will be charged where applicable Everything sells AS IS Where Is All Sales Final. Any statements made on sale day will take precedent over all previous advertisements. Owners & auction company are not responsible for any accidents on sale site. Sale conducted by Nickel Auctions Ltd Dave Nickel, Auctioneer ph (204)6373393, cell (204)856-6900 Owner (204)252-2647.
McSherry Auction Service Ltd
AUCTION SALE Estate of Edward Woychuk
Fri., Sept. 13 @ 12:00 Noon Arborg, MB
Directions: Main Street Jct River Rd 3/4 Mile West on River Rd
Contact Ted: (204)782-7225 Email: Tractor & Equip: Cockshutt 570 Super dsl PS 540 PTO hyd 4077 hrs * Int W6 PTO Pulley nr * NH 985 gas Combine, Shedded * Buhler/Farm King 6’ Trailer Rotary Mower * Massy 3PH 7’ Sickle Mower * Vicon 5 Wheel Rake * Coop 200 20’ Cult * Coop 10’ Deep Tiller * 2) Trash King 10’ Deep Tiller * 3) 5’ Sec Mulchers * 2) Grain Hoppers Trailers * Inland 60’ Sprayer * 3) Vers 6” 30’ Augers gas * 2 Wheel 500 gal Water Trailer Vehicles & Yard: 1989 GMC SLE 1/2 Ton w/ CAP 188,000 km Sft * 73 Chev 3/4 Ton * Cub Cadet LT 1042 Hyd 19hp 200 hrs R Mower * Yard Pro LT 12 1/2 hP 38” R Mower * Husq 26 RLC Gas Weed Eater * Wheel Barrow * Hand Yard Tools Tools & Misc: Port Air Comp * 3) Chain Saws * Battery Charger * Various Power Tools * Makita Side Grinder * Circ Saws * Bench Grinder * Cordless Drill * Shop Vac * Various Hand Tools * 3/4” Socket * Set Impact Sockets * Wrenches * Hammers * Chisels * Jackal * Full Bolt Bin * Shop Supply * 2) 300 gal Fuel Tanks, Metal Stands * Fuel Slip Tank w/ Hand Pump * Gas Water Pump * Jet Pump * Chains & Hooks * Cable * Hyd Cyl * 8) 10’ Metal Corral Panels * Rd Bale Feeder * Various Lumber 2”x6”, 2”x8”, up to 16’ * 250) 2”x4” x 8’ * T&G 1”x4” * 20) Bundles New Asphalt Shingles * 25) Treated Fence Posts * Barb Wire * Elec Fencer * Hand Meat Saw * Tarps Antiques: 10’ Cult on Steel * Hse Dump Rake * 2) Frost & Woods Hse Sickle Mower * Walk Behind Scuffler * Wood Wagon Wheels * 2) Cream Separators * 1) Hand 1) Elec * Old Harness * Hiawatha Pedal Bike * Leg Vise * Scythe * Primitive Rake * 3) Whiskey Barrels * 3) Egg Crates * Nail Kegs * Oil Cans * 2) K Cupboard * Side Board * Drop Leaf Table * DR Table * Wood Cook Stove * Cabinet Radio * Wringer Washer * Wash Board * Pop Bottles *
AUCTION SALES Manitoba Auctions – Interlake
Location: 399 Ravenhurst St. Winnipeg, MB (1/2 mile west of the perimeter hwy on Dugald Rd.)
This is a Partial Listing
McSherry Auction Service Ltd
Sat., Sept. 14 @ 10:00 am Libau, MB -Centre of Town
Directions: Jct #32E & 86N, 1 Block West # 31128
Auction Note: Acreage is Sold! Contact: (204)766-2263 Email: Vintage Truck: 1929 Ford Model A, Complete Last Running 5 years ago, Subject To Owner’s Approval Last Bid! Tractor, Skidsteer & Equip: Bobcat 743 dsl w/ Bucket, 5500 hrs, S# 27739 * Int 806 dsl Cab Torque Amp Dual Hyd 540 PTO 23.1 30 New Tires w/ Allied FEL & Bucket * Hesston PT10 9’ Haybine * NH 851 Auto Wrap RD Baler * PTO Drive Single Axle Manure Spreader * Bale Forks for FEL Yard & Rec: JD L120 20HP 48” R Mower w/ Rear Bagger * JD R70 R Mower * JD 42” Lawn Sweep * Trailer Yard Sprayer Boom & Wand * Merry Roto Tiller * 80s Honda 50cc Z Mini Bike, nr * 74 Skidoo 300 Snowmobile, nr * 75 Yamaha 440 Snowmobile, nr * Utility Trailer * MTD 8HP Snowblower * Wheel Barrow * Mosquito Magnet * Poly Barrels * Hand Yard Tools * Golf Clubs * GUNS: Enfield Sportizered Cal 303, Act: BA * Cooey, Model 600, cal 22, Act BA w/ Scope * Tree Stand Livestock Equip: BH 2 Horse Tandem Trailer * 5) Metal RD Bale Feeders * 16’ Calf Shelter * 2) Western Saddles * Bridles * Halters * Grooming * Buggy Shaft * Single Driving Harness * Parmac 30 Mile Elec Fencer * High Tensile Wire * Hand Meat Saw * Chicken Feeders * Brooder Lights * Misc: 01 Dodge 5.9 gas Engine & Trans * Poly Truck Tool Box * Load Ratchet Strapping * 90s Ford Tailgate * Various Auto Parts * Oils, Lubs * Truck Grill Guard * Set 23.1 30 Tractor Tire Chains * Interior & Bifold Doors Tools: Devilbiss 5HP 40 gal Air Comp * Miller Mig Welder * Metal Band Saw * Delta 10” Table Saw * Generator 2000 watts * Sand Blaster * Silver Beauty Battery Charger * Bench Grinder * Power Tools * Router * Saws * Drills * New Hammer Drills * Sander * Air Tools * Die Cutter * Roofing Nailer * Port Air Tank * Tool Cabinet * Auto 10 ton Hyd Body Jack * Floor Jack * Many Hand Tools * Laser Level * Workmate * Metal Folding Saw Horses * Workbench w/ Vise * Shop Cabinet * Shelving * Router Bits * Full Bolt Bin * Shop Supply Antiques; Railway Switchman Lantern * Wardrobe Closet * Dresser * Wood Cook Stove * Treadle Sewing Machine * Steel Wheels * Wood Wagon Wheels * Singer Hand Crank Sewing Machine * Wringer * Household
Stuart McSherry (204) 467-1858 or (204) 886-7027 For full listings visit
Leawood Enterprises
AUCTION SALES Manitoba Auctions – Interlake
Contact Chad Friesen (cell) at 204-476-4720 leave messages on voicemail
Sat., Sept. 28, 2013 at 10:00 AM Birnie, MB (28 km North of Neepawa)
Directions: From Neepawa, travel north on Highway #5 to Birnie junction (approx 28 kms) and continue north one mile past this junction. Sale site is on east side of highway. Watch for signs. PLEASE VIEW OUR WEBSITE for FULL LISTING AND PHOTOS.
John Lamport 204-476-2067 Tim Dowler 204-803-6915
AUCTION SALES Manitoba Auctions – Westman NICKEL AUCTIONS LTD Annual Consignment Auction at Austin, MB Saturday, October 12th Consign Your Items Early For Advertising Some Equipment Already Consigned Phone (204)637-3393 Cell (204)856-6900 E-mail Website
Advertise in the Manitoba Co-operator Classifieds, it’s a Sure Thing!
1-800-782-0794 FARM LAND AUCTION for Robert Butterfield Saturday, September 28th West of MacGregor 1/4 Section Check Website For Details Owner (204)685-2899
Stuart McSherry (204) 467-1858 or (204) 886-7027 For full listings visit
AUCTION SALES Manitoba Auctions – Interlake
• 10ft Frame Gates • 12ft Frame Gates • 10ft Range Panels • 10ft Flex Panel 6 Rail • 12ft Range Panel • 12ft PG4 Flex Panels w/ 4ft Personal Gate • 10ft PG4 Flex Panels w/ 4ft Personal Gate • 10ft Traditional Stall Front • 10ft Traditional Rail Divider • 10ft Traditional Solid Divider • 12ft Traditional Stall Front • 16ft Cattleman • 4ft General Duty Gate • 6ft General Duty Gate • 8ft General Duty Gate • 10ft General Duty Gate • 16ft General Duty Gate • 20ft Heavy Duty Gate • 10ft Heavy Duty Gate • 12ft Heavy Duty Gate • 18ft Heavy Duty Gate • 10ft Heavy Duty Panel • 12ft Heavy Duty Panel • 16ft Heavy Duty Panel • 16ft Heavy Duty Panel 6R • 4ft Heavy Duty Panel • 10ft Super Six Gate • 16ft Super Six Gate • 10ft Orignal Front • 12ft Original Front • 20ft 1 1/2” 4 Rail C.F. • 10ft 1 1/2” 4 Rail C.F.
• 20ft 2” 5 Rail C.F. • 10ft 2” 5 Rail C.F. • 20ft 2” 4 Rail C.F. • Bunk Feeders • Sileage Bunks • Calf Chute • Curved Alley Panel
Plus Much More!!
PENNER AUCTION SALES LTD. 218 Brandt Street Steinbach, MB Ph: 204.326.3061 Fax: 204.326.3061 Toll Free: 1-866-512-8992
AUCTION SALES Saskatchewan Auctions
MACK AUCTION CO. presents a farm equipment auction for Evan & Mary Goranson (306)861-1511 Sat., Oct. 12th, 2013 at 10:00am. Live internet bidding at Directions from Weyburn, SK 5-mi Southeast on Hwy 39 and 1.5-mi East. Ford Vers 846 Designation 6 4WD tractor w/3,162-hrs; Case 1070 2WD tractor; Case 900 2WD tractor; Case C tractor for parts; 39-ft. Morris Maxim air drill double shoot & 6180 Morris air tank; 45-ft. Morris Magnum CP-743 cultivator; 27-ft. Morris cultivator; MF 12-ft. & 18-ft. discers; 60-ft. Herman tine harrows; NH TR 86 SP combine w/recent work orders; 25-ft. NH 971 straight cut header; 20ft. Vers PT swather; Head Catcher sunflower pans; Crary air reel; 1979 Chev C60 3-Ton grain truck; 1998 Chev Silverado 1500 extended cab 4WD truck; 1965 GMC 960 grain truck; 100-ft/ Brandt QF 1000 field sprayer; EZ Guide & EZ Steer GPS units; Cushion Air 300 grain vac; Westfield 10-61 swing auger; Pool 7-41 auger w/Kohler engine; Rosco 2,750-bu. grain bin on cement; Rosco 2,200-bu. grain bin on cement; JD 8-ft. land leveller; Riteway 2 batt rock picker; oilfield drill bits; chemical transfer pump; antique forge; cream separator; horse harness; hay sling; saddles beam scale; Club Car electric golf cart, complete line of shop tools. Visit for sale bill & photos. Join us on Facebook & Twitter (306)421-2928 or (306)487-7815 Mack Auction Co. PL 311962
AUCTION SALE OF McDiarmid Lumber Highway Tractors, Trucks, Forklifts, Trailers & Equipment 5221 Portage Ave. West - Headingley, Manitoba
Saturday, September 14th at 11:00 am (Viewing Friday 10:00 am til 5:00 Day Before Sale Only) (RAIN OR SHINE)
AUCTIONEER’S NOTE Please check web site for updates, pictures and deletions.
2005 International Eagle 9200i w/ISM 410 Cummins engine, automatic trans. w/Integral sleeper (Safetied Oct. 2013)* 2002 International Eagle 9400i w/ sleeper (Good Shape)*
2000 Sterling LT9500 tandem axle w/ox flat deck w/Hiab model 235.K w/forks, out riggers w/6-cyl. Cummins diesel (Showing 204,500 km)* 2002 Chev. 3500 Duramax diesel 1-ton flat deck 4x4 crew cab w/hitch for goose neck trailer* 2004 Chev. Silverado 3500 Duramax diesel 1-ton flat deck* 2000 Chev. Silverado ext. cab, 4x4*
2005 Clark CMP50SL dual wheel, propane, 10,000 lbs. lift, triple mast w/side shift* 2-1999 JCB 930 diesel, 4x4, 6,000 lbs. lift, nice shape* 1999 Daewoo G25S triple mast w/side shift, 5,000 lbs. lift* 1997 Nissan 50 propane, all terrain, 3-mast, 5,000 lbs. (good shape)* Case 586-D diesel 8,000 lbs. lift, all terrain* Hyster Type5, propane forklift H50XL* 1998 Yale electric, 6,000 lbs. lift, triple mast w/side shift* 1997 Sky Jack 3219 lift* Nissan 50, all terrain (Not Running)*
2-2007 Lode King 53’ drop deck tri-axle trailers* 2003 24’ Sokal goose neck trailer w/tandem dual wheels*
AUCTION SALES Manitoba Auctions – Interlake
Wasp attic insulation blower* 2-ACCU-1 attic insulation blowers* Vidir Cut “N” Roll carpet machine model 75*
Over 50 lifts of orange pallet racking (Lifts have 2-3 sections on it)* over 90-Lifts of Gondola double sided store shelving*
AFM Direct tinter model 2323121B2T* 2-Hero Innovative color technology paint machines* FM-VR1 mixer/shaker*
11-Medallion oak kitchen cupboard sets w/flush panel 1/4 sawn oak doors*
HP DesignJet 500ps plotter* 10-pallets of executive office furniture* 10-Dell & Acer computers w/LED screens* Toshiba telephone system* assort. office printers* etc.
