
Page 1


Manitoba Spring Wheat and Barley Association underway

Humane Society program matches cats with farm homes » Page 42

January 23, 2014

Checkoff to fund research starts Feb. 1 » Page 3





Railway service draws more complaints Food processors add their voice to calls for improved rail service By Alex Binkley co-operator contributor / ottawa


ational farm, food and industry groups have added their voices to the criticism of railway grain transportation this winter. Grain Growers of Canada, the Western Grain Elevator A s s o c i a t i o n a n d Fo o d & Consumer Products Canada, which represents many large food processors, have released a letter sent to Agriculture Minister Gerry Ritz and Transport Minister Lisa Raitt. “Rail service is beginning to have an effect on the national See RAIL SERVICE on page 6 »

Other than for a small margin for Nexera canola, winter wheat is the only crop showing a positive return in MAFRD’s annual cost of production estimates.  Photo: Allan Dawson

Few money-making crops projected for 2014 MAFRD’s new production cost guidelines show winter wheat as a winner, but estimates few others will return a net profit

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co-operator staff


eny, meeny, miny, moe, which is the most profitable crop to grow? None of the above, it would seem. We l l , n o t q u i t e. Ac c o rd i n g t o Manitoba Agriculture, Food and Rural D e v e l o p m e n t’s ( M A F R D ) a n n u a l “Guidelines for Estimating Crop Production Costs,” winter wheat will earn farmers in eastern Manitoba a net

profit of almost $95 an acre. But it’s the only crop in the black. And it had to have been seeded last fall to take advantage of it. MAFRD projects winter wheat will net eastern farmers $46.45 an acre, and Nexera canola $5.71. After several years of high grain prices, big crops and some analysts’ sanguine assurances of a new paradigm for grain prices, the outlook isn’t as bright for Manitoba farmers. But a lot can change in eight months.

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Moreover, production cost forecasts rely on assumptions and every farmer’s costs, yields and crop prices are different. “This budget is only a guide and is not intended as an in-depth study of the cost of production of this industry,” the MAFRD document says. “Interpretation and utilization of this information is the responsibility of the user.” MAFRD business development speSee MONEY CROPS on page 6 »

®™Trademark of The Dow Chemical Company (“Dow”) or an affiliated company of Dow. 09/13-20278-02 MC

By Allan Dawson


The Manitoba Co-operator | January 23, 2014


Did you know?


Turkeys inspire earlywarning system for toxins

The public is watching Livestock industry must ensure humane transport




CROPS The decline in public agronomy research WGRF commissions study to determine how much


FEATURE No shipping eggs or chasing chickens Automated but welfare-friendly Dutch broiler operation


CROSSROADS Move over, Mediterranean Diet Albertans develop the Pure Prairie Eating Plan

4 5 7 10

Editorials Comments What’s Up Livestock Markets

Scientists copy colour-shifting patterns seen in turkeys’ heads


Grain Markets Weather Vane Classifieds Sudoku

ioengineers at the University of California, Berkeley, say they saw inspiration in turkeys for a new type of biosensor that changes colour when exposed to chemical vapours. This feature makes the sensors valuable detectors of toxins or airborne pathogens. A university release says that turkey skin can shift from red to blue to white, thanks to bundles of collagen that are interspersed with a dense array of blood vessels. It is this colour-shifting characteristic that gives turkeys the name “seven-faced birds” in Korean and Japanese. The researchers say that spacing between the collagen fibres changes when the blood vessels swell or contract, depending upon whether the bird is excited or angry. The amount of swelling changes the way light waves are scattered and, in turn, alters the colours we see on the bird’s head. Seung-Wuk Lee, UC Berkeley associate professor of bioengineering, led a research team in mimicking this colour-changing ability to create biosensors that can detect volatile chemicals. The researchers created a mobile app to show that a

Researchers took inspiration from the way turkey skin colour is altered to create a new sensor that can change colour when exposed to volatile chemicals.  photo: thinkstock.com

smartphone photo of the sensor’s colour bands could be used to help identify toxins of interest. The turkey-inspired biosensors were exposed to a range of volatile organic compounds, including hexane, isopropyl alcohol and methanol, as well as vapour of the explosive chemical TNT, at concentrations of 300 parts per billion. The researchers found that the viruses swelled rapidly, resulting in specific colour patterns

that served as “fingerprints” to distinguish the different chemicals tested. “Our system is convenient, and it is cheap to make,” said Lee. “We also showed that this technology can be adapted so that smartphones can help analyze the colour fingerprint of the target chemical. In the future, we could potentially use this same technology to create a breath test to detect cancer and other diseases.”


11 16 26 30

ONLINE Visit www.manitobacooperator.ca for daily news and features and our digital edition. (Click on “Digital Edition” in the top right corner.) At our sister site, AGCanada.com, you can use the “Search the AGCanada.com Network” function at top right to find recent Co-operator articles. Select “Manitoba Co-operator” in the pull-down menu when running your search.   photo: Rosalyn Lockie

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The Manitoba Co-operator | January 23, 2014

Manitoba Wheat and Barley Growers Association checkoff starts Feb. 1


Seed Hawk receives low-carbon approval staff / Seed Hawk says it has become the first agricultural equipment company in the world to receive Carbon Trust carbon footprint certification. Carbon Trust is an international company headquartered in the U.K. that provides independent certification of carbon footprints. The Saskatchewan Research Council (SRC) conducted the life cycle carbon footprint of the three products, and submitted the information to Carbon Trust. The certification was awarded for the Seed Hawk 45 and XL Series toolbars, with and without Sectional Control technology, and the 30 Series product line. “As one of our core pillars, Seed Hawk is committed to environmental sustainability. This commitment not only relates to our company’s environmental footprint, but also our commitment to help farmers operate more sustainably,” Seed Hawk president and CEO Peter Clarke said in a release. SRC said it will continue working with Seed Hawk on the project. The next step will be for SRC to further engage with growers in Seed Hawk’s continued certification and environmental improvement efforts by collecting new, customized data over the next few years. This data can then be used to renew Seed Hawk’s carbon footprint certification, as well as provide necessary information for potential improvements to its equipment in the future.

The funds will be used for wheat and barley research and market promotion By Allan Dawson co-operator staff


he Manitoba Wheat and Barley Growers Association, the province’s newest farm organization, starts collecting a refundable 52- and 50-cent-atonne checkoff on provincial spring wheat and barley sales Feb. 1. The money for each crop will be accounted for and invested separately into wheat and barley research and market promotion, interim chair and Dauphin farmer Don Dewar said in an interview. Dewar said he knows there is some “checkoff fatigue” out there, but that efforts are being made to keep costs down with a single organization for the two crops. The association is contracting with the Manitoba Corn Growers Association in Carman to provide office services for the next 18 months. “It’s all about keeping our overhead down so we don’t have to hire an executive director right now,” Dewar said. The association also wants to avoid duplication with other organizations. “Our board really hopes we can work with Saskatchewan and Alberta (wheat and barley commissions) on projects so we’re not diluting the money,” Dewar said. Spring wheat and barley buyers will collect the checkoffs when farmers sell those crops. L e v y Ce n t ra l , a n o t - f o r- p ro f i t arm of the Agricultural Council of Saskatchewan, will collect the money and send it to the association for a fee. Winter Cereals Manitoba will continue to collect a 50-cent checkoff on sales of winter wheat. With the creation of the MWBGA, Manitoba wheat and barley growers will pay $1 a tonne in total checkoff. An interim five-year checkoff of 48 and 50 cents a tonne on wheat and barley, respectively, was introduced Aug. 1, 2012 by the federal gover nment following the demise of the Canadian Wheat Board’s checkoff on final payments. That money went to the Western Grains Research Foundation to help fund research. The interim checkoff also helps fund the Canadian International Grains Institute and Brewing and

Canadian Young Speakers for Agriculture topics Staff / Canadian Young Speakers for Agriculture has announced public speaking competition topics for 2014 at its first meeting of the new year: •  I am a Canadian farmer and this is my success story •  Why succession planning is crucial to the future of Canadian agriculture •  As stewards of the land can Canadian farmers do more? •  Why social media is an opportunity farmers cannot ignore •  W hy I am choosing a career in agriculture The CYSA public speaking competition is held each year at the Royal Agricultural Winter Fair in Toronto. This year’s event will be held on Nov. 8. The competition is open to youth ages 11 to 24 with a passion for agriculture whether raised on a farm, in the country or in the city. This year also marks the competition’s 30th anniversary. “Since the inception of CYSA in 1985, the competition has grown into the premier agricultural youth speaking forum in Canada,” said CYSA board president Richard Kuntz. “With this year’s lineup of exciting topics the competition promises to once again present a high-calibre event featuring the ag leaders of tomorrow. We invite youth from across Canada to participate and share their passion for agriculture.” For more information about CYSA visit www.cysa-joca.ca. 12/28/13

7:58 AM

“We want people to know we’re doing our best to keep costs down.”

Don Dewar

Malting Barley Research Institute, both of which used to get funding from the wheat board. When the interim checkoff ends there’s an expectation that provincial associations will continue it.

Board members

Other members of the association’s interim board are as follows: vice-chair Fred Greig from Reston, Ray Askin, Portage la Prairie; David Rourke, Minto; Doug Martin, East Selkirk and Grant Dyck, Niverville. T h e i n t e r i m b o a rd h a s n o t decided when the first election for directors will be held, Dewar said. One option is during the association’s annual meeting during the CropConnect conference in February 2015. Holding elections during annual meetings is cheaper than a mail-in election, Dewar added. Directors will serve terms of two years, but elections will be staggered so only half the board is elected at one time.

Farmers can get their wheat and barley checkoffs refunded twice a year — at the end of July and end of January. Keystone Agricultural Producers helped facilitate the new association’s formation. KAP’s grains committee recognized the wheat board’s demise would create gaps that would need filling, Dewar said. That led to the creation of a steering committee made up of representatives from KAP, the Manitoba Pulse Growers Association, Manitoba Oat Growers Association, Winter Cereals Manitoba, Manitoba Seed Growers’ Association and Western Canadian Wheat Growers Association. The steering committee surveyed 500 Manitoba farmers and 78 per cent of respondents supported creating the association, Dewar said. The results were presented to the Manitoba government’s Agricultural Producers’ Organization Certification Agency. Last fall it recommended Agriculture Minister Ron Kostyshyn approve the association’s request for a checkoff. “They (agency) cautioned us that our survey of 500 farmers was not big enough, but under the act if there are too many opt-outs you have to have a referendum anyway (to get farmers’ approval),” Dewar said. allan@fbcpublishing.com

Page 1

Client: Salford Farm Machinery Publication: Manitoba Cooperator Size: 10.25” x 3” Ad#: SFM14-01_08-10.25x3-MC


Don Dewar is interim chair of the new Manitoba Wheat and Barley Growers Association.  Photo: Allan Dawson

Call your Salford dealer today, or visit

www.salfordmachine.com Salford, Ontario • 1-866-442-1293 Ad#: SFM14-01_08-10.25x3-MC


The Manitoba Co-operator | January 23, 2014


Different this time — again


his line in Reuters story last week certainly put things in focus. “Ukraine is likely to be the world’s secondlargest grain exporter in the 2013-14 season with the shipment of more than 30 million tonnes, according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture.” We’d seen the figures before, but considering that Ukraine and its former Soviet partners used to be Canada’s largest grain John Morriss customer, putting it that way still comes Editorial Director as a bit of a jolt. At times in the 1980s, the Former Soviet Union was importing 50 million tonnes of grain a year. This year it will export that much. The FSU’s massive entry into the world market and the “Great Grain Robbery” of 1972 sparked a price rise to unprecedented levels. The wheat price of $6 per bushel then equalled $27 today. The resulting prosperity sparked much optimism that good times were finally here, and here to stay. It was “different this time.” Well, for a couple of years anyway, and soon things were back in the doldrums, with grain price wars and a series of ad hoc “Special Grains Payments” and programs with four-letter acronyms — WGSA, GRIP, NISA, CAIS, etc. The doldrums were periodically interrupted by a short crop somewhere in the world, and then a brief price rally — 1980, 1985 1993, 1996, 2006 and then in 2012-13. During each of those blips we heard this — “The world’s population is growing. It’s getting more affluent, so people will eat more meat. They aren’t making any more land.” All true, to a point. But we’ve been hearing that same line in speeches for 40 years now, and those who were around will remember that in the 1960s and 1970s, the big concern was “feeding the starving millions” in India. That brings us to another bit of news from last week, which is that India’s wheat exports are at 6.5 million tonnes so far for this crop year, and there is plenty of room to export more. And which country was the world’s largest beef exporter last year? India. The latest variation on the, “It’s different this time” was that it was “a new paradigm,” accompanied by the statistic we’ve heard so many times in the last couple of years — that the world has to double food production to feed nine billion people by 2050. That may or may not be true, but the Indian example shows that part of the goal will be met by countries feeding themselves. A year ago at this time, crop farmers were in an upbeat mood, with a combination of a big crop and record (nominal) prices. Today, despite a record crop, the atmosphere is subdued at best. As we report this week, and which most farmers had figured out for themselves, Manitoba Agriculture’s production budgets show that the only major crop to “pencil out” this year is winter wheat, and it’s a bit late for that. Meanwhile crop farmers are in a cash flow crunch, with a combination of low prices, slow transportation and a wide basis. Imagine the pickle farmers would be in if they had a small or low-quality crop. So it wasn’t different this time — again, which raises the question of how farmers and the industry should react next time there’s a price spike which gets everyone excited about a “new paradigm.” That’s a tough one. Those who are asked to give presentations at farm meetings don’t want to be a wet blanket, especially if they have something to sell or money to lend. “Now listen everyone, times are good now, but we know these price spikes always fizzle after a year or two, so you had better keep your money in your jeans.” Who wants to be the one to say that? And who wants to raise some of the tough questions about where Western Canada fits in supplying future world grain demand? What if U.S. winter wheat yields, currently averaging under 40 bushels per acre, start to approach those in Europe, currently over 100 bushels? What if genetic modification allows European wheat to produce high protein? Now that most Canadian exports are being handled by the same companies that operate in the Former Soviet Union, U.S., South America and Australia, what are the implications for Western Canada, especially since it has the highest transportation costs? This is not to say that western Canadian farmers can’t adapt to future challenges, as they have done so well in the past. But they will be able to adapt much better if they have a long-term view which realistically considers their inherent strengths and weaknesses. Farm organizations. particularly the ones emerging from changes to the wheat board, need to think about this, not just breeding for more yield. “The world is going to take every bushel we can produce” is no basis for an industry strategy. Next time that you hear that it’s different this time, remember — it won’t be. john.morriss@fbcpublishing.com

The high cost of low food prices By Sylvain Charlebois WWW.TROYMEDIA.COM


he high cost of low prices for food stretches far beyond retail casualties. Case in point: Leamington, Ontario, Canada’s self-proclaimed tomato capital, received news in November that Heinz will close its plant, laying off more than 700 employees and eliminating many farmers’ sole client. Ironically, while Canadians will likely have access to cheaper tomato-based products, many are losing jobs in the agrifood sector. It will be the same for Corn Flakes and Raisin Bran lovers since the Londonbased Kellogg plant will also be shutting down next year. There is little doubt that consumers have benefited greatly from the discounts on many food categories. The price of rice, yogurt, ice cream, and peanut butter actually dropped last year, a first in more than two decades in some cases. Given the increasing scope and scale of aggressive pricing, the situation will likely worsen before it gets better for food retailers, to the delight of Canadian consumers. In fact, several staples have now become loss leaders, normally a bad sign for industry. In an effort to retain market share, retailers have no choice but to more frequently promote loss leaders. And the market landscape has changed. Target entered Canada in early 2013 with an aggressive goal to open 124 stores and increase its future food offering. Wal-Mart proactively kept food prices competitively low in the midst of the impending expansion and continued to ensure its viability in the grocery market. Loblaw, Canada’s largest food retailer and private employer, is desperate to reach new urban markets where consumers can cope

with higher price points. This is mainly why it bought Shoppers Drug Mart last year — to offset the Wal-Mart menace. On the other hand, Sobeys had a very good year with its purchase of Safeway to tap into Canada’s lucrative western market. Metro, which allegedly lost to Sobeys in the battle to acquire Safeway, may have the most to lose. Sales are dropping and it has already announced the conversion and closure of some Ontario stores. More market retraction is expected if it fails to scale up. Coupling the highly competitive nature of food retailing with a low-inflationary global economy would certainly appear to be welcome news for consumers, especially those affected when food prices skyrocketed from 2009 to 2011 when the high cost of food created havoc in developing countries and hurt consumers struggling to get by financially. To stretch their dollars, consumers were forced to invest in nutritious food instead of just buying fuel to survive. Food was not as trivialized as before, and that was a good thing. But now, the situation has completely changed as the food industry struggles to achieve growth. Analysts expect food prices to increase by no more than 0.5 per cent next year. To reflect the true cost of distribution, food inflation’s sweet spot would be anywhere between 1.5 per cent to 2.5 per cent. Such a threshold would flush the industry with more resources to innovate while building a case for consumers that food is not inconsequential. As we embark upon another year of low food price inflation, let’s hope consumers don’t forget how important food is to all of us. Sylvain Charlebois is associate dean at the College of Management and Economics at the University of Guelph

OUR HISTORY: January 1970


he current grain backlog and low prices have a few of our older readers remembering the late ’60s, when sales and transportation were slow and prices were low. The 1969-70 crop year ended with a four-bushel quota on wheat and for 1970, the federal government introduced Operation LIFT (Lower Inventories for Tomorrow), which paid farmers to summerfallow instead of growing more grain to add to the carry-over. With not much cash around, many merchants, perhaps anticipating (correctly) that prices would rise sooner or later, offered to take grain in payment. This ad from our January 15, 1970 issue is one example. Several ads in the classified section, including for vehicles, also offered to take grain as part payment. The wheat board had imposed quotas on feed mill deliveries and among 71 Saskatchewan farmers who had their permit books seized was Premier Ross Thatcher. However, the alleged overdelivery was made by his son Colin, who later went on to a more serious conviction of murdering his wife. DDT had been banned for use by the end of 1970, but we reported that the best legal way to dispose of existing stocks was to use in accordance with label directions for control of flea beetles in mustard and rapeseed.


The Manitoba Co-operator | January 23, 2014


High cattle and beef prices look set to last till 2015: Maguire Analysis: Good times should last another year, but heifer retention may suddenly have its effect on futures By Gavin Maguire Reuters


attle and beef prices started 2014 at alltime highs, and a combination of strong money flow from the trading community, alongside a cutback in heifer slaughter rates by the ranchers, look set to help keep prices firm for several more months at least. But the fact that ranchers are already rebuilding herds by holding heifers back from slaughter means a strong jump in the supply of both cattle and beef will emerge eventually. Due to the slow rate of production expansion that is limited by the rate of calf and cow development, the good times for the meat sector look set to last for most of 2014 at least. Indeed, in the case of the beef market a fresh acceleration to the upside can’t be ruled out over the near to medium term as ranchers hold back heifers from slaughter in order to rebuild their herds. However, because ranchers are already busy trying to ramp up cattle production, a big swell in cattle and beef supplies could emerge as early as the first quarter of 2015, so it is clear that this market’s good times can’t last forever.

Improved efficiency

U.S. cattle inventories are at their lowest levels since the 1950s, a chief factor underpinning both sentiment and price in the cattle market. Less well known is the high level of production efficiency within the cattle industry that has allowed beef production to remain at relatively high levels through 2012 despite the steady drop in animal numbers. Improved genetics and advanced processing technologies have ensured that the amount of meat produced

per slaughtered cow/bull has steadily risen over the past decade, and scaled a new high in 2012 just shy of 800 pounds per slaughtered animal. That high level of beef output is expected to decline over the near to medium term as fewer animals are slaughtered while ranchers rebuild their herds. Indeed, the amount of beef produced during the January-November period in 2013 was the lowest since 2005, and looks set to contract further in 2014 as heifer slaughter rates drop to their lowest level in 20 years. Such a drop in beef output should fuel additional strength in beef prices, which are already at all-time highs in excess of $200 per hundredweight of choice beef on the wholesale market.

Demand erosion?

Beef prices also remain high at the retail level, but stiff competition from other meat types has kept grocery store values in check lately. Relatively high stocks of beef in cold storage facilities as of late 2013 also suggests that retailers have some supply cushion built into their marketing channels that may allow them to absorb some additional price inflation over the immediate term. However, meat processors and packers will have little choice but to pass on additional price gains to the customer if wholesale values continue to rise over the remainder of the year. This will likely ensure that beef cuts remain the priciest in grocery store aisles this year, and could well spark a slowdown in demand growth if other meat options remain more attractively priced. Still, from a rancher’s perspective the wholesale price will remain the key metric to track,

and that should remain robust until supplies finally start to pick up in response to the ongoing rebuilding of cattle herds. With heifer slaughter rates only showing a notable reduction in late 2013, it will take at least several more months before signs of growth in the overall U.S. cattle herd will be evident, due to the cow gestation lasting close to nine months before a calf is born. After that, it takes roughly 14 months for a calf to reach slaughter weight, so it may take until well into 2015 before a notable swell in beef production materializes. Still, due to the nature of futures markets, price corrections from the recent strength may occur months before the actual increases in cattle and beef supply take place. This means that ranchers and packers may see the current spell of price strength start to unravel ahead of 2015. But for the time being, those engaged in the beef production industry look primed to see continued upbeat price signals for the next several months at least. This outlook in turn has provided commodity traders with a compelling fundamental reason to invest in this market, and has resulted in the speculator community racking up their net position in live cattle futures to its highest level on record for this time of year. Should the contraction in beef output in the coming months steer beef prices higher still, additional investor dollars can be expected to flow into this market until a rebound in beef output finally reverses that trend. Gavin Maguire is a Reuters columnist. The opinions expressed are his own.

Railways must improve service to grain shippers: KAP president In the long term, there needs to be a government-directed reassessment of how railways do business By Doug Chorney president, keystone agricultural producers


t’s not news anymore that western Canadian farmers harvested their largest crops ever in 2013. Record yields were met with unbridled excitement as farmers anticipated high yields would offset declining grain and oilseed prices. What’s news now is that last fall’s optimism has turned into concern because these crops are still on the farm. Abysmal service once again by Canada’s two major railways has limited crop movement so drastically that grain companies are buying very limited amounts — or are not buying at all. The companies’ inland terminals and elevators are the points at which the grain is held and loaded onto trains bound for ocean ports — and they are full up waiting for rail cars that don’t come. While western Canadian crop yields are up by 33 per cent over last year, the number of rail cars allocated to move the crop, compared to the same point in time last year (mid-November), was only up by two per cent, according to the Western Grain Elevator Association.

In addition, when the railways do fill elevator orders for rail cars, only 27 per cent of the cars are delivered to the elevators on time. Further, railways are leaving the cars at the elevators to be loaded for longer-than-average time periods — sometimes as much as 11 days. Imagine the effect of this on loading and shipping schedules. This poor railway service is holding the system up, from the farm right to the ports, creating unnecessary expenses for the grain companies that will ultimately be passed on to farmers as handling fees and lower prices for crops. For example, port terminals were without rail service for 28 days during a 3-1/2-month period last fall. When there is no grain to load onto waiting ships, or shipments are late, grain companies are charged a penalty by the ship companies of between $12,000 and $18,000 per ship per day.

Economic losses

The effect of the situation on farmers, on Canada’s economy and on our international reputation cannot be understated. Canada is losing sales because contract deadlines with international

buyers cannot be met. Canada’s Agriculture Ministry prides itself these days on implementing programs and conducting trade negotiations that make agriculture more competitive. All of this is negated when we can’t deliver the goods. According to Agriculture and AgriFood Canada, agriculture plays “an important role in federal and provincial economies,” directly providing one in eight jobs, employing 2.1 million people, and accounting for eight per cent of total gross domestic product. Poor rail service is, quite simply, obstructing a sector that is a major economic driver. We need short-term intervention by Transport Minister Lisa Raitt and the federal government because farmers need to get their crops to market as soon as possible, before more sales are lost. In the long term, there needs to be a government-directed reassessment of how railways do business. Moving grain and oilseeds is seasonal in nature, not fitting into transport cycles where product is picked up on a regular basis, and so the railways must be directed to plan for it. Every other sector that provides

services in crop production invests in “surge” capacity, including input suppliers, equipment dealers and grain companies — and railways need to adopt this same practice. The monopoly the railways have in the marketplace allows them to provide inadequate service without fear of consequences. Unfortunately, the new federal Fair Rail Freight Service Act is not an effective mechanism to resolve these service issues — and amending it must also be a priority. Since agriculture began on the Prairies, shippers of agricultural commodities have experienced poor and lethargic rail service — and it appears that it is getting worse. In 1993, in mid-November, CN and CP moved 8.7 million tonnes of crop, while in the same week of 2013, only 7.5 million tonnes were moved. The yields of 2013 are only the beginning of larger and larger crops as new high-yielding varieties are adopted and modern agronomic practices continue to become more efficient. This is not a once-in-alifetime situation; instead, it will be the norm in a few years. Will we wait until then to fix our rail system, or will we begin to do it now?


The Manitoba Co-operator | January 23, 2014

FROM PAGE ONE MONEY CROPS Continued from page 1

Ad Number: SEC_OATS_14_T Publication: Manitoba Co-operator Size: 3col x 133 6”x 9.5”

cialist Gary Smart was to explain the guidelines this week at Ag Days. “It’s always important for Manitoba farmers to know their cost of production, but now it’s even more important,” Keystone Agricultural producers president Doug Chorney said. “Try and lock in a profit at every opportunity.” Chorney, who farms at East Selkirk, hoped grain prices would stay strong longer, but noted historically prices go up and down. “That’s the reason we as able return on winter wheat in farm organizations strenuously eastern Manitoba is based on a defended the need for Business 71.8-bushel-an-acre yield selling Risk Management programming for $6.20 a bushel. Operating costs for inputs that work for farmers because we were very fearful of that,” he such as seed, chemical and fertilizer are estimated to $187.42 said. “We’ve really seen the fed- an acre, and fixed costs for land, eral and provincial govern- machinery investment and ments vacate support for BRM depreciation and grain storage programming. AgriStability has are $133.45. The estimated net profit been significantly reduced in its for winter wheat in western value to producers. “It’s no secret there is less pro- Manitoba is much lower at tection and more exposure for $46.45 an acre, mainly because of a projected lower yield of 57.5 farmers.” SEC_OATS_14_T.qxd 12/28/13 10:47 PM Page 1 MAFRD’s estimated profit- bushels an acre.

“We’re hoping that lenders will be flexible with producers to maintain cash flows until grain moves and farmers get paid.” Norm Hall APAS

Manitoba’s record-average winter wheat yield is 71 bushels an acre set in 2008, according to crop insurance data. The 10-year average is 64. Data to be released next month puts the 2013 average at 67.

Corn looks worst

Corn is projected to be the crop farmers will lose the most money on — $140.57 and $228.83 an acre, respectively in eastern and western Manitoba, according to MAFRD. Big losses are projected for soybeans too.

You can have your oats and eat them too! If you’re thinking about planting oats in 2014, grow what’s in demand without giving up yield. NEW


CDC Big Brown

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Ad Number: SEC_OATS_14_T

Wheat and canola returns are projected to be a lot closer to break even. Western Canadian farmers are already suffering from lower grain prices, exacerbated by a record crop that’s led to a backlog of grain that grain companies complain the railways aren’t moving fast enough to export terminals. So m e f a r m e r s a re h a v ing cash flow problems as a result, Norm Hall, president of the Agricultural Producers Association of Saskatchewan (APAS) said in an interview Jan. 16. That’s why APAS issued a press release asking lenders to be patient. “We’re hoping that lenders will be flexible with producers to maintain cash flows until grain moves and farmers get paid,” Hall said. Many farmers buy their crop inputs on credit from grain companies and repay their loans when they deliver grain. Farm Credit Canada (FCC) said it is contacting customers to let them know there are options. Farmers can apply for cash advances against stored

crops. Loans are repaid as farmers sell their crops. Eligible farmers can receive up to $400,000 at a preferential interest rate, with the government paying the interest on the first $100,000.

