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Volume 40, Number 11 | MAY 20, 2014



SWEDE MIDGE: a potential ‘perfect storm’ There’s a new canola pest in town. It’s hard to spot and hard to control, but the damage it causes is easy to detect



ook up “perfect storm” in Wikipedia and you will see it is used to describe an event where a combination of circumstances will aggravate a situation drastically — and in a bad way. Such is the potential situation with an up-to-now unknown and non-native pest of cruciferous plants — swede midge. “This pest displays a wide host range in the Cruciferae family which includes canola, mustards and the cruciferous weeds,” says Dr. Julie Soroka, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada entomologist. “Additionally, the adults are short lived so chemical control of that life stage, if there were any, is difficult. The larvae feed cryptically so they cannot be killed with any contact insecticide and they have multiple generations in a single season, up to three on the Prairies. Top that off with non-synchronous emergence and overwintering capability for up to two years and, yes, this pest has all it takes to become a real economic problem for canola growers.”

HOW SWEDE MIDGE GOT HERE “We’re not exactly sure how swede midge arrived in Canada,” says Soroka. “More than likely

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it was on live cruciferous plant material as it is not seed-borne.” It was in 1996 that misshapen broccoli, cabbage and cauliflower were noticed in Ontario, the problem bad enough that the heads were unmarketable. In some cases, yield loss was up to 80 per cent. Initially it was thought to be some sort of nutrient deficiency and it wasn’t until four years later swede midge was identified as the culprit. “After swede midge was identified, the Canada Food Inspection Agency immediately implemented quarantines preventing host transportation from infected to uninfected areas,” explains Soroka. “Additionally, they set out traps across the country in an effort to monitor spread. It was positively identified by CFIA in Saskatchewan in 2007 and in Manitoba in 2008.” While CFIA identified swede midge in 2007 in Saskatchewan, it was another very observant agronomist, Neil Abrahamson, who was with Agricore United and now Viterra, who noticed strange larvae in a field he was scouting pre-swathing. “I was checking for seed set and opened a pod completely at random and found larvae,” he says. “When I opened the pod, the larvae jumped. I had never seen anything like that before, so I gath-

ered some up and sent them to Dr. Soroka in Saskatoon for identification.” Soroka was able to determine that the larvae were in the Cecidomyiid family of flies, which also includes wheat midge, but they couldn’t pinpoint it any closer than that. “The only known Cecidomyiid that would live in canola earlier than the pod stage was swede midge, but it hadn’t been identified in the West at that point,” says Soroka. “It was then that we started monitoring for swede midge in earnest.” By 2008, swede midge had been found in the Maritimes and New York state. CFIA discontinued the quarantine requirements and monitoring. “The horse had left the proverbial barn, by this time,” says Soroka. “However, the damage caused by swede midge was never severe enough or widespread enough to warrant a great deal of research and monitoring on the Prairies, and indeed, I stopped my own sampling in 2011.” As it turned out, 2012 was the first year there was noticeable damage in Saskatchewan and by 2013 it was clear swede midge was going to be an issue of some significance that farmers were not prepared for. “By 2013, the damage swede midge was causing was very easy to see and it was likely at economic levels in some fields,” says Soroka.

“More concerning to me was to see how far it had spread from the epicentre — over 200 km.”

SWEDE MIDGE DAMAGE While the swede midge itself is very difficult to spot, either as an adult fly or a larva, the damage telegraphs itself very clearly. Depending on when the eggs are laid during the plant life cycle, the damage varies. The adult flies lay eggs into the growing points of the plant where there are high levels of nitrogen and other nutrients. If the eggs are laid shortly after seedling emergence, the plant might even cease growing if the growing tip is destroyed by larvae. Twisted growth and premature bolting are also symptomatic. If the eggs are laid later, fused flowers shaped like bottles and swollen or closed buds are very common. “The most easily recognizable symptom is the fused flowers,” says Soroka. “We saw a lot of that in 2013 in the infected areas.” In the earlier years of study of this pest, it was thought that earlier-seeded crops were less likely to suffer damage; however, the level of damage depends on the emergence of the fly from its pupa in the soil, where it overwinters.

In This Issue

If emergence is early, whether the crop was seeded early or later is immaterial, swede midge can infest the crop. There are registered insecticidal controls for swede midge, but control with insecticide is difficult. “This is the problem,” says Soroka. “Multiple generations per season with overlapping development stages in the life cycle in the crop coupled with these larvae that live and eat cryptically, or hidden away, in large groups make it almost impossible to target with an insecticide.” Because the adults fly during the day, even if there were an insecticide available, pollinators would be impacted negatively. “The best way to combat swede midge is by rotating out of a cruciferous crop for at least two seasons,” says Soroka. “However, cruciferous weeds and volunteers should be well controlled.” Rotation won’t stop the spread of swede midge entirely. The adult fly is a weak flier and is easily blown downwind. Population build-up can be gradual but is generally more noticeable at the edges of fields abutting canola fields and where they can accumulate in windbreaks. Swede midge do not toler-


Wheat & Chaff ..................


Features ............................


Crop Advisor’s Casebook


Columns ........................... 10 Machinery & Shop ............ 16 Cattleman’s Corner .......... 21

How to find lygus bugs MELANIE EPP PAGE 5

Get those grasshoppers LISA GUENTHER PAGE 8

FarmLife ............................ 27



MAY 20, 2014

Wheat & Chaff STAMPEDE




“He’s sprained his fat roll again.”


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rocrastination has paid off yet again. It’s turned out that keeping the winter tires on our SUV until the very end of April was the right thing to do. Unfortunately, the spring snowfall and the cold weather that came with it is going to slow up our seeding progress here in southeast Saskatchewan. While we were still watching the snow melt on our lawn on May 1 (it was a slow day), farmer and Grainews columnist Jay Peterson sent me the latest instalment of AppQuest by email (find it on Page 14), along with the following message: “Back to full-out seeding here for us. Should finish our lentils today and on to the mustard.” I assumed he was kidding, but he wasn’t. At Jay’s farm, south of Swift Current they started seeding on Easter Monday. It was so cold here on Easter Monday, I made my son and his friends wear their winter coats and mitts when they went out to jump on the trampoline. When I told my husband about Jay’s email, he just shook his head and muttered something unprintable about our chances of finishing seeding before the Crop Insurance deadline if the weather doesn’t shape up. Here’s hoping seeding is rolling along smoothly (or maybe finished) on our farm and yours by the time you read this.

RURAL SCHOOLS PREPARE FARM YOUTHS FOR THE FUTURE “What happened at school today?” I asked our seven-year-old when he came home on the bus last week. “Nothing. Can I have a cookie?” “How about fruit? Whose turn was it for show and tell?” “Auryn.” “What did she bring?” “A goat. Is there any cake?” What? “Did the goat make a mess?” “No. It was wearing a diaper.” “Really?” “There’s a rule. If you bring livestock to school, it has to be wearing a diaper.” What? “Does your school need that rule a lot?” “Someone brought a calf to school and it got into the library and it pooped in there and then Victor stepped in it.” “I guess it’s a good rule. Here’s an apple.” Maybe I should explain that my son’s elementary school is only for the rural kids in the Weyburn area — there are other schools for the kids who live in town. I assume these town schools are much fancier places. The sort of schools that don’t even need to worry about dress codes for goats.

Nicole Blythe, (l) won a Grainews cap and one-year subscription for her Casebook entry, submitted to Assiniboine Community College instructor Danielle Tichit (r).

Or maybe this kind of thing is going on every day in all Prairie schools. I suppose experience with handling livestock in a library will come in handy for those kids who go on to study agriculture or engineering in university. Yesterday, my son said it was Nolan’s turn to bring something for Grade 1 show and tell. “What did Nolan bring?” I asked. “His new baby sister. And before you ask, yes. She was wearing a diaper.”

DOWNY BROME CONTROL CORRECTION Chris Neeser is a weed research scientist with Alberta Agriculture and Rural Development. When he saw Page 11 of the April 8 issue of Grainews, he was very concerned about an article where he was quoted. While the article says that florasulam controls downy brome, Chris says that is not correct. The truth, Chris says, is that “glyphosate controls downy brome quite well, and so do other pre-seed burn-down tank mixes that contain glyphosate and florasulam.” Thanks for getting in touch, Chris!

MANITOBA STUDENTS LEARN FROM CASEBOOK As part of their second-year coursework, agriculture students at Assiniboine Community College analyzed one of Grainews’ Casebook challenges. Richardson Pioneer Ltd.’s Wes Anderson read through submissions from more than 30 ACC students. Although the particular edition of Casebook the students read was not easy to diagnose without follow-up testing, many students submitted the correct answer. “So,” Wes said, “to narrow down the entries to a ‘winner,’ I was looking for a few

key attributes in the submissions that are important in all diagnostic situations.” This is what Wes was looking for: 1. Keep an open mind. Most agronomists tend to gravitate towards a diagnosis that they are most knowledgeable in or comfortable with, and this is just human nature. What separates the best from the pack is their ability to keep an open mind and consider all possible issues. 2. There is often more than one cause. Related to the above point, there is often more than one cause to an agronomic problem and things are interrelated. This is what makes agronomy difficult and interesting all at the same time. 3. Ask questions and do research. Search out a variety of sources of information, and make sure they are relevant to Western Canada. 4. Make an action plan. Designing a plan to deal with the problem, both short and long term, is as important as solving the problem. “Overall,” Wes said, “there were some very impressive submissions but based on the above criteria I’d choose Nicole Blyth’s entry as the winner.” Nicole grew up south of MacGregor, Man., on a mixed cattle and grain farm. Now she’s working as a sales agronomist with Paterson Grain in Deloraine. Nicole says, “In the future I would love to farm. The agronomy courses were my favourite part of my course load. Our instructor, Danielle Tichit, made sure that we were able to use current cropping scenarios and challenged us to always do our best to apply ourselves as well as think outside the box.” Thanks to Danielle for thinking of Grainews for her class assignment, and to Wes, for making time to read all those submissions! † Leeann Minogue is the editor of Grainews.

MAY 20, 2014 /

Wheat & Chaff Farm safety

Dress for success to apply pesticides


ith the planting season upon us, pesticides will be part of the arsenal of tools used to prepare for and maintain the impressive patchwork of golden wheat, creamy oats, mustard canola and azure flax across the Prairies. Keeping pests at bay often requires handling chemicals, so the right mix of safe handling practices and personal protective equipment (PPE) is needed to get the job done. All pesticides are not equal. Different pesticides require different PPE depending on the formulation and type of potential exposure. Read the label. Do you require a chemically resistant apron or suit, impervious footwear, gloves, headgear, eye protection, or respirator? What about work clothes such as a long-sleeved shirt or pants? While chemical exposure most commonly occurs on the hands and forearms, pesticides can enter the body through the skin, mouth, eyes and nose. Moist areas of the body — including the eyes, groin, armpits and ear canals — are particularly absorptive. PPE must protect all body parts at risk of exposure. What PPE is required will also differ

depending on the task being performed. Will you be mixing pesticides, loading, applying, performing cleanup operations or entering a treated area? If you are applying a pesticide, what is the method of application? Will you be using a handheld or mechanized sprayer? Is the formula in liquid or dry form? The pesticide label will address all of these factors. When reading a pesticide label, look for one of three signal words to help you understand the exposure risks associated with the product: Caution, Warning and Danger. Caution indicates that the product is slightly toxic when exposed to the skin, lungs, eyes, or mouth. Warning indicates that contact with at least one of these areas is moderately toxic, while Danger indicates that the product is highly toxic when expose occurs via the skin, lungs, eyes, or mouth. If you aren’t sure you have the right PPE for the pesticide, contact your provincial government or the manufacturer of either the pesticide or PPE. If you are unsure, don’t apply it. Once you have selected your PPE, it is important that it is worn and used properly. Special goggles are often required to prevent eye exposure.

When clothing meets protective footwear or gloves, it’s important to ensure appropriate overlap of PPE to prevent chemicals from coming into contact with your legs, arms or feet. Respirators must be fit tested before they are used for the first time, and checked annually unless your weight or other facial features change between fit tests. A seal check must be performed every time you don a respirator to ensure a good seal. Discomfort, particularly from heat, is never a reason to remove PPE. Instead, work when it is cool, take breaks, drink lots of water, or find other alternatives to reduce discomfort. If all else fails, quit for the day. Removing your PPE before the job is done is not worth the risk. PPE is susceptible to wear and tear. Check all PPE on a regular basis, discarding anything that may compromise your protection. Replace and dispose of any PPE or PPE components according to product instructions. Don’t linger in your PPE. Remove it as soon as you have completed your task. Wash disposable or reusable gloves with soap and water, remove other PPE with your gloves still on, and then

Agronomy tips…

Protect the most valuable leaf

This agronomy tip is brought to you by Christine Spasoff, Agronomic Service Representative for Syngenta Canada Inc. Christine holds a Bachelor of Science in Agriculture from the University of Saskatchewan. She’s worked in the crop protection industry for 21 years, including 19 with Syngenta.

For more information on safe PPE use, download the “Dress for Success” brochure or watch the video, produced as part of a partnership between Syngenta and the Canadian Agricultural Safety Association. These materials can be found online at dressforsuccess or

Photo contest You might be from the Prairies if...

By Carson Demmans and Jason Sylvestre

GIVE US YOUR BEST SHOT The winner for this issue is a picture of Caleb Tschetter, getting a ride from his grandfather, Mike Tschetter near Cluny, Alta. Joel Tschetter sent us this picture. He says, “I had some time off from irrigating. It was nice to spend it with the family.” Joel, we’ll send you a cheque for $25. Maybe you can spend it on the family, the next time you have a break. Send your best shot to Please send only one or two photos at a time and include your name and address, the names of anyone in the photo, where the photo was taken and a bit about what was going on that day. A little write-up about your farm is welcome, too. Please ensure that images are of high resolution (1 MB is preferred), and if the image includes a person, we need to be able to see their face clearly.


ver the last five years, farmers in northern Alberta have been learning how a flag leaf application of a foliar fungicide can boost their yield potential. In 61 on-farm, field-scale trials between 2009 and 2013, growers netted an average of 9.5 bu./ac. more in areas where they sprayed their wheat at flag leaf than where they left the plants untreated. These trials were independent, with growers buying their own fungicide, making the application and managing the crop as they saw fit. The yield difference between the treated and untreated areas was as high as 23 bu./ac. and as low as 0 bu./ac. across the participating farms. Research shows that the flag leaf contributes 55 per cent of the grain fill in wheat. Protecting the flag leaf from disease is an important step in building the yield of the wheat crop. Scout fields regularly for foliar disease. If you see signs of disease, have a good crop coming and the forecast predicts weather conducive to disease development, consider a foliar fungicide application to enhance your yield potential and increase ROI. †

wash your gloves again before removing them. Wash PPE separately from other laundry using detergent and hot water. Store your PPE according to instructions. This often includes protecting PPE from chemicals, sunlight, extreme temperatures, high humidity and moisture. Never store PPE with other personal clothing or near pesticides. Employers are required to follow the Workplace Hazardous Materials Information System (WHMIS), the Pest Control Products Act, as well as any applicable provincial occupational health and safety laws. If you employ workers, you are responsible for providing them with information about the pesticides they are using, the required PPE for the task at hand, appropriate training in the use of that PPE, and immediate transportation to a medical facility in the event of pesticide exposure. You are required to ensure their PPE fits properly, and that it is correctly cleaned, maintained, replaced and stored. †


You never get tired of the, “But this is bigger” joke.

Weather Lore

New moon and weather


If the new moon holds the old moon in her lap, fair weather. hen the sliver that is the new moon, bright and shiny with pointy ends seems to be hugging the rest of the moon, an old proverb says that the new moon is holding the old moon in her lap. The old moon is dark because the sun is not shining on it. Furthermore, any unstable air aloft creates turbulence that obscures it even more. But, when the air is stable, turbulence is minimized and we can see everything in the sky more clearly. Thus, if we can see the new moon with the old moon in her lap, it means the air is stable, rain will likely stay away and fair weather is indicated. † Shirley Byers’ book, “Never Sell Your Hen on a Rainy Day” explores over 100 weather rhymes and sayings. It is available from McNally Robinson at: www.




MAY 20, 2014

Cover Stories Crop pests

1 6 6 6 D u b l i n Av e n u e , W i n n i p e g , MB R 3 H 0 H 1 w w w. g r a i n e w s . c a PUBLI SH ER

Lynda Tityk Associate Publisher/ Editorial director

John Morriss

Edito r

Leeann Minogue fiel d Ed itor

Lisa Guenther Cattleman’s Corner Editor

Lee Hart Farm life Edito r

Sue Armstrong Machinery EDITOR

Scott Garvey

photo: olfert, et al.

This map of Canada shows areas suitable for swede midge.


Swede midge: a potential ‘perfect storm’ ate drought very well. However, multiple rain events in the spring will favour their emergence. “It may well be that our more typically drier climate will inhibit swede midge,” says Soroka. “In fact, it’s very likely the buildup of swede midge in north east Saskatchewan is a result of the wetter years it has experienced recently.

controlling swede midge in the future Long term, a great deal of research has to be done. Soroka and her team, as well as others, will be looking at integrated man-

Pro duction Di recto r

Shawna Gibson

agement strategies combining cultural and chemical controls. Further understanding of the insect’s preferences for host plants is required, as it appears to tolerate some cruciferous weeds, but favours plants like canola and mustard. For the long term, the possibility of breeding resistance into canola and mustard needs more exploration. Recognizing it took 25 years for breeders to finally deliver wheat midge resistance, this is not anything that will happen overnight or even in the next decade. In the meantime, this perfect storm pest is going to continue to be a serious threat to canola and other cruciferous crops in North America. † Andrea Hilderman has her masters degree in weed science and is a member of the Manitoba Institute of Agrologists. She writes from Winnipeg, Man.

Des igne r

Steven Cote MARKETING /CI RCUL ATION Dir ector

Lynda Tityk

Circul ation manage r

Heather Anderson president

Glacier farmmedia

Bob Willcox H e ad O f f i c e 1666 Dublin Avenue, Winnipeg, Man. R3H 0H1 Phone: (204) 944-5568 Fax: (204) 944-5562 Ad vertis ing Sa le s

Andrew Winkels Phone: (204) 954-1414 Fax: (204) 944-5562 Email: Ad vertis ing Ser vice s Co- ordin ator photo: t. wist, aafc

This is typical swede midge damage — a fused, bottle-shaped canola flower. Many of these were seen in 2013.

Printed in Canada by Transcontinental LGM-Coronet Winnipeg, Man.

Swede midge life cycle

Grainews is published by Farm Business Communications, 1666 Dublin Avenue, Winnipeg, Manitoba R3H 0H1.