AUCTION SALES Saskatchewan Auctions
MACK AUCTION CO. presents an antique tractor & vehicle auction for Don & Shirley Bryant (306)577-7362. Sun., Oct. 6th, 2013 at 12:00pm Noon. Over 100 tractors & vehicles for restoration various conditions. Directions from Carlyle, SK. 12-mi South on Hwy. 9 & 3.5-mi East. Watch for Signs! Large Ford Mercury dealer sign; Massey Harris 44G; Massey Harris 102 Junior; Case VA; 2, Case LA; McCormick Deering W6 DSL; IHC W4; 2, Case 930; JD 70; JD B; 2, JD G; JD B; JD H; 5, JD AR; JD A; JD D; 2, Cockshutt Super 570; Case C; Minneapolis Moline U; Minneapolis Moline U Special; Minneapolis Moline UB; Case SC; Massey Harris 444 Special; Massey Harris 44 GS; IH Farmall M; 2, Wallis Steel Wheels; Long F162; Minneapolis Moline Z; Minneapolis Moline U; Massey Harris 102 Junior; Oliver 88; IH Farmall M; IH Farmall H; Cockshutt 80; Massey Harris 102 Senior; Case D; Fordson Major DSL; Case V; JD A; Minneapolis U; JD A; Minneapolis Moline U; JD AR; Farmall Super M; 3, JD G; Case S; Case D; IH 4366 4WD for parts. 1958 Chev Delray 4 door car; Ski Bee snow machine; 1964 IH Loadstar 2-Ton; Ford 2-Ton w/box & hoist; 1951 Dodge 300; 1952 GMC 9300 1/2-Ton; 1966 GMC 950 2-Ton; 1975 Chev 10 Custom Deluxe; 1972 GMC 1500 Custom truck; 2, 1950 GMC 9700; 1952 Chev 1430; 1960’s Ford Van; 1964 IH 1200; 1958 Mercury 4WD truck; 1972 IH 1110 truck; Austin 2-Ton truck; 1936 Chev 2 door car body; 1952 GMC Truck; 1952 Chev 1430 truck; 1964 Chev 30 truck; 1952 GMC 450; 1947 Mercury 3-Ton truck; 1953 Ford truck; Ford 600 Cab over truck; IH cab over tandem semi truck; 1957 Chev 1-Ton truck; 1947 Dodge 2-Ton truck; 1947 Ford 1-Ton truck; 2, 1947 IH KB-7 trucks; 1956 Chev Bel Air 4 door car; WD 45 AC; 101 VA Case Tractor; 2, JD 12A PTO combines; IH combine; Minneapolis Moline combine; Case A-6 combine; Cockshutt 431 combine; Cockshutt 522 combine; MF model 72; THE ESTATE OF VIC EAGLES (306)634-4696. JD dealership sign; JD 210 Industrial; JD 1010; JD D; IH 300, McCormick S; Fordson Major; IH B414; JD D STEEL SPOKED WHEELS; JD 820; JD 620; MF 44; JD A; 2, JD AR, MH model GC, IH road grader U2A, plus much much more! Visit for sale bill & photos. Join us on Facebook & Twitter. (306)421-2928 or (306)487-7815 Mack Auction Co. PL 311962
AUCTION SALES Auctions Various BE AN AUCTIONEER. (507)995-7803 Call our toll-free number to take advantage of our Prepayment Bonus. Prepay for 3 weeks and we’ll run your ad 2 more weeks for free. That’s 5 weeks for the price of 3. Call 1-800-782-0794 today!
AUCTION SALES Auctions Various
AUCTION SALES Auctions Various
Decta Unisaw 10” Tilting Arbor Saw* 3-stock ladders* 24-mobile lumber carts* assort. aluminum ladders* 40-shopping carts* 3-pallet jacks* Leon forklift plow* 18-lifts of siding parts* 19-crates of new ducting parts, hoses, eaves trough parts, ABS fittings, roof vents, closed parts, broom, rakes, etc.* 7-pallets of misc. paint* etc.
TERMS: Cash, Visa, Mastercard or Debit paid in Full Same Day of Sale. SUBJECT TO ADDITIONS & DELETIONS “Everything Sold As Is, Where Is” with no warranties implied or expressed.
KAYE’S AUCTIONS (204) 668-0183 (WPG.)
Location: From Emo, ON 19km South on 602, Or From Fort Frances, ON 25km West on 602. Marker 5121
TRACTORS, TRUCKS, HAYING EQUIPMENT, TRAILERS, TILLAGE & 3 PTH EQUIPMENT INCLUDING: *2000 4230 Case IH, 3PTH, MFWD, Loader *Ford 9000 Diesel, 3 PTH*1690 Case Diesel Tractor 3 PTH*2006 20’ Gooseneck Livestock Trailer *2006 26’ Flatdeck Trailer w/ Beaver Tail, Tandem* New Holland 1495 Hydrostic Self-Propelled Haybine *3 Ton GMC Truck w/ Steel B&H FULL LISTING AT
PENNER AUCTION SALES LTD. 218 Brandt Street Steinbach, MB Ph: 204.326.3061 Fax: 204.326.3061 Toll Free: 1-866-512-8992
The Manitoba Co-operator | September 5, 2013
4WD TRACTORS 2011 JD 9630, deluxe cab, active seat, powershift, AutoTrac ready w/ Plug-NPlay, front & rear power diff lock, Hi-Flow hyd. system w/78gpm flow, Field Vision xenon HID rear lights, 520/85R46 triples, 742 hrs., S/N1RW9630PPAP022100 2010 JD 9630 deluxe cab, active seat, powershift, AutoTrac ready w/Plug-NPlay, front & rear power diff lock, Field Vision xenon HID rear lights, 832 hrs., S/N1RW9630PLAP017293 1990 JD 8760, 24 spd., 4 hyd., integrated Outback auto steer, 6,790 hrs., S/NRW8760H02392 1998 Ford 9682, N14 Cummins, 360 hp., powershift, 12 fwd, 2 reverse, 4 hyd., shows 7,029 hrs., S/ND106625 Versatile 875, 12 spd. gear, 4 hyd., 20.8-38 duals 2WD TRACTORS & LOADERS 2010 JD 5075E, 2WD, 9F/3R, 75 hp., 2 hyd., 3 pt., 540 PTO, 1,198 hrs. 2005 JD 5525, 2WD, 9F/3R, 75 hp., 2 hyd., 3 pt., 540 PTO, 2,753 hrs. JD 4430, CAH, quad range, 2 hyd., 540/1000 PTO, 10,149 hrs., loader brackets not included & will be removed by seller, S/N020972R JD 4010, quad range, diesel, 2 hyd., 540 PTO, blown motor, S/N401022T21326 1983 Case-IH 2294, powershift, 3 hyd., 3 pt., 1000 PTO, Buhler Allied loader, 7’ bucket, 8,861 hrs. 1952 JD 60, wide front, gas, 1 hyd., PTO, Powr-Trol, rock shaft, electric start, needs radiator core, S/N6003491 Dual 210 loader, 7’ bucket, 4-tine grapple, mounts for JD 4030 JD 158 loader w/mounts
COMBINES 1998 Agco R72 AHH, variable spd., grain loss monitor, acre meter, corn/soybean, bin ext., 1,200 sep./1,800 engine hrs., 2nd owner 1998 Caterpillar Lexion 465 4WD, AHHC, ARS, chaff spreader, dual spd. cylinder, 3D sieves, heavy lift cylinders, 3,118 hrs. 1991 JD 9600, duals, topper
1983 JD 8820, DAH, 2 spd. cylinder, long unloading auger, bin ext. 1981 JD 8820, DAH, long unloading auger, bin ext. 1980 JD 7720, turbo hydro, diesel, grain-trac monitor, chopper, 2WD, shows 4,322 hrs., S/N412077 JD 7720, turbo hydro, DAM, chopper, HD rear axle, grain loss monitor, hopper extension, S/N411576 JD 95 self-propelled combine, gas, w/5-belt pickup head, S/N36489
HEADS 2010 Case-IH 2020 flex head, 30’, S/NYAZL52525 2003 Case-IH 1020 flex head, 25’, S/NJJ0331577 2010 JD 635F flex head, 35’, S/N1H00635FCA0737360 2009 JD 635F flex head, 35’ 2007 JD 635F flex head, 35’, S/NH00635F721311 JD 630F flex head, S/NH00930F676137 2000 JD 930F flex head, 30’, S/NH00930F686174 JD 930F flex head, CWS wind bar 2009 MacDon HD70 flex draper, 40’, S/N186041 2009 MacDon D60 rigid draper, 45’ 2006 NH 94C draper head, 41’ 2005 Geringhoff RD chopping corn head, 18x22”, S/N919651822-B 2003 Geringhoff RD chopping corn head, 8x22”, S/N93053830 2005 Harvestec 4216C chopping corn head, 16x22” 2000 JD 1291 corn head, 12x22” JD 1220 Clark Conversion corn head JD corn head, 10x22”, converted from an 8x30”, all New poly JD 843 corn head, 8 row, steel snouts, S/N519899 IHC 882 corn head, 8x22”, knife rolls, S/N100U013069 JD 853A all crop head, S/N655413 JD 853 all crop head, 8 row JD 853 all crop head, S/N248345 JD 653A all crop head, 6x30”, S/N428404
JD 653 all crop head, 6x30”, S/N347806 JD 653 all crop head, 6 row 1989 JD 912 pickup head, 388 Westward 7-belt pickup, S/N630254 JD 212 pickup head, Melroe 7-belt pickup JD 212 pickup head, JD 6-belt pickup JD 930 rigid head, S/NH00930P657006 Versatile 4025 bidirectional head, 25’ JD 590 pull-type swather, 30’, S/N00590A877548
SEMI TRACTORS 2005 Freightliner Columbia condo sleeper, 708,000 miles 2005 Peterbilt 379 ext. hood, 60” sleeper, 960,000 miles 2005 Peterbilt 379, 63” sleeper, 979,000 miles 2004 Peterbilt 378, C15 Cat, 10 spd. 1997 Freightliner FL80, day cab, shows 82,163 miles Kenworth cabover, Cat, 9 spd.
TRUCKS 1982 Ford L9000 tandem axle dump truck, 14’ GRAIN CARTS & gravel box, 471,628 miles GRAVITY WAGONS 1979 Ford 800 tag Bourgault 1100 grain tandem, 20’x72” high cart, 1,100 bu., Reitan alum. box, Harsh S/N36686GC-07 scissor hoist, 62,353 miles Parker J4500 grain 1969 International cart, S/N251178 Loadstar twin screw, (2) Demco gravity 18’ box & hoist, 210,460 miles wagon, 525 bu. 1976 Chevrolet C60 PLANTERS single axle, 16’ box, hoist, 2012 Case-IH 1250 front- roll tarp fold planter, 16x30”, 1,300 1983 Chevrolet C70 actual hrs., S/NYBS028483 single axle bulk fuel IHC 400 planter, 8 row truck 2000 Freightliner FL60 AIR DRILLS JD 1850 air drill, 40’, 7-1/2” delivery truck spacing, 1900 cart, 270 bu. LIVE BOTTOM Morris Maxim air drill, 40’, & END DUMP 10” spacing, 7240 cart, 240 bu. TRAILERS 2007 Trinity Eagle TILLAGE EQUIP. Bridge live bottom 2010 Case-IH 870 trailer, 42’ EcoloTiger disc ripper, 1989 TrailStar aluminum S/NJFH0048489 end dump trailer, 32’ tub, Flexi-Coil System 70 33’ frame, 64” sides coil packer, 45’ 1988 TrailStar aluminum 1993 Wishek 742 end dump trailer, 32’ tub, tandem disc, 26’ 33’ frame, 64” sides (2) Krause disc, 32’ & 24’ 1986 East aluminum IHC 800 auto reset end dump trailer, 32’, moldboard plow, 33’ frame, 72” sides S/N1050000U000577 1978 East aluminum JD 3600 auto reset end dump trailer, 30’, plow, 7 bottom 72” sides JD 3200 auto reset plow 1974 East aluminum Melroe chisel plow, 39’ end dump trailer, 30’ Melroe chisel plow, 32’ tub, 31’ frame, 70” sides IHC chisel plow, 17’ COMBINE/SPRAYER Summers 1600 TRAILERS multiweeder, 50’ 2003 Zierke tri-axle ROW CROP EQUIP. combine/sprayer JD, 12x30” trailer, 53’ w/10’ spread Westgo, 12x30” 2001 Shop-built (2) Westgo, 6x30” combine/sprayer Wil-Rich, 12x30” trailer, extendable 28-1/2’ Alloway pull-type 1974 American flatbed shredder, 22’ trailer, 42’x8 American flatbed trailer, 40’x8’
HOPPER BOTTOM & OTHER TRAILERS 1991 Timpte Super Hopper hopper bottom trailer, 42’x96x66” sides Timpte hopper bottom, 42’ 1987 Fruehauf pneumatic trailer, 1,000 cu. ft. cap. Shop-built header trailer, 22’ Shop-built header trailer, 20’ 1983 Tandem axle utility trailer, 6x14’ WHEEL LOADERS 1985 Case W20C wheel loader, shows 3,052 hrs., S/N9155896 Fiat Allis 745 wheel loader, S/N96M02672 DOZERS 2006 Case 650K LGP crawler, 2,981 hrs. 1952 Caterpillar D8 dozer, S/N13A1678 Caterpillar D7E dozer, S/N2015 PICKUPS SUGARBEET EQUIP. SPRAYERS & SPREADERS HAY & LIVESTOCK EQUIPMENT AUGERS, HOPPER BIN & AERATION EQUIPMENT CONVEYORS TRACTOR & TELESCOPIC FORKLIFTS TRENCHER BACKHOE & CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT SKID STEER LOADERS & ATTACH. OTHER EQUIPMENT RECREATION NH3 EQUIPMENT FORAGE EQUIP. GENERATORS TANKS to include fuel tanks, propane & NH3 TRACKS & TIRES PARTS & MISC. ITEMS
For consignor information & location, complete terms, lot listing and photos visit
AUTO & TRANSPORT Auto & Truck Parts
GREAT PRICES ON NEW, used & remanufactured engines, parts & accessories for diesel pickups. Large inventory, engines can be shipped or installed. Give us a call or check us out at Thickett Engine Rebuilding. Ph (204)532-2187, Russell MB.
