Manitoba co operator

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Manitoba Pork says consistency is key to staying clear » PG 3

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SERVING MANITOBA FARMERS SINCE 1925 | Vol. 75, No. 23 | $1.75

June 8, 2017

CN Rail set grain-shipping records September to April Longer manifest trains and increased rail and shipper efficiency are paying off, CN says

Praying for rain in central Manitoba Early-seeded cereal crops are generally looking good, but dry soils have prompted some farmers to reseed canola BY ALLAN DAWSON


Co-operator staff / Miami

Co-operator staff


t’s been a record-breaking year for grain movement on CN Rail during the 2016-17 crop year, even with a slow start in August. “Once we hit September i t w a s f u l l b l a s t ,” D a v i d Przednowek, CN’s director

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See CN RAIL on page 6 »



lot of Manitoba farmers are hoping for a slow, soaking rain soon, especially those in the central region, which started off drier than many other parts of the province this spring. Last week one local farmer said he was knifing more canola seed into fields where much of his earlier-seeded canola germinated but then died because it was too dry. Record temperatures and high winds late last week, and aboveaverage temperatures expected this week, will only dry soils more. Some fields were blowing in the Carman, Miami, Winkler triangle last weekend. The region saw scattered showers the evening of June 2, but most areas didn’t get much rain. The University of Manitoba’s Carman research centre received just 0.4 mm. As of press time Monday, scattered thundershowers were forecast for Tuesday but the probability of precipitation was low. Thundershowers are notoriously ‘hit and miss.’ Not only is canola, a smallseed, shallowly planted crop, at risk due to dry soils, but so are soybeans. The good news is subsoil moisture is good in most parts




Dry soil is already blowing around in the central region, which had a drier start than other parts of the province. Rain by mid-June will be critical for seeded crops.   PHOTO: JEANNETTE GREAVES

of the province, Bruce Burnett, Glacier FarmMedia’s director of Markets and Weather, said in an interview May 31. “Overall we planted the crop in decent shape… but I will say moisture now is a concern, especially for the people who had to reseed canola because it was hurt by the frost,” he said. “It is probably critical that we do get some rain here by the middle of June for some of these crops, but having said that, in a lot of areas, especially some of the cereal crops that were planted earlier, look pretty good



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right now — the ones that got good emergence. “Certainly if you are on sandy soils… yeah, you are going to need some moisture pretty quickly.” Forage crops and pastures in the central region also need rain. While there might have been reseeding claims submitted due to dry soils, as of May 31 a crop insurance official said he wasn’t aware of any. “We haven’t seen big (numbers of) reseed claims to this point,” the official said. There were a few due to win-

terkilled winter wheat and fall rye in eastern Manitoba and a few following frost that damaged some canola fields, but in total reseeding claims, so far, are below normal, the official said. Farmers can make reseeding claims until June 20, which is the seeding deadline for cereals and several other crops in Manitoba. To qualify for a reseeding benefit farmers must first get the field inspected by crop insurance. If the field has some living crop the farmer may be required See RAIN on page 7 »


The Manitoba Co-operator | June 8, 2017


Did you know?


Cold-loving bacteria turns food waste into energy and fertilizer

VBP+ costs up


Expanded audits more costly

Canada’s frigid winters have always limited using natural processes to convert waste STAFF


CROPS Still rolling


Organic mill welcomed by sector

FEATURE Cattle prices up


Price jump was unanticipated


esearchers from Montreal’s Concordia University say they’ve found a way to process waste into resources in colder climes. They’re using cold-tolerant bacteria to fuel the process. In a study published in the journal Process Safety and Environmental Protection, authors Rajinikanth Rajagopal, David Bellavance a n d Mo h a m m a d S a i f u r Rahaman demonstrate the viability of using anaerobic digestion in a low-temperature (20 C) environment to convert solid food waste into renewable energy and organic fertilizer. They employed the bacteria to break down food waste in a specially designed bioreactor, producing a methane yield comparable to that of more energy-intensive anaerobic digestion processes. “There is enormous potential here to reduce the amount of fuel that we use for solid waste treatment,” Rahaman said. “Managing and treating

Over 1.3 billion tonnes of food waste are created globally each year. A new process promises to make converting it to fertilizer and fuel more efficient in cold climates.   PHOTO: THINKSTOCK

food waste is a global challenge, particularly for cold countries like Canada where the temperature often falls below -20 C and energy demands related to heating are high.” He also said the most commonly used forms of anaerobic digestion require large amounts of energy to heat the bioreactors and maintain temperatures for the bacteria’s optimal performance. “What we’ve learned is that

we can now use adapted psychrophilic bacteria to produce a level of methane comparable to those more common forms, while using less energy.” Globally, more than 1.3 billion tonnes of municipal waste are created each year, and that number is expected to increase to 2.2 billion by 2025. Most of it ends up in landfills where it biodegrades over time, producing a powerful greenhouse gas.

The Model D One of the best-loved old tractors

4 5 8 10

Editorials Comments What’s Up Livestock Markets


Grain Markets Weather Vane Classifieds Sudoku


11 16 29 40

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The Manitoba Co-operator | June 8, 2017

Call-in town hall urges biosecurity in face of PEDv outbreak The June 2 forum gave producers and industry representatives an update on PEDv BY ALEXIS STOCKFORD Co-operator staff


ore cases of porcine epidemic diarrhea virus (PEDv) have been confirmed in Manitoba, despite increasingly strenuous calls for producers to ramp up biosecurity. Ten cases of PEDv were confirmed from April 29 to June 1. “It’s all very well having a document or a set of directions from your veterinarian, but you’ve got to carry them out,” Andrew Dickson, Manitoba Pork Council general manager, said. “I think it’s incumbent on the owners and managers to talk over with their staff and actually observe what happens on a daily basis and try and determine whether there might be deficiencies and what needs to be changed in order to ensure that this terrible disease doesn’t get into their farms, because once you’ve got it, it’s quite expensive to get it cleaned up.” The continuing outbreak prompted a call-in town hall June 2. The event was organized by Alberta Pork, seeking to inform producers there of the problem, and open to farmers in both jurisdictions. Cases are contained to southeast Manitoba, but have spread past the initial cluster of infected farms. Six barns within five kilometres of each other have been infected in the same area that saw a spring 2016 outbreak of the disease, Dr. Glen Duizer of Manitoba’s Chief Veterinarian Office told listeners. Another 33 unaffected farms lie in the same area.

“It’s all very well having a document or a set of directions from your veterinarian, but you’ve got to carry them out.” Andrew Dickson Manitoba Pork Council

The virus was later found in a second cluster about 20 kilometres away. Three farms have been infected, all within the five-kilometre buffer. The area, likewise, has ties to previous PEDv cases in fall 2014 and fall 2016, Duizer said. A 10th case has been confirmed outside the clusters, but was linked by animal movements to another confirmed infection. All farms are at various stages of cleanup and animals will be shipped to the United States, if possible, to avoid future contamination of Manitoba facilities. The Chief Veterinarian Office is investigating overlap between barn staff, transportation, crosscontamination in loading areas and external service providers to track the disease. Feed, feed movements and deadstock are not considered vectors at this time, although followup is expected. Shipments between Canada and the United States, where the virus is more prevalent, have been investigated over the last two years and are considered a risk factor, but not the sole factor, in PEDv’s spread, Duizer said.

PHOTO: thinkstock

He noted that PEDv brought in via shipments from the United States is more likely to infect yards than find its way inside barns, putting more importance on biosecurity.

Biosecurity over convenience The Manitoba Pork Council has noted biosecurity gaps in several operations, listeners heard June 2. “Everyone has a different scenario and different situation and we’re not being critical or anything, it’s just we’re not sure if, whether they changed their practice, would that have prevented the disease coming in? We’re not sure,” Dickson said. Mark Fynn, Manitoba Pork Council manager of quality assurance and animal care programs, used the example of a Danish entry, a multi-stage procedure for changing clothes securely. “People aren’t following it every time and that comes back to auditing of personnel at site,” he said. “Let’s make sure that we’re doing it every time and not just

for the main entrance, for every entrance to the barn.” The council’s suggestions include off-site parking, thorough trailer cleaning, limited traffic on and off farms, designated barn clothing and limed driveways. “No one’s ever said that biosecurity is convenient,” Fynn said. “I’ve even heard that it’s not biosecurity unless it’s inconvenient, but these are important things because what’s more inconvenient is having a bunch of your pigs break with diarrhea and having to clean up a site and having to deal with all of the repercussions of that, let alone if it’s a sow barn that breaks and all the additional cost and loss of production that goes along with that.” PEDv causes high mortality in suckling pigs, while older animals often recover. Loading areas are a significant risk, Fynn said. Disease may enter on washing equipment itself and equipment should be cleaned or designated for loading area use only. Fynn noted, however, that

barn staff generally avoid entering a trailer while transport staff do not enter the barns to limit contamination. Cleaning trailers will be essential to preventing the virus, Fynn said. He suggested cleaning trailers between every load or, at minimum, between farms. More control over farm entry is also necessary, he said. Deadstock and garbage pickup should be kept separate from parking areas and equipment transporting garbage or deadstock to the pickup should not come into contact with external service providers. Likewise, listeners heard, biosecurity between barns on the same site may be as critical as biosecurity between farms. “There are different ways of trying to cope with this, but it’s really important that you be very careful going from one barn to the next barn to the next barn so you don’t spread the disease,” Dickson said. “You have to assume that the disease is in the actual environment that you’re walking across when you walk across the yard.” Dickson noted that biosecurity has improved in the last 10 years, but largely evolved to manage other diseases. “How we deal with PEDv is somewhat changing how we look at handling diseases and it’ll be a good lesson because if we can control for PEDv, we’re going to be able to control for a host of other diseases as well,” he said. Audio of the June 2 town hall will be available on the Manitoba Pork Council PEDv website ( animal-care/swine-health/ped).

U of M receives connectivity boost The Internet of things is set to make new inroads in agriculture BY SHANNON VANRAES Co-operator staff


he University of Manitoba will receive $500,000 from the newly merged telecom giant Bell MTS to fund a program aimed at developing an “Internet of things” in the agriculture and agri-food sector. Bell Canada CEO George Cole made the announcement in Winnipeg last week, during a Chamber of Commerce luncheon, highlighting the company’s contribution to the university’s ongoing capital campaign. While it’s still early in the development process, the university anticipates the Be l l M TS Innovations in Agr iculture Program will facilitate research that furthers precision agriculture, livestock and crop monitoring, as well as creating new mentorships and access to

new co-operative education opportunities. “Working on IoT (Internet of things) solutions within the agriculture, food and nutrition sectors not only offers our students a unique skills development opportunity that will support their future career opportunities, it is critical to the advancement of our agriculture and food economy,” said Karin Wittenberg, dean of the faculty of agricultural and food sciences. “It’s a perfect match.” Bell’s chief technology officer said that the company appreciated the contributions that schools like the University of Manitoba make to technology design and development. “ We’re ve r y p l e a s e d t o work with the University of Manitoba to create this opportunity for students and faculty to develop new and better IoT (Internet of things) solutions for a sector that

“Connectivity is a huge deal.” Jared Carlberg

is a mainstay of Manitoba’s economy and important to all Canadians,” said Stephen Howe. The company noted that there are links between its decision to fund connectivity in rural Manitoba and its planned $1-billion investment in expanded and improved networks in the province. “ W h i l e w e h a v e n’t announced all our plans for Manitoba, bringing state-ofthe-art broadband technology to rural and remote parts of the province is certainly a big part of what we’ve already committed to, including continuous broadband wireless coverage along Highway 75

in southern Manitoba,” said a spokesperson for the company. “The $500,000 Bell MTS Innovations in Agriculture Program at the University of Manitoba is certainly linked to our $1-billion capital investment plan for Manitoba in that the expanded and improved broadband netw o r k s w e’re b r i n g i n g t o Manitoba will provide the necessary backbone to truly leverage the kind of Internet of things applications students and researchers at the university will be developing.” Jared Carlberg, associate dean of academics in the faculty of agricultural and food sciences, said that the reality is that students leave university and enter a wired world. Increased Internet and cellular services in rural areas, along with new applications and research, will all benefit agriculture, he added. “Connectivity is a huge deal,” he said. “It’s one of those things where great

strides have been made by Bell MTS and other providers in recent years. I don’t think that anybody would suggest the service is perfect, but I know everyone is dedicated to improving it... personally I am confident that Bell MTS and other providers will work very hard to make sure that happens.” Students are also enthused about Internet of things and its applications in agriculture, Carlberg said. “I am excited about the enthusiasm I see from the providers in improving this area of service for our agricultural producers, who are obviously the lifeblood of the province,” he said. “As someone who is very sympathetic to the farming industry and a former farm kid myself, I’m very sensitive to this need as well and I know many of our stockholders in the agriculture industry are as well.”


The Manitoba Co-operator | June 8, 2017


Punching above their weight


nyone who feels farmers are a spent political force in Canada need only consult the results of the recent Conservative Party of Canada federal leadership race. Farmers may make up less than two per cent of the national population, but that Saturday night, as delegates voted for a new leader, a relative handful of farmers clearly punched above their political Gord Gilmour weight. Editor Supply-managed producers from Quebec and Ontario had organized to get out the vote against Maxime Bernier, who came into the convention a favoured front-runner. The issue that galvanized these farmers into action was Bernier’s blunt repudiation of the supply-managed commodities as unfair to Canadians. Organizing through word of mouth and social media, they quickly pulled together a good old-fashioned political ground game which included letters to the editor, attending leadership debates, lobbying other party members and taking out party memberships to vote. It would seem that it worked in spades; Bernier even lost his own riding in the Quebec agricultural heartland of Beauce to upstart Saskatchewan MP Andrew Scheer by the end of the night. Scheer captured 51.1 per cent of the vote from those representatives, compared to Bernier’s 48.9 per cent, according to CBC news. By their actions, these farmers have influenced the political fate of the nation for years to come. The Conservatives will head into the 2019 election not with a bilingual Quecbecois at the head of the party, but with a rockribbed social conservative from Saskatchewan. He is bilingual, but is unlikely to make major inroads into Quebec, political analysts say. Scheer is, by many estimations, also a compromise ‘anyone but’ candidate who brings with him some electoral baggage. Most notably he’s seen as a continuation of the legacy of Stephen Harper, something he’s never denied. What remains to be seen is if voters have any appetite to return to that camp after just four years. His social conservatism, pundits say, won’t play well in urban areas, which is where nearly 80 per cent of Canada’s population reside. At least some are already conceding the 2019 election to Trudeau, and fretting future elections might also turn out to be more of the same. Regardless of the long-term implications of how this will play out nationally, what’s immediately interesting is how supplymanaged farmers managed to make their voice heard loudly and clearly in the political process. At least for now, supply management is once again the third rail of Canadian politics, one that no candidate wants to step on. It was clearly an effective tactic — but over time, will it prove to have been an effective strategy? There are a few inherent dangers. The first and most important is the risk of backlash. Will they be seen as having derailed the leadership contest as simply another special interest? It would seem some are already seeing it that way. Financial Post columnist and comment editor Terence Corcoran, a noted supply management critic, was particularly pointed in his words: “Bernier would have won the leadership were it not for voterigging infiltrators from the farmers’ unions and associated backers of supply management. “One source says that as many as 3,000 points went to Scheer, mostly in Quebec and Ontario, as a result of an organized campaign in which farmers temporarily joined the Conservative Party and then cast votes against Bernier. “Bernier didn’t lose the leadership vote; it was stolen from him by a concerted campaign organized by members of Union des producteurs agricoles (UPA) and farmers in Ontario.” Farmers indisputably had the right to participate in the campaign as they did, but playing the game may also make them ‘fair game’ for political criticism and action. Perhaps the largest danger may come from the vanquished Bernier himself. He arrived at the convention with a comfortable, if not commanding, lead. He’s surely smarting from the defeat and, human nature being what it is, some resentment may creep in. While supply management supporters have long painted him as hostile to their interests, it’s important to note he never called for farmers to be disadvantaged by policy changes and advocated for a planned and funded withdrawal from the system. These farmers would do well to consider other Canadian political careers that were thought to be on the ash heap after leadership convention losses. They include names such as Brian Mulroney and Jean Chrétien, two of the longest-serving prime ministers in living memory. Bernier could well return triumphant in a few years, and by then, his attitude towards supply management may have hardened. It’s unexpected to see farmers play such a pivotal role in national politics again. Hopefully they won’t come to regret their actions.

New vision for supply management BY AL MUSSELL Agri-Food Economic Systems


upply management has proven robust in important respects. Regulating production, restricting imports and offering stable returns to producers at a favourable level are the foundational pillars for supply management. The Canadian dairy industry has avoided drastic drops in milk prices, followed by prolonged low milk price periods and associated financial stress that has repeatedly occurred in much of the global dairy market. Poultry and egg supply management has allowed for an independent, decentralized farm segment, and yet has accommodated forward integration of some producers, while pricing at the cost of production. Supply management has not proven particularly frail or fragile in the face of trade liberalization. Supply management continues to attract periodic attention, but there is no indication of the imminent public catharsis over supply management and high food prices. This situation has been managed through a willingness to adjust elements of supply management to a changing market, policy, and technology context. It is evident in the adjustments made to change from binding import quotas to tariffs and tariff rate quotas over 20 years ago, in how the concept of “cost of production” in pricing has changed over time and even in what aspects of supply-managed markets are actually covered by cost-of-production pricing. It is also evident in marketing adjustments made to accommodate new technologies, such as whey recycling in cheese manufacturing and the use of concentrated skim products, and in the growth in further processed poultry and egg products.



Adjusting these instruments can be difficult. Smooth adjustment is typically not an attribute of complex systems modulated by regulation. But a basic question is, what objectives are we pursuing in adjusting the instruments of supply management? The instruments of supply management we see today are artifacts of a past, honed over time, based upon past aspirations and fears. This environment, in turn, generates the baseline or status quo conditions for supply-managed industries of today. These define the relative price levels in Canada versus elsewhere, quota values, and economically feasible scales of operation in Canada versus elsewhere. Canadian farm prices in supply-managed commodities are relatively high and are broadly more stable than prices elsewhere. Quota prices are high and stable to increasing in value as a capital asset. Canadian farms in supply-managed products are relatively small in scale versus benchmarks elsewhere (notably the U.S.). The number of farms in Canada producing supply-managed products is declining at a similar rate to that in other countries, at least in comparison with those in which the farm segment has not already been vertically integrated. What are today’s aspirations and fears in supply management? By default they appear to be protection of the status quo in supply-managed industries — both a weak and probably untenable objective. However, as market, technology, and policy factors continue to evolve, a renewed set of objectives for supply management is required to interpret its legacy instruments, and identify positive direction for change. Al Mussell is research lead for the Agri-Food Economic Systems independent economic research organization and author of the policy paper Recasting a Robust Vision for Supply Management this column is excerpted from.

June 1984

niversal tractors advertised in our June 14, 1984 issue were available in two- and four-wheel drive in 35 to 100 hp. The crop report in that issue said that as of June 12, most seeding was complete except in the northwest, where there had been heavy rain in the Dauphin, Ste. Rose and Swan River areas. Concerns were being raised about the operation of the Vancouver rapeseed contract on the Winnipeg Commodity Exchange. Cargill reportedly had taken delivery of 1,700 of the 2,400 contracts and was being accused of cornering the market. While spokesmen for Cargill, the commodity exchange and the Canadian Grain Commission (which at that time supervised Winnipeg futures) denied there was manipulation, rapeseed futures had recently exceeded $700 per tonne compared to the previous record high of $467.40. In stark contrast to today, with cream in high demand, the good news in 1984 was that “Excessive cream production shouldn’t be a problem” in the coming dairy year. Cream production had spiked after a cream shipper successfully appealed a marketing council ruling that cream shippers could not convert to milk production. After that, several raised production to have more milk quota when it transferred. The Canadian Wheat Board was celebrating its anniversary in 1985, and had asked for suggestions on how to celebrate. In an editorial in its newsletter, the Kansas Wheat Commission noted Canada’s recent increase in wheat market share, and suggested the board celebrate by taking the year off.


The Manitoba Co-operator | June 8, 2017


Multinationals face new pressures in grocery stores

Consumers increasingly want fresh, unprocessed food. The middle of the store now sees less traffic and that’s clearly affecting sales for most grocery products By Sylvain Charlebois Atlantic Institute for Market Studies



kippy peanut butter and Dad’s chocolate chip cookies are gone from the Canadian marketplace. If you feel sad about seeing these iconic brands go, brace yourselves. It’s just the beginning. Within days, two major U.S.-based food multinationals pulled well-known brands from the Canadian market. Mondelez International discontinued the iconic Dad’s cookies and Hormel Foods pulled Skippy peanut butter from the Canadian market. National brands are losing ground to private labels and fresh products. Grocery retailers revamp stores to expand the perimeters where produce, bakery, deli, meat and seafood occupy space. This means companies such as Sara Lee, Kraft Heinz, Hormel, Mondelez and Kellogg’s are losing ground. Consumers spend about 74 per cent of their time in a store’s perimeter, where all the fresh products are displayed. This trend is increasing as more consumers look for fresh, unprocessed food. The middle of the store now sees less traffic and that’s clearly affecting sales for most grocery products.

We welcome readers’ comments on issues that have been covered in the Manitoba Co-operator. In most cases we cannot accept “open” letters or copies of letters which have been sent to several publications. Letters are subject to editing for length or taste. We suggest a maximum of about 300 words. Please forward letters to Manitoba Co-operator, 1666 Dublin Ave., Winnipeg, R3H 0H1 or Fax: 204-954-1422 or email: (subject: To the editor)

Nurse practitioners good health-care option I am writing in response to Alexis Stockford’s article RMs looking for a few good medical recruits as doctors’ offices sit empty, in the May 18 issue of the Manitoba Co-operator. Thank you for acknowledging that nurse practitioners serve a vital role in primary health-care delivery in rural Manitoba. I would like to elaborate on your description of their role. Nurse practitioners are autonomous and independent health-care providers that are able to treat clients of all ages in various settings including, but not limited to, personal care homes, admission and treatment privileges in hospitals (emergency), and in the community. In fact in Winnipeg, several nurse practitioners work in emergency departments. Similar to physicians we complete comprehensive assessments, order and interpret diagnostic tests, diagnose clients, arranging referrals to specialists (when applicable), providing treatments (e.g. medications and minor procedures), chronic disease management, screening for early disease detection, and healthy lifestyle coaching. Manitoba nurse practitioners have the broadest legislated scope of practice across Canada.

Several Canadian grocers are pressuring multinationals by asking them to reduce wholesale prices.

Grocers are desperate to generate more business in the centre of stores. They’re innovating and launching new product categories, some through their own brands. But managing a food store is a merchandising nightmare compared to 30 years ago. The number of food items in a typical store has increased by more than 600 per cent over the last few decades. Consumers are bombarded with choices. Recent food retailing miracles like coffee pods and gluten-free products have garnered some fascinating results. But such items can go only so far and both show signs they’ve reached their full potential. Short of changing store design, what’s at stake is shelf space. Real estate in store aisles can be expensive for national brand owners. In addition to listing costs, companies pay a premium to effectively display their brands. Meanwhile, grocers try to promote their private labels since margins are much

I believe it is essential to dispel the confusion surrounding where and when nurse practitioners can and cannot work. Role clarity is essential to optimization of the nurse practitioner role in Manitoba’s health-care system. Individuals unfamiliar with the work of nurse practitioners often have the notion that seeking care from these providers is second rate, and only reserved for instances when a physician cannot be obtained. Research suggests otherwise and indicates nurse practitioners’ provision of care is comparable to their physician counterparts and can increase improved client health outcomes and reduce wait times at a substantially reduced cost to our evergrowing financial deficit in the public sector. Given the increased stress placed on rural health care, I encourage individuals, communities, stakeholders, and all levels of government to consider innovative integration models of nurse practitioner care as a viable solution to our medical provider shortages. Emphasis needs to be placed on recruiting or employing NP graduates to rural Manitoba. As an example, recruitment and retention in Ontario’s “Grow Your Own Nurse Practitioner” initiative allows for a vacant nurse practitioner position to be filled by sponsoring a registered nurse in their education to pursue a master’s degree in nurse practitioner studies. This is one solution for the community of Argyle that could enhance retention of its primary care providers. The Nurse Practitioner Association of Manitoba feels strongly community members should be aware that nurse practitioners do not need physician oversight to provide care to their patients. Ashley Pylypowich, RN, BN, MN, NP NPAM president-elect

higher. Major food processors have had to pay more to get consumers’ attention. Higher input costs and the will to build economies of scale have led to greater consolidation in global food processing, with more to come. Several Canadian grocers are pressuring multinationals by asking them to reduce wholesale prices. Some of these requests have even been shared with media. They made the requests to reduce prices simply because they can. Unlike in the U.S., just a few players dominate Canadian food retailing. That means the main grocers dictate pricing across the system. Still, profit margins remain modest due to higherthan-average logistical costs and demographic issues. So this vendor-grocer tug of war will likely continue. The Canadian market is tricky for major processors. With barely 37 million consumers in one of the largest countries in the world, logistical costs can be prohibitive. Companies need a comprehensive portfolio of brands and

only large operations like Nestle and PepsiCo can afford to continue products in Canada while selling the same products elsewhere. Smaller processors are becoming more strategic about what and where to sell. And a more targeted approach even has more merit for the big players. Many multinationals, like food-service giant McDonald’s, have learned that the hard way. Seeing major national brands leave the marketplace isn’t necessarily undesirable. In fact, it could lead to greater opportunities for Canadian entrepreneurs. Canadian-based food processors could fill the void with local food products. If we can just embrace food innovation, make more venture capital available to entrepreneurs, get more skilled labour and improve market access, domestically and internationally, we should see more domestic food processors succeed. This won’t happen overnight – we have a lot of work to do. A strong foodprocessing sector increases the chance for any nation to gain control of its food destiny. This is certainly worth pursuing. Sylvain Charlebois is senior fellow with the Atlantic Institute for Market Studies, dean of the faculty of management and a professor in the faculty of agriculture at Dalhousie University.

CFA supports food policy The federal effort will spark conversations on the importance of food and agriculture BY RON BONNETT CFA president


he Canadian Federation of Agriculture is pleased to see a clear commitment by the federal government toward developing a food policy for Canada, as this addresses a longstanding priority for farm groups. C o n s u l t a t i o n s o n c re a t i n g a national policy for food will spark important conversations among Canadians. These conversations will help inform an overarching vision and drive a m o re c o - o rd i n a t e d , c ro s s departmental approach to foodrelated issues. CFA is encouraged to learn that 16 departments and agencies will be involved in the food policy’s development, particularly central agencies like Finance Canada and the Privy Council Office, as they will be instrumental in ensuring a whole-of-government mandate. CFA is also pleased to see that the food policy consultation website is linked to previous initiatives, from both governmental and non-governmental groups, such as the Towards a National Food Strateg y document published in 2011 by CFA. This allows participants an opportunity to build on the great work that’s already been done in pursuing this complex policy objective.

Farm leaders saw the need for a widely co-ordinated approach several years ago, and are looking forward to actively participating as the consultation moves forward. While much of the detail is s t i l l t o b e d e t e r m i n e d , C FA commends the Government of Canada for reaching out to stakeholders and setting the direction to see this longtime request put into place. CFA will contribute to both the online survey and discussions at the Food Summit on June 22 and 23. In addition, CFA will undertake several other activities to find common ground with the many organizations exploring a food policy in Canada. On June 5, CFA was to host a gathering of diverse stakeholders from civil society, the agrifood industry, indigenous groups, academia, and government for a collaborative discussion. Attendees would explore some of the challenges and opportunities that must be confronted in developing a food strategy, and seek consensus on some of the measures and actions that would lead to a successful policy implementation. Ron Bonnett is president of the Canadian Federation of Agriculture. This statment was originally published on the CFA website in response to the government’s announcement.


The Manitoba Co-operator | June 8, 2017

FROM PAGE ONE CN RAIL  Continued from page 1

of grain marketing, said in an interview May 17. “Each individual month from September all the way through April we’ve had a record month for (moving) Canadian grain. And that’s when grain wants to move. “It has been a record month, eight months in a row. “It has been a really positive story.” Between Aug. 1, 2016 and mid-May 2017, CN hauled 195,600 cars of western grain, up 10 per cent from the threeyear average, Kate Fenske, CN’s regional manager of public and government affairs wrote in an email. That translated into CN moving 17.6 million tonnes — 11 per cent more than the three-year average. Overall, grain movement has been good this crop year, Mark Hemmes, the president of Quorum Corporation, which monitors grain shipping for the federal government, said in an interview in late April. Total grain shipping, including by CP Rail, was up 2.3 per cent during the first nine months of the 2016-17 shipping season, Quorum’s April report states. The Western Grain Elevators Association (WGEA) is pleased with the rail service too, executive director Wade Sobkowich, said in an interview May 30. He hopes it continues. That’s CN’s goal, Przednowek said, noting that since 2009 CN’s grain traffic has jumped 45 to 50 per cent, while grain shipments to the United States are up 75 per cent. From 2006 to 2009 CN, on average, shipped 3,600 grain cars a week. This crop year it has averaged about 5,400 a week, Przednowek said. “The railway wants to move grain,” he said. “It doesn’t matter if it’s commercial rates or revenue cap regulated rate, we get paid when we move a car. So the more we can move it’s worth marketshare, carloads, it’s revenues. It’s good for us, it’s good for the farmer. It’s good for everybody.”

“It’s a grain supply chain where everybody has got to be doing their part to help pitch in and make it more efficient and that’s happening.” David Przednowek

CN’s David Przednowek says investments in the grain supply chain from load to unload, and every step in between, are beginning to pay dividends.   PHOTO: CN RAIL

There are lots of reasons for CN’s success this crop year, but a lack of other products to haul isn’t one of them, Przednowek said. CN Rail is transporting more Canadian and American coal and intermodal shipments are up too, he said. “It’s not just one thing,” he said. “It’s a little bit of everything. “That’s one of those misconceptions that’s out there. We are moving a lot of everything and on top of that we are delivering record grain movement in the fall and winter when the farmer wants to move it, which is a good thing.” The WGEA has complained grain shipping suffers, especially following a disruption, because of all the other products the railways haul. A WGEA brochure says in 2015-16 the railways shipped 30,000 more grain cars than the crop year before. That same year the railways also shipped 500,000 fewer total cars. “When shipping is down in other industries at the same time grain shipping has improved, a reasonable person draws the conclusion that capacity has shifted from these other industries to grain,” Sobokowich said. “If CN is saying that’s not the case and shipping grain has nothing to

do with lower demand in other industries, then when those other industries improve we look forward to the same level of service from CN that we are experiencing today.” More unit trains, generally good weather this winter, new CN infrastructure and efficiencies introduced by others have all contributed to CN moving more grain this crop year, Przednowek said. “This is a grain supply chain,” he said. “It’s not a rail supply chain. So in terms of efficiency and improving cycle times you have to have a lot of things happening from all of the players in the supply chain to get those empties back into the country faster. You have more efficient loaders out there so your loading time in the country is less. Grain companies have been making a lot of investments at the ports to be able to take more traffic off.” Some grain companies are investing in equipment to charge rail car air brakes in the winter. CN’s Winter Ready Program gives elevators a $50a-car credit from December to March for air charging unit trains. Air pressure for braking is a key limiting factor in winter railway movement in frigid Western Canada. “It’s a win-win with the shipper, but it also creates network capacity because you’re not wasting six or 12 hours sitting there waiting for the train to air up,” Przednowek said. CN has also invested in “repeater cars” to help maintain air brake pressure. The cars are

equipped with diesel-powered air compressors. Temperatures of -25 C or lower make it more difficult to maintain air pressure, forcing the railways to run shorter trains, reducing capacity. And while unit trains of 100 to 112 cars, loaded at one elevator, add efficiency, Przednowek said, CN’s manifest trains also increase capacity. “Once we get to Edmonton we accumulate traffic from our regions,” he said. “We build big trains. We probably run 170 to 200 car trains into Vancouver. “It’s a mix. It might be two unit trains that you built at Edmonton to pull to Prince Rupert or it could be a 100car train that you pulled from origin, plus some other traffic that wants to find its way to Vancouver. So we build more of a manifest service. We’re not as focused in pure unit train shipments as some of the other carriers are.” Manifest trains seem counterintuitive, but Przednowek explained it this way: “You only have so many slots in a given day (on the track) that you can run to the port. Think about it. If you’re running a big train — 170 or 200 cars versus that single unit train — that’s the way I look at it.” Communication within CN, and with shippers in the country and terminal, is also key, Fenske said. CN’s infrastructure investments, including more and longer sidings and more powerful locomotives, are paying off, Przednowek said. Meanwhile, grain companies are expanding export capacity at Vancouver, including finding ways to load ships in the rain, he said. “All those things around the margins, they all add up,” Przednowek said. “It means more movement at the peak. “It’s a grain supply chain where everybody has got to be doing their part to help pitch in and make it more efficient and that’s happening. That’s a good thing.”


CN Rail says it’s fully meeting grain shipper demand BY ALLAN DAWSON Co-operator staff

Most weeks this crop year CN Rail has delivered more than 90 per cent of the cars grain companies ordered, according to Ag Transport Coalition’s (ATC) weekly reports. That’s pretty good service, says Wade Sobkowich, executive director of the Western Grain Elevator Association and one of the ATC’s members. David Przednowek, CN Rail’s director of grain marketing, disagrees with the ATC statistics. “We (CN) can be definitive and say we met all the demand that was being thrown at us,” he said in an interview May 17, noting this winter CN parked 1,500 cars because they weren’t needed. “Suffice to say if we were only meeting 90 per cent of the demand and have 1,500 cars parked and we’re chasing customers for orders, there’s a disconnect there. That’s the bottom line.” The ATC was established following the grain-shipping backlog in 2013-14 to measure rail performance shipping grain. The ATC reports the number of cars the vast majority of grain shippers ordered for delivery in a specific week and the number delivered. Cars that don’t arrive during the specific week are recorded as unfilled orders, even if they show up the following week. “I think it’s misleading as to what is actually happening in the supply chain,” Przednowek said. “We are chasing customers for orders. We can do more. We’ve got cars parked and we’re only doing 90 per cent (of the orders)? I don’t think so.” It makes sense to measure rail performance by the number of car orders that are filled, Sobkowich said in an interview May 30. “Taking exception to ATC data is kind of like a business taking exception to the results from a customer satisfaction survey,” he said. Przednowek also complained the ATC reports how many cars aren’t moving, but doesn’t explain why. It’s not necessarily the railway’s fault, he said. That’s true, but it’s still important to collect and report the data to measure how well the grain system is performing, Sobkowich said. There are times when grain company requests exceed what the railway can deliver, Przednowek said. For example, last August harvest was delayed, which nobody can control. “A lot of demand flopped into September out of August and then demand built,” he said. “There was a week I remember when I think we had 7,100 or 7,200 orders. The supply chain can’t do 7,100 or 7,200 orders. So yep, there’s unfilled demand.”


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The Manitoba Co-operator | June 8, 2017

New guide explains rules for direct marketing food Plain language guide lays out regulations for production, processing and selling STAFF


a n i t o b a Agriculture has released a new guide that explains in clear language provincial regulations for producing, processing and s e l l i n g f o o d d i re c t t o consumers. The eight-page guide Direct Marketing Your F o o d P r o d u c t c ov e r s a l l ow a b l e p r o d u c t i o n levels, grading requirements, and processing s t a n d a rd s. Sa f e f o o d handling practices and labelling requirements are also explained. The release of the document fulfills a recommendation of the Small Scale Food Report released in January 2015, calling for development o f a ‘p l a i n l a n g u a g e g u i d e b o o k’ t o c l a r i f y what was otherwise being experienced as a confusing array of regulation available through too many government departments. The guide covers specifics around processing, handling and direct marketing fruit and vegetables, honey, meat and poultry, dairy, eggs, and meat and meat products. It also includes a glossar y explaining ter ms such as what a nonp o t e n t i a l l y hazardous food means and a frequently-asked-questions section covering matters s u c h a s re q u i re m e n t s for nutritional labelling and selling uninspected chicken or ungraded eggs. Direct marketing year round is on the uptick in Manitoba but gears up w h e n s u m mer arr ives and many direct-to-consumers sales are made at farm gate, through delive r i e s a t p re - a r ra n g e d locations, communitysuppor ted agr iculture ventures (CSAs), and at farmers’ markets. The guide book can be downloaded at http:// w w w. g o v. m b . c a / a g r i culture/food-and-agprocessing/pubs/directm a r k e t i n g - y o u r- f o o d product.pdf.

RAIN  Continued from page 1

to destroy it before reseeding. While that might not make sense to farmers, crop insurance says not doing so could result in uneven crop maturity. Potential fraud is also a concern. Farmers could say they reseeded into a standing crop without having done so, to collect a reseeding payment. Manitoba Agriculture’s May 29 crop weather report showed since May 1 much of agro-Manitoba was cooler and drier than normal. Above-normal temperatures this and last week were expected to put growing degree days back on track (Manitoba Agriculture’s June 5 crop report was issued after this story was written.) As of May 28 most of Manitoba Agriculture’s weather stations in central Manitoba reported having received less than 50 per cent of normal precipitation since May 1 (see map). The driest station, Baldur, was 28 per cent of normal, while the Manitou station was near normal at 97 per cent. Much of the Interlake and

southwest Manitoba were drier than normal too, while the northwest was close to normal or above normal. There are pockets in the northwest that are very wet, including The Pas, which received 82 mm of rain between May 1 and 29 — 259 per cent above normal, according to Manitoba Agriculture’s May 29 crop weather report. “They have hardly turned a wheel up there,” an official said. Things can always be worse. Many farmers in northern Saskatchewan and Alberta had to harvest some of last year’s crop this spring before seeding this year’s crop, Burnett said. Many were not finished seeding as of June 1. As provinces go we are probably in better shape that way,” he said. “If you were to ask (Manitoba) farmers on March 1 what they needed, they would’ve all universally said ‘a dry spring.’ We are sort of getting what they asked for, but as usual we don’t want it to become extreme.”

Per Cent NormalAccumulated Accumulated Percent of of Normal Precipitation Precipitation


May 01- 28, - 28, 2017 May 01 2017

% Normal Precipitation < 40% (min 13%) 40 - 60% 60 - 80%


80 - 100% > 100% (max 259%)





























Miles 0






Based on weather data recorded from MB Agriculture Weather Program and Environment and Climate Change Canada. Climate Normal is the historical record over a 30-year period. 1971-2000 Normal data was used as the baseline for this map. Precipitation below 100% is considered drier than normal and above 100% is wetter than normal.







PHOTO: manitoba agriculture











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The Manitoba Co-operator | June 8, 2017

Consultations begin toward national food policy Online survey and Ottawa summit will capture Canadians’ ideas about access to food and sustainable food systems BY LORRAINE STEVENSON Co-operator staff


anadians now have their chance to weigh in on what they think is essential for a nationwide food policy. Federal Agriculture Minister Lawrence MacAulay announced late last month that national consultations toward developing the complex policy initiative will take place this spring and early summer. The consultations, which include an online survey, will invite Canadians to share their views around four themes including increasing access to affordable food, improving health and food safety, conservation of soil, water and air, and growing more highquality food. A Food Policy for Canada will set a long-term vision for the health, environmental, social, and economic goals related to food, while identifying actions to take in the short term, a federal news release stated.

It would also be the first of its kind for the country. “Food plays a critical role in the health and well-being of Canadians, while also having a direct impact on our environment, economy, and communities,” MacAulay said in a news release. “Developing this food policy is an exciting opportunity for Canadians to have their say about how government can help address those opportunities and challenges that exist in our food system.” The consultions, which will engage both governmental and non-governmental groups, will continue through to July 27 and include a two-day food summit June 22 and 23 in Ottawa. Multiple groups have called for a shared national vision and strategy to address opportunities and challenges related to food and are welcoming the news. A national food policy has long been a priority for farm groups and the Canadian Federation of Agriculture is pleased to see gov-

ernment forging ahead on this, said CFA president Ron Bonnett. Farm leaders saw the need for a widely co-ordinated approach several years ago, and are looking forward to actively participating as the consultation moves forward, Bonnett said. In 2011 the CFA published Toward a National Food Strategy (NFS) highlighting a series of themes including proposing a longer-term vision for food production and a plan that takes a more holistic approach to promoting consumption of Canadian food and healthy lifestyles while sustaining economic growth and ecosystems. “Consultations on creating a national policy for food will spark important conversations among Canadians,” Bonnett said in a release. This week the CFA is also hosting a gathering of diverse stakeholders from civil society, the agrifood industry, indigenous groups, academia, and government for collaborative discussions. A national food policy is also

what groups such as Food Secure Canada have long been asking for. In 2011 it released its own proposal Resetting The Table calling for a much more holistic approach to increasing access to healthier food, reducing waste and creating more sustainable food systems. “Every Canadian should be able to put healthy, affordable, sustainably grown food on their table,” said its executive director Diana Bronson. The FSC notes that Canada has ratified the UN International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, giving government the legal duty to guarantee its citizens the right to adequate food. About four million Canadians have trouble putting food on the table, a problem that’s worse in remote communities. The Centre for Food in Canada has also weighed in on the matter, producing From Opportunity to Achievement: The Canadian Food Strategy in 2014 noting the key role food consumption and production plays in the econ-

omy, health, communities, and the environment. Its strategy also outlines a comprehensive, actionoriented framework for improving the overall food system. All groups have noted the growing public appetite for more proactive approaches to food that moves society beyond responses to problems and threats. Sixteen departments and agencies will be involved in the food policy’s development, including Finance Canada and the Privy Council Office. The consultation will engage multiple organizations including both governmental and nongovernmental groups. Comments received during the online consultation will be summarized in a ‘what we heard’ report. More information and access to the online survey is found at: campaign=not-applicable&utm_ m e d i u m = v a n i t y- u r l & u t m _ source=canada-ca_food-policy.

WHAT’S UP Please forward your agricultural events to daveb@fbcpublishing. com or call 204-944-5762.

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June 8-11: Canadian Angus national convention, Victoria Inn, 3550 Victoria Ave., Brandon. For more info visit activities-and-services/nationalconvention/. June 18: Pioneer Power and Equipment annual club show, Commonwealth Air Training Plan Museum grounds, Brandon Airport. For more info call 204763-4342 or 204-727-0962. June 21-23: Canada’s Farm Progress Show, Evraz Place, 1700 Elphinstone St., Regina. For more info visit July 13: Keystone Agricultural Producers summer advisory council meeting, 9:30 a.m., Victoria Inn, 3550 Victoria Ave., Brandon. For more info call 204697-1140. July 18-20: Ag in Motion: Western Canada’s Outdoor Farm Expo, Hwy. 16 at Range Rd. 3083, west of Langham, Sask. For more info visit Sept. 15-16: Manitoba Fibre Festival, Red River Exhibition Park, 3977 Portage Ave., Winnipeg. For more info visit Sept. 17: Manitoba Open Farm Day. For more info or to register your farm (deadline April 28), visit Sept. 25-28: Agricultural Bioscience International Conference (ABIC 2017), RBC Convention Centre, 375 York Ave., Winnipeg. For more info or to register visit abic2017. Nov. 14-15: Grain World conference, RBC Convention Centre, 375 York Ave., Winnipeg. For more info call 204-805-1284. Dec. 5-7: Western Canada Conference on Soil Health/ Western Canadian Grazing Conference, Radisson Hotel Edmonton South, 4440 Gateway Blvd., Edmonton. For more info call 780-836-3354.

© 2017 Meridian Manufacturing Inc. Registered Trademarks used under License. (06/2017)


The Manitoba Co-operator | June 8, 2017


sign of summer

Contact us with your event, dates, location and contact info at June 7-11: Manitoba Summer Fair, Keystone Centre, Brandon. Call 204-726-3590 or visit www. June 9-10: Lundar Fair and Exhibition. Call 204-278-3255 or visit June 9-10: Niverville Olde Tyme Country Fair. Visit nivervillefair. com. June 10-11: Montcalm Heritage Festival, St. Joseph. Visit June 16-18: Ninette Fair. Call 204-573-5468 or visit www. ninettefair. June 16-25: Red River Exhibition, 3977 Portage Ave., Winnipeg. Call 204-888-6990 or visit www. June 24: MacGregor Fair. Call 204-771-2357 or email macgre These robin hatchlings enjoy the shade of a nearby tree as protection from the heat of the early-summer sun.  photo: sandi knight

June 24: Rapid City Fair. Call 204-210-0468 or email June 24-25: Turtle Mountain Fair, Boissevain. Call 204-534-0857 or email nicolekyle_88@hotmail. com.

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June 24-25: Killarney Fair. Call 204-523-8289 or 204-305-0929 or email June 24-25: Miami Fair and Rodeo. Call 204-435-2288 or email June 24-25: Opasquia Fair and Rodeo, The Pas. Email opasqui June 24-25: Treherne Fair. Call 204-723-2275 or email twinoakli June 24-25: Manitoba Highland Gathering, Legacy Park, Hwys. 59 and 212, East Selkirk. Visit mani

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June 29-July 1: Dauphin Agricultural Society Fair, Dauphin. Call 204-638-4428 or visit www. June 29-July 2: Dauphin’s Countryfest, Hwy. 10 south of Dauphin. Visit www.countryfest. ca. June 30-July 1: Glenboro Fair. Call 204-827-2661 or email July 5: Rivers Fair. Call 204-3287512 or email backhoe@mymts. net. July 6-9: Winnipeg Folk Fest, Birds Hill Provincial Park. Visit July 7-8: Dominion City Summerfest. Call 204-427-2557. July 7-9: Carberry Fair and Races. Call 204-834-3772 or visit www. July 7-9: PortageX, Portage la Prairie. Call 204-857-3231 or visit July 8-9: Minnedosa Fair. Call 204-761-7096 or email minne July 8-9: Souris/Glenwood Fair. Call 204-483-0032 or email sour July 8-9: Manitou Fair. Call 204246-2105 or email manitouagso July 13-15: Carman Country Fair. Call 204-745-2226 or visit www. July 13-16: Frog Follies and Agricultural Fair, St. Pierre Jolys. Call 204-226-0527 or visit July 14-15: Deloraine Fair. Call 204-747-3457 or 204-747-3177 or email pkbell032566@hotmail. com.


The Manitoba Co-operator | June 8, 2017

LIVESTOCK MARKETS (Friday to Thursday) Winnipeg Slaughter Cattle Steers — Heifers — D1, 2 Cows 100.00 - 110.50 D3 Cows 88.00 - 96.00 Bulls 118.00 - 131.00 Feeder Cattle (Price ranges for feeders refer to top-quality animals only) Steers (901+ lbs.) 150.00 - 183.00 (801-900 lbs.) 170.00 - 202.00 (701-800 lbs.) 200.00 - 223.00 (601-700 lbs.) 215.00 - 246.00 (501-600 lbs.) 235.00 - 268.00 (401-500 lbs.) 245.00 - 288.00 Heifers (901+ lbs.) 140.00 - 165.00 (801-900 lbs.) 160.00 - 177.00 (701-800 lbs.) 160.00 - 188.00 (601-700 lbs.) 165.00 - 205.00 (501-600 lbs.) 185.00 - 216.00 (401-500 lbs.) 190.00 - 227.00


($/cwt) (1,000+ lbs.) (850+ lbs.)

Alberta South $ 167.00 - 169.00 — 105.00 - 119.00 90.00 - 109.00 — $ 178.00 - 191.00 194.00 - 210.00 207.00 - 232.00 229.00 - 252.00 240.00 - 261.00 248.00 - 270.00 $ 165.00 - 178.00 174.00 - 191.00 188.00 - 201.00 200.00 - 219.00 209.00 - 233.00 217.00 - 238.00

(901+ lbs.) (801-900 lbs.) (701-800 lbs.) (601-700 lbs.) (501-600 lbs.) (401-500 lbs.) (901+ lbs.) (801-900 lbs.) (701-800 lbs.) (601-700 lbs.) (501-600 lbs.) (401-500 lbs.)