Understanding the swede midge’s life cycle is the first step on the way to controlling this new pest By Andrea Hilderman


wede midge adults emerge from mid-May to mid-June from pupae that have overwintered in the soil in cocoons. At least, this is the experience in Ontario — a great deal of research is still required to understand the insect and its life cycle nuances in Saskatchewan. The adult is a very small, delicate, lightbrown/grey fly, smaller than the orange wheat blossom midge fly. Also unlike orange wheat blossom midge, swede midge is active during the day. Male swede midge will live about a day, whereas females will live up to three days, using their long ovipositor to insert eggs into rapidly growing areas of the host plant — in between bud leaves, in very young flower buds and similar places. The female lays about 100 eggs in clumps of two to 50. The eggs hatch in about three days and larvae start feeding cryptically within whatever structure they are located. Feeding can last up to three weeks, depending on temperature. Swede midge larvae are described at gregarious, meaning they live in close proximity without competition during feeding. The larvae have no external chewing mouth parts and feed by regurgitating salivary fluids on the plant to liquefy the tissue, then slurp it up. The plant responds to this feeding activity

by developing malformed and misshapen structures. Complete cessation of growth can occur if the growing tip is destroyed. Typical symptoms include twisted plant structures, premature bolting, swollen or closed buds and fused/bottle-shaped flowers. Depending on when the adults emerge and the eggs are laid, there may be no flowers at all formed and/or deformed racimes. “For example, in 2012 infestation in Saskatchewan occurred in mid-to late June,” says Dr. Julie Soroka, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada entomologist. “The canola was in early flower at that point and the flowers showed damage as a result of the larval feeding.” In 2013, however, swede midge emergence was earlier and early canola growth was deformed and in some cases no flowers were formed at all. Swede midge larvae are capable of jumping, which they will do if disturbed while feeding or when they are ready to pupate in the soil. There are several generations of swede midge per season, with a generation occurring every 21 to 44 days in the summer. When days get shorter in the fall, larvae enter the soil and diapause in a cocoon over the winter similar to wheat midge. Pupation occurs when temperatures warm in the spring, and adults emerge when the soil reaches adequate moisture levels. † Andrea Hilderman has her master’s degree in weed science and is a member of the Manitoba Institute of Agrologists. She writes from Winnipeg, Man.

Arlene Bomback Phone: (204) 944-5765 Fax: (204) 944-5562 Email:

Publications Mail Agreement No. 40069240. We acknowledge the financial support of the Government of Canada through the Canada Periodical Fund of the Department of Canadian Heritage.

photo: crop production services

Swede midge larvae are generally white in early instars and yellow or yellowish green in late instars. They can jump!

Subscription prices: For Canadian farmers, $52.00 per year or $83.00 for 2 years (includes GST) or $104.00 for 3 years (includes GST). Man. residents add 8% PST to above prices. U.S: $43.00 per year (U.S. Funds). Outside Canada & U.S.: $79 per year. ISSN 0229-8090. Call 1-800-665-0502 for subscriptions. Fax (204) 954-1422 Canadian Postmaster: Send address changes and undeliverable copies (covers only) to PO Box 9800, Winnipeg, Man. R3C 3K7 U.S. Postmaster: Send address changes and undeliverable copies (covers only) to 1666 Dublin Avenue, Winnipeg, Man. R3H 0H1

photo: t. haye, cabi

Adult swede midge like this one are about two mm long.

Grainews is printed on recyclable paper with linseed oil-based inks. Published 18 times a year. Subscription inquiries: C al l t o l l f r e e 1-800-665-0502 U.S. subscribers call 1-204-944-5568 o r email:

Your next issue! You can expect your next issue in your mailbox about June 10, 2014

photo: m. chen, cornell u.

This is a swede midge pupa. Pupation occurs when temperatures warm in the spring.

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MAY 20, 2014 /


Features Pest management

How to find lygus bugs Lygus bugs can cause extensive crop damage. Scouting for them in your canola crops By Melanie Epp


n recent years, high populations of lygus bugs have been reported in a large portion of Alberta, as well as in some fields in Saskatchewan and Manitoba. While lygus bugs are always present in canola fields, outbreaks of high populations can cause extensive crop damage. For the most part, canola can compensate for much of the damage caused, but sometimes it cannot. In 1997, crop damage to canola in Alberta exceeded $10 million. More than 1.4 million acres were sprayed to control lygus bugs. Outbreaks were fairly isolated until about 2012, when high populations were reported across the Prairies. Lygus bugs are small, ovalshaped insects that feed on a variety of crops, including canola, alfalfa, lentils, flax and hemp. They also feed on many weeds, including flixweed, lamb’s quarters, stinkweed and hoary cress. Depending on their geographical location, lygus bugs have up to three generations per year. Should a late fall or early spring occur, an additional generation is possible. Species vary from province to province, too. In Alberta, for instance, growers see more Lygus keltoni, whereas Manitoba growers see more Lygus lineolaris. Lygus bugs are about three mm wide and six mm long. The have a fairly long antennae and their coloration ranges from pale green to reddish brown to black. Identification is made easy by a very distinctive V-shaped marking, located in the upper centre of their backs. Adult lygus bugs are very active and will fly away when approached. Overwintering in places where they can find shelter under plant litter, lygus bugs emerge in late spring and begin to reproduce on early season hosts, like alfalfa.

“Best to start sweeping either late-bud or as we get into the earlyflowering stages,” says Gavloski. The problem with scouting for lygus bugs is that they’re fast, he says. “Even if there are a lot of them there, you won’t see too many because they’re very quick and they’re hard to see on the plant.” Thresholds are based on sweep net sampling. Because they move so quickly, counting lygus bugs in a sweep net can be difficult. Be sure to sweep in several locations. To obtain more accurate counts, slowly invert the net allowing one bug to escape at a time. Either that, or invert the net into a Ziploc bag and carefully count each insect through the plastic.

Some of the newer canola varieties grow exceptionally tall. They can be denser and harder to walk through, which makes sweep netting a challenge. In these types of crops, it is perfectly acceptable to sweep along the crop’s edges, says Gavloski, but only if the crop is at the same growth stage as the rest of the field. To determine if populations are in excess of economic thresholds, use the charts below, taking into consideration application costs, canola prices and plant development stage. † Melanie Epp is a freelance writer who specializes in writing web copy for small businesses. She is based in Guelph, Ont., and can be found online at

Recently, high lygus bug populations have been reported in some fields.

Let your flag leaf fly.

Managing for lygus bugs There have never really been any serious outbreaks in Manitoba — not like the ones in Alberta — but they still require management, says John Gavloski, entomologist with Manitoba Agriculture, Food and Rural Development. “But we certainly have had years where lygus bug has been an economic problem in canola.” The first step in managing the pest is regular scouting. Monitor fields closely, especially in areas where overwintering populations may be high. Since the oldest bugs are responsible for the most damage, it’s important to not only count numbers, but also to determine what part of the life cycle the majority are in. Lygus bugs go through several nit stages, and eventually molt into the adult, says Gavloski. “As they get bigger, they’re progressively taking more of the sap per individual. They do move around when they’re young. They’re very mobile insects to begin with. But as they get bigger, they ingest more.” The best method for scouting is sweep net monitoring, which should be done under the right weather conditions (sunny, low wind, above 15 C and between the hours of 10 a.m. and 4 p.m.). Be sure to sample several areas in the field.

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MAY 20, 2014





t was mid-August when I got a call from Jim, a grain and cattle producer near Warner, Alta. Jim, who rotates cereal, oilseeds and pulse crops on his 3,000 acres of farmland, was having trouble with his canola crop. Swathing in canola needs to occur at the optimum stage of ripening in order to reduce green seed problems and/or loss due to shattering, but Jim wasn’t sure when to swath his crop because there was very uneven ripening occurring throughout the field. There had been a bad hailstorm at the beginning of the month, and Jim thought that might have something to do with what was going on with his canola. He asked me to come out to have a look for myself. When I arrived at Jim’s farm, I could see obvious signs of hail damage on the north end of the canola field, such as broken branches and plant stems. However, some thing did not add up. Why, for example, did some plants appear to be completely ripened, while right next to them were plants which looked to be far from ripe? Hail damage alone didn’t explain the extremes in this field. I knew it was unusual for hail damage to cause complete early ripening of plants, although it can cause parts of plants to ripen prematurely. Depending on the timing of the hailstorm, you

would tend to see more branching in an affected canola crop, which makes it a little more difficult to stage for swathing. However, the fact that uneven ripening within the crop was even more evident in the south end of the field, where there had been less hail damage, made another explanation more likely. “I assumed that I was just looking at the results of the hail we had seen a couple weeks earlier,” Jim said, adding that he hadn’t considered there might be another factor at play. What, then, was to blame for the uneven ripening? All of the canola plants appeared to have relatively healthy, developed root systems, and I couldn’t see any size differences between affected and non-affected plants. However, a closer inspection of individual plants yielded some critical clues. If you think you know what’s behind Jim’s canola problem, send your diagnosis to Grainews, Box 9800, Winnipeg, Man., R3C 3K7; email leeann.minogue@ or fax 204944-5416 c/o Crop Advisor’s Casebook. Best suggestions will be pooled and one winner will be drawn for a chance to win a Grainews cap and a one-year subscription to the magazine. The answer, along with reasoning that solved the mystery, will appear in the next Crop Advisor’s Solution File. † Amy Heather is an area marketing representative for Richardson Pioneer at Stirling, Alta.

Amy Heather

Uneven ripening was occurring throughout the field. Jim wasn’t sure when to swath.

There were obvious signs of hail damage such as broken branches and plant stems.



ast June I received a call from Eric, who farms 4,800 acres of durum wheat, canola, lentils and peas in the Assiniboia, Sask. region. He said his lentil and pea crops were suffering from the same problem that had shown up for the past two growing seasons. “I’m not sure what’s going on, I have those patches of dead and sick plants everywhere in my lentils and peas again. But the patches are larger than last year and seem to be spreading outward in some places,” he said. I was already acquainted with Eric, as he had called me about this problem in years past, but it had always been right before harvest, and too late in the season for me to take plant samples or draw any type of conclusion about what was going on. This time, though, it was an ideal oppor-

tunity to investigate the problem so I headed out to his fields to have a look. Upon arrival, I saw immediately what Eric was talking about: stunted plants with few to no flowers. In highly affected areas, entire plants were dying. The affected plants were located in random areas throughout the lentil and pea fields, with no distinct pattern. The affected areas appeared to spread with moisture events, Eric said, adding that the symptoms had first shown up in mid-June. I asked him some questions, and subsequently ruled out poor soil fertility, insects, pesticide residues or environmental stress as causes. I asked Eric about the history of the affected fields, specifically inquiring as to whether or not he had been rotating his crops. He said he had been — his rotation had been durum, lentils, canola, and peas. This raised a red flag for me. The same symptoms had been


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noticed in other producers’ fields in the Assiniboia area over the past few years, affecting a large number of pulse growers. In fact, I logged more than 20 calls for this issue alone in the 2013 growing season. I knelt down and pulled one of Eric’s affected plants from the soil, and only a strand of tissue remained for a root. This led me to believe it was root rot — I just didn’t know which species would be so aggressive and destructive in the field. I took plant and soil samples from several of the affected lentil and pea fields. Tests confirmed that the plants had been infected with both aphanomyces root rot and fusarium root rot. My suspicions about Eric’s crop rotation of durum, lentils, canola, and peas had been confirmed — he hadn’t allowed for a long enough interval between pulse crops. Fungi and related organisms that cause root rot can survive in soil for more than 10 years, and root

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rot affecting pulse crops is on the rise. “You should ensure that there is a four- to five-year rotation with non-legume crops, possibly longer,” I told Eric, whose yields were unfortunately cut in half on the most severely affected fields, Eric assured me he’d follow proper rotation guidelines to prevent a reoccurrence of the problem, adding that his plan was to grow soybeans as the pulse crop in his rotation on land where symptoms have not been visible in the past. One silver lining was that all this helped confirm what had been in a problem for many pea and lentil fields in the Assiniboia area for several years. For Eric, and for other producers in the region, peas and lentils represent a risky short-term cropping option until more is know about root rot and how the disease relates to crop rotation practices. † Angie Berner is a crop input manager with Richardson Pioneer Ltd. in Assiniboia, Sask.

Same active as:



he Casebook winner for this issue is Roger Cey, who farms with his wife Margaret in the Wilkie, Sask., area. Roger knew right way that the problem was root rot. Unfortunately, he knew from experience. Since he started farming in 1983, Roger has never seen excess moisture like they’ve had in the last three years. “The pulse crops and canola have been showing us where the excess moisture is,” Roger says. “Just like your picture, it’s sometimes in places you don’t expect, like hillsides. The wheat seems to handle it much better. Hoping for an average year of moisture as we are quite soggy again this spring.” We will be sending Roger a Grainews hat and renewing his subscription for one year. Thanks for entering, Roger. Let’s hope you need the hat to keep a lot of spring sunhine out of your eyes.

Leeann Minogue

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MAY 20, 2014

Features Insect management

Getting those grasshoppers Most areas won’t have grasshopper problems in 2014. But there are some places where farmers should hone their identification skills


or the most part, Saskatchewan farmers are unlikely to be fighting waves of grasshoppers this year, according to Saskatchewan Agriculture’s 2014 hopper forecast. But Saskatchewan’s 2014 forecast does show one bull’s eye of severe risk. “And in the middle of that bull’s eye is Meadow Lake,” Peter Walsh told farmers at Cavalier Agrow’s farm forum in North Battleford this April. Walsh teaches courses in insect, weed and disease management, along with crop agronomy, at Lakeland College in Vermilion. A count of at least 12 adult hoppers per square metre in the fall adds up to a severe risk forecast the following year. Meadow Lake farmers aren’t the only Prairie producers likely to suffer hopper plagues this year. Alberta Agriculture and Rural Development’s forecast shows very severe risk (more than 24 hoppers found per square metre) near Grande Prairie, along with areas in the northeast and westcentral regions. Alberta also has severe risk areas elsewhere in the Peace, in the northeast, between Calgary and Lethbridge, and in the east-central part of the province. Most surveyed areas in Manitoba last year rated very low risk. But hoppers numbered 18 per square metre at a site near Crystal City and 22 per square metre near Wawanesa. Farmers in zones not rated as high risk aren’t necessarily going to get off scot-free this year, though. Forecasts partly depend on weather and natural enemies, Dr. John Gavloski, entomologist with Manitoba Agriculture, Food and Rural Development, said in an interview. And local populations can vary. “We try to do our best to make sure that the counts are representative, but that’s not always the case,” said Gavloski.

Identifying pests Not all grasshoppers are crop killers and it’s well worth knowing which are friend and which are foe. Manitobans  walking  the ditches might see bright green insects resembling grasshoppers. They are katydids, Gavloski said. “They’ll never move in and damage the crop.” Both Gavloski and Walsh cited the Russian Thistle Grasshopper as a species that only eats weeds. But farmers don’t have to be able to name the specific specie to know if a hopper will gorge itself on grain. Any grasshopper that makes a clacking noise while flying, has colourful wings (yellow or rose-coloured), or is flying in April or May is not a pest, Walsh told farmers. “All of our pest species overwinter as eggs. That’s why in June they’re just hatching out,” said Gavloski. Pest species usually aren’t adults until July. But some non-pest species overwinter, said Gavloski. “So they’re nearly mature early in the season.” Females that are common pests will lay eggs in the fall “until the frost shuts her down,” said Walsh. Nymphs emerge and begin feeding immediately, Walsh added. “The grasshopper does not have a resting stage. There is no stage in the hopper like a cocoon.”

Scouting and thresholds Alberta Agriculture and Rural Development’s website recommends checking field edges, fence lines and ditches for grasshoppers. Egg beds generally line field edges so instars will be found there first. To   c o u n t   g r a s s h o p p e r s , Manitoba Agriculture’s site suggests starting in one field corner, walking diagonally past the centre, and then walking straight out to one side of the field. While walking, note how many nymphs jump from a square foot area.

The ministry suggests taking at least 20 of these counts per survey. Dividing the total by two will give an approximate number of hoppers per square metre. The economic threshold for grasshoppers is eight to 12 hoppers per square metre, according to Manitoba Ag’s site. Gavloski said this threshold is nominal, meaning there isn’t quantitative data correlating insect damage to yield loss. “It’s basically a best guess of what people think is likely economical,” he said. Farmers with lower-value crops should err on the high end of the economic threshold, Gavloski said. But for high-value crops, action is needed when grasshoppers breach the lower end of the spectrum, he added. And crops such as lentils and flax likely require action before the grasshoppers hit the low end of the threshold. In fact, lentils at the flowering and podding stage have a recommended threshold of two hoppers per square metre. Soybeans and canola aren’t preferred snacks for most hoppers, but there are species that will eat them once their preferred food sources dry down, Gavloski said. “Cereal crops are favoured by some of our pest species, so they’re certainly more vulnerable,” said Gavloski.

Control timing Gavloski suggested controlling hoppers at roughly the third or fourth instar stage, before they start damaging crops. “Adult grasshoppers are much harder to control than juveniles,” said Gavloski. “And the juveniles are often concentrated along field edges and borders.” Walsh also recommended farmers delay spraying until nymphs hit the third instar. At that stage they’ll have small wing pads. “What you’re waiting for is the complete hatch. If you jump the gun the first time you see those little

Source: Alberta Agricultural Fieldmen, Alberta Agriculture and Rural Development, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada

nymphs out there, you may have to spray a second time,” said Walsh. But farmers will need to weigh this advice against how much damage is already being done to the crop and the crop type, said Walsh. Grasses, such as wheat, will outgrow some of the early damage, Walsh added. “And if I’m still waiting for the rest of the hatch, I probably don’t have peas or canola into bud or any kind of stage like that,” Walsh said. It ultimately comes down to individual farmers’ risk tolerance, Walsh said. “Where’s your line? Everybody’s got their line. And just some cautions that if you can hold off a bit, you may only have to spray once.” Common wisdom says that a wet spring is hard on newly-

hatched hoppers, but spring rains don’t always drown grasshoppers. Instars “breathe through their abdomens. And they can’t lift their abdomens out of the muck and the mud and the water,” Walsh explained. But wet weather doesn’t affect the eggs, so whether or not spring rains kill instars comes down to timing. “Heavy rains in June could potentially kill lots of grasshoppers. Heavy rains in April will do next to nothing,” said Gavloski. And a cold spring will delay the hatch, and so if the wet weather passes, the eggs will still be viable, said Walsh. † Lisa Guenther is a field editor with Grainews at Livelong, Sask. Contact her at Lisa.Guenther@

Grasshoppers and El Niño


n April press release from the World Meteorological Organization indicates “a fairly large potential for an El Niño” event, which could influence global temperatures and precipitation. Should El Niño cause hot and dry conditions across the Prairies this summer, grasshopper populations could be affected, says Dan Johnson, a professor of environmental science at the University of Lethbridge and a grasshopper expert. “The grasshoppers that survive spring need warm weather to grow through their stages, and then clear, warm weather during breeding season… If it’s hot and sunny they can basically realize their full reproductive potential,” he says. Hot and dry conditions from July through September means female grasshoppers will mature rapidly, find mates and repeatedly lay eggs, which could result in large egg numbers the following spring. Warm soil in the fall allows the embryos to grow up to the point of hibernation (known as diapause in insects), leaving them poised to

hatch during a narrow window in spring, if soil is warm again. Weather conditions favourable for egg hatch and juvenile survival, followed by a second sunny and warm summer, could result in a grasshopper outbreak. “Two years that are good for them and they’re on their way,” says Johnson. “That’s what always causes these outbreaks.” However, cool, wet conditions can delay egg hatching as well as decrease grasshopper populations as hatchlings and immature grasshoppers succumb to disease. A super El Niño is not beyond the realm of possibility in the future. Climate records, lake-bottom sediments and tree rings provide evidence of 10-year, 20-year, even century-long periods of hot and dry conditions, says Johnson. “Some climatologists, for example at the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration in the United States, say a large-scale El Niño could be coming. The super El Niño could go on and on, or regular El Niño could be more frequent, and who knows what it could do. It would certainly affect these insects. Weather related to El Niño did in previous years.” † Kari Belanger is a Winnipeg-based writer and editor.

photo: courtesy of dan johnson

It is useful to identify pest species, such as the two-striped grasshopper above, to determine if the species in your field are beneficial or damaging.