1999 250 FORD 7.2 DSL 4x4, long-box, 290,000-km, mechanic in good shape, body little rust, asking $7,000 OBO; 8x24 tandem flat-deck all brakes & lights, asking $2,500 OBO. (204)444-2997 81 FORD S600 W/5-YD dump box; 5th wheel hitch for camper trailer, stabilizer for bumper hitch trailer; 18.4x34 tractor tire. Phone (204)855-2212 FOR SALE: 04 CHEVY 2500 4x4, 4-dr, gas, new safety, new steer tires, flat deck w/tool boxes, $7000. Phone:(204)871-0925. FOR SALE: MACK RS 700L Tandem grain truck, complete w/20-ft Cancade box & roll-tarp, safetied, Call:(204)721-0940.
AUTO & TRANSPORT Semi Trucks & Trailers 2005 PETERBILT 379 CAT CIS 475 HP, 13-Spd, 355 Ratio, good tires all around. Asking $26,000. Call (204)857-1700, Gladstone MB.
75 truckloads 29 gauge full hard 100,000PSI high tensile roofing & siding. 16 colours to choose from. B-Gr. coloured......................70¢/ft.
Multi-coloured millends.........49¢/ft.2
Serving Manitoba, Saskatchewan, NW Ontario & Alberta....Since 1937 • Quality Commercial/Agricultural/Residential Overhead Doors & Operators. • Aluminum Polycarbonate Doors Available. • Non-Insulated and Insulated Sectional Doors Available. • Liftmaster Heavy Duty Operators. • Mullion Slide Away Centre Posts. • Commercial/Agricultural Steel Man Doors and Frames. • Your washbay door specialists. • Quality Installation & Service. • 24 Hour Service. • Replacement Springs & Cables.
Phone: 204-326-4556 Fax: 204-326-5013 Toll Free: 1-855-326-4556 email:
FARM MACHINERY Grain Bins NEW MERIDIAN BINS AVAILABLE, GM2300GM5000, all w/skids. In Stock aeration fans to go w/your new hopper bin. Call Valley Agro (204)746-6783 or visit SUKUP GRAIN BINS: Flat bottom & hopper, heavy built, setup crew available. Call for more info. (204) 998-9915.
Ask about our blowout colours...65¢/ft.2
Also in stock low rib white 29 ga. ideal for archrib buildings BEAT THE PRICE INCREASES CALL NOW
BUILDINGS 2004 HI-QUAL 36 X 22 Fabric Quonset; Agri-plastic calf hutches w/pails & doors; 2 metal calf sheds. Phone (204)571-1254, Brandon. AFAB INDUSTRIES IS YOUR SUPERIOR post frame building company. For estimates and information call 1-888-816-AFAB(2322). Website: CONCRETE FLATWORK: Specializing in place & finish of concrete floors. Can accommodate any floor design. References available. Alexander, MB. 204-752-2069.
STOP Climbing Bins!
THREE IN ONE 1. COMPLETE AUGER SPOUT with “NO SNAG SPOUT” 2. FULL BIN ALARM 3. NIGHT LIGHT • Available for 10, 13 and 16” Augers • No Batteries needed • Enclosed Sensor • Proven Design since 2003 Value Priced from $515 to $560+ shipping 3 DAYS DELIVERY TO YOUR FARM IF YOU DON’T LIKE IT SEND IT BACK AFTER HARVEST FOR A REFUND
John and Angelika Gehrer NEVER SPILL SPOUT Inc.
Endless Opportunities
BUHLER-SORTEX FULL COLOUR SORTER Model 90,000. Demo Machine - Never been used $65,000 OBO. Please call (519)631-3463, ON.
251 Main St. Carman. Turnkey Special Crop Crushing Plant in Carman, MB. Options to crush several different crops. Includes land, buildings, equipment, client list & owner will help w/transition. MLS#1306629. Call Chris:(204)745-7493 for info. RE/MAX Advantage.
FARM CHEMICAL SEED COMPLAINTS We also specialize in: Crop Insurance appeals; Chemical drift; Residual herbicide; Custom operator issues; Equipment malfunction; Yield comparisons, Plus Private Investigations of any nature. With our assistance the majority of our clients have received compensation previously denied. Back-Track Investigations investigates, documents your loss and assists in settling your claim. Licensed Agrologist on Staff. For more information Please call 1-866-882-4779
CONTRACTING CONTRACTING Custom Harvest CUSTOM HARVEST INSURED, Rotor or Walker Combine. Per hour or acre. Phone (204)487-1347.
CONTRACTING Custom Work ALLAN DAIRY IS TAKING bookings for the 2013 silage season. For more information call (204)371-1367 or (204)371-7302.
MANITOBA BASED CUSTOM HARVESTING operation equipped w/Case IH & John Deere combines. Peas, cereals, canola, & soybeans. Flex heads, straight heads & PU headers. Professional operation fully insured. Phone:(204)371-9435 or (701)520-4036.
CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT 1985 CASE 450C CRAWLER Dozer, 6-way blade, ROP canopy, hydrostatic trans, 16-in pads, 65% undercarriage, Cummins engine rebuilt, 0-hrs, $18,500. Phone:(204)525-4521 2007 621D WHEEL LOADER 3-yd bucket, VGC. Call (204)447-0184.
1976 CHEV C70, 5&4-SPD trans, 427 motor, full tandem, w/20-ft box & roll-tarp. Asking $3100. Phone (204)728-1861.
FOR RENT: 24-FT. PULLDOZER daily & weekly rates avail. Call (204)745-8909 or (204)242-4588.
IQBID is a division of Steffes Auctioneers Inc. 2000 Main Avenue East, West Fargo, ND 58078 • Scott Steffes ND81 701.237.9173 • •
1975 GMC 6500 heavy duty grain truck, 16-ft. box hoist, roll tarp, 1020 tires, 5x2 trans, 366 engine. Phone (204)745-2784.
HYD PULL SCRAPERS, 6-40 yards, Caterpillar, AC/LaPlant, LeTourneau, Kokudo, etc. Pull-type & direct mount available, tires also available. Pull-type pull grader, $14,900; 2010 53-ft step deck, $24,995; New Agricart grain cart, 1050-Bu, complete w/tarp, $27,500. Phone (204)822-3797, Morden MB. TD9 4-CYL NEEDS ENGINE, good v.c. & running gear. Has 8-ft IH farm dozer, Farmall Super C, Super H & M. Phone (204)736-2619, Oak Bluff.
FARM MACHINERY FARM MACHINERY Grain Augers 8X70 WESTFIELD PTO AUGER, excellent shape, $2,500 OBO. Phone (204)476-6907. NEW 2013 HARVEST INTERNATIONAL Heavy Duty Grain Auger Dealer, Commercially Built, Hi Speed Volume, All Sizes 8-in., 10-in., 13-in. in stock, 36-ft. 112-ft. Available, Special Intro Pricing in Effect Now! Reimer Farm Equipment- Gary Reimer (204)326-7000
FARM MACHINERY Grain Bins BEHLIN 3750-BU GRANARY; BOURGAULT coil packer, 28-32 ft. adjustable, w/hyd lift. Phone (204)386-2412, Plumas. BIG BINS & FLOORS at old prices, 20,000-56,000bu. bins holding prices until spring. NEW MOISTURE CABLES! Call Wall Grain for details (204)269-7616 or (306)244-1144 or (403)393-2662. CUSTOM BIN MOVING Book now! Fert Tanks. Hopper Bins/flat. Buy/Sell. Call Tim (204)362-7103 or E-mail Requests
AUTO & TRANSPORT Vehicles Various
FOR SALE: WESTFIELD ROSCO grain bin 2,400bu., like new, used 1 yr. Phone (204)768-9090.
OVER 200 VEHICLES LOTS OF DIESELS Chrysler Dodge (800)667-4414 Wynyard, SK.
NEW BROCK BIN PACKAGES starting at .80cents/bushel. Let us line up our experienced crews to do the work for you. Call Valley Agro (204)746-6783.
FORSBERG MODEL 14 GRAVITY table, Commercial unit. $9,500, OBO. Phone:(204)471-3418.
FARM MACHINERY Grain Dryers NEW SUKUP GRAIN DRYERS in stock and ready for immediate delivery. Canola screens, 1/3ph, LP/NG. Call for more info. (204) 998-9915. NEW MC DRYERS IN STOCK w/canola screens 300-2,000 BPH units. Why buy used, when you get new fuel efficient & better quality & control w/MC. Call Wall Grain for details (204)269-7616 or (306)244-1144 or (403)393-2662.
FARM MACHINERY Grain Elevators 80-FT. BUCKET ELEVATING LEG w/3 phase 10-HP electric motor. Phone (204)886-3304.
FARM MACHINERY Grain Testers FOR SALE: MODEL 919 Labtronics Grain Tester complete w/charts, Ohaus scale & official bushel weight pint measure. Canola Roller & canola stick, $700; Farmex hay probe (moisture tester), $75. Owner retired. Phone:(204)368-2226.
FARM MACHINERY Haying & Harvesting – Baling 1998 CASE IH 8455 rd baler, dual elect tie hyd bale kicker; 2003 Case IH RBX462 rd baler, extra-wide PU, chain oiler. Ph Richard (204)383-5875. COMPLETE SET OF USED round baler belts for Hesston 956 model, 50% worn, no tears, asking $150 per/belt. Phone days (204)526-5298 or evenings (204)743-2145. FOR SALE: 4910 HESSTON large square baler (4x4x8), field ready; 900 NH forage harvester, 3row adjustable corn head & PU, rebuilt gear box. Call (204)685-2470. WANTED: NEW HOLLAND BALE wagons, also accumulators & forks. Roeder Implement, Seneca, Kansas. Phone: 785-336-6103.
FARM MACHINERY Haying & Harvesting – Swathers 1989 JD 2360 25-FT. swather, PU reel, DSL, variable SPD on reel & table, cuts canola excellent, asking $9,000 OBO; 1994 25-ft. Case IH PT swather, $1,500. Phone (204)746-5199 1995 8220 CASE IH swather; 222 JD header w/transport. Phone (204)858-2573. 1999 MF 220 Series2 25-ft swather w/pick-up reel, double-shears & lifters, 1,500-hrs. Wilmot Milne, Gladstone, MB. Phone: (204)385-2486 or Cell: (204)212-0531. 9260 HESSTON SWATHER W/2210 HEADER, like new, 36-ft. Big Cab power unit, 2005. W/Swath roller.Very nice shape, best swather for Canola. $70,000. (204)871-0925. CASE IH MODEL 730 pull-type swather, 30-ft w/bat-reel, canvases included, always shedded. Asking $2500. Phone days (204)526-5298, evenings (204)743-2145. WESTWARD 3000 30-FT. PT swather crop lifters, new knife & guards, shedded, Haukass hitch, not used last 6 yrs, $4,500 OBO. Phone (204)638-2513 or (204)546-2021.
FARM MACHINERY Hay & Harvesting – Swather Accessories 25-FT U2 PU REEL, w/metal teeth, good condition. Phone (204)746-5605.
FARM MACHINERY Haying & Harvesting – Various 14 WHEEL RAKE, $6,500; Vermeer R23 Hyd. rake NH166 swath turner, $3,500; JD 535 baler, $5,900; JD 530, $3,500; JD 510 $1,250; Gehl 2270 Haybine, $3,900; NH 116, $3,000; Several hay conditioners, $800 & up; JD 15-ft #1518 batwing mower, $8,500; Woods 7-ft, $3,000; Woods 6-ft, $1,600; 5ft 3PH, $1,000, 6-ft, $1,150. Phone: (204)857-8403. 97 1475 NH HAYBINE 2300 14-ft. header, $9,500 OBO. Phone (204)762-5779. FOR SALE: CASE IH 19.5-ft 4000 swather (no cab). Two Keer shears lifter guards. Not used since 2009 (shedded). Really good condition, $3,500; Case IH 8480 round baler, shedded, not used since 2009 (soft core). Really good condition, $4,000. Phone:(204)368-2226. FOR SALE: FARM KING 13x70-ft. Swing Auger w/hyd winch & hopper mover, reverser, 540 PTO, new price $23,000, asking $13,800; Also 9600 JD Combine Cyl spiders, used. Good condition. Phone (204)526-7829, Holland, MB.
The Manitoba Co-operator | September 5, 2013
FARM MACHINERY Haying & Harvesting – Various
FARM MACHINERY Combine – Versatile
FARM MACHINERY Tractors – John Deere
FARM MACHINERY Machinery Miscellaneous
MORRIS 881 HAY HIKER, hauls 8 bales, in good condition, $7500 OBO; Older pull-type hay crimper, NH 351 mixmill. Offers? Phone Allan (204)842-5141
1986 VERSATILE MODEL 2000 pull-type combine, always shedded, in good condition. Asking $5000. Phone Days (204)526-5298 or evenings (204)743-2145.
FARM MACHINERY Combine – Various
1974 JD 4430, CAB w/heater & A/C, new 18.4 x 38 rear tires w/factory duals, 540 & 1000 PTO. 12,500-hrs on tractor, engine was rebuilt at 9,000-hrs. Comes w/158 JD loader, manure bucket, dirt bucket & bale prong. W/joystick control. Asking $24,500. Phone Rob:(204)743-2145 Mornings & evenings or Days (204)526-5298. Cypress River, MB.
FOR SALE: CASE 8X16 plow w/depth control wheel; Westfield 10-in x 60-ft auger w/swing hopper; Friggstad 35-ft deep tiller w/twines; Westfield 7-in x 41-ft grain auger; 6-ft swath roller; 70-ft Powermatic diamond harrow; 30-ft drill carrier. Phone (204)265-3219.