Futures (June 2nd, 2017) in U.S. Fed Cattle Close Change June 2017 127.43 3.50 August 2017 124.70 3.30 October 2017 121.15 3.20 December 2017 121.73 3.25 February 2018 121.40 2.75 April 2018 118.98 1.80

Feeder Cattle August 2017 September 2017 October 2017 November 2017 January 2018 March 2018

Cattle Slaughter Canada East West Manitoba U.S.

June 2nd, 2017

Previous Year­ 42,878 9,380 33,498 NA 586,000

CNSC Ontario 156.61 - 179.04 147.75 - 181.27 76.91 - 108.57 76.91 - 108.57 110.29 - 136.24 $ 170.48 - 185.84 179.07 - 200.68 177.90 - 225.46 188.29 - 244.00 193.84 - 258.38 191.71 - 250.76 $ 152.50 - 175.95 153.61 - 178.79 156.55 - 191.46 164.81 - 210.52 170.26 - 214.52 156.49 - 220.13 $

Close 157.08 156.33 154.65 152.28 145.53 141.85

Change 5.95 5.35 4.60 3.70 2.83 2.60

Previous Year 1,038 21,301 12,707 803 451 5,878 200

Hog Prices (Friday to Thursday) ($/100 kg) E - Estimation MB. ($/hog) MB (All wts.) (Fri-Thurs.) MB (Index 100) (Fri-Thurs.) ON (Index 100) (Mon.-Thurs.) PQ (Index 100) (Mon.-Fri.)

“We never dreamed we’d be praying for rain, and I don’t know if we’re praying for it yet, but we certainly could use it.”

Jade MarkuS

Week Ending May 26, 2017 531 19,634 16,040 1,330 674 5,577 251

Prime AAA AA A B D E

Cattle prices hold steady, strong on lower volumes Feedlot profitability is supporting demand, for now

Cattle Grades (Canada)

Week Ending May 26, 2017 44,696 8,953 35,743 NA 613,000

$1 Cdn: $0.7405 U.S. $1 U.S: $1.3504 Cdn.


Cattle Prices

Slaughter Cattle Grade A Steers Grade A Heifers D1, 2 Cows D3 Cows Bulls Steers


Source: Manitoba Agriculture Current Week 196E 182E 185.56

Last Week 194.37 180.95 182.13

Last Year (Index 100) 198.45 183.44 185.83





rices for cattle at auction marts in Manitoba were steady on the week, and holding strong overall, though seasonally low volumes mean fewer ranchers are reaping the benefits. Manitoba auction marts are seeing strong cash prices, as profitability in the feedlot sector drives demand. Prices for non-fed cows and bulls have stayed steady on the week, said Allan Munroe of Killarney Auction Mart. “They’re still extremely strong; there’s not much for volume around right now. I think we had 250 feeder cattle, which is outstanding for the end of May,” he said. “There are guys who want to have some inventory and they look to me like they’re still pushing off.” Prices for feeder cattle are slightly lower, but are still profitable, “maybe a few pennies off, but overall, when you compare it back to a couple of months ago or especially last month, they’re still very strong,” Munroe said. Seasonally, fed cattle futures have downward potential into the warmer months. “We see more cattle on the horizon, more market-ready supplies coming down the line, and demand usually slows in the summer,” said Brian Perillat, manager and senior analyst at CanFax, a division of the Canadian Cattlemen’s Association. The market may have already notched its spring highs, he added, which means values are likely to move lower. He noted, however, that “the feedlots are still making really good money at these

allan munroe Killarney Auction Mart

prices,” which could keep demand, and therefore prices, strong. Traders are watching political issues for near-term market movement indications, Perillat said. U.S. President Donald Trump may make moves to renegotiate the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), which could cut into the amount of beef Canada sells to the U.S. and Mexico. China has reopened its border to U.S. beef, but uncertainty about the amount the country will buy could keep an element of turbulence in the market. The deal marked the first time China has allowed U.S. beef imports since 2003. Locally, Manitoba ranchers are watching the weather for indications on how feed grains will fare this summer. Munroe said the weather thus far hasn’t been good for getting grass growing. “We never dreamed we’d be praying for rain, and I don’t know if we’re praying for it yet, but we certainly could use it,” Munroe said. Markets are expected to be slow through the summer and into the fall run. Jade Markus writes for Commodity News Service Canada, a Winnipeg company specializing in grain and commodity market reporting.

Futures (June 2nd, 2017) in U.S. Hogs



June 2017



July 2017



August 2017 October 2017 December 2017

82.00 68.88 62.93

1.45 0.85 0.77

Other Market Prices Sheep and Lambs $/cwt Ewes Lambs

Choice (110+ lb.) (95 - 109 lb.) (80 - 94 lb.) (Under 80 lb.) (New crop)

Winnipeg Wooled Fats — — — — — —

Chickens Minimum broiler prices as of April 13, 2010 Under 1.2 kg..................................................$1.5130 1.2 - 1.65 kg....................................................$1.3230 1.65 - 2.1 kg....................................................$1.3830 2.1 - 2.6 kg.....................................................$1.3230

Turkeys Minimum prices as of May 28, 2017 Broiler Turkeys (6.2 kg or under, live weight truck load average) Grade A ............................................... $1.920 Undergrade ........................................$1.830 Hen Turkeys (between 6.2 and 8.5 kg liveweight truck load average) Grade A ............................................... $1.905 Undergrade ....................................... $1.805 Light Tom/Heavy Hen Turkeys (between 8.5 and 10.8 kg liveweight truck load average) Grade A ............................................... $1.905 Undergrade ....................................... $1.805 Tom Turkeys (10.8 and 13.3 kg, live weight truck load average) Grade A................................................. $1.905 Undergrade......................................... $1.820 Prices are quoted f.o.b. producers premise.

Toronto 92.18 - 143.23 221.95 - 258.39 274.70 - 301.13 278.20 - 298.08 275.26 - 315.73 —

SunGold Specialty Meats —

Eggs Minimum prices to producers for ungraded eggs, f.o.b. egg grading station, set by the Manitoba Egg Producers Marketing Board effective November 10, 2013. New Previous A Extra Large $2.00 $2.05 A Large 2.00 2.05 A Medium 1.82 1.87 A Small 1.40 1.45 A Pee Wee 0.3775 0.3775 Nest Run 24 + 1.8910 1.9390 B 0.45 0.45 C 0.15 0.15


Activists call on In-N-Out Burger to join the superbug fight BY LISA BAERTLEIN Reuters

Nearly three dozen consumer, environmental and public health groups are pressing privately held In-N-Out Burger to make good on its vow to set timelines for phasing out the use of beef raised with antibiotics vital to human health. Some 70 per cent of antibiotics needed to fight infections in humans are sold for use in meat and dairy production. Medical researchers say overuse of the drugs may dimin-

ish their effectiveness in fighting disease in humans by contributing to the rise of dangerous, antibioticresistant bacteria. Restaurant chains such as Chipotl, Panera Bread, McDonald’s and Subway already have joined the fight against superbugs by working with their meat suppliers to curb the use of important human antibiotics. In-N-Out last year told Reuters it was “committed to beef that is not raised with antibiotics important to human medicine and we’ve asked our suppliers to accelerate their progress toward establishing antibiotic alternatives.” The company did not set a timeline for that effort. Company representatives were not immediately available to comment.

“In-N-Out can make a significant impact by eliminating all routine uses of medically important antibiotics by its beef suppliers in a timely manner,” the groups, including CALPIRG, Friends of the Earth and the Center for Food Safety, said in their letter to the Californiabased company. They want In-N-Out to begin selling a domestically produced grass-fed or organic beef burger. “It’s the fastest way that they can make good on their commitment,” said Kari Hamerschlag, senior program manager at Friends of the Earth. On Jan. 1, California will implement a new law that limits the use of medically important antibiotics in livestock operations.

Goats Kids Billys Mature

Winnipeg ( Hd Fats) — — —

Toronto ($/cwt) 107.01 - 347.28 — 98.96 -283.45

Horses <1,000 lbs. 1,000 lbs.+

Winnipeg ($/cwt) — —

Toronto ($/cwt) 17.50 - 27.50 25.00 - 42.00

Looking for results?  Check out the market reports from livestock auctions around the province.   » PaGe 14


The Manitoba Co-operator | June 8, 2017


Manitoba Elevator Prices

Canola under pressure as U.S. soybeans trend lower

Average quotes as of June 5, 2017 ($/tonne)

Soy futures outweigh canola market fundamentals, for now Phil-Franz Warkentin CNSC


CE Futures Canada canola contracts fell hard over the course of the week ended June 2, as fund selling and losses in Chicago soybeans weighed on values. Speculators bailing out of long positions and putting on short positions in some cases were a feature of the activity during the week, with chart stops hit on the way down. The declines came despite persistent weather concerns in parts of Western Canada, as rains in northern Alberta continue to cause problems with spring seeding and dr yness to the south has many fields in need of moisture. While Statistics Canada forecast canola seedings this spring at a record 22.4 million acres, that number is looking more and more unlikely, while yields for what was seeded are already being questioned due to the poor weather. Visible canola supplies in the country fell to their tightest level in nearly three years, hitting 702,700 tonnes in the latest weekly Canadian Grain Commission report. Export demand does typically slow down at this time of year, as attention turns to the new crop, but the domestic crush is still running strong and some demand will need to be rationed or the market will run out of canola before the new crop is available. While the fundamentals for canola are shaping up to be relatively supportive from a

pricing standpoint, the situation is the complete opposite for soybeans in the U.S. The window for planting corn in the U.S. Midwest is quickly closing, but there is still time to get more soybeans in the ground. With wet weather causing delays for the final 10 per cent of intended corn acres in the U.S., some of that area will go into soybeans instead and the possibility of a very large U.S. crop is weighing on prices. Bearish chart signals added to the declines, as beans fell to their lowest levels in 14 months during the week. While oversold price sentiment may slow the downward move, the overall trend remains pointed lower, with US$9 per bushel the next major support for soybeans. Meanwhile, the grains found some support during the week. The lost corn acres kept that market well supported while quality issues propped up wheat. Minneapolis spring wheat saw the most strength, widening its premium over Kansas City and Chicago winter wheats. The U.S. winter wheat harvest is underway in the southern states, and early results point to lower-than-normal protein levels. Concerns over protein levels give the Minneapolis market a boost, as the contract specs are for higher-protein wheat. Weather forecasts calling for hot and dry weather in the key U.S. spring wheat-growing regions added to strength in the Minneapolis futures, as the yields and quality of the spring wheat are starting to be questioned. Phil Franz-Warkentin writes for Commodity News Service Canada, a Winnipeg company specializing in grain and commodity market reporting.

For three-times-daily market reports and more from Commodity News Service Canada, visit the Markets section at




E. Manitoba wheat




W. Manitoba wheat




E. Manitoba canola




W. Manitoba canola



485.39 Source:

Port Prices As of Friday, June 2, 2017 ($/tonne) Last Week

Weekly Change

U.S. hard red winter 12% Houston



U.S. spring wheat 14% Portland



Canola Thunder Bay



Canola Vancouver



Closing Futures Prices


As of Thursday, June 1, 2017 ($/tonne) Last Week

Weekly Change

ICE canola



ICE milling wheat



ICE barley



Mpls. HRS wheat



Chicago SRW wheat



Kansas City HRW wheat


















Cash Prices Winnipeg As of Friday, June 2, 2017 ($/tonne) Last Week

Weekly Change

Feed wheat



Feed barley







Rye Flaxseed Feed peas









Sunflower (NuSun) Fargo, ND ($U.S./CWT)



Sunflower (Confection) Fargo, ND ($U.S./CWT)



Prairie red spring wheat bids break out of doldrums MGEX and K.C. wheat futures were up on the week, supporting CWRS and CPSR wheats BY DAVE SIMS CNS Canada


ard red spring wheat bids in Western Canada finished mostly higher during the week ended June 2, taking strength from advances in the U.S. futures. Depending on the location, average Canada Western Red Spring (CWRS) wheat prices were up $7-$10 in the Prairie provinces, according to price quotes from a cross-section of delivery points compiled by PDQ (Price and Data Quotes). Average prices ranged from about $245 per tonne in western Manitoba, to as high as $265 in northern Alberta. Quoted basis levels varied from location to location, but generally ranged from about $31 to $50 per

Average (CWRS) prices ranged from about $245 per tonne in western Manitoba, to as high as $265 in northern Alberta.

tonne above the futures when using the grain company methodology of quoting the basis as the difference between U.S. dollar-denominated futures and Canadian dollar cash bids. When accounting for currency exchange rates by adjusting Canadian prices to U.S. dollars, CWRS bids ranged from US$181 to US$196 per tonne. That would put the currencyadjusted basis levels at about US$18$33 below the futures. Looking at it the other way around, if

the Minneapolis futures are converted to Canadian dollars, CWRS basis levels across Western Canada range from $24 to $45 below the futures. Canada Prairie Spring Red (CPSR) wheat bids were mixed, with small gains in some areas and losses in others. Prices ranged from $162 to $177 per tonne. Average durum prices were down $1 to up $2, with bids in Saskatchewan coming in at about $260 to $270 per tonne.

The July spring wheat contract in Minneapolis, off of which most CWRS contracts Canada are based, was quoted June 2 at US$5.8375 per bushel, up 15 U.S. cents from the previous week. Kansas City hard red winter wheat futures, traded in Chicago, are more closely linked to CPSR in Canada. The July K.C. wheat contract was quoted June 2 at US$4.375 per bushel, up roughly four U.S. cents compared to the previous week. The July Chicago Board of Trade soft wheat contract settled June 2 at US$4.295, down by nearly nine U.S. cents on the week. The Canadian dollar settled June 2 at 74.05 U.S. cents, down roughly a quarter of a cent compared to its U.S. counterpart in the previous week.


The Manitoba Co-operator | June 8, 2017

LIVESTOCK h u s b a n d r y — t h e s c i e n c e , S K I L L O R ART O F F AR M IN G

Expanded mandate means higher cost for VBP Plus audits The national beef certification program has expanded from on-farm food safety to include sustainability, biosecurity and animal welfare BY ALEXIS STOCKFORD Co-operator staff


he Verified Beef Production Plus ( VBP Plus) program will come with a higher price tag during its second year in Manitoba, but providers say the jump is needed to keep the program cost neutral. Audit costs have increased from $200 to $300 as of May 20. Manitoba Beef Producers general manager Brian Lemon says he believes the increase will cover costs on average, although the cost of providing audits varies between farms. “Verified Beef (Production) Plus is a much broader program that includes more than just the onfarm food safety,” Lemon said. “It includes animal welfare. It includes environmental sustainability and those sorts of other modules, which is why the ‘Plus,’ but also why the audits are a lot more involved and a lot more goes into an audit. That’s the unfortunate reality and, as the audits get more complicated, the costs for those audits have to go up.” Although a national program, audit costs are controlled provincially. The joint initiative between the Canadian Cattlemen’s Association, Beef Cattle Research Council and federal government is in the midst of switching from the previous Verified Beef Production program. The initial program was expanded last year with the launch of VBP Plus to include biosecurity, environmental stewardship and animal care. “The main reason we’re doing it is to improve public trust,” Virgil Lowe, VBP Plus business manager, said. “We know that the production practices on farm in Canada are generally very good, but we can’t tell people that.”

Providing proof Lowe used the example of the Earls controversy last year, when the restaurant chain shifted from Canadian beef to an American supplier with “certified humane” meat. The decision launched public backlash. Earls backed down after almost two months, but maintained its decision to buy beef raised without steroids, added hormones or antibiotics, according to Earls president Mo Jessa in July 2016. The chain said it would look for Canadian suppliers to meet its stipulations. “VBP is designed to be the tool that gives the rest of the industry the ability to say, ‘This is how we

The beef sector says the Verified Beef Production Plus program is the “cornerstone” of their efforts to foster public trust.

raise our cattle and we know that because we checked,’” Lowe said. No buyers currently require VBP Plus certification to his knowledge, Lowe said, but added that there is speculation that verification may become a requirement for some buyers or programs in the future. Lowe was unsure how many new or transitioned members have registered with the expanded program. Collectively, 1,500 producers were registered with VBP and VBP Plus last year. Lemon, likewise, said he was unsure how many Manitoba producers were registered. “Our uptake is good in terms of people and producers taking the workshops and signing up. We would certainly like to see it better,” he said, noting that Manitoba Beef Producers would ideally like to see all producers in the province verified with the program. A smaller number of producers have completed the audit process, Lemon said.

Making the shift Existing Verified Beef Production members will be able to transition into the new program as of their next renewal, while new registrants will enter the new program directly.

“VBP is designed to be the tool that gives the rest of the industry the ability to say, ‘This is how we raise our cattle and we know that because we checked.’” Virgil Lowel VBP Plus business manager

VBP Plus training includes a s e r i e s o f w o r k s h o p s, w e b i nars, resource materials or callin conferences. Producers are then expected to implement that training on their own operations. Existing VBP members must also be trained in the new modules and have provincial co-ordinators confirm “they have either done the training or demonstrated knowledge in those three new modules,” before transitioning, Lowe said. “You attend training or do online training, which is not onerous,” he said. “The in-person workshops are all done in an evening, so sort of a two- to three-hours-type thing, or the online training can be done in about two hours.”

Photo: Alexis Stockfor

Provincial co-ordinators provide enrolment forms and self-evaluations following training. “This is sort of where the rubber meets the road,” Lowe said. “As you go through self-assessment and see where your operation is in relation to VBP Plus criteria, then you would send that back into the co-ordinator; they would review it and maybe you would talk to them about some areas of improvement or further training.” Record-keeping is often among the most significant changes, Lowe said. Cow-calf operations are required to provide at least six months of records as part of the process, while feedlots must provide a minimum three months’ worth of records. “Feedlots will be required to complete a feedlot cattle chute, side handling and pen condition assessment,” the latest Manitoba Beef Producers newsletter read. Once criteria are met, farms are evaluated through a 3-1/2 hour audit. The time between registration and successful audit completion will vary from operation to operation. Training comes at no charge, Lowe said, although a fee is being considered for online webinars to recoup costs.


The Manitoba Co-operator | June 8, 2017

Coccidiosis affecting young calves in North Dakota Cattle producers in North Dakota have been losing young calves to coccidiosis this spring, an intestinal disease that affects several animal species NDSU release


attle producers in North Dakota have been losing young calves to coccidiosis this spring, according to Gerald Stokka, the North Dakota State University Extension Service’s veterinarian. Coccidiosis is an intestinal disease that affects several animal species. In cattle, it may produce clinical symptoms in animals from a month to one year of age, but it can infect all age groups. Coccidia is a protozoan parasite that has the ability to multiply rapidly and cause clinical disease. “Coccidia are very host specific; that is, only cattle coccidia will cause disease in cattle,” Stokka says. “Other species-specific coccidia will not cause disease in cattle.” The major damage to calves is the result of the rapid multiplication of the parasite in the intestinal wall and the subsequent rupture of the cells of the intestinal lining. Several stages of multiplication occur before the final stage, the oocyst (egg), is passed in the feces. Oocysts are extremely resistant to environmental stress and are difficult to remove from

Early detection of coccidiosis is important for getting calves treated, NDSU Extension livestock specialists say.   PHOTO: NDSU

the environment completely. Oocysts must undergo a final process called sporulation before they are infective again. Oocysts frequently contaminate feed and water. When the sporulated oocysts are ingested by other animals, they start their life cycle over in the new host.

Symptoms In young (three to six weeks of age), suckling calves, clinical signs of coccidiosis may develop following stressful events such as weather changes, or if the calves are in unsanitary conditions. “Symptoms or signs of coccidiosis will depend on the stage

of the disease at the time of observation,” says Karl Hoppe, livestock systems specialist at NDSU’s Carrington Research Extension Center. In general, coccidiosis affects the intestinal tract and creates symptoms associated with it. In mild cases, calves only have watery diarrhea, but in most cases, blood is present in the feces. Straining, along with rapid dehydration, weight loss and anorexia (off feed), may be evident. Animals that survive for 10 to 14 days may recover; however, permanent damage may occur. The lesions associated with

coccidiosis that are found after death generally are confined to the cecum, colon, ileum and rectum. Laboratory findings should be correlated with clinical signs for a diagnosis because other infectious diseases such as salmonella and bovine viral diarrhea virus also may lead to blood in the stool, Stokka notes. The susceptibility of animals to coccidiosis varies. “Coccidiosis frequently is referred to as an opportunist, which is a disease that will develop when other stress factors are present or in the young calves when exposure to the oocysts is overwhelming,” Stokka says. “The life cycle of coccidiosis in calves is approximately 21 days,” he adds. “This means that if a three-week-old calf is showing signs and symptoms of coccidiosis, the calf was exposed to the oocysts at birth. The logical conclusion to young calf coccidiosis is that calving grounds are highly contaminated.”

Treatment Infected animals must be treated for the infection and to correct dehydration. Producers should select the proper drugs in consultation with their veterinarian. Sulfa drugs and a therapeutic dose of amprolium are

Interactive workshops for producers on production innovations, a tradeshow, market outlooks, and presentations about how we can work together to advance connectivity, productivity, beef demand and competitiveness in the industry PLUS excellent networking opportunities including a golf tournament and tour

Prevention Stokka and Hoppe suggest these steps to prevent coccidiosis: •  M o v e c a l v i n g g r o u n d s t o a c l e a n a re a f re e o f contamination. •  Increase the amount of space per cow during the calving season. •  Feed an additive that can re d u c e t h e p re s e n c e o f coccidia. “Fe e d i n g a c o c c i d i o s t a t (decoquinate) or an ionophore (monensin or lasalocid) to the herd prior to and during calving may help,” Hoppe says. “Be sure to follow label claims because monensin and lasalocid have slightly different label claims. “Feeding an ionophore to the cows for reducing the overall coccidia parasites present in the environment also has the benefit of improving feed efficiency,” he adds.


Common Ground

Images courtesy of Kathrin Lowe (middle); and Canadian Cattlemen’s (right)

Register at www.canadian beefindustry

available to treat coccidiosis. Antibiotics may be necessary if secondary bacterial infections are suspected. Products also are available for treating the entire group of calves, but the logistics of medicating all the calves in beef herds is difficult, Stokka says. Treatment and prevention are most effective when started early.

AUG 15 - 17 at the BMO Centre on Stampede Park, Calgary, Alberta WITH KEYNOTE SPEAKERS JON MONTGOMERY Olympic gold-medalist and host of The Amazing Race Canada and

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The Manitoba Co-operator | June 8, 2017



Feeder Steers


No. on offer Over 1,000 lbs. 900-1,000 800-900








Ste. Rose





























































































Feeder heifers 900-1,000 lbs. 800-900






















































No. on offer









D1-D2 Cows









D3-D5 Cows









Slaughter Market

Age Verified









Good Bulls

















Butcher Steers Butcher Heifers









Feeder Cows









Fleshy Export Cows









Lean Export Cows

















Heiferettes * includes slaughter market

(Note all prices in CDN$ per cwt. These prices also generally represent the top one-third of sales reported by the auction yard.)

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The Manitoba Co-operator | June 8, 2017

Cattle prices jump to near-record highs The glory days of 2015 were a distant memory last fall — and then all of a sudden prices shot up again BY MADELEINE BAERG Co-operator contributor


estern Canadian cattle producers are enjoying unexpectedly strong pricing this spring with both fed cattle and calf p r i c e s i n A l b e r t a ra l l y i n g almost 50 per cent since last fall’s painful lows. “There’s always going to be someone who says they saw it coming. We didn’t,” said Brian Perillat, manager and senior analyst with CanFax, t h e Ca n a d i a n Ca t t l e m e n’s Association’s market analysis division. “After the price correction we saw last year, you always expect a bit of a bounce. But we didn’t expect such a large price increase through the winter given how tough 2016, especially the fall, was.” Fed cattle prices bottomed out at $128/cwt last fall. Barely nine months later, they reached $191/cwt. The prices s e e n l a s t m o n t h we re t h e highest since mid-2015 and only about $12/cwt off the alltime highs set two years ago. Calf prices for 550-pound steers made a big jump as well, rising from $168/cwt last fall to about $250/cwt ($2.50/ p o u n d ) . T h e s e p r i c e s a re the highest since early 2016, though still about $80 below 2015’s record high of $330/ cwt. High cattle prices in 2015 s l ow e d b o t h e x p o r t s a n d

domestic demand, and as prices cooled, producers held on to cattle. The spring and early-summer holdback in 2016 translated to more supply than demand and largerthan-average carcasses by early fall. Carcasses reached near-record sizes by October, with average weights topping out at 936 pounds (almost 100 pounds heavier than today’s average weight of 839 pounds). But as prices dropped through last fall, export and domestic market demand rebounded. “The lower prices meant consumer demand i n c r e a s e d ,” s a i d Pe r i l l a t . “Retailers saw good margins so there was more featuring of beef in sales fliers. Add in the fact that fed cattle supplies weren’t quite as abundant as we’d expected and, quite before we knew it, we’d worked our way through the glut of supply.”

Alberta bonus As quickly as prices had dropped, they suddenly began to rise again. Typically, C a n a d i a n p r i c e s a re d i s c o u n t e d c o m p a re d t o t h e price-setting lead of the U.S., and Alberta — and therefore western Canadian — prices generally equal or lag behind Ontario prices. Not so this spring. “At the end of 2016 and into 2017, our prices were actually at a premium to the U.S.

“Packers in Alberta had to pull hard on supplies to meet demand so our prices jumped.”

Brian Perillat

viduals and markets absorb, transfer and exchange information about supply and demand, whether globally or domestically, is very different than it used to be,” said Perillat. “Markets move rapidly because everyone reacts at the same time now.” That’s certainly been the case the last two years, he added. “The recent market ups and downs have been absolutely extreme. We have feedlots that in 2014-15 were making $500 or $600 a head. Six months later, they were losing $500 a head. Then six or eight months later they were making $700 a head. “It’s tough. Risk managem e n t s t a r t s g e t t i n g re a l l y important when markets bounce like that,” said Perillat. Prices will likely average out over the long run, but in the meantime expect “big and stressful swings in the market,” he said.

Who saw this coming? The recent 50 per cent rally in cattle prices far surpassed what most market analysts were expecting.     PHOTO: CANADA BEEF

A couple of months back, Alberta had the highest cattle prices in North America,” said Perillat. “It’s supply and demand. Canada hasn’t seen the herd growth that the U.S. has, so we didn’t have big supplies. Packers in Alberta had to pull hard on supplies to meet demand so our prices jumped.” What happens next is anyone’s guess. Consumer demand for beef, particularly for higher-value cuts, peaks during barbecuing season in spring/early summer. The seasonality of demand is likely to depress prices somewhat as we move towards fall. As well, exports appear to be softening somewhat due to the strong pricing.

S o f a r, Tr u m p’s t h r e a t ened changes to the North A m e r i c a n F r e e Tr a d e Agreement (NAFTA) are helping Canadian beef by softening the Canadian dollar. Over the medium to longer term, however, retooling of NAFTA may throw a curve ball into Canadian beef’s pricing. “There’s strong consensus across North American cattle organizations that NAFTA is good for all of us,” said Perillat. “Any talk about renegotiating or scrapping NAFTA is a concern but hopefully the cattle industry will be heard.” Regardless of what happens politically, expect increased uncertainty, faster change, and unusually varied pricing ahead. “ T h e w a y s o c i e t y, i n d i -

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CIH 2388 - 2003 CIH 2388 MF 8780 NH CR9080 - 2010, 1031/790 HRS NH TR98 - 2218 HRS NH CX8080 MF 9790 -

JOHN DEERE HEADERS JD 635D - Cross Auger JD 635D - Cross Auger JD 930 DRAPER - PU REEL (3) JD 930 DRAPER - PU REEL JD 936 DRAPER - PU REEL


$339,500 $341,500 $349,900 $389,900 $232,900 $21,900 $15,900 $27,900 $29,900 $115,900 $177,900 $144,900


$119,900 $99,900 $61,500 $269,900 $69,900 $195,900 $159,900


$65,900 $67,900 $41,900 $41,900 $44,900


$290,900 $295,900 $285,000 $319,900 $199,900 $13,900 $7,950 $12,900 $25,900 $110,900 $149,900 $119,900


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Farm leaders say workers’ compensation coverage is a good thing Mandatory enrolment could be announced this fall, but leaders say cost and paperwork won’t be onerous

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MAFRD is looking at how well these oversize cold frames can extend horticultural growing seasons

You don’t have to go far to find hazards on a farm, and that’s why new workplace safety regulations are inevitable, say farm leaders. PHOTOS: COURTESY Canadian agRiCUlTURal SafETY aSSOCiaTiOn



hanges to farm safety regulations are expected soon — and that might not be a bad thing for Alberta farmers, says the president of the Alberta Federation of Agriculture. “Workers’ compensation or private insurance really is a great risk management tool for farms nowadays,” said Lynn Jacobson. “That protection against litigation is one of the big selling fac-

Mike Millar

tors for workers’ compensation.” Oneil Carlier, the new NDP agriculture minister, has vowed to extend workplace safety regulations to farm workers who aren’t currently covered by workers’ compensation or Occupational Health and Safety regulations. Today, only around seven per cent of Alberta farm employers voluntarily carry workers’ compensation for their operations. But offering that protection — both for employers and employees — is one of the realities of farm-

ing today, said Jacobson, who farms near Enchant. “There’s getting to be more and more hired help on the farm and we’re employing more people,” he said. “It gives protection from litigation and other advantages, and if you don’t have it, there can be some serious consequences.” And farm workers today “aren’t just interested in a paycheque,” he said. “They’re starting to realize, ‘If I get hurt on this job, where’s the protection for my family?’ When it comes down to it, a farm that has some type of

protection for those people is going to have a lot easier time hiring people.”

senior executive with CP Rail says the com company is “well positioned” to move this year’s g ra i n c r o p d e s p i t e re c e n t cutbacks in staff and locomotives. con Grain is, was and will continue to be Canadian Pacific Railway’s biggest cargo, John Brooks, vice-president of sales com and marketing for bulk commodities, said in an interview Aug. 6. And the historic railway founded in 1881 is investing to move even more in the future, he said. “Make no bones about it, grain is king at CP,” he said. “It is our life-bread. There is nothing we want to do more than move a lot of grain. “I think we feel pretty good about our handling capacity… to move this new crop.” see ee CP Rail on page 7 »

see COVeRAGe } page 7

High tunnel production has potential to extend the Manitoba grower’s season, says MAFRD’s fruit crops specialist Anthony Mintenko. He and the provincial PHOTO: LORRAINE STEVENSON LORRAINE STEVENSON vegetable crop specialist are evaluating fruit and vegetable crops for high tunnel production at the AAFC site at Portage la Prairie.   PHOTO:


Cost and paperwork

Co-operator staff / Portage la Prairie

There are “some misconceptions” about workers’ compensation that have made Alberta farmers reluctant to offer coverage to their workers, said Jacobson. “Some people don’t like that administrative role and the paperwork that is associated with the program at this point in time,” he said.


production system that extends the growing season, offers growers a competitive edge in the marketplace and potential to make more money sounds mighty tempting. That’s why fruit and vegetable growers were out in large numbers at Hort Diagnostic Days in late July to hear more about construction of high tunnels. This is the first year a variety of fruits and vegetables has been planted in the high tunnel built in 2014 at the Agriculture Agri-Food

Canada location in Portage la Prairie. Growers are keen to hear what Manitoba Agriculture, Food and Rural Development (MAFRD) specialists are learning. High tunnel production is commonplace in other parts of Canada and in northern and central U.S. where nearly every type of fruit and vegetable is now grown, even tree fruits. MAFRD staff are researching how high tunnels work in Manitoba growing conditions. “We have a lot of recommendations from other places like Minnesota and Ontario about what to grow in a high tunnel but nothing for under Manitoba conditions,” said fruit

crop specialist Anthony Mintenko, who is evaluating day-neutral strawberries, early-season June-bearing strawberries, fall-bearing raspberries and blackberries at one end of the 100x15x7.5-foot tunnel. Provincial vegetable specialist Tom Gonsalves is experimenting with vegetables such as tomatoes, cucumbers and peppers at the other. High tunnels are like greenhouses, except they don’t have a double layer of poly, and no permanent heat or electricity. But they have a similar function — they keep cold out and, conversely, heat in. see ReseaRCheRs on page 6 »

COOL: U.S. challengeS canada’S claim» PAGE 3

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A 1948 Ford 8N with a 100 h.p. flathead V8 engine turns heads. | P. 38


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Researchers study how to extend the growing season



Mike Gait Eugene Styba

cP Rail says it’s ready to move this year’s crop to market


$232,500 $125,900 $58,900 $18,500 $23,900 $104,900


Stonewall pays tribute to artist William Kurelek » Pg 3

Co-operator staff

see FARM AiD } page 6 WAS NOW

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serVing mAnitobA FArmers since 1925 | Vol. 73, no. 33 | $1.75

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The company is investing billions to move even more grain as western Canadian production continues to increase

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rop producers will have to wait until after harvest to find out if there is any government drought assistance, says the president of the Grain Growers of Canada. The question of additional farm aid was put to Oneil Carlier, the new NDP agriculture minister, when he attended an Alberta Wheat Commission directors’ meeting in Red Deer on July 21, said Gary Stanford, who is also a Semi-Annual 0 Down director with that organization. “I asked him if there will be any JOHN DEERE 2WD WAS NOW form of funding for cattle and hay, JD 5200 - MFWD, cab, 540 loader $32,900 $23,900 JD 6125M - MFWD, SOLDareas that are so and also for some JD 6430 - Premium, 673 loader $106,900 $95,900 dry that crop insurance for grain JD 7200 - MFWD, 740 loader $59,900 won’t $49,900 farmers really cover everyJD 7215R - MFWD, H480 $224,900 $214,900 thing,” said the Magrath-area proJD 7210R - IVT, 50 k, frt 3pth & pto $249,900 $228,900 ducer. JD 7210R - 50 k, IVT, frt 3pth & pto $250,500 $229,900 “He said that he will probably JD 7210R - 50 k, IVT, H480 loader $250,900 $230,900 wait until after harvest is over and JD 7210R - 50 k, IVT, H480 loader $249,900 $229,900 he gets the$49,900 crop insurance inforJD 7220 - 741 loader $59,900 mation back SOLD from the Agricultural JD 4440 - 2WD, 740SL loader Financial JD 5100E - cab, MFWD, low hrs $75,900 Services $62,900 Corporation to JD 7430 - MFWD, 741 loader $107,900 $99,900 see what the facts are. He’ll then JD 7830 - AUTOQUAD, 746 loader $139,900 $129,900 find out which counties are in the JD 8335R - IVT, frt hitch REDUCED $332,900 $299,900 worst shape.” JD 8345R - 2 To Choose From Coming In That same stance was taken byWAS Federal NOW Agriculture Minister JOHN DEERE 4WD JD 9460R $315,900 Gerry Ritz $299,900 at a national meeting of JD 9430 - 3pth, PTO $227,900 agriculture$199,900 ministers held in mid-


Young beef producers meet in Neepawa

August 3, 2015


More cops, more cameras or more common sense? What’s the best way to fight crime in rural Saskatchewan? Questions related to rural crime generated plenty of discussion during the Saskatchewan Association of Rural Municipalities’ annual convention in Saskatoon last week, and some controversy as well. SARM is one of the best barometers of public sentiment in rural Saskatchewan. At its annual convention March 14-16, the organization welcomed more than 1,000 delegates — mostly elected reeves and councilors — from 296 RMs across the province. And according to delegates attending the event, rural people are fed up with what they see as threats to their property and personal safety. “For a lot of (rural people), I think it’s a concern about RCMP coverage itself,” said SARM president Ray Orb, when asked about delegates’ frustration. “They don’t feel safe because there aren’t enough police out there to cover the whole province.…It’s (about having) the confidence that the RCMP are there and that when they’re called, they’ll be able to (show up) in a timely manner. Added another delegate, who spoke on the condition of anonymity: “Policing in rural Saskatchewan is inadequate and the criminals know it.… People in remote areas have had enough.” SEE PROTECT PROPERTY, PAGE 4



Cold weather doesn’t stop calving but at -23C Brenda Stahl takes a minutes-old calf to the warmth of the barn at the Cayley Colony near Cayley, Alta., earlier this month. FOR MORE CALVING PHOTOS FROM THE CAYLEY COLONY, SEE PAGE 70. | MIKE STURK PHOTO


Canada, China explore trade talks Eliminating tariffs could increase annual exports to China by $1.2 billion BY SEAN PRATT

China buys one-third of Canada’s


Farm groups are excited that Canada has launched exploratory free trade agreement talks with China. The Asian country accounted for $5.6 billion in Canadian agri-food exports last year, making it Canada’s second largest market after the United States.

canola exports and is an important market for soybeans, pulses, wheat, barley, beef and pork. A study commissioned by the Canola Council of Canada found that eliminating tariffs could increase exports of seed, oil and meal to China by up to $1.2 billion per year. That would be the equivalent of shipping an extra 1.8 million

tonnes of canola per year to that market, or 10 percent of annual production. “We see incredible opportunity for grow th in China and part of that opportunity hinges upon better market access,” said Brian Innes, vice-president of government relations with the council. SEE TRADE TALKS, PAGE 5


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MARCH 23, 2017 Return undeliverable Canadian addresses to: Box 2500, Stn. Main, Saskatoon, SK. S7K 2C4 The Western Producer is published in Saskatoon by Western Producer Publications, which is owned by GVIC Communications Corp. Publisher: Shaun Jessome Publications Mail Agreement No. 40069240



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What GM won’t do

But country stars Brad and Curtis Rempel haven’t forgotten their farm roots » PG 32

Report on grazing leases ignites an old debate » PG 22

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The Manitoba Co-operator | June 8, 2017

WEATHER VANE “Everyone talks about the weather, but no one does anything about it.” Mark Twain, 1897

A couple of chances for precipitation Issued: Monday, June 5, 2017 · Covering: June 7 – June 14, 2017 Daniel Bezte Weather Vane


ast week’s forecast didn’t quite play out as expected, but it was able to capture the overall pattern. The big surprise was just how warm it was able to get, even though the pattern wasn’t exactly set up to produce record-breaking heat. This forecast period will begin with an area of low pressure tracking through northern Manitoba, with a trailing cold front slowly pushing through southern and central regions. This front will likely kick off numerous showers and thundershowers during the day on Wednesday, with eastern regions possibly seeing these showers sticking around early into Thursday. Temperatures will be a little cooler with the cloud cover on Wednesday, with highs around 23 C. Temperatures on Thursday will continue on the cool side as cooler air works in behind the cold front, but under sunny skies temperatures will still be in the low to mid-20s. High pressure will begin pushing in during the day

on Thursday and will quickly slide off to our east on Friday. At the same time, a large area of low pressure will be developing to our west. The flow around these two systems, along with the strong summer sunshine, will help to quickly boost our temperatures back toward the 30 C mark on Friday and Saturday. As the western low organizes and tracks eastward over the weekend, we’ll likely see several chances for thunderstorms. Currently, it looks like late Saturday and into early Sunday morning will be the best chance for rain, with some of the thunderstorms possibly being severe. Hi g h p re s s u re l o o k s t o build back in for much of next week, bringing plenty of sunshine and warm temperatures. Expect daytime highs to be in the mid-20s with overnight lows in the low to mid-teens.# Usual temperature range # for this period: Highs, 19 to 28 C; lows, 6 to 15 C.


30 Day Departure From Average Precipitation (mm)

May 3, 2017 to June 1, 2017 < -46 -46 to -35 -35 to -25 -25 to -14 -14 to -4


Fort St. John

-4 to 6 6 to 16 16 to 27 27 to 38 38 to 48 48 to 59 59 to 69


69 to 80


80 to 90 90 to 101 > 101






Calgary Regina





Copyright © 2017 Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada

Daniel Bezte is a teacher by profession with a BA (Hon.) in geography, specializing in climatology, from the U of W. He operates a computerized weather station near Birds Hill Park. Contact him with your questions and comments at

Prepared by Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada’s Science and Technology Branch. Data provided through partnership with Environment Canada, Natural Resources Canada, Provincial and private agencies. Produced using near real-time data that has undergone some quality control. The accuracy of this map varies due to data availability and potential data errors.

Created: 2017-06-02

wThis issue’s map shows the total amount of precipitation that fell across the Prairies during the 30 days ending on June 1 as a departure from the long-term average. You can quickly see that much of southern and central Saskatchewan and Manitoba have been dry during this period. The driest regions are in southern Manitoba, where a significant portion of the region saw departures from average that were greater than 35 mm.

Is it a warm or cool summer ahead?

May saw near-average temperatures, with below-average levels of precipitation BY DANIEL BEZTE Co-operator contributor


ay across agricultural Manitoba could be described as a month that just couldn’t figure itself out. We had some warm days, but nothing really hot. We had a few cold periods, but once again nothing terribly cold. It seemed like it was a wet month, yet we didn’t see any heavy rain events. The general talk by the end of the month was that it was a colder-thanaverage month, with nearaverage amounts of precipitation. While this might be what people thought about May, here are what the statistics say; I think they may surprise you. Of our three main locations, one region reported slightly below-average temperatures for May, another region saw near-average temperatures, while the third region saw slightly above-average temperatures. The question is, which region was which? Well, if you guessed that the Brandon region was the area that saw slightly above-average temperatures, you were correct. B r a n d o n’s m e a n m o n t h l y temperature for May came in about 0.5 C above the longterm average. The Dauphin

The wettest region was around Dauphin, where precipitation amounts were generally in the 30- to 35-mm range… about 20 mm below average.

region was the area that saw near-average monthly temperatures for May, with a reading that was bang on its long-term average. That leaves the cold spot to Winnipeg and the eastern regions. Winnipeg’s mean monthly temperature for May came in 0.3 C below the longterm average. This makes it a tougher overall call. Since one station was right on average and the two other stations were a little above and a little below average, I think overall we can say that May saw nearaverage temperatures. Precipitation dur ing the month did not come in above average, as several people to whom I talked thought. Precipitation amounts were actually below average across all three locations. The wettest region was around Dauphin, where precipitation amounts were generally in the 30- to 35-mm range. This is about 20 mm below average. Both the Brandon and Winnipeg regions saw between 20 and

25 mm of precipitation, which is between 35 and 40 mm below the long-term average. So, overall, it was a drier-thanaverage month, which is a little unusual as dry Mays tend to be warmer than average.

Who called it? Which of the long-range forecasts was closest to predicting this May’s near-average temperatures and below-average precipitation? Looking back, I would say no one was right on the money. Environment Canada called for near-average temperatures and precipitation, so it got the temperature part right. The Old Farmer’s Almanac called for above-average temperatures and below-average precipitation, so it got the precipitation part right. The Canadian Farmers’ Almanac called for below-average temperatures and above-average precipitation, so it struck out in both departments. Finally, my forecast for May was basically too

wishy-washy, as I never did give a final forecast for the month; instead I said the first half of the month would be warm and dry, with the second half of the month being cooler and wetter. While the second half of the month was cooler relative to average and we did see several days with light rain, most of the heavier rainfall occurred during the first half of the month. Now, on to the June, July a n d Au g u s t f o r e c a s t s . A s usual I want to remind everyone that creating an accurate forecast for one to two weeks in advance is already tough, forecasts that go out one or more months beforehand are pretty much guesswork, or, as some like to call it, the art of forecasting. So don’t bet the farm on these forecasts! Let’s start with Environment Canada. Looking at its summer forecast, it calls for a slightly higher-than-average chance of seeing war merthan-average temperatures in June, July and August. Along with the warmer temperatures, we will see near-average amounts of precipitation. To me, that sounds like not too bad of a forecast, especially if we get the precipitation at the right time and in the right amounts. Next up are our two alma-

n a c s . T h e O l d F a r m e r ’s Almanac forecast for the summer is not looking that great, with predictions of a cool and wet June followed by a nearaverage July, then a slightly war mer- and wetter-thanaverage August. The Canadian Farmers’ Almanac looks to be calling for a warmer and we t t e r- t h a n - a ve ra g e Ju n e to-August per iod. It men tions hot weather with daytime highs in the 30 to 35 C range several times over the summer, along with plenty of showers and thunderstorms. Finally, my forecast or gut f e e l i n g f o r t h e s u m m e r. I think we will continue with our pattern of periods of warm or even hot weather being broken up with short p e r i o d s o f c o o l e r, w e t t e r weather. Overall this type of pattern would result in warmer-than-average temperature right through the summer. Precipitation is always the hardest thing to predict. One or two heavy thunderstorms can take a dry summer and turn it into a wet one. I think most regions will end up seeing near- to slightly below-average amounts of precipitation this summer. All in all, I hope ever yone gets just the right amount of rain and heat, whatever that amount may be.


The Manitoba Co-operator | June 8, 2017

CROPS h u s b a n d r y — t h e s c i e n c e , S K I L L O R ART O F F AR M IN G

DeRuycks keep rolling with organic cleaning and milling D

an and Fran DeRuyck’s organic grain-cleaning plant is one of the first things a visitor sees when they arrive at Top of the Hill Farm, south of Treherne, Man. The large shed dominates the west side of the yard, bordered by bins which, on any given week, might be filled with anything from wheat, oats, buckwheat, quinoa, mustard or spelt. Inside, a maze of pipes and blowers conveys grain through a line of cleaning equipment. The grain is filtered by size, density and, using a specialized electronic eye, colour. Buckwheat is dehulled with a stone grinder, as are oats. Undesirable seeds are whisked away to another, smaller bin outside, while the cleaned grain is bagged for milling or, increasingly, returned to the customer after a custom cleaning job. A few miles away, at Top of the Hill Farm’s milling facility, Fran DeRuyck pours buckets of grain into the computerized milling machine. The resulting flour is then packaged and shipped to bakeries, health food stores and dozens of other customers across southern Manitoba and from coast to coast. It’s a far cry from 17 years ago, when Dan DeRuyck’s father, Gerry, began marketing organics to a few local bakeries. The DeRuycks have been milling their own grains and marketing their own organic flour for years, but now their business once again looks set to expand. Custom milling is on offer, but the DeRuycks say they would like to take on more, while their cleaning plant, reopened in February after almost 10 months of upgrades, opens the door for large-scale organic grain cleaning. “They can bring their grains to us,” Dan DeRuyck said. “We can clean it. We can mill it and then they can try and market it themselves or whatever, and that way they don’t have to put this capital

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Co-operator staff

As with all crop protection products, read and follow label instructions carefully. Member of CropLife Canada.

“They can bring their grains to us. We can clean it. We can mill it and then they can try and market it themselves or whatever, and that way they don’t have to put this capital investment into their operation, because that’s usually the biggest thing in trying to get established — just trying to get the infrastructure into place.”


*Post-infection protection varies by disease.

Dan and Fran DeRuyck hope to expand their customer base with their upgraded organic grain-cleaning plant, reopened earlier this year

Dan DeRuyck

Larry Black, Manitoba Organic Alliance grain and oilseed director, said most buyers have their own cleaning plants, but he has seen an increased preference for clean grain due to freight considerations. “I’m noticing in the last couple of years that the buyers are looking now for your grain on farm to be less than five per cent dockage and that didn’t used to be an issue,” he said. He noted that producers located close to Top of the Hill Farm are more likely to derive benefit from the plant.

Dan and Fran DeRuyck stand in front of their recently reopened organic cleaning plant south of Treherne.   Photo: Alexis Stockford

investment into their operation, because that’s usually the biggest thing in trying to get established — just trying to get the infrastructure into place. We didn’t have that and that was a big thing that would have been maybe a little nicer, if we had access to custom work available like that. That’s the direction that we want to go right away because I think there’s a lot of good ideas and people can put new products together.”

Growing scale

The couple has held out setting prices for their expanded services while they familiarize themselves with the plant’s capacity and operation. Kate Storey, president of the Manitoba Organic Alliance, has said more organic seed cleaners are needed to fill a gap in the market. The organization draws members from organic farmers, retailers, buyers, researchers and processors across the province.