MAY 20, 2014 /



Taking the count The first part of deciding whether or not you need to spray your field is getting an accurate pest count BY LEEANN MINOGUE


ost recommendations about pesticides include an economic threshold — if you have more than the specified number of pests per square metre, spraying could be an effective option for you. So before you can make your decision, you’re going to need to take a census. At Saskatchewan Agriculture’s Crop Diagnostic School at Indian Head in July, Saskatchewan Agriculture’s provincial insect/vertebrate pest management specialist, Scott Hartley was on hand to give farmers and agrologists a live demonstration of taking an accurate insect count.

THREE STEPS TO COUNTING HOPPERS Hartley demonstrated a simple way to count grasshoppers. Step 1: Step off a distance. If you use a yard stick at home to check how long a step you need to measure off one metre, you can easily step off a close-enough distance out in the field. A good distance to use is

25 metres (long enough for a representative sample, not so long you need to carry a compass and water bottle.) Step 2: Once you’ve stepped out the distance, walk the length of the distance, counting every grasshopper you see in a one-metre strip right in front of you. Make sure you’re shuffling your feet, to scare up everything your path. Until you’ve done this a few times and you’ve got the hang of the distance, you could carry a metre stick out into the field to make sure you’re counting in an accurate range. Step 3: Divide the number you counted by the distance in metres (25 in this case) to get a count per square metre. This method is fast and easy. It might not be scientifically accurate down to the last decimal point, but Hartley says, “It gives a pretty good indication.”

SIX SWEEPNET TIPS While you can spot grasshoppers visually, other insects are easier to count if you catch them in a net. Using a sweepnet to count


Saskatchewan Agriculture’s provincial pest management specialist Scott Hartley gave a hands-on demonstration of the most accurate way to fill and empty a sweep net at Saskatchewan Agriculture’s Crop Diagnostic School at Indian Head last July. the number of bugs in a certain area seems pretty straight forward. But here are some tips to help you get a closer count. Tip 1: When you walk through the field, be sure to sweep the area 180 degrees in front of you. Tip 2: Be strong. Hartley says you should use “a good firm sweep with a little flick at the end to shake everything down.” Tip 3: Keep your net level, at about waist height. “You do not just want to go just over the top,” Hartley says. You might want to work out before scouting season, as pushing and pulling that net through at that height can be a bit

Changing grasshopper species


hile the most important action farmers can take to protect their crops is to be aware of the most current insect monitoring information from provincial ag departments, says Dan Johnson, an environmental science professor at the University of Lethbridge. the best in-field tip remains the same year after year: know the difference between grasshoppers that damage crops and those that do not, and check for them at the right times. As many as 25 grasshopper species can be found in a single field, and only a few of those species are pests; however, in some

years, the pest species are the most numerous ones. As a rule of thumb, Johnson says it’s not a pest if the grasshopper: • has coloured wings; • makes any kind of noise, such as clicking when it flies, scritching when it’s sitting, or singing in the ditch; • flies before the first of June; or, • sits in a crop and does not damage it. Many grasshoppers will not eat particular species of crops or plants. They’ll live in a field but not eat some kinds of plants, and in some cases certain species will avoid crops. Consulting a comprehensive guide for grasshopper identification and control such as

Grasshopper Identification and Control Methods to Protect Crops and the Environment (find it on numerous websites) will help farmers sort pests, such as the two-striped, Packard’s, lesser migratory and clear-winged grasshoppers, from harmless or beneficial species. Grasshopper identification by growers is vital for monitoring species shifts, says Johnson, which can change over the course of a year, or from year to year. For example, Alberta producers scouting their fields near Coronation, Consort and Youngstown may have noticed a shift in grasshopper species prior to the devastating outbreak in 2002.

of a test. “It isn’t always easy to keep it exactly at that level.” Tip 4: Hang on. “You need a good, firm sweep,” Hartley says. “Or you’ll flip the net over.” Tip 5: “Take it out of the field to bag it,” Hartley advises. Turn the net inside-out to put the contents directly into a plastic bag. Tip 6: Having trouble getting a count on the bugs in the bag when they’re all moving around? Hartley has a solution for this. “Throw it in the freezer overnight. They become a lot more cooperative.” † Leeann Minogue is the editor of Grainews.

“For two years before it happened, I could see that a species called the clear-winged grasshopper, which had been extremely uncommon for years, was coming back with a vengeance because of the dry conditions,” says Johnson. “The forecast gave the warning, and it turned out to be right. It was a wipeout. The grasshoppers were so heavy and so hungry a lot of the fields looked like the barest summerfallow ever, yet they weren’t summerfallow — they were crops. The level at which young grasshoppers begin to seriously threaten cereal crops is around 10 to 15 per square metre, but during the drought years they were hatching at hundreds per square metre in some fields.” Small shifts in populations and the species that dominate

are natural, but it’s a whole different ballgame, says Johnson, when a population swings dramatically, especially if growers are used to dealing with certain species and then must adapt quickly to new ones showing up in their fields. “We need to anticipate those shifts and be ready,” he says. It’s also important for younger generations to become familiar with identifying grasshopper species. “The farmer generations are turning over now. The young farmers are educated, ready to go and hard-working. But they might lack experience because maybe they haven’t lived through outbreaks, or they’ve only seen one and it’s a particular kind of grasshopper,” says Johnson. † Kari Belanger is a Winnipeg-based writer and editor.



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MAY 20, 2014


Investors head for stocks and junk With interest rates in the doldrums, investors head for dividend paying stocks and global junk BY ANDREW ALLENTUCK


tagnation is the new normal,” quipped American blogger Taegan Goddard, following the view of Nobel prizewinning Princeton professor Paul Krugman that low interest rates alone have been and will be insufficient to lift the U.S. and other economies out of the doldrums. The key indicators of stagnation are range-bound bond markets in the U.S. and Canada. The Fed’s Janet Yellen and the Bank of Canada’s Stephen Poloz have affirmed that interest rates will be suppressed until at least 2015. Money has headed to dividend paying stocks. Canadian large cap companies such as banks and some utilities offer dividends of four to five per cent and there are strong prospects that they will raise dividends over time. But the trendsetter is the American stock market — what happens in New York resonates around the world. The bellwether U.S. Treasury 10-year bond currently yields 2.70 per cent to maturity. The Government of Canada 10-year bond pays 2.44 per cent to maturity. These interest rates pay almost nothing after inflation. It is possible to trade these bonds, buying when hints of rising interest rates create a little bond selloff as new bonds with higher rates make existing bonds less appealing, then selling when the Fed repeats one more time that it’s not yet time to give up trying to resuscitate the American economy. Trading bonds to capture a tenth of a per cent of yield is for professional traders, not off-farm income seekers. Larger gains ought to reside in stocks, but a quirk of American markets makes the spring and summer periods before the November elections halfway through the four year presidential cycle a very rough time for investors. The S&P 500 Index has lost 2.5 and 0.3 per cent, on average, in the second and third quarters of such years. Markets tend to pick up when there are prospects for change of government or resolution of issues, often promises of more government spending or tax reductions in the election speeches of those competing to be candidates in primaries in 2015. In lieu of clear market direction, investors have bid up shares of BCE Inc., the phone company, to $48.73 — more than 19 times the company’s earnings. Put another way, the buyer of BCE at this price will have to

wait two decades to get his money back. In reality, rising dividends on top of earnings growth will pay back the price in perhaps 14 years, but it’s still extraordinary to pay so much for a humdrum phone company. Canadian investors are also buying familiar names such as Tim Horton’s, recently priced at 22 times trailing earnings. Timmy’s return on equity, a luscious 43.6 per cent, trashes the return on equity of competitors like Boston Pizza (9.4 per cent), and Second Cup (-35.7 per cent), but Canada’s donut king’s earnings per share are down an average of 7.7 per cent over the last three years. One can argue that investors’ affection for Timmy’s stock is at least as much about emotion as it is about calculation.

BOND FUNDS Elsewhere, investors are loading up on exotic bond funds. A major insurance company’s global bond fund has attracted almost $4 billion with respectable returns in senior global government issues from G7 countries and some senior insurance companies. But the fund has lagged the high yield bond index by which it is measured and charges a management expense ratio a little north of two per cent a year. At that rate, most of the bond income goes to the fund manager, and the unit holder is left to gather or lose the speculative returns on the bonds’ prices. In the high yield market, premiums paid by low grade bonds over investment grade are relatively small. For now, investors can take a pass. Investors willing to take more risk in search of yield have been putting money into bonds of such developing nations as Rwanda. Two decades ago, the African country was racked by civil war and genocide. But a recent bond issue from Rwanda paid annualized rates of 5.9 per cent for 91 days and 6.6 per cent for 182 days. For taking the modest risk that the National Bank of Rwanda, the issuer, will be around in three and six months, the investor gets 502 basis points (there are 100 basis points in one per cent ) over the 0.88 per cent return on Government of Canada Treasury bills and a 571 basis points over the 0.89 per cent yield on the six month Government of Canada bond. This is not for everyone. You need access to Rwandan francs, a dealer who stocks Rwandan bonds and a foreign exchange dealer willing to

investors are loading up on exotic bond funds. let you trade back to loonies or U.S. dollars without paying fees so high that they take away your interest.

OTHER OPTIONS There’s also a rush to load up on midcap stocks with growing earnings and prospects for rising dividends. Shares of discount chain Dollarama, t-shirt maker Gilden Active Wear and telephone pole supplier Stella Jones have been hot this year on prospects for growing earnings, higher payouts for investors and the ability of mutual fund managers to gang up on these relatively small companies, buying shares and thus justifying what other managers are doing. If and when their earnings falter or decline, there will be a mass rush for the dollars and prices will tumble. Chances are that late arriving small investors will be left with losses and tears. The soundest bets on the TSX right now are financial services. If you like big banks, have a look at Royal Bank’s relatively modest price, just 13.2 times trailing earnings with a 3.9 per cent dividend yield. The other big six chartered banks are in line with conservative price earning ratios, such as CIBC’s modest 10.4 ratio of price to trail-

ing earnings and a dividend yield of 4.1 per cent. The two banks have different valuations because investors think Royal Bank a steadier bet than the more volatile performance of CIBC, yet both banks offer conservative valuations and very nice income. Other financial services are also appealing. Great-West Lifeco, perhaps the most conservative of its peers, has a 12.8 ratio of price to trailing earnings and a 4.1 per cent dividend yield. When interest rates rise, G-W and its peers will be able to get more income out of their bonds and so offer more attractive premium rates to clients. A friend, once head of research for a large Canadian investment bank, once told me “stocks are at the right price very little of the time.” At this time, it’s appropriate to take a dour view of what markets are going to do for the next six to nine months. That banks and big utilities and telcos are thriving suggests that investors collectively are taking shelter in what they see as secure companies offering payouts equivalent to bond income in better times. That’s rational under the circumstances. It’s not the best of all possible worlds, but it’s what’s available right now. † Andrew Allentuck’s latest book, “When Can I Retire? Planning Your Financial Life After Work,” was published in 2011 by Penguin Canada.


It takes a few hours Toban Dyck has started a new enterprise: brewing his own beer TOBAN DYCK


t takes a few hours, a couple friends, and a barbecue to consume a batch of beer. And it would take about six to eight hours to brew another one. We’re usually done a 10-gallon batch before my wife gets home from her teaching day, and we rarely start before 8:30 a.m. Farmers take note: you can grow all that’s needed to brew beer. And the craft beer industry is on an upward trajectory that seems far from cresting, especially in the Prairies. In 2012, 2,000 craft breweries and brewpubs were operating in the U.S. That number, which just

includes the small guys, has been rising since. In Canada, in the same year, there were 371 licensed and operating breweries, compared to 330 the year before. The beer basics: Water, malted barley, hops, and yeast. Combine these ingredients with attention to specific hops, yeast, and malts, and you’ll have brewed a beverage flavourful enough to convert the most seasoned Budweiser fan. The brewing process begins by cracking the highest quality malted barley with a roller mill. ‘This is called grist. The grist is then mixed with hot water in the mash tun. The water circulates through the mash, extracting the starches. The sweet liquid created through this extraction is called wort. The wort is then transferred to a kettle where it is brought to a rolling boil. It is at this stage hops are added to contribute bitterness, flavour,

and aroma. After boiling, the wort is transferred through a heat exchanger, cooling the liquid down to fermentation temperature. The wort is then pumped into the primary fermenter where yeast is added. After one week of fermentation the beer is transferred to a cold conditioning tank where it is clarified and carbonated for a second week. Now the beer is bottled or put into kegs. Full disclosure: I’m hoping to start a brewery with a fellow farmer, neighbour, friend. And this column is about startups. Specifically, how tricky they are, and how rewarding they can be. We chat out game plans, convincing ourselves we’re on to something. We spend hours pouring over stats and talking to others in the industry. But, essentially, we had nothing. But we also had everything. If you are willing to

pay quality, logical attention to nurturing an idea, it will be realized. It will become something more. But it takes a fight. Many gave us half-hearted praise for the idea. The rest were quick to highlight all the work ahead of us. Some partners dropped out. And others wanted to be added to the taste-tester list (we don’t have such a list). The first version of our business plan was torn to shreds. We’ve been handed many reasons to quit, and have rejected each one. We don’t have a brewery operating on the farm. Yet. But the business has legs of its own now. We’ve got a business plan meaty enough for investors to chew on, and the people who were once half-hearted now seem surprised, as if even their tempered praise was a stretch when it was just an idea. The support has been rolling in. And that is rewarding no matter how much work we have left to do. † Toban Dyck is a freelance writer and a new farmer on an old farm. Follow him on Twitter @tobandyck or email

MAY 20, 2014 /



Three ways to get your business in gear For successful succession, follow the best habits of effective business managers ANDREW DERUYCK



his is part four of our series on succession. After looking back at the succeessful transitions we’ve seen over our last 10 years, we’ve made lists of what went right and what went wrong. Over time, we’ve come to liken a successful business transition to an operating planetary gear. All of the parts need to work together. In this column, the gear we want to examine closely for any signs of wear is the business gear. The business is extremely integral to the succession process. The business ensures the existing assets can provide a living for the next generation while still providing capital to the retiring generation. Clearly understanding the business is essential for ensuring that growth plans remain within the risk appetite of those involved. Attention to the business goes beyond just the longer-term strategy. It takes diligent daily management to ensure efficient execution of the plans. It has been said that the first generation builds the business, the second generation keeps the business and the third generation will lose the business. This can be the case if management grows complacent and takes the business for granted. The great news is that numbers never lie — one plus one always equals two and there is very little emotion or soft issues involved in effective business planning. The other good news is that when we looked back over the countless farms and agribusinesses that we have worked with, the traits or habits of successful business managers were very, very similar. Here are three that we see as very important. C








1. PLAN FOR SUCCESS Farms with the business gear operating trouble-free engage in frequent, detailed, written planning. Great focus is placed on making plans and projecting results. We often hear the excuse, “How can we plan in detail for next year when so many things can change?” That is exactly the value that strong business managers extract from the exercise of planning. Some of our clients in the most volatile industries are the most successful. These are the ones that pay the most attention to the planning process. In contrast, we have witnessed a few messes along the way where the business planning is being done intuitively — inside someone’s head. It is often dark and cloudy in there, making it difficult for other owners, workers, or family members to see what the plan is. Often, there is more than one person that can think on the farm. If multiple people are planning

intuitively and not discussing everyone reacts to events instead of their plans or committing to them being proactive. If you aren’t folin a written plan, it can be like lowing these habits, there is a good having three or four drivers on the chance you will be pushed into crisame bus, speeding out of control. sis management frequently. Once Successes are common when your emotions begin to rise, wave planning is done as a group, involv- rational thought goodbye. ing all who are integral to the final decision. An environment where 2. ASSEMBLE A PROFESSIONAL individuals can be challenged is TEAM very common in highly achievAnother key feature we see in sucing businesses because it results in more thorough analysis. Regardless cessful transitions is the effort made of how much discussion and ques- to assemble a professional team that tioning goes on in the planning fills gaps in the skill set of owners process, when the rubber hits the and managers. This may include road, everyone in that successful accountants, lawyers, consultants business understands and is com- and agronomists, and the list goes mitted to a final plan. This results on and on. Good business managin your team proactively managing ers work hard to find out what they don’t know, then make an effort to towards the plan. ABIC2014_Grainews-Junior.pdf 1 25/02/2014 4:04:55 PM In the messes we have witnessed, involve someone who does.

When we come across a mess, it has often started with a gap that management wasn’t aware of and didn’t think to fill. Good managers know what they don’t know and poor managers don’t know what they don’t know. We worked with a client once who said, “I don’t do my own dental work nor do I check my own prostate and that is why I am working with you guys.” (Now that we think about it, all we did for him was a comprehensive succession plan. We hope he wasn’t expecting something else.)

3. ANALYZE THE RESULTS The final common trait we identified is the analysis of end results. Successful farms revisit the results they achieved, analyze them and

communicate this back to integral members of their team. The key message is that there are some common and effective habits among farms and agribusinesses that are doing an exceptional job of managing the business component that has proved to be integral to successful transition. Compare your habits to the ones we identified above and maybe you will know something you didn’t know when you are done. Good luck. † Andrew DeRuyck and Mark Sloane manage two farming operations in southern Manitoba and are partners in Right Choice Management Consulting. With over 25 years of cumulative experience, they offer support in farm management, financial management, strategic planning and mediation services. They can be reached at and or 204-825-7392 and 204-825-8443.



MAY 20, 2014


As the pendulum swings Speculators in commodity futures markets have increased price volatility at the farm gate BRIAN WITTAL


n the past few months we have seen a somewhat dramatic turn of events in grain markets. The pendulum has swung back from the point of low prices and panic to higher prices and optimism. How far has the pendulum swung back? When will it hit the crest and start back the other way? Let’s look at why this momentum shift has happened, yet again. A hard cold winter has threatened the U.S. winter wheat crop

with snow and frost all the way down into the southern Texas growing regions. Predictions of an El Niño weather system building and forecasts of continued hot dry weather throughout the U.S. Midwest growing regions threaten to extend the drought this coming summer. Political unrest in Ukraine seems to be escalating and continues to keep markets on edge with concerns that new crop production could be reduced because of the unrest and export shipments could be impacted if the situation continues or escalates. Weather and harvest delays in South America have impacted quality and quantity of their bumper crop. Old crop U.S. soybeans are in tight supply

and demand is steady so prices have pushed higher. Livestock prices are near all-time highs adding demand and support to the feed grain complex. All of these factors have added momentum to the markets. This has attracted speculative funds back to the grain markets looking for an opportunity to make money from uncertainty. Like sharks to blood. When the funds step into the markets they can have a real influence on how high and then how low (or visa versa) the markets go (volatility). The question now is how long will the feeding frenzy last? How long will these sharks stay in the pool and play the game before they cut and run, heading

for a new pool of opportunity and sending the pendulum back the other direction? As long as the elements mentioned above remain relevant, speculative funds will remain active in commodity markets to squeeze out every last little bit of profit opportunity. If or when any of these elements change or if another segment of the futures markets looks more profitable, you will see the speculative funds shift their market positions or pull their money out very quickly.

