2017 Franklin County, Maine Welcome Guide

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Franklin County

hiking | swimming | biking | skiing galleries | restaurants | boutiques www.franklincountymaine.org | 207-778-4215

You’re going to feel great in

Franklin County


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Welcome to

Franklin County,

located in the heart of Maine’s Lakes and Mountains region. The Chamber of Commerce publishes this guide annually as an important resource for visitors and residents alike. There are 21 charming towns and villages in Franklin County with something to discover in each of them. Enjoy perusing the pages of the guide as we highlight the attractions and natural beauty of the area we call home. Farmington is the county seat of Franklin County with a population of 7,500 people. It is home to the University of Maine’s second largest campus, the University of Maine at Farmington. UMF—the first public institution of higher education—is known as one of the top public liberal arts colleges in the nation. Farmington’s historic downtown area is vibrant and bustling with small shops and unique eateries which have much to offer. Beautiful and unspoiled, Franklin County is the premiere four season destination of Maine offering a variety of cultural and historical attractions and activities for all ages. Outdoor recreational activities abound throughout the area. Franklin County is home to more than one hundred lakes and ponds, including those in the magnificent Rangeley Lakes region. Pristine lakes and ponds offer quiet solitude at sunrise with the eerie call of the loons who inhabit these bodies of water. The Sandy River meanders its way through Franklin County. With many new roadside boat launches, there has never been a greater time to explore the river by canoe or kayak. Wilson Lake in downtown Wilton and Clearwater Lake in Industry offer some of the area’s best fishing, even in the winter when you’ll see many ice shacks dotting the landscape. For the hiker, the Appalachian Trail crosses through Franklin County, coming within one mile of the peak of 4,260-foot Sugarloaf Mountain. Just north of Sugarloaf, in Stratton, is the Bigelow Preserve Public Reserved Land, with over 36,000 acres of public land. The preserve encompasses the entire Bigelow Range, which includes seven summits. The highest of these at 4,150 feet is West Peak, one of only fourteen Maine summits over 4,000 feet in elevation. Bounded on the north by 20,000-acre man-made Flagstaff Lake, the preserve offers many opportunities for outdoor recreation, including hiking the Appalachian Trail. Mt. Blue State Park—Maine’s largest state park—is located in Weld, with over 8,000 acres in two sections separated by Webb Lake. Here you can find stellar hiking, trail riding, swimming and picnic spots. Franklin County has a rich heritage and history which can be learned when you visit the museums and historical sites in the area. These include the Nordica Homestead (Farmington), Stanley Museum and Kingfield Historical Society (Kingfield), Ski Museum of Maine (Kingfield), Wilton Farm & Home museum, The Farmington Historical Society, Old North Church, Octagon House, and Titcomb House, all located in Farmington. Take a historical walking tour throughout downtown Farmington, or re-trace Benedict Arnold’s footsteps to Quebec. We look forward to sharing the beautiful landscapes and people of Franklin County with you as you visit the area we are proud to call home.

—Mike Blanchet President

Address: 615 Wilton Rd., Farmington, ME 04938 • Mailing: P.O. Box 123, Farmington, ME 04938 Phone: 207-778-4215 • Fax: 207-778-2438 | info@franklincountymaine.org • www.franklincountymaine.org Serving the towns, townships, and unorganized territories of Greater Franklin County EXECUTIVE BOARD: President: Mike Blanchet, Sun Media; Vice President: Ken True, Wiles Remembrance Center; Treasurer: Pam Dixon, Franklin Savings Bank; Secretary, Chrissy St. Laurent, Franklin Savings Bank; Membership Chairperson: Shannon Smith, Farmington Emblem Club; Member at Large: Susan Atwood, Wilson Lake Inn BOARD OF DIRECTORS: Heidi Elliott, Bangor Savings Bank; Al Kaplan, Wilton Historical Society; Patty Ladd, WMCA Career Center Services; Angie LeClair, University of Maine at Farmington; Greg Patterson, Walmart; Susi Pearson, Allied Realty EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR: Penny Meservier




04 our towns 14 recreational activities 34 arts & culture 38 chamber events 42 resources 44 education 49 event calendar 54 business directory



34 42



design and production | Kaitlin Frost, Franklin County Chamber of Commerce advertising | Penny Meservier, Executive Director, Franklin County Chamber of Commerce on the cover | Jamie Ranger, Penny Meservier, Maine Huts & Trails project management | Franklin County Chamber of Commerce and the Welcome Guide Committee printer | Franklin Printing, Farmington, Maine franklin county chamber of commerce | The FCCOC Welcome Guide is published annually. Circulation 12,000. All rights reserved. Contents of this guide may not be reproduced in any manner without written consent from the Chamber. advertising, editorial and photography inquiries | Please call 207-778-4215 or e-mail info@franklincountymaine.org

Our Towns

Photo courtesy of Penny Meservier

Photo courtesy of Kaitlin Frost


Photo courtesy of Kaitlin Frost • Chester Greenwood Day Art Galleries • UMF • Summer Fest • Downtown Shopping


armington, the county seat and largest

as the annual Farmington Fair gets underway.

residential and woodland reas of Farmington,

town in Franklin County, is known for its

In May through October you can buy locally

Wilton, Livermore Falls, and Jay, the trail is also

four-season recreations, retail district, and

grown and locally made produce and products

available to ATV’s and snowmobiles.

a vast array of cultural and educational of-

at farmer’s markets in the downtown area off

ferings. The town has a broad selection of

Front Street and Main Street.

Kayaking and canoeing are available on the Sandy River. There are multiple pick up and

retail, specialty shops, art galleries, restaurants, cafes, ice cream shops, a multi-screen

Farmington’s location in the western mountain

drop off locations available for short trips. If

movie theater, bookstores, lodging, and a

foothills makes it easy to find outdoor activities

you would like to make a longer excursion, you

busy college campus. You can spend the

in which to participate. Whether you enjoy a

can start in Strong and paddle the 11 miles to

day shopping, or enjoy the local culture at

leisurely stroll, a more vigorous hike, biking,

Farmington. Titcomb Mountain offers afford-

the University of Maine at Farmington’s Art

kayaking, canoeing, ice or open water fishing,

able family-oriented winter fun with 16 alpine

Gallery, take in a performance by the Sandy

skiing, ATVing, or snowmobiling you have ac-

trails and 16 kilometers of cross-country trails.

River Players, or visit the Nordica Home-

cess to it all in Farmington. Not only is Farmington family friendly, it is

stead Museum. There are several different options for walking

also a great place to have a business. In 2015

No matter the time of year, Farmington

in town with many trails from which to choose.

Farmington was designated “Certified Busi-

has a reason to celebrate. Festivals in the

Flint Woods, located on Anson Street, features

ness Friendly” by the Maine department of

downtown area occur every season offering

a nature trail with well maintained hiking trails

Economic and Community Development. For

fun, food, activities for people of all ages,

and offers opportunities to spot wildlife. The

more information on Farmington or things to

and discounts at local merchants. Mid-Sep-

Whistle Stop Rail Trail, located off Farmer Lane,

do in Farmington, contact the Franklin County

tember brings food, carnival rides, livestock,

features more advanced hiking and moun-

Chamber of Commerce.

truck/tractor pulls and the demolition derby

tain biking opportunities. Winding through

Photo courtesy of Jamie Ranger



Walk Around


Familiarize yourself with Farmington by completing the “Walk Around Farmington”. The interpretive signs for the walk around Farmington self-guided tour showcase historical significance and photographs of eight different areas of the town. This history tour will lead you around the town past specialty shops, galleries, restaurants, cafes, and bookstores for you to explore.

A map with locations of the interpretive signs is available at www.franklincountymaine.org

1 abbott park

6 the cannery

2 downtown

7 the depot

Jacob Abbott, a prolific writer of children’s literature, founded Abbott Park where he created a unique landscape.

A fire in Farmington’s downtown in 1886 destroyed 32 dwellings, 42 businesses, 3 churches, 3 hotels and the post office. Remarkably, the downtown was quickly rebuilt, and many of the brick buildings you see on Main Street today date from this recovery. Farmington’s early sense of style in architecture was such that today the entire downtown is on the National Register of Historic Places.

3 meeting house park

Once the town boundaries were set, residents picked a central location for their first meetinghouse, which is the present site of the Franklin County Courthouse.

4 north church

In 1868, the first cannery was built by the J. Winslow Jones & Co. Canning of corns, beans, squash and apples became one of Farmington’s most important industries.

The Maine Central Railroad crossed into Farmington in 1870. In 1879, the Sandy River and Rangeley Lakes Railroad was established and connected northern Franklin County communities with the Maine Central Railroad.

8 university of maine at farmington

Today, Farmington may be best known as the home of the University of Maine at Farmington (UMF), which has been acknowledged as one of the finest public liberal arts colleges in the country. Built in 1898, Merrill Hall, the University’s Maine administration building, is listed on the Register of Historic Places.

Built in 1873, it is maintained by the Farmington Historical Society.

5 farmington public library

Almost from its beginning, Farmington has been known as a center for the arts and culture. In 1901, Farmington’s library was constructed of granite from North Jay, Maine and is one of the few examples of Beaux Arts architecture in Maine.

Photo courtesy of Jamie Ranger



Our Towns

Photo courtesy of Susan Atwood

Photo courtesy of Susan Atwood

Wilton Wilson Lake • Swimming • Fishing/Canoeing • Blueberry Festival • Golfing


ilton opens its front door to you with

forget snowmobiling and the ITS 82 trail along

in downtown Wilton, open Saturday 1-4pm

the breathtaking scenic beauty of Wil-

Pond Road at the head of the lake which in-

in July and August and by appointment.

sects with ITS 89.

The museum is on the National Registry of

son Lake. Located at the junction of Route 2 &

Historic Places. It is a fascinating museum

4 in the foothills of western Lake and Mountains region of Maine and is known as a “great

Along the shoreline of Wilson Lake, you can

with exhibits on G. H. Bass, it’s shoe making

place to live, work and play.” It is the home

play golf on the “Best Nine in Maine”. Swim

operations, diverse collections of unusual

to the annual Wilton Blueberry Festival, a two

and play on the sandy beach at the town’s 63

items used in daily domestic life, tools used

day event celebrated each year on the first

acre Kineowatha Park on High Street, which

in crafts and trades such as farming, shoe

full weekend in August.

provides a variety of activities and recre-

making and blacksmithing. The museum

ational opportunities as well a space for family

also features the Wilton born “Maine Giant-

Come and discover four seasons of recreation

reunions and/or company events. Enjoy walk-

ess”, Sylvia Hardy, an 8-foot-tall, 400 pound

on Wilson Lake’s 563 acres of clear pristine

ing trails, tennis and basketball courts, a large

woman who was a star of P.T. Barnum’s

waters. Enjoy kayaking and canoeing around

playground and even a winter ice rink. Take a

famous traveling show.

the headwaters of Wilson Lake which will

stroll on an easy walking loop on the Foothills

provide you with wonderful photographic

Land Conservancy trail (Pond Road) with great

Looking for lunch or dinner? Located in the

opportunities and a wide variety of wildlife.

wildlife viewing along fields leading to the

former Bass Shoe factory building, is a

The lake’s depth of 88 feet offers good fishing.

northern inlets and wetlands of Wilson Lake.

great locally owned Italian restaurant -

You can catch salmon, lake trout, small-mouth

On Lake Road, at the foot of Wilson Lake is

Calzolaio Pasta Co. with homemade pasta

bass, and chain pickerel. The Wilton Fish and

Bass Park. It offers a large grassy area where

sauces, gluten free and vegetarian dishes

Game Association organizes an ice fishing

children of all ages can play on the swings,

sure to delight! Steve’s Market, a deli and

derby every year in February. Now let’s not

see-saws, slide or climbing structure. There are

convenience store, offers terrific sub

tables for picnics and across the street there

sandwiches and pizza. The Dutch Treat

are steps down to the lake for swimming. It is

restaurant and ice cream stand is a warm

a great spot for photo opportunities of Wilson

weather option at 291 US Route 2. You can-

Lake and fabulous sunsets over the mountains.

not miss the windmill marking its location!

For a short loop drive along the lake take High

If you are just visiting, lodging accommo-

Street until it intersects with Route 156- Weld

dations are available at the Comfort Inn

Road. Turn left and follow 156 until you reach

and Suites and Wilson Lake Inn, both have

the Pond Road. Make another left and Pond

been awarded the 2016 TripAdvisor Cer-

Road will take you either back to Route 2 or if

tificate of Excellence. Whether you plan to

you want to continue your drive around the

visit on vacation, or are planning to move,

lake, veer left onto the Lake Road.

Wilton has many experienced people and companies to assist you along the way and

Make time to explore the Wilton Farm and Home Museum, located at 10 Canal Street



make your experience the best it can be.

Allied Realty will find you that perfect house or rental. Upright Frameworks are contractors specializing in reducing heating costs through weatherization and ultra-efficient structural insulated panel construction for residential and light commercial customers. Expenet Technologies specializes in both residential computer repair and business IT management and repair. Planning a wedding or special event, Memories by Melissa welcomes the opportunity to capture your story through photographs to create your lasting memories.

Photo courtesy of Susan Atwood

Breakfast: Mon-Fri 7-11am, Sat & Sun 9-2pm

Lunch & Dinner starting at 11am

Photo courtesy of Susan Atwood



Our Towns

Photo courtesy of Alana Ranney

Photo submitted by Dave Jacobs

Phillips Sandy River & Rangeley Lakes Railroad • Celtic Concert Series • Historical Collections


hillips, rich in history, is one of the gems

Airport, named after the famous aviator who

of the High Peaks Region. Maine’s first

landed there and spent a night.

was born in Phillips; the town once boasted

The Fly Rod Crosby Trail, an 11-mile wood-

the only newspaper in the county; and it

land path, runs from the town’s old car barn

also served as the headquarters for the

to Rangeley’s Saddleback Mountain. Within

state’s longest narrow-gauge railroad.

minutes of the town center is Mount Blue’s

registered guide, Cornelia “Fly Rod” Crosby

challenging trail to the summit, Smalls Falls’ On summer weekends, visitors ride the

tumbling series of cascades, and Daggett Rock,

Sandy River & Rangeley Lakes Railroad

the state’s largest glacial erratic.

under their rebuilt steam engine Monson #3 on lease from MNGM. You can also visit

Phillips hosts a summer series of Celtic Con-

the old station and car repair barn— both

certs by internationally known bands, its fa-

serving new functions—which can be found

mous fall “Scarecrow Reunion,” and the town’s

on Depot Street. Avon, Phillips’ neighbor-

signature event, Old Home Days, a week of ac-

ing town, has its own airstrip, Lindbergh

tivities in August that attracts several thousand people to the town. The Phillips area has a library, a community center, an active arts society, several civic organizations, a farmers’ market, Antique shops, cafe, a hardware store, a large supermarket, and one of the best historical society collections in the state. The town supports dozens of small homebased businesses, skilled artisans and a variety of service providers. A small town and an outof-the way place, perhaps, but Phillips shows daily proof that the spirit of community and love of home is alive and well in the mountains of Western Maine. Photo courtesy of Tina Clements





Photo courtesy of Alana Ranney

No trip into the mountains of Maine would be complete without spotting one of our favorite forest friends, the Maine moose. Moose are most likely spotted during late spring to mid-summer and the month of September. Dawn and dusk seem to be the best times of day

128 Bridge Street Phillips ME 04966

for spotting these large animals while they eat a diet of woodland and aquatic vegetation (up to 40 to 50 pounds a day)! During your search, keep in mind the fact that a moose does have poor eyesight, but a very keen sense of hearing and smell. Also remember to stay away from cows (females) with calves in tow, and bulls (males) during “Rutting Season” as they are likely to charge the unwary tourist! Mating season (rutting) runs mid-September to midOctober. Moose shed their winter coats (molting) between May and late June, giving their coat a very ragged look. Moose usually stay within a range over a two to four square mile area and can travel up to 35 mph!

Take a steam train ride back into the history of Franklin County on the County’s unique narrow gauge railroad Nineteenth Century Phillips was a busy stop on the Sandy

River Line. The railroad had

its shops and car repair sheds just across the river. Today your visit will enthrall you with our

restored equipment and a one hour guided tour - an unforget-

Some of the best moose-watching spots in Franklin County include:

table ride back into history!

• Route 4 - Phillips to Rangeley • Route 16 - Rangeley to Stratton

A visit to www.srrl-rr.org

• Route 16/27 - Stratton to Carrabassett Valley • Route 27 - Between Eustis and the Chain of Ponds

aine 1908

Phillips, M

• Route 142 - Between Phillips and Weld Rangeley 22mi

and a check of our interactive schedule will help you best plan your visit

Scan Here For Our Operating Schedule

Kingfield 16mi Phillips

55mi Augusta

All trains leave from 128 Bridge Street

Photo courtesy of Cheryl Snyder

Franklin County CofC.indd 1

12/10/2016 9:43:59 9 PM 207.778.4215

Our Towns

Photo courtesy of Penny Meservier

Photo courtesy of Sharon Dudley

Rangeley Snowmobiling • Skiing • Golf Course • Boating/Fishing • Biking • Hiking


angeley is a four season recreation des-

If winter is your favorite season, you will not

a grocery store, small movie theater, bowling/

tination. Whether you live locally or are

be bored in Rangeley. The Rangeley Lakes

arcade, and more. Also keep your eyes open

traveling to the area, Rangeley and the sur-

Snowmobile Club maintains 150 miles of well-

for home tours, sporting days, musical perfor-

rounding towns offer a wide variety of leisure

groomed trails that connect to 12,500 miles of

mances, arts and crafts festivals, parades,

activities. You can enjoy fishing, hunting,

international circuits throughout Maine and

and much more.

boating, kayaking, hiking, biking, cross-coun-

Canada. If you are just driving through, make sure to

try skiing, snowshoeing, snowmobiling, and ATV riding. If you want help setting up these

The Rangeley Lakes Trail Center, located near

visit the Height of the Land off Rt. 17 as part

adventures, Rangeley offers numerous rental

the base of Saddleback Mountain, is known for

of the Rangeley Lakes National Scenic Byway.

businesses, outfitters, and guides who make

some of the best Nordic skiing in New England.

This trip is renowned for its fall foliage, spring

it easy to enjoy the outdoors and experience

In addition to skiing, the trail center offers

lupine display, and numerous scenic overlooks.

everything the area has to offer.

snowshoe trails as well. You can also enjoy ice skating under the lights on Haley Pond and

Visit the Rangeley Lakes Chamber of Com-

There are over 110 lakes and ponds in the

sledding at the Wilhelm Reich Museum

merce’s Events Calendar at

region, as well as a number of the tallest

in Rangeley.

www.rangeleymaine.com or call 1-800-MTLAKES.

mountains in Maine. The Appalachian Trail runs through the region and can be picked

If you are not an outdoors enthusiast there

up roadside off Rt. 4 approximately 9 miles

is still plenty for you to do in the area. Main

south of Rangeley in addition to running

Street, Rangeley is home to shops, restaurants,

across the summit of Saddleback Mountain. The area offers a variety of hikes with canyon and rock formation, mountain top, and waterfall views for all experience levels. Mountain biking is also available in the region. For an easy ride go to the Spencer Pond trail (approximately 12 miles south of Oquossoc off of Rt. 17), if you would like more of a challenge access the Railroad trail (just south of the Rangeley Inn on Depot Rd) or East Kennebago Mountain (approximately 16 miles from Rangeley off Rt. 16). The Rangeley Lakes Trail Center can also be utilized when the snow melts to explore Saddleback Lake, and local rivers for hiking or mountain biking.



Photo courtesy of Greg Patterson

Photo courtesy of Penny Meservier

Photo courtesy of The Original Irregular

Kingfield Art Walks • Museums • Ira Mountain • Hiking • Narrow Gauge Pathway • Kingfield Pops


ingfield is a charming little historic town

A performance by the Bangor Symphony Or-

nestled in the foothills of the Bigelow and

chestra highlights this festival. Later in July, the

streams, the Kingfield area offers many oppor-

Longfellow mountain ranges along the Carra-

town holds Kingfield Festival Days, three days

tunities for boating and fishing. Guided fishing

bassett River and Route 27 in northern Franklin

of events, arts, and music, which celebrates the

trips are available through Western Mountain

County. The town has a selection of retail and

community and living in Kingfield.

