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WEED WITH AUTHORITY A new option for kochia control » Pg 18

Birdwatching workshops » Pg 24

MAY 29, 2014





Canola growers take on the railways A second level-ofservice complaint has been filed By Allan Dawson CO-OPERATOR STAFF


second legal complaint has been filed alleging the railways provided inadequate grain-shipping service this crop year. And more might be coming. The Canadian Canola Growers Association (CCGA) filed a level-ofservice complaint with the Canadian Transportation Agency (CTA) May 26, accusing both Canadian Pa c i f i c a n d Canadian National railways of failing to fulfil their common carrier obligations for the movement of western Canadian grains and oilseeds this crop year. “What we’re saying to the CTA is they (railways) didn’t even come close,” CCGA CEO Rick White said in an interview May 26. “They didn’t do it on a weekly basis. They didn’t do it on monthly basis and they are not even going to do it on a yearly basis this year. We’re going to end up with a 23-million-tonne

After a late start to seeding, Manitoba farmers have been dodging showers as they try to get the crop in before crop insurance deadlines.


Corn, soybean, sunflower seeding deadlines loom No extensions are planned, says the Manitoba Agricultural Services Corporation By Allan Dawson CO-OPERATOR STAFF

See CANOLA on page 6 »

Publication Mail Agreement 40069240


he crop insurance eligibility clock is ticking away as farmers scramble to get their acres sown before the deadlines for full coverage pass. Time has all but run out for grain corn and soybean acres. Depending on what part of Manitoba you’re in, the deadline for planting corn and soybeans and still get full coverage is as early as Friday, May 30. And there won’t be any deadline extensions. “A big review was done in the 1990s and since then the Excess Moisture Insurance program was developed and we provide extended (planting) periods based on agronomics so there is no talk of extending anything at this point in time,” David Koroscil, Manitoba Agricultural Services Corporation (MASC) manager of insurance projects and sales, said in an interview May 23. A cool and wet spring has delayed seeding for the second consecutive year.

Deadlines for planting sunflowers, edible beans, triticale and depending on the location, canola, are not far off either. See page 6 for a full list of deadlines. Farmers in Canola Area 1 must sow the oilseed crop by June 15 to get full coverage and by June 20 for coverage at 80 per cent. The Canola Area 2 deadline is June 10 for full coverage and June 15 for reduced coverage. Farmers in a very small portion of south-central Manitoba have until June 6 to seed both soybeans and corn and be fully covered. June 11 is the extended deadline with reduced coverage in Soybean Area 1 and Corn Area 1. (Note — MASC’s areas vary with each crop. See soybean area map on page 6.) Friday, May 30 is the planting deadline for full soybean and corn coverage in Area 2. Farmers in Area 2 can plant both crops until June 4 with a 20 per cent decrease in coverage. May 30 is also the deadline for seeding corn in Areas 3 and 4 and the test area, which is the rest of agro-Manitoba.

Farmers can still get full coverage on wheat, barley, oats and flax if they seed by June 20. The reduced coverage deadline for greenfeed is July 15. Canola seeded by air can potentially be insured so long as “it is incorporated into the soil by mechanical means and the crop establishes to a level that is equal to or greater than the insured producer’s coverage,” MASC’s website states. “The incorporation date will be deemed to be the seeding date, with all aerial seeded acreage required to be reported on the Seeded Acreage Report by June 22.” Farmers unable to seed due to wet fields are eligible for compensation under the Excess Moisture Program (EMI). It pays eligible farmers at least $50 an acre, less a minimum five per cent deductible. So for example, if a farmer had a 1,000-acre farm and all of it was too wet to seed that farmer would be paid on 950 acres, Koroscil said. See DEADLINES on page 6 »



The Manitoba Co-operator | May 29, 2014


Did you know?


Have your lawn and eat it too

A first for sustainable beef McDonald’s picks Canada for pilot project


CROPS Roll with it Up your seeding rate when seeding soybeans late


FEATURE Getting your nitrogen fix Don’t overestimate the nitrogen you’re getting from manure



This is a competition for those who prefer hoeing over mowing


he grass may not be greener on the other side of the fence — but the lettuce and beans might be, if Food Matters Manitoba has its way. It’s sponsoring the Manitoba Garden Makeover Competition to encourage more homeowners to start hoeing instead of mowing by creating an edible landscape. Balcony transformations are eligible too. “There are hundreds of species of edible plants that can thrive in Manitoba. Imagine landscapes with colourful basil, red peppers, rainbow chard, or white apple blossoms,” it says in a release. “The best part is, once their beauty fades, the feast begins!” “Manitoba Garden Makeover is one more way we are connecting Manitobans to good food and giving families a chance to discover how delicious their garden can be!” said Kreesta Doucette, executive director of Food Matters Manitoba. The $1,000 in prizes includes custom landscaping and gardening consultations from local specialists Sage Garden Herbs and Urban Eatin’.

PHOTO: thinkstock

Last year Food Matters Manitoba held the First Annual Garden Makeover Competition. Over 40 beautiful and edible landscapes were entered. This year participants can enter in the Rural, Urban, Under 18, Nor ther n or Newbie categories. How do you enter? All it takes is an eye for finding beauty in edible plants, six photographs of your garden, and filling in a brief online entry form. The contest is open to all Manitobans and gardens of all sizes.

Once photograph submissions open June 15, gardens will be posted online for family, friends, and other gardeners across the province to enjoy. Viewers can rate their favourite landscapes to help us crown the 2014 Manitoba Garden Makeover winner! Visit www.manitobagarden. com to register and for more contest details. Food Matters Manitoba is a registered charity working with northerners, newcomers, farmers and families to harvest, share, and prepare good food.

Finding the spot An Anola history buff is honoured for his help finding unmarked graves

4 5 8 10

Editorials Comments What’s Up Livestock Markets


Grain Markets Weather Vane Classifieds Sudoku


11 16 25 34

ONLINE Visit www.manitobacooperator.ca for daily news and features and our digital edition. (Click on “Digital Edition” in the top right corner.) At our sister site, AGCanada.com, you can use the “Search the AGCanada.com Network” function at top right to find recent Co-operator articles. Select “Manitoba Co-operator” in the pull-down menu when running your search.   photo: karen chic

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The Manitoba Co-operator | May 29, 2014

Betty Jagodnik sells jams and jellies at The Forks’ newly launched farmers’ market.

“We hope we’re successful and that we’re able to expand it next year.”

Shoppers check out herbs and perennials at The Forks’ newly launched farmers’ market.



New farmers’ market opens The Forks in downtown Winnipeg has expanded to include a seasonal farmers’ market with a focus on fresh foods By Shannon VanRaes CO-OPERATOR STAFF


new far mers’ market has sprouted in Winnipeg with the hopes of putting down deep roots in the coming years. Located at the historic intersection of the Assiniboine and Red rivers, The Forks Farmers’ Market will host more than two dozen vend o r s e a c h Su n d a y f ro m 1 1 a . m . t o 4 p. m . until October. “We decided to start smaller, so we had begun with a maximum of 25 vendors but this week we’re already at 28, so the response has been great,” said Clare MacKay, vice-president of marketing and communications for The Forks. The inaugural market day took place over the Victoria Day weekend and drew crowds throughout the afternoon.

MacKay said The Forks has wanted to add a farmers’ market to its roster for a few years, but it wasn’t until the organizers of Winnipeg’s Downtown Farmers’ Market became involved that all the pieces fell into place. Many of the tenants in The Forks Market already sell fresh, local produce, as well as locally produced value-added goods, MacKay noted, adding the new, outdoor farmers’ market will compliment existing businesses. “I think it will actually be great for everybody,” MacKay said. “If people come down just to go to the farmers’ market they’ll discover the people who are in The Forks Market... and if people come to visit their favourite Forks Market tenant, they will discover the farmers’ market as well, so we’re kind of hoping we will cross-pollinate.” Organizers of the new market have also been careful not to overlap with other farmers’ mar-

kets in the area, such as St. Norbert Farmers’ Ma rk e t w h i c h o p e n e d f o r t h e s e a s o n ove r the weekend. And that’s good news for vendors like Betty Jagodnik who operates Grammies Jams, Jellies & Preserves. “We’ve been at St. Norbert’s for about 10 years now, and we’ve done others throughout Manitoba and now we’re going to be at The Forks as well... I think this is an excellent location and it has certainly had a good turnout,” Jagodnik said. Ma c Ka y s a i d t h e n e w f a r m e r s’ m a rk e t i s intended to cater to both downtown residents and visitors to the city. “We hope we’re successful and that we’re able to expand it next year,” she said. “We’ve wanted to do this for a long time.” shannon.vanraes@fbcpublishing.com



Spraying herbicide on Genuity® Roundup Ready® canola, above recommended rates or outside the application window,

can cost you 3 bushels per acre or more in yield.

ALWAYS FOLLOW GRAIN MARKETING AND ALL OTHER STEWARDSHIP AND PESTICIDE LABEL DIRECTIONS. Details of these requirements can be found in the Trait Stewardship Responsibilities Notice to Farmers printed in this publication. Monsanto and Vine Design® is a registered trademark of Monsanto Technology LLC, Monsanto Canada Inc. licensee. ©2013 Monsanto Canada Inc.


The Manitoba Co-operator | May 29, 2014


So much for the ‘cheap food’ defence


g boosters habitually fall back on two defences whenever someone questions why farmers do things the way they do — usually on ethical or environmental sustainability issues. We’ve dealt with fallacies of the first mantra — our farmers must feed the world — previously in this space. Increasing the productivity of small-scale farmers — most of whom are women, improving market Laura Rance access and reducing waste will go further Editor towards feeding the world than squeezing an extra few bushels per acre out of a Prairie farmer’s wheat field. Now it appears the second fallback defence — farmers have to farm this way to produce cheap food — is headed down the tubes faster than you can say “flush.” The question isn’t whether the food produced by the machine we call modern agriculture is cheap — at least on the consumer end of things. After all, the statistics show consumers in industrialized countries have never had it so good. “Americans are spending a smaller share of their income (or corresponding amount of effort) on food than any other society in history or anywhere else in the world, yet get more for it,” say the authors of a newly released study into why more of us are getting fat. Roland Sturm, of RAND Corporation and Ruopeng An, of the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign said that in the 1930s, Americans spent one-quarter of their disposable income on food. By the 1950s, that figure had dropped to one-fifth. The most recent data show the share of disposable income spent on food is now under one-tenth. The question they raise is whether cheap food is good. Their answer — shockingly — appears to be no. These researchers reviewed the data on all the suspected causes of rising rates of obesity in the U.S. in search of an explanation for why two in three Americans are overweight or obese at a time when access to nutritious food, leisure time and activities have never been easier. They looked at things like snack food, fast food, automobile use, time spent viewing television or looking at computer screens, vending machines, suburban sprawl, increasing portion sizes, female labour force participation, poverty, affluence, supermarket availability and alternatively, so-called food deserts in the urban cores. They even looked at race and socio-economic factors. While it was true that people with low incomes tended to have higher obesity rates, they also found that obesity has been rising across all demographics of society at about the same rates. “After examining available evidence, the authors say widespread availability of inexpensive food appears to have the strongest link to obesity,” their report says. This not just an American problem. The release of their data coincided with the release of another review of data collected from 188 countries worldwide that concluded 2.1 billion people, or about 30 per cent of the global population, are either obese or overweight. The rise in obesity over the past three decades presents a “major public health epidemic in both the developed and developing world,” the report from the Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation (IHME) at the University of Washington says. It’s bad enough that cheap food is now seen as a major public health threat — but a threat to national security? That was the gist of the press conference called by U.S. Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack and retired U.S. army generals last week to condemn those who would water down new nutritional standards for that country’s school lunch programs. With one in five American youth too overweight to enlist in the military, how would the country find enough soldiers to defend itself in times of war? “An estimated 75 per cent of all young Americans between the ages of 17 and 24 are unable to join the military for various reasons including being physically unfit,” they said in a statement. If there ever really was a so-called cheap food “policy,” it has successfully, unequivocally failed. As farmers well know, even though the spectacular productivity of current practices has resulted in cheap food for consumers, it’s an expensive way to farm with its high capital costs and razor-thin margins — not to mention the costs that are externalized, such as declining biodiversity, soil and water quality. We’ve often wondered why farmers ever embraced the notion of “cheap food” in the first place; it seems to perpetuate the philosophy that’s making farmers into an endangered species. In our view, farmers can offer a much more salient value proposition to society — one that is rooted in stewardship, social responsibility and producing foods that are a solution to public health issues, rather than a contributor. That’s something that could attract public “buy-in” like never before. laura@fbcpublishing.com

Sunset for fossil fuels? A carbon fee of $50 or $60 per tonne could reduce carbon emissions by the necessary 80 per cent by 2050 By Phil Elder / Troy Media CALGARY, ALTA.


retend you’re a shareholder in an oil and gas, or coal, company. At the annual general meeting, the treasurer cheerfully states the impressive net present value of the company’s reserves, while the CEO announces a multimillion-dollar exploration budget for the coming year. But you’re nervous. Recently you read the International Energy Agency’s announcement that two-thirds of presently known fossil fuel reserves can never be burned if the world is to avoid catastrophic, human-caused climate change. In fact, the notoriously conservative IEA predicts an intolerable rise in global temperatures of up to 6 C if we carry on business as usual. You also know that virtually every serious scientist on earth agrees with the IEA, even though debate continues on some of the complex details. Major cuts in greenhouse gas emissions are essential. You also know that American money managers with $2 trillion of assets have written to the major petroleum companies and the big utilities in the U.S. to ask how they will deal with these about-to-be-stranded fossil fuel assets which are so overvalued on their balance sheets. Finally, you wonder how the rumoured substantial increase in Alberta’s fee on carbon will affect corporate economics. Has your company also radically overstated the value of reserves which may never be burned? Is it not risky to spend more money exploring for more? What should you do? Of course, your company could be one of the lucky ones. If it’s a low-cost producer of conventional light oil, perhaps it will be able to pay the carbon fee and still sell every last barrel at a profit. But high-cost producers will be in big trouble. On May 9, Tom Rand, a brilliant venture capitalist and policy analyst, gave a powerful presentation at the University of Calgary, where he argued that if a carbon fee is used to “internalize the externalities” and end the free dumping of greenhouse gas emissions into our atmosphere, renewable energy will

be cheaper than all but the lowest-cost fossil fuels. (This fee will also spur significant energy conservation.) His only question is whether we can scale up the huge conversion to renewable energy fast enough. What we voters have to do is tell governments to set a proper fee on carbon. If we do so, clean, renewable energy will displace the highest-cost fossil fuels (oilsands and coal) because of market economics, “the most powerful tool we have at our disposal.” In his book, Waking the Frog (the title refers to the well-known metaphor of a coldblooded frog in a pot adjusting to incremental temperature increases until it dies in boiling water), Rand argues that: “The good news is that we can solve the climate problem. The capital we need sits in our pension funds and money markets, the policy tools we need to unlock it are well understood (if politically problematic), and existing clean technology and emerging innovations are fully capable of powering our civilization. Aggressive action is nowhere near as expensive as opponents claim.” Rand argues that a carbon fee of $50 or $60 per tonne would so accelerate the scaleup of clean tech renewable energy that we would be on the path toward reducing carbon emissions by the necessary 80 per cent by 2050. “A price on carbon is not a leftwing conspiracy to control the world. It is the best tool in our arsenal to unleash the might of our industry, capital and entrepreneurs...” Another important point he makes is that there is no “us,” (the good renewable guys), and “them,” (the reactionary coal-burning utilities and oilsands operators). We are all immersed in the pot of hot water. If we help each other, everybody can climb out. And we do need each other. Rand says that “Exxon is not going to be replaced; it must be forced to evolve.” We need “policy that directly engages the existing energy giants” and other big players, including pension funds with the necessary long-term time frame. If they come on board, we can build the necessary renewable energy infrastructure quickly enough to avoid climatic shifts that would cause unimaginable hardship. We need not fear this energy shift. In fact, we could be world leaders in the 21st century’s energy system — unless we cling to outmoded 20th century thinking. Phil Elder is emeritus professor of environmental and planning law with the faculty of environmental design at the University of Calgary. www.troymedia.com


The Manitoba Co-operator | May 29, 2014


McDonald’s pilot could usher in overdue reforms The fast-food giant’s bid to use only ‘sustainable beef’ may finally force the industry to share data and work together More information

By Glenn Cheater



s noted in this week’s livestock section, McDonald’s has picked Canada for its first-ever “sustainable beef” pilot project. Does that news make you think, ‘Oh goodie, more paperwork,’ or bring A&W ’s “Better Beef ” campaign to mind? And, of course, you’ll note McDonald’s is not offering premiums for this program. That’s a point made repeatedly by senior company officials in a very well-researched (and very lengthy) article at greenbiz.com on the sustainable beef initiative. So more hoops for producers to jump through and no extra money. It’s the same old story, right? Bu t t h e re j u s t m i g h t b e something ver y different going on here. In the same greenbiz.com stor y, McDonald’s officials also repeatedly insist that producers who participate in its program will be able to boost their profitability. That’s likely why the company sent a link to the article to members of the Canadian

In order for it to work, there has to be a system-wide sharing of data.

Roundtable for Sustainable Beef a couple of months back. ( Type ‘sustainable beef ’ in the greenbiz.com search box and look for the article by Joel Makower.)

Crazy talk

My first thought was this is crazy talk. Doing extra stuff takes time and costs money, so sustainable beef will be more expensive to produce. But my second was McDonald’s and its corporate partners in the global sustainable beef initiative — JBS, Cargill, and Walmart — know a thing or two about finding efficiencies. And they do it by recording and tracking everything, and then mining that vast pool of data to find a better way. Details on McDonald’s sustainable beef pilot are scarce, but the idea seems to be to take the newly relaunched

B e e f In f o X c h a n g e Sy s t e m (BIXS 2.0) and add data from an enhanced Verified Beef Production program. VBP’s website states that in addition to adding modules on animal care, environmental stewardship, and biosecurity, it will also be incorporating “existing materials” from the Canadian Roundtable for Sustainable Beef. There’s not much in the way of existing materials at this point, just guiding principles. Environmental protection and animal health and welfare are two of them, but so is efficiency and innovation. It’s pretty easy to see how efficiency and innovation figures into the original concept for BIXS — by sending back carcass data to producers, they could get some idea of how well their breeding, feeding, and other management programs are working.

We welcome readers’ comments on issues that have been covered in the Manitoba Co-operator. In most cases we cannot accept “open” letters or copies of letters which have been sent to several publications. Letters are subject to editing for length or taste. We suggest a maximum of about 300 words. Please forward letters to Manitoba Co-operator, 1666 Dublin Ave., Winnipeg, R3H 0H1 or Fax: 204-954-1422 or email: news@fbcpublishing.com (subject: To the editor)

But how might that work for something such as animal welfare? We l l , i m a g i n e t h i s n e w enhanced BIXS — let’s call it 3.0 — had transport data loaded in. Want to bet that some smart cookie couldn’t find a way to use that data to figure out which trucking companies do a better job of reducing stress during transport and therefore minimize shrink? Wouldn’t you like to know that? Actually, most producers would just like to know the basics and get carcass data back. It’s a complaint that comes up over and over again in the recently released straw man followup repor t con ducted by Toma and Bouma. The duo conducted in-depth interviews of more than three dozen industry leaders and experts. (It, along with an FCC survey of cattle producers, is available at www.strawman beef.ca.) Not surprisingly, there were a lot of comments about the “high level of mistrust” between the feedlot and producer sectors. Many pointed to the unwillingness of the

The latest “speNDP” assault on Manitoba’s $3.5-billion agriculture industry involves the Farmland Education Tax Rebate. In the last election the NDP promised to eliminate the final portion of education taxes on farmland, but this did not happen. The “speNDP” has also now capped the amount of rebate to $5,000 per farm and the rebate does not flow automatically. Landowners must apply for it. That application process has been manipulated by the NDP to ensure many Manitobans who are entitled to it never get it. In past years, there has been a three-year window to apply for the rebate, but this year the “speNDP” has set a hard deadline of March 31, 2014. Then the NDP delayed release of the forms required to apply for the rebate. Those forms were not available until the end of December. Farm families were left a very small window to complete and submit their forms or lose the credit they were entitled to. This is a process designed to fail, and disproportionally targets female landowners. If this has happened to you please contact my office at midlandmla@mymts.net or call 204-745-2203. The “speNDP” has given a whole new meaning to “cash cow” with its combination of blatant tax increases and program cuts. The agricultural industry deserves to be respected and encouraged for its contribution to Manitoba’s economy. It’s time for change. Blaine Pedersen MLA Midland


Well, that’s going to change in a hurry if the McDonald’s pilot goes ahead as envisioned. In order for it to work, there has to be a system-wide sharing of data. And once it’s out there, that big pool of detailed data will be mined — whether it’s to evaluate the performance of a trucking company, or a feedlot, backgrounder, or cow-calf operation. How this will play out is still an unknown. Obviously McDonald’s is keen to placate consumers who fret that beef production is bad for the planet or uses poor animal welfare practices. I t ’s a r a d i c a l — a l b e i t entirely unproven — concept that beef sustainability could lead to greater efficiencies and improved profitability for the entire industry. But wouldn’t it be a kicker if an effort to placate consumers ended up doing that? Glenn Cheater is editor of Alberta Farmer Express.

Out of (purple) gas The Manitoba ombudsman intervened on behalf of a farmer over a disputed Fuel Tax Act refund The following is an excerpt from the provincial ombudsman’s 2013 annual report. The full report is available online at http://www.ombudsman.mb.ca.

More limits on education tax rebates

feedlot sector to share carcass data with the producers as the symbol of a fractured system.


ax-exempt marked fuel, commonly called “purple gas,” is available in Manitoba under The Fuel Tax Act for the operation of agricultural machinery and registered farm trucks. Because this marked fuel is available from only a limited number of suppliers, the act provides for a tax refund to purchasers if they buy unmarked fuel because marked fuel was unavailable. To receive a tax refund, the purchaser must submit an application within two years of the purchase and must include a copy of the fuel purchase invoice and evidence demonstrating the purchaser’s entitlement to the refund. A farmer submitted an application for a tax refund on his unmarked fuel purchase to Manitoba Finance and was denied the refund. His application was submitted within the required twoyear period, the fuel was used for legitimate farming purposes, and the purchaser provided the department with an affidavit from his fuel supplier indicating

that when the unmarked fuel was delivered, the supplier did not have any marked fuel available. The farmer submitted his application twice for reconsideration but the department remained firm in its denial. The farmer complained to the ombudsman on the basis that his application was unfairly denied. In the course of our investigation, the department explained that, in its view, marked fuel was not “unavailable” to the purchaser since it was available at another supplier in the community — a supplier with whom the purchaser did not have a business relationship. This matter had become a protracted dispute and there was some merit to the position of both the complainant and the department. The ombudsman questioned whether the department’s position was consistent with the primary purpose of The Fuel Tax Act, namely, to exempt farmers from paying taxes on fuel used in operating agricultural machinery while carrying out agricultural work. The ombudsman also noted that “unavailable” is not defined in the act. At our suggestion, the department reassessed the circumstances and chose to issue the purchaser a tax refund.


The Manitoba Co-operator | May 29, 2014

FROM PAGE ONE DEADLINES Continued from page 1


The EMI deductible increases by five per cent following each year the farmer makes a claim and declines by the same amount to a minimum of five per cent following claim-free years. Farmers can buy down their deductible and pay a fee to increase their coverage to $75 of $100 an acre, but must do so by Nov. 30 the year before spring seeding. Some farmers who didn’t get around to doing it last year have signed up now to boost EMI coverage for 2015, realizing they might be too busy to think about it this fall, Koroscil said. As of early last week, seeding was still delayed due to wet fields in the southwest, northwest and southeast. Hot, windy weather May 23 and 24 was welcome, but showers Sunday and more forecast for this week, threatened to further delay field work. With almost three weeks left until the final June 20 seeding deadline, MASC isn’t hazarding a guess as to how many acres might go unseeded in 2014 due to excessive moisture, said David Van Deynze, manager of claim services. Last year 219,241 insured crop acres were too wet to plant by June 20, he said. That was almost double the 117,623 acres unseeded in 2012. The record was three million acres set in 2011. That year there was extensive flooding along the Assiniboine and


CANOLA Continued from page 1

carry-out, (which is) totally unacceptable to farmers. That’s why we’re launching this.” Louis Dreyfus Commodities filed a level-of-service complaint against CN April 16. Other grain companies are considering filing complaints with the CTA, a quasi-judicial agency, said Western Grain Elevator Association ( WGEA)

“We’ve rolled up our sleeves and will do what needs to be done here to stand up for the rights of growers. We’re going to see it through to the end.” Rick White

Soybeans 1 2 3 Insurance Test Area

June 6 May 30 May 30 May 30

June 7 - June 11 May 31 - June 4 May 31 - June 4 None

June 6 May 30 May 30 May 30 May 30

June 7 - 11 May 31 - June 4 May 31 - June 4 May 31 - June 4 None

1 2 3 Insurance Test Area

June June June June

10 6 6 6

June 11 - 15 June 7 - 11 June 7 - 11 None

Sunflowers (non-oil) 1 Insurance Test Area

June 10 June 10

June 11 - 15 None


June 15 June 10

June 16 - 20 June 11 - 15

Grain Corn

1 2 3 4 Insurance Test Area Edible Beans

Soybean insurance areas.  source: manitoba agricultural services corporation

1 2

June 20 is the deadline for seeding spring wheat, barley, oats, flax, mustard, and buckwheat. Source: Manitoba Agricultural Services Corporation www.masc.mb.ca/masc.nsf/crop_seeding_deadlines.html

Souris rivers and around Lake Manitoba. Some industr y obser vers have predicted Manitoba farmers might plant as many as 1.5 million acres of soybeans this year, up from a record 1.05 million set last year.

Manitoba still has the potential to see a large number of soybean acres seeded in 2014 despite the looming deadline, said Kristen Podolsky, production specialist, with the Manitoba Pulse Growers Association. Much depends on

this week’s weather. But she also noted that most soybean plantings will occur in the central region, where planting is more advanced. Last year only 2.1 per cent of the soybean acres seeded in Manitoba were in the new crop

insurance test area, Podolsky said. Crop insurance data shows in 2013, 55 per cent of the insured soybeans were planted in the central region.

e x e c u t i v e d i r e c t o r Wa d e Sobkowich. “Poor rail service has a very direct and real impact on grain farmers, so it stands to reason that they would consider taking action,” Sobkowich said. “Many grain companies are also considering their options at this time. We’ve already seen one company file a level-of-service complaint and it’s possible others will be moving forward as well.”

“This situation is about a 100-year crop and the worst winter‎ in decades, not about a level-of-service failure by CN,” CN spokesman Mark Hallman said in an email. “CN is moving record grain volumes so far this crop year and has fared better than all other railroads during this difficult winter. The... association’s complaint is unfounded and ill advised. CN is a backbone of the economy and a true supply chain enabler with an agenda that is aligned with customers. CN will vigorously defend its record and reputation in front of the CTA.” A CP spokesman declined to comment. The railways aren’t investing in increased capacity because grain is captive, according to White. As a result railways eventually get most of the business while keeping costs down to maximize shareholder returns. “But they have a statutory

obligation to move the crop that is coming, not the fiveyear trailing average,” he said. “If we have this logistics system on five-year averages we are not going anywhere as an industry.” The 120-day CTA process will be expensive, White said. “We think we have a decent case and... with a favourable ruling this could be the longterm fix farmers have been demanding,” he said.

week. That’s still not enough, said White, who said a record 23-million-tonne carry-over is expected July 31. “We’re in trouble this year with even a moderate or average crop starting with a system already plugged with 23 million tonnes of grain,” he said. “We’re in trouble right now.” The former Canadian Wheat Board filed a level-of-service complaint April 14, 1997 against CN and CP Rail accusing both of failing to provide adequate service during the winter of 1996-97. CN reached an out-of-court settlement with the wheat board. The CTA ruled in the wheat board’s favour Sept. 30, 1998. The board then used the findings in a lawsuit again CP Rail. The wheat board sought $45 million in compensation from CP, but reached an out-of-court settlement for $15 million.

Unfilled orders

As of last week, there were 63,000 unfilled grain car orders, peaking at 78,000 cars in midApril, Sobkowich said. The backlog is estimated to have cost Canada’s grain industry, including farmers several billions of dollars due to lower grain prices, lost sales, contract penalties and demurrage. The railways blamed the backlog on a colder-than-normal winter and a record 76-milliontonne western Canadian crop.

Expensive exercise

The CCGA already has the moral support of other farm groups, but isn’t expecting them to help pay the bill, White said. “We’ve rolled up our sleeves and will do what needs to be done here to stand up for the rights of growers,” he added. “We’re going to see it through to the end.” In March, the government ordered the railways to move a million tonnes of grain a





The Manitoba Co-operator | May 29, 2014

More changes coming to Canadian Grain Commission What won’t change is protecting the ‘Canada brand’ through mandatory outward inspection, says Elwin Hermanson By Allan Dawson CO-OPERATOR STAFF


he Canadian Grain Commission is looking for more ways to streamline its operations without compromising Canada’s reputation for highquality exports, its chief commissioner says. Elwin Hermanson said that may bring changes to how services like inspections prior to export are delivered, but not the end result for customers. “Our minister has been very clear and very public in saying he wants to protect the Canada brand. He sees value in the Canada brand. And he has also stated there has to be a cert (Certificate) Final,” Hermanson said in an interview. “That doesn’t mean we have to keep doing outward inspection exactly as we are currently doing it.” One option is to allow private grain inspectors to do outward inspections for willing exporters and grain buyers, with CGC oversight. However, CGC outward inspections would be available too, Hermanson said. “There are some customers

“It’s (outward inspection) not going to be voluntary, or at least that’s not what the minister is saying.” ELWIN HERMANSON

who won’t accept Canadian grain unless it’s inspected by the CGC,” he said. “There are others who will. But to protect the Canada brand the minister has made it very clear that he wants CGC oversight.” As of August 1, 2013, it’s optional for grain companies to have grain inspected as it enters their export terminals, which is referred to as “inward inspection.” In the past, that was mandatory as well, and only done by CGC inspectors. Grain companies that want inward inspection must hire private inspectors at their own cost. Some in the grain industry want outward inspection made voluntary too. But outward grain inspection is too important to make it optional, Hermanson said.

CGC defends capital spending delays Grain commission spokesman Remi Gosselin says it wasn’t done to save the federal government money at farmers’ expense By Allan Dawson CO-OPERATOR STAFF

The Canadian Grain Commission (CGC) is defending a decision to defer capital spending until after its new funding process was in place last year. “It was about being responsible stewards of public funds and not committing the sector to more money than it had to,” CGC spokesman Remi Gosselin said in an interview May 13. Gosselin said the capital spending was delayed not so that the costs would be off-loaded onto producers, but so the commission knew what its new role would be, he said. Gosselin was reacting to a story in the Manitoba Co-operator May 8 that reported the CGC delayed capital spending until new user fees paid for by farmers and grain companies covered most of the CGC’s budget instead of allocations from the federal government. “We wanted to tailor our capital expenditure to the kind of organization we are after the changes we made,” CGC chief commissioner Elwin Hermanson said in an interview May 14. “It’s like moving

from one house to another house — you don’t buy the furniture until you move in...” However, Hermanson said the CGC made sure it had the infrastructure and equipment to fulfil its mandate. “I’m pretty proud of our record in that regard,” he said. CGC changes, including dropping inward inspections at terminal elevators, resulted in staff cuts. “You don’t want to commit to some major capital improvements when your workforce might be reduced,” Gosselin said. “It’s part of planning and you want to be responsible. I think producers can appreciate that.” With far fewer employees working in terminal elevators, the CGC wants to retrofit some of its inspection areas, Gosselin said. There are fewer CGC staff working at its Winnipeg headquarters so less office space is required, he added. “We need to do some retrofitting,” Gosselin said. “In some of the labs, we need to modernize some of the equipment. Some of this stuff would have happened anyway.”

“It’s the country’s reputation and the industry that we have to be concerned about,” he said. “That’s our mandate... We work for companies, we work for farmers, but we work for Canada and for the benefit of the grain industry in Canada.” Higher CGC user fees took effect Aug. 1, 2013 aimed at making the CGC self-funding. Farmers and grain companies that pay those fees and are closely scrutinizing what the CGC does and how much it costs. Currently about $40 million, or two-thirds of the CGC’s average annual $60-million budget comes from the $1.82 a tonne charged for outward inspection on about 23 million tonnes of grain exports. Hermanson estimates outward inspection costs the CGC 50 or 60 cents a tonne, but it needs to

charge $1.82 to cover most of the rest of its costs. What’s more, outward inspection is done on Canadian grain exported in ships, which accounts for only a third of the grain Canada produces. Grain sold domestically or exported to the United States doesn’t contribute. “So, we’re looking at how we might correct that,” he said. “It’s not easy to fix.” Assuring quality isn’t just about maintaining foreign markets as Canadian grain production increases, it’s about expanding markets, he said. If the CGC could collect a checkoff on every tonne of Canadian grain, which Hermanson said is unlikely, the cost per tonne would be low. Under that model, CGC would cut its outward inspection fees, which Hermanson said he suspects would be similar to what private inspection companies would charge. “The cert final is important,” Hermanson said. “You’ve got to have some document that customers are confident in. And the other thing is, you have to have a process that protects

you from actions from other governments.” A grain exporter and grain buyer might agree to terms regarding a grain sale, but the importing country could block the import for phytosanitary reasons. Hermanson said the CGC played a key role in keeping Europe open to Canadian flax imports following the discovery shipments were contaminated with traces of CDC Triffid, a genetically modified flax not approved in Europe. “Cadmium levels in durum is another example where we were able to identify it was a potential problem, work with stakeholders to correct it and now our cadmium levels in durum are low enough, it’s not impeding sales around the world,” Hermanson said. “Those are multi, multimillion-dollar events that have taken place that have been to the benefit of Canada. That’s why it’s important that somehow we have the funding in place to do the job that we need to do so that we can compete with the U.S. and Australia for markets.” allan@fbcpublishing.com

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The Manitoba Co-operator | May 29, 2014

Rural Oregon counties back ban on GMO crops The ban was supported by a coalition of more than 180 farmers and community members By Shelby Sebens portland, oregon / reuters


oters in two small Oregon counties approved c o n t rov e r s i a l b a l l o t measures to ban cultivation of genetically engineered crops within their boundar ies May 20, though one measure is vulnerable to legal challenge under a new state law. The measure in Jackson County in southern Oregon, garnering “yes” votes from nearly 66 per cent of voters there, has drawn national attention and more than $1 million in campaign funding to the community, which has just 117,650 registered voters. The results are still unofficial and will likely not be c e r t i f i e d f o r n e a r l y t h re e

weeks, according to Jackson County Clerk Chris Walker. The ban is supported by a coalition of more than 180 farmers and community members, who have been pushing for the vote on the i s s u e f o r m o re t h a n t w o years. “It’s a great day for the people of Oregon who care about sustainability and healthy ecosystems,” the group GMO Free Oregon declared on its Facebook page after the results. Opponents conceded defeat but said the debate would continue. “We respect the voice of the voters, but remain convinced... the crop ban is bad public policy,” said Barr y Bushue, president of the Oregon Farm Bureau.

“We will continue to fight to protect the rights of all farmers to choose for themselves how they farm.” Supporters say the area’s organic and conventional crops are in danger of contamination by genetically e n g i n e e re d c r o p s, w h i c h are typically altered to withstand pesticides or resist insect damage. They also fear widespread use of pesticides associated with the crops. “ We are either going to choose the chemical corporations for agriculture or we are going to choose our family farms,” local farmer Chris Hardy, a grower of beets and Swiss chard who helped start the initiative, said earlier in the day. The Jackson County meas u re re q u i re s p e o p l e t o

“harvest, destroy or remove all genetically engineered plants” within 12 months of the enactment of the ordinance. A s i m i l a r m e a s u re w a s approved the same day in n e i g h b o u r i n g Jo s e p h i n e County. But that measure is expected to be challenged in court because it is not exempt from a 2013 law barring such GMO bans. Jackson County’s effort was underway before that law and is thus exempt. Last year, an experimental, unapproved biotech wheat strain developed by Monsanto Co. was discovered contaminating a farm field in the state. Wheat exports were temporarily disrupted because foreign buyers feared contamination. Opponents say the GMO



May 30: Weed seedling identification day, 1:15 to 3:30 p.m., University of Manitoba’s Ian N. Morrison Research Station, Carman. For more info call Michele Ammeter at 204-7362331.

Spray Field SW2 Due March 6, 2014


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Spray Field SW2 100% Complete Assigned to John Done March 3, 2014

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Used 2,000 L Insecticide Used Sprayer for 2 hrs

Spray Field SW2 50% Complete Assigned to John Due March 6, 2014


June 17: Hay and Silage Day, Friedensfeld Community Centre, Highway 303 (1.6 km east of Hwy. 12). For more info or to register call MAFRI before June 6 at 204-346-6080.


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Spray Field SW2 0% Complete, Assigned to Joe Due Sept 26 , 2014

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June 22-25: World Congress on Conservation Agriculture (WCCA6), RBC Convention Centre, 375 York Ave., Winnipeg. For more info visit www.wcca6.org. July 6-8: Pulse and Special Crops Convention, Sheraton Cavalier, 612 Spadina Cres. E., Saskatoon. For more info visit www.special crops.mb.ca.

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bans will be costly to enforce. Campaign materials urging a “no” vote said it was “important for Jackson County to embrace all forms of farming and ranching.” Jackson County, Oregon, is not alone. In 2004, Mendocino County, California, became the first jurisdiction in the United States to outlaw the production of genetically modified crops. The vote comes as a larger movement is underway in many U.S. states to seek mandatory labelling of foods made from genetically engineered crops. Monsanto and other developers of genetically engineered crops say their products are safe and that mandatory labels will confuse consumers and increase costs of food production.


Transfer Barley to Bin 2 0% Complete Assigned to John Due Sept 26 , 2014


Fertilize Field SE3 100% Complete, Assigned to Frank Done Sept 26 , 2014


Service Sprayer 3432 100% Complete, Assigned to David Done Sept 25, 2014


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July 18: Advanced organic crop diagnostic school, 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m., Ian N. Morrison Research Farm, Carman. For more info or to pre-register (required) call Monika Menold at 204-745-5663. July 19: Springfield Country Fair, Dugald. Judging July 18. Call 204755-3464 or visit www.spring fieldagsociety.com July 24-27: Manitoba Threshermen’s Reunion and Stampede, Manitoba Agricultural Museum, Austin. For more info visit http://ag-museum.mb.ca/ events/threshermens-reunionand-stampede/. Oct. 6-9: International Summit of Co-operatives, Centre des Congres de Quebec, 1000 boul. Rene-Levesque E., Quebec City. For more info visit http://www. sommetinter.coop.


