The Correspondent, May 1979

Page 1

Foreign Correspondentt' CluIยก of Hong Kong



Round up

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Emblem of The Hong Kong Foreign Correspondents' Club

The Officers: Anthony



First Vice President: Second Vice President and

Derek Davies


Tony Scott



The Staff





Editor: Editor: Photographer:

Advertising: Designer:


Bruce Maxwell Saul Lockhart Hugh Van Es Nida Cranbourne Besie Lee Pui-ling

ublished monthly as


J' oqan of the Foreign Cor-

Good reason why more and more progressive countries of Asia look to ITT today to prepare for a better tomorrow.

respondents' Club of Hong Kong. Offices at 1Sth Floor, Sutherland House, 3 Chater

Road, Hong Kong. Tel: 55-233003. Cables: CORCLUB HONG KONG. Address all correspondence to: Editor, Foreign Correspondents' Club of

237734 and

Vicky Wakefield chats with guests at a club cocktail party last month. On her left is husband Dean.

company-helping each half of the world learn how the other half lives

Hong Kong, 1sth Floor, Sutherland House, 3 Chater

Victoria Wakefield, of UPI's Unicom News, became the Hong Kong FCCt first woman president-

through telecommun ications.

tising: Nída Cranbourne, First Floor, 30 lce House St., Hong Kong. Tel: 5-248482.

elect after a dramatic vote count on May 16 gave her a 49-48 victory over Derek Davies, editor of the Far Eastern Economic Review.

ITT-a diversified international

The best ideas are the ideas that help people.

Road, Hong Kong. Adver-


by Yee Tin


Printing Press, Ltd., Aik

Factory Building,



Floor, Block A, 14, Westlands rr





Boad. Ouarry Bay, Kons. Tel: 5-622271-7.


Altogether 102 correspondent members took part in the voting. Freelance photographer Hubert

Van Es, and Cathay Pacific public relations officer Tim Rossi, wqre unopposed as lst and 2nd Vice


Correspondent members elected


1979/80 were Albert E Kaff (UPl), Henry Hartzenbusch (AP), Frank Ching (The Asian Wall Street Journal), David Devoss

(Time), Frederic A. Moritz (Christian Science Monitor), V.G. Kulkarni (Depthnews Asia) and

Mike Keats (UPl).

Warren Rooke, of Radio Television Hong Kong, was unopposed

as Journalist Member


to use FCC facilities for


We have much to give one another. To accomplish these goals I am seeking your support.

lf I am gíven the opportunity to serve you as FCC president, I will place emphasis on profes' I will play an active, on-the-spot role in answering to the

sionalism. And membershíp.

I look forward to serving you.

Club Subs

May Rise Outgoing 1978/79 President Tony Paul, of Reader's Digest, discusses members' the 1íth Floor bar, a lot that now


falls to Ms Wakefield.

Six journalist members and 142 Later she worked for other associates joined the correspon- publications around the US Middents in voting for the three Associ- west, before moving to New York

As you know, I am a candidate for president of the FCC. My 25 years as a iournalist has

in 1964. There she was principal writer

only reinforced my firm belíef that ourc is a profession which requires continuing exchanges of ideas and

ate Member Governor places. These went to Tim Street (Levi Strauss Ltd), Sheila Dennis (Bruni Hong Kong Ltd), and Barry Burton (Hong Kong Polytechnic). The Election Committee, chair-

ed by Edward Wu, declared two ballots invalid. Vicky Wakefield, the new president, is 47, and has lived in Hong Kong since 1973.

She was

a copy editor


in 1974, and started work with UPI two years later. She took over UPI's Unicom Business lnternational



Macy's editorial department, a major job was the annual

Thanksgiving Day Parade. Vicky moved to Washington DC

in 1970, becoming book editor for the American lnstitute of Architects. After that, she was named press secretary

for the Hon. Edward

Hutchison of Míchigan, ranking minority member of the House Judiciary Committee during the


bsequent Watergate inqui ry. She married Dean M. Wakefield, who is Hong Kong-based marketing communications rñanager for Dow Chemical Pacific, in 1955.