RAIL SERVICE Continued from page 1

of the GDP… poor rail service is, quite simply, obstructing a sector that is a major economic driver.” Asked about the simmering complaints about rail service just before the joint letter was made public, Ritz said, “While to date a record amount of grain has been shipped, the new reality of larger yields will require the entire system to efficiently handle higher volumes for the foreseeable future.”

food supply as millers, food manufacturers and maltsters are receiving unsatisfactory ser vice and real shortages moving grain to plants and then to market,” the letter says. “This disruption has the potential to negatively impact processing and is impacting Canadian exports. The current situation is not conducive to economic growth or job stability.” The groups say rail service is becoming a pressing and urgent concern. “A huge amount of grain is moving this year ; how ever, much more grain needs t o m ov e … i n c re a s e d r a i l car capacity is needed overall. Other industries are also feeling the economic impact related to poor rail service.” The groups say the 2013 harvest “is the new normal,” and the government needs to assess evolving rail capacity issues and provide recommendations for alleviating the concerns. “Fa r m e r s f r o m a c r o s s Canada are anxious to learn if the railways are formulating plans to accommodate the immediate needs with action and if they are working on a long-term future plan to accommodate larger volumes for grains and oilseeds for next year and going forward.” Last week, Keystone Agricultural Producers president Doug Chorney also issued a statement calling for improved rail service (see page 5). “Abysmal service once again by Canada’s two major railways has limited crop movement so drastically that grain companies, which buy and market the crops, are buying very limited amounts — or are not buying at all,” Chorney said. Citing numbers Ritz loves to quote, Chorney noted that the agri-food sector provides “one in eight jobs in Canada, employs 2.1 million people, and accounts for eight per cent

Looking south

American durum wheat prices are $1.50 a bushel higher than in Canada, because of the backlog in grain movement, Hall said. Canadians are starting to look into what they have to do to sell their grain in the U.S., he said. “It’s easier said than done,” Chorney said. One U.S. company he spoke to was willing to buy trucked-in Canadian, but for a 50-cent-abushel discount to U.S. wheat. However, he said there are reports of Canadian wheat being exported to the U.S. in producer cars for attractive prices. Both Chorney and Hall suspect American elevators would prefer to keep Canadian trucks out of the lineup so as not to incur the wrath of their American customers. allan@fbcpublishing.com

Railways respond

In a statement, CN said rail capacity is not the issue. “Western Canadian farmers have grown the biggest grain crop in history, and the supply chain, including country elevators, rail, and port terminals, cannot move a whole year’s crop in three months. Despite calls for more cars, CN’s view is that throwing more hopper cars into the supply chain will not work, and would congest the system.” CN said its grain hopper car placements in Western Canada are similar to the record-setting pace last year and are 12 per cent higher than the fiveyear average. Since November the railways have also been struggling with cold weather and heavy snows in the Rocky Mountains. CN expects unloads at terminals in Vancouver and Prince Rupert to match or exceed last year’s performance. In a statement, CP said, “We are responding to our grain customers as efficiently and as quickly as possible during an unprecedented crop year. CP moved more grain in Canada over the last four months of the heavy harvest period in 2013 than ever before for the same period, and now into 2014, our railway is transporting all the grain the supply chain can handle at this time. “With this record crop, it is an ongoing, week-to-week process with CP officials working directly with shippers to continue to have the mobile resources in place.”


The Manitoba Co-operator | January 23, 2014

‘Biggest year’ seen for cash advance applications Concerns about meeting interest-free deadline; FCC will ‘explore options’ for cash-strapped farmers By Leeann Minogue staff


ith rail congestion and jammed elevators d ra g g i n g o n f a r m ers’ ability to deliver grain, a federal program to help with near-term cash flow is seeing a particularly busy year. Fe d e r a l a g l e n d e r Fa r m Credit Canada is already urging farmers who haven’t done so to consider applying to the federal Advance Payments Program (APP) for a shortterm loan until grain can be delivered. FCC last Thursday said it aims to contact more than 16,000 customers that may be impacted by delays in grain deliver y and will “explore options to address their indi-

vidual needs” including the APP. Many farmers have already received cash advances through this program. “This is the biggest year we’ve ever had,” said Rick White, general manager of the Canadian Canola Growers Association, an APP administrator. “This is exactly what this program is for,” he said, “to help farmers cash flow themselves, so they don’t have to market for cash flow.” The APP advances cash based on farmers’ grain inventory. Farmers can borrow up to $400,000, $100,000 of which is interest free. Loan rates vary by crop: $5.85 per bushel of canola; $3.54 per bushel of wheat; other rates for more

than 20 other commodities. When farmers deliver grain, 50 per cent of sale proceeds are automatically applied to the loan. Advances received now must be repaid by Sept. 30. “The big question now is, are they going to be able to get enough grain delivered into the system to pay off the advance prior to the deadline?” White said. Farmers missing the Sept. 30 deadline lose the interest-free component of the program — interest will be applied from the date they first received the advance. There are some options for cash-strapped farmers concerned about their ability to meet the Sept. 30 deadline, White said. First, farmers who cannot

deliver grain and repay loans with sales can make cash repayments. However, they would have to pay interest if they repay the loans with cash not associated with a grain sale. Farmers who make grain deliveries can choose to repay their cash advances at higherthan-usual rates. Rather than using 50 per cent of the sale to repay loans, White said, “they have the ability to apply the proceeds of the entire sale.” This would enable farmers to repay loans with fewer grain deliveries. Farmers who can wait until April 1 for a cash advance can apply for the 2014-15 program, taking a loan based on next year’s plans rather than this year’s inventory.

“This gives them a full 18-month cycle to have the money,” White said. While APP administrators can’t make exceptions for individual farmers in need, White said, “The federal government always has the ability, as the program deadline nears, to offer farmers a stay of default.” While that would be an unusual step, White said “if there’s a widespread problem out there” the CCGA could ask the federal government to take action. “We won’t be able to make that case until we get well into the summer,” he said. “It’s way too early to be talking about that as something that might happen.” leeann.minogue@fbcpublishing.com

WHAT’S UP Please forward your agricultural events to daveb@fbcpublishing. com or call 204-944-5762. Jan. 29-31: Keystone Agricultural Producers annual meeting, Delta Winnipeg, 350 St. Mary Ave., Winnipeg. For more info call 204697-1140 or visit kap.mb.ca. Jan. 30: FCC workshop: Eight key principles of farm financial management, 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Viscount Cultural Centre, 293 Mountain Ave., Neepawa. For more info or to register visit http://www. fcc-fac.ca/en/LearningCentre/work shops_mb_e.asp. Feb. 3-6: Canadian Weed Science Society/Weed Science Society of America joint meeting, Hyatt Regency, 655 Burrard St., Vancouver. For more info visit http://wssa.net/meeting/annualmeeting/. Feb. 4-5: Manitoba Beef Producers 35th annual general meeting, Victoria Inn, 3550 Victoria Ave. W., Brandon. For more info visit mbbeef.ca. Feb. 5-6: Manitoba Swine Seminar, Victoria Inn, 1808 Wellington Ave., Winnipeg. For more info visit www. ManitobaSwineSeminar.ca or call Dallas Ballance at 204-475-8585. Feb. 24: FCC workshop: How to benefit from agricultural cycles and economic trends, 10:30 a.m. to 3 p.m., Victoria Inn, 3550 Victoria Ave., Brandon. For more info or to register visit http://www. fcc-fac.ca/en/LearningCentre/ workshops_mb_e.asp. Feb. 24-25: Wild Oats Grainworld 2014 conference, Fairmont Winnipeg, 2 Lombard Pl., Winnipeg. For more info visit wildoatsgrainworld.com. Feb. 25: FCC workshop: Minimize taxes and maximize purchasing power, 1-4 p.m., War Veterans Community Hall, 119 Sixth Ave. N., Swan River. For more info or to register visit http://www.fcc-fac. ca/en/LearningCentre/workshops_ mb_e.asp Feb. 25-27: Canola Council of Canada annual convention, San Antonio, Texas. For more info visit www.canolacouncil.org.

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The Manitoba Co-operator | January 23, 2014


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The Manitoba Co-operator | January 23, 2014


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The Manitoba Co-operator | January 23, 2014

LIVESTOCK MARKETS Cattle Prices Winnipeg

January 17, 2014

Alta. buyers have trouble competing for Man. cattle

Steers & Heifers 118.00 - 125.00 D1, 2 Cows 74.00 - 79.00 D3 Cows 67.00 - 73.00 Bulls 87.00 - 95.00 Feeder Cattle (Price ranges for feeders refer to top-quality animals only) Steers (901+ lbs.) 130.00 - 152.00 (801-900 lbs.) 147.00 - 162.00 (701-800 lbs.) 155.00 - 167.00 (601-700 lbs.) 165.00 - 177.00 (501-600 lbs.) 170.00 - 192.00 (401-500 lbs.) 175.00 - 200.00 Heifers (901+ lbs.) 120.00 - 135.00 (801-900 lbs.) 130.00 - 145.00 (701-800 lbs.) 130.00 - 148.00 (601-700 lbs.) 135.00 - 155.00 (501-600 lbs.) 140.00 - 165.00 (401-500 lbs.) 140.00 - 165.00


Alberta South $ 134.00 - 140.00 — 77.00 - 88.00 69.00 - 79.00 88.10 $ 141.00 - 158.00 148.00 - 166.00 155.00 - 175.00 161.00 - 185.00 175.00 - 201.00 183.00 - 208.00 $ 125.00 - 140.00 135.00 - 152.00 140.00 - 158.00 145.00 - 165.00 153.00 - 178.00 157.00 - 184.00

($/cwt) (1,000+ lbs.) (850+ lbs.)

(901+ lbs.) (801-900 lbs.) (701-800 lbs.) (601-700 lbs.) (501-600 lbs.) (401-500 lbs.) (901+ lbs.) (801-900 lbs.) (701-800 lbs.) (601-700 lbs.) (501-600 lbs.) (401-500 lbs.)

Futures (January 17, 2014) in U.S. Fed Cattle Close Change February 2014 140.15 3.60 April 2014 139.22 2.35 June 2014 131.27 1.15 August 2014 129.40 1.18 October 2014 132.60 0.60 December 2014 133.95 1.35

Feeder Cattle January 2014 March 2014 April 2014 May 2014 August 2014 September 2014

Cattle Slaughter Canada East West Manitoba U.S.

The weak loonie favours U.S. buyers over Canadians Brandon Logan CNSC

Ontario $ 107.54 - 145.96 130.38 - 143.38 61.19 - 87.91 61.19 - 87.91 75.77 - 99.88 $ 153.35 - 173.22 126.88 - 168.12 149.94 - 184.69 147.43 - 194.13 145.44 - 206.13 150.58 - 204.91 $ 119.76 - 141.93 125.22 - 149.65 121.47 - 156.29 129.83 - 163.65 131.85 - 169.66 137.30 - 173.83

Close 169.80 168.25 169.27 169.90 171.15 170.40

Change 0.65 -0.57 -0.35 -0.02 -0.12 0.00

Cattle Grades (Canada)

Week Ending January 4, 2014 37,137 9,015 28,122 NA 521,000

Previous Year­ 37,528 8,710 28,818 NA 519,000

Week Ending January 4, 2014 443 16,548 10,293 343 375 8,861 40

Prime AAA AA A B D E

Previous Year 365 15,821 11,584 386 295 8,489 4

Hog Prices Source: Manitoba Agriculture

(Friday to Thursday) ($/100 kg) E - Estimation MB. ($/hog) MB. (All wts.) (Fri-Thurs.) MB. (Index 100) (Fri-Thurs.) ON (Index 100) (Mon.-Thurs.) P.Q. (Index 100) (Mon.-Fri.)

Current Week 169.00 E 158.00 E 158.69 161.69

Futures (January 17, 2014) in U.S. Hogs February 2014 April 2014 May 2014 June 2014 July 2014

Last Week 165.97 155.93 157.62 157.83

Close 86.87 92.25 99.60 101.75 100.32

Last Year (Index 100) 161.81 150.48 151.81 155.46

Change 1.62 1.53 1.13 1.15 0.87

Other Market Prices Winnipeg (105 head) (wooled fats) — Next Sale is January 22 —

Chickens Minimum broiler prices as of May 23, 2010 Under 1.2 kg................................... $1.5130 1.2 - 1.65 kg.................................... $1.3230 1.65 - 2.1 kg.................................... $1.3830 2.1 - 2.6 kg...................................... $1.3230

Turkeys Minimum prices as of January 19, 2014 Broiler Turkeys (6.2 kg or under, live weight truck load average) Grade A .................................... $1.900 Undergrade .............................. $1.810 Hen Turkeys (between 6.2 and 8.5 kg liveweight truck load average) Grade A .................................... $1.885 Undergrade .............................. $1.785 Light Tom/Heavy Hen Turkeys (between 8.5 and 10.8 kg liveweight truck load average) Grade A .................................... $1.885 Undergrade .............................. $1.785 Tom Turkeys (10.8 and 13.3 kg, live weight truck load average) Grade A..................................... $1.795 Undergrade............................... $1.710 Prices are quoted f.o.b. farm.


ll of Manitoba’s auction yards were open for business again during the week ended Jan. 17, seeing strong prices, good volume and aggressive buying from the U.S. “Well, we had numbers to work with this week, and that certainly made for a truer market than what we saw last week,” said Rick Wright of Heartland Order Buying Co., noting that extremely cold temperatures in the first week back following the holidays were a reason for the smaller volume. “The market has picked up on the feeder cattle tremendously. We saw lots of classes of cattle running at least C10 cents higher than what they were prior to Christmas, and some classes of cattle even touched C15 cents higher than they were prior to Christmastime.” Going forward, volume is expected to stay relatively strong for the final two weeks of January. “We’ll see good volumes here for the next couple of weeks, as these prices are going to bring the feeder cattle out. There’s no doubt about it,” Wright said. “But we will see fewer cattle sold this spring than we saw sold last spring. We’re projecting probably 20 to 30 per cent fewer cattle for sale in Manitoba.” An extremely weak Canadian dollar, which fell to a four-year low earlier in the week, was the focal reason for the strong U.S. buying, he added. “The Canadian dollar was lower to flat, so it made the forward contracts look very attractive. It also made the Americans very, very aggressive buyers on the market,” he said, noting demand from Ontario and Quebec was also particularly good this week. However, he said, it was harder for Albertan buyers to compete. “ There is demand from Alberta, but they’re having a tough time competing

“…those who have not forwardcontracted and are on the cash market, well, they are getting one pretty good premium on cattle.” rick wright

here in Manitoba just because of the strong American and eastern influence.” The loonie opened at US91.73 cents on Monday, before dropping over half a cent during the week and closing Friday valued at US91.11 cents. The extremely weak Canadian dollar also made it harder for Canadian buyers to compete against their U.S. counterparts, Wright said. “As far as the feedlots, it’s very hard for them to compete. They’ve got the infrastructure and they’ve got a good supply of feed,” he said. “They would like to have their lots full, but we’re going to see some short-term backgrounding here again until grass time. We’re going to see a real pull from the south.” U.S. futures also closed at record highs on Thursday, Wright said, noting those who didn’t forward-contract cattle are seeing great cash prices currently. “We saw cash finished cattle in the U.S. this week reach record highs,” he said. “So, those who have not forward-contracted and are on the cash market, well, they are getting one pretty good premium on cattle. That’s encouraging them to restock again, especially with the feed surplus they have there.” Fe b r u a r y l i v e c a t t l e f u t u re s o n t h e C h i c a g o Me rc a n t i l e E x c h a n g e c l o s e d Thursday at US$1.4015 per pound, which was a new record high for any front-month contract, according to analysts. Brandon Logan writes for Commodity News Service Canada, a Winnipeg company specializing in grain and commodity market reporting.


Sheep and Lambs $/cwt Ewes Choice Lambs (110+ lb.) (95 - 109 lb.) (80 - 94 lb.) (Under 80 lb.) (New crop)

$1 Cdn: $.9118 U.S. $1 U.S: $1.096 Cdn.


(Friday to Thursday) Slaughter Cattle

Slaughter Cattle Grade A Steers Grade A Heifers D1, 2 Cows D3 Cows Bulls Steers

EXCHANGES: January 17, 2014

Toronto 78.97 - 104.75 160.85 - 177.54 172.99 - 200.65 174.27 - 201.97 162.29 - 237.48 —

SunGold Specialty Meats 25.00

Eggs Minimum prices to producers for ungraded eggs, f.o.b. egg grading station, set by the Manitoba Egg Producers Marketing Board effective June 12, 2011. New Previous A Extra Large $1.8500 $1.8200 A Large 1.8500 1.8200 A Medium 1.6700 1.6400 A Small 1.2500 1.2200 A Pee Wee 0.3675 0.3675 Nest Run 24 + 1.7490 1.7210 B 0.45 0.45 C 0.15 0.15

Goats Kids Billys Mature

Winnipeg (head) (Fats) — — —

<1,000 lbs. 1,000 lbs.+

staff / Taiwan’s Economic Affairs Ministry has announced plans to allow imports of bone-in beef products from Canadian cattle under 30 months old (UTMs), starting as early as next month, Taiwanese media report. Canadian exporters have only been able to ship boneless UTM beef to Taiwan since 2007. Taiwan and many other jurisdic-

tions worldwide had previously blocked Canadian beef outright, after Canada’s first homegrown case of BSE in 2003. The Taipei Times’ website on Jan. 17 quoted Taiwan’s Food and Drug Administration as saying Canada, like the U.S., is considered a “controlled risk” country for BSE, and the chance of contracting the human form of the disease from eating Canadian beef products is 1.22 out of 100 billion, or “close to zero.” FDA deputy directorgeneral Chiang Yu-mei was

quoted as saying Canadian beef products in 2012 held just a 0.3 per cent market share in the country, while Taiwanese suppliers’ home market share was only six per cent. Australia held the largest share ar 46 per cent, with the U.S. at 24.76 per cent and New Zealand 23 per cent. The website quoted the Economic Affairs Ministry as saying opening Taiwan’s ports to Canadian bone-in beef could help the country move closer to signing a bilateral investment agreement with Canada.

Toronto ($/cwt) 70.75 - 241.70 — 107.95 - 207.05

Horses Winnipeg ($/cwt) — —

Taiwan soon to allow Canadian UTM bone-in beef

Toronto ($/cwt) 17.00 - 35.00 26.76 - 43.68

Looking for results?  Check out the market reports from livestock auctions around the province. » PaGe 14


The Manitoba Co-operator | January 23, 2014

GRAIN MARKETS Export and International Prices


Supplies will weigh on grain prices into next year The lows aren’t in for canola yet, at this rate Phil Franz-Warkentin CNSC


anola futures hit fresh contract lows during the week ended Jan. 17, but managed to see a modest short-covering correction to end the week with small gains overall. Canada’s record-large crop and the ongoing logistics issues slowing movement across the Prairies continue to weigh on prices, with no real end to those problems in sight. Sporadic corrections in the market are to be expected, but there is little from a fundamental standpoint that would say the lows are in for canola just yet. The railways are weeks, if not months, behind on their order books, according to industry participants. The vessel lineup on the West Coast is also extremely large, with dozens of boats racking up demurrage fees as they wait for grain to load. Basis levels remain wide, which shows end-users don’t want to buy anything even though prices are cheap, as they are already so far behind on previous commitments. While there is plenty of blame to go around (poor rail service, cold weather, big crops, line companies, et cetera, et cetera), blame won’t change the underlying situation. The fact is that the burdensome supplies will likely remain a problem into next year, which will keep the Canadian grains and oilseeds at a discount to equivalent U.S. crops. There are said to be some opportunities for those able to move to

Last Week

All prices close of business January 17, 2014

Week Ago

Year Ago

Chicago wheat (nearby future) ($US/tonne)




Minneapolis wheat (nearby future) ($US/tonne)




Coarse Grains Chicago corn (nearby future) ($US/tonne)




Chicago oats (nearby future) ($US/tonne)




Chicago soybeans (nearby future) ($US/tonne)




Chicago soyoil ($US/tonne)





delivery points just across the border, but those opportunities are also few and far between. In the U.S., CBOT (Chicago Board of Trade) soybeans posted solid gains during the week, while corn and wheat futures edged down overall. Strong export demand, especially from China, accounted for much of the gains in the soy market. Technical signals were also supportive for U.S. beans, as a move back above the psychological US$13-per-bushel level in the March contract triggered some additional speculative buying. With the South American harvest in its early stages, Chinese demand for U.S. soybeans is expected to shift southward soon, which might limit further gains in the U.S. futures. After dropping lower for most of the past two months, U.S. wheat futures were showing signs that a near-term bottom may be in place, with small amounts of export business coming forward during the week. Of interest in the U.S. markets, from a Canadian perspective, is the continued strength in nearby oats futures. Oats are trading at a very large inverse, with the March contract ending the week at nearly US$4 per bushel, 40 cents above May delivery. The Canadian logistics issues are playing a part in the strength in U.S. oats, as buyers there are said to be having difficulty sourcing needed supplies. Phil Franz-Warkentin writes for Commodity News Service Canada, a Winnipeg company specializing in grain and commodity market reporting.

For three-times-daily market reports from Commodity News Service Canada, visit “Today in Markets” at www.manitobacooperator.ca.

Winnipeg Futures ICE Futures Canada prices at close of business January 17, 2014 barley

Last Week

Week Ago

March 2014



May 2014



July 2014




Last Week

Week Ago

March 2014



May 2014



July 2014


Special Crops Report for January 20, 2014 — Bin run delivered plant Saskatchewan Spot Market

Spot Market

Lentils (Cdn. cents per pound)

Other ( Cdn. cents per pound unless otherwise specified)

Large Green 15/64

22.00 - 23.00


Laird No. 1

19.50 - 22.00

Oil Sunflower Seed

Eston No. 2

14.75 - 16.00

18.75 - 23.50 —

Desi Chickpeas

20.90 - 22.00

Field Peas (Cdn. $ per bushel)

Beans (Cdn. cents per pound)

Green No. 1

Fababeans, large

10.30 - 11.00

Medium Yellow No. 1

5.65 - 6.25

Feed beans

Feed Peas (Cdn. $ per bushel)

No. 1 Navy/Pea Beans

42.00 - 42.00

Feed Pea (Rail)

No. 1 Great Northern

60.00 - 60.00

Mustardseed (Cdn. cents per pound)

No. 1 Cranberry Beans

64.00 - 64.00

Yellow No. 1

34.00 - 35.75

No. 1 Light Red Kidney

55.00 - 55.00

Brown No. 1

33.00 - 34.75

No. 1 Dark Red Kidney

60.00 - 60.00

Oriental No. 1

27.30 - 28.75

No. 1 Black Beans

38.00 - 38.00

No. 1 Pinto Beans

35.00 - 36.00

5.00 - 5.50

No. 1 Small Red Source: Stat Publishing

No. 1 Pink


— 40.00 - 40.00

Fargo, ND

Goodlands, KS



32.00* Call for details

Report for January 17, 2014 in US$ cwt NuSun (oilseed) Confection Source: National Sunflower Association

CWB buys stake in farmer-owned w. Sask. terminal Purchase takes stake in Prairie West Terminal to 12.11 per cent AgCanada.com


ith an eye on a farmer-ownership model for its own business, the grain company formerly known as the Canadian Wheat Board has bought a minority stake in a farmer-owned grain handler. Winnipeg-based CWB on Jan. 16 announced a “private agreement” with western Saskatchewan’s Prairie West Terminal (PWT) to buy 2,394 shares, a stake of 10.02 per cent, for an undisclosed sum. “This investment is a great opportunity to participate in an innovative farmer-owned organization that prioritizes farmers’ interests,” CWB CEO Ian White said in a release. PWT was set up in 1998 as a joint venture with grain handler Agricore

United (AU, now part of Viterra) to build an inland terminal between Dodsland and Plenty, Sask., about 70 km northeast of Kindersley. AU sold its 50 per cent stake to PWT’s farmerowned company in 2002. PWT now includes five locations: its main terminal on the Canadian Pacific rail line between Dodsland and Plenty; a 12,420-tonne-capacity handling operation at Kindersley; a 7,340-tonne-capacity wooden elevator at Plenty which takes in malting barley exclusively; a 5,500-tonne-capacity wooden elevator at Dodsland handling barley, canola, flax and lentils and a wooden elevator at Luseland with a steel bin annex for total capacity of 6,170 tonnes. PWT’s sites, which employ over 30 people in total, together move over

420,000 tonnes of grain per year, the company says. The investment follows CWB’s announcement in November that it would buy grain-handling and port terminal assets from the Soumat arm of Toronto’s Upper Lakes Group, including the company’s Mission Terminal business, also based in Winnipeg. Mission Terminal had already owned 500 shares of PWT, which now bring CWB’s total stake to 12.11 per cent. In the wake of its legislated deregulation in August 2012, which ended its single marketing desk for Prairie wheat and barley, CWB says it’s crafting a plan for farmer ownership which would allow farmers to have an “equity interest” in CWB once it’s fully privatized. “We value farmers as owners and

“This investment is a great opportunity to participate in an innovative farmerowned organization that prioritizes farmers’ interests.”

Ian White CWB CEO

partners,” White said in the release. “Both our farmer ownership plan and our investment in a farmer-oriented company like (PWT) are prime examples of that.”


The Manitoba Co-operator | January 23, 2014


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h u s b a n d r y — t h e s c i e n c e , S K I L L O R ART O F F AR M IN G

Scrutiny brings greater enforcement Cattle prices are high, but producers need to stay on their toes to ensure there are no setbacks as a result of public ire

By Shannon VanRaes co-operator staff / arborg


onsumers and government are paying more attention to how cattle and other livestock are being transported, and so too should producers. “There are no new regulations as far as transportation goes, these aren’t new rules, but times are changing,” Wayne Tomlinson told ranchers during a Beef and Forage Week meeting. The Manitoba Agriculture, Food and Rural Development veterinarian said greater attention will be paid to enforcing existing regulations, as the Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) responds to consumer concerns. He said consumers are becoming concerned with not only the quality of their food, but with how the animals are raised and handled. “We’re being much more aware of humane transportation, humane rearing of our stock, and the consumer — whether it’s right or wrong, it doesn’t really matter — is key, because they are the one who is buying our product,” he said. Kirk Kiesman, general manager of the Ashern Auction Mart, said producers are cognizant that people are taking a closer look at the cattle industry. “I think that as the market changes, people have to realize that you’re not just feeding your family now, you’re feeding other people’s families,” he said. The recent upswing in the cattle market has helped boost the quality of cattle being transported to auction, he said. “Quality tends to improve when the price goes up, that’s what we’ve found, with the cows and the bulls especially,” Kies-

Consumers are becoming concerned with not only the quality of their food, but with how the animals are raised and handled.  photo: ©thinkstock

man said. “And putting on my farmer hat, when I’m trying to sell my calves I want to sell a quality animal that is going to taste good, and I think farmers have always done that.” Tomlinson said his warning isn’t the result of more transportation infractions, but rather stems from the knowledge that even one infraction can harm an industry. “It’s an entire team effort and at every step of the way, we are being scrutinized,” he said. “As a livestock producer, the last thing you need is for it to be on the evening news, where they’re showing and animal that was poorly treated — it could affect the market that you’re selling into.”

To m l i n s o n s a i d f a r m e r s should brush up on regulations, and contact their local GO office or CFIA if they have any questions about which animals can be transported and which cannot. “Animals can only spend a certain amount of time on trailers, and as a producer you’re responsible for loading the animals into an unsafe trailer, so if it’s a six-foot ceiling and you’ve got a seven-foot horse, you can’t put that animal in there, that’s your responsibility.” “We’re big on fault, we’re big on blame, but ultimately everybody involved in some cases can be charged — the person hauling the animal and the

person originally responsible for putting that animal on that truck,” said Tomlinson. But he added that if animals are left on a transport for days by a hauler, the producer would not be at fault. “Just because we think we can do something, it doesn’t mean we should do something,” he said. “We’re at a bit of a change as far as our beliefs in raising livestock go, and welfare is becoming more and more in the forefront, so CFIA is reacting to pressures being put on them by different organizations, consumer groups and... just making sure the regulations are in fact enforced.”