The Manitoba Co-operator | May 29, 2014

U.S. meat labelling requirements come under fire in Appeals Court Judges say the law is too broad and gives regulators too much power over how products are labelled By Julia Edwards WASHINGTON / REUTERS


he Obama administration’s argument for keeping its labelling requirements in place for meat vendors is too broad and would give regulators too much power over how goods are labelled, judges in a U.S. Appeals Court said May 19. The D.C. Circuit Court heard argument from the Obama administration and lawyers representing North American meat vendors about the 2013 U.S. Department of Agriculture regulation that requires North American vendors to list where the animals they sell as meat are born, raised and slaughtered. The administration argued that the labelling requirement gives meat consumers information they want and need about which products originate solely within U.S. borders and which come from Canada or Mexico. The judges said the government’s argument was too broad. Regulatory agencies could have too much power over what is printed on labels if they need only prove the information they seek is in consumers’ interest, they said. Meat vendors who do business with the two countries have challenged the regula-

tion, saying it violates their free speech rights with burdensome wording that has no impact on consumer health and safety. In a rare move that signified the importance of any potential verdict, a three-judge panel that previously heard the case recommended it be heard by the entire court. Several judges asked the attorney arguing for the administration, Daniel Tenny, to suggest a test that could be used to establish when government agencies can require companies to use certain labels on their products. Tenny said the government would always be justified in requiring labels so long as they are providing consumers with information they want or need to make informed decisions. To the courtroom audience’s amusement, several judges posed hypothetical situations to Tenny to exemplify how the law could be applied too broadly under his argument. Chief Judge Merrick Garland asked Tenny if he thought the government could force milk manufacturers to include missing children labels. Judge Janice Brown asked if the agencies could require a label telling consumers that beef production increases greenhouse gas emissions.

FCC Drive Away Hunger launches 11th food drive campaign Collection tours will take place this fall in several provinces Staff


a r m C re d i t C a n a d a (FCC) and its partners throughout the country launched a food drive May 6 that aims to collect three million pounds of food for Canada’s food banks to mark the 11th anniversary of its Drive Away Hunger campaign. “To date, we’ve collected more than 17 million pounds of food through FCC Drive Away Hunger,” said Greg Stewart, FCC president and CEO. “Hunger is an issue that affects many families in rural Canada,” he said, noting that hunger touches nearly 8 5 0 , 0 0 0 Ca n a d i a n s e a c h month, many of whom are children. “FCC Drive Away Hunger is one of the ways we give back to the rural communities where our customers and employees live and work.” As the largest employeeled food drive in Canada, the project involves driving a tractor and trailer through various communities to collect food and cash donations

FCC CEO Greg Stewart at the national launch of FCC Drive Away Hunger May 6 in Steinbach, Manitoba. PHOTO: SUPPLIED

for food banks across the country. One hundred per cent of donations go to Canadian food banks. This year, FCC Drive Away Hunger tours will take place the week of October 13 in Alber ta, Manitoba, Nova Scotia, Ontario, Quebec and Saskatchewan. FCC is also

collecting food and cash donations in field offices across Canada from May 5 to October 17. The kickoff event May 6 coincided with Hunger Awareness Week in Canada and collected donations for the South East Helping Hands food bank in Steinbach.

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The Manitoba Co-operator | May 29, 2014



Alberta South — — 100.00 - 115.00 87.00 - 105.00 117.44 $ 160.00 - 174.00 180.00 - 197.00 191.00 - 211.00 210.00 - 228.00 218.00 - 243.00 220.00 - 243.00 $ 153.00 - 171.00 165.00 - 182.00 176.00 - 192.00 188.00 - 206.00 200.00 - 217.00 207.00 - 226.00

($/cwt) (1,000+ lbs.) (850+ lbs.)

Futures (May 23, 2014) in U.S. Fed Cattle Close Change Feeder Cattle June 2014 137.60 0.20 May 2014 August 2014 138.65 0.83 August 2014 October 2014 142.67 0.97 September 2014 December 2014 145.45 1.23 October 2014 February 2015 147.20 1.50 November 2014 April 2015 147.70 1.30 January 2015 Cattle Slaughter Canada East West Manitoba U.S.

May 23, 2014

Cattle buyers deal with lower volumes, wider variety Several markets are moving to biweekly schedules Dave Sims

Ontario $ 142.18 - 169.76 140.78 - 160.12 80.35 - 113.68 80.35 - 113.68 100.07 - 124.25 $ 162.15 - 185.39 183.38 - 200.19 189.06 - 216.35 180.23 - 226.37 190.89 - 243.45 179.86 - 244.69 $ 152.00 - 165.26 146.00 - 170.10 162.16 - 186.37 174.08 - 208.45 184.04 - 220.52 178.88 - 217.86


(901+ lbs.) (801-900 lbs.) (701-800 lbs.) (601-700 lbs.) (501-600 lbs.) (401-500 lbs.) (901+ lbs.) (801-900 lbs.) (701-800 lbs.) (601-700 lbs.) (501-600 lbs.) (401-500 lbs.)

Week Ending May 17, 2014 52,863 10,433 42,430 NA 591,000

Close 189.07 195.37 196.55 196.50 195.25 190.20

Change 2.92 2.95 3.00 3.18 2.83 1.85

Cattle Grades (Canada) Previous Year­ 54,009 12,534 41,475 NA 654,000

Week Ending May 17, 2014 913 25,112 18,593 1,086 764 5,882 157

Prime AAA AA A B D E

Previous Year 891 26,338 17,299 809 766 7,218 148

Hog Prices Source: Manitoba Agriculture

(Friday to Thursday) ($/100 kg) E - Estimation MB. ($/hog) MB (All wts.) (Fri-Thurs.) MB (Index 100) (Fri-Thurs.) ON (Index 100) (Mon.-Thurs.) PQ (Index 100) (Mon.-Fri.)

Futures (May 23, 2014) in U.S. Hogs June 2014 July 2014 August 2014 October 2014 December 2014

Current Week 227.00 E 210.00 E 220.75 224.76

Last Week 229.83 213.31 222.63 228.12

Close 117.60 125.32 128.10 107.30 95.05

Last Year (Index 100) 184.00 E 169.00 E 174.12 178.03

Change -1.82 -0.03 2.48 1.30 1.18

Sheep and Lambs Winnipeg (345 head) (wooled fats) — — Next Sale is June 4th — —

Chickens Minimum broiler prices as of April 13, 2010 Under 1.2 kg................................... $1.5130 1.2 - 1.65 kg.................................... $1.3230 1.65 - 2.1 kg.................................... $1.3830 2.1 - 2.6 kg...................................... $1.3230

Turkeys Minimum prices as of May 25, 2014 Broiler Turkeys (6.2 kg or under, live weight truck load average) Grade A .................................... $2.000 Undergrade .............................. $1.910 Hen Turkeys (between 6.2 and 8.5 kg liveweight truck load average) Grade A .................................... $1.990 Undergrade .............................. $1.890 Light Tom/Heavy Hen Turkeys (between 8.5 and 10.8 kg liveweight truck load average) Grade A .................................... $1.990 Undergrade .............................. $1.890 Tom Turkeys (10.8 and 13.3 kg, live weight truck load average) Grade A..................................... $1.895 Undergrade............................... $1.810 Prices are quoted f.o.b. farm.



olumes were down slightly at most Manitoba cattle auction yards for the week ended May 23, but prices remained firm overall. Gladstone and Killarney did not hold sales due to their biweekly schedules. The total number of cattle making their way through the rings for the week was 3,151, compared to 3,560 the previous week. Recent wet weather has kept yards muddy, discouraging some producers from making the trip to local auction markets. Many ranchers are also eager to get their animals to grass, according to Rick Wright of Heartland Order Buying Co., who noted low volumes have made it tough for buyers to put a full load together. Animals being auctioned off were also somewhat lopsided in terms of variety, he said. “We saw a lot of heifers compared to steers, and a lot of wet-nosed sucking calves coming in compared to weaned calves, so it was a mixed bag of tricks as far as quantity and quality went.” Such factors are important to the buyer, he explained, because wet-nosed calves (not weaned) require more work and effort from the owner. Most require time to get started on feed and have to be processed carefully before they’re mature enough to turn to grass. Initially, they are a confinement animal instead of one that can be put to pasture. Despite the uneven showing, prices are still high with no end in sight, he said. “What looked high three weeks ago seems cheap today; the market continues to go very strong.”

Toronto 59.03 - 91.10 129.96 - 178.56 204.22 - 231.98 195.13 - 233.23 198.14 - 235.48 —

SunGold Specialty Meats 40.00

Eggs Minimum prices to producers for ungraded eggs, f.o.b. egg grading station, set by the Manitoba Egg Producers Marketing Board effective June 12, 2011. New Previous A Extra Large $1.8500 $1.8200 A Large 1.8500 1.8200 A Medium 1.6700 1.6400 A Small 1.2500 1.2200 A Pee Wee 0.3675 0.3675 Nest Run 24 + 1.7490 1.7210 B 0.45 0.45 C 0.15 0.15

Goats Kids Billys Mature

Winnipeg (head) (Fats) — — —

Toronto ($/cwt) 85.19 - 302.76 — 69.85 - 244.17

Horses <1,000 lbs. 1,000 lbs.+

Winnipeg ($/cwt) — —

Toronto ($/cwt) 24.00 - 48.00 25.00 - 38.00

“What looked high three weeks ago seems cheap today.” rick wright

On the feeder cattle side, small advances were made at most yards on heifers under 800 pounds and steers between 400 and 500 lbs. Wright estimates 85 per cent of the feeder cattle coming in were below 700 lbs. “So it’s been a market that’s been good for the seller and a little tough for the buyer.” Demand has been steady from both the U.S. and Western Canada but is sagging from the East. Wright said there hasn’t been enough volume for eastern buyers to put the necessary numbers together. On the slaughter end, numbers were up slightly from the previous week, with the majority being cows, according to Wright. “I would say we’re selling two to 2-1/2 times more cows right now than we normally would be this time of year. We’ve had high volumes all spring.” Top-end prices were still realized for good bulls at most yards, however. Wright said he expects this marks the end of high volumes for the spring, as seeding is underway and many producers want to get into the field. Volumes, he said, will “probably shrink down to nothing by the end of June.” Many auction houses are down to biweekly sales schedules already and Wright expected others will be tempted to turn to a summer schedule soon, due to the overall lack of volume. Dave Sims writes for Commodity News Service Canada, a Winnipeg company specializing in grain and commodity market reporting.


Deadly pig virus likely to ease in U.S. by year-end — OIE chief

Other Market Prices $/cwt Ewes Choice Lambs (110+ lb.) (95 - 109 lb.) (80 - 94 lb.) (Under 80 lb.) (New crop)

$1 Cdn: $0.9200 U.S. $1 U.S: $1.0870 Cdn.


(Friday to Thursday) Winnipeg Slaughter Cattle Steers & Heifers D1, 2 Cows $ 94.00 - 103.00 D3 Cows 90.00 - 95.00 Bulls 110.00 - 117.00 Feeder Cattle (Price ranges for feeders refer to top-quality animals only) Steers (901+ lbs.) $ 130.00 - 158.00 (801-900 lbs.) 170.00 - 190.00 (701-800 lbs.) 188.00 - 207.00 (601-700 lbs.) 195.00 - 224.00 (501-600 lbs.) 195.00 - 234.00 (401-500 lbs.) 200.00 - 235.00 Heifers (901+ lbs.) — (801-900 lbs.) 120.00 - 148.00 (701-800 lbs.) 150.00 - 185.00 (601-700 lbs.) 168.00 - 192.00 (501-600 lbs.) 180.00 - 225.00 (401-500 lbs.) 170.00 - 210.00 Slaughter Cattle Grade A Steers Grade A Heifers D1, 2 Cows D3 Cows Bulls Steers

EXCHANGES: May 23, 2014

By Sybille de La Hamaide paris /reuters

A deadly pig virus that has decimated herds in the United States and sent prices rocketing is likely to subside before the end of this year as the causes are being identified, the head of the World Organization for Animal Health (OIE) said. Porcine epidemic diarrhea virus (PEDv) has wiped out more than 10 per cent of the U.S. pig population and forecasters have said losses from PEDv in the world’s biggest pork exporter could cut production by as much as seven per cent in 2014. “I’m confident. Like in all other diseases we know how to stop them once we have identified the causes properly,” OIE director general Bernard Vallat told Reuters. He said the spread of the virus was likely mainly due to a lack of hygienic precau-

tions, notably disinfecting trucks entering and leaving farms, but was also potentially linked to feed. Vallat expected the disease to stabilize in the United States after a first wave mainly hit so-called “naive” herds which had not been previously exposed to the virus and had not developed antibodies. “I expect it to subside before the end of the year,” he said. The European Union approved new rules this month aimed at limiting the spread of the virus, notably for pig blood products imported into the 28-member bloc, highlighting the risk of animal feed products as a potential transmission agent. “There are high suspicions about these blood products which have been incorporated in feed and this is why Europe took it into account in its precaution measures,” Vallat said. Pig blood products are dehydrated and mixed with grain into feed, which is then given to piglets, he said, but added he was surprised the dehydration process did not kill the virus.

Looking for results?  Check out the market reports from livestock auctions around the province. » PaGe 14


The Manitoba Co-operator | May 29, 2014

GRAIN MARKETS Export and International Prices


Forecast for warm weekend spurs selling in canola The U.S. is catching up on its corn and soy planting Terryn Shiells CNSC


anola futures on the ICE Futures Ca n a d a t ra d i n g p l a t f o r m e n d e d mixed during the week ended May 23, with slight losses seen in the July contract and gains in the new-crop months. The correction of the spread between oldand new-crop values was bearish for the July future. Though most values were firmer, they were off their highs of the week as the market succumbed to profit-taking after the July contract moved toward key resistance of $500 per tonne. The climb toward $500 may have triggered some farmer hedging, but overall, producers were slow sellers during the week as they focused on spring field work. Concerns about slow seeding progress in Western Canada helped to support values, but forecasts calling for hot, dry weather during the May 24 weekend in many regions sparked some selling on May 23. If the weather stays hot and dry, farmers will be able to make significant seeding progress during the weekend. In Manitoba, seeding progress varied by region between five and 40 per cent complete as of May 21, a Manitoba Agriculture, Food and Rural Development crop report said. Saskatchewan farmers had 22 per cent of the crop seeded as of May 19, the provincial Ministry of Agriculture’s report said. The most recent Alberta crop report said as of May 20, seeding was 47.3 per cent complete across the province. Traders will continue to watch weather conditions in Western Canada going forward, with focus also on what the U.S. commodity markets and weather are doing.

Great expectations

Chicago soybean futures looked as though they might start to break lower earlier in the week, but rallied higher, breaking above the key resistance level of US$15 per bushel in the July contract. Much of the strength was linked to reports of continued strong demand from China for U.S. supplies and ongoing worries about the tight supply situation for old crop.

Last Week

All prices close of business May 22, 2014

Week Ago

Year Ago

Chicago wheat (nearby future) ($US/tonne)



Minneapolis wheat (nearby future) ($US/tonne)



Coarse Grains Chicago corn (nearby future) ($US/tonne)



Chicago oats (nearby future) ($US/tonne)



Chicago soybeans (nearby future) ($US/tonne)



Chicago soyoil ($US/tonne)




For three-times-daily market reports from Commodity News Service Canada, visit “Today in Markets” at www.manitobacooperator.ca.

The advances aren’t likely to hold very long, especially for new crop, as conditions are already starting to look good for 2014-15. Planting progress has started to catch up for soybeans in the U.S., and recent rain has provided very good soil moisture conditions to start off the crop. The same goes for the U.S. corn crop, with expectations of significant planting progress during the week causing prices to drop lower. Traders will continue to watch the weather in the U.S. to determine where prices move for corn and beans — though if forecasts hold true throughout the growing season, both crops will be very large, causing prices to move lower throughout the summer. Any weather scare or unexpected demand could come in and prop up the markets, however, as well as any political disruption in the Black Sea region. Wheat markets in the U.S. were weaker across the board, with speculative-based selling continuing to push prices down. The large global supply situation, beneficial rain in the U.S. winter Wheat Belt and improving seeding conditions in the northern U.S. were all bearish. Traders will continue to watch U.S. weather in the southern Plains for winter wheat crops and northern states for spring wheat. The U.S. Department of Agriculture’s weekly crop reports, normally released late on Monday afternoons, will also be important for prices. The weekly reports will show if rain is helping winter wheat conditions improve and how much progress farmers are making in seeding their spring wheat crops. Terryn Shiells writes for Commodity News Service Canada, a Winnipeg company specializing in grain and commodity market reporting.

Winnipeg Futures ICE Futures Canada prices at close of business May 23, 2014 barley

Last Week

Week Ago

July 2014


October 2014


December 2014



Last Week

Week Ago

July 2014


November 2014


January 2015


Special Crops Report for May 26, 2014 — Bin run delivered plant Saskatchewan Spot Market

Spot Market

Lentils (Cdn. cents per pound)

Other ( Cdn. cents per pound unless otherwise specified)

Large Green 15/64

23.00 - 24.00


Laird No. 1

21.50 - 23.00

Oil Sunflower Seed

Eston No. 2

15.00 - 16.50

Desi Chickpeas

19.00 - 21.50 — 15.20 - 16.00

Field Peas (Cdn. $ per bushel)

Beans (Cdn. cents per pound)

Green No. 1

8.80 - 13.00

Fababeans, large

Medium Yellow No. 1

6.25 - 7.00

Feed beans

Feed Peas (Cdn. $ per bushel)

No. 1 Navy/Pea Beans

37.00 - 37.00

Feed Pea (Rail)

No. 1 Great Northern

54.00 - 54.00

Mustardseed (Cdn. cents per pound)

No. 1 Cranberry Beans

38.00 - 38.00

Yellow No. 1

36.75 - 38.00

No. 1 Light Red Kidney

53.00 - 53.00

Brown No. 1

32.10 - 33.75

No. 1 Dark Red Kidney

55.00 - 55.00

Oriental No. 1

27.30 - 28.75

4.25 - 4.35

Source: Stat Publishing SUNFLOWERS

No. 1 Black Beans

37.00 - 37.00

No. 1 Pinto Beans

28.00 - 32.00

No. 1 Small Red

39.00 - 39.00

No. 1 Pink

39.00 - 39.00

Fargo, ND

Goodlands, KS



Report for May 23, 2014 in US$ cwt NuSun (oilseed)

32.00* Call for



Source: National Sunflower Association

EU heading for biggest wheat crop in six years The region escaped the harsh winter that hurt the U.S. winter wheat crop By Gus Trompiz paris / reuters


he European Union is on course to harvest its largest wheat crop since 2008 this summer, as the bloc mostly escaped the harsh weather that hit rival exporter the United States, analysts said. Fa v o u ra b l e c o n d i t i o n s s h o u l d keep average yields close to the strong levels seen last year and has also helped far mers to increase sowings this season, particularly in Britain. G ood EU prospects have contributed to a retreat in interna-

tional prices in recent weeks — with Chicago wheat falling nine per cent from one-year highs — as investors set a weather-worn U.S. crop against ample global supply. The United States and EU are the world’s top two wheat exporters. A survey by Reuters of 12 analysts and traders gave a median forecast of 137.5 million tonnes for the EU soft wheat harvest. This was up from 134.3 million last year and the highest since 139.4 million in 2008, according to official EU figures. Including durum wheat, the m e d i a n o f c ro p e s t i m a t e s f ro m 11 forecasters including the U.S.

Department of Agriculture also projected a six-year high, at 145 million tonnes. “The crop looks absolutely fantastic. If everything continues to go well, it is going to be big,” Macquarie analyst Chris Gadd said. A run of clement weather since autumn has allowed EU farmers to sow a large wheat area, spared crops from serious winter damage and brought rain just as a dry start to spring was beginning to stress some crops. Persisting dryness in the northeast of top EU wheat producer France is still a concern, while summerstyle heat in Spain this month has

served as a reminder that crops are vulnerable to harsh weather in May and June, a vital yield-determining period. But these remain moderate risks compared with the drought, extreme cold and scorching temperatures endured by U.S. wheat, and some analysts see further upside to the EU crop outlook. Illustrating the contrast, far m office FranceAgriMer rated 73 per cent of French soft wheat crops good or excellent by May 12. The equivalent rating for U.S. winter wheat in a government update on Monday was just 29 per cent.


The Manitoba Co-operator | May 29, 2014


Instant info. With the Manitoba Co-operator mobile app you can stay up to date on all things ag. Download the free app at agreader.ca/mbc


Canada to be site of McDonald’s sustainable beef pilot McDonald’s is working with CCA on ambitious project to make Canada the first country to supply it with sustainable beef


By Alexis Kienlen STAFF


cDonald’s has chosen Canada over Australia and Europe for a pilot project in its ambitious quest to serve only “sustainable beef” in its massive global restaurant empire. The exact terms of the pilot — or even a definition of sustainable — have yet to be finalized, but the fast-food giant has the backing of the Canadian Cattlemen’s Association, and it’s working with the Canadian Roundtable for Sustainable Beef (CRSB), an organization the CCA founded last year. “It is still in the preliminary stages, so there are a lot of details to be worked out, but everyone is on the same page,” Ponoka seed stock producer Greg Bowie, who is chair of Alberta Beef Producers and a CRSB member told the Alberta Farmer. “They’re working with industry to come up with something that is sustainable long term, for the entire industry.” Bowie and others are quick to say that McDonald’s, the largest buyer of Canadian beef, has steadfastly pledged it won’t impose rules on how to raise cattle. Instead, it has promised to work with producers, feeders and packers to create practical guidelines on environmental stewardship, animal health and welfare, and food safety — a process that will likely stretch into next year. “A lot of these things are going to be things that producers are doing anyhow,” said Bowie. “They’re just going to come up with a means of proving that the producer is doing it.”

Major benefits

The pilot project could have major benefits for Canada because it is the first partner to be selected by McDonald’s, which grabbed the attention of the global beef industry six months ago by announcing it would begin sourcing verified sustainable beef in 2016. “Whether that’s from Canada, or from anywhere else, they will start buying verified sustainable beef, whatever the definition is,” said Pine Lake cow-calf producer Doug Sawyer, a CCA director and past chair of Alberta Beef Producers. “What we have to do now is put a definition to this and do it. We’re poised in Canada to capitalize on this.” Jeffrey Fitzpatrick-Stilwell, manager of

sustainability with McDonald’s Canada, declined an interview request. But a company email sent to CRSB members in March stated it “has secured support from the Canadian Cattlemen’s Association for a global McDonald’s project to take place in Canada.” One change in store for producers will be a requirement to provide more information about what they do. The foundation of the new system will be a highly detailed database able to track a host of information on millions of head of cattle. “One of the advantages to Canada over other countries is that we have our traceability system, we have BIXS 2.0 coming out, and we’ve got a very good environmental system put together,” said Sawyer. “We’ve got our new animal welfare codes of practice. We’ve got almost all the pieces there.”

Two visits

Senior officials from McDonald’s headquarters and its Canadian arm toured Alberta last summer and returned again in midMay, visiting the JBS and Cargill slaughter plants, the company’s hamburger production facility in Spruce Grove, and cattle operations. CL Ranch near Calgary, one of the province’s oldest and most prominent cattle operations, hosted both tours and the first one resulted in CEO Cherie Copithorne-Barnes being asked to head the CRSB. She also said it’s too early to talk about specifics. “Even McDonald’s to this point can’t define clearly enough what they are asking for,” she said. “Even though there’s a timeline when they want to get this project started, they want to make sure all the steps are in place and it’s done correctly.” One of those steps involves changes to the Verified Beef Production program. Program officials announced earlier this year that the on-farm food safety program will add modules for biosecurity, animal care, and environmental stewardship. “What we’re looking at now, while we’re redoing BIXS 2.0 and the Verified Beef Production, we’re going to have to add some layers in there on the environmental side and work the codes of practice into it,” added Sawyer. The Canadian pilot is also waiting for the Global Roundtable for Sustainable Beef to issue a set of principles that will

guide development of specific protocols. That group was set up two years ago when McDonald’s, Cargill, JBS, Merck Animal Health, and Walmart partnered with environmental organizations such as the World Wildlife Fund to address beef production issues involving soil and water quality, energy use, animal welfare, and nutrition. It will put forward principles for sustainable beef following a meeting in Brazil in November.

Logical choice

Bowie said Canada is a logical choice, he added, because it has a pristine environment compared to other countries, and the vast majority of the 66 million pounds of Canadian beef purchased by McDonald’s is fed in Alberta, which simplifies things. Producers who have attended the meetings feel the initiative is going in the right direction, both Bowie and Sawyer said. While McDonald’s presence at the table is important, the goal is to develop a Canadian program that all restaurants and retailers can use, said Sawyer. McDonald’s won’t be paying a premium for sustainable beef, but having the company promote awareness of “all of the good things that we do every day to make ourselves sustainable” will benefit all producers, said Sawyer. “We can’t do that ourselves. We don’t have the budget or the money and nobody wants to listen to us. But if we can partner with our value chain — companies like McDonald’s or whoever that is — they have millions of dollars in advertising to tell our story.” Some of that is already happening. Alberta ranchers Dave Solverson and Bob Lowe have already been featured in McDonald’s campaigns. Lowe (who has sat on the CCA’s environment committee) is in a YouTube video entitled “Where McDonald’s Canada gets our hamburger patties from,” which got over 90,000 hits, while CCA president Solverson and daughter Joanne were featured on tray liners. “Any time you get an increase in consumer support and sales for your product, there’s a benefit that goes back to all levels of the industry,” Bowie said. “Everybody will benefit if this thing is done in the right manner.” akienlen@fbcpublishing.com

McDonald’s decision to pilot its sustainable beef program in Canada is a win for producers, says ABP president Greg Bowie. PHOTOS: SUPPLIED

McDonald’s sustainable beef program will boost consumer confidence in Canadian beef, says Pine Lake producer Doug Sawyer.


The Manitoba Co-operator | May 29, 2014

Winter losses could vary widely A long winter and late spring mean it will still be a few weeks before a clear picture of winter bee loss emerges By Shannon VanRaes

“Now that it is actually starting to warm up, we should start to hear a bit more accurate numbers.”

co-operator staff


file photo

Getting your nitrogen fix from manure a slow and steady process New research says standard formulas overstate the amount of nitrogen released By Staff


tandard calculation formulas overestimate the amount of nitrogen that is available to crops the year after solid manure is applied to the field, researchers with the National Centre for Livestock and the Environment (NCLE) say. Don Flaten and Wole Akinremi say the formula that is used in Manitoba is based on the assumption that 25 per cent of the organic nitrogen in manure will be available for crop use in the first growing season after the manure is applied. “Not only are we seeing lower availability, but it is also generally slower, with small amounts o f o rg a n i c n i t ro g e n f ro m repeated applications gradually becoming available over time,” said Flaten in an NCLE release. “If conditions are right, there is potential for these regularly manured soils to provide a substantial amount of N for crop use. For the perennial rotation at our site, total nitrogen uptake under annual N-based solid manure applications at year six is now comparable to synthetic fertilizer.” But he warned that doesn’t always happen. “Nitrogen release from solid manure is a biological process and it can be highly variable and unpredictable from one site to another or from one year to the next.” In a separate study where nutrient release was monitored for three years following beef cattle manure application to cropland, manure nitrogen availability in year two was overall superior to urea fertilizer (46-0-0) when applied to perennial crops at one site. However, at another site, there was no apparent benefit from the manure in the second or third years following application to annual cropland. Adding to this field variability is the variability of manure itself. For example, use of

extra straw in particularly cold or wet winters increases the carbon content of manure. When there is a high amount of carbon relative to nitrogen, microbial breakdown of the manure may tie up nitrogen that would otherwise be available to crops. This can delay the release of nitrogen from months to years. Akinremi said there is a bright side to this slower release. “Solid manures containing a large amount of straw may reduce the risk of nitrate leaching, particularly in a perennial system where the established root system can intercept nitrates before they move below the root zone. We observed this in our perennial plots where nitrate leaching with manure was small and no different than from plots that were not fertilized.” Akinremi and his team are focusing on how to better predict the release rate of nitrogen from different solid manures. “By understanding how these biological processes respond to different soil and weather conditions, we should be able to better estimate nitrogen availability,” says Akinremi. Their main finding so far is that the breakdown of organic nitrogen into plant-available forms was much slower for the clay soil than for the loamtextured soil used in the study. Nitrogen release rates were less than half of the 25 per cent estimated release rate used in Manitoba’s standard formula. Based on these findings, Akinremi tested a modified formula for calculating N-based manure application rates using a 12 per cent estimated release rate of organic nitrogen. His team assessed nitrogen availability and crop response for dairy manures applied according to the new formula compared to the standard calculation. While overall they observed trends in higher grain yield, nitrogen uptake and nitrogen use efficiency with the revised

formula, they advise to proceed with caution. With only one year of field data in a year that had greater-than-normal yields, the results are preliminary.

Negative consequences

Also important to keep in mind is that high rates or repeated applications of solid manure to the same field can have negative consequences. Compared with nitrogen, solid manures are relatively rich in plant-available phosphorus and potassium. High levels of soil test phosphorus pose an increased risk to surface water quality while elevated potassium levels may pose a risk to cattle health and nutrition. After six years of annual N-based applications of solid manure at both long-term sites, soil test phosphorus in the upper layer of soil has risen to levels that would trigger a shift from N-based to P-based manure management practices. This increase did not occur with intermittent applications of manure based on crop removal of phosphorus. At the NCLE site soil test potassium increased over time in proportion to the amount of manure applied. While this increase could be beneficial for potassium-deficient soils, it could induce nutritional problems in cattle if forage is grown on soils with excessive amounts of potassium. From an environmental perspective, Akinremi’s study is designed to assess the risk for nutrient leaching below the root zone in a sandy loam soil. Flaten’s study on heavy clay soil at the NCLE is mostly focused on nutrient accumulations in soil, rather than losses. Their research receives financial support from Manitoba Beef Producers, Dairy Farmers of Manitoba, Manitoba Pork Council, the Canada-Manitoba Agri-Food Development Initiative (ARDI), the Manitoba Rural Adaptation Council (MRAC), and the Canada Foundation for Innovation (CFI).

ith summer finally in sight, the province is now beginning its annual survey of winter losses in Manitoba beehives. “Still too early to tell, but what I am hearing is that there is a lot of variability, from very low losses, especially in indoor wintered colonies to very high losses,” said Rheal Lafreniere, Manitoba’s provincial apiarist. Some of the early numbers point to bee losses above 50 per cent in certain circumstances, but confirmation is still needed, he said. “Now that it is actually starting to warm up, we should start to hear a bit more accurate numbers,” Lafreniere said, adding that means calculating the actual number of viable hives remaining after spring culls. Survey forms were sent to beekeepers across the province last week and the final report should be completed by June 30. “I am also hearing that some beekeepers in the northwest region are reporting high losses, but again we will have a more accurate number when we have the survey results,” said the provincial apiarist. Jim Campbell of the Red River Apiarists’ Association and the Manitoba Beekeepers’

Rheal Lafreniere

Association said he has been hearing of losses of about 30 per cent, which is consistent with losses in recent years. However, his own bees came out strong this spring. “I’m a bit of an anomaly I think, because my bees have survived quite well for quite a number of years and I attribute that to probably having a good variety of floral sources around me here,” he said. Spring dwindle — when bees die or disappear after leaving the hive in search of food, or don’t breed fast enough — can also impact colonies. “Sometimes in the early spring the bees will die off, just because there are not enough food sources for them,” Campbell said, adding a late spring can also make it harder for foraging bees to find food. shannon.vanraes@fbcpublishing.com

photo: thinkstock

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For information contact Diane Kovar, Chairperson: (204) 571-0854 or email didik@westman.wave.ca


The Manitoba Co-operator | May 29, 2014


Feeder Steers








Ste. Rose


























No. on offer Over 1,000 lbs. 900-1,000 800-900














162.00-180.00 (183.00)









190.00-206.00 (212.00)


185.00-199.00 (203.00)







200.00-225.00 (228.00)


190.00-218.00 (235.00)







220.00-242.00 (246)


195.00-238.00 (257.00)









200.00-235.00 (255.00)









190.00-240.00 (260.00)


900-1,000 lbs.














155.00-171.00 (177.00)




Feeder heifers






165.00-185.00 (190.00)











175.00-187.00 (210.00)









180.00-198.00 (229.00)









185.00-205.00 (242.00)









180.00-195.00 (247.00)


No. on offer









D1-D2 Cows







90.00-105.00 (108.00)

97.00-103.00 (104.50)

D3-D5 Cows









Age Verified





98.00-106.00 (108.00)




Good Bulls

Slaughter Market





109.00-123.00 (126.00)


105.00-120.00 (124.00)

110.00-122.00 (127.00)

Butcher Steers









Butcher Heifers









Feeder Cows









Fleshy Export Cows









Lean Export Cows









* includes slaughter market

(Note all prices in CDN$ per cwt. These prices also generally represent the top one-third of sales reported by the auction yard.)


Lower volume of animals arrives for May 21 auction The onset of summer means auctions will only be held once per month beginning in June By Mark Elliot Co-operator contributor


he Winnipeg Livestock Auction May 21 was an i n d i c a t i o n t h a t s u mmer has arrived. Only 100 sheep and goats were delivered. Beginning in June, auctions will be held on the first Wednesday of each month. There were no culls at this sale and the quality of the ewes was quite noticeable. The young hair ewes were in the price range of the wool ewes. The price ranged from $0.80 to $0.95 per pound. The bidding indicated higher interest in the young wool ewes. Three 90-pound Rideau-cross ewes brought $126.90 ($1.41 per pound). A 120-pound Rideaucross ewe brought $133.20 ($1.11 per pound). A group of eight young Suffolk-cross ewes brought $164.16 ($1.14 per pound). A 220-pound Dorset-cross ram was the only ram at this sale. A very impressive ram

with massive curled horns brought $209 ($0.95 per pound). Heavyweight lambs were represented by a 140-pound Dorper-cross lamb. This lamb brought $156.80 ($1.12 per pound). No market lambs were delivered. No feeder lambs were delivered. However, the new-crop lambs were within this weight range. There was only a 70-pound Cheviot-cross lamb that represented the lightweight classification at this sale. This Cheviot-cross lamb brought $133 ($1.90 per pound). Some strong bidding for the two 88-pound new-crop lambs indicated steady demand and interest, similar to the last couple auctions. Both groups had excellent quality, which brought $166.32 ($1.89 per pound). There was a limited selection of goats. Two 90-pound Boer-cross goats (does) brought $122.50

May 7, 2014 Ewes

$117.50 – $164.16

$98.60 – $144 $73.83 – $76.70

Lambs (lbs.) 110+

$156.80 (140 lbs.)


95 - 110



80 - 94




$126.80  (71 lbs.)


$94.50/$83.20  (60/64 lbs.)

Under 80

($1.36 per pound). A pygmycross goat doe brought $72.50 ($1.21 per pound). No goat bucks were delivered. Four 50-pound Alpine-cross (goat) kids created good bidding between the buyers. These active goat kids brought $110 ($2.20 per pound). The Ontario Stockyard Report stated that all lamb classifications sold at a steady price range.



/ lb.

animal weight



90 lbs.






60 lbs.








50 lbs.

Your online source for the latest in ag news and information.


The Manitoba Co-operator | May 29, 2014

Meat processors applaud tenderized beef labelling

But they say ground beef should also carry cautionary labels By Alex Binkley Co-operator contributor


eat processors are welcoming Health Canada’s regulations for mandatory cooking advisory labels on all mechanically tenderized beef (MTB) products but wonder why retailers aren’t required to put similar labels on ground beef packages. Jim Laws, president of the Canadian Meat Council, said in an interview the department’s MTB labelling order, which comes into effect Aug. 21, “encapsulates the council’s main recommendations” made last year. They stemmed from an E. coli 0157:H7 foodborne illness outbreak in late 2012, which was associated with mechanically tenderized beef. The council said in May 2013 that all its members had agreed to label pre-packaged MTB products. Last July, the Canadian Food Inspection Agency began requiring labelling of all MTB products from a federally inspected meat-processing plant. At that time, Laws noted the lack of similar labelling requirements for ground beef at retail “when Health Canada’s own research shows that the risk to consumers from mishandling and cooking ground beef is thousands of times greater than the risk from mechanically tenderized beef. The United States has had this requirement for many years.” The council has been lobbying government to implement labels for safe food handling and cooking of ground beef for the past decade. The new rules, which come into effect Aug. 21, prohibit the sale of MTB unless it is clearly identified as mechanically tenderized on the label. As well, the label must include instructions to cook the product to a minimum internal temperature of 63 C. If it is a steak, it must contain an additional cooking instruction to turn the steak over at least twice during cooking. The regulations provide flexibility to industry to include the term “mechanically tenderized beef” anywhere on the principal display of the label — rather than on the product/ common name — as long as it meets the requirements of legibility and prominence on the principal display panel, Laws said.

Health Canada wrote the regulations “to minimize any regulator y difference with the mandatory MTB labelling efforts underway in the United States,” he added. Mechanical tenderizers use a series of needles or blades to puncture tougher cuts of meat to tenderize them. During that process, the needles can transfer any E. coli bacteria present on the surface of the meat into the inside of the product. Proper cooking kills the bacteria. E. coli is a threat in ground beef because the meat is mixed together, usually at the retail level, again transferring any

bacteria from the surface to the interior. Any roasts and steaks that have E. coli, but aren’t tenderized would only have any bacteria on the exterior and it is killed with less cooking than bacteria within the meat. The tenderizing issue has been around for years but gained a lot of attention during the massive recall of beef products from the former XL plant in Brooks, Alta. At least 18 people in Canada were sickened by contaminated meat from the plant. One of the first indications of problems at the plant came when American inspectors rejected shipments at the border and warned CFIA.