Vicky graduated from Michigan State University School of Journal-

Before the election, both Presidental candidates canvassed sup-

News service in 1977, and is currently manager of Unicom's Asia

ism in 1953. She started her professional career as wire editor of the Bowling Green Ohio (Sentínel Tribune) newspaper. 4


port among the



This is what Vicky had to




The Foreign Correspondents' Club should play a vital role ín such exchanges, and I believe we all

should place the highest priority on makíng our group more professionally responsive - to each other and to the public. More newsmakers and policy shapers should be encouraged to

give us their views


press conferences,




luncheons. And we should be prepared to take active roles in these meetings.


We should offer our facilities

members who share common specialities. Financial writers, for example, should be encouraged to meet together to exchange ideas. Photo journalists should be invited

the result of a


AGM emergency meeting of the outgoing Board of Governors- May 21 was beyond our deadline for the May issue of rhe Correspondent -



likely that club subs may

increased bv $2S to $50 in the near future. The issue was raised at a May meeting of the former Board, where the consensus was that subs would have to be raised above the Present $100 level. This was to cover continued


inflation which is affecting

catering concerns


Racing driver Jim Sweeney, who did so well in Malaysia last month, had another success when he went to the club's ltalian Night. Here Sweeney (left) is presented with a case of assorted Italian wines by Mr Mauro Mauriello, of Vine e Salumi.


Hong Kong.

degree of hesitancy was felt about the move, because it partly contradicts the prices versus subs argument put to members only a short time ago, when price increases on food and drink took effect. But the feeling was outweíghed



by the bald realisation that subs must go up to make ends meet. It was noted that even at $150 a month, the FCC compared favourably with, say, the American Club, whose subs were nearer $200. But Henry Hartzenbusch pointed out that the American

Merit increases averaging five per cent were proposed by the manager

Club offered more amenities.

during which the Board also looked

at current salaries applicable at other clubs, hotels and restaurants.

But it is a separate increment and approved by the Board for. payment to staff from May 1. from the general salary revìew This is a normal procedure, which takes place later in the year.





There sprawls Udo Nesch over

says... The question you must ask yourself is: should I trust my eyes to someone who is not qualified? Anyone in Hong Kong - regardless of training or qualification - can open an optical business, conduct eye examinations, prescribe and lenses and eyeglasses.

fit contact

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metrist. He g¡aduated from the College of Optometry in \rVest Berlin and has



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197 3.

At Optica you


bed in the Seventh Day Adventist Hospital in Stubbs Road, his left

are assured that


- qualified in all aspects of eyecare - is determining your professional

eyesight requirements.

leg an interesting shade of yellow and blue bruising.


Jesus affirms the affable

Udo when visitors sneak ¡n with a contraband bottle of vodka and ask what he is doing in a tee-total hospital.

nothing was happening.

Kindly telephone for an appointment Erich Schwaabe (Optica) Ltd.

his native village.

Rm. I t0ó, l¡ne 64-704 Queen's Road Centnl Hong Kong Tel: 5-256937

"About Sam, London and New

York start ringing all the


spondents and wanting to know what the hell is going on and who is filing on Bhutto and, of course, none of us know he is even hanged



it is almost

over and there are

only about 100 people left.

"l am getting out of the car when suddenly I am shot in the &'

(l*:o/o"/o leg

by a %y4ó*ll'&= teat'

gas cannister

that is fired by a *)*('&"+

="+'(l*Vo3/¿ cop about 15 yards away".

