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Well Via
Telehealth provides 24/7/365 access to board-certified doctors via telephone or video consultations that can diagnose, recommend treatment and prescribe medication. Telehealth makes care more convenient and accessible for non-emergency care when your primary care physician is not available.
For full plan details, please visit your benefit website: www.mybenefitshub.com/annaisd
Our doctors diagnose, recommend treatment and prescribe medication via phone or video from anywhere –your home, office or while on vacation – 24/7, 365 days a year by phone, online portal, or app.
only $0
per consult
When medically necessary, your doctor will issue a prescription to your pharmacy Member Services: (855) WELLVIA
For updated full disclosures, please visit www.wellviasolutions.com. Or call Member Services (855) WellVia