SPECULATIVE FUNDS For speculative fund managers, investment decisions are all about where they think they can



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Spray Field SW2 50% Complete Assigned to John Due March 6, 2014


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Spray Field SW2 100% Complete Assigned to John Done March 3, 2014



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100% Complete, Assigned to David Done Sept 25, 2014




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make the fastest dollar with the least risk. The reality of futures markets is that they are no longer just there for the buyers and sellers of products to trade among themselves as they were when first created. The futures trading floors such as Chicago, Kansas, Minneapolis and Winnipeg are now “for profit” companies. To make futures trading markets viable and profitable businesses, they needed to increase trading volumes. The way to do that was to allow speculative trading within these markets, to encourage those with money and a sense of adventure to gamble to participate. To encourage the adventurous to participate, some rules such as daily trading limits were changed, allowing markets to fluctuate within greater limits. Increased volatility provides market participants an opportunity to make more money when markets move; this opportunity is the same for the market speculator as it is for the producer of the product. Over the years as markets have evolved and speculative funds have become larger, we have seen markets become more volatile because of the amount of money these speculative funds bring to the markets. They can enter and exit the markets in a very big way, which can drive prices up or down very aggressively. This is another example of how our world and the ag industry have progressed. Interest in playing the markets has grown exponentially over the years. World trading floors have responded accordingly, offering a wide variety of products and contracts for trade to encourage the entrepreneurial spirit. So we must adjust our ways of doing business on our farms. We need to better understand the futures markets and how to use them to protect and grow our businesses. We need to see volatility as an opportunity and know how to take advantage of it. Many producers don’t like the added volatility these speculative funds bring to the marketplace, because it makes it very hard to try to determine what is actually going on and what is a true market price. If you are willing to play the markets and learn to use the volatility as part of your pricing strategy, you will tend towards selling your grain using forward and futures value contracts. If you don’t like trying to deal with the volatility and want to know you are getting a fair price for your grain you will be more comfortable selling into the CWB pool programs. Either way the volatility is still there — you can manage it yourself using futures contracts or you can let the CWB manage it for you. This is the way of the future for marketing grain in a global marketplace. Learn about the markets, understand how they work, know your numbers and use the markets to your advantage to ensure profitability whenever possible. † Brian Wittal has 30 years of grain industry experience, and currently offers market planning and marketing advice to farmers through his company Pro Com Marketing Ltd. (

MAY 20, 2014 /



Artesian wells are not always good Artesian wells are amazing phenomena. But they can cause salinity in the soil LES HENRY



J.L.(Les) Henry is a former professor and extension specialist at the University of Saskatchewan. He farms at Dundurn, Sask. He recently finished a second printing of “Henry’s Handbook of Soil and Water,” a book that mixes the basics and practical aspects of soil, fertilizer and farming. Les will cover the shipping and GST for “Grainews” readers. Simply send a cheque for $50 to Henry Perspectives, 143 Tucker Cres., Saskatoon, Sask., S7H 3H7, and he will dispatch a signed book.

Well at U. of S. Goodale farm.


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lowing artesian wells are a fascinating piece of Mother Nature in action. “Artesian” means that the water level rises above the depth of completion. The sand aquifer is confined by clay layers and pressure builds up. If the water level in the well is above the completion zone but below the ground, it is a non-flowing artesian well. If the pressure level (head) is above ground, it is a flowing artesian well. In the diagram, the aquifer (sand or gravel, or in the Winnipeg area fractured limestone) comes to the surface for recharge at an elevation higher than the well, resulting in water flow. The diagram shows the situation that leads to the salt water discharge at the northern end of Lake Winnipegosis. The geologic formation takes its head all the way back to South Dakota, where it outcrops. But, in much of the Canadian Prairies the explanation is much different. The flowing well in the photo is on the University of Saskatchewan Goodale farm, just southeast of Saskatoon. We installed it in the Forestry Farm aquifer at a depth of 112 feet as part of some soil salinity studies in 1986. The aquifer sand is at 112 feet at that location but that sand does not come to surface anywhere. That formation extends east and underlies the Strawberry Hills upland. Sloughs in the hills are a primary source of the water inflow that charges up the pressure in the aquifer. The aquifer ends abruptly approximately 200 metres south of this well location. North of Saskatoon that same aquifer extends right to the river and drains as springs to the river. Consequently the pressure does not build up as high and no flowing conditions are encountered. But, back to the flowing well on the Goodale Farm. When it was installed in 1986 the water level was 11 feet above ground. In the dry periods of the 1990s to 2001/2002 the head fell to eight feet above ground. After the recent big snow winters and wet summers the head is 14 feet above ground. We put in 10 feet of six-inch screen so we could lay some water on the ground for demonstration purposes and to do “backflush” experiments on the adjacent saline soils. It does 20 gallons per minute all by itself. Students get a kick out of cranking open the gate valve and seeing Mother Nature do her thing. Henry’s Handbook of Soil and Water includes many tales of flowing wells and describes the “backflush” work we did on the saline soils. It also explains how a flowing well or hole can be plugged. At first flush you may think a flowing well is great — water on tap with no pump required. But, flowing wells can be a problem. If uncontrolled they can spill water where it is not wanted.

Most of our saline soils are caused by artesian discharge from situations just like Goodale farm. If you see a farm advertised with flowing wells in place, investigate it carefully before jumping in. Pliny the Elder (AD 23 to AD 79) said: “Tales sunt aquae, qualis terra per quam fluunt.” Waters take their nature from the strata through which they flow. Good farming for 2014. †



MAY 20, 2014


Two new favourite stocks Andy Sirski has added two “new” stocks to his portfolio. Find out why he chose Alcoa and Microsoft ANDY SIRSKI


his past month I added Alcoa (AA) and Microsoft (MSFT) to my list of favorite stocks. Here’s my thinking on both stocks.

ALCOA (AA) Alcoa (AA) is one of the biggest aluminum producers in North America, with production facilities in six other countries. I think the company faces two new challenges: a plant in Russia that might face extra hardships and the rising price of natural gas. Still, it looks like the worst is behind for Alcoa. The price of aluminum was beaten up a few years ago partly due to the recession and I suspect partly due to many plants around the world trying to keep up volume Alcoa has shuttered several plants around the world. The latest was two of its more expensive

producers; the company claimed a loss in Q1 to cover those costs. That shutdown also reduced the amount of aluminum being produced in the world. Alcoa’s management is developing its added value business. Two things stand out. First the company developed a high strength aluminum alloy and now is building rims for semi trailers that weigh 40 pounds less than regular rims. Second, Alcoa also builds airplane parts. Plans call for thousands of new planes to be built in the next 10 years. This business will be around for years to come. Value added is a big term in many circles of business and Alcoa has developed lines that will use the aluminum they produce and add to profits. Shares dropped to a low of about $5 but it seemed too risky to buy them at the time. Then the price was flat lined around $8. Lately, Alcoa shares crept up to $12.50. When earnings came out in early April it seemed like the worst was behind Alcoa. I resisted the temptation to buy ahead of the earnings report. I gave the stock a couple of days

to let emotions run out of steam and as the shares went above $13 I bought 1,000 shares. Recently I bought another 1,000 shares, bringing my average cost to $13.27, and I can see myself owning up to 5,000 shares over time. The shares pay a dividend of $0.12 per year. I have not sold covered calls on those shares and may not for while. When I do, I will likely sell above the price of the day to give the shares some room to run up while I still collect a little extra income from selling calls. If the calls are exercised I can always buy shares back. As part of my strategy with AA, by the time you read this I will own some AA call options. I will likely buy the January 2015 call with a strike price of $12 per share. If the shares move up that option value should go up too. This is a strategy outlined in the 2007 book Get Rich with Options: Four Strategies from the Exchange Floor by Lee Lowell. Buying calls is not for everybody.

MICROSOFT (MSFT) I owned 1,000 shares of MSFT years ago and sold them as

they started to drop at somewhere around $96 per share. The shares split two for one sometime later and dropped to the low $20s. The company started to pay a dividend and the shares edged up the past few years. Here’s why I recently bought 1,000 shares at around $40 and I’m selling covered calls on them. First, the shares have weekly options. Second, the shares appear to have support at $38, the break out price. The company has something like $85 billion of cash and short-term assets but a lot of that money is overseas. While the shares have some support, they also move around in price just enough to give me a nice premium from selling covered calls. I think I can milk this one, collect some dividends and capture some capital gain. The company does make a lot of cash month after month so it can support a dividend and likely raise it regularly. Over the past couple of years earnings have not gone up significantly but the market has raised the price earnings ratio from around 10 to 14. With a P/E of 10 and earnings of

$2.70 the shares were trading at $27. At a P/E of 14.8 and earnings of $2.70 the shares trade at $38 or better.

NATURAL GAS Between a cold cold winter and shrinking supplies from shale gas wells, the amount of natural gas in storage has dropped below its fiveyear average. So the price is rising and it looks like the industry will not be able to boost supplies much over the summer. I own 1,730 shares of Bonavista (BNP), which has oil, natural gas and other enterprises. I paid $13.45 for those shares and they now trade over $17. The 30 shares are the ones we collected when the monthly dividends were paid to us a more shares. Another natural gas stock I like is called Delphi (DEE). This one has land right smack in the middle of natural gas country in Western Canada. † Andy is mostly retired. He plays with his grandchildren, gardens, and manages his family’s investments. Andy also writes an electronic newsletter titled StocksTalk .If you want to read it free for a month send an email to Andy at If you like what you read you can subscribe.


Monsanto weed ID app Monsanto’s new app helps you identify a new weed in your field, and also show it on a map JAY PETERSON

to reduce the amount of weed guidebooks or maps you have to carry around.



ll day, every day we are bombarded with information, most of which can be critical to our operations. Many days it’s difficult to absorb all of these tidbits of gold, let alone recall them on demand. Monsanto has released a weed ID app that can ease your mental strain. Not only is it a weed identifier but it can also help you map your weed intensity by species and population pressure. Having this information available at your fingertips gives you one more resource

We all know the look of our major weeds but occasionally we find a plant that is difficult to identify. Improper weed identification, especially those that show up in small amounts, can lead to improper spray choices which can cause an outbreak of the unwanted species. Half of this app is a weed identifier index that can help more accurately identify weeds by their physiological aspects. The weed identifier is denoted in the app by a small single leaf icon. You can go through the selection process based on the plants’ features to narrow down what species it might be based

Trait Stewardship Responsibilities Notice to Farmers Monsanto Company is a member of Excellence Through Stewardship® (ETS). Monsanto products are commercialized in accordance with ETS Product Launch Stewardship Guidance, and in compliance with Monsanto’s Policy for Commercialization of Biotechnology-Derived Plant Products in Commodity Crops. This product has been approved for import into key export markets with functioning regulatory systems. Any crop or material produced from this product can only be exported to, or used, processed or sold in countries where all necessary regulatory approvals have been granted. It is a violation of national and international law to move material containing biotech traits across boundaries into nations where import is not permitted. Growers should talk to their grain handler or product purchaser to confirm their buying position for this product. Excellence Through Stewardship® is a registered trademark of Excellence Through Stewardship. ALWAYS READ AND FOLLOW PESTICIDE LABEL DIRECTIONS. Roundup Ready® crops contain genes that confer tolerance to glyphosate, the active ingredient in Roundup® brand agricultural herbicides. Roundup® brand agricultural herbicides will kill crops that are not tolerant to glyphosate. Genuity and Design®, Genuity®, Monsanto and Vine Design®, Roundup Ready® and Roundup® are trademarks of Monsanto Technology LLC, Monsanto Canada, Inc. licensee.

on the apps’ library of over 48 weeds. As you work through the plant physiology, at the bottom of the screen there is an area that states potential weed species with a number. The more attributes you select the smaller the number of potential weeds will get. The number will go to zero if no weeds in the index match your selections. Once you’ve reached a reasonable number of potential candidates you can look at the narrowed down list. When you select a weed from the list a small popup will appear. This popup gives a detailed description of the weed species and pictures of the species at different stages to help you ID the plant. It also shows common names for the species, so even if you are unaware of the common scientific name you can still figure out what type of plant you are looking at. Don’t worry if you don’t understand all the physiology the app asks about — there’s a glossary in the information section explaining the terms. It’s like carrying a mini weed encyclopedia around on your phone.

MAP IT The app also has a “map it” function to help you mark weed outbreaks of different pressure over your fields and over the years. A very helpful tool when coupled with spray records in assessing the weed control and pressure. When you use this part of the

app, you can bring up your current location on the map, using an animated map, a satellite map, or a hybrid of both maps. By pressing a weed icon, you can drop a pin in your map to denote a weed outbreak. There is a menu for weed selection and a slider bar under you can use to select the infestation level. There is also a comment box for each pin, making it easier to remember what caused this pressure or the steps you’ve taken to get the situation under control. Each pin is numbered. When you select a particular pin, it shows the name of the weed as well a number corresponding to the severity of the pressure. You can email your marked map in .csv format — a very handy feature for agronomists tracking infestations in a given area.

This app also includes a feature that allows you to use your postal code to find contact information for your local Monsanto agronomist and an option to switch between French and English. I really think this is going to become an app I use quite often. It is simple to use with easy navigation and helpful magnified pictures for identifying weeds. The developers seemed to think about what options could be used to make the program flow well. Most of all, I am glad to have a resource to use when I’m asked about certain areas that seem to be problem spots. The information about when the weed pressure started to occur and if it is spreading will be only a few clicks away. Price: Free † Jay Peterson farms near Frontier, Sask.

MAY 20, 2014 /


Columns Farm Talk

Let’s talk basis

Table 1: Sample costs per one tonne of canola

While this explanation of basis is clear and simple, Kim Althouse explains that it’s also irrelevant By Kim Althouse


y definition, basis is the difference between the “cash” price, the amount you put in your pocket, and the value of the underlying futures price. Farmers will not believe this but there can at times be a positive basis, where the cash price exceeds the futures values. This is the norm in export shipments, particularly canola where the “delivery” area is deemed to be an area close to Saskatoon known as the “par” area. Canola shipped to West Coast ports from west of Saskatoon should have a value above par to reflect the lower freight costs. Canola east of Saskatoon is below par to reflect increased freight costs. Export shipments will be bid by buyers at a value above the “par” or “option price” to reflect one component of basis which is freight.

Basis in a normal market Let’s calculate what a basis for canola at Saskatoon would look like in a normal market. An export buyer would bid something like $45 over the option or futures price. He’s not necessarily locking in the price, only the basis. He may offset his position by going short of futures the amount of his purchase. This is a classic hedge position. Long cash grain — short futures. He does not care what the market does from that time until he sells his cash grain to an end user, at which time he will liquidate his short position by replacing them with long positions. One cancels the other. A grain company reviews his bid and may or may not negotiate a better basis, but let’s say they accept his bid at $45 over. The grain company then calculates its hard costs. These are estimated in Table 1, at $68.25 per tonne. In our example, we’ll say the buyer is paying all costs to get it from the railcar, once on the terminal siding, through the terminal and loaded on the boat. He bought it “track”. Let’s say our grain handler expects to recover $2 per tonne on screening sales and $4 per tonne on freight incentive. His costs are now $62.25 ($68.25 less $6 recovered). In a market where there is some volatility the elevator company may decide to take some protection in case the futures market falls before hedges can be put in place. But remember the buyer was bidding $45 over the futures, so the true basis should calculate to $62.25 less $45 or $17.25 under. This will be adjusted to account for freight charges from individual elevators whose freight rate is either more or less than Saskatoon. An elevator with a freight rate $1.00 less than the $40 used in the example will have a basis of $16.25. Our track shipment is weighed through the terminal and the buyer is billed for the amount loaded on the boat at the current futures price plus the $45. The elevator company will offset the hedge by going long, liquidating the original short hedge position. The buyer is

now long “cash” and will remain short futures until he either uses the canola in his crusher or sells it to another end user. This, my friends, is a perfect world. Supply and demand are relatively consistent. The railway is doing what it does well, sometimes. This is also where the transparency goes away. Grain companies closely guard the amounts that they are bid from offshore and domestic customers or their “book,” and that ”book” is a closely guarded secret as well. We have no idea what their actual earnings are on any given delivery or any given day. What is important to know is

what a “basis” means, what constitutes the value in a basis, what is an attractive basis that one should “sell” or wait for it to “narrow.”

This year’s basis We have all heard the moaning and groaning over this winter’s exceptionally wide basis levels. As much fun as it was to explain it, it is irrelevant. You should not be concerned about a wide or narrow basis except in comparison of one company’s basis to another. The cash price is what counts, what you take home. Only you can decide when the price offered equals a reasonable profit. To know

Freight: Saskatoon to Vancouver


Country elevation


Cleaning to export standards


Weighing and inspection fees


Margin, carry, trading fees, etc.


Total costs track Vancouver


if you have profited you need to know your unit cost of production. Where basis is important is when companies offer a comparatively lower basis to attract deliveries either in nearby or deferred futures months. When the basis reflects the hard costs we talked about above or close to it, it is a relatively narrow basis. When the basis is much wider and is not reflecting true cost then ignore it, get on with life. If everyone does this, basis will come back to reflect costs and a reasonable margin.

One other thing. Basis is used by elevator companies to regulate demand for their services. A wide basis tells you their services are in demand. A very wide basis tells you that they are at capacity and cannot accept any more deliveries unless it pays them very well to fill their turning bins, cleaner bins and dryer. Don’t get mad. It’s just business. † Kim Althouse is a market coach with AgriTrend at Tisdale, Saskatchewan. He is also the president of

Wring out more

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MAY 20, 2014

Machinery & Shop Seeding technology

SeedMaster introduces Auto Calibration Drill controller analyzes your actual seeding rates and corrects as them as necessary for more seed accurate delivery By Scott Garvey



ow many times have you found yourself close to the end of seeding operations and wasting time trying to scrounge a few extra bushels of seed or running for more fertilizer, even though you initially purchased enough for your intended acreage? Often the reason for that is your drill is putting down a little more product than you wanted it to. To make sure its customers won’t have that problem any longer, SeedMaster has just released its Auto Calibration software, which is designed to help make verifying seeding accuracy faster and easier. “For the last three years we’ve had our tanks equipped with load cells,” explains Owen Kinch, SeedMaster’s field research manager. “This allows us to display the actual tank weight on the incab monitor. What we’ve done now is we’re using that same technology. We’re comparing the indicated rate on the monitor with the actual product usage based on the load cell information. We’re (automatically) adjusting the calibration so they match.” “In the past, growers that had access to that load cell information were doing the calibration adjustment with a pen, paper and calculator and doing the math themselves. Guys were happy to have that information, but this is just automating the process. It’s making it (re-calibrating) much quicker and easier.”