The CBS team got back to "There we were in lslamabad for Bhgtto's execution and all the Karachi, from where Udo managed press were conned nicely by to fly to Hongkong. General Zia's offsider who was By the time he got to Kai Tak, having dinner with us saying the leg wæ badly swollen and he "Meanwhile, they are hanging Bhutto and flying his body home to

Crawford House

"So we shoot off down to where the riot is but by the time we get


"Well, we get out on the streets and we are taking some reaction film, you know, people reading newspapers with black strips and all that kind of stuff, then we hear there is a riot.

couldnt walk. Doctors told him to rest at home, but it kept getting worse. Finally, he ended up in hospital. One of his biggest worries was getting out in time to go on holiday in Malaysia, where the avid motorracing fan was involved in organising a racing team. "The cars were in my name, and they couldn't be imported into the

I was there or another name replaced mine. "What a mess, "lmägine being shot by a 45890

country unless

gas -o/o tear


c ann iste


so bloody humiliating".


For more than ¡ust a new flat, now we offer uptodate interior decoration & custom-made furniture to fit both your taste & Your Pocket, as



thebiggamefishing We hear more tall stories about the 2,000Ib black marlin that got away last time but won't this time, about the 40 lb baramundi that fight to get on to the hook, and some of it's even true. It's just that when you fly to the world's two most famous reefs, estuary and big game fshing spots, you seem to carry a surprising numbr of businessmen who intend to, er, *stop over'on their way to or from Sydney or Brisbane or wherever.

If youd care to unwind a bit on your next tnp to Australia, fly our big "bird of paradise' jet on Sunday evening. V/eT take you to Port Moresby, or Cairns, or Brisbane, or Sydney, and help you ¿urange a couple of days off to do battle with the big ones on your way. See your travel agent. Or Jardine Airways, G/T., Alexandra House, Hong Kong or Peninsula Hotel Arcade, Kowloon. TÞlephone 5 -77 5023



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That noted wine connoisseur, Arthur Hacker, Government arist and illustrator of the recently released book Hackerb Hong Kong, is seen here carefully checking selectíons at the Yen Brothers and Wynne wíne tasting.



Yen Brothers

& Vllnne



(tvrrH nJLLy ArR-ccÈtDrrrow cELtÀ.Rs AT

Ask for ou wine list



ttncrrcucx¡''IHE rrAlt)

that features:Perriev

Journalist member Judy Walker

left two crocheted woollen


Josñeuer Alsatían Ri'esl¿ng ¿ Cewztrmi,rer ChaLeau -b ôt tl,e

d B oÌdeeu r

Joseph Drouhin¡ ì tu?gwtdles

Pìat Ê Beaqjolais VíLLages ¡

D!. Eevgüe¿l.e?ts gleat MoseL tines hlius

Dpi LãL'

r rü'¿ FruLaoL ;ut ùìnes

H. ilebetts Rhine ùines Califonian

ûine! fran neitz CellÃrs' Clas Ùu VaL I Beringer vínevatds


in the secretary's office last January 29, and despite subsequent searches, that is the last that has been seen of them. Can anybody shed any light on the whereabouts of these garments? They were intended for two old ladies in Tsun Wan, so any help in locating them would be doubly appreciated.


The shawls, in pastel colours. were in SCM Post carrier bags, and marked "For collection by Marcelle

Argefltin¿an ú¿nee fran Pemflor.

*+* For fEthe¡


pleæe call:


(H) 534261-3


Judy can be contacted at xtn 213 (office) or


5-873968 (home). Marcelle's home number is 5-92929.

@ol @sual



Cameraman Gonfused

On Saturday May 5,


Wilson, wife of CBC camerman lan, gave birth to a son, Nicholas, who v'reighed in at 7 lbs.

Nick was born by


operation in the Park Lane Clinic in Johannesburg.

lan, who sounded kind of confused when he called

to give



news, had just made it back in time from an assignment in Uganda.

Anybody wanting

to get

touch with the happy parents

do so at 14O, 15th




Parkhurst, Johannesburg, South Africa.

Padilla's Progress

Javier Martinez Lindbergh Padilla, the Spanish Lazarus,

returned once more


de has


of La Vanguardia, says the trip is for a summer-long holiday in Barcelona Padilla, correspondent

and Madrid, where he owns apartment.