“We’re big on fault, we’re big on blame, but ultimately everybody involved in some cases can be charged, the person hauling the animal and the person originally responsible for putting that animal on that truck.”

Wayne Tomlinson


How did alfalfa survive the cold temperatures? MAFRD temperature monitoring indicates snow cover was sufficient manitoba forage and grassland association

With the record cold temperatures this past December, concern arises over the effect the low temperatures may have on alfalfa winter survival. This is a concern because the alfalfa plant will die if exposed to cold-enough temperatures. The reasons alfalfa survives periodic cold spells during the winter are: 1 Alfalfa can survive soil temperatures as low as -12 C at the crown. 2. As little as six inches of loose snow will insulate against moderate cold temperatures.

3. The crown is insulated by soil as well; therefore the crucial temperature is the temperature at two to four inches below the soil surface. The graph shows the soil temperature of ground under grass cover with some snow cover over the past two weeks ending Jan. 12, generally in the single digits hovering in the -3 to -6 C range for the eastern area. This is well above the temperature likely to cause injury to alfalfa. This situation should indicate little to no injury or kill of alfalfa from the recent cold spell. To look at soil temperatures for your area visit MAFRD’s Ag-Weather program website at http://tgs.gov.mb.ca/climate/Default.aspx and click on Soil Temperature.

alfalfa soil temps

Eastern Current (˚C) Letellier Marchand St. Pierre Steinbach St. Adolphe

-2 Soil Temp (˚C)

By John McGregor

-4 -6 Mon














-3.7 -1.4 -3.8 -3.7 -1.8


The Manitoba Co-operator | January 23, 2014



Including staff in decision-making improves labour efficiency

Airey re-elected Charolais president

A U.S. hog company manager says it’s increasingly important to increase the engagement of workers “People are not raised knowing how to build computer chips, so why do we get hung up on the fact that less and less people grow up on farms?”

Bernie Peet Peet on Pigs


s hog production operations grow larger, the skill set needed to run the business evolves from technical skills to people- and management-based skills. A reliance on others to help execute the company’s plans and objectives requires a fundamental change in management approach, says Nick Holden of Holden Farms Inc., which is the largest family-owned hog production company in the U.S., with 48,000 sows. While part of that process involves using new technology and improved management practices, increasingly it is more important to increase the engagement of workers, teach them new skills and have them develop other people, he said in a presentation prepared for the Banff Pork Seminar, Jan. 21-23.

Making life easier

Improved technology and practices can make life easier for staff, allowing them to focus more on management and other people. “At all levels, we strive to remove barriers that hamper our people’s productivity. At our sow farms, we are continually investing in the best equipment and facilities with an eye to making the job easier,” Holden said. “For example, compared to 10 years ago we now have automated lactation feeding compared to hand feeding, and fully automatic ventilation systems as opposed to a partially manual operation. We also use remotecontrolled boar bots where before we moved boars manually during breeding.” Holden said these improvements turn a 30-minute job into a five-minute job, as well as reducing the need for physical labour.

Nick Holden

“We also seek to continually challenge our production practices and eliminate work we once believed necessary,” Holden said. “We have taken an active approach in finding opportunities to help our people focus on caring for the pigs versus carrying out repetitive work. For example, we have implemented post-cervical artificial insemination which allows faster breeding by reducing the need to stimulate the sow during insemination.” PCAI also allows the breeder to gently squeeze the semen bag instead of waiting for it to flow into the sow, he adds. “This time saving allows the crew to reallocate its time and focus on better heat checking and management of the sows.”

Increasing engagement

Holden said Holden Farms Inc. (HFI) is always looking for ways to increase its employees’ engagement with both the farm they are on and the company. For sow farm staff, biannual evaluations involve not only reviewing areas of production opportunities in hindsight, but also, and more importantly, to talk about developing the skills and abilities of each employee. “We encourage setting goals such as taking English classes, spending time with other employees in different areas of the company and visiting other sow farms as more indirect ways of developing themselves,” Holden said. “By supporting these types of goals, we are conveying the message that we sup-

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port them taking the time and resources to work on the softer skills they need to continue to grow.” For sow farm managers, the biannual evaluation has evolved from being heavily production based to focusing more on developing their people skills. “We are pushing them to spend time thinking about improving themselves as people managers and not just as supertechnicians who can accomplish any farm task better than everyone else,” Holden said. “We want managers who are going to think about how to motivate and engage their crew, with the belief that this will drive better production.” Farm managers meet as a group ever y month and take turns acting as facilitator and being responsible for the agenda. “This has been a great step in building the engagement of this group of people. They are able to develop new relationships and contacts that they previously would not have. By rotating facilitators and letting them develop the topics discussed, they feel ownership and buy-in with how we proceed with protocols and procedures,” Holden said. By appealing to this level of involvement, managers feel part of the decision-making process, rather than simply being told what to do. “We want our managers to be critical thinkers and to be able to understand the reasons decisions are made. By pulling them into this process, they feel like

part of the team and like they are actively involved with the success of our production,” Holden said.

Development plans

For people who are motivated to take on more responsibility and possibly be promoted into a management position, personal development plans are used. These are customized to each individual’s skill set and future goals. Parts of the plan include developing production-specific skills and achieving certain performance metrics at their farm. Other parts include developing company-wide understanding by spending time with different divisions to understand how everything fits together and the opportunities and challenges other employees encounter. In future a high percentage of the workforce will never have been to or worked on a farm, Holden said. He said that this is a fundamental reason why HFI believes that investing more resources in staff development will be crucial to success. “We believe an approach of taking ‘people’ people and developing their production skills is going to be a route with better success compared to the traditional approach of trying to take strong production people and making them into people managers. “Can we attract managers from other industries such as fast food or big-box retail with experience managing 10, 30, or 100 people?” Holden asked. “Can we attract factory managers who are accustomed to producing a product via their staff? Many times, these types of managers were not brought up within their specific industry. People are not raised knowing how to build computer chips, so why do we get hung up on the fact that less and less people grow up on farms?” Bernie Peet is president of Pork Chain Consulting of Lacombe, Alberta.

Shawn Airey of Rivers was re-elected president of the Manitoba Charolais Association at the annual general meeting Jan. 4 in Brandon. Also remaining on the executive are Andre Steppler, Miami, first vice-president; Hans Myhre, Dauphin, second vice-president and Rae Trimble-Olson, Portage la Prairie, secretary treasurer.

Russia imposes ban on Aussie beef byproducts Reuters / Russian authorities said on Jan. 16 a temporary ban on imports of Australian beef byproducts would be imposed from Jan. 27. Australia is the world’s third-largest beef exporter after the United States and Brazil. More than 30 Australian firms are currently allowed to supply beef and byproducts to Russia. The restriction was prompted by the detection in several shipments of a growth stimulant which is prohibited in Russia, the Veterinary and Phytosanitary Surveillance Service said in a statement. Russia imported 1.1 million tonnes of red meat worth $4.5 billion in January-November 2013, according to official customs data.

Trait Stewardship Responsibilities Notice to Farmers Monsanto Company is a member of Excellence Through Stewardship® (ETS). Monsanto products are commercialized in accordance with ETS Product Launch Stewardship Guidance, and in compliance with Monsanto’s Policy for Commercialization of Biotechnology-Derived Plant Products in Commodity Crops. This product has been approved for import into key export markets with functioning regulatory systems. Any crop or material produced from this product can only be exported to, or used, processed or sold in countries where all necessary regulatory approvals have been granted. It is a violation of national and international law to move material containing biotech traits across boundaries into nations where import is not permitted. Growers should talk to their grain handler or product purchaser to confirm their buying position for this product. Excellence Through Stewardship® is a registered trademark of Excellence Through Stewardship. ALWAYS READ AND FOLLOW PESTICIDE LABEL DIRECTIONS. Roundup Ready® crops contain genes that confer tolerance to glyphosate, the active ingredient in Roundup® brand agricultural herbicides. Roundup® brand agricultural herbicides will kill crops that are not tolerant to glyphosate. Acceleron® seed treatment technology for corn is a combination of four separate individually-registered products, which together contain the active ingredients metalaxyl, trifloxystrobin, ipconazole, and clothianidin. Acceleron® seed treatment technology for canola is a combination of two separate individually-registered products, which together contain the active ingredients difenoconazole, metalaxyl (M and S isomers), fludioxonil, thiamethoxam, and bacillus subtilis. Acceleron and Design®, Acceleron®, DEKALB and Design®, DEKALB®, Genuity and Design®, Genuity Icons, Genuity®, RIB Complete and Design®, RIB Complete®, Roundup Ready 2 Technology and Design®, Roundup Ready 2 Yield®, Roundup Ready®, Roundup Transorb®, Roundup WeatherMAX®, Roundup®, SmartStax and Design®, SmartStax®, Transorb®, VT Double PRO®, YieldGard VT Rootworm/RR2®, YieldGard Corn Borer and Design and YieldGard VT Triple® are trademarks of Monsanto Technology LLC. Used under license. LibertyLink® and the Water Droplet Design are trademarks of Bayer. Used under license. Herculex® is a registered trademark of Dow AgroSciences LLC. Used under license. Respect the Refuge and Design is a registered trademark of the Canadian Seed Trade Association. Used under license. ©2013 Monsanto Canada Inc.

1 800 728.6440 10801A-Gen Legal Trait Stewardship-AF.indd 1 7/26/13 2:33 PM


The Manitoba Co-operator | January 23, 2014








Ste. Rose




Feeder Steers









No. on offer









Over 1,000 lbs.








































































Feeder heifers 900-1,000 lbs.































































Slaughter Market No. on offer









D1-D2 Cows









D3-D5 Cows

55.00 and up








Age Verified









Good Bulls









Butcher Steers









Butcher Heifers









Feeder Cows









Fleshy Export Cows









Lean Export Cows









* includes slaughter market

(Note all prices in CDN$ per cwt. These prices also generally represent the top one-third of sales reported by the auction yard.)

Australian scientists microchip honeybees Scientists will use tweezers to glue on the sensors, weighing about five milligrams By Thuy Ong sydney / reuters


Thousands of captured honeybees in Australia will be fitted with tiny sensors and released back into the wild as part of an extensive environmental monitoring experiment that researchers hope will help answer questions about colony collapse disorder.   Photo: CSIRO


1 JANUARY 2013 – 31 AUGUST 2013 THE REGULATIONS REQUIRE THAT THE APPLICATION MUST BE RECEIVED BY MCEC WITHIN 1 YEAR AFTER THE MONTH END IN WHICH THE FEE WAS DEDUCTED. However, we would like for those eligible to apply for refunds within this time period, to do so as soon as possible, in order for MCEC to be able to process as many refunds as possible in a timely manner. THE REFUND FORM IS AVAILABLE ON THE MCEC WEBSITE: Go to www.mancec.com then click on “Refunds”. Please ensure that in order to process your application quickly, all supporting documents ( receipts) are included, and the name of the applicant(s) is the same as the name on the receipts. The application also needs to be signed by the applicant(s). THE REFUND FORM IS ALSO AVAILABLE THROUGH YOUR LOCAL AUCTION MARTS OR YOU CAN PHONE THE MCEC OFFICE TOLL FREE: 1.866.441.6232 OR 204.452.6353 Applications for Refund are to be mailed to: #101 – 1780 Wellington Avenue, Wpg., MB R3H 1B3

ustralian scientists are gluing tiny sensors onto thousands of honeybees to track their movements in a trial aimed at halting the spread of diseases that have wiped out populations in the Northern Hemisphere. Scientists at the Common-

wealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization (CSIRO), Australia’s national science agency, said the microchips could help tackle so-called colony collapse disorder, a situation where bees mysteriously disappear from hives, and the encroachment of the parasitic varroa mite. Scientists will use tweezers to glue on the sensors, weighing

New Resolution Guidelines for MCGA’s AGM Are you interested in submitting a resolution to the Manitoba Canola Growers Annual meeting? Check out the new guidelines and worksheets for resolutions on MCGA’s website www.mcgacanola.org or call Liz at 204-982-2122 for the guidelines and worksheets. All resolutions must be submitted to the MCGA office by February 3, 2014. Forms can be faxed to 204-942-1841 or emailed to rossb@mcgacanola.org. MCGA’s Annual Meeting will be held Tuesday February 18, 2014 at 1:50 pm during the CropConnect conference at the Victoria Inn in Winnipeg.

about five milligrams and measuring 2.5 millimetres square, after soothing the bees to sleep by refrigeration. Some young bees, which tend to be hairier than older bees, need to be shaved before the sensor can be glued on. Scientists will examine the effectiveness of pesticides in protecting the bees from colony collapse disorder and varroa mite. The study will also enable farmers and fruit growers to understand and manage their crops, given the honeybee’s crucial role in the pollination of crops globally, the CSIRO said in a statement. “Honeybees play a vital role in the landscape through a free pollination service for agriculture, which various crops rely on to increase yields,” the CSIRO’s Paulo de Souza, who is leading the project, said in the statement. “Using this technology, we aim to understand the bee’s relationship with its environment.” Scientists plan to fit sensors on 5,000 bees in the southern island state of Tasmania over the Australian summer. The radio frequency identification sensors work like an electronic tag for cars on a toll road, recording when insects pass a checkpoint. That will allow scientists to build a three-dimensional image of the insects’ movements, a process described as “swarm sensing.” The scientists are working on shrinking the sensor to one mm square so they can be attached to smaller insects, including mosquitoes.


The Manitoba Co-operator | January 23, 2014

Slaughter volumes down as Canadian herd numbers dwindle COOL opportunity to slaughter and grade more beef in Canada and provide cattle for three medium-size packing plants scheduled to reopen in 2014 By Cindy Delaloyle GENERAL MANAGER, CANADIAN BEEF GRADING AGENCY


s predicted, fed slaughter graded volume decreased in 2013. But what is interesting is the nonfed graded volume increased (non-fed being mostly cows) to compensate for the fed slaughter decrease. This increase of non-fed slaughter does not bode well for the future as it means there are going to be fewer breeding cows in the national herd. No amount of heifer retention in the near future can make up for the reduction in the size of the cow herd that has recently occurred. It will take time to rebuild the number of breeding animals. The Canadian Beef Grading Agency (CBGA) will have to manage its budget closely to avoid operating at a deficit as a result of further reduced grading volumes in 2014. There were no changes to the deliver y of grading in 2 0 1 3 , e i t h e r re gulator y or technological. JBS Foods Canada in Brooks continues to be the only plant in Canada using technology to facilitate o f f i c i a l g ra d e a s s e s s m e n t . The Canadian regulated yield grades remain at three without any indication that there will be an official regulatory adjustment to the five U.S. yield classes. However, hope for more f l e x i b l e, re s p o n s i v e g ra d e standards remains intact. Thanks to funding from the Agriculture Council of Saskatchewan and the Canadian Agricultural Adaptation Program, the CBGA has been able to continue efforts to modernize the Canadian Carcass Grading Regulations. Ongoing consultation with industry and the CFIA has produced positive industry and government buy-in into the concept of an industry-managed grade standard. Unfortunately progress is coming at a snail’s pace. The CFIA was scheduled to have a paper on the Incorporation by Reference of documents in the new Food Safety Act by November 2013, but this document has not been officially circulated at the time of writing. The proposal from industr y via the CBGA is that a new Livestock Standards


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Authority be established by industry to review and maintain the Canadian Carcass Grade Standards as a document “incorporated by reference.” This would provide enforcement, credibility, and re s p o n s i v e n e s s t o i n d u s try developments in science, technology, and markets — as opposed to a government s t a n d a rd s d o c u m e n t t h a t w o u l d re q u i re re g u l a t o r y reform, which is a very timeconsuming process. The new timelines for modernization of the regulations by CFIA include a spring 2014 deadline for the first publication of modernized regulations, followed by a comment period throughout the sum-

“No amount of heifer retention in the near future can make up for the reduction in the size of the cow herd that has recently occurred.”

mer and fall of 2014, and then a final publication in the spring of 2015. Behind the scenes, thanks to funding and support from Alberta Livestock and Meat Agency Strategic Initiatives a n d B e e f Ca t t l e Re s e a rc h Council, the project for “Meas u r i n g t h e Ca n a d i a n Be e f Advantage” continues. Carcasses are moving through the

testing protocol to determine whether or not dual X-ray technology can predict carcass yield without the costly process of dissection to lean, fat, and bone. Initial results look promising, but science requires thorough and conclusive evidence of the value of this process before releasing results. The project will conclude in 2015.

No update on beef carcass grading would be complete without some mention of the U.S. country-of-origin labelling (COOL) law. Despite the loss of competitive bids from U.S. packers, the CBGA looks upon COOL as an opportunity to slaughter and grade more beef in Canada. With three Canadian packing plants of medium size scheduled to reopen in 2014, the retention of these slaughter cattle could have an influence on their viability. The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the author and don’t necessarily reflect the official policy or position of the Canadian Beef Grading Agency.

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The Manitoba Co-operator | January 23, 2014


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Northwest flow re-establishes itself Issued: Monday, January 20, 2014 · Covering: January 22 – January 29, 2014 Daniel Bezte Co-operator contributor


fter a short-lived switch in our weather pattern that brought some more seasonable temperatures to our region over the last couple of weeks, it looks like we’re heading back into well-below-average conditions. The only good news is that it currently doesn’t look like the cold will be as intense as it was in December. Let’s paint the big picture of what’s going on in the atmosphere across North America: A large ridge of high pressure over the West Coast has resulted in very warm temperatures from California all the way up to Alaska this winter, and is forecast to strengthen over the next week. At the same time, a persistent area of low pressure over northeastern North America will also intensify. Systems moving in off of the Pacific are forced up and over the western ridge and are then pulled southeastward by the eastern trough of low pressure. The result is that our part of the world is under a persistent northwesterly flow. Under this flow we’ve seen a

series of lows dropping down every couple of days. Some have been fairly strong, but this type of pattern doesn’t allow these lows to get overly strong. As a low drops down, our winds become southerly and we see a quick, short-lived warm-up before the low zips by and cold arctic high pressure moves back in. This pattern will continue for the duration of this forecast period, but with the strengthening ridge to our west, the areas of low pressure diving southeastward will be very weak, while the arctic highs will be strong. This means cold air will dominate most of the time. Currently, the best chance to see any snow will be on Friday and Saturday, with the next chance early next week. Temperatures will be near seasonal averages on Thursday and Friday before the colder air moves in over the weekend. Usual temperature range for this period: Highs, -23 to -6 C; lows, -34 to -16 C. Daniel Bezte is a teacher by profession with a BA (Hon.) in geography, specializing in climatology, from the U of W. He operates a computerized weather station near Birds Hill Park. Contact him with your questions and comments at daniel@bezte.ca.


Precipitation Compared to Historical Distribution (Prairie Region) November 1, 2013 to January 15, 2014

Record Dry Extremely Low (0-10) Very Low (10-20) Low (20-40) Mid-Range (40-60) High (60-80) Very High (80-90) Extremely High (90-100) Record Wet Extent of Agricultural Land Lakes and Rivers

Produced using near real-time data that has undergone initial quality control. The map may not be accurate for all regions due to data availability and data errors. Copyright © 2014 Agriculture & Agri-Food Canada Prepared by Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada’s National Agroclimate Information Service (NAIS). Data provided through partnership with Environment Canada, Natural Resources Canada, and many Provincial agencies.

Created: 01/16/14 www.agr.gc.ca/drought

This issue’s map shows the total amount of precipitation that has fallen across the Prairies so far this winter compared to historical amounts. You can see how it has been very wet over much of central and northern agricultural Alberta and Saskatchewan, with large areas reporting very high to record amounts of precipitation. Over Manitoba precipitation has been much more spotty. Some regions reported average amounts, with some wet areas over eastern regions. Overall, a fairly large area of Manitoba reports low amounts of precipitation, with a few small areas showing record-dry conditions.

2013 was colder than the average year A month-by-month review of weather for agricultural Manitoba in 2013 By Daniel Bezte co-operator contributor


he new year is a time to look for ward and tr y to anticipate what the upcoming year will have in store for us, but it’s also a time to look back and reflect on what happened in the previous year. I’ve taken some time to do just that with the top weather stories from across Canada during 2013, and now I think it’s time to zoom in a little closer on how the weather of 2013 added up across southern and central Manitoba. I’m going to start off with the overall weather picture from 2013 and then go quickly through each month summing up the main weather stories. Looking at the three main data centres of Winnipeg, Brandon and Dauphin, I don’t think that it will surprise anyone that the mean yearly temperature at all three locations came in below the long-term average. Both Winnipeg and Brandon had a mean yearly temperature that was nearly 2 C below the long-term average. Dauphin was a little milder, but still came in around 1.3 C below average. Precipitation amounts were a little more varied. The Winnipeg region had a dry year, with the total amount of rain and snow coming in nearly 115 mm short of the long-term average. The Dauphin

Around Brandon things were a little wetter, with the yearly total coming in about 50 mm above average.

region was also dry, with the yearly total coming in around 85 mm below average. Around Brandon things were a little wetter, with the yearly total coming in about 50 mm above average. 2013 started off on the warm side across our region, with January’s mean monthly temperatures ranging from 1 to 2 C above average. Along with the warm temperatures came a fair bit of snow in the Winnipeg region, but western areas missed out on a lot of the snow and ended up drier than usual for the month. February experienced some large fluctuations in temperature as warm air tried to push out the cold. High temperatures fluttered around the 0 C mark on several days during the month, but we also saw several nights with lows in the -30 to -35 C range. Overall, the month ended up being near average for both temperature and precipitation. Then came March. Usually we look forward to the strong March sunshine and the start of the melt season. Well, we did get

some strong March sunshine, but it was accompanied by some very cold March weather. The weather during March was not incredibly cold; it just never really got warm. Daytime highs on most days were in the -9 to -3 C range, with overnight lows fluctuating between the midminus-teens to the mid-minus20s. It took until the last couple of days of the month before we recorded above-freezing temperatures. Precipitation was average for the month, which meant most places saw a fair bit of snow. If we thought March was cold, April was as cold or colder, at least compared to average temperatures. Daytime highs during the month rarely made it to the 5 C mark, and it took until the very end of the month for highs to break into the double digits. This cold weather resulted in a very slow snow melt with a fair amount of snow still on the ground in some areas at the end of the month. After one of the coolest springs in a long time, every-

one was looking forward to a nice warm May, and for the most part, it worked out. Even though overall temperature for May came in below average, the month was actually pretty nice. The first few days of the month were fairly cold, but by the 6th, highs had broken into the 20s for the first time that year. The mild weather continued into June, with mean monthly temperatures coming in above average for the first time since January. Over eastern regions the month was a little on the dry side, but there was still enough rain to get the crops off to a good start. Over western regions it was a different story. While the first three weeks of June were warm and dry, that all changed on June 22 and 23 when heavy thunderstorms brought widespread rainfalls of 50 to over 100 mm of rain. To make things even worse, more heavy rain hit a couple of days later, bringing totals to over 150 mm over a large area.

Good growing conditions

July started off warm during the first week or so before cooler conditions set in. While it was cool, it wasn’t cold, and overall it made for some good growing conditions, especially given the late start some of the crops had. August and September ended up being our summer months, as well-above-average

temperatures moved in and stayed. Precipitation amounts were a little bit below average, but the rains seemed to come just when they were needed. After such a warm September everyone again hoped it would continue for the rest of the fall, but Mother Nature had different plans. The warm weather we saw in September tried to hold on early in October, but soon lost out to cold weather. Nearly every night in October saw temperatures fall well below freezing, with some nights late in the month dropping to around -15 C. T h e s e c o o l e r- t h a n - a v e rage conditions continued in November, but overall, the month wasn’t too bad. We saw some snow but no major snowstorms, and there were only a couple of really cold days with overnight lows in the mid-minus-20s. Then came December. After a couple of nice days to start the month, the cold air moved in and never really left. We didn’t have any huge snowstorms, but we had enough little ones to make it a fairly snowy month. What I think most people will remember about December was how it seemed that whenever you wanted to get outside to do something, it was just too darned cold. Until next week, keep warm!

The Manitoba Co-operator | Xxxxxxxxx, 2014



CROPS h u sba n dr y — t h e sci e n c e , S K I L L O R A R T O F F A R M I N G

WGRF to study agronomic research capacity in Western Canada Will assess work funded by governments, universities, private contractors and producer-operated facilities

co-operator staff


he concern has been expressed many times — agronomy research is on the decline in Western Canada. The Western Grains Research Foundation (WGRF) is commissioning a study to find if that’s the case. “General comments have been made by a number of farm commissions that we work with expressing concern about agronomy research capacity on the public side — that it’s not keeping up with the growth in ag research and it could even decline in the future with retirements,” WGRF executive director Garth Patterson said in an interview. The study will focus on agronomic research in Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Alberta and the Peace River region of British Columbia and will include work funded by the federal government, provincial governments, universities, private contractors and producer-operated facilities, the WGRF said in a news release. It’s asking for proposals from those interested in conducting the study. The deadline is Feb. 3. Details are posted on the WGRF’s website. The WGRF is a farmer-funded and directed, not-for-profit organization that invests in research that benefits farmers, including agronomy and the development of improved crop varieties.


It will allocate $100,000 for the study due to be completed by May 30. While the WGRF is funding the project it is inviting any farm organization that wants input to take part. “We’re not looking for their money,” Patterson said. “If they are interested in this they should contact us.” The following organizations are already involved: Alberta Barley Commission, Alberta Canola Producers, Alberta Pulse Growers, Alberta Wheat Commission, Manitoba Canola Growers, Manitoba Pulse Growers, SaskCanola, SaskFlax, and the Saskatchewan Pulse Growers.

Addressing gaps

If gaps are found in agronomic research there are different ways to address them, including funding scholarships, research chairs at universities and investing in research infrastructure, he said. It also raises policy questions, including how much money farmers should invest in an area that traditionally has been mostly publicly funded. “That’s where there needs to be some good discussion among a number of farm organizations to look at the solutions,” Patterson said. “It might include getting involved with more private research, trying to leverage more public investment, it might include more

“General comments have been made by a number of farm commissions that we work with expressing concern about agronomy research capacity on the public side...” Garth Patterson WGRF

grower checkoff funding or a combination of the above. But instead of reacting to specifics we want to step back and take a look at the big picture of what’s needed in Western Canada.” Some argue it makes sense for agronomic research to be funded publicly and/or by farmers because the opportunities to make it a profitable business are limited, even though the results are valuable to farmers collectively. The WGRF already invests in agronomic research. “ We’ll put more money in agronomic research if there is the capacity to take this on,” Patterson said. allan@fbcpublishing.com


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By Allan Dawson


The Manitoba Co-operator | January 23, 2014

Chair of new cereals group says it should model itself after canola council Alberta farmer Greg Porozni says Cereals Canada will focus on research, market development and leveraging dollars By Alexis Kienlen staff


Greg Porozni, the new chair of Cereals Canada, says the group was formed to bring industry players together.   supplied photo

new organization formed to enhance the domestic and international competitiveness of Canadian cereal grains will focus on collaboration to create value for the entire sector, says the inaugural chair of Cereals Canada. “We as an industry need to have a unified and cohesive voice to represent the entire industry and we haven’t had that in the past,” said Greg Porozni, a Willingdon grain grower who has two decades’ worth of experience with various boards and commissions. “I’m talking from grower right along the entire value chain.” He said his past experience on the Canola Council of Canada showed him how industrywide co-operation creates a win-win situation for everyone.

Currently, the group includes representatives from the Alberta Wheat Commission, the Grain Farmers of Ontario, Cargill, Sygenta Crop Sciences, Weyburn Inland Terminal and Viterra, among others. The group’s creation isn’t connected to the end of the wheat board’s monopoly, but the simple need for industry to work together, said Porozni. The goal is to bring other grain organizations on board. “We’re working on that, but

at the same time we need to respect that barley has its own council and we need to collaborate with them wherever possible,” said Porozni, a fourthgeneration farmer. “The bottom line is that we’re all growers. We all grow barley, oats and everything. We have to work together.” Ce re a l s Ca n a d a’s n e w l y elected 12-member board includes growers, life sciences representatives, seed companies, end-users and exporters.

“The bottom line is that we’re all growers. We all grow barley, oats and everything. We have to work together.”