Fly Fishing and Kingfisher River Guides.

Outdoor recreational activities are a large

While enjoying the seasonal activities, you are

part of living in Kingfield, whether you walk,

sure to see some of the abundant wildlife in the

The first Friday of the month, Kingfield hosts

run, bike, hike, golf, snowmobile, ski, paddle,

area. It is not unusual to see moose, deer, wild

an Art Walk. There is music in several venues,

fish, or hunt. Kingfield’s close proximity to the

turkeys, fox, and other wildlife along the road-

often photo contests, book readings, book

Carrabassett Valley gives you easy access

sides or hawks and eagles soaring through

signings, a drawing contest and art every-

to Sugarloaf—the largest ski area east of the

the sky.

where! Painters, sculptures, illustrators, photog-

Rocky Mountains.

If you enjoy maneuvering the lakes and

specialty shops, galleries, restaurants, cafes, lodging, schools, and churches.

raphers, wood carvers, and stone artists will be joined by multi-media artists, weavers, and

Also found in the Carrabassett Valley is an en-


try point for the Maine Huts and Trails system. Whether you are on foot, bike, snowshoes, or

Explore pieces of Kingfield’s history by visiting

skis, this year-round trail system gives outdoor

the Stanley Museum or the Ski Museum of

enthusiasts a chance to explore the outdoors

Maine. The Stanley Museum honors the Stan-

and offers four locations to stay if you decide

ley twins who invented and manufactured the

to extend your day trip.

famous Stanley Steamer automobile. Exhibits include family history, paintings, photography, and steam car exhibits. The Ski Museum of Maine includes a great collection of skiing and snowboarding memorabilia, Maine-made products, a history of Maine’s ski areas, and prominent Mainers from past and present who are involved in the skiing and snowboarding industry. If you are visiting during late June, you may be able to take in the Kingfield POPS, which celebrates the upcoming Independence Day. Photo courtesy of The Original Irregular



Our Towns

Photo courtesy of Penny Meservier

Photo courtesy of Tina Clements

Weld Mt. Blue State Park • Cross-country Skiing • Hiking • Webb Lake • Snowmobiling


eld is nestled in a valley created by

tion is the centerpiece of the park, 3,187 foot

Mount Blue State Park is open and fully staffed

Mt. Blue, the Tumbledown and Jack-

Mt. Blue, a popular day hike. Visitors also enjoy

from May 15 through Columbus Day, but

son mountains. This scenic area is home

walks and picnics on Center Hill. Mountain

visitors are welcome year round. Park hours

to Mt. Blue State Park and Webb Lake. The

bikers, equestrians, and ATV riders can experi-

are 9 a.m. to sunset. Earlier openings vary with


ence 25 miles of challenging, multi-use trails. In

the season; call ahead for these and

Wilton, has a population of 419 and the total

winter, the park’s extensive trail system

campground hours.

area of the town is 63.0 square miles.

supports snowmobiling, snowshoeing, and

located 20 minutes from downtown

cross country skiing. Families also come to sled

Advanced reservations are recommended

Located in the mountainous region of west-

at Center Hill and skate on an outdoor ice rink

for the campground. Contact the State Park

ern Maine, off Route 156, Mt. Blue State Park

at park headquarters.

Reservations Office: 800-332-1501 in Maine; 207-624-9950 from outside Maine; or make

offers four-season outdoor recreational opportunities. Trail enthusiasts, anglers, and

Adjoining Mt. Blue State Park is more than

your own reservations online at

campers enjoy this region through warm-

10,000 acres of state-owned public lands


weather months, followed by snowmobil-

and state-held easements encompassing the

ers, cross-country skiers, snowshoers, and

Tumbledown Mountain Range. Tumbledown

For a complete listing of hikes go to

ice-skaters in winter. Enjoy a day relaxing

Mountain, with an alpine pond near the sum-


on the sandy beach at Webb Lake or try a

mit, is the most popular hike, but surrounding

strenuous hike up the 3,200-foot summit of

lands offer many other attractions as well.

Mt. Blue. Mt. Blue State Park is Maine’s largest state park, encompassing approximately 8,000 acres in two sections separated by Webb Lake. A campground in the Webb Beach section has 136 wooded sites. Abundant outdoor recreational opportunities abound as visitors can swim, launch and rent boats, and walk on trails near the lake. During summer months, park staff routinely offers canoe trips, walks, and nature programs; along with a Nature Center featuring hands-on exhibits and displays. Across the lake from the Webb Beach secPhoto courtesy of Penny Meservier



Photo courtesy of Kaitlin Frost

Photo courtesy of Jamie Ranger

Strong Sandy River • Fishing • Canoeing • Porter Lake


trong’s historical records say that Pierpole,

marketed Maine as a destination for early

from the Country Delight or the White

a Native American, moved to the area in

tourism. Crosby is buried in the Strong

Elephant Restaurant.

1780, with his wife, Hannah Susup, and their

Village Cemetery. Water enthusiasts also can swim in the Sandy

six children. Settlers followed, and by the late 1700s, they asked to be incorporated. The

Porter Lake and Beanie’s Beach are popular

River at Blue Ledge or launch a canoe or

town, named after Governor Caleb Strong, of

summer destinations. The 527-acre lake offers

kayak at the American Legion field next to the

Massachusetts, held its first town meeting on

landlocked salmon, varieties of trout, and a

bridge. History and genealogy buffs will enjoy

April 6, 1801.

dozen other species. Both salmon and brook

Strong Historical Society’s fascinating and well

trout are frequently stocked, making a day on

organized display of artifacts and memorabil-

The town has been home to some well known

the lake very satisfying and enjoyable for the

ia, including the town’s saga as the “Toothpick

figures, including Cornelia “Fly Rod” Crosby

whole family. The clean, sandy beach has a

Capital of the World.” For more information,

(1854-1946). A fly fisherwoman extraordinaire,

safe wading space for the youngsters, a boat

visit the Strong Historical Society’s Facebook

she was Maine’s first Registered Guide. As a

ramp, parking lot, changing station and

page or www.strong.mainememory.net

writer with an international readership, she

clean restrooms. Get your picnic lunch

Photo courtesy of Jamie Ranger



Photo courtesy of Robin Fish


Photo courtesy of Jamie Ranger

Recreational Activities atving Whether you drive an ATV, UTV, or SXS, you know that it’s all about getting out there and having fun. Take a few hours or a weekend and enjoy the variety of trails Franklin County has to offer. The Whistle Stop Trail is a multiuse rail trail from Farmington to Jay. Other trails continue on Verso Paper land, the Cornelio Road, powerline trails and a loop in North Jay. We have beautiful scenic areas with streams and mountain views. Moose Loop This ATV loop trail circles the heart of Franklin County, connecting the trail systems of seven clubs. The Moose Loop is 170 plus miles with the widest variety of trails available in the east - this is one loop you do not want to miss! It is suggested you plan 2 days to do this trip and stay overnight. Test your ATV on steep mountain trails, rocks, and mud holes or leisurely tour along trails in the woods and enjoy the scenery. Maine towns and villages can provide services and amenities for all your adventures.

Railway, lumber, mountains and moose all contribute to the diverse and colorful heritage of Franklin County is explained at the many museums and historical societies along the route. This rich heritage, combined with worldclass scenery, make these rides unforgettable. Franklin Heritage Tour Loops Road Biking It is a 16 to 107-mile route through hilly terrain, is best for intermediate to experienced cyclists. The loop is ideal for a multi-day exploration of the lakes, mountains and heritage of Franklin County. This trail winds through Mt. Blue State Park, the Sandy River Valley and Rangeley Lakes Railroad. Enjoy wildlife habitats along the way as well as many museums and historical societies. Webb Lake Loop This 16-mile loop is moderate terrain, hilly for intermediate cyclists. It leaves from the village of Weld and leads you right to Mt. Blue State Park that has magnificent mountain scenery. Strong- New Vineyard Loop This 29-mile loop is moderately hilly with one flat section along the Sandy River Valley.



Strong-Phillips-Weld-Wilton Loop

The unspoiled mountain vistas, placid lake shores and majestic forests of Western Maine offer cyclists plenty of opportunity for sightseeing, museum visits and hiking. How Earmuffs, Stanley Steamers, the Narrow Gauge

River Valley, has challenging hills with reward-


This 54-mile loop, which is mainly in the Sandy ing scenery. Cautions: Heavy traffic in Farmington; narrow roads with no shoulders; logging trucks on RT 4

and RT 2. Watch for moose and deer. There are long stretches without services, so carry spare parts and plenty of food, water, and warm clothes for changeable weather. Starting point: Rides originate (except 16-mile option) from Maine Department of Transportation park and ride lot at the intersection of RT 4 and RT 2 in Farmington. Some spaces are designated for overnight parking. The 16-mile ride begins at the junction of RT 142 and RT 156 in Weld village. Carrabassett Valley Off-Road Biking These are some bike loops in Carrabassett Valley suggested by the folks that ride our trails. The ride time is based on the average for a rider of the ride’s ability level. Trail numbers are in parentheses. Ask around at the Carrabassett Bike Shop for more details on these rides or for other options. Round the Pond Level: Beginner - Start/End: Sugarloaf Outdoor Center - Ride Time: 20-30 minutes Overview: This introductory ride is perfect for the brand new rider who is getting the feel of a mountain bike. It circumnavigates the pond at the Outdoor Center, has very little climbing, offers a smooth trail and some great views. Loop: From the Outdoor Center start West (to the right looking at the pond) on Moose Bog Loop (103). Stay on the tread around the pond to the carriage road and head left back to the Outdoor Center. Grassy Loop Excursion Level: Beginner - Start/End: Sugarloaf Outdoor Center - Ride Time: 60-90 minutes

Overview: This loop will give a dose of twisty,

to Poplar Stream Trail (304) proceed up, up,

The Maze is the easier of the two loops and it

turning trails through the woods, some views of

and up to the Poplar Stream Falls Hut. Rest

weaves primarily around the camp buildings

the Carrabassett River and some open single

up at the hut and then proceed down the hut

and tent sites. The upper loop, Tom’s Chal-

track with great flow. This is a great option

access road to the Sticky Trail (305). Enjoy the

lenge, ascends a more challenging hill which

once you’ve mastered the basics.

rolling single track and fantastic views to the

provides spectacular vistas in the spring and in

Carriage Road. Turn left back down into the

the fall when the leaves change color. Because

Loop: Across the parking lot from the Outdoor

Valley and right back onto the CRNEMBA Trail

the trails utilize the old cross-country ski trails

Center find the Snail Trail Loop (101). Start

(302). You can stop at your car for supplies

as well as single track through forested areas,

around in either direction but take the Route 27

and then head up the Narrow Gauge (200) or

they can vary in width ranging from a wide

Connector (102) across Route 27 (use caution

the Caboose (209) to the Bypass Trail (307) to

cross-country trail immediately to a narrow

crossing the road). Proceed over the bridge

Cromits Overlook (309).

path. The trailheads and ends for the loops are located close together, making it easy to cre-

and left on the Narrow Gauge (200). Old

ate a longer three-mile loop.

Gauge Trail (204) cuts the corner and gets you

After a long steady climb, turn right on New-

into the woods. Proceed on the Narrow Gauge

ton’s Revenge for a short climb to Stratton

and around the Grassy Loops (201). There is an

Brook Hut. Enjoy the views and get refreshed

The owners of the Troll Valley Campground

inner and outer loop to explore. Return to the

because the ride down Oak Knoll (310) will be

maintain these trails free of charge to the

Outdoor Center via the Narrow Gauge, Route

a treat you’ll not soon forget. [Exit Oak Knoll

public, but ask that visitors check in at the

27 Connector and Snail Trail.

to the right on the bottom section of Newton’s

main lodge before and after using the trails for

and reconnects with the Narrow Gage] Enjoy

safety reasons.

Speed Up, Flow Down

the bliss with an easy ride down the Narrow

Level: Beginner/Intermediate

Gage or sample the many short single track

Whistle Stop Trail

Start/End: Sugarloaf Outdoor Center - Ride

trails that loop off the Narrow Gage. Turn right

Jay, Wilton, Farmington

Time: 45-60 minutes

at the bridge and back to your car.

14 miles one way, four season, multiuse trail connecting Jay, Wilton, and Farmington, this

Overview: Once you’re feeling your skill grow a bit this fun loop will give you a cardio boost on

Troll Valley Biking Trail

section of the former broad gauge Androscog-

the way up and introduce you to some inter-

136 Hagen Lane West Farmington, ME

gin Railroad (later the Maine Central) has been

mediate technical riding on the way down.

The Troll Valley Campground offers two loop

converted into a multi-use, four-season rail trail

Loop: Proceed east on the dirt road portion

trails especially designed for mountain biking

for everything from walking, biking, snowshoe-

of the Moose Bog Loop (103). Stay on the dirt

but are also suitable for walking and hiking.

ing, and cross-country skiing to horseback rid-

road (Moose Bog will veer right off the road)

The two trail loops are Tom’s Challenge and

ing, dog sledding, ATVing, and snowmobiling.

and climb up past the warming hut on your

the Maze, both of which leave from the back

Following the gentle curves and slopes of the

left. Continue this ride past the lower entrance

of the campsite lodge. Both trails are also are

railroad bed, the trail is generally wide and flat

to T.O.A.D. (126) on your left and Fifty (116)

marked with white blazes (or posts along the

making it ideal for easy walks or for travelling

to the upper entrance to T.O.A.D. Catch your

edges of fields) and are one way trails. They

long distances.

breath and enjoy the ride down T.O.A.D. back

wind along a single track over an old cross-

to the dirt road. Scoot down to the warming

country ski trail system, through the woods,

The trail traverses a variety of landscapes

hut and proceed right onto Jaba the Hut (110).

and around the campground.

including scenic views ,Western Maine’s foot-

Then take the dirt road back to the Outdoor Center. Hut-to-Hut Loop Level: Intermediate/Advanced - Start/End: Huston Brook Trailhead (by the airport) Ride Time: 4-6 hours Overview: This loop ride will take you to two of the Maine Huts & Trails backcountry huts. These facilities, which are a unique aspect of biking in the Carrabassett Valley region, serve snacks and beverages through much of the season and offer a place to rest and refill water containers. Do one or both individual loops in this figure-eight ride. Loop: Proceed across the bridge from the trailhead and turn left on Houston Brook Road. In a very short distance, head right on the CRNEMBA Trail (302). Cross the Carriage Road

Photo courtesy of Jamie Ranger




and scratch player alike. Mingo is best played by angles, not by length. The course, while relatively short compared to many newer courses, is challenging for even the longest hitters because it rewards accuracy over power, at least most of the time. The front nine is more open than the back, but it’s also much hillier. There is challenging and enjoyable golf to be had at every turn. Sandy River Golf Course 154 George Thomas Rd. Chesterville Sandy River Golf Course, located in Chesterville, is a Public course. From the back tees, the course plays over 1393 yards. Sandy River Golf Course opened in 1975. Sugarloaf Route 27; Sugarloaf Access Rd. Carrabassett Valley Sugarloaf/USA Golf Club is a spectacular Photo courtesy of Jodi Cordes

championship golf course. The awe-inspiring

hills, forested wetlands, and rural farmland.

Offering golfers 9 holes, group and private les-

18-holes that make up the Sugarloaf Golf Club

Closely replicating the historic railroad set-

sons from a PGA member with over 25 years’

& Golf School have proven, for so many golfers,

ting, the trail also features several trestles

experience, the course offers golf cart rentals,

an unforgettable experience. An experience

spanning tree-lined streams and rivers. In

a driving range, practice area, putting green,

punctuated by the rugged, demanding terrain

Jay, old granite walls and culverts remain

and custom fitted golf club sales and is open

that is the hallmark of mountain golf.

as testaments to both the railroad’s legacy

during the summer.

as well as to the nearby quarrying heritage Mingo Springs

320 Weld Road, Wilton

additional information about Maine and

43 Country Club Road, Rangeley

Wilson Lake Country Club, often called “the

New Hampshire Granite Company that

Welcome to Mingo Springs. Situated in the

Best Nine in Maine”, was created in the early

operated the quarries until the turn of the

beautiful Rangeley Lakes Region of Western

1930’s, by the great golf architect Wayne

century. For more information about the

Maine, Mingo Springs offers 18 holes of scenic

Stiles. It was created the classic nine-hole lay-

quarries visit the nearby North Jay White

golf, challenging and enjoyable for beginner

out that still sits today by the shores of Wilson

Granite Park.

golfing Golfing in Franklin County includes country clubs and public golf courses that cater to every style of play. Some courses are encircled by lakes and rivers while others are nestled in the mountains with beautiful dramatic views. Evergreen Golf Course 522 Dallas Hill Road, Rangeley The Evergreen Golf Club in Rangeley, Maine is a championship quality 9 hole course designed and owned by George Buck. Evergreen features 5 sets of tees on each hole to match any golfer’s ability, practice greens, a driving range, full pro shop and affordable rates.


Wilson Lake Country Club

of North Jay. A way-side exhibit details


Lake in picturesque Wilton, Maine. The course opened on August 6th, 1932 and has been a favorite amongst both local golfers and friends from “away” ever since. More than a few who have experienced Wilson Lake Country Club comment on how it has retained much of its original Stiles character across over eight decades of play.

Hiking & Walking Come and play in our backyard - We have a mountain of possibilities in Franklin County, home to 10 of Maine’s 4,000 foot mountains! Hiking and walking is a great way to explore, discorver and experience nature. Autumn leaves, the winter snow, the new green of spring and the heat of summer - you can go hiking during any season and find breathtaking views to enjoy. Photo courtesy of Chelsea Steele

Appalachian Trail to Piazza Rock & Saddleback Mountain Rte. 4 Sandy River Plantation ME Route 4 crosses the Appalachian Trail in Sandy River Plantation, 30 miles north of Farmington or 9 miles south of Rangeley. Park in the lot situated west of the highway. This is

a popular moderate hike with interesting rock

ookmeguntic Lakes. It is only a mile from

formations to explore at the end of the journey.

the trailhead to the summit. Hikers can

This is a nice introduction to the outdoors and

enjoy panoramic views of the surrounding

the Appalachian Trail for families and children

Rangeley, Cupsuptic and Mooselookme-

to experience as an all-day outing.

guntic Lakes as well as Maine’s Saddleback

The overall elevation gain is about 450’ with

Mountain, Elephant Mountain, the Height of

most of the work done in the beginning third

Land, and New Hampshire’s Mount Wash-

of the hike. Piazza Rock sits at the base of the

ington in the White Mountains. This trail

majestic Saddleback Mountain Range. More

is especially popular in the fall when the

experienced hikers will pass through the Piazza

autumn colors are in full swing and moose

Rock site focused on the summit of Saddle-

and deer are commonly seen crossing the

back Mountain, a 4,130ft summit, or the Horn, a

forested slopes.

4,041ft summit beyond. Follow ME Route 4 about a mile west of its Beginning from the parking lot on ME Route 4,

intersection with ME Route 17 in Oquossoc

the trail crosses the road and enters the forest

Village, Rangeley. Near the end of ME Route

opposite the parking lot. On your left, just prior

4, turn left onto Bald Mountain Road. Con-

to reaching the Piazza Rock Lean-To, is a 200

tinue on Bald Mountain Road for about 0.5

yard side trail which leads to the actual Piazza

miles. Signs and parking for the trailhead

Rock. According to the geological notes about

will be on the left. The trail leaves from the

this area “The granite of Saddleback is jointed

parking lot. Summit height: 2,443 feet

into huge building blocks. An unusually large

Self Storage Units

one has slid out of its place in the mountain

Blueberry Mountain Trail

side and, instead of breaking and skating down

Township 6 North of Weld

the slope like the others, has balanced across

This hike is an uphill, often steep, climb to

another block to create one-half of a cantilever

the top of Blueberry Mountain where hikers

bridge, forming Piazza Rock.”

are rewarded with 360 degree views of the Maine High Peaks Region from Blueberry

Bald Mountain

Mountain’s summit. At 2890 feet in eleva-


tion, Blueberry Mountain is one of the lesser

A great hike for families! Picnic tables are

known and hiked trails in the Weld region.

located at both the top and bottom of the

However, the summit offers some of the

trail. The Bald Mountain Trail is within the

best views of the Maine High Peaks Region.