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The Manitoba Co-operator | May 29, 2014

WEATHER VANE “ E V E R Y O N E T A L K S A B O U T T H E W E A T H E R , B U T N O O N E D O E S A N Y T H I N G A B O U T I T.” M a r k Tw a i n , 18 9 7

Mobile? Take Manitoba Co-operator with you on your smartphone! Download the free app at agreader.ca/mbc

Summer weather here to stay? Issued: Monday, May 26, 2014 · Covering: May 28 – June 4, 2014 Daniel Bezte Co-operator contributor


ue to the long weekend I wasn’t able to put out a forecast for last week, which just happened to be when we finally broke out of our sevenmonth-long cold spell! Now that we’re starting to see some nice warm weather, the big questions on most people’s minds are whether the warm weather will stick around and, if it does, will we see wet conditions accompany the warmth? As for the first question, it looks like the warm weather is here to stay. The weather models are fairly consistent with the general pattern over the next week or two, so confidence in this part of the forecast is fairly high. Regarding moisture, there will be several chances of showers and thunderstorms during this forecast period, but overall, coverage does not look to be that high. That said, it only takes one good thunderstorm to totally soak an area. This forecast period will start off with weak low pressure drifting through central Manitoba. This will likely bring partly cloudy skies along with the chance of the odd shower or thundershower. Tem-

peratures will be nice, with highs expected to be in the low to mid20s. A second and stronger area of low pressure is forecast to develop to our southwest on Thursday. This low will then track along the border on Friday and Saturday and bring warm conditions to end the work week, with highs on Friday and Saturday expected to push into the upper 20s depending on how much sunshine we see. Along with the warm temperatures will come the chance for more showers and thunderstorms. We should see a nice end to the weekend and start to next week as a ridge of high pressure builds in from the northwest. Temperatures will start off a little cool on Sunday and Monday, with highs expected around the 20 C mark. Temperatures will slowly moderate under the strong early summer sunshine and we should see highs in the mid-20s by the middle of next week. Usual temperature range for this period: Highs, 16 to 27 C; lows, 3 to 13 C. Daniel Bezte is a teacher by profession with a BA (Hon.) in geography, specializing in climatology, from the U of W. He operates a computerized weather station near Birds Hill Park. Contact him with your questions and comments at daniel@bezte.ca.


1 Month (30 Days) Accumulated Precipitation (Prairie Region) April 23, 2014 to May 22, 2014

0 mm 0 - 5 mm 5 - 10 mm 10 - 15 mm 15 - 20 mm 20 - 25 mm 25 - 30 mm 30 - 40 mm 40 - 50 mm 50 - 60 mm 60 - 70 mm 70 - 80 mm 80 - 90 mm 90 - 100 mm 100 - 125 mm 125 - 150 mm 150 - 200 mm > 200 mm Extent of Agricultural Land Lakes and Rivers

Produced using near real-time data that has undergone initial quality control. The map may not be accurate for all regions due to data availability and data errors. Copyright © 2014 Agriculture & Agri-Food Canada Prepared by Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada’s National Agroclimate Information Service (NAIS). Data provided through partnership with Environment Canada, Natural Resources Canada, and many Provincial agencies.

Created: 05/23/14 www.agr.gc.ca/drought

This issue’s map shows the total amount of precipitation that fell across the Prairies during the 30 days ending May 22. It has been fairly wet during this period across most of agricultural Manitoba and Saskatchewan, with amounts generally in the 50- to 100-mm range.

Learning how to read weather models Check the models each day and watch which weather features hang around and which don’t By Daniel Bezte

This is the “art” of weather forecasting: looking at the models, then using your understanding and experiences to make changes.



id you feel summer arrive last Thursday? I don’t know about you, but sometime during the day on May 22, it just all of sudden felt that way. It wasn’t until Friday that temperatures soared into the upper 20s, but on Thursday something just felt different. The weather models have been leaning toward a change in our weather pattern for several weeks before this, but starting early last week the models really began being consistent with warm weather moving in, and it finally did! Hopefully some of you have been checking the models and were able to see the pattern turning toward these milder conditions. For those of you who still haven’t checked out the weather models, the website that I have been referring to is http://weather.unisys.com/gfs/. This isn’t the only website that gives you access to weather models; I will point out some of the other sites over the next few weeks. In the last article we looked at two weather model plots that are probably the most useful, especially for the beginner. The first plot was the SL Pres/Prec, the Sea Level Pressure and Precipitation map, which shows where surface highs and lows are located and where precipitation is forecast to fall. The second plot we looked at was the 1000 mb map, which shows us the predicted temperatures and dew points near the earth’s surface. There are several other plots or maps you can look at, but for me, the next most useful plot is the 850 mb map. This map shows temperature, pressure (heights),

Temperature, pressure, wind speed and direction at the 850 mb level, about 1,500 metres up.

along with wind speed and direction at the 850 mb level or about 1,500 metres up (4,900 feet). The advantage of this plot compared to the 1000 mb plot is that the temperatures do not reflect the diurnal changes that occur at the surface from early morning to late afternoon. This allows you to see if warm or cold air is moving or advecting into a region. If you look at the 850 mb plot I have included, you’ll see it’s the forecast that was created last Sunday and predicts the conditions for early on Friday, May 30. You can see there is an area of low pressure over central Alberta with high pressure over northern Ontario. This places Manitoba in a southerly flow. If you look closely you can see long white arrows pointing toward Manitoba. These arrows show wind direction and speed — the longer the arrow, the stronger the wind. Looking at the 850 mb temperature forecast, you can see southern regions are expected to see

Pressure contours, wind speed and direction in the upper portion of the troposphere, about 10,000 metres up.

16 to 20 C air. You can get a bit of an idea of how warm the surface temperatures will be by adding 10 to 12 C to these temperatures. So, according to this model run, we should see highs on May 30 around 30 C with what look to be fairly strong southerly winds. Now on to the fourth and final plot, the 300 mb map. This map shows the pressure contours, or heights, along with wind speed and direction. This map looks at the upper portion of the troposphere and is located about 10,000 metres (33,000 feet) up. This is the level where the jet stream is usually located and this map helps to visualize where the jet stream is. Looking at the 300 mb map I have included, for the same time frame as the 850 mb map, you can see the areas with high wind speeds in light blue and green. You can see how the jet stream is coming out of the southwest and cuts through southern Alberta and Saskatchewan before it starts to curve

back toward the southeast over northern Manitoba. This places southern and central Manitoba to the south of the jet stream or on the warm side. Well, that’s about it. With these four different weather model plots you can begin to start creating your own forecasts. The key is to check the weather models at least daily, and watch what weather features are consistently hanging around and which are not. You can then get a feel for how well the weather model is handling the current weather pattern. Then, once you have gotten a feel for this, you can start to build in your own understanding of how weather patterns evolve from your past experiences and tweak what the models show you. This is the “art” of weather forecasting: looking at the weather models, then using your understanding and past experiences to make changes. All of this does take time, but once you start checking the weather models on a regular basis, it should only take five or 10 minutes each day to get a fairly good idea of what weather should be like over the next five to 10 days.

The Manitoba Co-operator | May 29, 2014


Trim: 10.25”

CROPS h u sbandry — the sc i ence , S K I L L O R A R T O F F A R M I N G

Roundup Ready® is a registered trademark used under license from Monsanto Company. Pioneer® brand products are provided subject to the terms and conditions of purchase which are part of the labeling and purchase documents. The DuPont Oval Logo is a registered trademark of DuPont. ® TM SM , , Trademarks and service marks licensed to Pioneer Hi-Bred Limited. © 2014, PHL.

Tips for when soybean seeding runs late Consider boosting your seeding rate to help offset the negative effects of delayed seeding By Allan Dawson co-operator staff


hen seeding soybeans later in the season farmers should consider increasing their seeding rate to bolster yields, a Manitoba Pulse Growers Association production specialist says. Kristen Podolsky said in an interview getting canopy closure by the first week of July is key to getting good soybean yields. “Soybean flowering is triggered by day length. As soon as the days start to shorten on June 21, flowering will be triggered regardless of when they were planted,” she said. “The problem is those planted later will have less vegetative growth. To curb that and maximize our yield potential we may want to increase our seeding rate... to get more of that growth.”

Trim: 15.5”

“The key with soybeans is we want canopy closure by the first week of July.” Kristen Podolsky

A closed canopy suppresses weeds and maximizes photosynthesis. A thicker crop encourages more competition, taller plants and possibly higher pods. “We saw this last year for sure,” she said. “Cooler soils, delayed planting, the nodes tend to be closer to the ground so the pods have problems at harvest.” Based on crop insurance data, the optimum time for planting soybeans is May 10 to 20. Normally soil temperatures are averaging at least 10 C at seeding depth by then, although that wasn’t so this year in most areas. “At the fourth week of May we’re looking at 85 or 90 per cent yield potential,” Podolsky said. “And in the first week of June it will go down again.”

Do not roll emerging soybeans as they are easily damaged at this stage, says MAFRD’s Elmer Kaskiw.   photo: dennis lange, mafrd

Later-seeded soybeans have as long as there’s enough heat during the growing season and frost doesn’t strike early. The ideal soybean plant population ranges from 180,000 to 210,000 per acre, or about 40 plants per square metre, Elmer Kaskiw, Manitoba Agriculture, Food and Rural Development’s (MAFRD) farm production adviser at Minnedosa said May 21 during a webinar. However, research has shown fields cutting the population in half reduces yields by just 10 to 20 per cent. Soybeans will compensate by branching out producing more pods per branch and more seeds per pod. Seeding rates also need to take

Soybeans for Maximum Yield Pioneer brand soybeans offer the newest genetics with key defensive and agronomic traits to accelerate top-end yield. And with very early maturity, they are bred to perform in Manitoba. Talk with your local Pioneer Hi-Bred sales rep today. ®


into account seed germination and potential seed injury. Eighty per cent of the soybean seed sown with a planter survives on average, versus a 71 per cent survival rate using an air drill, Terry Buss, MAFRD’s farm production adviser at Beausejour said during a webinar May 22. Some planters achieve 90 per cent seed survival, he said. Fertility is critical to soybean yield. Soybeans need 150 to 200 pounds of nitrogen per acre to produce a 30-bushel crop, Kaskiw said. Some nitrogen will already be in the soil, while the soybean plant itself can make the rest, but only if a particular bacterium is in the

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soil. That’s why inoculating soybean seed is critical. “We definitely recommend double inoculating,” Kaskiw said. “We feel it’s cheap insurance.” Seed treatments are important for warding off seedling diseases and insects. Bayer’s new Fluency agent has replaced talc because it reduces the dust from neonicotinoid seed insecticides linked to bee mortality. Kaskiw stressed adding the right amount and mixing it with the seed slowly. “More is not better,” he said. “You shouldn’t have any application problems if you follow that procedure.” See SOYBEANS on page 18 »

2450 heat units


The Manitoba Co-operator | May 29, 2014

SOYBEANS Continued from page 17

Soybeans require 30 to 40 pounds of phosphorus per acre, ideally applied the year before. At seeding it should be side banded or placed an inch below the seed to avoid seed damage. Soybeans require 30 to 60 pounds of potash per acre. Clay loam soils often have enough, but sandy soils can often be deficient. Soybeans also need 20 pounds of sulphur per acre. Soybeans are not strong weed

Soybeans are still easily damaged when rolled at the unitrifoliate stage. PHOTOS: DENNIS LANGE, MAFRD

competitors, especially early in the growing, so early weed control is important, Nasir Shaikh, MAFRD’s weed specialist, said in an interview last week. Most soybeans are Roundup Ready, with glyphosate being the main herbicide used. However, Authority has just been registered for soybeans, providing a new residual weed control option and tool to delay the onset of glyphosate-tolerant weeds. (See story on this page.) Soybeans planted in stony fields should be “rolled” to push stones into the soil, which makes harvesting easier, Kaskiw said. Rolling wet soils can cause compaction. Rolling as the crop emerges or at the first trifoliate stage can break plants. Kaskiw recommended rolling at the third trifoliate stage during the afternoon, when it’s warmer and the plants are more pliable. Farmers should periodically check plants during the operation to ensure plants aren’t being heavily damaged. allan@fbcpublishing.com

It’s recommended soybeans be rolled during the first trifoliate stage.

Trait Stewardship Responsibilities Notice to Farmers Monsanto Company is a member of Excellence Through Stewardship® (ETS). Monsanto products are commercialized in accordance with ETS Product Launch Stewardship Guidance, and in compliance with Monsanto’s Policy for Commercialization of BiotechnologyDerived Plant Products in Commodity Crops. This product has been approved for import into key export markets with functioning regulatory systems. Any crop or material produced from this product can only be exported to, or used, processed or sold in countries where all necessary regulatory approvals have been granted. It is a violation of national and international law to move material containing biotech traits across boundaries into nations where import is not permitted. Growers should talk to their grain handler or product purchaser to confirm their buying position for this product. Excellence Through Stewardship® is a registered trademark of Excellence Through Stewardship. ALWAYS READ AND FOLLOW PESTICIDE LABEL DIRECTIONS. Roundup Ready® crops contain genes that confer tolerance to glyphosate, the active ingredient in Roundup® brand agricultural herbicides. Roundup® brand agricultural herbicides will kill crops that are not tolerant to glyphosate. Genuity and Design®, Genuity®, Monsanto and Vine Design®, Roundup Ready® and Roundup® are trademarks of Monsanto Technology LLC, Monsanto Canada, Inc. licensee.

Authority herbicides now registered for soybeans in Western Canada When tank mixed with glyphosate soybean growers can get immediate and residual weed control and delay glyphosate-resistant weeds By Allan Dawson CO-OPERATOR STAFF


uthority herbicides are now registered for conventional and Roundup Ready soybeans, giving Manitoba farmers the option for residual weed control and another tool to delay the onset of glyphosate-tolerant weeds, including kochia. Authority (sulfentrazone) can be tank mixed with glyphosate and applied pre-plant surface or pre-emergent surface to control kochia, lamb’s quarters, red root pigweed and wild buckwheat. Author ity Charge (cafentra zo n e a n d sulfentrazone) should be tank mixed with glyphosate and applied pre-plant surface. Both products were already registered for use in chickpea, field pea, flax and sunflower. “This is a timely registration for soybean growers in the Prairies with the identification of glyphosate-resistant kochia in the Red River Valley region of Manitoba and other soybean-growing areas,” Nasir Shaikh, Manitoba Agriculture, Food and Rural Development’s (MAFRD) weed specialist, said in a news release issued by FMC Canada. “Authority is a strong kochia product so growers can use it to help prevent kochia from spreading.” Using Authority can reduce the number of glyphosate applications in a single season, which can delay the development of glyphosate-resistant weeds. Authority controls a number of smallseeded, broadleaf “flushing” weeds that germinate in the top inch of soil, Brad Ewankiw, a Winnipeg-based FMC Canada account manager, said in an interview May 22. “What we want is for growers to spray the product on the surface of the soil and not incorporate it because we don’t want to dilute it to more than within that inch,” he said. “It has to be in a soil solution for those emerging weed seeds to take it up in their

roots. The small-seeded weeds need a rainfall to get germinated, we need a rainfall to be activated — those things happen at the same time. The product is taken up by weeds as they are germinating and are controlled before they emerge.” Tank mixing with glyphosate controls many of the weeds already emerged at the time of application. For years, weed scientists have urged farmers to rotate herbicides to delay the development of herbicide-tolerant weeds, but most agree applying a tank mix with different modes of action is even better. Glyphosate-tolerant weeds are expanding in the United States. “We’re confident the use of products like Authority in Roundup Ready soybeans, and other modes of action in other Roundup Ready crops, can really help to delay the onset of those resistant weeds coming into Canada,” Ewankiw said. “Let’s be proactive and not reactive. I think if you asked any grower in the U.S. if they could go back and be proactive they would because it is causing a lot of problems for them now.” Using Authority will provide six to eight weeks of weed control, depending on the species, which could mean one or two fewer passes with glyphosate, he added. “Those are huge cost and time savings for growers who are already struggling to get everything done,” Ewankiw said. Authority costs $13 to $19 an acre, depending on the rate, which is affected by the soil type, pH and weed spectrum. “If we can skip an in-crop application of glyphosate you’re almost even on the cost side,” he said. “And the benefits of utilizing a new mode of action and the yield benefits of keeping the crop clean early... are going to turn this into a much better economic situation than breaking even.” allan@fbcpublishing.com

New tolerances for ergot, sclerotinia and fusarium The updates take effect as of Aug. 1 in Western Canada CGC release


pdated tolerances for ergot and sclerotinia for most classes of wheat take effect in Eastern Canada on July 1, 2014, and in Western Canada Aug. 1, 2014. As well, new tolerances for fusarium-damaged kernels take effect for barley, Canada Eastern/Western Food. The grade schedule for oats, Canada Eastern will be updated to be a closer match to that of oats, Canada Western. These changes are based on recommendations made to the Canadian Grain Commission by the Western Standards Committee and the Eastern Standards Committee at their meetings in April. “These grading changes are not only uniform between Eastern and Western Canada, they also ensure Canada’s grain continues to uphold

its reputation for quality and safety,” said chief commissioner Elwin Hermanson in a release.

The changes include:

• A tolerance of 0.5 per cent for fusarium damage in barley, Canadian Eastern (CE)/ Canadian Western (CW ) Food. • Updated tolerances of 0.04 per cent ergot and 0.04 per cent sclerotinia for all grades except feed in the following classes of wheat, CW: Red Spring, Hard White Spring, Red Winter, Soft White Spring, Extra Strong, Prairie Spring Red, Prairie Spring White. • Updated tolerances of 0.04 per cent ergot and 0.04 per cent sclerotinia for all grades except feed in the following classes of wheat, CE: Red, Red Spring, Hard

Red Winter, Hard White Spring, Soft Red Winter, Soft White Spring, Hard White Winter, White Winter. • Updated tolerances of 0.02 per cent ergot and 0.02 per cent sclerotinia for No. 1 and No. 2 wheat, CW Amber durum and No. 1 and No. 2 wheat, CE Amber durum. • Updated tolerances of 0.04 per cent ergot and 0.04 per cent sclerotinia for No. 3 and No. 4 wheat, CW Amber durum and No. 3 wheat, CE Amber durum. • Currently, the ergot tolerance for Canadian wheat varies depending on the grade and class of wheat. Most classes have an ergot tolerance of 0.01 per cent for No. 1 and 0.02 per cent for No. 2, while Extra Strong, Prairie Spring White and Prairie Spring Red have an ergot tolerance of 0.03 per


cent for No. 1 and 0.06 per cent for No. 2. Although the new tolerances are wider for many classes, they are marginally tighter than Codex Alimentarius standards (international standards related to food). This means that more wheat may be eligible for delivery into higher grades without compromising safety. • Revised grade schedule for oats, CE to bring CE and CW grade schedules closer together.


The Manitoba Co-operator | May 29, 2014

Late corn planting sees more bees flying


Keeping bees at bay when it comes to corn planting isn’t always possible, but good communication goes a long way By Shannon VanRaes CO-OPERATOR STAFF


anitoba corn growers and beekeepers have been meeting to talk about how to communicate better for the benefit of bees. The Manitoba Corn Growers Association invited members of the Manitoba Beekeeper’s Association to a spring board meeting, to discuss how to best protect honeybees from the pesticides used to coat corn seeds. “Both sides need to be aware that it’s not just corn growers who have to adjust... there are lots of things that beekeepers can do as well to keep their bees safer — such as feed them in the hive early on when this is happening, because (the seed coating) is a pesticide,” said Theresa Bergsma, general manager of the Manitoba Corn Growers Association. “It is about communication, ‘I’m gonna start planting, so you have your bees contained’... there are certain times of the year that it is best to keep your bees at home.” But Allan Campbell, president of the Manitoba Beekeepers’ Association, takes issue with the notion that honey producers should contain their bees during corn planting. “That is not at all realistic, bees are not something you can cage or can, they’re out there flying. That’s kind of an irresponsible way of looking at things really,” he said. However, lessening the chance bees will be exposed to treated corn seeds can be done. “Ideally you would keep your bees away from areas where corn is being planted, but that’s not always possible,” Campbell said. “One of the things that corn growers can really do, is to make sure they clean up any spilled seed, oftentimes when they are unloading a truck or loading a seeder, they’ll spill a pile of seeds, which is attractive to bees and it’s got the coating right on it. So making sure things are covered and not laying around would sure go a long ways.” Apiarist Jim Campbell said bees are hungry when they emerge in the spring and if food isn’t readily available, they may mistake some forms of dust for pollen, including the dust that comes off of treated corn as it is being planted. “They’re looking for pollen so they’ll

Bee health tied to many factors, Senate told The Senate agriculture is studying the role neonicotinoids play in declining bee health By Alex Binkley CO-OPERATOR CONTRIBUTOR


“It’s just a case of let’s try to see what we can do to get it in the ground as quick as possible and as safely as possible, so the bees aren’t as affected, and I think that’s where the focus is.”


even pick up dust from leaves and stuff like that. There’s no food value, but they find that out when they’re back at the hive,” he said. Health Canada’s Pest Management Regulatory Agency began a detailed look at bee deaths in 2012 and found that 70 per cent of dead bee samples submitted to them contained pesticide residue from coated seed treatments on corn and soybeans. In 2013, that percentage rose to 75 per cent. Although the largest impact has been in corn- and soybean-growing regions of Ontario, four beekeepers in Manitoba reported bee deaths they believed to be linked to the seed coating used on corn


This pair of Canada geese seems content with their surroundings.


in 2013. At least two of those cases were confirmed. Bergsma expects the number of reports of pesticide-related bee mortality will increase in the coming years, but said that doesn’t necessarily mean an increase in the actual number of bee deaths related to seed coatings. “We’re not surprised if we see that number rise, because as everybody becomes more aware of it, you’re going to get more reported cases, that’s just the way it is,” she said. “So I think we just all need to work together to try to keep it as minimal as we can and just remember that all these tools need to be used in the best and safest fashion they can be.” A late spring has delayed corn planting in most areas of the province this year, meaning that more bees will be out of the hives and foraging as seeds are being planted. However, changes to lubricants used in seed drills are helping to minimize the amount of dust coming off of coated corn seeds, which should reduce contact. “If it’s meant to kill bugs, it’s going to kill bees,” Bergsma said. “It’s just a case of let’s try to see what we can do to get it in the ground as quick as possible and as safely as possible, so the bees aren’t as affected.” shannon.vanraes@fbcpublishing.com

Pesticides are one of many factors contributing to declining bee health in North America, a Monsanto bee researcher told the Senate agriculture committee last month. Jerry Hayes, an official with Beeologics, a division of Monsanto, said research he conducted while he was chief of the apiary section of Florida’s Agriculture Department, identified mites and other parasites as key factors in poor bee health. Other factors include viruses, inadequate nutrition and pesticides, including the ones placed in hives. Hayes compared the varroa mite to “a parasitic rat on us sucking our blood, vectoring viruses, causing all sorts of problems for us. It does the same thing with our honeybees.” Hayes said bees can’t find enough to eat when there are hundreds or even thousands of hives in the same area. “There are not enough natural flowers to provide complete nutrition to these colonies.” Attempts to provide feed for bees have failed because no one has developed nutritionally complete diets for them. Pesticides can impact on bee populations “if they’re improperly applied or used,” he said, but field pesticides are a minor problem compared to miticides applied by beekeepers to control mites. “All our studies and analysis show that most of the chemical residues in honeybee colonies are from these miticides, which are the only available control for the mites.” He said Beeologics has been using Israeli technology called RNA to trigger a genetic defence in bees against mites, he added. Coral Sproule, and National Farmers Union second vice-president Michael Lynch-Staunton, both Lanark County farmers, urged senators to recommend a five-year moratorium on neonic fertilizers beginning next spring to curb high levels of bee deaths in Ontario and Quebec. “During the moratorium, we would like to have third-party, publicly funded research, as needed, to assess whether or not there is yield benefit to further develop and promote alternatives, including non-chemical alternatives, and to monitor pollinator populations and residual neonics in water and soil,” she said. She said the Ontario Agriculture Ministry thinks that neonics are only required on 10 to 30 per cent of the Ontario crops. The introduction of neonics “has led to a move away from integrated pest management. Some of the other alternative practices that could be used to maintain less pests in the fields are not being used because of the dependency on these seed treatments.”


The Manitoba Co-operator | May 29, 2014

crop report

Seeding progress variable across the province Manitoba Agriculture, Food and Rural Initiatives GO Teams & Crops Knowledge Centre crop report for May 26, 2014 Weekly Provincial Summary

Favourable weather conditions prior to the weekend’s precipitation allowed for good seeding progress. Seeding is estimated to be 25 to 30 per cent complete in the Southw e s t Re g i o n , 2 5 p e r c e n t complete in the Northwest Region, 60 per cent complete in the Central Region, 50 per cent complete in the Eastern Region and 40 per cent complete in the Interlake Region. There are areas where seeding progress is not as advanced. Producers are modifying their initial seeding plans to account for field availability and seeding date. Heavy precipitation in some areas will further delay seeding. The earliest-seeded crops, including cereals, canola and corn, are emerging. Pa s t u re a n d h a y g row t h improved with last week’s warm temperatures.

being primarily field peas, spring wheat and barley. Canola seeding just started and is estimated to be less than 10 per cent complete. Some producers are considering alternative canola-seeding techniques, such as broadcasting, on some excessively wet fields. Pre- and post-seeding burn-off herbicide applications are now taking place. So m e e a r l y- s e e d e d c e re a l crops are starting to emerge. Winter wheat and fall r ye crops benefited from the sun and warm temperatures. Pastures and alfalfa fields have finally begun to regrow with the warmer temperatures. Cattle are being moved to pasture as feed supplies are becoming low. Winterkill in alfalfa is becoming more apparent with late second-cut fields the most impacted. A significant amount of pasture and hay land continues to be under water.

Southwest Region

Northwest Region

Rainfall amounts varied with several areas reporting five to 10 mm. However, on the weekend heavy rainfall amounts of 25 to 40 mm were reported in areas north of Boissevain and south of Elgin, and through the Oak Lake and Killarney areas. Seeding progress is variable with crops planted to date

R a i n s h ow e r s a n d t h u n d e r s t o r m s h i n d e re d s e e d ing progress. Drying winds picked up over the weekend and temperatures warmed up significantly allowing producers to resume seeding operations in the rest of the region. Approximately 40 per cent of the wheat crop and 10 per cent of the canola crop are seeded.

The most seeding progress was made in the Swan Valley and Roblin areas where some producers are finished seeding wheat. Less than five per cent of the soybean and field corn acres are planted. Seeding conditions are generally not ideal with wet fields throughout the region. Perennial and annual weed growth, as well as volunteer crop growth, improved over the past week. Substantial rain over the past week kept pastures and hay fields significantly wet. Forage growth is relatively slow; however, the recent warmer temperatures increased development.

Central Region

Rainfall amounts over the weekend were extremely variable across the Central Region with reports ranging from 10 to 75 mm. Hail was reported in the Austin and Plumas areas. In areas of highest rainfall, there is standing water and producers are draining fields. The most advanced areas of the region are finished seeding cereals. Rain on Saturday and Sunday stopped seeding operations and in some areas it will take a few days of drying to resume seeding. In the southern and eastern areas of the region, three or four good days would result in seeding completion. Wet conditions in the

northwest part of the region have made seeding a struggle. Very little pre-seed burn-off has been done due to limited weed growth prior to seeding and desire to not delay seeding. Pre-emergent applications are being made where possible. Wild oats, volunteer cereals, winter annuals and wild buckwheat are emerging. In canola, spraying of volunteer cereals and wild oats has started. Winter wheat fields continue to be terminated due to winterkill. In some cases, producers are reconsidering reseeding as a fair winter wheat crop may be better than a late-seeded spring crop. High temperatures over the weekend resulted in significant growth in hay land and pastures. Early reports indicate alfalfa winterkill is not widespread although some winterkill did occur. Some hay land and pastures are impacted by wet conditions.

Eastern Region

Cumulative rainfall amounts varied from 15 to 80 mm. Se e d i n g p r o g re s s v a r i e s widely, but it is estimated seeding is 50 per cent complete in the region. Approximately four to five more good s e e d i n g d a y s a re n e e d e d . Many producers are focusing on planting corn, soy-

beans and canola acres, while the cereals are being left until last. Producers in heavier rainfall areas, including Beausejour and southeast parts of the region, continue to have seeding operations stalled by excess moisture. Poor stands of winter wheat a re b e i n g t e r m i n a t e d a n d reseeded to canola or soybeans. There are a few reports of fields that have significant wireworm damage, particularly those direct seeded into terminated hay stands. Hay and pasture conditions are rated as good to poor. Grass growth is slow with standing water in many pastures.

Interlake Region

Precipitation amounts throughout the week range anywhere from 20 to 60 mm. Most acres have become too wet to seed in parts of the Interlake. Se e d i n g p ro g re s s i n t h e Interlake Region is approximately 40 per cent complete. Field selection for seeding is quite limited as soil conditions have stayed cool and wet for many parts of the region. The earliest-seeded spring wheat and other cereals, as well as flax, canola, corn and peas, are emerging. Cattle are being moved to pastures. Rains are improving grass growth.

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The Manitoba Co-operator | May 29, 2014


Municipal record keeper and grave finder honoured Jack Mavins of Anola is one of five Manitobans to receive the Lieutenant-Governor’s Award for long and meritorious service in the preservation and promotion of provincial history By Lorraine Stevenson co-operator staff / Dugald


ack Mavins’ phone rang off the hook after a city newspaper story awhile back described his knack for finding unmarked graves. Callers wanted his help and he was happy to oblige. Until then, the Anola senior said he’d been a bit reluctant to say too much about his grave “dowsing” or “witching” as some call it. Some don’t like this kind of talk, says Mavins, 82. Plus, he can’t explain why the two thin welding rods he carries cross each each other when he steps over a site where a body is buried, “I just know it works,” he said. It was at the Manitoba Genealogy Society (MGS) back in the 1980s that he first heard about the ancient practice, which is also called divining, often used to find water. “I came home and got a couple of welding rods and it worked over top of my wife so I said, ‘well, it works live, so let’s go to the cemetery and see if it works on someone dead.’” The retired engineer doesn’t think there’s anything spooky or unusual about it at all. He’s heard it just has something to do with the body’s magnetism. “Our two boys can do it. My wife and our daughter can’t. I have no answer for it,” he says.

Honed skills

But his method has found lots of bodies. He honed the skill at the Millbrook Cemetery, among the oldest in Manitoba and one of RM of Springfield’s four municipal cemeteries. It worked so well, he eventually helped the custodian “transcribe” the entire site, in which unmarked sites were matched to written cemetery records. “There were maybe around 50,” he estimates. He eventually helped map out Springfield’s other three cemeteries, plus numerous smaller ones in churchyards and on private properties. He’s given talks at genealogy gatherings and taught others how to do it too. He doesn’t do much grave dowsing lately — “I can’t walk the distances,” he says — but has been called in to check out numerous small and private sites, including family farms where burials are known to have taken place. In one case, a family knew at least five people were buried in a particular site. He found them all, and the family eventually determined their identities too. “There’s lots of little family plots around,” he says.

Local history enthusiast

This kind of digging into the past is just one way Mavins has helped set historical records straight. A lifelong local history enthusiast, he has more recently become as intrigued about what’s to be discovered in boxes containing dusty old records. Since 2006, he’s been the volunteer head of Springfield Municipal Archives, housed in the former Dugald Costume Museum, “a progression,” he says, of all

Keepers of the Springfield Municipal Archives Yvonne and Jack Mavins hold Jack’s Lieutenant-Governor’s Award presented this month for his long and meritorious service to preserving and promoting provincial history and heritage.  PHOTOs: LORRAINE STEVENSON

his other interests in local history that have included a 30-year stint as treasurer with the Anola District Museum. Mavins was one of five Manitobans p re s e n t e d t h i s m o n t h w i t h t h e Lieutenant-Governor’s Award for long and meritorious service to preserve and promotion of the province’s rich history and heritage. The award was established in 2010 and is presented annually in consultation with the Manitoba Historical Society (MHS). Most days you can now find Mavins, and his wife, Yvonne, at the neat-as-a-pin Springfield Municipal Archives, inside the former Dugald Costume Museum, and one of just eight accredited facilities in the province. The couple has spent countless hours going through boxes and crates, carefully sorting, filing and cataloguing everything from the RM’s cancelled cheques of yesteryear, to old newspaper articles and photos dating back decades.

Joint effort

Mavins says the award belongs to his wife too as she is just as involved in the archival work. A map in the archives, showing how the RM’s boundaries have changed over the years was drawn by her after careful research. “She spent a whole year trying to

“Our two boys can do it. My wife and our daughter can’t. I have no answer for it.” Jack Mavins

determine the size of Springfield,” he says. The Mavins say their love of history stems from love of their community. It’s important to keep paying attention to both. “We are trying that with our archives,” says Jack. “We have (documentation of) 40 one-room schoolhouses, and now we’re doing the churches,” he said. “We had all kinds of clubs... baseball, hockey, rifle clubs, 4-H, the curling, all this stuff was our community at that time. It changes but it was there. “I just feel that you have to know what went on, so you don’t screw things up today,” he adds. “If you know why and what happened before you, you may understand yourself better.” Lt.-Gov. Philip S. Lee presented awards to five Manitobans this month. The Lieutenant-Governor’s Award for

Jack Mavins, 82, demonstrates his grave-dowsing technique with two welding rods.

Historical Preservation and Promotion was established in 2010 and is presented annually in consultation with the Manitoba Historical Society (MHS). Others receiving the award included: Ernest Braun of Niverville, Diane Haglund of Winnipeg, Frieda Jorheim of Inwood, and Gary Wowchuk of Swan River. lorraine@fbcpublishing.com


The Manitoba Co-Operator | May 29, 2014



Send your recipes or recipe request to: Manitoba Co-operator Recipe Swap Box 1794, Carman, Man. ROG OJO or email: lorraine@fbcpublishing.com

Recipes for human weed eaters Two agricultural science students chose five edible weeds commonly found in our gardens, lawns and field to create a combination cookbook and field guide Michelle Arseneault (l to r) and Michelle Carkner are the creators of a combination cookbook and field guide to common edible weeds. PHOTO: SUBMITTED

chickweed tastes like peas while purslane has a more lemon peppery flavour. Common mallow’s edible flowers can be used as dessert decorations. Lorraine Stevenson The Good Season photography is by Michelle Crossroads Recipe Swap Arseneault, also a B.Sc. graduate from University of Guelph with a background in integrated pest management. Her colourful photos, which correctly identify each of the five weeds through all ou won’t see weeds the same way after this. their life stages are accompanied by clear explaLamb’s quarters quiche, chickweed tart, nations for when to pick and how to harvest. The or dandelion soup, anyone? Those are recipes found in The Good Season book also contains look-alike plants, to prevent — Easy Recipes for Wild Edibles, a combination mistaking what’s edible with what’s not. Plus, cookbook and field guide to edible weeds created there’s the precaution never to pick where pesticides may have been applied. by two University of Guelph agricultural science Carkner said they hope The Good Season helps students. Michelle Carkner, now beginning her MA in people see their food differently. It doesn’t come plant science in the natural systems agriculture from the store. You don’t even necessarily have to plant it yourself. program at University of Manitoba and her colleague Michelle Arseneault, have released their “The goal when we started was to open people’s book just in time for the spring’s first minds a little bit to the possibilities,” flush — of dandelions, lamb’s quarshe said. “Food doesn’t always have ters and nettles, common chickweed, to come pre-packaged in a plastic purslane, and common mallow bag. Food comes out of the ground. (which has edible flowers). And if we can see weeds as plants This is “a way of managing your just like we see spinach and lettuce, maybe that connection of food pests by eating them,” says the pair, who started work on the book last coming out of the ground can be stronger.” summer while working with Ontario Ministry of Agriculture and Food. And gardeners with aching backs They shared an interest in food take note — the more edible weeds and agriculture, plus Carkner had we allow in, the bigger the harvest. a background in culinary arts and Intercropping cultivated plants with Arseneault took great photos. So weeds is a great way to add to a garden’s bounty. The Good Season talks the provincial weed specialist urged A new cookbook created about that too. them to try a cookbook, says Carkner. by two ag science students They chose carefully, looking Hard copies will be available identifies common wild for weeds that are both plentiful shortly but you can now purchase edibles and contains recipes The Good Season as an e-book (availand tasty to feature in a book that for meals your family is would have mainstream appeal, able from Amazon (Kindle), Indigo said Carkner, a chef who earned her (Kobo) and iBooks (iPad and iPhone) sure to enjoy. credentials at George Brown College — just in time for beginning of “the good season” of weeds. in Ontario before switching over to agriculture. The best time to be harvesting these edible “In my research for this and looking at other weeds is late spring to early summer, when they’re foraging cookbooks, I really saw a lack of cookstill young, tender and at an optimal size for preparing and eating. books that would appeal to most people,” she says. “The recipes can be a little bit strange and The cookbook project was partially supported the plants too. I wanted to choose wild edibles by University of Guelph’s Undergraduate Student that are commonly available and recipes that Experiential Learning Program, which is funded by the knowledge translation and transfer prowould be familiar too.” It was Carkner who chopped, stirred, and expergram created by the university’s partnership with imented to create the book’s 15 original recipes. the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture and Food and the Ministry of Rural Affairs. Each weed has its own texture, flavour and use, she said. The slightly bitter dandelion is tender when picked young, while lamb’s quarters and For more information please visit: nettles are both similar to spinach. Common http://thegoodseason.com/home-2/.


Cream of Dandelion Soup This recipe was one of the more challenging to create because dandelion greens impart a slightly bitter taste to foods, says Carkner. The sweetness of the maple syrup and the saltiness of the bacon helps. 2 lbs. (about 6 cups) young dandelion greens, trimmed and washed 1 tbsp. butter or olive oil 2 large leeks, white and light parts only, cleaned and sliced 1 carrot, peeled and diced 12 rashers of bacon (usually a pack) sliced against the grain, 1/2 inch wide 4 c. vegetable stock 2-1/2 c. milk 1 tbsp. Dijon mustard (optional) 2 tbsp. maple syrup 1 tbsp. balsamic vinegar Dash salt and pepper to taste Handful of dandelion flower petals for garnish

Blanch the greens in salted, boiling water for one minute. Cool in ice water, then drain and chop. Set aside. On medium-high heat, cook the bacon. Stir constantly, scraping the bottom of the pot. When the bacon is brown and crispy, remove with tongs to a bowl or plate lined with paper towel. Set aside. Using the bacon fat and the same pot on medium-high heat, add greens, carrot and leeks. Cook, stirring often, for 15 minutes. Add stock and simmer for about 15 minutes. Reduce heat to medium and whisk in milk; cook stirring frequently until slightly thickened. Purée this mixture using a tightly covered blender, or a hand blender, until smooth, taking care with the hot liquid. Add the puréed soup back to the pot and return to the element on medium-high heat. Bring the soup back to a boil, whisking constantly. This will thicken it slightly. Add the bacon (reserving some for garnish), maple syrup and balsamic vinegar. Season with salt and pepper, and add Dijon mustard if you like. Serve in bowls and sparsely garnish with flower petals. Source: The Good Season by Michelle Carkner and Michelle Arseneault, 2014. Reprinted with permission.