Greg Porozni

chair of Cereals Canada

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Publication: Manitoba Cooperator





The organization is still in the planning stages, but he said it’s hoped to have a president in place by the end of January and to open its Winnipeg headquarters in a few months. Strategic planning sessions will be held at the end of March, with the focus on making smart use of limited grower dollars, creating value for all participants in the industry and advancing market development and research, he said “We’ve got to think big picture and we’re going to be investing in specific areas,” said Porozni. “Market development would be one area that we would start on and work our way from there. It’s a competitive world out there and there are countries throughout the world that are doing the same thing we’re doing. We have to be a leader throughout the world to promote wheat throughout the value chain.” Working co-operatively will be key. “Eventually, I think we will have collaboration in wheat breeding, for example, with producer, private and public,” he said. Porozni said he expects breeding will not focus on one specific variety or class, but will be similar to the Australian model, where the entire industry decides whether it wants to fund the development of a new variety. “You have to remember that it costs about $80 million to $100 million to take a variety from beginning to end,” he said. “We as growers cannot afford to launch just one specific variety. It’s too high risk.” Cereals Canada will be cooperating with the Canadian Grains Commission and the Canadian International Grains Institute. The co-ordinated efforts will help the Canadian wheat market compete globally, he said. “Whenever we do a trade mission, it has to be in conjunction with all the industry players, to make sure we’re all on the same page. If there is an opportunity, we need to be on it, be nimble and get it.” Canada’s wheat industr y needs to define itself and meet the customers’ needs, he said. “We cannot be just a bulk exporter, in my opinion.” The president of the Grain Growers of Canada said the new organization won’t duplicate the work done by his group. Gary Stanford said his organization will focus on trade deals and policy issues while Cereals Canada will focus on research, variety development and marketing. “They’ll do a little bit of policy work, but not a lot,” said Stanford. Some individuals and commissions will be members of both groups, and Stanford said both may send members on the same trade missions. Cereals Canada could speak about the attributes of Canadian grain, while his organization would work with agriculture and trade ministers to discuss trade policy. “We’ll work together on certain issues, but we’ll be handling different things,” said Stanford. akienlen@fbcpublishing.com


The Manitoba Co-operator | January 23, 2014

Land — if you can’t afford it, don’t buy it Speakers advise looking at long-term prices and productivity before writing the cheque By Shannon VanRaes co-operator staff / St. Jean-Baptiste


t’s not about how much l a n d c o s t s , i t ’s a b o u t whether buying it is the right move for your farm. “Land prices have gotten ahead of themselves, following a couple of really good years for the industry… but this is cyclical, and we’re not g o i n g t o h a ve g o o d c ro p s every year,” said Dan Caron, a farm management adviser with Manitoba Agriculture’s Carman office. “You need to look at longer-term averages and future profitability.” Too often he said, the decision to buy land comes down to the mentality that, “If I don’t buy it, my neighbour will.” Speaking to producers at the annual St. Jean Farm Days, Caron urged them to look beyond the short term and examine their long-term average earnings and price predictions for the coming years, while also evaluating the productivity of the land they already own. “Fa r m l a n d h a s been the best investment a person can make since the 1970s. So 10 or 20 years from now are today’s prices going to look pretty good? Possibly, or very likely, but in the short term, the question has to be, ‘Can you afford it based on the returns you’ll be getting in the next couple years?’” he said. Those returns are expected to decline over the next two years, as commodity prices f a l l b a c k f ro m t h e re c o rd highs in 2012. “We know that the price of grain has come down substantially from the 2012 highs… looking at the forecasts for crop prices, we’re at 10-year averages, but it is lower than i t h a s b e e n ,” s aid Claude Jacques, a senior appraiser with Farm Credit Canada. Interest rates could see an increase in the coming years as well, making borrowing to purchase land a less enticing option.

“For younger guys or people trying to acquire it’s expensive, but for anybody who owns land it’s great — it’s a double-edged sword.”

Dan Caron

in Manitoba increased by 13.9 per cent, above the average Canadian increase of 10.3 per cent, he added. Caron is seeing land sell for between an average of $3,500 and $4,000 in the eastern part of the province and the Red River Valley, a price that is nearly three times as high as five years ago. However, prices can decrease. In the year 2000, Farm Credit saw a nationwide decrease of about half a per cent. And in the early 1980s, farmland values also decreased. But the overall trend is that

over time farmland increases in value. Even with falling commodity prices, neither Caron or Jacques believe there is likely Dan Caron, a farm management to be a decrease in farmland adviser with Manitoba Agriculture’s values in the near future. Carman office, says too often “They should plateau where producers buy land so their they are,” Caron said. neighbour won’t.  Photos: Shannon VanRaes But high prices don’t bother everyone — those looking to And while it may be expensell land, or retire are reaping sive to buy, the high prices are the benefits. “For younger guys or people also encouraging people to trying to acquire it’s expensive, sell land that might have othbut for anybody who owns erwise not hit the market. “There are opportunities, land it’s great — it’s a doubleT:8.125” but they are expensive, so just edged sword,” said Caron.

Claude Jacques, a senior appraiser with Farm Credit Canada, says prices increased by 13.9 per cent in the last six-month survey.

take a step back and ask, ‘OK, what is our plan in the longer term, what’s the right thing to do?’” he said. “It’s a reality check.” shannon.vanraes@fbcpublishing.com

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Recent price jump

But lower commodity prices and higher interest rates may also stabilize land prices, which have skyrocketed upward. “The values have been rising steadily for the last decade, and this last period was the highest we’ve ever seen in our analysis, which we started in 1985,” said Jacques. During the last six-month period, the cost of farmland


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The Manitoba Co-operator | January 23, 2014


China’s water squeeze worsens as wetlands shrink BEIJING / REUTERS / China’s wetlands have shrunk nearly nine per cent since 2003, officials said on Jan. 12, aggravating water scarcity in a country where food production, energy output and industrial activity are already under pressure from water shortages. China has more than a fifth of the world’s population but only six per cent of its freshwater resources. Since 2003, wetlands sprawling across 340,000 sq. km — an area larger than the Netherlands — have disappeared, officials of China’s State Forestry Administration (SFA) told reporters. “The investigation shows that China is facing various problems with wetlands protections,” Zhang Yongli, vice-director of the forestry

body, told a news conference, adding that loopholes in protection laws imperil the shrinking wetlands. The lost wetland areas have been converted to agricultural lands, swallowed by large infrastructure projects or degraded by climate change, the forestry administration said. Wetlands lost to infrastructure projects have increased tenfold since the government’s last survey in 2003, Zhang added. Water scarcity endangers China’s economic growth and social stability, and China has set aside $660 billion for projects to boost supply this decade. Wetlands store a large amount of China’s freshwater resources, and receding wetlands will leave less water available in the long term, Debra Tan, director of Hong Kong-based nonprofit China Water Risk, told Reuters.




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Healthy soil makes for healthy profits, says no-tiller Leaving soil ‘armour’ intact keeps costs down, says North Dakota farmer By Daniel Winters CO-OPERATOR STAFF / MINOT


he need to conserve precious soil moisture convinced him to give no-till a try, but now he’s learned that there’s far more to be gained than that. After attending a zerotillage conference in 1998, then-newbie farmer Mark Jennings talked his father into applying basic no-till principles on 320 acres. Since then, his operation has grown to cover 4,500 acres, and now he’s also har vesting the economic benefits from the reduced production costs that come from better soil health. “Don’t work the soil, let the soil work for you. That’s kind of what I live by,” said Jennings, in a presentation a t t h e re c e n t Ma n i t o b a North Dakota Zero-Tillage Association’s annual workshop. In 2 0 1 2 , w h e n h e p u t 1,100 acres of long-ter m fallowed land taken out of the Conservation Reserve Program (CRP) back into production, he dodged the estimated $150/acre cost of breaking it up. Instead, he sprayed out the existing grasses with t w o p a s s e s o f Ro u n d u p, and planted corn right into the sod with an “old piece of junk” White planter with no residue manager attachment. For fertilizer, he put down 1 1 0 p o u n d s p e r a c re o f nitrogen plus 157 pounds of a dry blend of ammonium sulphate, potash and micronutrients just off the seed row. Not disturbing the “armour” that covered the CRP land’s sloped, coarse, sandy soil meant that it retained its water-holding capacity and created a “soil biology buffet.” “By mid-July, you wouldn’t even know that I had put it into 2.5-foot-tall grass,” said Jennings. “The economics of it for me are: I got a crop off it this year, great soil cover, and all that organic matter that will start mineralizing. By the third, fourth and fifth year, I expect to reduce fertility costs on it by 50-60 per cent.” Jennings’s strategy was based in part on a talk by soil ecologist Jill Clapperton, who advised farmers seeding into sod to plant a grass species with a large root structure. “She said that when you take away the host plant, whether grass or legumes, the bacteria and fungi will start fighting against each other and give off exudates

Mark Jennings, a no-till farmer from North Dakota, explains how zero tillage and improved soil health have translated into increased profitability on his 4,500-acre operation. PHOTO: DANIEL WINTERS

“Don’t work the soil, let the soil work for you. That’s kind of what I live by.” MARK JENNINGS

that will start poisoning the plants,” he said. “So when you put in corn, which has a large root structure, you provide a similar host environment to what was there before.” After harvesting an 80-bushel corn crop, the following year he planted confectionery sunflowers in the same former CRP field. With ample cover, there was so much moisture that the sunflowers “popped” out through the heavy weedsuppressing duff layer from a 2.5-inch seeding depth. Everyone, even his father said he was “nuts” to tr y it, but in the end it yielded almost 1,900 pounds per acre with a 24.5-pound test weight.

Improving tilth

Soil stability, structure and root mass equal tilth — an a rc h a i c w o rd n o t h e a rd much these days. But for Jennings, it meant that he is generally able to get back on the land and start seeding in the afternoon after days of rain. “You’re paying back the soil by leaving residue, but it’s coming back to you in lower costs,” he said, noting

that the 50-pound-per-year free nitrogen credit from long-term no till is now an accepted scientific fact. Healthy soil means reduced chemical bills. In recent years, he hasn’t n e e d e d a p o s t - e m e rg e n t shot of herbicide for his peas or sunflowers. “I may not outyield some of my neighbours, but with reduced fertility and chemical needs, my net returns are better,” said Jennings. Instead of growing corn a n d s oy b e a n s y e a r a f t e r year, he seeds highly diverse crop rotations of up to 10 species made up of warmand cool-season broadleaf crops and grasses, as well as cover crops with the goal of having something growing in the soil and keeping the ground covered as much as possible. Jennings doesn’t get in a sweat if his cover crops are still small when it’s time to s e e d t h e m o n e y- m a k e r s, and he doesn’t spend much time worrying about what cover crop species fit best in the short spring or fall window. “Even if I get minimal growth, I’m fine with that,” he said. “Turnips, radishes, brassicas, oats and barley, or millet. It’s whatever I have laying around. I’m not specific. I just throw it in.” Having “something” growing, whether it’s a foot tall or barely emerging, pays off over time because it gives the soil biology something to utilize instead of leaving the soil “stagnant,” he said. daniel.winters@fbcpublishing.com


The Manitoba Co-operator | January 23, 2014

Herbicide-resistant weeds moving north Maps show Red River could be a vector for a northern invasion, especially after spring flooding By Daniel Winters CO-OPERATOR STAFF / MINOT


he latest map of glyphosate-resistant weeds i n No r t h Da k o t a a n d Minnesota shows a lot of big circles and ellipses, some of which stretch right up to the international border. Even more alar ming is the fact that most of the hot spots where glyphosateresistant horseweed, kochia, common and giant ragweed, and waterhemp have been identified are concentrated around the Red River Valley as it passes through Fargo and Grand Forks. Resistant weeds aren’t running rampant within those circles, said Kirk Howatt, a North Dakota State University weed scientist, but the fact that they are present is worrisome enough. “Many of them have very fine adaptations for floating on water. When we get s p r i n g f l o o d i n g situations or general water flow north through the valley, we are seeing a lot of these weeds move north,” Howatt told the recent Manitoba-North Dakota Zero Tillage Association’s annual workshop. “We expect them to continue to move north.” Fields along the river’s edge are typically infested first, then poor equipment sanitation practices on combines e s p e c i a l l y a l l ow s t h e m t o break out onto higher ground. Kochia, also known as tumbleweed, is of particular concern because it can easily be blown from one field to the next. Greenhouse testing shows that glyphosate-resistant kochia plants found in Pierce county, just east of Minot, could survive a dose of Roundup Powermax the equivalent of 176 fluid ounces per acre and set seed. “It turns out that kochia is surviving glyphosate by producing more enzymes than can be knocked out with the herbicide,” said Howatt. He likened the plant’s adaptation to a sponge. In sus-

“It turns out that kochia is surviving glyphosate by producing more enzymes than can be knocked out with the herbicide.” KIRK HOWATT

ceptible plants, the sponge is small, and becomes overwhelmed by the glyphosate. But in resistant plants, the sponge is large enough to absorb the injury and continue growing. In such cases, diligent hand weeding can pay big dividends because infestations of just 12 plants per field can quickly rise to 12 plants per acre, and then 12 plants per square foot. The good news is that kochia seed can’t tolerate burial well, and viability is only five per cent after one year. Also, tests showed that combinations of fluroxypyr, d i c a m b a , 2 , 4 - D, a n d b r o moxynil under various trade n a m e s u s e d a t h i g h ra t e s killed the weed. Successful post-harvest control of even 16- to 18-inch-tall glyphosate-resistant kochia was seen with gramoxoneatrazine mixes, he added.


I f re s i s t a n t w a t e r h e m p i s “evil,” then Palmer amaranth is “Satan,” said Howatt, quoting a University of Illinois researcher. So far, Palmer amaranth hasn’t appeared in North Dakota, but is already infesting fields in Ontario. Pa l m e r a m a r a n t h , o f t e n spread by custom combines and feed supplements containing cottonseed, grows two inches per day to a height of up to 10 feet from May-August and can produce up to a million seeds per plant. It has shown resistance to Groups 2, 5, 9 and 27, leaving few

Kirk Howatt, a weed scientist from NDSU, gives an update on herbicide-resistant weeds at the recent Manitoba-North Dakota Zero Tillage Association annual workshop. PHOTOS: DANIEL WINTERS

options for control other than a hoe. Avo i d i n g p ro b l e m s, s a i d Howatt, requires adherence to four fundamental principles: use more pre-emergent and soil-applied herbicides, spray weeds when they’re still small, pay attention to field perimeters, and don’t be afraid to get out of the truck and hand pull resistant weeds. Te s t i n g o f y e t - t o - b e approved new products such as Monsanto-BASF’s Xtend glyphosate-dicamba mix and Dow’s Enlist, to be used with 2,4-D-tolerant crops, have shown promising results on corn and soybeans. However, Howatt said that when using such products, farmers will have to be espec i a l l y c a re f u l a b o u t s p ra y drift and volatilization, misapplication, and sprayer tank contamination. Even small amounts of leftover dicamba or 2,4-D solution in a sprayer tank can cause crop injury. “Cleanout is key with the stewardship and management of this technology,” he said. “Approximately the amount of herbicide in a bottle cap is enough to cause damage in your field.”

Other potential offenders lurking south of the border, says weed scientist Barnyard grass has developed resistance to seven modes of action Don’t believe that weeds can fight back against modern chemistry? “It’s one of those things that’s always possible. Management of your herbicide program is important so that we don’t develop resistance, or if we do, it doesn’t get out of hand,” said Kirk Howatt, an NDSU weed scientist at the recent zero-till workshop in Minot. Commonly found in wet ditches and sloughs, barnyard grass in some areas of the United States and around the world has developed resistance to seven different herbicide modes of action. While not a so-called “driver weed” on the Prairies yet, barnyard grass has been expanding its reach in recent wet years. North Dakota has had some “scares” about glyphosate-resistant wild oats, but so far samples taken from fields haven’t survived

applications of the herbicide in a greenhouse setting. That doesn’t prove that resistant wild oats don’t exist, however, Howatt said, noting some of the first samples of glyphosate-resistant kochia were easily controlled in the greenhouse, too. In 2009, reports of ACCase inhibitor-resistant green foxtail that had arisen in a wide arc centred around Minot and extending possibly beyond the Canadian border were later confirmed in lab testing. Products such as Puma and Axial had virtually no impact on its growth, but Everest, Select and Assure II fared better. But since then, samples have shown “broad” resistance to all ACCase products, Howatt said, which suggests that reaching for the herbicide with the most weed-

killing firepower may not be the most prudent strategy. Researchers in Australia, where herbicide-resistant weeds abound, now advise a scaling-up approach with ACCase inhibitors that starts with the weakest product and saves the strongest for last. “They have found that they have more years of ACCase activity by doing it that way,” said Howatt, who advised farmers south of the border to switch to a wheat-canola-wheat-soybean rotation to fight green foxtail. By diversifying rotations to include a mix of warm- and coolseason crops that are sprayed at different times with different chemistries, the useful life of important weed control agents can be extended, he added. daniel.winters@fbcpublishing.com

This map from North Dakota State University shows the distribution of herbicide-resistant weeds in 2013.

Feel the


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The Manitoba Co-operator | January 23, 2014

California governor declares drought emergency

State heads for the driest year on record; farmers call for ban on fracking by the oil industry By Sarah McBride SAN FRANCISCO / REUTERS


alifornia Governor Jerry Brown declared a drought emergency on Jan. 17, a move that will allow the parched state to seek federal aid as it grapples with what could turn out to be the driest year in recorded state history for many areas. T h e d r y ye a r Ca l i f o r n i a experienced in 2013 has left freshwater reservoirs with a fraction of their normal reserves and slowed the normally full American River so dramatically that brush and dry riverbed are showing through in areas normally teeming with fish. “We can’t make it rain, but we can be much better prepared for the terrible consequences that California’s drought now t h re a t e n s, i n c l u d i n g d ra matically less water for our farms and communities and increased fires in both urban and rural areas,” Brown, a Democrat, said in a statement. “I’ve declared this emergency and I’m calling all Californians to conserve water in every way possible,” he said, in a move that will allow him to call for conservation measures and provide flexibility in deciding state water priorities. Speaking at a news confer-

ence in San Francisco, he said the drought threatens to leave farms and communities with dramatically less water and increases the risk of fires in both urban and rural areas. On Friday, Jan. 17 a fire burned out of control in the dry brush of the Angeles National Forest in Los Angeles County. And last year, the Rim Fire burned 402 square miles in and around Yosemite National Park, causing $127 million in damage as of late October, according to the most recent data available from the U.S. Forest Service. He appealed to residents to keep a lid on water use with the aim of reducing overall consumption by 20 per cent, telling them that “this takes everybody pitching in.” He warned that mandatory conservation programs may be initiated down the road. The state’s mountain ranges, where run-off from melting snow provides much of the water for California’s thirsty cities and farms, have just 20 per cent of the snow they normally have at this time of year, officials noted.

Agriculture needs grow

Fo r m a n y i n t h e s t a t e’s $44.7-billion agriculture business, water scarcity is a problem made worse by a recent switch

The receding waterline of Lake Hodges is seen in San Diego County Jan. 17, 2014, when California Governor Jerry Brown declared a drought emergency that will allow the parched state to seek federal aid. PHOTO: REUTERS/MIKE BLAKE

to orchard-style crops such as almonds and olives. Unlike vegetables or cotton, which grow in fields that can be left fallow in dry years, the trees need water every year. The state’s wine-growing regions have had just 23 per cent of the rainfall they normally get by this time of year, said Patsy McGaughy, communications director for the wine industry group Napa Valley Vintners, which represents about 500 wineries. Last year brought enough

water that grape growers were not yet feeling the pinch, she said, but a prolonged drought could affect future crops, if only by making the water scarce that growers use during cold snaps to warm up their plants. Already, there were signs of competing priorities among groups that contend for water and will be closely watching how state officials use their new flexibility in allocating it. Opponents of the waterintensive practice known as fracking, used to extract oil and

gas from rock formations deep in the earth, have seized on California’s dry conditions, hoping it will put pressure to halt the controversial practice. “As we see other sectors, like agriculture, struggling, what water rights do oil companies have to engage in fracking? The case can be made to place a moratorium on fracking just in the interests of conserving water,” said California Assembly member Mark Levine. “Water is our most precious commodity, not oil,” he said.

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The Manitoba Co-operator | January 23, 2014

Farm ministers call for more diversity Reliance on monoculture a threat to food security HAMBURG / REUTERS


m e e t i n g of agr iculture ministers from 69 countries on Jan. 18 called for higher farm productivity coupled with cultivation of diverse crop types to help beat world hunger. Global farming needs to maintain a balance between diversity and high output while avoiding monoculture of single crops, said a statement from Germany’s Agriculture Ministry after the meeting in Berlin of the Global Forum for Food and Agriculture. The Berlin meeting called for genetic databanks to be set up to prevent the loss of traditional types of food crops as newly developed seeds replace old varieties. German Agriculture Minister Hans-Peter Friedrich said


Ukraine MPs propose trader restrictions REUTERS / Lawmakers from three factions of Ukraine’s parliament have proposed only allowing grain exports to companies that produce the commodity, according to a draft law published on the parliament website Jan. 16. Ukraine is likely to be the world’s secondlargest grain exporter in the 2013-14 season with the shipment of more than 30 million tonnes, according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture. “Grain exports may only be made by agricultural producers and companies which produce grain,” the document said. The lawmakers say the move will protect local grain producers from the artificially low prices offered by traders. The draft law would require backing by at least half of the parliament and be signed by the president to go into force. The current rules set no limit on exports by traders or producers. Foreign traders or Ukrainian branches of foreign trade houses currently control around 70 per cent of Ukrainian grain exports. Ukraine, which produced a record harvest of 63 million tonnes of grain in 2013, plans to export 33 million tonnes in 2013-14 versus 23 million tonnes in 2012-13.

improving food output volumes is not enough to conquer world hunger. “Preser ving agricultural diversity is not a luxury; it is a matter of survival,” Friedrich said in a statement. “Plant varieties, once lost, cannot be recovered. We must therefore conserve our genetic resources worldwide on a permanent basis and make better use of them.” Malnutrition caused by an unbalanced diet is also a serious global problem, he said. The United Nations’ Food and Agriculture Organization estimates that there are still 840 million people suffering from hunger worldwide, Friedrich said. But a further two billion people are seriously compromised in their development by malnutrition, he said.

Berlin meeting calls for genetic databanks to be set up to prevent the loss of traditional types of food crops. PHOTO: CROP DIVERSITY TRUST

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Monsanto bringing back Roundup Ready wheat

The Manitoba Co-operator | January 23, 2014

The days are getting longer

Monsanto acknowledges some continuing market hurdles, but says attitudes are changing By Carey Gillam Reuters


onsanto said Jan. 8 it was making good progress on the development of a herbicide-tolerant wheat, pushing what would be the world’s first biotech wheat a step closer to market. Monsanto, a leading developer of biotech corn, soybeans and other crops, has long tried to bring to market a genetically altered wheat that tolerates spraying of glyphosate, the key ingredient in Monsanto’s Roundup herbicide. “ The grain industr y and the wheat industr y... have re m a i n e d v e r y i n t e re s t e d and supportive of biotech advances,” Monsanto chief technology officer Robb Fraley said in a conference call. “A wheat farmer is also generally a corn and soybean farmer and they understand the benefits of the technology.” Fraley said while Monsanto continues to make advances, it is still “several years away” from a biotech wheat product launch. Biotech wheat is not commercially available despite s e ve ra l c o m p a n i e s h a v i n g researched it for a number of years. Monsanto shelved an earlier version of an experimental herbicide-tolerant wheat, u n d e r i t s Ro u n d u p Re a d y brand, in 2004 amid widespread market concern foreign buyers would boycott U.S. wheat if it were genetically altered like corn and soybeans. Controversy erupted again in May when the U.S. Department of Agriculture said an Oregon farmer had found the Roundup Ready genetically engineered wheat growing in his field, despite the fact the experimental grain should have been destroyed or stored away. S o u t h Ko r e a a n d Ja p a n immediately temporarily halted purchases of U.S. wheat after the announcement, due to fears the unapproved biotech wheat might have contaminated U.S. wheat supplies. Mo n s a n t o h a s a c k n ow l edged some continuing market hurdles, but said attitudes were changing. In addition to its wheat developments, Monsanto said it was progressing on work to make crops more drought hardy, and more pest and disease resistant. It was also working on a new combination of biotech crops and herbicide chemistry to control weeds that have become resistant to its Roundup herbicide.

Cottonwoods near Grunthal in silhouette in the late afternoon last week. Sunset this week is at 5:03 p.m. compared to 4:27 p.m. at the earliest time in December.  photo: hermina janz


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The Manitoba Co-operator | January 23, 2014

Weak prices to slow expansion in Man. corn acres Spring weather will also influence the decision on whether to plant the longer-season crop By Terryn Shiells commodity news service canada


ower prices are expected to slow the expansion of corn acreage in Manitoba this spring. Last spring, 380,000 acres of corn were planted in Manitoba, a jump from 300,000 in 2012 and 180,000 in 2011. But a recent downtur n in corn prices, due to large production in the U.S., is expected to curb far mer enthusiasm to expand acres — and farmers who have never grown corn before probably won’t be as interested in planting it.

“I think the price will balance it off a little bit,” said Theresa Bergsma, general manager of the Manitoba Corn Growers Association at Carman. “With the price being down around $4 and $4.50 per bushel, it’s a big cry (from) between $6 and $7.” Bergsma expects Manitoba corn acres will either be stable or slightly higher this spring, depending on prices at the time farmers make their 2014 cropping decisions. She expects lower prices will mean the producers who always grow corn will main-

tain their acreage, because they have already invested in expensive specialized equipment for corn. But those who aren’t seasoned veterans, and haven’t put as much money into such equipment, may decide to reduce their acres. What type of weather the province receives this spring will also help farmers determine whether or not they’re going to plant corn. “If (the spring) is quite late and they’re calling for a cool summer, guys will rethink t h a t s i t u a t i o n a s w e l l ,” Bergsma added. Though further expansion

won’t be as rapid as it has been over the last two years, farmers who have never grown corn before are still interested in the crop. B e r g s m a s a i d s h e ’s recently received calls from producers in Manitoba — and in Saskatchewan — asking for information about growing corn. “I think we’re going to see a slow expansion if the price stays at this rate,” she said. “And if the price starts to go up again, we’ll probably see a quicker expansion, depending on how the varieties improve from here on in.”

Giving corn a try may not be as worthwhile if prices remain in the $4 to $4.50 range.  photo: istock.com


Organic and farm groups want GMO labels More than 20 states are considering GMO labelling laws By Carey Gillam Reuters



our U.S. lawmakers joined with more than 200 food companies, organic farming groups, health and environment organizations and other groups on Jan. 16 to urge President Barack Obama to require manufacturers to label food products that contain genetically engineered ingredients. The groups delivered a letter to the president dated Jan. 16 reminding Obama of a campaign pledge the groups said he made in 2007 as he campaigned in Iowa to work to label socalled GMO foods. The issue is hotly contested, with more than 20 states consider ing laws to mandate labelling of foods made with gene-altered corn, soybeans, sugar beets and other biotech crops. Currently, labelling of such foods is voluntary. Among the signatories on the letter to President Obama are the ice-cream company Ben & Jerry’s, cereal maker Nature’s Path, organic yogurt maker Stonyfield Farms, the Consumer Federation of America and several environmental and health groups. “We believe there should be a mandatory national labelling system. FDA has a duty to act when the absence of labelling would leave consumers confused about the foods they buy,” the groups said in their letter. Four Democratic members of Congress held a press conference on Thursday to support the call on Obama for mandatory labelling — U.S. Rep. Peter DeFazio from Oregon; U.S. Rep. Rosa DeLauro from Connecticut; U.S. Rep. Ann McLane Kuster from New Hampshire; and U.S. Rep. Chellie Pingree from Maine.