In 2000, Gerry DeRuyck planted his first organic crop, a patch of only 20 acres. “We were just finding that our input costs were rising and we were finding that the margins were getting thinner and with sprays, we were finding we were getting resistance to different sprays and things like that, so it just wasn’t pencilling out like we thought it would,” Dan DeRuyck said. See DeRuycks on page 19 »

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The Manitoba Co-operator | June 8, 2017

Few details as online risk management tool AgriShield is announced The federal government has thrown support behind a newly announced online risk management tool, but the project has only been described in general terms as development gets underway BY ALEXIS STOCKFORD Co-operator staff


arm Management Canada hopes to see the online risk management tool AgriShield up and running by April 2018. The group recently announced it was developing the platform to help farmers determine what risks their operations face and how they can take steps to prevent damage and loss. He a t h e r Wa t s o n , Fa r m Management Canada executive director, expects the pilot will likely be released to industry for a year before the tool’s full-scale launch. “We’re seeing that risk management is something that has been brought to the forefront, especially with the BRM programs,” she said. The phrase ‘business risk management’ is starting to become a readily understood concept in the business, Watson said. It’s good to see that higher profile, but fundamentally that’s come to mean financial risk, while a whole host of other risks are also ever present. “We find that oftentimes that crowds out other opportunities for risk management and assessing different types of risk on your farm,” Watson said. The tool, she stressed, will not be limited to insurance programming, something she says

conversation around risk management often becomes stuck on. The federal government has said the program will include real-time assessment of risk impact, as well as possible means to mitigate risks such as pests, disease or environment. Watson, however, has said the program may go deeper than common agricultural or financial risks and may include aspects of work-life balance, family dynamics and diversification strategies. “It’s identifying the risks that are pertinent to your farm from a comprehensive basis and then having a mechanism to assess those risks based on, how frequently would this happen? How severe would it be if it did happen and am I prepared for it? And then from there you’re able to prioritize, ‘OK, here are the things I want to put in my work plan this year for the risks that I’m going to start managing or manage better,’ or things like that,” she said. Work began on the program in the last financial quarter and is still preliminary, Watson said. Farm Management Canada is currently analyzing information gathered during a series of producer and industry stakeholder consultations. That information will help the organization determine what areas need more research, and what’s needed to begin the actual design of the system.


“It’s identifying the risks that are pertinent to your farm from a comprehensive basis and then having a mechanism to assess those risks... ” Heather Watson Farm Management Canada executive director

“We haven’t started designing or developing yet. We’re still in the kind of consultative stage,” Watson said. Few details around the online tool have been established. Watson said some ability to customize the tool for regional risks is likely, although the exact degree of geographic specialization is unknown. Farm Management Canada hopes to provide depth of information without losing user friendliness, Watson said. D a n Ma z i e r, p re s i d e n t of Keystone Agr icultural Producers, says the tool has the potential to cover gaps in the existing network of risk management tools, but also noted that there is little concrete information available on AgriShield. “We have insurance, either through crop insurance or we have AgriStability,” Mazier said.


“We have different programs available to us, but what holes are left open at the end of the day? If this program (answers) that, it could be a very interesting type of tool that we could use, but I think it’s still very much early in development.” Mazier noted that some aspects of AgriShield’s promised scope already exist, using the example of MNP’s Ag Risk Management Projector, which assesses risk to determine the types and level of insurance a producer should pursue. Keystone Agricultural Producers was among those to participate in a Farm Management Canada focus group on the tool earlier this year.

Government support The project’s $1.2-million development budget is jointly funded between the federal government and industry. On May 26, Ontario MP Francis Drouin announced $786,921 in federal funds for the project through Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada’s AgriRisk Initiative. “Canadian farmers face risk every day and it is essential they have the necessary tools to better understand and manage risk,” he said in a release. “The recent flooding in eastern Ontario and Quebec, for example, shows the need to help farmers more effectively manage risk, so that they can be

stronger, more innovative and more competitive.” Farm Management Canada estimates less than a third of farmers have a risk management plan. The concept of the tool was first floated after Watson and her colleagues attended a series of industry-led risk management events. “We found that it was confined to talking about insurance programs and we just thought there is so much more out there to talk about when it comes to opportunities that we have to manage risk better for mitigating negative impacts but also making calculated risks and taking opportunity,” she said. Farm Management Canada developed a guide to cover those perceived gaps, Watson said, but hopes the online tool will further spread the message. Brian Lemon, Manitoba Beef Producers general manager, was pleased to see another risk management option announced. The commodity group has said it would like to see flood and market risks, in particular, among the topics addressed by the new tool. “Managing risk is becoming a very complicated thing and anything that we can do to help producers understand where their risks are and help them understand how to address those risks, I think that’s a positive,” he said.

Saskatchewan taps members for drainage board Policy amendments lay out a new process to deal with unauthorized drainage

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epresentatives from four Saskatchewan far mer organizations will sit on a new provincial advisory board on farm drainage policy. The provincial government on May 16 announced the creation of two advisory boards: a policy development board and technical review board. Specific members haven’t yet been named to either board, but the province said the policy advisory board will include members from Agricultural Pr o d u c e r s A s s o c i a t i o n o f Saskatchewan (APAS), the We s t e r n Ca n a d i a n W h e a t Growers, the Saskatchewan Farm Stewardship Association and the Saskatchewan Canola Development Commissions (SaskCanola). The policy board will also include members from the Saskatchewan Association of Rural Municipalities (SARM), the Saskatchewan Conservation and Development Association and Ducks Unlimited Canada, the province said. The technical review board, meanwhile, is to be made up of experts with backgrounds in

water management, engineering and hydrology, the province said. If a drainage project’s “proponent” believes a technical error has occurred, the province said, they can provide information to the technical board and ask for a review. “For example, if there is a question on the adequacy of an outlet, this board would review it and provide technical advice.” The creation of the two advisory boards comes as the provincial Water Security Agency Amendment Act, introduced in November, passes third reading in the legislature. The amendments lay out a new process to deal with unauthorized drainage. “Our government’s goal is to create responsibly managed agricultural drainage networks focused on controlling and organizing water management in the province,” Scott Moe, the provincial minister for the WSA, said in a release. “This will ensure mitigation of impacts to downstream landowners while continuing to provide benefits to producers.” The WSA is now working with “hundreds” of Saskatchewan landowners on organized drainage projects.


The Manitoba Co-operator | June 8, 2017

DeRuycks  Continued from page 17

T h e e l d e r D e Ru y c k w a s soon supplying local bakeries with organic wheat and flax, eventually becoming a supplier to Tall Grass Prairie Bread Company in Winnipeg, a d e a l D a n D e Ru y c k n ow credits for their expanded product line. Within a few years, his son and daughter-in-law began to transition their own land to organic production. For two years, Dan and Fran DeRuyck planted land down to alfalfa to help the transition, surviving off the income of their cattle herd. According to the organic production systems National Standard of Canada, prohibited inputs cannot be used on land for 36 months before a certified organic crop may be harvested off it. By 2006, Top of the Hill Farm was a certified organic o p e ra t i o n a n d t h e g row t h began in earnest. Over the following years, the family felt its way through the ins and outs of organic farming. They adopted a green manure crop once every three-year rotation to build nutrients and looked for alternatives to manage weeds. “That’s part of what we’re doing with the processing plant too; we can take those weeds out and eliminate them that way, do it mechanically instead of through the sprays,” Fran DeRuyck said. Driven by demand, the family began adding crops to their product line. Today, it includes wheat, flax, rye, oat and buckwheat flour. Organic producers and businesses eventually began to approach them about custom work, although the process remained largely manual and small scale. “ We’d just take our little bucket and just dump it into each piece of equipment and kind of moved on from there, I guess,” Dan DeRuyck said. “It was a good learning process because then, that way, we learned how the product had to flow to different pieces of equipment or whatever — so then the demand kept growing, expanding from there; the phone kept ringing.” Eventually, orders became too large to handle easily and the DeRuycks began to plan seriously for expansion. The family assembled the plant piece by piece over the next nine years, picking up equipment at auction sales and later receiving support from Growing Forward 2 for the project. In April 2016, the existing cleaning facility at Top of the Hill Farms shut down for the upgrades, reopening earlier this year.

Future plans By the end of 2016, the DeRuyck far m had shr unk from about 1,500 acres in 2000 to 700, mostly farmed by Gerry DeRuyck. His son, meanwhile, has largely taken over cleaning and Fran DeRuyck has taken the lead in milling. The family now contracts farmers to grow part of their g ra i n a n d To p o f t h e Hi l l Farm products are delivered through Manitoba three times a month. The farm has also j o i n e d t h e Ha r v e s t Mo o n Local Food Initiative, a sustainability-focused far mer direct-marketing group

spread throughout southern Manitoba. Most customers are businesses and baker ies, Fran DeRuyck said, although the mill also provides for a niche of people newly enthused about homemade food and local sourcing. “It’s strictly single product, just single ingredient, because once you start mixing things it starts to get a little more complicated in getting the different nutrient values and things like that. At this point, we just keep it simple,” she said. The DeRuycks eventually hope to power their processing plant with the same weed seeds they filter out of crops. A planned refinery on farm property would press seeds for oil to be used in the plant’s generator. The facility is off grid and the couple has begun exploring alternative fuels, including used vegetable oil from the food-service industry. Both Fran and Dan DeRuyck admitted, however, that those plans will have to wait in light of the recent upgrades.

Fran DeRuyck mills a bucket of grain into flour.  Photo: Alexis Stockford

The majority of yield potential is determined at flag-leaf. This is no time to compromise.

Because up to 65% of cereal yield potential is determined at flag-leaf1, disease control is critical at this stage. Twinline® fungicide doesn’t stop there. Unlike other fungicides, in addition to exceptional disease control, it delivers the unique benefits2 of AgCelence® . In short that means greener, larger leaves and stronger stems, resulting in higher yield potential3. So it’s no wonder growers surveyed in 2016 ranked Twinline as the cereal fungicide they’d most likely recommend to others4. Check it out for yourself at or call AgSolutions® Customer Care at 1-877-371-BASF (2273).

HGCA Wheat disease management guide, 2012. 2 AgCelence benefits refer to products that contain the active ingredient pyraclostrobin. All comparisons are to untreated, unless otherwise stated. 4 Stratus, 2016.

1 3

Always read and follow label directions. AgSolutions is a registered trade-mark of BASF Corporation; AgCelence, and TWINLINE are registered trade-marks of BASF SE; all used with permission by BASF Canada Inc. TWINLINE fungicide should be used in a preventative disease control program. © 2017 BASF Canada Inc.

NEWS Client: BASF Name: Twinline_RaiseHigher_MC_v2

Publication: Manitoba Cooperator Page Position: JrPg







The Manitoba Co-operator | June 8, 2017

Conservation district holds a water festival Erosion, water patterns and pollution were among the themes explored at Brandon’s first water festival BY ALEXIS STOCKFORD Co-operator staff


A miniature watershed demonstrates how water sources are linked during the first Brandon water festival May 13. Photo: Assiniboine Hills Conservation District

cience beat out commerce in one corner of the Brandon Shoppers Mall May 13 as the Assiniboine Hills Conservation District hosted its first home water festival. Conservation district manager Neil Zalluski said the event focused on public awareness of conservation district operations, many of which are largely unknown to the general public. “The kids are there learning about the stations, then we have the chance to talk to the adults about what we do and where they live and what we can help them with,” Zalluski said. Beaver management, drinking water protection, drainage and shore stabilization, equipment and livestock waterway crossings, and rebates for forage seed, fencing, wells and shelterbelts are under the conservation district’s purview.

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NEW PODCAST EPISODES ADDED EVERY THURSDAY Glacier FarmMedia, your go-to source for national agricultural news and information proudly presents Between the Rows – A weekly podcast that delivers the stories behind the stories in Canadian agriculture. Drawing from our more than 20 print and online brands, our reporting staff discuss the top stories and latest developments in agriculture today. Between the Rows also goes beyond the printed story and delves deeper to bring more detail on topics that effect today’s producers.



“The kids are there learning about the stations, then we have the chance to talk to the adults about what we do and where they live and what we can help them with.” Neil Zalluski Assiniboine Hills Conservation District

Small crowds The event was neither as large nor as well trafficked as the conservation district hoped, with between 130 and 150 attendees. However, Zalluski said he thought the event was fairly well received. “I think we’ll think about changing the time of year we do it where (there’s) maybe more foot traffic in the mall. It was a nice day in the spring and I think everybody wanted to be outside.” Two of five originally advertised activity tables were set up during the event. Attendees ran water through one station to mimic river flows and erosion, while a model watershed outlined the interconnection between groundwater, creeks, rivers and lakes as well as the spread of pollution. “That was just to bring awareness that what you do in one area can affect people in other areas, so those were kind of the two stations we had. We had some other ones planned, but there wasn’t enough space,” Zalluski said. Manitoba Conservation Districts Association executive director Shane Robins cited the educational role of the water festival and those like it. “They have quite a few roles,” she said. “Firstly, and most obviously, they engage the youth in the area about the linkage of water within our watershed and then, also, the different players in the watershed that are working to improve soil and water quality. They also engage the parents and the adults who participate with the youth.” Robins noted that adults are frequently surprised by the size of watersheds affecting Manitoba. The Lake Winnipeg watershed draws on one million square kilometres in four Canadian provinces and four U.S. states, but has a single main outflow through the Nelson River. “We are at the mercy of what is in that water,” she said. “Any high water event, we’re there to receive it, so the first thing they say to me is they look at me and say, ‘Wow, what can we do?’ That’s the doorway open to say, ‘Well, the conservation program’s out there working to slow water and improve its quality and mitigate flood and prevent droughts, things like that.’” Summer programming is about to hit its stride in conservation districts province-wide, although the Assiniboine Hills Conservation District focuses educational efforts during the school year.


The Manitoba Co-operator | June 8, 2017

Watershed study shows overapplication of phosphorus Nitrogen rates are bang-on but this key water-fouling nutrient appears to still be overapplied BY JOHN GREIG Staff


n Ontario research project suggests farmers aren’t treating all nutrients equally when managing applications. Farmers in one Huron County, Ontario watershed are applying almost exactly the nitrogen needed by their crops, but more than 30 per cent more phosphorus than is needed. University of Guelph researchers reached the conclusions by analyzing multiple years of data collected by the Ausable Bayfield Conservation Authority during inperson interviews with farmers in the Gully Creek Watershed, near Bayfield. Jennifer Leslie analyzed the data, which included 16 farms of various sizes over a six-year period, ending in 2011. There is concern with phosphorus contributing to algae growth in Lake Erie and the International Joint Commission which works on Great Lakes health issues, estimates that agriculture is responsible for 44 per cent of phosphorus contribution. Most of the phosphorus comes from the United States, but there is significant work happening on the Canadian side to find best management practices to reduce phosphorus going into Lake Erie. Canada and the U.S. have set a goal of reducing phosphorus loads to Lake Erie by 40 per cent in the next decade. Leslie points out that the Gully Creek Watershed, where the study was conducted, drains to Lake Huron, not Lake Erie. However, Lake Huron itself flows into Lake St. Clair and then into the western basin of Lake Erie, where there is most concern about algae. Leslie did the analysis from a Lake Huron watershed because there was no similar depth of data available from a Lake Erie watershed. She says in order to create wide-ranging policy, a broader study is needed. Leslie took how much nitrogen and phosphorus farmers applied to corn and winter wheat fields and compared it to the recommendations that would come from OMAFRA’s NMAN software, which helps determine what nutrient requirements should be supplied to a crop. “In case of phosphorus in corn and winter wheat, there are statistically higher application rates. In almost every case, on every farm, every field we saw a rate higher than NMAN rate,” said Leslie, who has completed her master’s degree and is now working as a research assistant at the University of Guelph. In winter wheat, the overapplication of phosphorus compared to NMAN rates was 47.28 per cent and for corn, 37.83 per cent. Larger fields also received higher rates of phosphorus than smaller fields. The same was true of larger farm operations. “We couldn’t go talk to farmers, but I would assume that larger farms are sole income,” Leslie said. “They are relying on the crops for income, and so they took no risks with being low in phosphorus.” The researchers looked to see if they could find a profit- and

yield-maximizing rate that justified more application, but did not find it. In the case of nitrogen, however, farmers applied only slightly higher rate in corn and winter wheat than was recommended by NMAN, almost four per cent for corn and a bit more than five per cent for winter wheat. Leslie, who has a background in agronomics, says that phosphorus is less expensive than nitrogen, it is applied in smaller increments and its correlation with yield is less understood than nitrogen. As a result, it costs farmers little more to apply insurance phosphorus. Farmers apply 200 to 300 lbs. per acre of nitrogen on corn, but phosphorus application may only be 15 lbs. per acre. It doesn’t cost much more to add five more pounds, but that would be a 30 per cent increase. The extra phos-

“They are relying on the crops for income, and so they took no risks with being low in phosphorus.”

Jennifer Leslie

phorus comes out of a farmer’s profit and it also comes at an environmental cost, so there’s little to encourage overuse of the nutrient. However, farmers may say, “If my livelihood is based on this, then I’m going to go with my gut,” says Leslie. NMAN is required to be used by farmers who operate under nutrient management plans, especially

A 2015 algae bloom on Lake Erie, said to be the worst in decades, has many looking for ways to reduce nutrient loading in the Great Lakes.   PHOTO: NOAA

livestock farms, but there were no farms in this watershed that were required to use application rates based on NMAN. Leslie’s research was pub-

lished in 2017 in the scientific journal Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment.

You can’t tell by looking...

But you can tell with

Green Gold The best time to cut alfalfa is at a Relative Feed Value (RFV) of 150. You can’t tell that just by looking, but you can tell by signing up for the Manitoba Forage & Grassland Association’s Green Gold program. As this year’s alfalfa crop is maturing, Green Gold collects twice-weekly samples from three regions of Manitoba and sends them to Central Testing Laboratory to pinpoint the best day for your first alfalfa cut. MFGA will share twice-weekly reports, with updates posted on the Manitoba Co-operator website and included in the Co-operator’s daily email news package.

To sign up, email John McGregor, MFGA Green Gold Coordinator, We are seeking hay fields for testing. Contact John to participate.


The Manitoba Co-operator | June 8, 2017

Looking for a loan? Add in interest rate risk when deciding to borrow FOCUS

With Canada enjoying some of the lowest borrowing costs on record, it might be time to consider that expansion, but how do you avoid the landmines if interest rate shifts appear on the horizon?

Planning for Profits

Working on your farm management skills is like exercising… it pays big benefits, but it’s easy to push it off for another day. Only one-third of producers use business advisers or risk management tools, and fewer still do HR, succession, or strategic planning. To help make your farm more profitable (and your life more enjoyable), this ongoing series from Glacier FarmMedia combines expert advice with insights from farmers who have gone down this road.

BY ALEXIS STOCKFORD Co-operator staff


or borrowers in Canada over the last decade, low interest has been par for the course. In May 2007, the Bank of Canada’s overnight rate was 4.25 per cent, a number that plummeted to one per cent by February 2009 and has yet to rise above one per cent since. In 2015, the rate fell twice, finally reaching its current 0.5 per cent. Fo r f a r m e r s l o o k i n g t o expand, the lower interest and cheaper loans that came with it are good news and Canadian producers have taken advantage. By 2015, farm debt had risen to $91.8 billion, up from $84.6 billion the year before, according to Statistics Canada. J.P. Gervais, chief agricult u re e c o n o m i s t f o r Fa r m Credit Canada (FCC), has said low interest is at least partially responsible for the jump in farm debt, although farm income is a larger contributing factor, in his view. “Almost year after year, we’re breaking records, growing income, growing farm income and at the same time we’re making investments, being more productive. That has been growing farm debts, which is obviously encouraged as well by low interest rates,” he said. Realized farm income jumped 7.6 per cent in 2016, the third consecutive year of net increase, Statistics Canada says. At the same time, asset appreciation has outstripped both debt and income increases, according to the 2016-17 farm debt and asset outlook from FCC. The organization reported that asset values increased 155.1 per cent from 2001 to 2015, above the 125.8 per cent increase in debt and 85.2 per cent increase in farm cash income. The same report linked soaring costs of farmland and buildings with increases in farm debt. While debt increased 125.8 per cent from 2001 to 2015, farmland and building values appreciated 211.1 per cent. Farmland appreciation has also outpaced farm revenue nationwide over the last five years, the report said.

Managing the risk As with any loan, borrowing money for the farm comes with a risk that interest rates could rise. Borrowers perform a delicate balancing act, trading between the risk of floating rates —

lower, but open to upwards pressure — with more secure, but expensive, fixed rates. The Bank of Canada’s interest rate is expected to remain low, although at least one economist from the Bank of Montreal has told the CBC that rates may increase by April of next year. It’s important to remember the central rate is not the only thing that determines the rates you pay. In particular, Gervais said, interest rates may be impacted by financial policy in the United States. In March 2017, the U.S. Federal Reserve increased key interest by 25 basis points. “What customers need to understand is the rate that they pay is a function of the rate that the financial institution itself borrows some money (at) to lend it back to producers,” Gervais said. “If interest rates in the financial market — and I’m talking about government bonds, corporate bonds — and if all of these interest rates in the U.S. are moving up, it is likely that at one point it will be moving up as well in Canada.” Te r r y B e t k e r, C E O a n d president of consulting firm Backswath Management Inc., says conversations with his customers often start with the reason behind their loan before moving into what terms and conditions the operator can afford. “The advice that I give farmers is to look at their debt servicing ability, the term — how long they’re committed to the payments — the impact on their ability to generate cash flow and then, in a worst-case scenario, if they have to restructure, do they have the ability to do it?” Betker said. Perhaps most importantly, Betker said, a well-managed loan should be flexible and producers should leave room for possible interest shocks or unexpected drops in income. For those who are risk averse, a two-to-one ratio of earning ability for every dollar of payments is ideal, but often unattainable on the farm, Betker said. Most producers instead set a tolerance between $1.25 and $1.50 to $1. “This depends a little bit on a function of cash flow,” Betker said. “A farm that’s in supply management, that has more stable cash flow, then they can, I think, afford to be a little tighter on their debt servicing. Farms that have more variability in income, like a grain farmer for example or a livestock cow-calf operation, perhaps they would like to get closer to 1-1/2 to one to be really more comfortable with the risk associated with borrowing the money.”

Terry Betker, CEO and president of Backswath Management Inc., advises farmers on managing interest rate risk.   Photo: Courtesy Terry Betker

Borrowers through FCC, meanwhile, might be asked if they could afford products one rung higher than their preferred option. “If the answer is yes, then we’re a lot more comfortable making that deal,” Gervais said, adding that a one per cent interest rate variance is generally considered “comfortable.” Risk tolerance will be unique to each operation, Gervais said. “If you’re a mature business that’s been established — you’re not looking to expand too much and you’ve got lots of equity — maybe you can put a little more risk on the table and say, hey, I’m OK to let my rates float and if they go up, I can live with that,” he said. “If I’m a young entrepreneur and just got into the industry and made a lot of investment decisions, maybe I like to have the security of knowing that ‘this’ is going to be my payment for the next five years, next seven years.” Betker also pointed to farm size relative to the size of the loan. A large farm will have the ability to build more flexibility than a smaller farm taking out a similar-size loan, he said, as the loan to the bigger farm would be a smaller proportion of overall farm value. A large loan, meanwhile, will often open doors to multiple maturation dates and prepay options, allowing producers to further customize rates and terms.

Mixing and matching Should a farmer opt for a variable rate, they may save substantially, but may also face a financial hit if those interest rates rise. A farmer opting for the fixed rate, meanwhile, may end up losing out if the lower variable rate does not rise. In most cases, producers with a floating rate may later lock it in, should interest forecasts turn stormy, Betker said, but pointed out that the process of locking in a rate comes with its own perils. “Understand that the spread

between floating rates or variable rates and fixed rates widens before the floating rate goes up,” Betker said. “Lenders’ risk is not in the short-term money to interest rate, it’s in the longterm money. They don’t want to get on the wrong side of longterm interest rates, so if a lending institution thinks that there might be some risk to interest rates increasing, they’ll increase their long-term rates before they increase their variable rates.” With this in mind, a farmer looking to lock in an interest rate might suddenly find longterm rates, which were only slightly higher at the time of taking out the loan, have outpaced the short-term rate in the interim. For farmers who are risk averse but hope to take advantage of lower, but riskier, floating rates, Betker suggested a regimen of self-disciplined saving. Rather than spending the money saved by risking a floating rate, funds could be set aside as contingency in case of interest increases or used to pay back principal. The “ultimate mitigation to interest rate increase” however, according to Betker, is the ability to term out an agreement should the worst occur and the loan becomes unaffordable. “Do you have the ability to restructure the debt in your balance street?” Betker said. “Principal is principal, but if interest rates go up and you can’t generate the cash flow in the business to make the payments as they are currently structured on a farm, what do you do? Well, you could sell assets; you could try and be more efficient, but generally the action taken would be to term out the debt, to extend the payments.” Such an option would require assets to put against the new deal, Betker said. For some highly leveraged farms, that ability to manage a worstcase scenario may be out of reach.

“If you’re a mature business that’s been established — you’re not looking to expand too much and you’ve got lots of equity — maybe you can put a little more risk on the table and say, hey, I’m OK to let my rates float and if they go up, I can live with that. If I’m a young entrepreneur and just got into the industry and made a lot of investment decisions, maybe I like to have the security of knowing that ‘this’ is going to be my payment for the next five years, next seven years.” J.P. Gervais chief agriculture economist for Farm Credit Canada

What not to do Borrowing money may foster a desire to pay it back as quickly as possible, but overaggressive repayment is among the top mistakes that Betker has seen producers make, along with financing large purchases through operating loans or automatically using extra funds to pay off only high-interest loans. Instead, he suggested, producers should prioritize loans with the highest combined interest and principal. “I think they could do a better job of putting some flexibility into how the loans are termed out and align their repayment with their ability to generate cash flow,” he said. Ger vais, meanwhile, has linked success with a firm grasp of the link between a dollar of debt and expected monetary return from an investment. Overall, he said, farm financial conditions have “evolved the right way.” FCC’s 2016-17 outlook identified possible challenges as projected farm income and land appreciation flattens, and acknowledged that farmland values were outstripping crop receipts. “Financial risks remain manageable as the outlook for interest rates and net cash income are supportive of the balance sheet,” the report read. “It remains prudent for agricultural operations to be flexible enough to amend business plans if the outlook for borrowing costs and/or profitability moves in a different direction.” Should interest rates rise, Gervais expects both asset values and debt to slow down, although overall impact on farm debt would be hard to gauge.


The Manitoba Co-operator | June 8, 2017


Hot and dry conditions spur need for rain Manitoba Agriculture crop report issued June 5, 2017 Provincial Summary Hot, dry weather conditions prevailed during the week with shower activity reported in most regions bringing very little precipitation. An isolated storm event in the south-central part of the province brought an isolated rainfall of up to 75 mm. Most areas indicate that a moderate rainfall would be beneficial to improve topsoil moisture conditions. Strong southerly winds during the week caused some soil drifting and blowing on fields with poor crop residue cover or growth. Seeding operations are almost done in the province with about 95 per cent completed. The Northwest region reports delayed seeding in the The Pas area from earlier heavy rains. Annual crops are developing and growing well with the warmer weather conditions. Herbicide applications are progressing as crops are in the proper stage but challenging due to the windy conditions. Flea beetle feeding on c a n o l a h a s b e e n re p o r t e d with some control measures a p p l i e d w h e re n e c e s s a r y. Diamondback moth monitoring using pheromone attractants show low counts to date. Hay and pastures are growing but could use a good rain. Haying is expected to start this week for high-quality hay. Livestock water supplies are considered adequate.

Southwest Region There was little to no precipitation over the past week. Winds continue to dry out soil surface leading to poorer germination and emergence of later-seeded crops. Much of the seed in those fields is sitting in dry topsoil. Soil temperatures increased last week due to a short, late-week heat wave. Most farmers are hoping for a decent rain to soften packed seeds and provide adequate moisture for germinating canola and later-seeded crops. Overall seeding is 95 to 97 per complete, except for isolated wetter fields and some silage plantings. Winter wheat is in the flagleaf to early-heading stage and most fall rye fields are heading. Early-seeded cereal crops are in the three- to four-leaf stage with producers starting to apply weed control measures. Cereal growth is slow due to the lack of moisture. Early-seeded canola is at the two- to three-leaf stage and producers are completing their first pass of weed control products. Field peas are growing well and are in the two- to threeleaf stage. E a r l y- p l a n t e d s oy b e a n s have emerged and entered the unifoliate stage. Later-planted soybeans are germinating. Corn and sunflower growth are slow. Flea beetles are a major issue in canola but are below threshold levels. Diamondback moth counts remain at low levels.

Most producers now have cattle on summer pastures.

Northwest Region Warmer temperatures and strong winds contributed to dry down soil surfaces and allowed seeding operations to progress. Rainfall was limited with 13 mm of rain received in The Pas. Soil moisture conditions are extremely variable with some soils rated dry, others excessively wet. Overall seeding is estimated to be 90 per cent complete with the exception of The Pas where seeding is less than five per cent complete. Strong winds are a challenge for herbicide applicat i o n s h owe ve r, o p e ra t i o n s have started and will continue as field conditions allow and as crops reach the proper stage. There are reports of spraying for flea beetle damage in some canola fields in the Swan River Valley. Injury caused is considered minimal in many cases. Diamondback moth monitoring trap counts remain low.

Central Region Temperatures reached 30 to 35 C on Friday, allowing for rapid crop growth. Seeding is essentially complete, with only a few fields left to be planted in areas that were wetter. The region received some rainfall this past week, with amounts received ranging from five to 10 mm. Cartwright and Glenboro areas received upwards of 25 to 30 mm; MacGregor reported 25 to 60 mm; an area by Belmont reported a downpour of 75 mm. Dry topsoil conditions prevail in lighter-textured soils in the southwest part of the region and germination is impacted as a result. St r o n g s o u t h e r l y w i n d s caused soil blowing on fields with poor crop residue cover. Topsoil moisture conditions are just adequate for seed germination in lighter soil types. The majority of cereals are emerged and growing well. Most cereal crops range from three- to four-leaf stage to as much as five to six leaf and tillering. Earlier cooler weather conditions and dry topsoils delayed canola emergence and growth allowing for flea beetle injury to occur. Insecticide applications are being made to headlands, and in a few cases, entire fields. Diamondback moths are monitored weekly; trap count numbers are low to date. C o r n f i e l d s a r e g r ow i n g slowly due to the cooler temperatures. Sunflowers and flax are emerging; seed rows are evident. Soybeans are germinating to unifoliate stage, with some fields in the first trifoliate. Post-emergent herbicide applications continue to be a challenge due to the windy conditions. There is a lot of both broadleaf and grass weed pressure in many fields, especially where early application attempts were thwarted by adverse weather conditions.

Dandelions, Canada thistle, wild buckwheat and smartweed are the predominant weeds in eastern areas. Wild oats seem to be more of an issue in western parts of the region. Barnyard grass is evident in low areas, and where crops were poor last year due to excess moisture. Purslane speedwell, an indicator of wet soil conditions the previous season, has been found in a number of fields in the eastern part of the region. The majority of wheat acres in the east are sprayed w i t h h e r b i c i d e s , f o l l ow e d closely by canola acres. First pass in soybeans is underway, especially in fields that didn’t receive a pre-seed or pre-emergent herbicide application. Some top dress nitrogen applications are being made.

Eastern Region Hot, dr y and often windy weather prevailed this past week. Forecasted rainfall events have not materialized and have been a disappointment. Precipitation amounts across the eastern region this past week ranged from two to 10 mm. The warm, windy weather combined with little precipitation has affected topsoil moisture conditions on cropland across the region and are rated as 90 per cent adequate to 10 per cent short. Everyone would like to see a meaningful rainfall event to stimulate crop growth. Some late-seeded crops and espec i a l l y f i e l d s t h a t re q u i re d

intense seedbed preparation (terminated fall-seeded crops or failed hay stands) really need rain to aid in crop germination and emergence. Seeding is all but complete with the occasional seeding unit still out over the weekend. Most late seeding at this point is due to delayed decisions on ter minating fallseeded cereals or hayfields. Pre-emergent herbicide applications are pretty much done. Post-emergent applications will get a big push this week. Windy conditions frustrated producers and herbicide applications opportunities are been very limited. Some crops are very uneven in development stages leading to concerns about application timing when spraying as early as possible. Some cutworm damage re p o r t e d i n s p r i n g w h e a t , canola, corn and sunflowers. The damage is not considered widespread, there have been no report of post-emergent spraying take place. Flea beetle damage has been observed in canola, but we have not had reports of post-emergent spraying take place.

Interlake Region This past week, warm temperatures and scattered rainfall throughout the region resulted in rapid growth and development of crops. Rainfall varied from 0.8 to 19 mm, and temperatures was recorded as high as 34.8 C. In the south Interlake cereals are in the three- to five-

leaf stage and tillering. The first round of herbicide spraying is in full swing and about a quarter to a third complete. There is a lot of wild oat pressure due to the cool spring weather conditions. Canola is in the cotyledon to fourleaf stage. There has been some spraying for flea beetles which have emerged during this last warm spell. Soybeans var y in development from emergence to second trifoliate stage. Corn varies from two- to four-leaf stage. Soil moisture conditions are considered good in the south Interlake. Topsoil moisture is considered somewhat dry and could use a moderate rain at this time. Strong winds this past week and dry soil surfaces with little crop cover resulted in soil erosion on some fields in the region exposing some germinating seed. Rain later in the week helped to reduce the blowing of soils. Crops in the north Interlake are lagging up to two weeks behind in the south Interlake. Cereals are emerging to three-leaf stage, canola is emerging to two-leaf stage and soybeans are emerging to the first trifoliate. Fall rye and winter wheat crops are in flag-leaf stage and will emerge from the boot soon. Soil moisture conditions range from dry to very dry in the top 7.5 cm. There is still a small amount of seeding to do in fields with low areas and fields with poor/slow drainage.

P.O. Box 9800, Stn. Main, Winnipeg, MB R3C 3K7 Tel: (204) 954-1400 Fax: (204) 954-1422

Paid summer internship: REPORTER, GLACIER FARMMEDIA GLACIER FARMMEDIA, Canada’s largest agricultural print and digital publisher, is seeking applicants for a paid summer internship position for a REPORTER in its COMMODITY NEWS SERVICE CANADA division. As a reporter for COMMODITY NEWS SERVICE CANADA, you will work in a team environment preparing daily news and commentary on agricultural commodities. The successful applicant will have: • Journalism training in print, broadcast and digital; • Excellent writing and communication skills; • Ability to work in a fast-paced, deadline-oriented environment; • Knowledge of agriculture an asset; This is a full-time position based in Winnipeg through the spring and summer months. Start and completion dates are negotiable. Interested applicants may send their resumé to:



The Manitoba Co-operator | June 8, 2017


The John Deere ‘spoker’ Model D tractor This tractor had an epic production run of nearly 30 years and is the first tractor of many farms

The John Deere Model D was one of the most popular and versatile early tractors. This "spoker" model was donated to the Manitoba Agricultural Museum by early supporter Dan Campbell of Chater, Man.   PHOTO: MANITOBA AGRICULTURAL MUSEUM

BY ALEX CAMPBELL Manitoba Agricultural Museum


he Manitoba Agricultural Museum has a number of John Deere Model D tractors in its collection ranging from a “spoker” Model D to late-model-styled Ds. John Deere built Model Ds over an astonishing production run of almost 30 years, beginning in 1924 and ending in 1953. After assembly line production had ceased, there were still orders coming in for Model Ds so John Deere built a number of Ds in late 1953 on a street behind its tractor plant, using D parts the company had in stock. Production of Ds totalled 159,083. The “spoker” John Deere Model D tractor in our collection was donated to the m u s e u m i n 1 9 6 1 by D a n Campbell of Chater, Manitoba. He purchased the tractor used in 1927 from the John Deere dealer in Brandon. When the tractor was new, it had been purchased by a Mr. Spears who farmed at Alexander, who traded it for a new tractor in 1927. The tractor ss was used for field work on the Campbell farm such as plowing and harrowing, however, draft horses were still used for other work such as seeding and cutting hay. Dan Campbell, along with his brothers who also farmed in the Chater area, operated a steam threshing out-

fit until 1939. After that date, Dan operated his own threshing machine, a 24-inch Woods Brothers machine, using the D to power it. In 1942, the tractor was rebuilt with a newer block featuring 6.75-inch-diameter cylinders, new rings and valves. The tractor from the factory had a 6.5-inch bore block. The original Dixie magneto was replaced with a Wico magneto as the Dixie was worn out. In 1947, Dan Campbell purchased a new D and the 1925 D was relegated to secondary duties such as harrowing and belt work. By 1957, the tractor was out of use on the farm. After a period of inactivity, it was donated by Campbell, who was involved with the Manitoba Agricultural Museum almost from the very start. He served as a director in 1953. The design featured a simple two-cylinder engine with pressure lubrication, a one-piece transmission case featuring two forward speeds originally and transmission gears that are substantial, to say the least. Over the course of production various changes and updates to the D design were made. The first Ds came equipped with an open spoke flywheel and these early tractors came to be known as “spoker” Ds. By 1925 solid “disc” flywheels were being installed as the spoked flywheels were prone to cracking. As production of Ds continued, improvements were made such as power takeoffs, an updated

Apparently some Ds in southern Alberta and Montana even burned light sweet crude oil for fuel.

transmission with three forward speeds, rubber tires, oil filters and updated steering gear. In 1939 John Deere introduced styled bodywork and fenders which made the later Ds look significantly different from the unstyled Ds. However, under the tin, they were largely the same from a mechanical point of view. The last Ds built could be ordered with electric starting, electric lights and hydraulics. John Deere claimed that the two-cylinder engine design made possible a short, properly heated manifold with both cylinders equidistant from the carburetor. The gasified fuel travelled only a few inches, each cylinder received the same charge, with combustion taking place immediately after the cylinder was charged. This meant there was no chance for the fuel to reliquefy. The Model “D” could successfully burn low-cost fuels such as distillate, furnace oil, fuel oil, Turner Valley naphtha, some grades of diesel oil, and other money-

saving fuels as well as gasoline or kerosene. When burning these fuels the tractor would be started on gasoline, warmed up and then switched over to the low-cost fuel. The gas tank featured two compartments, a small one for gas and a large compartment for kerosene or low-cost fuel. A three-way valve could switch between tanks as well as featuring an off position. Usually to shut the tractor down the operator just turned the valve to the off position and let the tractor run out of fuel, draining the carburetor in preparation for starting on gas. John Deere further claimed, to help in the combustion of low-cost fuels, the relatively s l ow - s p e e d , t w o - c y l i n d e r engine allowed more time for the complete combustion of these heavier, slower-burning fuels. The combination of short, hot manifold with the gasified fuel travelling the same distance to each cylinder, and slower engine speed also reduced harmful oil dilution in a John Deere Model “D” tractor when burning low-cost fuels, resulting in far longer life of all engine parts. Ap p a re n t l y s o m e D s i n southern Alberta and Montana even burned light sweet crude oil for fuel. When burning this fuel, a different manifold was used with the exhaust coming out on the right side of the tractor, not the left side. This manifold design was hotter than the standard manifold

and better vaporized the crude oil. It, apparently, was common practice when burning crude oil to drain excess oil out of the crankcase at the end of the day. Not all the crude oil was burnt in the cylinders and the unburnt “ends” were wiped off the cylinder walls and swept into the crankcase by the piston rings. In the view of many tractor fans, John Deere hit a home run with the D and made the company a player in the tractor business. The 175th anniversary of John Deere is 2017 and in celebration, the 2017 Threshermen’s Reunion and Stampede features John Deere as the Expo Feature. As well as the John Deere machinery in the museum collection, we are expecting a wide selection of John Deere machinery from outside collectors to appear at the John Deere Expo. The John Deere collector group is quite strong with a number of outstanding pieces in the collections. If you are interested in bringing a John Deere to the 2017 reunion, w a t c h t h e T h re s h e r m e n’s Reunion and Stampede webs i t e, h t t p : / / w w w. t h re s h e r, as it will shortly feature a page with information useful to collectors planning to bring pieces to the expo as well as registration forms. Alex Campbell is the executive director of the Manitoba Agricultural Museum, in Austin, Man.


The Manitoba Co-operator | June 8, 2017


Prairie fare Does sleep evade you on some nights? One out of three people experiences sleep issues at least on occasion BY JULIE GARDEN-ROBINSON NDSU Extension Service


opened the hotel room door and glanced around the room. I rolled my suitcase in and parked it by the window. Then I took some things out of the suitcase to bring to the bathroom. On the way, I noticed an empty water bottle lying on the floor. Oh, the maid missed it, I thought. Then I noticed the bathroom sink was half full of soapy water and a used towel was on the counter. This was odd. I walked out of the bathroom and noticed a key card on the dresser and the imprint of a person’s head on the pillow. My heart began beating quickly. Was someone hiding in my room? I opened the closet. Why on earth did I do that? Fortunately, no one jumped out of the closet. Trust me, I didn’t check under the bed. I watched many scary movies in my youth, and I could almost hear the “Twilight Zone” theme song playing. I repacked my suitcase very quickly, zipped out of the room and hopped on the elevator. When I told the woman at the desk I might have an unknown roommate, her eyes widened. A male guest had been upgraded to a suite and they hadn’t checked my room after transferring him. My stoic, matter-of-fact “inner Norwegian” took over, and I found it a little amusing now that I was out of the room. She apologized profusely and started handing me things: a gift card for the hotel gift shop, another bottle of water and a free dinner coupon. While I ate, the staff cleaned and rekeyed my room. “Are you sure you changed the key, and no one else has the same key?” I asked. Needless to say, I slept even less well than I usually do in hotels. When I am travelling, I usually am an insomniac the first night in a hotel, even in normal situations. Sleep is a necessity. Sleep supports overall good health, brain function, everyday performance and physical health. A persistent lack of sleep can lead to a higher risk of heart disease, kidney disease, high blood pressure, diabetes and stroke, according to the National Institutes of Health.

Sleep is dependent on many factors, including good dietary choices.   PHOTO: THINKSTOCK

Experiencing poor or not enough sleep is fairly common. One out of three people experiences sleep issues at least on occasion. Many things can cause troubled sleep. Side-effects of medications, excessive travel and shifting to different time zones, and a busy, stressful or irregular work schedule are among the issues that can affect sleep. You probably are aware that beverage and food choices can affect sleep, too. Food choices that are low in fibre, high in saturated fat and high in sugar are linked with interrupted sleep. On the other hand, highfibre, high-protein food choices with less saturated fat are linked with better sleep. If you can’t sleep, should you grab a turkey sandwich and glass of milk? Turkey and milk are sources of tryptophan, an amino acid, or protein building block, found in many foods. Our bodies use this amino acid to make melatonin, a hormone that aids people in falling asleep. You also can buy melatonin in pill form. Melatonin may help people fall asleep, especially when suffering from jet lag or when they do shift work with variable scheduling, but the research results are

Lentil and chickpea burgers 1 c. lentils, dry (cooked according to package directions) 2 medium onions, sliced 2 tsp. curry powder 1 (15-oz.) can chickpeas, drained and rinsed 3 tsp. fresh ginger root, grated 1 egg 1/4 c. parsley, chopped 2 tbsp. cilantro, chopped 2-1/4 c. Italian bread crumbs

This recipe is low in saturated fat, and high in fibre and protein, making it a good choice for an evening meal.   PHOTO: NDSU

Cook lentils. Drain well. Spray a pan with cooking spray or use a small amount of oil; add onions and cook until soft. Add curry powder; stir until fragrant. Cool mixture slightly. Place chickpeas, half the lentils, ginger, egg and onion mixture in food processor bowl. Process 20 seconds or until smooth. Transfer to a bowl, stir in

mixed. Some studies show that melatonin may help you fall asleep faster. Be sure to visit with your health-care provider before trying supplements or other over-the-counter sleep aids. Practise good “sleep hygiene.” This doesn’t mean taking a shower before bed. The term refers to practices that may help you get to sleep and stay asleep. Be sure your bedroom is dark and at a comfortable temperature, not too hot or too cold. Invest in a comfortable mattress. Follow the same bedtime routine, even on weekends. Refrain from using computers, tablets and smartphones before bed because the light emitted may trick your brain into thinking that you should be awake. In fact, leave phones out of your room because incoming text messages can disturb your sleep. Avoid alcohol, nicotine and caffeinated foods and beverages for several hours before bedtime. Have a light snack if needed, and remember, a glass of milk won’t hurt, either. This recipe is a little heavy for a bedtime snack but fits the bill when looking for a recipe that is low in saturated fat, high in fibre and high in protein. Try it for an evening meal with fresh fruit and milk.

remaining lentils, parsley, cilantro and bread crumbs; combine well. Divide mixture into 10 round patties. Note: If mixture is too soft, you can refrigerate for about 15 minutes or until you can handle the mixture. Place patties on hot, lightly greased grill. Cook three to four minutes on each side or until browned, turning once. Serve immediately or allow to cool, wrap with plastic, then foil, and freeze. To serve, remove packaging. Reheat in the oven, microwave or a pan on the stove until warm throughout. Serve with your favourite burger toppings. Makes 10 servings. Each serving has 170 calories, 2.5 grams (g) fat, 8 g protein, 30 g carbohydrate, 4 g fibre and 530 milligrams sodium. Julie Garden-Robinson is a North Dakota State University Extension Service food and nutrition specialist and professor in the department of health, nutrition and exercise sciences.


The Manitoba Co-operator | June 8, 2017


Elphinstone resident presented with service award Sylvia Dziver receives 2017 Premier’s Volunteer Service Award A special project of hers was the initiation of a Lord Elphinstone plaque, after whom the community was named.

By Darrell Nesbitt Freelance contributor


ruly committed, truly caring, and truly wonderful,” is how Sylvia Dziver of Elphinstone has been described. “There will never be another person who will put in the volunteer time that Sylvia Dziver has over her lifetime,” said Elphinstone resident Bev Leganchuk, who nominated Dziver for the Premier’s Volunteer Service Award. With plenty of examples to back up this claim, it’s not surprising that Dziver was presented with the 2017 Premier’s Volunteer Service Award at a private reception with Premier Brian Pallister during the Volunteer Manitoba’s Awards Dinner held in April. “It was a very memorable and a very honourable experience,” said Dziver. Born and raised in Elphinstone, the 76-year-old has a lot of pride in the community. “I really like my little community and I like things neat and tidy and if I can help in any way, shape or form, that’s what I do,” she said. Over the years Dziver has lent a hand planting flowers, putting up Christmas decorations, tak-

Sylvia Dziver (r) is presented with the award by Minister of Justice and Attorney General Heather Stefanson.   PHOTO: COURTESY SHANNON BRICHON

ing part in rink activities and the hall committee, and various other ways in which she could keep her community in tip-top appearance. A special project of hers was the initiation of a Lord Elphinstone plaque, after whom the community was named.

“I did a lot of research,” said Dziver, explaining that the town, located just off Highway 45 in the RM of Yellowhead, came into being as a Hudson Bay Company Post, and was named for Lord Elphinstone of Scotland, who came to the area in the late 1800s. She has also helped out at the

Ride for Life in Horod, and the community’s poker derby, and planted flowers in nearby Sandy Lake. “It’s a c o n t i n u a t i o n o f Elphinstone,” said Dziver, who plans to keep on volunteering “as long as my two feet can carry me.”

Leganchuk is pleased that Dziver received some welldeserved recognition. “From making sure culverts were flowing in the spring, dog licences were purchased, the gopher population destroyed, and above all, her home community was neat and presentable to fellow residents and those passing through, Dziver is rightly deserving for such high salutation,” she said. The Premier’s Volunteer Service Award was established in 1986 and is presented annually in three categories — Individual, Youth and Community Groups. Darrell Nesbitt writes from Shoal Lake, Manitoba

Using containers in the landscape They can be used in a variety of ways to add additional accents around the yard

When creating a design, consider the container’s location so that the plants can be arranged to best advantage.