FARM MACHINERY Combine – Case/IH 1981 1460 INTL COMBINE 2,454-hrs, always shedded, mint condition, field ready. Phone (204)771-7293, Ile des Chenes.
JD 1070 40-HP 1998 1,800-hrs, very good shape. Call (204)267-2292 or cell (204)856-9595.
VICTORY MODEL SUPER 7, 12-ft PU in good condition. Asking $2400. Phone days (204)526-5298, evenings (204)743-2145.
JD 4020 W/CAB & duals, 148 loader w/6-ft. bucket & bale fork; 22 Anhydrous Dutch knives. Phone (204)239-0035.
NH 971 HEADER Call:(204)767-2327.
FARM MACHINERY Tractors – 2 Wheel Drive
1985 Case IH 1480 3,950 engine hours, specialty rotor, 2 sets concaves, chopper, rock trap, new front tires, stored inside, 12-ft. PU head w/large auger Phone (204)362-4532
STEVE’S TRACTOR REBUILDER specializing in JD tractors in need of repair or burnt, or will buy for parts. JD parts available. Phone: 204-466-2927 or cell: 204-871-5170, Austin.
1987 CASE IH 1680 combine w/3,800 engine hrs, 1015 head w/388 Westward PU, excellent condition, fully serviced, ready for the field; 925 JD Flex Head PTO drive shaft, new poly knives & darts last year, hooks to JD or Intl, excellent shape, $10,000. (204)265-3363. 1995 CASE IH 2188 combine spec. rotor, Hopper Topper, Rodonel Chopper, rock trap, good rubber, delux cab, always shedded, $35,000. Please call Rob (204)436-2150 or (204)745-8780. 1997 CASE IH COMBINE AFX rotor, Rodonel chopper, Hopper Topper, hrs 3,057E 2,200R, Trelberg tires, red lighted including filters & oils, $65,000 OBO. Rob (204)436-2150 or (204)745-8780. 1997 CIH 2188 COMBINE, Green Light in 2011, Too Many Updates To List, Well Maintained, Good Solid Machine. $39,500 OBO. Call:204-348-2294. 2000 2388, 2,376 ROTOR hrs, yield & moisture monitor, rake-up PU, 25-ft straight cut w/PU reels. $75,000 OBO. Phone: (204)638-9286. 2009 CIH #7120, 2,193 sep hrs, duals, all service records. Phone (204)487-1347, Wpg. 915 IH COMBINE W/810 header, a/c, excellent working condition; 715 IH combine, working condition. Call (204)383-0068. FOR SALE: 2005 CASE IH 8010 combine, AWD, 45-32 front tires, means 45-in wide, 28Lx26 rear tires, approx 1950-separator hrs w/spreader & chopper, 30-ft draper header, $125,000; 2008 Case IH 8010, AWD, 45-32 front tires, 28Lx26 rear tires, spreader & chopper, approx 800-separator hrs, w/30-ft flex draper header, $240,000. Phone:(204)871-0925. IHC 403 COMBINE, field ready, $1,000. Parting out 403 & 503 combines, good motors, A/C. Stonewall, MB. Phone:(204)482-7358 or Cell:(204)228-2531.
FARM MACHINERY Combine – Caterpillar Lexion CORN HEADER 2009 16X30 Cat Lexion, C15 16row low profile w/littel change or adaptor, it would fit Case IH or JD w/contour head, HYD deck plates & knife rolls, $55,000. Nice condition. (204)871-0925, Macgregor, MB
FARM MACHINERY Combine – Ford/New Holland 1985 TR85 NH COMBINE, twin rotors, Melroe PU, 3600-hrs, good condition, $4950 OBO, or part payment in hay. Phone (204)866-3570. 1988 TR96 COMBINE, FORD motor, 2300-hrs, shedded, good condition. Phone (204)745-6231, cell (204)745-0219. 93 TX36 SWATHMASTER PU, 1 w/3,250 engine hrs, shedded. Call: (204)767-2327. 98 NH TX66, low hours; 1200 T 1500 E with or w/o RWA. Swather PU auger ext, $39,000 OBO with both axles. For more info call (204)378-5429. NH TX66 1994, 2400 separator hours, Lots of recent work. 971 PU header. Shedded, excellent condition. With or w/o 24-ft straight cut header. Phone (204)476-6137, Neepawa.
FARM MACHINERY Combine – John Deere 1)1984 JD 7721, $5000; 1) 1986 JD 7721 Titan 2, $6000. Both machines shedded & in good condition. Jim Abbott (204)745-3884, cell (204)750-1157 Carman.
FARM MACHINERY Tractors – Various COMBINE WORLD located 20 min. E of Saskatoon, SK on Hwy. #16. 1 year warranty on all new, used, and rebuilt parts. Canada’s largest inventory of late model combines & swathers. 1-800-667-4515
Combine ACCessories
2004 JD 9860 STS, 2,660 sep hrs, duals, service records. Phone (204)487-1347, Wpg. 2 2008 JD 9870’s for sale. First complete w/Fine cut chopper, duals, Harvest Smart Feed rate, Starfire auto guidance & 915 pick-up. 842 separator hrs. Second w/Fine cut chopper, 915 pick-up, 696 separator hrs. Both w/2 sets of concaves. VGC. Call:(204)799-7417. JD 1977 7700 COMBINE, decent condition, always stored in a shed, $5000. (204)324-6353 Ask for Jake, call after 5:00pm. JD 6600, IN GOOD shape, always shedded, looking for best offer. Phone:(204)376-2924. JD 7700 COMBINE 212 & 224 headers, it c/w duals, it almost floats! Always shedded, in family since new, $6,500 OBO. Earl Cunningham (306)452-7245, Redvers, SK. JD 8820 COMBINE, good condition, 2-SPD cyl, 212 PU header, $10,000; JD 224 straight header w/PU reel, $2,500. Phone (204)362-2316 or (204)362-1990. PRICE REDUCED! 2000 JD 9650W, 2538-SEP hrs, HHS, DAS, Sunnybrook Cyl, Redekop MAV chopper, hopper topper, chaff spreader, HID lights, 914 PU header complete w/new belts, variable speed FDR house, 32.5x32, 16.9x26 tires. $79,000; 2, 24.5x32 Firestone rice tires, on JD rims, VG cond., $3,000. Phone (204)347-5244.
FARM MACHINERY Combine – Massey Ferguson 1985 860 MF D8 hydro 24-ft. straight cut header, field ready, VGC. Call (204)447-0184. 860 MF COMBINE, RUNNING good cond; 750 MF combine for parts; 24-ft straight header model 9024 w/lifters. Phone: (204)733-2457. MF 760, GOOD CONDITION, $5,500. Phone (204)467-2618 evenings or (204)770-2743 daytime.
FARM MACHINERY Parts & Accessories
FARM MACHINERY Combine – Accessories 1989 1010 HEADER 25-FT., $3,000; 83 810 header 24.5-ft. w/sunflower attachment pans, $3,000; 83 820 header 20-ft. flex header, $3,000; E Vandevelde (204)523-4471, Killarney, MB.
2003 CAT 30-FT. FLEX header shedded, PU reel, poly skids, good condition, $11,900. Phone (204)746-8851, Morris. #800 30-FT FLEX HEADER, used on our 72, $6000; 30-ft straight cut header, PU reel, both good. Phone (204)745-3773, (204)745-7654. CIH FLEX PLATFORMS: 1988 CIH 1020, 25-ft., $4,900; 1997 CIH 1020, 25-ft./ 30-ft., $11,900; 1997 CIH 1020, 30-ft., Air Reel, $17,900; 2007 CIH 2020, 30-ft./ 35-ft., Reconditioned, $19,900-21,900; 2009 CIH 2020, 35-ft., $23,900; 2010 CIH 2020, 35-ft., $25,900. Reimer Farm Equipment, Hwy #12 N, Steinbach, MB. Gary Reimer @ (204)326-7000 Flex header with air reel. JD 930F flex head w/AWS air tube with one full season, header in nice shape, stored inside, plastic in good condition. $15,500 OBO. (204)325-4658 FLEXHEADS CASE IH 1020: 30-ft, $8,000, 25-ft, $5,000; JD925 $6,500; JD930, $6,000; Straight heads CaseIH 1010: 30-ft, $4,500, 25-ft $4,000; IH820, $2,000; IH810 w/sunflower pans & header cart $3,000; 4-Wheel header trailer, $2,200. Phone:(204)857-8403. FLEX PLATFORMS ALL MAKES IN STOCK: CAT, CIH, JD, AGCO. Cat FD40Flex Draper; CIH 820, 1020, 2020 JD 920, 925, 930, 630, 635; AGCO 525. We have adapters in stock to fit JD platforms on CIH, AGCO, NH Combines. Reimer Farm Equipment, Hwy #12 North, Steinbach, MB. Gary Reimer @ (204)326-7000 JD FLEX HEADS AT wholesale prices. 98’ 930F, $8,900; 03’ 930F, $12,200; 04’ 635F w/carry air reel, $21,900; 05’ 635F, $13,750; 06’ 635F, $19,650; 09’ 635F, $23,900; HEADER TRAILERS, 30-ft full frame w/flex bar kit, $2950; 30-ft 4-wheel dolly style, flex kit, $4095; 36-ft w/wheel dolly w/flex fit, $4850; 36-ft 6-wheel frame type, $6500; (204)325-2496 (204)746-6605. JD FLEX PLATFORMS: 2004 JD 630, $17,900; 2007 630, $20,900; 2004 JD 635, $17,900; 2007 JD 635, $19,900; 2009 JD 635, $21,900; 2010 JD 635, $24,500; 2010 JD 635, $26,500; 2011 JD 635, $27,900. Reimer Farm Equipment, Hwy #12 N, Steinbach, MB. Gary Reimer @ (204)326-7000
NEW WOBBLE BOXES for JD, IH, MacDon headers. Made in Europe, factory quality. Get it direct from Western Canada’s sole distributor starting at $1,095. 1-800-667-4515.
NEW & USED TRACTOR PARTS NEW COMBINE PARTS Large Inventory of new and remanufactured parts
STEINBACH, MB. Ph. 326-2443 Toll-Free 1-800-881-7727 Fax (204) 326-5878 Web site: E-mail: FARM MACHINERY Salvage GOODS USED TRACTOR PARTS: (204)564-2528 or 1-877-564-8734, Roblin, MB. MURPHY SALVAGE New & used parts for tractors, combines, swathers, square & round balers, tillage, press drills & other misc machinery. MURPHY SALVAGE (204)858-2727 or toll free 1-877-858-2728. VERS 400 SWATHERS; Intl 100 620 & 6200 press drill; cultivator parts; mounted harrows; discs, parts. Combine Pus; hyd cyls, motors, hoses, gear boxes etc. Truck & Machinery axles, tires & rims. Also 2 & 4 row potato diggers, working condition. (204)871-2708, (204)685-2124.
Farm machinery
Tillage & Seeding - Harrows & Packers 2011 PHILLIPS 45-FT. ROTARY harrow, like new. Phone (204)729-6803.
FARM MACHINERY Tillage & Seeding – Tillage
HEADER TRAILERS & ACCESSORIES. Arc-Fab Industries. 204-355-9595
1985 CCIL 35-FT. DEEP tiller, $6,000; 1986 CCIL 40-ft. Deep Tiller /NH3 applicator, $11,000; 1982 Frigstad 41-ft. Deep Tiller w/NH3 Applicator, $7,000. E Vandevelde (204)523-4471, Killarney. 2005 BOURGAULT 9800 CHISEL plow, heavy harrows, knock on clips, 600-lb trip, original owner, excellent condition, $35,000. Phone (204)785-0456.
FARM MACHINERY Parts & Accessories
5500 INTERNATIONAL CHISEL PLOW, 39-ft walking axle, 2 row harrows, $4500. Phone (204)324-7622.
Harvest Salvage Co. Ltd.
FOR SALE: 5600 CASE IH chisel plow, 37-ft, new mounted harrows, will sell w/or w/o Raven NH3 kit, $17,000. Phone (204)529-2411.
1-866-729-9876 5150 Richmond Ave. East BRANDON, MB. New, Used & Re-man. Parts
Tractors Combines Swathers
1-800-667-9871 • Regina 1-800-667-3095 • Saskatoon 1-800-387-2768 • Winnipeg 1-800-222-6594 • Edmonton “For All Your Farm Parts” The Real Used FaRm PaRTs sUPeRsToRe Over 2700 Units for Salvage • TRACTORS • COMBINES • SWATHERS • DISCERS Call Joe, leN oR daRWIN (306) 946-2222 monday-Friday - 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.
WATROUS SALVAGE WaTRoUs, sK. Fax: 306-946-2444
FARM MACHINERY Tillage & Seeding – Various JD 7200 PLANTER 8 Row Vacuum Planter, 30-in. Spacing, Monitor, Seed Box Extensions, Markers, $12,900. Reimer Farm Equipment- Gary Reimer (204)326-7000
TracTors FARM MACHINERY Tractors – White FOR SALE: 2-105 WHITE tractor, complete new engine & frame 10-hrs ago, rear tires approx 80%, LPTO, the high-low shift, nice tractor, $7500. Phone:(204)871-0925.
FARM MACHINERY Tractors – Case/IH 1982 CASE IH 5288, 160-hp, cab w/heater & A/C. New 20.8 x 38 rear tires w/factory duals, 1000 PTO. Tractor’s in very nice condition, w/9,300-hrs, engine & trans. just recently rebuilt. Asking $18,500. Phone Rob:(204)743-2145 Mornings & evenings or Days (204)526-5298. Cypress River, MB.