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The Manitoba Co-operator | January 23, 2014


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The Manitoba Co-operator | January 23, 2014


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LORNE & CHRISTINE HAMBLIN are offering for sale approximately 202-acres of farmland located on River Lots 257, 259 & 261 East of PTH-75 in the RM of Montcalm, described as follows: Title #1698884/1 (Roll #’s 118025, 118150 & 118250)Ti-tle #1801487/1 (Roll #118050) Rural water is con-nected to these properties. CONDITIONS OF OF-FER TO PURCHASE. 1) Offers must be received on or before 4:00pm on February 21, 2014. 2) Of-fers must be accompanied by a 5% deposit payable to Bruce Gregory “in trust.” Deposit cheques ac-companying unaccepted offers will be returned. 3) Offers will be reviewed by the Vendors by Feb 24, 2014 & the party whose Offer is accepted will be contacted within 5 business days. 4) Highest or any offer not necessarily accepted. 5) The Purchaser shall be responsible for the payment of GST or shall self-assess for GST. 6) Possession shall be March 31, 2014. 7) The date of closing will be March 31, 2014, at which time the balance of the purchase price will be paid. 8) Tenders are binding upon acceptance & not subject to any conditions precedent. 9) The Vendor will be responsible for the real property taxes on the property up to December 31, 2013. The Purchaser will be responsible for 2014 real property taxes. 10) Title to the land will be transferred free & clear of all encumbrances & li-ens, except for: a) The following registrations: a. Caveat 195636/1 filed by MTS pursuant to an Easement Agreement b. Caveat 196155/1 filed by MTS pursuant to an Easement Agreement. c. Ca-veat 2801594/1 filed by MTS pursuant to an Ease-ment Agreement. d. Caveat 8056842/1 filed by Manitoba Hydro Electric Board pursuant to an Easement Agreement. e. 81-18197/1 filed by Lorne & Christine Hamblin pursuant to an Easement Agreement giving access to title 1801487/1. b) All movable machinery, scrap metal & portable build-ings which shall be removed by the vendor by Aug 31, 2014. 11) The deposit of 5% will be forfeited if the successful party does not finalize or complete the terms of the Agreement of Purchase & Sale. 12) The Purchaser relies entirely upon his/her personal inspection & knowledge of the land, independent of the representations made by the Vendor or the So-licitor & Agent of the Vendor. The land will be sold “as is” & the Purchaser is solely responsible to de-termine the value & condition of the land, land quality, land use, environmental condition & any other information pertaining to the land. Signed & sealed Offers will be received up to 4:00pm on Feb-ruary 21st, 2014 at: Lorne & Chris Hamblin Box 612 Morris, MB. R0G 1K0. Email offers will be accepted at chamblin@mymts.net providing deposit cheque is also received. For more information: call (204)746-3330 or email at above address






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Morris Winkler Morden




Red River

REAL ESTATE/RENTALS Land For Sale The following Private Land is being offered for sale: NE 27-23-08W, SE 16-23-08W, NE 23-23-08W, SE 10-23-08W, SE 27-23-08W, NW 23-23-08W, W 1/2 26-23-08W, NE 22-23-08W. The following Crown lands have been approved by Manitoba Agriculture, Food & Rural Development for transfer to the purchaser of the private lands listed as these lands are part of the ranch unit held by William Lazarowich of Mulvihill, MB. SE 10-23-08W , NE 16-23-08W, NE 22-23-08W, NW 22-23-08W, SE 22-23-08W, SW 22-23-08W, NE 23-23-08W, SW 23-23-08W, NW 27-23-08W, SW 27-23-08W, SE 34-23-08W, SE 35-23-08W, SW 35-23-08W. If you wish to purchase the private land and apply for the Unit Transfer contact the Lessee William Lazarowich at PO Box 2, Grp 15 RR 1 in Mulvihill, MB R0C 2G0. If you wish to comment on or object to the eligibility of this Unit Transfer write the Director, MAFRI, Agricultural Crown Lands, PO Box 1286, Minnedosa MB R0J 1E0; or Fax (204)867-6578. THE FOLLOWING PRIVATE LAND is being offered for sale: N1/2 14-29-15W, E1/2 23-29-15W, NE 20-28-15W, NW 23-29-15W, S1/2 25-29-15W, SW 19-29-14W, SW 30-29-14W, SE 19-29-15W. The following Crown lands have been approved by Manitoba Agriculture, Food & Rural Initiatives for transfer to the purchaser of the private lands listed as these lands are part of the farm unit held by Lorne Bass of Toutes Aides, MB: NW 5-31-14W, SW 5-31-14W, NE 5-31-14W, SW 8-31-14W, SE 8-31-14W, NE 8-31-14W, NW 8-31-14W, SW 18-30-14W, NW 18-30-14W, SE 19-30-14W, SW 19-30-14W, NE 13-30-15W, SE 13-30-15W, SE 24-30-15W, NW 19-29-14W, NE 22-29-14W, SE 22-29-14W, SE 27-29-14W, NE 27-29-14W, NE 34-29-14W, SE 34-29-14W, NW 35-29-14W, SW 35-29-14W, SE 13-29-15W, SW 23-29-15W, NE 18-30-14W, SE 18-30-14W, NW 6-31-14W, SE 6-31-14W, SW 6-31-14W, NE 6-31-14W, NW 36-30-15W, NE 36-30-15W, SE 36-30-15W, NE 24-30-15W, NE 25-30-15W, SE 25-30-15W. If you wish to purchase the private land & apply for the Unit Transfer contact the Lessee Lorne Bass, Box 2, Toutes Aides, MB, R0L 2A0, (204)732-2481. If you wish to comment on or object to the eligibility of this Unit Transfer write the Director, MAFRI, Agricultural Crown Lands, PO Box 1286, Minnedosa, MB R0J 1E0; or Fax (204)867-6578.



Licensed and bonded. P.L. License #918093. Member of M.A.A., S.A.A., A.A.A., A.A.C.

PHONE: (204) 727-2001 CELL: (204) 724-2131

www.fraserauction.com EMAIL: scott.campbell@fraserauction.com Auctioneer: Scott Campbell

To receive a tender package please contact Fraser Auction. More information is available on our website www.fraserauction.com I would like to thank you in advance for your interest in this land auction. Should you have any questions regarding this auction and or the process in which it will be conducted please feel free to contact Scott Campbell directly through cell or email. AUCTION SALES Manitoba Auctions – Interlake

AUTO & TRANSPORT Auto & Truck Parts

McSherry Auction Service Ltd

GREAT PRICES ON NEW, used & remanufactured engines, parts & accessories for diesel pickups. Large inventory, engines can be shipped or installed. Give us a call or check us out at www.thickettenginerebuilding.ca Thickett Engine Rebuilding. Ph (204)532-2187, Russell MB.


Close OUT GUN STORE & Personal Collection

Sat., Feb. 15 @ 9:30 am

Stonewall, MB - #12 Patterson Dr 400 GUNS: * All Calibres * Modern * Vintage * Including 45 Restricted Hand Guns * Approx 1/2 Guns are Brand New * Also Accessories & Mounts * 75% are Brand NEW or New Old Stock Go to the Website for Full Listing!

AUTO & TRANSPORT Semi Trucks & Trailers FOR SALE: 1989 MACK truck model R688ST, 350 engine, Eaton 8LL trans, 22.5 tires 60%, wet kit, A/C, not safetied, $9,000 OBO. (204)648-7136

Sealed, written tenders for property in the RM of Lorne will be received by:


351 Main St., PO Box 279 Manitou, MB. R0G 1G0 PROPERTY

NW ¼ 11-6-10 WPM Excepting Thereout: Firstly - The Wly 145’ Perp of the Sly 300’ Perp of the Nly 2186.4’ Perp (one acre) Secondly - All Mines and Minerals (being approximately 140 cultivated acres; balance is pasture, bush and river) TENDERS CLOSE: January 31, 2014.

For further information contact Larry J. Selby at Phone:(204) 242-2801 Fax: (204) 242-2723 Email: selbylaw@mts.net

SEED/FEED/CROP INPUTS Specialty Crops Various

Bioriginal Food & Science Corp., based in Saskatoon, are looking to contract Borage acres for the upcoming 2014 growing season.

� �

Great profit potential based on yield, prices and low input costs. Attractive oil premiums and free seed delivery and on-farm pick-up. Flexible contracting options available as well. For more information, please contact Carl Lynn P.Ag. of Bioriginal at:

306-229-9976 (cell) 306-975-9295 (office) crops@bioriginal.com

TRIBUTES / MEMORY CERISE RED PROSO COMMON MILLET seed. Buy now to avoid disappointment. 93%+ germination, 0% Fusarium Graminearum. Makes great cattle feed, swath grazed, dry or silage bale. Very high in protein. Energy & drought tolerant. Sold in 50-lb bags. 2000+ satisfied producers. 11th Year in Business! Millet King Seeds of Canada Inc. Reynald (204)526-2719 office or (204)379-2987, cell & text (204)794-8550. Leave messages, all calls returned. www.milletkingseeds.com reynald@milletking.com

AUTO & TRANSPORT Semi Trucks & Trailers TITAN TRUCK SALES (204)685-2222 2005 IHC 9900I Cummins ISX 475 HP, 13 SP, 3:73 Gear Ratio, 12000-lbs Front, 40000-lbs Rear, 22.5in Aluminum Wheels, 244-in Wheel Base, 72-in Mid-Rise Bunk, 1,409,137-kms. $19,000.00 TITAN TRUCK SALES (204)685-2222 2006 Volvo 630 D12 465 HP, 18 SP Autoshift, 4:30 Gear Ratio, 14600-lbs Front, 46000-lbs Rear, 22.5in Aluminum Wheels, 240-in Wheel Base, 927,814-kms. $27,000.00 TITAN TRUCK SALES (204)685-2222 2006 Western Star 4900 Mercedes 450 HP, 10 SP Eaton Autoshift, 12000-lbs Front, 40000-lbs Rear, 22.5-in Aluminum Wheels, New 20-ft Cancade Grain Box, Remote Gate & Hoist, 1,045,311-kms. $65,000.00 TITAN TRUCK SALES (204)685-2222 2007 IHC 9900I Cummins ISX 500 HP, 18 SP, 3:58 Gear Ratio, 12000-lbs Front, 40000 lbs Rear, 22.5in Aluminum Wheels, 244-in Wheel Base, 72-in Mid-Rise Bunk, Three-Way Differential Locks, 1,356,565-kms. $37,000.00 TITAN TRUCK SALES (204)685-2222 2007 Western Star 4900SA Detroit 515 HP, 18 SP, 3:91 Gear Ratio, 12000-lbs Front, Super 40000-lbs Rear, 22.5-in Aluminum Wheels, 209-in Wheel Base, Four-Way Differential Locks, New Rebuilt Engine, 759,564-kms. $40,000.00 TITAN TRUCK SALES (204)685-2222 2008 Peterbilt 388 Cummins ISX 450 HP, 13 SP, 3:55 Gear Ratio, 12000-lbs Front, 40000-lbs Rear, 22.5-in Aluminum Wheels, 244-in Wheel Base, 63in Mid-Rise Bunk, Three-Way Differential Locks, 1,005,456-kms. $39,000.00 TITAN TRUCK SALES (204)685-2222 2009 Kenworth T800 Cummins ISX 525 HP, 18 SP, 4:10 Gear Ratio, 12000-lbs Front, Super 40000-lbs Rear, 22.5-in Aluminum Wheels, 196-in Wheel Base, Four-Way Differential Locks, 866,438-kms. $59,000.00 TITAN TRUCK SALES (204)685-2222 2009 Peterbilt 388 Cummins ISX 450 HP, 18 SP, 3:55 Gear Ratio, 12000-lbs Front, 40000-lbs Rear, 22.5-in Aluminum Wheels, 244-in Wheel Base, 63in Mid-Rise Bunk, Three-Way Differential Locks, 1,145,366-kms. $49,000.00 TITAN TRUCK SALES (204)685-2222 2010 Peterbilt 388 Cummins ISX 550 HP, 18 SP, 4:10 Gear Ratio, 12000-lbs Front, Super 40000-lbs Rear, 22.5-in Aluminum Wheels, 244-in Wheel Base, 63-in Mid-Rise Bunk, Three-Way Differential Locks, 779,362-kms. $65,000.00

TITAN TRUCK SALES (204)685-2222 2005 Freightliner Columbia Mercedes 450 HP, 13 SP, 3:90 Gear Ratio, 12000-lbs Front, 40000-lbs Rear, 22.5-in Aluminum Wheels, 244-in Wheel Base, 1,184,389-kms. $18,000.00

TITAN TRUCK SALES (204)685-2222 2012 Peterbilt 386 Cummins ISX 450 HP, 13 SP, 3:90 Gear Ratio, 12000-lbs Front, 40000-lbs Rear, 22.5-in Aluminum Wheels, 206-in Wheel Base, Three-Way Differential Locks, Wet Kit, 168,566-kms. $79,000.00

BEEKEEPING Bee Equipment

BE AN AUCTIONEER. (507)995-7803 www.auctioneerschool.com

TITAN TRUCK SALES (204)685-2222 2005 IHC 9900I Cummins ISX 500 HP, 18 SP, 3:73 Gear Ratio, 12000-lbs Front, 40000-lbs Rear, 22.5in Aluminum Wheels, 244-in Wheel Base, 72-in Mid-Rise Bunk, Four-Way Differential Locks, 1,428,989-kms. $29,000.00



Stuart McSherry (204) 467-1858 or (204) 886-7027

www.mcsherryauction.com AUCTION SALES Auctions Various


Land For Sale

LAND FOR SALE OR RENT in CAMERON Municipality. 4 quarters & 80-acres of crop land. Phone (204)858-2219.

Stonewall Selkirk


Westman Boissevain

REAL ESTATE/RENTALS FARM LAND FOR SALE: 2,156-ac in R.M. of Westbourne. Call Henry Kuhl:(204)885-5500. Royal LaPage Alliance.







Rapid City Virden





Riverton Eriksdale



Shoal Lake



LARGE QUANTITY OF CERTIFIED harvest wheat for sale, wholesale pricing & selling in truckload lots only. Also certified Newdale 2-Row malt barley. Inland Seed Corp. Binscarth MB. (204)683-2316.




Swan River

Ste. Rose du Lac

JAMES FARMS LTD AC Carberry Wheat, Tradition Barley, Souris & Summit Oats, Hanley Flax, Forage seeds, various Canola, Sunflower & Soybean seed varieties. Custom processing, seed treating & delivery avail. Early payment discount. For info call (204)222-8785 or toll free 1-866-283-8785, Wpg.

AUCTION SALES Manitoba Auctions – Westman

Birch River

SEED/FEED/CROP INPUTS Pedigreed Cereals Various

AUCTION SALES Manitoba Auctions – Westman

Location: 4375 24th Ave N, Grand Forks, ND

STRONG SINGLE HIVES or Nuke for sale. Call Andy Loewen (204)326-1500 or email andyloewen@hotmail.ca


Secured Lender

PREVIEW: Monday-Saturday from 8AM – 5PM OPEN: Monday, January 20 LOADOUT: Arrangements with Dave Krostue, CLOSE: Wednesday, January 29 218.779.6865 for Friday, Jan. 31 from 8AM – 4:30PM TRACTORS 2008 Case-IH 245, Magnum, CAH, MFWD, powershift, 5 hyd., return flow, 3 pt., big 1000 PTO, Trimble auto steer, (10) front weights, 380/90R54 rear tires, 380/80R38 front tires, 2,891 hrs., S/NZ8RZ04347 1995 Case-IH 7240, CAH, MFWD, 18 spd. powershift, 4 hyd., 3 pt., big 1000 PTO, (18) front weights, 14.946 rear tires, 12.4-30 single rib front tires, 7,339 hrs., S/NJJA0060166 1995 Case-IH 7240, CAH, MFWD, 18 spd. powershift, 4 hyd., 3 pt., big 1000 PTO, (18) front weights, 14.9-46 rear tires, 14.9-30 front tires, 7,552 hrs., S/NJJA005820 TRUCKS 1989 Peterbilt 375 twin screw, 3rd rear air lift tag, 3306 Cat, 9 spd., air ride, engine brake, 24’ BL live bottom box, 30” belt, poly liner, diff lock, power mirror, Saf-T-Pull hitch, 11R22.5 rear tires, 385/65R22.5 front tires, 209,907 miles 1989 Peterbilt 375 twin screw, 3rd rear air lift tag, 3306 Cat, 9 spd., air ride, engine brake, 24’ BL live bottom box, 30” belt, poly liner, diff lock, power mirror, Saf-T-Pull hitch, 11R22.5 rear tires, 385/65R22.5 front tires, 192,471 miles 1989 Peterbilt 375 twin screw, 3rd rear air lift tag, 3306 Cat, 9 spd., air ride, engine brake, 24’ BL live bottom box, 30” belt, poly liner, diff lock, power mirror, Saf-T-Pull hitch, 11R22.5 rear tires, 385/65R22.5 front tires, 258,787 miles

1990 Peterbilt 375 twin screw, 3rd rear air lift tag, 3306 Cat, 9 spd., air ride, engine brake, 24’ BL live bottom box, 30” belt, poly liner, diff lock, power mirror, Saf-T-Pull hitch, 11R22.5 rear tires, 385/65R22.5 front tires, 434,706 miles 1990 Ford L9000 Aeromax, twin screw, 3rd rear air lift tag, L10 Cummins, 9 spd., spring ride, 24’ flatbed, 8’ rear deck, (2) 1,550 gal. poly tanks, mix cone, Honda gas engine pump, hose reel w/2” hose, Saf-T-Pull hitch, low pro 22.5 tires TRAILER 1993 Great Dane reefer trailer, 48’x102”, spring ride, slider, Thermo King SB11 Max reefer unit, shows 23,338 hrs., unknown if reefer unit operates, 275/80R24.5 tires

Farm King spike tooth harrow, 70’, 4-bar Melroe spring tooth harrow, 45’, 5-bar JD 100 field cultivator, 18’, 3 pt., hyd. fold wings, 3 rank 2-bar harrow POTATO EQUIPMENT 2003 Harriston potato planter, pulltype, 2 pt., 6 row, 2 pick, hyd. drive, hopper ext., folding markers, 14.9-24 flotation tires, has some missing disc’s & electronics 1998 Harriston 200 clod hopper, star table, 1 phase, S/N45853 1995 Harriston 1860 potato weeder, 60’, covers 18 rows 1995 Mayo accumulator, 25’x36” conveyor, 8’x30” belted chain, 1 phase Harriston hill and vine packer, 8 row, 3 pt. Lockwood chain conveyor, 14’x30”, 1 phase (2) Lilliston rolling potato cultivators, 6x38”, 3 pt.

PICKUPS 2009 GMC Sierra SLE, 4 door crew cab, Z71 off road pkg., 5.3 V8 flex fuel, automatic, 4WD, LT265/70R17 tires, approx. 158,000 miles, ENGINE IS NOT OTHER EQUIPMENT 2000 Elmers Aviator 2000 pullIN OPERATING CONDITION type sprayer, 1,000 gal. tank, 90’ 1991 Ford F350 one ton dually, 351 V8, manual 4 spd. w/OD, A/C, suspended boom, adj. height, hyd. 10-1/2’ flatbed, fuel service tank, pump, triple nozzle bodies, foam 20 gpm pump, 78,225 miles markers, adj. width axle, induction cone, rinse tank, 380/90R46 tires TILLAGE EQUIPMENT Harriston 5000 bean cutter, 2007 Case-IH TM14FT TigerMate 12x22”, front & rear mount II field cultivator, 54’, double fold Bobcat 773 skid steer loader, wings, walking tandems around, ROPS, Kubota diesel, front aux. gauge wheels, 5 rank 4-bar harrow, hyd., No attachments included, S/NJFH0031589 5,388 hrs., S/N50964088

See complete terms, lot listings and photos at IQBID.com


Contact IQBID Reps. Dave Krostue, 218.779.6865 or Lynn Sather, 218.779.9308

IQBID.com is a division of Steffes Auctioneers Inc. 2000 Main Ave East, West Fargo, ND 58078 Scott Steffes ND81, Brad Olstad ND319 701.237.9173 | SteffesAuctioneers.com | IQBID.com


The Manitoba Co-operator | January 23, 2014


PRICE TO CLEAR!! 75 truckloads 29 gauge full hard 100,000PSI high tensile roofing & siding. 16 colours to choose from. B-Gr. coloured......................70¢/ft.


Ask about our blowout colours...65¢/ft.

FARM MACHINERY Grain Elevators

FARM MACHINERY Machinery Miscellaneous

80-FT. BUCKET ELEVATING LEG w/3 phase 10-HP electric motor. Phone (204)886-3304.

24-FT OCEAN STORAGE CONTAINER, excellent shape, asking $3850, can be delivered; 45-ft extendable Hallin semi rafter trailer, good shape, asking $3900; Case 730 gas tractor, good tires, 3-PTH, w/7-ft Allied snowblower, asking $3700; 48-ft Fruehauf semi storage trailer, good condition, asking $4000. (204)728-1861


Also in stock low rib white 29 ga. ideal for archrib buildings BEAT THE PRICE INCREASES CALL NOW


BUILDINGS AFAB INDUSTRIES IS YOUR SUPERIOR post frame building company. For estimates and information call 1-888-816-AFAB(2322). Website: www.postframebuilding.com CONCRETE FLATWORK: Specializing in place & finish of concrete floors. Can accommodate any floor design. References available. Alexander, MB. 204-752-2069.

FARM MACHINERY Haying & Harvesting – Various

FERTILIZER SPREADERS: 4-TON $1,500, 5-ton $4,000, 6-ton $6,000, 8-ton $7,000-8,000; Vicon 3-PH spreader $450; Valmar 240 $1,500; Valmar PT $5,500; Small Valmar $700. Phone: (204)857-8403.

FARM MACHINERY Grain Bins 4 TWISTER 5,650-BU HOPPER bins, Rocket Aeration, $11,500 each. Will negotiate for mult bins. To be moved or would negotiate to be used on site. Would consider renting as well. Two 5,000-bu Westeel’s on hoppers, $8,900 each. Have cross channel for aeration. David (204)746-4779. BIG BINS & FLOORS at old prices, 20,000-56,000bu. bins holding prices until spring. NEW MOISTURE CABLES! Call Wall Grain for details (204)269-7616 or (306)244-1144 or (403)393-2662. CUSTOM BIN MOVING Book now! Fert Tanks. Hopper Bins/flat. Buy/Sell. Call Tim (204)362-7103 or E-mail Requests binmovers@hotmail.com


NEW WOBBLE BOXES for JD, IH, MacDon headers. Made in Europe, factory quality. Get it direct from Western Canada’s sole distributor starting at $1,095. 1-800-667-4515. www.combineworld.com

Rebuilt Concaves

Rebuild combine table augers Rebuild hydraulic cylinders Roller mills regrooved MFWD housings rebuilt Steel and aluminum welding Machine Shop Service Line boreing and welding

NEW & USED TRACTOR PARTS NEW COMBINE PARTS Large Inventory of new and remanufactured parts

Penno’s Machining & Mfg. Ltd. Eden, MB 204-966-3221 Fax: 204-966-3248

Check out A & I online parts store www.pennosmachining.com


FOR SALE: 1 FUTURE steel building X frame model, dimension 110-ft. long x 40-ft. wide x 21-ft. high, all steel building, asking $55,000. (204)867-2436, (204)868-1212.

FARM MACHINERY Fertilizer Equipment

FARM MACHINERY Tractors – 2 Wheel Drive STEVE’S TRACTOR REBUILDER specializing in JD tractors in need of repair or burnt, or will buy for parts. JD parts available. Phone: 204-466-2927 or cell: 204-871-5170, Austin.

SUKUP Grain Dryers For Sale: 1 or 3 ph, LP/NG, canola screens. Discount pricing now in effect. Call for more info (204)998-9915


Multi-coloured millends.........49¢/ft.2

FARM MACHINERY Parts & Accessories

FARM MACHINERY Combine – Case/IH 2011 CASE IH 8120 Combine. 569 Sep Hrs. Field ready. Lge Tube rotor, long auger. Lux Leather cab, Pro 600 Display. Fine cut chopper, Bean concaves avail. Can store & Defer Pay until Aug 1, 2014. $234,000. David (204)746-4779.

FARM MACHINERY Combine – Caterpillar Lexion 2008 LEXION 585R COMBINE. 1,121 Sep Hrs. Ag leader autosteer/Y&M, 35-in tracks, RWA, P516 header, auto contour, HP Fdr, MAV chopper, Cebis, Sm. Grain & Corn Sieves, 2 sets APS Grates. Elec. Hopper Fold. Excel shape. Field ready. Full dealer service history available. $239,000. David (204)746-4779.

FARM MACHINERY Combine – Accessories JD 216 16-FT. $1,950; JD 920 20-ft., poly skids, recond. $6,900; JD 924 24-ft. steel pts., poly skids, $4,950; JD 925 25-ft., steel pts., poly skids $4,500; 01 JD 925 25-ft., poly pts., poly skids, F/F auger, recond., $13,950; 3, JD 930 30-ft., steel pts., poly skids, start at $3,950; 2, 2003 JD 930 poly skids, F/F auger, recond. $15,900.00; 03 JD 930 air reel, poly skids, F/F auger, recond. $20,900; 04-06 JD 630 Hydra Flex, poly skids, HD auger, start at $14,900; 04-011 JD 635 Hydra Flex, poly skids, mint start at $14,900. Reimer Farm Equipment, Hwy #12 N, Steinbach, MB. Gary Reimer (204)326-7000 www.reimerfarmequipment.com JD 843 8 ROW, 30-in., totally reconditioned, mint $14,500; JD 893 8 row, 30-in., field ready $19,500. Reimer Farm Equipment, Hwy #12 N, Steinbach, MB. Gary Reimer (204)326-7000 www.reimerfarmequipment.com

NEW MC DRYERS IN STOCK w/canola screens 300-2,000 BPH units. Why buy used, when you get new fuel efficient & better quality & control w/MC. Call Wall Grain for details (204)269-7616 or (306)244-1144 or (403)393-2662.

CIH 820 20-FT., $1,500; 95-99 CIH 1020 25-ft., poly skids, nice start $7,900.00; 96-02 CIH 1020 30-ft., poly skids, nice start, $10,900; 010-CIH 2020 30-ft., poly skids, recond., $18,900; 07-010 CIH 2020 35-ft., poly skids, recond., start $18,900. Reimer Farm Equipment, Hwy #12 N, Steinbach, MB. Gary Reimer (204)326-7000 www.reimerfarmequipment.com



Toll-Free 1-800-881-7727 Fax (204) 326-5878 Web site: farmparts.ca E-mail: roy@farmparts.ca FARM MACHINERY Snowblowers, Plows FOR SALE: BUHLER ALLIED 9620 Snowblower 8-ft., 2 augers, 3-PTH, $3,000. Phone (204)534-6850.

Tillage & Seeding FARM MACHINERY Tillage & Seeding – Various BOOKING SPECIALS for all makes of Harrow Tines: Mounted, Standard Draw Bars & Heavy Harrows. Ex: 9/16x26-in. straight (Degelman, Brandt, Bourgault, Flexi-coil, Riteway) 100+ $21.95/each. 3/8/x15-in. bent (Riteway, Morris, Herman) 100+ $8.60/each. Special ends Feb 14th 2014. March 2014 delivery. Call Fouillard Implement Ltd. (204)683-2221.

FARM MACHINERY Combine – Accessories 93 NH 973 FLEX, PU reel, 30-ft. good working order, $8,900; 98 NH 973 30-ft., crary air reel, poly skids, $12,900. Reimer Farm Equipment, Hwy #12 N, Steinbach, MB. Gary Reimer (204)326-7000 www.reimerfarmequipment.com

STEINBACH, MB. Ph. 326-2443

HEADER TRAILERS & ACCESSORIES. Arc-Fab Industries. 204-355-9595 charles@arcfab.ca www.arcfab.ca

FARM MACHINERY Parts & Accessories GOODS USED TRACTOR PARTS: (204)564-2528 or 1-877-564-8734, Roblin, MB.

Harvest Salvage Co. Ltd. 1-866-729-9876 5150 Richmond Ave. East BRANDON, MB. www.harvestsalvage.ca New, Used & Re-man. Parts

Tractors Combines Swathers The Real Used FaRm PaRTs sUPeRsToRe Over 2700 Units for Salvage • TRACTORS • COMBINES • SWATHERS • DISCERS Call Joe, leN oR daRWIN (306) 946-2222 monday-Friday - 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.