By Albert Parsons Freelance contributor


he planting season is over but avid gardeners continue to tweak their gardens, adding additional accents here and there to provide even more pizzazz to their landscapes. And besides, who can resist some of the bargains now offered by the garden centres at this time of year? We always seem to be able to find a spot for just a few more plants! Finally, when the vegetable garden and the flower borders are completely filled and cannot possibly hold even one more plant, we resort to filling a few more containers. There’s nothing like a couple of containers to soften hardscaped areas. A barren driveway or a large patio can be dressed up with the addition of these spilling forth colourful displays of plants. A small number of large containers usually looks better than a large grouping of smaller pots to avoid a cluttered look. When creating a design, consider the container’s location so that the plants can be arranged to best advantage. In a container to be viewed from all sides, position the tallest plants in the centre. If the container is to be tucked into a corner and viewed from only one side, then the taller plants are best planted toward the back with

Three large pebble stone containers brighten up a large hardscaped area.   PHOTOS: ALBERT PARSONS

the shorter plants in front of them. Arrangements of plants are most attractive when they include spillers (trailing plants), dazzlers (plants that serve as focal points), and fillers (smaller plants that fill in the spaces between the larger specimens to ensure a nice full pot). Besides dressing up hardscaped a re a s, c o n t a i n e r s a re u s e f u l a s entrance accents. Placing two large matching containers on either side of

A container can be used to fill a “hole” in the garden.

an entranceway to a path or garden room gives a sense that you are entering a defined area of the garden. When adding such accents at this time of year, the containers might have to be nestled into already existing plants, making them a part of the established design. Also, a large container near the entrance to the home adds a welcoming touch. If you have an outbuilding or garden shed, add some interest and col-

our by placing a couple of containers on either side of the door of the structure, or perhaps construct a window box and fasten it to the building. Where else can “extra” plants be used? By mid-June gardeners begin to notice “holes” in some of their flower borders. Perhaps a plant or two died or early perennials finished blooming and have been deadheaded and trimmed back. Inserting containers of bright annuals can fill in these gaps and add spots of colour all season long. One advantage of containers is that they are portable. When they cease to perform a certain function in a particular spot, they can be moved to another location. They can be used in a variety of ways to add colourful accents here and there in the garden, and are a great way to grow just a few more plants! Albert Parsons writes from Minnedosa, Manitoba


The Manitoba Co-operator | June 8, 2017


History of Pilot Mound’s ‘Old Mound’ The hill from which the town gets its name is actually two km away By Donna Gamache Freelance contributor


ecently, my husband and I drove to the south-central part of Manitoba to explore the mound near the town of Pilot Mound, in the municipality of Louise. This hill, from which the town takes its name, is actually about two kilometres away from the town’s present site. It is historically significant to the region and offers a scenic view of the surrounding area. The mound — which was probably formed by glaciers — is a ridge 35 metres high. It was a prominent landmark used by early travellers as it could be seen from across the prairie for up to 26 km. In 1908 archeological excavations on the hill found old pottery remains and evidence that on the top there was also an artificial mound which had been used as an Aboriginal burial site. It is believed that the pond at the bottom of the hill formed after the soil for this man-made part of the mound was removed. Later, the place was used for buffalo hunters to meet and as a gathering spot for Aboriginals to hold ceremonial dances — for which it was called “Little Dance Hill” (Mepawaquomoshin). It is said that in the mid-1850s a major battle was fought on the northern slopes between the hunters and the Sioux — the second last major battle on the North American plains. ( The Battle of the Little Bighorn

The old bank vault.   GAMACHE PHOTOS

in Montana in 1876 was the last.) Apparently the battle started because two buffalo hunters had been killed by the Aboriginals. The hunters, some 1,500 in number, retaliated by attacking the Sioux, almost completely wiping them out. Two escaped but 597 are said to have been buried on the western slope of the mound. In more recent times, settlers from Ontario arrived in the region and made plans for a town named Pilot Mound to be established on the southern slopes of the hill. Hundreds of lots were organized and sold — most at a cost of $1.60 or $3.20 each. Soon many homes and various businesses were built, including several stores, a school, sawmill, grist-

View from the top of the mound.

mill and church. Sir John A. MacDonald even spoke at a political rally there in 1885. To see an actual plan of the lots laid out and sold, who bought them and what the price was, go to: and click on the indicated line. Soon, however there was a change. The Canadian Pacific Railway was being constructed and it was expected that the route would pass near the mound. Instead, it was built a mile farther south, so it was decided to move all the buildings south to the presentday site of Pilot Mound and it was reincorporated there in 1904. Just one item could not be moved — the stone vault of the town’s bank. Today, the only evidence that a town

It was a prominent landmark used by early travellers as it could be seen from across the prairie for up to 26 km.

once existed on the mound is this vault which remains partway up the slope. On our visit we stopped to look inside the vault. The door is missing and shrubs now grow on top, but plans are underway to repair the structure. The mound today

is privately owned by Eric and Pamela McKay, and is used as a cattle pasture in summer, but they hope to hire a stonemason to repair the vault and put back the original door, which they still have. Then a fence will be put around the vault to keep the cattle away. According to Eric McKay, the site is visited each summer by visitors from North Dakota, descendants of the warriors slain in the big battle. They hold special smudging ceremonies as a memorial to those killed. Others are welcome to join them during the ceremonies, or visit at other times, although the hill is fenced as pasture land. Donna Gamache writes from MacGregor, Manitoba

This Old Elevator


n the 1950s, there were over 700 grain elevators in Manitoba. Today, there are fewer than 200. You can help to preserve the legacy of these disappearing “Prairie sentinels.” The Manitoba Historical Society (MHS) is gathering information about all elevators that ever stood in Manitoba, regardless of their present status. Collaborating with the Manitoba Co-operator it is supplying these images of a grain elevator each week in hopes readers will be able to tell the society more about it, or any other elevator they know of. MHS Gordon Goldsborough webmaster and Journal editor has developed a website to post your replies to a series of questions about elevators. The MHS is interested in all grain elevators that have served the farm community. Your contributions will help gather historical information such as present status of elevators, names of companies, owners and agents, rail lines, year elevators were built — and dates when they were torn down (if applicable). There is room on the website to post personal recollections and stories related to grain elevators. The MHS presently also has only a partial list of all elevators that have been demolished. You can help by updating that list if you know of one not included on that list. Your contributions are greatly appreciated and will help the MHS develop a comprehensive, searchable database to preserve the farm community's collective knowledge of what was once a vast network of grain elevators across Manitoba. Please contribute to This Old Grain Elevator website at: http://www. You will receive a response, by email or phone call, confirming that your submission was received. Goldsborough is interested in hearing all sorts of experiences about the elevators — funny, sad, or anything in between. Readers willing to share their stories can leave messages at 204-474-7469.

A railway track, overgrown with vegetation, runs beside an old elevator at Napinka. It was constructed in 1926 by the Ogilvie Milling Company. Its initial capacity of 35,000 bushels was expanded in 1957 with a 25,000-bushel annex. Taken over by Manitoba Pool in 1959, it became the B elevator at this point, used mostly for storing rye and oats. The Pool A elevator, with a 40,000-bushel capacity, was built in 1927 and expanded in 1951 with a 30,000-bushel annex. Later, Pool A was upgraded with a metric scale and larger driveway. The two elevators were operated by a single agent. The annexes were removed in the 1970s and the elevators were closed in July 1984, after efforts to sell them to another company failed. They were sold for use in private grain storage.   Source: Gordon Goldsborough (July 2016)


The Manitoba Co-operator | June 8, 2017

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The Manitoba Co-operator | June 8, 2017


MARKETPLACE CLAssifiEds Selling?

Manitoba Co-operator The Western Producer

Call to place your classified ad in the next issue: 1-800-782-0794 EMAIL your classified ads to:

MULVEY “FLEA” MARKET. Osborne and Mulvey Ave. E. Winnipeg. Saturday’s, Sunday’s, Holidays, 10AM-5PM. 40+ vendors. A/C. Debit, Visa, MC. Table or booth rental info call 204-478-1217,

CHINOOK COMPLETE STRUCTURE and fabric, professionally redone by Dobs Aviation Regina, $11,500. Phone Brad at 306-332-7997, Fort Qu’ Appelle, SK.

PEACE OF MIND no matter where you are! Call to find the system right for you., Allen Leigh Security & Comm, Brandon, MB. 1-866-289-8164.

49TH ANNUAL DIVIDE COUNTY THRESHING BEE, July 14, 15, 16th, 2017 at Crosby, North Dakota, Pioneer Village. This year featuring the Rumely equipment. Complete line of the oil pull heavy weights and most of the light weight and super powered ones on display and running. Will have four different steamers sold by Rumely on display and running. A dozen steamers in all, steamed up. Also will have Aultman Taylor 30-60, 25-45 and 22-40. Several Allis Chalmers tractors running all connected to the Rumely line. Many other large farm tractors in the parade. Threshing, lumber sawing and plowing with the old equipment. Parade on Saturday and Sunday, 1:00 PM. Will have many fine cars and horse drawn wagons in parade. Stationary running engines on display. Large flea market and toy show on the grounds. Will have the 10th Annual TractorCade on Friday at 9:00 AM. Bring your rubber tired tractors and take part. Music Show Friday evening. Talent Show and dance Saturday evening. Church Service on grounds Sunday at 9:00 AM. Collectible Auction, Sunday, 5 PM. Games, rides and contests for the kids Saturday and Sunday. Any collectible equip. for display or parade welcome. Daily admission $10 per day. 3 day pass, $20. Under 12 years- free! For more info. call 701-965-6741 or 701-965-4228. This ad is paid by the Crosby Visitor’s fund.

IHCC CHAPTER 38 will hold their annual show at Heritage Acres, August 5-6, 2017 in Pincher Creek, AB. Program includes: For the museum, their 30th anniversary, dedication of the restored dairy barn, and celebrating Canada’s 150th Birthday. For Ch.38, anything marketed by IH, feature display of crawlers and Loadstar trucks. For more info visit or or phone Darald Marin at 306-869-2262. 3 CASE MODEL S tractors and 1 Case VAC for parts or to restore. Priced from $125-$850 OBO. Call 306-781-4962, evenings, ask for Joe. Pilot Butte, SK. CLARK SKIDDER 667B, $5000; IH T5 Cat w/loader, $4000; 1976 Chev dually tow truck, $1500; 1971 Volvo 144 sedan, $1800. Call 306-747-3694, Shellbrook, SK. FOR SALE OR TRADE?! 1960’s Ford 6000 diesel tractor, runs good, with no 3PTH. Call 306-460-7113, Eatonia, SK. CASE MODEL VA TRACTOR c/w PTO and belt pulley, $2000. Call 306-582-2045, Vanguard, SK. If you want to sell it fast, call 1-800-782-0794.


Winkler, MB • 1-204-325-4433

• Two Houses to be moved • Telehandler Cat model TH 62 Diesel serial #MOO481, 8000 kg Cap • Vans and trucks • 2001 Econoline Ford E-350 v8 automatic • 2004 E-350 V8 Automatic nice clean van • 2006 Ford F-150 super cab pickup • 2004 Ed Bauer Explorer suv 183000 km, nice unit • White and grey Ford dually boxes only like new • Fork Lifts Cat and Hyster 1998 Jayco fifth wheel Travel Trailer, By Leland engineering we must have 7 or 8 of these • Cat propane, solid rubber, side shift fork lift model CC55KSTAR serial #AT88A00049, 5994 hours showing • Toro Ranger w/used at Blue boomer stadium electric hoist, 799 hours • 70 Hp Evinrude outboard engine • There is so much more we will try to run two rings for some time for fuller list yet incomplete, see or phone 204-325-4433 cell 6230


1957 2 TON 1500 series Chevrolet truck for sale, very good condition. Phone 306-475-2664, Kayville, SK. WANTED: 1920- 1940 old Ford car bodies and parts. Also wanted old gas pumps and signs. 306-651-1449, Saskatoon, SK.

OLDER FIREARMS WANTED. Have valid firearms license and cash for older firearms. Also buying antiques. Call 306-241-3945, Kyle, SK. 2 HORSE SHOW WAGON; steam engine bell; Rolex watch; none modern 600 LP records in cases, stars of yesterday; 1995 Buick Roadmaster Ltd., Corvette motor; phone booth w/phone; 1973 Pontiac 400 motor; $1 and $2 bills; 5,000 hub caps; kids scooters; 25’ skyjack; old farm implements, party bus; old wire tie baler belt driver; 18’ refinery tower w/steps; railroad ties; 35 steel wheels, lots of var. steel beams, misc. steel; antiques, much, more. Harry 204-482-7251, East Selkirk, MB.

Michael Painchaud

CEDAR TONGUE AND GROOVE siding (14’ & 4’); Scratch tickets (1995-2015); Lions pins; Beehive books 1945; Planter jars; Heinz bottles; Old Pepsi bottles; Polish and Hungarian books; Air wave radio; Round window w/frame (24x24); Old road maps CDN and US. 306-654-4802, Prud’Homme

WESTERN ANTIQUES & Collectibles Estate Auction for Val Rothenburger & 204-770-6526 Prairie Moon Marketing. 9:00 AM, Satur- Go public with an ad in the Manitoba CoYou may call him between hours day June 10th, Pasqua Hall, Pasqua, SK. 2 operator classifieds. Phone 1-800-782-0794. and 1 and 2 midday. Please miles South of Junction #1 and #39 HighWANTED: TRACTOR MANUALS, sales broadhear to this your co-operation ways. Viewing: 5-7:00 PM, Friday, June 9th. chures, tractor catalogs. 306-373-8012, Saddles, tack, shoulder mounted bison, hall is much appreciated. Saskatoon, SK. tree, Lincoln Coke truck; Coca-Cola collectibles including signs; Granite ware; See our website: for complete listing or call 204-325-4433 cell 6230 Occupied Japan items, furniture, unused western bedding and decor, movie props & much, much more! has photo and details. Or call Tex 306-692-2515 or Brad 306-551-9411, 1962 ALLIS CHALMERS D19 diesel, fully 1967 BUICK LESABRE convertible US mod- If you want to sell it fast, call 1-800-782-0794. Go public with an ad in the Co-operator classifieds. PL# 333133 restored, new engine. Call 204-243-2453, el, 348 V8 eng. Runs and drives great. $9500. Jim 204-856-3396, Gladstone, MB. High Bluff, MB.


CASE DC4 FOR PARTS, good front and rear JIM’S CLASSIC CORNER - We buy or sell new rad, $500. Call 306-768-2812, your classic/antique automobile or truck. 1952 JD 60 Row Crop tractor, good cond. tires, Call 204-997-4636, Winnipeg, MB. Will send pic if interested, $3200. Eyebrow, Carrot River, SK. SK, 306-624-0669 1971 IH 826 tractor, dsl, standard, 2 hyds, 540/1000 PTO, 18.4x34 tires, 3rd last 826 built $9000 OBO. 306-535-8199 Rouleau SK IH 560 TRACTOR, gas, T/A, hand clutch, hyds, 540 PTO, 18.4x34, SN 2206 Rare tractor, $5000 OBO. 306-535-8199 Rouleau, SK. 1949 CASE VA tractor, PTO and belt pulley, new distributor wiring and spark plugs, good rubber, runs great. Best offer. 204-376-2971, 204-641-0204, Arborg, MB. 1949 FERGUSON TE20 TRACTOR, new tires, mint cond. w/Farm King finishing mower, $5000. 204-364-2252, Arborg, MB. 2 MARKET GARDEN steel wheels w/lugs, fits 8N Ford or TEA20 Ferguson tractors, $250; MF 7’ PT sickle mower, $125; Two Massey Harris 55 tractors, whole or parts. 204-322-5398, 204-981-4493, Warren, MB ADRIAN’S MAGNETO SERVICE. Guaranteed repairs on mags and ignitors. Repairs. Parts. Sales. 204-326-6497. Box 21232, Steinbach, MB. R5G 1S5.

ADVERTISING DEADLINE: NOON on THURSDAYS (unless otherwise stated) Advertising rAtes & informAtion RegulaR Classified • Minimum charge — $11.25 per week for a 3 line word ad. Each additional line is $1.98. Additional bolding 75 cents per word. GST is extra. • 10% discount for prepaid ads. If phoning in your ad you must pay with VISA or MasterCard to qualify for discount. • Prepayment Bonus: Prepay for 3 weeks & get a bonus of 2 weeks; bonus weeks run consecutively & cannot be used separately from original ad; additions & changes accepted only during first 3 weeks. • Ask about our Priority Placement. • If you wish to have replies sent to a confidential box number, please add $5.00 per week to your total. Count eight words for your address. Example: Ad XXXX, Manitoba Co-operator, Box 9800, Winnipeg, R3C 3K7. • Your complete name and address must be submitted to our office before publication. (This information will be kept confidential and will not appear in the ad unless requested.)

display Classified • Advertising copy deviating in any way from the regular classified style will be considered display and charged at the display rate of $32.20 per column inch ($2.30 per agate line). • Minimum charge $32.20 per week + $5.00 for online per week. • Illustrations and logos are allowed with full border. • Spot color: 25% of ad cost, with a minimum charge of $15.00. • Advertising rates are flat with no discount for frequency of insertion or volume of space used. • Telephone orders accepted • Price quoted does not include GST. All classified ads are non-commissionable.






For more information, call Fraser Auction Office 204-727-2001

DIRECTIONS: From Virden, MB (Jct #83 & #257 (White Owl) 13Kms West on #257 to Rd 162W 2.5Kms North on Rd 162W Sale is on East side. From (Jct #256 & #257 Hwys) 6.5Kms East on #257 to Rd 162W 2.5Kms North on Rd 162W Sale is on East side. ORDER OF SALE: 11:00 – 12:30 (shop items, hose, tanks, pumps, parts, and misc.) 12:30 (livestock related equipment followed by major equipment) NOTE: Cheques of $50,000 or more must be accompanied by bank letter of Good Standing.

Winkler, MB • 1-204-325-4433


SATURDAY, JUNE 17TH 10:00 AM Location: 1/2 Miles East of Aubigny, MB on Hwy 205, Driveway #10015 TRACTORS: 2001 Case IH MX120, 2772 HRS, Cab, 3 PTH 420R-46 Tires, Joystick Loader L655 *1998 MX 120 Case IH 3 PTH, Cab, 6,000 HRS EQUIPMENT: Wilton Custom Tandem Spray Trailer (3 chemical Tote Capacity) *John Deere Auto Steer *7’ John Deere Box Blade *72’ Farm King Finish Mower 3 PTH *6’ 3 PTH Cultivator *8’ Lucknow 3 PTH Snowblower *PowerMatic 6yrd Earth Scraper *Receiver Mount Leveling Laser - Fits Earth Scraper *LB4 lazer for ditching or surveying *15’ Woods Batwing Brush Mower *Brandt Grain Vac 5000 *3x Caldwell Propane Grain Heaters 1.8 Million BTU/Hour C27-1012 *3x Grain Guard Lotemp heaters *Westfield J208-46 Auger 25 HP Kohler Elec Start *Westfield J210-31 Auger Elec Start 25 HP *10’ Transfer Auger Westfield *Westfield Grain Auger 7x41 B+S Motor *Pallet Fork W/ Tractor Quick Attach *Stout Grapple Skid Steer Grapple HXD 84 *Quick Attatch adapter from Stid Steer to Tractors *Cat II Quick Hitch *4 Wheel Farm Wagon *5 Bottom Case Plow *580 Gallon Tank on 3 Wheel Frame *Bougault Tilliage Adaptersreceivers Knock On *Grain Spreaders *3 Grain Hoppers *3 PTH Westward Boomless Sprayer *MCPA, Amine 500 & Misc Chemicals *Honda Generator EU3000 Elec Start. *3” Gas Power Pump *Heavy Flexicoil, coop, and bourgault shanks *Bourgault carbide tips, heavy shovel clips, shovels, seeder spouts SHOP TOOLS, LAWN & GARDEN: *7’ Metal Cutting Band Saw *Miller Matic 200 Mig Welder w/Gas *Gas Powered Welder *Gas Powered Lawn Sweeper *Pull Behind Broadcast Spreader *5 HP Merry Tiller *6’ 3pt Roto-Tiller *Husqvarna Weed Trimmer PLUS MUCH MORE!!

Full Listing At 218 Brandt Street Steinbach, MB Ph: 204.326.3061 Fax: 204.326.7529

Sale Conducted by: Toll Free: 1-866-512-8992 PENNER AUCTION SALES LTD.

Classified Category index Announcements & Calendars Airplanes Antiques Sales & Auctions Auction Sales Auto & Transport Business Opportunities Contracting & Custom Work Construction Equipment Farm Buildings Farm Machinery Livestock Organic Personal Real Estate Sales Recreational Vehicles Rentals & Accommodations Seed (Pedigreed & Common) Careers

0100 - 0340 0400 0701 - 0710 0900 1050 - 1705 2800 3510 - 3560 3600 4000 - 4005 4103 - 4328 5000 - 5792 5943 - 5948 5950 - 5952 6110 - 6140 6161 - 6168 6210 - 6245 6404 - 6542 8001 - 8050

For a complete category list visit us online at:

4 jeeps all running, tons of clothing, 2010 camper trailer, 2009 Ford F-150 PICKUP ONLY 70,000 KM SEE for listing and internet bidding

See our website: for complete listing or call 204-325-4433 cell 6230



•1982 JD 8450 4wd Tractor, 187PTO HP, Quad Range Trans, Triple Hyd, PTO, 18.4-38 Duals, 8809Hrs Showing, s/nRW8450H001519 •1979 Versatile 500 4WD Tractor, 210 Eng HP, Cummins V8 Eng, 15 Spd Std Trans, Triple Hyd, PTO(Leaks), 18.4-38 Duals, 5280Hrs Showing, s/n130716 •1982 JD 4440 Tractor, 130PTO HP, Quad Range Trans, Dual Hyd, Dual PTO, Belly Tank, 18.4-38 Duals, 1325Hrs Showing, s/n4440H056563RW •1975 MF 1105 Tractor, 111 PTO HP, Dual Hyd, Dual PTO, 6 Spd Trans w/Multipower, 0558Hrs Showing, s/n9B51752 •1969 JD 2120 Tractor w/Allied 450 Loader & Bucket, 8 Spd Trans, Dual Hyd, Dual PTO, 18.4-30 Rear Rubber, Hoursn/a, s/n095816L

•1968 JD 2120 Tractor w/Canopy, 8 Spd Trans, Dual Hyd, 540 PTO, 18.4-30 Rear Rubber, 3896Hrs Showing, s/n067983L •Outback S2 Guidance System

HARVEST EQUIPMENT: •1990 JD 9600 Combine w/914 Pick up Header, Big Top Hopper Ext, Chaff Spreader, Dual Spd Cyl, 4880 Eng Hrs Showing, 3516 Sep Hrs Showing, s/ Nh09600x635628 •1981 JD 7720 SP Combine w/214 Pickup Header •2000 Premier 2950 Swather w/25’ MacDon Harvest Header w/DSA, PU Reel, Cummins Turbo DSL Eng, 2 Spd Hydro, 2702 Cutting Hrs Showing, 3701 Eng Hrs Showing, s/n132887 •8’ Poly Swath Roller •6’ Blanchard Swath Roller

See All Sale Listings at Or download our free App

Like us Fraser Auction Service Ltd.

Not responsible for errors in description. Subject to additions and or deletions. Property owners and Fraser Auction Service not responsible for any accidents. GST & PST where applicable. TERMS: Visa, MasterCard, Debit, Cash or cheque. NOTE: Cheques of $50,000 or more must be accompanied by bank letter of Good Standing.


Auctioneer: Scott Campbell


W: E: Licensed and bonded. P.L. License #918093. Member of M.A.A., S.A.A., A.A.A., A.A.C.

Round up the cash! Advertise your unwanted equipment in the Manitoba Co-operator classifieds.

EQUIPMENT AUCTION SATURDAY, JUNE 24TH 10:00 AM Location: 218 Brandt St. Steinbach, MB Partial List: 2006 John Deere 956 MoCo impeller conditioner *Walk Behind Snowblowers Lawn Mowers & Garden Tillers *2008 Ford Econoline Insulated Cargo Van 5.4L V8 219K Safetied * 45ft Dry Van Storage Trailer *94 48ft Freuhauf Step Deck new Hutchins spring ride suspension setup for bales * TRACTORS HAYING TILLAGE WOODWORKING TOOLS* PLUS MUCH MORE!! 218 Brandt Street Steinbach, MB Ph: 204.326.3061 Fax: 204.326.7529 Toll Free: 1-866-512-8992 Sale Conducted by: PENNER AUCTION SALES LTD.



June 11 (Sun) @ 10AM

Community Complex, Souris, MB. Collectibles, Coins, Household, Misc, Tools, Riding Mower, Semi Trailer, ATV & Vehicles! ANOTHER BIG ONE! Details @ Don (204)724-7510


The Manitoba Co-operator | June 8, 2017


SATURDAY, JUNE 10TH 11:00 AM Location: From Manitou, MB, 2 miles west, then 1 1/4N on Road 50W

Farm auction For Elsan Farms inc. Elmer and Susan Loewen saturday, June 10, 2017 @ 10 am

Partial List: 1070 Case Tractor, Cab, Loader, 3pt,8894 hrs *8’ Farm King Double Auger Snowblower *10’ Landpride 55 4 Way Tilt Blade *70” 3pt HD Flail Mower (new) *3pt Chipper Shredder (new) *3pt HD Backhoe Attach *HD 82” 3pt Rotary Tiller *2004 Polaris 400 Sportsman 4X4, 336mi *Qty New Bundles Of Tin Sheet Metal Siding (16ft White, 16ft Red) *YTH2454 Husqvarna Lawn Mower,54” Deck *10ft 20 Drawer HD Metal Work Benches *50 Ton Air/Hyd Shop Press *9000lb HD Two Post Auto Hoist *HD Wheel & Tire Balancer Machines *New Rugged Ranch Squeeze Chute * (24) HD 9ft 6” Panels *(27) 9ft 6” 19ga 66” Tall Panels *(20) 7.5ft Mesh Sheep Panels * PLUS MUCH MORE!!

Anola, MB

Elmer's Cell: 204-794-7911 Directions: 3.5 miles west of Anola, MB on Hwy #15 or 5 miles east of Dugald, MB on HWY #15. Watch for signs. FEATURED ITEMS/PARTIAL LIST: JD 9610 Combine, 2840 engine hrs, 2000 separator hrs, header height control, fine cut chopper, 4 & AFT, 4WD, Hopper Topper, Always Shedded, Premium Unit, Green Lighted 2 Yrs ago • - JD 8430, 4wd, newer rubber • Deutz Fahr DX 7.10 fwa, air cooled • MF 4wd, w/3208 Cat engine, new clutch • JD 3140 5000 hrs, good rubber • 1980 IH 1086 w/duals,130hp, 540/1000 pto, newer rear 20.8 - 38 rubber, 8100 hrs • Case 830, w/Allied fel • Case DC4 w/ Eagle Hitch (factory 3ph, rare) independent pto • 1985 Freightliner 400 Cummins, fresh in frame rebuild,15 spd, fresh safety, ready to go to work • 1950s Fargo half ton for restoration • Coop 809 35' deep tiller w/harrows • Degelman rock picker • 1996 Conveyair 5005 air vac 2005 • Kenworth T 800, C15 Caterpillar, 475 hp 13,000 front ends, 46000 rear ends, 13 speed transmission, 3:70 gearing, 60 inch bunk, 24.5 rubber, approx 867,000 miles, Fresh Safety Much more available including more tractors, trucks/ trailers, augers, seeding/tillage and grain handling equipment, grain bins, biotech bldg, and misc equip. All major equipment has been shedded. Join us for this auction of excellent farm equipment! PLEASE VIEW OUR WEBSITE FOR FULL LISTING AND PICTURES!

218 Brandt Street Steinbach, MB Ph: 204.326.3061 Fax: 204.326.7529 Toll Free: 1-866-512-8992 Sale Conducted by: PENNER AUCTION SALES LTD.

FIRST STREET NW Bed & Breakfast Turnkey Business Auction, Wednesday June 28th, 7:00 PM, Wadena, SK., 134 - 1st Street NW, Wadena, SK. Subject to sellers approval. To view and for business questions call Bev at 306-338-9870. For auction details call Robert at 306-795-7387. PL# 334142.

McSherry Auction Service Ltd


For The Late Lawrence Tataryn John Lamport 204-383-5711/ 204-841-4136 Tim Dowler 204-803-6915

Sat. June 10th @ 10:00 am Arborg, MB – 3 Miles South on Hwy 7 Then 1/3 Mile East #10091 Contact Louis: 204-661-1091 Tractors * Grain Equip * Haying & Misc Equip * Trucks & Vehicles * Trailers * Saw Mill Misc * Tools * Antique Equip * Antiques Stuart McSherry #12 Patterson Dr., Stonewall, MB (204) 467-1858 or (204) 886-7027



Dowler Auct ion rt & po

MOVING AUCTION FOR Myrna & Hartley Gibbens 11:00 AM, Sunday, June 25, 126 Cypress St., Katepwa, SK. On Offer: 2008 Yamaha gas golf cart, like new; Craftsman 8/27 snowblower; Craftsman 12.5 HP riding lawnmower; Schwinn Eco-Tour elec. ladies bicycle; Craftsman 20" professional scroll saw; Fletcher glass and mat cutter; King Industrial 10" 220 volt table saw; King Industrial 24" sander; King Canada dust collector; Beaver 6" Jointer; Misc. shop and hand tools; Craftsman 45L shop vac; Coleman Power-mate 40 gal air compressor; Large qty. of clamps and wood working tools; Porter Cable reciprocating saw; Halroyd boat house winch; Record wood vise; anvil; Many antiques and household items. For more info and pics visit our website. Call Myrna 306-332-5960 PL #333133 If you want to sell it fast, call 1-800-782-0794.

McSherry Auction Service Ltd


Richard & Edna Mroz Sat. June 24th @ 10:00 am Beausejour, MB Contact: 204-265-3423 Tractors & Crawler: JD 4240 5000 Hrs. * Case 930 * Case 830 * Case 730 * Case 500B * Case SC * Case LA * Case L * Int TD 6 Dsl Crawler * Combines, Swather & Trucks: JD 7720 * NH 985 Combine * 75 Chev C 65 w 14’ B&H * 63 Dodge 400 * 46 Chev 2 Ton w 10’ B&H * Int 175 Swather * Haying & Misc Equip: Case IH 8450 Rd Baler * NH 489 9’ Haybine * NH 276 Square Baler * NH 1002 Auto Square Bale Wagon * NH Side Delv Rake * Grain Equipment: Int 620 16’ Press Drill GA * MF 520 14’ Tandem Disc * Int 45 18.5’ Cult * Case 12’ Deep Tiller * M. M 4 B Plow * Farm Misc * Tools *Recreation * Antiques * 50’s Pontiac Car * Saulky Plow * K Cupboard * Partial List – Go To Web! Stuart McSherry #12 Patterson Dr., Stonewall, MB (204) 467-1858 or (204) 886-7027

Call our toll-free number to take advantage of our Prepayment Bonus. Prepay for 3 weeks and we’ll run your ad 2 more weeks for free. That’s 5 weeks for the price of 3. Call 1-800782-0794 today!

McSherry Auction Service Ltd



1998 CIH Steigher 9370, standard shift 12 speed, 4 remote hyd, air seeder line, 20.8×42 duals, model 750 Trimble Ezee steer, 4610 hrs • 2012 CIH Maxxium 140, MFWD, Cab, 3pth, dual pto, WL765 Loader bucket and optional Grapple, 16 speed Transmission, 1100 hrs • Trimble F -1000 Auto Steer sells as separate unit after Maxxium 140 • 2008 John Deere 9860 STS, Bullet Rotor, with smart feed rate Feeder house, 615 Pickup head, 35-32 nice tires

See See our website: for complete listing or call 204-325-4433 cell 6230



Manitoba Co-operator classifieds, 1-800782-0794.

Sat. June 17th @ 10:00 am

McSherry Auction Service Ltd

07 Honda Foreman 500 Quad 4 x 4 * 04 Honda Forman 450 Quad 4 x 4 w Blade * 88 Honda Foreman 350 4 x 4 Quad * 09 Tritan Al. Double Snowmobile Trailer * 89 Maxim 17.5’ Open Bow Fibre Glass Boat w Force 85 HP & Trailer * 12 Simplicity Zero Turn 52” 25 HP R Mower * Honda 5000 Watt Generator * Upright Air Compressor * Drill Press * Wood & Mechanical Tools * 7) Outboards -12 Volt – 10 HP * Propane Stove & Fridge Stuart McSherry #12 Patterson Dr., Stonewall, MB (204) 467-1858 or (204) 886-7027

Unreserved Public Farm Auction

HCI Pateman Farms Ltd – Eric Pateman McAuley, MB | June 15, 2017 · 11 am

2012 Case IH Steiger 600HD & 2009 Case IH 535

Winkler, MB • 1-204-325-4433


The Estate of Dennis Petrowski Sun. June 11th @ 11:00 am Vivian, MB – 51 Park St.

Contact Maureen: 204-795-8141

Vehicles & Trailers: 07 Ford F150 4x4 Sft * 89 Ford F250 XLT 4x4 w 9’ Gravel B & H * 92 Chev 1500 4x4 * 01 Ford Ranger 4x4 * 88 Mercedes Benz * 99 Chev Malibu * 81 Dodge Ram Charger 4x4 * 48’ Storage Container * 11 P.J. 20’ Tandem Flat Deck * P. Hitch 16’ Tandem Flat Deck * Tool & Misc: Snowbear Truck Mount 7’ Snow Dozer * Job Site Tool Box * Scaffolding * Al Ladders * Home Repair * Yard Equip * Tools * Shop Supply * Some Household * Stuart McSherry #12 Patterson Dr., Stonewall, MB (204) 467-1858 or (204) 886-7027

PROPERTY AND RETIREMENT Auction for Ernest & Irene Skerritt, Sunday June 25th, 10:00 AM, 149 Winnipeg Street, Melville, SK, Two lots - one serviced; Shop; garage; house, subject to sellers approval. Carpenters tools; furniture; yard equipment; 2006 Ford Escape 4x4; garden sheds; playhouse; building materials and more! 306-795-738, 306-728-3744, PL# 334142.

2015 Case IH Patriot 4440 120 Ft

ONLINE AUCTION: “Ready-Aim-Consign” Monthly Firearms Sale. Bids close June 29th. 203-60th St. E., Saskatoon, SK. Call Derek 306-227-5940. PL #331787.

FARM EQUIPMENT AUCTION for Jim Jones, Terry Moore, Raymond Rokosh and The Estate of Ron Popowich, Friday June 23, 10:00 AM, Bangor, SK. JD 8640, 4 WD, Stieger, 4 WD, Case 1370, JD 4755, White 2-155, Cockshutt 1955 tractors; Hagie 8250, Terragator 1603, Flexi -Coil 65XL sprayers; 2 - MF 860 and JD 7700 combines; JD 665 air seeder, IH 7200 and JD 9350 drills; 1972 Kenworth cabover, 1988 Freightliner Hwy tractors; 1974 White Western Star, 1975 IH Transtar and 1974 Ford F600 grain trucks; John Blue fertilizer tank; SP NH 1100, Versatile 400 and PT swathers; Chamberlain cattleliner; Freuhauf convertible grain trailer; Balzer silage wagon; SP NH 1600 silage cutter; augers; grain bins; cultivators; harrows; haying equipment; 6 yd. pull scraper. Huge line up of equipment. For a complete listing check out Double R Auctions, 306-728-5519, 306-795-7387. PL #334142.

ONLINE TIMED AUCTION of NASCAR Memorabilia, hundreds of pieces! NASCAR diecast cars and trucks w/original boxes, jackets, cereal boxes, trailer rigs w/original boxes, everything NASCAR related!! Check out www.2sauctioneers for more pics and info., to sign up, or to sign in and bid! Sale #1 closes 6 PM, June 15. Sale #2 closes 6 PM, June 22. Call Brad 306-551-9411, PL #333133 We know that farming is enough of a gamble so if you want to sell it fast place your ad in the Manitoba Co-operator classifieds. It’s a Sure Thing. Call our toll-free number today. We have friendly staff ready to help. 1-800782-0794. FARM AUCTION: George & Margaret Martens, Saturday, June 17th at 12:00 Noon, 9 miles north of Austin or 9 miles south of Gladstone on Hwy #34 till Rd 74N 3 miles east till Rd 62W 1 mile north till yard #75006. Tractors & Trucks: 1964 Farmall 806, 18.4x34 factory duals, 2 hyds., 2 PTO; 1966 Farmall Western Special 656, 1 hyd. PTO, 18.4x34; 1975 Dodge 600, 360 eng., 5&2 spd., 14’ steel B&H; 1967 Dodge 1 ton, 6 cyl. 4 spd., steel B&H; 1960 Chev Apache 40, 10’ wood B&H, 283 eng., 4 spd; 1978 Ford F100, 300 eng.; 1968 Mercury 1/2 ton, (no engine and trans.); 446 Case 42” riding mower and tiller; 111 Case Ingersoll 38” riding mower; Int. Cadet 80 hydro 36” riding mower; Equipment: Int. 914 PT combine; Vers. 400 18’ swather; 12’ front mount Cancade blade; 10’ front mount V snowplow; 16’ (2-8’s) Int. 100 press drill; 5-16 Melroe plow w/JD pony press; 6-16 White plow w/JD pony press; JD 8’ press drill w/grass seed attach; Cockshutt 246 14’ deep tiller; Brady 13’ cult.; 16’ Int. 45 vibra shank; Crowfoot 13’ packers; Int. 12’ tandem disc; Lilliston 4-row cultivator, 3 PTH; Schultz manure spreader; Diamond harrows; MF 128 baler w/1/4 turn chute; 15 bale stooker; MF M36 rake; NH 56 rake; dual rake hitch; Int. 7’ trailer sickle mower; 5’ JD #5 semi mt sickle mower; Gehl forage harvester with 2-row corn header; Gehl forage harvester; fanning mill. Misc. & Shop Tools: Misc. Terms cash or cheque. Lunch served. Sale conducted by Nickel Auctions Ltd. ph. 204-856-6900, 204-637-3393. Owner 204-385-2693. Full listing/ details at ONLINE TIMED AUCTION of Farm, Industrial Equipment, Vehicles & More! Bidding Opens 12 PM, Thursday, June 1. Bidding Closes 12 PM, Monday, June 12. On offer: 2012 JD 326D Skid Steer, shows 2625 hrs.; 1986 Spra-Coupe, Melroe 220, shows 766.8 hrs.; 1993 Great Dane 28’ TA, Pup Spring ride barndoors w/Thermo King Reefer Trailer; 2007 Suzuki C50 Boulevard Motorcycle, shows 13,111 kms.; 2004 Ford F550 dsl. 2WD auto/OD, AM/FM/CD, PW, PDL, 12’ deck, SK plated, runs and drives good. Items coming in daily! Deadline to consign June 1st. To Consign, call Brad 306-551-9411. Visit for more info. PL #333133 Stretch your advertising dollars! Place an ad in the classifieds. Our friendly staff is waiting for your call. 1-800-782-0794.


3– 2014 Case IH 9230

2012 Bourgault 3320 XTC 76 Ft & 2012 Bourgault 6700ST

KIRKHAM SEED FARMS HARVEST EQUIPMENT DISPERSAL AND GUEST CONSIGNORS. 2-2009 John Deere 9770 sts Combines 1100 Sep hours, Unverferth 1115 Grain Cart, 2014 Mack Day Cab, 24,000 km autoshift, Castleton Grain Trailer, Wheatheart 8x41 Auger/mover, FarmKing 10x70 Swing Auger,JD 936 Draper Header, JD 930 Header, M155 MacDon Swather, JD 4640 Tractor shows 8050 hrs, JD 956 MoCo DiscBine, Kello Bilt Disk, B Train Highboy Trailer, 48ft Highboy Tandem Trailer, Balers, Swathers, and many items still coming in.

2– 2013 Case IH WD1203 36 Ft

2014 Bourgault 8910 54 Ft

AUCTION LOCATION: From MCAULEY, MB, go 5.6 km (3.5 miles) South on Hwy 41. Yard on East side. GPS: 50.205900, -101.377500 A PARTIAL EQUIPMENT LIST INCLUDES: 2012 Case IH Steiger 600HD 4WD Tractor · 2009 Case IH 535 Quadtrac Tractor · 1976 John Deere 4230 2WD Tractor · (3) 2014 Case IH 9230 Combines · 2014 MacDon D65-S 40 Ft Draper Header · 2011 Case IH 2142 35 Ft Draper Header · (2) 2013 Case IH WD1203 36 Ft Swathers · 2007 Peterbilt 386 Sleeper T/A Truck Tractor · 2005 Kenworth T800 Sleeper T/A Truck Tractor · 2014 Dodge

3500 Ram 4x4 Pickup · 2007 Lode King Prestige Super B Grain Trailer · 2012 Bourgault 3320 XTC 76 Ft Air Drill · 2009 Bourgault 3310 PHD 66 Ft Air Drill · 2012 Bourgault 6700ST Tow-Behind Air Tank · 2007 Bourgault 6550ST Tow-Behind Air Tank · 2015 Case IH Patriot 4440 120 Ft High Clearance Sprayer · 2015 John Deere 569 Round Baler · 2014 J&M 1521 Grain Cart · 2012 Brent 1594 1500± Bushel T/A Grain Cart ...AND MUCH MORE!

For up-to-date equipment listings, please check our website: Eric Pateman: 306.434.8567 Ritchie Bros. Territory Manager – Steven Perrin: 204.573.0993 800.491.4494 Auction Company License #303043 & 309645

Timed Auction of Smaller Lots Grain Bin Pkgs, Grain Bin Parts, Steel Floors, Cattle Equipment, New Items including Tool Benches, tarped bldgs., Tires, Garden Shed, Check it all out on our APP and start bidding Monday June 12th till Sat June 17th @ 2 pm Closing Time.

Consignments Accepted till June 14th

Yorkton Auction Centre 306-782-5999

MACK AUCTION COMPANY presents a Large Collector Car - RV - Vehicle Auction Sunday June 18, 2017 @ 12 Noon for Derrick Big Eagle and guest consigner’s. Directions from Carlyle, SK: 12 km East of Carlyle on Hwy 13. Open House Saturday Jun 17th to pre-register and view. Unbelievable collection of muscle cars and recreational vehicles. 1971 Plymouth Satellite Road Runner; 1970 Plymouth Valiant Duster, 1965 Ford Galaxie 500 XL; 1973 Plymouth Cuda; 1968 Chevrolet Camaro SS Coupe; 1970 Ford Mustang Fastback Boss 302 Tribute; 1968 Ford Mustang Coupe Survivor; 1965 Plymouth Valiant Barracuda Glassback; 2007 Ford Shelby GTH Mustang Convertible, 8700 mi.; 1991 Volare Street Legal NASCAR; 1951 Hudson Hornet; 1931 Essex Rat Rod; 1974 Chev Camaro Z-28 Street Legal Drag Car; 2006 Jim Nasi Custom Chopper; 2000 Harley Davidson Road King, 3300 mi.; 2014 Custom Chopper; 1967 Chev C-10 Step Side Resto-Mod truck; 1987 Jaguar XJS Coupe; 1964 Oldsmobile 98 Custom Sport; 1962 Ford Thunderbird 2-door; 2008 Cadillac CTS 4-door Sedan; 1973 Cadillac Fleetwood Brougham 4-door car w/36,000 mi.; 1994 Chevrolet Corvette Convertible; 1975 Firebird TransAm; 1946 Dodge Custom 1 ton truck; 1995 Ford Mustang GT; 2001 Harley Davidson Deuce; 2004 Freightliner S/A Highway Tractor toy hauler; 2015 Polaris 800 Switchback ProX sled w/400 mi.; 2010 Ski-Doo TNT 500; 1998 21’ Larson 206SEI fish & ski boat; 2011 Rainbow Excursion 14’ dump trailer; 1995 Dodge 2500 12 valve Cummins truck w/flatbed; 2012 Arctic Cat 700 Prowler side by side w/931 mi.; 2013 Arctic Cat Wildcat side by side; 2006 Arctic Cat 650 side by side; 1975 Pontiac Grand Prix; 1997 Hurricane 34’ motor home; 2015 Canadian Hauler enclosed sled trailer; 1996 Cajun Tournament Edition bass boat; 2 - 2008 Arctic Cat 700 EFI 4x4 quad; 2008 Arctic Cat 700 EFI 4x4 quad; 2015 Polaris 800 Pro RMK; 2009 Arctic Cat M8 Snow Pro; Ski-Doo Elite 2 seater snow machine; 2006 Arctic Cat 400 4x4 quad; 6 - unused Road Rat Racer go karts; Camoplast T4S quad tracks; 2006 Ford F150 King Ranch truck; NASCAR/dirt track race car video simulator; Master Spas 4-person hot tub & Michael Phelps Signature Series swim spa; 1979 Dodge Power Wagon; 1980 Chev Camaro Z-28 w/no eng.; 1990 Chev 1500 reg cab; 1983 Ford Mustang; 1999 Ford F250 7.3 Powerstroke dsl.; 1987 Chev Custom Deluxe truck; 1995 Chev 1500 4WD Stepside truck; 1990 GMC 4WD Suburban; 1986 Chev 1500 reg cab 4WD truck; 1979 GMC 3 ton flat deck truck; 1975 GMC C-65 fire truck; 2002 Dodge 1500 4WD truck. The following are parts cars: 1957 Chev 4 door; 1974 Trans Am Hobby Stock chassis; 1975 Trans Am chassis; 1973 & 1977 Camaro chassis; 1972 Satellite Sebring chassis; 1976 Chevelle Hobby Stock chassis; large selection of race car parts; 4 - used Shaw race car chassis; modified race engines 383-412 CID; Hoosier & American Racer 15” tires; race blocks & heads; MSD ignition boxes; 9” rear ends; race seats, springs & suspension parts; shopbuilt 30’ TA gooseneck flatdeck trailer; race pit tool boxes; shopbuilt S/A utility trailer; S/A bumper pull horse trailer; Cytech 4-post mobile car lift; Model DP-7 7000 lbs. lift; Homak 2-pc. upright tool cabinet; Hot Rod Grills BBQ; Eagle upright air compressor; CIH 4690 4WD tractor; CIH 885 2WD tractor & CIH 2255 FEL; Vers. 500 4WD tractor; Husqvarna YTH 2448 lawn tractor; FarmKing 3PTH 6’ mower; Craftsman PT roto-tiller; UTV dozer blade; Remington 12 gauge double barrel shotgun; Husqvarna Vapenfabrik double barrel shotgun; 2002 Dodge 3500 dually, Cummins dsl., 4WD truck; Remington 12 gauge double barrel shotgun; Husqvarna Vapenabrik double barrel shotgun; Remington 30-06 pump; Winchester 300 magnum pump; Mosberg 22 repeater bolt; Escort 12 guage pump; Squires 22 bolt; Parker Hale 30-06 bolt; Steyr M-95 bolt; British 303 bolt; Winchester 1894 30-30 lever; Henry 22 repeater lever; Winchester 94 44-40 lever (centennial gold plated - little big horn); Winchester 94 30-30 lever; Remington express 20 guage pump; Remington wing master 12 guage pump; .177 pellet gun. Plus much more! For new items and cars everyday, visit Or join ‘Mack Auction Co.’ on Facebook. Call 306-421-2928 or 306-487-7815 for more information. PL #311962 MEYERS AUCTION FOR: The Late Arnold Symesko and Linda; Craik of Langruth; Bob Feir of Minnedosa; Estate of Mrs. C. Allen of Neepawa and Guest Consignors. 10:00AM Sunday June 11th, 2017. 431 Lansdowne Ave, Arden, MB. 2010 Mustang convertible, 32,300 kms.; V6 Pony package (subject to confirmation of final bid & subject to prior sale, check the web to confirm availability auction day); 1965 Mercury Park Lane convertible, 390 V8, new roof, windshield, mufflers and pipes. Tires, body and paint done, automatic, power windows and locks, glass back window. *subject to conformation of final bid; The Avenger by Cee Bee Manufacturing Co. 15’ jet boat, c/w trailer and Mercury 40HP outboard motor, needs bottom end on motor; Maxum 17’ boat and trailer with Mariner 45HP outboard motor; IHC McCormick W6 tractor, running; JD D140 riding mower 48” cut; YardMan 7HP 25” snowblower; Coleman Powermate 5000 generator; Miller Thunderbolt 225 stick welder; Lincoln electric weld pak 100 HD welder; 2 IHC stationary engines; 2 single cylinder washing machine engines; CTT Tools HD drill press; And much more!! Meyers Auctions & Appraisals, Bradley Meyers Auctioneer, 204-476-SELL (6262), ESTATE SALE FOR Stan Bowers, Saturday June 10, 2017 at 10:00 AM Directions: Hwy. 55 to Candle Lake turn off, turn left Hwy. 120, North 7 miles to Christopher Lake sign, West 4 miles, then North 1-1/2 miles. Watch for signs. Tractors; grain trucks; grain bins; machinery; recreational; guns; acreage and yard items; tools; household. Schmalz Auction Center Hwy. #2 South. PL #911509. 306-922-2300 or 306-763-2172



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The Manitoba Co-operator | June 8, 2017

Farm Retirement



Cummings, ND

AUCTIONEER’S NOTE: Major equipment selling at 10:30 AM. Live online bidding available on major equipment. Registration, terms, & details at Location: 16429 7th St NE, Cummings, ND 58223. From I-29 Exit 111 (Mayville, ND), 1 mile east to ND Hwy. 81, 1 mile north, 1-1/4 miles east.