The Manitoba Co-Operator | May 29, 2014



ndrew Jackson swung his pickup truck into the usual parking spot in front of the café and shut off the engine. Stepping out into the bright morning sunshine he caught the brim of his hat on the door frame of the truck, knocking it off of his head and back into the truck. Twisting around quickly to grab the hat with his left hand he lost his balance and reached for the door handle with his right hand to steady himself, but missed. Now just trying to stay upright, he used his flailing arms to try to maintain his balance, but lost his grip on the hat which sailed upwards through the air and landed perfectly on the roof of the pickup. “I hope no one saw that,” he muttered to himself as he stepped on the running board and reached up to retrieve the hat. He slammed the door shut and turned to go inside and sure enough, there were Grant Toews and Peter Gosselin laughing uproariously at him through the window. He rolled his eyes, put on his hat and took a deep bow and then headed inside. By the time Andrew got to the table Grant and Peter had resumed the conversation that his misadventure outside had interrupted. “She tried three times,” Grant was saying. “The first two times, when she got to the parallel parking test she knocked over two of the pylons. The third time the tester made her do the parallel parking first and she knocked over three of the pylons so he just flunked her on the spot. She was furious because he wouldn’t let her take the rest of the test. It took me forever to get her to understand that there was no point in taking the rest of the test if she had already flunked the parallel parking.” Andrew poured cream into the coffee he had picked up at the counter. “I take it Kendra is having trouble getting her licence?” he said. Grant heaved a sigh. “I’m talking about my mother,” he said. “Your mother?” Andrew was puzzled. “I thought your mother had a licence. Doesn’t she drive the grain truck for you every fall?”



“She did,” said Grant. “But I guess that’s over now. Since she had that little accident.” “I hadn’t heard,” said Andrew. “She took out the stop sign at Albertson’s corner,” said Grant. “In January. She said she couldn’t see anything because it was so foggy. Except that it wasn’t foggy. She had just forgotten to turn on the defrost.” “Huh,” said Andrew. “I wondered where that sign went. I figured the Friesen boys probably ran away with it.” “Nope, my mother ran over it,” said Grant. “So MPIC made her take her driving test and she failed three times in a row. And now she’s kind of given up. I mean she is 83 years old. If I didn’t need her to drive the grain truck I probably

would have suggested she give up her licence five years ago. Not that she ever goes anywhere except to town.” “My old man used to drive to town for coffee every day till he was 96,” said Peter. “He was so blind in the end that he had to stop at the highway and open his windows to see if he could hear anyone coming.” “Yikes,” said Andrew. “Good thing he wasn’t deaf.” “Oh, he was pretty deaf too,” said Peter. “But he said he could feel the vibrations in his head if there was a vehicle coming.” “Yes, well, safety first,” said Grant. “My mother always used the braille method for parallel parking,” said Andrew. “If she’d had to take a test she would never have gotten a licence at all.” “So who’s going to drive your grain truck this year then Grant?” Peter wanted know. “Kendra?” “What makes you think I’ll even need anyone to drive a grain truck? I haven’t even got the seed in the ground yet,” said Grant. “Good point.” Peter looked at Andrew. “That’s what I like about Grant. He’s always looking on the bright side.” “I’m not sure what part of that you’re seeing as the bright side,” said Andrew. “One doesn’t usually look at not getting a crop in as a silver lining.” “It’s all in your perspective,” said Peter. “My perspective is that you’re an idiot,” said Grant. “Which is too bad because if you weren’t, I’d hire you to drive my grain truck.” “Dang it,” said Peter. “I didn’t realize this was a job interview. What if I work for free?” “You’re hired,” said Grant. “Good,” said Peter. “Now all I need is a licence.” “You can borrow mine,” said Andrew. Grant raised his coffee cup. “Here’s to good friends,” he said. “I only wish I had some.”

Gift idea for the cooks in your life By Pat Gerbrandt FREELANCE CONTRIBUTOR

H What to do with small fabric remnants




hese little totes can be made with print suitable for anyone’s taste. Friends use them as cosmetic bags or key holders carried in their purses, and kids like them for trinkets. You will need a small amount of light fabric, iron-on interfacing, and a zipper. The bag in the photo was made from a 7x14-inch (18x33-cm) cotton remnant. Make them any size you like ensuring the length is twice that of the width. The zipper should measure about 3/4 inch (1.5 mm) less than the narrow width. If you have a longer zipper it can be cut — first by hand stitching across the teeth close to where the cut will be made — to the measure you need. Cut one piece of fabric and one piece of iron-on interfacing; apply with hot iron to wrong side of fabric. With zipper foot, attach zipper to the shorter ends. Mark centre and fold bag as shown. Be sure to have the zipper partly open; stitch across top and bottom. Mitre the corners by stitching approx. one inch across from top to side. Trim off excess and zigzag raw edges. (Bottom left bag shows the finished edges.) Turn right side out. There’s your bag!

Eva Krawchuk writes from Winnipeg

ere’s a handy gift for any cook! Use a ready-made apron or stitch up a simple one of sturdy cotton or cottonblend fabric, either in a plain colour or with a muted or small-scale pattern. I used medium-weight sport cotton to make this apron for my mother when her grandchildren were still in school. I chose Dylon™ fabric paint because the painted fabric stays soft and has withstood many washings. One small pot (25 ml) was enough for more than two-dozen handprints. Text can be added by using a squeeze bottle to apply paint, or with a permanent fabric marker pen. The text could be embroidered over. Supplies: • Apron, either ready made or home sewn • A piece of similar fabric for test prints • Fabric paint (permanent and washable) • Soft, small paintbrush • Plastic to protect work surface • Permanent fabric paint pen or squeeze bottle (optional) • Embroidery cotton and embroidery needles (optional) Method: Wash, rinse and dry your apron to prepare the fabric for best paint absorption. Plan before opening the paint pot! Have fun designing your own version. Spread plastic on a flat, even work surface and lay apron and test fabrics on it, right side up. Use the paintbrush to apply a light coat of paint on palm of hand, then print onto the test fab-


ric, pressing down only enough to leave a pleasing print. Once you have determined how much paint you need to use, “hand paint” your apron. Allow paint to dry. Cover painted sections with a clean cloth and press one to two minutes, using a hot iron, to fix the paint. Wash the apron after fixing. NOTE: If your paint directions differ, make sure you follow the instructions for the type of paint you use. Pat Gerbrandt writes from Grunthal, Manitoba


The Manitoba Co-operator | May 29, 2014


Want to learn more about birds?

Consider attending a birding workshop — useful for the beginner or more experienced birdwatcher By Donna Gamache Freelance contributor


f you’re interested in birds and birdwatching, even if it’s just in your backyard, but are unsure about what species you see, consider attending a birding workshop. Recently, my husband and I attended one at the St. Leon Interpretive Centre, with Dr. Christian Artuso as the presenter. With approximately 300 breeding species of birds in Manitoba, there is always something to learn. Twenty-five people had signed up, with others having to be turned away. Some attendees classed themselves as beginners, or backyard birders only, while others were more experienced, but even the most knowledgeable felt that they had learned something useful. Dr. Artuso is the program manager for Bird Studies Canada and is presently co-ordinating the Manitoba Breeding Bird Atlas (http://birdatlas.mb.ca). He is also an excellent bird photographer and used his numerous photos to help outline ways in which birdwatchers can improve their observation skills. First, participants studied several photos of “small brown birds” in the thrush family to notice what differences to look for, such as eye rings, speckling, stripes and beak size, even when colours are similar. For instance, female purple finches can be distinguished from female house finches by lighter-coloured stripes near the eyes. Colour is what casual birders probably look for first, such as the yellow patches on the rump, crown and wings of a yellow-rumped (or myrtle) warbler, the red on a red-winged blackbird or the bright rosy bib on the rose-breasted grosbeak.

But colour can also be deceiving since the females and juveniles are usually much duller, sometimes totally different. Even the season can cause variations, with birds generally much brighter in spring and early summer. Size, of course, is another important aspect to consider when trying to identify a bird, but another important one is shape. As we studied a poster with numerous black silhouettes, we soon realized that, even without knowing the bird’s size, we could often identify a bird by its shape. Kingfishers, hummingbirds, swallows and mourning doves, for example, could be determined even without seeing their colour or size. Silhouettes of birds flying could also be useful. Dr. Artuso suggested we use bird songs as a means of identification. Often when one is out walking, it is the song that catches one’s attention first. The cheery trill of a western meadowlark, for example, the “cheer-up, cheer-up” of a robin, or the distinctive call of the killdeer may be what we first notice in spring. Later, in summer, as we walk through a forest or park, melodious singing from high in a treetop will alert an experienced birder to a red-eyed vireo, even if the bird is not visible. The St. Leon workshop included a short walk along the nearby lake, with binoculars in hand. Unfortunately the weather was cold, with rain threatening, but we did see flickers, song sparrows, ducks and a few other birds before retreating to the interpretive centre. Anyone who is serious about birding will probably want to purchase a field guide of some sort. Don’t choose a guide that is too heavy, if you want to carry it with you. Peterson Field Guides are popular, as well as Sibley Guides and

TOP: Yellow-rumped warbler. ABOVE: Birders hoping to identify different species.  PHOTOS: DONNA GAMACHE

National Geographic Guides. Range maps for each bird are helpful in order to ascertain that a certain bird is actually found in a particular region. In spring and early summer many migrating birds stop here briefly before continuing on farther north. Serious birders will want a pair of binoculars, as well. Websites such as the Cornell Lab of Ornithology can help with bird identification. See http://www.allaboutbirds. org/guide/search or the Audubon site at http://birds.audubon.org/birdid. There are also Apps to download, some for free and some for a fee. One meeting spot for birders who live near Winnipeg is Fort Whyte, where

6:30 a.m. walks are offered Wednesdays and Fridays in May. Check out http:// www.fortwhyte.org/activities for their other activities. Oak Hammock Marsh, Delta Marsh and Whitewater Lake are other spots where birders frequently gather, and most willingly help a newcomer identify various species. Nature Manitoba often lists birding workshops and bird outings at http://www.naturemanitoba.ca/. Many of these events take place in Winnipeg but occasionally rural locations are used. We were certainly happy we’d attended the one held at St. Leon. Donna Gamache writes from MacGregor, Manitoba

Attractive foliage and beautiful blossoms Train a mandevilla on a trellis or grow in a hanging basket By Albert Parsons Freelance contributor


This large container displayed in a garden centre contains two mandevilla plants, one with red blooms and the other with white ones.   PHOTO: ALBERT PARSONS

s we prepare for another gardening season why not try a tropical vine? They are particularly useful in containers, and these features of the landscape are usually the last to be planted and placed in outdoor living spaces. Because it has both attractive foliage and beautiful flowers, mandevilla is a prime candidate to add such an accent to the garden. The mandevilla is a tropical shrub — or a woody vine — that must either be moved indoors for the winter or treated as an annual in our climate. It will not perform well in cool temperatures so keep it indoors until temperatures are reliably warm and move it indoors in the fall before any freezing temperatures occur. Because mandevilla is a woody vine, it is best trained on a trellis or support of some kind, although it can be used as a hanging basket specimen. If it is grown in a hanging basket it will have the tendency to climb upwards, so will need a bit of training to force it to grow in a pendulous fashion. Pinching will create a

bushier plant, so remove about two cm from the tips of each of the stems to promote new growth and a fuller plant. Do this early in the season so that you are not pinching off flower buds. Many garden centres sell mandevillas as large plants that are often in gallon-size pots, so even if the plant is treated as an annual, it will put on good growth in just one growing season. The larger the plant is when you buy it, the earlier and more prolifically it will bloom. The dark-green, oval leaves are shiny — the foliage is in itself quite attractive. Mandevillas are sensitive to their water requirements; if leaves turn yellow, the plant is either getting too much water or not enough. Allow the soil surface to dry out a bit before watering but do not let the soil dry out completely; keep the root ball moist The plant should be fertilized regularly during the growing season, as they are heavy feeders, particularly when they are in bloom. Supplying a steady supply of nutrients will encourage more bloom as well as more robust foliage. A fertilizer with a high second number (phosphorus) will encourage more bloom. A man-

devilla is best planted in a medium that has lots of organic matter. I add some compost to a soilless mix and ensure that the pot has drainage holes and the soil itself drains well. The blooms are brilliantly coloured, trumpet shaped, and come in red, pink, white or yellow, often with yellow throats. Good light will ensure that the plants bloom profusely. They like sun but prefer relief from hot, mid-afternoon sun. Mandevillas should not be overpotted; being slightly root bound seems to promote more bloom. If you wish to overwinter your plant, bring it indoors well before frost threatens and cut the plant back by at least a third. Check carefully for lurking insect pests and take precautionary measures to prevent an infestation. Give it good light — in front of a sunny window is ideal — but do not apply fertilizer during the winter. Whether you treat it as an annual or keep it from year to year, you will be pleased with the exotic touch this tropical vine will add to your outdoor landscape. Albert Parsons writes from Minnedosa, Manitoba


The Manitoba Co-operator | May 29, 2014


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The Manitoba Co-operator | May 29, 2014



Parkland – North of Hwy 1; west of PR 242, following the west shore of Lake Manitoba and east shore of Lake Winnipegosis. Westman – South of Hwy 1; west of PR 242. Interlake – North of Hwy 1; east of PR 242, following the west shore of Lake Manitoba and east shore of Lake Winnipegosis. Red River – South ofHwy 1; east of PR 242.

The Pas

12-FT JOHN DEERE SURFLEX discer Serial Number One; Case 300 tractor. Phone (204)263-5392. MULVEY “FLEA” MARKET. Osborne & Mulvey Ave E. Wpg. Sat-Sun-Hol. 10:00a.m. to 5:00p.m. 40+ vendors. A/C. Debit, Visa, M/C. Table/Booth rental info: (204)478-1217. mulveymarket.ca

AUCTION SALES Manitoba Auctions – Westman

Birch River

Swan River Minitonas

7 of 46 Upcoming Public



ANTIQUES Antique Equipment





Gilbert Plains

Fisher Branch

Ste. Rose du Lac Russell

FORD 801, S/N 307052, 3-PT, $2750.00 OBO. Phone (204)429-2073.






AUCTION SALES Manitoba Auctions – Parkland

FARM AUCTION FOR MIKE KELEMAN & PHIL & HOLLY KELEMAN Sat., June 14th 11:00am 6-mi North of Langruth on Hwy 50 till RD 100 4.5-mi West & 2-mi North. Tractors: 1990 7130 Case IH MFWD PS fact 3-PTH 3 hyds 1000 PTO 18.4R42 fact duals 8,070-hrs; 1988 7120 Case IH PS 20.8R38 fact duals 3 hyds dual PTO 3,450-hrs; 1968 1256 IHC Turbo 18.4x38 fact duals 2 hyds dual PTO 9,300-hrs; 1973 966 IHC w/2350 IHC ldr 18.4x34 9,800-hrs 2 hyds PTO; 1959 560 IHC DSL 1 hyd PTO 18.4x30; 1944 2N Ford 3-SPD; Combines & Trucks: 1980 1440 Case IH Axial flow PU header 2,710 eng hrs (shedded); 1975 7700 JD PU & chopper 2,790 eng hrs (shedded); 1976 Chev C60 14-ft. box & hoist RT 350 eng 5+2 spd 87,500-mi; 1972 Fleetstar INT Tandem big 6 cyl gas 18-ft. box & hoist RT; 1966 INT 1600 truck 12ft. stl box & hoist 304 eng 4-SPD; 1985 Ford F150 6 cyl 4-SPD std; 14-ft. lode King Drill Fill; 1989 INT school bus w/7.3L DSL; 18-ft. Grain Box & hoist Trailer; Haying Equip: 2008 2756A MF Hesston series Rd Baler (approx 5000 bales); 2003 5020 MacDon 14-ft. Mower Conditioner; 124 MF Sq Baler; 15 Bale Stooker; 26 Bale Rd Bale semi type Trailer w/tandem converter; 17 Bale Rd bale Trailer; Grain & Tillage Equip: 28-ft. 7200 INT HoeDrill stl pan w/carrier; 14-ft. 7200 INT HoeDrill w/grass seed attach; 25-ft. Morris Magnum 3 Deep Tiller w/Mulchers; 27-ft. 179 Co-op Cult; 33-ft. JD 1000 Cult w/mulchers; 27-ft. JD 1610 Deep Tiller w/mulchers; 14-ft. Terra Tandem Disc; Degalman 570 4 batt Stone Picker; Degalman Stone Picker; 20-ft. 400 Vers Swather; 24-ft. 75 INT PT Swather; 18-ft. 500 Co-op sp Swather; Keer Shear; 10 sections of Diamond Harrows; 8x51-ft. Westfield PTO Auger; 7x36-ft. Allied PTO Auger; Cattle Equip: Hi Qual Squeeze Chute w/palpation cage, w/trailer; 40, 10-ft. Panels; 8, 12-ft. Panels; 14-ft. Feeder Panel; 15 Rd Bale Feeders; 7 metal Feed Troughs; 24-in. Robin Grain Roller; Cattle Oiler; 16-ft. SS water Trough w/wood Heater; 7-ft. Manure bucket; 2 Bale Spears; 1/2-Ton Cattle Rack; 250, 5 to 6-in. Fence Posts; Shop & Misc Equip: 1,500-gal Poly Tank; 3, 900 R20 Truck Tires; 2, 10R225 Truck tires; 2, 1100x16-in. JD wheels; 14L16.1SL tires; 3 Farm Wagons; 60-gal 5-HP Air Compressor; 30-gal Portable oilles Air compressor; 2-in. gas water pump; 5-HP gas Karscher 1750 psi Pressure washer; Roller cabinet Tool Box; 8-in. Bench Grinder; Acetylene set; assort of wrenches; 16, 16-ft. rough 2x8s; Misc Lumber; Misc. Auctioneers Note: The Keleman’s have sold their farm & the major equipment has been well maintained & shedded. Should be into equipment by 1:00pm. Terms Cash or Cheque Lunch served. Subject to additions & deletions. Not responsible for any errors in description GST & PST will be charged where applicable. Everything Sells AS IS Where Is All Sale Final. Statements made on sale day will take precedent over all previous advertisements Auction company and owners are not responsible for any accidents on sale site. Sale conducted by Nickel Auctions Ltd Ph (204)637-3393 cell (204)856-6900 Phil Keleman (204)445-2006 Mike Keleman (204)445-2010 www.nickelauctions.com

AUCTION SALES Manitoba Auctions – Parkland



Crystal City

Elm Creek


Ste. Anne



Pilot Mound

Lac du Bonnet



Austin Treherne



Stonewall Selkirk











Rapid City Virden





Minneapolis Moline, model U’s diesel & gas, Model R & Model Z. Running order; 6 Minneapolis Moline plows, discer, 1-ways. Phone (204)326-6016

Riverton Eriksdale



Shoal Lake

St. Pierre


Morris Winkler Morden




Red River

AUCTION SALES Manitoba Auctions – Parkland GARTON’S AUCTION SERVICE will be conducting a Ranch Retirement Auction for Larry & Lynn Henry on Sat., June 7th, 2014 @ 10:30am located 2.5-mi N & E from Eddystone, MB on Hwy #68 OR 22.5-mi W from Lake Manitoba Narrows. Auction will include: Ford Vers 9030 bi-directional tractor c/w FEL; 1978 Case tractor; Case 1070 tractor; MF 165 DSL tractor; MF 135 DSL tractor; 995 David Brown tractor; Leon 636 FEL c/w grapple; Allied FEL; NH 1431 disc bine; NH BR 780 rd baler; 1160 NH hay header; Rouse 9-ft. trailing; Silver Lake post pounder; Cattle handling/feeding equipment; 2005 Farm King 6-ft. 3-pt roto tiller; Taylor-Way 12-ft. offset tandem disk; 14-ft. twin telescopic hoist, 14-ft. dump trailer; Degleman ground drive 3 bat stone picker; IH #55 18-ft. deep tiller; Vers #20 pt swather. For more info on these items contact Larry/Lynn @ (204)638-0489. Consigned items include: 7475 MFW tractor c/w 965 loader; 2000 MacDon 5010 haybine; 1995 Case 8480 baler; 1989 Hesston bale processor; 1995 Terry 33-ft. 5th wheel camper; 60ft. Vers 580 sprayer & CCIL 550 swather. For complete details & photos visit www.gartonsauction.com MEYERS AUCTION 11:00am Sat., June 7th RELOCATION AUCTION FOR JEAN LEDOUX #311 Burrows Rd, McCreary, MB. ANTIQUES: 4 Drw Dresser w/Bevelled Mirror; 2) sm Tables; Water Pitcher & Basin; Dimplex Electric Fireplace w/Oak Mantle; FURNITURE: Blue Velvet Wingback Chair; Leather Recliner Chair; 3 pc Floral Print Sofa, Love & Chair; Sofa Table; Coffee & End Tables; Dining Room Table w/6 Chairs; 2) China Display Cabinets; Green Sofa & Chair; Whirlpool 7.5 cf Deep Freeze; Hall Seat; Telephone Table; 5 pc Bedroom Suite; Lamps; Shelving Unit; 2) Double Beds; Card Table & 4 Chairs; Dressers; Microwave Stand; Framed Art Work; Maytag 8,000-btu Air Cond; Step Ladder; 2) Rain Barrels; Resin Bistro Table & 2 Chairs; Garden Tools; Dishes & Misc Kit Items; Singer Sewing Machine; Fridge; Single Box Spring & Mattress; 3 Sets Skis Boots & Poles; Central Air Cond Unit; Furnace Fan; 2 Tower Speakers; High Chair; Car Seat; Mirrors; Paintball Gun & Helmet; Large selection of Ornaments & Flowers. MUCH, MUCH, MORE. LUNCH AVAILABLE. Meyers Auctions & Appraisals, Arden, MB. Bradley Meyers Auctioneer (204)368-2333 or (204)476-6262 cell www.meyersauctions.com

AUCTION SALES Manitoba Auctions – Interlake McSherry Auction Service Ltd


Sat., June 14 @ 10:00 am Stonewall, MB - #12 Patterson Dr

Vehicles * Farm Equip * Livestock Equip * Construction Equip * Tools & Misc * Guns * Accepting Consignments!

(204) 467-1858 or (204) 886-7027


COMBINED AUCTION FOR Betty & the late Benjamin Bueckert & Dan & Sharon Mcutchin Sat., June 7th at 12:00 noon. 11-mi South of Gladstone, MB on Hwy 34 or 8-mi North of Austin, MB on Hwy 34 till Rd 72N 3-mi East till Rd 62W turn South till Yd #71139. Tractors: 2007 Landini Vision 105 mech frt power shuttle 3-PTH; Quicke Q40 Ldr grapple 3 hyds dual PTO 14.9R24 & 18.4R34 3,000-hrs; 1979 2290 Case Tractor 18.4x38 fact duals 2 hyds PTO 6,121-hrs; 1968 Ford 600 Truck w/12-ft. stl box & hoist (no eng); Haying & Tillage Equip: 19.5-ft. 4000 INT swather w/PU Reel & Crimper; 4000 Int swather for parts; 5600 New Noble Rd Baler; 851 NH RD Baler; NH Hay Rake; 3960 JD Sileage Harvester w/2 row corn header & PU header; 14-ft. Hi lift Dump Wagon; 3 Hay Racks; 12-ft. 100 Intl Press Drill; 575 Case IH Manure Spreader; 16-ft. Co-op Tandem Disc; 16-ft. Co-op Cult; 10-ft. MF Cult; Mixmill; Misc Equip: 3-PTH Rd Bale Fork; 1/2-Ton Cattle Rack; Head Gate; Corral Panels; Rd Bale Feeders; 3-in. Fence Posts; RR Ties; 4 Bags of Alfalfa Seed; Blocks & Bags of Cattle Salt; Seed Cleaner; 6-ft. Loader Bucket; 2, 300-gal Fuel Tanks & Stds; 75-lb Anvil; 17.5-HP Husqvarna Riding Mower; 450 Husqvarna Chain saw; Garden Tiller; elect Fencer; Barn Cleaner; 20-gal air Compressor; elect Chop Saw; 225amp Lincoln elect welder; HD Battery Charger; Misc Tires; Potato Scuffler; Ice Auger; elect Cream Separator; Misc. Bueckerts (204)385-3232 Dan McCutchin (204)385-3395. Equipment: 5000 Fordson Tractor 3-PTH PTO pulley, 1 hyd DSL; 1948 Pony Massey Harris PTO (reserved); Belly mt MH Sickle Mower; 16-HP Lawnflite Riding mower w/Tiller; 1975 440 Arctic Cat Cheetah; snowmobile Helmuts; 20-Ton Hyd Wood Splitter (trailer); ATV Sprayer; Wood Chipper; Farm Wagon; 40 fence Posts; Bale elevator w/elect motor; Shop Tools: Radial Arm Saw; Twin cyl 220V Air Compressor; 4in. Planer jointer; 4-in. Bench grinder; 55 Husqavarna Chain Saw; Chains & Binders; Drills & Belt Sanders; G&E elect mower w/bagger; Lawn Sweep; Boiler stove Radiator; 100-ft. Ipex 1-in. hose plus fittings; Wheel Barrow; Axes; 300-gal Poly Tank; Tiger Torch; Household. Check full listing on website www.nickelauctions.com Terms Cash or Cheque Lunch served. Subject to additions & deletions. Not responsible for any errors in description GST & PST will be charged where applicable. Everything Sells AS IS Where is All Sales Final. Statements made on sale will take precedent over all previous advertising. Owners & auction company are not responsible any accidents on sale site. Sale conducted by Nickel Auctions Ltd Dave Nickel Auctioneer Ph (204)637-3393 cell (204)856-6900.

AUCTION SALES Manitoba Auctions – Interlake

Unreserved Agricultural Auctions

Call for a FREE Summer Auction Guide Ron Rodenbush

2000 Western Star 4964 & 1997 Doepker 40 Ft | Glen Ewen, SK – June 7

BHG Farms Ltd.

3– Case IH Magnum | Carberry, MB – June 12

Blyth Acres Ltd.

1996 John Deere 9600 | Whitewood, SK – June 16

Lawnwood Farms Ltd.

McSherry Auction Service Ltd


Sat., May 31 @ 10:00 am Anola, MB

6 Miles East on Hwy #15 then 1 1/2 Miles North on Hwy #302 - #61060 Contact: (204) 866-4110 Property: RM of Springfield NE 27-10-8E * 161 Acres on River Road, 140 acres Open Land, 20 acres Brush - Alfalfa/Brome/Timothy * Potential Yard Site w/ 60’x120’ Pole Hay Shed * $10,000 Deposit Sale Day Certified Cheque * Subject to Owners Approved Last Bid * Cattle: 5) Cow Calf Pairs Black Angus Cross 3 Year Old Cows w/ April Calves * 3) Dexters Cows 1) 7 years old 1) 2 years old 1) 1 year old * 2) w/ April calves * Tractor & Equip: 99 Kubota M9000 MFWA Shuttle Trans 3PH 540/1000 Dual hyd w/ Kubota LA 1251 FEL Grapple 3113 hrs * NH 640 Silage Model hyd Tie RD Baler * 2000 NH 499 12’ hyd Swing Haybine * Anthen 250 11’ HD Offset Disc * 24’ Hay Trailer Steel Deck Duals * JD 450 3PH Sickle Mower * 4 Wheel Swath Turner * Farm King 3PH Seed Broad Caster 3PH 6’ Offset Disc * Deep Tiller 14’ * 4 Section Diamond Harrows * Trailers, Livestock Equip: BH Tandem 2 Horse trailer * BH 8’ Al Utility Trailer * 2) Behlen Metal Gates * Metal Corral Panels * Mesh Panels * 5) 25’ Self Standing Wind Panels * 4) Calf Shelters * 4) RD Bale Feeders * Tru Test Electronic 4400 lb Scale (3 years old) * Elec Fencers * Wire * Posts * Water Trough * Chicken Heat Lamps * Elec Dehorners * Livestock Medi Equip * Elastractor * Misc: Enduraplas 100 gal Poly Slip Tank w/ Elec Pump * Hay Moisture Tester * Some Tools & Household

(204) 467-1858 or (204) 886-7027


2– 2008 John Deere 9770STS | Benito, MB – June 17

Ludwig Farms Ltd.

2011 Case IH 550HD | Lampman, SK – June 21

Mannle Farms

Call our toll-free number to take advantage of our Prepayment Bonus. Prepay for 3 weeks and we’ll run your ad 2 more weeks for free. That’s 5 weeks for the price of 3. Call 1-800-782-0794 today!

AUCTION SALES Manitoba Auctions – Parkland

AUCTION SALES Manitoba Auctions – Parkland

FRASERBrandon, AUCTION SERVICE LTD. Manitoba Auctioneer: Scott Campbell Licensed and bonded. P.L. License #918093. Member of M.A.A., S.A.A., A.A.A., A.A.C. PHONE: (204) 727-2001 FAX: (204) 729-9912 www.fraserauction.com EMAIL: office@fraserauction.com

2012 Case IH 500HD & 2012 Seed Hawk 6612 66 Ft & 2013 Bourgault 6700ST Moosmin, SK – June 27

RPK Shukin Farms


2– John Deere 9420 | Buchanan, SK – July 8

DIRECTIONS: From the west: Take Dauphin bypass to #10 south. Immediately after crossing bridge take winding turn-off heading east for 1 ½ miles. From the south: on #10: Take first turnoff after airport, (before bridge), 1 ½ miles east. ORDER OF SALE: Misc apiarist equipment, extracting room equipment, syrup tank, trucks, trailers, live hives, honey supers, feed pails, winter wraps. (Hive viewing before noon.)

EXTRACTING & HONEY HOUSE EQUIPMENT: *Cook & Beals 120 frame radial LIVE HIVES & HONEY SUPERS: *Approx 400 single brood live colonies, extractor s/n30 *Cook & Beals wax spinner, with new motor *Cook & Beals heat (Treated fall and spring with Apistan, Fumidil, Oxytet. (Queen-right and ready For more information contact: Fraser Auction Service Ltd 1-204-727-2001 Office@Fraserauction.Com exchanger, uses canola oil *Bogenshutz uncapper *Moyno honey pump *1 ½” for supers.) *Approx 1000 honey supers Viking honey pump *steel honey tank w/3” valve, approx 13 drum cap TRUCKS & TRAILERS: *(All trucks in good running order and will have valid SYRUP TANK & OTHER BEE EQUIPMENT: *NRW 50,000lbs cap hopper bottom safety certificates.) *2001 Ford F350 4x4 w/12’x8’ flat deck, manual trans., s/ syrup tank *(200) wintering wraps for double hives, with top insulation and n1FDWF37F81E671826, 226,996kms showing *1992 Ford F350 w/12’x8’ flat plywood *(600) 2.5 gallon Honeywood feed pails *(600) frame feeders, mostly deck, manual trans., s/nFDKF37M2NCA27987, 375,244kms showing *1989 plastic *(1000) Jones-type metal queen excluders * 2 Bentley super carts *barrel Chev 2500 w/6.2 diesel ¾ ton, manual trans., s/n2GCGK29J9K1107460, cart *boiler for cleaning excluders *220v barrel heater ring *Stihl BR420 Bee 201059kms showing *16’x8’ Shopbuilt t/a bumper hitch flat deck trailer w/ Blower *Stihl FS80R grass whip *60 frame radial extractor *(2) stainless steel Approx 15,000lbs cap. *10’x6’ Shopbuilt t/a bumper hitch flat deck trailer w/ “dairy” honey tanks *300 gal fuel tank with stand *other misc bee equipment Approx 10,000lbs cap

For more information contact: Bruce McLean 1-204-638-7691 westsky@mts.net

Travis Sack

Territory Manager North West Saskatchewan

Cell: 306.280.0829

Email: tsack@rbauction.com

rbauction.com | 800.491.4494 Auction Company License #303043 & 309645


The Manitoba Co-operator | May 29, 2014

AUCTION SALES Manitoba Auctions – Interlake

McSherry Auction Service Ltd

McSherry Auction Service Ltd

Pat McQueen

Estate of David Pond

Farm Auction for Don & Linda Bowden

Tues., June 10 @ 5:00 pm

Sun., June 1 @ 10:00 am



Stonewall, MB

Beausejour, MB

3 miles East on 67 then South 2 1/2 Miles on Hwy #7 - #79056 Tractor & Equip: JD 4240 Cab AC 540/1000 PTO Dual hyd. All New Rubber, 20.8.38, 6062 hrs * NH 1037 Square Bale Wagon * Int 21’ Deep Tiller * JD 110 10’ Tandem Disc * Co-op 12’ Cult with Mulchers * Farm King 60’ Spring Tine Harrows * Allied 20’ Bale Elevator on Rubber * Tools & Misc: Kubota T 1400 Hyd. 36” R Mower * Cement Mixer * Bango Water Pump *1700 lb Pressure Washer * Comet 180 amp Welder * Air Comp * Accetylene Torches * Floor Jack * Power Tools * Socket Sets * Wrenches * Shop Supply * 8’ Oil Pipe 3” * Antiques 49 Chev 1430 1 Ton with Deluxe Cab * Int. LN Stationary Engine * Wood Heaters * Beauty Washtub * Ice Tongs * BA Oil Tins *

(204) 467-1858 or (204) 886-7027

www.mcsherryauction.com McSherry Auction Service Ltd


Sun., June 8 @ 10:00 am Lockport, MB - 184 Lockport Road

North 13 Miles on Hwy #12 then West 1 Mile on 317 Then South 1/4 Mile #85068 Auction Note: Viewing by Appt. Only - Faith (204) 256-9027 Property: RM of Brokenhead SE 11-15-07-E Approx 83 acres of Meadows & Bush w/ a Started Sheltered Yard Site * $10,000 Down Sale Day Certified Cheque * Subject to Reserve Bid of $80,000, Property appraised at $90,000 * Wheel Loader, Semi, Semi Trailer: Ford dsl Wheel Loader w/ Bucket & HD Forks, S# C557825 * 98 Int Semi Tractor Sleeper, Wet Kit * 06 East 22’ Tandem Al End Dump Gravel Trailer, Box Lined * Fruehaulf 48’ Semi Frt Trailer w Side Door * National 53’ Semi Frt Trailer * Equip. & Tractor: Bobcat 610 4 cyl gas w/ Bucket & Forks * Kubota Model BX2360 MFWA hyd static, PTO w/ FEL only 110 hrs * MF 1085 540/1000 3PH Dual Hyd , 4419 hrs * Camper: 91 Ford Triple E 28’ RV Awning, R&D A/C 86,270 km * Air Stream International Tandem 28’ BH Camper Trailer, Some Damage * Trailers: 96 5th Wheel 30’ Angle Car Hauler * Car Dolly * Truck Box Utility Trailer * Truck Box Shell * Vehicles: 89 Dodge 2500 LE dsl 4x4 * 2) 90s Honda Jetta, running * 5) 80s 90s Ford 1/2 1) 4x4 * Ford 1/4 ton * 12) Volkswagon Jetta - 80s, 90s * Olds Eight * Jeep Cherokee * School Bus * 10) Various Scrapers Cars * Motorbikes: Honda XR 650 L On Road / Off Road Bikes * 90s Honda VGS Street Bike * 90s Honda Goldwing Street Bike * Honda Street Bike * Household & Antiques: Antique Vanity Dresser * Antique Mag Stand * Dining Table * Couch * Fridge * Stove * Filing Cabinet * New Plumbing Fixtures, Toilets, Surround Tubs, Cast Sink * Yard: Ford LTD 80 Riding Mower * Push Gas Mower * Hand Yard Tools * Pedal Bikes * Misc: Quantity10’ Chain Link Fencing w/ Gates * Various Tires * Car Port Frame * Metal Shelving * Halogen Light on Stand * Sturo Foam Insulation Fort * Kerosene Heater * PCV Pipe * Tools: Booster Charger * Poulen Chain Saw * 2 ton Shop Cherry Picker * Tool Chest * Sand Blaster * Air Tools * Die Cutter * 3/8 Ratchet * 1/2 Impact * Port Air Tank * Wrenches * Socket Sets * Torche Wrenches * Various Hand Tools * Floor Jack * New Shop Creeper * Come Along * Shop Vac * Floor Jack *

(204) 467-1858 or (204) 886-7027

Tractor & Equip: JD 1120 dsl HL PS 3PH 540 PTO w/ JD FEL only 2478 hrs * Ferg 3PH 2B Plow * 3PH 7’ Offset Disc * 98 GMC 1500 SL ext Cab, 5.7, 210,000 km * Rec: 90 Prowler 5th Wheel 17’ Camper w/ Full Bath, Fridge, Stove, Heater * 05 Polaris Ranger TM Side by Side, 98 hrs * Larson Sitation 17’ Open Bow Boat w/ Merc 90 HP & EZland Trailer * Welding Tools & Material: Swivel 712 Metal Band Saw * Ind Drill Press / Milling Machine * 50 ton hyd Press w/ Dies * Ind Elec Drill Press * Miller Matic 200 Mig Welder * Miller 230 amp AC/DC Welder * “Brown Bag” 36” Metal Shear * 12 ton hyd Pipe Bender * Accetylene Torches * Peter Wright Anvil * Ind Drill Bit * Large Amt Welding Material 4’ to 24’ * Pipe, Flat, Channel, I Beam, Tubing, Angle * Chain Saw * Power Tools * Various Shop Supply * Misc: 2) Storage Bldings 10’x12’ Yard: New Crafts YT 3500 Hyd 22HP 42” w/ Rear Bagger * Case 446 Hyd Garden Tractor w/ 48’ Mower, 54” Snowblower, 48” Blade & 42” Rotovator Attach * Farm Antiques * Large Amt Antiques * Antique Furniture * China * Crockery & Lamps * Household * Large Auction!

