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Cancer Insurance

About Cancer

Cancer insurance offers you and your family supplemental insurance protection in the event you or a covered family member is diagnosed with cancer. It pays a benefit directly to you to help with expenses associated with cancer treatment.

For full plan details, please visit your benefit website: www.mybenefitshub.com/mansfieldisd

Treatment for cancer is often lengthy and expensive. While your health insurance helps pay the medical expenses for cancer treatment, it does not cover the cost of non-medical expenses, such as out-of-town treatments, special diets, daily living, and household upkeep. In addition to these nonmedical expenses, you are responsible for paying your health plan deductibles and/or coinsurance. Cancer insurance through American Public Life helps pay for these direct and indirect treatment costs so you can focus on your health.

Should you need to file a claim contact APL at (800) 256-8606 or online at www.ampublic.com.

About Accident

Do you have kids playing sports, are you a weekend warrior, or maybe accident prone? Accident plans are designed to help pay for medical costs associated with accidents and benefits are paid directly to you.

For full plan details, please visit your benefit website: www.mybenefitshub.com/mansfieldisd

What is Accident Insurance?

Accident Insurance pays you benefits for specific injuries and events resulting from a covered accident that occurs, on or after your coverage effective date. The benefit amount depends on the type of injury and care received. You have the option to elect Accident Insurance to meet your needs. Accident Insurance is a limited benefit policy. It is not health insurance and does not satisfy the requirement of minimum essential coverage under the Affordable Care Act.

Other features of Accident Insurance include:

• Guaranteed issue: No medical questions or tests are required for coverage.

• Flexible: You can use the benefit payments for any purpose you like.

• Payroll deductions: Premiums are paid through convenient payroll deductions.

• Portable: If you leave your current employer, you can take your coverage with you.

How can Accident Insurance help?

• Medical expenses, such as deductibles and copays

• Home healthcare costs

• Lost income due to lost time at work

• Everyday expenses like utilities and groceries

How to File a Claim:

• www.voya.com

• Click contact and services

• Select Claims and then “start a claim”

• Complete the questionnaire so that a custom claim form package can be generated for you.

• Download your claim forms.

• Fill out each form by the appropriate party.

• Father additional supporting documents.

• Submit your completed and signed forms and supporting documents.

◊ Upload at voya.com

◊ Click on the contact and services

◊ Select “Upload a form”

• Mail and or Fax information provided on the top of your claim form package. If

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