1998 NH 9482, 12 spd. gear, 4 hyd., return flow, shows 5,078 hrs., S/ND107176 1989 Ford Versatile 876, 12 spd. gear, 4 hyd., shows 8,960 hrs., S/ND430245 2008 JD 8330, MFWD, IVT, ILS, deluxe cab, 3,087 hrs., S/NRW8330D025832 1975 JD 4430, quad range, shows, 6,953 hrs., S/N38161


JD SF6000 receiver, SF1, SF3 ready JD 2630 display, AutoTrac, SF2 Trimble EZ-Guide 500 auto steer, complete


2011 JD 9770, STS, 1,779 sep. hrs., 2,322 engine hrs., S/N1H09770SCB0744142 2005 JD 635F flex head, 35’ 1989 NH 973 flex head, 22’ Universal UH22 edible bean pickup head, 20’ Unverferth HT36 header trailer, 36’, lights IHC 4000 S-P swather, cab


2001 JD 1780 Conservation front fold, 16/31 split row



2007 Summers Supercoulter Plus, rock flex, 30’ JD 1010 field cultivator, 38’ Morris CP-725 chisel plow, 25’ Bush Hog 1450 tandem disc, rock flex, 32’ JD 630 tandem disc, 30’ JD plow, 7x16” Melroe 481 multiweeder, 28’ Melroe pull-type harrow, 60’ Melroe pull-type harrow, 42’


Alloway row crop cultivator, 8x30”, (5) S-tines per row JD 400 rotary hoe, 40’ Alloway pull-type stalk chopper, 22’, 1000 PTO


2001 IHC 9200 tandem axle, C12 Cat, Eaton 3 spd. auto. 1982 GMC 7000 twin screw, 427, Eaton 5&2 spd. 1978 Chevrolet C65 Custom Deluxe twin screw, 427 1972 IHC Loadstar 1800 twin screw tandem, 392 V8


2014 REM 2700 grain vac Hero No 24 smut seed cleaner Westfield TR100-61 auger Westfield auger, 51’x10” Westfield W70-41 loadout auger, 41’x7” Haul All twin compartment drill fill, 19’ Westfield endgate drill fill system, brush flighting Keho 80511 aeration fan (2) Keho 16750 aeration fans Keho aeration fan, 10 hp. Electric heater for Keho fan


Ashland dump scraper Eversman 410 land plane UFT bean knifer, 8x30” Horvick sprayer, 60’ booms JD HX15 batwing mower, 15’ Orion mower, 7’ Erskine snowblower, 7’ Dakon track wacker, 3 pt. Wire winder, PTO Business band antenna tower


1974 Scorpion Whip 400

1989 Chevrolet 1500 Cheyenne, not running 1989 Chevrolet 1500




2013 Unverferth 2750 twin Concord 3010-4 air seeder, 30’, compartment seed tender Prairie Built seed tender 10” spacing, 4-rank


or Brad Olstad of Steffes Group, 701.237.9173 or 701.238.0240 Steffes Group, Inc., 2000 Main Ave E, West Fargo, ND 58078 701.237.9173 | Brad Olstad ND319, Scott Steffes ND81, Bob Steffes ND82, Max Steffes ND999

TERMS: All items sold as is where is. Payment of cash or check must be made sale day before removal of items. Statements made auction day take precedence over all advertising. $35 documentation fee applies to all titled vehicles. Titles will be mailed. Canadian buyers need a bank letter of credit to facilitate border transfer.



RETIREMENT AUCTION for Forbes Seed Farms, Thursday June 15th, 10:30AM, Dauphin, MB. Featuring: 1997 JD 9600 combine, 914 PU, Redekopp fine cut chopper, 20% HP chip, new front tires; John Deere 8820 Titan II combine w/chopper and auger extension; 1996 JD 930 30’ flex header c/w PU reel, poly skid plates, hyd for&aft reel, 1000 PTO drive w/transport trailer; JD 924 24’ rigid straight cut header; 1998 MF 220 swather, 25’ w/PU reel; 1996 JD 8770 4WD tractor, 12 spd, 7230 hrs c/w Universal GPS unit, Greenlighted; 1980 Clark outdoor forklift, 2 stage, propane; 1969 Case 530 backhoe, gas; 2007 International 9400i tandem grain truck, Cummins ISX, 435HP, 10 spd, safetied; 1979 Chevy 3-ton grain truck, 366, 5&2, rebuilt trans., B&H, safetied; 1980 GMC 3-ton grain truck, 350, 5&2, B&H, safetied; 1964 Mercury 2-ton, B&H, all glass intact; Swath roller, plastic, 8’; 1984 JD 337 small square baler; 1997 Bourgault 7200 heavy harrow, 60’; 2009 3PTH rotary ditcher, 48”; 1996 Bourgault cultivator 8800, 40’ mounted harrows, c/w 1993 Bourgault 2155 air tank (hyd. fan), also c/w 2016 Raven NH3 Kit, Dutch Industries Eagle openers for seed, NH3 and dry fertilizer; 15’ CCIL 201 deep tiller; 1000 gal. NH3 wagon; 1985 electric phase converter, single to 3 phase; 1980 Carter Day 225G, 4 indent cleaner with scalper; Clipper super 49D, 2 screen fanning mill; Variety of augers and lawn & garden items. Brought to you by Garton’s Auction Service, Dauphin, MB. For full listing visit:

FARM RETIREMENT & COLLECTIBLES Auction for D and D Little, Saturday June 17th, 10:00AM, Winnipegosis, MB., Featuring: New Holland TM130 tractor, FWA, Q/A loader, 4800 hrs, duals; 1987 Ford 7710 tractor, 2 WD, Quickie 640 FEL; 1985 Ford 5610 2 WD tractor; Fordson Super Major tractor, diesel; 3 Fordson Majors, 2 running, 1 for parts; 1950 Massey Harris 22; 1939 John Deere AR, unstyled; 8N Ford tractor; 1982 GMC Sierra 3500 grain truck c/w 11’ box; 2011 NH BR7090 round baler; 1475 HS series 14’ NH haybine; 6 bale Inland 1000 bale picker; 14 round bale hauler; 2 New Idea 521 9’ trailing hay mowers; Tandem axle gravel box dump wagon; Farmhand stack mover, steel teeth; 3PTH post hole auger, 6”-10” bits; Shaver 3PTH post pounder; 9 wheel Vicon 1050 hay rake; 6 wheel MF hay rake; 3PTH finishing mower; JD 1630 tandem disc; MF mix mill; 8’ Leon blade; 7’ Buhler/Farm King 3PTH mower; 50’ hydraulic diamond harrows; 18’ Glenco cultivator; 12’ Massey deep tiller; 2 school buses; 12’ JD dump rake; Wooden horse wagon w/2 grain boxes; Horse harness, collars & bells; International threshing machine; Dodge pick up truck; 56 Chevy long box; Polaris 250 quad 4x4; 1984 Honda 110 trike; Scott 40 horse boat motor; 5 dirt bikes; 3- 1/2x8’ 2 wheel trailers; 2 small kids quads; Small Ryobi tiller; Collection of toy cars, trucks & tractors; NH TM190 kids ride on toy tractor; Ginger beer bottles; Medicine bottles; Milk bottles; Remington sign; Anne of Green Gables house; Wooden ship; Plus so much more!! Brought to you by Garton’s Auction Service, Dauphin, MB, 204-648-4541. For full listing see Questions? Please call 204-656-4531 for details.

RETIREMENT FARM AUCTION for Murray Lockert & Gerri Schlamp, 10:00AM, Saturday June 24, Vibank, SK, Location: West side of Vibank, 4.5 miles North, 0.5 miles East, North Side of road. On offer: 1982 JD 4440 tractor, factory duals, 3 hyds, quad shift, new water pump, shows 7684 hrs, 1000 & 540 PTO; Versatile 160 bi-directional tractor, 540 PTO, shows 8600 hrs. (4000 on new Cummins); Bale King bale processor, LH discharge, 1000 PTO; 1992 JD 535 round baler, 540 PTO, new drive chain, belts good, auto-tie; Hesston 8100 swather, 4 cyl. Cummins eng, shows 2842 hrs; Hesston 21' swather table DSA, PU reel; Hesston 16' mower conditioner; 1976 GMC 6000 grain truck, 350 eng, steel B&H, no tarp; 1977 Chev Scottsdale 10, auto, V8; 1990's Real Industries 16' T/A stock trailer; Rea's Welding GN, flatdeck 24' T/A trailer; Craftsman 46" riding lawnmower, 24 HP, hydrostatic; Generac PTO trailer mounted generator; floating pump; 150 gal. slip tank w/12 volt Fill-Rite pump; fuel tanks; Sakundiak 741 grain auger, Kohler 18 HP engine; Farm King 620 trailer type rotary mower; Flexi-Coil diamond harrow bar; Real Industries portable livestock If you want to sell it fast, call 1-800-782-0794. handling system, squeeze, palpation chute, crowding tube; Easy-Way 200 bu. creep feeder; misc. bale feeders; lick tubs; panels (approx. 40); 2 freestanding panels, 30' ea; shop press; Coats 4040 tire changer; 40 amp arc welder; floor jack; Makita cutoff saw; Galaxy drill press; large qty. shop and hand tools and many other items. Internet Sign up for daily enews at bidding starting at 1:00 PM local time. Call Murray 306-762-2102, PL #333133

Today’s top ag news, delivered.

MYLES, TRACY, JOANNE HENDRICK Farm Auction, Ukrainetz Auction. Yarbo, SK., Saturday June 17, 2017 at 11:00 AM. Directions: use west Yarbo access road, 2 miles west on grid and 1 mile north. Online bidding at 1:00 PM. Contact: 306-745-2490 or 306-745-3770. Tractors: MF 2745, dsl., cab, air, dual hyd., 18.4x38 duals, 3097 hrs., S/N 9R006023, good cond.; IHC 186, hydro., showing 6900 hrs., Leons 707 FEL, bucket, fork, blade, good cond.; Case 400 w/dozer. Combine: 1989 CIH 1680, SP, cab, air, chopper, spreaders, S/N JJC0046360, eng. shows 2166 hrs., vg cond. Air Seeder/Tillage: Morris 89000 25’ floating hitch cult., good harrows, air pkg., w/Morris 7130 tank, good cond.; Morris Magnum CP 731, 35’ deep tillage and harrows, good cond. Trucks: 1984 Ford 700, 479 4V, 2 spd., S/N 17DDN70KXEVA18893, 16’ steel BH&T, 10x20 tires, 10,470 kms, previously reg. in SK., good cond.; 1971 Ford 700 grain truck, COE, V8, 2 spd., S/N C70EUK35005, BH&T, previously reg. in SK. Augers: Westfield TF-81, 13 HP Honda eng., like new; Sakundiak 7x45, 16 HP eng., elec., lift. Rec & Yard: Yamaha EX 440 snowmobile; Moto Ski snowmobile; 14’ fiberglass boat, 50 HP motor; 16’ Kevlar canoe, good cond.; 1953 Studebaker Commander hard-top, for restoration. Also haying equip., tillage, misc. & shop, cattle supplies, and more. NOTE: The Hendricks have quit farming, major equipment has been shedded and used on a small amount of acres. For updated listing and pics, visit PL #915851.

Why wait? Get the latest ag news and information sent directly to your inbox! Sign up for daily enews at SELSEY/BARKER AUCTION SALE, June 17th at 9:00 AM. Select live online bidding at 1:00 PM. Directions: going to Harris SK from Saskatoon SK, turn left off Hwy 7 into Harris, turn right past Harris Hotel onto Railway Ave, after two miles turn left, arrive in 3/4 mile. 40’ SeaCan; Highline 700 selfloading bale wagon; Hi-Hog 12’ stock panels; 10’ stock panels; 1993 Nissan, king cab, running; 1999 Dodge Ram 2500 SLT, 4x4, quad cab, dsl., running; 1988 Honda Accord; 2000 Lift Off stock trailer w/tack-room, 4 horse angle; K&O Pace Setter 12’ stock trailer; 2007 Polaris Ranger 6x6, 700 EFI, 434 hrs., 2448 km.; Rhino 3PTH blade, 8’; 1951 Case VA tractor, FEL, run- ning; MH 50 tractor; CIL T650 tractor, 4642 hrs., running; Swisher 44” rough cut SP mower; JD snowblower; Yard Machine riding lawn mower; Husqvarna 17” rototiller; Honda Trail 70 motorbike. Lots of vehicles, farm related, furniture, household, tack, collectibles, & amateur radio equip. Bodnarus Auctioneering, PL #318200. Visit or call 1-877-4942437 or 306-227-9505.

MACK AUCTION CO. presents a large Equipment, Trucks, Vehicles & RV Auction, Saturday June 24th, 2017, 9:00AM at Estevan Motor Speedway in Estevan, SK. Consign Today! Live Internet Bidding at: Up for bid: 1999 Champion 740A grader w/front dozer and rear rippers; 2005 NH LS 185 skid steer, 2210 hrs; 2003 Elgin Road Wizard street sweeper; 2015 GMC Sierra Denali 2500 dsl...., HD, 4WD, crew cab pickup, 38,600 kms; 2012 GMC Sierra 3500 regular cab, 4WD, gas w/service deck and Amco-Veba 805 picker; 2011 GMC Sierra 3500 regular cab, 4WD, diesel w/service deck and Amco-Veba 805-3S picker; 2011 Ford F550 regular cab, 4WD dsl., dually, w/service deck and Amco-Veba 805-3S picker; 2009 Ford F550 regular cab 4WD dsl., dually w/service deck and gin poles; 2009 GMC Sierra 1500 extended cab 4WD, 75,600 kms; 2008 Ford F350 regular cab 4WD, dsl., w/deck and Danco 805-3S picker; 2007 Dodge 4WD, dually, dsl., long box, auto. w/6.7 Cummins; 2006 GMC Sierra 3500 regular cab, dsl., 4WD w/service box and gin poles; 2006 GMC 3500 regular cab, 4WD, dsl. truck w/service deck and gin poles; 2006 Ford 150 4WD super cab pickup; 2005 Chev Express 2500 cargo van; 2001 GMC Sierra 4WD 1500 extended cab pickup w/350 eng., auto; 1998 Dodge 2500 dsl., 4WD 12 valve club cab truck, 5 spd manual ,long box; 1989 Grand Caravan mini van; 1993 Ford Ranger 2WD pickup, 66,326 kms; 2009 Ford 150 crew cab, 4WD; Rite-Way rock rake; 2004 Honda Fourtrax ES 350, 4WD quad, 3937 kms; 2008 Peterbilt PB340 tandem axle dsl. gravel truck, 6 spd. auto; 1988 GMC 3 ton oil truck, 5&2 trans., c/w oil tank with spray bar and wand; 1979 Ford F700 tandem tag axle grain truck, 429 engine; 2013 PJ tandem axle 30’ gooseneck flat deck trailer w/beaver tail and ramps; PJ triple axle gooseneck flat deck trailer w/beaver tail & ramps; M&R Machines tandem axle flatdeck trailer; 2011 Tarnel flat deck trailer, 7x13; 2011 Tarnel flat deck trailer, 6x11; 2010 PJ flat deck trailer, 5x10, with ramp; JD D and JD B antique tractors; 1952 GMC one ton truck w/B&H; 2012 Dixie Chopper 3674 zero turn dsl. mower; 2012 Dixie Chopper 2760 zero turn gas mower; 2003 Kubota F2560 front mount mower w/60” deck; MF 165 2WD tractor w/3PTH and FEL; MF 2135 2WD tractor w/3PTH; 2-1900 bu. hopper bottom grain bins; Cub Cadet HDS 2185 lawn tractor, 72 hrs; 2-Arrow C66 gas engines, 40 HP; Kongskilde grain vac.; Buhler Farm King 480 mobile seed cleaner w/16 screens, NH 971 24’ straight cut header, Suckup propane grain aeration dryer; Large assortment of shop tools; Plus so much more!! Visit: Or call 306-421-2928, 306-487-7815. Like us on FB to get daily additions and news. PL#311962.

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DIRECTIONS: From Virden, MB (Jct #83 & #257 (White Owl) 13Kms West on #257 to Rd 162W 2.5Kms North on Rd 162W Sale is on East side. From (Jct #256 & #257 Hwys) 6.5Kms East on #257 to Rd 162W 2.5Kms North on Rd 162W Sale is on East side. ORDER OF SALE: 11:00 – 12:30 (shop items, hose, tanks, pumps, parts, and misc.) 12:30 (livestock related equipment followed by major equipment) NOTE: Cheques of $50,000 or more must be accompanied by bank letter of Good Standing.


For more information, call Fraser Auction Office 204-727-2001


•1982 JD 8450 4wd Tractor, 187PTO HP, Quad Range Trans, Triple Hyd, PTO, 18.4-38 Duals, 8809Hrs Showing, s/nRW8450H001519 •1979 Versatile 555 4WD Tractor, 210 Eng HP, Cummins V8 Eng, 15 Spd Std Trans, Triple Hyd, PTO(Leaks), 18.4-38 Duals, 5280Hrs Showing, s/n130716 •1982 JD 4440 Tractor, 130PTO HP, Quad Range Trans, Dual Hyd, Dual PTO, Belly Tank, 18.4-38 Duals, 1325Hrs Showing, s/n4440H056563RW •1975 MF 1105 Tractor, 111 PTO HP, Dual Hyd, Dual PTO, 6 Spd Trans w/Multipower, 0558Hrs Showing, s/n9B51752 •1969 JD 2120 Tractor w/Allied 450 Loader & Bucket, 8 Spd Trans, Dual Hyd, Dual PTO, 18.4-30 Rear Rubber,

Hours-n/a, s/n095816L •1968 JD 2120 Tractor w/Canopy, 8 Spd Trans, Dual Hyd, 540 PTO, 18.4-30 Rear Rubber, 3896Hrs Showing, s/n067983L •Outback S2 Guidance System


•1990 JD 9600 Combine w/914 Pick up Header, Big Top Hopper Ext, Chaff Spreader, Dual Spd Cyl, 4880 Eng Hrs Showing, 3516 Sep Hrs Showing, s/Nh09600x635628 •1981 JD 7720 SP Combine w/214 Pickup Header •2000 Premier 2950 Swather w/25’ MacDon Harvest Header w/DSA, PU Reel, Cummins Turbo DSL Eng, 2 Spd Hydro, 2702 Cutting Hrs Showing, 3701 Eng Hrs Showing, s/n132887

•8’ Poly Swath Roller •6’ Blanchard Swath Roller

TRUCKS & TRAILERS: •1987 Mack T/A Grain Truck w/20’ Loadline Box w/Hoist, Roll Tarp, Rear hoist controls, Maxitorque T2090 9 Spd Trans, Mack 6 Cyl DSL Eng, 22.5” rubber, 638,381 Showing, VIN#1M2N187Y2HA016795 •1976 Dodge 500 Grain Truck w/14’ Westeel Roscoe Box w/ hoist, V8 Gas Eng, 5 Spd Trans, 8.25-20 Rubber, 94,081 Showing, VIN#D57EG65006881 •2006 GMC Sierra 2500HD SLE Ext Cab, 4x4, 6L V8 Gas Eng, Auto Trans, SLE Package, Goose neck Hitch, Receiver Hitch, 16” Rubber, Cross Box Alum Tool Box, VIN#1GTHK29U16E177392 •1997 20’ PJ t/a Gooseneck Flat Deck Trailer, (2) 3182 Kg Axles, 16” Rubber, VIN#4P5F2025V1012081

See All Sale Listings at Or download our free App Not responsible for errors in description. Subject to additions and or deletions. Property owners and Fraser Auction Service not responsible for any accidents. GST & PST where applicable. TERMS: Visa, MasterCard, Debit, Cash or cheque. NOTE: Cheques of $50,000 or more must be accompanied by bank letter of Good Standing.


Auctioneer: Scott Campbell 1-888-910-1697



Licensed and bonded. P.L. License #918093. Member of M.A.A., S.A.A., A.A.A., A.A.C.

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Fraser Auction Service Ltd.


The Manitoba Co-operator | June 8, 2017

WRECKING SEMI-TRUCKS, lots of parts. Call Yellowhead Traders. 306-896-2882, Churchbridge, SK. TRUCK BONEYARD INC. Specializing in obsolete parts, all makes. Trucks bought for wrecking. 306-771-2295, Balgonie, SK. ONE OF SASK’s largest inventory of used heavy truck parts. 3 ton tandem diesel motors and transmissions and differentials for all makes! Can-Am Truck Export Ltd., NEW 2017 GERMANIC R20-2800 tandem scissor frame tub style end dump, 1-800-938-3323. 28’x102”, air ride, hyd. lift gate, 11R22.5 TRUCK PARTS: 1/2 to 3 ton, new and tires, steel wheels, electric tarp, new Maniused. We ship anywhere. Contact Phoenix toba safety, can deliver. $48,000. 204-743-2324, Cypress River, MB. Auto, 1-877-585-2300, Lucky Lake, SK. SOUTHSIDE AUTO WRECKERS located in Weyburn, SK. 306-842-2641. Used car parts, light truck to semi-truck parts. We buy scrap iron and non-ferrous metals.

2004 LODELINE gravel trailer $30,000; 2001 Doepker grain trailer $27,000; 2009 Doepker end dump gravel trailer $40,000 2011 Doepker step deck trailer $37,000. 306-487-7799 306-487-2633 Lampman SK

WRECKING VOLVO TRUCKS: Misc. axles and parts. Also tandem trailer suspension PRECISION TRAILERS: Gooseneck and bumper hitch. You’ve seen the rest, now axles. Call 306-539-4642, Regina, SK. own the best. Hoffart Services, Odessa, SK. SASKATOON TRUCK PARTS CENTRE 306-957-2033 Ltd. North Corman Industrial Park. New and used parts available for 3 ton trucks all the way up to highway tractors, for every make and model, no part too big or small. Our shop specializes in custom rebuilt differentials/transmissions and clutch installations. Engines are available, both gas and diesel. Re-sale units are on the lot ready to go. We buy wrecks for parts, and sell for wrecks! For more info. call 306-668-5675 or 1-800-667-3023. DL #914394 WRECKING TRUCKS: All makes all models. Need parts? Call 306-821-0260 or email: Wrecking Dodge, Chev, GMC, Ford and others. Lots of 4x4 stuff, 1/2 ton - 3 ton, buses etc. and some cars. We ship by bus, mail, Loomis, Purolator. Lloydminster, SK.

SCHOOL BUSES: 20 to 66 passenger, 1998 to 2007, $2700 and up. 12 buses in stock! Call Phoenix Auto, Lucky Lake, SK. 1-877-585-2300. DL #320074.

CM TRUCK BEDS. Starting at $2895. Call Jason’s Agri-Motive, 306-472-3159 or visit us at: 100 MISC. SEMI TRAILER FLATDECKS/ stepdecks, $2500 - $30,000. 10 heavy lowbeds, $10,000 - $70,000; Belly & end dumps and alum. tankers. 306-222-2413, Saskatoon, SK. 3 TRIDEMS, 3 TANDEM stepdecks; S/A 28’ stepdeck; Tandem, tridem and Super B highboys; 28’ to 53’ van trailers. Tanker: tandem aluminum 8000 gallon; S/A and tandem converters. Ron Brown Imp. 306-493-9393, Delisle, SK. DL #905231.

24’ PINTLE HITCH flatdeck trailer, 3-7000 SPECIAL PURCHASE OF new and near- lbs. axles, $6000; 24’ gooseneck flatdeck new 2014-2015 Crosstrek XVs. Save up to trailer, 3-7000 lbs. axles, $6000. $5000. Come in quickly!! 1-877-373-2662. 306-962-3821, 306-463-7172, Eston, SK. DL #914077. BEHNKE DROP DECK semi style and 2016 SUBARU IMPREZA consumer reports pintle hitch sprayer trailers. Air ride, as best small call starting at $23,360! Call tandem and tridems. Contact SK: for best price!! 1-877-373-2662 or 306-398-8000; AB: 403-350-0336. DL #914077. STEPDECKS: 48’ TANDEM, $12,000; Hiboys, lowboys, vans, beavertails, car haulers, $8000 and up. 306-563-8765, Canora TANKER TRAILERS: Stainless steel alum. potable, tandem and tri-axles, 4000- 7500 gal $12-$18,000. 306-563-8765 Canora SK TRI-AXLE LOW BED, 50 ton, Beavertail, flip neck, 2 pins, 9’ wide, flip outs, new safety, $24,000. 306-940-6835, Sask.

BERG’S END DUMP grain trailers w/Berg’s signature quality finish. Ph for Spring pric- 2014 F150 XLT SUPERCAB, 4x4, 5.0L ing specials and 30 day trials. Berg’s Grain V8, 44,000 kms. One owner, bought new in Feb. 2015, safetied, $27,500 OBO. For & Gravel Body 204-325-5677, Winkler, MB more info. 204-685-2095, McGregor, MB.

NORMS SANDBLASTING & PAINT, 40 years body and paint experience. We do metal and fiberglass repairs and integral to daycab conversions. Sandblasting and paint to trailers, trucks and heavy equip. Endura primers and topcoats. A one stop shop. Norm 306-272-4407, Foam Lake SK.

2007 DODGE RAM 1500, 4x4, 4 door, 5.7 L Hemi engine, loaded, no rust, vg cond. $8950. 639-998-8522, Saskatoon, SK.

2009 MACK CH613, MP8 Mack eng., 430 HP, 10 spd., AutoShift, 463,000 kms, exc. shape, new 20’ box, A/T/C, $73,500; 2009 IH Transtar 8600 w/Cummins eng. 10 spd., AutoShift, new 20’ BH&T, 742,000 kms, exc. tires, real good shape, $69,500; 2007 IH 9200, ISX Cummins, 430 HP, AutoShift, alum. wheels, new 20’ BH&R, fully loaded, 1,000,000 kms, real nice, $67,500; 2009 Mack CH613, 430 HP Mack, 10 spd., AutoShift, new 20’ BA&T, alum. wheels, 1.4 million kms, has bearing roll done, nice shape, $69,500; 2007 Kenworth T600, C13 Cat, 425 HP, 13 spd., AutoShift, new 20’ BH&T, alum. wheels, new paint, 1.0 million kms, exc. truck, $71,500; 1996 Midland 24’ tandem pup grain trailer, stiff pole, completely rebuilt, new paint and brakes, exc. shape, $18,500; 1999 IH 4700 S/A w/17’ steel flatdeck, 230,000 kms, IH dsl., 10 spd., good tires, $19,500; 1998 Freightliner tractor, C60 Detroit, 430 HP, 13 spd., alum. wheels, sleeper, good rubber, $17,500; 2005 IH 9200 tractor, ISX Cummins, 430 HP, 13 spd., alum wheels, flattop sleeper, good rubber, $22,500. All trucks SK safetied. Trades considered. All reasonable offers considered. Arborfield SK. DL 906768. Call Merv 306-276-7518 res., 306-767-2616 cell . COMMERCIAL GRADE Wind and weather shelter buildings available in widths from 20’ to 90’. Prices starting at $2495. If you have bought an auction building and need to upgrade to more durable material or parts we can help. Located in Yorkton. Contact Paul at 306-641-5464 or Ladimer 306-795-7779.

SPECIAL PURCHASE OF new and near new 2014-2015 Crosstrek XVs. Save up to $5000. Come in quickly!! 1-877-373-2662. DL #914077.

2009 FORD EXPLORER LTD, V8, AWD, loaded, 4 leather buckets, new winter tires, very good condition, 219,000 kms. Photos. 306-843-2934, Wilkie, SK. 2000 VOLVO WG64F, 14’ gravel box, Volvo VED12-345 HP, 10 spd, 18,500 frts, 46 rears, 4-way lock up, 495,000 kms, $12,900. Norm 204-761-7797 Brandon MB

SPECIAL PURCHASE OF new and nearnew 2014-2015 Crosstrek XVs. Save up to $5000. Come in quickly!! 1-877-373-2662. DL #914077.

2012 IHC TRANSTAR, low pro, Max 300 HP diesel, Allison auto. trans., single axle, loaded cab, 13’ Armstrong landscape dump, $39,900; 2010 CHEV 1 ton dump truck w/10’ gravel dump, $14,900. K&L Equipment and Auto. Call Ladimer, 306-795-7779, Ituna SK. DL #910885.


CANUCK NEW End and side dumps. IH 9200 Detroit, 10 spd., 16’ gravel box; 2013 Decap tri-axle belly dump. Ron Brown Imp. 306-493-9393, Delisle, SK. DL 905231

80 N EW 2017 1/2 TO N C R EW


2016 VOLVO 670 w/warranty; 2014 730, D16 eng., 18 spd.; 2012 Volvo 630, D16 engine deleted. 204-466-2927, Austin MB


High tensile roofing & siding. #1 Gr. Galvalume 26 gu..... 79¢/ft 2 #1 Gr. Galvalume 29 gu..... 75¢/ft 2 B-Gr. coloured................ 75¢/ft.2 B-Gr. Galv 29 gu............. 69¢/ft 2 B-Gr 30 gu Galv.............. 49¢/ft.2 Multi-coloured millends... 59¢/ft.2 CALL NOW!


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2012 DOOSAN COMPRESSOR C185WKUB-T41, 185 CFM, 225 hours, trailer mount, Kubota 2.4L, $19,800. 1-800-667-4515,

ST. LAZARE, MB. 1-800-510-3303

CONTINUOUS METAL ROOFING, no exposed screws to leak or metal overlaps. CUSTOM SEEDING: Morris AirDrill, AutoIdeal for lower slope roofs, rinks, church- Steer, reasonable rates, will travel, bookes, pig barns, commercial, arch rib build- ing acres now! 306-309-0080, Pangman ing and residential roofing; also available in Snap Lock. 306-435-8008, Wapella, SK.

ATTENTION GRAVEL HAULERS: 6 tandems in stock, 1998-2007; 2013 Cancade tri-axle end dump; Tri-axle 18’ dump. Yellowhead Sales, 306-783-2899, Yorkton, SK 201 7 CHEV & GM C 1 /2 TO N D O U BL E CAB 5.3L V 8,lo ad e d ,traile r pkg ,he ate d clo th,8 in s to ck. Sto ck #H1 382 M SR P $50,64 5 Ca sh P ric e $38,995 o r $303 b i-w eekly @ 0% 72 m o .

LONG LAKE TRUCKING, two units, custom hay hauling. 306-567-7100, Imperial, SK. CONCRETE FLATWORK: Specializing in place & finish of concrete floors. Can accommodate any floor design. References EQUIPMENT TOWING/ HAULING. Reasonable rates. Contact G H Wells Services available. Alexander, MB. 204-752-2069. and Trucking, 306-741-9059, Morse, SK. COVER-ALL 40x60’ TRUSS arch shelter, dismantled. Offers. Phone 306-563-6022, Canora, SK.

Quality Post Frame Buildings

2012 MACK PINNACLE CXU613, 34” flattop sleeper, removable roof fairing, Mack MP8, 455 HP, Eaton 13 spd trans, safetied, $36,900. Norm 204-761-7797 Brandon MB

2001 IH 9900 Condo bunk, Detroit 60 Series, 13 spd., 12-40 rears, 1,700,000 kms., CALL GRASSLAND TRAILERS for your best 2006 CHEV 1500, longbox, V6, AC, $16,000 OBO. 306-268-4322, Viceroy, SK. deal on quality livestock trailers by Titan, 198,000 kms., one owner, exc. cond., Duralite and Circle D. 306-640-8034 cell, $6250 OBO. 639-998-8522, Saskatoon, SK. 306-266-2016, Wood Mountain, SK. 1997 CHEV 1500, 3 door, 4x4, runs good, some rust, 465,000 kms, asking $3495 OBO. Gary 306-823-4493, Neilburg, SK. 24’ GOOSENECK 3-8,000 lb. axles, $7890; Bumper pull tandem lowboys: 18’, 16,000 lbs., $4750; 16’, 10,000 lbs., $3390; 16’, 7000 lbs., $2975, 8000 lb Skidsteer, $1990 Factory direct. 1-888-792-6283.

1988 GMC 18' dump/gas; 1991 GMC 454 dually 9' deck; 2006 GMC service w/huge insulated tool carrier, nice shape, 4x4, good tires, gas. 306-221-7938, 306-384-6396, 2005 TO 2007 Western Star 4900’s, Cat Email: C15 18 spd., 46’s w/full lockers low kms. Saskatoon, SK Call for pricing! Can-Am Truck Export Ltd., 1-800-938-3323, Delisle, SK. 2008 IH 7600 tandem 24’ van body, power tailgate, 10 speed ISX; 2007 Freightliner auto. trans., 22’ van, reefer power tailgate. Ron Brown Imp. 306-493-9393, Delisle, SK. DL #905231

SAND AND GRAVEL BUSINESS: Close to Regina (on primary), very good pit lease, new cone crusher and 3-deck screener, lots of newer equipment, trucks, genset, inventory. Customer base and over Advertise your unwanted equipment in the $1,000,000 gross 2016, $1,750,000. Classifieds. Call our toll-free number and 306-536-5055, place your ad with our friendly staff, and don’t forget to ask about our prepayment bo- MANUFACTURING BUSINESS: Welding nus. Prepay for 3 weeks and get 2 weeks free! and light fabricating. One-of-a-kind prod1-800-782-0794. uct. Mainly Ag. Peak sales September 1994 FREIGHTLINER TANDEM, Big Cam March. Owned for 30 years, room for KENWORTH T800 Cat eng, 18 spd., 20’ Cummins, 9 spd., PTO, hyds., needs TLC, growth. Relocatable, $195,000 plus invenB&H roll tarp, Heavy Spec, Sask. safetied, $3950 OBO. 639-998-8522, Saskatoon, SK. tory; 50x70’ shop, 2 overhead cranes, $43,000. 306-563-8765, Canora, SK. $350,000. Phone 306-446-4462, North Battleford, SK. Email REMOTE CONTROL ENDGATE AND hoist systems can save you time, energy and keep you safe this seeding season. 1997 MACK RD688, 100 barrel water Give Kramble Industries a call at tank, pump, etc., 400 Mack, 24.5 wheels, STRONG 5 FRAME NUCS, $225; Also good local queens available starting June 306-933-2655, Saskatoon, SK. or visit us white, $16,500. 306-960-3000 St. Louis SK 15th, $30 CDN. Call John 306-221-4569, online at: Saskatoon, SK. 2007 MACK, 10 speed Eaton auto., new 20’ CIM B&H, 380,000 kms., fresh Sask. DEBTS, BILLS AND charge accounts too safeties. Call 306-270-6399, Saskatoon, high? Need to resolve prior to spring? Call SK. DL #316542. us to develop a professional mediation plan, resolution plan or restructuring plan. Call toll free 1-888-577-2020. ROUGH LUMBER: 2x6, 2x8, 2x10, 1” boards, windbreak slabs, 4x4, 6x6, 8x8, all FARM/CORPORATE PROJECTS. Call A.L. in stock. Custom sizes and log siding on Management Group for all your borrowing 2009 F550 2WD, 6.4L diesel auto w/11’ order. Call V&R Sawing 306-232-5488, and lease requirements. 306-790-2020, Regina, SK. deck, only 220,000 kms., Sask unit, Rosthern, SK. $16,900. Call Cam-Don Motors Ltd., 306-237-4212, Perdue, SK.

PRAIRIE SANDBLASTING & PAINTING. Trailer overhauls and repairs, alum. slopes and trailer repairs, tarps, insurance claims, and trailer sales. Epoxy paint. Agriculture and commercial. Satisfaction guaranteed. 2006 F250 reg. cab, 4x4, 5.4L auto, service 306-744-7930, Saltcoats, SK. body, only 88,000 kms, fresh Sask safety, Call Cam-Don Motors Ltd., NEW WILSON and CASTLETON tridems $14,900. and Super B’s. 2008 tandem Lode-King; 306-237-4212, Perdue, SK. 2010 Wilson tandem; 2014 Wilson Super B; 2005 Lode-King Super B. Ron Brown Imp. call 306-493-9393, DL #905231. NEW NEW 2018 tri-axle 45’, air ride, 78” sides, Canadian made, $53,000 low price. Buy now! Call 306-563-8765, Canora, SK.

2016 SUBARU FORESTER name top pick for 2016. Starting from $29,360. Great selection to choose from!! 1-877-373-2662, DL #914077.

201 7 BU ICK ENCL AV E L EATHER AW D 3.6L V 6,lo ad e d ,he ate d le athe r, 70 in s to ck. Sto ck #H1 31 2 M SR P $55,54 5 Ca sh P ric e $50,1 95 o r $365 b i-w eekly @ 0% 72 m o .

Experienced, Efficient and Affordable!

Over 50 years in business!


Ask about current promotions and lease options.


2008 GM C C7500 R EGU L AR CAB 8.1 L V 8 Allis o n ,2300 Se rie s ,5 s pd , Drive rSe atw /airSu s pe n s io n ,Air,Cru is e , Tilt,Pw rDo o rLo cks ,Pw rM irro r,Ele ctric AirCo m pre s s o r,Du alFu e lTan ks ,Tractio n Co n tro l,Du alN o te Ele ctric Ho rn ,AM /FM Rad io ,8.5x1 6x55” CIM Bo x & Ho is t, Ro llTarp,W hite ,32,723K m s Stk#M 7220B $4 4 ,995

2013 F150 KING RANCH, 76,000 kms, 4x4 Eco-Boost, loaded, mint cond., factory powertrain warranty til Sept./18, All taxes pd, $35,900. 306-837-2374, Loon Lake, SK

2010 IHC PROSTAR Premium trim, new factory drop in 485 HP Cummins with warranty, new clutch, new 245 drivers, 18 spd. full lockers, Jake, only 850,000 kms, fresh 1996 Freightliner tandem w/20’ box; 2004 2007 XL triple axle detach. neck lowbed Freightliner Columbia, 20’ box, new rubber safety. Cam-Don Motors Ltd., Perdue, SK. w/rear flip-up axle, new: sandblasted, sills, and brakes. Fred 204-773-6703, Birtle, MB. 306-237-4212 ask for Kevin or Scott. paint and oak deck, new saftey, $45,000. 204-871-0925, MacGregor, MB. CAB AND CHASSIS: 2010 Chev 3500 1 2010 PETERBILT 388, safety up to date, ton dually, will take 10’-12’ deck, 6L gas, 2004 GREAT DANE, Super Seal Reefer, air 195,000 kms., fresh Sask. safety, $8900; TNT 4” pump, newer tires, new engine ride, light kit, low hrs.; 30’ Castleton grain Call K&L Equipment, 306-795-7779, Itu- (2015 install), new trans and clutch (2016 install), $65,000. 306-228-3251, Unity, SK. trailer, Michel’s tarp, air ride, some rust; na, SK. DL #910885. Water tankers, 5000, 5800, 11,000 gal., reasonably priced. 204-466-3177, Sidney. ALLISON AUTOMATIC TRUCKS: Several KENWORTHS: 2008, 2007 T800. 500 Cat trucks with auto. trans. available with C&C 18 spd., 46 diff. walkers; 2009 T660, new or grain or gravel box. Starting at $19,900; pre-emission, 525 ISX, 18 spd., 46 diff., 2002 IH 4400 DT466, Allison auto., 20’ lockers; 2008 T800 daycab, 500 Cat, 18 B&H, $56,900. Call K&L Equipment, spd., lockers, new clutch and trans.; 2008 306-795-7779, Ituna, SK. DL #910885. Freightliner Cascadia, daycab, Detroit 515, 18 spd., lockers; 2007 IH 9900i, 525 ISX, 18 spd., 3-way lockers; 2007 IH 9200 dayAUTOSHIFT TRUCKS AVAILABLE: Boxed cab, 450 ISX, 13 spd; 1996 T800, Cat, 13 tandems and tractor units. Contact David spd., rebuilt trans., diffs and injectors; 306-887-2094, 306-864-7055, Kinistino, 2006 Pete 379, daycab, 500 Cat, 18 spd., SK. DL #327784. lockers, new rebuilt eng., new clutch; 2005 CH613, 18 spd., lockers, wet kit, 2008 WESTERN STAR, Eaton AutoShift, Mack NEW 2017 GERMANIC R20-3500 tri-axle new 20’ B&H elec. tarp; 2008 IH 7600 tan- 450,000 kms; 2- 1996 FLD 120 Freightlinend dump, 36’x102”, air ride, 11R22.5 dem, ISX Cummins 10 spd., new 20’ BH&T; ers, 425 Cat, 430 Detroit, lockers. Ron Implements, Delisle, SK., tires, alum. outside wheels, manual flip 2007 Peterbilt 330 S/A, Allison auto., new Brown tarp, new MB safety, can deliver, $56,000. 16’ BH&T. Ron Brown Imp. 306-493-9393, 306-493-9393. DL 905231. 204-743-2324, Cypress River, MB. DL #905231. SANDBLASTING AND PAINTING of heavy DETACHABLE LOWBED: TA, beavertail, 10+ TANDEMS: Standards & Automatics, trucks, trailers and equipment. Please call $14,000; Belly dump: gravel tandem, air $46,000 and up. Yellowhead Sales, for details. Can-Am Truck Export Ltd., opening, $14,000. 306-940-6835 306-783-2899, Yorkton, SK. 1-800-938-3323, Delisle, SK. ALL TRAILERS COST LESS IN Davidson 1-800-213-8008

2006 W ESTER N STAR 61 21 TR IAX L E De tro it6Cyl,1 4 .0L,4 75 H.P. 1 8 Spd Fu ll CV 60 Se rie s ,Lo ad e d ,8 1 /2’x24 ’x65” Ultra 2 CIM Bo x,K -1 1 0 Hars h Ho is t,M iche lls 24 ’ Ele ctric Tarp,Airs hiftPTO,Re m o te e n d g ate & Ho is t,1 1 -24 -5 Tire s ,Alu m in u m W he e ls , Le d Cle aran ce Lig ht,G re y Bo x, 632,505K m s ,Sto ck#M 7272 $74 ,995 2001 INTER NATIO NAL 91 00 SER IES C-1 2 CAT 375-4 50HP 1 0 SP EED FU L L ER TR ANS Airrid e s e ats ,Pw r Pas s e n g e r W in d o w ,Traile r,Cas tle to n 36 Fo o t,Du alO pe n e rs ,Sid e Chu te s , Alu m in u m G rain Traile r,W hite , 530,000K m s ,Stk#G 1 4 4 0A $64 ,995


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The Manitoba Co-operator | June 8, 2017

NEUFELD ENT. CORRAL CLEANING, payloader, Bobcat with rubber tracks and vertical beater spreaders. Phone 306-220-5013, 306-467-5013, Hague, SK. LAND CLEARING. Rock picking and digging, stone piles, brushing, fencing, demolition. 306-291-9658, Vanscoy, SK. BRUSH MULCHING. The fast, effective way to clear land. Four season service, competitive rates, 275 HP unit, also avail. trackhoe with thumb, multiple bucket attachments. Bury rock and brush piles and fence line clearing. Borysiuk Contracting Inc., Prince Albert, SK., 306-960-3804. MULCHING- TREES, BRUSH, Stumps. Call today 306-933-2950. Visit us at: REGULATION DUGOUTS: 120x60x14’, $2000; 160x60x14’, $2950; 180x60x14’, $3450; 200x60x14’, $3950; Larger sizes available. Travel incl. in Sask. Gov’t grants available. 306-222-8054, Saskatoon, SK.

D8H CAT DOZER Dirt, bush cab & motor AIR COMPRESSORS: 185D Grimmer sides plus 2 barrel ripper if wanted. Phone Schmidt; 185 Ingersoll-Rand 4 cyl.; 250 Jaeger; 375 4 cyl. Cummins; 750 Leroy; 204-641-2105 anytime. Arborg, MB. Two 750 Gardner-Denver 6-71 Detroit; 15 1974 CAT D7F, 14’ angle dozer, 26” pads, HP 200/400 V 3 phase 3 electric; Many 3306 eng., 60% UC, vg cond., $38,000 others to choose from - gas, diesel, electric available, many different sizes and OBO. 204-467-2109, Stonewall, MB. types. Central Canada’s largest wreckers of 2010 CAT 950H WHEEL LOADER, older construction equipment, Cambrian 27,417 hrs., w/Cat quick coupler bucket, Equipment Sales Ltd. Ph: 204-667-2867 or 3-3/4 cu. yards, 23.5x25 tires, F.O.B. fax: 204-667-2932, Winnipeg, MB. $75,000. 204-795-9192, Plum Coulee, MB EXCAVATOR BUCKETS, various shapes EQUIPMENT BLOWOUT! Cat D2-5U and sizes for different excavators. Call w/loader, $3900; Cat D2-5U w/PTO, $2900; Cat D2-5U w/Hyster winch, $2900; 204-871-0925, MacGregor, MB. Cat D2 J Series w/dozer, $2900. All four 2004 CAT D6N dozer with 6-way blade units w/attachments, $11,900; 3 Cat and ripper, $78,000; D7H Cat straight D4-7U w/dozers, all for $11,900; IH TD6 dozer w/tilt, canopy, high track c/w 435E w/dozer and equip. trailer, $5900; IH TD9 Cat scraper (13-18 yd.), hyd. push off, 92 Series w/loader, $5900; IH 175-C crawler w/loader, $6900; A/C HD6 loader $85,000. 204-871-0925, MacGregor, MB. w/blade, $6900; A/C HD6 crawler dozer, CAT 320B L EXCAVATOR w/hyd. thumb, $5900; 2 Cat 955K crawler loaders, $6900 QA, UC approx 80%, 12,750 hrs., $50,000; each; Cat D7-3T hyd. dozer and rake, 2008 JD 850J crawler dozer, c/w ROP’S, $8900; IH TD-15 crawler w/dozer, $6900; 12’ 6-way blade, SBG pads, 8700 hrs., 2 MF crawler loaders, $7900 for both; Cat $105,000. 204-871-0925, MacGregor, MB. D8H Hi-Horse, hyd. setup for scraper, $12,900; 2 Cat 463 cable scrapers, $21,900 for both 3 Ditch Witch trenchers, $17,900 for all; Volvo L-320 loader, $19,900; GD 750 air compressor, $5900; Vermeer DX711 directional drill, $5900; IH 574 tractor loader, rear 3PTH blade, $5700; Work ready graders: JD, Champion, Galion, starting at $8900; 10 cranes and draglines; 2 JCB and Pettibone telescopic forklifts; 2 Case 1085-C rubber tire excavators, $12,900; JD 190E excavator, $19,900; New and used culverts, many types and sizes; Skidsteer QA post pounder, new over $11,000, our low price Hundreds of attachments and 1981 DRESSER TD 20 E Dozer, Cummins $4900; pieces of equipment not listed. 8.3 eng., new UC 26” pads, rebuilt trans., useable Central Canada’s largest wreckers of used torque, steerings, 14’ twin tilt angle blade, construction equip. New and used parts bush ready, root rake avail. at extra cost, for most models of heavy equip. Cambrian winch, 60 hr. warranty, S/N #031911, unit Equipment Sales Ltd. Call 204-667-2867 or weight is 49,000 lbs., can deliver, $76,000. fax 204-667-2932, Winnipeg, MB. 204-743-2324, Cypress River, MB. 1980 D8K CRAWLER, dirt tilt blade, bush sweeps, good undercarriage, $38,000. 204-525-4521, Minitonas, MB. Website:

HYDRAULIC SCRAPERS: LEVER 60, 70, 80, and 435, 4 to 30 yd. available. Rebuilt for years of trouble-free service. Lever Holdings Inc. 306-682-3332 Muenster, SK.