AUCTION SALES Manitoba Auctions – Interlake

AUCTION SALES Manitoba Auctions – Interlake

McSherry Auction Service Ltd

Dowler Aucti on rt & o p


Quinn & Sarah Parent

Friday May 30th

at 12:00 noon From Junction 240 & 331 South of Portage 3.5 miles West & South on Hwy 240 till Rd 62N & 2 miles West

Sun., June 7 @ 10:00 am Lac Du Bonnet, MB

North 1 1/2 Miles on Hwy #11 then East 7 Miles on Hwy #313 then South 1 Mile on Belluk Rd #118 Gorgeous Rare Opportunity to BUY LAKE FRONT PROPERTY !! Contact: (204) 799-5833 Property: - on Bay of Pinawa Channel LDB Property 1: 6 acres (50 feet of water frontage, 1000 feet at road, some trees), 40x60 Shop built in 2006 w/ Built-In Living Quarters of Approx 780 sq feet (2 storey apartment Style w/ full Kitchen, Washer, Dryer, Bathroom, Living Room, 2 BR, & Deck off 2nd Floor), Metal dock & Boat Launch. Sand Frontage. Fully Furnished, Floor Heating, Septic Field * LDB Property 2: .62 Acres on the Water, Vacant Lot (200+ feet Waterfront), Fully Treed w Mature Spruce, 2 Small Metal Utility Sheds, Brand Dock Sitting (Blt 2013) * LDC Property 3: .62 Acres on the Water (200 + feet Waterfront), Fully Treed w/ Mature Spruce, Cottage Approx 1100 Sq Feet, Sunken LR, 400 Sq Ft, New Wrap-Around Deck, 3 BR, 1 Bathroom w/ Appliances, Deposit $15,000 Property 1&3 - Property 2 - $10,000. Subject to Owners Approval Motivated to Sell! Also Selling * Buildings: * 04 Bobcat S 175, 2334 hrs * Plane: 54 Beech 18 Airplane Seats 11 on Floats * 06 GMC Silverado LT Crew Cab 4x4 dsl 293 km Sft * 93 Saturn 24’ Enclosed Gooseneck Trailer * MORE Vehicles & Trailers * 03 Stardeck Travis Edition 200 20’ Viming Top w/ Volvo 5.7 li * 09 Yamaha Rhino 700 4x4 Side by Side * 09 Yamaha Grizzly 700 4x4 Quad * Honda 200 3 Wheeler * MORE Boats * Jet Skiis * Dirt Bikes* 3 Wheelers * Yard * Misc * Tools * Household

70 Cow/Calf Pairs M135X Kubota 5288 IHC Tillage & Haying Equipment Check website for full listing www.nickelauctions.com Sale conducted by Nickel Auctions Ltd Phone (204)637-3393 Cell (204)856-6900 Owner (204)871-1068

(204) 467-1858 or (204) 886-7027





AUCTION SALES Manitoba Auctions – Interlake


AUCTION SALES Manitoba Auctions – Interlake


Sat., June. 14, 2014 at 11:00 AM Grosse Isle, MB - NE 12-13-1W

Directions: From Winnipeg North Perimeter Hwy, take Hwy#6 north for 11 miles. (Sale site is 1.5 miles past or north of Grosse Isle on Hwy#6) Watch for signs

PLEASE VIEW OUR WEBSITE www.lamportanddowler.com FOR PHOTOS AND FULL LISTING!!! Featured items: • 2003 New Holland CX840 Combine c/w 76c pickup, 12,000 lb axle, 2641 engine hours, 2107 separator hrs (premium unit, one owner, bought new) • 2004 Honeybee 94c straight cut header 36 ft • 1977 John Deere 8430 4wd tractor 6132 hrs. • Case Cruise air Drott 40 Rubber tire, 2 buckets and finger • and MUCH MORE well maintained equipment!

www.lamportanddowler.com John Lamport 204-476-2067 Tim Dowler 204-803-6915


If you want to sell it fast, call 1-800-782-0794.

Advertise in the Manitoba Co-operator Classifieds, it’s a Sure Thing!

Advertise your unwanted equipment in the Classifieds. Call our toll-free number and place your ad with our friendly staff, and don’t forget to ask about our prepayment bonus. Prepay for 3 weeks and get 2 weeks free! 1-800-782-0794.

1-800-782-0794 AUCTION SALES Manitoba Auctions – Westman

(204) 467-1858 or (204) 886-7027

www.mcsherryauction.com AUCTION SALES Manitoba Auctions – Westman

AUCTION SALES Manitoba Auctions – Westman

AUCTION SALES Manitoba Auctions – Westman

AUCTION SALES Manitoba Auctions – Westman



BHG Farms Ltd.

DIRECTIONS: Sale will be held at Fraser Auction Service Ltd. sales yard 1/2 mile north of the junction of highways #1 & #10 on Wheatbelt Road. Brandon, MB.


Carberry, MB | June 12, 2014 · 10 am



2012 CASE IH 500


2008 LOCKWOOD 474H 4 ROW

2009 CASE IH 8120

2005 JOHN DEERE 4720 100 FT


AUCTION LOCATION: From CARBERRY, MB, at the Jct of Hwy 1 and Hwy 5, go 14.5 km (8 miles) North, then go 3.2 km (2 miles) East on Rd 69, then go 0.4 km (0.25 miles) North on Rd 81. Yard is on West side. GPS: 50.0232, -99.3222 A PARTIAL EQUIPMENT LIST INCLUDES: 2012 Case IH 500 Quadtrac Track · (2) 2013 Case IH Magnum Row Crop MFWD · 2011 John Deere 7330 MFWD · 2009 Case IH 8120 · 2006 Case IH 2042 36 Ft Flex Header · 2009 Geringhoff RD1200/E Roto-Disc 12 Row Corn Header · 2007 Case IH WD1203 30 Ft Swather · 2005 International 9900I Eagle Sleeper T/A Truck Tractor · (2) 1996 Freightliner FL80 T/A Potato Trucks · 1994 International 9400 Eagle T/A Potato Truck · GMC 7500 1000 Gallon T/A Water Truck · 1997 Ford Super Duty S/A Dually Service Truck · 2010 Ford F250 XL Super Duty Flatbed · 2008 Lode King Prestige Super B Grain Trailer · 2009 Bobcat S185 Skid Steer Loader · 1998 JCB Loadall 550 TU 10000 Lb Telescopic Forklift · 1991 Caterpillar RC60

6000 Lb Rough Terrain Forklift · 2009 Case IH Precision 2280 40 Ft Disc Air Drill · 2012 Summers Diamond Disk Series 10 33 Ft Disc · 2004 Brandt 7000 Contour Commander Heavy Harrows · 2013 Case IH EarlyRiser 1235 12 Row Crop Planter · 2012 Struik Weimer 8ZF90-36 3 Pt Hitch 8 Row Dammer Dyker · 2013 Amazone KG6001-2 20 Ft 3 Pt Hitch Soil Conditioner · 2008 Lockwood 474H 4 Row Potato Harvester · Double L 860 S/A Potato Even Flow Hopper · Milestone MSDS8424 84 In. Picking Table · Elmers Manufacturing 3 Pt Hitch 6 Row Potato Cultivator · 2005 John Deere 4720 100 Ft High Clearance Sprayer · Qty of Grain Handling Equipment · GPS Equipment · Qty of Attachments...AND MUCH MORE!

For up-to-date equipment listings, please check our website: rbauction.com Isaiah Hofer: 204.841.0779 (c) hoferisaiah@gmail.com Ritchie Bros. Territory Manager – Travis Sack: 306.280.0829 800.491.4494

TRACTORS: *Case IH MX110 MFWD Tractor, *1977 650 Volvo Tractor, 2 Remote hyd, Dual PTO, front aux hyd, *1976 Allis Chalmers 175 DSL 2WD Tractor, Michelin 520/85Rx26 Rear and BF Goodrich 10:00 x 16 Front, Shedded, As New condition, 1215 Original Hrs showing *1964 IHC 504 Tractor, Loader w/5’ Bucket *1949 Farmall M Tractor w/cab, Parade Ready *8N Ford Tractor *Fiat-Allis 645 B Loader, Runs SEED & TILLAGE: *1985 Allis-Chalmers 2600 20’11 Dble Offset Disc, 24” Blades, notched front , smooth rear, New Tires & Tubes, New seals in Hyd cylinders, scrapers and some new parts, excellent shape *1967 John Deere 100 Series 14’ HD Cultivator, New 12” Shovels and 2” chisels, New tires and tubes, Repainted, Some Spare Parts, Excellent *32’ Krause Model 1960 Tandem Disc, *International 5500 25’ Vibra Chisel *JD 230 22’ Tandem Disc *90’ Brandt Sprayer *pallet of 4900 Vibra Chisel Shanks HAYING EQUIPMENT: *2011 Norstar Bin Moving Trailer, 13HP, Honda w/pwr pack, 235/80R-16 tires, tanden axles, w/dual hyd slide cradles and 1 stationary cradle, front controls, bin bar & forks for flat bottom bins or tanks, Rear hyd stabilizer jacks, set up for 1806 (18’ x 6 ring) will haul 1906 bins, 21’6 bed length *1988 Hesston 4600 Inline Small Sq Baler w/ New Knotters, 1/4 turn chute, 540 PTO, *14’ 1984/85 JD 3430 SP Haybine *14’ Case IH 8370 Haybine *16’ NH 116 Haybine, *Case International 8455 Rd Baler *Case IH 3650, 5 x 6 Rd Baler, Soft Core *1580 Hesston Rd Baler *V-Rake, 5 Wheels, *New Idea Basket Hay Rake *NH Bale Wagon *Canvasses *Hoppers HARVEST EQUIPMENT *22’ Versatile 4400 SP Swather w/ Ford Gas Eng, UII Pick up Reel, DBL Swath, Cab & Div, Updated large rubber *(approx 50) New Swather Guards *1996 36’ MacDon 960 Swather Header, *MacDon Arms (to fit JD2360) *2003 930F JD 30’ Flex Header, New knife installed in fall 2013, single point hook up for JD Combine (without transport) *212 JD Pickup Header GRAIN HANDLING *10” x 1800 Sakundiak Swing Auger, *10” x 61’ Westfield Swing Auger *4000 Bus Vitter Hopper Bttm bin w/ Sight Glass, Safety Fill, Manway *16’ Drill Fill Auger *(3 Sets) Hopper Bottom Bin Skids, 9pc - 27’ Diameter LIVESTOCK EQUIPMENT *H1000 Haybuster Tub Grinder *NEW Parts - Tub Grinder *NEW (93) Light Duty Panels *NEW (2) Light Duty Panel w/ Gate *NEW Prairie Panel w/ gate *NEW Squeeze *NEW (8) Rolls - Farm Fence *NEW (30) 7’ Panels *NEW (10) 4’ Prairie Gates *NEW (10) 6’ Prairie Gates *NEW (10) 8’ Prairie Gates *NEW (3) 10’ Prairie Gates *NEW (2) 12’ Prairie Gates *NEW (3) 14’ Prairie Gates *NEW (6) 60” x 7’ 6” Panel (5’6” high, 6 Rails) *NEW (33) 42”x9’6” Panel *Case IH 1560 Manure Spreader *Stock Doctor *(150) Fence Posts *(61) Panels - 1 - 14’, mostly 12’, some 10’ & 8’ *(3) Bale rings *STAFIX M20R Mains Energiser Electric Fencer with remote VEHICLES *2005 Chev Top Kick 5500, 8 Ton, Knuckle Picker, Deck, Tool Box, SAFETIED *2004 Ford F150 Supercrew, Crew Cab, 8 Cyl, Black, 263,550 kms showing, (AS IS) *2000 Ford F150 Super Cab, Extended Cab, 8 Cyl, Black, 279,443 kms showing, (As IS) *2000 Cadillac Seville STS, 32V Northstar Eng, Runs Well, Ext and Int Excellent condition, Tri Coat Diamond Pearl White, Fully loaded with leather seats and sun roof, 186,050 Kms Showing *1999 Pontiac Transport Mini Van *1996 Ford F250, Standard *1995 Cadillac Alderado, 2 Door, Gold Color TRAILERS *NEW TrailTech HC220 Pintle Hitch Sprayer Trailer, 2x20,000 lb Axles, air Brakes, LED Lights, 12” I Beam Main Frame, Heavy Duty Drive Over Fenders, Fixed Width of 11’10.5”, Over all Length of 35’6” Loading Dove Tail *NEW 2013 7’x 14’ Big Tex Utility Trailer *1997 Real Cattle Trailer, Red, *1996 51’ Merritt Livestock Trailer, Gray, *1978 18’ Homemade Utility Trailer, Black *14’ Enclosed Cargo Trailer INDUSTRIAL *(4) NEW 10 x 16.5 Skid Steer Tires *(4) NEW 12 x16.5 Skid Steer Tires *(4) NEW 11L x 15 Implement Tires *(4) New 10 x 16.5 E Forerunner SKS – 1 Skid Steer Tires, 12 Ply with Rim Guard, Super Traction, High Stability *(2) NEW KING POWER 10000LN DIESEL SILENT GENERATOR *(2) NEW King Series Plate compactor, c/w: Loncin 6.5HP gas *(2) NEW King Series Vibratory Tamping Rammer, c/w: Loncin 6.5HP gas *(2) NEW 3 PTO HITCH POINT WOOD CHIPPER *(2) NEW Heavy Duty Tire Changer, c/w: 110v 60 hz *(4) NEW 3’’ GAS ENGINE WATER PUMP, C/W: 6.5HP *2008 Crawler XT650, 3240 miles Showing, New front end parts in it, (Motor heats up) *Skid Steer *MF65 Fork Lift *MF 6500 Industrial Fork Lift, 5365 hrs showing *Large Air Compressor *(2) Iron Worker *Band Saw (Large) *Rubber Skid Steer Tracks foff 90 Kubota 3 PT & ATTACHMENTS *NEW Lowe Hyd Auger 1650ch w/ 9in & 12in & 18in w/ skid steer quick attach, designed for 14-25 GPM/2,000-3,300 PSI and uses augers up to 36” in diameter, solid unit structure, heat-treated alloy shaft, HD reduction drive, 9”, 12” & 18” hex bit, Universal Quick attach plate *NEW Lowe Hyd Auger 1650ch w/ 9in & 12in & 15in w/ skid steer quick attach, designed for 14-25 GPM/2,000-3,300 PSI and uses augers up to 36” in diameter, solid unit structure, heat-treated alloy shaft, HD reduction drive, 9”, 12” & 18” hex bit, Universal Quick attach plate *NEW Lowe Hyd Auger 750ch w/ 9in & 12in w/ skid steer quick attach, designed for 7-20 GPM/2,000-3,300 PSI and uses augers up to 18” in diameter, solid unit structure, heat-treated alloy shaft, HD reduction drive, 9” & 12” hex bit, Universal Quick attach plate *NEW Lowe Hyd Auger 750ch w/ 9in, 12in & 15” w/ skid steer quick attach, designed for 7-20 GPM/2,000-3,300 PSI and uses augers up to 18” in diameter, solid unit structure, heat-treated alloy shaft, HD reduction drive, 9”, 12” & 15” hex bit, Universal Quick attach plate *NEW Stout Brush Grapple XHD84 w/ skid steer quick attach, High strength ½” steel, Universal Quick attach plate, 84” x 38” x 30”, 6 7/8 Tine Spacing, Grapple opening 32”, 3034 PSI hydraulic lines, NPT ½” hydraulic flat-faced couplers, cylinder guards *NEW Stout Brush Grapple HDU 72” w/ skid steer quick attach, High strength 3/8” steel, Universal Quick attach plate, 72” x 35” x 30”, 8 ¼” Tine Spacing, Grapple opening 32”, 3034 PSI lines WITH ½” cap *NEW Stout Skid Steer Rock Bucket Grapple HD72, 72”, High Strength 3/8” Steel, Universal Quick Attach Plate, 72” x 41” x 30”, 3” Tine Spacing, Grapple Opening 39”, 3045 PSI Hydraulic Line, NPT ½” Hydraulic flat-faced couplers, cylinder guards *NEW Stout Skid Steer Rock Bucket/Brush Grapple Combo HD72, Open-End w/ Skid Steer Quick Attach, 72”, High Strength 3/8” Steel, Universal Quick Attach Plate, 72” x 41” x 30”, 3” Tine Spacing, Grapple Opening 39”, 3045 PSI Hydraulic Line, NPT ½” Hydraulic flat-faced couplers, cylinder guards *NEW Stout Skid Steer Brush Grapple 66”, High Strength 3/8” Steel, Universal Quick Attach Plate, 66”x35”x28”, 9” Tine Spacing, Grapple opening 32”, 3045 PSI lines with 1/2” cap *NEW Stout Skid Steer Material Bucket 84” , High Strength 3/16” Steel, Universal Quick Attach Plate, 84”x38”x30”, Double cut Edge *NEW Stout Stump Grinder SG-13R w/ Skid Steer Quick Attach, 45 ½”w x 40”h 37”l, below ground depth 11”, cutting teeth 20, wheel dia 26” *NEW Stout Full-Back Pallet Forks 48 in w/ skid steer quick attach, 3-position pin adjustment, 4000 lbs fork rating, High strength steel, Universal quick attach plate, see through spill guard w/walkthrough step, frame 51” x 57.5” *NEW Stout Walk-Through Pallet Forks 48” w/skid steer quick attach, 3-position pin adjustment, 4000 lbs fork rating, High Strength Steel, Universal Quick Attach Plate, see through spill guard w/walk-through step, Frame 51”x57.5” *NEW Pallet Forks 48” w/skid steer quick attach, 3-position pin adjustment, 4000 lbs fork rating, High Strength Steel, Universal Quick Attach Plate, Frame 35”x45” *NEW Stout Round Bale Spear w/ Skid Steer quick attach, 3-prong, bolt on replaceable spears, Main Spear: 2” x 39”, (2) Side Spears: 1 ¼” x 18”, High Strength Steel, Universal Quick Attach Plate *NEW Stout Receiver Hitch Plate, high strength 3/8” steel, Universal quick attach plate, 2” receiver tube *NEW Stout Grapple Attachment Add-On, High Strength 3/8” Steel, ½” High Strength Steel Bar, 2 Cylinders, 3045 PSI capped hydraulic lines *NEW Stout Regular Weld-On Skid Steer Plate, High Strength 3/8” Steel, Universal Quick Attach Plate, Half-Back *NEW Stout Solid Weld-on Skid Steer Plate, High strength ¼” steel, Universal Quick Attach Plate, Full-back *6’ NEW Finishing Mower 3PT *5’ NEW Howse Rotory Mower *5’ NEW Howse HD Rotory Mower *6’ NEW Howse Rotory Mower *6’ NEW Kodiak 90HP Gear Box Rotory Mower *12’ NEW Land Levellier Pull Type *10’ NEW Land Levellier Pull Type *7’ NEW 3PT Landscape Rake *7’ NEW 3PT Box Scrapper *6’ NEW 3PT Box Scrapper *Manure Bucket w/ Forks & Grapple 6’2”, Good Shape, Black *9’ Leon 396 3PT Blade *8 Row 3PT Bushhog Rolling Cult *SPEECO 3PT Quick Hitch *Bale fork frame (fits 260 JD Quick Attach Loader) SHOP EQUIPMENT: *(2) NEW 10FT 20 DRAWER HEAVY DUTY METAL WORK BENCH *(1) NEW 35 Drawer Heavy Duty Tool Box and Cabinet c/w: 85’’ x 26’’ x 57’’, c/w: casters, top tray, alum handle, side cabinet *(2)NEW 2014 Easy Kleen Magnum Plus , 4000 PSI Hot Water Pressure Washer , 53601 53602, C/W 15 HP Gas, Electric Start *(7) NEW 2014 Easy Kleen Magnum Gold, 92195~92201,4000 PSI 12V Hot Water Pressure Washer , C/W 15 HP Gas, Totally Self Contained *(1) NEW 2014 Easy Kleen “Tamper TM270”, Reversible Plate Compactor , C/W 6.5 HP Engine and Throttle Control *(4) NEW Powertek 3000CL - 3.0kw Gas Generator 120/240/12V DC *(4) NEW Powertek 6500CL - 6.5kw Gas Generator 120/240/12V DC 13.0 HP *(2) NEW Powertek IN3500l - 3.5 kw Silent Inverter Generator *(2) NEW Loncin MS10 - Plate Compactor 6.5HP c/w wheel kit *(2) NEW Loncin MS20 - Plate Compactor 6.5HP c/w wheel kit *(2) NEW Loncin MS100 - Plate Compactor 6.5HP, wheels, water tank *(2) NEW Powertek PT36L - Wheel Barrow Air Compressor 10 Gal Tank, 6.5HP *(3) NEW Turo TC180 - 6’ Rototiller, 3 pt hitch, 540 PTO fits 35-55HP Tractor *(4) NEW Kende MIG105G - Wirefeed Welder 120V *(4) NEW Kende CD265-ES Battery Charger/Starter 265 Amp *(2) NEW AERO-PRO DW25 Jack Hammer/weight 22 lbs/motor 1050W *(2) NEW AERO-PRO DW45 Jack Hammer/weight 31 lbs/motor 1700W *(1) NEW AERO -PRO DW50 Demolition Breaker/weight 65 lbs/motor 2050W *(4) NEW AERO-PRO CN45 - Air coil roofing Nailer *(4) NEW Rongpeng RP9800ST - Air Flooring Nailer Use Staples or Nails *(4) NEW Rongpeng CFH9028 - Air Framing Nailer 28 Degree Clipped Head *(4) NEW Rongpeng CFN9034 - Cordless Gas Powered Framing Nailer use Paslode gas cartridge *(4) NEW Rongpeng RP7460 - Air Impact Wrench 3/4” *NEW 1” Air Impact Wrench *NEW 24 Pce Ratchet Wrench Set (Imperial) *NEW 24 Pce Ratchet Wrench Set (Metric) *NEW 15 Pce Ratchet Wrench Set (Imperial) *NEW 15 Pce Ratchet Wrench Set (Metric) *Pressure Washer Simoniz S2700, Cold, 6.5HP, *Pasloe Air Nailer (Gas charge w/ Battery) *Shop Tools, Antique Tools & Parts, Ag Parts *5HP Compressor (needs belt) *(2) Yamaha Portable Generators



BRANDON, MANITOBA Licensed and bonded. P.L. License #918093. Member of M.A.A., S.A.A., A.A.A., A.A.C. PHONE: (204) 727-2001 FAX: (204) 729-9912 www.fraserauction.com EMAIL: office@fraserauction.com Auctioneer: Scott Campbell Not responsible for errors in description. Subject to additions and or deletions. Property owners and Fraser Auction Service not responsible for any accidents. GST & PST where applicable. TERMS: Cash or cheque. NOTE: cheques of $50,000 or more must be accompanied by bank letter of credit. Sale conducted by FRASER AUCTION SERVICE 1-800-483-5856 www.fraserauction.com


The Manitoba Co-operator | May 29, 2014

AUCTION SALES Manitoba Auctions – Red River

AUCTION SALES Manitoba Auctions – Red River


Location: 2 Locations, Site 1 Starts at 10:00 AM near Arnaud, MB. 3 miles South on 16E then 1/2 mile East. Site 2 about 20 min. away near St. Pierre, MB Starts at 1PM. From Grunthal, MB 3km North on 216, then 4km West on Hwy #205. Marker 23091.

AUCTION SALES Manitoba Auctions – Red River

AUCTION SALES Manitoba Auctions – Red River

AUCTION SALES Saskatchewan Auctions



Location: From St. Anne, MB approx 4 miles on Hwy #12, then 2 1/2 miles East on Rd 49. EMS #38044 Site 1: Very Few Small Items site 1 • Metal Shear will be done before noon. • Electric Metal Hack Saw EQUIPMENT • Large Industrial Air Compressor • New Holland TR95 Diesel Combine • Welding Table on Wheels w/ Vises • Massey Ferguson 1100 • Industrial King Drill Press Tractor w/ Perkins Diesel • Gold’N Air Air Grain Dryer Fan • IHC 4000 Windrower w/ Cab • Farm Jack & Misc Tools • 18ft 4400 Versatile Hydro Swather Site 2: • Magirus-Deutz 6 Wheel Drive Military Type Truck w/ Grainmaster B&H • Daimler Benz 5 Wheel Drive Truck w/ Dump Box • W80-51 Westfield Auger, PTO Drive • 7”X51’ Auger, Gas Motor (electric start) • Westfield Transfer Auger Backhoe • 80in Buhler #8 3 pth Angle Blade • 10ft #55 IHC Deep Tiller • (2) IHC 3000 18ft Seeder Discer • Farm King Harrows • Swath Roller • Grain Trailer w/ Hoist • Grain Bin Sweep

• 3 Furrow 3 PTH Plow


• Large Industrial Metal Lathe (dominion Auto Drive, The Hamilton Machine Tool Co)


• 3366 Massey Ferguson Track Loader Crawler

• 1976 800 Versatile 4WD Tractor 7551 Hours

Compressor, 5 HP

• Portable Diesel Powered Welder On Trailer

• Heavy Duty Trailer Mount Sandblaster

• Floor Jacks • Aluminum Ladders • Post Auger • Forney 225 amp Stick Welder • 3/4” Drive Socket Sets • Tool Boxes, Wrenches & Sockets • Wheel Puller Set • Rolling Metal Welding Table w/ Shear

• Deutz Diesel Tractor w/

Cab, FWA, 3 PTH • 18ft Car Hauler Trailer w/ Steel Ramps • 96in Allied Double Auger Snowblower

• 10ft 247 Cochsutt Deep Tiller


• Heid Large Industrial Metal Lathe • HD Metal Shear • Newer Husqvarna YTH23V48 Lawn Tractor, 23 HP, 48in Deck

• Newer Ariens Walk Behind Snowblower

• Stihl Chains Saws • 27 gal Powermate Vertical Air

• Bosch Hammer Drill • 7.5kw Gas Power Generator • IHC Rolling Toolbox (Upper & Lower) • Long Frame Floor Jack • Pallet Jack • Large Hydraulic Cylinders • Hydraulic Spools • Fuel Tanks & Slip Tanks • Large Radiators • Qty Welding Steel

PARTIAL LIST: • 2013 Kioti Diesel 4WD Tractor DK40SE w/ Loader, 3 PTH • 2012 Sokal 16ft Enclosed Trailer • 2008 Chevrolet Silverado LT, Z71, 4X4, Ext Cab, 1 owner, 165K (one owner) • Toyota 4,000 lb Propane Forklift • New Husqvarna FT900 Garden Tiller, 9 HP • Large Selection Of Good Cabinetry Making & Woodworking Tools • 7’ Landpride Pride 3 PTH Blade • 6’ 3 PTH Cultivator

PENNER AUCTION SALES LTD. 218 Brandt Street Steinbach, MB Ph: 204.326.3061 Fax: 204.326.3061 Toll Free: 1-866-512-8992 www.pennerauctions.com

• Quality German Furniture • Misc Houswares & Dishes

SATURDAY, MAY 31, 10 AM ELM CREEK, MB Winkler, MB • 1-204-325-4433





PENNER AUCTION SALES LTD. 218 Brandt Street Steinbach, MB Ph: 204.326.3061 Fax: 204.326.3061 Toll Free: 1-866-512-8992 www.pennerauctions.com



Winkler, MB • 1-204-325-4433 Tractors • 1995 Case IH Steiger 9280 4x4 with original 20.8 x 42 triples, 12 speed standard trans, 4 hyd, remotes, 4880 hrs, serial #34554 • White 8410 Mfwd tractor, 3 pth, triple hyd, quickie loader, with Grapple, 6290 hrs • Antique WD Allis Chalmers running tractor • NOTE: Trimble auto steer unit has been used with swather, and 9280 so will sell separate after power units have been sold Trucks • 1983 Ford 9000, Cummins, 15 speed, spring suspension, 20 ft unibody grain box • 1995 IHC Tandem M11 Cummins, 10 speed, w/19 ft Midland unibody grain box and hoist • 1972 IHC Fleet star, tandem with 671 Detroit Diesel, 13 speed, newer, 20 ft Midland unibody grain body with Head lift hoist • 1977 Dodge Power Wagon 4x4 300 ton, V8 4 speed, with service deck • 1979 IH 1900 tandem 5 speed automatic, current water truck with two 1200 gal tanks pump, chem. Handler • 1884 Ford Truck Combines & Harvesting • Shulte 10 ft wing batt Rotary mower, real good • Vertec model 5 teir Grain dryer 220 single phase electric, also load auger • 2001 Massey Ferguson model 220 xl swather 30’ head with pickup reel, 1136 hrs, serial #HK70111 • Massey Ferguson Model 8680 Conventional combine, swath master pickup, 1374 separator hrs, serial # 65137 • Gleaner model R 72 Combine, with swath master pickup on universal head, 30.5 x 32 tires, 1800 separator hrs • CIH Model 730 pto swather • 10 ft tapered swath roller • Gleaner combine heads = 27 ft Ridged batt reel. Two 8 row corn heads 30 and 36 in, will fit N6,N 7, etc • Morris 750 Grain cart pto or hyd drive • Rotary screener • Conveyair model 3000 Grain vac • Farm King 13’’ x 70 grain auger • Westfield 7 x 41’ woith electric motor • Sakundiak 8’’ x 1400 auger • Westfield 10’’ x 51 pto auger Seed & Tillage: • Sunflower 40 Tandem Disc, newer, blades • John Deere 7200 Maximerge 2 row crop planter 12


row 30 in dry fertilizer,insecticide • Two sets seeding cups, end transport • 47 ft Concord 4710 air seeder tool, single chute, 10 in space, complete with concord 3400 air seeder cart • Flexicoil 40 ft packers • Morris 3 units M11 Press Drill seeder. Total 30 ft unit • New noble 8000 Deep Tiller 41 ft with mulchers & NH3 Kit • IHC Model 645 vibra chisel 50 ft, cultivator with mulchers • Power matic 110 ft Diamond harrow autofold bar • Tormaster 130 ft Diamond Harrows, auto fold • Row crop cultivators 3 pth, rolling 12 row x 30’’ and IH Model 1830, 12 row x 30 ‘’ • JD 6 X 16’’ kick back plow • Farm King 80 ft 5 bar Tine harrows • 28 ft Crow foot packer Misc Farm/Yard • Crop Dividers off Hi Clearance sprayer • 5 ton Mobility fertilzer spreader • Douglas 5 ft rotary tiller • 6ft Graham deep tiller • Smaller 3 pth spot sprayer • 1000 gal us tank on cradle • 2400 gal low profile fuel tank • 3 Welded metal industries 50 ton hopper bins, a mile from farm will sell by photo • FM TWO RADIOS with base and 6 older GE UNITS • 31/2 ‘’ grain moisture tester • 3pth Lily Rake • Allis quick hitch 6 ft cultivator will fit WD etc Owners 204-436-2218

See our website: www.billklassen.com for complete listing or call 204-325-4433 cell 6230



PENNER AUCTION SALES LTD. 218 Brandt Street Steinbach, MB Ph: 204.326.3061 Fax: 204.326.3061 Toll Free: 1-866-512-8992 www.pennerauctions.com





THIS FULL LISTING AT www.pennerauctions.com

• Honda Big Red 3 Wheeler • 4’ 3 PTH Brush Mower • 14ft John Deere Haybine • Vicon Round Baler Good Selection Of Shop Tools Including: • Complete Strapping Machine w/ Clips • Paslode Portable Air Compressor • Husqvarna Chain Saw • King Industrial Dust Collector • PLUS GOOD APPLIANCES & HOUSEHOLD GOODS. FULL LISTING AT www.pennerauctions.com

• 1992 JD 8560 tractor, 225 hp, 6893 hrs, 12 speed syncro, 20.8 X 38R tires, JD Universal Auto Steer, tractor purchased new • 1990 JD 9600 combine, 5108 engine hrs, 3723 separator hrs, 914 PU head, 30.5 X 32 rice tires, 2 spd cyl • Fine cut 2 spd chopper, chaff spreader, hopper topper, auto pick-up and reel spd, auto hdr ht control, 110 hrs, after full “Green Light Service” ($14,000) • 2001 Air seeder JD1810 cultivator, 31’ 10” spacing, 750 lb trip, JD 1900 Air Cart,195 bus, purchased new • 2003 IH 9400 truck, 6 X 4, 10 spd trans, Cummins ISM 370/410 hp, 58” X 20’ Cancade Box, 481,045 kms, pintle hitch with air ride • 1979 GMC C70, 366 eng, 5 X 4 trans, 54” X 19’ box 79,308 kms • 1994 Premier 2900 30’ swather, 2485 hrs, 960 MacDon head • 2003 JD 630F flex head, pick up reel, fore and aft reel • 1996 Flexicoil 65 x 80’ sprayer, auto rate control, wind screens, 3 way nozzles


• 3 – 1500 bus Behlen bins • 3 – 3300 bus Behlen bins with full-floor aeration, fans and unload augers • 2 – 2400 bus Load-King hopper bins • 1 – 2500 bus Butler bin on hopper aeration tube • 2 – 5300 bus Meridian 1820 hopper bins with aeration tube • 1 – 5300 bus Meridian 1860 hopper bin. 24” 3hp aeration fan Owners 204-436-2322

MACK AUCTION CO. PRESENTS a farm equipment auction for Adeline Senft & the Estate of Elmer Senft Sat., June 14th, 2014 at 10:00am. Directions from Lemberg, SK go 2-mi West on Hwy 22 & 4-mi South on Mile 19 road. Live internet bidding at www.bidspotter.com Case IH MX 200 FWA tractor w/2,923-hrs; Valtra 900 FWA tractor 1,070-hrs w/Buhler 2595 FEL & 3-PTH; MF 90 2WD tractor w/front mount snow blower; MM G tractor; McCormick Deering steel wheel tractor for restoration; 2002 Dodge 4WD 1500 truck w/leather interior; 1967 GMC 950 grain truck w/wood box; 1965 Chev C 60 grain truck; 1984 Ford F150 4WD truck; 1993 Plymouth Voyager minivan; Morris 14-ft. TD 81 tandem offset disc; Morris Magnum II CP 731 cultivator; 30-ft. Morris M-10 press drills; 50-ft. Flexi Coil tine harrows; Rockomatic 546 rock picker; Degelman 14-ft. rock rake; Jeffery 3-PTH cultivator; 20-ft. Vers 400 SP swather; Co-op 9600 PT combine; 3, Twister 2, 750-bu grain bins; 2, Westeel 1,650-bu grain bins; Farm King 8-46 PTO auger; 100-bu hopper wagon; King Kutter 3-PTH mower; Snow Cruiser snow machine; Kohler auger engine; 2200 PSI gas powered pressure washer; 100-gal slip tank & pump; Craftsman lawn tractor; Farm King roller mil; Canada Machinery Ltd. 12-in. swing 5-ft. bed lathe; Canada Machinery Ltd. Shaper, milling machine; Omni band saw; HD shop built hyd press; Goodwill drill press; Marquette welder; McClarey wood stove; collectable & household plus much more! Visit www.mackauctioncompany.com for sale bill & photos. Join us on Facebook & Twitter. (306)421-2928 or (306)487-7815 Mack Auction Co. PL 311962

A gr eat way to Buy and Sell without the ef for t.


See our website: www.billklassen.com for complete listing or call 204-325-4433 cell 6230


Advertise your unwanted equipment in the Classifieds. Call our toll-free number and place your ad with our friendly staff, and don’t forget to ask about our prepayment bonus. Prepay for 3 weeks and get 2 weeks free! 1-800-782-0794.

We know that farming is enough of a gamble so if you want to sell it fast place your ad in the Manitoba Cooperator classifieds. It’s a Sure Thing. Call our toll-free number today. We have friendly staff ready to help. 1-800-782-0794.