Using the product All operators have to do to double check the actual seeding and application rate on their drill is manually initiate the Auto


e  created some  confusion  with an  article that appeared in the Machinery and Shop section of the March 18 issue of Grainews. The article, “One brand, one system,” which was meant to talk about the brand telematics system used by Kambeitz Farms with its fleet of New Holland equipment, mistakenly included references to the cost savings arising from using overlap control on the farm’s SeedMaster air drills. Those cost savings aren’t associated with the farm’s use of the NH telematics system. We apologize for the error. †

Scott Garvey

SeedMaster’s Nova air carts now include Auto Calibration as a standard feature. Calibration process on the in-cab monitor then seed a few acres. At the end of the initial run, the software calculates the amount of product taken out of the bulk tanks and compares that to the number of acres covered. If the drill is operating outside of the intended seeding rate, it will automatically correct itself. All operators need to do is accept the recalibrated meter setting with the press of a button and continue on. “For example if I start a new field, I initiate the auto calibration, so I seed my 10 acres or as many as I want and look at my auto calibration screen,” explains Kinch. “It says the monitor wants to change my calibration by a given percentage. It’s up to the operator to accept or decline it.

You never leave the cab of your tractor” “It knows if I’ve done 10 acres at 100 pounds per acre I should have put down 1,000 pounds of product. It compares what it should have put out to what it actually put out based on the load cell information. If the numbers are different, it will adjust it by whatever percentage is needed to bring it into line.” The Auto Calibration feature will now be standard on drills purchased with load cells under individual compartments. “On any of our bulk delivery tanks on our Nova (cart), it’s a standard feature,” he adds. For farmers who already own a SeedMaster drill with the necessary hardware to provide load

photo: scott garvey

cell information to the Raven Viper-Pro monitor the brand uses, SeedMaster will provide them with an Auto Calibration software update free of charge. “It’s just a simple software update for any of our previous customers who have load cells,” says Kinch. “We’re giving it to them free of charge. We made a commitment that we’re never going to charge anyone for software updates. As long as you have the hardware, there are no costs involved.” For those looking to upgrade their seeding equipment, Kinch thinks the Auto Calibration feature has the potential to save growers a lot of time and money. In some seasons, especially when the weather puts farmers in a

time crunch, there is a strong temptation to just do an initial calibration and keep going. But over- or under-applying product can significantly affect a farm’s bottom line. “It doesn’t matter what seeding system you have, if you do an initial calibration and you’re within eight or 10 per cent accuracy, most people would never notice it,” he says. “You’d just assume you’re close until you get to the bottom of that seed or fertilizer bin, then you make drastic changes as necessary. Whereas with this we’re going to be able to easily maintain one to three percent accuracy at all times.” “We’re really excited about this,” he says. † Scott Garvey is machinery editor for Grainews. Contact him at

Replacement parts

Bourgault Tillage Tools announces new opener tips

The 200-TIP-0511 from Bourgault Tillage Tools is only one half inch wide, making it the narrowest seeding tip on the market, according to the company.

Three new, narrow replacement tips added to the company’s product line By Scott Garvey


n a recent press release, Bourgault Tillage Tools announced the introduction of three new, narrow opener tips, which will be available for the 2014 seeding season. There are two new three-quarter inch-wide versions. One of them, the 200-TIP-0811, uses the same vertical angle as the previous 200TIP1011. But it is narrower, offering lower draft requirements. “This is on the same vertical angle as our 200TIP-1011 but narrower,” reads the company’s press release. “This will help producers that are looking for a longer wearing tip that won’t pull rocks and will reduce plugging. Long-time fans of the vertical tip will love the ability to go a

little narrower but still receive the benefits of a vertical approach.” Also on offer this year is the 200-TIP-051, which is only one half inch wide with an extended piece of carbide on the nose for longer life. The company claims this model is the narrowest replacement opener currently on the market. “We are happy to provide other tip options to those farmers where our current three-quarter inch and VRT tips do not quite fit their needs,” says Dean Bigelow, R&D Manager for Bourgault Tillage Tools. “Our product line is (about) 85 per cent farmer driven and these new tips are a result of this process.” For more information look at the company’s website, † Scott Garvey is machinery editor for Grainews. Contact him at Scott.

photo: bourgault tillage tills

MAY 20, 2014 /


Machinery & Shop YOU ASKED US...

Synthetic engine oils in cold weather Do synthetic engine oils perform better in cold weather? We passed that reader question on to Suncor’s lubricants team BY SCOTT GARVEY


ne Grainews reader contacted us and asked if we could help provide some insight onto what, if any, real advantages synthetic engine oils offer over the regular, mineral-based types that have been on the market for over a century. In particular, he wanted to know if they really perform better in cold winter weather and why. To get an answer to that question we contacted Suncor, a major Canadian synthetic lubricants producer. Their media representative put the query to the members of Suncor’s Lubricants Team, and here’s how they responded in an email. “Synthetic base oils tend to have an overall better low temperature performance (lower pour point, lower cold cranking, and better low temperature pumpability), which is largely enabled by the higher purity of the base oil, especially with respect to lower (or virtually no) wax content. With minimal wax content, there is a significant reduction in the occurrence of gelation in the oil, which can hinder all of the low temperature properties. Better oil flow translates to quicker and better engine protection. “Synthetic oils are also beneficial for high temperature performance since they naturally have better resistance to oxidation and nitration, which occurs more frequently when the oil is exposed to high temperature conditions. “Synthetic oils will often better resist oxidation, which can help to extend drain intervals, provided they are combined with high quality additives. “In some cases, synthetic base oils may translate to higher quality engine oils due to better synergy of the base oils with the additives (e.g. improved soot handling).” We followed that up with a look at what Shell Oil’s web information page had to say about synthetics: “Thanks to the oil’s high viscosity index, the viscosity is affected less by temperature changes than with normal minBY DAN PIRARO


eral oils. In high temperatures, viscosity and shear resistance are retained. This means better engine protection at high speeds or when heavily loaded. “In low temperatures, oils do not thicken unduly. This means easier starting with less strain on the battery. Oil circulates quickly around the engine, giving protection from the outset. The engine warms up faster and reaches optimum performance sooner, which improves fuel economy.”

There you have it, straight from the horses’ mouths. Do you have an equipment or workshop question you’ve been trying to find an answer to? Maybe we can help you solve the mystery. Email your question to me at the address below, and we’ll try to find an expert that can give us the straight goods. We’ll pass their answers back to you in the pages of Grainews. † Scott Garvey is Grainews machinery editor. Contact him at

The cost of synthetic engine oil is higher than mineral-based types. Is it worth the extra expense?

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MAY 20, 2014


What’s in your DEF tank? Like any fluid or lubricant used in ag machines, diesel exhaust fluid needs to meet manufacturer standards, or you may be in for trouble BY SCOTT GARVEY


t first blush it seems like diesel exhaust fluid, commonly known as DEF, isn’t a thing that warrants much thought. After all, it’s just a blend of distilled water and 32.5 per cent automotive grade urea. And all that happens is it gets injected into a chamber in the engine’s exhaust system to react with nitrogen oxides. What could really go wrong? As it turns out, quite a lot. Recently, we at Grainews, have heard credible reports that at least one brand of DEF may have caused engine problems for a customer. That prompted us to do a little digging into the topic. We found out that just as you wouldn’t try and save a few dollars pouring cheap oil into the crankcase of a brand new, very expensive, diesel engine, you shouldn’t scrimp with DEF either. There are dangers. “If you buy DEF that’s not API (American Petroleum Institute) certified, you run the risk of getting a product that doesn’t meet the ISO22241 quality standard,” says Chad Smith, product line marketing manager at John Deere. “Which can

result in the engine derating which would lead to down time. We recommend you only buy API certified product to prevent problems with out-of-spec DEF that could cause extremely expensive repairs to the SCR system.” Despite the simple-sounding formula for DEF, the fluid can suffer from a lot of different problems if accepted standards aren’t followed by the manufacturer. “With the variety of manufacturers out there, it (DEF) can be produced in a variety of different ways,” explains Brian Schmidt, product engineer for DEF at John Deere. “There is certainly a plethora of things that could be out of spec. Anything from dust and dirttype contamination, to the product not being on concentration, to random types of urea quality used to blend the product that could lead to contamination.” “You could get filter plugging. You could get nozzle plugging on the injector of the SCR system. You could get deposits that form inside the catalyst that reduce its effectiveness. You could also get different PH levels, or different elements that cause corrosion within the system. Most on-highway SCR

systems use a DEF quality sensor in the tank. Those look primarily for (urea) concentration levels, which could change if water has evaporated off or the fluid has been watered down. They could send a (trouble) code that way. So far, off-highway hasn’t been mandated to use those sensors.” Urea concentrations higher than 32.5 per cent in DEF could lead to early SCR system component failures. If a manufacturer uses non-automotive grade urea in the production process, that could be a major problem, too, even if it is blended with good quality water. Ordinary fertilizer-grade urea granules have a coating that contains contaminants that could react negatively with SCR system components when dissolved in the solution during manufacture, and it is usually handled and transported in a way that easily allows for other types of contamination. All of that can cause serious engine problems. “At this time, API is the only organization regulating the quality of DEF in the U.S. and Canada,” adds Smith. DEF that meets the ISO standard and is certified by API will display the organization’s logo.


Grainews would like to thank our loyal readership for sending in their nominations for My Favourite Farm Machine.



We’ve narrowed down the entries and shown here are the top 3 in each category. If you are attending this year’s Canada’s Farm Progress Show - June 18 - 20 in Regina, stop by the Grainews booth (#70610 in the Credit Union Event Plex) and cast your vote for your all-time favourite Farm Machinery! The winning farm equipment from each category will be featured in the July/August issue of Grainews.



John Deere Generation II models, the entire 30 Series, introduced 1973

New Holland Bi-directional 9030, introduced 1990

Versatile 835 and 875, introduced in 1978

is unaffected by freezing,” he continues. “Upon thawing it may be used without issue. DEF will freeze at -11 C when the 32.5 per cent concentration is maintained.” If the fluid is diluted with water or concentrated due to evaporation, that freeze point will fluctuate. So if you’ve cut corners by deliberately purchasing non-certified DEF or you’ve unwittingly been burned by poor quality fluid and run into engine problems, what happens to your engine warranty? “Each one (at John Deere) is handled on a case-by-case basis,” says Schmidt. “It will be up to the dealership to manage that. The primary recommendation is to not cover those (claims). But certainly there are things that can occur (that need to be considered).” Other engine manufacturers are taking similar approaches on warranty claims caused by faulty DEF. A key message engine manufacturers have been repeating for years is using non-certified fluids in your equipment to save a few bucks is false economy. Now, that includes DEF as well. “It’s just not worth the risk,” says Schmidt. † Scott Garvey is machinery editor for Grainews. Contact him at

Farm Machine

My Favourite The finalists are in!

“It won’t look like the API ‘doughnut’ (found on engine oil containers),” adds Schmidt. “It’s a black square and it will say ‘American Petroleum Institute certified diesel exhaust fluid’. At this time the off-road and on-road (engines) are using the same product.” If you’re in doubt whether or not fluid on the shelf in your farm shop is certified, you can do a product search on API’s website, DefSearch, or call their help desk at (877) 562-5187. When buying DEF for ag equipment, Deere recommends farmers not get ahead of themselves by stocking up with excessive amounts just to cash in on an occasional sale. “We recommend purchasing DEF in quantities that can be used within a year to avoid any longterm storage issues,” says Smith. “Certainly try to use up any remaining DEF within 18 months. You want to make sure you keep the containers sealed between use to prevent any contamination or evaporation. And keep the containers out of direct sunlight to prevent any solar heating of the fluid which can reduce the effective life of the product.” “One thing to note is DEF quality





Massey Ferguson 410, introduced in 1964

Gleaner N Series, introduced in 1979, which evolved into the R Series (pictured)

International Harvester 1482, introduced in 1980



The skid-steer loader, all brands included, first introduced by Melroe in 1960



Spra-Coupe, introduced about 1965

The air seeder, all brands included, introduced in the 1970s

Cast your ballot for your favourite machinery at the Grainews booth located in the Credit Union Event Plex #70610 at the Farm Progress Show

MAY 20, 2014 /

Machinery & Shop Left: John Deere also offers portable tanks designed especially for DEF that are made with fittings and materials that won’t react with the fluid or contaminate it. Pumps and tanks originally designed for diesel fuel storage won’t likely be suitable for DEF. Below: Manufacturers, like John Deere, recommend using diesel exhaust fluid that meets ISO standards and carries an API certification mark. Deere now offers its own branded DEF, which is available through its dealers.


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MAY 20, 2014

Cattleman’s Corner beef marketing

Revised BIXS goes live BY LEE HART


lberta rancher Ted Ford didn’t have any real issues with the original version of BIXS, but he is looking forward to working with the new updated version of the marketing tool he says has potential to increase the profitability of his cow-calf operation. Ford, who ranches near Westlock, just north of Edmonton says BIXS (which stands for Beef InfoXchange System) is providing the mechanism for him to better let the industry know about the quality of cattle he produces, and in return he will get feedback about how his breeding program is working. “It isn’t a perfect system yet, but the potential is there,” says Ford, who has been using BIXS for the past couple years. “The key is that people have to use it. We’re just starting with this, so we need to have more cattle on the system and all sectors need to use the information BIXS provides to help in their marketing efforts. I see it has real potential for the cow-calf guy as we develop our markets here at home, and also as we get into more of these niche or specialty markets around the world.” Ford typically markets his calves as yearlings off pasture in late summer. His herd calves out in May/June and most calves are marketed the following summer, although he may sell some of the heavier ones a bit earlier. So far his input in the BIXS program has been basic. He doesn’t apply RFID tags until calves are yearlings and then enters those RFID tag numbers in BIXS. Each animal is age verified and he lists the sex of calf. “That’s all I have done so far, but I know there is more information than can be provided in terms of production practices — birth weights, vaccination programs, and other treatments,” he says. “But that’s where I started.” Once the animal is on BIXS, information is entered through

the rest of the production chain to slaughter. “So I enter the basic information into BIXS and then I get information back from the packing plant on how those calves graded and yielded,” says Ford. “That gives me useful information on how my breeding program is working. Do I need to be making some changes? One limitation he sees is that he has no control of yearlings once they leave his farm. They may end up in a feedlot that feeds to the genetic potential of his breeding program, or they could be in a feedyard that follows a more basic all-in, all-out feeding program. “So you might get a report back and this group of calves are all AA grade and I was expecting them to be AAA grade,” says Ford. “So then I have to ask are those calves AA because of my breeding program or was it the feeding program?” He sees opportunity with BIXS information for cow-calf operators to seek out feeders with a feeding program that better matches the genetic potential of his calves. “But as we go along it is all about developing relationships,” he says. “People get to know my cattle and the quality I produce and I can make connections with people — buyers and feeders — who can do the best job of bringing those calves to finishing weight. I believe as the program develops it has potential to put more money in my pocket.”

REVISED BIXS After wide spread consultation across the industry and a few months of redesign, the new BIXS 2.0 has just been launched. It is simpler, and leaner, and is compatible with just about every other ranch record-keeping system on the market. And with nearly three million head of cattle in the database, it is starting to generate the type of information all sectors of the beef industry can use. BIXS can be found on-line at www.bixs.

ALL ABOUT INFORMATION EXCHANGE The original BIXS was launched a couple years ago. An initiative of the Canadian beef industry, organized through the Canadian Cattleman’s Association, the intent of BIXS is to provide an information exchange about cattle produced by Canadian beef producers. At the cow-calf end, producers can learn how their calves fed and ultimately receive carcass data and grading information. For feeders, packers and even retailers they can use the service to help source cattle that fit specific market needs. It is an information exchange system. It is all voluntary, free, and all very confidential. To get started all the producer needs is their phone number and their CCIA account ID. It starts with the individual cowcalf producer who enters information about calves produced in his or her herd into the BIXS on-line program. All that is needed is the animal’s CCIA tag number, date of birth and sex. Producers are also encouraged to enter genetic information — is it an Angus, Charolais, Murray Grey or some type of cross? There is a drop-down menu that lets you select a description that best matches your calves. Those are the basics. Although BIXS itself is not a ranch record-keeping system, there is room in the program to add more details such as birth weights, and any processing information that occurred on the ranch — medical treatments, vaccinations, implants and more. That information is all optional, but again for the buyer looking for specific cattle produced in a specific way, more information can help them find the cattle they want. Once the basic information is entered at the farm level, that record stays with the animal through the rest of the production chain — through to the feedlot and then to the packer. Those last two sectors enter information on each animal

This diagram illustrates the information exchange aspect of BIXS. Thepersonal identity of individual producers is protected, but participating in BIXS sets in motion an information exchangebetween all sectors of the beef business. into BIXS as well. Ultimately, the cow-calf producer will receive back grading and carcass quality information on calves produced on his or her farm 18 months earlier.

GREAT MANAGEMENT TOOL It could just be “nice to know” information, but it can also be used to analyze your breeding program. How many AAA or AA carcasses did your calves produce? What were the marbling and ribeye scores? How were their carcass yields? It could point to some changes to make in your breeding program, or it could just confirm that you are doing a pretty good job. As national BIXS co-ordinator of BIXS, Larry Thomas points out, the industry is starting to see more drive from the packer and retailer/ food service sectors as those players look for cattle to fit market needs. A & W Restaurants, for example, is working with all natural beef. A major B.C. food retailer is working the B.C. Cattleman’s Association to source all natural beef. McDonald’s is another very image-conscious food service com-

pany concerned about quality and production practices. A new freetrade agreement between Canada and the European Union could open the door for cattle produced under specific protocols. These end users, and for more to follow, can all use BIXS to go back through the production chain to find the cattle they need, or even to put out the word to get cow-calf producers and feeders producing cattle for specific markets. Again, the emphasis on the “information exchange” aspect of BIXS. Feeders, packers, food retailers and even auction markets can all make blind inquiries through BIXS looking for specific types of the cattle, or certain production practices. Individual producer identity is protected. However, if an inquiry is made, administrators of the BIXS program can alert producers who may have cattle that meet those specs, and then it is left to the producer to decide if he or she wants to connect with the buyer who made the inquiry. † Lee Hart is editor of Cattleman’s Corner based in Calgary. Contact him at 403-592-1964 or by email at

farm management

Two simple rules for records BY SEAN MCGRATH


ne of the biggest challenges and changes in the beef industry in the last 20 years has been the need for record-keeping. This is driven by a few different things, but slim margins and the move towards corporate structures (even for family farms) has driven part of it. Government programs, lenders and others all require varying levels of documentation for varying reasons. In the stack of paper, it is sometimes difficult to sort the wheat from the chaff while being buried under the grain pile, so there are a few very simple rules for what is useful information and a bit about how to use it. The first rule is to realize that the data is for YOU to effectively run your farm business. Other entities are certainly an important part of

your business (like your lender), but it is really your business. Make sure the data is useful for you. Financial data often has a way of slipping off the side of the kitchen table or being left in the glove drawer of the truck, however it is very useful and important to try to keep this material up to date. Modern computerized accounting programs make it pretty easy to enter and assign to various accounts. The obvious benefit of this would be around this time of year when prepping for taxes. However, the real power of timely information is that you can be aware of your current financial/cash position and potential changes to that position. Most modern accounting packages also provide really good budgeting tools that allow you to clearly see historical numbers, rapidly provide financial ratios to assess business health. Production records are proba-

bly a more difficult area to define in terms of what is needed for record-keeping, which brings us to the second rule. Rule Two: While trying to balance time and cost of record-keeping, focus on measuring profit points (factors that directly impact cost or income). Although most ranchers I have ever met (including myself) struggle with maintaining and tracking inventory, basic records are pretty important. If you take it up another notch, tracking where inventory goes can also be a useful tool. For example, tracking bales fed to each group of cows/bulls/calves can provide some pretty useful information about costs and feed requirements. Basic production records are also useful. However, once again care needs to be taken to ensure we measure things that impact our bottom line. For example, a seedstock supplier likely needs to meas-

ure and record birth weights as this directly impacts calving ease and bull sales and might be a key selection criteria. A commercial producer is less concerned with actual birth weight and more concerned with calving ease. Weaning weights might also be an important example, however these become less important if calves are not sold at weaning. Veterinary records are also a key area that impacts profitability. Tracking treatments can provide marketing opportunities and help to ensure end product quality. For example, some guaranteed antibiotic free programs may offer a premium for calves, but they require some verification of production practices. Pasture/grazing records could probably be grouped with inventory. However, they can provide key insights into management and productivity of a piece of land. Tracking the number of animals

and the days a pasture is used can provide information on “Grazing Days” per acre which is an indicator of yield and productivity. For those who want to take it a step further, monitoring species composition, time of grazing and changes in the landscape over time may also be useful tools. That’s it. Two simple rules. 1.  The data you measure on your operation is for you. 2.  Focus on measuring profit points (things that impact profit — production/cost). If we can keep the basic rules fairly simple then we can invest our time in figuring out how to use the data, turning it into information and knowledge. We will touch on some basic ideas regarding this next time. † Sean McGrath is a rancher and consultant from Vermilion, Alta. He can be reached at or (780)853-9673. For additional information visit www.ranch

MAY 20, 2014 /


Cattleman’s Corner HEALTH AND WELFARE

Branded beef pros and cons ROY LEWIS

program is that without reliance on antibiotics it instills the maximum use of good quality vaccines to prevent disease and a soft or fenceline-weaning program done at home to reduce mainly bovine respiratory disease in recently weaned calves. The antibiotic-free requirement follows through to the packer so if any medication is given in the production chain where necessary the calf again drops out of the program. Animal welfare needs are often addressed in these programs calling for use of treatments such as painkillers given at castration and other procedures. These also have a withdrawal period that must be adhered to. My one worry is about delay in treatment. If antibiotics get held off for a day or two extra to see if the calf gets over the problem, it could lead to more deaths or chronic cases. Only the individual producer would know if that has happened. When a calf drops out of an antibiotic free program they are marketed as a normal calf.

keting day — 30 to 60 days is common. This of course has great benefits in the feedlot as calves on a good vaccination program and weaned for that length of time are much less likely to get sick. Also by waiting the 60 days or longer, calves are gaining very well so this results in more pounds to sell. Shrink is minimized then on transport. Speaking of transport that can be a big win as with these branded programs calves are most often shipped directly to their final destination also minimizing extra transport costs and stress of going through an auction market. Both of these are great management wins. In the old days, the best returns for the cow-calf operator were generally to wean right off the cow with no vaccines or input costs incurred by the cow-calf operator. From a health, stress and shrink aspect, this is the worse thing you could do to this young calf. These calves were considered by most veterinarian standards high risk to ultra high risk depending on their weight and distance transported.