JD 245 LOADER 6-ft. Bucket, Mid Mount Valve, Mounting Brackets, Off 55 Series, Fits 40/ 50/ 55 Series, $4,500. Reimer Farm Equipment- Gary Reimer, (204)326-7000 JD 635 32-FT. DISC Cusion spring, stabilizer wheels, hyd leveler, $27,000; JD 25-ft. floating header PU reel, Macdon, SS cable, premium condition, $14,500; IHC 30-ft. bat reel, swather, shedded, premium condition, $5,000; 9400 JD 4WD, 5,200-hrs, stnd trans, GPS, $115,000. (204)483-0205, (204)483-2004. JD 780 MANURE SPREADER for sale, field ready, $7000 OBO. Sanford (204)736-3250.
JD 3130 W/LEON LOADER $7,000; 1070 Case Power shift, low hrs, $7,000; IHC 414 3-PTH & IHC loader, $1,750; Hough 90 pay loader, $9,000; Intl 725 PT swather, new canvas, $1,000. (204)685-2124, (204)871-2708.
MF 20-FT. STRAIGHTCUT HEADER; 8-ft. metal drum swath roller; 25-ft. MF 128 Deep tiller, mulchers; 3, 500-gal. fuel tanks, stands; 24-ft. 3-PTH Danish tine cult, packers; MF grow 3-PTH cult, finger, weeders; 1996 Chev Lumina new tires, bat, muffler, command start, safetied, $2,500; 1998 Malibu command start, good condition; 1952 Chev coupe, good condition, running, $4,000. (204)834-2750, (204)476-0367.
TRACTOR ALLIS CHALMERS CA. Comes w/3-PTH for a 2-sheer plow, rear cultivators, plus side cultivators. $2250; 12-ft wide cultivator, must be pulled by a tractor, $100, OBO. (204)661-6840.
NH SUPER 1049 SP bale wagon, good condition, 1 Claas 13-ft circular rake, very good condition. Phone:(204)724-3160 or (204)720-5475.
Big Tractor Parts, Inc.
1997 JOHN DEERE 925 Flex Head w/CIH Adaptor Plate & Drive Shafts, 800-ac on New Knife & Guards, Newer Poly, Works Great. $7,500 OBO. Call:204-348-2294.
1994 JD 9600 COMBINE, 2175-hrs, 4-aft, DAS, DAM, finecut chopper, 2-spd cylinder, shedded, VGC, asking $51,000; 2001 9650 STS, 2595-hrs, finecut chopper, $81,000; JD 8-row 22-in all-crop header, $6700; ALSO: IHC 5000 swather, 24.5-ft DSL U2 PU reel, $7500. Phone (204)325-8019. 1997 9600 W/914 PU, w/header height, 4012/2,784-hrs, w/hopper topper & 18.4x38 duals, HD lights, wired for JD ATU autosteer, air-ride seat, VGC, Green-light inspected at local JD dealership fall of 2011 & 2012, inspection papers avail., $57,000 OBO. Phone:(204)324-3264.
1982 IHC 5088, 8979-hrs, triple hyd, 1000 PTO, 18.4x38 duals, 1100 front, W/Leon 707 FEL, $17,500. Phone (204)525-4521
IHC 55 DT, 35-FT w/harrows, 150-bu Kenton hopper w/Farm King wagon, 41-ft x 8-in Versatile auger, hydraulic lift. Phone (204)827-2011.
Geared For The Future
RED OR GREEN 1. 10-25% savings on new replacement parts for your Steiger drive train. 2. We rebuild axles, transmissions and dropboxes with ONE YEAR WARRANTY. 3. 50% savings on used parts.
FARM MACHINERY Machinery Miscellaneous 1967 930 CASE TRACTOR, runs good; 12-ft. deep tiller Co-op; 3, 2,000-bu. Westeel Rosco bins, newer; 1 chore time hopper bin 250-bu; 1967 Intl 3-ton truck w/12x8.5-ft. steel box w/gravel hoist; Westfield grain auger 41-ft.x7-in. w/16-HP Briggs & Stratton electric start engine. (204)886-2461 1975 CASE 1070 TRACTOR: 3-PTH, 5566-hrs; 1981 3/4 Ton GMC 4x4 truck: brand new tires, 52,244-kms, 5th wheel ball in box; 1999 Bobcat 873 Loader: 6036-hrs, 3 attachments - bale fork, bucket, and grapple; New Idea haybine. Phone (204)571-1254, Brandon. 1977 IHC 3-TON GRAIN box & hoist; 27-ft R-7 st.cut w/trailer; N-6 & R-7 gleaner parts, chopper, fan, spreader, pulleys, chains, bars, rollers, rear axle, etc.; 6-ft Woods rotary mower; 7x41 & 8x46 FarmKing augers; JD 8820 Concave & upper sieve; New Hydro belt for 750 MF; New guards for MF 200 & MacDon swather; Melroe pick-up parts; Swather canvas; 25-ft swather reel; 16.9x24 Diamond grip on 8 hole rim; 11.2x24 on 8 bolt rim; fuel slip tanks; 1000x15 trailer tire & rim; R-22.5x16-in wide new floatation recaps; Single & 3 phase motors; Water & fuel pumps; Tools: 50-ton press, brake drum & disc lathe, grinders, welder, 8-ton winch, hyd. pumps, control & hoses; Electric & gas furnace; Selkirk chimney; oil space heater; water & fuel pumps; Bull float power trowel; Big cement mixer; 1988 LeSabre, 126,000 orig. kms; 7 new rolls 6-ft chain link fence. Phone:(204)785-0498. 2008 DEGELMAN BALE KING 3100 bale shredder. RH discharge, w/controls, not used last 2 seasons, as new, asking $12,500. Phone (204)534-7401. 2) 16.9X34 REAR TRACTOR tires; 2)18.4x38; 2) 18.4x42; 2)15.5x38 tractor tires w/rims. Asking $200 each; NH 1010 bale wagon, asking $1200; 8x12 dump-box wagon, asking $1500; Leon cultivator for parts. Phone (204)428-5185. 37-FT. CASE IH 4900 vibra tiller w/Degelman harrows & ammonia kit w/MicroTrack metering system; 32-ft. Wilrich chisel plow w/Degelman harrows; Westfield 7x36-ft. auger; 8-ft. dozer blade. Phone (204)564-2699, Inglis. 8-FT FARM KING SWATH roller, good condition, $650; 30-ft Intersteel sunflower attachment, was mounted on JD 930, 9-in pans excellent cond, $2000; JD 9600 straw chopper rotor, very good, $275; VDuct aeration sections for bins or machine shed; 420/70R-24 9 bolt swather mud tires, like new. Phone (204)324-3647. AC CA $3,000 OBO; Two row potato harvester, $3,800 OBO; JD 2 row potato digger, $1,800 OBO; Intl 2 row potato planter, $300 OBO; 1981 Chevy 1Ton, 11-ft. cube box, $3,000 OBO; Other veg equip also for sale. Call Gil (701)213-6826 C201 ISUZU 4-CYL DSL engine & 426 freon compressor; Rebuilt compressors for MD2 & KD2 reefers; 1956 Chevrolet 1430 truck; Parts for JD 420 crawler; Loader bucket for 350C JD crawler & 3-cyl engine block & other parts for 350C crawler. Phone: (204)227-7333. FOR SALE: 41-FT 6-IN Westfield grain auger w/Kohler 16-HP motor w/starter, excellent condition, $850; 6-ft Swath roller, good shape, $175. Phone (204)748-1024
FARM MACHINERY Machinery Wanted HOPPER BOTTOM BIN, SMOOTH wall, approx 2500-3000-Bu capacity. Phone (204)367-8341
FENCING TO BE REMOVED: 3+ miles of 5 strand high-tensile electric fencing & fence line materials; 1+ mile single strand high-tensile w/off-set insulators and 3 strand barb wire: poles, insulators, line tighteners, swinging gates. 8300 PowerBox solar energizer w/new deep cycle battery and/or Speed-Rite electric energizer. Also plastic step-in fence posts & electric fence tapes, handles, insulators, & two 4-mile solar energizers. Phone (204)571-1254, Brandon.
The Icynene Insulation System® • Sprayed foam insulation • Ideal for shops, barns or homes • Healthier, Quieter, More Energy Efficient®
Factory Direct Outlet SELLING FAST - BOOK NOW Don’t be disappointed!
DELUXE WOOD & WATER OUTDOOR FURNACES CSA APPROVED Now available North American wide at prices never seen before
This is not a misprint!! FC30HD Unit plus accessories
Mastercard, Visa &Interac available Introductory Doorcrasher Special
FARM MACHINERY Tractors – John Deere
FOR SALE: ALLIED 741 Grain Auger, 16-HP B&S, Electric start VGC, $1,100 OBO; JD 336 Square baler VGC, $2,000 OBO; Morris Challenger 24-ft. Viber Shank Cultivator w/Mulchers to fix or for parts, $500 OBO. Phone (204)966-3588, Riding Mountain.
You receive base pump, rad hose, insulation, fittings, rust inhibitor PLUS our FC30HD (can heat 1 building) WOOD WATER FURNACE Some claim this is “North America’s Hottest Deal!”
FOR SALE: MODEL 4440 JD tractor w/cab, factory 20.8-38 duals, 9,600-hrs, VGC. Phone evenings & weekends (204)352-4489.
IHC 1480 ACTUAL FLOW combine; IHC 4000 swather, 24-ft, a/c, big tires. Both in good shape. Phone:(204)352-4249.
1-204-388-6150 • Toll Free 1-855-897-7278
Friesen Built Inc.
The Manitoba Co-operator | September 5, 2013
save! Renew early and
IRON & STEEL 2 1/8, 2 3/8, 2 7/8, 3 1/2-in oilfield pipe; 3/4, 7/8, 1in sucker rod; 4.5, 5.5, 7-in., 8 5/8, 9 5/8s casing pipe. (204)252-3413, (204)871-0956. FREE STANDING CORRAL PANELS, Feeders & Alley ways, 30ft or order to size. Oil Field Pipe: 1.3, 1.6, 1.9, 1 7/8, 2-in, 2 3/8, 2 7/8, 3 1/2. Sucker Rod: 3/4, 7/8, 1. Casing Pipes: 4-9inch. Sold by the piece or semi load lots. For special pricing call Art (204)685-2628 or cell (204)856-3440. FULL LINE OF COLORED & galvanized roofing, siding & accessories, structural steel, tubing, plate, angles, flats, rounds etc. Phone:1-800-510-3303, Fouillard Steel Supplies Ltd, St Lazare.
LIVESTOCK Cattle Auctions
Wednesday, September 18 @ 1:00 pm Special Holstein Feeder Sale Fri., Sept., 20th
Gates Open: Mon.-Wed. 8AM-4PM Thurs. 8AM-10PM Friday 8AM-6PM Sat. 8AM-4PM
Renew your subscription to the Manitoba Co-operator for 2 years BEFORE we mail your renewal notice, and we'll extend your subscription by 2 additional months. That's 26 months for the price of 24. OR - Renew for one year and receive 13 months for the price of 12!
Please call in your consignment this Fall to enable us to promote your stock in advance to prospective buyers.
For more information call: 204-694-8328 Jim Christie 204-771-0753 Scott Anderson 204-782-6222 Mike Nernberg 204-807-0747
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September 9, at 9:00 AM For marketing information, on farm appraisal or to consign, call your local, independently owned/operated auction mart Please remember to always call ahead to consign Auction Mart 523-8477 Allan Munroe 523-6161 C Scott Campbell 724-2131 C Or visit the website at DEALER LICENCE #1361
LIVESTOCK Cattle Various
HERDSIRES & 1, 3YR old Polled Red Simmental; 1, 2yr old; 1, 3yr old; 1, 4 yr old Red Angus. Phone (204)564-2699, Inglis.
LIVESTOCK Cattle Wanted
Hwy #205, Grunthal • (204) 434-6519
with Holstein Calves every TUESDAY at 9 am Sept. 10th, 17th & 24th Monday, September 9th Sheep and Goat Sale at 12:00 Noon Saturday, September 21st Tack Sale 10:00 am Horses to Follow!
Sales Agent for
We also have a line of Agri-blend all natural products for your livestock needs. (protein tubs, blocks, minerals, etc)
For on farm appraisal of livestock or for marketing information please call
TIRED OF THE HIGH COST OF MARKETING YOUR CATTLE?? 800-1000 LBS. Steers & Heifers Rob: 528-3254, 724-3400 Ben: 721-3400 Don: 528-3477, 729-7240
Contact: D.J. (Don) MacDonald Livestock Ltd. License #1110 LIVESTOCK Sheep – Dorper
Harold Unrau (Manager) Cell 871 0250 Auction Mart (204) 434-6519 MB. Livestock Dealer #1111
LIVESTOCK Cattle – Angus
WHITE DORPER REG FULL-BLOOD Rams (hair sheep- full shedding), $500 each. From NEW BLOODLINES, born 2013 Jan., Apr., or July. for pics & pedigree. (204)664-2027
PB REG BLACK & Red Angus bulls for sale. 12-18 mths old. Most AI Sire, semen tested. Phone (204)268-4478, Beausejour.
LIVESTOCK Sheep For Sale
LIVESTOCK Cattle – Black Angus
FOR SALE: 120 EWES, 1 & 2 yrs old, offspring can be seen, complete vaccination program. Phone (204)768-9090.
BLACK MEADOWS ANGUS OFFERS for sale 40 yearling & 1 2-yr old registered Black Angus bulls. Top bloodlines, EPD’s available, fertility tested, bunk fed. Call Bill:(204)567-3782 or cell:(204)851-1109.
LIVESTOCK Cattle – Charolais DEFOORT STOCK FARM HAS an excellent group of registered Charolais bulls for sale by private treaty. Over 40 bulls on offer, 20 of them are Red. Choose your bull early for best selection. All bulls performance tested, semen tested & delivered. Visit us online at Celebrating 33-yrs in Charolais. Call us at (204)743-2109.