WATROUS SALVAGE WaTRoUs, sK. Fax: 306-946-2444


1-800-667-9871 • Regina 1-800-667-3095 • Saskatoon 1-800-387-2768 • Winnipeg 1-800-222-6594 • Edmonton “For All Your Farm Parts”


FOR SALE: KUHN ROTOSPIKE tiller w/crumbler, 9-ft. 6-in. wide, 3-pt., 1000 PTO, 2-SPD gear box, great for breaking land up, $6,000 OBO. (204)648-7136 JD 1770 16 ROW 30-in. planter, 1 season on discs, new chain & bearings on drive shaft, liquid fertilizer, $46,000. (204)746-4555.


1981 MODEL 1086 W/DUALS 3-PTH, Ezee On FEL. Phone (204)797-7049.

FARM MACHINERY Tractors – John Deere 1976 JD 4430 QUAD Range Trans, 18.4-38 duals, good running order, $12,900. Reimer Farm Equipment, Hwy #12 N, Steinbach, MB. Gary Reimer (204)326-7000 www.reimerfarmequipment.com 2002 JD 9120 P.S., 1,000 PTO, 3-PTH, 900 metric duals, 6,065-hrs, $119,000. Reimer Farm Equipment, Hwy #12 N, Steinbach, MB. Gary Reimer (204)326-7000 www.reimerfarmequipment.com 4630, 3-PTH, FRONT WEIGHTS 20.8x42 w/hob duals; 4250 w/3-PTH; 4240 w/cab, good tires; 3010 w/48 FEL; 280, 158 & 148 loaders; F11 Farmhand FEL. (204)828-3460 FOR SALE: JD 2950 MFWD, 3-pt., painted, w/265 FEL; JD 4250 MFWD, powershift w/o FEL; JD 4440 Quad, fact duals; JD 4450 2WD, 3-pt.,15-SPD; JD 4450 MFWD, 15-SPD; JD 4450 MFWD, Quad; JD 6430 MFWD, 3-pt., 20-SPD w/LHR, premium, 5,000-hrs; JD 7720 MFWD, 3-pt., 20-SPD w/LHR, w/746 FEL, grapple. All tractors can be sold w/new or used loaders. Mitch’s Tractor Sales Ltd. St. Claude, MB. Call: (204)750-2459. mitchstractorsales.com NEW JD 741 FEL, frames for 20/30 series. $13,900. Reimer Farm Equipment, Hwy #12 N, Steinbach, MB. Gary Reimer (204)326-7000 www.reimerfarmequipment.com

FARM MACHINERY Tractors – Ford

From The Ground Up

FARM MACHINERY Tractors – Versatile FOR SALE:1985 836 Designation 6. Very nice condition, next to new radial tires all around, 15-spd trans, w/PTO. Asking $35,000 OBO. Phone: (204)743-2145 or (204)526-5298.

FARM MACHINERY Machinery Miscellaneous


GRAINVACS BRANDT 4500, $7500; Rem 552, $3000; Rem 2500HD, $9500; Walinga 510, $950; 8x30 auger, $900; New 9-ft 3-PTH blade, $950; 10ft box scraper, $2250; 12-ft, $2450; 12-ft Leon front blade, $3500; 10-ft Leon blade, $2000; 150-bu Snowco feeder cart, $750; Sudenga weigh-wagon digital scale, $3500; Haybuster bale shredder, $6000. Phone (204)857-8403. GRAVITY WAGONS NEW 400-BU, $7100; 600-bu, $12,000; Double compartment type & tarps available used. 750-bu Parker, $14,000; JM750, $14,500; Parker 500, $6000; Parker 616-bu, $10,500; Kilbros 375, $3000; 250-bu Daicon, $2500; Grain carts 450-1100-bu large selection priced to sell. Phoenix Harrow, $9500; Mixmills Artsway, $1500; Henke 36-in rollermill, $5000; Champion rollermill 20-in, $2000. Phone (204)857-8403. REDUCED: 2005 Case MX285 PWR shift, 4 hyd, 3-pt. w/quick hitch, 1000 PTO, front fenders, R46 rear duals, R34 front tires, has 4,200-hrs, was $102,000 now $89,900; 2011 Sitrex MK 16 V rake, like new; 1980 JD 644B hay loader, 3.5-yd bucket, good tires, runs excellent, 140-HP, was $20,000 now $17,500. (204)425-3518 SNOWBLOWERS: LORENTZ HEAVY DUTY 8-ft $1,700, JD 7-ft $1,500, 8-ft single auger $1,000, 6-ft V-type $250; Skidsteer NH 865LX $12,900; 6x16 bumper pull stock trailer $3,000, 6x16 GN $3,500; Powder River squeeze chute $1,600; 10-in skidsteer tracks $750; Tractor cab $600; Balzer forage wagon front conveyor $3,000; Harsh 350 Auger feed cart $5,000. Phone:(204)857-8403.

FARM MACHINERY Machinery Wanted 2 SETS 4-FT FLEXI-COIL mounted packers w/12in spacing. Call (204)662-4432, cell (204)264-0693 Sinclair, MB.


The Icynene Insulation System® • Sprayed foam insulation • Ideal for shops, barns or homes • Healthier, Quieter, More Energy Efficient®


FORD 7700 W/FEL, 7710 w/cabs & 3-PTH. Good condition, $14,000- $24,000. Phone (204)322-5614.


50-FT FLEXICOIL PACKER HARROW. packer, good shape. Contact:(204)773-2957.

FARM MACHINERY Machinery Miscellaneous



IRON & STEEL FREE STANDING CORRAL PANELS, Feeders & Alley ways, 30ft or order to size. Oil Field Pipe: 1.3, 1.6, 1.9, 1 7/8, 2-in, 2 3/8, 2 7/8, 3 1/2. Sucker Rod: 3/4, 7/8, 1. Casing Pipes: 4-9inch. Sold by the piece or semi load lots. For special pricing call Art (204)685-2628 or cell (204)856-3440.


Plan to attend the complete dispersal of approximately 175 Charolais X Cows & 20 Charolais X Heifers For Darlene & the late Reg Monk Saturday, February 1st, 2014 at 1:00pm Ashern Auction Mart Herd has been on a full health program To start calving around the 1st of March Heifers – bred Charolais Cows – bred Charolais or Red Angus For more info call: Darlene at (204)768-3108 Buddy at (204)768-0018 Kirk at (204)768-0019 Also selling: For Leonard Gulay – Herd Dispersal 40 Cows bred Angus or Hereford 22 coming w/2nd calf 3 coming w/3rd calf 15 Cows – 5 to 8 yrs old To start calving around 18th February For further info/view pictures go to: www.globalauctionguide.com or www.ashernauction.com Note: This is a good opportunity to replace your open & older cows.

FARM MACHINERY Machinery Miscellaneous


The Manitoba Co-operator | January 23, 2014



NEXT BRED COW SALE Monday, January 27

NEXT SHEEP & GOAT SALE Wednesday, February 5 @ 1:00 pm Gates Open: Mon.-Wed. 8AM-4PM Thurs. 8AM-10PM Friday 8AM-6PM Sat. 8AM-4PM

We have 7 to 10 local buyers and orders and 7 to 8 regular order buyers on our market.

“Where Buyers & Sellers Meet” For more information call: 204-694-8328 Jim Christie 204-771-0753 Scott Anderson 204-782-6222 Mike Nernberg 204-807-0747

www.winnipeglivestocksales.com Licence #1122

GRUNTHAL LIVESTOCK AUCTION MART. LTD. Hwy #205, Grunthal • (204) 434-6519




Jan 28th

Monday, January 27th Sheep & Goat Sale with Small Animals 12:00 Noon

Sales Agent for


We also have a line of Agri-blend all natural products for your livestock needs. (protein tubs, blocks, minerals, etc)

For on farm appraisal of livestock or for marketing information please call

Harold Unrau (Manager) Cell 871 0250 Auction Mart (204) 434-6519 MB. Livestock Dealer #1111


LIVESTOCK Cattle – Red Angus

LIVESTOCK Cattle Various

13 PB RED ANGUS open heifers for sale w/o papers, $1,200 each pick, or $1,075 each take all, can deliver. Phone (204)641-5725, Arborg.

20 GOOD QUALITY BLACK & Red Angus X bred heifers for sale. Start calving March 12th, 2014. Bred w/easy calving Black Angus bull. (204)379-2408.

DB MICHIELS RED ANGUS PB 2-yr old bulls for sale. Catalogue information available by email. Yearling bulls & heifers also for sale. Contact Dale:(204)723-0288 or Brian:(204)526-0942. Holland, MB. Email: dbmredangus@gmail.com

30 RED ANGUS X Simm heifers bred Red Angus, exposed May 16th-Aug 9th, closed herd, all vaccinations. Also 3 Red Angus herd sires. (204)564-2699, Inglis.

LIVESTOCK Cattle – Charolais

BRED HEIFERS 20 RED & 73 Black Angus & Angus cross bred heifers, full health program, bred to proven easy calving bulls. Exposed 60 days maximum, starting June 14th. Choice $1500, all $1450. Cell (306)434-6980, Home (204)683-2208 zi23@mynetset.ca St. Lazare, MB.

ALTERNATIVE POWER BY SUNDOG SOLAR, portable/remote solar water pumping for winter/summer. Call for pricing on solar systems, wind generators, aeration. Carl Driedger, (204)556-2346 or (204)851-0145, Virden.

LIVESTOCK Cattle – Hereford POLLED HEREFORD & BLACK ANGUS bulls for sale. Yearlings & 2-yr olds available, natural muscled bulls developed w/high forage rations. Semen tested, delivery available. Call Don Guilford (204)873-2430.

LIVESTOCK Cattle – Simmental FOR SALE: REGISTERED FULL-BLOOD Simmental cows, closed herd, calving from late DecApr, would preg-check. Phone:(204)720-3103.


Consigned to Heartland Livestock, Brandon, MB. Thursday, Jan., 30th 100+ Simmental cows, most 3-5 yrs Bred Red factor Simmental and Fleckvieh, Exposed May 11th, 2013 30+ Simmental heifers Bred Red Angus, Exposed May 21st, 2013 For more information or on-farm viewing contact Perry:(204)585-5370 or Ryan:(204)867-0335.

LIVESTOCK Cattle – Simmental

Rendezvous Farms

LIVESTOCK Cattle – Black Angus

Simmental Bull & Female Sale

10th Annual

Monday, 1:00 p.m.

February 10

Ste. Rose Auction Mart Ste. Rose, MB

On Offer 82 Bulls & 29 Heifters

LOOKING FOR SOMEONE TO take delivery of bred cows in March, start calving Apr 15th & feed calve & grass till Fall. Call Dale (204)638-5581, Dauphin. WANTED: young bred cows or heifers to calve Apr.-May. ALSO WANTED: 23.1x34 tractor tires. Phone (204)278-3438

BRED COW SALE at 10:30 am

For more information contact

David Maguet Cell: 204-447-7573 Gerald Maguet Cell: 204-447-5037

403-638-9377 Fax: 403-206-7786 Box 300, Sundre, AB TOM 1x0 Jay Good: 403-556-5563 Darren Paget: 403-323-3985

Email: transcon@transconlivestock.com www.transconlivestock.com

HEAVY BUILT STEEL CATTLE troughs/feeders good for any feed or water, 3.5-ft x 16-ft, 500-gal. capacity, no sharp edges, weight 1400-lbs & are indesructable. Phone (204)362-0780, Morden.


KELLN SOLAR SUMMER/WINTER WATERING & FILTER DEPOT System, provides water in remote areas, improves water productivity, ex• Buyquality, Used Oilincreases• pasture Buy Batteries tends life. St. • Collectdugout Used Filters • Collect OilClaude/Portage, Containers 204-379-2763.

Southern and Western Manitoba Tel: 204-248-2110 ORGANIC

Monday, January 27

ORGANIC Organic – Grains

This sale will feature: • 70 Black and Red Angus Cows Bred Black. April, May, June Calving. • 25 Mixed Cows - March, April Calving. Bred Limousin • 40 Ranch Raised pure Bred Limousin Cows, Bred Black & Red Limousin. Bred for April, May Calving 3 to 6 years old.

For more information or to leave an order call: 204-694-8328 or 204-807-0747

www.winnipeglivestocksales.com Licence #1122

LIVESTOCK Cattle Wanted WANTED: ALL CLASSES OF feeder cattle, yearlings & calves. Dealer Licence# 1353. Also wanted, light feed grains: wheat, barley & oats. Phone:(204)325-2416, Manitou.

If interested, please send an 8lb sample* to the following address: Attn: Sandy Jolicoeur Bioriginal Food & Science Corp. 102 Melville Street Saskatoon, Saskatchewan S7J 0R1 *Please state the Variety & Quantity for Sale

For more information, please contact Sandy at:

306-975-9251 306-975-1166 purchasing@bioriginal.com

We come out to your farm and price cattle towards condition and quality we pay


For more information call: 204-694-8328 Scott Anderson: 204-782-6222 Mike Nernberg: 204-807-0747

www.winnipeglivestocksales.com Licence #1122

TIRED OF THE HIGH COST OF MARKETING YOUR CALVES?? 300-700 LBS. Steers & Heifers Rob: 528-3254, 724-3400 Ben: 721-3400

Contact: D.J. (Don) MacDonald Livestock Ltd. License #1110 LIVESTOCK Sheep Wanted

We Buy Sheep, Lamb and Goats Direct On Farm

For more information call: 204-694-8328 Mike Nernberg 204-807-0747

www.winnipeglivestocksales.com Licence #1122

REAL ESTATE Farms & Ranches – Wanted GOOD QUALITY GRAIN & Cattle Farms wanted for Canadian & Overseas Clients. For a confidential meeting to discuss the possible sale of your farm or to talk about what is involved, telephone Gordon Gentles (204)761-0511 www.homelifepro.com or Jim McLachlan (204)724-7753, www.homelifepro.com Home Professional Realty Inc. REQUIRE FARMS FOR LOCAL & European buyers grain land with or without bldgs, sheep farms, cattle ranches, suburban properties, or just open land, acreages, houses, cottages. Call Harold (204)253-7373 Delta R.E. www.manitobafarms.ca

REAL ESTATE Land For Rent WANTED: LOOKING FOR CROPLAND in Argyle, Stonewall, Selkirk, Warren, Balmoral, Grosse Isle, St Francis, Elie, & surrounding area. Please call Deric (204)513-0332, leave msg.

RECREATIONAL VEHICLES RECREATIONAL VEHICLES Snowmobiles FOR SALE: 1975 440 TNT Ski-doo engine & driveline okay; 1977 340 TNT RV Free Air Race engine for parts. Bill (204)567-3782.


BuyUsed Used Oil Oil ••Buy NOTRE •• Buy Buy Batteries Batteries DAME ••Collect CollectUsed Used Filters Filters • Collect Oil Containers • Collect Oil Containers USED • Antifreeze OIL & Southern,Southern Eastern, and Manitoba Western Western FILTER Manitoba DEPOT Tel: 204-248-2110

Bioriginal Food & Science Corp., based in Saskatoon, is actively buying Organic Flax from the 2013 crop year.


800-1000 LBS. Steers & Heifers Don: 528-3477, 729-7240

BLACK ANGUS & POLLED HEREFORD bulls for sale. Yearlings & 2-yr olds available, natural muscled bulls developed w/high forage rations. Semen tested, delivery available. Call Don Guilford (204)873-2430.

OSSAWA ANGUS AT MARQUETTE, MB. For sale: yearling & 2-yr old bulls. Also, a couple of herd sires. Phone: (204) 375-6658 or (204)383-0703.

Livestock Equipment

FOR SALE: 60 RED & Black Angus cross young cows, $1185 each. Phone (204)937-4683, Roblin, MB.

WWW.REDDIAMONDFARM.COM 18 MTH OLD PB Black& Red Angus bulls for sale. Check out our bull catalogue online. We guarantee & deliver. Phone Michael Becker:(204)348-2464, Whitemouth.

FOR SALE: REGISTERED BLACK ANGUS bulls low birth weight, very quiet, hand fed, no disappointments, EPD’s & delivery avail. Amaranth (204)843-2287.


WWW.REDDIAMONDFARM.COM 18 MTH OLD PB Polled Charolais bulls for sale. Check out our bull catalogue online. We guarantee & deliver. Phone Michael Becker (204)348-2464, Whitemouth.

14 BRED HEIFERS, CHAROLAIS cross, bred to calve May 1, all vaccinations, preg checked & Ivomec. $1400. Phone (204)529-2535 or (204)529-2667.

FOR SALE: 2 1/2-yr old Black Angus bull, sired by Iron Mountain. Asking $2,800 OBO. Phone: (204)743-2145 or (204)526-5298.


FOR SALE: 450 AGE verified cows, one owner, 2/3rds Black, 1/3rd Red, bred for May 1st calving, $1300 each. Call (204)522-5428.

HAMCO CATTLE CO- The Hamiltons at Glenboro, MB have for sale a strong group of Red & Black Angus bred heifers & cows, bred to easy calving bulls, due to calve Mar-Jun. Very good vaccanation program. For more info, contact Albert, Glen, or Larissa Hamilton:(204)827-2358 or (204)526-0705 or David Hamilton:(204)822-3054.

CRANBERRY CREEK ANGUS REGISTERED bulls for sale. Sired by HF Tiger 5T, SAV Pioneer, Cranberry CRK Dynamite, Cranberry CRK Highlander, J Square S Tiger. Bulls are easy doing with great dispositions. Hand fed for longevity. Semen tested, guaranteed & delivered. Will hold until the end of April. All weights & EPD’s available. Call (204)534-2380, or cranberrycreek27@gmail.com for more info, David & Jeanette Neufeld, Boissevain

BUYING ALL CLASSES OF livestock. Phone George (204)278-3564. Dealer license #1152.

P. QUINTAINE & SON LTD. 728-7549 Licence No. 1123

285 LUCKNOW MIXER WAGON complete w/scale, always shedded, well maintained, like new condition, $15,000. Phone (204)967-2157

LIVESTOCK Cattle – Angus

43 BLACK ANGUS X 1 Iron bred heifers calving Apr/May, $1,300. 39 Black Angus X 1 Iron breeding heifers, $900. Phone Marcel (204)981-6953, Oak Bluff.


PB BULLS & HEIFER calves born Feb & Mar. Also 1 1/2-yr old bulls. Phone Jack: (204)526-2857. Holland, MB.

LIVESTOCK Cattle Various

19TH ANNUAL CATTLEMAN’S CONNECTION BULL SALE, March 7, 2014, 1:00pm, Heartland Livestock, Brandon, MB. Selling 100 yearling Black Angus Bulls. For catalogue or more information call: Brookmore Angus, Jack Hart (204)476-2607 or (204)476-6696, email at brookmoreangus@gmail.com; quest consignor, HBH Farms, manager Barb Airey (204)566-2134, (204)761-1851, email rbairey@hotmail.com Sales Mgmt: Doug Henderson (403)350-8541 or (403)782-3888.

LIVESTOCK Swine Wanted

30 QUIET EXCEPTIONAL RED Angus Simm X & RA Char X cows bred Simm & Limo to start calving Mar 15th. All cows home raised from closed herd & can be age verified. Weaned calves still on farm for viewing. Call (204)871-1588, anytime.

WWW.REDDIAMONDFARM.COM 18 MTH OLD PB Red Angus bulls for sale. Check out our bull catalogue online. We guarantee & deliver. Phone Michael Becker (204)348-2464, Whitemouth.

FOR SALE: PUREBRED CHAROLAIS bulls, 2-yr old, 1 1/2-yr old & yearlings. Polled, some Red Factor, some good for heifers, semen tested in spring, guaranteed & delivered. R & G McDonald Livestock, Sidney MB. (204)466-2883, (204)724-2811.


PERSONAL WE CAN HELP YOU! Find Love, have Fun & Enjoy Life. CANDLELIGHT MATCHMAKERS. Confidential, Rural, Photos & Profiles, Affordable, Local. Serving MB, SK, NW Ontario. Call/Write for info: Box 212, Roland, MB, R0G 1T0, (204)343-2475.

REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE Farms & Ranches – Manitoba EXCELLENT LIVESTOCK FARM EXTENDING to 1,578 deeded acres with 4,425-acs of Crown Land. All the land is fenced & the farm has very good buildings & metal corral system. The farm can carry up to 400-450 cow calf pairs. There is a small bungalow home. Tel: Gordon Gentles (204)761-0511 or Jim McLachlan (204)724-7753. HomeLife Home Professional Realty Inc. www.homelifepro.com HAY LAND 160-ACS OF Alfalfa 1/2-mi off 418 Deer Line average production last few yrs about 350 large bales; Inwood 1,020-acs ranch, only $550,000; Eriksdale 640-acs right on Hwy 68m $135,000; Dallas 1,000-acs presently hayland good for grain; 2,061-acs North of Fisher Branch 600 cult, very reasonable; 1,260-acs Red Rose 500 in hay only $360,000 offers. See these & others on www.manitobafarms.ca Call Harold at (204)253-7373 Delta Real Estate . MLS 1323498 160-ACS FENCED pasture, 1982 bungalow, 1056-sq.ft, Woodside, $164,000; MLS 1320867 156-acs Lakeland Clay Loam fenced, outbuildings, older home, mun. water, Gladstone $350,000; MLS 1400601 716-acs mixed farm, fenced elk, bison, cattle, 1,064-sq.ft. bung, outbuildings, 2nd yard site, McCreary $400,000; MLS 1320985 24-15-11 RM Lakeview Section of pastureland in block, fenced, 4 dugouts, $259,000. Call Liz (204)476-6362, John (204)476-6719. Gill & Schmall Agencies. WELL LOCATED FARM ONLY 20-min from Virden extending to 311-acs. Approximately 240-acs is presently in cultivation & 50-acs of pasture. The farmhouse is older but is in excellent condition. First class range of farm buildings. Tel: Gordon Gentles (204)761-0511 or Jim McLachlan (204)724-7753. HomeLife Home Professional Realty Inc. www.homelifepro.com

We BUY used oil & filters Collection of plastic oil jugs Glycol recovery services Specialized waste removal Winter & Summer windshield washer fluid Peak Performance anti-freeze ( available in bulk or drums )

The only company that collects, recycles and re-uses in Manitoba! 888-368-9378 ~ www.envirowestinc.com

PEDIGREED SEED PEDIGREED SEED Forage – Various CONVENTIONAL AND ROUNDUP ready grazing corn. Early maturing, leafier for increased grazing yield for ruminant livestock including cattle, sheep, bison & wildlife food plots. CanaMaize Seed Inc. 1-877-262-4046 www.canamaize.com

PEDIGREED SEED Oilseed – Various

NOW BUYING Old & New Crop Confection & Oil Sunflowers Licensed & Bonded 0% Shrink Farm Pick-Up Available Planting Seed Available

Call For Pricing Phone (204)747-2904

Toll Free 1-888-835-6351 Deloraine, Manitoba

COMMON SEED SEED/FEED/CROP INPUTS Common Forage Seeds FOR SALE: ALFALFA, TIMOTHY, Brome, Clover, hay & pasture blends, millet seed, Crown, Red Prozo. Free Delivery on Large Orders, if Ordered Early. Leonard Friesen, (204)685-2376, Austin, MB.


Find it fast at

Proud Supporter of Manitoba Businesses & Municipalities

LIVESTOCK Cattle Auctions


The Manitoba Co-operator | January 23, 2014




Common Forage Seeds

Renew early and

FOR SALE: ORGANIC SAINFOIN seed. Called “Healthy Hay” in Europe. (sainfoin.eu) An ancient, non-bloating, nutritious, low input, perennial forage loved by all animals. Better flavored meat & dairy. (306)739-2900 primegrains.com/prime-sainfoin.htm jhusband@primegrains.com

FOR SALE 1ST & 2nd cut alfalfa hay. 100-200 RFV in 3x3 medium square bales. Harry Pauls (204)242-2074, (204)825-7180 cell, La Riviere, MB.


WANTED: GOOD QUALITY HEMP seed, immediate payment. Call (204)218-7425.




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Celebration Celebration&& Tradition Tradition We feed barley, feed wheat, Webuy buy feed barley, feed wheat, MALT BARLEY BARLEY MALT oats, corn oats,soybeans, soybeans, corn & canola canola *6-Row* *6-Row* Celebration&&Tradition Tradition Celebration COME SEE IN COME SEEUS US AT AT AG AG DAYS DAYS IN WeTHE buyfeed feedbarley, barley, feed feed wheat, CONVENTION HALL We buy wheat, THE CONVENTION HALL oats,soybeans, soybeans, corn & & canola canola oats, BOOTH corn 1309

SEED/FEED MISCELLANEOUS Hay & Straw DAIRY BEEF & HORSE hay for sale in large squares, delivery available. Phone (204)827-2629 or (204)526-7139


2013 Malt Contracts Available 2013 Malt Contracts Available Box 238 Letellier, MB. R0G 1C0 Box 238 Letellier, MB. R0G 1C0 Phone 204-737-2000 Phone 204-737-2000 Toll-Free 1-800-258-7434 2013Toll-Free Malt Contracts Available 1-800-258-7434 2013 Malt Available Agent: M &Contracts J Weber-Arcola, SK. Box 238 Letellier, MB. R0G 1C0 Agent: M & J Weber-Arcola, SK. Box 238 Letellier, MB. R0G 1C0 Phone 306-455-2509 Phone 306-455-2509 204-737-2000 Phone Phone 204-737-2000 Toll-Free 1-800-258-7434 Toll-Free 1-800-258-7434 Agent: M & J Weber-Arcola, SK. Agent: M & J Weber-Arcola, SK. Phone 306-455-2509 Phone 306-455-2509

LARGE ROUND WHEAT STRAW bales, trucking available. Phone:(204)325-2416. Manitou.


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Help us make the Manitoba Co-operator an even better read! Please fill in the spaces below that apply to you. Thank you!

If you're not the owner/operator of a farm are you: q In agri-business (bank, elevator, ag supplies etc.) q Other total farm size (including rented land)_______________ Year of birth________ q I’m farming or ranching q I own a farm or ranch but i'm not involved in it's operations or management

My Main crops are: No. of acres 1. Wheat ____________ 2. Barley ____________ 3. Oats ____________ 4. Canola ____________ 5. Flax ____________ 6. Durum ____________ 7. Rye ____________ 8. Peas ____________ 9. Chick Peas ____________ Livestock Enterpise No. of head 1. Registered Beef ____________ 2. Commercial Cow ____________ 3. Fed Cattle (sold yearly) ____________ 4. Hog Weaners (sold yearly) __________

My Main crops are: No. of acres 10. Lentils ___________ 11. Dry Beans ___________ 12. Hay ___________ 13. Pasture ___________ 14. Summerfallow ___________ 15. Alfalfa ___________ 16. Forage Seed ___________ 17. Mustard ___________ 18. Other (specify) ___________ Livestock Enterpise No. of head 5. Hog farrow-to-finish (# sows) ______ 6. Finished Pigs (sold yearly) _________ 7. Dairy Cows ___________ 8. Other Livestock (specify) __________

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Puzzle by websudoku.com Here’s How It Works: Sudoku puzzles are formatted as a 9x9 grid, broken down into nine 3x3 boxes. To solve a sudoku, the numbers 1 through 9 must fill each row, column and box. Each number can appear only once in each row, column and box. You can figure out the order in which the numbers will appear by using the numeric clues already provided in the boxes. The more numbers you name, the easier it gets to solve the puzzle!


The Manitoba Co-operator | January 23, 2014


CAREERS Professional

CAREERS Professional

CAREERS Professional

We are buyers of farm grains.



CAREERS Professional

DIRECTOR OF COMMUNICATIONS & MEMBER RELATIONS   • Vomi wheat    • Vomi barley   • Feed wheat    • Feed barley   • Feed oats    • Corn   • Screenings    • Peas   • Light Weight Barley You can deliver or we can arrange for farm pickup. Winnipeg 233-8418 Brandon 728-0231 Grunthal 434-6881 “Ask for grain buyer.”