Some programs insist on a true preconditioning program that means a minimum period between weaning day and mar-

“No added hormones” primarily refers to no implanting. This decision must be looked at from an economic stand-


Direct marketing is one way for producers of branded beef to ensure they factor in a return. point. Every time a male calf is implanted after castration or a heifer calf implanted there are extra gains created without a doubt. All implants have a zero withdrawal for slaughters so are very safe. Calves can receive implants up to three to four times until slaughter. This depends on how young calves are implanted and target weight at marketing. Every time an implant is not given, pounds of gain are lost. This is fine as long as in these HF (hormone free or no added hormones) programs the selling


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ith all the terms we are hearing in the beef industry — such as organic, natural, hormone-free, and sustainable — there is no doubt confusion even for producers trying to raise cattle to fit these programs. Most of these branded or niche programs are trying to differentiate themselves from traditional beef production practices. If as a producer you are interested, get the actual details of the specific branded program and find out the necessary extra work involved, including record-keeping. Finally with the extra record-keeping and potential production losses inherent with some production methods, determine the premium you need to stay in that market. These programs definitely create extra input costs and there can be higher returns, but what is the net profit at the end of the day for you? There can be good and bad aspects in these programs from a veterinary perspective. You as the producer have the final decision as to whether marketing into the branded program will benefit your herd and its bottom-line.

ANTIBIOTIC FREE Some of the more rigid programs call for antibiotic-free cattle and that means just that. If antibiotics are used for some treatment during the calf’s life then that calf is out of the program. All medical treatments whether prophylactic, metaphylactic or for actual medical cases are usually considered the same. This eliminates all antibiotics in the feed as well as prophylactic treatments. Meat withdrawal periods have been established for all these products which producers adhere to so the product is still safe. The antibiotic-free programs cater to the public perception that antibiotic usage is undesirable. Technically all raised beef is free of antibiotics if proper withdrawal times are recognized. The authorities in Canada place products such as rumensin, an ionophore, in the same category as antibiotics even though there are no meat withdrawal limitations. Not being able to use a product such as rumensin in a feeding program worries me as we could see increases in conditions like coccidiosis in cattle and of course, feed efficiency is decreased as well. The good thing about this

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MAY 20, 2014

Cattleman’s Corner LAND STEWARDSHIP

Sage grouse issue heats up LEE HART


lans to protect the welfare of 138 birds in southern Alberta and Saskatchewan is not only raising the hackles of ranchers, landowners and municipalities within a designated area, but could have a far reaching impact on all agricultural activity in the country, say producers at the centre of the controversy. The concern is that if the federal government can slap a protection order over a designated area with some fairly strict limitations on land use activities in a bid to save the declining Greater Sage Grouse population, it could just be a foot in the door using these protection orders to protect any number of endangered species — grizzly bears in the Alberta foothills or burrowing owls in Saskatchewan or badgers in Ontario, for example. It could be a who’s next scenario. The Greater Sage Grouse Emergency Protection Order, the first of it’s kind in Canada, was created by the federal Minister of Environment in December 2013 and went into effect in February. It is one of the tools that can be used under the federal Species at Risk Act (SARA). Along with the protection order comes a more detailed Recovery Strategy. The very southeast corner of

Alberta and southwest corner of Saskatchewan are within the northern fringe of the natural range or habitat of the Greater Sage Grouse. There are plenty of birds in the centre of their native habitat in Montana, for example. There is still a hunting season there. But in this part of Canada bird numbers have declined steadily over the past 30 years. It is estimated there were about 2,500 birds in the 1980s and now the head count is about 138.

RANCHERS WORRIED For long-time ranching families like Keith and Rhonda Reesor of Irvine, Alta. and Randy and Teresa Stokke of Consul, Sask. part of the concern is about what the protection order and recovery strategy says, as well as about what it doesn’t say. And of course there

is general concern about how it came about in the first place — environmental groups lobby the federal government and then slam, bam, here it is. “We feel this protection order was imposed without any real consultation with the landowners affected,” says Keith Reesor. He and his family are the fifthgeneration ranchers, and part of their deeded and some of their leased grazing land is within the designated area covered by the sage grouse protection order. “In some respects it all sounds very gentle about using good land stewardship practices,” says Reesor. “But then you come to a part where it refers to fines of up to $250,000 for individuals for damage to habitat. So if you drive over a sage brush does that mean you will be fined?” The recovery strategy talks about

the need to minimize noise, minimal disturbance of habitat, and specific fencing requirements. Reesor says farmers could be out with a post-pounder and be making too much noise. He says for years they have practiced a 50/50 grazing system — leaving 50 per cent of the forage behind. The recovery strategy refers to 25 per cent of grass removal, which in essence reduces the amount of grazing allowed by 50 per cent of the normal practice. “If we have to cut back cattle numbers by 50 per cent that definitely affects our ability to make an income,” says Reesor. Rhonda Reesor says it appears ranchers and industrial activity is being targeted for declining bird numbers. But she points to bigger factors such as the weather — cold winters and wet springs, an increase in predators such as the re-introduced swift fox, an increase in predatory birds such as ravens, and even West Nile Virus carried by mosquitoes to which the sage grouse is susceptible. Very similar views are expressed by Randy Stokke whose family has ranched for three generations in the Consul area, south of Maple Creek and just north of the U.S. border. “Old timers say in the early 1900s there were none of these birds here and then they started to move in later,” says Stokke. “When I was a young boy I remember seeing them around, but then we haven’t seen any for the past 20 years or more. “With this order they seem to be

blaming the ranchers, and imposing these things on us. Fact is, as we all try to follow good land stewardship practices, we are not the problem. We are a big part of the solution. Rather than making demands they should be looking to sit down and talk and trying to work with us. Other than getting a registered letter in the mail, no group has ever tried talking to me.”

APPEAL PLANNED The whole issue is spawning a very collective movement in both provinces seeking to have the protection order rescinded, followed by a full review of the Species at Risk Act. Ranchers, farmers, other landowners, municipalities, provincial and national livestock organizations, industry and utility companies are all organizing to form an appeal against the emergency protection order. “It isn’t just an issue that affects our isolated corner of the province,” says Reesor. “If this is imposed here it could be imposed in any other part of the country. And it has potential to seriously affect the whole rural economy. We’re not arguing against proper land and range management, and we have always been interested in protecting wildlife. But imposing this order without any consultation or without co-operation isn’t the way to go about it.” † Lee Hart is editor of Cattleman’s Corner based in Calgary. Contact him at 403-592-1964 or by email at


Beef demand strong, but will it last? MARKET UPDATE


from the March highs of $150/ cwt. The market has come under some pressure due to the quarterover-quarter increase in beef supplies while the volatile wholesale beef market is also loosing steam at the higher levels.




Est 2013

Est 2014



























Source: USDA U.S. WHOLESALE BEEF PRICES 250 245 240 235 230 225 220 215 210 205 200 195 190 185 180 175 170 165 160

Jan 2012 to April 2014 Monthly Average Choice









factors will take the momentum out of the feeder market. Feedlot pen closeouts are about $10/cwt above breakeven so there is some breathing room for the feeder market to absorb the softer fed cattle economics. On the flip side, cow-calf producers need to watch the corn and barley markets. If adverse growing conditions mate-







It is important to note that consumer restaurant spending generally stays fairly flat into the summer period. Restaurants have trimmed portion sizes to keep prices the same while retailers have also provided smaller packaging parcels. Consumers spend the same but receive less. Obesity is a huge problem in North America so the higher prices may be a good thing for the population, but that is another story. The main point is that demand is not moving higher or strengthening from current levels. Therefore, a small increase in supply can have a larger effect on the fed cattle price structure when market is near historical highs. This is also illustrated in the wholesale beef price chart with the recent volatility. The feeder cattle market continues to percolate higher due to strong fed cattle prices and reasonably priced feed grains. It is important to realize the fed cattle market is expected to grind lower into the summer, while feed barley prices are expected to stay firm to higher. These two


onsumer demand has been stronger than anticipated as wholesale and retail beef prices trade near historical highs. Income levels for the average American continue to edge higher and consumer sentiment is now at the highest reading since prior to the recession. Overall, North American beef customers are feeling positive about the economy and their future, which in turn tends to increase beef consumption levels. Equity markets continue to trade near historical highs reinforcing income levels for pensioners and setting the tone for stronger employment levels for lower income families. All beef product lines are experiencing steady to higher prices, which has translated into stronger wholesale beef prices and healthy packing margins. The sharp yearover-year increase in wholesale beef values has led the fed cattle market higher. Equity rebuilding in the feedlot sector has enhanced confidence for feeder cattle purchases keeping replacement cattle prices near record highs. While demand generally surges in March, consumers have faced

a declining supply equation for both beef and pork. The U.S cattle slaughter pace continues to run 6.4 per cent behind last year’s pace while year-to-date beef production is also down by six per cent. At the same time, year-to-date pork production is down 1.3 per cent compared to 2013. The USDA recently lowered its total 2014 pork production estimate by nearly 600 million pounds. Hog inventories have been sharply trimmed due to the Porcine Epidemic Diarrhea virus, which has killed approximately six per cent of the U.S. hog herd. Canadian beef production is running two per cent ahead of last year while the overall slaughter is up five per cent over 2013. Larger beef exports have been a main factor sustaining Alberta fed cattle prices with exports of fresh/chilled beef cuts to the U.S. up nearly 20 per cent over last year. The April USDA cattle-on-feed report showed total inventories down one per cent from last year while placements were down five per cent compared to April 2013. Given current feedlot inventories, I’m expecting an upward revision to second-quarter beef production estimates. Adverse conditions have also delayed feedlot marketings. In late April, fed cattle prices in the U.S. southern plains were trading at $145/cwt, down from the highs of $150/cwt earlier in spring. Alberta fed cattle prices were near $146/cwt also down

US$ / cwt


rialize, feeder prices will also come under pressure. I’m somewhat bullish about barley prices for new crop. I doubt the market can sustain quality 750 pound steers at $200/cwt. † Gerald Klassen analyses cattle and hog markets in Winnipeg and also maintains an interest in the family feedlot in Southern Alberta. For comments or speaking engagements, he can be reached at or call 204 899 8268.


Ranch-fresh thinking for managing animal health Tips for the busy spring and summer period

When you grow up on a busy cow-calf operation like Coy Schellenberg did, you learn that attention to detail matters, especially when things get hectic. One of the busiest times of year for producers is heading into spring and early summer. Calving season, often with round-the-clock herd checks. Yearlings and replacements moving to grass. All of that, Schellenberg knows, means animal health processes need to be managed particularly closely. He has a unique perspective. He is a producer himself and also provincial co-ordinator for the Verified Beef Production (VBP) program, Canada’s beef on-farm food safety program. The recommended approach and the rationale for those recommendations are clear to Schellenberg. But he also knows the mental barriers that can tempt producers to take shortcuts. His advice? Keep it simple. Know the core issues. To him the key parts of the animal health Standard Operating Procedure under VBP are threefold. Health product withdrawal times, to make sure there are no chemical residues in meat. Managing needle use to prevent physical contamination of meat. And keeping proper records, to prove what you’re doing. Beat the “busy” excuse. It’s hectic managing calving and processing cattle onto grass. Slow down during processing to ensure products are administered correctly and take time to write down what you’ve done. Va lu e   re cord - ke e p i n g .  S c h e l l e n b e r g believes most cattlemen are already doing things well enough to pass a VBP audit. That, he believes, is kudos to the Canadian Cattlemen’s Association for the effort put into building the VBP program to help demonstrate responsible production. The difference is today not all producers value records enough to keep them up to date. “It’s the most overlooked area in animal health manage-

Saskatchewan VBP provincial co-ordinator Coy Schellenberg ranches near Beechy, Sask. ment,” he says. “They may feel they have a good memory and can recall which animals were treated with what. But at the end of the day it’s a busy world. To reduce error and to protect themselves and their industry, they need to clearly know what is going on.” Manage needles. It may be tempting when you are busy, but don’t bend a needle back. It is likely to break where it was bent. And use detectable needles. Use your vet. There’s real added value in having a veterinarian come out to your operation, says

Schellenberg. There are times like preg checking where they will be at your operation anyway. But building a herd health program just makes sense, to have a clear vaccination program, for example, or improve reproduction rates. There is no denying this is a cash expense, he says. But once you develop a reputation with your vet so they know your operation and your objectives, it creates efficiency and effectiveness. It can be so convenient to get them on the phone, and they are comfortable enough to give you advice without having to come out to do it.


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MAY 20, 2014


Proper mineral supplement can prevent grass tetany PETER VITTI


any parts of western Canada suffered through one of its longest and coldest winters in decades. It’s anybody’s guess that arctic temperatures and belly-high snows predispose beef cows to grass tetany when green lush grass sprout across pastures. However, proper nutrient supplementation to the cows’ early spring diet eliminates risk of this highly preventable magnesiumdeficiency disease. Reported cases of grass tetany or hypomagnesaemia often affect mature cattle grazing rapidly growing, magnesium deficient pastures. Symptoms of grass tetany may start with extreme nervousness, and then progress to a lack of muscle coordination and spasms, staggering, and finally failure to stand. If not immediately untreated, most animals suffering from tetany symptoms die. The risk of grass tetany in beef cattle seems to be higher in a number of grazed cool-season pastures, namely: fescues, timothy, orchard grasses, brome-grass, and vested wheatgrass. It rarely appears in legume pastures containing clovers or alfalfa. Normal magnesium levels for these common grass and legume species usually measure 0.20 - 0.25 per cent, which is enough to support the magnesium requirements of beef cows. NRC Mg requirement is about 13 - 15 g/hd/d for gestating cows, and about 20 - 22 g/hd/d for early stages of lactation. When grass tetany develops in the high-risk pasture grasses, their magnesium levels are measured

below 0.10 - 0.12 per cent — not enough to support magnesium requirements. Fortunately, it takes a combination of specific climatic and field conditions to drop magnesium to deficient levels in pastures to cause grass tetany.

GRASS SUDDENLY APPEARS The highest risk occurs in cattle grazing succulent grasses that appear from nowhere in warm periods of 10 - 15 C after weeks of cool, wet and cloudy weather. If there are high potassium and nitrogen levels in the soil (such as from previous fall-applied fertilizers), there is an added risk that these two elements interfere with magnesium’s uptake by the plants’ roots. The grass tetany risk seems to decrease substantially when day and nighttime temperatures rise above 20 C, as grass is able to draw more magnesium from the soil. Keep in mind, some of the conditions that predispose cattle to grass tetany occur after the cow takes its first bite of lush pasture! When beef cows graze magnesium-deficient pastures, these grasses often contain very high levels of potassium that tend to follow and interfere with the ruminal absorption of what little magnesium is ingested. As far back as 1957, research illustrated when the ratio of dietary potassium to the sum of calcium and magnesium or “tetany ratio” was less than 2.2, the incidence of grass tetany affected less than one per cent of cattle. The incidence of grass tetany increased to nearly seven per cent in other cattle when the tetany ratio was greater than 2.2. (Note: The exact equation to determine the tetany ratio is based upon milli-equivalents of potassium, magnesium and calcium, which takes into

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Once grass is more than six inches tall the risk of grass tetany is reduced. account the molecular weight and electrical charge of each of these elements.) Regardless of the “tetany ratio,” the predictability of grass tetany has remained unclear. Some newer field trials have shown that cattle can be affected in some magnesium-deficient pastures, while not affected in others. It appears cattle fed loose salt (sodium chloride) on a free-choice basis are rarely affected by grass tetany. However, cattle provided with magnesium supplements on pasture with low sodium or salt intake may come down with grass tetany. Speculation is that lush pastures that cause grass tetany are very high in potassium. This high concentration of potassium may interfer with magnesium absorption in the rumen. But when salt is fed on the same pasture it counteracts excessive dietary potassium, while restoring any metabolic electrolyte imbalance in the cattle caused by the potassium in the first place. As a result, there is more magnesium absorption and the threat of grass tetany is decreased. A beef cow that receives inadequate magnesium or utilizes it poorly in its body from grass teta-


THE PROS AND CONS OF BRANDED BEEF PROGRAMS price more than compensates for this loss. A lot of producers of course don’t implant their heifers so they would fit the program anyway and if bull calves are castrated at an older age you get the gains from their natural hormones. Castration at an older age comes with a bit more risk and if we follow the beef code of practice in the future NSAID’s (antiinflammatory) drugs will need to be given. All these conditions need

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those s” “famou



gloves m: p l a i nj a n s f ro

ny pastures usually comes down with deficiency symptoms, quickly. Although, 70 per cent of magnesium is stored in the skeleton, with the remainder in the soft tissues and fluids, this macro-mineral is poorly retained compared to other minerals stored in the body. Luckily, there are several methods to prevent grass tetany on pastures each spring.