/ .7':


during the last seven Years. Verchere has joined the Bank of

Correspondents Leave

in Tokyo as Director of Corporate Communications for

Amòrica Asia.

The Club held farewells recently

for two well-known correspondent members Verchere.


Holger Jensen and lan 1

Holger, Newsweek's flamboyant Bureau Chief, and a veteran chronicler of events in Asia, continued the exodus towards South Africa,

whence went former Hong Kongbased CBC cameraman lan Wilson a

few months ago.

The blond Jensen is to head up Newsweek's bureau in Johannesburg.

A week after this

Verchere chats with 74-75 FCC President and GIS offícer Keith Robinson.

Al Kaff, of lJPl


dismissal of my abilities".

He further points out that,


far as he is aware, his latest appointment as editor of lnsight "is a little

more permanent" than we


indicated with the comment "until

Pacific Communications can find somebody suitable to run the magazine",


another gathering said goodbye to lan Verchere, editor of Asia Travel Trade and then of lnsight Holger Jensen makes a last speach on the 1îth Floor, watched by former FCC President Bert Okuley and


Our three paragraph brief entitled "Changes at lnsight" in the April Correspondent, incidentally, drew a letter frorn ATT editor Murray Bailey suggesting that our crediting Verchere with the rise of ATT and lnsight "certainly wæ

Barry Simpson, of Reuters, presents lan Verchere with the traditional club tie. Watching is wife Doloris Verchere'

Say ft with flowers!!!

used to have fantastic New Year's Eve parties up there at which PePi

to sit and play the piano. O This was at the old Kotewall


Ref lections


Road place? Yes. You went right to the end, and there was a sort of drive uP,

and not a very large carpark, and a sort

Film Set For 'Love is q

Mqny Splendoured Thittg'

Correspondents' Club?

A lt

must have been when I got back from Batavia, with the Bank. l'm just thinking. About 1949, or the tail end of 1948.

O Where was the club then? A lt wæ in the original old place up in Kotewall Road - they had a small house.

O lt had actually been set up in Hong Kong in 1949, having


moved from Shanghai? No, apparently Liao came dow¡, as far as I can remember, from Chungking. The idea basically of setting up the Foreign Cor-

respondents' Club was that, as you'll have gathered, there was

a slight conflagration going on between the KMT and the Commies, and the various correspondents who were covering it needed some place in Hong Kong as a sort of R and R thing. So they got this house, which had about four bedrooms in it, and they came and went, and as the war got hotter and hotter, more of them went than came, 72

so they found out it was rather an expense to keep the thing going, and they got about 30 to 50 associate members to join, and I was one of those. There

was Peter Griffths,


Nelson was another, and there


a few boys from the - Lee Hatcher

if you had 44 people around it was still comfortably filled. And the service was good. Old Liao was behind the bar. He'd just come down and he was only a No 1 barman then. A great guy. ably filled, and

until three in the morning. As


clue. Oh, Ken Nelson wâs a

the early '50s. The club spent a good six or seven years there,

had a tremendous guy there called Pepi Tolzan-the spelling was something like that-who wæ a Hungar-

ian. Pepi was the sort of

manager. This was a

about 1950/51. The thing was,


little later on,


Say... HAPPY BIRTHDAY Happy Mother's Day Say. . . Congratulations!!l on the latest arrival, promotion, etc. etc. . . Say lT the nicest way . . . through "4n¡r' (Mrs. Dick Hughes). Call up Ann Hughes at ANN'S HOUSE OF F LOWERS both Local and lmported 1 16 Caine Road

open 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.

tel:5-229528 P.S. lt's free delivery! for any f lower or plant ordered



A That I think

must have been in

probably longer. And then I went away off on leave and resigned, and Chris Casey said in 1967 would I rejoin, so I



rejoined again. I must confess I still think it's one of the best clubs in town.

