May 2012
Joshua Nations Schools This Month: Ethiopia & Tanzania update Update Stats A Miracle Meeting The Law of Increase...The Way to Live For more than two years, off and on, I have meditated on this incredible life changing scripture. Over 44 years of ministry I have built a 7,000 volume library. I have given away many books over the years. Then who can calculate the impact of 70,000 sets of curriculum printed and distributed in over 38 nations. Because we have given liberally to others God has given to us a 800 page training manual for new believers and young leaders. These books have been made available to us free, I said free, as many as we can distribute world wide. Freely we receive, freely we give. Think about the law of increase…. When you are liberal with years of experience, knowledge and the blessings of the Lord He will bless you to bless the earth. It is not about accumulated wealth, but circulated wealth that touches the world. This applies to what you hear, have and do with what God has given to you. This is the hour of God's increase, not decrease.
4,366 Schools in 38 Nations 79,500 Students, 9,888 Graduates Dear Joshua Nations Partner, The saints from the majestic nation of Africa send greetings! It is so good to be home with Lana and the family. As soon as I catch my breath, we will launch into reviewing curriculum and training materials. I will have time for writing, developing new messages and reading, reading, reading (my dearest hobby), and of course, keeping up with the yard work. I have just returned from five weeks in Ethiopia and Tanzania where we had a super abundant and fruitful time training leaders, ministering in churches and encouraging the men and women of the cloth. In almost every conference, twice as many leaders showed up than were originally expected. These were thrilling moments with a magnified anointing. Like any nation, Africa needs leaders to disciple the new believers. There continues to be a huge need for more Bible Training Centers.
Ethiopia We trained over 175 leaders in Debre Zeit, Nazareth, and Shashamene. 121 leaders committed to start "To him who has, more will be given and that in Bible Training Centabundance." This matters to the Father, does it ers. Forty churches matter to us? were represented and these pastors are gathering to study for four hours every Saturday. What a witness to Unity?! The Lord also surfaced key leaders to run the schools. • • •
I was blessed to be training these leaders for Overlake Christian Center in Seattle. The Joshua Nations curriculum is now being translated into the Amharic dialect. We printed 225 sets of the first-year curriculum. <continued on next page>
Right: Dr. Frase and Jack Gaudin with School Coordinators in Zanzibar, Africa
Please send your tax deductible gifts to Joshua Nations Dr. Russ & Lana Frase P. O. Box 745728 ~ Arvada, CO 80006-5728 ~ U.S.A. ~ 303.940.6407 ~
Make a joyful shout unto the Lord!!
Our Vision
Tanzania We held our first training in Arusha and about 60 pastors committed to start Bible Training Centers. We visited an orphanage and released the Father’s blessing to the children. This was a real heart-tugger. I preached at the New Life Band school and 8 students received the good news into their hearts.
To disciple the Nations!
Our Mission Unbelievers become Believers Believers become Disciples Disciples become Leaders Leaders become Fathers Fathers become... Leaders of Leaders
In Dodoma, we trained 73 pastors with 50 committing to start schools. Yeah!! Over and over we heard “just spend one more day with us”, “we want more”, and “please come back”. We also printed 300 sets of the first year curriculum.
Leaders in Arusha committing to start BTCs
We trained about 85 leaders in Dar es Salaam. There were 60 pastors who committed to start schools soon. One of these was the wife of the Congolese ambassador. She is going to start a Dr. Frase commissioning leaders in Dodoma school in Tanzania, and another in the Congo. She wants the children's curriculum to be translated into Swahili, and also to incorporate the curriculum into orphanages throughout the Congo. This is why we go!! From Dar es Salaam, we boarded a boat and travelled over very turbulent waters to get to Zanzibar, where 22 pastors were waiting to be trained. 20 of them committed to starting Bible Training Centers. Several of the pastors are born again Muslims. In fact, Zanzibar is 95% Moslem and now we have a beach head there. My, what stories of God's saving grace, and there will be more stories to come.
Dr. Frase and Jack with the Wife of the Congolese Ambassador
From Zanzibar, we returned back to Dar es Salaam to head for the airport to come home. To our amazement, we found a man who had traveled from the Congo by bus for two days just to have fifteen minutes with us before we had to leave. He heard about the Bible Training Centers from the Congolese ambassador's wife and God was drawing this man’s heart to start Bible Training Centers. Such incredible hunger floods my soul with joy. Precious souls will be equipped as new Bible Training Centers open in the capital city of the Congo, Kinshasha and Lumbasi.
Dr. Frase commissioning more leaders to start Bible Training Centers in Zanzibar
Here’s what else God is doing in the nations of the earth through Joshua Nations: India Our recent trip to India has seen the start of three new Bible Training Centers. Uganda In Gulu, Northern Uganda, Onen Martin has started a Bible Training Center with 30 pastors. They are studying the curriculum and will then start their schools. Burundi: Through the ministry of Jack Gaudin we now have 200 JN students within the prison. RMBI graduate, Ruben Magana, is starting a new ministry. FREEDOM—Life Training Center in Denver is designed to give hurting people a “hand up” and a “push forward” in life. Pastor Ruben is walking 300 miles, to raise $300,000. This center will give hurting people the tools necessary to bring about positive change in their lives and help them to become fully functioning members of society. You can help Pastor Ruben accomplish his goals by making a donation. You can donate online at, over the phone with credit/ debit card at 303-506-4091, or by sending a check or money order to: CHAMPIONS-4-Him 11604 Community Center Dr. Unit 11 Northglenn, CO 80233
June 3 Evergreen, Colorado Activation Christian Center June 16 Puerto Vallarta, Mexico Training Leaders To Start Bible Training Centers July 14 - 18 Washington D.C. Christians United For Israel
Until He Comes or We Go, Russ & Lana Frase
Mile High Stadium here in Denver, Colorado!
If you are a Bronco fan, consider this: We now have enough students to pack out the Mile High Sports Authority Stadium in Denver, and we are well on our way to filling another stadium! 38 nations 4,366 schools 79,500 students 9,888 graduates
Remember friends, with God, all things are possible!!!!! Russ and Lana Frase
2012 Itinerary July 22 Saratoga Springs, New York Abundant Life Church September 27 - 30 Pereira, Colombia Global Advance Conference Joshua Nations BTCs Jack Gaudin and Dr. Frase
October 23 - 27 Sierra Leone, Africa Training Leaders To Start Bible Training Centers October 29 - 31 Bengali, India Training Leaders To Start BTCs November 3 - 17 Viet Nam Training Leaders To Start BTCs
If you have changed contact information, please notify us. Joshua Nations contact information is available at the bottom of page one of this letter.