Bald Mountain Public Reserved Land located

On a clear day hikers can see the nearby

between the historic Rangeley and Moosel-

peaks of Jackson, Tumbledown, Bald, and




Mt. Blue, as well as more distant peaks in

Bonney Woods Walking Trails

Mount Blue State Park. Leaving directly from

cluding, Saddleback, Spaulding, Mt. Abram,


the picnic area, this trail loops through mature

North and South Crocker, Sugarloaf, and

From ME Route 4/ME Route 27 (Main Street) in

soft-wood, oak, and mixed forest stands before

on very clear days the Bigelow Mountains

downtown Farmington, turn onto Anson Street

returning back to the parking area. Breath-

Range and Mt. Washington in New

on the north side of the Franklin County Court-

taking views of the Weld region, including


house. Continue on Anson Street 0.3 miles up

Tumbledown, Blueberry, and Jackson Moun-

Anson Street Hill to the parking turnout on the

tains, Mount Blue, and Weld Lake can be seen

right marked with a green sign.

from several places along the trail including

From South: At the intersection of ME Route

the picnic area and Center Hill Ledges. A self-

142 and 156 in Weld, head north on ME Route 142 toward Philips about 3.8 miles

Easy walking trails weave through giant trees,

guided nature trail and fantastic views make

until you see a sign on the left indicating

around a vernal spring at the center of the

this a unique, worthwhile, and family-friendly

the entrance to the Blueberry Mountain

stand, and over fern covered undergrowth in

experience. Picnic area and parking open

Bible Camp (a dirt road). Turn on to this

the spring and summer. These trails are used

hours are 9:00 am to sunset.

road and drive uphill for almost 1.5 miles.

frequently by community members, and it

The road ends at the Bible camp buildings

is not uncommon to see “fairy� homes built

Dogs must be leashed, and owners must clean

(look for Diradoudian Lodge) where there is

by locals or nature classes from the nearby

up after their pets. Pets may not be left unat-

plenty of room to park your car.

elementary school and university using the

tended. Mount Blue State Park Manager: 299

woods. These trails are particularly attractive

Center Hill Road Weld, ME 04285

Bonney Point Trail

in the morning and evenings when sunlight

Phone: (207) 585-2261


slants through the trees highlighting much as

Bonney Point Road off Rte. 16

columns in a cathedral. In the winter, snowsho-

Cascade Stream Gorge Trail

The Bonney Point Trail is an easy one-mile

ers and cross country skiers often will break out


loop; a short side trail leads to Smith Cove

paths for walkers.

This short trail leads into the 90-foot deep gorge of Cascade Stream providing access

on Rangeley Lake. There are several picnic spots and it hosts diverse habitats for song

Center Hill Nature Trail

to a series of waterfalls and chutes. The trail

birds, wading birds, amphibians, beaver,

Weld - Center Hill Road

leaves from the south side of the parking area

bear, deer and more. In late summer, the

The Center Hill Nature Trail is an easy half mile

and is marked by white blazes. There are

fields produce wildflowers and berries.

loop and self-guided nature trail in the heart of

several good viewpoints of the stream and falls along the trail which at several points follows the bedrock on the side of the gorge. A higher trail away from the stream offers a loop opportunity. Picnic tables can be found at the parking lot and at the power line. The stream itself is often used in the summer months to cool off and escape the summer heat. One mile loop trail offers excellent scenery, wildlife viewing, and picnicking opportunities as it follows the gorge of Cascade Stream to a series of beautiful waterfalls. Route 4 North. At the intersection of South Shore Drive and Cascade Road with ME Route 4 in Sandy River Plantation. Take a right onto Cascade Road. After about 100 yards the road ends at a T-intersection with Town Hall Road (the town hall is straight ahead). From here, take a left and then and almost immediate right (look for a Rangeley Lakes Heritage Trust marker in trees). Go up the steep driveway, bearing right, to the parking area and trailhead. Cathedral Pines Eutis/Stratton Cathedral Pines Pathways offers easy hiking, biking, snowshoeing, and cross-country



be packed by skiers or snowshoers. Skiing is also possible on the ITS snowmobile trail which intersects the foot trail at the trailhead. Route 156 in Wilton, follow ME Route 156 north 3.5 miles to Pond Road on the left (2.4 miles from ME Route 156 and Main Street intersection in downtown Wilton). Follow Pond Road approximately 300 yards. Parking for the Foothills Land Conservancy will be on the right and the trailhead will be on the left. Kineowatha Park Wilton Kineowatha Park’s trails wander through old pine forests, along the shores of Wilson Lake, Photo courtesy of Penny Meservier

and connect the various recreation areas in the park. This short network of trails provides

skiing through magnificent towering pines

tion. Flint Woods and Village Woods are about

easy and relaxed walking as well as picnick-

and a boardwalk which traverses a bog with

an eighth of a mile beyond the Bonney Woods

ing and swimming. The trails are not marked,

spectacular views of the Bigelow Range. The

parking area which is on the right.

but are well-worn and are easy to follow. The

trails pass through a grove of mature red pines

southern loops leave from the parking area

that—in contrast to the low and sparse under-

Fly Rod Crosby Trail

near the picnic tables and empty onto the

growth—lend a cathedral-like quality to the


beach. The northerly loop exit the beach be-

forest. The trails are marked only at intersec-

The Fly Rod Crosby Trail is a 45-mile heritage

yond the docks and curl behind the

tions by colored boards but are easy to follow;

hiking trail that when completed will wend its

athletic fields.

most are well-worn or follow unused logging

way from Strong to Oquossoc along the Sandy

roads or, in a few cases, ATV trails.

River, Orbeton and Hardy Streams across the

From the intersection of Route 2 and Route 4

Appalachian Trail and Rangeley Lake to the

in Wilton, drive about 0.5 miles west on Route

From the Intersection of ME Routes 27 and 16

Sporting Heritage Museum. Currently there are

2 to Main Street. Turn right onto Main and

in Stratton Village (Town of Eustis), drive about

two sections open, comprising over 20 miles of

drive about 0.3 miles into downtown Wilton.

3.5 miles north on ME Route 27. The parking

continuous trail.

Just after the Civil War monument in the main

and trailhead for Cathedral Pines Pathways is

Phillips to Madrid Section: This 7-mile sec-

square, turn left onto High Street. Kineowatha

on the left at the intersection of ME Route 27

tion of the trail with its flat to rolling to briefly

Park is approximately one-half mile on High

and Eustis Ridge Road.

strenuous terrain begins in historic downtown

Street on the left.

Phillips, crosses the Sandy River and follows Flint Woods Walking Trails

abandoned railroad beds along the river to the

Mt. Blue State Park- Mt. Blue Trail

Farmington, Easy 4.5 miles

Orbeton Stream in Madrid.


This network of forest trails offers easy to mod-

Madrid to Saddleback Section: This 13-mile sec-

The Mount Blue Trail offers a challenging 2.8

erate terrain for year-round, non-motorized

tion of the trail with its moderate to strenuous

miles hike with rewarding scenic views of the

use. Explore the many trails to find old wells,

terrain follows the Orbeton and Hardy streams

mountains surrounding Weld and Webb Pond.

vernal pools, scenic overlooks and more, only a

and crosses the Appalachian Trail on the west-

This is a poplar hike in any season includ-

few blocks from downtown Farmington. Sce-

ern shoulder of Saddleback Mountain terminat-

ing winter. About a mile from the trailhead a

nic overlooks are impressive and multiply as

ing near the base lodge of the ski resort.

former fire warden’s cabin provides a place for

fall foliage drops to reveal views of Mt. Blue, its

rest and shelter. The remains of an old fire tow-

surrounding northwest foothills and the Sandy

Foot Hills Land Conservancy

er are also at the summit. At the top of Mount

River valley. Sunsets from the Box Shop Hill


Blue, the summit provides many great views of

summit area can be spectacular.

The Foothills Land Conservancy offers an easy

the picturesque Weld area. At 3,187 feet, Mount

walking trail one mile loop with great wildlife

Blue is not the tallest mountain in the Weld

From Route 4/27 (Main Street) in downtown

viewing along fields leading to the northern in-

area, but it is probably the best known peak in

Farmington, turn right onto Anson Street on

lets and wetlands of Wilson Pond. Trail walkers

the region. Visible for many miles to the south,

the north side of the Franklin County Court-

can continue around the edge of the southern

it is surrounded and protected by Mount Blue

house. Continue on Anson Street 0.5 miles up

field to make a walking loop with a total dis-

State Park.

Anson Street hill to the parking area turnout

tance from the kiosk and back of about a mile.

on the left, which is marked with a green sign.

Visitors are welcome year round. The parking

From South: At the intersection of Route 156

You will also spot a larger, yellow Powder House

area is plowed during the winter and while the

with Route 142 in Weld, proceed easterly onto

Hill Trails kiosk including a map and informa-

foot trails are not groomed, they may at times

Center Hill Road. Center Hill Road takes a slight




and Little Jackson Mountain trail network is composed of six trails and two official trailheads and provides advanced hiking to some of the most unique features in Western Maine. Tumbledown Mountain is not the highest mountain in this area, but with three peaks, 700-foot cliffs and a pond (or mountain tarn) near the summit; Tumbledown stands out amongst its taller rivals. Several trailheads begin on Byron Road near Weld and views include Crater Lake just below the summit. Outdoors writer Josh Christie talked about Tumbledown in a story for the PortPhoto courtesy of Jamie Ranger

land Press Herald: “Many of Maine’s hikes allow access to dramatic cliff faces, Alpine ponds,

Photo courtesy of Penny Meservier

bald ridges and closely-clustered peaks. One reason that Weld’s Tumbledown Mountain is my favorite hike in the state is because it offers all these features in one place.” Little Jackson Mountain is part of the same range as Tumbledown Mountain, but its higher elevation and ledges offer a different perspective. From the 360-degree view on the summit one can see Saddleback and Sugarloaf to the north, Mount Blue and Webb Lake to the East and to the south, some 600 feet directly below the peak, Tumbledown Pond. Each trail may be explored separately as a day hike, although many experienced hikers prefer to string several trails together into a larger loop. left about 0.5 miles from the main roads;

main fork—to the end where the trailhead and

follow the signs for the Center Hill Trails and

parking are located.

From East: From the intersection of ME Routes

for parking. Continue past the park head-

156 and 142 in Weld, follow ME Route 142 north

quarters and Center Hill Picnic Area for

Tumbledown & Little Jackson

2.3 miles and turn left onto Byron Road. Shortly

another 3.0 miles on Center Hill Road until


after the turn, Byron Road is unpaved; con-

you reach another fork in the road. A sign

Moderate/Advanced, 10.6 miles trail network

tinue to follow Byron Road approximately 5.6

indicates Mount Blue Trail and parking by

in the Weld region of Maine accesses some

miles (past the Brook Trailhead) to the Loop

bearing right onto Mt Blue Road. Follow this

of the most interesting features and most

Trailhead pullout which will be on the right.

road for about 2.5 miles—bearing right at

spectacular views of the Western Mountains

(Byron Road changes its name to Weld to

the logging road roughly 1.8 miles from the

Region of Maine. The Tumbledown Mountain

Byron Road.)

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Photo courtesy of Jamie Ranger

Central Trail (0.5 miles, marked in yellow): Starting at park headquarters, this trail connects to all others, except the pine trail. It leaves the parking area through an apple orchard and follows an old power line for a short distance, Birch Trail (2 miles, marked in blue): Leaving the Central Trail, the Birch Trail crosses the road into a wood yard, and then loops around a ridge through hardwood and evergreen forests. Maple Trail (10 miles, marked in red): This extensive trail traverses a wide variety of terrain and passes through fields, old farmlands, and several types of forest. Plan ahead and allow plenty of time to complete this long loop, or use the suggested turnaround points for shorter trips.

Ice Skating Enjoy another great part of winter in Maine: ice skating! Weather permitting. Community outdoor skating presents the perfect opportunity to enjoy the winter season. Ice skaters of all ages and abilities are welcome. Farmington Recreation Department Ice Rink Hippach Field Skating Rink: Intervale Rd. Farmington

Wilton Recreation Department Ice Rink

Fox Trail (0.5 miles, marked in orange):

Kineowatha Park - High Street, Wilton

This short loop off the Central Trail also con-

Located in the beautiful Kineowatha Park,

nects with the Moose Trail. It traverses a sec-

this ice rink is open – weather permitting -

tion of old farmland now grown up into trees.

from December 25 through February 16. The warming shack features a heated restroom,

Moose Trail (1 mile, marked in green):

benches, skates available to rent, free for kids

Leaves and returns to the Central Trail. The

and adults, hot chocolate and first aid sup-

Moose Trail tours a harvested hardwood forest

plies. For hours or to book an event call Frank

and a red pine plantation.

Donald, the Recreation Department Director, at 207-645-4825.

Photo courtesy of Chelsea Steele

This versatile skating rink is open between December 26th and January 1st lasting until approximately February 14th. The Field House features a heated restroom, microwave, hot water percolator and a cold water cooler/ dispenser. There are a variety of accessories, games and sports equipment available including stacking crates to assist a person learning to skate, florescent cones for skating games,

Skiing (Alpine & Nordic) Franklin County is home to uncrowded lifts and long ski trails with spectacular scenery and excellent snow quality. So whether you are hitting the slopes or the cross-country ski trails you are sure to have a great time. Fun is on the snow is what its all about!

Pillo Polo sticks, indoor games and more. Mt. Blue State Park For more information contact the Farmington

Center Hill Road, Weld

Recreation Department Office at 207-778-

Mount Blue State Park’s cross-country ski


trails give you an opportunity to see some of the more remote areas of the park in winter’s

Sugarloaf outdoor center

splendor. Six trails ranging in length will take

3001 Touring Center Road, Carrabassett Valley

you through forests, fields, and old farmlands.

The Outdoor Center boasts an NHL sized rink

Ranging from a half mile to 10 miles in length,

and a full line of ice skate rentals for children

the Mount Blue State Park Ski Trails offer a

and adults alike. The rink typically opens for

wide variety of groomed classic track for cross-

the season in mid-December and remains

county skiers of all abilities. Below each trail is

open until mid-March. They offer pick-up

described; colors correspond to on the ground

hockey on Tuesdays and Thursdays from

markers and to colors on the brochure avail-

5-8pm. For more information call 207-237-6830 able at the Center Hill parking area trailhead.



Photo courtesy of Chelsea Steele


and 15 lifts. Nestled at the foot of Sugarloaf/ USA is a true Nordic village with more than 40 restaurants and shops including: grocery stores, ski and snowboard shops, specialty shops, real estate offices, a laundromat, two health clubs, and an art gallery. Sugarloaf outdoor center 3001 Touring Center Road, Carrabassett Valley With 90km of marked, maintained, and patrolled trails, the Outdoor Center is Maine’s largest Nordic center. Trails are maintained for both classic and skate skiing, and offer some of the most unique and spectacular views of Sugarloaf. Enjoy the solitude of the Maine woods in the winter and explore new locations! For more information call 207-237-6830.

Pine Trail (1 mile, marked in brown):

Rangeley Lakes Trails Center

Two short loops that leave from the Moose

524 Saddleback Mountain Rd, Rangeley

Trail. Travel in a clockwise direction to

Located beside Saddleback Mountain,

avoid steep grades.

Rangeley Lakes Trails Center has 34 miles of mapped trails for cross-country skiing and

Maine Huts & Trails

snowshoeing. In winter, the ski trails offer the

Carrabassett Valley (Kingfield Office at 496 Main Street, Kingfield)

full spectrum of ability levels and plenty of ter-

Maine Huts & Trails offers one of the most

getting bored!

rain to enjoy a day on the trails without

unique Nordic and backcountry skiing


experiences in the northeast. Maine Huts

There are dedicated single-track trails that of-

& Trails grooms over 45 miles of cross-

fer a scenic day of snowshoeing as well. Picnic

country ski trails for both classic and skate

tables are placed in strategic spots, as noted

skiing. Skiers are invited to come into a

on the map, for resting and refreshing in all

hut for lunch or plan a multi-day hut-to-hut

seasons. In winter, dogs are welcome on week-


days and only on the Geneva Bog trail.

Maine Hut Trail is groomed for backcoun-


try skiing. Grooming is not intended to be

5092 Access Road, Carrabassett Valley, ME

touring center quality. Trail may only be

Sugarloaf is Maine’s second highest peak at

groomed once per week. Conditions can

4,237 ft. and offers the only lift serviced above-

be particularly challenging during or within

tree line skiing in the East. With an impressive

24 hours of a snowstorm. Backcountry skis

2,820 ft. vertical drop, it rivals many of the

with edges are recommended. Skate and

Rocky Mountains. Sugarloaf/USA also boasts

classic skis are suitable only when trail

129 trails and glades (one that stretches 3.5

conditions allow.

miles), snowmaking on most of the mountain


Titcomb Mountain Ski Area 180 Ski Slope Road, West Farmington, ME The 750-foot slope features 16 alpine trails for all skill levels, from beginner to expert, including a terrain park for skiers and riders. It offers a great beginner trail with a handle tow and a gentle slope. The snowmaking covers 70% of the alpine trails and night skiing is available on Wednesday and Saturday nights. Titcomb offers over 10 miles (16 kilometers) of beautiful cross-country trails for all levels from beginner to expert. The trails are groomed for both classic and skate skiing and meander from fields through woodlands. The bog loop is lit for night Nordic skiing. Titcomb Mountain Cross-country ski trails are groomed for both classic and skate skiing and meander from fields through woodlands and up to the top of the ski mountain. A day pass or a seasonal membership is required to use the trails. Equipment rentals are available on site. For information on ski rates, hours and current conditions, call (207) 778-9031. Directions: From the intersection of US Route 2 and Route 43 in West Farmington, follow Route

Photo courtesy of Penny Meservier

should take note not to tread on the skiers’ smooth, parallel tracks. Leave No Trace • Pack out whatever you pack in, and leave only footprints behind. • Respect plants and animals. • Stay on the designated trail; trekking off trail can cause irreparable damage to the terrain. Cathedral Pines Pathways Stratton Village (Town of Eustis) (2 miles network) The trails at Cathedral Pines provide easy family-friendly hiking and cross-country skiing and snowshoeing along groomed paths during the winter. The trails pass through a grove of mature red pines that—in contrast to the low and sparse undergrowth—lend a cathedrallike quality to the forest. The trails are marked only at intersections by colored boards but are easy to follow; most are well-worn or follow unused logging roads or, in a few cases, ATV trails. 43 West. Continue straight at the four-way in-

ride to any other location that is reached by

tersection; another 0.3 miles after the intersec-

the system. We welcome all safe, responsible

tion, turn left onto Morrison Hill Road; follow it

snowmobilers to the trails.

for 0.6 miles. Turn left at the Titcomb Ski Area

Flint Woods & Village Woods Farmington (4.5 miles of network) Main trailhead on Anson Street/Titcomb Hill Rd. Trails range from the many easy, well-worn

sign and access road. Continue on to the park-

Maine, New Hampshire, and Vermont have

improved trails on relatively level terrain (like

ing area at the end of the road.

entered into an agreement allowing for a

most of the Flint Woods trails) to some newly

reciprocal snowmobile riding weekend in all

developed single track paths in Village Woods

three states which includes the preceding

(near Box Shop Hill) on moderately steep

Friday. This allows for all legally registered

slopes. These moderately difficult trails include

New Hampshire, and Vermont snowmobiles to

the western end of Ridge Road, Switchback,

be operated in Maine without a current Maine

Sideshot and parts of Low Traverse.

snowmobiling Each year, many snowmobilers find winter adventures on the Maine snowmobile system. Explore the state and enjoy the many winter festivals and events by using this system. You’ll find over 300 miles on the Black Fly Loop, which circles all of Franklin County. Those trails reach North through Eustis, Jackman and the

registration. This also allows for all legally registered Maine snowmobiles to be operated in New Hampshire and Vermont without being registered in either of those states as well. Nonresidents may register snowmobiles online: www10.informe.org/ifw/atv-snow/ or call 207-287-8000.

