Case Study: Nest Collective Foundation A pioneer in sustainable investment places greater emphasis on the carbon intensity of its portfolios. Information on the organisation Type of organisation
Pension fund
Approximate asset allocation (as of 31.12.2016)
Asset allocation by asset class:
Assets under management (as of 31.12.2016)
CHF2.26 billion
CHF bonds and loans: 20% Global bonds: 6%
Swiss equities: 7%
Global equities: 24% Real estate: 25%
Others: 18% (Private equity, ILS, credit instruments, infrastructure, liquidity) Asset allocation by region:
Swiss assets: 54%, before foreign currency hedging Global assets: 41%
Information on the organisation Who initiated the drafting of a sustainable investment policy?
What was the main motivation for this step?
In the early 1990s, the Nest Board of Trustees already added social and environmental criteria to the investment guidelines at the request of the Investment Committee. The aim was to ensure that the values of the institution and the pension fund beneficiaries are reflected in the investment policy. The more than 15,000 members of the Nest Collective Foundation also represent the values and objectives of Swiss public policy, which is geared towards the principle of sustainable development.
The discussions, held over 20 years ago, focused on how investments could be made in an environmentally and socially responsible manner. At that time, the spotlight was on other environmental themes, such as air pollution or waste management. Even so, it was already clear back then that preference should be given to green forms of energy, while energy generation with negative environmental externalities should be avoided.