AUCTION SALES Saskatchewan Auctions

AUCTION SALES Saskatchewan Auctions

MACK AUCTION CO. presents a farm & livestock equip auction for Dayle & Lana Chuckry (306)8616133 or (306)861-5171 Mon., June 16th, 2014 @ 10:00am. Directions from Weyburn, SK @ Junction Hwy 13 & Hwy 39 go 5-km Northwest & 1-km West. Watch for signs! Live internet bidding at www.bidspotter.com 2007 Case IH Puma 125 FWA tractor w/Case IH L760 FEL & 3PTH w/3,650-hrs; 2007 MF 5455 FWA tractor w/MF DL 289 FEL bucket & grapple plus 3PTH w/2,900-hrs; Case IH 7110 2WD tractor w/dual PTO & 2,588-hrs; 2012 16-ft. Hesston MF 1375 Disc Bine w/steel crimpers; Hesston 956A round baler net & twine wrap; 2010 NH BR7090 net wrap round baler w/inoculant liquid applicator & moisture tester; 16-ft. JD 1600A mower conditioner haybine w/rubber crimper; 2012 Kuhn SR 112-SPD V hay rake; 2010 Kuhn GA 4120 TH trailed gyrorake; Highline Bale Pro 7000HD bale processor; Easyway 85-bu creep feeder portable tin clad calf shelters; JD 346 square baler; NH 1034 bale wagon single bale unload; 2005 GMC Duramax 4WD 3500 1-Ton dually extended cab w/5-SPD; 2003 Southland gooseneck 7x20 stock trailer; 30-ft. 2005 Trailtech gooseneck flat deck trailer w/beaver tail & ramps; 25-ft. Westward 7000 SP swather w/674-hrs (Jerry Trobert (306)861-0638) 1987 JD 318 garden tractor w/PTO & 3PTH rototiller; 1992 F250 XLT Ford F250 DSL PU (Johnstone (306)861-6281) 1987 GMC Wrangler 2WD PU w/V6 (Johnstone (306)861-6281) 1978 IH Loadstar 3-Ton grain truck (Al Watson Estate); JD 1610 31-ft. seeding tool & Harmaon 1830 air cart (Al Watson Estate); JD 610 DT cultivator w/ Degelman harrows (Al Watson Estate); Flexi Coil tyne harrow bar (Al Watson Estate); Kirchner V Ditcher (Al Watson Estate); 2 MF 360 discers; Sakundiak 7-33 grain auger w/Honda engine (Al Watson Estate); Brandt 7-40 auger (John-stone); Allied 7-40 auger Bush Hog 5-ft. gyro mower; 3, 1650 & 2, 2,750-bu grain bins on cement (Johnstone) Visit www.mackauctioncompany.com for sale bill & photos. Join us on Facebook & Twitter. (306)421-2928 or (306)487-7815 Mack Auction Co. PL 311962

MACK AUCTION CO. PRESENTS a farm & livestock equip auction for Maple Wind Farms Ltd. Ron Jacobs & late Elsie Jacobs Sat., June 7th, 2014 10:00am. Directions from Stoughton, SK 4-mi South on Hwy 47, 2-mi East, 1/2-mi South, 1/2-mi East. Watch for signs! Live internet bidding at www.bidspotter.com JD 4840 2WD tractor; JD 4640 2WD tractor; JD 4020 w/Ezee On FEL; JD 4010 2WD tractor; JD 9600 SP combine w/JD 212 PU header & 2,899 sep hrs; JD 7721 PT combine; 27ft. Co-op 722 SP DSL swather w/UII PU header; 30-ft. Premier Macdon 1900 PT swather; 16-ft. JD 1600A mower conditioner; Case IH 8460 round baler; Wheatheart hyd post hole auger; Ezee On trailer type post pounder; hyd wire roller; 100-bu poly feed bin; hyd tip hoof trimming chute; quantity of panels, gates, & bale feeders; Texas gates; rolls of barb wire, fence post & power poles; livestock show display & tack box; Circuiteer II blower; ABS nitrogen tank; 24-ft. 2008 Blue Hills gooseneck flat deck trailer w/7,000-lbs axles; 1989 GMC 4WD 2500 regular cab truck w/6.2 DSL; 1976 GMC 6500 grain truck w/39,765-km; 1972 Ford 500 grain truck w/wood box & hoist; 1983 Buick LaSabre Ltd. 4 door car; Chev 30 1-Ton truck w/steel box & hoist; 35-ft. JD seeding tool & JD 787 air tank w/Dutch on row packers; JD 1610 cultivator w/Valmar 1620 granular applicator; 28-ft. JD 360 tandem disc; Morris 70-ft. tine harrows; diamond harrow drawbar; 80ft. Bourgault 1450 PT field sprayer; Sakundiak 8-60 PTO auger; Sakundiak 8-47 PTO auger; hyd transfer auger; Pool 5-HP aeration fan; JD Star Fire ITC; JD auto trac Universal steering kit; Crown 10-ft. land leveller; JD GX 75 lawn tractor; JD GX 85 lawn tractor; AG Fab utility garden tractor; Ag Fab utility garden cart; 1,000-gal water tank & trailer; Honda 90 ATC, electric & gas powered cement trowels; cement mixer; B-Lifters pallet jack, plus much more! Visit www.mackauctioncompany.com for sale bill & photos. Join us on Facebook & Twitter. (306)421-2928 or (306)487-7815 Mack Auction Co. PL 311962

MACK AUCTION CO. PRESENTS a large auction for the Estate of Calvin Avery Sun., June 8th, 2014 @ 10:00am. Directions from Stoughton, SK 1-mi West on Hwy 13 & 1/2-mi North. Watch for Signs! Live internet bidding at www.bidspotter.com Real Estate: SW 28-08-08-W2 RM of Tecumseh #65; 138+/- Acs, 3-bdrm, 1,990-sq.ft. Bungalow, Double Attached Garage, 50x54 Storage Shed, Garden Shed, Fenced Pasture, Dugout, 2013 Taxes $1,910 Oil Surface Lease Revenue of $12,900 per annum; Real Estate: Also selling a house at 120 Government Rd, Stoughton, SK. 900-sq.ft. Home, Handyman Special, Great Starter or Revenue Home, Interior Is Stripped To Bare Studs, 45x130-ft. Lot Size, 2013 Taxes $1,271.82; NH T7030 FWA tractor w/front & rear PTO & 3-PTH & 1,210-hrs; NH TM175 FWA tractor w/front & rear PTO & 3-PTH w/1,465-hrs; Kubota L4630 FWA tractor w/Kubota LA853 FEL & 3-PTH showing 215-hrs; JD 8450 4WD tractor & JD 12-ft. dozer blade w/8,430-hrs; 15-ft. Schulte XH-1500 Series 3 rotary mower; Schulte SDX 110 3-PTH snow blower w/double auger; Schulte RDX 960 snow blower single auger; unused Normand 3-PTH snow blower double auger; NH zero turn mower; JD 322 lawn tractor w/mower & tiller; Kubota 3-PTH rototiller; Kubota 3-PTH ballast box; Mighty Mac 3-PTH wood chipper; Farm King 3-PTH wood chipper; Farm King 3-PTH finishing mower, unused 3-PTH cement mix-er; 3-PTH angle blade; 20-ft. 2006 Lund 2000 Fisherman Boat w/5.0L Merc Inboard & 9.9HP trolling motor; 2001 Yellow Dodge Viper sports car w/46,000-mi; 2009 Harley Davidson black Ultra Classic w/Screaming Eagle 110 Big Bore showing 72,690-mi; 2009 Harley Davidson red Road King w/4,550-km; 2009 Roadstar motorcycle trailer; 2007 blue Harley Davidson Ultra Classic disassembled SGI total loss w/ many new parts; 2009 Ski Doo MXZ Renegade 800R E-TEC w/2,055-mi; 2009 Ski Doo MXZ Renegade Rotax 800R w/1,443-km; 2011 Polaris Ranger RZR 800 EFI side by side quad; 2012 gas Yamaha golf cart w/ lift kit & custom wheels; 1982 Yamaha street bike; 2009 Landmark35-ft. 5th wheel camper w/3 slides & rear living room fireplace; 29-ft. 2005 Keystone Challenger 5th wheel camper w/2 slides; 2011 Chev Camaro LS Coupe 6-SPD w/11,320-km; 2011 Chev Silverado black Duramax crew cab w/113,168-km; 2007 GMC Sierra 3500 1-Ton dually Duramax w/leather & air safe 25K 5th wheel hitch showing 96,650-km; 2007 Chev 2500 crew cab Duramax DSL w/leather & GFX package; 2009 Dodge Ram 1500 crew cab 5.7 hemi w/139,810km; 2005 Dodge Ram 4WD 2500 quad w/5.9L Cummins; 2009 Dodge 1500 crew cab w/5.7L Hemi; 2005 Dodge Ram Cummins 5.9 2500 Quad Cab; 1997 GMC 1500 regular Cab 4WD; 2013 American Hauler 22-ft. V nose snow trailer w/front & rear ramps; 2013 Triton aluminum single axle utility trailer w/ramp; 2012 Par Carr golf cart trailer; 20-ft. 2008 Demby tandem bumper pull w/beaver tail & ramps; 2007 H&H 14-ft. V nose cargo trailer; 2006 Trailtech 20-ft. tandem axle bumper pull flat deck trailer; 2005 30-ft. Trailtech 5th Wheel triple axle trailer; 2005 Trailtech Dump box trailer w/electric hyd dump; brand new Bend Pac auto hoist; Snap On tire changer; Snap On tire changer; Snap On tire balancer; Hotsy steam cleaner; portable gas powered air compressor; Honda GX270 pressure washer; Craftsman mechanics chest; upright air compressor; numerous hand tools; motorcycle lift; new Home & Garden spas 6 person hot tub, new Kenmore SS kitchen appliances. Visit www.mackauctioncompany.com for sale bill & photos. Join us on Facebook & Twitter. (306)4212928 or (306)487-7815 Mack Auction Co. PL 311962


The Manitoba Co-operator | May 29, 2014

AUCTION SALES Saskatchewan Auctions

MACK AUCTION CO. presents a farm equipment auction for the estate of Vivian Kuntz (Contact persons Cecil Ashworth (306)456-2728 or Garry Kuntz (306)861-6245) Mon., June 23rd, 2014 @ 10:00am. Directions from Tribune, SK go 3-mi South on Hwy. 35, 2-mi West & 1-mi South. JD 7800 2WD tractor w/1,430-hrs; JD 4230 2WD tractor w/JD 148 FEL & grapple; JD 1830 2WD tractor w/JD 145 FEL & 3PTH; JD 6620 SP combine w/1,480 engine hrs; JD 224 straight cut header; 2009 Ford Focus 4 door car w/70,000-km; 1980 Ford F-700 grain truck w/38,200-km; 1974 Chev 30 flatdeck 1-Ton dually w/24,430-mi; 1995 Prowler 5th wheel camper; Prairie Drifter slide in truck camper; Brandt 4500 grain vac w/little use; Sakundiak 7-47 auger; Sakundiak 6-33 auger; JD EZ Trak lawn mower w/90-hrs; JD 318 lawn tractor w/tiller; Honda TRX 200 quad; 31ft. Morris Magnum III DT cultivator; 20-ft. JD 9350 hoe drills; MF 360 2, 15-ft. discers; Morris B-36 rod weeder; 60-ft. Flexi Coil harrow packers; JD 336 square baler; Vermeer 605 super F round baler; JD land leveller; Crown 3-yd scraper; JD manure spreader; Degelman 3-PTH angle blade; JD saddle tank; bucket mount hyd auger; Flexi Coil tractor mount post pounder; Wilcar steel deck bale trailer; Vers 400 SP swather; JD sickle mower; JD gyro mower; JD hay rake; Leon hyd rock picker; Riteway rock rake; Vers field sprayer; Ford 951 3-PTH mower; Gem roller mill; calf tipping table; corral panels & gates; W-4 antique tractor; 5, Westeel 2,750-bu bins on cement; 2, Westeel 1,600-bu bins on cement; 2, Westeel 1,350-bu bins on wood; antiquedining room suite plus many other hidden treasures, complete line of shop tools. Visit www.mackauctioncompany.com for sale bill & photos. Join us on Facebook & Twitter (306)421-2928 or (306)487-7815 Mack Auction Co. PL 311962

MACK AUCTION CO. PRESENTS a farm & livestock equipment auction for Elmer Aichele (306)744-2721 Fri., June 13th, 2014 @ 10:00am. Directions from Saltcoats, SK. 7-mi East on #725 grid, 1-mi South & 1/4-mi East. Vers 835 4WD tractor; JD 4240 2WD tractor; AC XT 190 2WD tractor; JD 4020 tractor; JD 3020 tractor; Caterpillar D-4 crawler tractor w/dozer; Caterpillar D-4 crawler tractor for parts; AC XT 190 tractor for parts; 1996 JD 9600 SP combine w/2215 sep hrs & JD 914 PU header; Gleaner M DSL combine w/3,391-hrs; 1988 CCIL 722 SP DSL 26-ft. swather; Farm King 10-50 swing auger; NH 116 haybine; Vermeer 605 round baler; NH 351 mix mill; JD 11 mower; JD 14T square baler; JD 5 wheel rake; NH square bale thrower; Brandt 7-35 auger w/Kohler engine & mover; Speed King 6-33 auger; shop built hopper box & trailer; JD D 1527 unstyled on steel; JD D styled; JD styled spoke rims; JD AR styled & overhauled; JD AR; JD #12 combine motor; JD feed cutter; Allis B w/3-PTH; Allis B & Bell mower; Allis CA restored; Allis WF w/dozer; Allis WF; Allis WD tricycle; Allis WD for parts; Allis WD45 w/dozer; Allis WD45 w/Allis 2-PTH plow; Allis WD 45; Allis D17 & loader; Allis PTO row crop combine; Allis B motor & welder on trailer; Allis 2-PTH 10-ft. cultivator; 1953 Ford Golden Jubilee; Ford 2 N; Fordson tractor on steel wheels; Case S tractor; McCormick WD-6 DSL w/factory cab; Massey 44; IHC SWD6 DSL; SW6 parts tractor; McCormick A; McCormick 10-ft. PWR binder; McCormick threshing machine; 1981 Ford F700 grain truck w/Cancade box; 1973 IHC 1700 grain truck; Ford F500 grain truck; 1986 GMC 1500 truck; 1975 Chev PU; 1953 Fargo one tone step side; Older Pus for parts; IHC hay rakes; tandem axle manure spreader; Killbury mount post pounder; tandem axle bumper pull stock trailer; various size corral panels; Lewis cattle oiler; round bale feeders; Pool head gate; new fence posts; new 15in. saddle; saddles bridles & harness; 37-ft. Morris L233 Challenger cultivator; Morris 36 & 48-ft. rod weeders; 24-ft. Morris Challenger cultivator; Melcam 27-ft. cultivator; 500-gal TBH liquid fertilizer tank; Massey 14-ft. tandem disc; computer sprayer; Vers 56-ft. sprayer; Flexi Coil 60-ft. tine harrows; Degelman 3 batt rock picker; Melcam 10-ft. cultivator; 12-ft. Ford cultivator; JD 3 bottom plow; 8-ft. Minneapolis one way plow; 3-PTH equip consists of Inland 6-ft. snow blower; 5-ft. finishing mower; post hole auger; bale spear; 2 wheel swath turner; JD 6ft. finishing mower; IHC 15-ft. cultivator; shop built tandem axle gooseneck trailer; shop built dolly convertor; Leon FEL for 4020 JD, banjo pumps; 1,250gal water tanks; JD 316 lawn tractor w/tiller; MTD riding lawn tractor; Westward yard sprayer; Honda Foreman 450 quad; Honda 650 motorcycle; Anchor 14-ft. boat w/40-HP gale motor & trailer; double wide snow machine trailer; complete selection of shop tools; various antique items & hidden treasures! Visit www.mackauctioncompany.com for sale bill & photos. Join us on Facebook & Twitter (306)421-2928 or (306)487-7815 Mack Auction Co. PL 311962 RAY HANCHERUK AUCTION FARM AUCTION Sun., June 8th, 2014 10:00am 16-MI SOUTH ON #310 OF FOAM LAKE, 1-MI EAST FOAM LAKE, SK. CONTACT: (306)783-7000. TRACTORS: JD 4850 Tractor cab, air, 16-SPD p shift, 6,400-hrs, good rubber, real nice SER: RW4850P002426; JD 4240 Tractor cab, air, p shift, JD 148 Loader, joy-stick, 18.4x38 rubber, 9,200-hrs, ($7,000 p shift repair bill) SER: P023055R, Good; JD 4230 Tractor cab, air, 20.8x34 tires, dual hyd, JD 148 Loader, joystick, 400-hrs on engine overhaul, SER: H028109R, good; MH 44 Gas w/FEL, bucket & fork; COMBINE: **1997 NH TR98 Combine Twin Rotor, redekop chopper, reverser, rake up PU, 819 thrashing hrs, 1,137 engine hrs, MINT** TRUCKS: 1982 Chev 70 Series Truck 16ft. steel box & hoist, 366 V8 5x2, tarp, good tires; 1976 Dodge 500 Truck 12-ft. box & hoist, 318 V8 5-SPD, tarp, 12,500-mi, real nice; MOWER: Schulte XH1500 15-ft. rotary mower, good; TRAILER: 2008 Precision 30-ft. triple axel gooseneck trailer beaver tails, mint; 9x18 flat decktrailer; Plus haying equipment. stone pickers, recreation, cultivators, augers, swathers, misc & shop. NOTE: Ray has sold the land. JD equip is real nice. Combine is mint, all used on small acreage & shed-ded. This is an excellent sale. Online Bidding 1:00pm. Visit www.ukrainetzauction.com for complete pictures & listing. Sale conducted by Ukrainetz Auction Theodore SK. (306)647-2661. License #915851

AUCTION SALES Saskatchewan Auctions ED SAGAN AUCTION FARM & SEEDCLEANING AUCTION Sat., June 7th, 2014 10:00am 7-MI NORTH, 1/2 WEST OF BIRMINGHAM OR 9-MI SOUTH, 1/2 WEST OF HWY #52 & BIRMINGHAM SIGN MELVILLE, SK. CONTACT: (306)728-3760. TRACTORS: JD 8440 4WD Tractor Quad shift, 18.4x38 duals, 3 hyd, 7,600-hrs; JD 4230 DSL Tractor Cab, air, JD 148 Loader; JD 2130 DSL Tractor Dual hyd, 148 Loader, bucket; COMBINE: JD 7720 SP Combine cab, air, chopper, 3 roller PU, 2,837-hrs; JD 24-ft. Header on trailer; TRUCKS: 1973 GMC Tandem DSL 20-ft. box, hoist, tarp, Fuler 9-SPD trans; 1980 GMC Truck 16-ft. box, hoist, 366 V8 2-SPD; 2, 1974 Ford 1-Ton Steel box & hoist; 1998 GMC Dully 6.5 DSL, stnd, new tires; 16ft. steel box on trailer, hyd hoist; 3 Hopper boxes on trailers; AUGERS: 8 Secundiak 6-7-in. various sizes, most electric motors; DISC: Case Hutchmaster 20-ft. offset disc; SEEDCLEANING: (SINGLE PHASE POWER) Lightfoot 36x42-in. four screen cleaner 1-HP, Electric motor; GJESDAL Disc cleaner 5-in-1, 1-HP, electric motor; KIPP-KELLY #300 gravity cleaner 2 decks, 7.5-HP Electric motor; 3 Pelican gravity cleaners; 2 Forever 36x72-in. screen cleaners, 1-HP Electric motor; Indent roller cleaner; 2, 3,000-3,500 lb trailer scales on trailers; various sizes of elevator buckets. Plus 12 hopper & flat bottom bins. Plus machinery, misc, shop. CONSIGNMENT: 1977 Vers 850 Series II 4WD Tractor 8,900-hrs, plumbed for air seeder, rebuilt heads, 300-hrs on injectors, rubber 50%; 1986 JD 8820 Titan II SP combine cab, air, 3 roller 6 belt PU, chopper, $12,000 work order in 2010 Ser 615888, $4,800-hrs; 2, JD 8820 Turbo SP Combine; 30-ft. Straight cut header; Flexicoil 70-ft. sprayer; JD 710 DSL tractor, 3-PTH, nice; 1974? Ford 3-Ton 16-ft. box. Plus swathers, drills, IHC 7 bottom plow. Ed is retiring from seed cleaning & farming. Seed cleaning equip looks good. Online Bidding 12:00pm. Visit www.ukrainetzauction.com for complete pictures & listing. Sale conducted by Ukrainetz Auction Theodore SK. (306)647-2661. License #915851

MACK AUCTION CO. presents a very large, multifarm Equipment/RV/Vehicle Auction Sat., June 21st, 2014 at the Estevan Motor Speedway @ 9:00am. Consign your items now by calling (306)421-2097 or email info@mackauctioncompany.com NH 9030 Bidirectional tractor w/NH 7414 FEL; JD 4555 2WD tractor w/duals & 5,300-hours; JD 2550 2WD tractor w/JD 245 FEL & 3-PTH; IH 5288 2WD tractor w/duals; Case 970 tractor w/FEL; Co-op Implements 810 2WD tractor; IH 684 DSL 2WD w/Leon 636 FEL; (2) MacDon 960 36-ft straight-cut header; Vers 9025 swather header; JD 250 Series II skidsteer with A/C; 16-ft. Skidsteer trailer w/7,000-lb axle; 39-ft Case IH 5600 air seeder w/Flexicoil 1100 air tank; Case IH 1680 SP combine; JD 318 garden tractor w/mower & rototiller; JD 316 garden tractor; JD Sabre garden tractor, rear bagger; Case 446 garden tractor; Craftsman garden tractor w/blower; Deutz Allis 5220 FWA tractor w/21-HP engine & 3-PTH; 1985 Mack tandem axle gravel truck; 2003 Sierra 1500 extended cab truck 4WD w/134,167-kms; 2001 Chev 2500 HD regular cab 4WD Duramax DSL; 2008 Ford Taurus SEL AWD, loaded w/leather & only 26,000-kms; 2007 29-ft front kitchen Puma Palimino travel trailer w/large slide; 1988 Chev 1500 regular cab PU; 1980 GMC 7000 single axle grain truck w/15-ft silage box; 1977 Chev C-60 grain truck w/30,500-kms; 1976 GMC 3-Ton grain truck; 1983 20-ft Keen aluminum gooseneck stock trailer; Lift Off stock trailer w/8 bale lift off bale rack; 2010 Teagle Tomahawk 8080WB straw/feed chopper; 2004 NH BR780 round baler; JD 1600A haybine w/rubber crimpers; NH 660 round baler; NH 1475 16-ft haybine; NH 900 forage harvester w/metal detector; NH 1033 bale wagon; NH 311 square baler; Case IH 563 RBX round baler; Jiffy Blow Deck silage blower w/live floor; Green Belt silage feed wagon; high dump silage wagon; IH forage blower; Jiffy silage feed wagon; (2)605C Vermeer round balers; 30-ft. HD corral panels; 8-ft. & 10-ft. corral panels; round bale scale; grain troughs; Farm King 12-in. roller mill; calf tip table; Lift Off bale self-unloading carrier; 80-bu hopper wagon; Sovema 12 wheel hay rake; Summers 50-ft. heavy harrows w/2055 Valmar; Noble 15-ft. 1409 tandem disc; 20ft. tandem disc; MF 360 18-ft. discer; IH 914 PT combine; Haybuster rock picker; 3-PTH fertilizer spreader; Degelman hyd rock picker; granular chemical hopper transfer; Vers 10-61 swing auger; Westfield 10-60 swing auger; Sakundiak 7-140 auger; Sakundiak 10-65 swing auger; hyd transfer auger; 50 KVAPTO generator; Farm King 7-ft. snow blower; MTD 45-in. walk behind snow blower; (3)36-in. cement power trowels; gas powered jack hammer; gas powered jacks; plate tampers; tree chipper; gas powered post hole; auger; 3-in. water pump w/gas engine; Kubota 2200W generator; Generac 3 PTH 17 KW generator; Poly 350 gallon water tank; construction heaters; stipple machine; lumber planer; insulation blower; tree chipper; rototillers & garden power tools; cement mixers; lawn power rake; cement mixers; concrete vibrators; 3Ton truck box trailer; Leon FEL; 1,250-gal poly water tank; Poly water tank 1/2-Ton size; natural gas furnace for shop; 2007 Polaris Ranger 500 UTV; 1995 Trav L Mate 24-ft. travel trailer bunk model; 1987 24.5-ft. Prowler 5th wheel camper; 1988 Honda Goldwing motorcycle; Harley Davidson golf cart; New 18.4x42 tires & rims; Buhler pallet forks; antique gravity gas bowser pump; wooden garden sheds. Visit www.mackauctioncompany.com for sale bill & photos. Join us on Facebook & Twitter (306)421-2928 or (306)487-7815 Mack Auction Co. PL 311962.


AUTO & TRANSPORT Trucks 1977 C65 CHEVY 3-TON truck. Comes with 2000gal. fiberglass tank & Honda pump mounted in grain box. $3000. Call Steve (204)242-4163, Manitou.

BUILDING & RENOVATIONS AUCTION SALES Saskatchewan Auctions RUSSELL & ZORI KUSH AUCTION Sun., June 1st, 2014 9:30am 31-km NORTH OF KELVINGTON TO ELKRIDGE RD, 1 N, 1/2 E, 1/4 S PORCUPINE PLAIN, SK. CONTACT: (306)278-2141. MACHINERY & ACREAGE EQUIP: CASE 2290 Tractor cab, air, factory duals, p shift, 2,400-hrs, real nice; H&H 30-ft. gooseneck trailer beaver tails, dual wheels, wood deck, new winch; IHC 16-ft. Vibrashank; Hopper tank w/grain dryer; FEL; 12-ft. tandem axle gooseneck trailer; JD 24-ft. Vibrashank & harrows; MF 16-ft. SP Swather; 6-ft. bush disc; MF #63 24-ft. press drill & transport; 30-ft. fence cattle feeder; 24-ft. bale feeder; Round bale feeders; Fibreglass 1000 water tank; Melroe 16-ft. press drill & transport, nice; Allied 6x30 auger w/motor; 525-gal poly tank w/trailer; SKIDSTEER: 1998 Bobcat #873 High lift skidsteer, approx 1,700-hrs, nice; TRUCKS & VEHICLES: 1993 Volvo Semi DSL, 13-SPD, single axle (rebuilt motor, $12,000) showing 71,603-kms, 2010 safety; 1999 Ford Expedition fully loaded, 9 passenger, 125,000-kms, Year? Volkswagen Gas 4-SPD convertible, running; RECREATION & YARD: JD F25 48-in. zero turn lawn mower; 2003 Bombardier on tracks, 4x4 Visco-Lok, 1,747-kms; Pantera S700 Wolf 4x4, windshield, 2,300-kms; Polaris Classic Skidoo FST Turbo, 4 stroke, nice; Pantera 440 parts; BUILDING: 12x16 insulated, heated, A/C building; Plus guns, very large assortment of shop, misc, antiques. NOTE: This is a partial listing. Russell & Zori are planning to move. This is a very large sale of misc shop items. A lot new & in boxes (if it’s not here, you don’t need it) Tractor, 1/2-Ton look real good. Two rings will sell. If nothing else, come & see the scenery. Online Bidding 1:00pm. Visit www.ukrainetzauction.com for complete pictures & listing. Sale conducted by Ukrainetz Auction Theodore SK. (306)647-2661. License #915851



PRICE TO CLEAR!! 75 truckloads 29 gauge full hard 100,000PSI high tensile roofing & siding. 16 colours to choose from. B-Gr. coloured......................70¢/ft.2

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AFAB INDUSTRIES IS YOUR SUPERIOR post frame building company. For estimates and information call 1-888-816-AFAB(2322). Website: www.postframebuilding.com CONCRETE FLATWORK: Specializing in place & finish of concrete floors. Can accommodate any floor design. References available. Alexander, MB. 204-752-2069.


AUTO & TRANSPORT Auto & Truck Parts GREAT PRICES ON NEW, used & remanufactured engines, parts & accessories for diesel pickups. Large inventory, engines can be shipped or installed. Give us a call or check us out at www.thickettenginerebuilding.ca Thickett Engine Rebuilding. Ph (204)532-2187, Russell MB.

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1-800-782-0794 AUCTION SALES U.S. Auctions

From The Ground Up BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES REVENUE PROPERTY IN GRANDVIEW, MB: 2,300-SF building w/3 apartments & a laundromat. All apartments occupied. $89,000.00. MLS #1404846 Karen Goraluk, Salesperson. (204)773-6797 NorthStar Insurance & Real Estate. TURN KEY AUTOMOTIVE REPAIR business in Roblin, MB established by present owner in 1992. 32-ft x 54-ft commercial steel building, 2 service bays. Built 1997. Site has never had fuel storage on it. 1-Acre lot. Snap on tools. $399,000.00. MLS #1322001 Karen Goraluk, Salesperson. (204)773-6797 NorthStar Insurance & Real Estate.


FARM CHEMICAL SEED COMPLAINTS We also specialize in: Crop Insurance appeals; Chemical drift; Residual herbicide; Custom operator issues; Equipment malfunction; Yield comparisons, Plus Private Investigations of any nature. With our assistance the majority of our clients have received compensation previously denied. Back-Track Investigations investigates, documents your loss and assists in settling your claim. Licensed Agrologist on Staff. For more information Please call 1-866-882-4779

CONTRACTING CONTRACTING Custom Work CORRAL CLEANING AVAILABLE W/VERTICAL beater spreaders. Phone (204)827-2629 (204)526-7139.


FRIDAY, JUNE 6 | 11AM Location: 4487 165th Ave SE, Davenport, ND. From I-94 Exit 340 (Kindred, ND exit), 8 miles south on County Rd. 15, 1/4 mile west. EQUIPMENT INSPECTION: Wednesday, May 28 from 8am-5pm.

AUCTIONEER’S NOTE: Equipment has been well-maintained and most equipment has been shedded. In particular, please note the late model tillage. Major equipment sells at 11:30 AM. Live online bidding available on major equipment. Registration, terms, & details at SteffesGroup.com.

FERTILIZER SPREADERS 4-8-TON: 4T Tyler stainless, $4000; 5T Tyler Stainless, $4500; 6T Simonsen, $6000; 8T Willmar, $7000; 8T Willmar 65-ft spread, $8500. (204)857-8403. www.zettlerfarmequipment.com

FARM MACHINERY Grain Bins BIG BINS & FLOORS at old prices, 20,000-56,000bu. bins holding prices until spring. NEW MOISTURE CABLES! Call Wall Grain for details (204)269-7616 or (306)244-1144 or (403)393-2662. CUSTOM BIN MOVING Book now! Fert Tanks. Hopper Bins/flat. Buy/Sell. Call Tim (204)362-7103 or E-mail Requests binmover50@gmail.com GRAIN BINS WANTED: 1000 or 2000-bushel hopper bottom bin. Also Wanted: 1680 Case combine for parts. Phone (204)636-2637.


Greg Schulz Estate

For information contact Brad Olstad of Steffes Group, 701.237.9173 or 701.238.0240

Steffes Group Inc., 2000 Main Ave E, West Fargo, ND

Brad Olstad ND319, Scott Steffes ND81, Bob Steffes ND82, Ashley Huhn ND843, Eric Gabrielson ND890, Randy Kath ND894




TERMS: All items sold as is where is. Payment of cash or check must be made sale day before removal of items. Statements made auction day take precedence over all advertising. $35 documentation fee applies to all titled vehicles. Titles will be mailed.

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FARM MACHINERY Grain Vacuums CURT’S GRAIN VAC SERVICES, parts & repair for all makes & models. Craik SK, (306)734-2228.

FARM MACHINERY Parts & Accessories GOODS USED TRACTOR PARTS: (204)564-2528 or 1-877-564-8734, Roblin, MB.

Harvest Salvage Co. Ltd. 1-866-729-9876 5150 Richmond Ave. East BRANDON, MB. www.harvestsalvage.ca New, Used & Re-man. Parts

Tractors Combines Swathers


The Manitoba Co-operator | May 29, 2014

FRASER AUCTION SERVICE LTD. BRANDON, MANITOBA Auctionee: Scott Cambell Licensed and bonded. P.L. License #918093. Member of M.A.A., S.A.A., A.A.A., A.A.C.

PHONE: (204) 727-2001 FAX: (204) 729-9912 www.fraserauction.com EMAIL: office@fraserauction.com


of BINSCARTH, MB - SATURDAY, JUNE 7th 10:00 AM DIRECTIONS: From Jct #16 & #41 Hwys (Just SE of Binscarth, MB.) Take #41 South 3Kms to Rd 107 N Turn East on Rd 107N 2.5 Kms to lame marker 163081, sale site is on North side of road. Watch for signs Sale Day. ORDER OF SALE: 10:00am – 1:00pm (parts, misc, shop equipment, tools, ect. 1:00pm (collectable items, lawn/garden, bike, camper, vehicles) AUCTIONEER NOTES: 10:00 – 1:00 (Tools, Misc Smalls, Vet Supplies, Panels & Cattle Handling Equipment) 1:00 (Major Equipment) TRACTORS: •1956 JD 60 Tractor w/Pioneer Live Hyd, live 540 PTO, Pwr Steering, Hand Clutch (very straight, clean running tractor) •IH Cub Tractor w/add on hyd system, PTO Belt pulley SEED & TILLAGE: •10’ IH Steel Wheel Cultivator •2 Section Diamond Harrow Drag w/2 Wheel pull cart •4’ Hyd lift harrows •4”X4” Tube Yard Drag COLLECTOR SIGNS & COLLECTABLES: •(2) New never out of the box Tin General Tire Signs •Selection of Crocks – 5 gal Redwing, 3 gal Redwing, 2 Gal Redwing, (2) 2 Gal Imperial, 2 Gal Unmarked, 1 Gal Unmarked •Oak Antique Desk Chair w/castor wheels •Steamer Trunk •Wooden Copper Boiler Stand •Oak Buffet VEHICLES, STREET BIKE & TRAILERS: •1971 Datsun 1200 3 Door Hatchback Car w/4 Spd Trans, 4 Cyl Gas Engine, 0009 Miles Showing, •1952 ¾ Ton Army Truck Converted to a tow Truck w/pwr steering, 2 Spd Trans, 600 Chrysler Eng, 02692 Miles Showing, •1952 Buick Dyna Flow, 4 Door w/77,307 miles showing, Straight 8 Eng, Auto Trans, •1979 Kawasaki KZ650 Street Bike w/15,444kms showing, Windshield, •1950 Chev 1 Ton Truck for PARTS ONLY (NO TOD) •1950 Oldsmobile Futuramic 4 door car w/

straight 6 engine – for PARTS ONLY (NO TOD) •1950 Chevrolet 1 Ton S/A Truck w/hoist, 6 Cyl Eng, Std Trans, 33015 Miles Showing, (Truck is Running) NO TOD •1949 Fargo 1 Ton S/A Truck w/Hoist, 6 Cyl Engine, STD Tran, 47,127 Miles Showing, (Truck is Running) NO TOD •20’ Bigfoot 5th Wheel Camper w/electric water heater, bathroom w/shower, Fridge, Stove, Propane Heater, Awning •4 Wheel Farm Wagon •2 Wheel Wagon Frame SHOP EQUIPMENT: •AE – HQ400 Bench Top Metal Lathe w/110 Volt, 1PH power, 3 jaw chuck, 24” Bed, 6” Swing, ¾” pass Through, Variable Speed, over head drill attachment •4’ x 8’ Hyd Lifting Work Bench w/self contained hyd system, cable winch and push cyl. •HD – 67 Power Hacksaw •Sears Radial Arm Saw •Trojan 16 Spd Drill Press w/Press Vise •HD Buzz Box Soldering Iron •HD Twin Cyl Air Compressor w/3/4 HP Motor •Aircraft Generator – Welder w/Wisconsin 2 Cyl gas eng, Approx 400 Amps •Oxy – Propane Torch w/Cart •4 ½” Round Metal Cutting Band Saw •(2) Metal Cutting Chop Saw (Jepson & Dewalt) •Bench Top Press (Used for Alternator Bearings) •20 Ton Shop Press (Only 1 year old) •Large Selection of Hand Tools – Flat wrenches, pipe wrenches, pliers, screwdrivers, sockets, ratchets, etc. •Vibratory Labor – Saver Automotive Parts Washer w/ 1 PH Motor •Coats 40/40 Tire Changer •Starter &

Generator Test Bench •Strong Arm 35 Bumper Jack •Selection of Alternators & Starter Testing Equipment •Air Tools – Impacts, Air Chisels, etc. •Electric Tools – Drills, Angle Grinders, Saws, Etc. •Selection of Tool Chests & Tool Boxes •JD Battery Charger •Alternator Test Bench w/Digital Read Out •Baldur 1/3 HP Bench Grinder •Drill Bits •Rechargeable Drills Etc. •Step Ladders & Stools •Shop Vacs •Assorted Work Benches •Balance Scale •Extension Cords •Portable Air Tanks •Roller Stands •C-Clamps •Paint Spray Gun •Improved Critchley Reamer Set in wooden Case •Puller Sets •Floor Jacks •Work Benches •Vise/Stand •Iron Bending Jig AUTOMOTIVE & ELECRICAL: •V4 Wisconsin Engine •Selection of Rebuilt – Starters, Alternators, Starter Drives, Generators, Etc. •Starter Drives, Solenoids, etc •Selection of Wilson Parts •Echlin Ignition Cabinets •Selection of V Belts •Selection of Briggs & Stratton Parts •Selection of Papco Parts Kits •Large Selection of Automotive & Ag Electrical Parts •(2) 18.4–26 Tires on Rims •Old Radiators ATTACHMENTS: •8’ Front Mount Angle Blade (fits on JD 60) LAWN & GARDEN – LEISURE ITEMS: •OMC 305 Express Zodiac Boat •MTD 11 HP Snowblower w/26” Cut, Electric Start •Toro Snowblower

•(2) Envinrude Trolling Motor (Electric) •Electric Chainsaw •Coleman Gas Lanterns MANUALS: •Large Selection of Service Manuals ASSORTMENT OF MISC ITEMS: •Cordwood Cutting Unit w/Saw Mandrel Powered by V4 Wisconsin Eng, wood drops into wood stacker conveyor. All mounted on 4 Wheel Wagons •Wood Splitter with 1HP 1PH Electric Motor •Cordwood Elevator •Wood Stove w/brick liner & fan •Hyd Cylinders • Snow Shoes •Cross Country & Downhill Skis •Office Chairs •Shelving & Parts Units •Lawn Tractor loading ramp on wheels •200 Gal Fiberglass Tank •Selection of Older Wagons •logging Chains •Chain Hoist •Jet Pump Motors •Fence Tighteners •Metal Water Trough •Boat tank converted w/ fuel hand pump HOUSEHOLD ITEMS: •Sears Treadmill •Pitcher & Basin •Wooden Bar Stool •Kenmore 4 Gal Portable Clothes Washer •Antique Metal Butter Churn •Chest Freezer •Raton Bar Stool •Regent Treadle Sewing Machine in Oak Cabinet w/ some attachments •(2) Older Table Top Sewing Machines



of AMARANTH, MB - MONDAY, JUNE 9th 10:00 AM DIRECTIONS: From Amaranth, MB (Jct #50 & #261Hwys) 5km West on Hwy #261 to Rd 58W Turn North on Rd 58W 2.5kms to Sale Site. Watch for Signs. ORDER OF SALE: 10:00 – 1:00 (Tools, Misc Smalls, Vet Supplies, Panels & Cattle Handling Equipment) 1:00 (Major Equipment) AUCTIONEER NOTES: The Kopp Family has been very well respected in the Simmental Business for over 25 years. They have sold their farm and are offering up this premium line up of equipment. Plan to attend this premium livestock equipment sale. TRACTORS: •2012 New Holland TV6070 Bi-Directional Tractor w/NH 84LB Loader, HD Bucket, Manure Forks, Grapple, Bale Spikes, Foot & Hand Controls, 3PT & Hitch on Both Ends, Dual PTO, Dual Hyd, High Flow Valve, Fenders, 2655Hrs Showing, •2012 Fendt 714 Vario TMS FWA w/Fendt 4x90 Cargo Front End Loader, Bucket and Joystick, 125HP, Vario Trans w/ Shuttle Shift (Infinite Speeds – 0mph – 32mph), 4 Valve Hyd, Dual PTO, 3 PT, Front Suspension, GPS Ready, 650/65R38 Rear Rubber, 540/65R28 Front Rubber, Front Fender, Warranty Available, Serviced Regularly by Ag West Equipment, 1639Hrs showing, •2002 Fendt 712 Vario FWA Tractor w/Quicke Q970 Front End Loader, Bale Spike and Joystick, 110 HP, Dual PTO, 4 Valve Hyd, 3 PT, 480/80R42 Rear Singles, 16.9-28 Front Rubber w/ Fenders, Rear Weights, Vario Trans w/ Shuttle Shift (Electronic) (Infinite Speeds), Front Suspension, 9642Hrs Showing, •1983 MF4880 4 Wheel Drive Tractor, 320HP w/18 Spd Trans, 3 Valve Hyd, 20.8-38 Duals, 6169Hrs Showing, All Original •1985 Massey Ferguson 3545 MFWD w/16 Spd Trans, Shuttle Shift, 126HP, Dual Hyd, Dual PTO, 2780Hrs showing on NEW Motor(clock has been changed approx. 6000 – 7000 Hrs on Unit), 20.8-38 Single Rear Rubber, 14.9-28 Front Rubber, •David Brown 885 Tractor w/3 Cyl DSL Engine, 12 Spd Trans, 3 PT, Dual PTO, Single Valve Hyd, 5884Hrs Showing •2002 Case IH MX120 Tractor, with Loader M/N L655, INDUSTRIAL: •2011 Bauma Light QC30 PTO Generator 30K Watt w/540 PTO drive, 120 Volts, 50 AMP 240 Volt, Undercarriage, Under 5 Hrs of Use, Like NEW •Power Mate 4000 Watt Generator 120 Volt w/8HP B&S Engine HARVEST EQUIPMENT: •1982 JD7720 SP Combine w/Chopper, Chaff