HERE WE ARE AGAIN! Low low prices! Over 45 gensets from 3 to 193 KW. Over 25 loaders and dozers. FA 605B loader; Clark 35C loader; Attachments of all types; Over 20,000’ of new and used cable; 1000 new and used track rollers; 400 new and used hydraulic cylinders; 500 new and used buckets and blades; 75 sets of new and used pallet forks; tires- new and used mostly construction sizes; 2 large scales and others; Linkbelt LS98 dragline; 7 draglines and cranes; 2- Cat 70 and 463 scrapers; sawmill 50’, complete; several packers PT and SP; over 25 graders being parted out; AC M065 grader, work ready; wheel loaders 4x4, 1 to 9 yard; Blaw Knox SP110 and PF180H pavers; Barber Green asphalt track paver; 2 Bomag MPH 100 pulverizers, Detroit diesel power; 2 Cat PR275 asphalt grinders; crushers; conveyors; hoppers; 1986 GMC fuel truck, TA, 21986 Ford LT9000 trucks; 1986 GMC tandem gravel truck; 1995 Ford flatdeck truck, safetied. 2 yards, over 50 acres. Central Canada’s largest wreckers of older construction equipment. Call Cambrian Equipment Sales Ltd., Winnipeg, MB. Phone 204-667-2867, fax 204-667-2932.

2005 LINKBELT 290LX hoe; and Cat D6H SPRINGWATER BUILDINGS: POLE, Stud & dozer, ripper, cab, with new undercarriage. Steel Buildings. Metal cladding, siding & much more! Ask us about leasing and 306-236-8023, Goodsoil, SK. financing. Visit: JOHN DEERE 772BH grader, w/snow wing, Please call 306-948-3776, Ruthilda, SK. good running condition; Kamatsu D37P6, cab. Call 306-238-4411, Goodsoil, SK. 2005 LINK-BELT 290 hoe; D7G PS dozer 8 HYDRAULIC WORM drive bin jacks, with ripper, $56,500; Smooth drum packer hoses and manifold to hook to tractor for w/Detroit eng. 306-236-8023, Goodsoil SK setting up big bins. Plus 2 extra legs without motors, $6000. 306-933-0033, SaskaCAT 980C LOG grapple fork, bucket, new toon, SK. tires; Case 2870, Degelman dozer 4x4; 1988 C65 with factory 22’ flatdeck. TIM’S CUSTOM BIN MOVING and Haul306-236-8023, Goodsoil, SK. ing Inc. Up to 22’ diameter. 204-362-7103 SKIDSTEER: 2008 CASE 465 Series III, cab, heat, new tires, 2700 hrs., $19,900. USED WESTEEL WIDE-CORR grain bin, Model 2710, 10 tier, external stiffeners, Call 306-940-6835, Prince Albert, SK. 18,790 bu., 13 roof vents. Already disas740 CHAMPION GRADER, 1984, 8.3 sembled, $12,000. Set up can be arranged. Cummins eng., snow wing, ready to work. Call 306-645-4526, Rocanville, SK. $26,000. Call 306-563-8765, Canora, SK. GRAIN BIN INSTALLATION. Large diameter bin setup, concrete, repairs. Quadra EXCAVATOR JD 120LC, 5800 hours, Development Corp., 1-800-249-2708. boom hydraulics, excellent, $38,000. FOR ALL YOUR grain storage, hopper 306-940-6835, Prince Albert, SK. cone and steel floor requirements contact: Kevin’s Custom Ag in Nipawin, SK. Toll free: 1-888-304-2837. GREAT PRICES ON new, used and remanufactured engines, parts and accessories for diesel pickups. Large inventory, engines can be shipped or installed. Give us a call or check: Thickett Engine Rebuilding. 204-532-2187, Russell, MB. 3406B, N14, SERIES 60, running engines and parts. Call Yellowhead Traders, 306-896-2882, Churchbridge, SK. EXTREME DUTY BRUSHCUTTER. Made in Canada, 1/4” steel, 66” cut Omni HD gearbox & Parker hyd. motor. Cuts up to 4” trees, two 1/2”x3”x24” blades on a stump jumper, c/w hyd. hoses and flat face couplers. Std. flow operation, open rear discharge prevents under deck build up, fits most skidsteers, $4995. 72” & 80” also in stock. Agrimex, 306-331-7443, Dysart, SK. Or 306-529-8043, Regina, SK.

BOOK NOW, TAKE DELIVERY, DON’T PAY UNTIL NOVEMBER, 2017. Top quality MERIDIAN bins. Price includes: skid, ladders to ground, manhole, set-up and delivery within set radius. Meridian Hopper Combo SPECIAL: 5000 bu., $14,400. We manufacture superior quality hoppers and steel floors for all makes and sizes. Know what you are investing in. Call and find out why our product quality and price well exceeds the competition. We also stock replacement lids for all makes & models of bins. Leasing available. Hoffart Services Inc, 306-957-2033, Odessa, SK.

WANTED DIESEL CORES: ISX and N14 Cummins, C15 Cats, Detroits Ddec 3, 4, DD15. Can-Am Truck 1-800-938-3323. BIN MOVING, all sizes up to 19’ diameter, w/wo floors; Also move liquid fert. tanks. 290 CUMMINS, 350 Detroit, 671 Detroit, 306-629-3324, 306-741-9059, Morse, SK. Series 60 cores. 306-539-4642, Regina, SK

DIESEL ENGINES, OVERHAUL kits and parts for most makes. Cat, CIH, Cummins, Detroit, Mack. M&M Equipment Ltd., Parts and Service phone: 306-543-8377, fax: 1986 GRADALL G660C wheeled excava- 306-543-2111, Regina, SK. tor, 7604 miles, 4404 excavating hours, GM engines (8.2L front/4.7L rear), air brakes $17,900. 1-800-667-4515. FARM AND INDUSTRIAL ELECTRICAL motor sales, service and parts. Also sale ROAD GRADERS CONVERTED to pull of, and repairs to, all makes and sizes of behind large 4 WD tractors, 14’ and 16’ pumps and phase converters, etc. Tisdale blade widths avail. 306-682-3367, CWK Motor Rewinding 1984 Ltd., Ent. Humboldt, SK. 306-873-2881, fax 306-873-4788, 1005A111th Ave., Tisdale, SK. Farming is enough of a gamble, advertise in Website: the Manitoba Co-operator classified section. It’s a sure thing. 1-800-782-0794.

BUILD YOUR OWN conveyors, 6”, 7”, 8” and 10” end units available; Transfer conveyors and bag conveyors or will custom build. Call for prices. Master Industries Inc. Phone 1-866-567-3101, Loreburn, SK. 2014 BATCO 1545 FL, $17,500 OBO; 2012 1545 Brandt conveyor $16,500 OBO. Call 306-648-3622, Gravelbourg, SK.

2017 CONVEY-ALL 1645 SP belt conveyors, Kohler, last two! Call Cam-Don Motors Ltd., 306-237-4212, Perdue, SK. BATCO CONVEYORS, new and used, grain augers and SP kits. Delivery and leasing available. 1-866-746-2666.

VIEW AND RECORD up to 4 cameras with our new 7” implement camera monitor., Allen Leigh Security & Comm, Brandon, MB., 1-866-289-8164.

CASE/IH 3300 w/John Deere engine, automatic trans, tires 1 yr. old, good cond., $40,000. 204-243-2453, High Bluff, MB.

NEW AGRISPREAD 17 tonne w/Elmer’s transfer tracks, 1 of a kind scale, 90 to 120 spread, fully loaded w/ISO, $169,500. Corner Equipment SL 1-888-689-3837, POLY GRAIN BINS, 40 to 150 bu. for grain Carroll, MB., 1-888-626-3215. cleaning, feed, fertilizer and left over treated seed. Come see us at the Farm Progress Show booth #70726 in Regina! Call 306-258-4422, Vonda, SK. Email: 2- 3300 BU., 2- 2000 bu., 3- 1650 bu. bins, $1/bu. Will sell separate. Floors fairly good. Gary 306-823-4493, Neilburg, SK.

1978 CHAMPION 740 Motor grader, Detroit 6 cyl, shows 2568 hrs, 14’ moldboard, scarifier, cab, new rear tires, $19,900 1-800-667-4515,

CAT D8H 46A Series, never had a dozer, 2013 JOHN DEERE 210K EP Skip loadlow hrs. Ph 204-667-2867, Winnipeg, MB. er, 1336 hrs, 4WD, forks, canopy, personATTACHMENTS PARTS COMPONENTS nel carrier, excellent condition, $49,800 for construction equipment. Attachments 1-800-667-4515, for dozers, excavators and wheel loaders. Used, Re-built, Surplus, and New equip- 2005 NEW HOLLAND LV80 skip loader, ment parts and major components. Call 1477 hrs., 75 HP, 2WD, FEL, 3PH, 7’ box Western Heavy Equipment 306-981-3475, scraper with scarifier, canopy, $19,800. Prince Albert, SK. 1-800-667-4515,

INSULATED FARM SHOP packages or KEHO/ GRAIN GUARD Aeration Sales built on site, for early booking call and Service. R.J. Electric, Avonlea, SK. Call 1-800-667-4990 or visit our website: 306-868-2199 or cell 306-868-7738.

CUSTOM BUILT HOPPER BOTTOMS for all bins, large and small. Magnum Fabricating, 306-662-2198, Maple Creek, SK. CUSTOM GRAIN BIN MOVING, all types up to 22’ diameter. 10% spring discount. NEW CHANDLER 35PT 12 tonne, stainless, Accurate estimates. Sheldon’s Hauling, hyd. adjust spinners, $82,500. Corner 306-961-9699, Prince Albert, SK. Equipment SL 1-888-689-3837, Carroll, LIFETIME LID OPENERS. We are a stock- MB., 1-888-626-3215. ing dealer for Boundary Trail Lifetime Lid Openers, 18” to 39”. Rosler Construction IHC 6400 54’ chisel plow, 12” spacing, new NH3, boots and openers, new hoses, new 2000 Inc., 306-933-0033, Saskatoon, SK. walking beam shafts, $33,000. Nipawin, BROCK (BUTLER) GRAIN BIN PARTS SK. 306-862-7138 or 306-862-5993. and accessories available at Rosler Construction. 306-933-0033, Saskatoon, SK.

HYDRAULIC PULL SCRAPERS 10 to 25 yds., exc. cond.; Loader and scraper tires, custom conversions available. Looking for Cat cable scrapers. Quick Drain Sales Ltd., 306-231-7318, 306-682-4520 Muenster SK

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2015 SAKUNDIAK NEW Meridian SLMD 10x72 grain auger. Purchased new for CONTAINERS FOR SALE OR RENT: All $14,150 in 2015 harvest. Has extra large sizes. Now in stock: 53’ steel and insulated unload tube and low profile grain hopper. stainless steel. 306-861-1102 Radville, SK. This auger has unloaded no more than 40’ CONTAINERS FOR SALE, good con- 12,000 bu., paint still on flighting. First dition and ready to go! $2980. $10,250 takes it. Call 204-880-1325, St. Eustache, MB. 1-800-667-4515, SHIPPING CONTAINERS FOR SALE. 20’53’, delivery/ rental/ storage available. For inventory and prices call: 306-262-2899, Saskatoon, SK.

2011 BUHLER FARM KING 16-104 Auger, hyd. swing out, low hrs., exc. cond., can deliver, one owner - selling due to buying AFAB INDUSTRIES POST frame buildings. new equip., $29,000. Call 204-743-2324, HORNOI LEASING NEW and used 20’ and For the customer that prefers quality. 40’ sea cans for sale or rent. Call Cypress River, MB. 1-888-816-AFAB (2322), Rocanville, SK. 306-757-2828, Regina, SK. MERIDIAN GRAIN AUGERS: 10x39 pkg., 20’ and 40’ SHIPPING CONTAINERS $16,250. Installed $17,250; 10x46 pkg., and storage trailers. Large Sask. inventory. $17,000. Installed $18,000; 8x53 pkg., $16,875. Brian 204-724-6197, Souris, MB. Phone 1-800-843-3984 or 306-781-2600. 20’ TO 53’ CONTAINERS. New, used and modified. Available Winnipeg, MB; Regina and Saskatoon, SK. 306-933-0436. SUMMER SPECIAL: All aviation, commercial and farm, post & stud frame buildings on sale! Standard and custom sizes available. Door options include bi-fold, overhead and sliders. Book early to receive free delivery!! Call 306-220-2749, Hague, SK., POLE BARNS, WOODSTEEL packages, hog, chicken and dairy barns. Construction and concrete crews available. Mel or Scott, MR Steel Construction, 306-978-0315, Hague, SK. BEHLEN STEEL BUILDINGS, quonsets, convex and rigid frame straight walls, grain tanks, metal cladding, farm- commercial. Construction and concrete crews. Guaranteed workmanship. Call your Saskatoon and Northwest Behlen Distributor, Janzen Steel Buildings, 306-242-7767, Osler, SK. WOOD POST BUILDING packages or built on site. For early booking call 1-800-667-4990 or visit our website:

MERIDIAN GRAIN AUGERS available with self-propelled mover kits and bin sweeps. Call Kevin’s Custom Ag in Nipawin, SK. Toll free 1-888-304-2837. PRICE TO CLEAR: Loaded 2016 HHD8-46 TL10-39; SLMD 12-72 and SLMD 12-95. Used Augers: 2012 SLMD 12-72 w/winch and swing mover; Brandt 10x60 S/A: Wheatheart 8x51’ c/w mover. Also dealer for Convey-All Conveyors. Leasing avail! Call Dale at Mainway Farm Equipment, 306-567-3285, 306-567-7299, Davidson, SK.

2007 SAKUNDIAK HD12-2600 swing auger, hydraulic winch, remote control swing mover, full bin alarm, $12,000. BEAVER CONTAINER SYSTEMS, new 306-539-5473, Kendal, SK. and used sea containers, all sizes. MERIDIAN AUGERS IN STOCK: swings, 306-220-1278, Saskatoon and Regina, SK. truck loading, Meridian SP movers. Call BOND SEA CONTAINERS. New, used and Hoffart Services Inc., Odessa, SK., modified sea containers. All sizes avail. 306-957-2033. Buy, rent or lease. Call Bond today 306-373-2236, or visit USED AUGERS: 8x41 Wheatheart, loaded, $7995; 2013 R10x41 Wheatheart, loaded, $9995; 2014 TL12-39, loaded, $14,995; 2014 SLMD 12-79 w/electric mover and lift, $16,995. All in excellent condition. 306-648-3622, Gravelbourg, SK.

MERIDIAN AUGERS: TL10-39, HD10-59, TL12-39 w/37 EFI all w/movers, clutches, STRAIGHT WALL BUILDING packages or KEHO/ GRAIN GUARD/ OPI STORMAX. lights and rev. gearbox. Call for pricing. built on site. For early booking call For sales and service east central SK. and SLMD 10-72 cash $13,000; SLMD 12-79, 1-800-667-4990 or visit our website: MB., call Gerald Shymko, Calder, SK., $23,750; SLMD 12-85, $25,000. 306-742-4445 or toll free 1-888-674-5346. 306-648-3622, Gravelbourg, SK.


The Manitoba Co-operator | June 8, 2017

JOHN DEERE 956 MOCO Discbine w/flails, exc. cond., new in June 2008, field ready, $19,500. 306-867-6511, Conquest, SK.

NEVER CLIMB A BIN AGAIN! Full-bin Super Sensor, reliable hardwired with 2 year warranty; Magnetic Camera Package - One man positioning of auger (even at night); Hopper Dropper - Unload your hopper bins without any mess; Wireless Magnetic LED Light - Position your swing auger at night from the comfort of your truck. Safety and convenience are the name of the game. Contact Brownlees Trucking Inc., 306-228-2971, 1-877-228-5598, Unity, SK. AUGERS: NEW and USED: Wheatheart, Westfield, Westeel augers; Auger SP kits; Batco conveyors; Wheatheart post pounders. Good prices, leasing available. Call 1-866-746-2666.

2000 MACDON 5010 Haybine, 16’, 540 PTO, newer guards and extra skidshoes. Call 306-380-5878, Delisle, SK. NEW HOLLAND 1441 hydro-swing discbine, 15’8” wide, new drive belts, exc. cond., used this season, $13,500 OBO. Call 306-238-4590, Goodsoil, SK. STROBEL 200 BU. w/poly cupped flighting, scale, treater, like new $19,900. Corner Equipment SL 1-888-689-3837 Carroll, MB., 1-888-626-3215.

CUSTOM COLOR SORTING chickpeas to mustard. Cert. organic and conventional. REMOTE CONTROL SWING AUGER 306-741-3177, Swift Current, SK. movers, trailer chute openers, endgate and hoist systems, wireless full bin alarms, swing belt movers, wireless TractorCams, motorized utility carts. All shipped directly to you. Safety, convenience, reliability. Kramble Industries at 306-933-2655, BALE SPEARS, high quality imported Saskatoon, SK. or from Italy, 27” and 49”, free shipping, excellent pricing. Call now toll free 1-866-443-7444, Stonewall, MB.

635F JD HYDRAFLEX, 2010 with single point hook-up, stubble lights, full finger auger, PU reel with hyd. fore&aft, clean 2010 CNH 7120, 830 hrs; 2011 CNH 2142 head, $28,000. Add tandem trailer for header, 2500 acres. Call Fred $5750. Call 204-841-4061, Neepawa, MB. 204-773-6703, Birtle, MB. 2009 CAT F535 flex head w/PU reel, asking $35,000; 2001 MacDon 972 36’ w/PU 2007 CASE/IH 7010, dual wheels, w/2016 reel, asking $25,000. Headers are shedded header, $170,000. Call A.E. Chicoine Farm & field ready. Must see! 204-799-5305, Equipment, 306-449-2255, Storthoaks, SK. 204-736-2609 Sanford, MB

2000 CASE/IH 2388 w/1015 header, $65,000; 2004 2388 w/2015 PU header, $115,000; 2006 2388 w/2015 PU header, VERSATILE 18’ SP #400 swather, new $130,000. A.E. Chicoine Farm Equipment, canvases, HoneyBee cutting system, Mac- 306-449-2255, Storthoaks, SK. Don PU reel, good cond., always shedded, priced to sell! 204-537-2455, Belmont, MB.

2010 CNH WD1203 30’, 350 hours, very good condition. Call Fred 204-773-6703, 1988 NH TR96, 3000 eng. hrs, Rake-up PU, chaff spreader, Ford eng., always shedded, Birtle, MB. priced to sell! 204-537-2455, Belmont, MB. 2008 NH H8040 SP windrower, 36’, PU reel, fore/aft, Roto-Shears, rear axle susp., 920 hrs., pea auger, $67,500. Can be seen at Shoal Lake Farm Equipment, Shoal lake, 2014 JD S680 PRWD combine, 582 hrs., MB. Call Ron at 204-895-1064. 650/85R38’s w/duals, Pro-Drives, chopper 2005 MACDON PREMIER 2940, 30’, w/972 w/PowerCast tailboard, JD bin extension. harvest header, 1348 cutting hrs., 1715 BALE SPEAR ATTACHMENTS for all eng. hrs., $63,000; JD 590 30’ PT, $3500. PowerGard Warranty til March 2019, $252,500 USD. Call loaders and skidsteers, excellent pricing. 306-743-7780, Langenburg, SK. 320-848-2496 or 320-894-6560. Call now 1-866-443-7444. WANTED: 920 or 922 16’ MacDon hay 1998 JD 9610, variable spd. feeder house, header with crimper. Call 306-452-7775, updated feeder house shaft, new: feeder Redvers, SK. chain, concaves and elevator chains, high 2015 JD W150 435D, PU reel, fore/aft, level cab w/Y&M monitor, AutoHeader double knife drive, hydraulic tilt, free form Height, fore/aft, fine cut chopper, chaff roller, integrated GPS, 147 engine hrs. Call spreader, 2599 sep., 3753 eng. hrs., newer 914P header, well maintained, shedded, vg 306-537-9636, Riceton, SK. condition. 204-745-7445, Carman, MB. 1996 MF 220 SP 26’, 1970 hrs., sliding ta2013 CLAAS 3300 RC Quadrant 3x4 square ble, diesel, UII PU reel, very good, asking 2006 9660 WTS, 914 PU, duals, 2300/ 1550 hrs., $132,500. A.E. Chicoine Farm baler, approx. 7000 bales made, very good $21,000. 306-648-7518, Gravelbourg, SK. Equipment 306-449-2255, Storthoaks, SK. cond., $110,000. Can deliver. Call anytime 25’ U2 PU REEL on 1986 IH 4000 swather, 204-743-2324, Cypress River, MB. good condition, $4500; IH 4000 parts 1990 JD 9500, 4100 eng. hrs., 912 PU VERMEER 605M ROUND baler, monitor, swather. 306-867-6511, Conquest, SK. header, many new parts, harvest ready, kicker, new PU, good cond., field ready, $22,000 OBO. 306-946-7928, Watrous, SK. $13,000. Call 306-335-7875, Lemberg, SK. JOHN DEERE 7721 Pull Type, 212 PU, 2008 KRONE BP1290 large sq. baler, 3x4 open to reasonable offers. 306-867-6511, bales, equipped with Harvest Tec monitor, Rebuilt Concaves Conquest, SK. baled 23,000 bales, exc. cond., always shedded, 306-648-7540, Gravelbourg, SK. Rebuild combine table augers 2- IDENTICAL 2015 S670 JD combines, Rebuild hydraulic cylinders NEW IDEA 4865 5x6, hyd. PU, rubber very clean, always shedded, 2 yrs warranty mount teeth, 2300 bales, shedded, good. left. ContourMaster, fore/aft, tilt feeder Roller mills regrooved 306-944-4325, 306-231-8355, Bruno, SK. house, power fold hopper top, 514 sep. MFWD housings rebuilt hrs., 8095 acres, full StarFire GPS 2630 NEW HOLLAND 1033 Stackliner bale Steel and aluminum welding monitor with mapping, 22.5’ unloading auwagon, in working cond. 306-831-9979 or gers, Greenlight service on both combines, Machine Shop Service 306-882-3141, Rosetown, SK. 635F straight cut headers, 615P pickup Line boreing and welding headers, $370,000 each. Headers not incl. Penno’s Machining & Mfg. Ltd. Call 306-741-3449, Swift Current, SK.


GRAVITY WAGONS: New 400 bu, $7,400; 600 bu., $12,500; 750 bu., $18,250. Large selection of used gravity wagons, 250-750 bu. Used grain carts, 450 to 1110 bushel. View at: 1-866-938-8537, Portage la Prairie, MB. WESTERN GRAIN DRYER, mfg. of new grain dryers w/advanced control systems. Updates for roof, tiers, auto moisture conDUAL STAGE ROTARY SCREENERS and troller. Economic designed dryers avail. Kwik Kleen 5-7 tube. Call 204-857-8403, 1-888-288-6857, Portage la Prairie, MB. or visit online: 6 TIER VERTEC grain dryer, batch and/or continuous. 204-325-2590, Morden, MB. FOREVER 54 DUSTLESS screen cleaner, complete working order, includes machine, stands, screens, 15’ bucket elevator, 58 screens in total for cleaning wheat, bar- FEED BLOWER SYSTEMS, Sales and Serley, oats, flax, canary grass, peas. Come vice. Piping, blower and airlock repairs. see it in action. 306-563-6244, Canora, SK. John Beukema 204-497-0029, Carman, MB Do you want to target Manitoba farmers? Stretch your advertising dollars! Place an ad Place your ad in the Manitoba Co-operator. in the classifieds. Our friendly staff is waiting Manitoba’s best-read farm publication. for your call. 1-800-782-0794.

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2005 MACDON 912 auger header, 14', purchased new Dec 2007, with steel roll conditioner, single knife drive, good condition, $25,000 OBO. 204-836-2116, St. Alphonse, MB.

Eden, MB 204-966-3221 Fax: 204-966-3248 Check out A & I online parts store

2012 CASE DRAPER, 35’, slow spd. transport, Case or NH adapter, exc. cond., can deliver, $55,000; 2013 MacDon FD75, Case or NH adapter, S/N #231673, FlexDraper, 35’, can install new transport kit for $8500, good cond., can deliver, wo slow spd. transport $67,000, w/slow spd. transport $75,000; 2012 MacDon D60-S Draper, 35’, CIH and NH adapter, exc. cond., can deliver, S/N #227499, $55,000; All headers are shaded, selling due to buying JD combines. 204-743-2324, Cypress River, MB. 2000 MACDON 972 draper hdr, 36’ adapter to fit JD 50 series and 9600, good cond., $22,000 OBO. 306-483-8691, Alida, SK. 2010 FD70 36’ MacDon flex draper, transport, hyd. tilt, pea auger, JD adapter, field ready, $53,000; 2006 974 36’ MacDon flex draper, transport, JD adapter, field ready, $33,000. Gerald or Glenn Walkeden, 306-861-6849, 306-861-7782, Tribune, SK 2011 JD 635 flex platform, hydra flex 35’, poly skids, single point hookup, Crary air reel system, field ready, $33,000; 2010 JD 635 flex platform, hydra flex, single point hookup, Crary air bar system, field ready, $31,000. Gerald or Glenn Walkeden, 306-861-6849, 306-861-7782, Tribune, SK RECONDITIONED rigid and flex, most makes and sizes; also header transports. Ed Lorenz, 306-344-4811, Paradise Hill, SK

WHITE 8900 SELF PROPELLED combine, 2100 hrs., open to reasonable offers. 306-867-6511, Conquest, SK.

HEADER TRAILERS & ACCESSORIES. Arc-Fab Industries. 204-355-9595 UPPER CHAFF FRAME for JD 9660 SES, part #AH229379, new in crate, $2800; 1 new Redekop Mav rotor w/knives, fits JD 1998 14’ HAYBINE, 0 acres on new cutting WANTED: TUBELINE ROUND bale wrap- 2009 JD 630D header, field ready, $26,000 STS combines, $2600; 2 new tailboards bar, $10,000. Call 306-524-4551 or text per, in good working order. Please call OBO. Call 306-726-3203, 306-524-4567, w/fins for JD S-Series combines, $1500 306-535-5908, Southey, SK. 250-547-6390 or 250-547-8861. each. 306-744-7955, Saltcoats, SK. Raymore, SK.

2010 MACDON MOWER conditioner, 18', in MORRIS 14 BALE hay hiker, good condigood condition, asking $22,000 OBO. tion. Call 306-290-8806, Dundurn, SK. 306-435-7414, Wapella, SK. JD 300 16’ hay header, fits 23, 2420, 3830, HESSTON DISC MOWER 1008, 12’ 3 $3000; Ford Major dsl. w/loader and blade $5500. Call 306-236-8023, Goodsoil, SK. PTH, $6000. 204-355-8484, Steinbach, MB

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The Manitoba Co-operator | June 8, 2017

DUALS AND TRACKS Combine World has dual and track solutions for a multitude of agriculture equipment! Call us now! 1-800-667-4515.

HIGHLINE ACTIVE ROTARY harrows cult. NEW QUAD TRACK PARTS New UC remount 35’, low hours. Call 306-937-2832, placement parts for Case/IH Quadtracs. Battleford, SK. Bogeys $795+core ($50 core) and seal, $190/$225. More shipments arriving. 1-800-667-4515,

2014 NH SP240F 120’, 1200 gal. SS tank, IntelliView IV , AccuBoom, AutoBoom, Stk 024111, $299,000. 1-888-905-7010, Lloydminster.

SCHULTE 15’ BAT WING mower, new blades, good condition, $9980. 1-800-667-4515, WILMAR 765 High Clearance Sprayer, 600 gal., 83’ boom, triple nozzles, JD eng., 12.4x42 tires, Trimble lightbar, 3700 hrs., $32,500. 204-268-2853, Selkirk, MB.



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1-800-667-9871 •• Regina 1-800-667-9871 Regina 1-800-667-3095 • Saskatoon 1-800-667-3095 Saskatoon 1-800-387-2768 •• Winnipeg 1-800-222-6594 •• Edmonton 1-800-667-3095 Manitoba “For All Your Farm Parts” TRACTORS, COMBINES, SWATHERS, ploughs, cultivators, tires and rims, hyd. cylinders, balers, older trucks, crawlers. 204-871-2708, 204-685-2124, Austin, MB. GOODS USED TRACTOR parts (always buying tractors). David or Curtis, Roblin, MB., 204-564-2528, 1-877-564-8734. G.S. TRACTOR SALVAGE, JD tractors only. Call 306-497-3535, Blaine Lake, SK. SMITH’S TRACTOR WRECKING. Huge inventory new and used tractor parts. 1-888-676-4847. COMB-TRAC SALVAGE. We sell new and used parts for most makes of tractors, combines, balers, mixmills and swathers. 306-997-2209, 1-877-318-2221, Borden, SK. We buy machinery.

Precision Cam your source for implement, cow cam and farm yard camera systems., Allen Leigh Security & Comm, Brandon, MB., 1-866-289-8164.

WILLMAR 765 SE, 90’ boom, GPS, mapping and AutoSteer, 6500 hrs., 18.4x38 radials, 12.4x42 tires, 4 Tridekon crop dividers, 600 gal. tank, $25,000; Sprayer trailer 2008 SEEDMASTER, 66’, 12” space, large also avail. 204-825-7166, Clearwater, MB. tire pkg, TBH pkg, DS, Agtron blockage, 2011 ROGATOR 1396, 1300 gal. SS tank, $65,000. Flexi-Coil 380 tank available. 132’ Pommier recirculating boom, Raven Corner Equipment SL 1-888-689-3837, Viper Pro, AutoBoom, AccuBoom, 2 sets Carroll, MB., 1-888-626-3215. Michelins tires- excellent, 4 Tridekon air 2011 SEED HAWK 50’, 12” sp., tool bar lift crop dividers, SprayTest boom control, with 600 cart dual wheels auger and bag foam markers, air ride susp., shedded, own lift. $229,000; 1997 39’ Morris Magnum air farm use, nice, $240,000. Bruce Elder drill, 10” spacing, Atom openers w/Morris 204-937-3429, 204-937-7047, Roblin, MB. 180 cart, $23,000. A.E. Chicoine Farm Equipment, 306-449-2255, Storthoaks, SK. 1995 SPRA-COUPE 3630, 80’, 400 gal. tank, Outback GPS AutoSteer, E-Kay crop 2010 BOURGAULT 3310 65’, Paralink, 12” dividers all 4 wheels, flood lights, tow spacing, mid row shank banding, double hitch, 2430 hrs., $26,500. 204-734-3512 shoot, rear hitch, tandem axles, low acres, 204-734-8920, Swan River, MB. $140,000. A.E. Chicoine Farm Equipment, 306-449-2255, Storthoaks, SK. READY FOR MUD?! FenderXtenders for CIH Patriot sprayers. Spring sale $1749. FLEXI-COIL 5000, 33’, 12” spacing, all recapped steel packers, new front tires on 306-660-8485, drill, 3” Stealth openers, c/w Flexi-Coil 2013 NH GUARDIAN SP.240FXP, 100’ 1720 TBH tank, new front tires on cart, boom, 1200 litre SS tank, IntelliView IV cameras in tank, metering area good, monitor, luxury cab, 6.7L Cummins, 275 $23,000 OBO. 306-726-7516, Earl Grey, SK HP, only 420 hours, asking $325,000. 2008 60’ SEEDMASTER, 12” spacing DS, 306-524-2109, 306-746-7422, Semans, SK low acres, very nice tips, new manifold, new hoses, exc. cond., $75,000 OBO. SPRA-COUPE 3630, 60’, 400 gal. tank, 306-861-4592, 306-722-3228, Fillmore, SK GPS, 2260 hrs., shedded, $25,000 OBO. 306-486-4411, Frobisher, SK. 2006 JD 1820, 61’, 10” spacing, SS, steel packers, new hoses, all dual wheels, exc. 2003 SPRA-COUPE 4640 high clearance cond, $16,500. 306-861-4592, Fillmore, SK sprayer, 80’ boom, 600 hrs., $60,000. Call A.E. Chicoine Farm Equipment, 2009 BOURGAULT 3310 PHD 75’, 10”, single shoot, MRB, 4.5” pneumatic packers, 306-449-2255, Storthoaks, SK. block sensor, exc. cond., $85,000 OBO. 2013 APACHE 1020, 470 hrs., duals, 100’, 306-861-4592, 306-722-3228, Fillmore, SK 1000 gal. tank, AutoSteer, AutoBoom, Auto Section. Meticulous one owner unit, 2003 FLEXI-COIL 3450 air tank, TBH, 10” auger, good cond., $19,500 OBO. $220,000 OBO. 306-591-1133, Pense, SK. 306-861-4592, 306-722-3228 Fillmore, SK. 2010 JD 4830, 100’ booms, 1000 gal. 2008 SEEDMASTER SXL 2100 50’, 12”, 300 tank, AutoSteer, Swath Pro, AutoBoom bu. seed, 2100 gallon fert. all on-board. Stk: 021520, $215,000. 1-888-905-7010, Smart Hitch, 4 cameras, 1 owner $100,000 Saskatoon, SK. Must sell. Call 306-591-1133, Pense, SK.

LOEFFELHOLZ TRACTOR AND COMBINE Salvage, Cudworth, SK., 306-256-7107. We sell new, used and remanufactured 1998 CASE/IH SPX3185 90’, 2 sets tires parts for most farm tractors and combines. Stk: 017817, $79,000. 1-888-905-7010, Saskatoon, SK. AGRA PARTS PLUS, parting older tractors, tillage, seeding, haying, along w/oth- 2015 CASE/IH 4440 120’, AIM, Autoer Ag equipment. 3 miles NW of Battle- Boom, AccuBoom, Pro 700 Stk: 023153 ford, SK. off #16 Hwy. Ph: 306-445-6769. $475,000. 1-888-905-7010, Swift Current, SK. TRIPLE B WRECKING, wrecking tractors, combines, cults., drills, swathers, mixmills. 2013 JD 4940 120’, BoomTrac, sect. conetc. We buy equipment. 306-246-4260, trol, AutoSteer, 2630 monitor, Stk: 02415, $240,000. 1-888-905-7010, Prince Albert, 306-441-0655, Richard, SK. SK.

SPRA-COUPE 218, 60’, 1614 hrs., A-1 2010 SEEDMASTER 72-12 72’, 12” space, cond., new tires, pump and clutch, field JD 1910 air cart, 3-tank metering, Stk: 020958, $132,000. 1-888-905-7010, Swift 2 ROW POTATO planter, ground drive, ready. 306-764-7609, Prince Albert, SK. Current, SK. hopper chain/opener in exc. cond., $3500; Portable potato conveyor/sorter, motor 2009 SEED HAWK 72-12 72’, 12” sp., twin driven, $1800. 306-238-4590, Goodsoil SK wing, pneum. packers, 600 TBT cart, stk: FLOATER TIRES: Factory rims and tires: 021477, $205,000. 888-905-7010, Prince John Deere 4045, 710/60R46, $19,500; Albert, SK. 800/55R46, $23,500; JD 4038, Case 4420, 2013 SEED HAWK 60-12 60’, twin wing, WANTED: ROCK-O-MATIC 546 Stone- 650/65R38 Michelin tires and rim, semi pneumatic packers, DD, SH 800 TBH, picker for parts. Phone 204-937-2766, $13,500. Sprayer duals available. Phone Stk 017840, $335,000. Prince Albert, SK., 306-697-2856, Grenfell, SK. Roblin, MB. 1-888-905-7010.

FLOATER TIRES: Four 24.5x32 fits Rogator 2012 BOURGAULT 3320 QDA 66’, 10” sp., 1254, $5000; Four 20.8x42 fits Case/IH, c/w L6550 tank, MRB, NH3 kit, duals Stk: $6000. 306-922-8155, Prince Albert, SK. 02317, $295,000. Call 1-888-905-7010, GAS PUMPS, OIL Cans and Signs. Brands Saskatoon, SK. like Red Indian, Buffalo, B-A, White Fox, Texaco, Purity 99, Red Head, North Star, 2006 BOURGAULT 5710 40’ 9.8” spacing, White Rose, Ford, GM, Tires. Paying cash! steel packers, 6200 Stk: 020500, Cart 306-715-0121, Saskatoon, SK. Thanks! $60,000. or 1-888-905-7010, Swift Current, SK. ALLOWAY 20’ corn shredder, in very 1997 JD 9400, 6200 hrs., Michelin tires 2010 JOHN DEERE 1830 61’, 10” sp, DS good condition, used very little, $8500. (80% left), 24 spd., 2600 GPS, AutoSteer, dry, Poirier openers, Alpine liquid kit Stk: 204-243-2453, High Bluff, MB. new parts; 2007 Bourgault 5710 air drill, 023964, $67,500. 1-888-905-7010, Swift MRB's 10" spacing, w/Bourgault 5440 air Current, SK. tank, 591 monitor, rear tow hitch, both 2010 CASE/IH ATX700 70’, rubber packunits are double shoot. 306-554-2029 or ers, high float tires, double shoot, Stk: 306-746-7060, Raymore, SK. 020407, $94,000. 1-888-905-7010, Swift Current, SK. 2008 SEEDMASTER AIR drill 60', c/w Case 3380 tank, 10'' space, 380 bu. tank, done SF110 HIGH CLEARANCE SPRAYER, approx.16,000 acres, vg condition, cart 90’, with monitor, triple nozzle bodies, shedded and field ready, $142,500. Call windscreens, plus extras, $18,000. 306-548-4357, Sturgis, SK. 204-745-6231, Carman, MB. 2008 JD 1890 36’ air drill, w/1910 cart, DS FLEXI-COIL 65-80’ boom, hyd. pump (2 tank, var. rate, all-run blockage, 7.5” spacyrs.), 800 gal. tank, mix tank, foam mark- ing, 340 bu., done 9800 acres, shedded, vg er, w/extra hyd. pump, $3200. Call condition. Ph. 204-745-7445, Carman, MB. 306-748-2847, 306-730-6323, Neudorf SK. Precision Cam your source for implement, CASE SRX 160 suspended boom, Auto- cow cam and farm yard camera systems. Rate, AutoHeight, 1600 gallon tank, 120’,, Allen Leigh Security & Comm, Brandon, MB., 1-866-289-8164. $24,000. Call 306-441-0452, Cut Knife, SK.

We are more than just combines… We offer a wide selection of field-ready used Agricultural & Industrial Equipment.

1983 CASE 2290 w/Leon 707 FEL, 4700 hrs., rebuilt PS and diff., 4 remotes, dual PTO, good tires, duals, $18,500. Prince Al- TJ 430, 3200 hrs., 710/ 42 tires, cloth, 57 bert, SK. 306-922-8155, 306-960-3230. GPM, $164,500. Corner Equipment SL 1-888-689-3837, Carroll, 1-888-626-3215. 1466 IHC, duals, new sleeves and pistons, 5500 hrs.; Also 2001 Dodge Adventurer SLT, 4x4, auto., 5.9L, 187,000 kms.; Ford 3 ton F700, 301 HD engine, 45,000 miles. 403-304-9217, Hoosier, SK.

2010 JD 7330, MFWD, 3 PTH, 20 spd. quad (40 km) trans., only 2896 hrs., dual hyd./ PTO, no emissions, exc. cond., $96,000 OBO. Ph/text 306-535-1083, Vibank, SK.

LANDOLL 33’ VT w/rolling baskets, 2014, balance of warranty, $72,500. Corner Equipment SL 1-888-689-3837 Carroll, 2011 JD 5075, 75HP,. bucket, manure fork MB., 1-888-626-3215. and bale fork, great shape,1650 hrs., 2012 VERSATILE 435, powershift, 80 GPM, $34,750. 204-642-9623, Gimli, MB. PTO, 710 Michelins, 6 remotes, GPS, very nice, $229,000. Corner Equipment SL 2012 JD 9510R 4 WD, 1622 hrs., standard 1-888-689-3837, Carroll, 1-888-626-3215. hyd., 5 remotes, weight package, Firestone 800/70R38, Warranty. $194,500 USD. 320-848-2496, 320-894-6560, Fairfax, MN. JD TRACTORS: 8650, 8450, 4650 FWD, 4255 FWD, 4440. Will take tractors that need work. Call 204-871-5170, Austin, MB. 2014 GATES VERTICAL tillage 32’ series, 2 full adjustable gang angle w/baskets and harrows, great shape, $92,500. Corner Equipment SL 1-888-689-3837 Carroll, 1-888-626-3215.

STEVE’S TRACTOR REBUILDER specializing in rebuilding JD tractors. Want Series 20s, 30s, 40s, 50s, 7000s to rebuild or for parts. pay top $$. Now selling JD parts. 204-466-2927, 204-871-5170, Austin, MB.

2001 JD 9300 4 WD, 24 spd. w/diff lock, BREAKING DISCS: KEWANEE, 14’ and 5000 hrs, 620 duals, always shedded, exc. 12’; Rome 16’ and 9’; Wishek 14’ and 30’. condition. Call 204-741-0121, Souris, MB. 2- DMI 7 shank rippers. 1-866-938-8537.

DISCS: JD 330 25’ -30’, IH 30’, $10,000; MELROE 36’ DISC DRILLS w/carrier; Mor- Bush Hog 25’ and 28’, $7500; JD 15’, ris 36’ and 48’ rod weeder; JD HD 32’ cult. $3500; Wishek 13’, $4000; Row Crop cults. 4-12 row; Lilliston 8-13 row; JD 830 306-283-4747, 306-291-9395, Langham. #7000 planter; Valmar applicator, $2000; 2015 SEED HAWK 84-12 84’ 12” spacing, Phoenix harrows H-11, H-14, H-17; Melroe steel seed and fertilizer knives, Stk: auto reset plow, 7-8 furrow; Big Mac fork 022334, $352,000. 1-888-905-7010, Sas- type rockpicker, $4000; Degelman 570 katoon, SK. rockpicker, $2500. Call 1-866-938-8537. 2009 SEED HAWK 66-12 66’, 12” sp., single knife, pneum. pkrs, 30.8 rear tires, Stk: 021475, $205,000. 888-905-7010, Prince Albert, SK.

1984 CASE 9280, triples, 20.8x42 - 70%, injection pump and top end set rebuilt less than 100 hours, std. trans., great floatation and traction, 7000 hours, $68,000. Call 306-460-7426, Eatonia, SK.

JD 4020 PS, dual hyd. and PTO, good tires, $6800. Call 204-525-4521, Minitonas, MB. 2000 JD 7710, 5130 hrs; 2006 JD 7720, 6200 hrs; 2003 JD 7810, 4200 hrs; 2011 JD 8295R, 4900 hrs, IVT; 2000 JD 8100. All MFWD, can be equipped with loaders. 204-522-6333, Melita, MB.

1992 37’ CASE/IH 5600 HD cultivator, with Degelman mounted 4-row harrows, UTILITY TRACTORS: John Deere 6200, $25,000. A.E. Chicoine Farm Equipment, 4400 hrs; JD 6310 w/640 loader, 4500 hrs. Call 204-522-6333, Melita, MB. 306-449-2255, Storthoaks, SK. IHC 6400 54’ chisel plow, 12” spacing, new NEW MANDAKO CATEGORY II 3PTH for JD NH3, boots and openers, new hoses, new 7000 Series tractors, still in crate, $2600. walking beam shafts, $33,000. Nipawin, 306-744-7955, Saltcoats, SK. SK. 306-862-7138 or 306-862-5993. 8850, 4 hyds., plus return line, AutoMORRIS B3 RODWEEDER, 36’, $1000. JD GPS - Outback S2, very good cond., Call 306-642-5740 leave message. Assini- Steer good tires, very clean tractor, $38,000. boia, SK. 306-861-4592, Fillmore, SK. 12’ KELLO DISC plow, single, with hyd. or JOHN DEERE 4650 w/powershift, approx rope. 306-233-5241, Wakaw, SK. 8000 hrs., 20.8x38 duals, 1000 PTO, 3-12’ JD DISCERS (36’), fair condition, not $31,900. 306-948-7223, Biggar, SK. used for 10 years. Offers. 306-463-4866, 306-463-8800, Kindersley, SK. 1995 8100 FWA, 16 spd. powershift, big 1000 PTO, 520/85R38 duals, $15,000 work order on eng. rebuild, 11,000 hrs., vg cond., $59,000. 306-948-7223, Biggar, SK. Precision Cam your source for implement, cow cam and farm yard camera systems., Allen Leigh Security & Comm, Brandon, MB., 1-866-289-8164.

VERSATILE 550 DT 2016 500 hrs., 110 GPM PTO, GPS full load, $415,000. Corner Equipment SL 1-888-689-3837 Carroll, MB., 1-888-626-3215.

Big Tractor Parts, Inc. Geared For The Future


RED OR GREEN 1. 10-30% savings on new replacement parts for your Steiger drive train. 2.We rebuild axles, transmissions and dropboxes with ONE YEAR WARRANTY. 3.50% savings on used parts.


MORRIS 435-37 CULT., shovels & harrows; 24’ IH 300 discers & packers. Open to reasonable offers. 306-867-6511, Conquest. 2014 SALFORD I-2141 41’ vertical tillage, c/w 1655 Valmar tank, new set, 13 way blades with unit, washed, field ready, seed canola, spread herbicide. Call for price, Gregoire Seed Farms Ltd, North Battleford, SK., 306-441-7851, 306-445-5516. JOHN DEERE 4640 with blade, good condi- 2009 FENDT 936 4000 hrs., 800 rubber, tion. Call 306-283-4747, 306-291-9395. $169,500. Corner Equipment SL Langham, SK 1-888-689-3837 Carroll, 1-888-626-3215. JD 4630, loader, cab; Case 2870, 4x4, De- 2008 MCCORMICK MTX150, 2300 hrs.; gelman dozer; Cockshutt 550 gas; Ford 2005 McCormick MTX120 w/Quicke loader, 3100 hrs. 204-522-6333, Melita, MB. WANTED: 4W305; 4W220; 220 and D21. T/A 20’ B&H. 306-238-4411, Goodsoil, SK 8070, 8050 or 8030 MFWD. CASE 830 TRACTOR, loader, bucket, fair 701-240-5737, Minot, ND. cond., rubber good, runs well, $3000; Fordson Power Major, 3 PTH, bale fork, 21981 DEUTZ DX120, 6470 hrs., 18.4x38 furrow plow, runs good, $2800; MF 1080, Goodyear radial tires, dual hydraulics, dual not running, needs engine work, loader, PTO, good condition, $11,500 OBO. bale fork and bucket, $2000. Hudson Bay, 204-752-2284, Alexander, MB. SK., call 306-865-4168 or 204-734-2623.