LIVESTOCK Horse Auctions MPHB LOUD & PROUD ANNUAL Production sale, Sept. 21st, 2013 Pierson, MB. Entry deadline Aug 30th. Preview 11 DST, sale 1PM DST. To consign call Karen (204)634-2375 or Diane (204)522-8414.
Swine LIVESTOCK Swine Wanted
LIVESTOCK Cattle – Hereford
REG POLLED HEREFORD BULLS, good selection of coming 2 yr olds, naturally developed, quiet, broke to tie, guaranteed, delivery available. Catt Brothers (204)723-2831 Austin, MB.
Canadian Subscribers
LIVESTOCK Cattle Auctions
LIVESTOCK Cattle – Limousin TRIPLE R LIMOUSIN HAS bulls for sale 2 yr old & yearling Red & Black & Polled, Bred for calving ease or Performance Ready for breeding season & priced to sell, guaranteed. Delivery available. Your source for quality Limousin genetics. Call Art (204)685-2628 or (204)856-3440.
P. QUINTAINE & SON LTD. 728-7549 Licence No. 1123
LIVESTOCK Cattle Various
LIVESTOCK Poultry For Sale
FOR SALE: 60 COMMERCIAL Black Angus cows, can pasture until October, $1200 each if you take them all. Phone (204)838-2370, (204)764-0131.
EXOTIC BIRD & ANIMAL Auction, Sun. Oct 6th, 11:00am, Indian Head skating rink. Phone:(306)347-1068 or (306)695-2184.
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My Main crops are: No. of acres 10. Lentils ___________ 11. Dry Beans ___________ 12. Hay ___________ 13. Pasture ___________ 14. Summerfallow ___________ 15. Alfalfa ___________ 16. Forage Seed ___________ 17. Mustard ___________ 18. Other (specify) ___________ Livestock Enterpise No. of head 5. Hog farrow-to-finish (# sows) ______ 6. Finished Pigs (sold yearly) _________ 7. Dairy Cows ___________ 8. Other Livestock (specify) __________
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Sudoku 5 4 1 3 8 2 4 7 5 6 1 7 6 4 2 9 5 8 3 4 6 9 5 2 9 4 6 1 5 6 3 9 8 6 5 2
Last week's answer
7 2 8 6 1 3 4 5 9
3 5 4 9 8 7 1 6 2
6 1 9 5 4 2 3 7 8
2 9 5 8 6 1 7 4 3
8 6 1 3 7 4 9 2 5
4 3 7 2 9 5 6 8 1
5 4 6 1 2 9 8 3 7
1 7 3 4 5 8 2 9 6
9 8 2 7 3 6 5 1 4
Puzzle by
Puzzle by Here’s How It Works: Sudoku puzzles are formatted as a 9x9 grid, broken down into nine 3x3 boxes. To solve a sudoku, the numbers 1 through 9 must fill each row, column and box. Each number can appear only once in each row, column and box. You can figure out the order in which the numbers will appear by using the numeric clues already provided in the boxes. The more numbers you name, the easier it gets to solve the puzzle!
The Manitoba Co-operator | September 5, 2013
KELLN SOLAR SUMMER/WINTER WATERING System, provides water in remote areas, improves water quality, increases pasture productivity, extends dugout life. St. Claude/Portage, 204-379-2763.
12V. or Hydraulic Electronic Scale Opt.
1 877 695 2532
MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE JACK FLASH WELDING NOW MAKING: 36-ft. hay trailers; free standing panels; Custom jobs welcome. Mon-Sat. (204)656-4430, Winnipegosis
The following PRIVATE LAND is being offered for sale: All of: NE 31-24-12W; NE 30-24-12W; SW 32-24-12W. The following CROWN LANDS have been approved by Manitoba Agriculture, Food & Rural Initiatives for transfer to the purchaser of the private lands listed as these lands are part of the ranch unit held by Larry & Phyllis Henry of Ste. Rose du Lac, MB. Section 7-23-11W; S1/2 18-23-11W; W1/2 20-24-12W; Section 29-24-12W; S1/2 31-24-12W; NW 31-24-12W; W1/2 31-24-12W; NE 18-23-18W; W1/2 12-25-31W. If you wish to purchase the private land & apply for the Unit Transfer contact the Lessees Larry & Phyllis Henry at RR #1, Ste. Rose du Lac, MB R0L 1S0. If you wish to comment on or object to the eligibility of this Unit Transfer write the Director, MAFRI, Agricultural Crown Lands, PO Box 1286, Minnedosa MB R0J 1E0; or Fax (204)867-6578.
1000 Litre Caged Storage Tanks $69.50 each Call Ken 204-794-8383 #45 Mountain View Rd. Winnipeg, MB
Trux-N-Parts Salvage Inc.
PETS PETS & SUPPLIES BLUE HEELER PUPPIES for sale parents very good cattle dogs. Phone (204)853-2080. BORDER COLLIE STOCK DOGS from Champion working lines. First shots, CBCA Registration, Microchip, $700. Born May 7th, 2013. for pics, video & pedigrees. (204)664-2027. PB AUSTRALIAN BLUE HEELER pups for sale, parents excellent cattle dogs, have been raising pups for 30 yrs. Phone (204)365-0066 or (204)365-6451. PUREBRED 12-WK OLD GREAT Pyrenees Pups. Parents are both good herding dogs. $250. Phone (204)245-0058.
REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE Houses & Lots READY TO MOVE HOMES starting at $75,000 for 1320-sq.ft, 3 bdrm, 2 bath; or 1520-sq.ft, 3 bdrm, 2.5 bath, $90,000; Still time to custom order your plan for 2013 delivery. RTM Home Builder since 1976. MARVIN HOMES INC, Steinbach, MB. (204)326-1493 or (204)355-8484 or
• Buy Used • Buy BatteriesMOUNTAIN, For Sale: SE Oil 9-18-15 PTH #5 RIDING 156-acs, grainland, • Collect93Used Filters 1,816-sq.ft. • Collect Oilbungalow, Containersscenic property, $260,000. 2) RM of MCCREARY Southern and Western Manitoba 719-acs farm (cattle, elk, bison) 1,064-sq.ft. bungalow & yard site,Tel: outbldgs. 3) GLADSTONE 4-mi. N, 204-248-2110 1988 1,170-sq.ft. raised bungalow 9.86-acs, attached dbl garage, $134,900 OBO. Phone Liz:(204)476-6362 or John: (204)476-6719. Gill & Schmall Agencies. HODGSON MB 2061-ACS BLDGS. 600 Grain, Dallas MB. 1260-acs 500-acs Hay; Narcisse 1440-acs Ranch 640 dd. Oak Bluff 40-acs barn, Bung, Shed; Komarno Ranch 480-1200-acs, Fisher Branch 470-acs, Ashern 160-acs w/230-ft Barn, Ranches, Grain Land, Pastureland, Hunting, Recreation Land, Homes, Farms, Cottages, Suburban & Rural Property. Call Harold at Delta Real Estate (204)253-7373. GRANT TWEED Your Farm Real Estate Specialist. Developing a successful farm takes years of hard work. When it’s time to sell there are many factors to consider. I can provide the experience & expertise to help you through the process. To arrange a confidential, obligation free meeting, please call (204)761-6884 anytime. Website;
REAL ESTATE Farms & Ranches – Wanted GOOD QUALITY GRAIN & Cattle Farms wanted for Canadian & Overseas Clients. For a confidential meeting to discuss the possible sale of your farm or to talk about what is involved, telephone Gordon Gentles (204)761-0511 or Jim McLachlan (204)724-7753, Home Professional Realty Inc. GRAIN & CATTLE FARMS wanted for both overseas & Canadian buyers. Call me to discuss all options & current farmland market prices. Rick Taylor: (204)867-7551. Homelife Realty, Brandon, MB.
REAL ESTATE Land For Sale 157.97-ACRES, CULTIVATED FARMLAND, RM of Woodlands, near Warren, SE35-13-1W. Phone (204)375-6555, or (204)771-7612 or (204)791-6362.
FARMLAND PROPERTY FOR RENT: Tenders for the rental of farmland shall be considered for property located in the R.M. of Franklin, MB, & legally described as: Parcel No.1. Title No.2087563, 150-ac(approx.) RL 80 Parish of Ste. Agathe, exc. firstly: those portions lying between two lines drawn parallel with & perp distant 82.5-ft on opposite sides from the centre line of Canadian Pacific Railway Plan 485 WLTO, & secondly: River Rd Plan 43865 WLTO. Parcel No.2. Title No.D268881, 215-ac(approx.) In the Municipality of Franklin, in the Province of Manitoba, & being composed of lots Sixty-Two & Sixty-Four of the Parish of St. Agathe in the said Province, excepting thereout the right of way of the Canadian Pacific Railway, & the road allowance adjoining the same on the West, & the right of way of the highway. Parcel No.3. Title No.1391946, 156-ac (approx.) NW 1/4 26-1-3 EPM, exc firstly: Public Highway Plan 606 WLTO, secondly: water control work Plan 9069 WLTO, & thirdly: all mines & minerals, including oils & natural gas, & the right to enter & remove the same as set forth on instrument No. 985652 WLTO. Landlord will consider a cash Lease with a term of up to 3-yrs, beginning 2014. Interested parties are asked to submit written bids with respect to the rental of the property no later than 12:00 noon, September 23, 2013, to: Attention: John Fergusson, Barrister & Solicitor, Confidential. Tender Suite 500, 155 Carlton Street, Winnipeg, MB R3C 5R9. Phone:(204)945-2723. In submitting any Tender, any interested parties shall rely upon their own inspection of the property. The Vendor is not obligated to accept the highest or any Tender submitted.
RECREATIONAL VEHICLES RECREATIONAL VEHICLES All Terrain Vehicles BRAND NEW ATVS, DIRTBIKES , Dune Buggies & UTV’s: 110cc ATV $729; 125cc $949; 150cc $1,599; 250cc $1,699; 300cc $2,499; 125cc Dune buggy $1,499; 150cc Dune Buggy/150cc UTV, $2,699. Full Warranty, Brandon,MB will add. Phone:(204)724-4372.
BuyUsed Used Oil Oil ••Buy NOTRE •• Buy Buy Batteries Batteries DAME ••Collect CollectUsed Used Filters Filters • Collect Oil Containers Containers USED • Collect Oil• Antifreeze OIL & Southern,Southern Eastern, and Manitoba Western Western FILTER Manitoba DEPOT Tel: 204-248-2110
BOOTH 1309
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The Manitoba Co-operator | September 5, 2013
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The Manitoba Co-operator | September 5, 2013
LIVESTOCK h u s b a n d r y — t h e s c i e n c e , S K I L L O R ART O F F AR M IN G
School teaches art of sheep shearing ‘blow by blow’ Two-day course shows shearers how to separate the wool from the sheep with a minimum of fuss By Daniel Winters co-operator staff / atkinson farm near brandon
magine trying to provide a fullbody buzz cut to a woolly, fourlegged Greco-Roman wrestling opponent. That’s sheep shearing in a nutshell. Nine students had a chance to hone their technique at a recent twoday sheep-shearing school sponsored by the Canadian Co-operative Wool Growers and hosted by Miniota shepherd Brian Greaves. Shearing is a lot like dancing, said Greaves, who was taught by his grandfather back in New Zealand. “Footwork is very important, but you have to be able to multi-task,” said Greaves, also a director of the wool growers’ co-op. “You have to concentrate on where your feet are, how you’re holding the sheep, and your blows.” With an ample supply of cull ewes on hand in Tony Atkinson’s spacious shed, the students were quickly put through their paces by Greaves and two young professional shearers. A few rams and lambs were thrown into the mix, and after the first day, some 60 shorn sheep scampered into the holding pens. As the wool piled up, the students were shown how to clean it on a table and pack it into square bags using a wool press. Speed was the focus for Darlingford-area shepherd Jonathon Nichol, who runs 35 ewes on 80 acres. “I’m looking to get faster for my own flock, and to possibly be able to do some custom shearing at a speed that is economical and makes me a bit of money,” he said. Before the course, his best day was a “very tiring” 50 head, but he upped speed substantially at the school with “less blows, less movements, and fighting less.” South African-born shepherd Wian Prinsloo said he is hoping that learning how to shear will move him a step closer to his lifelong dream of farming full time. Currently running about 100 ewes on a rented quarter section near Nesbitt, the crop insurance adjuster and his partner Lydia Carpenter are interested in learning all they can about all aspects of farming. They still plan to hire a shearer next year, however, because it’s hard to justify the $2,000 cost of brand new, top-ofthe-line clippers. “In the next year or two, depending on how the flock grows, we’ll likely invest in a machine,” said Carpenter. Carberry-area shepherd Jeff Bieganski, who runs about 80 purebred Dorset ewes, was hoping to improve his shearing skills so that he could shear a few when necessary and prepare his own animals prior to shows.
Jonathon Nichol
Brian Greaves
Jonathon Nichol gets pointers on how to speed up his shearing from instructor Brian Greaves at the recent shearing school sponsored by Canadian Co-operative Woolgrowers. Photos: Daniel Winters
“I just want learn so that I can do a few when the shearer can’t show up,” he said, adding that getting small numbers of sheep done outside the shearing season can be costly.
Practice is key
However, students were warned that practice is key, with one of the professional shearers quipping that “the first 10,000 are the hardest.” Russell Eddy — although just 16 — knows all about that after learning the craft from his father Chris on the family farm near Yorkton, Sask. He can now shear 80 to 90 sheep in a day and has a personal best of 102. But those numbers seemed impossible when he started out. “Tr ying to get above 30 was extremely painful,” he said. “The first day I got to 40, I thought I was going to die. When I got to 65, that was probably the most painful day of my life. But this year, I’ve steadily increased because once you get through the beginning, it becomes way easier.” Once the “fighting” with the sheep
is minimized, a shearer can look for ways to drop a stroke, and generally increase speed, he said. The “blows” or strokes with the clippers, follow a carefully thoughtout pattern that follows the contours of the animal’s body with the aim of being both speedy and producing the best possible fleece. Greaves taught an updated version of the Bowen technique, first developed in the 1950s by New Zealand shearer Godfrey Bowen, who was the first to shear a sheep in less than a minute. Greaves, who in his prime sheared over 300 head in a day, said a controversy that erupted within the Manitoba shepherding community over a perceived shortage of shearers has led to increased interest on the part of students, noting this year’s course was filled up well in advance. A two-day course isn’t enough to mint expert shearers, but can help shepherds with small flocks get a good handle on the basics, he said.