Spreader, Extendable Rear Axles, Airfoil Sieves, 24.532 Front Rubber, 16.5L-16.1 Rear Rubber, Always Shedded, 3573Hrs Showing, •2006 Massey Ferguson 9220 w/Model 25, 25’ Draper Header, 4cyl Turbo DSL Eng. Hyd Angle on Header, PU Reel, Gauge Wheels, 610Hrs showing, (cut only 2000 Acres) •Labtronics 919 Grain Tester w/Scale & Manual •7.5’ Poly Swath Roller HAYING EQUIPMENT: •2011 Claas 380 RC Variant Round Baler w/Silage Kit, Fine Cut Rotor, Net Wrap & String Tie, Bale Density adjusted from Monitor, 540 PTO, 4’x6’ Bale, 480/45-17 Floatation Rubber, Kicker, •16’ Massey Ferguson 9125 Hay Header, Fits MF9220 Swather Tractor, Header only cut 2 Crops – Approx 1500 Acres •2012 Anderson NWX-660 X-Tractor Bale Wrapper w/Self-Propel Kit, Hyd Drive, Wrapped only 1100–1200 Bales, LIKE NEW •2012 Pottinger Eurotop 421A Rotary Rake w/540 PTO, Raked only 220 Acres, 7 •JD336 Square Baler w/ Quarter Turn Shoot, 540 PTO, •NH456 8.5’ Bar Mower, •Trailtech 5 Bale, Bale Wagon •6 Wheel Hay Rake •Westward 2 Wheel Turning Rake •Homemade Swath Lifter •(11) Boxes Silage Wrap (Sunfilm) TRUCK & TRAILERS: •1995 Ford L9000 Aero Max S/A w/3276 Cat DSL 325HP Eng. 7 Spd Trans, 24.5 Rubber, 5th Wheel Hitch, Ball Hitch, Pintle Hitch, 102,662 Miles Showing, •1979 International F1924 T/A Grain Truck w/V8 Gas Engine, 5+4 trans, Hyd Brakes, 22’ Box w/ Hoist & Roll Tarp, Plumbed for Drill Fill, 77177Kms Showing, •1991 Ford F250 4x4 dually w/V8 Gas, Auto Trans, 10’ Flat Deck, 172678Kms Showing, (Runs but needs transmission work) •32’ 2004 King Pintle Hitch Trailer w/ Beaver Tails, 40 Ton Capacity, Tandem Axle, Air Brakes, Chain Box, •36’ 2003 Hauser Self Unload Gooseneck trailer w/Side Extensions for Bales, Dual Wheel, Tandem Axles, Loading Ramps, •4’x6’ ATV Trailer

LIVESTOCK EQUIPMENT: •2012 NDE 804 Grinder-Mix Wagon w/1000 PTO, Front Chute w/ Chain Conveyor unload (Hyd Drive), Avery Weigh-Tronix Scale, Tandem Axle, Model 12SC804, •2012 Haybuster 2100 3PT Bale Processor w/1000 PTO, Trailing Wheels, Right Hand Discharge, •Gehl MX170 Mixmill w/Hyd Drive Bale Feeder, Hyd Drive Unload Auger, 2 hay Screens, 4 Grain Screens, 2 Turns Left on Hammers, 540 PTO, 16.5L–16.1 SL Rubber, Always Shedded, •2011 Bunning Lowlander MK4105X Vertical Manure Spreader w/930 Buns, 1000 PTO, Light Kit, HD Spring Suspension on Hitch, Safety Screen on Front, Gross Weight 17500KG, Chassis #07/11/1126D/U/ MSL105 •Paul Portable Livestock Scale, Model 3033000 •Assortment of Round Bale Feeders •(11+) Haysaver Round Bale Feeders •Cypress Industries 100 BUS Creep Feeder w/Panels •(2) Miami Welding 250 BUS Creep Feeder w/Panels •Miami Welding 500 BUS Feeder •Bunk Feeders – Assortment •Steel Trough – Assortment •(4) Miami Welding 50 BUS Creep Feeders w/Panels •(4) Poly Creep Feeders (30BUS) w/Stainless Steel Panels •(2) 30’ Bunk line Feeders w/Panel •(2) 24’ Bunk line Feeders •(34) 30’ Drill Stem Panels •(15) 24’ Drill Stem Panels •18’ Drill Stem Panel •12’ Drill Stem Panel •30’x15’ Frame (to stop bulls from riding) •Real Industries Tub System w/Real Industries Squeeze Chute, Palpation cage, 8’ Crowding Tub w/Gate at Exit, 8’ S-Alley w/backup stopper (adjustable), 8’ S-Alley (Adjustable), 6’ Adjustable Diverter Alley w/Backup Stopper •Clipping Chute w/Walkthrough Headgate •Tack Box •13.5’ x 6.5’ Texas Gate •30’ Portable Alley w/4 Sliding Gates, 30” Wide, 30” of Skirting on the sides •30’ Portable Alley w/1 Gate on one end, 30” Wide •Hi Qual Squeeze Chute w/Self Catching Headgate

•Palpation Cage •Assortment of 1” Square Tubing panels •Hydraulic Scale •Feed-Saver Watering Bowl •Electric Cream Separator SEED & TILLAGE: •50’ Melroe 216 Spray Coupe w/3 Way Nozzles, Delavan Boom Control, 972Hrs Showing, Foam Marker, Boom height control, 4 Wheel Sprayer, •12’ IH 510 End Wheel Drill w/Grass Seed Attachment, Steel Disk holders, Grain & Fertilizer Box •Rock Master XL50 3 Bat Stone Picker w/PTO Drive, 540 PTO •40’ Case IH 5600 Chisel Plow w/3 Bar Mounted Harrows, NH3 Hitch •15’ Land roller (Can be filled with water) •32’ JD360 Duplex Tandem Disc w/Smooth Blades Front & Back, Disc Scrapers, •14’ Degelman Rock Rake LC14 w/540 PTO, •Diamond Seed & Fertilizer Tank for Grain Truck •90’ Flexi-Coil 65 PT Sprayer w/800 Gal Poly Tank, Mixing Tank, Chem Wash Tank, Hyd Drive Pump •70’ Farm King 4 Bar Harrows GRAIN HANDLING EQUIPMENT •Sakundiak HD 7–1000 Auger w/13 hp Honda GX390, (2 Years Old), Blanchard Bin Sweep •5” Auger w/Hyd Drive, Approx 24’ Long, Has Undercarriage •10”x70’ Brandt Swing Arm Auger w/Mechanical Drive Swing Arm, 540 PTO •Westfield End gate Drill fill 3PT EQUIPMENT: •2012 10’ Schulte FX210 Brush Cutter, Dual Gear Box – Dual Blade, 540 PTO, Used only 5–6 Hrs •10’ Leon 3100A 3PT 6 Way Blade, •8’ 3PT Farm King Snowblower w/540 PTO •Bale Fork •Trailer Mover •Cement Mixer •Posthole Auger PLUS: LIVESTOCK SUPPLIES, FENCING SUPPLIES, TANKS & PUMPS, SHOP ITEMS, TOOLS, AND MUCH MORE!!! STRAW BALES: •(45) Large Round Canola Straw Bales •(292) Large Round Straw Bales



The Manitoba Co-operator | May 29, 2014

FRASER AUCTION SERVICE LTD. BRANDON, MANITOBA Auctionee: Scott Cambell Licensed and bonded. P.L. License #918093. Member of M.A.A., S.A.A., A.A.A., A.A.C.

PHONE: (204) 727-2001 FAX: (204) 729-9912 www.fraserauction.com EMAIL: office@fraserauction.com


of SWAN LAKE, MB. TUESDAY, JUNE 10th 10:00 AM DIRECTIONS: from (Jct #34 & #23Hwys) 6.3 Kms South #34 to Rd 23N 1.5 Kms East on Rd 23N Curve 1 Km South to Sale Site.From (Jct #34 & #3Hwys) 12.9 Kms North on #34 to Rd 23N 1.5 Kms East on Rd 23N Curve 1 Km South to Sale Site. Watch for Signs. ORDER OF SALE: 10:00am – 1:00pm (shop tools, parts, misc items, quad, sled, 3pt items 1:00pm (major equipment begins to sell) AUCTIONEER NOTES: The Liban family has been a long time ranch family in the Swan Lake, MB area. At its peak Liban ranch ran over 500 mares in their PMU operation. This sale features very well kept shedded livestock and grain farming equipment. Please plan to attend this good sale.

TRACTORS: •1990 JD 4055 MFWD 105hp w/JD 265 Loader, joystick controls, 3pt, dual pto, 2 remote hyd, 18.4-38 Rear – 14.9-26 Front rubber, 15 Spd power shift trans, 11,550hrs showing, •1995 JD 6300 MFWD 75hp w/JD 640 SL Loader, Bucket, Grapple, joystick controls, open station, 3pt, 2 remote hyd, dual pto, pwr Quad trans, right hand reverser, 6080hrs showing, •JD 4240S MFWD 110hp w/JD 265 SL Loader, joystick controls, 3pt, dual pto, 2 remote hyd, Quad Range Trans, 6134hrs showing, •1980 JD 8440 4WD 180hp Tractor w/1000 PTO, 3 remote hyd, return line, 18.4-38 duals, Quad range trans, 1757hrs showing (NEW clock at 8000hrs) HARVEST EQUIPMENT: •1996 JD 9600 SP Combine w/914 Pick-Up, Big Top Hopper Topper, JD Sieves, Fine Cut Chopper, Long Auger, Chaff Spreader, Yield & Moisture Monitors, 2436 Sep Hrs Showing, 3438 Eng Hrs Showing, •1980 JD 7721 PT Combine w/air foil sieves, long auger, and •1998 25’ MF 220 DSL Swather

w/Pickup reel, Keer sheers, 1349hrs showing, SEED & TILLAGE: •80’ Flexi Coil System 65 PT Sprayer w/1000 gal poly tank, Chem mix tank, Chem wash, auto fold, foam markers, hyd pump, •34’ Bourgault 8800 Air Seeder w/3165 Bourgault Air Cart, 9” Spacings, granular kit, Atom Jet openers, mounted packers, tank, tillage •60’ Summers Hyd Mid Harrows •35’ JD 1610 Tillage w/3Bar Morris Harrows •25’ JD 230 Tandem Disk w/smooth blades, •24’ IH 100 D/D Press Drill w/Fert & Grass Seed boxes, rubber over steel packers •Diamond box Fert Box •Stone Boat HAYING EQUIPMENT: •1989 JD 535 Rd Baler w/540 PTO, •1991 16’ NH 116 Haybine w/540 PTO, •NH #56 Side Delivery Rake, •10’ S/A Heavy Duty hyd Dump Wagon w/ Silage/Gravel end gate with grain chute TRUCK & TRAILERS: •CH613 Mack T/A Highway Tractor w/day cab, wet kit, 350

Mack Eng, 9 Spd Eaton trans, 11R24.5 Rubber, 445,817kms showing, SAFETIED •48’ Trail King single Drop Flat Deck Trailer w/Strap Winches, 255/70R22.5 Rubber, SAFETIED •40’ Load King T/A DBL Hopper Grain Trailer w/ NEW Roll Tarp, 11R22.5 Rubber •1976 F750 Ford S/A Cab Over grain truck w/16’ B&H, 389 Gas Engine, 5+2 Trans, air brakes, 99,930 Miles showing, •1974 IH 1700 Tag Axle Grain Truck w/18’ B&H, Telescopic Hoist, V8 Gas, 5+4 Trans, 060058 Miles showing, HOUSE TRAILER: •14’ X 65’ Bonavista, 2 Bedroom, Fridge, Stove, electric Furnace, and Addition is 16’ x 36’ with 4 walls, 1 Bedroom and living room (Great for Cabin) GRAIN HANDLING EQUIPMENT: •10”x60’ Farm King Swing Hopper Auger w/full bin sensor •8”x51’ Westfield PTO Auger, •8”x41’ Farm King Auger w/Self propel kit, Honda GXG70V Twin Eng w/telescopic mounted hopper, 3PT EQUIPMENT & ATTACHMENTS: •7’ JD 65 3pt Blade w/Manual Angle, •Posthole Auger 3pt

•8’ 3pt Cultivator •V Snow Plow Blade LAWN & GARDEN - LEISURE: •JD X540 Lawn Tractor w/54” Deck, 26HP Engine, Hydro Drive, 90hrs showing •JD 345 Lawn Tractor w/48” Deck with bagger, 18HP engine, 30” Rototiller, 1128hrs showing •2000 Arctic Cat 370 Snowmobile w/600 Miles showing, •Kawasaki Bayou 250 Quad 2WD w/NEW tires •Yard Sprayer LIVESTOCK: •Small PTO Feed Wagon •(12) Approx Round Bale Feeder for Horses SHOP ITEMS: •Angle Grinder •Chop Saw •Anvil •Shovels •Ladders •Oxy/Acet Set •Pullers •Flat Wrenches •Hand Tools •Large Selection of Bolts, nuts etc. •There will be a couple hours of tools and parts and pallet lots to sell!!! ASSORTMENT OF MISC ITEMS •1000 Gal Fuel Tank w/115 Volt pump & meter •1000 Gal Poly Water Tank (Green) •Barbed Wire •Steel Frame Loading Ramp •Approx 10 Length of Drill Stem Pipe



of WAWANESA, MB. WEDNESDAY, June 11th 11:00 AM DIRECTIONS: From Amaranth, MB (Jct #50 & #261Hwys) 5km West on Hwy #261 to Rd 58W Turn North on Rd 58W 2.5kms to Sale Site. Watch for Signs. DIRECTIONS: (From Jct #2 & #18 Hwys) East on #2 Hwy 4Kms to Rd 93W (North field Rd) North on Rd 93W 0.5Kms to Sale site on West Side. Watch for signs. ORDER OF SALE: 11:00am – 1:00pm (Misc, vet supplies, tools, panels, tanks, cattle handling equipment) 1:00pm (Major equipment sells) AUCTIONEER NOTES: The Mooney Family has sold their land and cattle herd and will be retiring from farming. This is a very good sale with well cared for livestock related equipment. Plan to attend this great sale.They have sold their farm and are offering up this premium line up of equipment. Plan to attend this premium livestock equipment sale.

TRACTORS: •2011 CaseIH Puma 125 MFWD Tractor 105hp w/CaseIH L760 Loader, Bucket, Grapple, Joystick, 3 PT, 3 remote hyd, dual PTO, rear wheel weight kit, pwr shift, left hand reverser, 1650hrs Showing •1998 CaseIH MX120 MFWD Tractor 105hp w/CaseIH L300 SL Loader, Bucket, Grapple, Joystick, Dual PTO, 3 PT, 3 remote hyd, pwr quad trans, left hand reverse, 12525hrs showing (Major repairs were done 12/13) HAYING EQUIPMENT: •Vermeer Highline 605M Rd Baler w/DCF Wide Pick-Up, Net Wrap, Bale Kicker, 1000 PTO, s •2009 16’ AGCO Hesston 3315 Discbine w/1000 PTO, Steel on Steel Rollers, •Sovema Cropmaster 14 Wheel V Rake •Buhler/Inland Hayliner 2500, 14 Bale Dbl Arm Rd Bale Picker LIVESTOCK EQUIPMENT:

•Highline Bale Pro 7000 HD Bale Processor w/Grain Tank, 1000 PTO, •Hagedorn 275 T/A Hydra-Spread Manure Spreader w/1000 PTO, Hydro Push, Poly Sides, Poly Floor, Dbl Beater •New Idea 3639 T/A Manure Spreader w/1000 PTO, Poly Floor, single Floor Chain, Dbl Beater, •(10) 30’ Metal Windbreaks w/ wooden slabs •Assortment of Stock Panels 1” & 2” Tubing Style - Various Lengths •Moran Squeeze Chute w/Auto Catch Head gate •Tuff Ind. Squeeze Chute w/ palp Cage, neck extenders •Maternity Pen w/ Real Ind Head gate •Moran Crowding Tub •Hi Qual Calf Tilt Table •Poly Lick Tanks •Wooden sheep & Pig Loading Chute •Wooden Cattle Loading Chute •Electric Cream Separator •Metal Hog Feeder •Round Bale Feeder rings •Rubber Maid Poly Water Trough •Metal Water Tank •Lewis Metal Bunk Feeders •(2) Concrete Stock Waterers •(1) Ritchie Stock Waterer •Calf Pullers •Assorted

Vet Supplies •Stock Doctor •4 Place Saddle Rack (Mounts in Horse Trailer) ATTACHMENTS & 3 PT EQUIPMENT: •Allied Bale Fork •2 Wheel 3PT Swath Turning Rake TRUCKS & TRAILER: •2003 Dodge 3500 1 ton dually 4x4 w/5.9ltre Cummins Diesel, GVW 12,000lb 5444kgs, 257,000 kms showing, •1999 Chevy LS S10 4X4 Truck w/ Ext Cab, 5 Speed Std, 185,000kms showing •2001 24’x7.5’ Norbert’s Triple Axel Stock Trailer w/2 Partition Gates, •16’ S/A Dual Wheeled 5th Wheel Flat Deck Trailer w/Steel Deck, Steps on backend SEED & TILLAGE: •60’ Flexi Coil system 82 Harrow Bar, •6 Row IH 400 Cyclo Corn Planter w/fertilizer option, 32” Rows, •27’ IH 5000 Vibra Chisel w/3 bar Harrows •25’ Morris Tillage w/3 bar Harrows

•Degelman PTO Drive Rotary Stone Picker, TANKS & PUMPS: •1200 Gal Poly Water Tank •1000 Gal Fuel Tank on Stand •500 Gal Fuel Tank on Stand •(2) Solar Water Pump stock systems •Nose Pump GRAIN HANDLING EQUIPMENT: •Vertec Air Grain Dryer System (Portable) •8 x 51 Westfield PTO Swing Hopper Auger •Westeel Hopper Bottom Feed Bin w/Farm King Hyd Drive Pencil Auger •Assorted Pencil Augers ASSORTMENT OF MISC ITEMS: •Miller Thunderbolt 225 CC/AC Welder •Air Compressor 2 ½ HP Sanborn Magna Force •Shelter – Logic Biotech Shelter 12’x16’x8’ suitable for a 1 vehicle garage. NEW – never used •Field King ATV Sprayer •Water Drive Pressure Washer •Electric Fencers •Electric Fence Wire •Treated Fence Posts •Part Bags of Grass Seed •Grain Pile Tarps •Assorted Tools Etc.



for RAYLENE & THE LATE BRIAN MOSHONDZ of RUSSELL, MB. MONDAY, JUNE 16TH 12:00 NOON (DST) DIRECTIONS: From RUSSELL, MB 12.5kms north on #83 Hwy to Rd 128N (Thunder Creek Rd) 12kms East on Rd 128N to Sale site on North Side. Watch for signs Sale Day. From ROBLIN, MB 41.5kms south on #83 Hwy to Rd 128N (Thunder Creek Rd) 12kms East on Rd 128N to Sale site on North Side. Watch for signs Sale Day. From Silverton, MB (Jct Hwy #45 & #478) 13kms north on #478 Hwy to Rd 128N 2.4kms East on Rd 128N to Sale site on North Side. Watch for signs Sale Day. ORDER OF SALE: This sale has almost no small selling so please make sure you are at sale site and registered to bid by 12:00 noon DST.

TRACTORS: •1982 JD 8640 4WD Tractor 229hp w/20.8-38 Duals, Quad Range Trans, Diff Lock, Big 1000 PTO, 3 Remote Hyd, 5446Hrs Showing, •1976 JD 4230 2WD Tractor w/JD 148 Loader, Bucket, Joystick Controls, Diff lock, Quad Range trans, 2 Remote hyd, Dual PTO, 3 PT, 6008Hrs showing, (3PT was giving problems with lift strength last fall) HARVEST EQUIPMENT: •1983 JD 8820 Turbo SP Combine w/Approx 4510Hrs Showing, Redecop Chaff Saver System, 2 Spd Cyl, Airfoil Sieves, •1982 MF 850 DSL SP Combine w/Hydro Static Trans, 3702Hrs Showing (clock was changed and owner states unit has 2857hrs) •Hesston 8110S SP DSL Swather w/25’ Header, UII Pickup Reel, Hitch, DBL Swath, 2154Hrs Showing, •16’ Hesston Hay Crimper Header w/Steel on Steel Crimp, DBL Knife Drive, •Labtronics 919 Moisture Tester w/Digital Read out & Scale •8’ Douglas Poly Swath Roller SEED & TILLAGE:

•80’ Bourgault 850 Centurion III w/833gal Poly Tank, Hyd pump, Disk markers, windscreens, chem. Mix tank, eye wash tank, auto fold, GRAIN HANDLING: •Farm Fans AB-120A Automatic Grain Dryer w/Propane Burners, Wheel Kit, 1 PH Power, MB Cert Stickers in control box •10”x51’ Westfield PTO Swing Hopper Auger w/540 PTO, Light Kit, •7”x51’ Westfield auger w/5HP, 1PH Electric Motor, •7”x26’ Westfield auger w/5HP, 1PH Electric Motor, •Honda GX390 Electric start motor (motor is like NEW) •4”x10’ Westfield Pencil Auger w/ ¾ Electric Motor, •Avonlea Fans 3HP 1PH Aeration Fan •MS Helifoil Aeration Fan 1PH •200 Bus Kendon Gravity Wagon •Poly Auger Hoppers TRUCKS: •1981 IH S1700 S/A Grain Truck w/16’ Midland B&H, Roll Tarp, 10.00–20 Rubber, 5+2 Trans, 404 V8 Gas Eng, 102,040Kms Showing, •1979 Ford F600 S/A Grain Truck w/16’ Cancade B&H, Roll Tarp, 370 Eng, 5+2 Trams, 10R22.5 Rubber,

52,305Kms showing, , SAFETIED (very clean truck) ATTACHMENTS & 3PT: •2006 7’ Farm King 840 3pt Snowblower w/540 PTO, single auger •Bale Fork (fits JD 146 Loader) •3PT Bale Fork (NEW) LIVESTOCK EQUIPMENT: •Bale King Vortec 3100 Bale Processor w/1000 PTO, Right Hand Discharge, Hyd Chute, BINS: (ALL BINS ARE TO BE REMOVED, THEY ARE CURRENTLY FULL OF GRAIN AND RAYLENE WILL NEED UNTIL AUGUST 31, 2014 TO EMPTY THE BINS. THEY WILL BE READY FOR REMOVEL AFTER THAT DATE) •BIN 1 – Approx 1650 Bus Westeel on Cement •BIN 2 – Approx 2000 Bus Westeel on Peloquin Hopper w/Aeration •BIN 3 – Approx 2000 Bus Westeel on Peloquin Hopper •BIN 4 – Approx 1650 Bus Westeel w/wooden floor •BIN 5– Approx 850 Friesen Hopper Bottom Feed Bin •BIN 6 – Approx 3000 Bus Westeel on Peloquin Hopper w/Aeration •BIN 7 – Approx

2000 Bus Westeel on Peloquin Hopper •BIN 8 – Approx 2500 Bus Goebel on wooden floor •BIN 9 – Approx 3000 Bus Westeel on wooden floor •BIN 10 – Approx 2500 Bus Goebel on wooden floor •BIN 20 – Approx 3200 Bus Friesen Hopper Bottom Epoxy Coated Bin •BIN 21 – Approx 3000 Bus Westeel on Peloquin Hopper •BIN 22 – Approx 1650 Bus Westeel on wooden floor •BIN 23 – Approx 2500 Bus Goebel on Wood Floor •BIN 24 – Approx 2500 Bus Twister on Westeel Hopper •BIN 25 – Approx 2000 Bus Westeel on Peloquin Hopper ASSORTMENT OF MISC ITEMS: •Submersible Monarch Pump w/Control Box, 115 Volt, ½ HP (1 YEAR OLD) •Pressure System Tank •NEW 200 amp Panel Box (Federal Pioneer) Type 3R •A Few Small Farm related Hand Tools •(5) FM Radios w/antennas •(1) Hand Held FM Radio w/ charger •(1) FM Base Station w/Antenna



The Manitoba Co-operator | May 29, 2014

FARM MACHINERY Parts & Accessories


1-800-667-9871 • Regina 1-800-667-3095 • Saskatoon 1-800-387-2768 • Winnipeg 1-800-222-6594 • Edmonton “For All Your Farm Parts”

www.fyfeparts.com The Real Used FaRm PaRTs sUPeRsToRe Over 2700 Units for Salvage • TRACTORS • COMBINES • SWATHERS • DISCERS Call Joe, leN oR daRWIN (306) 946-2222 monday-Friday - 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.

WATROUS SALVAGE WaTRoUs, sK. Fax: 306-946-2444

FARM MACHINERY PARTS & ACCESSORIES: Haukaas Sidearm Markers Model 130, c/w cables, hyd. cylinders & hoses Parting out Case-IH 5600 chisel plow, shanks/ springs, axles, wheels, hyd. clys. frame parts 22-ft bat reel from Versatile 4400 JD 25-ft PT swather -hydraulic table & reel w/5-ft extension loose End gate drill fill auger,w/150 Bus Diamond V-box Misc grain bin doors, panels & frames 1-set 40-ft Laurier tine harrows - needs work, but all there. Phone Bill:(204)795-0572 or Craig:(204)782-9208.

NEW & USED TRACTOR PARTS NEW COMBINE PARTS Large Inventory of new and remanufactured parts

STEINBACH, MB. Ph. 326-2443 Toll-Free 1-800-881-7727 Fax (204) 326-5878 Web site: farmparts.ca E-mail: roy@farmparts.ca FARM MACHINERY Machinery Miscellaneous 1, 67-FT. PT SPRAYER; 1, 24-ft. PT swather. Both in good operating condition, always shedded. Norman Dashevsky Brunkild (604)428-4970 long distance call, e-mail ndayy@yahoo.com 2011 8100 HIGHLINE BALE processor w/chopper, grain tank, large tires, $17,500; Westfield 8x50 swing auger, $2500; Brandt 7x28 auger w/bin sweep, $1,300. Contact (204)851-0732 or (204)851-0730, (204)748-2022. 250-BU. CHORE TIME HOPPER bin; 2,000-bu. westeel rosco grain bin; 1967 intl truck w/good steel box & hoist 8x12-ft.; 8-inx41-ft. westfield grain auger w/16-HP Briggs & Stratton engine, electric start; 14-ft. Co-op deep tiller; Assort of wire panels. (204)886-2461 ALLIS DOZER #20, CABLE w/12-ft dozer blade. $5000. Phone evenings (204)646-4226. DISCS JD 22-FT #330, $9500; 30-ft, $10,500; Versatile 36-ft, $25,000; Bushog 25-ft, $7500; JD 16-ft, $5000; Krause 14-ft, $3500; Krause 15-ft Bifold, $5000; Degelman Rock picker, $2500; JD V Drainage plow, $1500; Phoenix Harrow 53-ft, $12,000; Summers 72-ft Harrow, $12,000; Scrapers 4 yd, $3900; 6 yd Eversman, $6000; 8.5 yd Midland, $8000; 6 yd crown, $5500; Rotary Ditcher 3 PH, $1250. (204) 857-8403. FLEXI-COIL #62 SPRAYER, 800-GAL. tank, 95-ft boom, $2000 OBO; JD 9350 drills, 3x10 w/marker, grass seed, fertilizer, plus carrier, $2500 OBO; Westfield 8x41 auger w/self propelled w/25-hp Kohler plus grain drag, $4300 OBO; Honda pump new GX120, $525 OBO; Farm King pencil auger, 8x16, $600 OBO; 3-wheel Caddy wagon, 500-gal. (wont tip), $1800 OBO; Haul-All 17-ft seed fertilizer tank, $1500 OBO. Phone (204)746-8721 FOR SALE: 2006 NH 1475 haybine w/16-ft HS header, $24,000 OBO; 1010 NH bale wagon, $1000 OBO; International tandem disc 20-ft model #48, $2,000 OBO; Truck frame trailer w/8x12 box & hoist, $1,200 OBO. 3) 15.5x38 tractor tires, $100 ea OBO. Phone (204)4285185 leave msg. FOR SALE: 4840 MF tractor; 1100 MF; 40-ft. Hesston heavy disc; 40-ft. JD field cultivator; band wagon. Phone (204)346-2224. FOR SALE: 60-FT WILGER field sprayer, good condition, $400; 1974 JD 4230 tractor, loader & 3-PTH, runs good, $9000; 1982 IHC 6200 press drill w/factory transport, good condition, $2000; Homemade 28-ft cattle alleyway complete w/head-gate, excellent condition, $2500 OBO. (204)637-2393, (204)212-2393. FOR SALE: 903 CUMMINGS motor & trans., From 1984 4840 MF tractor. Phone:(306)896-2817 Churchbridge, SK. FOR SALE: NH GRINDER/MIXER; 2,500-bu West-eel metal grainery; 310 Fargo truck w/hoist,; 4-Ton Dodge truck, complete w/hoist; L2 gleaner combine; 4490 Case tractor; sprayer complete w/SS tank. Phone:(204)857-7156.

FARM MACHINERY Machinery Miscellaneous

FARM MACHINERY Machinery Miscellaneous

EDGE EQUIPMENT SALES 3-170 Murray Park Rd Winnipeg, MB



Exclusive PowerFold® feature allows operators to lift DuraMax® decks with their fingers not with their backs.

USED GRASSHOPPERS AVAILABLE GRAVITY WAGONS NEW 400-BU, $7400; 600 Bu, $12,000; 750 Bu, $17,750; Tarps available used; 350 Bu, $3200; 500 Bu, $6000; 750 Bu Park-er, $14,000; Used Graincarts: 750-Bu JM, $12,000; 675 EZ, $11,000; JM 650 Bu, $10,500; Brent 450-Bu, $7500; Grain Screeners: Hutch 1600, $2500; Hutch 3000, $5000; DMC 54, $5000; Kwik Kleen 5Tube, $4000; 7 Tube, $5000; 7 Tube Hyd drive, $6500; Extra screens, $150. www.zettlerfarmequipment.com (204)857-8403. IHC 6 BOTTOM PLOW, 3-PTH, 4-tonne fertilizer spreader, corn cultivator; 30-ft swather; standing poplar; pasture & hayland for rent; Three sheep for sale plus much more. (204)268-1888. JD 105 DSL HYDRO combine, excellent cond., C/W 22-ft and PU headers. 23.1xR30 sprayer tires. Header trailer. 18.4x34 tire. 27x32 HD 10-bolt rims. 30.5x32 tire. 24-ft triple-axle trailer. 91 Dodge Cummins 5-spd transmission assembly. (204)766-2643 text (204)955-8970. JD 330 DOUBLE DISC 27-ft, $6000; 960 MacDon header 1998, 30-ft excellent shape, CIH adaptor, $14,000; 1020 CIH straight header, 25-ft, $5,500. Call Ray or Joel (204)745-7225, (204)750-1106. NEW EQUINOX BLACK 1,250-GAL tank, $390 OBO; New Equinox Yellow HD 1,250-gal tank, special price at $530; New GX 690 Honda Motor 24-HP, extra strong to run 54-ft. air seeder, loaded, hour counter & oil alert, electric start, retail $2,765 special price $2,165; New GX 630 Honda Motor 20-HP, loaded, retail $2,395 special at $1,860; New GX 390 13-HP Honda, rope start, retail $1,312, special $800; New Saga Scooter 50cc, electric start, retail $1690 special at $1,335; All warranty 2 years. A&T Sales Ltd, (204)822-1354 cell (204)823-1559, Morden, MB. QUIT FARMING: 2008 STX 430 4WD, new tires, $160,000; 2008 CIH 8010 4WD combine, 30-ft flex draper, $200,000; 2011 Farm King Auger, 13x85, hyd. swing & hyd. lift on swing, $18,000; 2013 Geringhoff corn chopping header, 8x30-in, w/row stompers, $80,000; (2) 105 White tractors, rebuilt eng., $7,000; Hutchmaster tandem, $5,000; Roadrunner header haul, $8,000; 30-ft MacDon draper header, $20,000; IH 4240 tractor w/15-ft mower, $12,000; 16x30 Westco cult., $1,500; 16x30 Band sprayer, $1,500; 1998 T-800 Kenworth w/N14 Cummins, 18-spd, 4-way locks, SS paving Box, 30-in. live belt, $33,000; 2006 CAT 320 excavator, 10,000-hrs w/QA cleaning bucket, nice, $60,000. Call:(204)871-0925, Macgregor, MB. QUIT FARMING MUST SELL! 1983 555 Versatile, 6134-hrs, $15,000 OBO; 31-ft Case IH field cultivator, $3800; 1976 C65 Chev 5-ton, tag-axle, 61,159-miles, $12,000 OBO. Call Ron (204)918-3169, Gladstone.

CASE IH 8450 BALER, 4-ft wide, 6-ft tall. Spare parts, always shedded. Asking $5000. Phone (204)467-5093, ask for Doug. FOR SALE: 2005 CASE IH baler, RBX562, wide PU, belts VG to New, shedded, excellent cond, auto-tie. (204)476-0100, Carberry.

HAYING & HARVESTING Swathers 2007 JD 4895, 18.4x26 Firestone Champion Spade grip tires, 30-ft. Honeybee header, double knife drive, PU reel, 581 swathing hrs, 747 eng hrs, always shedded. Asking $79,000; Vers 4750 w/30-ft. double knife drive & PU reel, 2,760-hrs, always stored inside. Asking $12,000 Phone: (204)782-2846 or (204)488-5030.

HAYING & HARVESTING Various 03 NH HW 320 SP 16-ft. mower conditioner approx 1,100-hrs; 07 NH BR780A baler wide PU & wheels, twine & net, endless belts, 540 PTO, approx 300-hrs; 03 NH HT154 18 wheel V-rake, approx 400-hrs; baler & Mow-Co always shedded, all equipment VGC, used very little last 5 yrs. (204)372-6525. LIKE NEW 8 WHEEL Hyd. rake, red in colour $4,900.00 OBO. Reimer Farm Equipment, Hwy #12 N, Steinbach, MB. Gary Reimer (204)326-7000 www.reimerfarmequipment.com NH #1475 HAYBINE 14-FT., cut few acs, in excellent condition, $8,750; Woods 60-in. mower, $550. Phone (204)746-8851, Morris.

Rebuilt Concaves

Rebuild combine table augers Rebuild hydraulic cylinders Roller mills regrooved MFWD housings rebuilt Steel and aluminum welding Machine Shop Service Line boreing and welding

Penno’s Machining & Mfg. Ltd. Eden, MB 204-966-3221 Fax: 204-966-3248

Check out A & I online parts store www.pennosmachining.com


QUONSET NEW, 35X52X18; JD 2420 DSL, 25-ft & 16-ft hay; JD 7410 FWA, w/loader; MF 860 p/u $5000, & 20-ft straight cut; Ford 5000 w/loader; Vac, sewer tank & pump; Rotex SR7 power parachute for parts; Chev tandem gravel box & hoist; C7 tree farmer skidder; Bison head squeeze (complete); 2004 Rumblebee shortbox; 16-ft dual axle cattle trailer gooseneck, like new. Cyclone PTO Fert spreader; Skid mount Cummins motor w/transmission; D343 CAT motor for parts; Bantam C366 w/471 Track hoe for parts; 21-ft Carter Hart PU/reel; 1-tonne truck hoist; Ford 6-ft, 3-PT angle blade for 40-HP & bigger tractor; CAT IT 28G loader, 2.5-yd. (306)236-8023.

COMBINES Accessories

WANTED: 14x16.1 front tire tractor, FOR SALE: 2 good 10.00x16 tires, $100 each; 30.5x32 Firestone rice tires, good, $1000; 2 older 30.5x32, $200 each; Good 5th Wheel, $250; 6-ft swath roller, $100. (204)373-2502, please leave msg, cell (204)304-0270, Emerson.

HEADER TRAILERS & ACCESSORIES. Arc-Fab Industries. 204-355-9595 charles@arcfab.ca www.arcfab.ca

HAYING & HARVESTING Baling Equipment 2004 NH 740 AUTO tie, bale ramps, counter, wide Pickup, done only 390 bales. Owner passed away. Has not been used for several years, small operation. $12,900.00 OBO. Reimer Farm Equipment, Hwy #12 N, Steinbach, MB. Gary Reimer (204)326-7000 www.reimerfarmequipment.com 2007 HESSTON CHALLENGER LB34B 3x4 square baler, $67,000; 2005 Hesston 4760 3x3 square baler w/accumluater, $38,000; 3 NH Forage boxes, 1 w/tandem wagon, offers. Ph (204)728-4784, Brandon. 2009 JD 4895 SP wind roller, bar ties, HID lights, long wiper, variable speed reel w/16-ft 896 hay header, non-clog guards, steel skid shoes, 330 cutting hours, $69,000; 2011 A30D MacDon mower conditioner, 16-ft pull-type w/stub guards on cutting bar, $20,000; 2009 JD 568 Mega-wide round baler, 1000 PTO, w/net wrap, high-moisture kit, auto oiler & Gandi hay preservative applicator, approx 10,000 bales, $29,000; 2005 Morris 1400 Hay hiker, 14 bale w/divide stop, $17,000; 2006 Matador swath turner, model 7900 hyd drive, $3000. Contact (204)851-0732 or (204)851-0730, (204)748-2022.