was the best

place in town. No two ways about

it, and like the Windmill Theatre it never closed until the last guy passed

(for a nice dinner, for being

Road came, to the huge house, where had had these emormous lawns and a drive. That's where they shot the film "Love is a Many Splendoured Thing" with William

O When was the move to Conduit

was a fabulous place. They



was one. But anyway, we all joined, and we used to pay $5 a month, so that'll give you a


Say Thank You. a nice friend,)

say, it was a great place. Then the move down to Conduit

Chase Manhatten

founder too.


ground floor it was like a normal home and they'd got the bar uP against one wall. The bar was not that big, so if you had four people around it was comfort-

1979 marks the 30th anníversary of the founding of the Foreign Correspondents' Club in Hong Kong. This issue we begín a series of reflections by members vvho recall the club's lively early days, and even its erratic progress between Shanghai and Chungking before 1949. Here, local businessman Mike Lovatt, who was born in Hankow, takes up the story in interview form.

O When did you join the Foreign

of weather-beaten

and a sort of foundation in it, which many people have fallen into l'm quite sure. O How was it physically laid out? There was a bar obviously . . . A Yes, you went in and on the


The scene there used to be, on Saturdays, we'd go swimming, go

back to bed, then hit the FCC about nine o'clock and stay there

But in the early days, as I say, it wæ really geared as an R and R haven for the guys who were working up in China proper. I think they



hedge their bets

a bit

so they ¡nvited a bunch of idiots in from outside who were really nothing to do with it. But it cer-

tainly got the place going. They'

havc grrrrcl laslc, antl lhc¡ c\l)cc1 otlrcrs 1o rctouttisc ,/^ ..i. lhc lacl. \on, ¡ott can bu¡ thc hcsl ltrlr hlrs lo ofler -L'O?raz/"^ ('orncliani antl llcnorna rtl' Paris. F,xclusivcl¡' at llarsalino,


Hong Korrg antl Kouloolt,


4'ur/,t¿r58-62 l)',\9tr¡lrr Slrc(1.


( ettrxl l)i\lr¡(1. ll.K. tl-2('-1955 I -1. 5r-6ll Sal¡shurr l{otrrl, h-l'9(rltrrl.

up the monthly due from $5 to

O How many staff were there? A I should think with the kitchen the whole thing was run by about six people. Because you know chaps used to live there -

$10. Everybody was threatening to resign in high dudgeon.

O When was that? A I think they did that just before the move to the big place in

they used to pay to stay in these


meals would be

just 50


A Well that's a good one. I don't


people clamouring


some quite good

to pay the rent.

people together

was always reasonably cheap.

but it

was something

incredibly little, about $0OO

a fearful furore when


somebody said they wanted to put

rest of us.

there weren't so many cars. I mean

fee. lt was just that we knew the boys and they needed to get 50



Well, there may have been later. ln fgct l'm sure there wæ, but

when they asked us I dont think we had to pay an entrance







they had to feed the correspondents from this kitchen at

that had to

paid, being impecunious like the

l've forgotten what she was

the time drinking. Oh, you could get sandwiches, and there was quite a good a la carte, because

There was

standing bills

O Wasnt it a l¡ttle out of the way? A Yes, but it didn't really seem to make any difference. lt's like everything else, if you've got an atmosphere and a club and you've got something going for you and people want to try it I reckon you would have driven to Repulse Bay. I suppose it was a little out of the way. Don't forget in those days

O Was there an entrance fee

to churn out

and when they did come down a lot of them found a few out-


to get in.

think I ever really ate there very often. We used to spend most of

the back,,so I suppose they

these fellows were coming down,

Conduit Road. Mind you by that time the club had lots more than

rooms upstairs.