Touch of Class THRIFT SHOPS

Forks, west to Rangeley, Oquossoc and New Hampshire, east to Carrabassett Valley, Kingfield and New Portland and south to Farmington, Wilton and Weld. The Black Fly Loop has the widest variety of trails available in the east. These uncrowded trails wander through stands of pine and climb ma jestic mountains. Maine’s snowmobile trail system now includes over 14,000 miles of trail, including 3,500 miles of primary trail known as the Interconnected Trail System (ITS). The ITS trails connect across the state and with decent snow a rider may head out from anywhere on the ITS and

snowshoeing Snowshoers are a special breed of winter hikers. Find yourself a simple pair of snowshoes and come explore our Maine winter wonderland. You will enjoy touring through our pine-scented forests, silent white meadows and trails running parallel to frozen lakes and rivers. Trail Etiquette: Share the Trail with Cross-Country Skiers • Snowshoers and cross-country skiers often

All 3 locations Offering clean, unique items Come visit one of these locations 303 Wilton Road 778-4492 28 Broadway 778-3236 25 Jay Plaza Lane 897-9577

travel the same trails. If possible, snowshoers




Photo courtesy of Chelsea Steele

Maine Huts and Trails Kingfield/Carrabassett For a truly unique experience, visit the Maine Huts and Trails system, an off-thegrid adventure of trails connected by four backcountry eco-lodges. This section of the Maine Huts trail network includes over three miles of groomed ski trail in the winter (usable for mountain biking in summer) and over three miles of excellent hiking or snowshoeing trail. Mingo Springs Trail & Bird Walk Rangeley (2 mile loop) The trail at Mingo Springs winds around the “back 9” of a golf course offering a relatively easy walk through various forest types with excellent wildlife viewing. Mount Blue State Park Center Hill Road Weld (2.6 miles network) There are two snowshoe trails in Mount Blue State Park: Rock Lookout Trail and Center Hill Trail. Both trails lead to scenic overlooks that even the most advanced snowshoe

Narrow Gauge Pathway

Sugarloaf outdoor center

enthusiast will enjoy. Both trails start at the

Carrabassett Valley (6.6 miles one way)

3001 Touring Center Road, Carrabassett Valley

Center Hill Parking area next to the park

The Narrow Gauge Pathway is a rail trail which

The Outdoor Center offers miles of maintained

headquarters. At the trailhead, there is an

hugs the east bank of the scenic Carrabassett

snowshoe trails, providing endless hours of

outhouse, information board with maps

River. Visitors may access the trail at three dif-

snowshoeing fun. Rental snowshoes are avail-

and descriptions of the winter trails, and an

ferent trailheads and enjoy this non-motorized

able, and snowshoe trails are blazed with trail

‘iron ranger’ for depositing the entrance

trail in all seasons. The trail has a gentle grade

markers to keep you on your journey. For more

fee (check website or call for current rates). that increases upstream from the Carrabassett Valley Town Office. In the winter the trails are Both trails start at this point and follow the

information call 207-237-6830

same route for about the first 1,000 feet

groomed for both classic and skate style cross-

Whistle Stop Trail

passing near a deer wintering area in

country skiing and snowshoeing.

14 miles through Jay, Wilton and Farmington

Rock Pond Trail

cluding scenic views Western Maine’s foothills,

Sandy River Plantation (1.6 miles – network)

forested wetlands, and rural farmland. Closely

This small network of trails provides access to

replicating the historic railroad setting, the trail

Rock Pond, Midway Pond, and several scenic

also features several trestles spanning tree-

overlooks while gaining little elevation along

lined streams and rivers. In Jay, old granite

the walk.

walls and culverts remain as testaments to

The trail traverses a variety of landscapes in-

the park.

both the railroad’s legacy as well as to the nearby quarrying heritage of North Jay.

Helping People • Changing Lives Housing & Energy Services Community Services CareerCenter Services Nutrition Services P. O. Box 200 • East Wilton, ME • (207) 645-3764 or (800) 645-9636 Photo courtesy of Penny Meservier



Photos courtesy of Jamie Ranger

water adventures Come and discover the many treasured, pristine glacial lakes, ponds, rivers and streams throughout Franklin County. You will find yourself immersed in a world of tranquility, beauty and adventure and every season offers you an abundance of new opportunities. Fishing Summer or winter, in the lakes or streams, from the shore, in waders, on a boat or through a hole in the ice, Franklin County’s lakes afford limitless opportunities to catch “the big one.” Franklin County has a rich fishing history. The lakes, streams, and ponds here used to be the playground of well-known local guides like Cornelia “Fly Rod” Crosby, Herb Welch, and Carrie

find some information here about fishing spots in the area. Some of the locations listed have specific regulations, so be sure to check out the Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife website at www.maine.gov/ifw/fishing/ index.htm before heading out. Tour the many ponds and lakes throughout Paddling - Canoe or Kayak

Franklin County. In Wilton, spend the day on

From novice to expert, there is no better way

Wilson Pond often called Wilson Lake or head

to explore the region then paddling the many

over to Industry and explore Clearwater Lake,

shorelines by kayak or canoe and leave the

or head out Rte. 156 to Weld and enjoy Webb

hustle and bustle behind. The forests, moun-

Lake at Mt. Blue State Park. In Rangeley you

tains, and lowlands are laced with a vast net-

can explore the coves and islands of any of

work of watersheds. Bring your camera so you

their many lakes. There are seven lakes in the

can capture the beauty and wildlife!

Rangeley chain: Rangeley Lake, Moosel-

Stevens. This county’s many streams and waterways offer, perhaps, the finest wild brook trout population in America. Smallmouth and largemouth bass, as well as perch and sunfish, are also fun to catch in this region. Fishing around here certainly isn’t just reserved for the summertime! Our lakes become frozen gathering places to catch pickerel, bass, salmon and trout. Bring your warm clothes and good friends. Ice fishing can be enjoyed on virtually any Maine lake or pond as long as the ice is thick enough. Landlocked salmon and trout are some of the best fish to catch in Maine. Wilton Fish and Game will have their annual “Fishing Derby” in February on Wilson Lake in Wilton. If you’re new to the area, it might be beneficial to find a guide service to take you out. However, if you’re the adventurous type, you’ll




ookmeguntic Lake, Cupsuptic Lake, Upper & Lower Richardson Lakes, Kennebago Lake, and Umbagog Lake. Don’t forget Flagstaff Lake, Maine’s fourth largest lake, located nearby in the Stratton – Eustis area. Swimming & Beach Areas There are freshwater sandy beaches abound throughout Franklin County in Maine. What is there not to love about an easy refreshing dip in the pristine lakes, ponds and rivers amidst the lush green forest? Carrabassett Valley - Riverside Park off Rt. 27 A popular spot is located by the Carrabassett Valley’s Riverside Park off Route 27. This spot features a natural water slide, small beach area, and lots of good wading spots. The maximum water depths are three to four feet. The bottom is somewhat rocky, so

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Industry-Clearwater Pond: Rt. 43 Industry Rd.

open year-round. Park hours are 9:00 a.m. to

Clearwater Pond has a clear, clean lake featur-

sunset unless otherwise signed at the gate.

ing a soft, sandy bottom and beautiful views. To reach Mount Blue State Park in Weld, follow Rangeley- Lakeside Park: Main St. (Route 4)

Route 156 from Wilton. To reach the Webb

Lakeside Park is free and features a sandy

Beach and Campground, proceed 2 miles north

beach and a dock with a slide Lifeguard (11

past Weld Village and bear left on the West

a.m. to 5 p.m. daily, weather permitting during

Road at Webb Corner. Continue 4 miles to

the summer months), boat launch area, swings,

Webb Beach Road, which leads down to the

covered picnic tables, a changing/restroom

lake and campground.

building and a large, newly-landscaped lawn area. Swimming lessons are given at the park each summer as well. For more information, call the Director of Parks and Recreation at 207-864-3326. Strong– Porter Lake -Strong Public Beach (Beach Road) The Strong Public Beach is an ideal spot for

Wilton– Wilson Lake: Kineowatha Park (High St.) Kineowatha Park is a 63-acre town park offering swimming with a wonderful shallow sandy beach area. Visitors can also use the picnic and barbeque areas. The park has a large playground area and a lodge on the premises offering food, drinks and indoor games.

family summer fun with a sandy beach that has two docks (one of which has a high diving board) and also a boat launching ramp, picnic Photo courtesy of Jamie Ranger

it is recommended that one wear water shoes when in this area.

tables and grills. Follow Route 234 out of Strong towards New Vineyard, then make a left turn onto Pond

Farmington- Sandy River The Sandy River has several sandy beach areas enjoyed by many. One is located at the in-

Road. Look for the Beach Road sign, 1/2 mile on the right.

tersection of Routes 2, 4, and 27 by the bridge

Weld– Webb Beach - Mt. Blue State Park (187 Webb Beach Rd)

in Farmington It has a canoe put-in and picnic

The sandy beach is almost completely sur-

area. The put-in is a rock staircase, with many

rounded by mountains, Mount Blue, Little

steps to the river, and is not a ramp. The other

Jackson Mountain, and Tumbledown Mountain,

location is on Front Street - Located near the

making it noted for its scenic beauty. The

University of Maine athletic fields there are

swimming area is run by the state of Maine lo-

several sandy swimming beaches, along with

cated in Franklin County. It offers bathrooms,

some picnic area.

a changing area, boat launch, amphitheater, and nature center. Mount Blue State Park is

Photo courtesy of Susan Atwood

Photo courtesy of Tina Clements

Photo courtesy of Penny Meservier




Photo courtesy of Kaitlin Frost

Photo courtesy of Penny Meservier

Photo courtesy of Chelsea Steele

Parks & Picnic Areas Riverside Park

Kingfield Town Park

Center Hill

Route 27, along the Carrabassett River in Carrabassett Valley

Curve Street, Kingfield

Mt. Blue State Park, Weld (Junction of 142 & 156)

Swimming pool, wading and swimming

Playground, basketball court, picnic area,

Picnic area with views of Mt. Blue, Tumbledown,

large grassy lawn

and Webb Lake, covered picnic tables, rest

holes, tennis courts, basketball court,

rooms, walking paths

playground, covered picnic area, volleyball

Precartin Park

court, bathroom facilities, grills,

Park Street, Phillips

softball field

Picnic tables, small playground

Cathedral Pines Route 27, Cathedral Pines Campground, Eustis Public sandy beach, Flagstaff Lake, playground, dock, changing room, nature trail Abbott Park Adjacent to the UMF Roberts Learning Center, Farmington

Park-by-the-Bridge Route 149, Phillips Picnic area, grills, swimming hole Rangeley State Park South Shore Drive, Rangeley Picnic area, walking trails

Rollo Pond, stone bridges, remnant wood-

Eastman’s Park

land trails, a portion of the University’s

Route 142, Phillips


Picnic area, swimming and wading holes,

Lance Corporal Scott Paul Memorial Town Park Route 149, Burbank Hill Road, Strong Picnic area, grills, horseshoes, bathroom facilities, playground Bass Park Lake Road, Wilton Gazebo, picnic tables, play area, scenic views of Wilson Lake and mountains

sandy areas, playground Hippach Field Route 2 in Farmington

Smalls Falls Rest Area

Playground, ball field, tennis courts

South of Rangeley Scenic waterfall, colorful gorge, swimming

Walton Mills Pond

holes, picnic areas

West Farmington Picnic tables, open green space

Kineowatha Park High Street Entrance, Wilson Lake, Wilton

Rangeley Lakeside Park

Town park with public sandy beach,

Downtown Rangeley on the shores of Rangeley Lake

swimming, tennis, basketball, playing fields,

Large lawn area, public sand beach

picnic/BBQ areas, trails, lodge with indoor

and swimming area, dock, restrooms,

games, food and drink

horseshoes, children’s area, volleyball and

swings, covered picnic tables, boat launch, tennis and basketball courts

For maps and more information on local park and picnic areas, visit the Franklin County Chamber of Commerce Photo courtesy of Penny Meservier



Photo courtesy of Penny Meservier

State Parks Come explore, discover and experience our gorgeous, scenic state parks that offer a wide array of fun and unique vacation adventures. Mt. Blue and Rangeley state parks offer access to hiking and biking trails for all athletic abilities.

Photo courtesy of Chelsea Steele

Mt. Blue State Park

Adjoining Mt. Blue State Park are more than

The Moose Country Corridor Trail is a 0.7 mile,

299 Center Hill Road, Weld

10,000 acres of State-owned Public Lands

easy hike, and runs from just past the control

You will find stellar hiking, trail riding, bik-

and State-held easements encompassing the

station on the left, back onto the entrance

ing, swimming and picnicking in the Western

Tumbledown Mountain Range. Tumbledown

road. This trail has nice, lush, green mossy

Mountains. Trail enthusiasts, anglers, and

Mountain, with an alpine pond near the summit,

undergrowth, surrounded by large stands

campers enjoy this region through warm

is the most popular hike, but surrounding lands

of white and yellow birch with intermingled

weather months, followed by snowmobilers,

offer many other attractions.

spruce and fir trees. Enjoy the peace and quiet

cross-country skiers, snowshoers, and iceskaters in winter.

away from the campground and take in the Mount Blue offers extensive trails and winter

many sights and sounds of the surrounding

recreation opportunities, including winter


Mt. Blue State Park is Maine’s largest state

camping, miles of snowshoe trails, groomed

park, encompassing approximately 8,000

and ungroomed cross-country ski trails, and

The Shoreline Trail is 0.9 mile in all, flat terrain

acres in two sections separated by Webb Lake.

snowmobile trails, as well as an ice skating rink,

with many exposed roots, travels along the lake

A campground in the Webb Beach section has

sliding hill, and warming hut on

shore. Starting from the campground loop, the

136 wooded sites a short walk from a sandy

Center Hill.

trail takes hikers on a serene walk through the

beach and picnic area. Visitors can swim,

woods and comes out at the park’s swimming

launch and rent boats, and walk on trails near

Rangeley Lakes State Park

area lawn, offering a spectacular view across

the lake. During summer months, park staff,

South Shore Drive, Rangeley

Rangeley Lake and Saddleback Mountain.

routinely offer canoe trips, walks, and nature

Rangeley Lake State Park covers 869 acres in

Continue straight back into the woods where

programs. A Nature Center features hands-on

the heart of Maine’s Western Mountains. Visi-

there are large birch trees to your right and

exhibits and displays.

tors enjoy hiking, picnicking, camping, wildlife

the clear lake waters off to your left. The trail

watching, photography, winter sports, and the

ends at the park’s boat launch which is a great

Across the lake from the Webb Beach section

long established traditions of hunting and fish-

way to end a hike, sitting along the shore and

is the centerpiece of the Park, 3,187-foot Mt.

ing. The lake’s cool, clear waters extend nine

enjoying lunch while overlooking the pristine

Blue, a popular day-hike. Visitors also enjoy

miles and support world famous populations of

lake waters and surrounding mountains.

walks and picnics on Center Hill (see Trails

Landlocked Salmon and Brook Trout.

section). Mountain bikers, equestrians, and ATV

The campground at Rangeley Lake State Park

riders can experience 25 miles of challenging,

The Park also offers two short hiking trails, al-

offers 50 campsites close to the beautiful lake

multi-use trails. In winter, the park’s extensive

lowing visitors to experience the natural world

shore. In addition, there is a picnic area, play-

trail system supports snowmobiling, snowshoe-

around them. While hiking the trails, be on the

ground, and a boat launch with finger docks for

ing and cross-country skiing. Families come to

lookout for wildlife living in and around

both day users and campers. The park is open

sled at Center Hill and skate on an outdoor ice

the park.

for day use from 9 A.M. to sunset.

rink at park headquarters.




This is a popular three-season recreation area, with spring being the only time when there are few visitors. Fall foliage can be viewed from the roads and trails. Hunting and trapping opportunities range from easy vehicle access to foot access only in the backcountry areas. Fishing is plentiful in many small ponds and brooks. Winter visitors enjoy snowmobiling and cross country skiing over 20 miles of desigPhoto courtesy of Scott Landry

Scenic Attractions Angel Falls Bemis Road off Rte. 17, Township E. Angel Falls is a 90-foot waterfall on Mountain Brook in Township D – northwest of Houghton – in the White Mountains of Franklin County, Maine. Angel Falls, one of Maine’s tallest and most unique waterfalls. Angel Falls has a 90-foot “hanging” plunge and is comparable in height with Moxie Falls in Forks Township. In high water, the cascading water creates the shape of an


ues left on a dirt road, and then proceeds up through the woods to Mountain Brook. The trail follows Mountain Brook upstream and crosses three times on rock hops (use caution), then rises sharply on the south bank immediately before arriving at the falls. Length: 1.4 miles, Round Trip Activities: areas for swimming, hiking, picnicking, restrooms

nated trails. Activities: areas for fishing, swimming, camping, cross country skiing snowmobiling, hunting, trapping Coos Canyon - Swift River Rte. 17 Byron Coos Canyon is a roadside park carved out of the Swift River. Erosion has chiseled steep cliffs on both sides of the river. There are pools to swim in, flat rocks to sit on while you sift for gold, 15-foot cliffs to jump from, smooth rocks to slide down. Activities: Swimming, cliff-jumping, gold panning, photography, meandering along the shore

angel’s wing giving the falls its name.

Bigelow Preserve Public Reserved Land

Height of Land Scenic Overlook

From the parking area, walk north along

W Flagstaff Rd, Stratton

Rte. 17, Rangeley

Bemis Road a short way. The trail leaves

Located in western Maine just east of the

A fantastic scenic overlook not to be missed!

Bemis Road at a sign marking the trailhead

village of Stratton about 40 miles north of

Stunning views of Mooselookmeguntic and

and descends along a dirt road into a grav-

Farmington, Bigelow Preserve includes over

Upper Richardson lakes, Toothaker Island and

el pit. Walk through the gravel pit (past a

36,000 acres of public land. The preserve

the richly forested mountainsides. Travelers

large boulder), then continue following red

encompasses the entire Bigelow Range, which

search for moose that frequent the region’s

blazes on an old dirt road. Shortly, the trail

includes seven summits. The highest of these

roadsides feeding on tender grasses, leaves

reaches Berdeen Stream, which must be

at 4,150 feet is West Peak, one of only 10 Maine

and branches. This is also an excellent route

forded. Use caution when crossing streams

summits over 4,000 feet in elevation. Bounded

for viewing foliage in the autumn when the

during high water as stepping stones are

on the north by 20,000-acre Flagstaff Lake,

surrounding mountainsides are painted vivid

often submerged or very slippery. After

the preserve offers many opportunities for

orange, yellow and red.

crossing Berdeen Steam, the trail contin-

outdoor recreation.


sense of whitewater power. This is attributable

fall, with a plunge on the left and segmented

to the fact that the river upstream is consider-

horsetail on the right. The top waterfall is a 12-

ably wider than the width of water that flows

foot horsetail and slide. Beyond the final falls of

over the four sets of falls at Smalls Falls.

Small Falls lies tiny plunges and cascades with equally clear and beautiful water.