Russell Eddy
Jeff Bieganski
The Manitoba Co-operator | September 5, 2013
Calgary lab will put ear tags to the ultimate test The world of livestock ear tags features secrecy and international politics By Madeleine Baerg contributor / calgary
lectronic livestock identification tags are key to Canada’s traceability system, but tags used in Canada are notorious for problems, particularly in cold weather. A new high-tech tag-testing lab at the SAIT (Southern Alberta Institute of Technology) Polytechnic in Calgary is looking for a solution, thanks to a half-million-dollar grant from the Alberta Livestock and Meat Agency (ALMA). “Right now, the problem is that ear tags tested overseas and being used in Canada are not performing particularly well in our harsh conditions. By creating a lab here in Canada, we can employ tests to ensure tags stand up better,” says Bob Davies, the SAIT researcher heading the project. “Any improvement in traceability is going to improve the safety and quality and marketability of Canadian beef products.” Every ear tag used for Canadian beef cattle must pass standards set by the International Committee of Animal Recording (ICAR) and the International Standards Association (ISO). Currently, there are only two ICAR testing labs in the world: one in the Netherlands and the other in Germany. Davies says the SAIT lab will conduct additional and significantly more rigorous performance tests. His highest priority is to ensure tags can withstand a Canadian winter. The lab will also test to other new standards being developed by a committee headed by the Canadian Cattle Identification Agency (CCIA). CCIA’s communications man-
ager Kori Maki-Adair says these new testing regulations will include accelerated aging of tag plastics and resistance to ultraviolet light degradation. Maki-Adair says the new regulations are not intended to push other tag-testing labs out of the market. “Though expanded tag testing is necessary, the committee is working together to balance quality and quantity with cost. (The committee) is sensitive to the fact that setting the bar too high for tag testing could impact manufacturers that currently have approved RFID tags in the national animal identification system.”
In the year and a half since he first started meeting with companies and certifying bodies overseas about the possibility of opening a Canadian lab, “politics” have made information gathering a challenge, says Davies. “First, the ICAR standards documents themselves are poorly written with regards to test processes, and some of the proposed test apparatuses simply do not work.” That’s just the start. Davies travelled to Europe in late May to attend an ICAR technical meeting and visit other players in the livestock identification industry. “I got no co-operation from the ICAR test labs regarding sharing of information or clarification of the test processes, the attitude being one of protectionism and secrecy,” he says. Davies says he did receive encouragement from ICAR officials not directly involved in testing, from manufacturers such as
Allflex Europe and from the Joint Research Centre, a lab in Italy that had past experience conducting ICAR accreditation testing. “The really odd thing about this is that manufacturers are really the most vulnerable party in the certification framework and have the highest stake in secrecy, and yet in the present case seem to be the strongest advocate of the Canadian test lab.” Davies says support for the lab is strong on Canada. “The labs in Europe that do this work are pri-
vate, for-profit organizations. We did a poll of companies in Canada and, unanimously, they all agreed they had no business case to approach this kind of work,” says Davies. “Their conclusion, and ours, was that the only way a lab could meet Canadian performance requirements would be to build it at an academic institution like SAIT with a funding body like ALMA. Everyone is on board.” Once the SAIT lab is up and running, and financially self-
sustaining, lab operations will be transparent, unlike the lab’s European counterparts. “Anyone will be able to see what we’re doing. We will compete based on speed of testing, quality of our report generation and price,” Davies says. “Ideally, every test lab should be using the same methods and those methods should be precisely documented in the standards. In a perfect world, there would be no difference in test results from lab to lab.”
A game of tag — which RFID system is better? Higher-frequency technology is better, but concerns raised over cost and tag retention By Madeleine Baerg contributor / calgary
he race is on to create an approved and industry-implementable version of ultra-high-frequency (UHF) radio frequency identification (RFID) livestock ear tags. Though there could be big money in it for the winner, design challenges and political roadblocks stand in the way. Compared to older technology, UHF is 2,000 times faster and easier to read, can hold more data, is more compatible with data-management systems and is likely to be cheaper. AniTrace is first out of the gate with a technology based on UHF developed for vehicle fleet tracking. At a demonstration in High River in February, its tag proved readable 100 per cent of the time by a fixed reader regardless of animal bunching, speed of movement or tag orientation, and 100 per cent readable by a hand-held so long as tags were oriented correctly and not blocked by other animals. The tag also offers two forms of read/writable memory, and the ability to link with existing management software. At just $2.50 per UHF and dangle combo tag and $1,000 per reader, the tag system is significantly cheaper than a low-frequency version. AniTrace says it has tagged four million cattle in Brazil and a million cattle in South Korea. At Southern Alberta Institute of Technology (SAIT), a research team has spent more than two years working through multiple UHF prototypes. Unlike the privately funded AniTrace, SAIT’s work is being funded through a $1-million grant from the Alberta Livestock and Meat Agency (ALMA). Ben Reed, the SAIT project’s support specialist, says AniTrace has been quick to market, but may face some challenges. “AniTrace’s physical design is fairly rudimentary compared to SAIT’s. We took a different path, using a UHF inlay inside injection-moulded plastic, mostly because of our initial mandate of needing extremely high retention rates. We couldn’t see that happening with a simpler design,” Reed said. “There’s not any competition between us and SAIT,” says Chuck Cosgrove, AniTrace’s director of sales and marketing. “What we have in many respects, they are duplicating. That’s not a criticism — their work is very different than what we’re doing in that they have been given x number of months and x dollars to spend to come up with a prototype.”
CCIA approval
Regardless of who creates the best design, the biggest challenge is still ahead — approval of the tags for use by the Canadian Cattle Identification Agency (CCIA). Paul Laronde, a member of the CCIA’s Technical Advisory Committee, says the agency is dedicated to advancing traceability through new technology. That said, he says UHF technology is unlikely to be approved any time soon. First is the issue of retention. He says UHF needs larger antenna wires, so that the
tags must be larger. “This increased size and rigidity impacts ear tag retention negatively,” Laronde says. SAIT’s Reed disagrees. “Retention has to do with physical design. We’re determining there are many ways to embed UHF inlays into tags,” he says. Cosgrove says AniTrace has addressed the concern and that low-frequency tags are no less susceptible to losses. “Our excellent retention rates in challenging actual operating conditions have proven our claims.” Second, Laronde says UHF technology will cost producers more, especially if it is not backwards compatible and make existing equipment such as readers, tags and scanners redundant. “Producers, industry and governments have significant investments in current technology; therefore, the impact analysis is critical to understand before accepting or rejecting any new technology,” Laronde says.
Current LF problems
AniTrace readers can already successfully scan both LF and UHF tags. Further, both Reed and Cosgrove believe a cost/benefit analysis will favour the UHF technology. “We constantly hear people in the beef industry complaining about the limitations and problems with low-frequency tags,” says Cosgrove. “We attend meetings where we just wish we could say ‘please, look at this solution. It addresses all your concerns from tags to readers to sharing the data and does it right now.’” Finally, Laronde points out that our heavily export-dependent industry needs to keep from stepping out alone on UHF. “As most industry participants would agree, it is important for Canadian Cattle Identification Agency to keep pace with our international trading partners. The current ISO 11784/85 low-frequency RFID standard is in place in a number of other jurisdictions globally. As an industry-led organization, CCIA would most likely be directed by industry to stay in step with our trading partners.” Cosgrove counters that improved technology will give Canada an edge in proving traceability. “Canada is the only country that we know of that is fighting the UHF standard. It amazes us to see how many smaller countries, places that many Canadians may think of as Third World, are way ahead of us. It’s also interesting to note that many large beef producers like Brazil and the U.S. (which tested retention extensively) have already approved our tag for use in their countries as official tags. “We are more likely to be isolated from the world by our determined stance against this technology than embraced as a leader,” says Cosgrove.
The Manitoba Co-operator | September 5, 2013
Immunological castration boosts profit by $5 per hog An independent study shows significant gains for producers using alternative to conventional castration Bernie Peet Peet on Pigs
panel of independent U.S. economists has found producers who use immunological castration (IC) can generate a potential increase of $5.32 per head over conventionally castrated barrows. The benefit is pr imar ily derived from being able to market the treated pigs at a heavier carcass weight, an increase in feed efficiency, and cost saving from not having to carry out physical castration, according to a recently published report. The use of immunological castration using Improvest (Zoetis Animal Health) has been approved in both the U.S. and Canada but, so far, uptake has been ver y limited. The product is a protein compound that works like an immunization to temporarily protect against off-odours in pork. Male pigs are given Improvest in the finishing phase, eliminating the need for physical castration (PC). As a result, male pigs are able to fully express their natural potential for feed-efficient growth, with all the inherent performance advantages of an intact male for the majority of the production cycle. Treatment involves two immunizations, one sometime after nine weeks of age and the second three to 10 weeks prior to marketing. To date, there have been 12 studies conducted in the U.S. that compared the performance of immunized males with PC barrows throughout the growing and finishing period. T h e re s u l t s i n d i c a t e t h a t immunized males averaged an 8.4 per cent improvement in feed/gain ratio, 4.3 per cent greater average daily gain, and 1.17 mm less backfat. The first obvious benefit of immunization is the removal of physical castration. “E limination of physical castration can provide significant positive impacts on preweaning and post-weaning mortality and morbidity while also saving the value of the labour and inputs associated with this practice,” the report states. The authors estimate the elimination of physical castration improves wean-to-finish net income by an average of $1.61 per male pig marketed, deriving from direct cost savi n g s f ro m n o n - c a s t ra t i o n , dilution of fixed costs, and increased opportunity profit from saved pigs. While such a saving is worthwhile, the biggest benefit comes from the fact that immunized males effectively perform like boars during the majority of the growing period. Intact males and immunized males demonstrate more efficient conversion of feed into lean meat and lay down significantly less fat than barrows. However, the report notes, after administration of the second dose of Improvest,
males increase feed consumption, decrease feed efficiency and begin generating more fat in the carcass. “This process implies an economic trade-off involving choice of the optimal harvest weight which produces the greatest profits while maintaining the necessary fat essential to pork quality and value,” the report states. The panel of economists used modelling techniques to compare the optimum market weight of the immunized pigs with conventional barrows, calculating returns to both the producer and packer. They took the average of feed costs and hog prices over 2007-11 as the basis for their calculations. The results showed that the optimum profit margin for IC males was at a carcass weight five to six pounds heavier than for barrows, assum-
ing the same growth period in the finisher barn. However, the authors point out, immunized males have lower carcass yields due to the presence of the scrotum, testicles and associated organs, as well as some other minor carcass changes. Thus, live weight at slaughter will need to be 10 to 12 pounds heavier than a PC barrow to achieve the five- to six-pound increase in carcass weight. As part of the study, a sensitivity analysis was carried out to look at the impact of high or low feed costs on the optimum carcass weight. “While the optimal weights of both types of animals are reduced under this scenario (as expected), the differential profit-optimization weight between IC and PC barrows remains essentially the same,” conclude the authors. The report notes immu-
nized barrows will command a $1.75/cwt premium over barrows due to less variation in carcass weight relative to the optimum weight. In addition, both the producer and the packer will benefit economically from a larger, leaner carcass. Using average prices over the five-year period, combined with cut-out data, it was calculated that immunized males would generate the packer a total return per carcass $9.75 more than a barrow. “After paying the producer $6.71 for the added weight and premium increase, a net improvement in returns of $3.04 was realized for the primal cuts,” the report states. The total benefit to the packer was calculated as $5.04. The expected improvement in net returns for U.S. producers adopting Improvest is $5.32 per head, concludes the
report. This is derived from $2 in feed cost savings, $6.71 from the higher carcass weight and carcass premiums and $1.61 from ceasing physical castration, totalling $10.32, less the $5-per-head cost of using Improvest. So far, uptake of immunization has been minimal in North America, despite these large economic benefits. Packer resistance and unwillingness to change may be part of the reason, while producers also seem wary. But can the producers and packers afford to let competitors take advantage of this technology while not adopting it themselves? There is an interesting saga to be played out here and only time will tell. Bernie Peet is president of Pork Chain Consulting of Lacombe, Alberta and a director of U.K.-based Pig Production Training Ltd.
The Manitoba Co-operator | September 5, 2013
Feeder Steers
Ste. Rose
No. on offer
Over 1,000 lbs.
900-1,000 800-900
Up to 135.00
Up to 169.00
900-1,000 lbs.
Feeder heifers
Slaughter Market No. on offer D1-D2 Cows
D3-D5 Cows
Age Verified
Good Bulls
Butcher Steers
Butcher Heifers
Feeder Cows
Fleshy Export Cows
Lean Export Cows
* includes slaughter market
(Note all prices in CDN$ per cwt. These prices also generally represent the top one-third of sales reported by the auction yard.)