MANAGEMENT TIPS Sound grass tetany preventative measures include: • Feed a “high magnesium” mineral (with vitamins) that contains at least 15 - 20 grams of magnesium oxide in every 100 grams of mineral mix. Provide this mineral mix to cattle about two to three weeks before cattle are released to pasture. Continue to feed a high Mg mineral for the first part of the pasture season, when grasses are lush and growing. • Ensure all cattle are consuming about 100 grams of this mineral mix to receive the recommended amount of dietary magnesium. In addition to the prescribed cattle mineral, feed salt (sodium chloride) at the rate of 15 - 30 grams per head per day, preferably in loose form.

to be considered. The HF programs are a specialty market and one that consumers think they want. I won’t go into detail on the proven safety of implants here, but it all comes down to economics and what premium the producer will get from not implanting. I have heard some say by not implanting they need an extra 20 per cent return in order to make up the net difference that implants provide.

RECORD-KEEPING All these programs rely on the RFID tags traceability and documentation of records showing what treatments have been given to the cattle. Again this requirement enhances management and attention to detail. As far as anthelmintics (dewormers), most are allowed in most of the programs — even the organic ones — as long as proper withdrawals are adhered. Each program is different so always double check. Once treatment is done, it may be too late to go back.

This salt might also be mixed with the high magnesium mineral. • Consider turning cattle out to pastures at a later date. Once grass plants are more than six inches tall, much of the inherit risks of grass tetany are past. Some producers continue to feed some grass hay during the early parts of the grazing season. • Make a point to observe beef cows at least two times per day when grass tetany is high risk. Symptoms of grass tetany are similar to milk fever and other ‘downer cow’ syndromes. Consult your veterinarian. Beef cows diagnosed early with hypomagnesaemia are often treated with intravenous or subcutaneous administration of magnesium-containing solutions. Older beef cows grazing lush cool season pastures can be susceptible to grass tetany during early spring. Even without seeing one affected cow, grass tetany can be effectively prevented by making sure that all essential nutrients (including magnesium) are balanced in the beef cows’ overall diet. † Peter Vitti is an independent livestock nutritionist and consultant based in Winnipeg. To reach him call 204-254-7497 or by email at

Without the treatments for internal and external parasites including warbles there is no doubt we would have a high infection rate and reduced productivity as a result, so it is important they remain in treatment protocols.

IMPROVED MANAGEMENT The branded programs have been good in the fact producers’ management has been heightened. In other ways, especially the “no added hormones” requirement, can result in productivity losses. There are pros and cons in all “branded beef” type programs, but they all help to increase the profile of beef and expand markets. The future will tell how sustainable they are in the long term and whether there is the need to change requirements to reflect the best needs of the cattle and still get the producer the returns they deserve. † Roy Lewis is an Alberta-based veterinarian specializing in large-animal practice. He is also a part-time technical services vet for Merck Animal Health.

MAY 20, 2014 /


Cattleman’s Corner RANCHER’S DIARY

A month of tragic losses HEATHER SMITH THOMAS

MARCH 25 A week ago Andrea took Emily to the doctor to have the stitches taken out of her leg, and a cast put on. Over the weekend Andrea’s kids enjoyed helping us feed cows. Several are ready to calve. Andrea cleaned the old bedding and manure from the calving barn. On Sunday we brought the cows down from the fields and sorted off Michael and Carolyn’s cows. Carolyn and young Heather came with their stock trailer to get their two pair below the barn (the calves born during the cold weather in February) to haul to the upper place. They also hauled their horses down and trailed the rest of their cows to the upper place. Hopefully the weather will warm up before they start calving.

APRIL 10 Andrea has been staying here at nights to watch the cows so I can sleep, then I get up at 4 a.m. to watch them (checking on them as I type articles) and Andrea sleeps. Emily is able to drive now even though she’s still on crutches, so she gets the kids up and takes them to the school bus in the mornings. Our friends Pete and Bev Wiebe from Canada arrived last week to stay a couple days on their way home. They spent part of the winter with the Mennonite Disaster Service building houses in Texas for families that lost their homes. The second day they were here, Pete helped Lynn haul more big bales around to the heifers and load the feed truck. Bev helped me cook dinner for everyone that evening here at our house. We’d just finished eating when Lynn’s sister Jenelle called, from the hospital, to tell us that their brother Will had suffered a massive heart attack. Lynn, Andrea and Emily drove to the hospital, but Will passed away before they got there. The next morning we visited with Pete and Bev before they had to leave for the last part of their journey home to British Columbia. They were good support for us in this time of loss and grief. The weather finally warmed up. Andrea and I rode Breezy and Ed for the first time this year, to start getting those old mares ready for the little girls to ride. It was the first time we’ve ridden Breezy since her eye was removed in December. It healed nicely, and she is adapting to being sightless on that side. We rode several times during the next few days. Breezy handles herself very well on the trails and hillsides. On our third ride we found a newly shed elk horn (six point) and Andrea carried it home on Breezy. Michael came home from North Dakota for two weeks and was able to be here for his Uncle Will’s funeral Tuesday. Lynn and

I were getting ready to leave, and noticed Rosalee calving. I stayed home to watch her. She took awhile then struggled to her feet with the calf partway out, hiplocked. I ran out there and grabbed the calf’s front legs. Rosalee swung around and I hung on but couldn’t get the calf out. Finally the cow stood still and I pulled and twisted the calf one way and then the other, several times, and it took all my strength to finally pop him loose. I don’t think Lynn’s brother would have minded that I didn’t make it to his funeral. He was a good stockman in his younger years and took good care of his cattle. I had the feeling he was there looking over my shoulder and approving as I delivered that hiplocked calf.

APRIL 20 We had sad news on Saturday; a good friend drowned that morning while trying to clean debris out of a springbox that flowed into the large ditch by his house. The side gave way and he fell into the ditch, where the force of the water pulled him into a culvert. His wife tried unsuccessfully to pull him out. She ran to the neighbour’s place for help, and it took two men to pull him out of the ditch. His death was a shock to our community. I lost my “twin” cousin Monday morning. She and I were born the same day — February 13, 1944 — and we shared a special bond of friendship all our lives. These past few years, however, she was losing ground to Parkinson’s dis-




Andrea, riding Breezy, carries a six-point elk antler found on the range.



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Cattle photo courtesy of Canada Beef Inc.



MAY 20, 2014


Magpie trap may close the door on bird problems DEBBIE CHIKOUSKY


here have always been a lot of magpies in our area, but we didn’t really pay much attention ’til they decided to attack our livestock. Apparently, like their relatives in the crow family, they enjoy shiny things. This has been a large issue since we started using the metal Ketchum Kurl Lock tags on our replacement females. At first, it was a mystery as to how these poor lambs were getting such awful wounds on the tops of their heads. Then we caught magpies pecking the heads of lambs, leaving them bleeding. This behaviour moved onto magpies attempting to eat the sheep with shearing wounds. Then they went after cattle with any type of scratch. These birds are relentless, which causes a lot of stress for the animals. When considering how to deal with the over population of magpies it is important to consider how smart these birds are. A study (available at http://www. looked at whether magpies could differentiate between humans that had accessed their nests or not. The results were fascinating. The

short answer is yes they apparently recognize the features of humans who disturb their nests. We have found they can also tell the difference between someone carrying a gun or pitchfork or a stick in their hands. Trapping is one option to reduce numbers. A very effective method is to place a mirror in a live trap and place it in their courting area. Magpies are very territorial and will attack the “stranger” in the trap. Another idea is to use a decoy bird. This bird must be fed and watered daily for it to be kept in the trap, however. So, we are opting for the mirror method. At one time, the Manitoba government loaned magpie traps to farmers, but if a person wants to build one of their own, these plans work and allow for a mirror to be installed. This cage can be covered in poultry wire.

THE CAGE Cut to length: 4 pieces 800 mm (31.5 inches) long 12 pieces 400 mm (15.7 inches) long Mark the four side pieces (A) to receive the cross rails (C) and notch them out. (Notching makes assembly easier and more rigid.) Nail top and bottom side pieces (A) to uprights (B) to complete two side frames.

Place and nail cross rails (C) into notches to complete the frame of the cage. Fix poultry wire (D) across the central partition. This central area is where a mirror can be hung to entice birds into the cage negating the need for a decoy bird. Cover the remainder of the cage (except the door opening) with poultry wire.

THE DOORS Make either a ‘top trap door’ or ‘end trap door’ (you only need one). Allow a minimum clearance of 12 mm (about half an inch) between the trap door and the cage frame. This stops the door from catching the edge of the cage.

1. TOP TRAP DOOR A ‘top trap door’ should be about two-thirds of the length of the opening. If the trap door is too long, the bird itself may stop it from springing shut. The trap door may even force the bird out of the trap. Hinge the door to one end of the cage with two butt hinges. Use freely operating hinges, such as 65 mm (2.5 inch) galvanised butt hinges, or use a short strip of leather or similar material on each side. The door should be able to freely spring shut. If you’ve used rigid netting for your trap door, secure it using small fencing staples (partially driven).

Fix a 150 mm (about six inch) wide board (E) across the top of the cage as a doorstop. Make sure the door stop is fixed securely, so it can take the force of the door closing against it. Make two wire hooks, crimp them onto a piece of stretch cord (F) and hook them onto the door netting and the cage and netting as illustrated. Make the trigger (G) for the trap using two pieces of wood approximately 25 mm x 25 mm (about one inch x one inch) — see accompanying illustration below. Place a piece of dowel or a small twig across the central poultry wire to support one end of the trigger and to ensure that it trips easily. Set the trigger as low as possible on the door rail to make it as sensitive as possible. Entice birds onto the trigger using a piece of bread or meat. The trap is sprung when a bird jumps down onto the trigger.


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Make an ‘end trap door’ as light as possible. The lighter it is, the lighter the trigger can be set and the less weight will be required to trigger it. Hardware cloth is ideal for making ‘end trap doors.’ Hang the door as for the top trap door (above). Use partially driven staples for hinges. Make sure your door can swing freely. Bend a piece of six to eight mm


A MONTH OF TRAGIC LOSSES ease and dementia, and finally lost that battle. She will be greatly missed, but always vibrant and alive in good memories. We learned later that day that our good neighbour Galen Kossler died that morning. He was 85. We had many good years working with Kosslers as range neighbours — ever since they moved here in 1974, until they sold their ranch a few years ago (and it resold last year to three Amish families).

APRIL 29 We went to Galen Kossler’s funeral last Tuesday. The church

(about one quarter inch diameter) steel rod (H), such as an old electric fence standard, at a right angle and fix to both door rails with small staples. Ensure your trap door will work effectively by making sure the bottom end of the rod is well clear of the cage bottom rail, and the door clears the central netting as it closes. Make two wire hooks, crimp them onto the stretch cord (J) and hook them onto the wire netting across the top of the door and the top of the cage as illustrated. Make the trigger (I) out of dowel or a small diameter branch and set it across the end of the cage as illustrated. Make sure you set the trigger to be as light as possible. When a bird stands on the rod, it triggers the trap and the door slams shut. These instructions are part of a fact sheet from New Zealand. The farm where we saw this trap in action found that the best bait was meat. Magpies are omnivores but seem to prefer meat. My theory is they can smell rotting meat from a greater distance than a piece of bread. We have found other methods of bird control to be ineffective, so are willing to make one of these traps for ourselves. Hopefully this will end our magpie troubles. † Debbie Chikousky farms with her family at Narcisse, Manitoba. Visitors are always welcome. Contact Debbie at

was packed; he had a lot of friends. The Amish neighbours came as a group and sang several hymns. We had several cold days of wind and rain. This brought on a few cases of scours in the calves. We had to catch Buffalo Baby’s calf a couple days ago, and Buffalo Girl’s calf today, to treat with neomycin sulfate solution (oral antibiotic). Andrea sneaks up behind the calf and grabs a hind leg while I distract it. If we can treat with neomycin at the first sign of scours, before a calf gets dehydrated, one treatment usually halts the gut infection and we don’t have to administer fluid and electrolytes. † Heather Smith Thomas ranches with her husband Lynn near Salmon, Idaho. Contact her at 208-756-2841.

he to

MAY 20, 2014 /



What is working for you Mom? And what is not? ELAINE FROESE


ver the next few months I am excited to share with you some of the practical tools Dr. Megan McKenzie and I have developed in the process of writing our new book Farming’s In-Law Factor. In May we celebrate Mother’s Day, but I think we should be celebrating the many

roles of farm women every day of the year. We can do this by “checking in” to see what is still a good role for Mom and what she would like to let go of. I’m still putting in a garden this month because the act of digging, pulling weeds and planning a flower garden give me a sense of groundedness. Gardening also is a space where I feel close to the memories of my own mom, and I seem to enjoy her legacy to me when I am planting new plants. For some farm women who are following the rules of “you should do this, we always have done

that”… there is a burden of expectation that she would like to shed. The reality is that on many family farms, traditional western gender roles still play out. Mothers-in-law (MILs) and daughters-in-law (DILs) often find themselves working closely together with each other, sistersin-law, grandmothers, and other women in the family. The harmony in the farm team unit will likely increase if folks are honest with each other about which roles are still ones they want to embrace, and which tasks they would rather not do.

For this exercise, brainstorm a list of roles taken on by the MIL, DIL, or other women in the family. Beside each, record who does this task and whether this is working for each person involved. If any of the tasks that have been assigned, delegated, or dropped on lap are not working for one or more party, discuss possible solutions to the problem. Maybe there is someone else on the farm team who would be better suited to that role. Perhaps the duties could be shared. Is it possible that she needs acknowledgment for the work that she is doing? Balancing out





Making/taking meals to field

MIL does this task

DIL does this task

Doesn’t do this task

This is working for her

This is not working for her

Keeping farm records Caring for children or aging family members Running for parts

the workload may mean reducing the number of tasks, hiring or recruiting extra help, or agreeing to reduce expectations around tasks. Sometimes these trade-offs make a world of difference for those involved, even though they can sometimes be hard to swallow. Some examples include: when the women are helping to combine, the men also help make meals; hiring a part-time bookkeeper; reduce the size of the garden; put young children in daycare; or seek out government homecare to help care for aging relatives. During the month of May when things are stressful with the push to get the crop in, I hope you will treat everyone with an extra measure of grace and kindness. If you want to order a copy of Farming’s In-Law Factor, go to www. The book deals with conflict tools, the culture of agriculture, and practical tips to understanding what family members and in-laws need to work well together. It also deals with what to do when things don’t work out. Happy Seeding! † Elaine Froese, PHEc, CAFA, CHICoach farms in southwestern Manitoba. She is a catalyst for courageous conversations in farm families who are seeking clarity of expectations and certainty for their futures as a farm team. Email to book her for your next association event.

Working at an off-farm job Spending time with family Resolving conflicts

EXTENDED OUTLOOK FOR THE PRAIRIES Weather Forecast for the period of June 1 to June 28, 2014

Southern Alberta

Peace River Region June 1 - 7 Pleasant with highs often in the 20s. Passing showers or thunderstorms on 2 or 3 occasions, chance heavy in places.

June 8 - 14 Warm and sunny most days, but look for heavy showers or thunderstorms on a couple of days with a risk of hail, strong winds.

74.2 mms


June 15 - 21 Mostly sunny, but rain or heavy thunderstorms occur on a couple of days. Blustery at times. June 22 - 28 Sunshine and warm most days apart from occasional showers or heavier thunderstorms.

June 22 - 28 Seasonal and sunny, except a couple of warmer days set off showers and thunderstorms.

Precipitation Forecast 7 / 21 Edmonton 79.9 mms

6 / 20 Jasper

49.9 mms

5 / 19

60.0 mms


7 / 21 Calgary

Forecasts should be 80% accurate, but expect variations by a day or two because of changeable speed of weather systems.

June 8 - 14 Sunny and warm on many days but with scattered showers or thunderstorms. Risk of heavy thunderstorms in a few localities.

June 15 - 21 Sunny, but occasional rain on 2 or 3 days. Chance of heavy thunderstorms. Variable temperatures.

June 22 - 28 Highs in the 20s most days under sunny skies, but showers and heavy thunderstorms here and there.

June 22 - 28 Highs in the 20s most days under sunny skies, but showers and heavy thunderstorms here and there.

June 1 - 7 Temperatures fluctuate under sunny skies. A couple of warmer days trigger thunderstorms, some heavy in places.

June 8 - 14 Sunny and warm but with showers or thundershowers on 2 or 3 days this week. Risk of heavy thunderstorms in many localities.

June 15 - 21 Sunshine dominates in spite of showers or heavy thunderstorms on a couple of occasions.

June 15 - 21 Sunshine dominates in spite of showers or heavy thunderstorms on a couple of occasions.


June 1 - 7 Seasonal temperatures and mostly sunny, but a couple of warmer, humid days set off thunderstorms, some possibly heavy.

June 1 - 7 Pleasant with highs often in the 20s. Passing showers or thunderstorms on 2 or 3 occasions, chance heavy in places.

June 8 - 14 Warm and sunny most days, but look for heavy showers or thunderstorms on a couple of days with a risk of hail, strong winds.

8 / 20 Grande Prairie


76.9 mms

10 / 22 North Battleford 7 / 21 Red Deer 85.5 mms

10 / 24 Medicine Hat 19mms cms Lethbridge 56.4 66.3 mms 26 cms 9 / 23

8 / 22 Prince Albert

64.2 mms

9 / 22 Saskatoon 63.4 mms

66.9 mms

9 / 21 The Pas


9 / 22 Yorkton

9 / 23 65.8 mms 10 / 24 Regina Moose Jaw 67.3 mms

9 / 22 Swift 69.5 mms Current 66.8 mms

10 / 24 Weyburn 64.4 mms 10 / 24 Estevan 67.0 mms

Precipitation Outlook For June

63.0 mms

9 / 23 Dauphin

77.5 mms

Much Above Normal Below Much above normal normal below normal normal

10 / 22 Gimli

76.3 mms

11 / 23 9 / 23 Portage 10 / 23 Brandon 75.0 mm Winnipeg 66.9 mms

Melita 9 / 24

85.3 mms

83.8 mms

Temperatures are normals for June 15th averaged over 30 years. Precipitation (water equivalent) normals for June in mms. ©2014 WeatherTec Services



MAY 20, 2014

Home Quarter Farm Life

Solving the labour shortage Southeast Saskatchewan farmer using connections in former home country BY CHRISTALEE FROESE


t was simple economics that brought German farmer Ole Michaelsen to Canada. But it is his connection with his homeland that has kept his Saskatchewan grain farm thriving. The former German dairy farmer has used his connections in his home country to attract workers to help him deal with a labour shortage that is plaguing southeast Saskatchewan. Michaelsen, and his parents Otto and Christiane, have been using their ties in Germany to find immigrant labourers for their grain farm and the farms of many neighbours in the Lampman area. “Our first worker was a friend of mine who had a farm with his parents in Germany and he offered to come over and help for a season just for the experience,” said Ole. That first immigrant worker application in 2008 has led to 20 or 30 similar applications each year, as Ole has become an expert at securing student and summer labourers for several farm operations in the area. The workers usually come to Canada in two groups — one from April to October and a second group of university students comes during the school break, from July to mid-October. The Michaelsens agree that they could not have grown their grain operation to its current size

of 9,000 acres without the help of international workers who come from Germany, Austria and Switzerland. The state of the labour market when Ole immigrated in 2007 (followed by his parents in 2008) was such that farm workers were nearly impossible to find. “The oilfield in this area draws people away because the money is better and the work schedule is better,” said Ole. Many European university students and farmhands are eager to come to Canada to work as the jobs here pay up to three times the hourly rate of that in their homelands and working in Canada offers a unique agricultural experience. The Michaelsens pay their employees $2,200 a month, in addition to supplying room and board, a cellphone, use of a vehicle and often they’ll pay for flights as well. Ole does all of the immigration paperwork, providing his services for free. In exchange, his neighbours will share workers with the Michaelsens. Christiane said the give-andtake atmosphere in Canada is something the family had to get used to. “In Germany, you would never do that. In Canada we find people more welcoming and friendly and neighbours are happy to work together and help each other out,” said Christiane. The Michaelsens came to

photo: christalee froese

Ole Michaelsen Canada because of a land shortage in Germany that resulted in them not being able to expand their dairy herd beyond 300 cattle. After intensively shopping for land here and considering 68 farms, they decided that the Lampman area offered the best opportunity for farm expansion.