The bottom of Small Falls consists of a 3-foot cascade falling into a 20-foot wide circular

All four sets of falls are found within one of

pool. The next waterfall up is a 14-foot fan-

most colorful and beautiful gorges in the

ning horsetail with a deep oblong-shaped pool

region. Its colors consist of beiges, oranges,

people tend to jump into from above, a stunt

greens, blacks, browns, gold, and ivory. There

that is highly dangerous. Even further up the

are plenty of places to sit along the gorge walls

trail, you will find a 25-foot segmented water-

and bask in the beauty of the wide open area. Photo courtesy of Alana Ranney

Photo courtesy of Susan Atwood

High Peaks Region It is roughly bounded by State Route 4 to the southwest, State Route 16 to the northwest, State Route 16/27 to the northeast and State Route 142 to the southeast. The region contains eight of the 14 Maine 4,000-footers and includes 21,000 acres (85 km2) above 2,700 feet (820 m). The Appalachian Trail runs through the High Peaks, unbroken by roads for more than 30 miles. The High Peaks offers nearly unprecedented opportunities to really get away from it all. Smalls Falls - Rest Area Rte. 4, Sandy River in Township E. Smalls Falls, a scenic waterfall, colorful gorge, and fine swimming holes. Part of a small rest area off of the scenic byway part of Rt 4 between Madrid and Rangeley. It features a picnic area with grills, public restrooms, and a 0.1 mile unmarked uphill trail beside some beautiful waterfalls on the Sandy River. It does not take much water flow to make this waterfall impressive enough to please all its visitors. Just a tiny stream can create a false

Photo courtesy of Scott Landry



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chamber events

Arts & Culture

Photo courtesy of Kaitlin Frost

Franklin County: A Cultural Oasis F

ranklin Couny is rich in arts and cultural

For the youth of the area, our schools are alive

events. The epicenter of this activity is

with activity. Mt. Blue High School (RSU 9) is

the shiretown, Farmington and in particu-

known for a strong music curriculum with an

lar the University of Maine at Farmington.

acapella group, chamber and show choir, band,

UMF has the new Emery Community Arts

jazz band, orchestra, as well as the Franklin

Center and the historically significant Nor-

County Fiddlers. In the summer, students may

dica Auditorium for art exhibits, folk music,

learn and perform with the Sandy River Players

classical quartets, theater performances,

and the Mt. Blue Music Boosters Summer The-

Local groups perform at restaurants, grange

cabaret, lectures, poetry, dance, and much

ater camps. The Maine Jazz Camp, in Farm-

halls, churches, and festivals. Contra dancing


ington for two weeks in July, draws students

regularly takes place at the West Farmington

from all over North America and offers daily

Grange, and square dancing in nearby Wilton,

faculty concerts free to the public.

sponsored by the Friendship Squares.

Maine. This hard-working volunteer group

Kingfield hosts the annual Kingfield POPS, a

How will you know what’s happening and

continually strives to broaden the universi-

summer art festival that culminates in an out-

when? The Maine High Peaks Arts & Heritage

ty’s involvement with arts in the community.

door concert that brings people from around

Loop map features cultural events, galleries,

For seniors, the UMF-affiliated Gold Leaf

the state and beyond to enjoy a family-friendly

trails, museums, and historic attractions to

Institute provides courses and excursions.

evening of music and entertainment with the

help better navigate your way around Franklin

Bangor Symphony Orchestra. Kingfield is also

County. You can also find local events listed on

There is an active community theater

home to several art galleries and the High

the Franklin County Chamber of Commerce

group, The Sandy River Players, that stage

Peaks Artisan Guild which features a collec-

website and check the local media services

performances at UMF’s Alumni Theater

tive of artisans from Western Maine spanning

listed in this guide’s directory.

and as well as other local venues. The Old

many mediums.

Overseeing many of these events is the

Photo courtesy of Scott Landry

community-based Arts Institute of Western

Crow Band, a community based band, is busy throughout the summer. The Teachers Lounge Mafia, an improvisational comedy group, livens up many area gatherings. Upcountry Artists is a non-profit group dedicated to encourage, support, educate artists and develop public awareness of the arts in Western Maine, has a gallery and learning center in Farmington. They sponsor the county’s most significant Art Show at Sugarloaf Mountain on Columbus Day weekend and offer scholarships to local students.



Photos courtesy of Penny Meservier


became an opera star at the turn of the cen-

tury. She was one of the first Americans to become a world-class diva recognized in Europe

Dead River Area Historical Society Museum

Kingfield Historical Society

for her power and artistry. At the museum, one

45 High Street, Kingfield, ME

can see costumes Madame Nordica wore in

171 Main Street, Stratton, ME 04982

The Kingfield Historical House retains much of

her productions and memorabilia of her career.

Dead River Historical Society preserves and

the detailed signature work of the Victorian

There’s a wealth of musical history in this small

promotes the history of Flagstaff, Dead River

era and its Scotch Firetube Steam Boiler is

building, as well as info on the incredible life

Plantation, Coplin Plantation and Eustis/Strat-

one of a very few still in existence. The house

and tragic death of this superstar of the early

ton. It displays manuscripts, photographs,

is filled with 19th and 20th century furniture,

1900s. The building was listed on the National

china, glass, a church organ, furniture and a

dishware, photographs and paintings, tools,

Register of Historic Places in 1969.

collection of old carpentry and logging tools,

school yearbooks, and collections from families

Open: June 1st - Sept 15th 1-5 PM Tues - Sun

china, glass, a complete schoolroom, a memo-

abound. The Mercantile, located on the first


rial room to the lost towns of Flagstaff and

floor of the barn, is complete with a country

Dead River, the lineage of several native fami-

store, barber shop, pharmacy, and post office.

Red School House Museum

lies, and a host of memorabilia from

A working forge is located in the basement

292 High Street Farmington, ME 04938

native homesteads.

area, under the kitchen. A large, high quality

The Little Red Schoolhouse, also known as

Open weekends: July – August 11 AM-3 PM

textile collection is located on the second floor.

Briggs Schoolhouse, is a historic schoolhouse

Open: June–Sept, Wed from 10 AM-2 PM and 2nd and 3rd Sun of July & August 1 PM-4 PM

in Farmington, Maine. The one-room wood-


for classes until 1958. Today the Museum is dis-

Farmington Historical Society’s Titcomb House 118 Academy Street, Farmington, ME 04938 Built in 1846, the Titcomb House is the Historical Society’s home museum and research center. Filled with thousands of artifacts, documents, maps and books pertaining to Farmington’s history, the Titcomb House is a time capsule of the town’s history. Open: July – August, Wed & Sat 1-4 PM www.farmingtonhistory.org

frame schoolhouse was built in 1852, was used played as the original schoolhouse with some

Nordica Homestead Museum

of the original desks, books, and other memo-

116 Nordica Lane, Farmington, ME 04938

rabilia. It originally stood on the Wilton Road

Giglio Nordica (1857-1914), born Lillian Nor-

(Maine State Route 4) at Red Schoolhouse

ton in Farmington, was the most glamorous

Road. It served Farmington as the Briggs Dis-

American opera singer in history, and the

trict School until 1958, and is one of the com-

first to attain true international prominence.

munity’s few surviving district school buildings.

One of Farmington’s most famous citizens is

It was then used as a space for special needs

commemorated in the Nordica Homestead Mu-

students before being finally closed in 1969. It

seum, the family home. As Lillian Nordica, she

was moved to the Franklin Agricultural



chamber events

Arts & Culture

Society Fairgrounds on High Street in 2007.

commemorates and preserves the heritage of

ensure our future generations will be able to

It underwent restoration and officially

Stanley family genius. The exhibits cover all

appreciate the people, families, and spirit of

opened to the public during the annual

facets of Stanley family history and memo-

the generations that came before them. We

Farmington Fair. The building was listed on

rabilia — airbrush painting and photography,

encourage and support interest in, and study

the National Register of Historic Places in

violins and examples of Stanley steam cars

of, the history of Madrid, Maine.


from 1905, 1910, and 1916. The famous “Stanley

Open weekends: July – Aug 11 AM - 3 PM

Steamer” automobile was invented by Francis

Maine Paper & Heritage Museum

Edgar Stanley, who manufactured it with his

22 Church Street, Livermore Falls, ME 04228

Ski Museum Maine

twin brother. Their sister, Chansonetta, was

Paper & Heritage Museum was established

256 Main Street, Kingfield, ME 04947

a photographer who captured life in rural

with the common goal of capturing the cultural

The Ski Museum of Maine was established

America in the turn-of-the-century.

heritage of the paper-making towns and mills

in 1995 to preserve and publicize the busi-

along the Androscoggin River. It is an exciting

ness of skiing in Maine while celebrating

Open: June - Oct, Tues - Sun 1 - 4 PM, Nov May, Tues - Fri 1 - 4 PM or by appt.

Maine’s ski history and heritage. More than


ence life in a paper-making community and

a decade has been spent collecting and

interactive museum where visitors can experishowcase the area’s distinctive heritage.

preserving irreplaceable documents and

Madrid Historical Society

artifacts, and cataloguing those valuable

1 Schoolhouse Rd., Madrid Twp., ME 04966

materials. Exhibits change approximately

The Madrid Historical Society was founded in

every four months.

2000 by a group of residents with a mission

Outdoor Sporting Heritage Museum

Open: Daily 9 AM - 5 PM

to collect and preserve the memories and

8 Rumford Road, Oquossoc, Maine 04964


heritage of Madrid along with historical and

A visit to the Outdoor Sporting Heritage Mu-

genealogical records, property and artifacts

seum (OSHM) is sure to capture the imagina-

Stanley Museum

that remind us where and how the Township

tion and spark a greater interest in Rangeley’s

40 School Street, Kingfield, Maine 04947

of Madrid came to be. This is the heritage

unique and intriguing outdoor history. The

The Stanley Museum is a historical muse-

which has shaped our lives, our town, and

museum offers several important artifacts in

um located in the beautiful Georgian-style

generations of local traditions. By preserving

its extensive historical collections that cre-

Stanley School built in 1903. The Museum

these artifacts and memories of our past, we

atively share the region’s colorful history. The

At Beltone, you always get MORE.

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(207) (207) (207) (207) (207) (207) (207) (207) (207) (207)

430-3721 561-6622 504-5084 241-5240 687-3147 744-3051 760-4169 593-3239 228-9772 430-3719


Outdoor Sporting Heritage Museum is located in the nearby village of Oquossoc and was recently named by Yankee Magazine as the “Best Sporting Museum in New England” Open: July - Aug 7 days a week 10 AM - 4 PM; Sept: Wed - Sun 10 AM - 4 PM Oct: Sat & Sun 10 AM - 4 PM www.rangeleymaine.com/outdoor-sportingheritage-museum Sandy River & Rangeley Lakes Railroad 128 Bridge Street, Phillips, ME 04966 In 1970 a group of local rail fans at the Phillips Historical Society formed a project to document the SR&RL. This group eventually formed a separate non-profit organization to preserve remaining equipment from the railroad. The

Photos courtesy of Penny Meservier

non-profit now operates a short heritage railroad on the track bed of the original SR&RL at Phillips. At the station site, you can examine exhibits in the Sanders Station and purchase tickets and souvenirs in the Phillips Freight House. During Phillips Old Home Days (starting the third Friday in August), the SR&RL runs on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. The Railroad Room of the Phillips Historical Society is open on that Saturday and contains an extensive collection of SR&RL artifacts. Open: July 5, 19 Aug 2, 3, 16, 17 Sept 6, 7, 19, 20, 21 Oct 3, 4, 5, 17, 18 Train times are 11 AM, 12 Noon, 1 PM, 2 PM, and 3 PM www.srrl-rr.org Washburn-Norlands Living History Center 290 Norlands Road, Livermore, ME 04253

Wilhelm Reich Museum

Wilton Farm and Home Museum

Washburn-Norlands Living History Center

19 Orgonon Circle, Rangeley, ME 04970

10 Canal Street, Wilton Maine 04294

is a 19th-century period farm with living-

Orgonon was the home, laboratory and re-

Built in the mid-1860s, the building was used

history demonstrations. The buildings include

search center of Wilhelm Reich, M.D., a pioneer-

between 1910 and 1945 as a boarding house for

the Norlands mansion built in 1867, the 1853

ing psychiatrist, psychoanalyst and scientist.

G.H. Bass employees. The building was deeded

schoolhouse, and the 1883 library with displays

Open to the public as the Wilhelm Reich

to the Wilton Historical Society in 1987 and

about the Washburn family, the 1828 meet-

Museum, Orgonon now comprises 175 acres of

soon after was placed on the National Regis-

ing house, a farmer’s cottage, and a barn with

fields and forests, the Orgone Energy Obser-

ter of Historic Places. There are four floors to

farm animals. The barn and farmer’s cottage

vatory, the Conference Building & Office, a

this impressive building. The basement level

burned down in April 2008 but the Farmer’s

bookstore, two rental cottages, and a system of

features farm and shoemaking tools. It also

Cottage was rebuilt and reopened in early

woodland nature trails. Visitors to the Orgone

includes the working Canal Street Forge, where

2011. As of July 29, 2012, the barn has yet to be

Energy Observatory are introduced to Reich’s

a local blacksmith gives lessons on the art of

rebuilt. The Norlands is home to a number of

life and work with a half-hour documentary

blacksmithing. The main floor, in addition to

collections; including Washburn family papers,

video, exhibits, Reich’s inventions and scientific

the general meeting and display room and

photographs, artwork, historic clothing, books,

apparatus, his library and study, and personal

kitchen, has the restored parlor. The second

furniture, and more.

memorabilia including his paintings and sculp-

floor has rooms devoted to homemaking,


ture. Annual Summer Conferences are held in

military uniforms, ladies’ clothing, bedrooms,

the Conference Building on various aspects of

and the extensive bottle and Wilton Acad-

Weld Historical Society

Reich’s work and their significance for current

emy collections. Exhibits featuring giantess

P.O. Box 31, Weld, ME 04285

social, medical and scientific issues.

Sylvia Hardy are in the Academy Room. The

The Weld Historical Society is a group of 500

Open: July & Aug: Wed-Sun 1-5 pm Sept: Sat 1-5 pm

third level includes a scouting exhibit and two



members committed to preserving the history of their small community. Open: May - Sept




Chamber Events Photos courtesy of Penny Meservier

Chester Greenwood Day Saturday, December 2, 2017


ark your calendar for Saturday

year the company produced 400,000 pairs of

auctioned off at a gala event with trees going

December 2, 2017 as the Franklin


to the highest bidder. The trees are then de-

County Chamber of Commerce, local busi-

livered, decorations and tree stand included, to

nesses, and residents celebrate the 41st an-

As you stroll through the downtown area,

nual Chester Greenwood Day. The daylong

you will see people of all ages having great

celebration includes an hour long parade

fun while shopping, enjoying food from the

Chester Greenwood Day brings thousands of

through Farmington’s downtown, ginger-

wonderful eateries, or enjoying a scenic horse

people to the area to watch and/or participate

bread house contest, horse drawn carriage

and buggy ride through the downtown area.

in all the events scheduled for the day. In 2015,

rides, craft fairs, historical open houses, a

You may even run into one of Chester’s family

warm temperatures brought out one of the

5k run/walk, the Farmington Rotary’s Fes-

members, as many make the trip to Farming-

largest crowds. But don’t worry about the cold

tival of Trees, and the annual Polar Dip at

ton each year to participate in the parade and

temperatures that can be had this time of year

Clearwater Lake in Industry.

visit with relatives who still live locally.

– pack your earmuffs and warm up at one of

The Taste of Farmington is an exciting addi-

The Farmington Rotary’s Festival of trees

the Franklin County Chamber of Commerce for

tion to Chester Greenwood Day. Purchase

includes an all-day viewing of trees decorated

more information on daylong activities or to

and present your Taste of Farmington

by local business and organizations in a theme

register for the parade, Taste of Farmington, or

Passport to participating eateries and enjoy

of their choosing. In the evening the trees are

the gingerbread house contest.

each recipients home.

the many indoor activities planned. Contact

a sample of what they have to offer. The first Saturday in December marks a daylong celebration of Chester Greenwood, a Farmington native who is best known for inventing earmuffs. Chester was fifteen years old when he designed his first pair of ear protectors out of wire, beaver fur, and cloth. At the age of nineteen, he acquired a U.S. patent and by the time he was 28, the Chester Greenwood and Company factory was producing and shipping his champion ear protectors worldwide. In its busiest



2016 Chamber Annual Awards Dinner Large Business Winner Leap Inc. Large Business of the Year nominees included Androscoggin Home Care & Hospice, Leap Inc., and University of Maine at Farmington.

Leap, Inc. was

named Large Business of the Year. Leap, Inc. was recognized for being a forward thinking leader who strives to create a great workplace atmosphere for their almost 200 employees and create nurturing environments for their clients. Innovative ideas that support their clients and demonstrate a commitment to our communities include Stone Soup Gardens providing accessible gardens and the Fit Trails with workout stations.

Medium Business Winner Touch of Class Medium Business of the Year nominees included Touch of Class, Coca-Cola and Main-land Development Consultants. Touch of Class was named Medium Business of the Year. Touch of Class was recognized for working closely with people who have disabilities and treating them with the respect they deserve. The thrift stores allow the person an opportunity integrate into the community and contribute to society.

Small Business Winner Senior Planning Center Small Business of Year nominees included Expenet Technologies, Senior Planning Center, and Rustic Roots Farm. Senior Planning Center was named the Small Business of Year. Senior Planning Center was recognized as Anthony Arruda and his staff have helped hundreds of seniors navigate through the confusing world of Medicare/Medicaid. Senior Planning center is always trying to do what is best for the client by answering questions. They were also noted as being very supportive of local community groups.

Non-Profit Winner Franklin County Children’s Task Force The Non-Profit nominees included the Farmington Ski Club, Healthy Community Coalition, and Franklin County Children’s Task Force. Franklin County Children’s Task Force was selected as the Non-Profit of the Year. Franklin County Children’s Task Force was recognized for being a valuable resource to parents of young children through the many programs provided including parenting classes at no cost giving guidance and support to new parents.



Chamber Events Photos courtesy of Jodi Cordes

Scholarship Golf Classic Annual Seth Wescott and Franklin County Chamber Scholarship Golf Classic - september 22, 2017


residents through financial assistance.

Seth Wescott to host the 15th Annual Golf

The Level Field Fund strives to bridge gaps in

Classic. This event will be held at the beautiful

funding for uniquely talented athletes, follow-

Sugarloaf Golf Course in Carrabassett Valley

ing the belief that opportunities to pursue

on September 22, 2017.

excellence in sport should not be limited by

he Franklin County Chamber of Commerce is once again teaming up with

an athlete’s financial situation. Proceeds from this signature event support


We hope to see you next year at the 15th

both the Franklin County Chamber of Com-

This exciting day of golfing concludes with a

annual golf classic. For more information

merce Scholarship Fund and Wescott’s Level

lunch at The Rack with awards and fun! Vari-

on this event or to register a team, contact

Field Fund. The purpose of the Chamber’s

ous contests will be ongoing throughout the

the Franklin County Chamber of Commerce

David Robie Scholarship is to encourage con-

day including a hole in one, closest to the pin, office at info@franklincountymaine.org or

tinuing higher education for Franklin County

great raffle prices and more!


(207) 778-4215

A few of

Franklin County’s Favorites smalls falls This popular roadside picnic area boasts several scenic, neighboring waterfalls surrounded by sculptured cliffs on the Sandy River and Chandler Mill Stream. The falls drop 54 feet with swimming and wading pools at the bottom. This area offers picnic tables, grills, and restroom facilities.