Carman, MB


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The Manitoba Co-operator | January 23, 2014

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The Manitoba Co-operator | January 23, 2014


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loc a l, nationa l a nd internationa l news

Hen haven maximizes productivity too A Dutch-designed layer barn integrates hen welfare and public engagement with production efficiency By Laura Rance co-operator editor / Wintelre, Netherlands


isitors to the the Rondeel Berkoeve in Wintelre don’t get past the front entrance without first saying hello to thousands of curious layer hens pushing up against the outside fence for a closer look at the newcomers. A scenic path leads to the front entrance which features informational posters on the facility and a place to buy some of the eggs that have been produced on site. A meeting room is available for public use and a visitors’ gallery lets you see the birds face to face in their free-run facilities, separated of course by glass. Oh yes, and the facility is home to 30,000 layers producing about 200,000 eggs per week. Vencomatic’s Rondeel layer system may be less than half the size of a typical layer operation in the Netherlands, and it costs more than twice as much per hen placement to build. But it is proving to be a commercially viable way to produce eggs. “The farmer can make money from it,” said Peter Vingerling, Vencomatic’s chief operating officer. That said, the design is still in the experimental stages. “The first one was built with the private investment of the owner of the company,” he said. But for the others, the Dutch government stepped up to work with banks to guarantee the producer full compensation if the system failed. “So there is a guarantee that you as a farmer don’t go bankrupt if the system doesn’t pay off,” he said. “Fortunately it does.”

Premium price

There are now three such facilities operating in the Netherlands, and demand for the eggs they produce still surpasses the supply. That’s despite the premium that rises and falls in concert with feed prices, and is currently six cents per egg. The eggs are sold locally as well as through a supermarket chain in the Netherlands and Germany. Selling locally is one of the company’s prerequisites for farmers using the system. “Ten per cent of his turnover on his eggs we want him to sell locally. It connects society with this whole system,” Vingerling said. “People are coming here by bicycle, buying eggs.” Consumers so far have been happy to pay the higher prices for the eggs packaged in a unique round biodegradable carton containing seven eggs — one for every day. The system has the seal of approval from the Dutch Society for the Protection of Animals in the form of three stars — the highest ranking under its Better Farming logo. Rondeel eggs are the only non-organic farm product in the Netherlands to receive three stars. The Rondeel system features a night quarters where the hens eat, drink, rest and lay their eggs, a day quarters where they can express natural behaviours such as foraging and indulging in dust

Vencomatic’s Peter Vingerling with eggs produced in the Rondeel system — the only non-organic farm product in the Netherlands to receive the highest standard for sustainability.  Photos: Laura Rance

Inquisitive hens interact with a visitor at a uniquely designed layer operation built so that it maximizes hen welfare and encourages public engagement.

Hens in the Rondeel system don’t have to be debeaked and they keep their feathers and productivity longer.

A model of the Rondeel system for layer hen housing at Venco Campus, the headquarters for Vencomatic Group.

See related story on next page baths, a wooded area for them to experience the outdoors and a central core area from where the workers can operate and visitors can observe. The hens have daily access to the outdoor areas when weather allows, but those areas can be sealed off if there is a disease outbreak that requires a quarantine, such as avian influenza.

No debeaking

The system’s key selling features from an animal welfare standpoint are that the hens are not debeaked and they retain their feathers. They use Lohman Brown layer hens, a breed noted for its easygoing nature but allowing them to express natural behaviours is credited for the lack of pecking losses. “Maybe it is because we give them a lot of distraction and a lot of space — six animals per square metre,” Vingerling said. While it is customary in conventional systems to cull the birds after 50 weeks of production, hens of that age in the Rondeel system are still at 95 per

“Ten per cent of his turnover on his eggs we want him to sell locally. It connects society with this whole system. People are coming here by bicycle, buying eggs.”

Peter Vingerling Vencomatic Group

cent production. Company officials are considering whether they can economically extend the productive life of the hens. Vingerling said the system is slightly more labour intensive than conventional systems because the birds are hand fed grain every day, a practice that encourages foraging behaviour. Critics predicted that would lead to a drop in feed efficiency, but it hasn’t affected overall performance of the flock. “If you look to our commercial results… we do not do worse than conventional systems. We have better results when it comes to dead animals,” he said, noting the system even surpasses organic systems on that front.

It remains, however, a hard sell to conventional producers. “Conventional producers don’t think they can have a business out of 30,000 hens. They still think that you need large numbers. They don’t see the advantages of working in a system like this,” he said. “But it is rather fun to be working in a system like this.” Co-operator editor Laura Rance recently participated in an animal industry tour in the Netherlands courtesy of the Dutch Embassy in Washington, D.C. laura@fbcpublishing.com


The Manitoba Co-operator | January 23, 2014

No shipping eggs or chasing chickens in this broiler operation Perhaps the most industrial animal production system, but said to be more welfare friendly By Laura Rance co-operator editor / Vessum, Netherlands


ike buns in the oven, eggs at the Kempen Kip broiler operation lay suspended in trays above a bedded floor — waiting for the tiny chicks inside to break out into a cosy, climate-controlled world.

“We want to be the world’s best in animal welfare and sustainable alternative systems.” Eggs sit like buns in an oven incubating. Once hatched the birds remain in their patio until shipped to market, never touched by human hands.   Photo: Laura Rance

Peter Vingerling Vencomatic Group


JAN 29 – 31, 2014 DELTA WINNIPEG

But unlike most hatcheries, in which day-old chicks are then boxed and shipped to barns for rearing before getting feed or water, the farthest these chicks will travel to their first meal is about 18 inches — the distance between the hatching shelf and the floor beneath. And there they will remain, growing to market size on patios stacked five high in a facility that resembles a warehouse more than a barn until the time comes for them to be shipped off for slaughter. At that point, the floor beneath turns into a conveyor belt, gently transporting them out of their patio and onto a truck where they are carried off to market — never experiencing the fear of being chased and caught by human hands. It’s about as factory style as

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farming gets, but paradoxically, the system is also more humane than most, said Peter Vingerling, chief operating officer for Vencomatic Group, the Netherlands poultry supply company that developed it. He should know. Vingerling was an animal welfare lobbyist with the Dutch Society for the Protection of Animals before starting his own consulting business to help bridge the divide between the animal welfare movement and industry. He accepted an opportunity to work for Vencomatic to help its owners Cor and Han van de Ven develop and market poultry systems that are animal and worker friendly, socially acceptable, energy efficient — and profitable for farmers.

Shaking the industry

“To be frank, I never expected to work for the industry,” Vingerling said in an interview. “But the front-runners in the industry need to have the support to make them survive, because it is challenging to work in an industry like this, which is based on a status quo. Nobody dares to do anything, and if you do anything like this you will shake the whole industry,” he said. That is precisely what Vencomatic Group aims to do with its line of poultry systems, which includes the patio broiler system and the unique Rondeel layer housing system. “We want to be the world’s best in animal welfare and sustainable alternative systems,” Vingerling said. “But what exactly sustainability is, nobody really knows. Everybody puts their own values on it and calls it sustainable.” The patio broiler is built in combinations of two rows that are 2.4 metres wide, consisting of litter belts stacked four to six levels high. The compact design and multiple tiers makes for 2.8 times more efficient land use without compromising bird space or health. The producer receives 18-dayold eggs that are placed into the trays ready for hatching. The system provides the birds with a constant flow of fresh air beneath the litter belts. The litter they live on stays dry, which results in fewer foot lesions and illnesses. The stacked system combined with a heat recovery system results in 50 per cent lower heating costs. The same automated conveyor that loads the birds cleans out the manure at the same time so the patio floor can be sanitized for the next batch. Hatching rates are 1.5 per cent higher than with conventional systems and the chicks are more robust due to less handling and transportation, Vingerling said. The combination of energy efficiency and improved productivity through better animal health means that the additional animal and worker welfare attributes come at no extra cost to the producer. The company is slowly building a global presence, with branch offices in Brazil, China, Spain and Malaysia and dealer networks in Russia, parts of Africa, Asia and North America. laura@fbcpublishing.com


The Manitoba Co-operator | January 23, 2014

Red River Ex woos commodity organizations Winnipeg may be the only major city in Canada without a venue for agricultural exhibitions, but an expansion at the Red River Exhibition grounds hopes to change all that By Shannon VanRaes CO-OPERATOR STAFF


ed River Exhibition Park is going back to its agrarian roots. The 450-acre site is in the midst of a massive expansion project, and is inviting commodity groups and agribusiness to make their home at Exhibition Park’s new Commodity Campus. Dairy Farmers of Manitoba was the first to move to the site last January, and work is expected to begin on a second, multi-tenant building this spring. “We’re an agricultural society, so the Red River Exhibition Act of 1964 incorporated us to really be a promotional vehicle for agriculture,” said Garth Rogerson, CEO of the Red River Exhibition Association. “ W i t h t h i s , w e’re re a l l y

“We’ve stretched city planning a bit, because it is unusual and there isn’t precedent for this really anywhere else in North America.” GARTH ROGERSON

going back to our roots and seeing how we can help support the agricultural industry.” Ro g e r s o n s a i d t h e n e x t building in the Commodity Campus will offer competitive rent to small- and mediumsize organizations, because some aspects of the building will be shared by tenants. “It has a shared boardroom and reception area, and the idea is that the commodity is only paying for the space it absolutely needs, but has access to all the high-tech

amenities it might need, s m a r t b o a rd s , c o n f e re n c ing, all that jazz,” he said. “It reduces their costs and really makes them very competitive in showcasing themselves in the way that we want to showcase agriculture in Manitoba.” Other parts of the expansion include hotels, restaurants and a commercial complex called Westport Festival, which is expected to help fund the multimilliondollar expansion. The second building in the Commodity Campus is

expected to cost about $4 million, in addition to $1 million in infrastructure upgrades. Approximately $140 million will also be spent on expanding the Red River Ex’s fairgrounds. Rogerson said profit margins on the new commodity building will be razor thin in the short term, but longer term is expected to provide funding for future facility upgrades. In the meantime, the goal is to provide affordable rates for smaller groups, while also creating a hub for agriculture. “Winnipeg is probably the only major city in North America that doesn’t have an agricultural trade show facility,” Rogerson said. He hopes this development will change that and draw international agriculture events and conferences to the city.

One of the hurdles faced by the association has been presenting a plan to the City of Winnipeg that accommodates the complicated zoning that goes along with a site including areas for livestock, offices and public events. “We’ve stretched city planning a bit, because it is unusual and there isn’t precedent for this really anywhere else in North America. This is a new concept and it’s been extremely challenging to get through that planning process with the city,” Rogerson said. “But there is every indication that it will go forward this spring, and that’s why we’re moving forward with marketing the next building in the Commodity Campus.” Shindico Realty Inc. will act as leasing agent for the Commodity Campus. shannon.vanraes@fbcpublishing.com


SEOUL / REUTERS / South Korea is stepping up efforts to prevent the spread of bird flu ahead of the Lunar New Year holidays, after migratory birds were found to be infected with the same strain of the virus that hit poultry farms last week. The Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs said in a statement Jan. 20 that it suspects a flock of migratory birds found dead last week brought the latest outbreak of the H5N8 strain of bird flu. Since the virus hit three farms in the southwestern part of the country last week, about 90,000 poultry have been culled from South Korea’s population of 160 million farm birds as of Saturday, according to ministry data. Asia’s fourth-largest economy has had four outbreaks of bird flu viruses in the past 10 years. The most recent, in 2011, led to a cull of more than three million poultry. The government has issued a movement control order for livestock and related transport in North and South Jeolla provinces in the southwestern part of the country, and raised its bird flu warning level to “alert” from “caution” ahead of next week’s Lunar New Year holiday. No human infection has been reported in the most recent outbreak. The H5N8 strain was first identified in a 2010 case reported in China and is similar to the H5N1 type. In Asia, around 150 people in China, Taiwan and Hong Kong have been infected by a new H759 strain of bird flu since it emerged in China last year, claiming at least 46 lives.

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Bird flu outbreak in South Korea


The Manitoba Co-operator | January 23, 2014

Tyson demands better treatment of hogs


Follows release of undercover footage of extreme hog abuse By P.J. Huffstutter REUTERS

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y s o n Fo o d s In c. , t h e nation’s second-largest pork producer, said Jan. 9 it will require more humane animal treatment by farmers who raise its pigs and keep a closer eye on all of its hog suppliers in North America. Tyson said it will be rolling out more third-party inspections this year of sow farms that supply it with animals. And after an undercover video last year caught an Oklahoma farm operation abusing some of Tyson’s own pigs, the company will require all to install video-monitoring systems by year’s end, according to a letter Tyson sent out to farmers Jan. 8. Tyson also said in the letter it will force its contract farmers to stop euthanizing sick or injured piglets by blunt force, such as slamming a piglet’s head against the ground in order to kill it. Ma n y o f t h e s e n e w h o g rules for hog producers, according to the letter, are required for only those farme r s w h o ra i s e p i g s ow n e d by Tyson: less than five per cent of the company’s annual hog supply in North America comes from these operations, said company spokesman Gary Mickelson. The company is also asking these contract farmers to roll out pens for pregnant sows that have improved “quality and quantity of space,” according to the letter. The letter did not specify what such enclosures should be, but noted that “we believe future sow housing should a l l ow s ow s o f a l l s i ze s t o stand, turn around, lie down and stretch their legs.” The majority of Tyson’s hogs are supplied by more than 3,000 independent operators, the company said. Tyson said it is encouraging these independent farmers, who sell their animals to Tyson’s slaughter plants, to adopt all these new changes, but only the additional thirdparty audits will be required of such operators this year. The letter was delivered weeks after Tyson Foods term i n a t e d i t s c o n t ra c t w i t h the Oklahoma-based operation after undercover video footage was released showing farm workers hitting pigs with wooden boards, kicking animals and gouging their eyes. T h e c o m p a n y ’s p o l i c y changes were not in reaction to any one incident, but part of an ongoing push for “re s p o n s i b l e a n i m a l p ra c tices” among all of its suppliers, said Mickelson. “ We’re tr ying to balance the expectations of consumers with the realities of today’s hog-farming business,” Mickelson said.


The Manitoba Co-operator | January 23, 2014

Netherlands has the most plentiful, healthy food Canada ranks well down in index based on availability, quality and affordability of food and dietary health By Patricia Reaney Reuters


he Netherlands nudged past France and Switzerland as the country with the most nutritious, plentiful and healthy food, while the United States and Japan failed to make it into the top 20, a new ranking released by Oxfam showed. Canada, ranking 25, lagged behind the U.S. at 21. Chad came in last on the list of 125 nations, behind Ethiopia and Angola, in the food index from the international relief and development organization. “The Netherlands has created a good market that enables people to get enough to eat. Prices are relatively low and stable and the type of food people are eating is balanced,” Deborah Hardoon, a senior researcher at Oxfam who compiled the results, said in an interview. “They’ve got the fundamentals right and in a way that is better

than most other countries all over the world.” Oxfam ranked the nations on the availability, quality and affordability of food and dietary health. It also looked at the percentage of underweight children, food diversity and access to clean water, as well as negative health outcomes such as obesity and diabetes. European countries dominated the top of the ranking but Australia squeezed into the top 12, tying with Ireland, Italy, Portugal and Luxembourg at No. 8. The United Kingdom failed to make the top 10, tying for the 13th spot, because of the volatility of its food prices compared to other goods, which Oxfam said is on a level with Peru (51), Malta (33) and Kyrgyzstan (65). African nations, along with Laos (112), Bangladesh (102), Pakistan (97) and India (97), were predominant in the bottom 30 countries. Although the United States

has the most affordable and good-quality food, high levels of obesity and diabetes pushed the nation into 21st place in the ranking, tying with Japan, which scored poorly on the relative price of food compared to other goods. The Netherlands got top marks for its low food prices and diabetes levels, while Chad had the worst score for the cost of food in the country and the number of underweight children. Oxfam said the latest figures show 840 million people go hungry every day, despite there being enough food for the hungry. “This index quite clearly indicates that despite the fact of there being enough food in the world we are still not able to feed everybody in all the countries around the world,” said Hardoon. “If we had a more equal distribution of wealth and resources, and particularly food, this wouldn’t be a problem,” she Trim: 8.125” added.


Yemen farmer killed by U.S. drone attack

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Reuters / A Yemeni farmer was killed in a U.S. drone strike Jan. 15 in what witnesses said was an attack apparently intended for suspected Islamist militants in southeastern Yemen. Witnesses said the farmer was killed by shrapnel from two rockets fired by the drone early in the morning as he walked home in the village of al-Houta, near the city of Shibam. A local government official confirmed the report but declined to give further details. The United States has stepped up drone strikes as part of a campaign against al-Qaida in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP), regarded by Washington as the most active wing of the network. Yemen, AQAP’s main stronghold, is among a handful of countries where the United States acknowledges using drones, although it does not comment on the practice. Last month, at least 15 people were killed and five others injured when a drone mistook a wedding party travelling in the central Yemeni province of al-Bayda for an al-Qaida convoy.

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The Manitoba Co-operator | January 23, 2014

India set to allow more wheat exports Farmers set to harvest seventh straight bumper crop, and the export price has been lowered By Mayank Bhardwaj new delhi / reuters


A woman winnows wheat crop at a wholesale grain market on the outskirts of the western Indian city of Ahmedabad last May. India needs 76 million to 77 million tonnes for domestic use but produced at least 100 million tonnes this year.   Photo: REUTERS/Amit Dave

ndia is likely to soon permit more wheat exports as the world’s second-biggest producer of the grain looks set to harvest a record crop this year, government sources said, swelling stockpiles in an oversupplied world market. T h e So u t h A s i a n n a t i o n is extremely cautious about allowing exports of wheat, a staple for its 1.2-billion population, and lifted a four-yearold ban on shipments in 2011 by allowing only private traders to sell on the world market. But a succession of bumper crops and poor storage conditions that have led to substantial wastage have prompted a rethink on exports. Since last fiscal year India has exported nearly 4.5 million tonnes of wheat from state warehouses, and state-backed traders are now selling another two million tonnes via tenders.

A n y e x t ra s u p p l i e s f ro m India, though, could dampen Chicago prices which have fallen around nine per cent in the past month due to rising global supplies. Leading producer Ukraine has already raised its 2013 grains output forecast to a record. “In all likelihood, the crop is going to be an all-time high so more exports are almost certain now,” said an Indian government source directly involved in the decision-making process. “But we are yet to take a call on the quantity to be shipped out.” Of the two million tonnes of wheat currently allowed for exports from government warehouses, state-run traders have already sold almost a million tonnes. Three government-backed traders — State Trading Corp., MMTC Ltd. and PEC — are getting good response in their tenders after the government in October cut the floor price for exports to $260 a tonne to boost shipments. Any decision on additional exports could come in March when there is a clear indication on crop size, a government source said.

Bumper harvests

Indian farmers grow only one wheat crop in a year, with planting in October-September and harvests from March. This spring farmers would harvest more than 100 million tonnes, Farm Minister Sharad Pawar said, the seventh consecutive wheat crop to exceed demand. In 2013, India produced 94.88 million tonnes. A jump in the area planted with wheat and favourable weather conditions are the main reasons behind expectations of a record crop in the country which needs 76 million to 77 million tonnes of wheat a year to feed its population. Farmers have planted wheat on a record 31.14 million hectares, up from 29.65 million hectares in the previous year, said Indu Sharma, chief of the state-run Directorate of Wheat Research in Haryana, a major wheat-growing state. “Crop condition is excellent. Colour is good. There are signs that the crop will be more than 100 million tonnes,” Sharma said.


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The Manitoba Co-operator | January 23, 2014

Indian farmers hold for higher prices Access to low-interest capital allowing some farmers to wait rather than sell at lower prices immediately after harvest By Rajendra Jadhav piwdai, india / reuters


armers such as 68-yearold Ghanshyam Gokale are quietly shaking up agricultural commodity trading in India, forcing the likes of top soybean processor Ruchi Soya to shift its business model away from futures contracts and towards the “spot” market. Gokale, and other prosperous growers like him, has stopped selling his crops immediately after harvesting. Instead, he has converted his old house into two warehouses, where he stores his produce and waits for prices to rise when supplies dwindle. Rising wealth due to a rally in agricultural crop prices, a jump in farm loan disbursement at more favourable interest rates and larger houses with space for storage are giving millions of farmers the freedom to decide when to sell their harvest. That is disrupting seasonal supply patterns and squeezing processors and exporters, who have been left unsure whether they will get enough supplies on time to fulfil their contracted obligations. “Money gives you the power to hold crops,” said Gokale, who kept back his entire harvest of 350 quintals (1,295 bushels) of soybeans from 30 hectares (75 acres). “Farmers are getting higher prices. They are becoming rich.” Soybean, rubber, rice and

sugar cane prices have more than doubled in five years, while wheat and corn prices have surged more than 60 per cent, boosting earnings of farmers. “Usually small farmers rush to sell their crops in the first three or four months after harvesting and prices fall,” said Gokale, who plans to build a cold storage for potatoes at his farm in Piwdai village, near the central Indian city of Indore, 600 km (370 miles) northeast of Mumbai. “I started selling crops after six months. By that time supplies fall and I garner higher prices.”

Supply cycle disrupted

In September and October, farmers’ holding back of supplies of onions, a staple of many Indian dishes, forced the government to organize emergency supplies from China and Iran to calm record prices ahead of elections in five states. With the exception of highly perishable commodities such as some vegetables, farmers have started holding back almost every crop, from pulses to cotton to rubber, says Nitin Kalantri, a pulses miller based at Latur in the western state of Maharashtra. As a result, he struggles to operate his mills at full capacity. Jagdish Rawalia, another prosperous farmer from neighbouring Sanawadia village, said there was less risk in delaying

Indian customers purchase onions at a vegetable market last year. In September and October, farmers’ holding back of supplies of onions, a staple of many Indian dishes, forced the government to organize emergency supplies from China and Iran to calm record prices ahead of elections in five states.  photo: REUTERS/Mukesh Gupta

sales now that farmers mostly borrow from banks that charge around four per cent interest per year. “Just five years back the interest rate was 16 per cent,” said Rawalia. “Moneylenders were charging much more than that. Then there was more risk and less incentive in holding back supplies.” Fa r m e r s u s u a l l y b o r row ahead of sowing T:10.25”to buy seeds

and fertilizer. Private moneylenders had been charging interest as high as 30 per cent per year from farmers in the absence of institutional credit. So after harvesting farmers were quickly selling their crops to repay the loans. In 2008 the gover nment waived agriculture debt of millions of farmers who had defaulted, reopening access to bank loans for many such farm-

ers in a populist move that, along with an interest subvention scheme, made new credit cheaper. “More and more farmers will borrow from institutions like banks and co-operative societies in coming years as the banking network is expanding in rural areas,” said a senior official at National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development.

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The Manitoba Co-operator | January 23, 2014

Fishermen and mayor call for action on Killarney Lake algae Australian-developed product shows promise for removing dissolved phosphorus By Daniel Winters CO-OPERATOR STAFF / KILLARNEY


he fish are still biting, but local fishermen say it’s high time that something was done about Killarney Lake’s tendency to turn green in the summer. “It’s disgusting,” said Morley Piluke, as he and fishing buddy Marco Hurtado hastily erected a fabric shelter in the biting wind of mid-December. Bart Sutherland, who sat with friends next to a blazing wood stove in a wellprovisioned ice fishing shack nearby, said that from June to October, the lake turns into a foul-smelling soup. “If there’s a solution out there, we should try it,” he said. His sentiments echoed those of Killarney mayor, Rick Pauls, who has argued for several years that the town’s picturesque lake needs immediate remediation.

“Any scientist will tell you that our lake suffers from what they call ‘internal loading.’ We don’t have an external loading problem anymore,” said Pauls. Fo r d e c a d e s, K i l l a r n e y officials have used copper sulphate, also known as bluestone, to prevent algae blooms, and Pauls estimated that about 66 tons of the stuff were dumped into the lake. Now that the provincial government has banned its use to treat eutrophication (consumption of oxygen by decaying material), he’s in favour of trying out new technologies that would be much cheaper than the “millions” that it w o u l d c o s t t o d re d g e t h e phosphorus-rich sediments out of the lake. “It’s like cancer. We don’t wait for nature to treat it, we look for drugs and treatments and things like that. This province is too short sighted

“It can take all of the phosphorus out of the water column, but if you haven’t fixed the inputs, it will just come back.” With a small pickerel laying on the ice outside his fishing shelter, Marco Hurtado tries his luck on Killarney Lake in early December. PHOTOS: DANIEL WINTERS


Rick Pauls

to allow us to use any manmade solution,” said Pauls. But the provincial government may be warming up to the idea. A spokesperson wrote in a n e m a i l e d re s p o n s e t h a t the province has agreed to work with the Killarney Lake Action Committee to assess a couple of in-lake remediation options including Phoslock, a water-treatment product developed by an Australian company. No timeline for the work was given, however. Continued on next page »

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The Manitoba Co-operator | January 23, 2014

Continued from previous page

“The hope is that in-lake remediation might improve water quality in some small, nutrient-rich lakes such as Killarney and Pelican lakes,” the spokesperson wrote.

Just added another log

Nutrient control

That doesn’t mean that it has given up on controlling nutrient inputs at their source, however. “It is important to recognize that in-lake remediation techniques do not preclude external nutrient load reductions and may only be successful over the long term if the external sources of nutrients are first controlled,” the spokesperson wrote. Analysis of lake bottom c o re s h a v e d e m o n s t r a t e d that Killarney Lake has experienced algal blooms for the last 4,700 years, but conditions appear to have worsened over the past 100 years. Dave Lemke, a researcher with the Lake Simcoe Region Conser vation Author ity in Ontario, has performed limited trials in a pilot project using Phoslock. The product, which looks like cat litter, is made from bentonite clay granules that contain small amounts of a rare earth element called lanthanum that tightly binds to dissolved phosphorus. “We did some jar testing with it and had very good results,” said Lemke, who added that it didn’t appear to be toxic to fish or other organisms. How e v e r, h e n o t e d t h a t Phoslock should only be used after every possible measure has been taken to prevent further inflows of the nutrient into a water body. T h a t ’s b e c a u s e i f m o r e nutrients flow in, the algae blooms will reoccur. “It can take all of the phosphorus out of the water column, but if you haven’t fixed the inputs, it will just come back,” said Lemke. Andrew Palmer, a project co-ordinator with Waterloo, Ont.-based Greenland International Consulting, said that his firm has used Phoslock to treat Loafer’s Lake, a 2.4-hectare body of water near Brampton that is recharged only by surface run-off. The project cost about $80,000. “There was a lot of algae on the lake and the smell was bother ing residents,” said Palmer. Before vegetation removal and the addition of 10 tonnes of Phoslock to the lake, phosp h o r u s c o n c e n t ra t i o n s i n the lake stood at 0.05 parts p e r m i l l i o n . Te n m o n t h s after application, tests of the 4.1-metre-deep lake showed that the level of the nutrient dropped about 52 per cent, down to 0.02 ppm. “Phoslock was never marketed as a silver bullet. It’s just something that you can use for maintenance on a body of water,” said Palmer, adding that it “temporarily” solves the problem by resetting the biological clock of the lake. The clay-based product settles to the bottom and forms a “cap” that locks sedimentbound phosphorus underneath to prevent nutrients from re-entering the water column, he said, adding that in Europe, it is often used to treat drinking water reservoirs.