SUMMER cRop walKS Hosted by Farming Smarter, alberta ag & ag canada

May 29, June 5, 12, 19, 2014 Crop Walks offer an opportunity to get in the field with agriculture’s experts. Join us 9 - 11:30 am @ the Farming Smarter lethbridge field site. Coffee and snacks provided. (weather dependent, check website for updates)

For further information or to sign up for E-newsletter visit:

“In 2007 we bought 3,000 acres. The package included the buildings and the equipment,” said Ole, adding that the farmer he purchased from provided advice and the original hired man agreed to stay on for one year to help with the transition. Now that immigrant workers are an integral part of the operation, the Michaelsens have moved a double apartment trailer onto their yard. It consists of living space for four workers, complete with four bedrooms, two bathrooms and two living rooms. The students are easy to find because word of mouth creates more than enough applications for the 20 to 30 positions filled in the area each season. A number of them need to complete a six-month practicum on a working farm, and since Ole has his master in agriculture from the University of Berlin, he can grant the students their practicum certificates. The only problem is that provincial legislation has made it more difficult to bring immigrant workers into Saskatchewan. “Three years ago the visa application was one page and By Dan Piraro


now it’s a 30-page application and you have to go through a lot of stages, so it makes it really difficult,” said Ole. The Michaelsens intend to continue to use foreign workers and Ole believes the demand in the area will only increase. Lampman mixed farmer Mark Walter hopes they will be able to continue to obtain working visas, as he currently employs two German workers and regularly employs one or two more students during seeding and harvest. He said he hates to even think about what it would be like without the work the Michaelsens do to attract European labourers. “It would be a struggle, that’s for sure. We’d have to try to get older farmers, I guess, because it’s really hard down here in the southeast as the oilfield draws away so many young people,” said Walter. The Michaelsens love their new farming life in Canada, but they can’t imagine being successful without their ability to attract workers from their home country. † Christalee Froese writes from Montmartre, Saskatchewan.

By Dan Piraro


MAY 20, 2014 /


Home Quarter Farm Life

No time for retirement BY EDNA MANNING


ith over 50 years’ experience as a businessman, farmer and entrepreneur, Peter Rhodes wasn’t ready to retire when he emigrated from England to Canada in 2002 at the age of 70. Instead, he launched into yet another venture. “My partner Lisa and I lived in Saskatoon for a short time, but I’m not a city boy. We started looking around and purchased 80 acres close to the city. Lisa teaches school in Saskatoon and she didn’t want to commute long distances,” he says. The location was ideal for a U-pick fruit orchard. Rhodes cultivated 12 acres of land and planted 10,000 raspberry canes and 3,000 black currant bushes. “When I first came, I thought, there’s no point in planting saskatoons. I might be gone before the bushes started to produce,” he said. However, he had demand for them almost immediately and has since planted about five acres. Rhodes didn’t realize at the time that black currants weren’t commonly grown in Canada, and

there was minimal interest in the berries at first. “But the goodness of black currants started to spread. Each year they’ve become more and more popular,” he says. Now demand for the fruit usually exceeds Rhodes’ supply. Cypress Hills Vineyard and Winery alone purchases over 3,000 pounds of the fruit annually. Black currants are highly regarded not only for their intense, delicious flavour, but also for their nutritional benefits. They are rich in phytonutrients and antioxidants, and high in vitamin C. They also contain minerals such as iron, phosphorus, calcium, copper, magnesium, manganese, potassium and zinc. “During the Second World War, England encouraged people to grow black currants because oranges were difficult to obtain. The berries are excellent for preventing colds, flus and fighting diseases like cancer, arthritis and skin conditions. They’re also good for eyesight and the seeds are rich in essential fatty acids,” he said. Black currants are delicious fresh, or processed in jams, jellies and sauces, and can also be used

Peter Rhodes with some dried raspberry leaves ready for grinding. Machine for making tea bags.


in ice creams, cordial, liqueur and wine. Rhodes sells the berries fresh or frozen, and also has jam, gelato and sorbet for sale. Black currant bushes are extremely winter hardy and Rhodes says he hasn’t had any serious problems with disease or insect infestations, partly because there are very few growers in the area. However, several insects are common to the fruit. One is the fruit fly that lays its egg in the developing berry, which usually falls off before the fruit is ripe. Another — the currant borer — affects only the stems and canes, which have to be pruned in early spring. The majority of his black currants are a hardy, disease-resist-

ant Polish variety. He also grows “Whistler,” a few Scottish varieties, and some of the European “Ben” series, which are mildew resistant. Raspberries are another popular fruit, although more labour intensive as they require annual pruning and thinning. Rhodes has approximately 30 acres of raspberries, with about 14 different varieties. Last summer Rhodes started a spinoff venture. He’d read of the health benefits of dried raspberry and black currant leaves and purchased the equipment to grind the dried leaves for making tea. Managing a U-pick operation means long hours in the summer for him, his wife Lisa and their 10-year-old daugh-

ter, Hanna. During the winter Rhodes catches up on the paperwork and services all the equipment so it is in good working order for the spring. Rhodes says he enjoys work and the solitude of country life. “A lot of people at 70 have packed up and are waiting to die. I prefer to keep busy. It’s just pleasant out here in the summer — no noise, just the birds.” For more information visit, phone 306-934-6748 or 306-612-2361, or email The orchard is open from early July to late September. Call ahead for availability. †

Sask Valley Riding Club

fees and the fundraising events we do. This gives our members the opportunity to get the expertise they otherwise wouldn’t be able to afford,” she says. Members of the club enjoy spending time with and looking out for each other, and providing advice and tips about horse health and care. Also, an extensive library with videos and books is available to members. “We also have a Facebook page where people can share ideas. It’s really a community of information at your fingertips,” Malyk says. Malyk grew up on a farm and has been riding since the age of

10, participating in English and Western riding events. “Now I just ride for pleasure. When you have it in your blood, it’s just something you’ve got to do. It feeds the soul.” The goals of the Sask Valley Riding Club are simple: “We want to help each other, help our horses and benefit the community. In short, promote riding in a family atmosphere. I feel ours is an important organization to keep going. People love it,” Malyk says. For more information go to: www. †



ne of the many benefits of any group or club is the opportunity for its members to share common interests. They learn from one another, share ideas and suggestions, and cultivate new friendships. The Sask Valley Riding Club was formed in 1996 with these goals in mind. “A lot of people have horses out on farms and are pretty much riding by themselves. When you want to get more specialized, such as reining, cutting or barrel racing, or you just want to have more fun with it, you need to get out and about with others,” says Giselle Malyk, current president of the club. “For us, there’s also a strong interest in contributing to the community by supporting causes or charities that are of special interest to our members. These include the Kinsmen Telemiracle Foundation, the Equine Health Research Fund, the Children’s Hospital and Breast Cancer Research. One of our members, Ray Kneeland, who owns the OK Corral near Martensville,

Giselle Malyk is the current president of the club.

raises thousands of dollars for Telemiracle every year,” she adds. The Sask Valley Riding Club is open to members of all ages and both English and Western riders are welcome to join. Events such as gymkhanas are held in May, June, July and August, and there is a poker rally usually in May and later in the summer. Another annual event is the Telemiracle Pony Express 8-Day Ride, held the last week in July. Members also participate in parades.

“Our trail rides are mostly one-day adventures. We look for interesting places to ride and have found there are many fun areas around the city that you can go to and return in a day. The farthest out we’ve been recently is the Prince Albert area. Some of the smaller groups might head off a bit farther to places such as the Cypress Hills, but mostly we tend to do day excursions,” says Malyk. The rides are sanctioned so everyone is insured through the Saskatchewan Horse Federation in case of injuries, and the club has guidelines that encourage younger people to wear helmets. The gymkhanas, often held at the OK Corral north of Saskatoon, are organized with fun in mind. “From barrel racing, to pole bending to reining, they’re just games and everybody laughs at themselves trying to get their horses to co-operate,” says Malyk. As well as monthly meetings, the club co-ordinates riding clinics for its members. “We bring in trainers from different disciplines. The club pays for some of the cost with the membership

Edna Manning writes from Saskatoon, Sask.

Edna Manning writes from Saskatoon, Sask.

> Empty Pesticide Container Recycling Program

There are many reasons to rinse. #1

Only rinsed containers can be recycled


Helps keep collection sites clean


Use all the chemicals you purchase


Keeps collection sites safe for workers


Maintain your farm’s good reputation

No excuse not to!

more information or to find a collection { For site near you visit

Riders of all ages are welcome to join.


Now, take your empty fertilizer containers along for the ride!

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4/2/14 11:37 AM



MAY 20, 2014

Home Quarter Farm Life SINGING GARDENER

Emails, phone calls, letters! TED MESEYTON


an you believe it? Here we are well into May already. A month from now and we’ll have our longest period of daylight hours. Makes me shudder wondering what weather and growing conditions will be like on farms and gardens during 2014. Although I’m optimistic, I wonder if Mother Nature will send us overdue statements via the weather as a reminder we owe her. Meantime get comfortable and many thanks for joining me. Here’s a welcome ‘tip of my hat’ to all...

THERE’S NO WONDERING … what to write about. Your emails, phone calls, handwritten and typed letters come from every direction across the nation. Reminds me of days when I was a DJ and folks would write in with song requests. A couple examples from back then are “Blue Canadian Rockies,” by Wilf Carter and “My Home by the Fraser,” by Kerry Regan. Both of these gentlemen and numerous others were pioneers who made significant contributions in developing and promoting Canadian music with their infectious and patriotic songs about whom we are as a country and people.

A BIT MORE ABOUT KERRY REGAN He was born at Pouce Coupe, B.C. in 1923 (10 km southeast of Dawson Creek). His birth name was Oscar Melvin Fredrickson that he later changed to Kerry Regan. During his early teens, Kerry with guitar in hand, performed in and around Vancouver while working on fishing boats. “My Home by the Fraser” was Kerry’s first hit song


LOVE HEARING FROM YOU Do you have a story about a farm or home-based business? How about some household management tips? Does someone in the family have a special-diet need? Share some of your meal ideas. Send them to FarmLife, 1666 Dublin Ave., Winnipeg, Man. R3H 0H1. Phone 1-800665-0502 or email susan@ Please remember we can no longer return photos or material. † Sue Armstrong

(if I recall correctly on the Aragon label) and reached No. 1 in the late 1940s. During the ’50s Kerry performed with Lucille Starr, another Canadian entertainer who became internationally famous for her rendition of “The French Song.” It sold six million copies. When Kerry Regan decided to retire to farm life in 1960, he continued to dabble off and on in music and wrote more songs including his famous classic tune “Poor, Poor Farmer.” We owe a debt of gratitude to legendary folks like these and dozens of other Canadian musicians, singers and songwriters.

NOW TO MY VALUED READERS I received two pages of a handwritten letter from Isabel Leman at Black Diamond, Alta. Here’s a portion of what Isabel says: Dear Ted, Your column is the first page I read. The December column really caught my eye re: Christmas cactus. A friend gave me a small cutting in September 1943. It bloomed at Christmas 1944 and has ever since. In 1995 the plant produced over 500 blossoms. Over the years I have taken many cuttings from this same plant. After downsizing, I still have five plants of my own and it’s a long way from 59 plants I once had in my fivebedroom house in Turner Valley. I was a rancher’s daughter and became a rancher myself. After marriage, we continued to ranch and lost a beef herd to brucellosis. We turned to dairy farming, milking 50 head of brown Swiss cows. In l973 we sold and moved into town. Regarding restless legs and water witching — here’s what Isabel wrote. I used to get painful leg cramps at night in both calves at the same time. One day in a local store I talked with the manager who told me I needed potassium. I bought some and OK’d it with my family doctor and never get leg cramps anymore. My favourite is Jamieson 100 mg. I take a tablet a day. Two bananas a day is helpful but didn’t do it for me. Witching for water is another topic that interested me. I saw it done with a green willow forked branch when I was a kid. It wouldn’t work for me, but a crowbar held loosely in my hand would dip up and down when crossing an underground stream of water. Two pieces of No. 9 wire about two feet long would work too. Bend both wires about four inches at one end. Hold the short ends, one in each hand with both long pieces straight out in front. When you went over the underground stream

the wires crossed each other and straightened out again after passing over the stream. When we moved into town my life took on a whole different direction. Ted says: My sincere thanks to Isabel Leman for her wonderful letter and willingness to share.

NEXT A TYPEWRITTEN LETTER … that I, Ted, received in midFebruary. Hi Ted, Firstly let me say how much I enjoy reading your interesting page in Grainews. Secondly, let me introduce myself. I am Larry Romaniuk a retired meteorologist living in Winnipeg but with roots in Riverton, Man., my hometown. I have been preparing the long-range weather forecasts in Grainews and hope your readers find them useful in planning outdoor activities, especially gardening and farming. But I have a confession to make. When I receive Grainews I read your page first before going on to check the accuracy (or inaccuracy) of my forecasts. When I do a verification of forecasts, I come up with an accuracy of about 75 per cent. I’d be interested in getting the opinion of your readers as to the “perceived” usefulness of these forecasts for their area, possibly on a scale of zero to 100 per cent correct. Lastly, as an aside, when my wife and I visited Ukraine in 1999, we brought back some tomato seeds. The tomatoes are large, low acid and very tasty. Several people have now been growing these year to year. (I believe one of your readers from the Arborg, Man. area was praising these same tomatoes a few months ago. So I am enclosing a few of the seeds for you to try out. They need a fairly long maturing period. Good luck and keep up the great job! Larry, phone (204) 889-3119, email

THANKS TO MARY … for the following gardening tips relative to potato bugs and planting tomatoes. So many of you are willing to share your experiences and I, Ted and Grainews readers who join us on the Singing Gardener journey page appreciate that. Hi Ted, I am Mary (surname withheld by request) and live near McKague, in NE Sask., south of Tisdale. Enjoy your page in Grainews. To keep potato bugs away; sow a few seeds of flax on top of the potato hill. Leave only one or two plants to grow as they might use too much water. I haven’t had any potato bugs since I sowed flax in the potato patch. When I plant tomatoes I put shredded newspaHenry Wiebe, 90, of Portage la Prairie holds his wooden bobber. It’s one of a trio of tools that he uses with success after locating an underground stream with either a Y-shaped willow crotch or a small pair of metal pliers. He counts each up-and-down bob as one foot (12 inches) until it stops bobbing to determine depth of an underground stream. Henry told the Singing Gardener he first tried water dowsing at 25 or 26 years of age and it worked for him. His dad was also a water dowser.


Indeterminate tomato plants need to be staked or trellised with a strong support and also trained and pruned to a single stem. This applies to any heritage, heirloom and hybrid varieties that are vining in nature. Shown are the thumb and forefinger grasping a shoot that needs to be pruned out. It’s located in the crotch between the central main stem and side leaves. All side shoots up to just below the first clutch of tomato flowers need to be removed at least twice weekly. Remember to mist tomato blossoms once with 100 per cent pure unsweetened apple juice such as SunRype brand if your plants are slow to set fruit and to prevent blossom drop. Tops can be clipped off and new blossoms pinched out toward the end of August and into September to direct plant energy into existing fruits. per in the hole, cover with a bit of soil and put in the tomato plant. If the plant is tall make a trench and lay the stem down, cover with soil and just let some of the top stick out of the dirt. I also put tomato plants in the refrigerator overnight. Do this before the plants are really tall and don’t put them too close to the sides of the fridge or they may be damaged. I got this hint from a fellow at the Research Centre at Brooks, Alberta. It must trick the plants into thinking it is fall and they have to produce their seed. I also use shredded newspaper to mulch around the plants, when they get bigger. Another hint… I cut the paper tubes from toilet paper into two- to three-inch lengths and then split them to wrap around a stem of bedding plants to thwart the cutworms. — Mary

AN EMAIL FROM EASTEND, SASK. Darleen Pearson writes: Ted, I enjoy your page in Grainews and was impressed with the Tithonia in the Feb. issue. I was told it was recommended for Zone 8. What are the chances of growing it in southwest Sask.? — Thank you, Darleen Pearson Ted’s reply: A good point! Yes — in Mexico, Central America and South America, Tithonia (a.k.a. Mexican sunflower) is a perennial. In our country, Tithonia is treated as an annual. Three prominent varieties in the Tithonia family are Torch, Goldfinger and Fiesta del Sol. Each spring start Tithonia seeds indoors four to six weeks in advance of planting out in the garden. A mass planting is a delight to butterflies. Many plant varieties including tomatoes owe their origin to tropical countries in America.

A WORD ABOUT ONIONS Onions! Oh how Canadians love ’em! Word is out from the world’s biggest grower of onions that extreme weather conditions across North America have upset planting schedules at many sites where onions are grown. What does it mean?

The current supply of onions growing in fields this year is down… way down… and it’s likely to remain that way. It means onion prices are likely to rise up — perhaps way up. If you’re not growing your own from seed in the home garden, it’s not too late to do so. Started onion transplants should also still be available at greenhouses and garden centres. I’m encouraging my fellow Canadians to practise self-reliance and do as much as we can to provide for ourselves, and our families on as many fronts as possible. That includes growing our own storage onions for next winter. Don’t depend totally on someone else to grow our food. How we hate those tear-causing chemicals that are released by onions on the chopping board. Here are some tips to consider. Prior to commencing, chill onions in the deep freeze for a half-hour. Simmer a small amount of water on the stove into which is stirred a teaspoonful of vanilla. Turn on the kitchen fan to help suck away fumes. Wear goggles that have a good seal such as swim goggles or all-purpose handyman goggles. Light a candle and keep it next to the chopping board. †

This is Ted Meseyton the Singing Gardener and Grow-It Poet from Portage la Prairie, Man. Strolling through someone else’s garden is admirable but we must recognize and learn to be the master of our own garden — the one who plants, prunes, waters and weeds. We are also the host of our own garden be it grand or modest, yet in a way we are also its butler; the one who takes charge and has supervision over what transpires. Gardens are a privileged place to enjoy the pleasure of sinking hands into Mother Earth. We needn’t be a politician to render service to our country. Gardeners and farmers already do that by growing critical and useful food plants while constantly caring for and supporting the land as though a family member. My email address is


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