O What sort

then there was staff wages on top which you had to maintain because you never knew when



I think. But of course I

give you a case in point. The car

had was a humpback


Ford and the number was 457. No

prefix or anything. Really


were very few cars relatively speak-

c) II

e.E8 rÞ XEE ì ÉpE *r o Ë='î l-









8.8.Ë ì àf 9 ¿ YcO ,;! ØoØ


HEE at'õ 5


ing whereas nowadays it is unbelievable. Then you could drive

up to the FCC and you were lucky

if you passed three or four cars, O What about other clubs? The



Hong Kong Club had obviously been going for some time. What about other national clubs like the American Club? The American Club was in the Hong Kong Bank building on the seventh floor. There was a lovely cæe when somebody came out

from the States and took



picture and said 'this is where


American Club is, and a bank on the ground floor'. That caused no end of trouble as far as Sir Arthur


there's å

Walsh was concerned.

3 ô ú

i! r o

The other club that was around

at that time was the Lusitano, a building in exactly the same style as

the Hong Kong Club one is, old

colonial stuff with wide staircases and things. And there was also the

right on the ront. That was popular.

Recreation Club, waterf

From the Bank we had an hour for lunch so we'd go over to the Recreation Club and swim for half an hour, lie in the sun for fifteen

Löwenbräa TlreGreutGermnnBeer

When the Foreign Correspondents' Club was in Shanghai, ít was located in Broadway Mansions, the tall building on the left, which is presently known as Shanghai Mansions. Picture supplied by Edward Wu.

minutes, eat some sandwiches and

China and down again


ít was

ings on. lt wæ a sort of Mecca for everybody.


pretty large front, you know, go back. lt was where the Tamar gates are now. lt had a rowing stretching from Chungking right section as well as the swimming the way across and all down the pool. Now it's moved over to Sai sea, all down the coastline. Kung Peninsula somewhere. The O Can you remember any of the City Hall in 1949 of course was all correspondents? under water. A No I can't actually. I think l've got some old pictures someO Roughly how many correspondents we¡e there then? where of these various New A lt was such a moveable feast. A Year's Eve parties. Fantastic few came down from China but things they always were. Even then they started relocating when we went to the big place 6 themselves. They there were some incredible gowere up in

O Were there other large club social occasions apart from New Year's Eve?


No, because in the old place in

Kotewall Road there wasn't really enough room to throw very large parties. We used to crowd in and sit down at tables in the corners. lt was rnore or less a living room with about eight or ten tables stuffed in

it. That

was, shall we say, the

...for those with a nose for a fine bouquet and an eye for value.





\ütNE N'tEpcH,'NT6


civ¡c room end

of it, and the

bar was up the other end.

There was a classic case - | won't give you any names - about

a chap who'd had a superb argument at the bar. and the other fellow was sitting there and theY were both nudging each other when suddenly he leapt uP and struck this fellow, who fell to the floor. Then the downed chaPPY got up and slashed the other one across the face with his hand and said 'l'll see you at the JockeY Club in the morning. Bring your

own pistol'. And he did turn up, this chappy. The other one

didn't, thank goodness.

The American Embassy staff used to use the club a lot, and the marine people. O Were they nearby? A Well, they all used to live around

there. lt became sort of, cosmopolitan, much as it is now really, with more and more asspciate members and fewer, correspondents, Those corre-

quite a few little shindigs there.

We h ad the most


firework display one time at the lower garden, which wæ superb because you could walk out

O The move to Conduit Road was simply occasioned bY burgeon'


from the club itself across this patio affair and lean on this stone ballustrade and watch what was going on. lt was a fantastic display. As I say they used the club in one or two scenes for the film 'Love is a Many Splendoured Thing' with William Holden and Jennifer

Jones. I haven't seen the film for a long t¡me, but we all went to it

because it was shot in Hong Kong and we wanted to see how accurate they were. I remember there were one or two amusing things like

them getting into the water at South Bay, and emerging after a short swim at Arrowhead which is Alvares' house in DeePwater Bay. As far as I can recall the last scene had them walking into the sunset, out of the club and over the hill and into China.