BOURGAULT 8800 with 3225 tank, mid row NH3, poly packers, nice clean unit, $29,900. Corner Equipment SL 2-110 WHITE, CAH, complete engine re1-888-689-3837 Carroll, 1-888-626-3215. build, rebuilt hyd., powershift and PTO, Precision Cam your source for implement, asking $19,000. 204-425-3884, Vita, MB. RARE!! 1983 JD 750 MFWD diesel, 3 cow cam and farm yard camera systems. PTH, 9.5x24 rears, 6x14 fronts, power, Allen Leigh Security steering, 540 PTO, 1069 hrs., c/w Brandt & Comm, Brandon, MB., 1-866-289-8164. 20’ 3 PTH sprayer, PTO pump, 60 gal. poly BOURGAULT 40’ FH36-42, 8” spacing, QA 1966 INTERNATIONAL 4100, 7200 hrs. tank, hand wand, exc. cond. Both shedded. on-row packers, QA 40’ harrows, Bourgault Great restoration project! Tractor is in good Can separate. 306-540-7870, Ponteix, SK. 3225 tank, excellent condition, $17,000. working condition, tires are good, brakes Call 306-567-8614, Davidson, SK. are not working, $3000. Call 306-642-4985, St. Victor, SK. 2016 BOURGAULT 6000 mid harrow, 90’ with 2011 Valmar 3255, exc. cond., $55,000. 204-734-0422, Minitonas, MB.

WANTED: VERSATILE OR John Deere 4 wheel drive tractor, can be higher hours. Call 306-238-4590, Goodsoil, SK. 1968 COCKSHUTT 1750, diesel, c/w Degelman blade, 4500 hrs., cab with heater and cooler, hydropower, asking $4800. 306-536-4276, Grayson, SK.

2010 NEW HOLLAND W130B wheel loader, 5200 hrs, 2.75 yard bucket with Grabtech grapple, 20 ply tractor tread tires, excellent condition. Can send pictures, $85,000 OBO. Please call 306-768-8541, Carrot River, SK.

NEW 2017 51’ DEGELMAN landroller. Odessa Rockpicker Sales, 306-957-4403, Odessa, SK. 2013 RITE-WAY HEAVY HARROW, 90’, approx. 20” harrows, adjustable pressure and angle, $35,900. 306-948-7223, Biggar, SK. 2007 CIH 430HD, 710/70R42 tires at 60-70%, 5 hyd. remotes, diff. lock, 3752 hrs., nice shape, $141,500. Call or text Brandon, 306-577-5678, Carlyle, SK.


We have a wide range of Combine & Swather parts to get you back in the field quickly. Our friendly & knowledgeable staff are always ready to meet your needs. Visit or call us today…

Location: 20 miles East of Saskatoon on Highway 16 Phone: 1-800-667-4515 Email: Website:

MANDAKO 50’ LAND ROLLER just arrived! 42”x5/8” drum, 26,000 lbs., floating hitch, hyd. steering axle. Cam-Don Motors Ltd., 306-237-4212, Perdue, SK. 2013 MORRIS 50’ heavy harrow, low acres, excellent cond., $26,000. 306-493-6460, Delisle, SK.

1979 JD 4440, 7489 hours, CAHR, quad range, 18.4x38 new rear tires, 18.4x38 clamp-on duals, 4 rib new fronts, 540-1000 PTO, 2 hyds., w/JD 148 FEL and joystick w/6’ bucket, plumbed for Outback 2013 140A FARMALL Case/IH w/loader, GPS AutoSteer, exc. cond., shedded. View 2011 HITACHI 270 CL-3 excavator Isuzu, 1800 hrs., $82,000. A.E. Chicoine Farm pics online. 306-540-7870, Ponteix, SK. 4 cyl. 147 HP diesel engine, 5’ WBM bucket Equipment, 306-449-2255, Storthoaks, SK. with hyd. thumb, 32’’ tracks, 8692.5 hrs., AC, heater, 2 spd., excellent working 2009 CASE/IH 435, Outback guidance, 1977 JD 4430 w/606 PT mower behind, cond., $125,000. Can deliver. (Warranty). 710/70 tires, rear weights, std. trans., 4 very low hrs., always shedded, excellent 204-743-2324, Cypress River, MB. hyds., 3100 hrs., shedded, $180,000. Ni- condition. 306-717-2971, Saskatoon, SK. pawin, SK. 306-862-7138 or 306-862-5993 LEON 707 FRONT END LOADER w/9’ Leon dozer blade, very good condition, LIZARD CREEK REPAIR and Tractor. We 306-338-2927, Wadena, SK. buy 90 and 94 Series Case, 2 WD, FWA tractors for parts and rebuilding. Also have MF 135 YARD TRACTOR, new tires and rebuilt tractors and parts for sale. paint, 3PTH, $6400. 306-962-3821 or DEGELMAN 9’ DOZER BLADE, Model 9STD, $2500. 306-867-6511, Conquest, SK. 306-463-7172, Eston, SK. 306-784-7841, Herbert, SK.


The Manitoba Co-operator | June 8, 2017

Saskatoon Auction Site – June 26 & 27

Grande Prairie Auction Site – June 28 & 29

2014 Kenworth W900 & 1 of 2— 2013 Kenworth T800

2015 Case IH 9240

One Hand Ranch Ltd

30± – Black Angus Cow/Calf Pairs Valleyview, AB – June 12

Fallen Timber Ranch Inc.

1 of 2— 2013 John Deere 7200R & 1 of 2— 2013 John Deere 569 Cremona, AB – June 19

Paradise North Resort Bed & Breakfast

3 Home Sites, 1 Lake Property & 1 Undeveloped Acreage Peace River, AB – June 23

Hines Creek Hotel

1 Parcel of Commercial Real Estate – Hines Creek, AB Grande Prairie Auction Site – June 28

Ray & Connie Kastning

2008 John Deere 7830 Govan, SK – July 17

Frances Deynaka

2002 John Deere 9750STS High Prairie, AB – August 1

Leonard & Martha Schultz

2012 Case IH 140A Farmall Sonningdale, SK – June 12

Morrie & Colleen Raes

2003 John Deere 9650STS & 1996 John Deere CTS Fir Mountain, SK – June 19

Estate of Joseph Gossner

1986 Versatile 876 Barthel, SK – June 23

Larry & Valerie Parrott

2– 2010 Case IH 9120 Grenfell, SK – June 29

Estate of Gordon Redlick

2010 Versatile 375 Biggar, SK – July 18

Felix Jungnitsch & Marti Hurdal

2008 Case IH 535 Manning, AB – August 2

North Battleford Auction Site – July 13

Regina Auction Site – July 11

George & Irene Yamkovy

2012 New Holland T9.615 Luseland, SK – June 13

Gordon & Caroline Johnson

2012 Case IH 7120 Davidson, SK – June 20

Abbey Consignment & Benefit Auction

2012 Case IH Patriot 3330 120 Ft Abbey, SK – June 24

Elsie Magiera & the Estate of Paul Magiera

1994 John Deere 9600 Blaine Lake, SK – June 29

Bill & Gale Stonehouse

1998 New Holland 9482 Cutknife, SK – July 19

Mary Van Cleemput

1985 Case IH 3394 Manning, AB – August 3

2010 Case IH 8120

Gerigale Farms Ltd

2005 New Holland CR940 Outlook, SK – June 14, 2017

Andy Hunke

2 Quarters of Farmland – North Battleford

Edmonton Site Auction

Carl Couckuyt

George & Brenda MacPherson

1997 John Deere CTS II Edgeley, SK – July 5

Estate of Peter & Pauline Lychak

1998 John Deere 9100 Clandonald, AB – July 20

Brian & Sharlene Geck

1994 John Deere 9600 Nut Mountain, SK – August 3

Call today for a FREE Summer Auction Guide


2010 Case IH 8120 & 2007 Case IH 8010 Consul, SK – June 20

Sunridge Resort

2002 John Deere 9220 Montmartre, SK – June 24


24 Lake Properties – Buffalo Lake, AB Edmonton Auction Site – June 14

Palmer & Joyce Wenzel

2010 MacDon M150 25 Ft Valleyview, AB – June 20



10 Parcels of Recreational Real Estate – Reid Lake, SK Saskatoon Auction Site – June 26

Rhinas Farms Ltd

2010 John Deere 4730 100 Ft Willowbrook, SK – July 6

Little S Ltd.




4 Bay Commercial Strip Mall – Duchess, AB Lethbridge Auction Site – July 20

Vegreville Consignment Sale

2015 John Deere S680 - Low Hours Vegreville, AB – August 10



68 of 75+ Upcoming Public Unreserved Agricultural Auctions June to September 2017

H 8010 une 20

ational ke, SK une 26

100 Ft July 6

al Strip ss, AB uly 20


Hours ust 10

Brandon Auction Site – July 25

Lethbridge Auction Site – July 20


ke, AB une 14


The Manitoba Co-operator | June 8, 2017

1 of 2— 2013 Case IH 550

HCI Pateman Farms Ltd

2012 Case IH Steiger 600HD & 2009 Case IH 535 McAuley, MB – June 15

Wayd & Tamara Burk

2013 John Deere T670 RWA Red Deer County, AB – June 21

Wendell Stauffer

1989 John Deere 4555 Deadwood, AB – June 27

Kitchen Brothers

2013 Case IH 500 & 2007 Case IH 480 Oakville, MB – July 7

1358448 Alberta Ltd.

Stage Coach Inn – Duchess, AB Lethbridge Auction Site – July 20

Bill & Penny Swagar

2– Lakefront Homes & Farmland Strathmore, AB – August 12

Grande Prairie Auction Site – July 27

2013 Claas Lexion 780TT 4x4

Owen & Ginger Patton

110 – Red Angus Cow/Calf Pairs Eureka River, AB – June 15

Forgotten Creek Ranch

25± – 2016 Black/Red Angus Heifers Peace River, AB – June 21

BJP Farm & Agro Ltd

2007 John Deere 9860STS White Fox, SK – June 27

Richelhoff Farms Ltd.

2011 John Deere 9330 Donalda, AB – July 10

Steve & Chrisa Kastning and Robert Jones

2010 & 2012 Case IH 8120 Govan, SK – July 24

Jim & Bill Ewert

1927 Ford Model T Roadster Drake, SK – August 19


2015 John Deere R4045 120 Ft

Bar E Acres Inc

Saskatoon Auction Site – Aug 1

8 Golf Course Residential Lots – Candle Lake, SK

Estate of Bill Kurbis

2009 Massey Ferguson 9795 Sonningdale, SK – June 15

Gloria Karpinski & Kelvin Karpinski

2011 New Holland CX8080 Ituna, SK – June 21

Stoughton Farms Ltd

2008 New Holland CR9070 Maidstone, SK – June 27

Henry Trumier

McCormick Farmall H Biggar, SK – June 16

Omer Paquette

1998 Case IH 2388 & 1986 New Holland TR86 Calahoo, AB – June 22

Dave & Margaret Ball

2005 John Deere 9760STS & 2004 John Deere 9860STS Holdfast, SK – June 28

3D Farms JV

2004 Case IH 2388 St Louis, SK – July 12

Craig & Emer Gudmundson

2008 John Deere 9770STS Mozart, SK – July 25

KBJ Round Farms Ltd

2012 Lexion 760 Clyde, AB – August 30

Syd & Linda Tondevold

2008 Challenger MT855B Ogema, SK – June 17

Morsan Farms Ltd.

1997 Case IH 9370, 1997 Case IH 9350 & 1995 Case IH 9250 Naicam, SK – June 22

George & Melita Hildebrand

1997 John Deere 9600 Rabbit Lake, SK – June 28

Makowsky Farms Ltd

2012 John Deere 9560RT & 2010 John Deere 9630T Grassy Lake, AB – July 13

S. Feschuk & Sons

2002 John Deere 9650STS, 2001 John Deere 9650STS & 1998 John Deere 9610 Canora, SK – July 13

Larry & Elaine Flaht

1991 Ford Versatile 976 & Degelman 14 Ft 6 Way Bonanza, AB – July 31

Donald Kallusky

Hilltop View Property Edson, AB – September 9

Case IH AF7120 Oyen, AB – July 31

Bill Southern

2001 Freightliner FL70 2000 Gal & 2000 Freightliner FL80 Strathmore, AB – September 14 Auction Company License 309645 & 303043

For complete and up-to-date listings visit or contact us at 800.491.4494


The Manitoba Co-operator | June 8, 2017

5’ JD 3PTH 503 rotary mower, $1100; Groening 5’ 3PTH mower, not running, $300; 50 gallon JD aluminum tank with site gauge, $60; 8 railroad ties, $12/ea.; 3PTH ditcher shank, needs blade or shovel $350; 4 Adam’s 18” shovels, $7/ea.; 2 rolls, never used 100’ wood snow fence, $70/ea.; Home built PT snow sleigh, 27”x48”, steel running boards/hitch, $150; Various tires and tubes for S/A trucks. 204-322-5398, 204-981-4493, Warren, MB FRIESEN EPOXY COATED 1500 bu. hopper bin, $3900; 3000 bu. hopper bin c/w aeration, $6900; 7x41 Westfield auger, elec. start, $2900; 8x51’ Westfield PTO auger, c/w elec. winch, $3900; Firewood conveyor, 31’ long, $2200; Hutchmaster off-set HD rolling plow, 20’, $7900; Steel flatdeck, 20’x8’, $2200; 1979 GMC 7000 grain truck, 18’ box, roll tarp, air ride seat, $13,900; 1974 Ford 880 tandem truck, air ride, 500 bu. box, $16,900; Melroe 903 8x16 auto reset, $2900; Rowcrop 6 or 8 row cultivator, 3PTH, $2900; Firestone 20.8x34 tires, $575/ea.; Firestone 18.4x38 tires, like new, c/w rims, $1800/ea.; 1500 gal. water tank c/w 2” banjo valve, $475. 204-482-5177, Selkirk, MB.

RETIRING: FLEXI-COIL SYSTEM 92 harrow packer, 50’; Flexi-Coil System 62 hyd. harrows, 60’; Bourgault 540 PT sprayer, 80’; 5 yd. Ashland scraper; 1977 Ford F600 grain truck, steel B&H; 1979 F600, steel B&H. 306-944-4325, 306-231-8355, Bruno, SK. 2 - JD 9-BOLT RIMS w/tires, 18.4x38; 2 JD 10-bolt rims only, fits 20.8x38 tire; 1 Case 8-bolt rim only, fits 18.4x38 tire; PTO shaft for JD 7721 combine, fits small 1000 PTO. 306-867-6511, Conquest, SK. NH CHAIN BALER, $2500; Neuero grain vac, $3000; 34’ factory drill mover, $2000; BLOCKED AND SEASONED FIREWOOD: 72’ Flexi-Coil harrows, $5000; 80’ Vers. $180 per 160 ft.≥ cord; bags $80 (incl. reharrow $3000. 306-238-4411 Goodsoil, SK fundable deposit for bag). Bundles of 4’-5’ or 6.5’ also avail. Vermette Wood PreservFORD 750 w/20’ B&H, rollover tarp, ers 1-800-667-0094, Spruce Home, SK. $8500; Case/IH 2870 4 WD, Degelman blade, $17,000; Vac tank, 1800 gal. and BLOCKED SEASONED JACK Pine firewood pump $8000; IHC Model 252 forklift, gas, and wood chips for sale. Lehner Wood Pre$5000. 306-238-4411, Goodsoil, SK. servers Ltd., 306-763-4232, Prince Albert, SK. Will deliver. Self-unloading trailer. Farming is enough of a gamble, advertise in WANTED: HEAVY DUTY DISC in good the Manitoba Co-operator classified section. cond., 20’ to 30’, Hutchmaster or other. It’s a sure thing. 1-800-782-0794. Call 204-966-3489, Polonia, MB.

GLEANER M2 COMBINE, SHEDDED; 70’ WANTED: Older and newer tractors, in Inland harrows; 919 Moisture Meter grain running condition or for parts. Goods Used CLEAR SPRINGS TROUT FARM Rainbow tester; IHC 28 run drill. Open to offers. Tractor Parts, 1-877-564-8734. Trout, 4”, 6” and 8” for spring stocking. 204-746-8547, Morris, MB. 204-937-4403, 204-937-8087, Roblin, MB. 1981 JD 6620 combine, 3500 hrs., $6000; 1984 Versatile 4400 swather, 18’, PU reel, $2500; Melroe press drill #204, 16’, steel press $1500; Driveover drill carrier, 24’, MF #36 DISCERS. Will pay top dollar $800; Melroe Spra-Coupe #104, cab, 60’, and pick from anywhere. Phone Mike NEW AND USED generators, all sizes from 5 kw to 3000 kw, gas, LPG or diesel. Phone $1500; Farm-King rototiller, 3 PTH, 60”, 306-723-4875, Cupar, SK. for availability and prices. Many used in $2000; Farm-King box scraper, 3 PTH, WANTED: USED, BURNT, old or ugly tracstock. 204-643-5441, Fraserwood, MB. 60”, $800. 204-685-3024. tors. Newer models too! Smith’s Tractor Wrecking, 1-888-676-4847. 1996 CAT 3406 diesel generator skid, 3 SEE EVEN IN the harsh light of sunrise and sunset with our WDR cameras. Allen Leigh WANTED: 35’ LANDROLLER (or wider); phase, 456 KVA, 365 KW, 600 V, 437 amp, Security & Comm, Brandon, MB., Also .22 Rabbit gun. Call 306-236-8023, $19,000. 306-236-7445, Goodsoil, SK. 1-866-289-8164. Goodsoil, SK. 20’ SHOP BILT roller for hayland/ peas, 9/16” side wall, 22” diameter, $1500. Call 306-746-7307, Semans, SK. 2013 45’ KELLY Diamond harrows, $83,000; 2015 PX9020 Kioti tractor with loader 360 hrs., $63,000; 2016 35’ MacDon FD75-S flex draper header, 800 hrs., $87,000; 2015 Brandt 5200EX grain vac, 45 hrs., $23,900; 2007 Ag-Chem RoGator 1274C with JD SmarTrax AutoSteer, 1200 gallon stainless steel tank, triple nozzle, 2 set of tires, 3352 hrs., $129,900; two 10,000 Enduraplas liquid fertilizer tanks, $6900 each. 306-452-3247, Parkman, SK.

SOLIDLOCK AND TREE ISLAND game wire and all accessories for installation. Heights from 26” to 120”. Ideal for elk, deer, bison, sheep, swine, cattle, etc. Tom Jensen ph/fax: 306-426-2305, Smeaton, SK.

FLAX STRAW BUNCHER and land levelers. Building now. Place orders and don’t delay! Two straw bunchers available for sale. 306-957-4279, Odessa, SK. 16’ PEELED RAILS, SPECIAL 2-3” $3 ea., ODESSA ROCKPICKER SALES: New De- 125/bundle; 3-4” $9.25 ea, 100/bundle. gelman equipment, land rollers, Straw- Vermette Wood Preservers, Spruce Home, master, rockpickers, protill, dozer blades. SK., 1-800-667-0094. 306-957-4403, 306-536-5097, Odessa, SK. GUARANTEED PRESSURE TREATED fence TIRES TIRES TIRES! Radial, Bias, New, posts, lumber slabs and rails. Call Lehner Used. 20.8x42, 18.4x42, 20.8x38, 18.4x38, Wood Preservers Ltd., ask for Ron 20.8R34, 18.4x34, 900/60R32, 800/65R 306-763-4232, Prince Albert, SK. 32, 24.5x32, 18.4x30, 23.1x30, 16.9x28, 28Lx26, 18.4x26, 19.5Lx24. Semis, skid MULCHING- TREES, BRUSH, Stumps. steers. Best price and value guaranteed! Call today 306-933-2950. Visit us at: 1-800-667-4515

The Icynene Insulation System® • Sprayed foam insulation • Ideal for shops, barns or homes • Healthier, Quieter, More Energy Efficient®

WESTERN IRRIGATION: CADMAN Dealer. We BUY and SELL traveling guns, pumps, pipes, etc.; 1 Cadman 4000S wide body big gun, like new; Selling used pipe trailers HARMONY NATURAL BISON buying all and 6” pipe. 306-867-9461, 306-867-7037, types of bison. Call or text 306-736-3454, Outlook, SK. SE Sask. WATER IN THE WRONG PLACE: Used pumping motors, PTO carts, 6” - 10” alum. QUILL CREEK BISON is looking for finpipe. 50 years experience. Call Dennis ished, and all other types of bison. COD, paying market prices. “Producers working 403-308-1400, Taber, AB. with Producers.” Delivery points in SK. and We know that farming is enough of a gamble MB. Call 306-231-9110, Quill Lake, SK. so if you want to sell it fast place your ad in the Manitoba Co-operator classifieds. It’s a BISON WANTED - Canadian Prairie Bison Sure Thing. Call our toll-free number today. is looking to contract grain finished bison, We have friendly staff ready to help. 1-800- as well as calves and yearlings for growing markets. Contact Roger Provencher at 782-0794 306-468-2316,

Hwy #205, Grunthal • (204) 434-6519 GRUNTHAL, MB. AGENT FOR T.E.A.M. MARKETING

REGULAR CATTLE SALES every TUESDAY at 9 am ** June 13, 20, 27 **

Sat., June 10, 10:00am

Horse & Tack Sale & Holstein Calves consignment can be done, Friday 2 - 8 p.m., or Saturday 7 - 9:45 a.m.

NORTHFORK- INDUSTRY LEADER for over 15 years, is looking for finished Bison, grain or grass fed. “If you have them, we want them.” Make your final call with Northfork for pricing! Guaranteed prompt 2012 VERMEER SC272 stump grinder, payment! 514-643-4447, Winnipeg, MB. 1260 hrs., Yanmar diesel, very good cond, Do you want to target Manitoba farmers? $21,000 OBO. 204-871-4509 High Bluff MB Place your ad in the Manitoba Co-operator. MOVING HAVING TO sell my toy, 1980 Manitoba’s best-read farm publication. or so, Ford 1100 tractor for sale, diesel, 4x4, exc. cond., 530 original hrs. Over $4000 spent in the last 10 hrs., of running time, 48” mover rebuilt, c/w cultivator, harrows, too many new parts to list. $5000, Call 306-370-1603, Dalmeny, SK.

Mon., June 19, 7:00pm

Co-op Meeting - The Steering Committee is pleased to invite you to a pre-purchase meeting. Contact Richard Carr, Steering Committee Chair, at 204-380-9932 for more info. For on farm appraisal of livestock or for marketing information please call Brad Kehler (Manager) Cell 204-346-2440 Auction Mart (204) 434-6519 MB. Livestock Dealer #1436



SELLING OFF THE farm reg. Black Angus 2 year old and yearling bulls. Moderate birthweights, semen tested, reasonably priced. Phone 306-460-8520, Kindersley, SK. View: REG. 2 YEAR OLD Black and Red Angus bulls. Will be semen tested, guaranteed and delivered. View catalogue online at Call Michael Becker, 204-348-2464, Whitemouth, MB.

SHAVINGS: BULK PRICING and delivery available. Vermette Wood Preservers, Spruce Home, SK.. 1-800-667-0094. Email View SELECT SEEDLING NURSERY is pleased to offer residents, acreages and farms an amazing assortment of seedlings: spruce, pine, ash, maples, flowering crabs, lilacs, saskatoons, caraganas and much more. All 15 to 60 cm high. Very affordable. Phone 306-978-1940, Saskatoon, SK.

Advertise in the Manitoba Co-operator Classifieds, it’s a Sure Thing!

FORAGE BASED BLACK ANGUS Bulls, virgin 2 yr olds and herdsires avail. Genetics w/maternal and calving ease traits. 204-564-2540, 204-773-6800, Shellmouth, MB. Website: BLACK ANGUS AND POLLED Hereford bulls bred for calving ease, feed efficiency, fertility and longevity. Semen tested and delivery available. Call Don Guilford, 204-873-2430, Clearwater, MB.


12 REG. YEARLING BLACK ANGUS bulls with moderate birthweights on home test. Holloway Angus, Souris MB., call 204-741-0070 or 204-483-3622.

WANT TO PURCHASE cull bison bulls and cows, $5/lb. HHW. Finished beef steers and heifers for slaughter. We are also buying compromised cattle that can’t make a long trip. Oak Ridge Meats, McCreary, 204-835-2365, 204-476-0147.

Advertise your unwanted equipment in the Classifieds. Call our toll-free number and place your ad with our friendly staff, and don’t forget to ask about our prepayment bonus. Prepay for 3 weeks and get 2 weeks free! 1-800-782-0794.

NILSSON BROS INC. buying finished bison on the rail, also cull cows at Lacombe, AB. For spring delivery and beyond. Smaller groups welcome. Fair, competitive and assured payment. Contact Richard Bintner 306-873-3184.

BLACK MEADOW’S ANGUS offers for sale: High quality Black Angus bulls, bunk fed alfalfa based ration, fertility tested, full vaccination program. Free delivery. Complete CAA info available. Contact Bill 204-567-3782, Miniota, MB.


Call our toll-free number to take advantage of our Prepayment Bonus. Prepay for 3 weeks and we’ll run your ad 2 more weeks for free. That’s 5 weeks for the price of 3. Call 1-800- SPRUCE FOR SALE!! Beautiful locally grown trees. Plan ahead and renew your 782-0794 today! shelterbelt or landscape a new yardsite, get the year round protection you need. We sell on farm near Didsbury, AB. or deliver anywhere in Western Canada. 6 - 12’ DRILL STEM: 200 3-1/2”, $45/ea; 700 spruce available. Now taking spring orders 2-3/8”, $34/ea; 300 1” rods; 1000 2-7/8”, while supplies last. Phone 403-586-8733 $39/ea. 306-768-8555, Carrot River, SK. or visit:

OSSAWA ANGUS, MARQUETTE, MB. has for sale yearling and 2 year old bulls and open yearling heifers. Call 204-375-6658 or 204-383-0703.

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Ag Industry Scores Viral Victory Greg Peterson, from Peterson Farm Brothers, discusses his success using various forms of social media to promote agriculture.

5 Keys to a Successful Agribusiness Kevin Stewart helps you focus on your farm’s future with these five tips for successful agribusiness.

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The Manitoba Co-operator | June 8, 2017

5-2 YR. OLD ANGUS bulls, reds and blacks, proven breeders, $2500 each. 204-355-8484, Steinbach, MB. QUIET TOP QUALITY 2 yr. old and yearling Purebred Black Angus bulls. Call Spruce Acres, 306-272-3997, Foam Lake, SK. SOUTH VIEW RANCH has Black and Red Angus yearling and 2 year old bulls. Ceylon, SK. Call Shane 306-869-8074, Keith 306-454-2730. MIDNITE OIL CATTLE CO. has on offer semen tested yearling and 2 year old bulls. 306-734-2850, 306-734-7675, Craik, SK. GOOD QUALITY PB Black Angus 2 yr. old bulls, semen tested and guaranteed breeders. Phone David or Pat 306-963-2639 or 306-963-7739, Imperial, SK. BLAIRS AG CATTLE CO. 25 Black and Red Angus bulls. Top cut genetic, semen tested, trich tested, guaranteed. Contact Blake at or 306-528-7484, Scott at 306-536-2157 or Indian Head, SK. 30 BLACK ANGUS 2 year old bulls. Calving ease and performance lines. Board and delivery available. Rob Garner 306-946-7946, Simpson, SK. SELLING: BLACK ANGUS BULLS. Wayside Angus, Henry and Bernie Jungwirth, 306-256-3607, Cudworth, SK. BLACK ANGUS BULLS, two year olds, semen tested, guaranteed breeders. Delivery available. 306-287-3900, 306-287-8006, Englefeld, SK.

RED ANGUS YEARLING and 2 year old bulls on moderate growing ration, performance info. available. Adrian or Brian and Elaine Edwards, Valleyhills Angus, Glaslyn, SK. Call 306-441-0946 or 306-342-4407. GOOD GROWTHY Red Angus bulls, excellent cow bulls with high weaning weights; Heifer bulls, moderate BW. Semen tested. Delivery. Little de Ranch, 306-845-2406, Turtleford, SK. YEARLING AND 2 YR. OLD bulls for sale. Balance of BW and performance, semen tested. KC Cattle Co. Call 306-290-8431, Saskatoon, SK.

BELLEVUE BLONDS has an excellent group of performance and semen tested polled PB Blonde yearling bulls for sale. $2600. Call Marcel 204-379-2426 or 204-745-7412, Haywood, MB.

2 YEAR OLD CHAROLAIS bull for sale, from good cow family, $3500. Phone Donald 204-843-2917, Amaranth, MB. PUREBRED CHAROLAIS BULLS: 1.5 year olds and yearlings, white and red factor, some good for heifers, semen tested. Guaranteed and delivered. R+G McDonald Livestock, 204-466-2883 or 204-724-2811, Sidney, MB. REGISTERED PB CHAROLAIS yearling and 2 yr. old bulls by private treaty. Semen tested and guaranteed. Call Brad 204-537-2367, 204-523-0062, Belmont, MB. YEARLING AND 2 YEAR old bulls, sired by Silver Bullet and Roundup, semen tested, Martens Charolais & Seed. Boissevain, MB. Phone 204-534-8370, 204-534-6952

2 YEAR OLD Angus and Black Simmental bulls, fresh, healthy, naturally thick, ready to breed. Family genetics since 1910. Benlock Farms, Tom Blacklock 306-230-9809, Grandora, SK.

CATTLEMAN! AGAIN THIS year we have an excellent selection of polled Purebred Charolais bulls. Both yearling and 2 year olds. White and Red factor. As well as a group of very low birth weight bulls suitable for heifers. Shop early for best selection. Visit the farm or on the web at: Phone Gord or Sue at 204-743-2109, Cypress River, MB. COMING 2 YR. old polled PB Charolais bulls, come red factor. Call Kings Polled Charolais, 306-435-7116, Rocanville, SK.

JOHNSTON/ FERTILE VALLEY Private Treaty Bull Sale. All JFV bulls will be sold off the yard this year. Over 125 thick, easy fleshing good haired yearling and 2 year old bulls selected from 600 low maintenance, high production cows. They are sired by the leading A.I. bulls in the industry including Regard, Resource, Renown, International, Ten Speed, Glanworth 57U, Special Focus and Brilliance. Many of these bulls are suitable for heifers. All bulls are semen tested with complete performance info. available. Deferred payment program with 60% down and 40% interest free due Dec. 1, 2017. Come and see one of the most respected cowherds in Canada. Select the bull or group of bulls that you really want at your leisure without the pressure of a sale. David and Dennis Johnston 306-856-4726, Conquest, SK. View the cowherd online at website: BLACK ANGUS YEARLING and 2 year old bulls on moderate growing ration, performance info. available. Adrian or Brian and Elaine Edwards, Valleyhills Angus, Glaslyn, SK. Call 306-441-0946 or 306-342-4407. PUREBRED BLACK ANGUS long yearling bulls, replacement heifers, AI service. Meadow Ridge Enterprises, 306-373-9140 or 306-270-6628, Saskatoon, SK.

PB CHAROLAIS BULLS, yearlings and 2 year olds, whites and tans. 306-424-7446 or 306-529-6268, Glenavon, SK.

HERD DISPERSAL: 70 Black Angus cross pairs and 70 mixed pairs. Full herd health program. Pasture available. $2800 per pair firm. Call 306-335-7875, Lemberg, SK.

12V. or Hydraulic Electronic Scale Opt.

APPROX. 35 COW/CALF pairs, calves mostly Red Angus. Prefer to sell as group. Offers 306-728-3563, Melville, SK. 2 YEAR OLDS and yearling Red Angus, Simmental/Red Angus hybrids and Black Angus bulls. Developed on oats for longevity. Phone Triple H Cattle Co. 306-723-4832, 306-726-7671(cell) or Cory 306-718-7007, Cupar, SK.

1 877 695 2532

ORGANIC SWEET CLOVER good quality, cleaned and bagged. Ph. 306-281-8097, Saskatoon, SK.

250 ORGANIC CATTLE for sale, all ages. For more info. phone/text 204-761-3760, Minnedsoa, MB.

INTERMEDIATE WHEAT/GRASS & Slender wheat grass seed for sale, $3/lb, minimum order 1000 lbs. 204-792-7274, Cartier, MB. SHARE YOUR LIFE, as it’s meant to be! E-mail: Find a sincere relationship with our help. Candlelight Matchmakers. Confidential, OUTDOOR RATED and specially designed 75 SECOND AND THIRD Black and Red An- for the harsh conditions of the prairies. rural, photos/profiles to selected matches. gus young bred cows. Call 306-773-1049, Allen Leigh Security Local, affordable. Serving MB, SK, NW-ON. or 306-741-6513, Swift Current, SK. & Comm, Brandon, MB., 1-866-289-8164. 204-343-2475. 300 RED AND BLACK Angus 1250 lbs. heif- GREG’S WELDING: Freestanding 30’ 5 bar ers with calves. Call 306-773-1049, panels, all 2-7/8” drill stem construction, 306-741-6513, Swift Current, SK. $450; 24’x5.5’ panels, 2-7/8” pipe with 51” sucker rods, $340; 24’x6’ panels, 2-7/8” 100 THIRD TO FIFTH Black Angus pipe with 6- 1” rods, $365; 30’ 2 or 3 bar cow/calf pairs. 306-773-1049, windbreak panels c/w lumber. Gates and double hinges avail. on all panels. Belting 306-741-6513, Swift Current, SK. troughs for grain or silage. Calf shelters. Del. avail. 306-768-8555, Carrot River, SK.

FREESTANDING CORRAL PANELS for WANTED: CULL COWS and bulls. For book- cattle, horses, bison and sheep. Bale feedings call Kelly at Drake Meat Processors, ers; Belted feed troughs; 10’ panels; Windbreak frames; Swinging gates; Framed BREED HOLSTEIN HEIFER, and some jer- 306-363-2117 ext. 111, Drake, SK. gates; Panels with gates mounted; Round seys for sale. Call 519-323-3074, Heifer pen kits starting at $1495; Palpation Ville Holstein Inc., Holstein, Ont. chute. Deal of the year - Freestanding 21’ for $219! Call 1-844-500-5341, FRESH AND SPRINGING heifers for sale. Cows and quota needed. We buy all classes of slaughter cattle-beef and dairy. R&F Livestock Inc. Bryce Fisher, Warman, SK. Phone 306-239-2298, cell 306-221-2620. TWO PUREBRED STALLIONS w/beautiful markings. Born July 4 and Aug. 26, 2015, FFS- FUCHS FARM SUPPLY is proud Info. call 306-267-5748, Coronach, SK. announce that we are the new Farm Aid Manufacturing Dealer for Sask. Stocking SPRINGER LIMOUSIN has very quiet 2 yr mix wagons and a full supply of parts. old and yearling Purebred Limousin bulls. 306-762-2125, Vibank, SK. Red or Black. Call Merv at 306-272-4817 DONKEYS: 15 HH Mammoth Jack and 14 10’ GEM SILAGE BAGGER. Phone or 306-272-0144, Foam Lake, SK. HH Mammoth Standard Jack. Both have 306-227-0294, Hague, SK. GOOD SELECTION OF stout red and black pasture bred mares, produce nice minded Limousin bulls with good dispositions, mules. 204-385-2764, Gladstone, MB. 20’ LIFTOFF CATTLE TRAILER; Two horse calving ease. Qually-T Limousin, Rose Valtrailer; 16’ 5th wheel cattle trailer; Post ley, SK. 306-322-7563 or 306-322-7554. pounder on MF tractor. 306-283-4747, 306-291-9395, Langham, SK. POLLED RED AND Black Limousin 2 year old bulls. Board and delivery available. Rob BROWN AND WHITE Gypsy Banner cross CATTLE SHELTER PACKAGES or built on Paint team, broke to drive and ride. Also site. For early booking call Garner, Simpson, SK., 306-946-7946. several other younger and saddle horses. 1-800-667-4990 or visit our website: STOUT YEARLING and 2 yr. old Limousin 306-435-3634, Moosomin, SK. bulls, polled, horned, red, black. Quiet bulls w/great performance. Short Grass 4 FILLIES, 2 COLTS Friesian/Haflinger STEEL VIEW MFG. Self-standing panels, yearlings, 3 Fjord/Haflinger filly yearlings, windbreaks, silage/hay bunks, feeder panLimousin, 306-773-7196, Swift Current SK els, sucker rod fence posts. Custom or$900 each. 306-682-2899, Humboldt, SK ders. Call Shane 306-493-2300, Delisle, KINDERSLEY ANTIQUE THRESHING Club. SK. POLLED SALERS BULLS. Birthweight Horse drawn antique seeding and tillage SVEN ROLLER MILLS. Built for over 40 from 77 lbs. Strong growth and maternal demo. June 9th at 11:00 AM. Kindersley years. PTO/elec. drive, 40 to 1000 bu./hr. milk traits. Semen tested, guaranteed. Can Museum. Lunch will be available. Call Greg Example: 300 bu./hr. unit costs $1/hr. to arrange delivery. Ken at 204-762-5512, 306-463-8080 or Garth 306-463-7102. run. Rolls peas and all grains. We regroove Lundar, MB. and repair all makes of mills. Call Apollo Machine 306-242-9884, 1-877-255-0187. Hit our readers where it counts… in the sifieds. Place your ad in the Manitoba CoCATTLE SQUEEZE. Call operator classifed section. 1-800-782-0794. USED GERALD FOUR WHEEL fine har- HI-HOG ness buggy, chrome undercarriage as new; 306-773-1049 or 306-741-6513, Swift two sets of single horse fine harness; misc. Current, SK. halters, bridles, etc.; misc. show equip2002 521DXT CASE payloader with grapple ment. 204-745-2851, Carman, MB. 1 RED, 2 WHITE, 1 BLUE Shorthorn bulls, fork. Call 306-773-1049 or 306-741-6513, 2 years old, birth weight 77-86 lbs. Phone Swift Current, SK. 204-365-0066, Shoal Lake, MB.

2 YEAR OLD polled Charolais bulls. Also Charolais yearling bulls polled and horned, semen tested and delivered. Call Layne and Paula Evans at 306-252-2246 or YEARLING AND 2 YEAR old Shorthorn bulls, roan and red. Orville Renwick, 306-561-7147, Kenaston, SK. 204-522-8686, Melita, MB. MCTAVISH CHAROLAIS YEARLING bulls. Calving ease, performance, semen tested. Delivered. Call/text Jared 306-435-9842, WANTED: Moosomin, SK. YEARLING POLLED SIMMENTAL BULLS BUTCHER Red and black, incl. one 3 year old. Also 2 YEAR OLD registered purebred Charolais bulls, polled, white, good feet, lots of hair, group of PB open heifers. Acomb Valley HOGS easy keeping, very quiet. Semen tested Simmentals 204-867-2203, Minnedosa MB SOWS AND BOARS and delivered. Call Qualman Charolais, BLACK YEARLING & 2 yr. old polled pure306-492-4634, Dundurn, SK. bred Simmental bulls. Semen tested. DeFOR EXPORT 2 YR OLD and yearling bulls, polled, semen livery avail. 306-335-7553, Balcarres, SK. P. QUINTAINE & SON LTD. tested, guaranteed, delivered. Prairie Gold 728-7549 SIMMENTAL & SIMMENTAL CROSS Red Charolais, 306-882-4081, Rosetown, SK. Angus yearling bulls. Polled. Semen Licence No. 1123 checked and delivered. Reasonable birth RED, TAN, WHITE Char. bulls born Jan-Feb McVicar Stock Farms Ltd., Colon90- TWO YR OLD and yearling Red Angus 2016; 4 cow/calf pairs, born May 2017. weights. say, SK. 306-255-2799 or 306-255-7551. bulls. Guaranteed, semen tested and deliv- 306-882-6444, 306-931-9369, Rosetown. ered in the spring. Bob Jensen, TOP QUALITY RED Factor yearling Simm. 306-967-2770, Leader, SK. bulls. Good hair coats. Polled. Semen tested, ready to go; Also 1 Red Factor QUIET, 2-YEAR-OLD POWER bulls. Also low BW yearling bulls. Excellent semen tests. BLACK YEARLING DEXTER BULL carries Simm./Angus cross 2 year old bull, polled. red gene, can be reg. and PHA free. Evelyn Green Spruce Simmental 306-467-4975, Decorah Red Angus. Murray 306-867-7206, at 204-239-1913, Portage la Prairie, MB. 306-467-7912, Duck Lake, SK. Dinsmore, SK. ORGANIC MOBILE POULTRY Abattoir. BLACK AND BLACK BALDIE Simmental Complete mobile processing unit built in REG. 2 YEAR OLD Red and Black Angus Bulls, good selection of yearlings 2 year motorhome chassis for on farm slaughter. bulls. Will be semen tested, guaranteed Incl. drop down kill floor, scalder, plucker, and delivered. View catalogue online at POLLED YEARLING and 2 year old bulls, olds. Excellent quality with good hair coats crates, UV system, icemaker, scale labeller Phone Michael quiet, good haired. Call Selin’s Gelbvieh and disposition second to none! Semen and all the equipment to produce a whole tested. Delivery available. Call Regan Becker, 204-348-2464, Whitemouth, MB. 306-793-4568, Stockholm, SK. chicken for market, $48,000. 250-505-9632 Schlacter 306-231-9758, Humboldt, SK. Nelson, BC. 2 YEAR OLD RED Angus bulls, semen tested, $2250 each. Phone 204-371-6404, POLLED FULL FLECKVIEH and polled black Ste. Anne, MB. PB bulls, fully vaccinated, semen tested, WANTED: ELECTRIC chick brooder, radiant RED AND BLACK 2 year old and yearling POLLED HEREFORD AND BLACK Angus and Fusogard, quiet and fed for longevity, heat type, A.R. Wood make, or any kind $3500. Call Curtis Mattson, 306-944-4220 w/canopy. 204-280-0095, Hodgson, MB. bulls bred for calving ease, feed efficiency, Angus bulls: Semen tested, EPD's and delivery available. Many suitable for heifers. fertility and longevity. Semen tested and or 306-231-9994, Meacham, SK. delivery available. Call Don Guilford, Carberry, MB. 204-834-2202, 204-841-3241 204-873-2430, Clearwater, MB. QUIET TOP QUALITY 2 yr. old and yearling Purebred Red Angus bulls. Contact Spruce ROSELAWN POLLED HEREFORDS have NOW MUST SELL four year old bull, 8 year a good selection of yearling and two year old bull. Old Post bloodline. clean herd, Acres, 306-272-3997, Foam Lake, SK. old bulls for sale at the farm. Good thick SOUTH VIEW RANCH has Red and Black bulls bred for calving ease and perfor- docile, good feet. East of Lloydminster, SK. WHITETAIL DOES FOR SALE, great genetAngus yearling and 2 yr old bulls. Ceylon, mance. Semen tested, delivery avail. Here- call 306-893-2974. ics, Call 306-249-0717, Saskatoon, SK. SK. Phone Shane 306-869-8074, Keith ford bulls and black cows is a super cross. area. 306-454-2730. Also have a group of black baldie open VIDEOS: WWW.DKFANGUS.CA Select yearling heifers for sale. Call Wally at now. Get later. Great selection. Superior home, 204-523-8713 or 204-534-8204. quality. DKF Red And Black Angus bulls Killarney, MB. For pictures and details at DKF Ranch, anytime. Gladmar, SK. check out our website: NORTHFORK- INDUSTRY LEADER for Scott Fettes 306-815-7023 or Dwayne over 15 years, is looking for Elk. “If you HOLMES POLLED HEREFORDS have a 306-969-4506. have them, we want them.” Make your fistrong selection of yearling bulls for sale. nal call with Northfork for pricing! Guaran2 YEAR OLDS and yearling Red Angus, Will deliver at pasture time. Jay Holmes, teed prompt payment! 514-643-4447, Simmental/Red Angus hybrids and Black 306-746-7170, 306-524-2762, Semans, SK Winnipeg, MB. Angus bulls. Developed on oats for longevity. Phone Triple H Cattle Co. POLLED HEREFORD YEARLING and 2 year BUYING ELK for local and international 306-723-4832, 306-726-7671(cell) or Cory old bulls. Delivery available. Corey Lees meat markets. Call us for competitive pric306-718-7007, Cupar, SK. 306-577-9971, George Lees 306-455-2612 H. S. KNILL TRANSPORT, est. 1933, spe- ing and easy marketing. Phone Ian at Arcola, SK. 2 YEAR OLD & yearling bulls, semen tested cializing in purebred livestock transporta- 204-848-2498 or 204-867-0085. & delivered. Call Guy Sampson, Davidson, 2 YR OLD polled Hereford bulls. Crittenden tion. Providing weekly pick up and delivery SK., 306-567-4207 or 306-561-7665. Bros. 306-963-7880, 306-963-2414, Impe- service across Canada/USA and Mexico. MCTAVISH RED ANGUS yearling bulls. Se- rial, SK. Email Gooseneck service available in Ontario, Quebec and USA. US and Canada customs men tested and quiet. Delivered. Call/text bonded carrier. Call 1-877-442-3106, fax KEEP AN EYE on your livestock no matter Jared at 306-435-9842, Moosomin, SK. 519-442-1122, or where you go with your Smartphone. REGISTERED POLLED HEREFORD yearling 20 RED ANGUS 2 yr old bulls. Calving ease & 2 year old bulls, semen tested. Harold or 155 King Ed-, Allen Leigh Security and maternal lines. Board and delivery Tim Strauch, 306-677-2580, Shamrock, SK & Comm, Brandon, MB., 1-866-289-8164. ward St., Paris, ON. N3L 0A1. avail. Rob Garner 306-946-7946, Simpson HAMCO CATTLE CO. HAS for sale regisWHEELER'S STOCK FARM: Quality yearling RED ANGUS BULLS, two year olds, se- EXCELLENT SELECTION of polled 2 yr. olds men tested, guaranteed breeders. Delivery and several proven 3 year and select year- tered Red and Black Angus yearling bulls & 2 yr. old bulls. Semen tested, delivery available. 306-287-3900, 306-287-8006, lings. Properly developed to last. Deposit and 2 yr. olds. Good selection, semen test- available. 306-382-9324, Saskatoon, SK. holds til needed. Delivery avail. Longworth ed, performance data and EPD’s available. Englefeld, SK. Land & Cattle, Harris, SK., 306-831-9856. Top genetics. Free delivery. Glen, Albert or YEARLING AND 2 YEAR old bulls for sale. Call Elmer Wiebe, EKW Red Angus, SQUARE D BULLS: Two year old, fall and Larissa Hamilton 204-827-2358 or David Hamilton 204-325-3635. 306-381-3691, Hague, SK. spring yearling bulls for sale. Quiet, semen KELLN SOLAR SUMMER/WINTER WAPB YEARLING BULLS, semen tested, tested, delivery can be arranged. Call Jim SAVE MORE CALVES, get more sleep, and TERING System, provides water in remote guaranteed and delivered. Deposit holds Duke 306-538-4556, 306-736-7921, Lang- make more money. Ask us how. Allen areas, improves water quality, increases until you need them. Clarke Ward, Saska- bank, SK. Website: Leigh Security & Comm, Brandon, MB., pasture productivity, extends dugout life. toon, SK., 306-931-3824, 306-220-6372. 1-866-289-8164. St. Claude/Portage, 204-379-2763.

DO YOU KNOW an amazing single guy who shouldn’t be? Camelot Introductions has been successfully matching people for over 23 years. In-person interviews by Intuitive Matchmaker in MB and SK. or phone 306-978-LOVE (5683).