The wood stove in this farm shop has been getting a good workout this winter.  photo: gracie crayston

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1/13/14 7:42 AM


The Manitoba Co-operator | January 23, 2014

Giving ‘worker cats’ a good home Barn Buddies program matches vaccinated, fixed, disease-free cats to sites needing rodent control By Lorraine Stevenson co-operator staff


hink of it as an employment agency for the fourlegged staff needed in the shop or barn. Not all cats are suitable for adoption. Hundreds of feral cats, or cats with some sort of behavioural problems land on the Winnipeg Humane Society’s doorsteps every year. There was little staff could do except put them to sleep. Then they came up with “Barn Buddies,” a program matching cats that won’t work out as pets but whose resumés make them perfect candidates as shop or barn cats, says Val Polton, behaviour and intake manager with the WHS. “Some cats have behaviour issues that don’t make them good house pets, but there’s a need for cats in shops and on farms and acreages to keep rodent population down,” she said. “We did this in an effort to save more cats’ lives and work with the community.” Barn Buddies matches these cats to situations where the cats will be well cared for, but, as cats go, don’t have to care about who does it. Sherry Scouten took home three cats after the program began in 2011. The owner of a small acreage near Teulon had

photo: thinkstock.com

mice problems in her horse barn. She’d resisted the temptation to just find a few cats from someone’s surplus and install them in her barn. “Everyone seems to have kittens from unspayed and unneutered cats. I don’t support that,” she said. The mouser team she got from the WHS also came vaccinated, health checked to ensure they were free of disease, and they were also spayed and neutered. She got healthy cats that

won’t produce cat colonies and all for the cost of a donation to the WHS, says Scouten. In return she had to agree to provide these cats with food, shelter and veterinary care.

Settling in

Daphne, Medusa and Annie have done their job splendidly, said Scouten. They sleep in a sheltered, heated box in the barn. She often sees them perched contentedly in the building’s rafters or curled on B:10.25”

a bale. They’ve warmed to her now, but they were “not cuddly at all” when they arrived, she said. “Two of them were six months old (when the WHE received them),” she said. “They’d been found in an abandoned house and they’d not had a lot of contact with people.” All barn buddy cats are destined for these kinds of locales outside Winnipeg since the city doesn’t allow free-roaming cats, said Polton. They don’t place a

lot of cats through Barn Buddies, but are continually taking calls from those looking for worker cats, she said. “And even though this is a relatively small program we do think it’s an important one,” she said. “It gives us an opportunity to give a good quality of life to a cat that might not otherwise have a life because it can’t be placed in a home. “ Combined with the WHE’s efforts through other programs to spay and neuter cats, it’s also a way to get at the bigger issue of cat overpopulation. “There are way too many cats around,” Polton said, adding we all contribute to the problem when our throwaway attitude towards cats permits them to breed uncontrollably. A single breeding pair can produce as many as 370,092 cats over seven years, notes Polton. Of course, tens of thousands of these perish because of disease, hunger or injury. Barn Buddies matches vaccinated, disease-free and spayed or neutered barn cats to those needing these animals for rodent control, while helping ensure these worker cats have a better quality of life, she said. “This is about thinking about cats in a different way.” lorraine@fbcpublishing.com

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The Manitoba Co-operator | January 23, 2014

Farmland loss study to begin in 2014 Study to include a look at subdivisions for growing population in southern Manitoba By Lorraine Stevenson co-operator staff


oss of farmland to subdivisions, strip malls and other non-agricultural uses is the focus of a crossCanada research project getting underway this spring. The amount of productive farmland being lost is well documented, said Doug Ramsey, a professor in Brandon University’s department of rural development. He will partner with a research team across Canada for the fouryear study. “In the last 40 years, farmland approximately twice the size of Prince Edward Island has been taken over for urban activities,” he said. This isn’t a project to further document the losses but to explore what impact farmland loss is having on the country’s ability to be a food-producing nation. Researchers will focus on specific parts of the country where losses are occurring and what impact the losses are having regionally, Ramsey said. “Ou r p l a n i s, t h ro u g h a series of case studies, to look across Canada at examples of where that loss is taking place within a province,” he said. “As far as we know, this is the first academic attempt to pull people together across Canada to get a detailed understanding of where the best land is being lost.”

Winkler/Morden study

Ramsey said he hopes to map out a project to look at the disappearance of farmland in the Winkler and Morden region where new subdivisions are rising to accommodate the region’s expanding population. Ramsey says he hears concerns from both sides, including those who feel that development is being held back by policy, and those who see some of the best farmland in Manitoba being built over. Ramsey said his own interest lies in how effectively and efficiently we develop agricultural land for non-agricultural purposes. This province isn’t facing the intensity of urban development the way B.C. and Ontario is. But we continue to build out and spread out as centres grow too. “I think there are more efficient ways that we can allocate land and more efficient ways to use the land that we allocate,” he said. The study will include consultations with farmers, civic

leaders and both elected government officials and bureaucrats, Ramsey said. Researchers hope to put forward a series of recommendations for policy-makers to guide land use planning at both local and national levels after the project is completed. lorraine@fbcpublishing.com

“Our plan is, through a series of case studies, to look across Canada at examples of where that loss is taking place within a province.”

Doug Ramsey

Brandon University

A four-year study will assess the effects of farmland being taken out of production.

photo: thinkstock.com

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The Manitoba Co-operator | January 23, 2014


New eating plan is a Mediterranean Diet for the Prairies, say developers The Pure Prairie Eating Plan, developed at the University of Alberta is built around the traditions, foods and geographies of the Prairies

By Lorraine Stevenson co-operator staff


Initially, it was named ‘the Alberta Diet,’ and focused on those with Type 2 diabetes, says co-creator Catherine Chan, a professor of human nutrition at the University of Alberta. But as she and colleague Rhonda Bell worked on it, the vision became bigger, she says. A colleague suggested they call it the Mediterranean Diet for Alberta, she said. “That evoked images of beaches and olive trees, nothing at all like the Prairies,” said Chan. “So then we started to think about what a dietary pattern with foods from the Prairies would look like.” The Pure Prairie Eating Plan is a 28-day structured menu plan that includes recipes, menus, shopping guides and cooking tips that sets out food choices for three meals and three snacks per day in portion sizes meeting the recommendations of Canada’s Food Guide. “It’s a way of following the Food Guide without having to interpret the Food Guide yourself,” Chan said. It’s also a way to eat local — mostly. She and Bell began working on the plan in 2009. As work progressed human studies showed evidence a pattern of eating incorporating foods like whole grains, heart-healthy canola oil and cold-hardy berries into a daily diet had “statistically significant” improvements on health. Two studies were conducted on a total of 88 participants and showed improvements in their blood levels of glucose, cholesterol, lipids, as well as weight loss and waist shrinkage. That’s when they saw something beneficial for everyone emerging, says Chan. When they eventually took their work before experts in diabetes, as well as commodity organizations behind the ingredients of the diet, the consensus was to move forward with something from a more ‘pan Prairie’ perspective, said Chan. What they’ve come up with is an eating plan they think most Prairie folk should find acceptable, with foods that are familiar and readily available. You don’t have to be trying to lose weight to start eating the Pure Prairie way either. “It’s not a diet in that sense,” said Chan. “It’s not meant for weight loss. It’s meant to be a pattern of eating that people can sustain over years and decades. That’s how the Mediterranean Diet is perceived. It’s a way of life as much as anything.”

Weigh loss, health improvements

It’s also much like the Mediterranean Diet, but with a Prairie twist. The Mediterranean Diet is an ancient dietary pattern inspired by traditional foodways of Greece, southern Italy, and Spain, that includes large amounts of olive oil, legumes, unrefined cereals, fruits, and vegetables, as well as moderate consumption of fish, cheese and yogurt, wine and small amounts of meat. The Pure Prairie Eating Plan also recommends those foods, but emphasizes the ingredients of western Canadian farms — heart-healthy canola oil, wheat and barley, pulses, fruit and berries, potatoes, dairy foods, eggs, and meats. “We wanted to have something that would resonate with people who live here,” said Chan. “And these are foods acceptable to most people. We created menus that people could look at and say, ‘I can see myself eating this way.’”

Structured eating

The Pure Prairie Eating Plan meets the re c o m m e n d a t i o n s o f t h e Ca n a d i a n Di a b e t e s Association. In the two separate human trials completed, participants with Type 2 diabetes said the diet gave structure to how they ate, increased their awareness of food choices and helped them control their portions. They were also found to have “small but statistically significant” improvements in their weight and waist size, and blood levels of glucose, cholesterol and lipids, Chan said, adding they are still analyzing data and will have more to report shortly.

Catherine Chan (l) and Rhonda Bell are professors of human nutrition at the University of Alberta who developed the Pure Prairie Eating Plan.  photo: Curtis Comeau photography

The Pure Prairie plan should also meet the expectations of those who’d like the idea of a local food but aren’t strict about it. They wanted the plan to be a way of eating that’s accessible and acceptable to the widest number of people, and local-only diets are often difficult and even more costly to follow, Chan said. “The idea of a 100-mile diet we don’t think is all that practical, especially here on the Prairies. But we did still want to highlight all the great food grown here,” she said.

Meal plan

A typical meal plan for a day on the Pure Prairie might include a breakfast parfait, a fresh raspberry muffin for a mid-morning snack, a tuna sandwich for lunch, hummus on crackers for a midday snack, roast pork and potatoes for supper, and an evening snack would be cinnamon raisin toast. T h e Me d i t e r ra n e a n D i e t re c o m m e n d s v e r y small amounts of meat and tends to favour fish and pulses. The Pure Prairie plan encourages consumption of both too, but respects the desire of most Prairie people to eat meat too, Chan said. It recommends leaner cuts cooked in healthier ways, and much smaller portions than many currently consume. You can still enjoy a steak on the Pure Prairie plan, says Chan. It just shouldn’t hang over the edge of your plate anymore. “We’re not talking 16 oz’ers here,” she said. “It (a recommended serving size) would maybe be three to four oz.” Taken together what the Pure Prairie lays out is a way of eating that fits all foods into a healthier, balanced way, she added. The plan’s menus average approximately 2,000 kcal per day, with a macronutrient distribution consistent with health recommendations. There are about 100 recipes in it selected from various commodity groups across the countr y. A dozen Alber ta agr icultural groups provided financial support for the project. The Pure Prairie Eating Plan should be for sale in bookstores across Alberta, Saskatchewan and Manitoba shortly. It is available on Amazon.com selling for about $20. All proceeds from the sales which cost about $20 will be put toward future health and lifestyle research. Fo r m o r e i n f o r m a t i o n l o g o n t o h t t p : / / pureprairie.ca/. lorraine@fbcpublishing.com


The Manitoba Co-operator | January 23, 2014



Send your recipes or recipe request to: Manitoba Co-operator Recipe Swap Box 1794, Carman, Man. ROG OJO or email: lorraine@fbcpublishing.com

O’ for Pete’s sake, Robbie, let’s eat! Lorraine Stevenson Crossroads Recipe Swap


id the haggis grow cold while Robbie Burns went on and on about his groaning trenchers and gushing entrails and jaups in luggies? The Scottish poet devoted 48 lines of poetry to his beloved haggis. Over 250 years later the famous bard’s birthday is still celebrated January 25, even if the humble subject of his Address to A. Haggis remains one of the more reviled dishes on the planet. That’s the genius of the man; he found all that to say about what is basically a sausage stuffed with organ meat. Can someone write us a poem for a good beef stew? Please do. But make it haiku. I’m hungry.

If a cold January night inspires you to cook rather than write poetry, here are three recipes sourced from the www. beefinfo.org website of Canada Beef Inc.

Hearty Beef And Maple Stew With a hint of maple this delicious heartwarming beef stew recipe is sure to become a family favourite. Served with crusty bread, it’s a complete meal in a bowl. 1/4 c. all-purpose flour 1 tsp. salt 1/2 tsp. ground ginger 1/4 tsp. EACH garlic powder and pepper 2 lbs. stewing beef cubes 3 tbsp. vegetable oil 1 can (19 oz./540 ml) stewed tomatoes 2 medium onions, sliced 1 c. water 1/2 c. dry red wine or cooking wine 1/4 c. maple syrup 3 c. potato chunks 2 c. carrot chunks 1 c. celery slices

Combine flour and seasonings in plastic bag. Add beef and shake to coat. Heat oil in Dutch oven; brown meat. Add tomatoes, onions, water, wine and maple syrup. Bring mixture to a boil. Cover stew and simmer over low heat or bake in 325 F oven for 1-1/2 to two hours or until meat is tender. Add potatoes, carrots and celery; continue cooking 45 to 60 minutes until vegetables are tender. If desired, thicken stew with two tbsp. flour blended into 1/4 cup cold water.


Corn And Black Bean Chili

Southwestern Beef Steak And Kidney Beans

Every night’s a chili night in January. This will also fill tortillas baked as a casserole. If you like it spicy, add a teaspoon or so chopped canned chipotle peppers.

For dinner in 20 minutes, start by making rice. As it cooks, you can get everything else made and ready to serve.

1 lb. extra lean/lean ground beef sirloin or extra lean/lean ground beef 1 large onion, diced 1 large sweet pepper, diced 2 tbsp. chili powder 1 tsp. ground cumin 1 can (28 oz./796 ml) diced tomatoes 1 can (14 oz./398 ml) tomato sauce 1 can (19 oz./540 ml) black beans, drained and rinsed 1-1/2 c. (375 ml) frozen corn kernels

Cook beef, onion, sweet pepper, chili powder and cumin in large saucepan or Dutch oven over medium heat until meat is thoroughly cooked and any liquid has evaporated. Stir in tomatoes, tomato sauce, beans and corn. Cook over medium-high heat until boiling. Reduce heat to medium; simmer, covered, for 30 minutes, stirring occasionally. Chili Enchiladas: Spread two cups chili in a 13x9-inch baking dish; set aside. Spoon 1/2 cup (125 ml) chili onto centre of each of eight small flour tortillas. Roll up; place seam side down in baking dish. Spoon remaining chili over enchiladas. Sprinkle with 1 cup shredded Cheddar cheese. Bake in 350 F oven for 30 minutes. Makes eight enchiladas. Nutrition Matters: Chili recipes are basically lean if they start with lean ground beef. For heart-healthy improvements, use lean beef, no-oil frying when cooking the meat and vegetables and increase the veggie content. Bright Idea: If you add some chopped fresh dill near the end of cooking, it plays up the fresh vegetable flavours. Preparation time: 5 minutes. Cooking time: 40 minutes. Makes: 9 servings.

Preparation time: 15 minutes. Cooking time: 3 hours. Makes: 6 servings.

Best suited for: Potluck, buffet, dinner party.

Source: Canada Beef Inc.

Source: Canada Beef Inc.

1 tsp. EACH Cajun spice and ground cumin 1/4 tsp. EACH salt and hot pepper flakes 1 lb. beef grilling steak, 3/4-inch thick 2 tbsp. olive oil 1/2 c. chopped red onion 1 sweet red pepper, diced 1/2 c. EACH salsa and frozen corn 1/3 c. tomato ketchup 1 19-oz. (540-ml) can kidney beans, drained and rinsed Lime wedges

Combine Cajun spice, cumin, salt and pepper flakes in small bowl. Set aside half of mixture. Sprinkle both sides of steak with remaining mixture. Heat half of the oil in non-stick skillet over medium-high heat; cook steak until medium, about five minutes per side, or to desired doneness. Remove to plate; cover loosely with foil. Let stand for five minutes before slicing thinly across the grain. Meanwhile, reduce heat to medium; add remaining oil. Cook onion, red pepper and reserved spice mixture, cook, stirring occasionally, until onion is softened, about four minutes. Add salsa, corn, ketchup and beans; heat through, about four minutes. Toss with steak slices; serve with squeeze of lime. Cook’s Notes: If you don’t have Cajun spice, use 1/4 tsp. paprika, dried oregano, garlic powder and thyme. Preparation time: 10 minutes. Cooking time: 20 minutes. Makes: 4 servings. Source: Canada Beef Inc.

RECIPE SWAP If you have a recipe or a column suggestion please write to: Manitoba Co-operator Recipe Swap, Box 1794 Carman, Man. R0G 0J0 or email Lorraine Stevenson at: lorraine@fbcpublishing.com


The Manitoba Co-operator | January 23, 2014


A “

nd how are the Jacksons this fine new year?” Grant Toews asked with a smile as Andrew and Rose seated themselves at the table by the window of the café. Rose shook snow off of her coat and shivered. “Cold,” she said. “But otherwise good.” “Well at least it’s nice and warm in here,” said Grant’s wife Karen, who was seated beside him. “And the coffee’s fresh and hot.” The young lady who had been wiping the counter when the Jacksons came in appeared at the table. “Good morning,” she said brightly. “What are we having today?” She poured each of them a cup of coffee while she waited for an answer. Andrew looked at Rose who was clearly unsure. “I’ll have my usual,” he said. “You should try the Belgian waffles, Rose,” he added. “With raspberries and whipped cream.” Rose looked up at the waitress. “Should I?” she said. “You should,” said the waitress. “They’re ridiculously good.” “Well all right then. Bring ’em on. I’m starving.” Rose reached for the cream as the young lady disappeared into the kitchen. There was a moment of silence as she and Andrew stirred their coffee and settled in. Grant raised his own cup. “Happy New Year,” he said. “Indeed,” said Andrew. “So far so good.” “How was your Christmas?” Karen wanted to know. “It was fantastic,” Rose replied. “The kids are all grown up, more or less, so now we get to focus on the grandkids, which is so much fun.” She looked at Karen. “You should try it,” she said with a grin. Karen looked appalled. “Just kidding,” said Rose. “You should definitely wait till your kids are married.” “Yeah, no kidding,” said Karen. “I don’t even want to think about it till then.” “My favourite moment of the holiday season,” said Andrew, “was having Allison sitting on my lap explaining to me that 65 million years ago a huge meat eater smashed into the Earth and killed all the dinosaurs.” Both Grant and Karen laughed out loud. “That’s hilarious,” said Grant.



“I tried to tell her it was a meteor, not a meat eater,” said Andrew, “but she was quite insistent. I know it was a meat eater because I saw it on Netflix, she said. And then she tried to explain the difference between a Diplodocus and a Philodendron, or something like that.” “A philodendron is a plant,” said Karen. “For all I know, so is a Diplodocus,” said Andrew. “I do not understand how a threeyear-old brain can retain the volume of information that that little girl stores in hers. She also told me that if the Earth keeps getting warmer and all the ice melts then all the polar bears will die.”

“Well, based on the winter we’re having this year, she may not have to worry about that,” said Grant. Andrew laughed. “Don’t tell me,” he said, “that you’re one of those idiots who doesn’t know the difference between weather and climate. Isn’t that what Donald Trump just said? Why are we talking about global warming when it’s freezing outside?” There was a moment of silence. “Why ARE we talking about global warming when it’s freezing outside?” said Karen. “December was the coldest month we’ve had since 1933.” “It was kind of ridiculous,” said Rose. “And now they’re blaming it on some kind of polar vor tex. That’s just what the world needs. More vortexes.” “Exactly,” said Karen. “What the heck is a vortex anyway? And why does it have to be polar? Why couldn’t we have a nice tropical vortex?” “What if we start getting bipolar vortexes?” said Grant. “It’ll be 50 below with 20 feet of snow in December and then it’ll all melt in January. The poor people at Festival du Voy a g e u r w i l l h a v e t o b u y s n ow - m a k i n g machines and put air conditioners around their snow sculptures to keep them from just melting away. And then it’ll snow in June.” “In 2004 we had a snowstorm on May 12,” said Karen. “Remember? Bob and Katie had planned an outdoor wedding for May 15 and there was snow on the ground. And it took till August to finally warm up, but then when it did it was so hot for so long we went to the beach on the last Sunday in September. So maybe we already have bipolar vortexes. We just haven’t recognized them yet.” “Maybe,” said Andrew. “Apparently they h a d t h e h o t t e s t D e c e m b e r o n re c o rd i n Australia.” The waitress reappeared as he spoke and set his breakfast on the table in front of him. “Careful,” she said. “It’s hot.” Andrew picked up the plate and held it up to the window. “What are you doing?” said Rose. Andrew grinned. “Putting it in the sun,” he said. “That should cool it off.”

Fight against flies

Not only annoying, some can be deadly to indoor plants By Albert Parsons FREELANCE CONTRIBUTOR


o matter what precautions are taken to protect indoor gardens from insect pests, many of them are very persistent. Taking great care when bringing plants indoors in the fall is the first step. Removing damaged foliage, cutting plants back and carefully examining for insects, spraying thoroughly with insecticidal soap and treating the soil with an insecticide should be done. Also, when introducing a newly acquired plant into the house, it is a good idea to isolate it until it is determined that there is no risk of insect problems. There are two flies that often infiltrate houseplant collections and while one is relatively harmless, it is very annoying. The other is also annoying but can be deadly to plants if left unchecked. The pest that is simply annoying is the fungus gnat (more commonly called fruit fly), a small black fly that

has an incredibly short life span — about 10 days — and within that time an adult will lay upwards of 200 eggs. These pests are easily seen and you will notice them flying around near your plants or congregating on your windows if you have an infestation. Control measures include using a yellow sticky card to catch adults and working a soil insecticide into the top six cm of planting medium where the larvae live and feed. Egg and larvae counts can be further diminished by keeping the planting medium dry as these pests are attracted to moist soil and the eggs and larvae will not survive if there is no moisture in the upper layer of the soil. Adults congregated on windows can be caught easily and killed. Persistence is the key — keep the control measures in place until you see no evidence of the pests. The other fly, the more deadly one, is the white fly. These heart-shaped, small white flies are also easy to spot because if you brush against an infested plant, a cloud of the insects will

fly up. They attach their mouthpieces to the plants and suck juices from them, slowly killing them. White flies are prolific and multiply rapidly; because they fly up from their host plant at the hint of disturbance it is hard to mount a spray program, whether just water or an insecticide. Yellow sticky cards are effective and some people use their vacuum cleaners to catch flying ones. Some of these flies will inhabit the soil, so treatment of the planting medium with a soil insecticide is advised as well. Although I try to refrain from using aerosol insecticides indoors, I sometime resort to their use against these pests. I place the infested plants inside a large garbage bag — moving ones infested with white fly carefully and folding the bag down to the floor to allow them to settle back onto the plant before carefully raising the bag up around the plant. Then while holding the bag closed around the arm holding the spray can, I spray inside the bag, trying not to direct too

Yellow sticky cards are helpful in catching flying insect pests.

much of the spray directly onto the plant. I remove the spray can and tie the bag up tightly and leave it for several hours. A tall stake placed into one of the pots will support the bag and keep it off the plants. Later I remove the plants and give them a hosing down under the shower to remove insecticide residue, clean them up


and wipe the pots and put them back in place. I use rubber gloves for this whole pro cess. It is a good idea to repeat a control measure several times when combating any insect infestation to ensure complete eradication. Albert Parsons writes from Minnedosa, Manitoba


The Manitoba Co-operator | January 23, 2014


A cut above the crowd St. Lazare cowgirl involved with the sport of cutting By Darrell Nesbitt Freelance contributor


he fact that a St. Lazare cowgirl didn’t have a ‘r o d e o’ h o r s e a l w a y s came into play in her decisionmaking of joining the Manitoba High School Rodeo Association (MHSRA). That all changed when Gage Fouillard put the focus of reaching for her rodeo goals on the back of a little cutting horse named Annie. “I never thought Annie would be the barrel and pole horse she is now,” said Fouillard, who began riding as a six-year-old on a Shetland pony. “To where I am today as a high school rodeo athlete, I owe everything to Annie.” Involved in her first full year, the Grade 12 student competes in barrels, poles, breakaway roping and the sport of cutting — where a horse and rider are judged on their ability to separate a single animal away from a cattle herd and keep it away for a short period of time. While not many Manitoba students partic-

ipate in the event it’s her favourite, one she’s been involved in for over four years, thanks to Greg Frick and Ellen Thompson of Sabre Quarter Horse Ranch in Stockholme, Sask. where Fouillard start riding competitively at the age of 12. “I love the rush it gives me when my horse is working really nice on that perfect cow,” said the 17-year-old. “I am also a person who loves a challenge, and what is more challenging than depending on two animals with their own mind to read each other without guidance of your reins? “In cutting competition, you and your horse have to work together as a team and show your cattle-handling skills. You only have 2-1/2 minutes to complete the task. You are judged partly by the activity of the calf, so the animal is selected by choice, not random. After you have chosen a specific calf to the horse, neither the rider nor horse can change calves without a penalty. “The challenge begins once the cut has been completed.

Gage Fouillard on her horse Annie. COURTESY PHOTO

Once the calf is stopped near the centre of the arena, you have to drop your hand on the horse’s neck and allow the horse freedom to show its cutting skill and cow sense. Performance is evaluated on the basis of several key points, with a score of 70 being average.”

In the short amount of time of being involved with the MHSRA, Fouillard has had many highlights including being named the Girls Cutting Year End and Finals Champion in 2012-13. Gage is the daughter of Racquel and Constant Fouillard,

and is also happy with her success seen over the fall rodeo stops. Results are posted at www.mhsra.ca. Along with rodeo, she also competes in the Manitoba Cutting Horse Association as well as some shows under the auspices of the Saskatchewan Cutting Horse Association. “I’m blessed to be involved in the MHSRA and serving as a student event director,” said Fouillard. “I’m also blessed to have a mentor like my mom, friends like Greg Frick and Ellen Thompson, and supporters like my cousin, Aunt Delores, and Linette and Nicole Lanski.” Since this is her graduating year, her competing time with MHSRA hasn’t been long, but she’s had a great time at every rodeo she’s gone to and will go to this spring. “It’s an association full of great people and in turn a great pastime uplifting the western lifestyle,” Fouillard says. Darrell Nesbitt writes from Shoal Lake, Manitoba

Trying to avoid trans fat? Here’s some tips to help you achieve that goal By Julie Garden-Robinson NDSU Extension Service


s I prepared to do some baking, I perused some old cookbooks. My collection ranges from reprints of Civil War-era cookbooks to community-based cookbooks to brand-new cookbooks. Flipping through the pages was like exploring the history of fat use in home cooking and baking. Most of the old recipes called for home-rendered lard or bacon grease as the fat source. Other recipes called for home-churned butter, margarine (or “oleo”) or “solid shortening” (such as Crisco). Some of the recent recipes used oil in place of all solid fat. I reflected back on my college years as I read the recipes. One of the first papers I wrote as an undergraduate student majoring in nutrition focused on trans fats. Trans fats are formed during the process of hydrogenation, which converts liquid oil to solid fats. The word “trans” refers to the chemistry of the fat. The hydrogenation process produces shortening and margarine that are used in baked goods or spreads at the dinner table. At the time of my undergraduate studies, most people in the health field were advocating the use of stick margarine in place of butter at the dinner table and in baked goods. Not only was margarine less expensive, it also was considered healthier. Hydrogenation also extended the shelf life of the fat. My college paper was kind of controversial because I included a journal article that questioned the health effects of trans fat. I think I titled my

Some recipes can be made healthier by substituting applesauce or liquid oil and water for the solid fat.  PHOTO: THINKSTOCK

paper — Is butter better? I was happy to find an article that questioned whether margarine was really good for us because I always preferred the flavour of butter over margarine. Flash forward many years and now we have an abundance of evidence that trans fat is a type of fat that we

want to eliminate from our diets. Trans fat can raise your bad (LDL) cholesterol levels and lower your good (HDL) cholesterol levels. LDL deposits cholesterol in the walls of the blood vessels. Higher LDL levels put you at greater risk for a heart attack from a sudden blood clot in an artery.

You need to be somewhat of a detective to find trans fat. Most of us have seen foods that claim to contain no trans fat. Technically, if a food has less than 0.5 gram of trans fat, the food can be labelled “zero grams trans fat.” Check out the ingredients and look for “hydrogenated” to determine if there may be some trans fat lurking in the food. How can you make your solid fatcontaining recipes healthier? In some cases, such as many brownie and quick-bread recipes, you can substitute applesauce for half or more of the solid fat. If you like to experiment, you can try substituting liquid oil and a prescribed amount of water for the solid fat in your recipes. Butter is about 80 per cent fat and 20 per cent water. In many recipes, you can substitute 3/4 cup of canola oil and 1/4 cup of water for 1 cup of butter. Margarine varies in the amount of water it contains. However, you may want to save time by finding a recipe that was formulated to use oil. If you prefer margarine as a spread at the dinner table, remember that the softer, tub-style margarines are much lower in trans fat than stick margarine. What about butter? Butter contains saturated fat, which current evidence suggests that we limit in our diet. Enjoy a thin spread of butter on your toast, but remember that any type of fat is a concentrated source of calories. Julie Garden-Robinson, PhD, R.D., L.R.D., is a North Dakota State University Extension Service food and nutrition specialist and professor in the department of health, nutrition and exercise sciences.


The Manitoba Co-operator | January 23, 2014


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