ing membership? I think so yes, plus the fact that

the landlady wanted her house back. And the correspondents realised that with the enlarging membership theY needed larger premises. This place came uP, and it's my understanding that

the then committee got


extremely good deal. That's why they moved. lt was again a private house, but a huge place. Thousands of square feet of land. I'm not too sure what there was upstairs - maybe a few rooms, I think there must have been - but you went in, and there was th¡s big hall and staircase going up, with one side used as the dining room, and the other as the bar. lt was very nice, very substantial. lt did the correspondents a power of good. lt was a superb drinking spot with bloody good com'




spondents that wanted to stay in Hong Kong staYed, but the


rest moved on elsewhere. Once the thing in China had Packed

up only the

dedicated China

watchers stayed on and the others moved to Pastures new,

which seemed Pretty sensible. But it was a very cosmoPolitan place and you'd meet the most extraordinary People, the most delightful people, and in was

a verY

interesting place to be.

You got a cross section


humanity going through there. O The Club at Conduit Road was considerably large?

A Oh, that

was a huge place you literally went uP a drive, up and around, and there was a sort of lower garden, and then you walked up some steps, There was a parking lot on the side. You went up to a large verandah, and beyond that, baronial halls. When you moved

from the old place to this one and there were four People at the bar you'd say 'is there anYbody home?' We used to put on l8

NEW MEMBERS Sookprida Banomyong, Associate, The Asia Trust Bank

Alfred Schendel, Associate, Carl Zeiss Ronald M. Johnson, Associate, IBM World Trade Asia Corp. John David Gates, Associate, Yuncken Freeman Robert G. Williams, Associate, Zung Fu Co Kim Au, Associate, Michael Stevenson Ltd Sue Hayden, Associate, Longman School of English

Joseph K.Y. Lee. Associate, Consulate General of the Republic of Korea

Sadayuki Hayashi, Associate, Consulate General of Japan Robin E. Thomas, Associate, Continental lllinois National Bank Norris L. Hickerson, Associate, Computer Centre G.H. Sharman, Associate, Redfern Jones Transports James Pringle, Correspondent, Newsweek Chen Li, Correspondent, Xinhua News Agency Han Li, Correspondent, Xinhua News Agency Nazeem De Beer, Correspondent, Reuters

Karin Bonow-Lochnor, Correspondent, Die Welt R.H. Chan, Correspondent, Reader's Digest Mark D.J. Tier, Journalist, World Economic Reporters

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As Sciko c¡rtcrs its sccond clcc'atlc r¡f worltl lcarlershi¡r itr qttarlz lcclttrokrgy:

The New Seiko Quartz Collection All More t¡ualily watches to chrlr¡sc fr<lnr than cvcr bef<¡rc.

Now yotr carì ()wn a su¡rtrbly acctlratc St'iktr Qtr:rrtz walch. No nrattcr what stylt or fu¡rcliorrs yorr rcqlrirr. Analogs trr dig,itals. []or mtn, the rrrg¡qctlly hantlsonrc S-year battery quarlt. st'rics is sprcially cng.inccred [o maintain srrperb quartz accrrracy for 5 full y€ars (rn an rtrtlinary battcry. ()r Sciko ultra-thin drc.;s watclres combine advancc tcchnology with slinrmer-than-cver clcgancc. Thc ncw Sciko solar-pr¡wered alarrn chronograph is a prccision watch, stopwatch and

superbly acctrralc and tlcptntlalrlc.

wrist alann that runs 7 ytars on atr ortlitrary battcry. lìrr womcn. a Stiko day-clatt t¡uarlz is .rs pracLical as it is br:autifLrl. ()r a ncw slctk tligital with tlay/datt c<lnvc¡riencc and cr¡ntinut¡us Iilne rcatloul, right down to thc s¡:cond. Just a ftw rxamplcs fnrm the widc collcction of Scikrís t¡rralily quàr17. walcht's. It's what you'd exlxct from Scik¡r, the company that st¡ltl thr workl's first Quartz Watch antl that nrver cnds ils quest for quality and clcdication trr technokrgy. Seiko Quartz




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