Check out these family-friendly destinations and activities in Franklin County!

maine huts & trails A world-class system of backcountry trails and eco-lodges with access to hiking, biking, skiing, snowshoeing, canoeing, kayaking, paddleboarding and more. www.mainehuts.org

sugarloaf Maine’s second highest mountain, Sugarloaf is home to Maine’s top ski destination and #1 ranked golf course. There is also a 60-mile network of cross-country ski trails at the Sugarloaf USA Outdoor Center. www.sugarloaf.com

north church concerts Farmington Historical Society’s North Church Concert Series provides bi-weekly live performances from mid-Feb through Dec normally on the 1st and 3rd Thurs of each month at 7PM in the beautifully restored 1873 North Church in Farmington. www.facebook.com/ North.Church.Concert.Series

mt. blue state park Mt. Blue State Park in Weld is one of Maine’s largest parks encompassing 8,000 acres which are used for camping, swimming, hiking, boating, fishing, nature study, and wildlife-viewing. At the top of Mount Blue, the 3,187 feet summit provides many great views of the picturesque Weld area.

titcomb mountain Affordable and family-oriented, Titomb Mountain offers 16 alpine trails for all skill levels and over 16km of beautiful cross-country trails including 2.3km for night nordic skiing. www.titcombmountain.com

dummer’s beach Located on the east side of Webb Lake in Weld, Dummer’s Beach is home to a campground with cottage, rv and tent rental lots for short and seasonal stays and offers panaormic mountain views from its halfmile sandy beach.

scenic byways Maine High Peaks Scenic Byway runs along Route 27 and offers outdoor adventures, historic towns, authentic culture, and spectacular scenery. Rangeley Lakes National Scenic Byway runs along Route 4 and offers breathtaking views of Rangeley State Park.

troll valley Built in a valley, Troll Valley is a fun and challenging disc golf course in Farmington. A club house, snack bar and pro-shop as well as a campground offer a stay and play option. 6 of the 18 holes are mowed and the rest chiseled out of the forest. www.trollcampground.com

black-fly loop The Black Fly Loop has the widest variety of snowmobile trails available in the east. These uncrowded trails wander through stands of pine, and climb majestic mountains offering spectacular lookouts. www.snowmobile-maine.com




Economic Development Expanding Business in Franklin County

ter Career and Technical Education Center, and the Adult Education Offices. Additionally, The University of Maine at Farmington is centrally located in downtown Farmington. The Franklin Community Health Network, an affiliate of MaineHealth, is also within easy reach. The

ranklin County is a rual business hub


manufacturing, bio-mass energy, and tourism

network is a nonprofit, integrated network of

with many opportunities for investment,

economic sectors. Building on that tradition,

rural health care providers that was created by

growth, and development. Located in west-

the bottled water and wind energy industries

Franklin Memorial Hospital in 1991.

central Maine among mountains, lakes, and

are experiencing continuous growth. Informa-

vibrant historical downtowns, the Maine High

tion technologies are on the rise in the area,

A four-season destination, Franklin County has

Peaks region is a prime location for business-

with expanding call centers and a welcoming

an array of cultural, historical, and recreational

es looking to locate, relocate, or expand. With

attitude to other types of technology.

assets to appeal to visitors and businesses

its strategic location, strong workforce base,

seeking the arts, history, and outdoor ad-

and lower cost of business relative to other

Business friendly towns and local government

ventures. Our Historic Downtowns and Main

locations in the region, Franklin County offers

work with business owners to work towards

Streets are beautiful at all times of the year.

a number of business advantages for both

mutual goals. Farmington is Certified Busi-

investors and developers to locate as well as

ness Friendly by the State of Maine, and many

Our determination and resources create a

for existing businesses to continue to thrive.

towns have tax increment financing (TIF) dis-

beneficial environment for entrepreneurs, and

tricts and revolving loan funds. As an economic

existing and new businesses continue to add to

Our lifestyle raises a talented and com-

hub of Western Maine, Franklin County proudly

that will help your business shape its future.

the list of resources and infrastructure. Greater serves as a gateway to both U.S. and Canadian Franklin Development Council and the Franklin business markets. Businesses and communities County Chamber of Commerce collaborate

Over 30% of the state of Maine’s population

have existed and thrived here for over three

to strengthen the Maine High Peaks brand by

reside within a 40 mile radius of Farming-


positioning the Franklin County region as a

mitted workforce with dedication and skill

ton, the county seat. The abundant natural


Farmington, houses Mt. Blue High School, Fos-

destination where work, play and economic

resources in the Franklin County region have

Franklin County has a number of valuable

growth mark a unique experience truly differ-

long supported and continues to support our

networks. The Mt. Blue Campus, located in

ent from the competition.


NorthStar Emergency Medical Services 111 Franklin Health Commons, Farmington www.fchn.org/NorthStar 779-2770 NorthStar is a full service, regional emergency ambulance transport service. NorthStar is dispatched out of five base locations strategically positioned throughout the service area, and responds to more than 5,000 calls a year. Franklin Health Multi-Specialty Medical Group www.fchn.org/franklin-health Franklin Health is a multi-specialty group practice sponsored by Franklin Memorial Hospital, which includes 10 medical and surgical practices. Franklin Health is the largest provider of health care services in the region, and is one of the largest and finest medical practices in Maine. The practices are linked together by technology, an integrated medical record, and a common concept of family-centered care. Photo courtesy of Franklin Community Health Network


• Franklin Health Behavioral Services: 778-0035 • Franklin Health Farmington Family Practice: 778-3326

Franklin County boasts some of the best medical care in the state of Maine. Our medical care is exceptional and comparable to care received in urban areas. Franklin Community Health Network 111 Franklin Health Commons, Farmington www.fchn.org Franklin Community Health Network combines sophisticated medical expertise and facilities, with strong community values. Our mission is to work cooperatively with other concerned individuals and organizations to achieve the highest level of health and wellness possible for the people of Greater Franklin County. Franklin Community Health Network affiliates include:

women’s care, and diagnostic services. Top quality specialty care is additionally offered

• Franklin Health Internal Medicine: 778-4922

including: cardiology, oncology and hematology, occupational health, pain management,

• Franklin Health Intown Medicine: 860-4090

physical rehabilitation, pulmonology, vascular services, sleep disorders, sports medicine,

• Franklin Health Livermore Falls Family

wound care, and more. The hospital is a mem-

Practice: 897-6601

ber of the MaineHealth system. • Franklin Health Orthopaedics: 778-9001 Evergreen Behavioral Services 131 Franklin Health Commons, Farmington

• Franklin Health Pediatrics: 778-0482

www.fchn.org/ebs 779-2843, Crisis Hotline: 1-888-568-1112

• Franklin Health Surgery: 778-6579

The agency provides 24/7 emergency mental health response and community outreach ser-

• Franklin Health Urology: 779-1977

vices in Greater Franklin County. • Franklin Health Women’s Care: 778-6394 Healthy Community Coalition of Greater Franklin County

Franklin Memorial Hospital

105 Mt. Blue Circle, Suite 1, Farmington

111 Franklin Health Commons, Farmington



779-3136, 1-800-525-3136


The Healthy Community Coalition sponsors

Franklin Memorial Hospital is a progressive,

programs and events to support healthy life-

not-for-profit community hospital whose mis-

styles that prevent disease and improve the

sion is to provide high quality, cost-effective,

quality of life. The organization’s mobile health

patient-centered health care. The 65-bed hos-

unit and community outreach efforts appear in

pital is fully qualified and accredited to handle

every town and corner of the region, offering

a broad range of medical, surgical, pediatric,

screenings and health information.



Education Photos submitted by University of Maine at Farmington

University of Maine at Farmington E

In addition, UMF has an early childhood child

lin County area as the arts and cultural center

state’s first public institution of higher education, the University of Maine at Farming-

care center on campus and the campus is

of the region. UMF offers concerts, lectures,

conveniently located in the heart of the local

debates, films, readings, comedy nights, and a

ton (UMF) is Maine’s nationally-recognized

K-12 school district.

wide range of other cultural and educational

stablished more than 150 years ago as the

public liberal arts college. Rooted in a

offerings year-round. If athletics are of inter-

tradition of teacher preparation, UMF offers

Located in downtown Farmington, the 1,800

est, UMF—home of “Chompers” UMF’s beaver

quality programs in teacher education, the

student campus adds a vibrant college town

mascot, is the place to be. Farmington’s youth

arts and sciences, health and human ser-

atmosphere. An example of its community

soccer program and area sports camps are

vices and pre-professional studies.

partnership is the UMF Fitness & Recreation

held at UMF’s Prescott Athletic Fields and Fit-

Center, which is open to area residents seven

ness & Recreation Center. The public is always

UMF has earned a national reputation for

days a week year-round. The facility features

welcome to cheer on UMF’s baseball, basket-

excellence. Rated one of America’s Best

a fully-equipped weight room, a cardio fitness

ball, cross-country, field hockey, golf, lacrosse,

Colleges by U.S.News & World Report 19

area with the latest machines and equipment,

alpine and Nordic skiing, snowboarding, soc-

times since 1998, UMF was also named a

three multi-purpose courts, a 1/ 8 mile walking-

cer, softball, rugby track and field and Ultimate

“Best Bang for the Buck” college by Wash-

jogging track, and a 6-lane 25 yard swimming

Frisbee teams.

ington Monthly Magazine, a Top 100 School

pool. The UMF Fitness Center offers Franklin

by Educate to Career, a “50 Great Afford-

County residents countless fitness classes,

UMF’s Gold LEAF Institute Senior College pro-

able Eco-Friendly College” by Best Choice

professional trainers, swim lessons for all ages,

vides lifelong learning opportunities for area

Schools.com and was featured as a News-

children’s and senior’s programs and program-

adults age 50 and older. The program offers

week.com Great Teaching School. Since

ming for those with special needs. Through its

invigorating classes, lectures, presentations,

2006, seven of the past eight UMF Educa-

Mainely Outdoors program, the facility offers

field trips and social interaction. The Univer-

tion graduates have been named “Maine

residents and UMF students the opportunity

sity’s newly renovated Mantor Library is open

Teacher of the Year.”

to participate in all sorts of outdoor activities:

to the public year-round. Residents of Franklin

evening bike rides, kayak and canoe trips,

County are welcome to use Mantor Library’s

UMF student-teachers work in K-12 schools

moonlight snowshoeing, Nordic skiing, trail

Internet access, browse its periodicals collec-

throughout the Franklin County and be-

hikes and more.

tion and make use of its other holdings and

yond, with mentoring provided by UMF faculty and a mentor-teacher in the field.



spaces, including its first-floor coffee bar. To The UMF campus helps to establish the Frank-

learn more, visit famington.edu.

Photo courtesy of Susan Atwood

Mt. Blue Campus M

t. Blue Campus provides students and

At Foster Career and Technical Education Cen-

Many jobs/careers demand high end technol-

adults in the Greater Franklin County area

ter (Foster CTE) programs provide students a

ogy skills or literacy for the 21st century. We

with a facility that meets the needs of many

hands-on, real world approach to education.

provide those skills through our programming.

learners. Featured as a ‘community building’,

High school students can take advantage of

We are the “go to” partner with Connect ME

this complex is the location of many educa-

the National Certifications and college credits

Authority for information and training on how

tional and civic events. The Mt Blue Campus

that can be earned through our programs. The

broad band internet can change and enhance

(MBC) houses three ma jor organizations; Mt

center offers 18 different programs that range

opportunities for the citizens of Franklin

Blue High School, Foster Career and Technical

from the traditional such as building construc-

County. We have more and more on-line class

Education Center and Adult Basic Education.

tion, automotive technology and welding to the

options, video conferencing capabilities and

new and emerging technologies of Composite

technology programming than ever before.

At Mt. Blue High School, students will be able

manufacturing, Biotechnology and robotics.

to choose to participate in various class levels,

Tours of our programs are available 9:30 to

We additionally offer many certificate and en-

which include Honors and Advanced Place-

11:30 on the first Thursday of every month that

richment classes to over 2000 residents in the

ment levels in most academic areas. Our main

school is in session. Please call our office to

community, by the community, for the com-

goal is to prepare students for college and ca-

schedule a visit (778-3562).

munity! We have our information and catalog

reers after they leave Mt. Blue High School. We

offerings posted on line and send a hard copy

will focus on learning targets and standards

Our Adult Education Programs are vital and

of the catalog throughout Franklin County in

and will support students in creating a unique

important in helping meet the educational skill

September and January. Please check out our

and integrated learning pathway through their

sets of our citizens in Franklin County. We pro-

website and Facebook page at rsd9.mai-

secondary school experience.

vide programming from basic literacy, to high

neadulted.org or contact us at 778-3460. Our

school equivalency (HiSET) preparation and

exceptional staff is ready to assist you with

We offer World Language and many Visual

testing. We are the only certified HiSET testing

your lifelong learning journey and enhanc-

Performing Arts programs as well. Our caring

site in Franklin County. We also prepare people

ing your quality of life here in the foothills and

and creative staff is excited and looks forward

to enter community colleges and universities

mountains of western Maine.

to working with students. In addition, we offer

through our very successful College Transi-

many extra-curricular and co-curricular activi-

tions Program. As an integral partner with the

All of the programs at the Mt. Blue Campus

ties to enhance your learning experiences. In

Franklin County Community College Network

work collaboratively with the Franklin County

collaboration with Foster CTE Center, Mt Blue

we work with local agencies and businesses in

Community College Network to expand oppor-

participates in the State’s Early College pro-

helping prepare adults to have the necessary

tunities for students and adults alike. We look

gram called Bridge Year. This program allows

skills sets for the 21st century work world. The

forward to working with you and your family

students to complete one full year of college

work force training program will be expanding

during your time on campus and hope to make

through the University System before they

to offer more career, skilled training.

this a positive learning experience.

graduate high school.




Photos courtesy of Foster CTE Staff

Area Education

Grades K-8 | Kingfield 207-265-4132

Franklin County Community College Network

G.D. Cushing School

Phillips Elementary School

165 Front Street, Farmington, ME 04938 www.franklinnetwork.org

Grades PreK-2 | Wilton

Grades K-8 |Phillips



W.G. Mallett School

Strong Elementary School

Grades PreK-2 | Farmington

Grades K-8 | Strong



Cascade Brook School

Mt. Abram High School

Grades 3-5 | Farmington

Grades 9-12 | Salem Township



Through a partnership with Central Maine Community College, higher educational opportunities for students in Franklin County are now readily available, uniquely positioned to fit the particular needs of local people. Carrabassett Valley Academy 3197 Carrabassett Drive, Carrabassett Valley, ME 04947 www.gocva.com

Cape Cod Hill School

Rsu 73

Grades PreK-5 | New Sharon

Carrabassett Valley Academy is more than

31 Community Drive Jay, ME 04239


The new consolidated Jay, Livermore and

a school. It’s a way of life. Since 1982, CVA

Livermore school system that includes Spruce

has offered a personalized and challenging

Mt. Blue Middle School

opportunity for learning. A fully accredited

Mountain High School, a class B school, was

Grades 6-8 | Farmington

coeducational boarding and day school

founded when Livermore Falls High School


and Jay High School combined in 2012. The

with an extremely supportive culture as a

colors and mascot of Spruce Mountain High

world-leading snowboard and ski academy

Mt. Blue High School

with programs that foster the aspirations

School were chosen by students of Livermore

Grades 9-12 | Farmington

of student-athletes by providing the op-

Falls and Jay High Schools. The mascot, the


Phoenix, symbolizes “rising from the ashes”

portunity to excel, both academically and athletically. rsu 9 Mt. Blue Regional School District


Kingfield Elementary School

of the two former schools. The name Spruce MSAD 59

Mountain comes from the ski slope that for

Mt. Abram High School

generations, students from both high schools

1401 Rangeley Road Phillips, ME 04966 www.msad58.org

name for the school.

have skied at, making it a very appropriate

MSAD 58 is comprised of five towns: Phillips,

115 Learning Lane, Farmington, ME 04938

Eustis, Avon, Kingfield, and Strong and encom-

A $1.8 million renovation of Spruce Mountain


passes several non-district towns and unorga-

high and middle schools, and the community

nized territories, spread over 500 square miles.

building, all in Jay, is taking place in the sum-

Academy Hill School

There are four K-8 elementary schools and one

mer of 2013 to provide additional classrooms,

Grades 3-5 | Wilton

high school serving students in grades 9-12. Mt.

bathrooms and offices. Other items in the


Abram High School opened in 1969 with the

plan include a larger cafeteria, a connector

Roadrunner as its mascot.

between the high and middle schools, and


technology and handicapped-accessibility updates.

Fundraising Projects Over the years the Farmington Rotary Club

Spruce Mountain High School

has sponsored and coordinated many commu-

Grades 9-12 | Jay

nity events to raise funds for various projects.


Some of the more notable fundraising events have been the Festival of Trees and the Price

Spruce Mountain Middle School Grades 6-8 | Jay 207-897-4319

Farmington Rotary Club

is Right. Over the last five years the club has raised around $150,000 that was distributed to support local, national, and international projects. The Farmington Rotary Club has

Livermore Elementary School

For the last 90 years Farmington has been

worked annually with the United Way, the Chil-

Grades PreK-5 | Livermore

fortunate to have the Farmington Rotary Club

dren’s Task Force, local food pantries, Western


in our community. Following the Four-Way Test

Maine Play Museum, the Homeless Shelter, and

of “Is it the truth? Is it fair to all concerned? Will

Ecumenical Heating Fund. These and other

Jay Elementary School

it build goodwill and better friendships? And Is it projects have greatly contributed to the com-

Grades K-5 | Jay

Beneficial to all concerned?” This organization


has enhanced the quality of life for citizens of Franklin County and around the world.

Rsu 78

munity we live in. Student engagement In partnership with our local schools, the Farm-

43 Mendolia Road Rangeley, Maine 04970 www.rlrs.org

Approximately 50 members meet weekly on

ington Rotary Club has sponsored youth orga-

Thursday mornings from 7:00am to 8:00am at

nizational groups of Rotary from 2nd grade to

The Rangeley Lakes Regional School is located

the North Dining Hall at the University of Maine

college. We are one of the few Rotary Clubs

in the picturesque mountains and lake region

at Farmington. This breakfast meeting includes

worldwide to have this type of student involve-

of western Maine. RSU #78 includes the towns

a weekly presentation of local business or non-

ment. These groups keep us moving and keep

of Dallas Plantation, Magalloway Plantation,

profit organizations, community and interna-

us young. These young people are the future of

Rangeley, Rangeley Plantation and Sandy River

tional project updates, and much fellowship.

the community we live in.

Plantation. Rangeley Lakes Regional School is home to students in grades kindergarten through grade 12, all under one roof. This unique facility provides for a close-knit, nurturing and supportive environment for students to grow, learn and develop to their fullest potential. Rangeley Lakes Regional School Grades K-12 | Rangeley 207-864-3311

Photo courtesy of Scott Landry




Libraries Carrabassett Valley Library 1234 Carrabassett Drive Farmington Public Library 117 Academy Street www.farmington.lib.me.us Franklin County Court House Law Library 140 Main Street, Farmington Jay-Niles Memorial Library 983 Main Street, North Jay Jim Ditzler Memorial Library 37 Library Road, New Sharon www.newsharon.lib.me.us New Vineyard Public Library 20 Lake Street Phillips Public Library 96 Main Street www.phillips.lib.me.us Rangeley Public Library 7 Lake Street www.rangeleyme.com/library

Photo courtesy of Penny Meservier

Proudly serving the University of Maine System students, alumni, employees and their families since 1967!

Stratton Public Library 88 Main Street www.stratton.lib.me.us Strong Public Library 14 S. Main Street Webster Free Library 22 Depot Street, Kingfield Weld Public Library 25 Church Street Wilton Free Public Library 6 Goodspeed Street www.wilton-free.lib.me.us

Try our drive-up! 154 High Street Farmington ucu.maine.edu 800.696.8628 Federally insured by NCUA



may Fiddlehead Festival May 6, Farmington Come to the University of Maine at Farmington for a daylong event to celebrate the abundance of locally grown foods in Franklin County. The 6th annual Fiddlehead Festival enjoy live acoustic music, learn about responsible harvesting and safe preparation of fiddlehead ferns, meet local farmers and food vendors, antique tractors, supervised children’s activities, the farmer’s market and more. “Tent Talks” inform attendees about skills such as homesteading, weaving, and goat raising. FMI: www.mainefiddleheadfestival.com

Photo courtesy of Jamie Ranger

Events, Fairs & Festivals

june Trek Across Maine June 16-18, Newry, Farmington, Belfast Trek Across Maine is a 3-day, 180-mile cycling adventure from Sunday River in Newry to Steamboat Landing Park in Belfast with a layover in Farmington on Friday afternoon.


Maine Maple Sunday

Register online for this year’s event at

March 26, local sap houses including Maple Valley Farm or Black Acres Farm


Rangeley Moose Dash Snowshoe Race March 12, Rangeley

Enjoy the first sweet taste of spring in Maine!

The Rangeley Lakes Trails Center hosts the 4th

Join maple syrup producers across the state

Annual Scholarship Fund Golf Tournament

annual Rangeley Moose Dash. Races begin at

as they open their sugar houses and offer free

10:30 with a kids fun run with adult and senior

maple syrup samples and other maple delights

heats scheduled for later in the morning. All

as well as demonstrations on making pure

racers will be entered into prize drawings.

Maine maple syrup. Many offer games, activi-

Visit www.rangeleylakestrailscenter.com or call

ties, treats, sugar house tours, music and more.

scramble tournament to raise funds for schol-

4309 for more information or to register for

Price is Right

FMI: www.jay-livermore-lf.org or 207-897-6755

the event.

