1 minute read
Letter from the editor
As the season transitions into fall in BC and Yukon and our conversations move indoors, into our homes and gathering places (such as we can gather), my thoughts turn to community and language and the many ways words create a sense of belonging. For myself, and I think for many writers, words have carried us through the pandemic.
I have had the pleasure to be part of several communities as this magazine came together. First, I had my local community in Smithers. I am grateful to live here. Next, within the Federation of BC Writers, I worked with staff and volunteers, including our recently retired Managing Editor, Ursula Vaira. Finally, I worked with a community of writers whose generous and compassionate words you will find in this magazine.
Within each of these communities, language helped us deal with our challenges—not only in our own creative works but in our relationships with ourselves and each other. During the pandemic, when were unable to see our communities in person, we sent messages or engaged in video chats. We journaled, and when we could, we wrote. Words carried us when hugs could not.
You may find yourself reflected in these pages as we talk about mental health and wellness and the writing life. As we deal with the effects of isolation, my hope is that we continue to rely on words to keep us going, to stay connected, and to remain inspired.
Thank you for being part of the WordWorks community.
Jessica Cole, Managing Editor