2010 CIH DX-55 CAB, air, MFWD, 3 pt., 2,000-hrs, like new. $34,900 OBO. Reimer Farm Equipment, Hwy #12 N, Steinbach, MB. Gary Reimer (204)326-7000 www.reimerfarmequipment.com 886 IHC TRACTOR, 4,135-HRS, VGC, OBO. Call (204)736-4227, La Salle.



1979 4440 6,200-HRS, 3-PTH, extra fuel tank, $24,900; 8.5-yd Leon scraper, made improvements, $14,900; Wooden 16-ft. work bench w/50 drawers & steel top, $2,000. (204)746-6470 cell (204)712-7104. 1989 JD 8760 4WD 24-SPD trans, 4 SCV’s, 20.8x38 duals, no heavy pulling, only on grain cart harrows & PT sprayer, green lighted 2013 ($7,300), 5,515 org hrs, wired for auto steer. (204)248-2364 cell (204)723-5000, Notre Dame. 1997 JD 8970 425-HP, bottom end on motor done 1,000-hrs ago, tires 90%, injectors tested, 24-SPD, 8,400-hrs, field ready, best offer. (306)524-4567 or (306)726-3203. FOR SALE JD 2555 - MFWD, CAH, 3 pt, w/245 loader; JD 2750 - 3 pt, 2wd, w/loader; JD 2950 MFWD, CAH, 3-pt, w/260 loader; JD 4240 Quad shift, 3-pt; JD 4250 MFWD, 15-spd; JD 4430 Quad shift, 3-pt; JD 4440’s (3) Quad shifts, 3-pt; JD 6420 MFWD, 3-pt, 24-spd w/LHR, loader; JD 6430 MFWD, 3-pt, 20-spd w/LHR, premium, w/673 loader, grapple, 5800-hrs; JD 6605 MFWD, 3-pt, PQ w/LHR, 740 loader, grapple; JD 7410 MFWD, 3-pt, PQ w/LHR, w/740 FEL, grapple; JD 8400 MFWD, 3-pt, PS. All tractors can be sold w/new or used loaders. Mitch’s Tractor Sales Ltd. Box 418, St.Claude, MB, R0G 1Z0. Phone:(204)750-2459. JD 444 PAYLOADER, 1 1/2-yd bucket, hyd. works good. $17,500 OBO. Reimer Farm Equipment, Hwy #12 N, Steinbach, MB. Gary Reimer (204)326-7000 www.reimerfarmequipment.com

28-FT CASE HOE DRILL, always shedded, in great shape. Phone (204)295-8417. INDIVIDUAL SHANK MOUNTED PACKERS; New Dutch knives, half-price also Misc used boots & knives. Phone (204)263-5392.

TracTors TRACTORS Case/ IH 08 STX 430 brand new 620-70-42 tires, delux cab, heated leather seat, $160,000. Phone (204)871-0925, McGregor.

GAS BOWSER; SMALL CANCADE loader; Blade for a Bobcat; 5th Wheel hitch. Phone (204)855-2212

570 NH SMALL SQUARE baler, with or w/o farm hand bale accumulator & fork. VGC, always shedded. Call (204)736-4227, La Salle.

1989 7130 3-PTH large PTO, 20.8x38 rear tires, good shape, runs excellent, $30,000 OBO. Phone (204)526-7139.

FARM MACHINERY Machinery Miscellaneous

FARM MACHINERY Machinery Miscellaneous

FARM MACHINERY Machinery Miscellaneous


every TUESDAY at 9 am

June 3rd, 10th, 17th & 24th

Saturday June 14th Bred Cow Sale Tack & Horses to follow at 10:00 am

Sales Agent for


We also have a line of Agri-blend all natural products for your livestock needs. (protein tubs, blocks, minerals, etc)

For on farm appraisal of livestock or for marketing information please call

Harold Unrau (Manager) Cell 871 0250 Auction Mart (204) 434-6519 MB. Livestock Dealer #1111


LIVESTOCK Cattle – Angus 2 SEMEN TANKS FOR sale, 1 empty, 1 full of semen. Mostly Angus sires. Phone (204)467-5093, ask for Doug. BATTLE LAKE FARM HAS for sale Black & Red PB Angus yearling bulls & 2-yr olds. EPD’s & semen tested. (204)834-2202.

1952 8N FORD TRACTOR w/3-PH, new tires, radiator, grill, grill guard, tachometer, & paint. Excellent yard tractor. Call (204)476-5883.

HAMCO CATTLE CO. HAS for sale Reg Red & Black Angus yearling bulls & 2 yr olds. Good selection. Semen tested, performance data & EPD’s available. Top genetics, Free Delivery. Contact Glen, Albert, Larissa Hamilton (204)827-2358 or David Hamilton (204)325-3635.

TRACTORS Versatile 835 VERSATILE W/RETURN LINE for air seeder, field ready, new inside tires, VGC, asking $20,000. Phone (204)425-3837.

TRACTORS 2-Wheel Drive STEVE’S TRACTOR REBUILDER specializing in JD tractors in need of repair or burnt, or will buy for parts. JD parts available. Phone: 204-466-2927 or cell: 204-871-5170, Austin.

2006 MF 6485, 6600-HRS, dyna-shift transmission, 18.4 R42 duals, cab suspension, electronic joystick, 4 remotes, MF 975 loader. Call (204)745-7864, (204)379-2640. SWAP 500 VERSATILE FOR International 806 or 856. Phone(204)855-2212

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RED & BLACK PUREBRED Registered Angus Cows & Heifers For Sale. Will sell part or whole herd; Jan & Feb calves @ foot, rebred AI to Top Sires. Please only serious inquiries (204)422-5216 RIDGE SIDE RED ANGUS: Yearling bulls for sale. From top AI sires, semen tested, guaranteed, will keep & feed till you need & deliver. Call Don: (204)422-5216 or visit our website@ ridgesideredangus.com

LIVESTOCK Cattle – Black Angus 3 REGISTERED BLACK ANGUS bulls, 2, 3-yrs old, 1, 4 yr old birthweight 80-84-lbs. Bismarck, Alliance, Stout bloodlines. Phone Marcel (204)981-6953, Oak Bluff.


Tillage & Seeding

TILLAGE & SEEDING Tillage Various



The Icynene Insulation System®

FH 536 40-FT. 1989 Bourgault cultivators, tine harrows, knock on shovels, 230 trip, good condition, $11,000 OBO. (204)744-2312 or (204)825-0141, Somerset, MB.


Hwy #205, Grunthal • (204) 434-6519



TILLAGE & SEEDING Tillage Equipment

LIVESTOCK Cattle Auctions

Mastercard, Visa &Interac available Introductory Doorcrasher Special

You receive base pump, rad hose, insulation, fittings, rust inhibitor PLUS our FC30HD (can heat 1 building) WOOD WATER FURNACE Some claim this is “North America’s Hottest Deal!”

Friesen Built Inc. 1-204-388-6150 • Toll Free 1-855-897-7278

IRON & STEEL FREE STANDING CORRAL PANELS, Feeders & Alley ways, 30ft or order to size. Oil Field Pipe: 1.3, 1.6, 1.9, 1 7/8, 2-in, 2 3/8, 2 7/8, 3 1/2. Sucker Rod: 3/4, 7/8, 1. Casing Pipes: 4-9inch. Sold by the piece or semi load lots. For special pricing call Art (204)685-2628 or cell (204)856-3440.

6 YEARLING REGISTERED BLACK Angus Bulls, semen tested & delivered within 100-mi. (204)741-0070, (204)483-3622, Souris. BLACK ANGUS & POLLED HEREFORD bulls for sale. Yearlings & 2-yr olds available, natural muscled bulls developed w/high forage rations. Semen tested, delivery available. Call Don Guilford (204)873-2430. FOR SALE: 2-YR OLD & yearling Black Angus bulls, bunk fed, fertility tested, weigh sheets available, low birth weights, many industry leading bloodlines, delivery available, Black Meadows Angus. Call Bill (204)567-3782. KEMBAR ANGUS HAS REGISTERED Black Angus yearling bulls for sale. Thick w/lots of hair, good disposition & EPD’s available. 70% will work on heifers, Kodiak 5R, FAV Peacemaker & KMK Alliance bloodlines. Also for sale, a select group of Registered Black Angus open replacement heifers. Phone Colin:(204)761-8526, Brandon. N7 STOCK FARM HAVE 30 top quality yearling Black Angus Bulls for sale by private treaty. Sired by some of the breed’s leading AI sires, bulls are developed on a homemade oat ration & free choice hay. Performance records available, will be semen tested, delivery available, contact Gerald & Wendy Nykoliation (204)562-3530 or Allan’s cell (204)748-5128. ONE 2-YR-OLD REGISTERED BULL sired by KLM KRYPTONITE5R, 3 Registered Black Angus 1-yr old sired Ossaiva 41Y, all passed the semen test, Birth WTS from 80-83-lbs, all quiet. Frank Case (204)428-3961, cell (204)856-6931, Portage. OSSAWA ANGUS AT MARQUETTE, MB. For sale: yearling & 2-yr old bulls. Also, a couple of herd sires. Phone: (204) 375-6658 or (204)383-0703. WANTED: OWNER W/GOOD QUALITY Black Angus bull to breed to 2 young healthy Angus cows. (204)534-6185 & leave message.

LIVESTOCK Cattle – Red Angus 2 RED ANGUS BULLS for sale. 3-yr old, both heifer bulls. $2,500/each. Jim Abbot, Carman, MB. Phone:(204)745-3884 or (204)750-1157. FOR SALE: REG RED Angus bulls yearlings & 2 yr olds. For more info (204)773-3252 FOR SALE: YEARLING RED Angus bulls, semen tested, delivery available. Also White Mammoth Jenny donkey. Phone (204)383-5802, or (204)383-0100. FORSYTH’S F BAR RANCH have for sale 25 2-yr old & yearling Red Angus Bulls. Bulls are semen tested & delivered. For more info, call Roy Forsyth (204)448-2245. Eddystone, MB. WILKINRIDGE STOCK FARM STILL has several yearling & 2-yr old Red Angus &Maine-Anjou bulls. All bulls are semen tested, vaccinated, can be delivered. Phone:(204)373-2631 or check us out at www.wilkinridge.logspot.com

LIVESTOCK Cattle – Blonde d’Aquitaine BELLEVUE BLONDES HAS AN excellent group of performance & semen tested, polled Purebred Reg. Blonde yearling bulls for sale. Reasonably priced. Call Marcel (204)379-2426 or (204)745-7412, Haywood MB.

LIVESTOCK Cattle – Charolais FOR SALE: POLLED YEARLING Charolais bulls, Silverado grandsons, will be semen tested. Jack Bullied:(204)526-2857.


The Manitoba Co-operator | May 29, 2014

LIVESTOCK Horses For Sale

REAL ESTATE Farms & Ranches – Wanted

FOR SALE: 2-YR OLD Charolais Bulls, polled, quiet, low birth weights, tested & delivered, $2300-$2500. Wayne Angus (204)764-2737, Hamiota MB.

HAVE SEVERAL H.B. QUARTER horses, young quarter horses that need to be broke or are broke to ride. Also 2 half Gypsy-Vanners. Phone (306)435-3634, lv msg.

FOR SALE: 2-YR OLD PB Registered Charolais bull. Will be an easy calver, semen tested. We also have yearling bulls, guaranteed. K.E.H. Charolais, Keith Hagan:(204)748-1024.


GOOD QUALITY GRAIN & Cattle Farms wanted for Canadian & Overseas Clients. For a confidential meeting to discuss the possible sale of your farm, or to talk about what is involved, Phone Gordon Gentles:(204)761-0511 or Jim McLachlan: (204)724-7753. www.homelifepro.com HomeLife Home Professional Realty Inc.

LIVESTOCK Swine Wanted


FOR SALE: PUREBRED CHAROLAIS bulls, 2-yr olds & yearlings. Polled, some Red Factor, some good for heifers, semen tested, guaranteed & delivered. R & G McDonald Livestock, Sidney MB. (204)466-2883, (204)724-2811. MARTENS CHAROLAIS has 3 YR old, 2-yr old & yearling bulls for sale. Dateline sons for calving ease & performance. Specialist sons for consistent thickness. Also Pleasant Dawn Marshall sons. Call Ben (204)534-8370.


Red Factor Charolais Bulls. They are easy calving & being hand-fed an oat/pea ration w/free choice grass hay. Semen tested & delivered. 2-yr olds available. Cory Burnside (204)841-0018

P. QUINTAINE & SON LTD. 728-7549 Licence No. 1123

WE HAVE AN EXCELLENT selection of PB Charolais bulls, both Red & white. Pictures & info on the net www.defoortstockfarm.com. Call Gord or Sue: (204)743-2109. Celebrating 34 years in Charolais.


LIVESTOCK Cattle – Gelbvieh POLLED YEARLING & 2 yr old bulls Selin’s Gelbvieh, Stockholm, SK. (306)793-4568.

LIVESTOCK Cattle – Hereford FOR SALE: REGISTERED HORNED Hereford bulls, 2-yr olds & yearlings. Semen tested & delivered when needed. Also, yearling open Hereford heifers. Phone Morley Wilson:(204)246-2142. HORNED HEREFORD 2-YR & yearling bulls for sale. Performance tested; fertility tested; guaranteed & delivered. Raising & selling Horned Herefords since 1973. Call Wendell Reimer: (204)379-2773. Located at St. Cloud, MB. POLLED HEREFORD & BLACK ANGUS bulls for sale. Yearlings & 2-yr olds available, natural muscled bulls developed w/high forage rations. Semen tested, delivery available. Call Don Guilford (204)873-2430. POLLED HEREFORD BULLS 20-30 months, quiet, broke to tie, guaranteed delivery avail, naturally developed on forage based feeding program. Catt Brothers (204)723-2831 Austin, MB.

LIVESTOCK Cattle – Limousin TRIPLE R LIMOUSIN has 15, 2 yr olds, 21 yearling bulls, Red & Black & Polled, Red bred for performance or calving ease, semen tested, guaranteed & delivery avail. Call Art (204)856-3440 or (204)685-2628. YEARLING & 2 YR Old Polled Limousin Bulls for sale Black, Red. Semen tested, can deliver. 1, 4 yr old herd sire. Diamond T Limousin, Kenton (204)838-2019 cell (204)851-0809.

LIVESTOCK Cattle – Maine-Anjou 2 BLACK PUREBRED 4-YR old, proven herd sires, moderate birth weights. CEE Farms Genetics. Phone Marcel (204)981-6953, Oak Bluff. WILKINRIDGE STOCK FARM STILL has several yearling & 2-yr old Maine-Anjou &Red Angus bulls. All bulls are semen tested, vaccinated, can be delivered. Phone:(204)373-2631 or check us out at www.wilkinridge.logspot.com

LIVESTOCK Cattle – Shorthorn FOR SALE: PUREBRED YEARLING Shorthorn bulls. Red & Roan, thick & beefy w/moderate birth weights. Get the maternal edge w/Shorthorn sired females. Call Uphill Shorthorns. (204)764-2663 cell, (204)365-7155, rgray4@mymts.net FOR SALE: YEARLING & 2-yr old bulls. Polled, mostly Red. Birthweights starting at 63-lbs. Developed on a growing ration. Out of practical, hardworking cows. Phone (204)764-2382.

LIVESTOCK Cattle – Simmental FOR SALE: TWO, 2 yr old Black Simm bulls, sired by Cut Above, out of Wheatland 680S daughters. Also 1 Hereford Simm X Black blazed faced bull, sired by Designer Jeans. Call (204)873-2430.

LIVESTOCK Cattle Various 2 YEARLING CHAROLAIS BULLS, good disposition, will semen test. Phone (204)428-5185, leave msg. 6 COW-CALF PAIRS, BEEF-TYPE. Calves sired by PB Angus. Also PB Black Angus Bulls, choice of 2 or 3-yr old, have calves on ground which can be viewed. Prairie Lane breeding. Phone:(204)642-7684. HIGH QUALITY BLACK ANGUS & polled Hereford 2-yr old bulls for sale. Bar H Land & Cattle Co. Phone:(306)743-2840, cell (306)743-7490. Langenburg SK.

50 WOOL SHEEP FOR sale & 16 hair sheep, 3 rams. 67 goats. Also 2014 lambs & kids. Phone (204)372-8929 6 BEAUTIFUL MILK GOATS for sale, Alpine/Nubian/Saanen cross w/new kids at side from Savanah buck. $200/each. No Sunday calls. Phone: (204)656-4430. Winnipegosis, MB.

LIVESTOCK EQUIPMENT ALTERNATIVE POWER BY SUNDOG SOLAR, portable/remote solar water pumping for winter/summer. Call for pricing on solar systems, wind generators, aeration. Carl Driedger, (204)556-2346 or (204)851-0145, Virden. FOR SALE: 2-IN BANJO water pump w/5-hp motor, $100; 50-Bu creep feeder w/wheels & panels, $575; 750x17-in truck tires. (204)522-8938, cell (204)522-5762. FOR SALE: 3,000 GAL. Manure wagon w/injectors & hydraulic driven pump on a truck chassis; Also 25- 5x7 tenderfoot sow flooring pads in excellent condition. Used only 2-yrs. Located at Cartwright MB. Call (226)268-6163 KELLN SOLAR SUMMER/WINTER WATERING System, provides water in remote areas, improves water quality, increases pasture productivity, extends dugout life. St. Claude/Portage, 204-379-2763.

LIVESTOCK SERVICES & VET SUPPLIES Horse & Bird feed Cleaned & bagged, black oil sunflowers, 36-lbs & 50-lbs bags. Great for bird & horse feed! One of the cheapest & healthiest feed sources! Delivery can be arranged. Cheaper than buying in store! (204)324-3658 m_kehler@hotmail.com


REAL ESTATE Houses & Lots RTM’s - AVAIL IMMEDIATELY. 3 bdrm homes w/beautiful espresso kitchens; Ensuite in Master bdrm; Main floor laundry. 1,320-sq.ft. home, $75,000; 1,520-sq.ft. home, $90,000. Also will custom build your RTM plan. Call MARVIN HOMES Steinbach, MB. (204)326-1493 or (204)355-8484. www.marvinhomes.ca Building Quality RTM Homes since 1976.

REAL ESTATE NOTRE DAME USED OIL Farms & RanchesDEPOT – Manitoba & FILTER • Buy Used The Oil farmland • Buy Batteries FOR SALE: of the Estate of G.W.R. • Collect consisting Used Filtersof •the Collect Oil Containers SELLGE, following: 1. RM of Franklin: approx 160.00-acs (NW 11-3-3E) 2. RM of Southern and Western Manitoba De Salaberry: approx 153.68-acs (NE 25-4-3E); apTel: 204-248-2110 prox 152.41-acs (SW 25-4-3E); & approx 154.48-acs (NW 25-4-3E) For further information, please contact: Viktor G. Loewen, Executor for the estate of G.W.R. Sellge c/o Loewen & Martens Law Office 1101 Henderson Hwy Winnipeg, MB R2G 1L4. Ph: (204)338-9364, ext #234, Fax: (204)338-8379 email lmlaw@shawbiz.ca MLS 1320867 156-ACS LAKELAND Clay Loam fenced, outbuildings, older home, mun. water, Gladstone; MLS 1400601 716-acs mixed farm, fenced elk, bison, cattle, 1,064-sq.ft. bung, outbuildings, 2nd yard site, McCreary; MLS 1320985 24-15-11 RM Lakeview Section of pastureland in block, fenced, 4 dugouts; RM of Odanah, 160-acs grainland for sale, posession Jan 2015. Call Liz (204)476-6362, John (204)476-6719. Gill & Schmall Agencies.

RECREATIONAL VEHICLES RECREATIONAL VEHICLES Boats & Water 2008 ALUMACRAFT C/W 50-HP Yahama & trailer; 14-ft Alumarine c/w 20-Hp Johnson & trailer. Phone (204)766-2643, text (204)955-8970.

RECREATIONAL VEHICLES Campers & Trailers FOR SALE: 1994 25-FT Fifth wheel, Golden Falcon, single slide, A/C, rear kitchen, free standing table stored inside. Phone (204)745-3773.



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The only company that collects, recycles and re-uses in Manitoba! 888-368-9378 ~ www.envirowestinc.com

PEDIGREED SEED Cereals - Various CERTIFIED CARBERRY WHEAT, CERTIFIED Leggett & Summit oats, Certified Tradition barley. Wilmot Milne, Gladstone, MB. (204)385-2486, (204)212-0531. CERTIFIED WHEAT: GLENN; CARBERRY; Kane; Cardale; Pasteur. Certified oats: Pinnacle; Souris; Furlong. Certified barley: Lacey; Celebration; Conlon. Pride corn & soybean seed. Hulme Agra Products, McGregor (204)871-4666. GREAT VOLUME DISCOUNTS on truck load Carberry Wheat & Tradition Barley. Also consider the solid yield advantages of Pinnacle Oats. Krym Farms Ltd (204)955-5562, Rosser. JAMES FARMS LTD AC Carberry Wheat, Tradition Barley, Souris & Summit Oats, Hanley Flax, Forage seeds, various Canola, Sunflower & Soybean seed varieties. Custom processing, seed treating & delivery avail. Early payment discount. For info call (204)222-8785 or toll free 1-866-283-8785, Wpg.djames@jamesfarms.com PUGH SEEDS: CERT CARDALE, AC Barrie, Kane Wheat, Conlon Barley, Souris Oats. Phone (204)274-2179 or (204)871-1467, Portage. SANDERS SEED FARM FDN, Reg, Cert Domain, Carberry & Glenn Wheat, Cert Celebration Barley Canterra 1990, 1970, Canola. Phone (204)242-4200, Manitou, MB.

PEDIGREED SEED Oilseed – Various


Tel: 204-248-2110

NOW BUYING Old & New Crop Confection & Oil Sunflowers

A gr eat way to Buy and Sell without the ef for t.

Licensed & Bonded 0% Shrink Farm Pick-Up Available Planting Seed Available

Call For Pricing Phone (204)747-2904

Toll Free 1-888-835-6351 Deloraine, Manitoba PEDIGREED SEED Pulse – Beans


CERTIFIED CDC SUPER JET (Black), Certified CDC Jet (Black), Certified CDC Pintium (Pinto). Call Martens Charolais & Seed or participating dealers, (204)534-8370.

Call Ken 204-794-8383 #45 Mountain View Rd. Winnipeg, MB

Trux-N-Parts Salvage Inc.

ORGANIC ORGANIC Organic – Grains

Bioriginal Food & Science Corp., based in Saskatoon, is actively buying Organic Flax from the 2013 crop year. If interested, please send an 8lb sample* to the following address: Attn: Sandy Jolicoeur Bioriginal Food & Science Corp. 102 Melville Street Saskatoon, Saskatchewan S7J 0R1

Prairie-Wide Display Classifieds


Buy one province, buy two provinces or buy all three. Great rates whatever you choose

*Please state the Variety & Quantity for Sale

For more information, please contact Sandy at:

LIVESTOCK Horses – Belgian


20 YOUNG QUARTER HORSE brood mares, Included are 8 daughters of Two Eyed Red Buck. In foal starting May 1st. Also 6 yearlings. Phone (204)326-6016


Parklands East Ranch 2600-acres of good grazing & hay land available immediately. Land in a block near Kelwood MB. Good fences & water. Residence also available if req’d. Call Grant Tweed, (204)761-6884 grant@granttweed.com

We BUY used oil & filters

1000 Litre Caged Storage Tanks $60.00 each


LIVESTOCK Horses – Quarter Horse

SHARE YOUR LIFE, as it’s meant to be! A Lasting Relationship. CANDLELIGHT MATCHMAKERS is here to help you. Confidential, Rural, Photos and Profiles to selected matches, Affordable, Local. Serving MB, SK, NW Ontario. Call/Write for info: Box 212, Roland, MB, R0G 1T0, (204)343-2475.

GRANT TWEED Farm Specialist If you are Buying, Selling or Renting Farm Land You Can Benefit from my Experience & Expertise the Decisions you Make Can Have Long Lasting Impact, So Take the Time to Know your Options. Call (204)761-6884 to Arrange an Obligation Free Consultation. Visit: www.granttweed.com

306-975-9251 306-975-1166 purchasing@bioriginal.com

REG BELGIAN STALLION, 6 yrs old, has pasture bred. Richard Reeves (204)748-2166, Virden.


LIVESTOCK Specialty – Goats

LIVESTOCK Cattle – Salers PEDIGREED POLLED SALERS SEEDSTOCK, Black or Red, yearling & 2 yr old bulls, also females available; selected from the strongest performing CDN herd (see SLS stock on www.salerscanada.com). Breeding since 1989 for quality, thickness, docility & performance. Records avail. Assistance to match your needs. Bulls semen tested & guaranteed. Can arrange delivery. Ken at Lundar (204)762-5512, sweetlandsalers@xplornet.ca

William Lazarowich of Mulvihill, MB intends to sell private lands: NE 27-23-08W, SE 16-23-08W, NE 1023-08W, SE 27-23-08W, NW 23-23-08W, SE 23-2308W, W1/2 26-23-08W, NE 22-23-08W to Bettina Baumgartner who intends to acquire the following Crown lands: SE 10-23-08W, NE 16-23-08W, NE 22-23-08W, NW 22-23-08W, SE 22-23-08W, SW 2223-08W, NE 23-23-08W, SW 23-23-08W, NW 27-2308W, SW 27-23-08W, SE 34-23-08W, SE 35-23-08W, SW 35-23-08W by Unit Transfer. If you wish to comment on or object to the eligibility of this purchaser please write to: Di-rector, MAFRD, Agricultural Crown Lands, PO Box 1286, Minnedosa MB R0J 1E0; or Fax (204)867-6578.


60 YR OLD MALE, organic producer, 5’7, seeks 45-60 female. Must be single & honest, & able to relocate 1 hr from Winnipeg. Interests include country music, fairs & festivals, quiet times indoors & out, dining in or out, ice cream, hugs & cuddles. Prefer country gal w/good morals to share in country & small city life. Reply to Ad# 1023, c/o Manitoba Co-operator, Box 9800, Station Main, Winnipeg, MB R3C 3K7

Proud Supporter of Manitoba Businesses & Municipalities

LIVESTOCK Cattle – Charolais

Contact Sharon

Email: sharon.komoski@fbcpublishing.com


The Manitoba Co-operator | May 29, 2014

by Adrian Powell 4





18 22

31 37

38 42







59 61 62 63 65 66



41 42 43 49 50 51 52 54 55 56 58

Big water pitcher Bayberry tree Be quizzical Meat and potatoes dish Vena ___: heart vessel In the same place, in footnotes Shortest month, for short Canada Post revenue reducer, perhaps Big birds in "Arabian Nights" Supercollider projectile Telescope glass Ricci of fashion Big genetically modified crop Arabian sailing vessel Before my time Trustworthy Blob in a pond, say Small brooks Honey Graham cereal Gained access Bikini, notably Deep layer of skin Schindler of "Schindler's List" There are many around Australia's Coober Pedy "...___ I'm told" Underground discovery Vampires go for it Sound like a fan Cloud seeder silver ___ Santa aide Hardly the macho type Amish pronoun Hind's mate Beijing baby sitter "The Chalk Garden" author Bagnold Elderly Major part of a church Revivalist shout What libraries do ___ Aviv, Israel Piggery


3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 19 21 25 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 39

1 6 2 9 3 8 5 4 7

3 5 8 2 7 4 1 6 9


ACROSS 1 Got bigger 5 Mushroom spore sacs 9 Like mustangs 14 US corn country 15 Use a shiv 16 Overact 17 Show off at the gym, say 18 "The Following" star 20 Contract conditions 22 Dry Saharan stream 23 Systems of belief 24 10th Hebrew letter 26 Hydroxyl compound 28 J.R. Ewing turned ranch hand? 33 "Much ___ About Nothing" 36 Exclude 37 "Well now!" 38 Doves' digs 40 Tasty entree from a scenic Wyoming spot? 44 More capable 45 Blind rage 46 ___ mater 47 Acapulco article 48 Place for aging pigs? 52 Carnaby Street's locale 53 Netherlands flier 54 Bangkok bloke 57 Mental flash 60 Set in stone 64 Pig's violin section? 67 Frank, Fred or Fritz 68 Wipe clean 69 Weight control plan 70 All tied up 71 One kind of alcohol 72 Canoer's worry 73 Ship off





DOWN 1 Something for nothing 2 Actor's gig

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4 6


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The Manitoba Co-operator | May 29, 2014



COMMON SEED Forage Seeds



3,000 US G, LOW profile fiberglass nurse tank, no laks, $950; 2,000 US G low profile fibergalls nurse tank, no leaks, $750. Phone:(204)736-2840. Brunkild, MB.

FOR SALE: RED MILLET Seed, $.34/lb. Call Keith:(204)857-2477.

FOR SALE: 34,000-GAL LIQUID fertilizer tank. Phone (204)822-4382.


CERISE RED PROSO COMMON MILLET seed. Buy now to avoid disappointment. 93%+ germination, 0% Fusarium Graminearum. Makes great cattle feed, swath grazed, dry or silage bale. Very high in protein. Energy & drought tolerant. Sold in 50-lb bags. 2000+ satisfied producers. 11th Year in Business! Millet King Seeds of Canada Inc. Reynald (204)526-2719 office or (204)379-2987, cell & text (204)794-8550. Leave messages, all calls returned. www.milletkingseeds.com reynald@milletking.com

5 LOCATIONS to serve you!




Court Seeds Quality Cereals, Oilseeds and Specialty crops State-of-the-art Seed Cleaning Plant Agronomy Services 30 Years of Customer Service

Plumas, MB courtseeds@gmail.com courtseeds.ca 204-386-2354

Licensed & Bonded Winkler, MB.

“Naturally Better!” Soybean Crushing Facility (204) 331-3696 Head Office - Winkler (888) 974-7246 Jordan Elevator (204) 343-2323 Gladstone Elevator (204) 385-2292 Somerset Elevator (204) 744-2126 Sperling Elevator (204) 626-3261

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Toll Free: 888-974-7246 SEED/ FEED/GRAIN Hay & Straw

Stretch your

Confection and Oil Sunflowers, Brown & Yellow Flax and Red & White Millet Edible Beans

Specializing in: • Corn, wheat, sunflower, canola, soymeal, soybeans, soy oil, barley, rye, flax, oats (feed & milling) • Agents of the CWB • Licensed & bonded

140 LARGE ROUND TIMOTHY grass hay bales. No rain, 1,700-lb, trucking arranged, Feed Wheat, Oats & Barley. Phone (204)345-8532 Advertise your unwanted equipment in the Classifieds. Call our toll-free number and place your ad with our friendly staff, and don’t forget to ask about our prepayment bonus. Prepay for 3 weeks and get 2 weeks free! 1-800-782-0794. The Manitoba Co-operator. Manitoba’s best-read farm publication.



Licensed and Bonded Grain Brokers

37 4th Ave. NE Carman, MB R0G 0J0 Ph. (204) 745-6444 Email: vscltd@mts.net Andy Vanderveen · Brett Vanderveen Jesse Vanderveen


WE BUY OATS Call us today for pricing Box 424, Emerson, MB R0A 0L0 204-373-2328 SEED/ FEED/GRAIN Grain Wanted FOR SALE: LARGE SQUARE second cut alfalfa bales, 4 cents/lb and up; Also Holstein bull calves for sale. Ph (204)355-4980, (204)371-5744. HORSE HAY, GREEN FEED comprised of Alfalfa, Timothy & Brome w/Oats. Several hundred small square bales, at $3.75 ea. Paul (204)228-6884. NATIVE HAY, 5 X 5 NH baler, solid core, $30 per bale. Phone Branko (204)646-2543. ROUND & LARGE SQUARE hay bales, delivery avail. Phone (204)827-2629 or (204)526-7139.

A Season to Grow… Only Days to Pay! *6-Row*


Celebration & Tradition *2-Row* AC Metcalfe &BARLEY CDC feed Copeland We buy feed barley, wheat, MALT MALT BARLEY oats, soybeans, corn & canola We buy feed*2-Row* barley, feed wheat, *6-Row* oats, soybeans, cornCopeland & canola AC Metcalfe & CDC & Tradition COMECelebration SEE US AT AG DAYS IN We buy feed barley, feed wheat, THE CONVENTION HALL SEE barley, US AT AG DAYS IN WeCOME buy feed feed wheat, oats, soybeans, corn & canola CONVENTION HALL BOOTH 1309& oats,THE soybeans, corn canola BOOTH 1309 COME SEE US AT AG DAYS IN COME SEE US AT AG HALL DAYS IN THE CONVENTION THE CONVENTION BOOTH 1309 HALL

BOOTH 1309

2013 Malt Contracts Available 2014 AOG Malt Contracts Available Box 238 Letellier, MB. R0G 1C0 BoxPhone 238 Letellier, MB. R0G 1C0 204-737-2000 Phone 204-737-2000 2014Toll-Free AOG Malt Contracts Available 1-800-258-7434 Toll-Free 1-800-258-7434 BoxMalt 238 MB. R0G 1C0 Agent: M &Letellier, J Weber-Arcola, SK. 2013 Contracts Available Agent: M & J Weber-Arcola, SK. Phone 204-737-2000 Phone 306-455-2509 Box 238 Letellier, MB. R0G 1C0 Phone 306-455-2509 Toll-Free 1-800-258-7434 Phone 204-737-2000 Agent: M & 1-800-258-7434 J Weber-Arcola, SK. Toll-Free Agent: Phone M & J 306-455-2509 Weber-Arcola, SK. Phone 306-455-2509

EXISS ALUMINUM LIVESTOCK TRAILERS 2014 Stock has arrived! 7-ft wide x 20-ft & 24-ft lengths. 10-Yr Warranty. SOKAL INDUSTRIES LTD. Phone: (204)334-6596, Email: sokalind@mymts.net

TRAILERS Trailers Miscellaneous

ADVANTAGE AUTO & TRAILER: Livestock, Horse & Living quarter, Flat deck, Goosenecks, Tilts, Dumps, Cargos, Utilities, Ski-doo & ATV, Dry Van & Sea Containers. Call today. Over 250 in stock. Phone:(204)729-8989. In Brandon on the Trans-Canada Hwy. www.aats.ca


Vanderveen Commodity Services Ltd.

TRAILERS Livestock Trailers

2) 5-TONNE TRAILERS W/8X20-FT decks, 1100x12 aircraft tires, 5th Wheel steering, no sway. Call (204)736-4227, La Salle.

• Competitive Prices • Prompt Movement • Spring Thrashed


IDL, VALVE SEAT TOOLING, numerous guide adaptors, lots of new seats. Phone (204)467-5093, ask for Doug.

1979 45-FT WILSON DOUBLE decker cattle trailer, nose decking, doghouse safety gates real good farm trailer, $7500; 20-yd tandem Billy Dump Gravel trailer, $7500, $9500; 22-ft ARNES Gravel Trailer, Electric Tarp Box Liner, $9995; Tandem Homemade Low Bed, $7500; 1970 PAY HOUGH LOADER Cummins Motor, $9500; Single offroad converters starting at $1495 up to $2395; Tandem offroad converters starting at $2495 up to $2995; 30-ft hay trailer 8-wheels offroad farm, $5995. STONEY’S SERVICE, EDDYSTONE, MB. PHONE (204)448-2193.



FOR SALE: FROST TOLERANT no-name common soybean. Low heat units, 98% germination. Sold in 1-ton tote bags, 29-tonnes left. Phone:(204)526-2719 or Cell:(204)794-8550, can also text.

*6-Row* Celebration & Tradition We buy feed barley, feed wheat, oats, soybeans, corn & canola

QUANTITY OF SEMI DWARF white oats, 38/lbs special feed for dairy, poultry or turkey, Millet seed, very high on protein, discount for cash up front. Phone (204)379-2124, (204)379-2138




MILLET SEED, TOP YIELDING leafy foxtail, harvests in dryer Aug weather. Forage yield 2013 @ 9670 lbs/ac. Info phone D. WHITE SEEDS (204)822-3649, Morden.

For Pricing ~ 204-325-9555

2013 Malt Contracts Available Box 238 Letellier, MB. R0G 1C0 Phone 204-737-2000 Toll-Free 1-800-258-7434 Agent: M & J Weber-Arcola, SK. Phone 306-455-2509

FOR SALE: ALFALFA, TIMOTHY, Brome, Clover, hay & pasture blends, millet seed, Crown, Red Prozo, cleaned common seed oats. Leonard Friesen (204)685-2376, Austin, MB.





Heated/Spring Threshed Lightweight/Green/Tough, Mixed Grain - Barley, Oats, Rye, Flax, Wheat, Durum, Lentils, Peas, Canola, Chickpeas, Triticale, Sunflowers, Screenings, Organics and By-Products √ ON-FARM PICKUP √ PROMPT PAYMENT √ LICENSED AND BONDED SASKATOON, LLOYDMINSTER, LETHBRIDGE, VANCOUVER, MINNEDOSA

Advertise in the Alberta Wheel & Deal Classifieds, it’s a Sure Thing!

1-888-413-3325 CAREERS



CAREERS Help Wanted SEEKING FULL-TIME FARM HAND, experienced in operating farm equipment & handling livestock. Must hold valid drivers licence. Housing available, for the right person/couple this could lead to fulltime farming opportunity. Phone:(204)768-0092. Send resume to eklinde@mynetset.ca

10,000 US GAL, POLYWEST 6 months old w/3-in. valve, $5,000. Phone (204)248-2110. 12,500-GAL LIQUID FERTILIZER TANKS w/2-in. valves, each $3,500; 15,000-gal liquid fertilizer tanks w/3-in. valves, each $4,800. Phone (204)746-8851, Morris, MB.

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The Manitoba Co-operator | May 29, 2014



Introducing new DuPont™ Titus™ PRO herbicide for potatoes. As a convenient co-pack, Titus™ PRO brings together rimsulfuron and metribuzin to deliver exceptional postemergent control of all kinds of grassy and broadleaf weeds. By combining two modes of action, Titus™ PRO is also a valuable resistance management tool and keeps your re-cropping options flexible. One case treats 40 acres. One try and you’re sold.

DuPont Titus PRO ™

Questions? Call 1-800-667-3925 or visit cropprotection.dupont.ca


As with all crop protection products, read and follow label instructions carefully. The DuPont Oval Logo, DuPont™, The miracles of science™ and Titus™ are registered trademarks or trademarks of E. I. du Pont de Nemours and Company. E. I. du Pont Canada Company is a licensee. Member of CropLife Canada. ©Copyright 2014 E. I. du Pont Canada Company. All rights reserved.

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