March 25, Farmington

the Rangeley Lakes Trails Club at 207-864-

The Farmington Rotary Club hosts it annual Vernal Equinox: “Equalibrium of Life Through Yoga” Festival March 19, Industry Experience a glimpse of all that Hridaya of-

Price is Right night at the Mt. Blue Campus featuring fabulous prizes & giveaways with a guaranteed showcase winner.

fers in one day of Yoga, discourses, vegetar-

June 17, Maple Lane Golf Course, Livermore Held at Maple Lane Golf Course, 295 Maple Lane, the Jay-Livermore-Livermore Falls Chamber of Commerce hosts this 18-hole golf arships awarded to RSU 73 students.

Wilton Lions Club Giant Yard Sale June 23-25, Wilton Hidden treasures abound at this fantastic yard sale which raises funds for local community. Fri & Sat 8am-4pm, Sun 8-noon. FMI: Bruce 207-645-2727

ian cuisine, Yogi fire ceremony and more at an authentic Yogic Hermitage nestled in the mountains of Maine. Each festival at Hridaya hermitage is a rare opportunity and offering to the public to step out of daily life and travel back in time to a pure Yoga Hermitage reminiscent of ancient India. FMI: www.hridayahermitage.com

April Reggae Festival April 6-9, Sugarloaf Reggae Festival returns to Sugarloaf April 6th - 9th with an incredible weekend of live music planned, and a headliner you won’t want to miss! FMI: www.sugarloaf.com/activities-and-

Family Fun Days Eustis/Stratton Held in the towns of Eustis and Stratton and on the shore of Flagstaff Lake. Free entertainment, karaoke, yard sales, parade, antique and classic auto show and more. FMI: www.eustismaine.com





tournament event is at the Sugarloaf Golf Club to benefit the Martha B. Webber Breast Care Center and the Healthy Community Coalition of Greater Franklin County. The main event is held on Monday July 13th with an option to play on Sunday, July 12th. FMI: 207-779-2750 Kingfield Days July 20-23, Kingfield This weekend long event brings thousands of people to Kingfield for family fun. This year Kingfield is celebrating their bicentennial and will have many special events planned to celebrate their history. The weekend includes a parade, river activities, kids games, plenty of music, tradition, contests, great food and much more. Kingfield Days is held annually the third weekend in July. FMI: www.kingfield.me/events

Photo courtesy of Penny Meservier

Farmington Summer Fest July 22 & 22, Farmington

Lupine Festival Art & Antique Show

Falls, the lawn in front of St. Rose Church,

Enjoy a day in downtown Farmington with

June 24, Oquossoc

Chisholm Square, and many homes and front

music and vendors on Broadway. The annual

2017 Lupine Festival Art and Antique Show

lawns along Main Street.

festival includes a farmers’ market, food truck

will be held in Oquossoc at The Gallery at

FMI: (207) 897-6755

court, artists and crafts people, children’s

Stony Batter. Hours are 10 AM - 4 PM. New vendors are welcome. FMI: 207-864-3373 Kingfield Pops June 24, Kingfield The 15th Annual Kingfield POPS presents the Bangor Symphony Orchestra conducted by Lucas Richman. The Orchestra will be complemented by other musical artists and at the conclusion a grand finale of spectacular fireworks ties the evening to an end. Concert start time 4:30pm. FMI: www.kingfieldpops.com

parade, river float race, 5K run, and musical Farmington Rotary Club’s Annual parade

performances throughout the day and into the evening. FMI: www.downtownfarmington.com

July 4, Farmington The Independence Day Parade will take place

Maine Open Farm Day

in downtown Farmington

July 23, Statewide

Carrabassett Valley Independence Day Celebration July 4, Carrabassett Valley Events include children’s parade and events following at the town park. FMI: 207-235-2645

Maine Open Farm Day is an annual family fun adventure in which farms throughout all 16 counties open their gates to offer the public an opportunity to learn about the business of agriculture and visit local farms throughout the state. Many farms will have demonstrations, displays, farm-raised products for sale, barn

Health Care Golf Classic July 17, Sugarloaf Golf Club Franklin Community Health Network’s golf

and field tours, milking, hay rides, petting zoos, nature trails, beautiful scenery, samples for tasting and refreshments. FMI: 207-287-7620

july Wilton Farm and Home Museum July 1 - August 26, Wilton The Wilton Farm and Home museum is open every Saturday in the months of July & August from 1pm – 4pm. FMI: 207-645-2091 or www.wiltonfarmandhomemuseum.org Tri-Town Independence Day Fireworks July 3, Jay

Providing quality care, wherever you call home.

The fireworks can been heard and seen from one of several viewing areas including various parking lots in Jay and Livermore








Rangeley Health & Wellness Concert July 29, Rangeley Musical performance at the Rangeley Health and Wellness Pavillion overlooking beautiful Rangeley Lake. Tickets will be available at the following websites: www.rangeleyhealthandwellness.com or www.ticketweb.com or by calling 207-864-4397 Maine Forestry Museum’s 36th Annual Festival and Parade July 28-29, Rangeley Festival includes a Lumber Jack and Jill competition as well as a Miss and Mr. Wood Chip Contest and Logger’s Hall of Fame. Saturday’s parade is on Main Street. FMI: www.rangeleymaine.com

august 35th Annual Wilton Blueberry Festival August 4-5, Wilton More than 60 unique events throughout the weekend including one of Maine’s largest parades Saturday morning, vendors, performers, crafters and more with a spectacular fireworks display concluding it. FMI: www.wiltonbbf.com Wilton Fish & Game Association Open House August 5, Wilton Wilton Fish & Game Assoc. will hold an Open

Photo courtesy of Kaitlin Frost

mental music, poetry, dance, and visual arts at Fitness Stylez. FMI: (207) 212-6288 Oquossoc Day August 19, Oquossoc A town celebration featuring an Art & Antique Show, a doggie parade, marine activities, boat show, and various food specials at area restaurants. FMI: 207-864-3373

House on Rt. 2 with several events: (9 AM-1 PM) Safety and technique in Archery will be offered by a Certified Instructor. Ages 6 & up. (1 PM-4 PM) Trap shooting with Charlie. (9 AM-4 PM)


Gatling Gun and Shooting Gallery will be of-

Whistle Stop Trail ATV Ride

fered in the Conex box. Lunch will be provided

September 9, Farmington & Jay

for a minimal fee by the Youth League.

The 21st Annual Whistle Stop Trail ATV ride is

FMI: 207-897-4305

an opportunity to collect toys for local children and enjoy a great ride. Participants bring new

Wilton Lions Club Annual Blueberry Festival Pancake Breakfast

toys or a cash donation and all toys are dis-

August 6, Wilton

Action to families in need during the holidays.

The annual blueberry pancake breakfast takes

Trail ride is for rider of all ages followed by

place under the tent at the Key Bank Parking

raffles, BBQ and toy collection.

Lot Downtown from 6am-10am

FMI: 207-897-2926

Phillips Old Home Days

Farmington Agricultural Fair

August 12-19, Phillips

September 17-23, Farmington

A fun-time, small-town festival with contests,

Event includes a large midway, exhibit halls,

races, photo contest, duck derby and more.

livestock exhibits, animal pulling events, rides,

Always falls on the third full weekend in August.

and harness racing. Will be held at the Farm-

tributed locally by Wetern Maine Community

ington Fairgrounds on High Street in Farming Frantasia Festival of Out Music & Arts

ington. FMI: www.farmingtonfairmaine.com or

Livermore Falls


A showcase of improvisational and experi-




15th Annual Franklin County Chamber and Seth Wescott Golf Classic September 22, Sugarloaf Golf Course

der, bake sale, an all-day logger’s breakfast, apples and more. FMI: 207-864-3939

Join the Franklin County Chamber of Commerce and Seth Westcott for a day of golf that includes teeing off on one of Maine’s best golf courses, food, and a silent auction. Pro-


Chamber of Commerce Scholarship Program

Franklin County Chamber of Commerce Annual Awards Dinner and Meeting

and Seth Wescott’s Level Field Fund. FMI:

October 25, Farmington


Chamber members attend for the annual

ceeds are split between the Franklin County

meeting and dinner with entertainment. Apple pumpkin festival

The event is located at the University of

September 30, Livermore Falls

Maine-Farmington and also includes busi-

A cultural celebration and harvest festival

ness of the year awards as voted by cham-

held on the last Saturday of September in

ber members. FMI: 207-778-4215

Livermore Falls. The Festival highlights the rich cultural, agricultural and industrial heritage of the area with vendors and craft artisans, agricultural products, historical items,


seasonal decorations and plenty of food all

Chester Greenwood Day

day long.

December 2, Farmington The first Saturday in December marks this

Apple Harvest Festival

annual celebration in downtown Farming-

September 30, Rangeley

ton. The days events include parade with

The Maine Forestry Museum hosts its 23rd

earmuffs showcased on all of the floats,

annual Apple Harvest Festival featuring 20+

special sales at downtown businesses, a dip

vendors, prizes, children’s activities, fresh ci-

on Clearwater Lake by the local Polar Bear

Photo courtesy of Penny Meservier

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Club, gingerbread contest and more. The Taste of Farmington event held in the afternoon is an opportunity to enjoy samples from local eateries. FMI: www.franklincountymaine.org. See page 38 for more information! Festival of Trees December 2, Farmington The Festival of Trees is a fundraiser by the Farmington Rotary Club when area businesses decorate Christmas trees to donate for auction. Trees are viewable from noon to 6pm with the auction beginning at 6pm. Santa Loop Farmington The Farmington Downtown Association invites families to a free and fun event. Enjoy a horsedrawn wagon ride throughout downtown Farmington with stops to write a letter to

Photos courtesy of Penny Meservier

Santa, enjoy hot cocoa and more! Christmas at Norlands



21st Annual Polar Blast

Celebrate an old-fashioned Christmas in the

Eustis and Stratton

19th century. Activities include wagon rides,

Held in the Villages of Eustis and Stratton,

period crafts, one-room schoolhouse, story-

Maine, the area is a winter wonderland sur-

telling, parlor games, cooking in the farmer’s

rounded by rugged mountains, just minutes

cottage, and tours of the decorated Washburn

from Sugarloaf and Saddleback mountains.

family mansion. FMI: www.norlands.org

Snowmobile over 150 miles of groomed trails. Don’t miss Game Night, The Great Polar Silent Auction, Bonfire, Crazy Cardboard Sled Slide,

january 2018

Fireworks, Karaoke Contest, 8th Grade Polar Breakfast, Bake/yard sale, Chili/ Chowder/Stew

Rangeley Snowmobile Snowdeo

contest and Arnold Trail Snowmobile Club’s


Radar Run. FMI: 207-670-0808 or

A weekend festivity of snowmobile tricks, a


Events are being added to the calendar all the time! For an up-to-date list visit the Chamber’s website at

franklincountymaine.com or call


chili & chowder cook-off, snowmobile demo rides, family rides, radar run, poker run, dis-

Fat Tire Festival

plays and vendors, children’s activities, canoe


sleigh rides, parade, and fireworks!

Fat Tire Festival is back at the Loaf for the

Starts at 9am

third year and it’s gearing up to be better then ever. With a newly designed race course, free

Sugarloaf Summit Snowshoe Shuffle

fat tire bike demos and our second annual Fro-

Carrabassett Valley

zen Fattie Adventure ride, make your reserva-

A charity event to benefit the Maine Cancer

tions now and join us for a weekend of Fat Tire

Foundation and Martha B. Webber Breast

Fun! FMI: www.sugarloaf.com/activities-and-

Care Center. The shuffle route is an hour-long,


gentle route through trails at the Sugarloaf Outdoor Center, offering breathtaking views of Sugarloaf Mountain.

Farmington Frolic - Maine State Championship Farmington Dog sled race held at Sandy River Farm, Route 2 in Farmington, FMI: www.desdc.org/racedetails/farmington-sprint-sled-dog-races




Photo courtesy of Scott Landry

tOWN OFFICES Avon Route 4 |207-639-5326 Carthage 703A Carthage Road | 207-562-8874

Carrabassett Valley 1001 Carriage Road |207-235-2645 www.carrabassettvalley.org


Directory 2017 Members of the Franklin County Chamber of Commerce

409 Dutch Gap Road | 207-778-2433

Coplin Plantation 5 Cross Street | 207-246-5141

Dallas Plantation 436 Dallas Hill Road | 207-864-5991

Eustis/Stratton 88 Main Street | 207-246-4401

accommodations Colonial Valley Motel 207-778-3391 www.colonialvalleymotel.com 593 Wilton Rd . Farmington, ME 04938 Comfort Inn and Suites 207-645-5155 www.comfortinn.com/hotel-wilton-maineME056 1026 US Route 2 East Wilton, ME 04294 Herbert Grand Hotel 207-265-2000 www.herbertgrandhotel.com 246 Main St Kingfield, ME 04947 Mount Blue Motel 207-778-6004 www.mountbluemotel.com 452 Wilton Rd . Farmington, ME 04938 Wilson Lake Inn 207-645-3721 www.wilsonlakeinn.com 183 Lake Rd. Wilton, ME 04294

accountants Austin Associates, P.A. 207-783-9111 www.austinpa.com Two Great Falls Plaza Suite 5 Auburn, ME 04210



Cynthia Ferguson, CPA PC 207-778-5005 www.ferguson1.com 155 Main St. Farmington, ME 04938 Maine Tax Lady 207-500-3482 www.mainetaxlady.com 380 Wilton Rd . Farmington, ME 04938

Farmington 153 Farmington Falls Rd. | 207-778-6538 www.farmington-maine.org

Industry 1033 Industry Road | 207-778-5050

Jay 340 Main Street | 207-897-6785 www.jay-maine.org

Kingfield 38 School Street | 207-778-4046 www.kingfield.me

New Sharon

Agriculture & FOrestry American Forest Management 207-860-4105 www.americanforestmanagement.com 188 Main St. Farmington, ME 04938 Black Acres Farm 207-491-5443 123 Black Rd. Wilton, ME 04294 Franklin County Agricultural Society 207-778-6083 www.farmingtonfairmaine.com 292 High St. Farmington, ME 04938 Gooley’s Christmas Trees 207-778-2368 263 Cowen Hill Rd. Farmington, ME 04938 Maple Valley Farms, Inc. 207-645-2328 1304 Franklin Rd. Jay, ME 04239

Cape Cod Hill Road | 207-778-4046 www.newsharon.maine.gov

New Vineyard 20 Lake Street | 207-652-2222

Phillips 15 Russell Street | 207-639-3561 www.phillipsmaine.com

Rangeley (& Oquossoc) 15 School Street | 207-864-3326

Rangeley Plantation South Shore Drive | 207-864-5155

Sandy River Plantation 33 Townhall Road | 207-864-2234

STRONG 14 South Main Street | 207-684-4002

Temple 258 Temple Road | 207-778-6680

Weld 7 School Street | 207-585-2348 www.weld-maine.org Wilton 158 Weld Road | 207-645-4961 www.wiltonmaine.org

Rustic Roots Farm 207-205-2627 www.rusticrootsfarm.org 120 Vipah Ln. Farmington, ME 04938

Arts, Culture & Entertainment Arts Institute of Western Maine 207-778-4699 www.artsinstitute.org P.O. Box 325 Farmington, ME 04938 Farmington Historical Society 207-778-4275 www.farmingtonhistory.org 118 Academy St., 118 & 126 High St. Farmington, ME 04938 Kingfield POPS 207-265-POPS (7677) www.kingfieldpops.com P.O. Box 365 Kingfield, ME 04947 MG’s Video 207-778-5540 105 Bridge St. West Farmington, ME 04992 Mind Body Spirit Festival 207-649-2386 www.mindbodyspiritfestival.org 23 Messalonkee Ave. Waterville, ME 04901 New Sharon Historical Committee & Museum 207-578-4068 11 School Ln. New Sharon, ME 04955 Nordica Memorial Association 207-778-2042 www.lilliannordica.com 116 Nordica Ln. Farmington, ME 04938 Nowetah’s Indian Museum and Store 207-628-4981 2 Colegrove Road Rt. 27 New Portland, ME 04961 Sandy River & Rangeley Lakes Railroad 207-778-3621 www.srrl-rr.org 128 Bridge St. Phillips, ME 04966 Ski Museum of Maine 207-265-2023 www.skimuseumofmaine.org 256 Main St. Kingfield, ME 04947

Franklin Chrysler, Inc. 207-778-9500 www.franklinchrysler.com 484 Wilton Rd. Farmington, ME 04938

Stanley Museum 207-265-2729 www.stanleymuseum.org 40 School St. Kingfield, ME 04947 Teachers Lounge Mafia 207-779-6906 www.teachersloungemafiaimprov.com 4 Spring St. Jay, ME 04239 Wilton Blueberry Festival 207-778-4726 www.wiltonbbf.com 25 Pleasant View Hts. Wilton, ME 04294 Wilton Farm & Home Museum/Wilton Historical Society 207-645-2091 www.thewiltonfarmandhomemuseum.org 10 Canal St. Wilton, ME 04294

Frost Detailing 207-491-4272 165 Wilton Rd. Farmington, ME 04938 Hight Chevrolet 207-778-3354 www.hightchev.net 437 Wilton Rd. Farmington, ME 04938 Pitcher Perfect Tires 207-778-9699 62 Mercer Rd. New Sharon, ME 04955 Randy Keach Auto 207-778-2007 www.randykeachauto.com 138 Mercer Rd. New Sharon, ME 04955 RLH Enterprise 207-684-4024 www.rlhenterprise.com 9 Birch Rd. Strong, ME 04983

attorneys Mills & Mills Law Office 207-778-3521 163 Main St. Farmington, ME 04938

automotive sales & service Collins’ Enterprises, Inc. 207-645-3088 www.collinstowingandrepair.com 445 US Route 2 East Wilton, ME 04294 Farmington Ford 207-778-3334 www.farmingtonfordmaine.com 531 Wilton Rd. Farmington, ME 04938

Sugarloaf Ambulance/Rescue Vehicles 207-650-3090 www.sugarloaf-ambulance-rescue-vehicles.com 411 US Route 2 East, Suite A Wilton, ME 04294

brewery Tumbledown Brewing, LLC 207-944-0697 www.tumbledownbrewing.com 805 Farmington Falls Rd.#7 Farmington, ME 04938

Print, Finish, Support. Yes, we do that.

print smarter ~ print local

553 Wilton Road, Farmington, Maine | 800.698.4801 | www.franklinprinting.com 207.778.4215



EZToUse.com 207-238-6265 franklin.eztouse.com 93 Main St. Suite #1 Fairfield, ME 04937 FairPoint Communications 207-400-6897 www.fairpoint.com/residential 1 Davis Farm Rd. Portland, ME 04103 Photo courtesy of Alana Ranney

Business Services A-Copi Imaging Systems 207-623-2674 www.a-copi.com 34 Market St. Gardiner, ME 04345 Barclays US 800-368-3319 www.joinbarclays.com 128 Weld Rd. Wilton, ME 04294 Department of Economic & Community Development 207-624-9800 www.maine.gov/decd 11 Sewall St. Augusta, ME 04333 Franklin Printing 207-778-4801 www.franklinprinting.com 553 Wilton Rd. Farmington, ME 04938 Greater Franklin Development Council 207-778-5887 www.greaterfranklin.com 165 Front St. Farmington, ME 04938 Maine PTAC 207-653-8625 www.maineptac.org 403 Hallowell Rd. Pownal, ME 04069 Public Safety Planning, Policy & Research, LLC. 207-645-4924 sites.google.com/site/mainewoodseducation 19 Rt. 133 Wilton, ME 04294 SignWorks 207-778-3822 www.mainesignworks.com 680 Farmington Falls Rd. Farmington, ME 04938



The Women’s Business Center at CEI 207-778-6529 www.ceimaine.org/women 165 Front St. Farmington, ME 04938

chambers & Associations Farmington Downtown Assoc. www.downtownfarmington.com P.O. Box 22 Farmington, ME 04938 Flagstaff Area Business Association 207-235-6008 www.maineshighpeaks.com 1216 Carrabassett Rd. Eustis, ME 04936 Jay, Livermore, Livermore Falls Chamber of Commerce 207-500-2464 www.jay-livermore-lf.org P.O. Box 458 Livermore Falls, ME 04254 Rangeley Lakes Chamber of Commerce 207-864-5571 www.rangeleymaine.com 6 Park Rd. Rangeley, ME 04970 The Wilton Group 491-2632 www.wiltongroup.org P.O. Box 864 Wilton, ME 04294

communications Bee Line Cable 207-474-2727 www.getbeeline.com P.O. Box 431 Skowhegan, ME 04976