LARGE WHITE Maremma/Pyrenees guard dogs, born April 15th, 5 females, 2 males, $175. No Sunday calls. Ph. 204-494-9412. Arborg, MB. RED HEELER PUPS: 5 female, 1 male, from working parents, first shots, ready to go June 1st, $500. 306-725-4510, Bulyea, SK. PUREBRED BORDER COLLIE puppies, from good working parents, ready to go midJune. 306-267-5748. Coronach, SK. IRISH WOLFHOUND PUPS for sale, ready to go. Call 306-290-8806, Dundurn, SK. BONAFIDE REGISTERED AUSTRALIAN Kelpie pups, Australian bred. Parents make a living on cow/calf operation at community pasture. Also started working Kelpies. Call Watkinson Working Kelpies, 306-692-2573, Moose Jaw, SK.

MOOSE JAW CONDO - Lynbrook Place, 1255 sq. ft. NW/Sunningdale, 3 bdrm, 3 bath, walkout bungalow style condo in gated community across from Lynbrook Golf Course. Backs open greenspace. Amazing sunset views and wildlife. For sale by owner, $459,000 OBO. Please call 306-692-4216, 306-630-5325, Moose Jaw, SK. Email:

LAKEFRONT CABIN ON titled lot. Open House: May 20, 21, 22, 2- 4 PM. $398,800. MLS. George, C21 Fusion 306-230-4663, Weyakwin Lake, SK COTTAGE AT LAKE OF THE PRAIRIES: 303 Keating Drive at Prairie Lake Lodge Development. 864 sq.ft. lakeview cottage. Full finished basement. 2 bedrooms, 1 1/2 baths. Low maintenance yard, deck. Well for water. 18 hole/3 par golf course in Development. $259,000. MLS #1700975. Please call Karen Goraluk, Salesperson, at 204-773-6797, NorthStar Insurance and Real Estate,

Buy Used Oil NOTRE •• Buy Batteries DAME • Collect Used Filters USED • Collect Oil Containers OIL & • Antifreeze FILTER Southern, and DEPOT Eastern Western

Tel: 204-248-2110 Manitoba

LAKEFRONT CABIN KATEPWA. Cozy 1000 sq. ft., 3 season, no maintenance yard. Fully furnished, c/w new renovation, dock and boat lift. Move in ready. For sale by owner. Great deal! $289,900. Call 306-331-8581 or 306-539-6207.

WANT THE ORGANIC ADVANTAGE? Contact an organic Agrologist at Pro-Cert for information on organic farming: prospects, transition, barriers, benefits, certification and marketing. Call 306-382-1299, Saskatoon, SK. or

CURRENTLY BUYING ORGANIC wheat, Hard Red Spring and Red Winter wheat. Also PERFECT WAKAW LAKE LOCATION: 3 seahave new crop contracts. 306-354-2660, son cottage, fully furnished, ready for use! Mossbank, SK. 850 sq.ft., 3 bdrms, 1 bath, boat track w/winch and dock on wheels. Walk to ReWANTED: FEED RYE, peas and soybeans. gional Park and golf course. $289,000. For Call 204-379-2451, St. Claude, MB. more info or to view, call Jim or Linda at 306-374-5756 or 306-291-5756. CERT. ORGANIC BLACK silage pea seed, 98% germ; Certified organic alfalfa silage bales. Gilbert Plains, MB. area, call RESIDENTIAL LOT, ELBOW, SK for sale. Lot 7, Blk 2, Plan 88MJ16836, 125 Putters 204-648-7383, 204-548-2932. WANTED: ORGANIC LENTILS, peas and Lane. One block from golf course. 24.5 chickpeas. Stonehenge Organics, Assini- Meter frontage. Serviced by town. Will consider trade of RV, boat, truck, car, etc. boia, SK., 306-640-8600, 306-640-8437. $34,500. Call Gerry 403-389-4858.


The Manitoba Co-operator | June 8, 2017

Crosswor ossword Cr osswor d

Animalistic Behaviour

by Adrian Powell







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39 44











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Fall behind From Kalamazoo, e.g. Aahs' companions Phil Fish actor Vigoda Ornamental flax Racetrack informant Like a 20 degree angle Grammy Award category Like some tree trunks "Bounty" competitor Some thing Seabird breeding locale, often World's largest fashion mag. Uncontaminated Campbell who sang "Galveston" Small central Alberta town Supper leftover Alberta clipper dir., usually



Word on a bulb Tooth or head problem Happy medium, perhaps? Cupid's love Support for some creepers Sheldon and Leonard's buddy on "The Big Bang Theory" Chilly, shivery feeling Napoleon or Danish PC platform of the '80s Military levels of command Sonny's ex 105 year old cookie Work-out counts Put back into service Cold, coniferous Siberian tract Swiss tourism attraction Millions of centuries Personal attribute Draconian Words to the song Like Elvis' blue shoes Huge name in mail-order catalogues, once Put two and two together

35 37 39 42 43 45 46 49 50 53 54 55 57 59 60 61 63 64



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This'll sting! Bunker near the green Interior designer's forte Expert fighter pilots You can hear it on India's airwaves Dirty yellow hue Followers, to the leaders, sometimes Toyota's first front wheel drive model When WestJet's expected to land, briefly He was Cupid to the Greeks Wahine's wiggle Metis rebel of yore "Preposterous fellow!" Southern altar constellation Notice Yearly Neil Sedaka's singing daughter Sign by a theatre ticket line, maybe Walrus whisker, technically Hardly cheery One of seven Greek vowels Shih Tzu, for one Something to call a wimp Nevada gambling destination Twirled around Eight on a sundial Consume Like rush hour traffic, often Something totally made up

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Published by Glacier FarmMedia LP, 1666 Dublin Avenue, Winnipeg, MB R3H 0H1

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The Manitoba Co-operator | June 8, 2017

YELLOWHEAD MODULAR HOME SALES, Canadian built by Moduline. Elite price event on now: 960 sq.ft., 2 bdrm, 2 bth, $79,900; 1216 sq.ft., 3 bdrm, 2 bth, $89,900; 1520 sq.ft., 3 or 4 bdrm, 2 bth, $109,900. 306-496-7538, weekend calls. MEDALLION HOMES 1-800-249-3969 Immediate delivery: New 16’ and 20’ modular homes; Also used 14’ and 16’ homes. Now available: Lake homes. Medallion Homes, 306-764-2121, Prince J&H HOMES: Elkridge cottages. Free ATV Albert, SK. or snowmobile with purchase!! 306-652-5322.

Land for SaLe by Tender rM of dUfferIn & THoMPSon Completed Tenders and a $10,000.00 deposit per parcel will be received up to 12:00 PM (noon) on July 6, 2017 (the “deadline”) at: Brown & AssociAtes LAw office, Box 1240, 71 Main Street S., Carman, Manitoba R0G 0J0 Attn: Mona Brown Ph: 204-745-2028 fax: 204-745-3513 email:

Current Farm Lease Agreement expires December 31, 2017. Possession July 20th – Fall lease payment will be assigned. CONDITIONS OF TENDER

• Tenders to be in the form prepared by Brown & Associates Law Office. To obtain tender form or more info, contact Brown & Associates Law Office. • Each Tender must be accompanied by a certified cheque, payable to Brown & Associates Law Office (in trust), in the amount of $10,000.00 per parcel. Deposits of tenders not accepted will be returned to the tenderers. • Highest Tender or any Tender will not necessarily be accepted. • The Possession date and the due date of the balance of Tender Price shall be July 20th, 2017. • The maker of any Tender relies entirely upon his/her personal inspection and knowledge of the Land, independent of the representations made by the vendor or the solicitor and agent of the vendor. The Land will be sold “as is” and the bidder is solely responsible to determine the value and condition of the Land, Land quality, Land use, environmental condition and any other information pertaining to the Land.

Call our toll-free number to take advantage of our Prepayment Bonus. Prepay for 3 weeks and we’ll run your ad 2 more weeks for free. That’s 5 weeks for the price of 3. Call 1-800782-0794 today!

FARM LAND FOR SALE 466 acres located north of Austin. Seeded to corn & soybeans. 2 x 8,000 bushels of grain storage on site. Buy it with the crop or after harvest.


RTMS AND SITE built homes. Call 1-866-933-9595, or go online for pictures and pricing at:

Royal LePage Riverbend

HOME HARDWARE RTM Homes and Cottages. Phone 1-800-663-3350 or go online for floor plans and specs at:

50'X150' LOT PROVINCIAL Forest hunting, fishing, etc. Route 66, $22,500. Call 306-536-3574, Reserve, SK.

Either one or both:

2. RM of Dufferin SE ¼ 23-6-7 WPM, 160 acres, 68 cultivated acres


READY TO MOVE HOMES: 3 bdrm, 2.5 bath, homes starting at $98,000. Display units ready to go. 1320 sq. ft. and 1560 sq. ft. Order your home now for summer delivery! Marvin Homes, 204-326-1493, Mitchell, MB. Email: Visit:

ProPerty for sALe: 1. RM of Thompson SE ¼ 16-6-7- WPM, 160 acres, 156 cultivated acres

LAND FOR SALE: RM of Antler #61, 2 quarters: NW & SW 07-07-33 W1, 330 acres (275 cultivated). Includes 1 oil surface lease, $2000/year. Ph. 403-470-1354.

RM 273 SLIDING HILLS, 1 quarter farmland, SW-25-30-01-W2, 155 cult. acres, stone free. 306-542-3125, Kamsack, SK. FARMLAND NE SK(Clemenceau) 4 quarters plus 36 acre riverside parcel w/5 bdrm. home. Featuring: bins on concrete with direct hit on railroad cars, 40 acres of mostly mature spruce timber, 2 farmyards- 1 bordering Etomami River and 50 miles of provincial forest, excellent elk hunting and other big game and goose. 580 acres cult. Full line of farm equipment and sawmill also available Reg Hertz, 306-865-7469.

HANLEY-KENASTON AREA. RM of McCraney #282, 160 acres, 1120 sq. ft. bungalow, new shop, barn with added stock shelter, good water, natural gas, 40 mins. from Saskatoon. Asking $379,000. Call 306-252-5200. PROPOSAL FOR PARTNERSHIP or sale to farming family for livestock/grain operation in central Sask. 19 quarters, farmstead located 3 miles from large town with resort nearby. Silage based capacity for 700 or more cows and backgrounding. Contains grain, hayland, pasture, irrigation potential. Lots of buildings and pivots. Requires family with latest Ag technology, carpentry skills, ambition and some equity. Most equipment available Bring your own cattle or work with us. Cropland to seed in 2017. Text 639-471-4380, phone 306-946-7738, Watrous, SK.

OPPORTUNITY AWAITS a knowledgeable, ambitious person(s) wanting to rent a 5000 ac. organic farm for Spring 2018, includes some pasture and alfalfa. Purchase of up to 11 quarters possible in Fall 2017. This is a high income farm with long term grain sale agreements. On farm cleaning plant has potential for persons seriously wanting work to provide extra LOG AND TIMBER HOMES, Saskatoon, opportunities for further added income. SK. Visit or Phone evenings, 306-622-4903. Heritage call 306-222-6558. Organic Farms Ltd. Tompkins, SK. TIMBER FRAMES, LOG STRUCTURES and Vertical Log Cabins. Log home refinishing and chinking. Certified Log Builder with 38 years experience. Log & Timber Works, Delisle, SK., 306-717-5161, Email Website at

Newly developed yard site on 80 acres making for a great place to raise a family or start a business with plenty of space for livestock or ATV’ing. Seeded to pasture with well built fencing.

Sheldon Froese 204-371-5131 Stacey Hiebert 204-371-5930 Dolf Feddes 204-745-0451 Junior Thevenot 204-825-8378 Henry Carels 204-573-5396 Catharina Carels 204-720-4779


Planning to sell your farm? The demand for MB. farmland remains strong with local buyers as well those from outside the province. Contact me now & we can arrange to have your farm shown to these serious Buyers.

Phone: 204-761-6884

BEST PRICES IN MANITOBA on new kids & adult ATV’s, Dirt Bikes, Dune Buggies and UTV’s. 110cc ATV $849; 125cc Dirt Bike $899; 125cc Dune Buggy, $1699. 204-724-2438, visit online: PRICE REDUCED: Manitoba Ste. Rose E-mail: Ranch (Ste. Amelie), 14 quarters 2,234.85 fenced land in 1 block. 240 of Class 3 land under cultivation. 2 mi. to paved highway. Golden Plains Realty Ltd, 204-745-3677. 2009 SUNSET TRAIL 30’, alum. frame, 1 QUARTER SECTION SUMMER FALLOW large slide-out - livingroom, sleeps 6, rear land, large beautiful yard with 1 1/2 storey bdrm. large awning, easy pull vg cond., home, apple trees, excellent barn for live- $15,500 OBO. 306-232-4720, Hague, SK. stock, sheds and granaries. Please call 204-483-2999, Souris, MB.

TOP QUALITY CERT. #1 CDC Copeland, EXCELLENT QUALITY CERTIFIED #1 AC AC Metcalfe, Newdale. Frederick Seeds, Andrew, Cardale, CDC Utmost, CDC Plenti306-287-3977, Watson, SK. ful, Muchmore, AAC Elie, AAC Connery, AAC Brandon, Elgin ND. Frederick Seeds, CERT. CDC COPELAND, AAC Synergy, exc. 306-287-3977, Watson, SK. germ. and disease. Fraser Farms 306-741-0475, Pambrun AAC JATHARIA VB, certified #1, midge tolerant, high yielding. Stoll’s Seed Barn CDC COPELAND BARLEY, reg. and cert., Ltd., Delisle, SK. 306-493-7409. top quality seed. Gregoire Seed Farms Ltd, North Battleford, SK., 306-441-7851, 306-445-5516.

REGISTERED & CERTIFIED SUMMIT oats. Contact Wilmot Milne, Gladstone, TOP QUALITY CERTIFIED alfalfa and grass MB. 204-385-2486 or 204-212-0531. seed. Call Gary or Janice Waterhouse 306-874-5684, Naicam, SK. CERT. #1 CS CAMDEN, Triactor, Souris. excellent quality. Northland Seeds Inc., CERTIFIED CANADA #1 MF5301 alfalfa 306-324-4315, Margo, SK. seed, pre-inoculated, $3.50/lb. Volume Delivery available. Phone SUMMIT, CDC RUFFIAN, AC Morgan, Fdn. discounts. Reg., Cert. Terre Bonne Seed Farm, 204-642-2572, Riverton, MB. 306-921-8594, 306-752-4810, Melfort, SK. CERT. ALFALFA and GRASSES. Elie, MB. CERTIFIED #1 CDC RUFFIAN, AC Leggett, Free delivery. Dyck Forages & Grasses Ltd. CDC Orrin. Call Fenton Seeds, 1-888-204-1000 306-873-5438, Tisdale, SK. EXCELLENT QUALITY CERTIFIED #1 CS Camden, Summit, CDC Minstrel, CDC Ruffian, CDC Orrin. Frederick Seeds, GRASS AND FORAGE SEED SALE. Call for prices and delivery. 306-648-7467, 306-287-3977, Watson, SK. Gravelbourg, SK. CDC BOYER, CERT. #1, 99% germ., 96% vigor, produces plump seed, good for greenfeed and milling. Stoll’s Seed Barn Ltd., 306-493-7409, Delisle, SK.

Visit our farm listings and videos at

3 QUARTERS WITH YARDSITE: 477 acres in a block. Mixed farm, 300 arable acres. Fenced and cross fenced, 2 shallow wells., 40’x60’ machine shed, 34’x44’ pole shed, barn, corrals, hay fence. 24’x32’ bungalow, w/double attached garage. Located beside the Riding Mtn. National Park. Contact Karen Goraluk-Salesperson, 204-773-6797. NorthStar Insurance & Real Estate. MLS ®1701622.

High yielding - excellent for silage Very good lodging resistance Highest falling number for milling Excellent winter survival AND

AAC Gateway Winter Wheat

High yielding with FHB resistance APARTMENTS FOR RENT, Langham, SK. Quiet, well maintained, close to schools. 1 and 2 bedrooms starting at $650. Contact Blaise at 306-349-9351.

CATTLE FARM - 11 quarters and 2 Crown quarters in a block. Near Roblin, MB. along the Duck Mtn. Prov. Park. Approx. 1100 workable acres, majority is hay. Fenced. Dugouts. May consider selling parcels. Scenic area. Yardsite has a 30’x66’ pole shed/work shop. 2 cattle shelters. Corrals. MLS #1627477, Karen Goraluk, Salesperson, 204-773-6797. NorthStar Insurance and Real Eastate, visit the website at

Call 403-715-9771 for more information

HYBRID AND OPEN-POLLINATED canola varieties. Certified #1 Synergy (Polish), Dekalb, Rugby. Phone Fenton Seeds, 306-873-5438, Tisdale, SK.

CERTIFIED #1 CDC Sorrel, AAC Bravo. Fenton Seeds, 306-873-5438, Tisdale, SK. REG. AND CERT. #1 BETHUNE flax, 98% germ., Triffid-free. Sandercock Seed Farm, 306-334-2958, Balcarres, SK. CERTIFIED #1 CDC Sanctuary flax, high germination. Don Schmeling, Riceton, SK., 306-530-1052. NORCAN restores grain farm profitability. Buy from Norcan and keep your own Glyphosphate 1 soybean seed. Norcan farmCERTIFIED CARBERRY WHEAT. Contact ers have reported yields over 60 bu./acre. Wilmot Milne, Gladstone, MB. Call/text Nate, 204-280-1202 or Norcan 204-385-2486 or 204-212-0531. Seeds 204-372-6552, Fisher Branch, MB. 0% FUSARIUM, high germ, exc. quality CERT CDC Blackstrap (early); CDC Super#1 HRS carry over. Reg. and Cert. AC jet; CDC Jet. High germs. Martens CharoBrandon, AC Carberry, AC Shaw VB, AC lais & Seed, 204-534-8370, Boissevain, MB Vesper VB, Osler. Terre Bonne Seed Farm, 306-921-8594, 306-752-4810, Melfort, SK.

SELLING THROUGHOUT MB. Local and foreign buyers are looking for Farms, Ranches, Rural and Suburban properties, Hobby Farms, Homes, Acreages, Hunting Land. Call Harold 204-253-7373, Delta Real Estate.

CERTIFIED #1 CDC Plentiful, Cardale, Elgin ND, Goodeve VB, Vesper VB. Fenton CERTIFIED #1 CDC Impala (small red) Seeds, 306-873-5438, Tisdale, SK. Clearfield. Fenton Seeds, 306-873-5438, Tisdale, SK. CERTIFIED #1 SHAW CWRS, high yielding. Pratchler Seeds Farm, 306-682-3317 NEW CERT. CDC Proclaim CL red lentil or 306-231-5145, Muenster, SK. 306-843-2934, Wilkie, SK.

WINNIPEGOSIS: 1241 ACRES DEEDED, 681 cult., Lake Frontage; Camperville: 720 deeded, 160 acres cult. #2 soil per agc; Lundar: 1347 acres 1289 cult avail., $700,000; Dallas: 1058 acres grain, cattle offers more avail; Ethelbert: 160 hunting land, cabin, $56,000; Portage la Prairie: 320 acres rented for 2017, call; Duck Mountain: 240 acres touches park, $180,000; Grahamdale: Big storage facility $242,000; Stead: 1293 acres peat moss; Teulon: 76 ac. 1.5 mi. N on #7, fenced; Whitemouth: 160 acres, 80 ac is rice paddock; Eriksdale: 620 acres hunting land, $150,000. Call 204-253-7373, Delta Real Estate. See more on

Offering a full line of Forage and Cover Crop Blends! Grasses, Alfalfa, Lawn Seed, Forage Legumes! Millets, Fall Rye, Triticale, Oats, Barley!

LAND FOR SALE: Two quarters West of Plumas, MB. 319 acres (224 cultivated). CERTIFIED TRADITION BARLEY. Call Milne, Gladstone, MB. NE 1/4 14-16-13 and NW 1/4 14-16-13. Wilmot 204-385-2486 or 204-212-0531. Contact Tom 204-803-7128.

LIVESTOCK FARMS: GRAIN FARMLAND WANTED: Contact EXCELLENT Terry at 306-520-8863 or by email to: 1) 1732 deeded acres w/4425 acres of Crown land, fenced, small bungalow, very good buildings & metal corral system, can DWEIN TRASK REALTY INC. Delisle/ carry 350 cow/calf pairs. 2) Excellent Swanson 600 ac. ranch. Very good corrals, horse ranch in Erickson, MB., Riding Arena well equipped horse barn, workshop, stor- and buildings in fantastic condition. 3) 640 age shed and solid 960 sq. ft. home. Check acre mixed farm within 15 mins. of Brandon. 4) 800 ac. cattle farm, Rorketon, MB., web to view. Call Dwein at 306-221-1035. 1500 sq.ft. home, heated shop. 5) Modern DWEIN TRASK REALTY INC. Langham, house and 160 acres of pasture, 15 mins. SK. full quarter of land with 143 acres to Brandon. 6) 320 acre farm, Carnduff, cult., FMV = 56,000. Just 2 1/2 miles SK. Jim McLachlan 204-724-7753, Remax Valleyview Realty Inc, Brandon, MB. SHOWS 10 OUT of 10! Bruno, SK, 936 sq. ft. south of Langham and 1/4 mile west. 3 bed, 2 bath completely renovated bunga- Priced to sell! $279,900. Call Dwein today low backing park! 16'x26' att. garage, open at 306-221-1035. concept, main floor laundry, long list of updates in & out! $215,900, MLS® 596405, DWEIN TRASK REALTY INC. East 1/2 of MULCHING- TREES, BRUSH, Stumps. Call 306-230-8545, 6-39-8 W3. 136,300 FMV. Flat & stone Call today 306-933-2950. Visit us at: free. For details, call Dwein 306-221-1035.

Guttino Hybrid Fall Rye

CERT. #1 AAC Synergy, CDC Copeland, excellent quality. Northland Seeds Inc., 306-324-4315, Margo, SK. AC METCALFE, CDC Copeland; Cert. and Reg., low fusarium/graminearum. Terre Bonne Seed Farm, 306-921-8594 or 306-752-4810, Melfort, SK. CERTIFIED #1 LEGACY (6R). Call Fenton Seeds, 306-873-5438, Tisdale, SK.

Forage Peas, Green and Yellows Peas! Blended to your requests!

Give Us a Call or Visit us online for Marketing opportunities!

REGISTERED CERTIFIED CDC Greenwater; Certified CDC Striker. Martens Charolais and Seed, 204-534-8370, Boissevain, MB. CERT. #1 CDC Limerick and Cooper, excellent quality. Northland Seeds Inc., 306-324-4315, Margo, SK. NEW CDC GREENWATER, Patrick green, CDC Amarillo yellow, Reg., Cert. avail. Terre Bonne Seed Farm, 306-921-8594, 306-752-4810, Melfort, SK. CERTIFIED #1 CDC Amarillo and CDC Meadow. Fenton Seeds, 306-873-5438, Tisdale, SK. CERTIFIED ABARTH early variety, better standability and disease package. 306-843-2934, Wilkie, SK.

Holland, MB 204.526.2145

CERT. #1 COPELAND, 95% germ., 94% vigor, 0 fusarium. Sandercock Seed Farm, 306-334-2958, Balcarres, SK.

Seed Inc. is a Pedigreed Seed dealer and Exporter of speciality crops. Specizlizing in Flax, Mustard, Rye, Triticale, Peas, Canary, Damaged Canola, Millets, and Others!

CERTIFIED #1 METCALF. Pratchler Seeds Farm, 306-682-3317 or 306-231-5145, Muenster, SK.

REG. AND CERT. CDC CALVI, great standability, excellent quality. Northland Seeds Inc., 306-324-4315, Margo, SK.

BESCO GRAIN LTD. Buying all varieties of mustard. Also canary and some other specialty crops. 204-745-3662, Brunkild, MB

Is your ag equipment search more like a needle in a haystack search? OVER 30,000 Find it fast at PIECES OF AG EQUIPMENT!


MUSTARD SEED FOR SALE! Looking for off grade mustard, lentils or chickpeas. Custom color sorting of all types of crops. Ackerman Ag Services, 306-638-2282, Chamberlain, SK.

The Manitoba Co-operator | June 8, 2017

GLY SOYBEAN SEED, early, mid, and long season available. Top yield, bulk or bagged. Keep your own seeds with the convenience of Glyphosate! No contracts or TUA’s. Dealers wanted. Call/text Nate, 204-280-1202 or Norcan Seeds 204-372-6552, Fisher Branch, MB.

CERT. ORGANIC BLACK silage pea seed, JAMES FARMS FOR QUALITY SEED. 98% germ; Certified organic alfalfa silage Brandon, Cardale, Faller and Penhold bales. Gilbert Plains, MB. area, call Wheat. Summit and Souris oats, Haymaker 204-648-7383, 204-548-2932. Forage Oats. Tradition Barley, Glas flax, McLeod RR2 and Barker R2xtend Soybeans. Forage Seeds, Various Canola and Sunflower Seed Varieties. Custom Processing, seed treating, inoculating. Deliv- RED PROSO MILLET Seed, 50 lb. bags or ery is available. Early payment discounts. totes, 0.55/lb. pickup. 306-736-7863, Call 204-222-8785 or 1-866-283-8785 Glenavon, SK., Winnipeg, email

COVER CROPS. Do you want to be free of fertilizer bills and have cleaner fields? N Fixation P&K scavengers. Taproot short and long season plants. Limited quantity. Give me a call 204-851-2101, Virden, MB.

For Pricing ~ 204-325-9555

NOW BUYING Confection and Oil Sunflowers, Brown & Yellow Flax and Red & White Millet Edible Beans

WE BUY OATS Call us today for pricing Box 424, Emerson, MB R0A 0L0 204-373-2328

TOP QUALITY ALFALFA, variety of grasses and custom blends, farmer to farmer. Gary Waterhouse 306-874-5684, Naicam, SK. COMMON ALFALFA SEED, pre-inoculated, 90% germ., $2.85/lb. Volume discounts. Delivery avail. 204-642-2572, Riverton, MB LATE SEEDING? Try short season high yielding Crown, Red and White Proso Millets and Golden German/Red Siberian Foxtail millet varieties. Harder Farm Ltd., call/text 204-745-0187, Carman, MB CROWN MILLET SEED at $0.30/lb, 600 800 lb. totes by May 15th; Yellow Blossom Clover seed, makes great mix w/Millet, $1.30 lb. While supplies last. D White Seeds, 204-822-3649, Morden. ALFALFAS/ CLOVERS/ GRASSES, hay blends and pasture blends. Custom blends no charge. Free delivery. Dyck Forages & Grasses Ltd., Elie, MB, 1-888-204-1000. Visit us at COMPLETE LINE OF forage seeds from alfalfa and clovers to all kinds of grasses as well as custom blends. We have 30 yrs. of experience with fast friendly service. 1-877-781-8189, MILLET SEED: German Golden Foxtail; Red Proso; Crown Proso. All cleaned and bagged. Excellent producers in swath graze, silage or bale. Call Greg Tanner, 306-457-2816, Stoughton, SK. COMMON ALFALFA SEED, creep and taproot varieties, cleaned and bagged, $2.50/lb. 306-963-7833, Imperial, SK. SAINFOIN SEED. Nutritious, bloat-free, perennial forage loved by all animals and honeybees. Research from Utah University indicates better meat flavor and nutrition from sainfoin supplemented forage. Prime Sainfoin is cert. organic. 306-739-2900, Email:


All D a m a ge d Ca n ola W e lc om e FR EIG H T O PTIO N S D ELIVER Y C O N TR A C TS SC H ED U LED D ELIVER IES

HAY BLENDS AND PASTURE BLENDS, no charge custom blends. Dyck Forages & Grasses Ltd., Elie, MB. Free delivery. 1-888-204-1000,

w w w .m illiga n biofu e ls .c om

FARMERS, RANCHERS, SEED PROCESSORS BUYING ALL FEED GRAINS Heated/Spring Threshed Lightweight/Green/Tough, Mixed Grain - Barley, Oats, Rye, Flax, Wheat, Durum, Lentils, Peas, Canola, Chickpeas, Triticale, Sunflowers, Screenings, Organics and By-Products √ ON-FARM PICKUP √ PROMPT PAYMENT √ LICENSED AND BONDED SASKATOON, LLOYDMINSTER, LETHBRIDGE, VANCOUVER, MINNEDOSA


Rye, Flax, Barley, Peas, Oats, Corn, Wheat, Soybeans, Canola, Soy Oil, Soymeal

- Licensed & Bonded Farm Pick-Up Pricing Across Western Canada

Contact Us Toll Free: 888-974-7246


HEATED CANOLA & FLAX • Competitive Prices • Prompt Movement • Spring Thrashed “ON FARM PICK UP”


LACKAWANNA PRODUCTS CORP. Buyers and sellers of all types of feed grain and grain by-products. Contact Bill Hajt or Christopher Lent at 306-862-2723.

NUVISION COMMODITIES is currently purchasing feed barley, wheat, peas and milling oats. 204-758-3401, St. Jean, MB. WANTED: FEED GRAIN, barley, wheat, peas, green or damaged canola. Phone Gary 306-823-4493, Neilburg, SK.



• 2 and 6 row Malt Barley • 15.0+ protein Hard Red Spring Wheat and 11.5 Protein Winter Wheat

SMOOTH BROME COMMON 750 lbs. per bulk bag at $2.50/lbs. 1-877-781-8189

• Feed Wheat, Barley, Corn and Pea’s

COMPLETE LINE OF forage seeds from alfalfa and clovers to all kinds of grasses as well as custom blends. We have 30 yrs. of experience with fast friendly service. 1-877-781-8189,


GRASS AND FORAGE SEED SALE. Call for prices and delivery. 306-648-7467, Gravelbourg, SK.



1-8 66-38 8 -628 4

GROWER DIRECT. Brome Grass, Timothy, Cicer Milkvetch, Alfalfa, Yellow Clover custom blends. Delivery avail. 306-342-4290, 306-342-7688, Glaslyn, SK. Siklenka Seeds FULL LINE OF FORAGE seeds blending to your needs. Contact Tom Williamson 306-582-6009, Pambrun, SK.


Farm Pick up Available

Best pricing, Best option, Best Service

Vanderveen Commodity Services Ltd.

ARES & FOCUS Herbicide for sale: 58 cases of Ares and approx. 12 cases of Focus. Excellent Lentil products. Can deliver. Call Bryce Pallister 204-856-9529, Portage la Prairie, MB.

Licensed and Bonded Grain Brokers

NORCAN restores grain farm profitability. Buy from Norcan and keep your own Glyphosphate 1 soybean seed. Norcan farmers have reported yields over 60 bu./acre. Call/text Nate, 204-280-1202 or Norcan Seeds 204-372-6552, Fisher Branch, MB.

Andy Vanderveen · Brett Vanderveen Jesse Vanderveen

37 4th Ave. NE Carman, MB R0G 0J0 Ph. (204) 745-6444 Email: A Season to Grow… Only Days to Pay!

WANTED: FEED BARLEY Buffalo Plains Cattle Company is looking to purchase barley. For pricing and delivery dates, call Kristen 306-624-2381, Bethune, SK.

EXPERIENCED FULL-TIME HELP for mixed farm, Class 1 an asset. Competitive wages. Call 306-537-6435, Odessa, SK.

S o u th Am erica (Ga la pa go s /Peru / Bra zil/Argen tin a /Chile) ~ Jan 2018 Ta n za n ia /V icto ria Fa lls ~ Jan 2018 In d ia ~ February 2018 V ietn a m /Ca m b o d ia /Tha ila n d

POSITION AVAILABLE, Cypress Hills, SK. area. Background yearling grasser operation and cow/calf. Modern facilities and equipment. Good working environment. Class 1 preferred. Wages negotiable depending on experience. Ph. 306-295-7473.

~ Feb 2018

Portion oftours m a y b e Ta x Ded uc tib le.

Se le ct Holida ys

NEW 2016 STAINLESS steel fertilizer tank 30,000 gallon 12'x35' tank, filler spouts on bottom beside man hole. It has a small dent on roof and a small dent on the bottom, $19,500 OBO. 204-384-9279, Winkler, MB. MAGNUM FABRICATING LTD. For all your fuel tank needs ULC certified for Canada and USA and Transport Canada DOT certified fuel tanks. Your No. 1 fuel safe solution. 306-662-2198, Maple Creek, SK.

1- 800- 661- 432 6 w w w .selectho lid a m

Get today’s top ag news delivered to your inbox.

COMBINE HARVEST IN AUSTRALIA. Experience wanted, mid-October until end of January. Good wages. Contact email: Advertise your unwanted equipment in the Classifieds. Call our toll-free number and place your ad with our friendly staff, and don’t forget to ask about our prepayment bonus. Prepay for 3 weeks and get 2 weeks free! 1-800-782-0794.

KORNUM WELL DRILLING, farm, cottage and acreage wells, test holes, well rehabilitation, witching. PVC/SS construction, expert workmanship and fair pricing. 50% HALARDA FARMS is seeking a FT year government grant now available. Indian round employee to work w/dairy cattle & Head, SK., 306-541-7210 or 306-695-2061 milking robots. Alternating day/evening shifts. The successful applicant will be self-motivated and a team player. No experience needed. Competitive wages and extensive health/benefit package ofU-DRIVE TRACTOR TRAILER Training, an Halarda Farms is a modern, large 30 years experience. Day, 1 and 2 week fered. mixed located in the Elm Creek area. upgrading programs for Class 1A, 3A and E-mail farm resume to: or air brakes. One on one driving instructions. fax 204-436-3034 or call 204-436-2032. 306-786-6600, Yorkton, SK.

POLY TANKS: 15 to 10,000 gal.; Bladder tanks from 220 to 88,000 gallon; Water and liquid fertilizer; Fuel tanks, single and COMBINE OPERATORS AUSTRALIA: double wall; Truck and storage, gas or dsl. Positions available in our 2017/2018 harWilke Sales, 306-586-5711, Regina, SK. vest crew. Operating JD S series combines w/40’ headers, AutoSteer and 900 bu. Stretch your advertising dollars! Place an ad grain carts. Travelling eastern states of in the classifieds. Our friendly staff is waiting Australia starting mid October. Must be experienced. Knowledge of GPS an asset. for your call. 1-800-782-0794. Barclay Ag Services Pty Ltd. Contact Mick +61-428-532-266, email: TARPCO, SHUR-LOK, MICHEL’S sales, service, installations, repairs. Canadian company. We carry aeration socks and grain bags. Also electric chute openers for grain trailer hoppers. 1-866-663-0000.

FULL-TIME RANCH HAND wanted immediately (located between Regina and Moose Jaw, SK.), who is able to handle draft horses, haying equipment and general farm duties. No accommodations available. Call: 306-731-2821 or 306-596-0507.

Au s tra lia /N ew Zea la n d ~ Jan 2018 Co s ta Rica /Pa n a m a Ca n a l ~ Jan 2018

SWAP 3000 FORD Cattle for cattle. Call 306-453-6010, Walter Brown, Carlyle, SK.

LOW FUSARIUM HARD Red spring wheat, grown on transitional organic land. 95% germination, 86% vigor and only 0.5% fusarium damage. Approx. 1900 bu. of bin run available, $8/bu. OBO. Pickup. Call WANTED HEATED CANOLA. No broker involved. Sell direct to crushing plant. 306-382-1299, Saskatoon, SK. Cash on delivery or pickup. 306-228-7306 or 306-228-7325, no texts. Unity, SK. OATS, 98% germination. Call Wayne 306-248-7720, St. Walburg, SK.

Ca n ola W a n te d

S u ez Ca n a l Cru is e ~ O ctober 2017 Egypt/Jo rd a n ~ N ov 2017/M ar 2018

Licensed & Bonded Winkler, MB.

QUALITY SEEDS AT reasonable prices. Certified & Common #1: Alfalfa, Clover, Grasses, etc. Excellent purity and germ. Many Pickseed products on hand. Certified hybrid brome grass & various specialty forage seeds available. Various organic forage seeds also available. Free periodic delivery to many Sask. locations. Richard Walcer, 306-752-3983 anytime. Melfort SK


FULL-TIME FARM LABOURER HELP. Applicants should have previous farm experience and mechanical ability. Duties include operation of machinery, including tractors and other farm equip., as well as general farm laborer duties. $25/hour depending on experience. Must be able to cross US border. Location: Pierson, MB/Gainsborough, SK. Feland Bros. Farms, Greg Feland and Wade Feland, Box 284, Pierson, MB. R0M 1S0. 701-756-6954.

FARM WORK OVERSEAS dairy, beef, crop, sheep, and horticulture employment for young Canadians (ages 18-30) in Australia, New Zealand & Europe. Job & Work Permit arranged. International Rural Exchange (IRE) 306-489-4407,

NEED TO SELL? Get great exposure at a great price! Call today to place your ads by phone.


FEEDLOT GENERAL OPERATIONS Manager: Looking for an experienced feedlot manager to oversee all operations and employees while managing expansion projects. Work with Canada's top cattle feeders and expand your knowledge and skills in the livestock industry. If you have 3 plus years of experience, you're a proven leader and passionate about caring for cattle, apply now! Email: Sign up for daily enews at GENERAL MANAGER WANTED: Makoti elevator is now accepting FARM LABOURER REQUIRED for livestock tions for the position of General Manager. operation. Duties include: operating, main- Responsible for day to day business activitaining seeding & harvesting equip. Smoke ties. To include Oversight of all employees free enviro., $17/hr. Housing avail. Lyle in all departments (grain, crop inputs, and feed). Other responsibilities include: Lumax, 204-525-2263, Swan River, MB. Merchandising; Logistics; Accounting; 3- GOODYEAR 18.4x38 RADIAL tractor tires, approx. 50% tread, $500 each OBO. HELP WANTED for cattle and grain op- Credit; Government compliance; Human resources; And overall profit and loss state204-745-7445, Carman, MB. eration. Monthly or hourly wage. Seeking ments. Minimum of 4 year degree or self-motivated person, potential for year comparable experience. 701-497-3707, round work. 306-795-2710, Goodeve, SK.


2 SEASONAL FARM Machinery Operators required. Must be able to operate grain cart, tandem grain truck, FWA tractor w/rockpicker, 4 WD tractor for harrowing. Also manual labour for upkeep of leafcutter bees and general servicing of equip. May 1 to Oct. 31. $15-$18/hr. 101008187 SK Ltd., 303 Frontier Trail, Box 372, Wade30 GOOD USED rock truck or scraper tires, na, SK., S0A 4J0. Fax: 306-338-3733, ph 23.5R25; 6 good condition, used 306-338-7561 or 30/65R25 rock truck or loader tires. $1500 or lower each. Will take offers for all tires. Ph Jake 204-743-2324, Cypress River, MB.

WANTED: OFF-GRADE PULSES, oil seeds and cereals. All organic cereals and specialty crops. Prairie Wide Grain, Saskatoon, 2 FIRESTONE 23.1-34 10 ply, on 10 hole rims, $1600; One 14Lx16.1 4 ribbed FireSK., 306-230-8101, 306-716-2297. stone and one 14Lx16.1 3 ribbed 8 hole rim, $300; Complete set of new Galaxy Agritrack II’s, 7-14 fronts, 11.2-24 rears, with rims, off new JD 3000 series tractors, ROUND ALFALFA/ALFALFA GRASS solid $1600. 204-757-2725, St. Andrews, MB. core greenfeed 5x6 JD hay bales for sale. Call 306-237-4582, Perdue, SK. GOOD USED TRUCK TIRES: 700/8.25/ 900/1000/1100x20s; 11R22.5/11R24.5; LARGE ROUND ALFALFA BROME 9R17.5, matched sets available. Pricing BALES. Will trade for heavy equipment. from $90. K&L Equipment and Auto. Ph Call 204-859-2724, Rossburn, MB. Ladimer, 306-795-7779, Ituna, SK; Chris at 306-537-2027, Regina, SK. LARGE SQUARE HAY BALES, reasonably priced. Can deliver. Call 204-730-3139, MR. TIRE CORP. For all your tire needs, Glenboro, MB. call Mylo at 306-921-6555. Serving all of Saskatchewan. PICKING, LOADING and HAULING 45 tonnes of hay on ea. of 2 identical Super B units. 48 large round bales, or 82- 3x4 TIRES FOR SALE: 15 used 11-22-5 trailer squares; or 120 - 3x3 squares per load. Re- tires, 50% - 80% tread; Used 11-22-5 alum. ceive up to 10% volume discount depend- rims, $130 each. Call Neil 306-231-8300, ing on volume. Phone or text Hay Vern Humboldt, SK. 204-729-7297, Brandon, MB. SET OF USED 36” tracks for 95E Cat LONG LAKE TRUCKING, two units, custom Challenger tractor. Call 306-463-4866, 306-463-8800, Kindersley, SK. hay hauling. 306-567-7100, Imperial, SK. GOOD QUALITY HAY put up dry without Do you want to target Manitoba farmers? rain. 200 big square bales, 3x4x8. Rea- Place your ad in the Manitoba Co-operator. Manitoba’s best-read farm publication. sonably priced. 306-320-1041, Leroy, SK.


NORHEIM RANCHING SK. Sales Rep. Put your livestock experience to use as a Sales Rep focused on high quality line of livestock related products. Vehicle, territory and location negotiable. Call 306-227-0944.

Watch your profits grow! Prepayment Bonus Prepay your regular word classified ad for 3 weeks and your ad will run an additional 2 consecutive weeks for free! Call Our Customer Service Representatives To Place Your Ad Today!


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Manitoba’s best-read farm publication



The Manitoba Co-operator | June 8, 2017

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The Manitoba Co-operator | June 8, 2017

*For commercial use only. Offer subject to credit qualification and approval by CNH Industrial Capital Canada Ltd. See your New Holland dealer for details and eligibility requirements. CNH Industrial Capital Canada Ltd. standard terms and conditions will apply. Depending on model, a down payment may be required. Offer good through June 30, 2017, at participating New Holland dealers in Canada. Offer subject to change. Taxes, freight, set-up, delivery, additional options or attachments not included in price. © 2017 CNH Industrial Capital America LLC. All rights reserved. New Holland Agriculture is a trademark registered in the United States and many other countries, owned by or licensed to CNH Industrial N.V., its subsidiaries or affiliates. CNH Industrial Capital is a trademark in the United States and many other countries, owned by or licensed to CNH Industrial N.V., its subsidiaries or affiliates.


1993 AH 565A . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$7,500 2009 NH BR7090 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $25,000 2007 NH BR780A . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$10,900 2007 NH BR780A . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $11,500


1997 JD 9600 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $47,000 2015 NH CX8090 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$417,000 2014 NH CX8090 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $355,000 2013 NH CX8080 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $344,000 2011 NH CX8070 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $199,000 2005 NH CX840 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $109,000 1998 NH TR98 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $26,500


2000 CIH 1042-36 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $24,200 2009 JD 635F . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $26,000 2015 NH 840CD-35 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $69,000 2015 NH 840CD-35 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $69,000 2013 NH 840CD-35 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $57,000 2013 NH 840CD-35 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $57,000 2003 JD 936 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $27,000 2016 MB FD75-35FT CNH . . . . . . . . . . . . $92,000 2015 MB D65-35FT CNH . . . . . . . . . . . . . $73,000 2015 MB D65-35FT CNH . . . . . . . . . . . . . $73,000

$73,000 2015 MacDon D65-35FT

2016 WATER CANNON 8”X83’

2017 SOFTER 20


2015 New Holland CX8090



2009 CIH STEIGER 485 QUADTRAC. . . $239,000 2012 JD 5101E . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $56,700 2012 NH T9.505 HD AG . . . . . . . . . . . . . $258,000 2011 NH T8.275 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $164,000


2013 CHLGR WR9740. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $88,000 2007 JD 4895-36FT. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $53,000 1989 JD 590 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $3,500 2012 MB M205-40FT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $125,000 2011 MB M150-40FT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $104,000 2002 MB 2952-36FT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$51,000

Deep Tillage 2010 CIH Flex Till 600 . . . .$80,714 Deep Tillage 1984 MR CP750. . . . . . . . . .$16,000 Forklift 2006 JC 940 RTFL . . . . . . . . . . . $40,000 Forklift 2004 SX SD 80. . . . . . . . . . . . . . $64,000 Grain Auger 2011 FK 10x70TMMR . . . . . .$10,000 Grain Auger 2011 FK TMR10x70 . . . . . . . . $9,500 Grain Auger 2011 SK HD10-1800 . . . . . . .$15,000 Grain Auger 2016 WHEAT R 8-51. . . . . . . $15,250 Grain Vac 2014 REM VRX . . . . . . . . . . . . .$21,500 Harrow Packer 1998 MR Rangler II . . . .$12,500 Tires 2012 GDYR 380/90R46 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $0 Track Loader 2013 CA TV380. . . . . . . . . $55,000 Mower/Zero Turn 2012 CK RZT 54 KW $2,900 Scraper 2015 LN M1350 . . . . . . . . . . . . . $35,900 808504

2017 1600RS

Land Leveler, 16’ Rear Steer HyGrade Pull-type Grader w/Weight



1998 New Holland TR98



Grain Vac, 125hrs, Std hoses & attachments 1 one load out nozzle 3’ long 1 On


2015 New Holland C232


1999 MB 9200-30FT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $36,000 2015 NH SPEEDROWER 200-40FT. . . . $139,000


2014 Rem VRX


$164,000 $60,000

1990 FC SYS 62 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $3,200 2012 NH SP.240F XP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $259,000







Pump, Excellent cond., 8” X 83’ SINGLE KNOZZLE 10 PTO HP

2013 Case TV380

Track Loader, 520hrs, 84HP, Seat Air Suspension Cab w/Heat & Air Hyd Heavy Duty Coupler Complete

2015 MB D65-35FT CNH . . . . . . . . . . . . . $73,000 2010 NH 94C-42FT CR/CX . . . . . . . . . . . $65,000 2009 NH 94C-42FT CR/CX . . . . . . . . . . . $50,000 2008 NH 94C-36FT CR/CX . . . . . . . . . . . $39,000







2015 New Holland 840CD-35FT


2003 JD 1820 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $30,000 1997 MR MAXIM-40 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$13,900 1997 MR MAXIM-50 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $29,500 2012 SEMST 8012 CT TXB w/300 Onboard tank and JD1910 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $260,000 2009 SEMST 5012 TXB . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $75,000 2007 SHAWK 50FT-10IN c/w 777 TBH $109,900 1984 BO 28-32 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $8,500 2013 JD 1910 JD c/w 5012 Seedmaster . . . . . . . . . . . . . $160,000 1998 JD 1900 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$13,900 2013 NH TXB66-12 c/w P1060 TBT & Twin NH3 Tanks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $199,000 2011 NH P1060-TBH-MEC . . . . . . . . . . . . $56,000



$139,000 2015 New Holland SP200

Windrower / Swather, 40FT, 600/65R28 DRIVES, 16.5L REAR TIRES, AIR BAGS, 6CYL, 190HP TIER III EN




2012 New Holland SP.240F XP

Sprayer, 4WD, 1050hrs, 275HP, 275HP, 1000 GALLON POLY TANK, 100/60FT 5 SECTION 20IN, 3-WAY BODIES

2014 Elmers Haulmaster 1600


2005 New Holland CX840




2011 New Holland T8.275

Tractor, MFD, 1435hrs, 275HP, 18F/4R POWERSHIFT, 480/80R46 DUALS, 380/85R34 FRONTS


2013 John Deere 4730

Sprayer, 1065 HRS, 245 HP, 800 GALLON POLY TANK, 100FT BOOMS, 7 SECTIONS, 380/90R46

2015 Versatile 500DT

Tractor, 500DT DeltaTrack with 30” Agricultural Tracks, Deluxe Cab Package~Includes





2015 Versatile 450DT




2017 Versatile 550









1997 John Deere 9600


Highway #2 South

Highway #6 North

Highway #10 East

Fax: 306-946-2613

Fax: 306-746-2919

Fax: 306-782-5595

Ph: 306-946-3301

Ph: 306-746-2911

Ph: 306-783-8511

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