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The Manitoba Co-operator | September 5, 2013
High temperatures affecting natural grazing Heat-stressed pastures have prompted producers to send more animals to auction By Mark Elliot Co-operator contributor
roducers brought 800 sheep and goats to the Winnipeg Livestock Auction’s Aug. 7 sale. The numbers suggest deteriorating pastures may be increasing the number of animals being shipped. The bidding showed producers were looking for quality ewes. But there appeared to be no difference in bidding between hair and wool ewes, with even sheared wool ewes remaining in a similar bidding range. Prices ranged from $0.79 to $0.85 per pound for the quality and yearling ewes. Six 121-pound Dorper-cross ewes fetched $0.90 per pound. There was a greater selection of rams on offer at this sale, but once again no difference in bidding between wool and hair rams. Sheared rams attracted slightly lower bids, with prices ranging from $0.78 to $1.01 per pound. Bidding was fairly constant for heavier lambs, although selection was limited and weights were ver y close. A 120-pound Rideau-cross lamb brought $114 ($0.95 per pound). Another 120-pound lamb fetched $118.80 ($0.99 per pound) and six 122-pound Suffolk-cross lambs brought $119.56 ($0.98 per pound). Market lambs dominated this auction. The weight of hair lambs ranged from 97 to
108 pounds, with prices ranging from $0.82 to $1.05 per pound. Wool lambs fetched $1.16 to $1.30 per pound, with weights ranging from 95 to 101 pounds. There was continued interest and demand for feeder lambs, which kept bids similar to those for market lambs. Feeder lambs ranged from 81 to 91 pounds, and sold for $0.98 to $1.23 per pound. Demand for lightweight lambs was also fairly constant. Lambs in the 70- to 7 9 - p o u n d ra n g e s a w b i d s ranging from $1 to $1.31 per p o u n d . A n e xc e p t i o n w a s a group of four 70-pound Katahdin-cross lambs that brought $66.50 ($0.95 per pound). Another exception was a 70-pound Katahdincross lamb that sold for $57 ($0.76 per pound). Some buyers showed more interest in the lighter-weight lambs (60 to 67 pounds), which sold for $1.23 to $1.39 per pound. An exception was a group of three 68-pound Cheviot-cross lambs, which sold for $54.40 ($0.80 per pound). Four teen 56-pound Dorper-cross lambs brought $67.76 ($1.21 per pound). A 55-pound Dorper lamb brought $71.50 ($1.30 per pound), while a 55-pound Dorper-cross lamb brought $50.88 ($0.925 per pound). Two 55-pound Cheviot-cross lambs brought $51.15 ($0.93 per pound) and two 35-pound
July 3, 2013 Ewes
$60.27 - $122.55
$50.60 - $83.30
$28.00 - $58.96
$18.70 - $49.29
$114.00 - $119.56
$70.50 - $113.40
Lambs (lbs.) 110+
$28.86 - $43.40 95 - 110
$88.56 - $126.76
$71.69 - $92.12 $33.00 / $43.70
80 - 94
$82.32 - $105.09
$73.71 - $101.52
70 - 79
$33.75 - $100.87
$56.94 - $86.58
60 - 68
$54.40 - $90.45
$48 / $57.60 / $66 (60 lbs.)
55 / 56
$50.88 / $51.15 / $71.50 / $67.76
40 - 49
The demand for the goat kids remained constant from the last sale, with bidding keeping prices constant and steady. The Ontario Stockyard Report stated well-developed lambs sold at a steady price.
Prices have shown a slight increase with supply steady but not excessive. Lambs of lower quality have struggled to reach minimal price levels. Goats and sheep sold at a steady rate.
Under 80
35 Dorper-cross lambs brought $26.25 ($0.75 per pound). The audience was entertained by the selling of one family unit (ewe with one lamb). The total weight was 115 pounds and brought $110 ($0.96 per pound). The buyers were looking for quality goat does and this was indicated by the prices. Meat does dominated this sale. Some of the does were not as fleshy, as was the case at the past sale. The meat and dairy fleshy goat bucks attracted equal bids. Buyers were more critical of the underdeveloped and quality of the dairy bucks.
Auction ewes fetch fair prices
/ lb.
animal weight
$1.18 - $1.79
75 - 165 lbs.
$0.88 - $0.90
165 / 155 lbs.
$1.11 to $1.12
112 / 118 lbs.
85 lbs.
$1.54 - $2.39
65 - 115 lbs.
$0.95 - $1.54
95 - 115 lbs.
meat dairy GOAT DOELINGS meat BUCKS
KIDS - Under 80 70 / 75
$2.09 / $2.18 / $2.13
Bidding down for breeding rams at annual Manitoba Sheep Association auction in Rivers
60 - 66
$2.00 - $2.45
50 - 58
$2.16 - $2.55
40 - 49
$1.87 - $2.41
By Shannon VanRaes
30 - 35
$0.71 - $2.03
co-operator staff
he Manitoba Sheep Association has wrapped up its annual show and sale in Rivers with a good turnout and a desire to see more people enter the sheep-buying business. “The number of sheep was well matched to the number of buyers that were there I would say, and I would add that the quality of sheep was great as well,” said association president Herman Bouw. Approximately 50 sheep hit the auction block and about 100 people turned out for the sale. “There was a reasonable crowd,” he said. The average price for a ram lamb was $310, while market lambs averaged $160. Bouw said a few purebred ram breeders took their animals home again after bidding stalled around $440. But other breeders sold their breeding rams for about $460. Ewe lambs sold for an average price of $192.50. “The ewe lambs which were sold, were for the majority, commercial and not purebred,” he said. “But people who sold them I think were quite happy, the prices being what they are.”
(58 lbs.)
January 21-23, 2014
It’s where the Ag Year begins! Approximately 50 sheep hit the auction block and about 100 people turned out for the sale. Submitted photo
Although the Canadian Lamb Producers Co-operative is set to launch this fall, giving producers more options when it comes to selling their livestock, Bouw said there is a bit of a void for sellers at the moment. However, he’s optimistic new buyers will help improve lamb prices once they become established. Currently, producers in Saskatchewan are only getting $1 per pound for lambs over 100 pounds. Manitoba’s producers fare better if they’re able to get their lamb to market in Ontario, where prices are at about $160 per pound.
“Manitoba really doesn’t have a price-establishing mechanism other than Ontario, so some people do have large enough numbers that they can put together a load, or part of a load and justify sending it east,” Bouw said. He described the sheep industry as being in a transition phase as old purchasers leave the business, and new ones work to establish themselves. “I think sheep farming is no different than other farming in that hope springs eternal,” he said. The next MSA auction will be held in Dauphin on October 5.
Manitoba Ag Days welcomes new entries for “Inventor’s Showcase” (Online registration begins September 3rd).
Inventor’s Showcase is held every year to highlight new inventions that can help farmers achieve greater efficiency in their farming operations. Plus, you get a special rate on exhibit space.
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Deadline for entries is September 30 th, 2013
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The Manitoba Co-operator | September 5, 2013
Lean hog market succumbs to seasonal downturn Nearby lean hog futures prices have declined 18 per cent since mid-August CME LEAN HOG MONTHLY NEARBY
following day, the October 2013 futures contract became the nearby contract, which opened at $88.225 per hundredweight and then declined five per cent over the ensuing five trading days to $83.80. Prior to this price decline, the charts gave early indications of an impending downturn. Amid bullish news of the cash market leading the futures higher, on July 31 a two-month reversal developed on the monthly nearby lean hog futures chart at the CME. This reversal pattern indicates a market is about to change direction and forewarned of an impending downturn in the market.
David Drozd
Chart as of August 27, 2013
Market Outlook
he Labour Day weekend marks the end of the summer BBQ season, with the resulting reduction in demand partially responsible for the seasonal downturn in prices. Also weighing on the market is that producers are increasing their deliveries of market-ready hogs, and these slaughter animals are coming in heavier than normal. The lean hog futures contracts at the Chicago Mercantile Exchange (CME) exemplify a strong seasonal tendency for lean hog prices to turn down after the August futures contract expires. On Aug. 14, the August 2013 futures contract posted a new contract high and expired at $102.425 per hundredweight. The
Two-month reversal
On the first month, at a top, the market advances to new highs and closes very strong at or near the high of the day. The following month, prices open
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unchanged to slightly higher, but cannot make additional upside progress. Quantity selling appears early in the month to halt the advance and prices begin to erode. By month’s end, the market drops to around the preceding month’s low and closes at or near that level. For a twomonth reversal to be valid, the second month’s settlement price must be below the midpoint of the previous month’s opening and closing price.
Market psychology
The two-month reversal is a 180-degree turn in sentiment. On the first month, the longs are comfortable and confident as the market closes higher. The market’s performance provides encouragement and reinforces the expectation of further gains. The second month’s activity is psychologically damaging as it is a complete turnaround from the preceding month and serves to shake the confidence of many who are still long the market. The immediate outlook for prices is abruptly put in question. The longs respond to weakening prices by exiting the market. At first the “smart money” sells to take profit, while others eventually sell to cut their losses. This action is referred to as long liquidation. In this scenario, a market tends to erode until the long liquidation is over — often ignoring bullish news. The exodus of market participants and the flow of money leaving the market sometimes causes prices to go down further and stay down longer than most in the trade would have first anticipated. As illustrated in the accompanying chart, after the twomonth reversal developed at the end of July prices remained up near the high during the first couple of weeks in August providing opportunity for livestock producers to take advantage of the sell signal provided by the two-month reversal. The U.S. Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) releases Commitments of Traders (COT ) reports each Friday afternoon. These weekly reports provide a snapshot or breakdown of each Tuesday’s open interest. This report reveals large speculators are currently holding a record long futures position and the commercials have a record short futures position in lean hogs. Therefore, traders and livestock producers should be aware that the unwinding of the October 2013 futures contracts leaves the lean hog futures market susceptible to extreme volatility in the weeks ahead. Send your questions or comments about this article and chart to David Drozd is president and senior market analyst for Winnipeg-based Ag-Chieve Corporation. The opinions expressed are those of the writer and are solely intended to assist readers with a better understanding of technical analysis. Visit Ag-Chieve online at for information about grain-marketing advisory services, or call us toll free at 1-888-274-3138 for a free consultation.
The Manitoba Co-operator | September 5, 2013
Considering chiropractic care for your horse? Chiropractics can help reveal underlying issues affecting how a horse moves or behaves Carol Shwetz, DVM Horse Health
h e n h o r s e ow n e r s d i s c ov e r t h e b e n efits of quality chiropractic care for themselves they will often seek out the same for their horses. This has brought forth a growing trend in the horse industry for animal chiropractors. Chiropractic work does not replace traditional veterinary medicine, yet it can provide a complementary approach in the diagnostics and care of health and performance problems. When indicated, chiropractics can be an effective tool to benefit the attitude and physical abilities of the horse. Postgraduate training is provided to human chiropractors and veterinarians in the areas of canine and equine chiropractics. The field of study requires at least 220 credit hours of study over a sixmonth duration to be awarded the degree. Currently there are five approved animal chiropractic programs, one in Canada, one in Europe and three in the United States. The principles of animal and human chiropractics are similar, focusing primarily on the health of the spinal column. The nervous system of the body is housed by the spinal column, travelling first within it and then moving outward from the spine. Any interference in its course of travel will directly hinder the nervous messages of the body. The generic goal of chiropractic work is to remove nerve interference, primarily along the spine, and allow the body to be healthier as a result of improved neurological function. When a chiropractor says that a “joint is out” or the “back is out” they do not mean the joint is totally displaced as this would obviously require medical attention. When chiropractors use this simplistic lay term they are describing a subluxation. A subluxation in chiropractic terms is when a joint is not moving effectively or efficiently, however, contact between joints surfaces has remained intact. It is essentially a functional entity which influences blood flow, muscular responses, and nerve conduction. A chiropractic adjustment is an attempt to reset the joint, correcting its movement, blood flow, and nerve conduction. The adjustment itself is a high-velocity, low-force, controlled thrust of the hand directed in a specific direction on a specific joint. The skilled and “listening” hands of a practitioner detect subtle changes in the health and movement of the spine, noticing pain/sensitivity, muscular tension, incomplete range of motion, and increased warmth. When a subluxation occurs, the horse’s spine loses its normal flex-
ibility resulting in stiffness, resistance and decreased performance. Compensation patterns then develop throughout the body as the horse attempts to protect its sore neck or back. These patterns result in altered posture, gait, and unsoundness. Sy m p t o m s s u c h a s g a i t abnormalities, bucking, rearing, tail swishing, head tossing, pulling back, refusal, lack of impulsion/engaging of the hindquarters, behaviour problems, neck or back pain, muscle imbalances, toe dragging, uneven shoulders and hips, reluctance to stand for the farrier, short striding, stumbling or knuckling, and incompletely resolved injuries are commonly associated with spinal misalignments/subluxations.
Proper kinematics and movement of the limbs are heavily influenced by the spinal column. The highly innervated and delicate musculature of the spine is responsible for the “setup” of the limbs as they are engaged in motion. Unless primary causes of back pain are identified and addressed, most horses will have recurring unsoundness when returned to work, even after a period of medication or rest. Not all lamenesses respond to chiropractic adjustments but a large proportion do. A consultation with an equine chiropractor star ts with a thorough examination of the horse, including history, care and use. The chiropractor may ask to see the horse move through all gaits first without a rider, and then at times with the rider. The chiropractor will then pursue static and motion palpation of the spine and its joints.
The principles of animal and human chiropractics are similar, focusing primarily on the health of the spinal column.
Following initial examination the animal chiropractor will adjust the affected area of the spine so as to return the joints to normal motion. In doing so muscle spasms and pain in the neck and back are often alleviated. Chiropractics are used to discover underlying issues looking at the animals as a whole and helping the owner/rider/ trainer understand why the horse is not moving or behaving correctly. It is important to recognize that horses need to be educated properly to carry a rider and themselves without incurring physical injury
and developing unsoundness over time. Further influences to the success of a chiropractic treatment are dental alignment, hoof balance, tack fit, training and turnout. Addressing physical or pathologic problems such as strains, sprains, and degenerative joint diseases is also necessary for a successful adjustment. Once the reason for the misalignment/subluxation is discovered and addressed the need for chiropractic care is reduced substantially. Carol Shwetz is a veterinarian specializing in equine practice at Westlock, Alberta.
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The Manitoba Co-operator | September 5, 2013