Lynn-Hom Cellular/Farmington Verizon Agent 207-779-1744 473 Wilton Rd. Farmington, ME 04938 Pine Tree Cellular 207-778-9012 www.pinetreecellular.com 191 Main St. Farmington, ME 04938 TDS Telecom 207-862-9911 www.tdstelecom.com 35 Western Ave. Hampden, ME 04444 US Cellular 207-778-4101 www.uscellular.com 642 Wilton Rd. Farmington, ME 04938

Community & non-profit Buttons for Babes 207-587-2280 1911 Mercer Rd. Mercer, ME 04957 Fairbanks School Neighborhood Association 207-778-3808 506 Fairbanks Rd. Farmington, ME 04938 Farmington Emblem Club #460 207-778-4726 25 Pleasant View Hts. Wilton, ME 04294 Farmington Rotary Club 207-778-4177 www.farmingtonrotary.us P.O. Box 864 Farmington, ME 04938 Franklin County Animal Shelter 207-778-2638 www.fcanimalshelter.org 550 Industry Rd. Farmington, ME 04938

Franklin County Children’s Task Force 207-778-6960 www.fcctf.org 113 Church St. Farmington, ME 04938

Friends of Wilson Lake 207-645-3716 www.friendsofwilsonlake.org P.O. Box 560 Wilton, ME 04294

United Way of the Tri-Valley Area 207-778-5048 www.uwtva.org/give 218 Fairbanks Rd. Farmington, ME 04938

Franklin County Relay for Life American Cancer Society 207-240-8128 www.relayforlife.org/franklinme 1 Bowdoin Mill Island, Suite 300 Topsham, ME 04286

Healthy Community Coalition 207-779-3136 www.fchn.org/hcc 105 Mt. Blue Circle Suite 1 Farmington, ME 04938

Western Maine Homeless Outreach 207-779-7609 547 Wilton Rd. Farmington, ME 04938

Franklin County Republicans 207-778-4320 P.O. Box 234 Phillips, ME 04966 Franklin Memorial Hospital Auxiliary 207-779-0752 www.fchn.org/support/auxiliary 25 Pleasant View Hts. Wilton, ME 04294

Project Linus 207-779-7995 P.O. Box 535 Temple, ME 04984

Western Maine Play Museum 207-576-8543 www.westernmaineplay.org 561 Main St. Wilton, ME 04294

Safe Voices 207-778-6297 www.safevoices.org 200 Livermore Falls Rd. Farmington, ME 04938

Wilton Lions Club 207-491-5996 e-clubhouse.org/sites/wiltonme P.O. Box 319 Wilton, ME 04294 WMCA Career Services 207-645-5822 www.wmca.org 20 Church St. East Wilton, ME 04234

computers & Technologies A Partner In Technology 877-582-0888 www.apitechnology.com 127 Broadway Suite 1 Farmington, ME 04938 Aptuitiv 207-860-4040 www.aptuitiv.com 224 Broadway Farmington, ME 04938 Expenet Technologies 207-645-4449 www.expenet.com 145 Main St. Farmington, ME 04938 295 Main St. Wilton, ME 04294

construction & Contractors Acme land Surveying, LLC 207-778-4081 www.acmelandsurveying.com 108 Fairbanks Rd., Suite 5 Farmington, ME 04938




Burns Well Drilling 207-778-3813 www.burnswelldrilling.com 280 Wilton Rd. Farmington, ME 04938

Main-Land Development Consultants Inc. 207-897-6752 www.main-landdci.com 69 Main St. Livermore Falls, ME 04254

E.L. Vining & Son, Inc. 207-778-4875 www.elvining.com 563 Town Farm Rd. Farmington,, ME 04938

Upright Frameworks LLC 207-749-9656 www.uprightframeworks.com P.O. Box 833 Wilton, ME 04294

Handyman Plus Inc. 207-778-3130 303 Porter Hill Rd. Farmington, ME 04938


IEC Inc. 207-684-6100 www.iecinc.us 171 North Main Street Strong, ME 04983

Central Maine Community College 207-755-5229 www.cmcc.edu 1250 Turner St. Auburn, ME 04210

Franklin County Community College Network 207-491-2752 www.franklinnetwork.org P.O. Box 2 Farmington, ME 04938 RSU #9 207-778-3562 www.mtbluersd.org 129 Seamon Rd. Farmington, ME 04938 University of Maine at Farmington 207-778-7271 www.umf.maine.edu 224 Main St. Farmington, ME 04938

finance & Insurance Bangor Savings Bank 207-779-1899 www.bangor.com 177 Main St. Farmington, ME 04938

Shiretown Agency

Auto Business Group Health Bonds Home Life Long Term Care Income Protection

888-266-1572 207-778-5282


166 Main Street, Farmington, ME 04938


Community Concepts Finance Corp. 207-739-6545 www.ccfcmaine.org 240 Bates St. Lewiston, ME 04240 Franklin Savings Bank 207-778-3339 www.franklinsavings.bank 197 Main St. Farmington, ME 04938 Franklin Somerset Federal Credit Union 207-778-4452 www.f-sfcu.com 485 Wilton Rd. Farmington, ME 04938 Key Bank 207-645-6500 www.key.com 300 Main St. Wilton, ME 04294 Kyes 207-778-9862 www.kyesinsurance.com 171 Main St. Farmington, ME 04938

Lukas Lambert, Liberty Mutual Insurance Agent 207-782-7013 www.libertymutual.com/lukas-lambert P.O. Box 4600 Lewiston, ME 04240 Otis Federal Credit Union 207-897-0900 www.otisfcu.coop 170 Main Street Jay, ME 04239 Skowhegan Savings Bank 207-778-0302 www.skowhegansavings.com 134 Hannaford Dr. Farmington, ME 04938 TD Bank 207-778-6511 www.tdbank.com 163 Broadway Farmington, ME 04938 United Insurance Shiretown Agency 207-778-5282 www.unitedinsurance.net/locations/farmington/55/location/ 166 Main St. Farmington, ME 04938 University Credit Union 207-778-4011 www.ucu.maine.edu 154 High St. Farmington, ME 04938 Weber Insurance Agency of Farmington 207-778-3300 www.weberinsurancegroup.com 670 Wilton Rd. Farmington, ME 04276 Western Mountain Financial Services 207-778-9779 www.westernmountainfinancial.com 198 Front St. Farmington, ME 04938

funeral homes Adams-McFarlane Funeral and Cremation Services 207-778-3350 www.adamsmcfarlane.com 108 Court St. Farmington, ME 04938 Wiles Remembrance Centers, Funeral & Cremation Service 207-778-5911 www.wilescremationcare.com 137 Farmington Falls Rd. Farmington, ME 04938

grocery stores

hardware & Lumber Aubuchon Hardware 207-778-5682 www.aubuchon.com/108 361 Wilton Rd. Farmington, ME 04938 Hammond Lumber 207-778-3518 www.hammondlumber.com 389 Farmington Falls Rd. Farmington, ME 04938

health care Androscoggin Home Care & Hospice 207-777-7740 www.ahch.org 284 Main St. Lewiston, ME 04240

Food City – Wilton 207-645-9608 486 Main St. Wilton, ME 04294 Hannaford, Farmington 207-778-0434 www.hannaford.com 131 Hannaford Dr. Farmington, ME 04938 Save-A-Lot 207-778-0620 www.save-a-lot.com 654 Wilton Rd. Farmington, ME 04938

Beltone Hearing Aid Centers 207-860-7240 www.beltonene.com 628 Wilton Rd. Farmington, ME 04938 Complete Dentistry 207-645-4994 www.completedentistrymaine.com 7 Thompson St. Wilton, ME 04294

Tranten’s Market 207-778-2202 www.trantens.com 180 Main St. Farmington, ME 04938

Franklin Community Health Network 207-778-6031 www.fchn.org 111 Franklin Health Commons Farmington, ME 04938 HealthQuest Chiropractic 207-778-5123 www.healthquest.me 383 Wilton Rd. Farmington, ME 04938 Herb & Earth, LLC 207-639-4662 www.facebook.com/herbandearth 112 Marceau Court, Suite 2A Farmington, ME 04938 Sparkes Hearing Services 207-778-9545 www.massaudiology.com/sparkeshearingaids 201 Front St. Farmington, ME 04938

Photo courtesy of Scott Landry




Western Mountain Chiropractic & Sports Injury 207-778-6464 www.westernmountainchiropractic.com 116 Narrow Gauge Square, Ste. 102 Farmington, ME 04938

heating Dead River Company 207-778-3331 www.deadriver.com 275 High St. Farmington, ME 04938

home & Garden Bouffard’s Furniture and Carpet 207-778-2045 662 Wilton Rd. Farmington, ME 04938 CJ’s Appliance 207-778-3375 www.cjsappliance.com 279 Titcomb Hill Rd. Farmington, ME 04938 R. S. Osgood & Sons 207-645-4934 www.rsosgood.com 1101 US Rt 2 West East Dixfield, ME 04227 Robin’s Flower Pot 207-778-5937 www.robinsflowerpot.com 387 Webster Rd. Farmington, ME 04938

manufacturing Maine Wood Concepts 207-652-2441 www.mainewoodconcepts.com 1687 New Vineyard Rd. New Vineyard, ME 04956 Verso Paper 207-897-1667 www.versoco.com 300 Riley Road Jay, ME 04239



media Daily Bulldog 207-778-6905 www.dailybulldog.com 127 Smiling Goat Ln. Farmington, ME 04938 Discover Maine 207-874-7720 www.discovermainemagazine.com 10 Exchange St. Portland, ME 04101 Morning Sentinel 207-621-5659 www.onlinesentinel.com 22 Leighton Rd. Augusta, ME 04330 Mount Blue TV 207-778-8146 www.mtbluetv.org 270 Main St. Farmington, ME 04938 Sun Journal 207-778-6772 www.sunjournal.com 187 Wilton Rd. Farmington, ME 04938 The Franklin Journal 207-778-2075 www.thefranklinjournal.com 187 Wilton Rd. Farmington, ME 04938 The Original Irregular 207-265-2773 www.theirregular.com 239 Main St. #1 Kingfield, ME 04947 Turner Publishing 207-225-2076 www.turnerpublishing.net 5 Fern St. Turner, ME 04282 West Coast Maine Magazine 207-743-8616 www.westcoastmaine.com 272 Pikes Hill Norway, ME 04268-5323 WKTJ 207-778-3400 www.993ktj.com PO Box 590 Farmington, ME 04938

Photo courtesy of Chelsea Steele

personal care Hope Association 207-364-4561 www.hopeassociation.org 85 Lincoln Ave. Rumford, ME 04276

LEAP, Inc. 207-778-3443 www.leapcommunity.org 313 Farmington Falls Rd. Farmington, ME 04938

photography Memories by Melissa Photography 207-645-9812 www.mbmphotostudio.com 13 Union Street Wilton, ME 04294

real estate & rentals Allied Realty 207-778-9999 www.alliedrealty.net 915 US Rt 2 East East Wilton, ME 04234 Coldwell Banker Sandy River Realty Inc. 207-778-6333 www.sandyriverrealty.com 602 Wilton Rd. Farmington, ME 04938

County Seat Realty 207-778-2755 www.countyseatrlty.com 186 Main St. Farmington, ME 04938 CSM Real Estate 207-265-4000 www.csmrealestate.com 259 Main Street Kingfield, ME 04947 Farmer Rental Properties 207-491-9661 172 Farmington Falls Rd. Farmington, ME 04938 Foothills Management 207-778-0607 www.foothillsmanagement.com 223 Main St. Farmington, ME 04938 Palmer Realty 207-778-4444 www.palmerrealtymaine.com 380 Wilton Rd. Farmington, ME 04938 Riverbend Property Management 207-778-6088 www.riverbendmaine.com 140 Pleasant St. Farmington, ME 04938 Sandy River Property Management 207-778-6333 www.sandyriverrealty.com/property-mgmt 602 Wilton Rd. Farmington, ME 04938 Timeshare Resales from Sell My Time Share Now 877-815-4227 www.sellmytimesharenow.com/timeshareRangeley/city/buy-timeshare Rangeley, ME 04970 Wilson Stream Properties 207-578-0229 www.wilsonstreamproperties.com P.O. Box 1028 Wilton, ME 04294

restaurants, food & convenience Arkay Pizza & Variety Store 207-778-2137 www.facebook.com/ArkayPizza 172 Farmington Falls Rd. Farmington, ME 04938 Calzolaio Pasta Company 20-645-9500 www.calzolaiopasta.com 284 Main St., Suite 1 Wilton, ME 04294 Douin’s Market 207-778-0500 150 Mercer Rd. New Sharon, ME 04955 Dutch Treat 207-645-2145 291 US Rt. East Wilton, ME 04294 El Toro Mexican Grill 207-778-3888 www.eltoromaine.com 805 Farmington Falls Rd. #2 Farmington, ME 04938 Java Joe’s - Carrabassett Coffee 207-265-2326 www.carrabassettcoffee.com 154 Main St. Farmington, ME 04938 McDonald’s 207-778-6213 303 Main St. Farmington, ME 04938 Mosher’s Seafood 207-779-0544 www.moshersseafoodandmeat.com 595 Farmington Falls Rd. Farmington, ME 04938 Ron’s Market 207-778-3344 144 Franklin Ave. Farmington, ME 04938

Sodexo at university of maine at farmington 207-778-7360 www.farmington.sodexomyway.com 111 South St. Farmington, ME 04938 Steve’s Market 207-645-2954 www.stevesmarketmaine.com 398 Depot St. Wilton, ME 04294 subway 207-778-9093 www.subway.com 615 Wilton Rd., Suite 2 Farmington, ME 04938 207-778-4050 230 Wilton Rd. Farmington, ME 04938 Thai Smile & Sushi Restaurant 207-778-0790 www.thaismileandsushi.com 168 Front St. Farmington, ME 04938

senior services Sandy River Center/Genesis HeathCare HCC 207-778-6591 www.genesishcc.com/SandyRiver 119 Livermore Falls Rd Farmington, ME 04938 Senior Planning Center 207-778-6601 www.seniorplanningcenter.com 648 Wilton Road Farmington, ME 04938 Seniors Plus 207-513-3701 www.seniorsplus.org 218 Fairbanks Rd. Farmington, ME 04938

renewable energy Ranger Solar 207-233-3644 www.rangersolar.com 60 Forest Falls Dr., Suite 7 Yarmouth, ME 04096 Photo courtesy of Chelsea Steele




Technoldie Services 978-631-5512 www.technoldieservices.org 111 South St. Farmington, ME 04938

Calico Patch 207-778-4950 www.calicopatch.com 174 Broadway Farmington, ME 04938

Heartfelt Cookies 207-670-6702 www.heartfeltcookies.com 128 Starwood Circle Farmington, ME 04938

The Pierce House 207-778-4745 www.thepiercehouse.com 204 Main St. Farmington, ME 04938

CDL Maine 207-645-4000 www.cdlusa.net 319 US Rt 2 Wilton, ME 04294

Imelda’s Fabric & Design 207-778-0665 www.imeldasfabric.com 5 Starks Rd. New Sharon, ME 04955

Woodlands Senior Living 207-872-8992 www.woodlandsmaine.com 175 Knowlton Corner Rd. Farmington, ME 04938

Divine Inspirations 207-778-0303 174 Main St. & 283 Front St. Farmington, ME 04938

Knowlton Corner Farm 207-778-6520 www.knowltoncornerfarm.com 341 Knowlton Corner Rd. Farmington, ME 04938

shopping & specialty realty Beebow Family Crafts 207-415-4557 www.beebowfamilycrafts.com 70 Spruce Mountain Rd. Livermore, ME 04253 Brady’s Snowmobiles 207-778-6563 469 Fairbanks Road Farmington, ME 04938

End of the Rainbow Alternatives 207-778-2884 www.rainbowalternatives.com 249 Farmington Falls Rd. Farmington, ME 04938 Everyday Music 207-778-3483 205 Broadway Farmington, ME 04938 Frost Antiques & Gifts 207-778-3761 www.frostantiquesandgifts.com 1151 Fairbanks Rd. Farmington, ME 04938

Mainestone Jewelry 207-778-6560 www.mainestonejewelry.com 179 Broadway Farmington, ME 04938 Max-Traps 207-645-4423 www.maxtraps.com 189 More Acres Rd. East Dixfield, ME 04227 Mixed Up 207-778-4616 www.mixedupkitchen.com 161 Main St. Farmington, ME 04938 Northern Lights Hearth & Sports 207-778-6556 www.northernlightsmaine.com 639 Wilton Rd. Farmington, ME 04938 Reny’s 207-563-3177 www.renys.com 200 Broadway Farmington, ME 04938 Sam’s Club 207-623-2757 www.samsclub.com/sams/homepage.jsp 45 Market Place Augusta, ME 04330 Sugarwood Gallery 207-778-9105 www.sugarwoodgallery.com 248 Broadway Farmington, ME 04938 Touch of Class - Work First 207-778-4492 www.workfirstinc.org/Touch%20of%20Class.html 309 Wilton Rd. Farmington, ME 04938



Walmart 207-778-5344 www.walmart.com 615 Wilton Rd. Farmington, ME 04938 Wears & Wares Consignment Shop & Tuxedo Rental 207-778-0262 www.wearsandwares.net 413 Wilton Rd, Suite 1 Farmington, ME 04938

spa & Massage Services Azulene Day Spa 207-778-2300 www.azulene.skincaretherapy.info 216 Wilton Rd., Unit B, Farmington, ME 04938 Serenity Holistic Massage 207-779-6671 www.serenityholisticmassage.biz 131 Court St. Farmington, ME 04938

sports & Recreation Black Fly Loop 207-246-2922 www.snowmobile-maine.com 146 Main St. Stratton, ME 04982 Fish-N-Play 207-778-3375 www.facebook.com/FishandPlayFarmington 294 Titcomb Hill Rd. Farmington, ME 04938

Photo courtesy of Scott Landy

Foot & Paddle Publications 207-577-9353 P.O. Box 222 Farmington, ME 04938 Good Times Unlimited, Inc. 207-778-3482 www.goodtimesrvsales.com 372 Farmington Falls Rd. Farmington, ME 04938 Maine Huts and Trails 207-265-2400 www.mainehuts.org 496C Main St. Kingfield, ME 04947 Moose Loop (ATVing) 207-246-2922 www.atv-maine.com 146 Main St. Stratton, ME 04982 Northern Lites Snowmobile Club 207-578-8275 P.O. Box 857 Farmington, ME 04938 Sugarloaf 800-THE-LOAF www.sugarloaf.com 5092 Access Rd. Carrabassett Valley, ME 04947

Titcomb Mountain - Farmington Ski Club 207-778-9031 www.titcombmountain.com 180 Ski Slope Rd. West Farmington, ME 04992 Troll Valley Campground 207-778-3656 www.trollcampground.com 283 Red Schoolhouse Rd. Farmington, ME 04938 Wilton Fish & Game 207-778-3690 256 US Rt 2 West Wilton, ME 04294

storage General Storage 207-778-5914 553 Town Farm Rd. Farmington, ME 04938

towns Town of Carthage 207-562-8874 703A Carthage Rd. Carthage, ME 04224 Town of Farmington 207-778-6538 www.farmington-maine.org 153 Farmington Falls Rd. Farmington, ME 04938 Town of Kingfield 207-265-4637 www.kingfieldme.org 38 School St. Kingfield, ME 04947




Town of Wilton 207-645-4961 www.wiltonmaine.org 158 Weld Rd. Wilton, ME 04294

travel agent AAA Travel & Insurance 207-622-2221 www.northernnewengland.aaa.com 20 Whitten Rd., Turnpike Mall Augusta, ME 04330

wholesale Farmington Coca-Cola 207-860-7200 www.coca-colacompany.com 282 Farmington Falls Rd. Farmington, ME 04938 Poland Spring 207-265-3800 www.polandspring.com 120 Poland Spring Dr. Kingfield, ME 04947

Photo courtesy of Jamie Ranger


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